SwW jiresara m$ V.U Kfi iir. e jviih tin mnrir.. z EKTMSBHSffi W V1 Mr. Fans Get First Loek at Big League Baseball When Phils and A's Battle Today, BI'BtNO nKWOfiTK s ATr,ATJOCITVJNtJV SPECIAL EASTER RA1 BATTERY MAINSTAYS OF PHILS AND A'S TEAMWORK NEEDED MEET TO DISCUSS nil Flreiiruef Aniii-t, Ilench. fminelly mm. Icnur5ru "l'i? BY PENN TWELVE I FlltMl. RUNNING WATER IN ALL RC Open Surreunrllnfu. ()iiKiltn Ciitlie I'rAtentnnt Clhurrlici. f'rhnln linlli, der up, (pccliil "fcklr. nurupcm BJl RING MAY PITCH YADUSKY TO HURL ELIBERO AGAIN FOR PENN WOMEN' SPORTS l- ' IN PKA'S TILT Either Harris or Yarrlsen .te Twirl for Mack In Exhibi tion Game Here TRIP A SUCCESS WILHELM ATlir.CTICS Krheer. "h. tllller. rf. T. Walker. '. Mfdetmn. ff. IIiirr, In. Ferktna. r. fWlewnj'. a. Het or llarrla. P. ritlU.IRd NintiniUi If. r?if.- us,, Wlkr, rf. Willing, rf. ik lb. Vtr'ehrr. a. iMr'tnann. 2b. Ilenllnr. r. Rlnr or tlrtm. p. By EDWIN .1. POLLOCK Our touring ball players, tanned by tfir glare of n Southern sun, bnttle for the rhainplnnliln of tlic city at Shlbe Pirk tills nftcrnoen. The I'hlllles and the A's nre home. They returned te their netlvd heath thin morning nnd for the firt time thh year lecnl fandnm will have an opportunity te gaze at big league base bill. The wits of the bleachers will reply that eiir clubs haven't pjayed big league baseball for n number of seasons and the shame of It Is that there' mere tbnn a mltc of trutli in their claims. The Phils have been In last place for three jears and the A's haven't ralfdl themselves above the cellar for seven reasons, but they show premise of better things during this campaign. Baeh Club Revised Each club has been revised for the 302U edition. The IMtlls present for lecnl consideration Itey Leslie, late of the New Orleans Club, at first base. The big blonde has made a favorable Impression en the training trip and his clever nnd nimble fielding undoubtedly i 111 drive an opening wedge into the henrts of Thlllle followers. The Wllhelm outfield will be the Mine. Beve Lcbeurveau, Cy Williams and Curt Walker will take care of the distant pastures. Even aside from Les lie at first, the Infield will leek different from 10121 for the gleaming white teeth of Arthur Fletcher will finch nt short stop and Prank Parkinson will display his ability as a second baseman for the first time. Fletcher was net in uniform last Masen, nnd Parkinson was the short fielder. New Mack Infield The Mark infield also Is new. Jee limner will bn at firet, Heine Scheer at second, Chick Galloway at short ami Jimmy Dykes at third. Hauscr was the sensation nf the Milwaukee Club lutt season and Scheer was the fielding tar at Hartferd in 1021. lllng Miller and McOewan nre new comers in the outfield. The third mem ber will be Tilly Walker. Miller is part of the purchase prlcv obtained from Washington In the Dugan trade. Jimmv King or Huck Bctts will twirl for the Phils, and Harris or Yarrisen for the A's. In i went campaigns It hns been the euMem of the Phils te piny hlt-er-mUs baseball. But this year it undoubtedly will be different. An example of the way that they will conduct themselves was had in ester day'N same in Hendersen against the Heading Internationals when a run was scored en two hits. In the lat three seasons have you ever seen the Phils score n run en two singles without the aid of an error, a tulk, a sacrifice hit, an Infield out or a sacrifice tlyV Just two slngleR ordinary ones, tee and a run the result ! This happened jesterdny and may happen tedaj. The answer Is that the Thlls arc pln.ving inside bnseball this .tear, and this Is something that has been sadly neglected by nil except visiting teams at Hrend and Huntingdon Ftrects. Yesterday Walker singled. On (he hit and run, he, went te third when I".IIp singled and then the double Meal was worked. Tedious Tutoring This style of play tells two stories of the progress the Phils mada In their training camp nt Lccsburg, Fla. The first is the tale of the hit and run. Leng hours did Klze Wilhclm ne- yeie te signs as his subject for lectures S &MS STMSJX &&jE.&EBI en the bnll fielil l line bail flew The second tells of Wid Conrey, neer ".Meredith en his feet, but year ufter ! jear when he was in his prime he could ' be found uniens: the IcndlnebaseNrenlerji The Phils never have been demons en the runwajs, jet there nns eeen Miecu en the club. Fleet feet will net patter ? m! ' ?.len tlie base I,Mlls "'s season ld Conrey has his way. Stealing Ne Accident In an eloquent and Impressive fashion -onrey has coached his charges in get ling a cad off the bug. The double steal ?,,? r ')' "",? no "Ci'Iclrnt. It was the Thl m", t?("0,,H tu,'"rl'K In practice. f, X 'I'll ''ve worked the dual pilfer td";,(ck(l:pnrk'in,rfMb i,un- mere were same down only four hits In that ii Hendersen. Tliren "Hinted In the seerln g. The ether Wll- Z ' , ' A.eff Lt811" t. Four hits athini.u "1S bnew ,llnt he Inker the P,ii!1l,V',!y nf,tfr Uw Kam" J"Merday Tern M . Ills,riy hls innriilng. Thev WnDelm',"' .lKrP 1,J' '! ,nr" number of uui in Richmond en Thursday. Premises Surprise Hepneil off fi, . ' ... ",",,m " hp 1 II sin L "Ji" '""""Inn, "but onditle.i i'ithp bn'H nr'' '" 00' tnln" V ln n ''irpr se. Thev nre ft,0 W ' ball club piny r"enl "Tl,'. ..i 1 M tb, ' Vh". '''.V'0:, 's,.?ratif.rlng. WO'rn ..i.. ".' 111 We re nil .. 1,1. ... "; tri.ln, ..i ". "". """ me nil II aeaxnr. i.-..."."1 ' Win gnniCH tills "it vdu'li . J. H0 n Int of mv, sure. Unlllu.,V '""T.-ep us nut Mndlt J""1.,. ! "''vniitnge of ,,- - iniT M'O llu mil 11l.it I I UKIIIIUE splendid 'Here u.,h in f .-,.' V, A i. . " iii. Arre flu . t i)uL'.H..nhn I'l.'t In Ihelr nnne.-ne. JRaltiiner .in... hl,'," lender bnttled .lestenl. ": "i U'IihIam Lrtl in.:::-", '""i IMlennt-II '-,' ituN.",'tl' .'''"""'flphln I ..Wllhelm I.-T ..,,!,",0,n1X. " cxlilbiiin . '" vlr' Miicesful In P'lng imni ' f?"uN i1' "' fr this eialn.i t '".' reil te turn the trlek R& WeZhfc. Pn)y !'! the .-.-, wn"t in si i ,i . 'Irri,s. nnd I ''"""Pnisii, e!.t.;," ,llsi'"y,red the enthe iVni ,ra1,nlK ninp. The rnt . ie ',1'er::.1 wl ,r- 'lewn tbren .... 11 .J.ne townsmen IIOB and 1,. .' V" "t." V "S " ."V. ".'"'. ""'iv". ".'""":. "53. I Husky Right.Hander Will Make Start Against Dartmouth en Franklin Field SHAKE-UP IN THE INFIELD PKNN, DARTMOUTH Mnrtmrd, . Taawell. cf. Cellen. 2b. Thuraton, In. MhardeUh. 3b. flmlUt. If. Nhunnen, rf. er. r. Uurbnnk, p. Mnhsfl Wlltfehlil. lb, iteianinu, e, Menra4!n. " nmiivaa. tb. Matur, c. MeMnllm. rf. rwiw, an. It e-1 enrfi Umpire Waanrr. JEFF TE9REAU, former New Yerk CJIant hurler. and his Dartmouth baseball team. will meet the University of Pennsylvania this afternoon en Franklin Field In the third game of the week for Coach Carina nine. Penn Is due for a shake-tip if Label Oeldblntt, the former Southern High Scheel star, Is able te play this after noon. Label injured bis ankle Thurs day and was kept out of the nowdein game. The peer playing of the team against the New England nine has reused the Ire of Conch Carles. It would net be at all surprising this nftcrnoen te see Ocerge Sullivan back nt third base, with Goldblatt en sec ond and Licbegett at shortstop. The outfield will remain the same. Bill Yndusky. who held Urslnus te four hits en Tuesday, will face the Mountaineers this afternoon. Bill Is In the best of shape of all the hurlers. and, being n husky nthlcte, can stand mere work than the ethers. Jim Lyens, the star of the Greed staff, will in all probability oppose the Red and Blue. Last Tuesday Lyens lest a clew battle te Catholic Univer sity In ten innings. He allowed but four hits during the decade of frames. On Monday Walter Lnrscn, the star southpaw of the Red and Blue, will op pose the Phillies en the National Leaguers' grounds. ROBESON IS 3 UP Leads Topping In North and Seuth Final at Plnehurst Plnehurst. N. C. April 8. F. K. Robeson, of Rochester, was. three up en Henry J. Topping, of Greenwich. Conn., today nt the end of the first eighteen holes of the thlrty-slx-hele finals of the Kerth nnd Seuth amateur golf chnmplenship. These players met In the- final of the same event seven yenrs age nnd Robe son wen. Robeson earned his way te the final today when he defeated Donald Parson, Youngstown, in the second round, ft and 4, nnd then ncceuntcd for W. C. Fewnes.Jr., Onkment, 1 up in the semi finals. Topping wen from E. L. Sco Sce ficld, Plnehurst, at the twentieth hole In the second round, nnd defeated Mike Themas, of Nashville, 3 and 1', In tut semi-finals. CENTRAL "V" WINS Copt Dual Swim Meet Frem Ripple S. C. Easily The Central Y. M. C. A. defeated the Ripple Swimming Club last night in the former's peel nt Fifteenth nnd Arch streets. The experience of the Central nntatnrs i tee much for the young independent club. Andrews, of Central, was the Indi vidual star of the meet. He wen the fancy dive and the 100-yard dash. Daniels raptured Ripple's only first place by copping the fifty-jnrd dash In ensy fashion. Summary : Kitty- ard daih Wen by Daniel", nipple, in4. Qnble. Central: third, l.ynrh, Cen tral: fourth, a. Carlsen, Ripple. Time, iT second. 100-rrl dr.eh Wen by Andrevi. Central, aeennd, Ware, Central, third K. Cirlnen, nipple; fourth, Andrews, nipple. Tlme. 1.04 I!0O-rd dash Wen bv Oab'e, Central, eoc-end. K Car' ami. Hippie; third, Malatln, Itlpple. Time, 2 '43 4-S. Fancy dive Wen by And. ewa, Central; aecnnd, Nenls, Cenlrnt, third. Daniels. Ripple: fourth, Deug-Men, Rlpplw, fifth. UI UI Ilett, Ripple. UMPS ARE DETERMINED Meet and Decide te Refuse Offer of Phila. Baseball Association The United Umpires' Association "'" ,u" """ ,"'"1 "" ngnin re- fused te accept the tcims offered by the Philadelphia Bnseball Association Themas (lleasen. supervisor, has been instructed te get in touch with nil teams and mono arrangements for send ing officials who desire them. Accord ing te Jee O'Neill, they have received many inquiries from all sections. In the meantime the Bnseball Asso ciation Is receiving applications from umpires, nnd new hns eighty en the lift, nntf hns been assured flint ninni? let the leading umpires in the city wiil werK for us organization independently. HAGEN HOLDS GOLF LEAD Star Homebred Leads White Sul- phur Play With 142 Whit Sulphur Springs, XV. V., April 8. Walter Ilngen, P. (. A. champion, led the field in the second nnnunl open golf teuriinmcnt for the llrst thirty-six holes here tednj, with a score nf 7'-!-70-l4i!. Johnny Farrell, Quaker Itldge, N. V.. who flnlshrd sec. nnd nt I'eliimbln this wisek, wns next te lla?en ut the start efJihn final two rounds today with 712-72-1-H. Jee Kirkwned, es-Ailslrnlnslan clinm plun, had n mciininn miiiid cslerdny of (4 and finished in third place for' the filial drive with a 72 nnd a total nf 140. II. O. Wart. Mnrli'tta. O.. was next In line with 151, TIGER GOLFERS PLAY PENN Rival Llnksmen Will Tee Off at Merlen en June 3 The I'nlvcrslt of Pennsylvania golf team will meet Princeton ever the links nf the Merlen Cricket Club cm Jun .'1, This wns announced tndny alen with the rest of the Tiger links sched ule. They will play live mulches and enter the intercelleglntes. Donald Cresswell, n Philadelphia expert and n sopho more nt Princeton, Is expected te ninke the team, along with three, letter inen -Captain Beb Wlnlrlnger, F. Cnrruih and Tem Sparks. Itudv Knepper. na tional crack, will lead off fur the Tigers, Yeung Montreal Defeats White Ponten. April 8, Teunp .Montreal d, fetd J.ihci White In ten round htle he fore 10,1100 fxht fan. Danny Kduaids de de feuted Ituy Moere In ten reumln. Joey Miller wai tee clever for I'addy Owena and neered lerhnlCAl knockout In the alxth rni.ini whin the leferre nteppd the bout te aave Owene. ueiaeimn eea; jennny Sheppard. nt. .tUimm A 1 ......- 1 euaball field, haa rrcuNd mreunda at Bitty- IjBIIIPIUI ma aa IIBlILUIHDr in tha xl-.j,"'-' i ' i.r fmm " "i .yBmvmt. '"I. .: ,r BW . ' . 'At i .dETH 1J W' rm" . ,. .. "niS JtQJ9f 1M saBaMrt mmmmmummmmm ar" "' "CV PERKINS ' ; tfJMF-J!? -' FflsBVssjrT jKi i ii Msiiaaiiiaw JH " BwSawr WKrf tH i asiiiiiiVPIIiiiiiM lBBB'2a2B1 iaiWjt'l illllF''' ?B Cambridge Beats Penn Relay Team Continued from Pile One Brown finished ten yards alicnd Milllgun, of Oxford. Had Law-son Ilobcrtsen been nble In start Den Head, his Injured mller, the' result of the rncp would linvp been no ' different. Head Is net mere than a ' second faster thnn either Mcl.nne or Hcrr, the slowest two men nn (he Penn team. The contest was arranged as the first big International event of the j cur nnd te feature the nnnunl public schools tournament in competition for the Achilles trophy baton, denitcd by the Achilles Club, which sponsored rhe nf falr. Club officials were elated ever the entry list of thirty principal schools and felt their beginning was success ful. Recerd Is 17:51 l-. The four-mile relay iccnnl nf 17:511-5 Is held jointly by the Bos Bes Bos eon A. A. nnd Cernell Cnivcrslty tennis. The TJ. A. A. team, composed of H. F. Mnheney, .Tcnn Mnrecnii. Jimmy Power nnd Oscar F. Iledlnnil, running In that order., created the mark en thn I.afaette Colleen trnck at Ensten, Pn., June 17. 1W1.1, and three years later a Cernell teeni equaled the time. The B. A. A. men nut under the old rules of an clghtun-liich meas urement. The trip of the University of Penn sylvania team murks the first time since 1000 that the wearers nf the Ued and Blue hnve appeared abroad in inter national competition. Twenty-two yenrs nge one of the greatest aggregations of trnck stars ever te represent Pennsylvania went te Lon Len Lon eon nnd Paris nnd electrified the trnck world with n series of performances that have seldom If ever been equaled In the history of trnck athletics. The team wns composed of twelve nthletes, four of whom wen no less I than nine Olympic chnmplenshlps. The j partv sailed from New Yerk the latter part' nf June, 1000. competing first In i.oiiueii nun iiiicrwiiru in inc. great , Olympic games held in Paris, Itecnlls 101 f Race The four-mile relay recalls vividly the Inst time the J'nixcrsltj of Penn sylvania nthletes raced against an Eng lish team. It was back In 11)1 1, when a combined Oxford-Cambridge quartet laced the Quakers in the relay carni Mil nt Franklin Field. Philadelphia. The Englishmen wen. but the rnce sllll stands as one cf the most spec tacular nnd thrilling ever staged. The finish wns se close that the spectators and ccn the judges were divided en tne question ei tne winner. A. N. S. Jncksjii, who nt that time was the greatest mller In England, was the anchor man, ami he started off a geed ten yards behind AVallnce .Mc Curdy, who wns then captain of the Bed nnd Blue. Leu Mndeirn ran third for the (Junk ers, bcini,' preceded by (ieerge Bin en and I.nngner. Mndeirn cllsplnjcd beau tiful form and defeated Nerman Tuber, nn American Rhodes scholar nnd pres ent holder of the world's record for the mile. Jacksen caught McCurdy en the fitst lap of tlic four. Then the two athletes ran neck nnd neck until the straight nwny wns reached. In the meantime RUN FINE RACE S MgMMgaal. f '4 tDnHMMMIA . i .MMaaaaaaaaaaMaaaaaaaaKaKaW '" LaaaaaaaaaK? f ..aaaaak. " ' VsaaaaaaaKaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaU eaaB yy.''. vClaaaaarnFaflHUkBBaK C J aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaC aaaaaaaaaaV ' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaKK MBt ' s iWW jfl 'VVafsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKlaLt.' ', P , " ' J' 'j tltf aiTBIaaaaaaaaaaaaaTaaW i ' Jit Fi 3 '-'k,' i jl f sl 'taBMaiaVLaaaaaaaaaaaaBiSiSaaaatik'W " aT 'V KWaaaWaaaaaaaaVaaaaaaaaaHjaLaaHMaaaVkl fir S 9BBHI sfllHV&nRHjlaaaaaaaW 'aaaaaH "'''aaall BLaJV " tWa- kB .. 4K "' s!5$3t.ts'v Si. - i1 f'm aaaaaHaalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVr 9-JMMtas SVaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaaaW vsWK SBaaaSiia i vr 9 li'lrVJ-JVAlA s SSV aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaHaaam" aHfaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHateaaaaaaaaaattaatO iyy li llfaMaaaHaalaaar3aaaVtil k v; "MisaaaaaMr Kiw. , 'mP$lZl tffiin'ti relay team .ran defeated liy Cambridge In Hie International fenr- .if l" aaiiD ...w aa.i e ajUu niwri mail name, vpywuii, f ' NMTimai paiiw, VMf 'Wf, KHtar McUinei lower-Wf.. Can.. in lrr-Brewn; upper HiM8ajrM Harri'few?r rif hi.-Jehmv.Km ' 'alasaw ' HVsHaaaaaaaaasHaHiviaBiaiHaH'. saaaaaaaalasi v7?IbiiibbiiiW bbiiSx aVBsiiiiiiiiWBiiaik" i'&Wj? ' kiiiiiiiiiiWaW - r. ' ytt-tfmiW xmBm nf ' ' , ' ' -J BUTCH HENLINE.- "Reinstate Babe Ruth" Is New Petition Slogan New Yerk, April 8. "Iteinstnte Babe Kutli" Is the slogan of mere than n thousand baseball fans who have already signed n petition te former Judge Kcnesnw Mountain LiuiiIIh. commissioner nf organized baseball, icqufstlng' n modification of the penalty imposed upon the home-run king,' nccerdlng te (!. C. Hill, nf 1 Liberty street, who Is elf culiitlllg'lhe petition. Mr. Hill said he hopes te 'een hnve mere I linn !!0,fJOO names signed te the petition te nllnw Kutli te piny from the commencement of the league schedule. the. Penn students were wild with en thusiasm. As they tinned into the stretch', Jnck Jnck sen put nn his famous sprint and the little, wee McCunly stn,cil with him. The Amerlcnn called forth nil the energy In his little body anil he hung te the famous lOngllshman until he wns ten .Minis from Hie tape. Then Jacksen went Inte the lead bv it hair. As they npi.renched tin1 tape, McCurdy, In one Inst cffeit, leaped and many thought he crossed the line first. The entire gathering of bpeeluter.s wns en the field by this lime nnd rrmwleil around the finish The judges, however, awarded the lctnry te England. The time was Is minutes nnd ." seconds, - - seconds faster than tednj's race. TOM MILTON BARRED Champien Racing Driver Under Ban en Pacific Coast Fresne. Calif., April S. Tem Mil Mil ten, national champion automobile driver, has been barred from nil mecs en the Pmlfic Const, according te n telegram iccelvcil b Mnnnscr II, E. Pnttctsen, of the I rcim Spei'dwny A cwli.H,,., f.., Willi u.,1.1 n- cliiiirmnii nf the Nalien.il Contest Heard of ihe A. A. A. In New Ynil,. Schlmpff s.ild in his niessngc that Milten had been disqualified because he demanded n bonus for entering a Ficmie race. r.-. ,.., .,.,, ........iii .Mill I , McTlgue Finishes Beckett New Yerk. April 8 MIU .MiTlsue ran temlcr for Johnny Wilsen's mlrJitleuelRht twa vioeill II lni " IMI'i'll t IKllI ' knocked out iiitiv neikm .,( v. rrijw n me nnianiiiK Plew. Glock Signs With Parkland Charlle Oleck. former ninp hur!r nf tha llrMealiure team, teil.iy ln".l a rnntraet en 'laVa!' ,.V;errS.U!!,:,;rn; Z lima i!nean te' or .iiiiimner inns mat no Pley Willi th9 Old Tlmtra, IN ENGLAND MFI iMLf rJi'ATx iuua;, uui ucac naiuru aim favf Ilia huhm- McLne lower. IMt(. Cap- Orleans, hi thn tnlnl leuni h"ie. .McTlsue, Uii e, for M'VPinl seasons In the Hastl'lii ;!fr,,i;'i,vj :vb!s; ftfrpux,!,w'B&.1v,R,,,,M,If.,,,,,,?,,,l tl,p l",t " ,wSs' T51-1 BRIDESBURG CLUB STARTS PRACTICE Uptown Baseball Team Opens Season Next Saturday at Forty-eighth Ward TWO GAMES WITH NATIVITY THE. nrldesburc bnseball team will practice this afternoon nn the home dlnmend nt Richmond i.nd Orthodox streets. .Malinger Billv AVhitmnn lias a big squatl of players signed nnd will also give n number of ethcis n chance te work out, nnd if they make geed, They mny be added te the team. In cluded In thns;e te lie tried out nre Sev ern! former Penn players. This is Whitman s first year ns n manager. He is one nf tlic most popu lar players in the city nnd the fans arc pulling for him te hnve n big year. He has decided te open the season next Saturday nftcrnoen, when lie will nssist Manager Crnliam lift Hie lid en the lOli'J campaign nf the Forty-eighth Ward. The latter is making ready for the getaway and has signed Pitcher Lengncrc, the former star of Doylcs Deylcs Doylcs tewn. On Saturday. April 2'2. Brldesbtirg will m-eve down Richmond street te help Phil Hnggerty nnd Nativity get tinder way. The tennis come bnck te Richmond and Orthodox streets en April JD, and net until then will Bridesbnrg fnns lump the club in action ou the home diamond. Here Are the Hurlers Whitmnn hns signed n iiintet nt hurlers thnt fchnuld make n name for his team. He has another In view, con sidered the best in Philadelphia, but his arm is uncertain. Whitman would dike te have him, but fears lie will net round Inte shape. The pitchers already en the payroll arc ready for the fray right new. Rny Keppner, the Crcssena right hander, has the distinction of bcntlng ncai't' 11. Iln.lnl, ,1,1ft nl.il. ln.1 Lnnu,.,. &, i'f"eaM MFI ) Lefty Costelle I a southpaw of the 1 "cm TliyMulun. I ,i1K .Mnrle.. who Baltimore Drydecks, who spent the en- Kcered twice for ne M'"dtei, will he lire 1010 campaign with the Cubs. ' out of ihe game for about two wcc-l.s. Stan Pepnluski Is another southpaw, He twisted a ligmuent in lit- km e in who stands 15 feet 2 Inches mid weighs the closing minutes nf estii'dn ' game 100 pounds. He is recommended by , nnd had te be c.inlPd "off the field Stanley Cnvclcski. who had hliu with .Merlcj is the enh American en the the Cleveland Indians for rt tiiul last isting team He plnn-d l'nt nt J ear. nnd the ether is Fred Sticb., of ! Hiueiferd and later nt Jehns Hepkins M"'0". ,' ' . r r , land lics in the .M.im Line suburb. Behind llie lint ih Lew Fleck, whese1 services were sought bv big-league I Streng in Team Play teams this .vcar. Heck is the hemlest- The team plav of the Itritens paused hitting catcher In Philadelphia. He , no end of Kimiuent bv old-time col cel 1N..".'. ''!' ,lll;,,1''tc,.l..b. J"el'"Snit. of West lege lacrosse 1dajcrs. The lincnutn l'lillndelphin High. Hogart will nlse ability of the wlnnts t. pn-s (neihcail ....... ..i... i i.i. .i i. . ...' I 1 1 1 ii i i in i fin. i it 1 1 ti iiiiiiinr i L IS lllll.,lll Willi ill' ll'lllll IfCnilSI. ne loves tne gninc, ami is a iicrwenii friend of Whitman. Itegart is slgnei en nn amateur contract. One Jeb Vacant All positions are filled, with Ihe c - c - ceptien of the ke; stone sack. On first Is Kllwoed Illizby. fennerl.v of Stet-I '.null. tiuiiiimiiT, ne weii-Miewn leeni ensKCinnu piajcr, signei Ills con- i 1 .1 a. . . irai't today te ceer sliett. and Iteb bv ner. Hill Diamond will net as sulstl. title intielder. In tlie outfield will be Chaille Hau ford, the cx-Chl-I-'ed, who nlf-e plmed with Wliitninn at Mcrclmnt .Shin: A W.!l?,"'" !'." nnlh.ble la' lit-li IJJ hurl, and Whitman himself. , I nn- iieni in iwi-iimnnu nnu urtliniiex ' mi-eel4 ban been in tin. Immk ..f ...... ii.ictm-s for nearly a ...enth. They have the field in line shape and carpen- ' I tcis Will tiegnt work ou llu laniUtands , in-M ..iiieiiuv, wiien near a t lells'inil additional scats will be elected. "PEP" YOUNG COMES HERE ! Mack Claims Tiger Second Baseman by Waiver Reute It. W 'IVp" Yeung. Uetrnit Amrr- nan inficlder, lias Ih-eii c'nimnl en ' wnivets by the Athletics. . ' leung is witll tlic Tigers at Mem- i plun. and it is expected he will liiinic- dintelx join the Athletics. Detroit u"k(d wallers en nmi- s... . oral dajs age when lie again den loped the trouble with his throwing ami . ,,, i ..... i l.: -,. i f .i ii . 1 ',i si ii im ii'iiiii viii i i riin inn. in i ii. ' -...--.a.. ..-I. i tin nil' -14 UI"l Blackburn Outpeints Respress hlcln, prll S Jai k JllH.niiiirn ,.Kr nndillfnelBhl of Chlcjke, uuitKlnil i iwn II.npi.hh fieiith Am.rk'Rn lemrl 1hms uelKht In a ten-round mat h her Hlni Imrii ilt.plaeit the old Unu lunmnic llm m.nlrt lilm knimn a thi i,:ird v( in, i im. I..i I. In the das uf Jue liaiw und Ad WDlBnat Baseball Filmed in Camps ami Klsewlwre l..irl Hamilton, of the Pnaiea , hn be,-, in hiH Iiihi-ImII rareej- wiih ihe MunulU id ,M.i eliih pluhtd thr.'H mn.ns'i nwainM hla nui t..,iiinnatiH esurda II, dm ,iut rt l.. a limn le reath tlrat an 1 In ta ihird liwiiiu- rcllteU the a.dn en MnU'i. Imelfhkle and I'hle ar. h H-dule I i 1 ,, K I fur the Indians thla ufiu nnmi and t.mi.u H w nn. I thn are leukli.i: rerun id tu inn .kaiiea ih .1 will k.e iliein Ih. 11 Mrut cham.i te mirk a full nliiH innlni, i-enici h r,r. thla anium no Oeulund hurler has ueni ' ner nn limine I .Inliimi Miihurilt'n rrrei .-mi, M.inphia a Mone Hill in Ihe klim with llelinlt l.ier I ,i lhi 'I lera Mlllel thlrlven , bin ' Vim a wna an 'aa mnilc fin " 1 ntd. a liiHii and th hatted iin.ui"l 111 eiirh u inn tlrat two liituiwa , llaaehall will net umli , ,rk thla aftBrnenn when thn (Hani. m.(t lh W hlte fox hi the I q'n (iininda nnd Hi.. I Yankeea liiv-u.le llruuktMi tu nppna 0 Uudctia. The Hedeer n heal the Yanka m nichiiieiid Ni-aterdav, eiere I te JI llahe Until liaiik-ed out iihemar that broke. H .Anr.lu I.HI 'l.ll I'l.tl, i ,. . ., I . , - 1 . . "" .... n (hi, ninth (hut rt.au le.l I.. .... .. .' - resulted in deft.u for his, team. Crl Ma, whelihrcw u ball ear the amiatand In the,uth when he waa takjn rniiaiBiuuu it" niw;a ISjrem'uanaariiuiiin. h..ft .flneu0U 1K?.?IR tlfaJSrei"!! iff Agflft ' Captain Hepkin3, of English Team, Gives Advice te Lecal Lacresse Players After Win MORLEY INJURES HIS1 KNEE "lONSinilUINt; that jour cnlle-v- glnns were plajiiiK their first game of the season, I think they did mightily." Herbert Hepkins, of Seuth Australia, In home, for tjie Oxford Oxferd Cntnbrltlitp lacrosse team, thus consoled several I'nherslty of Pennlvniiiii plnyers after jcstrrdn' gnine. The InvnderH from Britain wen the contest 8 te 0, nntrlnsslng the Bed ntul Blue, weakened b the less erf Lee De Kern. Back In 11)01 n tribe of Hngli-h H H cressn plii.iers cniiu; te Philadelphia and administered almost the enim- de feat ns .est.rday te a Penn twelve. The seme nt that time wns "f te 1. Penn jesterdny made it K"al, but the referee dei'ited sonic "-oft of unnf- ' ficlnl .ill... tin.) llm snnre UIIS lllMll- lewcd. "Yeu knn.v." snld lIepkln. con tinuing Ids words of cheer te the 1 nn plners. "Peniislviinlit played ,l ,"V"','l better brand nf bnll in the second half limn dim- .11.1 In tlm first tWCtlt -live minute of pint. They seemed te get f l,nTrn'! by u st.eng tncelher nil nt once Tlmt is what ' ''nm- Lnglnnd, h mme. (leininny ami hey I, eked i Nlie'litst half nnd gnNe . ' .jt ceutitr es , nri. g0,s , for nth us in ma . ..ppertunllles te senrc. Amnrli i. .m . , ? I "T V'"'0 "'"' ciii k.inw!" it's a fnvnrlte expres- J A" "'" "lust net take a back sent slnn with Hepkins, "the secret f our Hie meeting, which will be presided winning is Un- manner in which wpner b lljlnni C. Prmil. nf the take ndvantage nf every nppeiiuiut.v jAinntPiir Athletic Cnlen nf the I nifd that presents Itself. XV c never miss n ' Matc, will be attended by the follow fellow 'chaw lie We have n concerted de- lug leprccntntlves nf organisatiens. fense nml en the eltcnsc ireiii n i-ucii- around the genl thnt enables us te pass and sheet with several men instead or one or two. as you fellows de. Same l-'niill Klscwlierc "I li.ue fniinil the .,inie fault in the three games we lime plll.Mil te date. 'Ihe American collegian hadn't ns jet gotten down te teal team phi : the nttinn Is tee lndivitlti.il nu net i l t Ilntikiim. who PPdi'Pd tlirt'c of 1 inree in mi. tenm pcmls ,rstnlny nnu piajen conspicuous part in Inking tin- imii away from the I'cnti defenders, slid that his opponents would hnve Miewn te better iidvanlURc had they pln.cil cntnes nil winter, as did Oxford nnd 1 CambrldKc. 1 cut knew. Hepkins ngnin Irnttcil out his pet, "we hnve been pl.iinc all winter and nre in excellent condition. The turf here nwdstcd us, for wc nre frequently called upon in KiikI.iuiI f play en wet, sllppeiy gieunil. Net until we met LcIiIrIi in our State diet we piny together as a team: that is, the men from Oxford and these from Cambridge. We have new perfected our tentn pln nnd epcct te get bitter as the tour pregrefs.es." According te Or. ' .tiiur Light, Ihe ... .. i. -i. ... i .i.i .i " '""""""" "ii" "i wininiir .speed .....1 always te a teaillltlllte upplaiiM' uni ncrei drew iminils of fieni tin Mlinll cttiwil. AVhnn llu. In.i.t nlfiwt.. I. ..I l.n l. n (which was Mldem. th'e Unions f.,nne,i in eiilable cordon of Meet ateiiud llnir net and warded off the attack with sUc bulnesliKc mioetlincss that the I'eiin nttmsers wcie ceuipleteU nnnnliised Tin sllppciv Kitiditinii of the tie'd bnthcied the men from ileum the pencl less th.ui it did I'cnn. The Itcd ami Hlne team had dltlicultj keeping i (.(piilibiium. while the lirltmis dashid up mid down the field as thmigh pl.ij . in? en a lin.iid lloer. Nc.vlen and I'c.'ll'sen, nisi iit.ack second and j steefplj lin.UBli. iiff..-ilnlliiiPlr clillcl tin- Th.Ke and ,im y his leimnntcs because b,. km i ,. ,, .,,!.,,,. ,.i .... i i f... the l.nglisl,,,,,.,, , addition te II.. ,,. , kins. I Amateur Sports n., .,, ... ,. .ir,n. ;"T7 morrow if i. i n .n win, ,i, ,,,,., ,, ', s larl, h.-. ,.u-a n nt.iini! ill r,i! u, nianiiB,.- fj. ihe i In. in I ih ,x m J. ,. ,", r ats.ii; ,h. ,u p M ,., ,1,"1,.v,.',' iKWr,'. V-nun k. ... .,.. en"p n fti-' ; ( m irnr,i , ln) .,,: HI?, '"""" " s,"r'' '-'-'- Ne"h Semnl Tin. In . n f'shi .n nln. (, , n im e.O trmelinK t .in untjl.l lil (O tip ii f,, I fun n. li. r, du A ii.i.. i. . Mien iPtnm i "r an. mher ' .m hl h nrv iiim i play for sun ,si ' ("ti'.?, r,i'.'...V'.,f,i1?. Ni-'"'. . h ,J.nrr."h'h Ji1'1;1 .,J'?,f ' " iinrHni t. .M T M, ...c" . 7, e"1"-' mi hii nrn'-i t.i " ..-.HiH iiiit-i m ni in r 4d iihmii. r uUin. reaaeiial.!., uid h rm. m, 'T , lliuk Jenes' ll-si,ir, i, ,v , ,.. in, . nllisht. s.turdav ind Mmdm I., Hi , , niNiiius te h.Mir fmm Ui der . uh ,,. t .ml Kiiiir.inteea Thern ih l. j ,,.., . -,' M.rth Itnncrefr atreet The Udil-h Tnurlira miM 'k. ,, he., , -mini with llrsi,la, ,r , ,, ,,,, ,, vvv l.reiy IVptmlwinii and Pnni iiinj k-rniind-i .ind orferlnc uii,ii,i in I, ,.., ,s .T.e.ph If. I'fulffer. 21111 W i, ,. , ilrwi I ernilne II ( has nrn .Ii'.. i ,r s r, da.a ll flrt rlaea heni lentil . ir u 1 'h el'v intlnir this attr. Hen sh"n I ,rf dr- -. i Utnenen ;s,1ilT Ni.nh ni, n , Rtl.l Hie l-iiliaileipnii fnli, n nrt, ri,, , iins n ii.. would lik. 13 hr.ir fr mi i f the aamn rallh.r nffermu re'tsenal 1 i. inenta I'rank ulnnm si; hn Tort llli luunnil , , n einu prefa, iniw Ine- luh 'a ll fl 1 1 1 n jr llu n hedm - r hi,- "im -' n'ji. .iini'iuiaa neni -. . it.,,-, mas neni i iii, iir!i ii leek 1 1ii k nttrH. ilm tlieni t ,i .Iliaprr . .. ..--lira i rl.,k K,lllPfc , i n nn Rn,id inunn cluba paln renaimiihu u unite iwi A flark I"Mi Kaat t'ln. , tin, aire.'t ei phune Oarfleld iin.'I.N Cn-seillt . V. would like te i,., rr,,n, alvleen . iKhteen ifai "Id tillla Jain s i ii 30I shuri. a-r.-.-.!, Wlaaahli knn I'hlliih-lphia I. '.. a alxt.pii lah'" r ear-el.l temi would lik in nrrnnii. -nn -h eh luni "f il" el.im haling arreiinda ml PUIIIU alllt ''de ind.li.lllHllts .Iilinu, k , , n W MP ''I "" etre" Hie. I nlli'il "-tatis Ninni llnnie h,i, , n d. lea n- linn it iirnl.lHBa .WIIM pelili I ' n i ' Iteeiilui.. LMidsnhersi ,,, i i. .!.- .. .. ill ein I'"'"' ' ' ."i unwi I liner i ,MllV f ,, t iiii,iI'" l.ernv hiV-cL ,'ir, t nil'd Sun. a Nainl Hern,. ) 11,1 f mrih nr. ." mil ilmia Krrn 11 v run,. 1 lie I5al I'hllaili-lphl i rrefrsaliiiuii, , nri iia tmv.'m new ha epn , , 1 r 1. ' ' '' 'I-" H'ni Hllh.-r W en in. 11 n ."'' N 'ih rh 1 I hIip.-i ' llensen T. ( , 11 at ml pre mam would mi,i '" h"-' h,.m Imnw nlwn ;.ih..i In clr ,,,.,, ... . . .1. t 1-ialilit.in l .-. t? . . ...."L atrct t.. ...II Germantown Wins at Velley Ball GtrSiatewn . m. c. aV. ' liit i,f,', dZm9&&SiniitriUWG;ZZ R?,ff Wf WlrtJ- YtSi iy B Jff -lWa tSStimZZ Tn Bl need .venay na.11 team, nf the Officials of A. A. 0. and Others te Promote Athletics for Fair Sex MAY FORM ORGANIZATION New Yerk. April S.Officlals nf the Anintetir Athletic Cnlen nf the I nited States nnd representatives of ether or- i ganizatlens interested In the promotion and development of amateur athletics for women In this country nre te held a cnnfeience this nftcrnoen nt the Hetel McAlpln. There Is n demand for nn organisa erganisa organisa teon te promote and Improve nmnteur nthlctlcs for women In this country, nnd It seems te be the consensus of opinion anions thnc who arc Inter ested In athletic sperls for women thnt the Amateur Athletic Cnlen Is the or ganizatien which should administer ' trnck nnd field athletics for women, I just ns it der swimming Swimming for women has improved, wnndei fully since the Amntcur Athletic I nlen assumed cnntiel in 101 1. and records will show tlmt where thcie was) one expert swimmer piier te 101-1 there ' nre hundreds tndav. I In nil probability track and field nth- Ictlcs for women will appear en the program for the Olympic games nt Amsterdam In IICJS nnd America will' ......... ...u in-mumn iiepnriments nui .... ., w.lll, ii u.-x'.il I lie Ill'i .Willi t-chnels hnvlns te de with the conduct of nthlctlcs and physical training for women : JAY GOULD DRAWS BYE " ww.i wmpiie uiu i Will Play With Jeseph W. Wear in Court Tennis Sem. Final in..m Atll.ii c i, -;.. m ...i . ----".- ! ... fi, siwiimi i ii ( .1 Vi it- . ....... ,lee ill . enc. of the I'll in en Inn i iiaeciuct I lull, tie em lnz c ninni nns. n.nrcw a nr.M -round lie in the draw in tednj fur the national court tennis den- hies chnniplenshlp teiitnument, which will begin next Thursday nt the 15oten Tennis nnd Unccpict Club. They will meet in the -emi-finnl leund cither W. ('. Itewditch nnd Ceorge XV. Wlghtmnn or W. A. Kuril. ham, Jr., and Dr. Chnnning Fiothing Fiething hain, all nf lieMnn. in me lower nan I niten 1 lilting, of New Yerk, and parner will nppnsi. e A. Shaw McKenu nnd (ieerge It Kear- ing, en tne iosieu i ine. 'i tie winners."1 ,rr 'n win meet, iiewiii tiergnn ami 1'avne Whitney, nf New Yeih. ' ' fvloerlyn A. A. Irv Field . The Mnerljn A. A. of Wi-it Philadelphia ' lll iiKiiln lilnte a tlrei- l.iss t h m mi in,. Held umlr the ninnHaeni.'iit of Arthur 'Inff Thf team will lie nidrte up nf neuiu all lt last .M-ar'a etarH anil mn, n.v one Tin malnilar of th l.ltrhlnu deiinri tnent will utfain h .Vewman. ihp tu ht hm of last jear'H (ram Fer game either a horn, et awav, remmunfrai ui(h it ellnaii. 1304 Seuth Wilten at eet ' ''I'KIVO KKSQRT MKRNFKSVII.I.K. P.. I GalenHall WERNERSVIUE,PA. NOW OPEN Drr Air. 1 nuauel Sc,nr, 1,100 fl. rlnvettun. C.nlf, rlr tume. nalh, nid'tiiffp, hvdrtn ir Hrpaii. nml, lleilrien'l lh. -Irian, drape. Ileachr.l l. TLllaiUI phlaft Heading R. Heward M.Winc MANAOCR 3C OCKX CITV. ,4-"- .rityvfi, s I 'V. ( MrVsiSli sr syfijyvijSsIri t-1 w (TTIrsl' 'VYV jr- r- ...lf 1H' C jtoei&C -ZlfetSzE;, 7 aa"aiai ,,'T"' OCEAN CITY NCVVJCHOCY l A CCnOn.iMrn,,,- H e-i sJLHjuisur Kcrcjuit-livjfe EINJOY IT BY THE SEA JOIN the throngs of premenaders en the fascinating Beardwnlk, enjoy the exhiliratinfi climate, the warm, spring sunshine and fresh sea air. partake of the hos pitality, synotijnieus with the ever growing popularity of this delightful Seashore City. I.OI.F, MOTeruNr; HOrEDACK RIDING CONCE111S. DANHNO THUATKES, ETC. Write I1AKRY A. MOIiflH, Cit Clerk. for a deaenptive booklet of Ocean City. ,'l S: ,... .0 n SPECIAL RATES Palm Sunday and Easter Siipm r S r . i . I c Ut ir y-erter t p. ican ' uu d INCOLN i OCEAN CITY. N.J. TO I JIN w...n. . uiuiici ay v.. r. n. ateamer CLARK'S 3rd CRUISE, JAN. 23, 19 -3 ROUND THE WORLD D jha Specially Chartarad Superb C P R. .s. "Empreat of France" 18,481 groaateoa A fleatlni Palace for tha whole trip. Keutet New .erk. Panama. San Praaclfce, Hono lulu. Mdayi in Japan, China, Manila Jm, hiyapere, Uartnah, Option el 19 daia la lydia, Ccyloe. daya In Cairn, NjpUi. Iltvre, Souihimpten; litep evrral tjuebae Hr. le Montreal and New Yerk, 4 MONTHS, $1,000 nnd up Includln. Hetela, UrUei. Cuidca. I'eai, ete. CLARK'S 10th CRUISE, FEB. 3, 1923 1& MEDITERRANEAN i . K j ffiWffiSrZttZ:. J2w anae tenai u uivi nanin axon.'.? 'leir. ISl mmm jy $3.50 Day up, Spec. Wkly. American Ph Reuth Cerflllnii urn.. Till riir.1i from walk! renrrnlrnt te nil Dttmclti Capacity tee. fltrlrtly nieclern Klftsl RUNNING WATER IN RO( Tirc. hMntlirnllr iiiiiintntit tntflrllltn. nne.l ratrnnsur l'rl. Iiiitlii I nlln SMI erlrc iiiieti'dlril Itktt. Deth hetall erihlp manactiment. K. B, LUDY, K.. I Hpfnil the Enatrr llelldny Jn ' ATLANTFC CITY , AT HOIEL KxirU In Comfert, Sic-Mlre Hnd CelslB Kenturkr Afp. .Near Ileal b Atlantic Cltr'a Flnenl, I.aneat an1 tlMt I'epular Moderate lis te Hetel -.5.bU up Uaily, Special ,; Weekly American Plaiil C'l.elre, well furnlnlieil rnemt, prlrate hatha, metal beds, eletateM te street iinuiuallr attrartlre lenbr, parlor', anil reception roeim: rapnrltr otte, erchentrat daneiai. Newly pnpeteit Dd renaratad tbroufbeat. Public eheiTerH. RINNIVQ WATER IN ALL ROOMS Ownership mnnnc'inetit IlnnVlet. n:ni:it & iiei.t.inckii THE EASTER Nfer find you be rintl liuhlrtl an when ymi taunt furth tenkrnur pla-e In tht rxhili ratinif tmrt1c from Ihk MORNING BOARDWALK restful tnMrfinrncnt of nmr pi ieusj v i ftpeininl Hetfl nri-rby with t.u h h bckcreuml ou e amj -njey the Heardwalk nt it bMt Make tin New Kn-j I unci ntir tftfinffiDf r.ltne nn fksT PROMENADE WMlen of vnur()vr r anlrr Vi.M You'll thrnf rrJupfBk of it mero rflarlrirly next timfl your tP turn tow an. thf lierr fcperfal l.mter Knon Kat txrt(ncr with PaJntt Punilay- American Plan J4 Dai y J?VJ35 Wkly?' RUNNING WATER IN ALL ROOMS Nik Fn thiift it i cut itd ( $30,000 ALL YOU'D HM'i:CT A llerKI, TO Bl3 NEW ENGLAND Se, Carolina Ave. Iirarh, rl(lit off Ileardw .? ''.' AJ., M'AU UFA! II AM .i.ihi.imi , i, n ... ,i 1 1 a.m ic irirn ! .MOM III AtlllMI ll.il 1.1. si CTIllN i ISUAKDU A I.K KUNNIMi WATHH IX I'VI HV KOOM Ik i MWIY H IIM 1IH) C Private Palhe. Electric I.icbi Mcatcr Servle t Kurepean Plan 52 up Daily -K Deuble R"em ) S10 up Weekly 'J Slncleioem, l .'.O Ir IJny t sf SPECIAL EASTER RATES,; ALBEHAHLE Y i ieri t a emir . HeiniH'K mis., i ?i:,"no!i mw," K' ,'i! s h iii f.imeua nrll 18th. .. i i tetlnii i medcrij RUNNING WATER IN ALL ROOMS'; r.lei trie t IhriUL-l III Si ,11 unlnrln,.,: un tirx pniH l..nh . e nor Itunmn only II ei) iici lns nn ( nKr.,1 r in i n.i Rfincn ti c.Mti.t: .v i)t.it r Phillips Heuse Metuchurrn Ave. Dear Urnmah Attcininff the Hirjhvut Standard eM American J'lct ticrtice at Moderate Hates KxtellNlielj liiiiir.ilcd Nililitlell.il prllilt lillllis .mil rutiniliL- wiiIit ii r tl. . i . I II. Mil I.I. Max DeVILL Ment neltct bfautlful hemcMkt aunny eetnvnt 100 rooms vith het ami reUl runnmcr wat-r. bridal auttetf '"'' " puwuc uuiiin viTi-jirmra uantinKe "en par roneervatory, Karac golf pm ilc. a reraenal nip oire.-iien awuree an. I trvnrenlpel eatlirae Sneelal Spring ratea. ' i k up Amerleaa Voedarful maaJa. 1 HUM A3 M. O'flUlaW KENTUCKY M Sri( KV AM I e. l .( II amr..,an Plan 11 re n ..II ,, En ... ....tL. aaaa " '-" J " v ..'ii. ., J up nccaiT rr repu'a( turoeran Keles J t fvater te atrtrt I in. j a: J phenra In all roema. Private batha. Kunniry wat. r r r. , r...f aiMltlnn WblUaerTte. Own.rnUp mirm't Kl.'.U&KAKlliaaW c i. i iiai- no ii K.- c.).iii)i;r.in.ff s ui fa . i i a Hjrh j! V 'r'"' ,f r f .'l;'' M iher or Dfi Civuiitiuig vuier in every ioem,j , merli in I' in r 'ph 120 te 1341 ! IMl.l On- .". I nil 1), ,( m'liJ nunning vaier in every Keem:! IIMIIN II ICMII I). ClHliir A M.inuireJ e,w .- T-' THE BREAKERS Atlantic City, Pv. J. ' f Jcenn A n Fireproof ' eeaaen. -J D ATLANTIC A 1 i 'i It i i Ce1 runnlni- irp - i h' ll i i Cem runnlni u a-er IK f kly ( ai con i'. a ; i ii ue fjper1. i ii,-! (i (t !,ntef i in line Mi. at t ti i , h (ipena Aprl, I.'.in .- I ' h Kin i i - I iK ua(? i iujiih I i. it r s, , ,. ratea. II r HIT i 4 HOTEL RAVENROYD ftr r,enU lildhlK' Miller lleuer. I ll I! 0SOTIBHVlI&IL,ll X '." i "' ,"," .. ' " ' ' ' " '"arli ani .S'.el I l-v, , ,, , , , im imlnrd ui at t m i tool p.. hi .. Iv ,.ir .i ii t,w , itr hvulk muhtfat .JnnktM, l I'rep. RIO GRANDE Npw erU inr llfitt r a all. I rrprilftlf i nil rirsM, SILVER5IDE MOTEL I ill .1 -tlflll ( I!(IIN ,VK. w . I ei I n ni si i, ., ,( oinnen M ' T I v ll ir. r 4- j.i Wi.n. r r r jMicularj RAYMORE AWf: old 0wrcr Hetel Success HOTEL CONTINENTAL ilWHil ULhStl. ilM.HI ffalfiV !) rill a. ImuUaaik. , 7&T ja wnta ur naea.. m wai.su uuNCaJE5f;5,W AUSlllMi r ' J '"-a -iac nrp"M- a ' ' "'" ' I II. JiNKl5IRj ulni- In ri uuuurtLLuw ;,?,',:':-, &: gBfcwa ppe.nin ni ,i .0 rata 5ra r J flood fellci JW Westminster ."'"J"- a "r. ueaeir. . 11 .juiiuiJii.1 1 Vllni , riva ,thai nl 1 nn Ct n nil M.ar a V. KOPl, fe CHESTER INN .Xln'Vl plan, All rnniMdeneea MIq I) KNAUK VXaat THE PLAZA , .rfr'f Tiwak-a . . p, , ir . JWIMI, !, Itli....&ya.l' L.Talnl Pac al-,n1 Kelll.t'JCV A j.wav. ws.Bwv.wi. ;Iq,, v. nr. ltyV 'nt I a b I ctf?i: n.MAntejv3W:. vKl latea. IH up Ph JI7 A V. HARMM-Wi New Claiicn Kei Hi 11 1 A i Jut i,t . -waj;i . Wh I k M K HenlfigU'V zmiv Vst'f- i SSLllr" TAYER'S:Vk7'atHr W fi FIub..I 4VI : "rl Jfi lf s ." m . r Jl 1 i l li '51 M ;? i 'V l-SO iwa. r-niaii 't.jfwM ttii ii ii ' I '""--"' . v-