MiS HRra4ttHR trjTvTHVwFiTrnaw?. "M i iwi in m i ii ii h w , whmhibh iiihw IRw mWmW w 1- WVIEGRAMS OF THE WEEK Vmfeiirlic Chaplin at Stanley Next IT' twin Cnnstnnrn Tnlmndua :&WP j, .'. . .. ' .. ?. l'I :''. EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, APRIL' 8, 1922 TARS APPEARING ON LOCAL SCREENS NEXT WEEK $s M'&ft Mso "The Golem" at Stanten Other Picture News ' 1'lnce" will lie hI mothefM of ic Hlinwii al t lip sump limine. ak..'.Kl '''''tLlkTBXT Week's flllll erntl U ltllllilk'llili nt tnmilHililln nml ,,.i,.mirl.n M'l.. rfesfeT-nre bcvcii new pictures, mid tlii'.v arc us totally dissimilar lis typeM In the $p MevIiir nnispleiinusl.v nnd gretcs-fiui'ly tliretiRli the crowd of newcomer Is kH flrtlst wlm lll;e tn ImfTniiti or iiIuh ii ntiiuti iflin biiimitttniu i.liirtinj ..- Pi... . ........ ... -...., . .. ....-, ii ...'nil ..,, r 1 IIIIU'C lit IIIV1 l-,T L VST t ""l'llli wIiiihp latest nimr-tly will lie shown at the Ktnllle.v '?Sl'K Hid fnmlllnr imtlea will lin ..iiiillMHHnit ivltli f'l.i i-natli- .llffefniit i:tr.i . . ." : . . ' . iiiik-i'iii ftS;trn8lnnce I nliinulKe, whose "Winnnii J'ffif 1 t llf b 1 1 m. ..... . . iwfluf' I "'K individual Usurp who stand ?uV5' "heillfler te alietililer with the treat ftfi$',. C-riot nnd who jiremlie te dominate V w. ""na '" "" tney appear ni'p nun Mv& Wegener, thp unntlnentnl ttnr. who l?vi,l?Penr!' nH hp KiRHiitli1 ftetip IninRp iKwWne comes te lifp in "The (inlcin," nt iwli-"0 Htnilnn. and Tlicn;lnti Hubert . Swe reverts te his earlier style, ami as Wor; "ter"' uipnted New Knsland farmer :mm j- . .. aln "Hnll lm U-. .,.... . .if., ii.ii.... if,) " '" HIV- IIIMIillll ill llll" ItlllMIV. , The Arcadia lins Hetty t'ompseu in the role of Mar and Mipervimr in "Ter These AVe I.evp": the Victeria has Bert Lyteii "Tin. lll-ht That Jailed," a story of the prlze-rins: tlie t'lwgent has Vivian .Martin in "The -. n.Jen? of the Seul." taken from William if J. Lecke'N "An Old World Heinnnce" ; the Capitel has "The Way of a Mnld." '.' with Klalue Haiiinierstelii : I'in'i h.is 1 "Island Wive." with Cerlnne (Jrlffltli. , and the Knrlten has three mere re- ! vtvnls of famous past 'uccc-'-ex. Photoplays in Be Seen On Lecal Screens Soen April 17 !'hnsln- the Moen." with Tem Mix. Victeria. 'Twe Kinds of Women," with Pauline Frederick, Arcadia. "UeUKht and 1'nld Fer," with Jack Helt. Knrlten. April St - "The Shelk Wlfp," Aldlne. I'mlntril "Whern Is My Wnndor Wnnder Iiik Hey Tonight. " Stanten. "The (Jned Provider." finlrm" Ihrrc nvrt week) nnd "felly of the Ftilltn." trith faniUinrc Tat in a fhje. 'C'OH the fnn who runs as he rends the hich-lislit-i of the week are1 "Te Have nnd T,. Held." Mary .John .John seon s novel of early Virginia life, Is te he rclUmed with Hetty Compfeu as' th" heroine. Theodere Kehert.s and Theoder" Keslnff, with (ieerce Kltz matirlc as dlreetnr. .lack Melt is te he sturre'l I" a numher of Peter It. I Kytie stories. U'llHnm rtoeiinll u i name stripe, this most unusual lijture H ' '" -1'"1 I.iehard Ilardlnc Davis' short again appenrlnt; placidly and serenely s,nn- "The Men of Znn.ihnr." , In another ceniedv of sbp and Micks. l stlmntPd that 'Douglas I'alrhanks' It is called "Pay Day." hut It i ''"'Ijln Meed" pUture will cost mere easily lmapinahle that it mlht Jiim a- '' M.fMin.tmfi. eti. Skinner well be named "Werk" or "Shoulder wi" en'' I''" fur in "Hloed and Sanil" i Arms" or "A Dnj's I'leasure." What's "" 1"I "i'l lilm "Mr. Antonie." a Viierc name anions Chaplin antii's' M Kmlnlph Vul-niine will start work I Te correspond te tlm cocktail liakins "", " Ph'turixatien of "Ames .ludil" i cream In "The Idle Class." Chnidin h ",h" "" nnisiies "Hlnnd and Sand." WHILE rumors nre lljlns areun Mr. Chaplin Intetnls te ind thnt lilm "I,ir,..l,lnll i ..r...n i ..,, -. ...ii.iiiii;illi i llllill-ll, iiiuie and a half dozen ethers of the mel" , t y r ' i ft lnt picture, evervbev is alvlsed te leek - Out for the trolley-henrdini: episode lu "Pay. Day," which ought te appeal te strap-hangers. Perhaps te show Sister Nerma that nhe Isn't the only one niive. Constance Talmadgc fellows lie;- sisi-r te the Stanley within two tn.-. .lehu Em Em ereon and Anita I.oes. these indefati gable wlelders of the pen, provided Constance with- her pre-ent vehicle. which is called "Weman's Place," and deals witli women In politics. The star riiris for Mayer and whisper it! smokes n I0113 black stogie in one pic ture. Everybody who admires this partic ular member of the Talmndjje fumllv ! hoping that this will be a hotter pic ture than some sh,.'H had recently. Like Nerma, she lias licc.i suffering from miserable vehicles, niul such of her earlier efforts us "Mrs. I.fnngweH's Beets," "A Pair of Silk Stockings," 'JUp the Kemi With Sally" and "tiemi Night, Paul," Mill Ktund out as her . bct. Only ".Mamma's Affair" of the mere recent features has flceti outstanding. IP ON'LV" a few people would adept a middle course in regard te foreign film features there would be a let mere jBcnse displayed en the subject. There is one elas.s of fans who just naturally "hate "em" because they are foreign, and there Is another group (and a Vntjmber of the critical brotherhood be ' long te it) who think that every film Importation js nf necessity a thousand times better than am thing made se close te home as Leng Island or Jersey. As a nintter of fnet. there hae been peme atrociously bad foreign Minis shown nreund of late, some of which looked ns if they niishr have been mail Guide te Photoplays for the Week te Come .'r:v PHOTOPLAYS sra.7.;-:r--"i-iy Day." latest two-reel 1 liarlle Chaplin comedy, nml "Wom "Wem an m Plnee," cftnedy. liv Jehn Kmer Kmer seti and Anita Kees. eaturlncr Con stance Tnlmailge. assisted bv Kenneth Harlnn. Ilassard Short. Florence Short and etliers. Aj.V: "Hall the Wnmnn." Themas H. Inee photeplnv feature, written I'.v rjnrdner Sullivan, with east tljrft Inclmles Theodere Heneris as a Bi-lm and hooted New England fann er. Mailge Hellnmy. Florence Vlder, rally .Marshall nnd l.leyd Hughes. STJ.V7'n,V "The Oelcm." Impressive nnd unusual feature, made In Eu rope, directed and acted hv Paul Wegener, ami filing a sterv of an old Jewish legend. The settings of the Middle Agrs are a feature. Special selections hy orchestra. .W.V.W.4 "Fer These We I.ev?." from the .story hj Perlev Poeru Shechan, with Hetty Compson In the leading role and as supervisor of picture, a modern drama VICTOIUA "The Itight That Failed." I a story f the prize rlnir. bv J. P. I Maruuard. with liert I.ytell as here, I and Vlrgin.a Valll as his leading 1 lady. RKCrKXT "The Seng of the Seul," a drama adapted from William J. Lecke's story, "An Old World Tlo Tle iiiance" ; VKian Mat tin Is the fea tured pinyet. CM 'TO. -"The Way of a Maid modern ppnpppj PflPPPPST v.t..PPPV PKSPPJIipPPfi I I Xrr3VSPP&jSspm eWflBPB pBsPHiH pHr 't'tk pKHFppVtVvHyrJHHpH PPPPPPSHV ppppH PPPPPflPS ' PPPPA BCCa .B k A a it IPPPP. -?"BSMSSSBBSSSSSI ppppjHc 4,-lippfl pppp' .-1 ppB ipppHp9ppp9VHk70i0mm1 upH asDppppl KvfHH't' . t-ppl ipppKpPBHHplpallpBa'tMpBPPH ppp9B:K!ipppl ipppi lpB ipppBlippptpBvSi Hr'tfppSppR pppppv; -r.ppppa spppp pppa s 111 ii wi-uiig aLaS i IHBvst-".pHpK- pW SHKHpppVpHD3ilppMCdplppppH PV vPPPPH fPHrl i pW PPPHHPPPJPJ3sPPHPHPMiPHKPPPPPPPPl W 'tvpH TV1 ''Jtim BpplHfHfppppppRpippiHI m ' Tm-r "PPPRlPPPPPPPPlPPPPPKKtfyJVinPPPPPHPJyPllPPPPPy. rr Dt-cs 1 1 i I'TWPPPaiPMjPPJPPPP' ' tnathHT r mjx -1 ELAINE HAMMER3TEINFAILED V; -$ B h:i,HwlV'.Vv- '- T"! THE WAY OF A MAID' Vicleria, ' AH W, X1W.V M. , Capitel. " liPP&tebbsPPpS 11BPH L'k3ki.,'5J'. " IpM " BPaWsw vPPPJPJlPPPPPPPS iaPPj niiiBBK? - Bb , KAVgWp R; JBir nr v';: pK 2'i mA'pV pkpV Scnr Tram ppHRLrJILJ' I . tPPPPPPM V' Si VM PPPPPPPPJM rue PPPPWSs -rV,W. ,5SJ. pK mj.. Mkgi 9K ppppppK''''' the pppMliriSAaai. --; . K.:::' K S PBfspKHI' GOLEM PHprlW?SM''HlpflLv "';'v aPPPPPBsi '.'' H ! PPtVSTfa1r i '!,?. ti j . ... ""iH km'Ufi&.& aPPPPM ; .s-aJi VpppppEi'V WmmW,--'. dn" ppPVLiippp:;:i pjpjpjpjpjpjppjpTpjpr'spjpjpm. mw. .r-rLtJii. bHpJKf AtfpjpjpjpjpjpjpjpjpjpjkTA' v lpJpJpIpKflf : pppppW pFafll'VpA PJ&lpl HppPpppppppPi'. ' - ppHkfpV'' pppkw'TFpjpx;'''r -jpK3k jK""? rSpSpppH s '"',i-- BETTV COMPSO'N PPBpfllaW'efH.'' -jflpBl ii4PpVPPpi -S:" FOR THOSE WE LOVE FW" mMm & PlflpjKv vlpjtpa. pppV ".xy? iffpppppHpV pHpV. K 1 r " '" vppppppfpF BPIPHi r ppapppj !iHpA. j,'""V'v,'pl,apj pM. -'f ' Va pppm PsIPl .Ralpapm ''V''l'wf ' JaBfpmLj, ml """"ft PaP&a'MliBaPaaBf ' I "PPVwVvfffSWr '.'.-.'' BA H PaPKMfiKPpV ' t pjn PaYPaPaYisM t j v "fWaar -PATPATsflP mmmmmm-.mm . PPspjp&PPsTPflPjPSBSnSl 'JPJPJF PZ -stNV pTpJPJPJPJP J 'CHAC2L1E HBrlPJPJPJPBPJPJPJPigTQ 3pm "&"Mr xZ ?&& t- x- pfT ) chaplin. p-p-p-HI WKtmmnMBHm. pTpBPJPM"3"M"Em ruA; mfcfditm 3 . my, HPff(TpTi.l keCma tmaoee 4w vs-HiKE L 'immi loves it pm.-' ' MPapt II rflss3w'tiiki'ii bTpM. JwsPaft'J redemption 's:.' TapMMF '' l jMSSMHt. faTM ?"m- Ralacp "'. 'bW i isvu. .. 1 KilPJPJPJPBamRiTPJal drPJPJBLl v- , W :v:m. BKaasaBBppppW',pppK :JH sSm ip..pMHilpMWwy ''ipPpB i s : . . imku ppppppppppppM .. .. r pppppH 1? :vXBm 'i '.jWf.mT """H ' n, .-"'.. Vwii-'.aBl-al-iB. PJ-PJ III I w yarrr-ijp-Tp-Tp-Tpj v jTMjTpkMIj ' A$k :' i fpjfpjpjfpjB. " " TpTp5feMI w? pM. IiIpV HAYAKAWA. ivT-lw:!r V "WE DAYS TO C$$$$V Wp' fl-IVE" Locust 1-, ,&. 1 1 -"-fl-p XMABEL tlUUENNE - -- ' - COTT "BEHOLD MY WIFE" KartteTt 1 Dprtln.'' MtntJrtMehni 0 and tenor, "My Sen 8hll M AJ Thy Mrcy,1' MndHfehni ''Unf" CORINME GRIFFITH. 'ISLAND WIVES' Fa u'ff i "Bringing Up Father" Coming "HrliiRin!; I'i Father in Wall Street." a musical comedy hased en the (ioercc Mc.Maniis cartoons, will open n single week's encasement nt the Metropolitan Opera Heuse Mon day matinee, April 17. Thin show, which comes from an rnsiiKeincnt at the Manhattan Opera Heuse, New New Yerk, is alone the same lines ns pre vious shows of this series. Matinees will he Riven Monday. Wednesday, Fri day and .Saturday. VIVIAN MARTIN "THE'SONG OF THE SOUL" Reenfc THE CRITIC TALKS TO MUSIC LOVERS nnd the Preludes. I lie vote was net issued In the program, hut according 1 te the recollection of the writer the ratlictlqiie again wen. but was sup planted h Schubert. The following season there was no reipiest program, till,- Mi. s!,.Ln..-..M ..l,In.1 ...1,1. the Philadelphia Orchestra will play a iMiintKewsKy , i-mir n r .miner.. ; ft'. :: '"""":" ' V ",""," " "reeiiesi- lu-o-r-iie " nml if the vote "" Strauss "Km una erKinruiiR. ,,,,","". ;, ", t....js.. .. ...i. ?. "75 J"ifcir,V",...mnJi,.n.i.. l.r!.,. , i ,The "Pathetiene" was net lilayed that '' thetlrpie." perhaps as a concession a a. , re, risV .. lve , ', n,.ld fltrnWi ' mnisei, nnd was, therefore. Inellgihle. is ion string .. victories by pepu- 'Ciii Utnie ,. .!... t.-ltli . .. t t ..: t tli i I fin li)nilnia tn Mm wvitinhnii ip vntn WOfe i mi 'Ji ...v .iw..-t iu w...,uvif ".,l, i .sonic VPiv lllirri'MiuiK inuirrmi " i" " .:." . ' t.-. .,... ... ' Till! de; H1H year, for the tirst time since tliei grams were se nf the music season of l'.)1!!-14 given. The winners that yenr were "Snkuntala," the Tseliaiknwsky Keurtli (V miner), and Strauss' "Ted und Verklarung. Klalue llammrtteln In the leadincr , '.i. .' :.. ,i. i.in f the Tsehiilkiinskt . V Miner. Mill : Heetlieven ' The vote this season will show the role of the coined;., nnd a big cast rrurst'rn-attPndl'nB public of tlie city. Fifth, ,T'0 ;' Hustle Wedding. VM : cliange lu public inulenl taste If tliere iMM.'vt(.fsi v HFV1FWFO ' It- was formerly the custom te pub- Kreica, ls.'l; Franck. IDS; Hrabms, F , has been any. However, it is fnirly i-,.rVv- V ,i ', n r lllsh in the back of the program of the major, T.'t ; Hrnhnis I mnjer (Ne. i, .safe te gucH thnt the old Pathetbnie" hAUSnZti Tue next'emtcert te the las! a list .;f the , Sakunnjla get a.1vet, te Sfer j w. be Ig In the list If It , net . COUltlO<lOUS WHICH llie oiea-llin nil, I I Jii'illlliril .e. i, Ilir IIIC OVCrilire, mu I "." I' i- lie; in.uu i'. in'- r-.ini sole. 'Her Te, Itr(il." tram VSL'ijiKr'i "Mriurlti In lleven," Cerlleit aTlK!rZ? tr i,a,n " i.nn, ,n n ma ciiuruni .--.- .Mini oerana T. 'peftVli." Oo'uned. Th. Cher.l IebJiI? n.mili A,l IliU.llV V.IH ..-". iJ.lm MeKlnnlr. WHrn9, an-l EdnyfiJ ' lner. Member of th PhlUdtlpblfc OrohM OrehM Ira will accompany nd Henry Gorden Ttiun der will conduct. "nuUn nd tiudmliln." n erehtftrjl work hy Ollnka. will b' heard fer.'n4"'?' tlma Bundav nlaht. when tha rhllharmen e Society will conclude lt "env. .Vi.S. Caeale. eelllet. and Jehn narctay. e""0"'' ar the toleHta. The ether orchestral num. bera ara "I.ee Preludei." by Uaitl """IJ: Tannhauier" and "Death and Tranent Tranent uratlen," by lUehard. Strauee. The lait named will b led by Leepold 8Jek"S'irt,.i55 (meet conductor. Mr. ifarclay wll , "" "Vlelnn Fuiltlf" from Maeaenet'i Hero Here dlade." Mr. Caaala will ba beard In the ft-ilnt-Saena concerto. The Matinee Mutical Club artd the Phila delphia Muale Club will Praimt the 10JJ prlte w nnera of the National Kederallpn or Muiln Cluba nnd the Federated, Muaie Clubi nf Pennsylvania In the pull"""".,0,', '"C Hel eviie.Htratreni en Tuemay, ":","; 2:0 o'clock. Tha ueceieful national con cen con teitante are Devera Xadwprney. of Bftien".' N. .1. t Enrique P.e. of Ni w Yerk: Hrm,n nntn. of Cleveland, and Oeerce p. Bmlth. of Chlcate, Th aucceiffut 8t , "en. teetanta are CtcllU nenawltf. Philadelphia. HeleiM Hlraei. Pltleburah! Kvelyn o" e" Jenklntnwn; Arthur Kraeckmann. Pitta burah. and Arthur Seymour. Jenklntewn. The Harvard Qlee Club'e thrl exnnuiil concert will take place at the Academy or MuiC.b en Wedneeday rH-enle next, al 8itB. Amena- the numbera en the prearam ara "Come Theu. Oh. Come." Uach: Pales trlna'e "Kevci Quomode Merltur Juatuj . Percelcsl'a "Olery te Oed In the lllahtat, Ilrahmi' tone from Culan'a "I'lnral and Handel'a "It Their Celeetlal Concerts All Unite." On Saturday evenlntr. April II. an In ternational dramat'c evenln. bv the cnineee nnd Japanese etudenta, ai well aj etudente from ether countries, will be held In tne bnllroenrf of the nellevue-Stratferd. The entertainment ! for the benent of the International Studente' Heuse at the Lnt veralty of Pennsylvania. Jascha Helfetx will play a return enaaae. ment en AVedneaday evenlna. A"prll -n, in the Academy of .Music The rec'tal la under the management of Helen Putaskl Innes. The Treble Clef, Karl Schneider, conduc cenduc conduc ter, will held Its eprtn ceirert en .Fri day cenlns, May ft, In Wltherspoen Halt. The Philadelphia Operatle Society will alve "Parman" at the Academy of Music, en Mon day evening, April S4 Winifred Wiley, Cera Krye, Chris Graham and Dr. Andrew Knox have the leading roles, Waeslll I,cps Is musical director. There will be dancing lir the foyer fullewlnB the performance. Lillian Olnrlch. snprane, will she her an nual l'nlladelphla sons- lecltal en Tuesday evening, April J5, la the Academy et Music fuyer, under the nninHKisment uf Heleu i'u laskt Innes. HAROLD BAUER SOLOIST AT ORCHESTRA CONCERT , Plays Strauss Number and Obbllgate In Skryabin's "Prometheus" I Unroll) llauer, one of the best pianists i of the concert stage, wns the soloist ' with the Philadelphia Orchestra at the ceiiccrt yesterday afternoon, appearing first In the "Htirleske" of Kit-hard Strauss and later as the pianist In the important obbllgate part In Hkyrablu's "iTeinethetifi," the number being given for the tirst time in Philadelphia. It Is the last of the tone poems of Skryabln and In some respects the meat complex of them. Jt Is evident from the construction and the mode' of musical thought that the work cannot and Is net intended tp he considered purely as music. According te the biographers of the cempter, it in meant te express his belief In fheosephy, or perhaps mere accurately, the tenets of that belief as expressed In tone. If se and It cannot, be understood without some knowledge of theosophy, a sort of mental nnd re ligious program belli.? necessnry It is scarcely te be expected that a muwri audience would get much out of It. It was apparent that even the most musl- ! enlly sophisticated of yesterday's audi- enee were puzzled, as well tney might he. There is much design apparent In the work, but It Is design of a complicated nature that only many hearings will reveal. Mr. Oilman In the program leth Frem Manicure, te Actress Helen Kley, who ha'a one of thn prin cipal roles in "The Midnight Hound Heund ers," the cameo revtic which the 81m herla are hrinclnir tn the fthestnilt Oticra j Heuse as their vaudeville attraction next wcck, wait rermeny a manicurist In the Bellevuo-Strntferd here. She' attracted the attention of Marie Dress- ter, who was playing here in "T1IIV Nightmare" at the lime, and the fammi, comcdlennn offered her a position In th Cherum Frem there, she went Inte vaudeville, and later Joined Willi. Cellier. Next she replaced Klhcl l,ev"v In the Londen Hippodrome, and fellow'. ing that, played in "The Passing Shew of 1015" and "The Hltie. Paradise' FORREST tlread nnd flanaem Sta. THOMAS M. LOVE, line. Mcr. I MATINEE TODAY I "JlNllf.K HOOKS" TO AM, I THE CHII.HRF.N NEXT WEEK LAST WEEK CHARLES DILLINGHAM PreaenU Fred Stene IN THE "BEST OF ALL FRED STONE SHOWS" "TIP-TOP" Monday Night Souvenir Album of the' Entire "Tip-Tep" Company Given te Everybody Present POPCIB PRICE MATINEE WEPSIMHAV SEATS SEI.I.IXO EASTER MONDAY, APRIL 17 (0?NKEK) THE MASK and WIG CLUB UNIVERSITY OF PENNHY1-VANIA S4TII ANNUAL rilOnt'CTION 'TELL-TALES" a Miifltr'AI. IIUt.I.'S-EYi: IN TWO SHOTS All NltUta and 5QC te $2.50 ''TvJr.M'" 50c te $2.00 Sat. MM. GARRICK Matinee Today LAST WEEKS Chrstnnt and Junlef r Strerts PAM'L NIXON-NIRDMNOER. Has. Mr. THE GIRL THAT EVERYBODY LOVES! IfOBrienI tjafnAftys musical '"jHRr Popular Price Matinee Wednesday dm "fin h tliO ManiiO" iiMfll I !l ' . . 11..1 i j tin -I .. .. I I. .!.. !, . ..neon rim Hills. . It ili.k .., I .,.11., .,,...,. ! ..I .,,1 AnL-1 n - rillOnl P. rW VflflfH nn-ri hr fltn Ilir ,f r,r rlirt nrt,.n ' .uuii.ij , tri i h.t4 j nitu 1 1 w i .--it. j , tniuiiiiui uu.K ' - -, , , .....-.-ii.im.-i.n ..... ,.,,.. ........ - tintuu slnPiirttu f hfit 'iil'nn If nnn lu -- ?... 'Mi. hi nn Ultlil 'H t ,l- lit' ' 'II , iifi. ..i.l a.. It' r. n ...11. M..V..I T..H I .t l..l .. ..,!.. fliasiri .. ! Ittitt.f I .1.1 V. l.i I . I . ""H" itv.i.a..i. ..... ...... ..... .a Jjlth sotne of the rhnrnet,rs n.,t of Dr. ! ,&? ,Vet l.eX er 1n, Mil- Xlle. fren t! .,- mho Tl h ffi 'I" " .m ''Pr 1 , ! MUSIC NOTES ' U fe"?W PM" i!,'10 " ,BV Calisari's Cahlnet ns a cnM. t-vi Sills: Kr'day and Saturday. ' ' pi",i.?np-, Pk for the vote te .'m ' ' r, mutl'NU'fc , phyMelan. there Mill remains tht masl- '"The (SelBiii." whlt-li PliiladWphia is Don't n,anR, Your MuFbaiM." with ," 1?"-,J,tl ,,,! "ve-rs te the ! -" lBl .S- iJw" tt '" "f "nes' rhw ma-v ,,e mB,B " at last te sea neu e..k. is an -Nrep. , nierl.x Swansea and Klllnti I-exter. t n v nMI mlU ;' season. mi IK nnxt season there ere no re- ilven"niPxi $1 ttffM&w mils!., but II Is net easy , leea.e tlen. ThN stratum and imnelnativi! l'M..i(!i: "Leve's Redemption," fea- Jn ,' . ", i,V.( J,.r there will lie three I ' ,,' ,'," ' . , , , , ' llp. J "' -J.' ""''.',. ,''" lh' : M"f"wl'tan i'P-ra i'em: ; it at a idnKle hearing. The hiirmuniu 'Story l.s hased en an old JewNl, leRe. turln N T. n, . , ertt'nUIes for v.It ln. and he voter- , V ' l Oe1 vh rl re l.ed hi ' &, 'rtiWWX? waT hlv."'..,: i -;-- "' """ '71 KtmlV of an lninKe which was endowed with ?.' ,,u ' V. J t . e, fnr ?n nri net restricted te til" riiintHis tlens . L.i .i w nieti rostiueii in "', . tela If Kumlry. .Mr. 8ivh will tnnr- of notes, nnd what meledv there is Ufa, In fl.e eneinnt V'iiv ,,f I .'n-ne Knsllshmnn. Harrison Frrd plas the ! are net rest riiltu e in u e i death near the close of the season. In , cmiI I..,,,,,,,? . ,. .vmf.irtin wlil h- car- , i t,e coinmeii use of that word) is "'Thniff X' MerV'Wf' 'i."" weirdly re'-u"" anrA T s-eHTnrr v ! ? iSfnV -X ifnown"',e Z lu'T. c , ( K"., , y- 'JSa un- SMJK"", Mw.n,S5, "V ' '' -nneted an I frnKnun ary Ml bMutlfnl and unusually nrtU.K .he ''MMAtyU feper.e.rr of the erKa.,lzat en ns tn. Jr'fVnm - ris.nn i nlh.r,., ,'?n',rUMr:' l'tKSr fettinss liiusl he even mero se. Scenes wards' class!.; of childhood, with W'es- both Mliiplllie.s and cemplicate.s mat- ',, ..illl1Ptlnu.. cot ;jsi votes- "New Oustafsnn. Iiada. llen.kr. l.rnnhir.lt. An. I mKer' J""." ls ..' .i " n a . ,, i ,,. 'I llZ ,K!'lr;,. -SS ' diarhlernd'n'; , -Vul B ! " " "" "'" '""' ' 'old nllt. tlraTW J?r i - & mr , - Monday. T,,.- j -J, & ? "tt f')""' M ?&-1 a --. "nhhrVreriulrtne nterVtesif .r.lutf :!-...v, rintAi; ?5Su.W ' V;Vnn flo''ien.1" "A' l""1 ' -mner nJ f 1 SA'w S". FX.ti hSu'KSJ ,WnV)S?Wn InT XTl&rb performance ' te achieve the lirelier elTer ,s ,i... rnl,..n Thr.,l.. I.virln v I the list IS IlPt te 1)0 101I-. , ,, , ;,, " ,,... , . iw lVnn na lisun Tliff r.mcrnli! ennlnlni ''" Hl"-r '"' .' . "'. .. ' '".""i1"- i Taul Wegener's name seems stroeL-lv in. sVturdav. "Poverty of Itichc." , However, there is mu- i ..'. '" ...V,,".', . :.'"A L'. ..-, ' .',. .i' Ve V . D? "I1":-. '". IV'''.ev..rt..rr. e tne nirai as ," rh ... Hill tllli.ll 1III1IS Will 111! tlMtll 1 ... ..a in. .- .s. .- -- tlin . IMl'MWMJ Id .lteiU . til Ii llllt. HI1I1 111 I BROAD Itrnad Bflew Laaist ntANK MBDUNQER. Bus. Mcr. MAT. TODAY Merchant of Venice Tonight JULIUS CAESAR wkkk LAST WEEK ROBERT B. MANTELL AND GENEVIEVE HAMPER Monday.... .....KING LEAR Tuesday HAMLET Wed. Mat. Merchant of Venice Wed. Night RICHELIEU Thursday.. AS YOU LIKE IT Friday Sat. Mat... Sat. Night. MACBETH JULIUS CAESAR ....RICHARD III AM- Nir.HTS ANlgfte Tn e 00 rerui.AK I'ltlt'Kef)- TO 1 "SO SATCRDAY MAT. OUC ' 'uu VKI. MAT. OUC U V1'0" TASTER MON., APRIL 17t I.IMITF.D F.NtiAOI-.MENTI nK(ilNMN(t SAM II. IIAKRia nnneunrta the return te the state of ELSIE FERGUSON in "THE VARYING SHORE" lr 'ne AUIiim. nutlier of "Ilisrlasaff" ORIlilNAt. COMPANY AND I'KOIUCTION FOR IIF.NKFITH AT THK IIKOAI). I'llRKKST AND (JARIIICK TIIKATRKS AITL.V AT THK OKNKKAI. OFIICfc, IIROAII hTKKKT THKATHK net '' w- If-' Rt re folk-lore, he helped nrranse Its nrediic tlen; as director lie assisted in endow ing it with the undetihteil art n h ,-alil te possess, and us an actor he played the leadln; part. i OLD friends In both characters and altuntlens will he erected eneenunin In the film nt the Aldnm. "Hail the JVemnn" Is Themas II. luce's tirst production In some time, and it has the benefit of en.- of the strongest cast.-. Jately arrayed en the screen. The story is of such stuff n "Way Down Kast. Die Silence of I lean Mnltlnml." "Hazel Kirl;" and "Mich ael and His Lest Alice." The central figure In thai of Oliver ltcivfer.. which. an has been already -nil. Theodere 'Ileberts plays. His weak-willed hui. Darld, stiniyltis for r Ii niini-i r . secretly marries the stcp-danirhter of tlte village odd-jobs man. and Is then afraid te admit It. Hence when a child ,iS born, tlie .mum; wife llees te Ne? Tork, where trnuhh' pile up about her. ,Herpupeii Hereford's, daiicliter takes the rein, befriends tlie j;iri, cares (m- the bnbv when th" metliei- .lie-, and j;;..lfe.V7' finally confronts her brother and tiiak him confess. Mere lnterestlnc than tin- plot p Hume Is the news that In addition te J:i)ri: that Merlins actor iiuneris. who snenin . be stnrred by himself aciiin .is In was In "I'liddcnhead WiNen" anil "Tlie '. Censul," tlie cift Includes Mndse "Bellniliy. one of the latest of serpen iitars; riereii'e Vider. I.lejd Ilmtl.c-, ' flertrilde Clture. Tnllv Mnrsliall, ' Vernen Dent. IMuaid Mnrtindel, Charles Meredith and .Mailable Hrunn age. , AinCK iseiUICIT s COIIje.IV inn 1 Mll'h L'iHtinters," which mihi!s as . ver as Skseme of lien Ttii'pin'c earlier coined, en, t .- , ... . i. .. i. ni i IS aiPO ill llie imii inn-. been performed tlie IS I -lin The impres- Preludes." season, as tne mem- , in inn-iinni ine. program was en- ert-Keer is net ' Ktintnia t.m..wl ..., ...i.l, .1.:,. .. i ..i.i. r... ' ..-.Hi I.tvitrlm .tev nnd ethers. tint ninnv C .,u..i in. .win .hi.-, i.'e.iin.iiii,- .-- - . - ,,,- . - ture. As historian and Miident of I.ik-ist Monday, Tties.ay ami w en- iur ,'-" "'; tlOSUIi ' P lVr" Wi." HJ 11.'. I 'II illltU 11 lil, lll- l'i' -" , . . , if , . .t i .( t tilt ,..,,,.1,1, 'ei,n itiivniinwn ....... .in. nveriii-i. eoneert-Keer s net I ktintnia ' the I'alhetlfiue. "Peer ill , llllifls mi . . .....,, ......... ;) 114 v it's." - sf 1 .ii tii inr I'ridav un.l .Saturday. i.... :.. ,iiw i.iirilcu nr. Tlie impres- (ijiit an. ,.....--...... -. ,,.. ,:.. ii'iiii i i , . i - , -. , i, ,, ..,.. ' WlMt Hnppeneu i" r.es.i, wee s( iTcated by a wen; pinycu mhih- neui:.- piayeii mr some reason, ine ia- Mabel Normand . ' vears ase is 'verv apt te be ever- tlictl.pie" keI 41(1 voles. "New World." mveu "Th .Slack." story of tli- shadowed, if net entirely supplanted, hy 1.:;; Beethoven's Fifth. SfJ; Hrnhins Arabian desert, with Rednlph Vnlen- ' nn0.i,rr siKtillicant ciiinpoMtien per- major. fiL, nnd Sclmliert's "ITtifin- tln.i and Acnes Avres in the lead- ' ' , , hlter date. Mted." Til; "Sakuntnln" Ret 20.1 nnd lnB roles of the h. Al Hull novel terme.i "Tannhniiser." JHI: "I'eer livnl" re- CFUMt - M"ndny and Tusila. 'The, XTV,,..,, ,,.. eirciiinstaiues. llie re- eeivr.l 1SII: "Wotan's Farewell" and I J ....n, nf tl,.. vote will be both in- tlie I'ir.; .Music." 171. and the ".Mid compliance wun many rinits recclveil bv , ,-i- than It eets .Mr. MtoKewaii he leiwat ttie nnut irul "- - , r plana WHICH deserves mere ireqiient pis. j i is ennracter- cnsaaciuiin" i.v ltneii 'j'hire u a nevpitv. I lsllcnllv Strauss and contains cerms t:i Amer UruJe" (Iive the Mnzlclnn). liv ...1.1..1. in, l,l,,tcmnn,l In Till V'nl.ii. Tnnnhauser," two overtures '""""' ""vrt, S?".P:r5'?. SKSlA nlerel" and "Den Quixote." The in AmricM ut th (siiiu-itu i) raiu has tymiinni has a very Important part, as HIIIBHIIINNflHIBBIllfJ gnRANH STRAND, IMiWIsh.sl "III Amer Itriiln'' 111 n . Iwll-t or . lnl. nnt rhvthmlenlty ns the famous . ...,f!lJ?!r.. flKIMMNTnivx Are. ..,.1 vnvANi-.n .nereisrnrn:n 1 uniasy with Veiron" in ' V"1: V :' ' ,i, n, !,.. . rn.. HKOAD a one ait. flrht four notes of the Heetlieven violin S Ft (j, jji 1 concerto for tlie same instrument, .tir. 1 nTV R?rl!S;;.taVn,,.e:a.,hVu,.,SlK i "" " !L,trXFUZ - ! evenlnK. April is? sun ! Jnne fjor.ten which the work is scored with Rreat ' l-'ire Cater." with Heet nibsen Weil l,i and rniirseay. rue nien, ami Messrs, tarllnIII. Wtmshlll. Hnthltr W nnd jllflRinent arrl Amin III. Ml IN... m.n. ,.nni.n.l . "' "' " , nncert befian with a fine per- y-. ......... vniiutiua. r.-h , with Itode nh Valentine ati.1 Airnea ,restle- nnd instructive, net nniy i miiiiuh . .'i.m ieiuim. 1..-. in Th .,,rn choral ennert of ih Milni.e 1 lermanee 01 omiiue.. " i-.k.e.iiii Ares. li'rldav and .Saturday. "The ( , members of the Orcliwtra Aseeia- r.Mi'.i- HMO lint nreKrnm was "Siikun- Musical riuh. iinit-r ih riirpcden of Helen evreture, and this was followed by Hie riih IlepeTter." with Hlehar.1 Tal- ' , ,,.' Verv one who is reallv in tain." llie "Pat tetlipie," "Impres.siens Pnlaskl Innra. lll eloe th most lirllllant nrn,ms variations en a themeef Haydn. ' 7ti-H, Mr ,! rt t 1 "Sat 7i. M t'ituXnl uelfnie of the ,,f America" by Curl IMhllg. then con- ?Mr.r about n, much )l.ish L .if - .Mnnii.i anrt Tuesday, . ducter of tlie OrcheMra. and "Wetnn.s vue-stnitfer.t. ether iiiternlnit features 1 tike llnvdn ns the variations miuiii! like B "IVter Ibbet.sen. with V nllac, Held ' " .. , .. ,i, ,.. i- ..n ,i ,1,,, !,',,. m, . en,,, , will he ths Matinr-i Musical eiuli Or.hentra. n:'i.i' rn. ,,,.nsliln nC l,,.i.. 5 licit r.isie rerBiisen ue.jtiesnay, aiiu 1-1111-10. !"- ,-,,,,.,,, ,i,,r,r,, , ic False Hrnnds" Thursday ami Krl- eiiest nresrams of the I'lillaiieipain 1 ir- AND MONTdOMFRV AVI1. vnnn-.-siruinuer. lien'l Mar. Mat. Dally. Stiff 17c .V 3.1r. Inc. Tin. Kvr., I'M te 10:1R ititi & Klc. Inc. Tin. 3 Blums Hut. Kve., 0:30 li 0 B. F. 7 7 iiii-ci- iiivaii.". . . -.. ih Wi.min" 1.1 ., fiiuii thn time of tlie Iir.sl en Saturday, 'The .....it l,ey were din'entiiiued was llie (l,-i, "The li.iw and Willi Hetty 1 onipsen Ki-e of the Hauler "AM Vl Aletidn, Tuenlay niiil V,vl. .'""""' .tl,ei Inee of Tschalkiiwskv nes.lax. "The Law and the Weman." Symplumv 1 atle lipie et a ik i u.th Hetty i-oinpsen Thuibdin. Krl- ecured every year In HH " "" .l.iv and Saturday, "hiib .Jlorleus , played, and it appeared en tin- p.e- Ii..',. ...,li Will l?,irri,r L......u ,.t ..iirv KeilMlll OXITPt OUC, Wlll'll . .,. -.r- 1 inn 111 ...... --- - , . . '.l.. i. ,i. iv inliier Mvmnaeii.v 01 me voles were the "Pnthetlipie," IMH ; MnUnen Munlcal i"hih0Harp",KnsUemble? under I tlfilllv performed despite the mnnetniiy . M ij Tschaikewsky's Feiirlli. lfc ; Scliubert the .llrrctlen of Imraihy Jnhnstnnn liaseler. 1 0 ,i1P tonality In se leiiK a work, a flvB ;'.!,'nl,!ls,";,1" V, i'T "'?vV:l' Mn.Uh"&ra of which Bralims waa seldom g ffB I.'l'.i; Heetl.even Fifth. 1.1." ; Franck, li.i, tene uulltv. The ether orchestral number iTV and Hialiins Second. ,-i7. In theeverlures . ,Z'7 . , ... ' was Sibelius' "Swan of Tunncla." long W 9W ,..,, 1...., .no. ,1. ..,.., .,...,.. li" rresram nf the fet vrl . encert of the 1 . .. ,.,. ii.ii.ill,i n.,.ti B KEITH'S POPULAR ACTSI VAUDEVILLE! ACTS nrTORiAi, pRKi.nnrj STREET THEATRE! (lI'I'OHirn TF.ItllNAI, , OKRMtNTnUN T.. nnd vnXANT.n MONDAY. TI'KSDAY & WF.DNERDAY BETTY COMPSON S The Law and the Weman A story nf n niim: wife's eacrlflce tn as ne icr hunhnnd from lielnc cenUrtsd S rer a rrlnia he did net commit. gj WILL ROGERS and LILA LEE 5 In finvi' oie. ...,. ....... 9 ln "N'i: iruier,s dav bCoce Men,, Tuts, anil lVrd. .S-.V7 r- v.vr srnKET Tuesday and Wednesday, "Tbu Cnh p.eriiu: rower. wan Aline Terry Monday, !the Fourth r i-ntiie composer was chosen. The vote Tlnirsd i . I'"ildas and .Snturda Lulu Kelt. ' with U Is Wllser MiSH for tlie symphony of the request pro pre enuii wns always Inreer tlii.n thai or P' .1... ,-it-eetiiri' .Mendav, Tuesday nnd the ether nuilin'Ts. "''".',.. ''','' ... ., 1.... .. 1 .. ,.. lit, ',. - . ' l..l .1,, ,w, Id ' I HT. linillK IHIlli i iini-sii.iy. .n i.iiuniini; liere. , -uiiecvnuev".... - . . , w.t'i Will Itetfere. ThurmU. I'l-lday I after all. tlie interest of the public as ami Saturday "Hunty I'ulls thu . t the symphony, ns It Mmuld I"'. inthpx StrltiBH." with 1 .eat rice .toy ,!, In the Mtialler nuiuuers. Mnrln. I uesdnv and Werl- "1." ut voeiiehl uregrams of the n-d.i. "Fnels r'.irartisH. .,.,.11 i. ... !'ini'i,i ..Orchestra were In Ine sen I.. Milie fraiurc. with Horethy Dal- Phllndelp! 1 a or nisi r " .,,.,, ,i. ten. Thursda. Friday and Satur- 'son of HMT-'-O.t. the thir tr ( ' d.iv. .in- HloneuH Hay," with Will 1 nrcanUatleu, and lh.it .cai in ' H V VtlM '!' " .-... or- Sakuntala" had IM.'I ; 'IVchnlkewsky's rh "-r "" ". f' " "''' '5? 1 favorite with Philadelphia audiences. "ISlli" et HUI, and " 1 annliaiiser, at His Ar...ltmy f Muain win tin f.iiiuwi nnd In which Mr. Henkelmnn played the I III. PehllB's composition received 178; 1 Jwtiw. from It Miner Man. Mich "In , elnlierate RnRllsh liem sole with Ills "Peer Cynt," ir.l. and thn 'nFIre .WAV' Music" 1"S. W hy tlie lllltei' was played I "As Terrtnm in Summer," Klanr, untirane (nste In phrasing, ami net rcer t,yni, winch received mere votes, does net new appear. HeKers and 1. ihisj.ee. MANTELL IN "MACBETH" Star and Company Present Shakes peare Tragedy te Crowded Heuse Hread l.asl nlslit Hubert Mnntell THK next season two request pro grams were plaved. one Friday afternoon and a different one Satur day evcnlnc The Friday ptnurain was lliiinperdinck'ti Versplcl from "KoenlKs "KeenlKs klnder," the Hceilieen Fifth sym phony. Liszt's. "Preludes" nnd tlie "Fire Music." On Saturday evening it was "Sakuntala," tlie "Pnthetlque," llie "Preludes" nnd the "Fire Music." The vote was net published, In 11111 -1'-' llie program was "Sa- u n veeenl of it i Icuiitiilit, Schulicrt s "t titliilslied nil Symphony I atlie- veil tnar season, nun !. . ..l.iLllll Vv,i,t" svinnhiiny of Uverak. til sole! from "Parsifal" and the "Ian" M1. LIl. t, r,.. both fit' Wagner. Th vie was net published that year, and It U doubtful H mere in existence. 01 . ...ni. tlftf n In tiquc ..- .. "I ,- n.i.niL.rs nlnvei. ,."wrfjg-'aiM.i. ijii" "iai -'- VtA-i"''-V'-yv;'aar?t-t,f.O..-: ..j,QWKat.TM I 1 A THIRD OF A CENTURY-'TLAYINC EXCLUSIVELY VAUDEVILLE'S BEST" l! The N ' cii-nticma ilm, niliil everv seat in tlie house. Till'. 111.1v of Icittiiiinli- flinim i candidlv speaking, it was net up In fnjy te kr i rnnliniinl Hit nf the average set hy previous productions l;,. In ,rr " hut in lie CI.IC 11 tils WeeK. 111." SMIKlllg "lis llll.-ll.M. A..'., i.ii. ,.,:,,' n,,,d- i,.t nml the lliial act. always flifllciilt Hi ?--..' .j ;i, ;.-.,,,, ,',, ,, iiiedu.e. lacked all semblance of reality IQH IIOO ,,.. ...'.. ' I.I.. .!.. l.'u ii.ni ..... - ... . . were iimiiee in uim." ,....j.. nnd Ids company presented another l , ', '.1,,., ocried. llie old favorites of Shakespearean l"uA,,n7 following year Hie successful report. .ire. ".Macbeth." before n crowd .',,,,. were e Patheibiiie, the I i$ , tmt aiihiirh. It i iiifirr ililinilt. Ilnuiri-i; tince llie flmt of .Innuurii. Ihuuijh tlie (Ilm output hit licrn uwfulhi tenth. it ii inssihlr tn mi'Jiie't for font irhn 1tcatt e pff'.- ""' '"' l""'t ""' """"' IW7.' "VVie 1'iilimj I'iiuhIiiii." 11 itli amnmn A rit&a'. "One tlleiinun Hull. with Will A'".'eii. find "Tel'nhle r, t.i ..a ,.i w,n,tii . nml. in 11 Er, tlttSt twt tjuttf n (moil. Imt fur titi'l Uf'SnY senli rtftacc the itrrrtinr. " I tiutlnr- Ki-fSin. x ;i-. if, " ItlHrnfli." "The foil mPlJ". '..:", ' .. - ..r;, .i. rmA." 'The I, line Thnt II ml nuillie-is ..... , . . . .'rnentiai ser ,,,ii.ui.- ,,..-i Hlu"pKedy N". I- Again .he vote was net published. ITH the season of nnn-ti.i negnn tlieugli the "Pnthetlque ' get mere vntesi, the "Hide of tli" Valkyries," two eulr'acies from "Tlie Jewels of the Madenna," Dvorak's "In the Spinning Idiom" and Tsclialknwsky's "IS1-," The "Pnthetlque" get .'1.11 votes te JIii."i for the "rntinlsiic.l," Heetlieven's Fifth, S.W. "New World." 1,'S. In llie everltires "Sakuntala" get 2411, "Midsummer Night's Dream," 1114. 1M'" 17-. the latter lidns played l'" h HUs- iy . ln.il 1 L'.A la tilt. t I-'v .Mjljrfodera'' emi "7 mWH:Xurntnfi." m lehn Alexander n Mncdiiff was tlie niitsiaiiilliiK llgure. and his ncllng wen dijulile curtain calls en two occasions. Mr. MnuteU's purtrn.Mil of the murder ous 'Thane suffered mere than any part lie lins ,et played this season by In distinctness and mumbling. In ilnlies, he was the great artist, but al ether I lines he could hardly he heard hack of the seventh row. (ieiicvleve Hamper, while net ph ideally endowed for I.ady Macbeth, lias improved her rendition of tlie part since last seen lu It here, A. (', Hendersen made the small role of Duncan sinnd out as he did Hint of Casea Wednesday night. V lis afternoon. l " Aiercniinr et W the custom of publishing Hi" vote for some reason, a I lieug i tli r.l in votes. . .1 ..-,,.'riin q'lie winning compeM- Next sensen. lllP-'-l.'t. the overture ,' "J rJ P" t lVe t i.l i.e. tlii- Tiinii- wiih "Melsterslnger," nltheugh beaten '""I!: n Vrn i 1 li" "! "'! Frl'lny ? '" eo.iipeMtloi.H In the votes; lV"i fro. "Parsf.l" The vote is I lie Heetlieven Fifth, although boil en Spell f'.im "r, itiellnue get HOll. I by tin. "Pnthetlque" hy nearly mid interest tig. II- n I l. ,i . "Sakuntala," which kept lis Sinais-' Sy upl eiiln 1)..iiwM ";",.1'u pire' by popular vole; the "Valse New erld. . 1. -. p-r ' rn . y A..,. ... '. Sibelius and the "Preludes.'' l.lt in jut i mtcrctllwj, tee m the' v ;iU.p., xvll )fi repeated, and this eve- Wriwcrags W '" ""0ll',,'""r"T '".,"': nine "JiillUH-Ciai-" will be given. ,ktr itltthfipMflO' '10 "'" follewinu film h -.. - - r''imenUMi vretumnblu finUh'tl uevv li white a btery uKXl' WfKjBUMadee: ".ThptJUChri 'SViriii4taW.lwv svar wantsd te knew .'iellk- the ,MltlW ttr.Z Um. IUr ( 4;;raa.a inia swraw w mi"01'' "V . , 1,1 tl, n Ice h, The vote was "Patlietique." -ir.l ; H ,ahsdd rn. th;. i 1. 1 he pint j. e , " "Fnllnlslinil," Mj; i ees new. line ..." ."".";; v." ;. major I get .11, and Hie four Hi I K miner . 1!'. I "ic overtures, "lann lnuser" received !". I.eeni.le Ne, ,'i, Jei ?-: "Sakuninla." 2(11. and "Tris in,, "' 0," In "miscellaneous" the iiuii e, ,,,, ....,.i i ,,ini . f'.en.l Friday m"'" "."'':" -" Franck, MS ; Tschalkewsky Fifth. l.'lS; Hriihn.s Flisi, in; iirniuns iiiiru, fis, The overtures "Sakuntala," 'JL'ii; "Tristan," 1110; "Tannhniiser. " ltd; Itiinsky's "I. a Hrande Panne Husse," l-':t! Leonere Ne, .'l. I 111! : "Mes- lerslnger. 101. Tlie "Vnlse Trlsln" "Invitation te the Dance. .',,; Ola- .,.(,(lv, '170 nml ti,(, "Preludes" 141), nearf V,rSe "BlS3rl.ri. elaat.en. Hi'BaSSa. ..V,-l...--.,fc .ram1 viS, ".Te. 0 Nl l tt"'Wd iirnnhuer,'i pdybevt. ''Unflnljbed'' gm&jb sKXT WKKK HKOINMNU MONDAY MATINKB n from Wlaslssli.pl." Th IMclursanua Danclni: Stars Star: RAI.1'11 u.nir.iw;r; TOM WISE : RIGGS & WITCHIE Anil n pcclnlly fflrrtril fast, Inrlunlni: MISH Ml, A MAC In "MRMOKIKS" A Vw fin Act Cnmnv hy Uey llrlant With MACK PONC'll. VlallnM In "IIANCB IIIYI.I.S" A Ufautltul Production In fn .'peetacular Scenes DOUGLAS LEAVITT & RUTH MARYLOCKWOOD Offr "Ol'naKI.VKS," Assisted by HKOTHKIt RAT HER5CHEL HENLERE I'ressnts "MADAWK HKIPDIKAniNKI" In "PIANOFIiAOR" luiph -BEVAN & FLINT '' A .SlliihtIiileiruiitlnn ""-VAN &TYS0N-Tr.h SemUliInK Just a MUle IllfYrrtnt AESOP'SFABLES TOPICS OFTHE DAY PATHE NEWS Extra Added Attraction I AND Philadelphia' Own Favorite .' RUTH ROYE HERBERT & DARE Alh!tl.' Knapllclty MEEHAN'S CANINES Olebraie.l t.n.inlnic llnumli fiSWHSsttefe fe5?!S 2 - nsJUffin aim a m.-i j:.r--;r-.?. '.' jnoueinc tux. VSS .-ffT vaudeville ARTISTSTJ MM U r ""r"" Ww 1 April u ' aa Rudelph Valentine In Ilnltnr's Story nf Ilir ('eiitlirt uf l.evr "VJ "THE U)C0)V COM ER Nfi PnWF.R" R ALL-STAR m Mil ft I.Ot'l'ST ST.n. t :30,, 3:no, (1:31 t II .linn.. Tarn, i tVl. SESSUE HAYAKAWA in "FIVE DAYS TO LIVE" Tluirsiht. I'rlilsv nml Rut unl.ir MAIIICI, MIBMANI) In ' IIAI' IIAPPKN'RI TO llOSA" SSI llel, MAKKKT T. Iliillr nt 2ll,1 Kt riiliiCN. 7 4 0 Thursday, I'rldiiy and Saturday Wll, I.l AM IIP. MII.I.F.'S PltOOt'CTION "MISS LULU BETT" a VOD-VIL ACTS avi GLADYS WALTON in PLAYING WITH FIRE ') 8 it0 U'lNNlVxT WKEK XT,''.n,i'.NN,N',,NJN,l,I,"',N,ir;U' ,1""Brr 1 1 'Si RUDOLPH "" ""mhp's IS '" l H RUDOLPH VALENTINO TUB AVRES SHEIK lSI a., I... ' '."?k h" errli-fl hr off in hla tnl fSf MJ lest her feueht ler hr msslarfd liei anJ wen her UiJ heart nnd aeul. April 17, GusEdwards' 'Scheel Days' B r73 fl. .VM St. nh. MnrkH I i a. m WILL, KUUtKS S in "AN UNWILLING HERO" H Thtirxl'ir. Prlduy and Nntiirduy "nt'NTV 1'til.l.S THK HTBI.Ntlft" PaA9a '" '.nnruMrr Air. m XJUIQMM 3 130 te 4::e, 7 te II Monday, Tuesday und Wrdnasdny FOOL(S PARADISE l&TAi&r,"f. flirA""ii5." .Market St. lift. mini nun :ii 7 A' .1 , M. Mini.. This. "I'lJTIIB IIIIII'.TSIIN" Vwlne(.i-"J-A,(,K ItKA.MIS" Tliiir... I'rl The ,w ,) ,e Wniuiin" Sill. "Ihe Ituse f Hie Hatllrr" " It ft a. n0"' S'- r,",',r A,r' JcMAXL nun. :t;iie. 7 a n r. u. Jinn., Tues. Meet (llbsen, "lire K.alsy;i I Wed,, 'lluira. Itl IIOI.PII V,l.i;.MI.N0 una aiinu( aviiks iu THE SHEIK'.' friday ftvHatiirday Hlrliard Talmuil U .t'TkUa pVH MKfOHTKst' J&i:"v&t !e"SSB?l8S8SSaJ mm