mrnmH mmQmMmmmmsFWrMrfm&' wm- t -tfy -, ,. . e,. WfSw. PDEUYHOR 1 BRANDED FALSE penn Alumni Deny There Is Any IP1 - Bar te His Leaving r V Philippines W PEPPER PROVED IT r t .. .1.- t.nninfn1 Pt-nSS V "' ' .. 1 .-rlncf hnl C.PtlCrn emMniuia, i. -.'" r:. .1 u'nml. Ciovcrner Clencrnl of the ljln , . rrfimlllMl, IriADdC may n. " "" - .-.-..-17 -cf in Hme tn neqenii' tne new 1 re'V."!. i"ke?sitvfef Pcnnsylvn- fcBTin SflUfmber. wiw ascribed te KnM-mla" today by members of the fflinllng te the cnbled report, re- liV.d tediv. licnerai m ci--I &' in the Wnnd ,"euld net be I'irerUr te hear tlmt lie can nut i I'SS earlier than next .Innunr.y. Tin; raSoTawlsneil l that the financial "", ilm iHlnni m. whlrh he In- KSSrated upon his nrrlvnl. hns net yet Effi worked nut fully, nml It Is believed I'rriL. m. desire te stay te see It com- 'te b liBietea. ...i, ,, ,tin 111.111.1. !2. Intimate there nve two ether Hint- hn the gencinl pnrtleii'.irlv desired te l ul....l l.r,r 1m enl'Kli 'Mint ! k :v:v PMH. ,v, . 1: .1 ;m trip wiiiiuiiii " ...n'...v -. Jrament KUicrvJrfeii exer business, imwlallv the. rallrend business, nnd the thorough organization of 11 campaign te Wimp out mnlnrln. The condition of .Philippine finances, mentioned 11s -uie feluet reason ut ;b " ,," larehes among ether Items the bill new pending In Congress te author!- an r.x-.a. nf the Islands public debt te ,10 per cent of their assessed valuation. V Has "Fiuniiiar eunu I' Herace Mather Llppincett, secretary Of tbe Ucncrni Aiumni nna cniier 01 .k. Alumni Register, said. today he is convinced Interested persons in the Philippines are tryins te dlssemlnnte tle,ldea that (Jenernl Weed is going te ty in me ismnus. "The dlipetch hns u fnmlllnr sound," Mid Mr. Llppincett. "I don't believe there is any truth in it. Te my mind )t is rumor merely, probably inspired by some one who tlilnkx the general iheuld stay in the Philippines. "We hac General Weed's nsurnnec. fiflih hr word of mouth nnd in writing. Ithit he will resign his position in the fall, te that he will be able tn take up bis duties as the new head of the I'ni Tereity when the next scholastic year begins. "General Weed is n man nf honor, and It is unthinkable he would go bark len his word. Likewise, it seems mere ythan probable that if he contemplated any such action, he would notify the alamni and the University authorities before the rumor were peimltted te he come public property." Acting Provest Pcnniman. when asked for a statement, snid "I knew nothing whatever about the mnttcr. Morgan. "We expect Oneral Weed te be here next Hcptcmeer. lie has premised us that he will be here, nnd twre is every reason te believe he will ebwve his premise "The trustees have been in corres pondence with him right nleug, nnd he Ins communicated wltiii the general alumni nnd ether I'niverslty activities. I am sure if he did net Intend te come te the University next fall he would have let usMmew long before new. He knows hew difficult it would be for us te get another man te take his place. 'This is a piece of propaganda en the face of it. Undoubtedly there are MTtens In the Islands win. wen 1.1 IlLe wlleneral Weed te remain there. I be lieve tnece persons nre responsible for the rumor. "Seme time age Senater Pepper was MHd te make sure thnt nothing would stand In the way of (lenpral Weed coming se far ns the Government is concerned. Scnnter Pepper wrote us t irem uasningten that lie hnd Investi gated and learned that there was abso lutely no Government reason why (Jen era! Weed should net reslrn In time te come te the University in Septem- "The l.n.l ll flectien yesterday, at which Nerman Henry was elected president : Oeorge 8. Bnrder, vice president ; Lewis It. Dick, treasurer, and Mr. Llnnlnenit. .. tiry. We talked ever General Weed's, teming, aud there was no slightest pouet expressed that lie would net be here in September." SICK BOY AIDS HIS TEAM 'Cheltenham Hlah Scheel Lad ni. K reet. Debate Frem Slck-h-H Wellington Snyder, the seventeen- TeBr-Old st:.r rt tlin ,lAln,l.. . lSSi,ilt.'!nh,,'n.I.-!,!h, Scho"'- nltheiigh h.ii suivueu wun n nervous hreakdewn. aided ids team te its vie- fjftL? "1 K,1,,t tirnenvillp HIkI) behoei team last lBht. The debate was new la the iircspni-p nf n i,i..... ii 'we. Caiel Ilroeks, aliernnte for Kny- 0i Present nc the mnterlnl ,,! i '.t rfJPakrcdi and which had been Khen -a. RnjilcrV Hlhter. Cuthennef n,.mafflrl"".,,-Q U,H ii'gned by Choi Chei inuct"1 the resolution "That tie hi'liriieXi- ,""" "' '"ni, uritn ii." i?iS ?A?n .. s M?w: '"i1 . -l'gle step Of MnnVL. " ' h;."0ln''t"- Cliailipieilblip ei aontgenieiy County. SCHOOL SHAKE-UP PLANNED Wearing 0f Gloucester Teacher May Have Aftermath a glrlTir0,i"f rat,en the back when wasthi )J"ml. nrk in the (lnssroem a nunn, . i ' . ''"nrl"(' "f familiar ty She?i.',,r?i,-'l,nst Wl,liara KntPhcr, That" n '"'"ester IIIxh Scheel. l"rt of i' r1-0-.!1 at a nieethiB of the Katcbr , V1"-"'"", which exonerated taaSalaw" r 'r011 1,ls '""-tntement mm'' ,mT:'l nf telling nn A rjll,i :","' " i uci'ij. fester sew,0 hl'"k-"l' In the (ileu-rertl8C'i"?1Ls--s((''' "."'1 .elimination of lll be nin, Yi " "(,ok ,,n see ehigy Grating. ' "10 teacher, it is said the I's" mer h,H "-rntle by day. U ttah Miucsseil by Katelier te- R?,reUf stu" uts "si eepers . .ni uitep !" wuroeni en ti. V ',V.,".., " '"' r; j . viv ;..'" ,r,-ti-'''r'i "m or firemen ' utl0"! the .Morgan ,- enemcni. , preat need of it. Pity us all in this - - w ... . m .i.aser n group leader, who In her turn convey., Ralph Morgan, a member of the benrd cold place, and keep me stiil in your ", ' ' ". " " ' P f" the Ijnc self- what s. ,ns learned te her group, who of the General Alumni Association and Majesties' favor, who is Your Majesties' .i, 'Mpn,, sni.n , ! ,Ki . 'herpafter. e.. ept for periodic lnspec- OM of the men nt whose instance Cen- most humble and obedient daughter nnd .: ,... ' ..Vliii.n-v B ! ,lens' nv" mm'" or cH en tllrlr own- enl Weed was offered nnd accepted the servant. Mary." , 11 ,',, nf ,., t , I .1" the Court Heuse, Miss Way became provestship. was even mere vehement It was written by the little daughter piftl i.ive .. e .n t . ,,;; 's." '' ,id was forced te resign her place te than Mr. Llppincett in denying thnt of .Tames II. who was later te reign as Reaniwa lriml a Vm'W "A1-"'- ,M l''n" Mi,J General Weed contemplates remaining ' Queen of Lngland with her husband, eat?v nn's '' ! """' . ' ''T s n , f'n ' ' - .- nsi.rniun wns made In the islands. I William Helland. enn defies as Paris New- Yerk am in Kl.lera. Miss l,i,,,. 'There arc no reasons why we should ' There Is a long letter in execrable Ph" In leln In Hut -ur-i. lints. ,Vter T 1,r,',ttan.: ".' '"''''i'llle. Miss Cera believe the rumor, and many lense.n , SwcdM, script l.v Custavus Adelphus, ltl ces will be sl'n Vbe rf 1 ,MB!, ,ln Seuth Dennis. Mrs. A. II. h hn..l.l .llicreillt it." Kni,i "Vt.- n mandate slcne.l at the ten with Oueen ,'..... ....: -JV "I s",0O...,ef co" 'Meerwald : n Wlldwoe.l. Mrs. Wast,. weepers in n ,J7. . K tn,s morning -Cliaa IZ J "".,''" ii.I.i. "ed 'tr-ft, vvne a,T' r,'S N"lt1' "nneii ich VffWf.Wl-WB. OR A COMPETING I '3'?-'-' 4. 8M?$'wf jx$ WbuSiV NJJ&'V sC L GHOSTS HOVER NEAR K . . ; v vl ROYAL AUTOGRAPHS rxrti$: ' n'il Haverford Has Noteworthy Cel- i S&1 'f'Si "t4 lectien of Signatures, of fcs-CiT :-"rCf ', . ,' ,fet ' V -4V; ' Noted Persons - HKlffinMnHB' ' "t s 7-Jt RANKS THIRD Shades of dead kings, specters of van ished geniuses, nnd the ghosts of past celebrities foregather nightly in the sun less silence of the innsMve vault at Haverford College where are kept thou sands of eriginnl letters and manu scripts which constitute the priceless collection of the lntt Charles Itebeits. the gift of his widow te the college In Ids memory. Shrouded in heavy black hangings art- suingln;; panels containing the st-ned 1 letters nrd documents of the world's great llgmes. penned by hands that In many cue have been stilled for cen turies, while thousands of ether paper le. enrn in Its separate folder, in classi fied files. -,... ..-..-! There Is among (hem a 'Mnilninn." If rune. "I Inn? te come te Londen te see your Alajcsty. for it I verle cold here nt Windser. My sister Anne h as a great celdc. She thau'i." , Kllnheth'ti studied flourish, the crabbed signature ei nenry -in. tne imperial "N" of Napeleon, the Indecipherable signs manual ei reuiinanii ami isnneiia. together with numerous regal sprawls from the hands of T.euis M. Ml. ,vi, XV1II, and ethers of the same line. A personal missive of Marie Antoin ette in qunlnt French lies side by side with nn angularly penned letter nf Anne of Austria, while near at hand is n prim note of Queen Victeria. The name.s of Philip of Spnln, Chnrlcs I, Maria Thercse, Henry VII, and ether inon inen archs and their consorts also appear in great profusion , A letter from Ileniainin Franklin (e n friend, having te de with the virtues of Scottish rhubarb as medical remedy lies next te n report written by Israel Putnam during the ltevolutlen. ec pressing great pleasure In the heavy losses of the enemy ilurinc the battle of Princeton. In this remarkable collection, which Is one of the three most valuable in existence, there are two complete sets of signatures of signers of the Declara tien of Independence, together with ! u ei uiui' H-MuriiL-e. legeiiier wuu . clmens of the signatures of virtually ry great man in, the Natien's his- y. The letters of Washington nud spec! ever; ter. Lincoln nre particularly valuable. Lafayette, Adams, Jay. Itehert Mor Mer ris, Jeffersen, Patrick Henry, all are there, and many ethers, tee, nnd the roster of British statesmen is hardly less complete, from Ilurleigh te Glad stone. Great names in literature and phi phi phi losephy, penned by their owners them selves nre "te be found In great iiunntity. All the American poets nnd men of let ters from Hawthorne, Pee and Irving te Walt Whitman nre Included : while the signatures of the Lnglish, French and German literary geniuses present an Imposing array. Frem Francis Hacen, through Dry den, Samuel Jehnsen, Pepe, Tennyson, Keats, Dickens, Lamb and nil the great roster of Kngllsh letters the eye tiavels, and turning, finds original manuscripts of Victer Huge, Ln Fontaine, Goethe, Schiller and countless ethers. SOLDIERS BACK KENDRICK Present Petition With 35,000 Name3 Indorsing Him for Governer A delegation of former Neldici's, headed by II. M. Kennedy, 700 North Twenty-Jifth street, called at the cifit -c of Itecelver of Taxes Kendrlck today and hniided him a list of mimes of former soldiers who indorse him for Governer. Kinncdv nud n half a dozen ethers in the delegation told Mr. Kendrick they had been gathering signatuics en Indersement blnnks and were expecting cvrrv dnytthat he would announce his cnnuliliu y for liovcrner I.T'" ',.1" '."... 'i '.. 1....1 . .....!...,, ... it:.....-!. Bank President Amenn Prenertv Owners Who Seek Injunction Augustus I. Weed. pielient of the West I'hlliiilelphlu Title and Trust .'iimnniii miis nnimi" tlin m It.., iuviw i Owners Who Seek Inlunctlen appearing before .linlges Audeiu led. ' rinletler and MiCiillen lednv, tin i test- , Ing. against the proposed election of "V(ilm.tpin t. (ianice. ' en il.e west i ni'ie is unions uiciii ;i iciirr wriui:ii c i ,. ". .---. ..,,... , ...... p.... .... ...,.,..-,, ., Ium. eup siaiiPii 'n n sprawling. rhiTdish hand b; n ehiib ' ;v, Ul te,ll 0l,n,'0'u,.llc'J !1(,r, K In-j off by telling them thut there were as princevs of Rnglnnd te her mother from 'V,1, escitenicnt in ( ape Mm , nifin. If net meie. points fe be (on (en (on Wlndser Castle. "' Net1f"1' '""'L1"! have the I sldeied in the cheesing of n hat as In : i-itit -ii Lntwitiir tint n ninni: i ill sun mum 1Wli ' r-- lllltll- III.- t -w.tiat ..-. . ..-- " liili.i. ,.r 41 ....t.. I te ha nil in the signatures when he nn-h'aMVPtevmi1; . , i . t- . I slder Committee Repert Geerge Washington In Capital S;;S,.nV;,!r"S,a:' iste p SiS; rHbi S skik :!rw; it , - -- .-. -. rj: -.! said. b soldiers who were cither h&.XJve Hi Si" 00 and Dr De il'llral """forence of the Lplscepal ls "" '" at ""' I nlvcrit Museum ever Geerge Washington i'lilverslt, , wounded or gassed. The papers, he mi.m. Ferdl.; . Cousl.eho.'.ken. imilied at '"wi,, .V,,1 .!. ' lei, ;.)inilI?es ,vil. """' ",,,l","" r"K,n tll( 'e)tlen Washington last night. Th,. ,,P.nil .-..contained the names of ..,,(100 l:,B,Itwinth ,, Race streets. .IMIO. fhfI1 JJ, t'0 p Ce nmitleS . L Hi7 (,'".nlttee Is Mrs. Charles C. Harrison. ...giied was ,he ..e as l the ,!,,,. nppnCC (A DUMA RARARE SERMON BY RADIO they have behind, then, a great vveig McMiehael, Mrs. Je, ,-ndwlad.-i. ,P'b u' 1' e ,' lie,'!":,'' , "'" ..v'ir OPPOSE W. HHILA. GAHAGh of Mr,01M ,,; l0 UMnp ,,,,''- MrHt rrnnk IUnle, ,, m,.n Jriirs(t WJ J h;; .;;,'' ' '' ' residentH, who testified .that the.iielgli-1 Mlneini wcr, soprano;. Kittle Je. borheod la a residential sv-'.'iwv i linger. i , fcltejEdnyfed Lewis, tenor, Court reserved decision. ' 'and AYllli.J ternmau, Jr., barlten. AGAINST PARIS CREATIONS in world W8BE&&l mmjl:;.'i ': -X HHlM"MMMM At top Is Mrs Martin Spalty, Mrs. Charles Leng and Mrs. William II. Shlpej bottom Is 11 close-up of Mrs. Shlpc. these, millinery experts are engaged in making Easter bonnets. This is a branch of the -domestic science work connected wllh Rutgers College TRAINS ON MILKING STOOL, NOW HE'S MILLINERY EXPERT . .. .S,.i-,.e ",.., ,11,... " ........, ,t, ifiuj With Easter Bennets "Backed Off Uu a htaff Correspondent ,, ., ... :. . ' Lane Mav Ceuit Heuse. N .1. i,.:i ,uu"m renuneii ie rue tenccs ami the V"? '.'"' "" lw ev(,- '" mttt- ' , ,,! .' m."J"1".s ''T, "", twllJRht i "-'-;" " ".'"' '' ' s ,i s ring: :. " niii-ii iu uuiit niu jiiiiicieus , ... . . ...i. ....I. (inv HI 4.1 1-Ullll... 1.1 ..'h""" """ ' "l1" .un.v teuni.v ir is'i,.. tllffniieiit K..t n..t.. Ii-.. ...... . 'ai ......w.b uin, j. itii.uii.u m.r.s iiui t'euiii. Mr. "Ttnni Must" In one of the rooms of the finme n li(Mil.lf..t 1 ii n The,! c;et M "S ;,e,:heKe ,ve Miss Hei., v.... ."..." "."."..:. --... ... , --,,, ,,1, , , (,tlU 11 llil. III. Willi ii Known tnient ter oi'iini,:atlen. whls iiiewn taient ter oi'iini,:atlen. whs. nplished ' ' S ,U'S "" bUt m" peret "hat comp N"e.xt. lie nnd Miss IVnv .7 ,ini.. , ., ',' v.." ff T- ,0l',llli!' '- "i,s '; ' "' ' 11imli,lo?.,,l,'ne.m ",-. ''? '" I,ousl - I,eusl - Mr's' t Gricbel, cloth- FOUR SHOTS, WOMAN'S CRY MAKE SPRUCE ST. MYSTERY, Neighborhood Near 13th Street Is Aroused Police Hunt Futile reur mysterious shots at 2 :'-T, o'clock this morning startled the elghl,o.hed at Thirteenth and Spruce streets and caused a long and futile police inves- tigatien. Persons in surrounding houses were awakened by three shots fired quickly, ni.,,. ti, .i,0. ...i.i.i, t,,i .. eniirlimic i. .i - .....i.i. i ill v liltcsbem. ?ilis. Sinni.lillm. ..... .,,w.-, ii.-i.-ii, uu- uiui.- ei wine is , --- .- :,- - ,,,--,,' .."lOl lie co a limit I. ill or weil' "is . H-i.r.n i iiersenagV.- whese'"ines " s' ZZ "- , . f. prev 1 7 fe mv "S . ir'rhe' .trcf "' ' "' Hn Ml TlX "'4T- that the extension work of Uu.gers ?u$ , " ':,;J nt best, would no." havp been t a meeting A l , pVM" (..liege is properly extended. "' !n ,she sp.-ea.l ,, ctne Mn, Py nP mere- tlmn R1WI0 mul Hint ,, .1 f - niUUuL 17 N nl, , is the theory and practice of making "ii l? I Vi ?" Vhur'1' ls u,lnblp " Pny me a salarv. ,. , Faster bonnets m.t of forty cents' P'"1,"' '' '."? cr',J 'Tlnth- SI i"1'1 ''7 "nniirinl conditie, In geed ' I, . '''M' nicken Pest Ne. 27n of worth of wire f.ame. thirty cents' Sr e4ii nAile t hat ii itli shn B?.7,H, ' wv have never paid s;lnres te 'I1.1." .H'lrty. fourth and Foitv-feurtl. w-erth of ribbon, twenty cents' worth Jr, T'," 'women m len i'"t' ""' 0n"' ''"l'H"B Mwel-nl women vv) e I n,rK a""r"''", that it will put a of I lien ems i n ml n nnnKi ......l. WOrCI. HIP WOlllCIl lllUSt USC a PrCSCnllCl! u-npn illiir.n.l I., .lf,. I. ibllseliall teillll n lie (iel.l .... 1 ..ill I . I m ....... . i - iiiiu ii ii i nun vv ill . ii i . e .. i .- a "hi iin.ihi n ail n in ii w ini i ----- ... .... i.i ni .in vi n ii UIIC (I I l vt UU immvi, tl 11 IL. II ril llll l HI --.- ' come from the comer of Cypress nnd"(,nt hn ""-"l1 nn. amount, and that, if , Camac streets. TIip shots weie followed . by a sharp cry, apparently by a woman. , Then, after a short interval, there wns a fourth shot nnd the sound of an1 automobile ln motion. William McSparren. fiO.'iS Clie-ry , sircet, uitiiii L-.uriv ul uu' .ueiiis .i.ui-i STEAL THREE MACHINES Thieves Focus Activities Within i Small Area of Twe Blocks i Police of the Fifteenth and Vine ftreds station nre looking for an or-1 gnnlzctl band of auto thieves, who stele three automobiles parked within a two block area near Llghteenth nnd Arch slieets last night. The thefts eceurie.l about 10 o'clock and none of the cars ,fnve.-i.,l , Sirawunage c uie-mer oiaiien win -----, --""-""y - The third ia.He .Impel seal e from Straw bildge Clothier's station will be In .ind. nst ill I ..'. lock toiui.ireVi after, ereaacasraunaay Anair noun The sei vice will be ceiiduete.l by the llev .fe-ejdi 1! C Muckle. of the Nerihmlnster I'leshy tcrlan Church. The music nl the sei'V Ue W I II Iio con. MO nicnt Heuse, 'ihlrteenth street Delew tilf i!nnr,t re..". ,' i,. i"1""" Spruce, armed himself with a lOMilwr'Tult th he vlu eVV nn7in,. if'V"V r.. ni.l ran out. but was tee late te see the M11.t.,,l'a,t,".('!1J Brt. .n?.-lll,ll? if '"' does." persons who hud iired the shots. A I .,., ' ,i"' i.;ir' "'J , '"', ,n . "f1 saw "" ""t- I nger was captured through Kolbes' i. w suurinuusc, tll and Paris Creations Are ,.w.. - wi Beards" ink spei-iansi at liutgers. came down nn,l il, ?n. cm. ...... cheesing a husband The nutBers plan of Irrigating a given area with the lore of domestic science Is uie this: The instructor In this case ,-iiih. (irleie te Is wen sin .-tmu-u in " . . ---. ...... ..V .,., ingteii Hilten: In Clerment. Mrs, l'mma in llcenn Mew, Miss Marlen Madaia: in Uie Grande. Mrs. Smith J'"'1 .''" : ." Lrne.i. Mrs. F.tta Iteens; Phes as best thev could' ,,, the r- raiigemeiu or me rinnnns Hut this, the women thought, hardly ,.i,.,nr(l ,vlth whne 1 r rZ Y . "H'W w;ha.ever hat' forms they -though" best suited them. Such Is whv Faster morning will dawn with an espeelnl meaning for Cape Mav County. Net for nothing is it spilng. UNGER'S CAPTOR SCORNS $250 FEE AS A REWARD Insists Evans Fund Trustees Keep Premise of $5000 Harry Kelhe.s, weights and measures ispee,er, who caused the capture of Walter A. Cger. looter of the ICvatu iMltIIte Fund, is dissatisfied with the i ewiu-.l of' oiiprexlniatcly S2.-.0 author- iyM ,)v , f,ln, tr,,ef, T'.,'he c.1,1 tA,i, i " ,, ive.nes snld today he would net nc neccssury, lie would bring suit for s - .nno s - .nne ,,,i,icli he ei.i . ' .. , ' .v l ""' le M- was Bnernlly understood as the amount of the re- ward. " him sue, commented Jehn cleverness and sk 1 mere than sin . OnO of stolen menev wns recovered "' Kolbes lives nt tllW North Fraiiklln y.- nw lq , ,,, ,, , i nger new is in the I.nstern i.n . tentlary. He was sentenced Mni-ei. ( te eight te twelve years for embezzling ''. ,MJ0 In ensh and securities. STUDY PRAYER CHANGES ,, ,.,.. . - ""'uH "nineianaer urges All Cen- Brier rnmml D . -.-, V IILtt,-! IIGpUl I Special Geed Friday Music 0. C.nd Friday at R P. M. the choir of the Clivuleu k'rcshv terlr.n Clmrpl. In Ceinuntevvn will ender .Mnunder's rniital,!. "(Illvet te Calvarv." ... soloists will lie (iertrude llargnive ' sepiauu; Wayne D. .Iniies, tenor, and I Wnrien I.Ightcap. baritone. -s WHY NOI1 WKITK TO rv.NTIUAl Cvnthla, wl and eiiirlnced tn th v f Ins world. sIvm carp, artvlcs en nrniv of l'fa and i, siv iim anvic en tirekUm. lev.. Yeu') And th.Jeft.rVVa" drtixd "Dr day. und4(r Mpian Tll Mt Whit jffi, i. i. -r"d. t .-, --" -iwiyra i-tL -- Hint ii-iteL ti irsN rnniT weaver. lermer .-niivnp nn,i .Mn.,. -)U-9-A -iAWfrMfc varr nav in ina wwmntam hiibi im v ;- CLERGYMEN GAIN SUCCESS IN TRADE One Runs Tea Stere, Anether Is Financial Adjuster, While Occupying Pulpits CHURCH PAY NOW HIGHER Pilling n pulpit en Sundays nnd going te business every weekday is usuall looked upon ns work for two men, et there are, several clergymen In Philadel phia who have successfully governed congregations for years while nctlvelj engaged In commercial pursuits. Their success wn nelnted te today .as proof that the talents or tlie aver- age clergyman would give him mere I substantial rewords in almost nnv ether t line of endeavor nnd ns proof nlse thnl the average clergyman Is in the minis try in response tn an inward call ine Philadelphia ministers win have wen success In business made their start years age, because their earnings wen se small that it was nccesnrv for them te find some gainful pursuit for the biiku m mcir growing rnmiiics. Conditions have changed since thnt day, and elergj men. being belter paid, as a rule, me no lenser goaded bj ne- ccssity in turn te business. Ter this leasun, fewer have been disposed te take ' time from their clerical duties during the last few jeais. Manages Department Stere One of the successful ilerg.Miien business men In the Rev. Dr. Purdy II. Meyer, who Is new one of thrt important men In the management of a depart ment store here. Twelve years age, when he wns pastor of the Mejcr Memerial Church. Ilov. SESfthffi; .WliSWftrt.ii'TJUDQE LEWIS TO BE HEARD ny caused him te seek employment at the store. He was plven a position us tracer. It was a small beginning, but Dr. Meyer advanced steadily and is new one of the high salaried men, being in chnrgc of the adjusting department nnd having ether impui tunt duties. Fer years, lie gave his salaiv as pas tor te the chinch building fund, living en what lie earned aL the store. The chinch was hulli m honor of his father and mother. Allen (i and .Mar A. .Meyer. iHleiili- m-iiir "I nil- I.IIL'llll II) II 11 l Church. Sixteenth Mied nbeve Couil'- land. this church is able te .ay a n r. mil iir. , ever ins,r ... ,. cept pav for h.s w,k . ,l: .. M ,. Dr. Meyer said thai he femui thai his weil; .ii w l.iys gave him i.-llef tiem the ,.gh uer' lrnsi.,1, ,,f hun - ua.:,, , , , . . !.'" ,,",', .r""""."," 1""" Me"" i .', SVIJ,.-"W',' bin after Mon - Men - Ui .... r ""'; . -tme is ii.,. u, it is a chllll'.c iliem the wink of the eliiinh. ... ";?.?- 5 .."'.V M ",'aU '" ,' ' 11 ' evening, but that has winked mil all f..?,,.V,i .i . i 'I"" wlic" l,!cn' ' fune al that 1 ask leave from the store.' ,J ZlJV'J - VAM i. i ""."""' e'.iii.i's.iirm sity. but he has no thought of giving up his connection with the department l0n- ,,, u, , Kuiu, Tea Stere. Toe a neiiicr clergyman who has been s,.. cessful in business Is the lte. Mr. C. Clay Green, pastor of the liethel ehnprl. eik below Twenty -fourth Micet. .Sir. Green Is tiroprieter of a tea and coffee store at Fourth and Vine streets. He has beta in business for meic twenty yens and has hem mil essfiil. "I have neve- taken a seal in the front pew for gain." said Mr (.repn. and uu- thnt leasen I avoid discussion s!.l...rl . ii...i... ..,.. .v -r .iv iii.-j I l.Ki"H IM'i j; Clergymen In Plnlailelplua are under! , . less tiuiiuclul stiess at pie,eut than at,.' The W .irnner Pest wll' held a dan almost any ether time In the past "" le'levvship Hall April 111 ,'uuuu-s mil- iiii'iei.seii ) cengiega- tlnns because of the Increased lest of living during the World "War, and no enerr nns ueen inane le reduce them. I Presbyterian clergymen get at least I .,i.,ww u .uu. ii in'.isr. vv irnein the manse the minimum salarv Is $lSne. Methodist ministers who are married get a minimum salary of SKtne and a house, rniuarrled clergvuieu get n minimum of .?1000. Ilaptist clergymen iccelve about ,'!0 per cent higher salaries than these -live years njte. but l here is no stated minimum. Knrh congregation decides whnt shall be the pastor's -alarv. Hut It was said today that no minister of real abllitv Is under actual linnneial pressure In Philadelphia. TRAFFIC-DIRECTING PARROT AT LARGE, POLICE WARNED f. Vllt Pete Flles Avvay Yelling "What's Matter?" Reward Offered If a "traffic pep" hears a weifd voice I screech. "Let 'er 2!" lust after he Iia set the "Mop- sign, he necdn t get mad It will lie Pete. Trtrn Itiiu n tiiMiiln e, .11. ..! .. . ... ill.. in iiiiiiuiriiiiKiiiiiur, master took him out in the ynid. Mr Jlurpliy had cut the feuthcts ..f one of the bird s wind's, but thev had grown in iisaln. and l'ete wheehd and seared away. shrleUlns a ine.klim. 'What's the matter hereV" as he .lew ever the Vte talks all day and ,s the be,ev,, pet nf the neighborhood. Mr. Muipliy has effeie.l a rewuid for return of ih'e parrot. EXHIBIT CHINESE ART Hairlson, ,lr ei cieill W III. II is sink- I 1 ., ,. I .. ...,. ... I. 1. ..)...'.. .....II t ...K.,1 ri.ii.t.i. ... i.iM.ii. s !M) III laniOlls I Ihitlker is one of the ehllui Ar Isu vh have had the pilvilige of eMimiiiing this i ration have lieu "truck by i, likeness u. th,. neied wmk nf t'"1 crc'" l'",i,,h -culpiei 1 1( ,, . role sUe. it inin at a distaiue m h.. earveu tun ei granite The pe.e is similar e that of Kmlln's figure, and In the opinion of m;ni e.peits the l iiuiese arnst siU'ceeueii. even mere than me present-day l'icniian In preduu- .'tit-day l'icnijian In prediiu- us an expression 01 fep llieugut, ., Tlie exhibit will be en te the 11 the phb- according te his owner. P. I, Muipliy,.,i..., . .. .- ---"" .-.-JS Larchwood avenue Pete is ! ,. shliigten. April S i Hv A. P i- -parn t. blight sreen. wllh two yellow ,, VmITi,!! " . 'P"w'i'hlp." r suiting ami two blue feathers, and a billliant ,',,', ' f, l,,,p """'"'"t ChiNt from led topknot. I1" "I'eiiiiiB prayer of the Anns (,,. He get away this meiulne. when hK ','!. T'.(.' Inilcil today by Secretin v IH1IP1 isf-ill .11 n i.K.iti u. i. I M . II.. He's a Hustler REV. DR. P. IS. MOVER who Is engaged In managing de partment store when net In pulpit LEGION PAYS LAST E Pests Take Part in Military Funerals for Men Who Uiea Uverseas A. . ... . . . . , - American I.eCinn pest members ; today Z II l, ,niJ"r,1 ', nrrP ! hl ,,",0,ph,B boys who lest their lives I,, the war. Tonight the I.p. gmn will !) rep- resented nt two ether funerals, and tomeriow at two mere. 'The men burled ledin and tomorrow w e r e iiineng these whose indies were le- tinned in their leine cit) this r. . i ... . r .. . t- i , P,, ' S " -J IST. 'K''Z Private Albert .1 Martin, killed in u- i tleti September (!. PUS. at Vesle Sec- I ter. France, wlnle tightliig with Cem- I pnnv A, Ullitli Infantry. were held nt .TJ.-., Mnetei'iith street nnd .at .at the I The Keehy - l.,ne and O'DeiiiipII Pest .. r,!l ;ls reprccnled at the scrvlee.s held in St. Aiilhenv V Chin . Ii I for Daniel J. o'Deunell. of Ceiiiimiiv , 1. ItMitli lafainrv. " for .lame, A Denaghv . of thr H70"' "" S-'imidreii. .it l,sRmeth- .t s iieiue. at .'llll Nei 1 1. (iiat. street were attended l members of Ilelstein- McDnl.l Pest "s":t. ,.,'''",,liKl1! '""'"' "111 be held for Chailes C. Smith, at a Chestnut stre-t ""'leiiaMng pstjiiiMiiuput. Members "f t'1" Stephen Glrard Pest of the Le- ''1"" "d hisuintes and student fi lends al ,'ll-i'd College, will attend Private ljt ( ),,e. win was killed "llil'' tU'hting with Cempiriiv D I itlth Jnf.intrv. will he buried tom'eirow. The '""einl u'lilns will lip held at his for- nier home. 1()S Wharten street, and w ill '." alien. I. din members ..f tl... i,i,i. l-"ch-kium pest Ne. !).".. i ... !....,. "' "" uiiuuin iciiresente, n ,i t,n,,i ... ..... - . MAY. WITHHOLD LETTERS Senat'' Pepper Net Expected te Make Beeze Scandal Letters Public I nlle.l States Senater Ge.u go Whar Whar eon Pepper Is net expected te accede te the request of T. Henry Walnut, for fer mer Assistant Cuited Stales I Istriet Attorney, that he make public nil ior ier ior lespendenre between them en the Mc Mc Cennell boee seandnl. When Mr. Walnut found one of the letters had been published, he anneuiiiAd today, following his return from Wash Wash ingten. that he would tcpiest that all the letteis be given publicity. "I was net aware that anv of' our letters had been published In thn news, papers," s, Senater Poener I treated these letfis as -lers'ennl and cenlldcntlal, ami nt for publication " . DENIES CENSORING PRAYER Secretary Hughes Nails Charne .... - Made n Sen.i nk,. ... v- ,, v, w wwwci--f Taking his first notice of the charges which were repeated several time, ii the Senate fleer diirlii? ,l, ,,,,.. ,i... ,; I't , ' ' v!! ' VM.P " "'" ,'",,. ' 1",. tr,;"'-,,M-- -'"f' ";- ;"" Jhe'anVi I'' lV ,.J,4 i' ?"hi"'!!' ffls' '" "" m n nc D tllMe itm nr-r,.- U. OF P. WINS 4TH DEBATE Gets the Unanimous Decision Over I lllV . I'sll Will UlUUIlew ll . (union ( ...... 1 I. It I 1. .. M It" ii ll'l I II Heiiingir ' '1 ' i - i lie 1 leci i i ii 'i i nl'. . n it. . The I p' i d i n galive "f 1' 'earn Jewelry Remodeled Mr ille In n ,M,, if iiliitlnuiii ine.inllnie nml Jpw.lrv irii.ilrlinc nt innnrt.sntliii; n r I e e , h itlsfi.i Hun cuiiriinlpril. HONORTOV AN f9ciSKar I I.. I llllillt-. Yi Novelty Jewelry Ce. 33 Se. 9th St. SOLEMN SERVICES FOR PALM SUNDAY Christ's Entry Inte Jerusalem' Will Be Commemorated by Churches Tomorrow is startjf holy " Special vervlces will lie ebvprted te- morrow in 1 definition of Palm Sun- I day. 1 Te Christian believeis It marks thai1 day en which Christ entered., Jerusa lem and wns nrclnlmed hj the mtilfl tilde, who strewed pnlm hrnnches In his path. I.IKe many ether, Christian customs, it has remained thrnii'th the ages a fixed eient. The fennal ebseiMinee l,j iificessien and ether telibratiens has been traced 1 b.v historians liaik 10 ihe lxth ienttir The Creek- observed lt with great -elemnilv, n rlitl tne ether churches of the Hast. With the sjirend of Chiis I tlanln te the West, some nf the mere 1 ilgld forms of the observance gave wav 1 le n mere jewni ccreninny anil l!.e dm took nn the nature of a llernl festnai 1 second mill te l'ater itself J In most of the Kpiscnpnl churches nf ' ,m' '" ' "'" " SP"''1 inMe Itnmeiinw Stumer's "Criielflxleu" will be rendered hv the choir of the Pre- iC-nthedrnl of St. Mary tomorrow night. , under the illrectlen of Hnrry T. T T Inch. Tomeriow afternoon nt 1 o'cleel: the combined choirs of St Mink's Church. Sixteenth and T.neiis, streets, nnd the C.ulld of St. Cecilia. wIM slni: Hach's "nrent Passion." T.. TT,.I. t-..l. ..-...-It.. ..,1 . ' '"l I11'!.' ' 'h tlllllllllV III) III! f 'I telnl.x ,,nrMl nr.,lv itl,. wlI1 ,,p M. Iinidrd mid spinal w.rlre will be l.el I lll(irn,1K ,, ',l!R,t , tlp c11Ir.... T1ll(. w1 h n ,.,,.,,,.,, Ilf ,,. I fob I'einniunliiu Mich dm. etcept f'nnr I riiiay n inimi hrnla In most of tin chinches the "Tluee Hours' Servii c" will be held. Ilishep Khliielander will lenditct n nuinlier of sen Ices ill llelv Week m ihe Pre-Cnthedial The ltishep will lline the 'Three Mum' Seiice" en (nod Kridaj (in Wedcsilm , at ( .Jtti P. M . he will t undue! the sen Ice at the fre-t nthrilriil ter Hie mih men of the diocese, and en TueBdn "'-'' "l'' "P'T"" )MK eek ,,, ''"' '- ''r'"1i, ("ll'd f'"' Nurse. 7 ., Spiritualists te Celebrate 'Ihe I'nuersal Spiiltuiillst Chur.h. PJ1 1 West (lirard avenue, will .ele- brat" the seventy -feuith annlversarv of modern ,pi rlt unli-ni tomern.vv. Then will be a unlec .it -J ::t() p M uiui nnethei at7..".(lP M Dr Alexander Mciver Tvnd.ill of Londen win deliver the principal addles at both seivlecs. - - - MASTER MECHANIC or livJuftrial I'nclneer lNperlrnced in ihs consiruptien ettn ion man Imisne of Industrial caulpment, tn In ilutrml liulWlnss. thlr alterations ami rerMlrs ami tl-e oreratlen of rower plants ami power equipment Technlnly cdu cateil man open for position I 1 ' ' r , 33.1. i.KnriKR ernrE R!lJ2!! w OTATIONERY The Experts w this Department will offer siggestiens as te appreprjate designs and wording -jf desired Wedding Invitations Anneuncementa AnniversarRecGPtien -Dinner-Dance -Bridge onjjQebutlnvitatiena - Tea a Dinner Cards PIPING EQUIPMENT romnlPie Installations for bulldlnss of rvery character, Inclutlms m phanleal equipment. heatinK and ventllatlns systein plunibinB, water supply nrl rlralnnEe systems nf "THE BETTER KIND" Typical buildincs where complete mechanical plants, including hcatinp and ventilatinpr .systems, have been installed: ivll'Vi1,..1.'".1'1!1'"1? CeV. Jr.ijiii.ire ItulH, Allanllr t Itj- Ifiin Life In.. Ce. llmlsen Vlnler tar Hide. I...riljrttf 111.;, f s I'lrn. I r ,nUI .fin,, ,1 II ,nl el.srirVmn 'lir's' Ilrpi (n..nt Prisons Mnimpnlntr iml llnln.fli.irit W. M. ANDERSON 600-612 SCHUYLKILL AVE. WANTED-A MAN "D ETW'EEN the age ef25 and 35, with executive ability, geed education, character and pleasing pcrienjht, and who has had several years experience in selling or in commercial work w hich has brought him in contact with the public. If veu have these qualifications, there is an opening for you, with oppor tunity for advancement in one of Pennsylvania's largest cor porations 5 In apphing, state your age, education, actual experience, alary expected and nnv ether information winch would indicate our qualifications for the ieb All replies will be treated as strictly Please reply te 08, LLDU.R OlTlcr. IAILUK MAUL IARMY OFFICERS', COATS llninil nei .mil in rtfl I .if Il.e nnest UhaU. mill four I .i i i: e r .. e in i t... I ts . A rta' ST SO iq. or Ideal I p r iflrnpin" mvtennq cnJ all nerk pUr P-. All lilt, .n itt nn I Y s."T' le i in. ff -JV ion , Arrfl MK . M LJ rtf-sl i W B 'l Ne Mail Orders Killed Theubund of ether urtu1 1- at a sacrifice A. S. GOLDBERG 70s Market "" 4amaiiaxM JLO MINUTES H Vnfer the ntt Klrrlr VlhraUM AuunratUK Nrrbbe will t1eaaantty rlax our mind, noethe your nan-fn, nil your body with trnth and hlUi nlw In most ntenlihlnc mn icr rcllnvcii DcnfnesSf Headneises nd Catarrhal conditions ROOM A, 1311 WALjifUT ST. 3 MgLON ANNEX :;S ( XL 1 "t4 Frem Nen te r. M. ' v I SPECIAL SUNDAY w&U SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER, $1.50 Alse Tnhlc D'llntd Dinner. l.t Mirrlst Plaltrr. Mr te .m 1604 CHESTNUT 1 n t fuyi A PJ.W your winter things carefully. "PREVENTOL" is protection against the metli and ether insects the year 'round. Spray with "PREVENTOL"; it is a guarantee of sanitary cleanliness. "PREVENTOL" is nece. tary a teap and water in the home. Buy it everywhwe. Spcciil combuMben (X(Wk 1 00 pint n ind ipy J..-3 Pint can, 30c Qurt m, 90e (Jreventel") mjttaew home n-iirBr f". Kriiseii A "en l.,;te I hrslniit M. FINE STATIONERS Easter Cards AND Dainty Imported Gifts Enthusiastic Customers tell us that we have the finest collection in the city. 1121 .Chestnut Street - AbsoluteCcrrsct - AbseluteCcrrsct MEN'S Blue Denim OVERALLS WITH rflE 3RAND NEW AND PERFECT A $1.50 Value Only r. limited eunntity left, Cei.it1 eaily. WSsBllte. Su-VEnsMnns Statj VJ.PI A "snj I I f T"" 65! fir '--- i I J I ' I Strmnt 70 'm ?m :&i m 'tCJSjuJPVi 'KftW lit "v. VI I , m .m . MSJ ASf-i TS93 m WBt WNU, ,1 V, 'id &? Si '- , 'h f;i i ,Ui&t&Xteih&, 11 l.e ' t ..? I , MXrtml