mmW'mLi6Hmffim-pmijitimW?: &ef&Xs,"& a 1922 BBVJJS -,yi f - i (5!-',l ' " 1 V ma ' ' .a M IfXCELSIOR TRUST CO.- Germantown and Lehigh Ayes. Philadclphla.Pa. April 4, 1922 Resources Cash en hand and in Bank 5260,462.02 If. S. Liberty Bends. . 403,496.88 lians and Investment 3,138,258.74 $3,802,217.64 Liabilities Capital Stock Surplus and Undivided Profits DEPOSITS Bills payable $300,000.00 252,029.30 3,170,188.34 80,000.00. $3,802,217.64 ALL'AN M. REED, President. E P. BALDERSTON,"Treas. ' ftrsfrr5Prcer SD VaNI&RS . Nucceeierii le SAILER STEVENSON nencU and tnek bought nnd aeld. "'wSnhm Phlla. Bleck Kirhnnge. Lawrence E. Brown & Ce. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 1J0 REAL ESTATE TRUST BI.DO. tnvtitritl and adjuit corporation and tirtnerihlp accounts and prepare Income Ta Biturm. MgCewrtfrCct Land Title Bldg. Memben I'hlla. Stock Exchange FINANCIAL nrNTixnneN valley i.iciirr & i-ewer miiaiiiivv nuyT frntTiA.ic QB-V1.-4U RAILS CHECKED EARLYEACTION Speculative Cycle Toek a Sharp Upward Course During the Week company first MORTAtEv8s-YEAK ItriK jrradtinll.v mid consistently been 5rfKpV"iei'v'UN" U0,I lw' Dl)E counting evidence of the revival of tiller. 1 1INI. I ,1W1 , .tln1 ..nil.,!... .. Netice It hereby given, puriuant te Article Fourth of the MertgOKP. te THE PHIL.A IELFHIA TllUHT, HAFE DUPOStT AND ISSURANCU COMPANY. dated June 1, 1001). that the underalKned Company or Trustee lll ncelve caled proposals up te 12 o'clock X., en the 2011. day or April, 1022, for the redemption of bends at the next Interest period. June 1. 1D2J. as described as above, at a price net exceedlng 1024 and accrued Intern). rufflclent te exhaust the sum of 12050 55, preference te be given by the True tie te bends offered at the Ien eat price. The Truitce reserves the right te reject any or all tenders. Interest en bend se purchased will cease en June 1. 102L. Proposals should be directed as follews: PTropesals for the redemption of B Bends of the Huntingdon Valley Light nnd Power Company. Philadelphia Trust Company, Ilread atr.'ft office, N, n, corner bread and t;heitnut streets, Philadelphia." PHILADELPHIA TltUST COMPANY. Tiustee. By JOHN C. WAl.UVCE. Triaaurer. rhllailelphln. April 8. 11122 PENNSYLVANIA LIOHTINU COMPANY nRST MORTf.A.Jl: 1WC SINKING FUND UOI.D BONDS v Netice Is hereby given that pursuant te Sinking Fund prevision of the above. Mort Mert lite, dated July 1, ltllu, proposals will be received at the office of Commercial Trust lerarany. Trustee, City Hall Square, Phlla. ttelphla. for the "lie te the Trustee of a suf felent number of bends te consume the sum of 118.773 OS new In the Sinking Fund nt a trice net te exceed 10.1 and accrued Interest. The rlsht Is reserved te reject any or all propeeals In whole or In part. Proposals should be sealed nnd marked "Proposals for the sale of Pennsylvania LUhttns Company First Mertgage Bends," and be presented te the undersigned before 12 rlecl neon, en Friday, April 21. 1022. COMMERCIAL TBUST COMPANY. Trustee. ..X . ... ' " MASON, President. Philadelphia. April S. 2022. Dividends HUPP MOTOR CAR CORPORATION Detroit, Michigan, April B, 1022, The Directors have declared a quarterly Jlvldend of 2'i en tfce common stock of the corporation, pauble May 1. 1022, te ileckVrtdcrs of record April 18, 1022. Checks till be mailed. A. VON SCltLEdELL, Treasurer. I Annual Meetings f3TO T1IK STOCKHOLDERS OF TUB "" rrnnjlanli Ceal and Coke Cerpera tleni Take notice that the annual meeting el life stockholders of the Pcnnslvanla Ceal ml I'eVe Corporation will bn held at the, principal nltlce of said corpeiatlon en the alxteenth fleer of lhn Land Title Hulldlne In the Clti of Phlh.delpl.ln. I'cnnsvlvnnli im the 1st day of May. 1022, ut 2:30 o'clock n the afternoon, for the purpose of electing a tnaril of nine directors te serve for one Anr ml for lh tinnaaulen of any ami all mlier Dat'ed ApVll?!0 "'"' "la mcct"e- ALHKI.rO KUWARD.e, Secretary ...ftnniylvanla Ceal and Cel.e Cnriy.,.t.n fgp l.I.MIKA AMI WlLlTAMNIMfRT .. KAILROAII COMPAY Breed Street Station v . Vnil.B" pnla' "" Apr I. 1022. New Yerk, April 8. The . familiar week-end evening up opcrntlens pro duced quite n geed bit of irregularity 111 the earlier ilenllni-a nf terlnv'ii Ktnclt market. There tfas evidently consider- udie prelit-taklng nJl through the list, but the market again took these offer ings with remarkable case. The mod erate recessions unceTvered a fresh buy ing power in underlying orders, vvlilfh net only served te keep the general list en a fairly even keel, but later In the session brought substantial re coveries. Renewed activity developed in the rail division In the second hour, which imparted additional strength te the general movement. Reth the invest ment nnd lower-priced- rails were car ried te new top prices of the week, which, In many cases, were the highest quotations of the current movement. Liberty second 4s nnd the second nnd fourth 4y4H established still higher prices for the year in the bend market. Foreign government issues continued Le strengthen, the various United King doms gaining large fractions. Mexican 4s lese point 'nnd the 5s 1 points, the new (.'zecho-SIevaklan 8s also gain ing 1 point. Prominent features of the railway list Included St. Pjtul convertible 4h nnd re funding 4Vis, St. Leuis nnd San Fran Fran ciseo adjustment (U nnd incomes nnd Orcnt Northern-Northern 1'ncific joint flV&s, nil gaining fractions te 1 point. Denver nnd Rie Grande 4s were heavy, falling 1. TJie speculative cycle took a tJmrp upward curve in this week's market and it would be necessary te go back te the exciting spcculntivc orgy of the wnr period te And n parallel for the spectacular demonstrations which car ried active stocks of both the roil nnd industrial divisions te the highest level of the current year, in a number of instances te the best quotations re corded since 1020. While the improving business condi tions nnd sentiment all ever the world form the foundation and the moving force back of the constructive move ment, the week's remarkable uplift of security values was the outcome mere of the rekindling of speculative enthusi asms among what is peptilatlv desig nated ns the outside public. Fer ever ten months the maiket. In ether words, llflU nttnillinll.. .....t knaH.tln. l urn- rcm- intTcial anil industrial activity which hav new crystallized Inte concrete facts. Recntise this improvement is no longer in the thceictlcnl stage and because, within the Inst fortnight, there has been n tremendous extension in the long jo je jo sitlen ns indicated in the rapid rise of brekeis debit balances, some of the mere conservative market interests loel upon n continued expansion of specu lative interest ns detrimental te the fu ture t-nfety of the ceiihtructlve cam paign, Until the market shows mere distinct svmptems of tbphcnvincHs. there 'would net nppcar te be nn imme diate danger of a violent shake out, or nny reason te anticipate impeitnnt ro re ro icsslens. A careful examination of the bend market ought te convince the skep tic of tills, ns that division of the secur ity market enjevs at leant a six. months lead en the stock division. As n matter of fnct. Jthc character of the market has clinnged In the last week or se from a highly professional peel affair te one in which there appears te be a large and still growing public participation. The momentum has readied a stage which is almost likely te assure a continuation of very active days with the probability of occasional reactionary periods. 1'p te the moment during the whole movement since last summer there lias been no real recession nt all. There have been frequent halt ing periods, but with the increasing force of the buying pefcr which Is steadily augmented by tlie unsuccessful contesting operations of the bearish ele ment and the hurried repurchases of the se-called sold-out bulls, the line of the least resistance U still found while prices me rising. In brief, the con structive movement has left the pre liminary stages mid has bleiMinicd out into n fiill-tledged bull maiket. the measurements and duration of which is just ns difficult te determine ns was the depressing nnd discouraging bear cam paign of a year nge. FOREIGN EXCHANGE New Yerk, April 8. The market for foreign exchange opened dull. Ster ling was strong nnd within rent of the recent high of the movement. French. Relglan und Itnllnn were un changed. Scandinavians showed weak ness. The market had n Saturday hol iday nppenrance In most respects. The favorable foreign political news was reflected in adirniiclug quotations in the first hour, with sterling up 4.40Vj for cables nnd 4.-10 for demnnil ...", I This is n new hlirh en this iimn..,ll,.t,. M Bondholders of this Company, and .Te i movement. The strength of hterilnc was nn.1 .. I .. .. . I .1 . . ... miieweii uy einer leatnng allied clnsses, including Canadian. Francs" rose te JLllVj for cables nnd D.l.T. for cheeks, nnd lire te fi.K: for cables ami ii.1'1 for checks. Marks were ..'!l.';,4. The premium en New Yerk funds in Monreal today was down te '2 per cent, L'iMiipiirt'd wnii . per tent enlv HKten for a rresl'len "and' si" Manage?,, ",5 Wl" "" ",'" ". will it "eld it &ZJS.a M""",, 1"t Ma5' " M I.-ffWlS NBILSON. Secretary. I'rnpoeali, FRM'mL rrtsldeni of the Levy Court UUIIIIIIIK, TO THE loom 133, cent. L'lHiuiiirt'ii wnii . ner lent nn v n iS in, !-s ' ',t rlwk nm"' Tuesday Anr I f,'w la8 "K0- fills was due te the &! iw't ! "van. in sterling. The discount en P.v.1, alas , read tar, ells"n.l ns'feait-'nl.'e '".Vr":1, f,,,,,1S '" NeW Ye,'U " c"t J?.r,lau.ln,! fruln. th8 rnllread stitlnns n, te - ll l""r cent, ?Win?erUhMn;.lS Z , C:rC.CU rX,C"nn1? " C'zecho.Slevak- Ur. en, nd asphalt and snre.wff.,i,e .rr""1 1 in, showed continued firmness II the VZ"J'rJ.W o'n'Te ' 'entrnl Kurepeai, exchanges. QueJa- I rcineatlen. and "ddlni- .h?.U,nty- ' l""!S WC1-,i ''"""". -"-Vi l Unl- I .wired at i'.,e einci e tlm Ceuntv pl.n,fy be i K,,rl,,ni "" : MTb nn. 1,'JO; C'zecho C'zeche IRf1 "LS'T" , ""STwifSf5IV lviklen. 1.04 : (Ireek. 4.48; Polish. I pgyft&X&W i203! Finnish l.IW; Austria.;. .0133 I funded upon their return In Jin""1 bf, m- llllllgnrlnn, Ills. 'fi," ',L ."0 must acceniHanv ' ,.r,,.",c.'1 no ijCll 1 lllirr tnenr- a- . -vii uill. !' any or ull hl.ti " ' rlBht ,0 re- Demand rj c"A,'E?hn."nnn- WMtMSSPffl Sterling Francs i.;ur n i'i 0.13'n .Director's n Vl" KTY .tlM rrern'wFu1'1.' A A 1SS. folleilnV.' '"" " 'l neon T" .'1 or pet rep. t. "ectlnu bim.1 inJi'ViA ? .. . lur tlie nlslilrig no he rd N' ad nr iiwe ' c,"meien street in V "m tiBoem Sl.1 i-tyalilr..,l. ,he nlj00 te te ha, NW YORK COFFEE MARKET" F Auult CctebeV t0 I" January "u 'bruary' " ' (),,c" Hleh !. 0 eSJTllO II ss tl.ku D.M) Y,1 . ' S8 elnsA e. SO li.S.1 j;.Sl83 una s n.7.1 it.7.iff7n eis.i -."! II III IU7JH8 nvi !''' 7 n.n.i . ' Mn-lT ii r.r. u.aj S:51i.a7 i!:3? i'.n.' ii ij e ie u id W -.BANK CLEARINGS nV0cempa;ed Wllh T V.. im.aVS ai 1021 m I. Ire tlullders ft ''(1 H7 7.1 Cables .. ., LUO' 0.13'n S 30 37.74 TODAY'S OPKNINO QUOTATIONS V Sterling Francs Lire dullders . , 4,30' 11,12 H.2S4 .17. SO 4.40j4 0 13 fi,20 37.8.1 CI.OSINH QIIOI'ATIO.NS SlKrllfj Frnnci I.lre Guilders . . 4 Wy 11.1,','a r..32l, 37.80 . .. 4.40'i 11.1(1 r, 3d 37!83 Demand Cables , Demand Cables GRAIN MARKET Wheat-May July . September Cern May .... July . September ' Oats May ... July . .. . tleptember . Hit May . . . I.ard July . September Prev Clese l.SII" 1 111', .58 a, 1121, SO a, .31), .11 IB Open 1 .11 ' rd 1 .in 1 10 4 l.lSft 1 12'., .Bsr ,ssi3 1121. .04 ..te V 1 02 41 II A M l.Sl'j 1 20 1.13'. ,n0, tin, 04', .Si's .41', 1 02 II 20 II 40 COTTON MARKET Previous Cleae Mnv 17.78 Jul!.. 17.28 (VI . 17 oil Dec. 17.0H Jen 11107 Spot IS 03. Open 17 78 17 28 17,11.1 in no HI 03 llleri 17.00 17,42 17.2.1 17,23 17,1.1 Lew 17.117 17.22. 17.01 ln.nii 10.00 Clsne 17.811 f en 17.4(l(u'4 t 17.21 17 21 17.12 DIVIDENDS DECLARED Fisher lledv Corporation, quarterly I2..10 en common an IS per cent en preferred, both payable May 1 te stock of record April 21. Union Oil Company of California, extra It In addition te quarterly 12, both payable ,-ji.m '""e.niiti ! iivn & . W.IM.Mn'nni. ''"I,erT VTT.SDS.ini lni ". "'JF .e "v-nru . Avru ". k,.:. jii AnT.::x ..-..". -i .'... V. trl mupr Moter company, nusneriy ;v per NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS . . - 'v. Bale? In $ 100 300 2000 3300 400 900 100 100 300 100 1700 tee 1100 100 300 100 100 soe 1500 100 700 100 700 103 1200. 400 1300 100 1100 100 2500 400 1600 200 200 2600 600 100 100 1203 600 600 200 200 1200 1100 400 100 2000 100 200 100 200 100 2303 103 2200 3700 200 100 600 200 7003 200 13800 400 100 100 100 400 "1000 10600 200 2ioer 200 500 300 400 100 11700 400J 200 200 1000 100 200 203 400 430 700 100 1730 4630 100 330 330 400 4430 1630 1733 530 700 100 700 530 1100 3530 2400 16700 100 400 100 2700 800 100 100 800 1933 503 100 600 4100 1833 930 100 2400' 1700 500 700 2500 STOCK Hlsh Advance numtiv . 1714 . r - ' Air Reduction 1 55 48 39 H 66 y4 76U 41 60 45 47 yi 10314 195 117J4 12ft 25 6H 139 1514 6914 107 81 45 H 1Hi 3514 58 H 111 H 86 8 14H E6H 97 131 38 72 U 9814 33H 12114 139K SOOYt . 34 , 69 .105 . 92 5214 Lew 17K 53 yi AJax Ruhhr- 1716 1614 4 Allied Chem ft Dy. 68 H -67 1 Allied Chem A D pf10614 10614 Aina-Chalmer 48ft ;. Am Agrle Chem... 39 H . Am Arla Chem pi'. . 66 54 Am Bank Net 77 .. Am Beet Sugnr.... 41 J4 Am B Shee P&y new 62 . . Am Besch Hagneta. 45 Am Can 47J4 1 Am Can pf 103yj 12 Am Car A Fdy....155 7 Am Car & Fdy pf. .11714 .. Am Chicle 1214 .. Am Cettqn Oil 25H .. AmPrugSyn -614 8 Am Kxpresa 139 .. Am Hide & Leather 15H Am Hide ft Leath pf 6914 7 Am Ice,. 108 6 Am Ice pf 81 Am Internnt Cerp.. 45 Jt 1 Am-La France Eng 1 1 J4 Am Unseed 3614 . Am Linseed pf 5814 Am Locomotive.... 112 14 4 Am Radiator 86a Am Safety Razor... 8H .. Am Ship ft Cem.... 14 .. Am Smelt 57 1 Am Smelt pf 97J4 12 Am Snuff..' 131 3 Am Steel Foundries 38 V .. Am Sugar Raf 72 7 Am Sugar Ref pf.. 9814 . . Am Sumatra 33 9 Am Tel ft Tel 12! Vi 12 Am Tobacco 140V4 Am Tobacco pf new1004 12Am Tobacco B....137 .. Am Waterworks. . . 1214 . . Am writ Paper pf . 7 Am Woolen 7 Am Woolen pf . . . . 7 Am Whole 7 pf. .. Anaconda Cooper. . .. Ann Arber 16 . . Ann Arber pf 47 4 Asse Dry Goods.... 5514 6 Atch Tep ft San Fa 99 6 Atch Tep ft S F pf 89 . . Atlnn Blr ft Atlantic 2 7 Atlantic Coast Line 97 .. Atlantic Fruit 314 .. Atl Gulf ft W I S S 34 .. At O ft W I S S pf 24 U .. Atlas Tack Cerp. ... 21 .. Austin Nichols 2614 6 Austin Nlch Ine pf. 8414 7 Baldwin Locemotlv115 6 Baldwin Loce pf... 10814 .. Baltimore ft Ohie.. 45 4 Baltimore ft Ohie pf 6014 .. Barnsdale Class A. . 39 .. Barnsdale Class B.. 32 .. Bayuk Bres 354 .. Batepllas Mining. .. 1 6 Bethlehem Steel.... 75 6 Beth Steel B 78 7 Beth Steel 7 pf.. 93 .. Beeth Fisheries.... 714 8 Brooklyn EdlBOn. .. 10814 7 Brit Em Stl 1st pf . . 70 .. Brit Em Steel 2d pf 23 .. Brklyn Union OaB.. 94 2 Buff Rech & Pitts.. 54 . . Bklyn Rapid Transit 24 . . Bkltt R T ctfs of dep 2214 . . BruiB Ter. . .- 4 14 8 Burns Bres A 12714 2 Bums Bres B 41 7 Bush Term Bldg pt S0J4 .. Butte Copper & Zinc 614 .. Butte ft Sup Cep... 26 .. Cadde Cen OAR.. 13 6 California Packing. 774 .. California Petrelm.. 5414 7 California Petrel pf. 95 .. Callahan Zinc & Ld 7 10 Canadian Pacific. .. 140 .. Case (J I) Plew... 4 14 .. Central Leather.... 38 .. Central Leather pf. . 73 .. Cerro-de-Pasco .... 2614 6 Chandler Meters... 7814 4 Chesapeake & Ohie. C5ft .. Chicago ft Alten.... 8Vs .. Chicago ft Alten pf 1814 .. Chi & E 111 (new).. 13 . . Chi ft E 111 (new) pf 43 .. Chicago & Or West. 8)4 .. Chi ft Gr West pf... 2014 .. Chi Mil ft St P 25 .. Chi Mil ft St P Pf.. 41 6 Chi & Northwestern 73 .. Chi R I ftPae 44 e chi r i & Pae 6 pt ee;& 7 C R I fd Pae TTe pf 95 .. Chi St P M ft O 65 .. Chile Copper 1 7 ? .. Chlne Cepper ?8 .. Clev Cln Chi ft S L 6214 .. Cluett-neabedy .... 55 4 Coca-CelR 48 's . . Cole Fuel & Iren ... 32 '4 .1 Colerado & Southern 46 14 fi Colerado & Se 2d pt 56 6 Celum Gas & Elec. 83 H .. Celum Graphophene 3H .. Cel Graphophene pi 16 4 Cemptit Tab Rec... 70 J . . Consel DIs Ins. .. 7 Consolidated Gas. .. Consel Textiles. . .. Continental Can.. 6 Cent Insurance. . 4 Cern Products Ret. 103 74 3800 2V4 Cosden ft Ce 37 ',4 11800 .. Crucible Steel 65 200 7 Crucible Steel pf . . eB .. Cuban Am Sugar. . . 22 .. Cuba Cane Sugar.. 15fs .. Cuba Cane Sug pf 35 !4 .. Davisen Chemical.. 65 .. Delaware & Hudsen 122 14 9 Del Lack ft West.,.116 8 Detroit Kdtsen 107 1 Heme Mines 25 14 .. Duluth Se S & At.. 4 . . Duluth Se S & At pf 9 12 Elce Sterage Bat...1654 .. Elk Hern Ceal 20 6 Endlcott-Jehnson .. 84 7 Endlcott-Jehnson pfI0914 .. Erie 1314 .. Eile. 1st pf 22 .. Erle 2d pf 14 8 Famous Players L. 83 5 Famous Players pf.. 96 4 Fed Mln ft Smlt pf 40 8 Fisher Bedy of O pf 94 li .. Flsk Rubber 17 .. Freeport Texas.... 18U . . Gasten Wuih & Wig !4 .. General Aspnall... 6614 8 Qcneral Electric. ... 161 .. General Meters.... 13 6 Gen Meters pf 80 6 Gen Meters deb 6T, 79 7 Gen Meters deb 7 92 '4 .. Goedrich B F 40 7 Goedrich B F pf... 85 . . Granby Cen M & M. 27 . , Grav Davis 19 14 7 Great Northern pf.. 74 U 4 Great North Ore ctfs 40 . . Greene cnanea Cep 29 .. Gulf Sfoblle & Ner. 10 . . Gulf State Steel.... 84,'i . . Hablrshaw El Cable 2 ,110 . 1314 . 61 70U 900 1900 1400 3100 2300 1030 100 100 400 100 200 200 400 100 3700 5100 1100 8700 500 200 200 2530 1700 330 2700 200 8700 100 1100 200 200 100 300 1030 2100 1300 300 330 11700 200 2100 630 203 200 200 200 330 14400 12700 Housten Oil 81 , . Hupp Motorcar.... 17 J , . Hydraulic Steel.... 81a 7 Illinois Central 106 , . Indlahema Ref 3 , . Indian Refining.... 714 , . Inspiration Cen Cep 40 2 Inserb Cen Ccrp... 5 . . Interb Cen Cerp pf 12 fiOO 2U Int Cement 35 1100 2 Inter Comb Eng.... 27 '4 fi Int Harvester new. . aaj 7 Int Hnrv new pf... 110 . Int Mer Marine.... 18 6 Int Mer Marine pf. 76 . Intcrnat Motertruck 38 7 Int Motertrk 1st pf. 81 7 Int Motertrck 2d pf 73 ,. International Nickel 17 li , . International Paper 48 6 Inter Paper pf stpu 66(4 Invincible 011 corp la 200 100 2200 3400 S00 00 100 800 '300 100 1500 1700 2700 E 100 Island Oil Iren Products Jewel Tea pf. 3P4 6414 VUI 136 11 Ji 32 J4 88 105 92 52 16 4714 5514 98 9 2H 97 3!4 3314 2414 21 25 83 114 10814 4314 60 39 32 3514 1 7414 6 113 7 11)8 09 :'2l4 93 54 54 23 21 414 12714 4114 90 Ji 614 26 1314 7714 5414 S5 6 13914 414 37 72 35 6 65 74 17'4 2314 43; 7Ji 19 24 Vs 3914 72 H 43 80 Js 94 65 17 'i 27 6214 55 '4814 31 46 14 56 t)3 3 1514 69 1C9 13 6114 69 103 36 J. 63 14 fa7 22 151j 24 ',4 63 In 119(s 1 1 5 14 107 2514 4 9 16514 19 C41i 10914 12 20 13 81 9414 39 Vt 94 16 164 14 65 161 1214 80 7814 92U 39 85 26 1814 7314 40 28 9 80 2 7914 17H 8 106 3 7ti 4014 414 11 U 2614 514 110 17J4 76 17 81 73 !6Ji 47 6614 1814 30 J b4J4 1 I 114 H 14 1 1 114 14 14 14 214 14 1 1 Today's Net Closet Chf. 1714 .. 55 6? 10614 48 4 39 6614- 77 - m 41 H- .,14 622 45-114 47- V 10314 14 IBS - 11714- 1214 25 614 139 -1514-69H- 108 81 4514 11J4 35 5614- 112 -86 -8 -14 5714 97 - 131 3814 33 12114 13914- 10014 136 -1214 3314 8814- 105 92 5214 16 -47-5514-98-89 2 33H 2414 21 2614 8414 11454 10814 45 6054 -3514 1 -75 7854 114 93 - 14 714 'a 10814 3 69 214 23 1 V 93 54 54 .24 22 -414 12714 -f 41 14 90 Ji- 614 26 -f-1314-7714-54 54 95 6 140 -J- 414-37J4-72-36 8 -1814 - 81a -19J4 25 l 41 -f- 73 154 44 80'i 95 65 1714 27J4-1 6214- :s 8J4- 5214 4 4614 4 55 8314- 3- 16 69- 10914 13 61 7014 103- 36 Ji - 63(4 87 72 I5H 3514 6314 122'24 115 107 251 4 -9. 165 J4 20 8414 10914 4 1314 22 14 1 83 1 96 2 40 - y. 9454 1 1714 1814 1 14- 14 6514- 14 16! --12J4-80 79 h 9214 39 -85 27 19 74 40 1 29 1 9- 14 8014- 214 2 - 14 80 f- I 114 i 8 106 - 3 714 40JJ- 4 11 34 -26 -9514-110 Dlv. Balsa In I 100 1100 100 700 300 700 2300 100 3200 200 200 STOCK ltle-h Lew .. Jenes Bres Tea.... 3914 3914 .. Katnsas ft Gulf 6 5 .. Kan City Southern. . 28 27 .4 Kan City Se pf . . . , 87 56 .. Kelly-Spg Tlr 46 J4 4614 .. Kenneoett Copper. 3014 29 .. Keystone T ft R.... 18 17 Kresge S B..A 138 138 .. Lackawanna Steel.. 84 53 .. Lake Erie ft W pf 3214 31 H 1 Tab T1..UI mi-- vasw 11U 1 n? S V? mh Vall" e4 J 63 ion .! J" Myer...169 169 wma Locemotlve...1!1 110 7 Lima Locomotive pf 1 1 1 54 1 1 H4 .. Leowe, Ce 15V4 14 1 Left Candy 13 1314 Loeaa-Wllaa m..u iiu d?ll 1 Jouiaviiie ft Nash.. 11614 76 Mclntrye new 19J4 .. Malllnsen ft Ce.... 2014 Manhnt Eleo Supply 60 7 Manhat Kiev Qua. . 43 2 Manhat Shirt...".. 39 .. Market 8t Rwv.... 9 Mar St ny ,)P'pf.,. 63 .. Mar St Rwy lit pf 48 . . Mar St Rwy 2d pf . . 26 var.1.ln OI1 28 3 Martin Parry 28 14 Max Moter Class A 65 wax Class B 20 400 200 500 600 100 300 1100 400 500 1200 600 600 ' 600 600 500 2800 600 900 700 100 11200 103 1900 114 14 14 14 V 114 1 14 14 14 "l4 1 14 14 " 14 14 114 "h ' i 14 Ji 1 J I 1 31a 14 14 14 114 1 14 ' 14 14 1 14 14 18 76 37 81 73 -1714 47 - 66 4 10 Ji 3114 1 64 !4 - 2 114 14 14 " 14 14 '14 '14 14 1 6 1 14 1 14 v. 8 May nn a,n..l ' 1 i iz ,i-?ii Ii7ii4- 14 12.Vexlcan Ptrelaum 133 130J4 13254114 iex l'etreieum pf 116 19 54 20 60 4214 39 OJa 62 43 23 Ji 28 27 Ji ear :e Today's Nei Clem Chile. 3914 I- 14 6 54 28 57 54 ,46J4 1 29J4 .. 17 -ev 138 - 54 84 1 3254 32- 64 154 169 110 11114 15.14 1314 42Ji' 11614 60 4314 39 9 62 48 26 2814 2014 nn UM. J?,1'8??1 CePP-r,..:: 2954 i6oe5.: M d.a,a."B. corp- .. Minn ft St Leuis.... 10 Me Kansas ft Texas 7 .. Me Kan ft Tex (wl) 14- " ,,,Kfn T wl " 35 " M-.K Tex ,st aw.. 17 .. Missouri Pacific... 24 . Me Paelfle pf EB74 J Mentana Power... 67 54 7 Mentana Power pf. 10454 .. Montjremery Ward. 19 Ji Mulllns Bedy 32 National Aeme 16 7 National Biscuit. .. 135 ' Nat Cleak ft Suit... 4154 Nat En ft Stamp.. 37 j. NatRR of M 1st pf. 10J4 Nat R R of M 2d pt 5 .. Nev Cen Copper... 1514 6 N O Tx ft Meat.... 674 N T Air Brake.... 71 linn 11 ;. " erK central. oe 350O 8 X.e,v Yerk Deck'pf 57 21 05 iS'fHftII21M pnn . '"'a ent tt, v ten finn '; hor'elk ft SeutWern 20 "a DUO 7 Vnrfntl. - '--.. men 8 North Amer ctfs... 57 North Amer Ce rts 7 6 Northern Pacific ... 7714 va Scotia S ft C T9 - Nunnlly Ce 11 Okla Pred ft Ref. . . 2 14 . Orpheum Circuit... 20 Ji Otis steel 14 Otis Steel pf 65 2 Owens Bett Mach. 31 ',1 Pacific Devel Cerp.. 8 5 Pacific Gas & KIoe. . 6B 3 Pacific Oil 5414 6 Pan-Amer Petrel... 63 6 Pan-Amer B 56 2 Pennsylvania R R. . 4214 . Penn Seabd Steel.. 11 C Peeples Gas Chicago 83 Vi Pere Marquetta 29Ji 0 Pere Marquette pt. 67 6 Pere Marq prier pf 72 54 3 Philadelphia Ce :914 Phllllps-Jenes 94 2 Phillips Pet 36 . . Plerco-Arrew Moter 2014 . . Pierce Oil 9i 8 Pierce Oil pf 5514 6 Pitts Ceal pf 93 . Pitta A W... tr. 11 xt Ann ... . "-vt..... -'74 7XX - l Crck Ceal I Wl 500 100 100 300 200 2700 600 100 9000 10800 500 185 1600 800 200 100 100 100 100 1500 400 900 700 2100 400 300 4300 200 400 1200 3100, 3100 400 100 103 . 300 2100 11500 2100 5100 22800 700 2000 tee 100 2700 100 1100 700 3000 300 100 2100 17 "A .. i-resseci steel Car. . . 76 Ji .. Producers Refiners. 27 6 Pub Service of NJ. . E4 . . Punta Alegre Sugar 40 54 2 Pure Oil.., 32 8 Pure Oil pf 101 14 8 Pullman 123 8 Railway Steel Spg 99 Ji Bay Cen Copper... 1514 4 Rending 79 2 Reading 1st pf 46 .. Remington Typewrit 35 1. Replogle Steel C514 . . Repub Iren ft Steel . 56 54 2 Rep Iren ft Steel pf 80 3 Reynolds Teb B.... 4614 . Reherr lVln A rn inii 5 ' 5.20 Royal Dutch N '".'. 60 euiiiueceiia sucar. 44 St Leuis San Fran 30 St L ft S W R R.. 3014 St L Southwest pf 4414 Savage Arms 18 Saxen Moter 4 Seaboard Air Line.. 6 Seab Air Line pf. . Scars-Roebuck .... Seneca Cep corp... Shattuck Ariz Cerp 5600 200 300 300 1800 9500 100 300 6500 7200 330 4000 203 200 4200 2300 1000 300 400 1400 330 3200 330 100 400131,4 Shell Transport 11 76 13 8 44 Ji 25J4 45 Ji 90 5103 .. Sinclair CM1 2000 .. Sless-Sheffleld . 10100 6 Southern Pacific 4433 .. Southern Rail 24 10CO .. Southern Rail pf. .. 5514 1400 4 Stnndnrd Oil of Cai 96 Vz 603 5 Standard OH of N J176 100 7 Stand OH of N J pf114Ji 630 2 Stewart Warner Spa 4014 1600 .. stremberg Cnrb.... 5114 12700 7 Studcnaker 11714 100 .. Sub Beat Cerp.... 514 700 .. Superior Oil Cerp.. 5J 500 .. Superior Steel C9 500 .. Sweets Ce of Amer 3Ji 330 .. Tcmt Cern ft F "A" i!4 1100 .. Tenn Cep & Chem. 11 2400 3 Texas Ce 44 330 . . Tex Gulf ft Sulp. ... 41 14 4600 .. Texas ft Pacific... 35(4 3100(5 1 Texas ft Pac C & O 27 2300 .. Third Ave 2314 400 6 Tobacco Products.. 64 100 .. T St L ftV etfs H 29 100 .. T StLft W pf ctfsB 401-4 3500 .. Transcen Oil 9Ji 300 4 Transue Win Steel. 4214 200 6 Union Hng ft Paper 61 600 .. Union Oil 19 2800 10 Union Paclrtc 137 uu 4 union pacmc nr. . . United Alley Steel. 73 Ji 31 Ji 400 600 '..United Drue 71 100 31a United Drufc- 1st pf. 45'4 100 8 United Fruit 146 . United Rwy InveBt.. 15 . . Unit Rwy Invest pf. 3414 6 United Retail Stores 48 'i . . U S C I V ft Fdy... 37 6 U S C I P & Fdy pf 69 ..US Feed Products 5 , . U S Ind Alcohol... 47 , . U S Realty & Imp. 6514 . U S Rubber 63 8 U S Rubber 1st pr..1051'4 .US Smelt & Ref. . . 38 BUS Steel 9814 7 U S Steel pf 11 7 14 2 Utah Copper 65 !i ,. Utah See 17 vuiiuuiuill vurp.... 44' 4 Va-Car Chemical... 34 2100 1000 700 800 900 630 600 3300 400 400 5 0 13400 700 800 1600 1930 100 200 300 600 2600 930 200 400 400 100 5700 600 700 200 800 4700 3200 2700 100 100 100 ,t 500 100 .. Va.Car Chemical pf 77 'i .. Vlvadeu Inc 1 1 14 . . Wabash 9 .. Wabash pf A 31 .. Western Man land. 1014 .. W Maryland 2d pf. 10a4 .. Western Pacific... 19'g 6 Western Pacific pf. 56 I Weetlngheuse A Ur 88 Ji 4 Westing IS ft M.... 62 .. Wheeling ft L 10... . 9 .. Wheellng ft L E pf 20 U 4 White Moter 43 .. White Oil Cerp 10 ,. White Oil lis . . 'i .. Wick Spenc St Cerp 16 4 .. Willys-Overland ... 8 .. Willys-Overland pf. 39J2 . . Wilsen ft Ce 41 14 8 Woelworlh F W...le1'a 4 W01 thing-ten pmnp, 531. .26 Wright Aero 8 Total sales. 822,200 shnrcH, compared with 1,571.30(1 shares jesterda. Thus far this vveeU.'V Mii.MJO 88 28 J4 13 3414 1014 714 13 35 17 23 5514 6714 104 1li 3114 Hi 14 13514 4154 37 10J4 514 15'. 67 69 8814 33 56 20 27 Ji 20 105 56 6Ji 7614 28 14 11 2 2014 13 63 31 '4 8 68 53Ji 61 54 42 14 1014 8214 2914 67 1 7214 38 Ji 94 36 Vi 1914 914 15 93 31 1714 76Ji 27 14 84 4014 31 101 14 1231-4 99 1514 78 46 34 33 Js 54 79 46 10 60 4 30 " s 30 43 17 4,A SJs 11 76 1314 0 44V2 25 44 e8 23 55 95 173 114'i 39 50 115Ji 5'4 5 3814 3 2!2 1"j 44 41 13 34 1 271, 22 'B 3 29 40'j 9 41 l4 61 18 136 '4 7314 3114 70 !j 4514 146 14,'i 33 47 36 68 1 i 5 46 Ji t3'4 63 H 105 37 97 117'4 64 Ji "16 4314 34 76 11 9'j 3114 IO14 I814 19 E5Ji 88 J, 61 9'4 I914 43 9 15Ji 8 3914 41 I, 161 Ji 53 8 14 14 54 14 Ji 14 154' 2J4 '14 ''14 54 '54 Ji 54 14 114 3 14 14 114 114 " 14 1 it J-a 14 ' 14 54 ' 4 '4 Ji Vt li 88 ,29 13J4 3514 10 35 57 5714 104 54 19J4 3154 16- 13554 4114 37 10J4 514 1514 67 71 88 54 33 56 21 - 2854- 20 105 J4 -56 - 7 77 28 54 11 - 2 20 54 1454 65 31 54 - 8 68 54 -62 56 4254 10 C314 1 29 67 7214 3914 b 94 36-1954-9 55 93 31 1714 76J4 27 14 - e4- '40 3 :z h 101 14 12314 99 Ji -1514 - 79 46 i E5J4 S 80 61i r 18 -601i 4 30 J4 t 30 '4 i 44 J4 ! 17 - 4U- 6 -1 11 7684 13 '4 - 8 -44 IJ -25-4514 90 24 -J 55 r 15 -173 -114JJ 40 -50 'i - 1 1 6 -5 14 4 5 :e'i - 3Ji - 2',- IHj I 4414- 41 14 35 li -64 29 40'i - 9 4!'2 t 61 -19 137 -r 73J2-J 31 ; 701J 45ii i 146 15 1 34 li 4 8 f 37 J 69 4 514 -46 'i -64 63 , 105 -18 f 97 Ji t- 117'4-f 65'i F 16 ( 44 14 i 34 -76 -11' h 9 J 31 1 10 i2 18 19Js 1 56 88 Ji -b2 '4 ( 9 -19 -41 9's CONTINUED ACTIVE DEMANWP.R.T. Remarkable Change of Attitude Toward All the Prominent Lecal Stocks The continued active trading- in V. It. T. was the outstanding feature of the local maiket. Several Inrec blocks, including one of 1000 shares, were taken during the brief session which elevnted the stock te a new high for the ear nt 33, which is within n point of the hlcli record of !!4Ti cstnblMicd in 11)17. TrndliiR wnn ilsn broader in Union Traction, which renclied n jiievv I lop nt 11'. j Seme profit -inkiiift nnpeared ln Pennsylvania Ilnilrend. nil of which' was readily taken, lint, the lirice move- i majit vn minevvcr llinii for some few days. While (here was n substantial failing off In the business in the gen eral list, the inniket ns u whole retnlncd a tone of decided Ktiemrth. An inter esting feature was supplied in the mil- j mntcti mivnnee of ever J points in run ndclphln Insulated Wire te 'Mni en comparatively miiiiII trulisictleiH. This Indicated little Meck pressing for sa'le. tne maruet for which having been mere or levs of uiieeitiilnty after the failure I of the banking linn, which was the . principal t-pensur. Winnll friu tleiial gains were inane n.v T.nbf. S!ntiriif,ii. A ,tii,!,ri i Slrtrp ntul' .i,... ....I.....,,, ,,,,.,,..., .j... . . . I.chlgh Valley. Slight -lindlng occurred in the Philadelphia Klectric Hiuc". The week's happenings In the local market were net only of n highly In teresting diameter, hut weie such from which mnny were able te derive consid erable encouragement. Frem nn In vestment viewpoint the outstanding de velopment was the pioneuneed strength nnd material ndvnuip In the Meck of Peiins.vlvjjiiln Hailrend. Tills in ltvelf would net call for mere than parsing comment and could. enMlv be Inciden tally associated with the general uplift of pricex Ilcliind it wan a comprehen sive motive. Thnt vvim tiie official Hm suranee of an early reM.orutien "f tlie i II per (iii dividend rate. The annual lepert was a i!i'iiMiiit Kiirprl'-e. show- ' ing earnings mere than Mlfticlent te meet tlie reipiiiciiients of the 4 jier cent dividend lust ,eur. In tlie Iiim M weeks, however, there luis been u pio pie pio neuncd quickening of trallic movement all along I he vaM system. This im provement has been especially inn iked east of l'ittsbiiigh. nnd which Is con firmed In the Increasing operations of the steel Industry nnd the ether con- ' trlbutlng or associated industries. Iliisi- ! I.. .!. Wf.l.ll.. 11'... .. I,. ..:..! I.... ut-pn in mr .iiimuc eum is imimhk . up mere slmvlj. It is only n question of a slieit time vvlien the same influent cs will extend te thnt section. Tlie only regrettable pint of the rapid leeupera- i tlen of tin1 JVnns.vlvnniu prepert.v ami l the at cempulsing enhniieeiuent In the l market value of its securities is that the blighter pieinlscs new held our can net overcome the unfortunate losses' many of tlie small holders unwillingly took net many months age because of the pessimistic utterances exptcssed by certain Interests who because of their' position should have been mere guarded I in their remarks. 'The continued uninterrupted advance In the stock of the Philadelphia Itnpid Transit Compan was another gratlt.v Ing development, especially te these of the sliaiehelders who hntf the courage nnd tenacity le retain their holdings since the suspension of dividends and ether li-jing periods. Net only does the present Increased market valua tion of the stock virtually assure the fulfillment of the dividend premises, but ' It iilse (an be accepted as a reliable rcllev of ceitaln ether conditions which are icrtiilii te stiengtlien both the phy sical ami fimtudtil position of tlie com pany, it Is enlj surpilslng in view nf the knowledge of these almost cer- ' lain accomplishments n wider interest luis net developed fur the securities of l lie undeiljing rempnnies, the position of which tit e Miriespeudiuglv strength ened with mete robust suite of the op crating (enipau.v . Still another grntif.ving movement was te he found in tlie ftiiiher advance In llie Phil.ldelpliiu Kketiic shine. There seems te he little doubt new as te the Incteu!' in the dividend rate en the common te an per cent basis. While being merely n lellectien of the ' wide spot illative movement en the "big beard." Kiettrlc Storage Ilnttery cotn cetn cotn mended a great ddil of liiteiet b lis spectacular upwind lliciit. I'tem all lndic.itleiis vet j little of the stock, that i te nv. the Hunting uplv, new te inains in till cltv. In fact, it I known secilllties icpicentlng evv net ship of smile of the iiilglniil holders have come eill within the l.tst weeks. West .lerse.v mid Se.islmie. as tesult of ac cumulation in piegie ter seiiii. nieiiths liaik. or shice the sMnpiweii of dividends, made a substantia n. li vmii'e te I!" These who should knew li MIJ the sleik is still veij i heap at the 'i i cm rent qtioi.tiieu 5 Tra of Atl Taxmi' in Pinntvlvanta ta thm Extant f A hi 111 m l Par Dellar Far Annum (Excapt JSuccattien and Inhar ilanea Taxaa and Stata Incema Taxaa) Metropolitan Edisen Company (PENNSYLVANIA) First & Refunding Mortgage Geld Bend, Series "B" 6 Denominations, $1000, $500, $100. Due Feb. 1, 1952 ' Territery: 64 communities in Eastern Pennsylvania, including Read ing and Lebanon. Security: First meitgagc en portion of properties; direct mortgage en all properties, subject te $2,570,000 underlying (closed mortgage) bends. Valuatien: Aggregate figure, based en engineers' report of October 31, 1920, plus subsequent expenditures and including investment in securities of affiliated companies, $15,350,918, as compared with total bended debt te be outstanding of $8,718,000. Earnings: Fer 12 months ended February 28, 1922, gross, including ether income, $2,782,663; net, $1,092,088. Annual inter est en total mortgage indebtedness, $529,240. Market: Application will be made in due course te list this scries of bends en the New Yerk Stock Exchange. Price 98 and Interest; Yielding About 6.10 A circular fully descriptive nf thin isswe tui'i7 be supplied upon request. HALSEY, STUART & CO. INCORPORATED Land Title Bldg., Philadelphia-Phene Locust 7410 niif'Arie ninueiT Xi:W YOltK .mii,walki:i; riiii.AiKi.rniA MIN.VKAl'DMS IIIISTtlN ST. l.OtlS 14 2'4 1 Mutual Trust Company Main Office: Bourse Bldg. BRANCH OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE 60th and Ludlow Sts. 2809 Germantown Ave. Statement of Condition at jf Clese of Business, April 4th, 1922 RESOURCES Cash and Reserve $518,509.29 Bends and Stocks 855,337.26 Leans 2,228,550.62 Mortgages Owned 375,725.00 Office, Buildings and Lets 189,225.92 Other Real Estate 24,894.24 Furniture and Fixtures 32,106.38 Customers' Liability 'Account Acceptances 27,029.92 .$4,251,378.63 LIABILITIES Capital $438,043.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 166,540.55 Acceptances Executed for Customers 27,029.92 Deposits 3.619,765.16 $4,251,378.63 TRUST DEPARTMENT Trust Funds $77,637.27 Corporate Trusts 400,000.00 SAMUEL F. SCATTERGOOD WM. B. KESSLEB 'resident Treasurer Philadelphia Stechs 1 8 I '4 llltll 1 l) fins." iM Am Sits ".i'.n, !isi psi , .". de 1st pf i;:i inn'.. i:u 1il Am (ins I,:: r,: ,:? llil' i ll'J'i ill", ,t hl.r .. u 14 2 I lltAin I .in 1'J Brill .1 (i pief n "" m) .. Wtrhl&Alten s's si, sis r, Cumbria Ir ".! 3'i .'i'l rl7 KMItCh HKv.1' II!7, tit7 lit" i. UOtCruriblc. . Ill ', (il, I J I - t --1 1 ill.") i:iec Slet.lH.V", 1 1 ..-. i . K i.-, i . . .Ml de new.. 4'J'.. 4'J' . -1'J'" - ', 10 (ien Asph. (t-is .".OtCicn Met. I.'! ine hwc N a ::n, jn;-Maud (ill 1 llltlnter (Jen pref ... IJi, '(l." I.k Sup ' II ', !! .Nev.. 7'-" . I.'i I.eli Vul.. Ill filltMid S (Ml i::-'i, Mlt.Midvnle.. :il'.. IlltMe Pac.. '.'It", J.'itNiirth Pac 77 JUtl'an-AlVt ilL'i... il'J'.j (ill11, 1.". ::ii.. I IPs 71".' CI .' i ' . i:i'j:i Petiiia it it -lu I l."it Pel ill Slid Sieel.. HlTs :in Phil In W IM-i. inn 1'hiiCecpf ;si; Ull.'. Phil.i Klec '.'71V ."Ill'i de pief. . sTs (177:. Philn II T IC!7; IdOtPiits W r-' s 111'. ::i :is '-'71... .'IL' ""'s r- 'i i:i . . r.i'.. . 1 i- K VJ's- IPs - ', 7'J'j , in ', i.". ;.. :u.. .. an, - i.. 77 I- '", W's-rlSs l-J-'-s - s 1C7s t - "T.l. STATEMENT OF THE REAL ESTATE TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA At thr Cleie of Business, April 4, 1922 KUUUKLU Cish in Hanks nnd Vnulta . . r r.l R.,oerve Rends nt Par Leans upon Cellnteral Investment Securities Owned Ileal Estate nnd Vault Miscellaneous Assets P LIABILITIES Cnpital Stock Surplus Undivided Profits ;; Sinking Fund for Lensehejd Dividends Unpnid , Bills Payable (Fer Libeity Bends) .... Deposits ;;', Miscellaneous Liabilities 2S7.000.00 2,133,778.57 4,:j03,940.52 .V263,!) 352,890.10 tmnmit nf Tiust Funds Invpstetl mount of Trust Funds Uninvested, including Principal and Income awaiting investment and distrumuen $11,613,826.10 53,237,900,00 500,000.00 306,876.08 228,091.20 ... . 259.00 ... . 235,000 00 .. .. 0,5114,978.09 539.820.S3 $11,613,826.10 $29,949,859.13 C 11,920.4(5 $30,594,779.59 GEORGE H. EARLE. JR. I'rrll'nt EDWARD S. BUCKLEY, JR. fmiaurrr Pi HP.. l' 1 12 I.'i i. ' 6 'i I 39 ", i 41 "j 1 6 1 ! - M -i 8 '4 .".P.. 1' II", III! .".:', .111... 1' .!t .'Ill 22V, i' 1Ji Pa 3 ninp ii in ,, llsl Raw Sugar Quiet but Steady New Yerk. April S. The raw sugar mar ket la qjlct. but steady will: Cubna for April ihlpment uuetcil nt 2 7-lllc, tnit and frclKht, Jid (or May ihipment at SVic, coat and 4lfht.' There wera no aalei reported yeitfjay. Importatleni- pn that day ln j'Rny, nnd nioe bagH te nn Importer. The local refined market la unchanged with Hat prices laiiKlnc from O.'.'Se te 5.50c. lesj " per cent for caah. Prices Heavy en Paris Bourse Parii. April 8. rrlcei were heavy .en the mice utr nv renin, AT i ii ,WM. Ai.iiV.jri gj nnn naaa iTunaa fa iiia tiTA..tti !.- n ...... BJ.lRefinln. " JemiYnVi S.000bar'C IKZXZ V7 AS KSiV.'BTS?.,S-"i,S?2Di nlchmend tl ' i he lftleiilvflviar Hennlnic ".P-nyiJO, Mr,ninu., The dollar wai aiftirvrtilAiyiri?-"' lMl Reserve Banks' Discount Rates Official rediscount rate at the twelve l-v.l eial llracrve Ilankn nt0 n rollem; Trena. ueni'l nkis. ctfa Henda 1'aper Aitent iioaien , New Yerk ,4sl Philadelphia ...VVlva Yd Yi? ' P 1 is Vn 1220 Tone Pel lMIToue Mill (1(1 I'nlen'l'i.ii' 11)2 I (II .. .'illtl de pii f . .".". K'.il W.lcr S no lit) Voik ltvvj 22 t i hncA m.i e l. i h en Ni crk sie.k Kx.h.inK 'lulll pl 15 I'll linte, rmnp ir, nm, JI nji sh.ii-s veiiinln 'Ihustn thi-. u tu IS I s'Ji sh.iri' i'iiiuni:i.riu iiiinds ,'ll(l(i() I. Ibenj 2d l',s, '12 ... i:i ; 10(10 hllieitj 2d l,s I2. . , !i) -s .'lllllll l.ilieitj .".d l'is "Js lets '.III ,-,(l 101)0 l.lheilj 1th -l',s 'lis. . . .,V' 71(00 vii mi) r,s, 2:: .iiiB 1000 Amer (ins Llec ."is, , , , S4.. 1000 Amer (ins ,V Lice 5s. . . . S4 " 3000 Jteli Telepliene 7b J ()-!,. 1000 Cens Triii' X .1 5s. . . .leta S,'liT 1000 Electric & Pce 4s (Km 5000 Kcystenti Tel 1st Is.... W) Total. tllA.AOQ. remrarril with t.tfivTSO jeitertUur, Thua tar tbla week. M0,0l. Shrevespert & Elderado Pipe Line Bought and Sold Frederic H. Hatch &Ce. 74 Broadway, New Yerk Phila. Telephone Lecuat 52.30 Spruce 8200 r United States Government Securities Safe Bends for Investment Halsey, Stuart - &Ce.hc U. Ttunir7m hi:cl IIHIKS lli:i'ART.MKNT COMMERCIAL TRUST COMPANY IKiunew RT v s rv .,"fsir.jvi ,& '' -rr -- r t ' T ' .1 J t. j 3V MM 4V1 W ; e ft f K r. MU V.l W m i if i .' '" ..( (. . MfflywTrTBIi'flSI .v: