Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 08, 1922, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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BHr' JtPj 'JrliiZ KV P ' t TitW'tB
m. .hi m'iv-s i". 'trry -ty
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Band Plays at 9; Organ at 11
nnil 4:50
Stere Opens at 9
Stere Closes at 5
VT AAiakH T T 1
Mimuin JJt
Partly Cleudy i
Chiren t Noen
. i'i
Spring and Easter-
One of the All Vitalizing Facts
of Life Is "That the Heart
has its Summer and its Winter" as the
old Eastern proverb says.
There is real need of rest and change
for many of us after long stretches
of care, anxiety, sorrows and disap
pointments. The tension of the responsibility of
the physician, chief engineer of electric
and ether machinery, the woman, every
day housekeeper, the conscientious
public-school teacher, gives them hearts
that lese beats and days and nights
"hard te pull through," all owing te the
continuous labors and insufficient rest
of body and soul.
April 8, 10S&
rere Graceful Still Duvetyn
and Belivia Wraps
Their colors are among the loveliest in Nature the
exceedingly soft gray known as cobweb, the caravan
pray and dolphin gray, and the various grayish tans.
One of the models is of caravan gray lined with corn
flower blue and finished with a cellar of gray squirrel.
Seme of them are cut circular; ethers rather straight
lined, and almost always they have the self-cording which
Fashion favors se mightily this season.
Prices are $150 te $225.
(First Fleer)
.0 HARMING Dress and Cape
V Costumes for Women
These are the fine individual things of Canten crepe,
crepe de chine and the heavier silk crepes in black, navy,
and the mere delicate grays and tans. One of the pret
tiest costumes is a black crepe with its fullness gathered
at the sides under a silver chain jeweled with imitation
sapphires ; its wide transparent sleeves are wrought with
sapphire and1 geld. Anether, of gray, has sleeves and
skirt panels of a very wide-meshed allover lace. Anether,
of black, has its blouse of one of the new blues em
broidered. All these costumes have a great deal of distinction.
Prices are $52.50 te $165.
(Flrit Fleer)
Smart Blouse Makes .Such a
Difference in a Sports Suit
Fer the sports suit a
woman would cheese one
of the new tailored linge
rie blouses or it might be
the mere elaborate kind
with frills or embroidery.
Such blouses are $1.85 te
The tailored silk blouse
that washes is another
geed choice for a sports
suit. In white or tinted
silks, $5 te $13.50.
And then for the finer
tailored suits or separate skirts the appropriate blouse
is one of the new silk overbleuses which come in many
colors and many styles from $5 te $37.50.
(Third Fleer)
Leng Silk Gloves of Fine Quality
at $1.50 a Pair
Ordered new, they would cost mere.
But they were ordered a long time age, and made
especially for us, of extra-fine quality Milanese silk, in
the colors we rightly judged would be most in demand
this Spring.
They are 16-button length meusquetaire, exception
ally well cut, and in gray, pongee and mode shades, as
well as black and white, all with Paris-point backs.
(West AUIr) '
TWITTING the Yeung Girl's Feet
for Spring
21 7X yeunK-H'1"!8 f 12 te 16 or elder, who wear sizes
& a te 7 are the following exceptional pumps and slippers :
ian calfskin blucher oxfords
with low heel and heavy welted
"le at $6,
Wing-tipped and perforated
n?nVlrds ."'smooth tan or dull
black calfskin, at $6.76.
ciNiFt8 y'el of tan grained
"LV,kln Vh soft tee and red
"lat-neeled pumps of tan calf
A!- 1-
(Ftrit Fleer)
with one buckled strap,
tip, perforations and
welting, at $9 a pair.
Black patent lcather seamless
pumps with low heel, medium
tee and turned sole, at $fi
Patent leather one-strap slip
pers and pumps, plain or per
forated, welted or turned sole,
at $7 and $10 a pair.
T AMP Specials
I j Buddha one-light lamps'
finished in polychrome are
12.60; two light, $5.50. Shades
of parchment are $3 te $16.
Metal boudoir lamps. Ivery
finished, graceful and with ene
light, are ideal for bungalow
bedrooms and priced at $2.
Shades are $2 te $8.60.
Mahogany - finished boudoir
lamps, one light, $1.60. Shades
for these are extra.
(Fourth Fleer)
What a Time for Levely Women, and What
Place for the Things
Levely Women Wear
A N Exhibition of
the Paintings
of Ferdinand
open's in the Picture
Stere Monday.
THE artist was born
in Paris in 1888,
studied under J. B. Duf
f aud and Geerge Weiss,
and has achieved a num
ber of artistic honors
and distinctions.
His work has been suc
cessfully exhibited in Paris
and ether continental cities
and in New Yerk and
During the war forty of
his paintings were sold te
benefit a French military
He is a member of the
Salen des Humeristes and
the Salen d'Autemne.
The thirty-four unique
water "colors comprising
this exhibition show his
marked preference for the
graceful epoch of the
eighteenth century, as in
terpreted through the me
dium of his own origi
nality. (Fifth Fleer)
Qemething She Really Wants
in Geld Jewelry
An Easter gift any woman would welcome, and t
there are se many useful and pretty thing which wj
iiel necesauruy nign in price. v
r ....! I. one i- .-;
umgciie tinnps, ae.fu te ai
Fer example, in 14-kt. sold
jewelry there are
Cuff pins, $3 te $14 a pair.
Bar pins, $4 te $8.50. With
platinum fronts, $6.50 te $120.
(Main FUer)
Bracelets. $10.50 te S65.
La Vallieres, $10 te $85.
Hat pins, $1.25 te $10.
Drep earrings, $8.60 te $48.'
The Fashionable Easter Wrap for
Fashionable Yeung Women
T MAY be either a cape or coat, it is hard te say which is the most favored
this season.
In capes, the tweed cape is decidedly the favorite. ' r
It is worn ever all kinds of sports costumes, almost any kind of frock and
even ever tweed suits in cooler weather. In plaids or mixtures, beautiful color
ings, $25 and $35.
The new coats and wraps are se lovely that few can resist them.
They are in all the new soft-finished coatings, including belivia, duvetyn,
Peiret twill and tricetine, and eveiy one of the new colors is here. Seme have
fur cellars.
Prices start at $48 and go up te $125.
In all sizes from 14 te 20 years.
TUfenAre Going A-Week-Ending
f-L and Here A re the Pajamas
They Take Along
Take all the men in the city and all their different)!.
tastes, and looking among this showing of pajamas, you
will find an answer te each preference.
We don't remember having had mere pajamas te
show men, and we knew there never were better ones.
Fer a fact, it's a geed time te replenish the pa jama
supply, for prices have fallen considerably.
At $2, fine cotton pajamas in
solid colors.
At $2.50, woven madras pa
jamas in wonderfully colored
At $3, better woven madras
pajamas in a better selection of t
(Main Fleer)
At $3.50, mercerized pajamas
with the high luster that calls
te mind silk. Serviceable as
can be and pretty in solid
At $5, splendid sateen pa
jamas in solid colors. Edges
pipea m contrasting colors.
(Second Fleer)
THERE'S an English-Leeking
Oxford With a Real Brogue
Tee for Men
An oxford that will wear and wear, for the
shoemakers! in the country took the best bearded
obtainable te produce them.
Te say smart is net te express it. Of" course,
are tan, a very dark tan.
Perfectly plain, fashionable as can be and the ultra
limit in neatness. The price is $13.
(Main Fleer)
(fCJuch a Levely Hat Could Only
Li n kt r j
Come Frem Paris
A GIFT of Gelden
"Fleur d'Or" is the fitting
name of one of the most de
lightful Claire perfumes from
Extract and toilet Water are
each $6.50, and the unusual
bottles add te the charm of the
(Mnln Fleer)
77 EW Silk Scarfs
LV Specials, $3.50
Pretty indeed with bayadere
stripes and knotted fringe and
they come in all the fashionable
sports colors.
It is the artificial silk, of
course, woven tubular, otherwise
the price would be much higher.
(Mnln Fleer)
ON THE contrary, it is likely te be one of the clever copies of Pans hats
made in our own workrooms and by our most expert milliners.
Perhaps it is of timbe or timbe crin, both being favorites with such Paris
milliners as Careline Eebeux.
The shape will be of the newest, if quite large, there may be a trimming of
suede ribbon, a glint of silver ribbon or flat bows, and likely a flange of velvet.
The most fascinating new velvet hats also are among the Paris reproduc
tions in exactly the colors that French hats show.
There are piquant small mushroom shapes of shirred taffeta with a large
"cheu" of the silk and many medium-sized hats of two materials combined.
Only the price tags give away the secret that they are American-made hats.
Prices are $18 te $30.
(Second Fleer)
GTILL a geed selec
& Hen of Easter cards
te be had en the counter
near the elevators.
Prices are 5c te $1.
(Mnln Fleer)
tern Tailoring
announces that it will make te
measure tailored suits of navy
blue tricetine at the special
price of $65, and Peiret twill
suits at $75.
Ceat suits of tweed or home
spun are $65. Cleth dresses
with cloak te match are also
made for $65.
Pongee costumes of dress
and cape are $50. Pongee coat
suits, $40 and $50.
(Second Fleer)
emething New Semi-made
Lace Tunics Priced $15.75
Made of imported laces in Spanish and filet pat
terns, and in the favorite colors white, black, brown,
Chinese yellow and ey3ter white.
Each tunic has little cap sleeves and a square neck ;
each tunic has a little sash of contrasting tulle, and each
needs only a satin slip te complete it. $15.75 is little
for anything se charming.
(Main Fleer)
Easter Handkerchiefs Are Gifts
H.'lTrKrk-J'r T ilrar
Particularly when they
come from a Handkerchief
Shep where nothing is sold
but pure linen, unless it is
There is every kind of
handkerchief that any one
could ask for and there is
such an assortment of the
finer handkerchiefs as you
will find nowhere else in
this city.
Fer women a'd-white
handkerchiefs, 18c te $6.50
each. In colors, 25 te $15
each. Lace edged, 25c te
$150 each, the latter being
one with real duchess lace. Embroidered, 50c te $35 each.
Fer men all-white handkerchiefs, 25c te $16 each.
In colors, 50c te $3 each. Silk handkerchiefs, $2.50 te $7
Fer children --from 18c te $2.50 each and there are
the most fascinating little Easter novelties te tuck them
(Main Fleer)
FREEDOM and Ease Are the Gifts
of the New Parisienne Corsets
If one would be in the fashion this season one must
appear te be uncerseted, and at the same time must have
the proper support for the muscles.
And some of the new Parisienne models which pro
duce this effect are these:
A topless with smooth straight lines, made of pink
broche with trimming of net and a touch of blue, $22.
A pink silk batiste with elastic gore in the waist,
light and flexible, $32.
A white faille with low top and reinforced skirt, $30.
Three low-top models of pink broche with long
skirts, $13, $15 and $16.
(Third Fleer)
TABLE Linen and Napkins
of Solid Merit
And solid merit means real service and real value.
A full, heavy damask, snowy and lustrous, in a choice
of floral and striped patterns.
It is 72 inches wide and priced en its merits at
$4.50 a yard.
Napkins te match it, 22x22 inches, are marked $10.75
a 'dozen.
TIMITY Bedspreads, Newly
- Arrived and in New Patterns
Dimity bedspreads were never in such demand.
The newest arrivals are corded weaves with a com
bination of bread stripes, a brand-new and attractive
pattern. Size 2x24 at $2.25 and 2i4.x2'2 at $2.50 each.
(Slith Fleer)
(Flrit Fleer)
OILVER Thimbles
for Any One
Who Sews
Often given as Easter gifts,
and they can be easily hidden
in a hollow Easter egg.
In sterling silver, from 25c
each (children's size) up te
$2.50 each.
(Main Fleer)
LL - WOOL tweeds
in sports colors at
$1.50. An exception
ally geed tweed, usual'
ly sold at a higher
Firm Himri
Sample Coats,
Fifty of Them
Colored cheviets and mix
tures, checked and plain, in
ever se many styles, but mere of
them double breasted. Sizes
are 2 te 4 in the let, und the
prices $8.50 te $18 which are
small for the qualities.
(Tlilril Fleer)
T e e 1 - Embroid Embreid
v ered Flouncing
The embroidery is in many
colors and machine wrought en
delicately colored voile the
grounds being pale blue, Copen
hagen blue, rose, yellow, pure
green and white. The flouncing
is 34 inches wide and priced at
$2.25 and $3.50 a yard.
(Hrt Fleer)
i A i,k
i M A I rav
i . . ..
for i
A rough silk crope of heavy
and serviceable texture for
street, traveling and sports
wear, has just come in te sell
nt the lower price of $3.25 a
yard. Earlier season shipments
of this fine silk were $1.25
It is in brown, blue, black,
orchid, gray, beige and white,
anil 40 inches wide. '
(Vlrii Fleer)
in Larce aizls
Nainsoek, with low necks iid
short sleeves, lace and embroid
ery for trimming, priced at
$1.50 te $3.
Pink batiste, with touches of
hand embroidery, $1.85.
Pink and white cotton crepe
with low necks and short
sleeves, $2.
(Third FMr
ffich Tapestries, the Works of Ancient Masters, Find
J- Reflection in the Hand-Beaded Bags Frem France
OlfTING in the Lern-re, at Paris, where hang the masterpieces of all ages,
the designers and headers of bags sense the inspiration and catch the
details from the tapestries and paintings that have made art one of the glories
of the world.
There are tapestries from Flanders and Madrid; there are potteries and
porcelains from Egypt and India and the Far East; there are paintings from
COME were captured in the show places of the
-" ancient countries by Napoleons
such boldness in color contrasts; the most delicate
COnOUei'inp LOneS minfr inn- with hvie-hf nnA cti'ilrinrr nr.l-n.a
armies and brought home te enrich Paris forever, And nowhere but at Wanamaker's can hparferi
liic i i r r. iih iu riru i na t riea r ra in -rnir run v4er
formal of wear.
Starting with the little dinner bag ati $10.50,
prices go up te the big dance bag that will held ;
slippers and all, $65. r ;
But in the Leuvre is the secret why no ether
beaded bags can equal these from France.
Ne ether makers can fashion such fascinating,
wondrous designs. Ne ether artists could achieve
i ,
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