IffiwffsT 5fMBTiW'y7BflE adiesLetCuticura Keep Your Skin Fresh and Yenmd -.Olntnifil.Tl""ii,r7W!rrf,r')ritn;pii N1 mm iwavuiii "Ne Splash in Sink" "Positive Shut Off" Name "SAVILL"'en Faticet "Ali Yuitr I'liimbcr" Themas Savill's Sens, Mfir. 131tM3.lt Willlu St.. Phila. 1 BEST COAL WE SERVE YOU RIGHT OwenLetter'sSens Larzesl Ceal Yard in Philadelphia TRENTON AVE. & WESTMORELAND ST. WRITE OR FHONE NOW Ma rite and Fourth Ss. PHILADELPHIA INTEREST AND MORE INTEREST en the money you deposit in n savings account here is important. Rut safety for this money, conven ience in banking and friendly helpfulness are ether points te hear in mind. V.'e offer mere than money interest; we as suie pcrseivaHntercst. CAPITAL & SURPLUS $1,550,000.00 Palm Sunday at the CEASHOR'P Atlantic City -i- Ocean City Stene Harber Wildwood and Cape May SL5 txcunsiONS VIA THE READING l.WIUV Sl'.NDAY I.eiive (iicHlnut una Seuth lerrles for Alliuitlu City V.3II , St. M. ler Drntn tit j. Mime llurber, Wllilnoeil imil, I iin Miiv, Iimtii tlifstnut St. IVrr. 7.UU A. .11,, Seuth s. lrry 7.IO ,. II. Ilfliirnlnu- li-im- iill'puliils ,1,15 I'.JI. .l, Af.er'( for Special Leaflets iliewlnit L titer servic te auj from tin nhove 1ithnr rnrt iPhiladelphia & Keachng System AiLANTIC CITY RAILROAD 5atMtCaaai AJL 4000 Square Feet SleraRc Space REASONABLE RENT 612-614 Chestnut Street Freight Elevator Immediate Occupancy Apply i Mr. Dallas , y606 Cheitnut Street. I a," I lWtlA. ilTv ?m t . "" ' l?'W? ', ' wy c June S-. JK?W i II llLewMww'g!',IB1 SM M ' J BEFORE - s THE CURTAIN GOES UP ' What Is the "Purpose" of "Liliom!'? Stage Settings Disclosed Here litis Year. Mantcll Plans Doubtful rnill-J two plnys which occupy adjoin Inu Ihcntrcs en North Ilreml HtrcctJ right new immt he vr-xinrr te the kind of poeplc who believe Gilbert'1 line: "If this young man pxiiesm'h him- irlf In terms tee deep for me, by, wlint a very Hingulnrly deep young mnn this deep young mnu mum be." "The Circle," nt the Lyric, Is se pleasantly and naively frank nnd cheer ful In Its unconventional nilveeiitlnim, and "Mliem," nt the Adelphl, Is for the most part se straightforward and se very closely resembling a rcmnrkablv 'geed but uninlxtukable "creek plrty,'' thnt the nccne in the "courtroom of the beyond" lri about the only bone of con tention left. There Is rather mere than the iimieI brrath-i'paee for a consideration of these two admirable performances, In view of the fact that next week offers only one opening, "Angel Face." the v leter llerbcit operetta, at the Walnut, together with two mere of Mr. Man IcII'h favorite Shakespearean revivals, "Kin Lear" and "Hlclinril III," at the lireml. " rplIE attitude of some people who go te see the Franz Metnnr cemedv Bi'PMiH te be, "Well, new tills 'Llliem,' se I've heard, In a me-it extraordinary play, nnd I'll leek hlinrji and nee If I can catch what the author Is driving at." If (hev could be ceuvlneed that there waH no deep-set purpose nnd no hidden meaning thev might be disappointed nnd go te see "Tip-Tep" instead, mich bein the 'nature of this species. Hut, If the crowds which have attended every per formance can be taken as a criterion "Llliem" Is attracting all types of thraticrgeers. as it rightfully should. Ne less a person than Mr. Mnlunr, himself and if we can net believe the author, there Is no one whom we can believe disclaimed any Idea as te fixed purnee or thcia In "Llliem." There Is one vciy distinct current of thought running through Its many episodes, however, applying net se much te the play ns le a character. A tiagedy of iuiii tlculntleii might be the iinnie given te the pnthellc love story of the barker -linl the housemaid. , -Jeseph Schtldkraut espei'inllv brought 'out this point, lie showed clearly the pathos of a man, course, cruel and full of the baser passions, but pessewilng setnewheie beneath hist enough of the liner liber te make him ulteily miserable at times when the cave man instincts came out. ScliildKraut showed that wavering, heitiint, uuex- i prcs'it.( emotion of the mnn lirst in the I scene in the park and later In the hut0 when mention was nude of his beating her. I til I whether the entire structure of "Llllftm" is built around this striving ter expression en the pint of characters, whether Indeed this same tragedy of luartieulatien helenss te any besides the main figure, is an entirely different mat ter and must ievt with the individual and his ability te accept the continental idea of the purely fantastical without having It explained. I T IS only one man in ten or twent.v mefer a bad stage performance enacted i iiciilnst beautiful settings In n line, purposeful plnv without any settings whatsoever. However, once In ever se often the quentlnu nf staging Is one of value and interest. 1'liilntlelpltia has had plays offering I every vnriety nf actual ph.vslcal stage production. Let's run In Icily ever i them. The fall season contained such convent tonally staged affairs as "Hill of Divorcement, ' "Hnppv de Liickv nnd "Wake 1'p Jonathan" by the' score, but had a few outstanding productions; netnbl.v. "The Merrv Widow." with one beautiful I'lbnn set : "The Follies," with some beautifully imaginative in lei hides and "In tie N'lglit Watch," where mechanical, or Iricl:. staging was UM'd vvllh a fair amount of reality. "The Knsiest Wnv." though defi nltelj of the elder school of stage set tings, was the best of the Itelasee plnjs 'shown here this ear. Its merit was the usual meticulous attention te smnll details of this producer, ami whether it was Miss Starr's getting of the milk bottle fiem the lire escape for her ei ackers and milk or the naturally disarranged npiiitmcnt with Its canned music in the linnl ait, the icality was theie. At just the opposite end of the pen dulum was "The Lmpeier Jenes," with Its franklv futuilstlc scpuer), itspnpicr nuichc nlllgater and its seeming utter nbseuce of perspective, but riot of weiid colors. "The Lust Walt." had some beauti ful scenes desalted by Watsen Rar r.itt, especially the final one, with the Immense window at the tear, with the mev Ins-train effect hi the dl-tni(e. "Illoed nnd Sand." while, according te these who prefc-s knowledge, true te the Spanish locale blievvn, vvns c ticmcl.v conventional and unuiituial In settings; "Afgnr's" setting was, like 'hose of ".Mecca." gaudy, riotous and ver-decked with Oilental atmosphere. "The Wanilcilng Jew" hnd just the opposite stein dlgnltj and while net many evidences of the extremes of the icvv art. the sets were et far dlffeient fiem the old-fashioned spectacles, "The Had Man" had one single set which, like "The F.nMcst Way," was lemnikiible for adherence te smnll de l ills, and the lighting, as day changed i nlcht, was unusually line. "The Ziegfeld Frolic" win n innivel of simplicity, with n succession of charming pictures posed 'in u simple frame nt the bnck of the stage. It was left te the "(ireenvvleh Village Follies," however, te establish tile Inlglit of beauty without scenery. In deed this might have been called a "stiul.v in lights nnd shadows" in which p.ilutcil drops were scorned. "The While-Headed liny" was another triumph of simplicity, and achieved distinction because It strove only for the appearance nf ever) day loinmenpl.ices; "The tleld Diggers" was a farce notable for beautiful llelnsce lighting, whereas, his "(iuind Duke" was badly and iinntliacthelj staged. In "Drifting" we had oceans that vvilggled and mountains that moved, hut when a play en an erdlnarj -sl.ed stage has as many locales as that did, no one expects much beaut) or realit) In set tings. "The Cheinlilte Soldier" was iittiactlvel) staged according le modern devices, though with tee free n min gling of coleis in places. Olga Pctio Pctie vu's "White Peacock' hid null) dls tinelivc and attractive stent's, claimed In liiive been ileslgmd by the star her si If Hut It was net until "Llliflm Hint Philadelphia vva shown the new stage setting nt its best. Lucking tin sill) etremcH of welrdliess such as pioveked lnughtcr in "The I'mpcrer Jenes," it nevertheless idievvN hew far superior the art nf suggestion is te that of actual representation. Except for the tirst episode, which is far Inferior te a similar -scene In Sachs Quttry's "D? hnmil.'F whlei nvr earn nere. "1A niirniit" rticn neer cbhie mi t & u STARS OF THE1 HELEN ELEY SViubert VjluJewi11? 1 Virginia -smith fihubert "BOMBO' lleni" is ii pin) of laicly uilistii: scenes, skies thnt seem lidcu with evening 10 niuncc, lallread trestles which seem al ways ready te rumble with the approach of tiallH, "lieavcnlv police courts," which show a vivid imagination and u Hire tastt in colors. Since this cit) has net scen the best vveik et .lencs as represented in "The lest." or in "Itlclmnl III." un ili.ml.l be giateful that at l-iisy we have net been deprived of this beautiful series of stage iiliaiigemeiits by Lee Simoliseii. '1 ii costuming, tee, was unusually excellent, with care evident down te the smallest detail. Did jeu" notice the wern-iu dirt en the shoulder blades of peer little .lullc, the abin.ed wife, indicative of her perpetual sleuth. her vanish! d vitulit) V That was the art of the little thing imIh'iI te the nth power. v n WJVVllV time our of the nnnunl " Shnhi su iron iii(itnii i nnimiiies'l mines te the city, the question is ashxl, "Is any uric production iindei (un l'IIMOI'J.AY.s "TMOtWUy" 4. A i i&Tancc, MMPANT ' . -OrAMCffiCA, APOLLO 1) ,v 'IIIOMI'HON SI 3. MATIM.l. IJAILY i e VIIhtii- li I. Iris leave Jlxnic ij , Ln, 'Wli l.lrls I e m lliinii; 'IJ.' ,? vl kl. i. Immi '. iiilKinent T. II. niinniiriee s "l n i l.jvi I" - ii I'lu'ii.iiirle s "llnis' live .i. "I.eve, llite anil "" I, hulls'' (illllMH ARCADIA tin: in ,-lNlT Itfl lern S M te II l.'i I'. M M.. H. I' mi"" T ii t'nnuni'ii VV II. "nninin. - II feii.li1 ". 1". - II I'nnui'iiii. H 1! ."eiiuis'in 1 1 Ir ' In In ' In ' In ' r Ihorn "f " I'nr ll'iue e "'',, lir 1liisi "k l'V',, I'm, lle.se He .ve lur ilium W lve" r.iiaini i t.iitAitu am:. :.: v riM i. t'Mi' ASTOR M All stnr i .! It, Hie l life ilnu'in ', "Hie I nfiililniinl" ', ji1. I nliililnii'iit, M liir-Muilf J '" Milliir.)Iiiile "VI tn" T All-hl-ii s' VV. Ml Mm, ,- '"' ! -llarell ) '. K. II ui il Llii.'. ,s. Iluinlil l.K"l. BALTIMORE r.lbT IU1.TI.MOHL r.ve ii iii .s,it '1"1 BLUEBIRD fontinueuii " umu 1 1 ... m t. tl VI lUwi .smri'liv in .;1',.(., m,, i t i it ill irt VV - I in. liunci i ".'. ,. inil," i i. ill Kline In ..'" ..":",:' m,...... UeiikIi ll""1' ... v stiiui' Illinium it i'em Mix In "ine J..- VVI I nm li'innin BROADWAY llre.nl Snier Ave. ,i ii mi r .m M - Wecley T VVVi'nv VV Weil. V T Wrslc", I Weilt:' H,--VVe ey llnrrv. In Hnir. I" llnriv r llirr. In Iinrrs. In P ii 1 1 In 'silinnl II en "sdiiinl Hil's silinl Mil's, "il"i llls Sllllllll Hll- "silimil IMs COLONIAL" M i-Hley Hurt'' In T VVee I'm I' In V VVei.i- II iris In 1- veiii- llnir in j' VV.Bley II u I j In tl Heal S Hill iv in ' II .". MllfilOWn'll AVl'H J .11. 7 n I ii I'. M "silmel D.i's" si henl Ill's" "srllli-l Ill's" I'silmil llu" "s lll-l'l lll'" 'Mlioel Ill's" . ,r-,lM IK IT -.-(itli .1 lili iril Vie V AIKIVIUUIN 1 Mi., n-e Hilly M HMiliun Devil .ill" "I II ill'i" Mail' 1. iVurii Mnv III "Ii' en "' U'-' urn" V I'lniiiurlii'M "I line I. he IiIiiisIh" rlleit I.' nil n "Alius IjiiI'IIubi r" s,hllle .Mnun III ''"",' i; Tem Mil in "skv llluli" cTIJ CT THKAIUR llelnw Spruce JO 111 31. MATINF.i: DAILY M. N. O Nllmm, I'Hhy lllrlii Leive Heme" T. S. Q. Nllssen. "Whv!lrl U'lirr Heme" w. Hfl MjH ':BaM -- S BLBBBBBBBBLk LbbbbbbLb&. bIbbbbbbbbBbW -."yilTffJWlWfc- ILk " ' J .bBPIILbbbbwI IbbbbbbbH 'fK ' ' ; '' 1S. vV't''.'' H"aBJBfMBV H BBBBBBFrTS" YBvaBBBBBBBBBBialtW 'wBmYV 0 0W W&y mmmSk'k JBeLJ I J':.,A JMMfc A w$WSmKFT:X : 111 cJOE McCALLlON R.UTH FLORENCE w ' " '$ ?MrWlBm&'UHMIl -THE O-BWEN QIRU BOVE TALBOT; lfc fc f2KBi-3Ky M5 LESUE CARTER "THE CRCUE 'jl f)) jP : ' ' ''jjfe ' Vv v"v . .. ...I. I ..ll.'l H'-MJIISSIS in ..illLri.rn,-1 CAPITOL ij '"fla." ll.'SrH-'" .' of.. M..W" -m'em aioere, in -.iiniie in iirnicii I. m. '.iiii"'Si 7y . . --Aii.rw !' v"'... l.-""-tiaeiq ieyq in "A K,-apciai uaytrvietcr iiiiiei L-"2twW" f, Hareld Wpyfl In "A el-MmtfMti.t "Tin i ,Vw "' ' 8,-jHareid ueyd In "A jialamiawAiAiJiliiiiiif iiiitiMli' aii tattiinVi am f. t k'. J: i P4 t. STAGE COMING HERE NEXT WEEK MARGUERITA ZENDER. "ANGEL FACE " Walnut Shows That Are Coming Te Philadelphia Soen April 1 "Bombe," vlth AI Jolseti, Hhubert. Shakeppe.irenn Iteportelre, with Selium and Marlowe, l.jrle. "Tell Tnles." Musk and WIb show. Kei rest. "The VaryliiK Shere." with Klsle t'oiKUseti, Ilread tcmplntinn?1' ThU iixtr thii iics((en, nut te a i cim tentative el Mr. fln' trll, buiiiijht fnitlt tlir ien' thnt it is i ii'jirrjiiit i nr uiu nun tuiyilllli'J new in his list, though he lint lumi unutnl in urive "Jiinrii l. 7ir same. 'Iiieilien tn the Snthein ami Mnrlnuc icprcsrntativc hieutiht an (ven uinic doubtful anitcrr, though he admitted thnt Miis Marlowe hat had a eheiiihcd notion of some day doing "Mcasitic for Mcusuie." In the meantime. Mr. If (..,,; i i.j. ..,....'"'". ivu-siiin unmiT, who tins ........... ., u.,,y ,.,. ,,S IWIIUIM te tniludr only the old families, and Mr. Sethein is just about "holding ins own rplIH Walnut's pla) Is net new here. u"t 'ms '"en alisc'it ler a couple of , ,ui it ienics here fiem a tour of Ihc tviutli. ami still lias the clever anil per sonable ,ehn 13. Yeung as leading comedian. .Mnrgueilta Zcutlcr Is the prima denna. When last seen "1 Might lie Your Once in n. While" vvns u pep. ulnr song hit and In the absence of any cm i cut ja. it lias a geed chance of stepping back into the public's goetl giaces heic. A Sli top is a feature of this laic spilng engagement, A VISIT fiem James Shields, from whom fad's about old I'hUndrlphin sddem esrupe, discloses an inteiesting little siddinht en that vetcinn expo nent of geed acting, Jehn lticie, tehest rilOTIII'I.AIS Weekly Photoplay Guide Week of Apr. 10 te Apr. 15. Subject te Change The following theatre obtain thciir picture through the STANLEY Company of America, which is n guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtain ing pictures through the Stanley Company of America. GREAT NORTHERN..1',;0"? M",.? ...'" ,V '"".ley Tnrry In "Si lioel Diijs" I ;iBi,.y itarr In '-rimiM iii." ."7.v"li'y Hurry In ".sx'lioel Dujn" .r. ) "ll' Hurry in ".Srliiiel limn" I VVi'ilej Hurty In "Srluiel lus" .s We3le Harry In ".silmel IIiuh" IMPERIAL OOTII A WAl.XI'T ST. MiilH " .TO l!uw. T &. U i vvmley Hurry ln "Sihoel lliut." T VVedley H irry In "M hoel lun" VV VVetlej Hurry In ".silirel ll:is" I VVenley Hurry lu "SthiMl IIiiin" I' VVihIcv Harry In ".sdiwil ii.ijV s WiHky Hurry In "S(he')l Dujn" k'ARI THN ciiiistnut aiie niteM)1 IVrtlM-lVJN 11 .in .v. .M mll'liM' M. , l Vt.in .Muruv In "On Hlllt flip ll.inre" I' Mm .Murrrt In "(In Willi the II line" W lleorue .Meirnnl'H "1101111111 M Wife" T Iini8 .Vlelfiiicl'i "llehnlil Mv Wife" 1' "limit lliiiiKe uur lliiklmml" ! "Don't ( InnKe lour Husband" , LIBERTY 1IKOAD & t'Ol.'.MIUA AV, MATINIIU n.vit.v M fiuieth HUKhe In "Curmvnli nf Tiulli" i K MurllnnaM. "Truet Veur Hlfe" W. Mica I.u'(8 In "Infmneiu Ml Kevell" ' T Vleln Dana In "Tlifre Are e lllulni" I'.- licit I.tcl In ",lli l.niljIluiTirs" h. Turn Jllx In ".sky llluh" ORIFNIT WoeJlanil Avp at HUM St. v-iiii-i i j, vtini:w n.vn.y M.- "Tin. ritllil Theu fluent Me" T "Tile Cltllil llieu (.aent Me" W """"' "l.tv. "oner nnil llelmve" i-?.', fl!" I',,.1'. .I.l.".",.r nl Helmve" 1'. flinrlen Hay ln " MIiIiiIkIu Dell'' S -Chnr in Hay In "A Vlltlnlulit llll" OVERBROOK ,':l,v'I!!'OIU, M (' II, I)e Mllli. s " I'tHil'it I'uniHl,.-' ti .i ' "",. M ','.K '!i ,,m,l'M I'nrnillse" ... . uiwieilu Hie lien er ef ih,. ,lrit' I I in immiiI'n "Tlie 1 Inner of the Nnrlli" l' 1 rt I i tell In ' ll is I,n,l,n,mrr" s I loot (illuun In "The Fire litter" PALACE l'.'l I in MAHKHT WnU'LT .V V te II .i i m Iivr's Iti-ileiiiptlen" lie' lliMleinptlnn" M. V. TitinitilBc in I . TtlmailBii In ' VV. .V. Tallinn',;.. In " ; 'l-.l n-nlBe In "love's nnlrinpUnn" i' v' n njK- li ;;'-"ve Ue-lemnllen" H-.N. l.iiimiU-e 111 "llve'H lletlennillnn" . .' " ''lenintliui" REGENT M'irkj' ht Mnw i7tu 'r.R ant "'" n,l,Ai"' " vrv "';-,";" "i"""1 ,,,, " !i,' U?'.'. Tffx:fssi;:s!i' f-ft "" r-;".avs " ' ' " -,i""'' """ ffl'ft is: : :r;:,t: i ll i It'Ipti ilrniiiie In tii. Vl .. A i i r''Mi n'i' ii i iieminn in A I eiHtK IHEATRES. MEMBERS OF M. P. T. O. OTHER THEATRES, MEMBERS OF Ambassador Il-iltlinore Ave at nilth t'ontlnueui 1 an te 11 1 M M lltinilil l.lejil " tlliir-Muile Mnn" T I In relil I.lejil In "A Siiller-Muile Mini" H lliirnlil l.lu I .ii "A Sullitr-Muil,. M "i- lliirnlil l.lej.l In "A Xiillitr-Miiti.. vi lliirnlil I.lnil In " Slller-Vliille Mm' s llareltl LIumI In "A hniler-Muile Vliin" Gprmnntnwn r,t''') .(:p,rn'ntln Ave. crrnamewn matinek daily yr. Will nevem. "Iniillln V. u ?.,. T. Will noKem In "Deulillnc Fer Itnmee" W, Will. Rener. In "DeuhllnV Kii Ronve" nanersMade Mn Man" Tn Vi 'i i iiiiliafir cfiftijiW eamce-likc peifeimume in "The Cir cle" it one nf the ieic"i featuiei. It hai always hern tinted thnt Dine uni I horn en Aeifi 'tenth ttirtt, and he 'himself hnd no tUnr nirmmu of the house in irhich he first ,mhc the light of day. hut, thuiunh the aid of Mr. Shields, lust Hcrk he i isited 10!) Seuth Tenth ntxet, nhivh, it is dintlecd. is his teal hirlhiilavt. When Inltl thai this was just htlnw Uninlnldge, he said he hud no Kielhrtmn. but it hen that street's old name. .S'niiei, irns men tiened, he n Inlmed, "ThnCsit." ,W '" "' M'ri -mi. .-fi-i, nii.l the house still stands. then; m i, Aaeifli. also Hied for some t,me nt 'TIS lluttonweod stneL Cehan Chorus Ambitious It leeks us if the agile Cehan thorns in "The O'ltrien ihl." whose hist vvecKs ai me iiiiiuci: Miientre are an neunccd, might be tinned Inte a Itus slim ballet some tiny. Alexander Ynk evieii, tin Kussmii dancer, . . !,, ,,r , . I...II... -..I.I. j ,,,u muslc.it lemeil). has a dancing cla nunibeilng ten of the mcmbeis of the chorus, meeting thiee limes weekl). According le Yitl,eItff. many of the gills aie bei Ing ntlept at I'lisslnn ballet dane!ng, and he gives special credit te Doiethy Fuller, who befnie her cntrunee into musical comedy, was u professional swimmer. Elsie Fergusen Coming Soen Xee AMns! drnmn. "The Vnr.vlng SIieic." In which Lisle Fergusen K stalled, comes te the liread Stieet Theatre for n two week's eiigageuiint beginning Monday, April 17. This Is the play nf uiu onventieiial nnd iiinisiial construction in which inch scene takes the slot) fiiiiher bail; In the life of the heroine, .Tulle Ycnalile. In the cast are Charles Francis, .lames .Crane. 1'nnl F.veiten. Itelle Peters. Wi.glit Kramer 1 . ..l.ll..n I kMl.... ...! ...I (icialdinc U'l'rlen nnd ethers. l'llllltll'I.VVS RIALTO 11MI. 1U ' vr 1 1 i.i ,'i...cki.n- st. M- Valentin,, ,e ( nmiui rlnc Power" I .iliutlnn In "llu. enuiiiTiiiB I'eiwr" H VVailine Ueli! ln "1'ilir llihelsen" I.- VVnll.u Hell In IVter ll,l.clen" M.-lilin Ollliert In "Mmine" . is Jelin tilllwrt In "Mmine" CiKIlM VVIOVV.v WE.M'i: I SHERWOOD ilt'i &. miumeii) Av. .MVl J K i: (I .le VI V nlcnllnn hi "Vlnriln ,,f lliti I Illlv l.ltt i vuknllr i "Vliirun lit the 1 uil l.elt' VV Vluer llukn h ".IiiiIbiiii nl I . l ler liuvn x ".luil inenl" I -"Hie I hllil 'IIiiin lunest Vie' S-"llie ( hi hi I him Ii.imsI vie' I'r STANLEY .MVUUI.l II V M vr i ii ni ii r, I- llll" VI -i hul a t'huplln In "l'n I Clmrlii t'h.tpllu In "l'uv VV -th tries Chaplin in "I'm T v'luirlps i h.tplln In "I'm I' i'iiurl"s t'h.iplln In "P.iv S ihtrlei Vhuplln In "P.t Dm" Di" llu" D.n" STANTON m1'i;T VllOMi 1 . II r 10TH 1, .M -Spisinl Preduclliin l' .spetlal l'lmluctlnn ( V sp 1 1 1 I'rmluitl. u I Spi ul I'nului linn ' ) sp, ,iii Hre-lin lien . spet-til 1'ro.lULtlen ' "I In The Itiilein' Iuiii m" ' I lu (me in I hi- fiiiltni" I he I, tilt in" 1 lie tiiileill" 333 MARKET.rC5!;1-1' i in: vnisi I 15 J' .M In Vlll.e H !.- Villi s I). VI tile h II ir'ier s 1 ii k r h ' I'll l.t i k ' " I't-el's I'nr nll'e "A I'mil'i. I'uruills " rntil's I'nr itlise I'tivt-rti nf llli Ins' I'niertv ii," llli his ' I'uvrrt) of Kit lit s ! VICTORIA .MAIIKKT t-T nb i I'll a vi i ii i' m The iiuiit rinii rnti-ii" 'The KIkIii I hut I'iiIIi-iI" "I he HIkIiI 'Unit 1'iilleil" iii" iiixiit riiut ruiieii" 'Tlie llUItt I It it IIiIImI" The Itlght Unit I'nllt-il" lier.t l.Mell in -I'ert l.Mll n llert l.M.II in Il.lt I.' leu In llert I )li 1 .n Hrrt I Mill III Ri JEFFERSON M llr-t t I Mi ll .1 " r riiuiii-. itn n v -Vi in it in m - Wlh S. lit ,,liln fttj M VllNIJi: DM1,1 r'1'1'..,," IMrnllie" ' ,r"" Minutes in t," lllel iiiirli-eulli I our" T - f.e., riini nnlie'H Ihne I. In- (,hnt" i lien I li'iniiiir H. . . i . 1, "...".'..lirilllllSll.- vj'iieth IIukIi h In "tmrn.eiiti. of I'rulli" s llnee Lite tilinsti," PARK HIDOI' AVIJ i DAL'PIIIN ST. Mil " 1.1 1'... n i .... I i' ,V,llllHm ' '' Mllle's "Ml. I.uhi Hrll" T.Juck(A lAnirll K. Jackie CoeH 8 Will Ilecary In ''Mr Bey fine bieriMa Day" 'i i I : i W A n yt . . r. ,. w -rj'j fc75c,.virir.i riff Riiir MASK' AND WIG CAST Players Announced for 'Tell Tales,' Annual Production at Ferrest Tbe cast of this year's production of the Mask and Wig Club of the Univer sity of Pennsylvania, ,"Tcll Talcs" which begins a week's engagement nt the Terrcst Theatre Monday, April 17, has been announced. ,T. II. Heff, who hns nlnycd "leading lady" roles for two seasons, has the part of the heroine, Tessa, while II. L. Curtis plas her maid, 1'ctrela. Hen McOlvem will be seen as William Tell, Jr. ; II. II. Hreuse as Grlmalde, an astrologer jjnd soothsayer; C. K. Cane and Paul llartcnstein, village girls; II. 15. Devlnncy, .Stefan, a Swiss Here under; J. M. Ceward, the historic (Jessler; Rex Wray, J. II. Prothere, .tr., M. A. Jehnsen nnd W. K. Clnrk, Jr., four villlans named Eenle, Mccnlc, Mlnle and Me; C. II. Mclcher, the Town Crier. "Tell Tales" Is In two acts, the first the village market place In the Hwiss Province of l'rl, nnd the second In the ball of Cessler's Palace. The costum ing which Is especially elaborate Is under tlfe direction of Edwin M. Ln vine; the book is by diaries S. Mor gan and the music by Chnrles Gilpin. . MISS HAMPER'S CAREER Rebert Mantell's Wife and Leading Lady Began In 1910 Genevieve Hamper, leading woman with Rebert It. Mnn tell, appearing nt the Ilreiid, Is a native of Michigan, and it was n her home city," Detroit, ln 1010 thnt she nppearcd for the first time with the Mantcll Cempnny. a "stage stiuck" clrl. without theatrical experience, she, with some of her friends, went en In the mob scenes of a Shnkesprmenn play. Mr. Mantcll needed a jeung ghl te piny wnnll parts, and the beauty and classic grace of Miss Hamper as she walked across the stage attracted Ids notice nnd be en gaged her. Tem Wise at Keith's Tem Wisp, popular stage character actor nnd femedlan, who has the dis tinctien of fnrtv lenrs nf service be hind the footlights, will be n head- liner nt II. P. Keith's next week. In a sketch railed "Memories." which contains both comedy nnd pathos. Twe score jenis age, Wle made bis debut In tlie famous mdedramn, "LnM. in New Yeik." at th old IJiieu Theatre in New Yerk. His performance of "rnNtiifT" in n revival of "The Merrj Wives of Winser." !( piebably his greatest triumph. ' RUSSIAN ARTISTS COMING A ical theatrical treat for the Inte spring season is announced lti the en gagement of the company of Russian aitlsts fiem the lint Theatre of Moscow at the leuest 'iheatic. beginning Men- day. Apiil III. This unusual entertain- "'in . iimiBii us me i unuve nouns, which has In en pln.ving in New Ymk since mld-vv Inter, is n (ombinntlen of vnudc villi', epcni, idnjlcts, Russian dunces and pantomime. I "Step Lively Girls" at Casine A ling- and capable cempanv has ,.,. CTt1(.r,., together te enact" "The I Step l.ivelv (ilrlt" show which i.lnv" , the Casine next week. Heading the nisi un- r.veivu ( iinniuglinui nnil II I v (illhcrt, and in their support lire Harr'v ixeny, ticne .Morgan, .less Weiss, Pnttl Moere and Charlie Kemper. A large chorus Is another feature, and the large number of uiuslral selections Is something out of the ertllnnrv. Jack Reld's Shew Here .lack Held and his well-known "lie. cenl llreakers' Cenrpaii) " will be the attraction next week of the Troe.ideie theatre. In addition te Jack lilniuelf the cempanv includes Mabel Heward, i Pauline Hull, .fesie West, I,in Henlv Hy Jensen and Ilert Hall. Held nlni-s ' his famous idles of Mulienev. the Irish man, and the "Depe" or "Information' Kid. A "September Mern" nlir,i-,,u ! Is a feature. Travesties Held Over Tin- tiavcsties en th,. 1,111 nt Dii Dii ment's have pievisl se successful this wee' that the) will be held ,er for another six davs. "The Wild Man of OiinLr-ilewii." with Charlie Ilevden and Jehn Lemuels is ene: "The Con vention of Shifters." nnnilini. i "Our .!... New Diretter" or "Who Ce the Mitten? ' a thlid. t'llOTOI'I.AIS I fliUieigiAUN.NIKDLINGERJBfc I I Xtu THEATRF5 l.lf 7 ,tj' ' WCJ KJ RPI IVIOM'T' uJD Miuvi- . . - OCU.1VHJ1N I .,,? VJ M ''KL'T Jl.Wiu l!.k,ls , .. tlI,,u ? 30 te It .'.Will Ites.rH ,, ..J.1.' ! "' ne llmi" CEDAR '"'T'l -s CI'DAll" AIVm. llenr i .ii.w . i ' un l l -Itu.lnjph a , I he I-In- Kite," ,, ..J,1"' Mielk" " , '" Sheik" 1 -n """V!. "'nu s i, .;"" " " "rii 'Mill yll, T"- nl Hi-porter" 1 " Iteniiri.r LEADER - i. i.vrAsm: n-p" i I'. II DnVIIU... . i ',.' ?' le I' VI ' H iWiiVeJ ..J !."" " 'nni.ll.e" ' H -r n p.. ,".; ..""" IV.riill.c" r -hiii iiekm'J m "(,.. Vi'1 r ''"rnlNe" 1 "HI llwr8 ' , .."; Morien, D,," LOCUST Vin(;,;)'V,,,V" ..rins 1 - s Iltiaknvu " ..n1'; "s te I I,," s lf,j,lkrtnil 'ft ,Y ni. te ll.c . - - " -Norn ,n,l ..,JJJS Jjjn.jnr; ,,, J.e;; NIXON nsn A-Vn MAnicrjTMfl r . . . " 111 tn I "in . 'I lllll, VV nllnn ,.,... r 1 llll'tlnll 1 ql.imin i.. jiip m,,n,.. -ItUilllltih V ilentln I In ' lie Shi L" 1 he Sl,,.l," "Tlie Shell," Illlil. Iph i.u nil I'll i ntin , VitlMitin 69TH ST v It tlent'nn !.i. - " 7. ami 11 1 II nl ntin mvI... ne i nii,iiPr , .n,w r mrnC,, ;.r :'!.? 's5 irrinK I'OUf v 'n-"il-H "Ulna Win C l)irile- "VN, wm i. n,v..,p, ..,:: : l.ulil llett" STRAND aerm xntr,?3n- " Vwn wwmm -Hi I Hu.'r "V, J i V" '.'."" . J ""tv I'ull, t., srl,icJ"l,l'K I'lTi." V !"",J ''"'Is Hit- strli,.." sr "Hunt, i.U , .' 7". i V rttV""c He, , ,' "."''I'.' n.l 'i V. jf I I" Hill nrn Jl. , ,. ..i.f;fr Jl'liet'iin" W All. Mm- ....'.' ..'eler llih.s,," ;;- j;- i'..mpm . n? i.i! -'' y'Hi'" ir irunn i--ii,-s-i, , . m ji-uudu V, .;, aiiuitn WF VPV -'n"',', nr'niniTle . 'fe " Bj.llir-"'-.Maliel li ",'".. "T n ll.,l,"e " "TIIK Duke nl I'll ' i.re-- 'iiht. of (lilmnej llmtpi. I' If il. Intnl. ) -I .i. '' -IIPIM" m H s-i'iiii-mui, -. "r i.- enn mr Weman' 'SUU 00'ra In '"One Olerieu, nii"' 8, Win Retrtra In "On QIrUia paJ" raw -:? 'jj'c rtrwAwa.sx nxim rittJ$5a&r&f:t&i "' Sothern and Marlowe Coming Edwin II. Sothern nnd Julia Mar lowe will appear for two weeks only at the Lyric Theatre, beginning Monday, April 17. They will present four Hhnkcspcarlan plays, including "The Mcrchnnt of Venice," which theylmve recently added te their repertoire. The engagement will be opened with this play, nnd It will be repented Saturday matinee. "Twelfth Night" will be given Tuesday night, "Hamlet" Wednesday and Friday nights, and "The Taming of the Shrew" en Thursday and Satur day nights. The company this year In aLaKy w araaaaaaaaaaaiiaaaaiasBMasaaM aaaaaaaajuMaaas c . .m. jh A Meney-Saving Asbestos Building Products Heuse This neat Willow Greve home property of William Cooper is one of eleven types of permanent, reasonably-priced, comfortable homes that require no painting, no insurance, no repair, no upkeep. Fer they are built entirely, except for framing and foundation, of Ambler Asbestos Building Lumber, Ambler Linabestes (Asbestos) Wallboard and Ambler Asbestos Shingles. Ideal for an all-year-round home, bungalow, or as a seashore or camp cottage. Asbestos can't burn. Permanent, restful colors that don't fade and conse quently never require painting. Quickly and easily erected. A substantial home that saves you coal and will last forever. See these at "Willow Greve, Glenside, Brookline, Elkins Park, etc. Call en or telephone for plans and further details Asbestos Buildings Company 2013 Market St., Philadelphia STniMSIIII NOTICES BLACK DIAMOND UNES REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE TO ROTTERDAM SS "WEST INSKIP" (U.S.S.B.) SS "ARGUS" (U.S.S.B. TO ANTWERP SS "EASTERN DAWN" (U.S.S.B.) SS "EDGEHILL" (Ui.S.B.) Fer Ratta and Geyelin & Company, Inc., 108 Seuth Fourth Lembard 5144 NAWSCO UNES Agents Admiral Line TIIK .. S. 11 1 Al.i:AMll.ll (fiirmrrlj tlif . t.ri-iit .Nnrtlirrn), tlir llnmt mill fiiotret Anirrlrun hlilp afloat, will null for I. (is Angrlm, san l'ruuclare anil Honolulu .Muy S3 I)r luf pnnscilKer nrciiinmtiiutleni. l'.UBCMCf rs will sull from Nrnr erk City JIu 2". 13 tfnjs te .San Vrunrlsie. 1'relBlit ri'lril iliilly nt I'lrr 10 North (feet of line strrct). I'rrlcllt for llnnulnlii drliverttl without trann-Hliliment. Fer Rates and Information NORTH ATLANTIC & WESTERN S. S. CO. L Ou nrrs and Agents V. S. 136 S. Fourth St., Phila. I'hen CUNARD ANCHOR UMM Fastest Steamer te HAMBURG Frem New Yerk via Bosten Calling at Plymouth 4 Cherbeurs CARONIA ts0 NEXT SAILING MAY 13 Frem N.Y.. June 17, July 29, Aue.31 N Y. te Ch6rleuru ani i umainpien UIIT.M . Apr. 11 Vluj ! M.iv ""l MVl ItllTAMA pr. 3V Vlui HI .lime H IlKBl.MiAHlV . Mm 30 June SO Jul II N' Y te l'l mouth t hertnurB ami llamburc I'VNNOMA ir. IK V Y te I'ebh (Uueensi iin mil I eipoel (UMM. H'r. 10 M.is IT S(TIIIA lne) pr. 'Jrt Mnj 21 .lime '.'I SWIAKIA (ne) 'Muj 10 June 7 -litis- -'i I.VIIIMA tnew) Mi .11 June '.'8 Jul --0 mi lint, from Him' n N Y te I imliin'l r .ml t i'B (Ol.l MIII.V M.i im. June it Jul -' M.I.KH1A June II Jul l' ur '!" 11 mtnn tn I.emliii ,lerr Iiih I &. ul -b Vl.t.KUIA nr. 2 1 ssISI . Via 21 Jul' fi sept IS PhllaUeli'iia te t, hraltar I i utitni i pc I .snlenlPi I'lraeun ami .Snijrni KIVI'.R AB.WKs Apr. 20 Philadelphia te I,en Ien rVUXNTIA . Muj 111 ( un.inl nnd Ancher seumhl:i I lur-i Pnmenerr liniie. 300 VVilnut street. I'lilli. Irelght (IITlri. lleurse llltlc, I'lilla. Great Eastern Railway of England CATHEDRAL ROUTE r.-iet Vlielll II nn rt the P er "1 l'ather Dleketm unit leni'sen l)is. trl" IB sparine IenrtH I) If THE FELIX HOTEL VK.I.lXsTOHi:. KMil.VMI ne met mawnl'lrentl' appinut '1 n'tibliehiiient en tie Unfit reuet et I nElntnl ii'Mieil inil mm.iBeil bv Hie (lreat Kunern Huiwai torn tern lain IlhiBtrn.eil brochure n teitniBt HARWICH ROUTE ltinilmil te the Continent via HARWICH and HOOK OF HOLLAND Alie via HARWICH and ANTWERP DIRECT TO BATTLEFIELDS VIA HARWICH ZEEBRUGGE Pullman Car Train. Luxurious Steamen. ppl for llluslriitril hixiklrth. II. -I. liLTI HAM I, en. bi . I'lfth vr. (nt H.'il St.), r inrk .111 COMMERCIAL w STEAMSHIP LINES fc PHILADELPHIA te FENIT, CORK, DUBLIN and BELFAST SS "BALSAM" April 15 Moere and McCormick, Inc. ura BldgilrluU. a''tll MBS N1)I7S1S4 rs,,."avi cludes Frederick Lew Is. RevvIiB htntifi. Hlitnnv AfnHini Altna 1 Leonore Chippendale, Albert llswl Vernen Kelse nnd Frank Peters X: siimc style el stage decorations IS ilucecl te ninvceers b.v Het hern fnr1nun two enrs nifn nrn itumli season. h a LOCKED CP WITH THE JCRYI Ate weimn jurors hem te !! I woman perform icrvlce with th mix without vmbnrrAHRlnr clroumBtaneeiT want te rend "Locked Un With th. Jar Dreientfitl In tha Mnffnztna Heetlm next Hundy'i 1'ublie Lmweh. "Uak It Ilafi" aev. s.1 i:1ISIIII' NOTKT.s SAILING APRIL 14 SAILING APRIL 23 .SAILING APRIL 10 .SAILING APRIL 31 Partieulart Apply Villa. Agtnlt Street, Philadelphia Main 7620 Shipping ISnnrtl Simmers i Lembard edl-2-',l; Main 77S1-2 MALLORY TRANSPORT LiNES, REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE Te BARCELONA, GENOA, MARSEILLES, NAPLES, and VALENCIA S S "Luxpalile" (USSB),Apr.lO (Genea and Naples via New Yerk) Fer Rates and Particulars Apply GEYELIH & CO., Inc. Philadelphia Agents 103 S. Fourth St., Phila. Lembard'5144 Main 7620m r New Yerk (e Europe De Luxe Service lO PLYMOUTH, DOULOGME. HAMBURG By New American Flaj Steameta Resolute Ma '2, Maj 30, June 27 Reliance May 10, June 1.1. July 11 Regular Service TO HAMBURG DIRECT Satllngi evcty lltuiiuiiy. iiy th pep, lar itearaen Mount Clay, Mount Car roll. Mount Clinten, Hanta, Dajrarta. Wuertttmbtri. with special cabin at4 Imprevei third clan accommodation UNITED AMERICAN LINES, Inc. mt uruuuuuT. . l.. up luaaii Hi. "V UI9 Atffnti. Dixie Steamship Lines PHILADELPHIA te Bristel, Manchester U.S.S.B. S S "W00DMANSIE" Expected te Sail April 11 U.S.S.B. S S "Eastern Sword" Expected te Sail April 24 AT (1'MI'ltK.NL'l IIATKH Harriss, Magill & Ce., Inc. 425 Lnfnycttu Uldg., I'hilndelpliU 1 .....1.ua.l R-9(l.l t..l- --T Lurnbttra O'.U-l rJ'N:Ufii!l?ERVCOaymwgn mum TSjf a ' jh mm . r"mWm M V k ifAl n AMffUGA UNI SKW Willi TO KOTTKKDAM AM Mcr iiu i ijniuum, iiouieanr Kjriiilain ..Apr. 15 V N, Amtriluui j.,., Apr. 20 J Noeraatu ......... ..Mar ' KvMsX&Ai'&iA Atei sm-H " Tit i v. rics am ..' l& V J 3 'i? "M 1 XI I VJ .l -Al ,M ' 3? --.an Vi 1 If fivViTa m - A?i M ?J jrm MPli&iAn W.iVJ W&$ VJ', ' s e. -.' W f awVJ