kv4fb TOIf? U jPKrAiV; f&SmSwtf twyfw T-T7T :uenmg puBltc ' 4 rt?y. 'J v-r y? NIGHT S V' tttrih clendr and unsettled tonight M 8"!!?TMln.riiiri.! BPrttln wllldi. EXTRA r'""JjV.."e4TimK at KAfit noun f JjJHTJ?rt70-171 171 172 I I I 1J VOL. VIH.-NO. 177 juratien of 300,000 Net en f leeks Will Turn me i tick, He Says m II 12 IS ONLY DAY warn rre r0 REGISTER IN THIS CITY KA i 48 Wards Get arg Leaueie K rams Telling Them te Get Busy a . . . l&GEE NOT KEEN FOR ALTER llir of Split in State Organiza- tien Ranks Is Causing Uneasiness Declaring tliat the bosses nre up in a ilr and that their slate, headed by ttarney General Alter, can, easily be alulicd in the May primaries, Gifferd Rntbet, independent candidate for the : nnklican nomination for governor, nnded a ringing call today for a big filtration. The State Ferester declared tnnt it leuld be tic easiest thing in the world wreck the machines in Philadelphia k Allegheny Counties if the full Ewjtb of the independents voted en Maury day. Vara leaders, alarmed nt the rise of lie tide for Pinchot, whom they re- rd as the most dangerous contender Kidnst Alter started out tedny te get fit full machine vole registered in an fort te counteract the Pinchot move- lent. Telegrams were sent te each of the are wflrd leaders in the Forty-eight ards. urging them te begin nt once te Inc up all the party workers and have em registered Wednesday, tiie only iy specified for registration and en llment for the primary election. Theie telegrams 'weie Mailed by hemas P. Watsen, chairman of Hie ire-controlled Republican City Cem- littee. Tlie-c vv no" worn registered for election of last November are rtunll id te vote in the oeinlns nrimnries Kleu tliey liave moved or otherwise panged their legal status since the Est election. However, there nre hundreds of thou d of IndeDcndentH in this rltv and Mvhcre throughout the Stnte xhe nre mf new registered. Fer example, in hlladelphla approximately ."00.000 men ia women iinvc fulled te register. If ee. or a lnrzc noreentniro nf them. filter Wednesday, suid Pinchot, there II be no trouble about wrecking the panne, April 12 Registration, Day "Nobody doubts." mlil Mr liiw.lii( what the great mass of Itciiuhlicuii Wttn would like the mining ptiinniies i reiraic in. The only question is 'nether nr unf time 111 hiim i-i... .... RJ'te register and then vote. In the P of Philadelphia, Pittsburgh nnd wanton the lust nnd only day for teg teg jwtien and enrollment is next Wcd My. April 12. In ether cities the ire is April I'd. These (lutes ought tn Parted in every hat, marked en every UVnr..'"1 m-n nn every wall. Voting Is lint nnli- .i ,.l..l,f . i. :.. ..i luty, and the iirtt duty of citizenship. i If . "nma" e talis te vole W himself or herself out of any share ,.. ". n(? n ,l,is f"' government. 1 POlltlCllI lllllnlihln n,,l..,.l .1 II , ' "V '-"' '"'Hi'in mull- IIIIIU "nail mlnAity of the vote In the ve. m i Where it does Its work. When it 'wit ins for mm reason enl. which ' it gets in Us vote while the JOMV nnnexrxl t.. ii .i. . "Tim.. I L " " ""' mere Is never en i.Wtlin. i.. i..i.ii. I i son m1'0 "ev,i(' ,,r" r,t (,n h ..,iCi.Vll,,ll,,'-tiul,,- Whenever the lt Bide is lllMten In n ,., ...... I. !.. n the people wiln w,mi,, vetp i , t '"""etc nt all. The bosses nie mil iut nil nu ti i..i ,. . ; " iL ,ni "' MUtU Knows. clearlv ,V'"'i I u L""""K ullr w' Spalntt:;!!r',"?.,f'-'''-tmli ay 111 iii. i . V ""- l'mnuries ei laJLi .,t:1",t '"".cot the jump en New ihni .1 , "iu!ut movement. "i anwng Pliicliet. .State Hanking Conllrme,! en ruin T lour. Column Tnu CARDINAL AIDS POLICE ?d $200 and Thanks for Guard en Arrival Frem Reme Mreetm. r. ...i. H check ft, l""" "w' it Ji-Ue cr Uen,tvTVi.l":J'",!r! Lv;""iy Du KiH'n te the rfoiic.e , ,.: A mAKA.. i ." " '""lrtheCiinll. mtry ceuM i, " l""m' ",';c, in the the IS'1. , y?. ""rimi ti.0 wei-k mr ,. i.. '.'"'" u i order aiu et . m Station nf?S ,Tl;"iu,,, ,lt I'-'""1 l omuen after his rutin n fiem ARD ON FASHION" PARADE f"dy Paklm Suntiay Is Premised lA y Weaherman "we wlm nin "'" "" "ce ei :Kn..:u2 l'10" a premutiir,, ,iui,. t;i-'"r iincrv tim., ...... ";."", Fr man lini.i. V '"." "" " at th ,i ."0,,i?. '.t only fulnt hone udy .nd" , ....b fT- Partly " eunUi Ided th mriim lien of low nern'P,erntllrcs far I normal. lmve been nn and 8hewery Net Monday lthi.r,;j, ',"'" (HyA. I') f wiuiiFrnti . .. .. -..-. .,. week l ..V" V"H' iutes ff". warm7 "."". ay: l . r nnr,'! .; , lUSHMAGHINE KITH 1 VOTE, PHOT'S MM m 'en Til-J I I-0 "lH cnl"IiiKH was I AmlMa . J?i' i" h,"rr "0U! without , 'I , '? ri-liur preg, ess wnH Ml, lc ' ."" '.eve.s. Ne Entered as Btoend-Claii Matter at th Poitefflce at Philadelphia, Fa. Undr ttie Act et March 8, 1870 .. Today's $100 Lim'rickWinner Mrs. Irene Barakat 6137 Washington Ave., Philadelphia DETECTIVE HALTS Where Yer Going, My Pretty Maids? Te Elkton, Sir, They Said YOUTH AROUSED SUSPICION Twe pairs of youthful elopers, hurry ing for the "Honeymoon Express" and Elkton-bound, were picked up today in Bread Street Station by Detective Owens. Beth girls arc pretty. It was their youth that led the detective te sus pect that th'ey might be' under nge nnd bent en a runaway marriage. Owens was sauntering through the station wnlting room this morning when tin nnHrprl n venth in n nettv officer s uniform nnd n dainty little miss, who looked te be nbeut sixteen, clinging te his nrmj hurrying in the dircctieu of the Elkton train. "Where nre you going, little glrli" asked Owens. "Why. we're coins te Elkton te get married," the girl wild with n bright smile. She was se happy ever It she didn't care who knew. "Hew old nre you?" asked the detec tive. "I'm eighteen," said the girl. "I'm sorry." Bald Owens, "but I think you'd both better come along with me nnd talk it ever with the enp taln." In Captain Seudcr's office the little girl said her name was Ituth Alburger, that she really was eighteen years old, and that she lived nt 144 North. Twcn-tv-flfth fctreet, Camden. The petty of ficer is Alvin Derick, twenty-five, a native of Galveston, Tex., but sta tioned en the hnttlcshlp Maryland at the I,caguc Island Navy Ynrd. The detectives cnlled up the girl's mother, and Mrs. Alburger asked that Until be held until she nrrlved. The mother snid she had objected te her daughter going with Derick. The girl left home this morning, the mother said, te ke te her place of emplejincnt in Philadelphia. IiiBtcad she nnd Derick had bought their tickets and the wedding ring. The second girl brought in by Owens wus Miss Margaret Curran, also eight een years, who gave nn address en North Eleventh sticct, which the police belicvt! is fictitious. A detective was 'sent there, but no one bccmcd te knew the girl. The yetitn who was en ins wuy with her te Elkton said he wus Itussell Lccky, twenty-two, of 12114 Steward street. Miss Currnn nttrncted Owens' . at tention, as the ether girl had, by her appearance of yeuthfulncbs. The same illnlegup between the detective arid the pictty girl led te another trip te Cap tain Soulier's office. The detectives hue net been nble te learn very much us yet about the second oleplng pair. Beth girls were well dressed. RUM0?L c. griscem will WED MISS RUTH V.TWOMBLY Widely Known Society Man For merly Lived Here SacinI circles were interested today te henr a rumor that Llejd C. Criscem, son of Mrs. Clement A. Griscom, of Ilariisbiirg, may seen become engaged te Miss Ituth Vundcrbilt Twombly, tal ented daughter of Mrs. Hamilton McK. Twombly, of New Yerk. Mr. GiNcein lias been liing in thnt city for some time, though formerly n Philadelphia!! and very widely known in local heciety. llib first wife died about ten cars age. She was a Miss UrimMin. It was impossible te learn fiem the Griscom family whether the rumors of the impending engagement were tine. Mis. Twombly anil her daughter, re cently letuined te New Yeik fiem a visit te Atlantic City, icfused te com ment en the miner. ALL SAW IT; ALL WRONG Weman, III, Brings Deluge of Fire, Riet and Murder Calls A woman fell, ill, in the ueigliheihnud of Twenty-first and Wallace streets shortly befeie. neon today, and beteml persons iippuieiitly saw her fall. .Shortly afterward the telephone calls begun coining in te the Twentieth and Iluttonweod sheets stations. One per son ipperted a lire at Twenty-first nnd Wallace streets. Auether was sum there was a murder, nnd demanded a detail of police. Still another lepeitcd bandits about, sheeting, one woman killed and scores wounded. Then camn leperts of explosions In a manhole, in a cellar, and by bomb. The wi'maii who started nil the hubbub was cared for by the police. MARY'S HONEYMOON ENDS . Royal Newlyweds Returning te Lon Len Lon eon Frem Paris Paris, April 8. (Uv A. IM Piinress Mary nnd her husband, Vis count Lasco les, left tedny for Londen, thpir honejmeon trip en the Continent having been completed by spending a fiKv dns in Paris. They were accompanied te the station by the Fail and Countess of Gianard, at whose home they stayed while heiu, and by the former Princess I'atilcla and Iter husband, Captain Kninsay, ASHES CAUSE OF FIGHT Driver Hits Man Who Objected te Littering Street Jehn J. Kramer wan carried Inte j him home nt 'JIH North Hniisell stieet lednv iincoiii-iieus and with his law fructiued HU lujuiles were leceived in an argument with nn iisheurt driver" ever Uttering the stieet with debris. ltlehard Tenstnll, a Negro, the driver, L'li.'ts Nn'th Diner siiect, wuh held In SI000 bal' by Mngistrnte Hern. He said "bin beKH nt City Hall" had told him te lead his wagon te capacity, re gardless of whether (no ashes vpllled, -i? ? DOUBLE ELOPEMENT BOOKBINDER RESTS FATE WITH JURORS; OFFERS NO DEFENSE i Rum Smuggling Test Case De velops Inte Technical Legal Contest JUDGE THOMPSON REFUSES TO DIRECT AN ACQUITTAL Counsel for Emanuel Boekbinder, restaurant owner, astonished the Fed eral prosecutor in Judge Thompson's court today by announcing no wit nesses would be called for the defense. The case went te the jury nt 12:55 P. M., after a lengthy nnd technical charge by Judge Thompson, who left it with the jurymen te decide whether Boekbinder had known thnt liquor in his possession was smuggled. Boekbinder is charged with Illegal possession of liquor nnd smuggling liquors into this country in violation of the customs laws. During the long legal arguments, Boekbinder strummed nervously en a table and held whispered conferences with his battery of lawyers. He seemed te have a geed working knowledge of the law himself. a "Prison Term? Oil, Bey!" At one point, .Boekbinder asked nnx nnx ieusly if be could be jailed if cdnvlctcd of liquor possession. Then told a heavy fine was mere probable in that event, he remarked: "A fine wouldn't menn nnything te me. It would be just like losing n but ton. But n nrlsen sentence eh, boy!" After the jury's retirement some one told Boekbinder that the jury probably would go eat before beginning te de bate their verdict. "Tliey could go cat nt my expense," said Boekbinder with a grin. "I, have a nice restaurant. They'd get a geed shore dinner, with maybe- semrthlnc en the side who knows? And it wouldn't cost them n cent." ' Judge Questions Prosecutor A crisis in the trial came when Judge Thompson called en Assistant United States Attorney Wade te state hew he would proceed with the second count of the indictment, that referring te smuggling. Twe courses were open te the prose cution. One was te prcs for convic tion under the Velstead act, which pro hibits the possession nnd concealment of Imported liquors. The ether course wns te prosecute under the customs laws. Mr. Wude elected te proceed under the Velstead act. It was believed this decision was prompted by the unex pected testimony yesterday of Merris Hertz, Camden saloonkeeper, who said he had imported the liquors hcized from Boekbinder. Legal Battle Is Waged Boekbinder's counsel at once con tended that the Government could properly try his client en the first count only. He said no evidence hnd been produced te prove Boekbinder hud im ported liquor. The Court wns nsked te instruct the jury te return a "net guilty" verdict en the feccend count, but Judge Thompson refused te heed this plea of the de fense. He said the indictment was se drawn that It covered the importation of any merchandise contrary te law. It was n matter for the jury te de cide, he ruled. SUES CHANDLER, CLIENTS ' Trustee In Bankruptcy Seeks te Re cover In Brokerage Accounts Additional suits hae been enteied in Common Pleas Courts bj Willuid P. Barrows, trustee for Chandler Brethers & Ce, defunct stock brekeis, against a number of their patrons at the time of the failure. One suit Is iipnlnst Hurry Huft. 4."1 1 Xerlli Morvine strcpf. In vpciner !sMt''!l alleged te be due en his account when! the lirm ceased lmMiicss. Anether Is aKiiiust Dr. Mnxuiilleii I). Bliiemlicld, HOnS North Puik iiMMiue. te ii cover .titi.")!), also suld te be due en an unpaid balance. GIRL WHO TOOK POISON DIES Mrs. Sadie Cooper, Titan St., Swal lowed Tablets Six Days Age Mrs. Sadie Cooper, ifiueteen cir.s old, of SL'tl Tituii sheet, died tedii) at the Pennsylvania Hospital from poison taken six dny.s age with suicidal intent. LIM'RICK WINNER'S HUBBY CERTAINLY DID FOOL HER Se Naturally Mrs. Irvne Barahat Just Thought We Were Anether of His Practical Jokes en Her Vho wns it said "Don't ghe up the ' Chestnut stieets, and one li.u hn mii..,i shlpV" 'Cause that fd'a. ul.e eer he VVW,U Wife en (he phone s,Vl" . Is, eeitulnly mustn known wheicef he his m.u- nn' told her si,,, hnd wen speU. m , . , l.lm'rlcl,. About the time shu l.,.m "" ' " , ,: , , , , ..... 1,1. ltl.1- ll.Kll. )) 1.1111 llCI'V i, iii (in iiurnrnr fir iii.k. itiiii- Juki."" nit. mt, im-, i,ii .. ;-, for both contests, Inst jear iieetviiu 1 mention en the bnllets n ceupla times. Se when they began running this jear, I all enceuiaged like, she cuntlnucd te bend in her answers. Hut no lesults discouraged her nnd ene day when she wns visiting a Mrs. Krnewtlne Du Hels, who was lncl- dentnlly, tim winner of the sixth Lim'rlclc thU year, she mentioned te i her that she wns going te step sending UIIAWCIH. , I Hut her friend sez that he sheulil 1 "never glve up the ship," or weuls te1 I that effect, an' se shu took u new i Llm'iick leus-e and continued lllllng thu ' j;lj;"J, ai.. ny tiie g. eat umu h,mmm. MTim' completed Llm'iick is ns fel- low : um'riclt ."se. w rhcie nuce was a chap named Prune, Who declared big .Inch Deinpsey n shine. "I'll go tell him." said be; "Ven just wait and jhiu'II see Every knock in a tVoesf; ' act mine." Mr. Harakfl is employed with the Balllngcr Ceiifcany, at Twelfth and PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1922 Her Gems Returned RIME. AMKLITA OALLI-CUIICI Whose stolen Jowels, valued nt .S1.",.1K)0, were found along a Cali fornia rondslile by a truck driver and returned te her. TORNADOES KILL NINE THROUGH SOUTHWEST Many Persons Are Injured In Texas and Oklahoma Dallas, Tex., April S. (By A. P.) Nine deaths and injuries te nn un known number were reported today in wind storms In West TcxasAr' North Central Texas nnd Seuth Ccntrtu Okla homa. Six wcre reported killed at Itewcna, near Bnllinger, Tex., nnd one each nt Cisco, Elcctra, Tex., and I.awten, Okln. Elrst reports Indicated heavy prop prep perty dnmngc. Heavy rains accompa nied the wind nt most places. Wire communication te the sttirm atca was Interrupted. Balllngcr. Tew. April 8. (By A. P.) ,Six persons were killed, sex en in jured nnd six homes destroyed s mi'es northwest of Kowena, near here, In n tornado which swept that section nt 1 o'clock tills mottling. Communication is badly crippled, und It Is fenrd the death tell will be gieuter when wreck age has been bcarclicd. Lawfen, Olila., April. S. (By A. P.) One pci seu wus killed, scores lnjiiied, some seriously, and extensive piepertj damage caused by n toriuvde which swept Law ten nt 8 o'cleckthis morn ing. Telephone poles were leveled in the streets in the main business .section et me city nun iiumeieus dwellings In the eutljing sections demolished. Fert Werth, Tcv.. April 8. (By A. P.) A tornado which struck Cisco, Tex., near here, early today, wrecked the depot and tore down several resi dences and barns. One person was reported killed and len iujiitcd. Fetty house.) nnd a the atre ctoxilesiro.'.cd. Bain later flood ed many stoics. Wichita. Falls, Kan., April S. (By A. P. One man was killed and sevei.il Injured In a tornado which swept Elcc tra, near Iieie, curly today. Twenty five houses weie destroyed in one sec tion of the town. HOLD LITLE DERANGED Inquest In "Trunk Death" Brings in Verdict A verdict of "ilenth by pts when temporarily insane" was givm nt the inquest today Inte the death of Call into a trunk jestcrday at h'is home"!! .i!)0S Gtcene sticct nnd inhaled illuml inc. iaiu-iie j ears ei. u in i.ni t niiiing mis. A letter was lead fiem Charles S. MeKiiile.i, the jeung man's brother-in-law, Mijing he had been Irrcponsibh Irrcpensibh Dr. Ileime Wllllaius, l( vimM. let". I.ltle leilseil, gave testimony te the siime elhct. ANOTHER HOME DYNAMITED Fourth Explosion of Kind In Three Weeks at Dunmerc Scianlen, P.i April S. (Bv A P ) Fer the fourth time in tlu'ce weeks a private dwelling was d.Mianiiteil to te du, in Dunmerc, near Scrnntim. The explosions have the police baf fled. The one today wrecked the home of I.enls Arinodellii, a merchant. Mem bers of the family were thrown fiem their beds. ( eunty detectives are aliliii" the boieugh investigation. " "" ' ii-'-u ee cauei tnl'l I. f f, t ... . ....' ,111 .n.'.n.n.i I ,i. . ' "Apill linn, nun meitiie sue illi nt i.i,,tt i.i... Se when we called te.lav te announce '"" ' '" ,"" J'-si silllleil t ,,i.s..lf midnssuieil her daughter, liurbm,, ,,i ., is five jear, old ,lllt . Daddy' wn pla.vlnrf another joke." When we airive.l vve served as proof of tun puddln' and the leiby daughter "", , Kt't the walking d,,u he was prom. '.V'.'l if the I ! in ilck fhc-l, wiiiie that way .'I'lie nine ether ceniest- I"t Villi) i0. (elved nientli,,, en the hiillnt nie (J.. yy 'I'he til p h e ! Wihnlii g t e n. Del.! It. J.; Nuttall, It,,,.. w.vn, p.,. Jehn llrnnt, ik, Pa.; i H r e a r 1 Vi i. i.m: iiAit.Mi.vr Swni thmere, Ia. : east corner Thirty-fourth and Chestnut ,. vuruseii, oeiltll Centtnutd en ram Twenty-two. Ce!nmn.Vj kkkkkkkkkt kkkHkfB '7i jaaillllH''4W ,' :2kkkkkHL.:,VI kkkkkkkkK' Ml " . kkWrTTB"' Hkkkkkkkl ' kkkkkK v .'; :! ' .:' v:B ' ikkkMKW.' ' VX'-'K A- "kV kkkkkBktkBkW '' ;' m. kV kkkkkkkkkkkkHkr ', m -H ikkkkkkkkkkkHkW! k "B kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkHav : 'B kkkkkkkkkl ! CAMBRIDGE BEATS PENN RELAY TEAM; OXFORD IS THIRD Stallard Finishes 75 ' Yards Ahead of Captain Larry Brown in Last Mile WINNER'S TIME IS 18:07 2-5, MUCH SLOWER THAN RECORD Londen, April 8. Ten thousand spectators cheering madly every inch of the race saw the University of Penn sylvania four-mile relny team finish second te Cambridge here this afternoon in the feature event of the Achilles Club games held en tW.-vO'S'n's Club trnck. Oxford ran thlWrYThe time of tiie winner wus 13 minutes 7 U-5 sec onds. Stallard, of Cnmbriagp, finished seventy-five yards ahead of .Cntituin Larrv Brown, of Penn, who led Mllllgun, of uxierii, ey ten jatus. Cambridge's time wns 2 U-5 seconds slower Hum the time made bv Oxford and Cambridge in lillJ, when they de feated the University of Pennsylvania quartet en Franklin Field In a me morable race dining thu Inst mile be tween A. N. S. Jacksen and Wallace McCitrdy. The result of the lace was predicted by every sports writer in Englnud. the eternn Cambridge quartet being given the edge ever the mere jeuthful runners fiem America. Captain Lnwrcnce A. Brown, of tiie Penn team, ran his mightiest, but failed te evcrtnke Stallard, the Cambridge star, wlte had seventy-five yards te pare when he breasted the tape. Mllli gun, the Oxford anchor man. who com peted in America in 1020, finished ten jnrds behind the Penn runner. Trnck Ilcaxy The race was run en a track se heavy that fiem the start it caused the athletes te labor mere than they ate used te. The Penn team wus bun dlcapcd mere by the slowness of the truck than wcic the Buteiis, who are accustomed te running under adverse conditions. Cambridge's time for the four miles wns lti l-fi seconds slower than the i co ce co ord held jointly and made by Cernell and the Bosten A. A. This gives an nocutute idea of track conditions dur ing the lace. Cambridge had the lead at every mile of the race, showing man for man mere speed and better track running. In the first mile Penn finished In thlid plucc, but moved into second en the second mile and retained that pi. ice throughout. Jehti Heir Kaited for Penn and found the gelns se swift that he could de no better than tliiid place. Mountain, the English hulf-niile champion, was first and Ilewetsen. of Oxford, second. Saymon Kerr, after taking the baton from llerr, started after Weeklej, the -ecend (Kfeid runner, and after the fiiM half mile passed him and meed Inte second position. Kerr started a sprint in the last quarter mile that lueughl him tip within ten jaids of Tuthnin, of Cambridge. Elmer Mel.nne, who holds several Anglican scholastic records Jn the mile, was the next Pt nn man te mil, and lie. like Kerr, was unable te get out in front, Seasieve, the three-mile cham pion, finishing in f i out by fifty jards. Brown's Hard Task With Stallaul. of Cambridge, the best college mller in England, having such a lead te stnit with, Captain Itiewu hail a herculean tusk te make up I he distance and win the race. Stal laul, i nulling with the case and grace of a man confident of himself, bne.ed home a winuer by scicuty -lii .Minis. (nntlniii-i! nn I'lice l'.li-ten. eliitnii I line GIRL HURT IN CRASH Car Strikes Fence After Ce islen. Brether Alse Injured Kight-j ear-old Margate! i'ieenger, of Wiilllngferil, is In the Chester IIos IIes pltal with the base of her s!,n frue tiucd, the vitlin of n pieullar nuto nute nuto meliilo nieiilcut at HluU-niiS Cerner, Witlllugfeid, lute ycterd,ij. I'he little girl, with her six-ear-old hiether, I.nuN, was sratul mi a fence I at 4he side of the toad, when a truck and teuiuu car collided at the Intei Intei sictleii. The truck was hulled g linst the feme whole the chllilis it vveie seated. The gill wils also scvcieh , ut bv thing glass and ph.vslciuiis Imi!, little I hope for her recovery. Her hiether, was nl-e injuied, a'nd he was nuiiul by a m.iib.v iih.vslclnn. Miss Nnnnette Hiewster, twenty i jenis old, of ,'!1 I I'cnneli stieet. ( 'In s". I ter, who was tiding in the tun!; nt the Tiev l.iiuiidrv Cempan.v wuh her father, and the driver. Chiu!e (liis (liis vve'd, lei lived a deep cut nil the i licit ami etlur cuts en the head nnd bed v. She iic iv cil tieatmeut at the Mi dm Hospital and was sent home. The truck was pi Decoding tnwird Media en the 1'ievhleiue in.ul. As it vv.is ins-nig the Inteisei linn nt H ink -son's ('nun i an automobile, iliivui bv Jehn l'cfreski, Jr., of W.illtugi ml. i'jusIikI Inte It. Iieth mis weie, smash, d. ' WIFE OF HOTELKEEPER SUES ALLEGED LOVE RIVAL Alse Has Husband Arrested en Non Nen Support Charge Mm Marv Mlelcaiek, wife of a Chester hotelkeeper, had her lui-b.uiil, Michael, before M.igistiute 'I lieinns lleiiy lednv ler desertion uinl nou neu nou suppert, und at tin- same time in stituted u SJ.'.OdO damage suit aguiiist Mrs. Au.istiwi.i Wejclecliiiskl for alienation of her husband's affections. Mis. ejuei lin-Ui has two ehildien, and for the lust lire jears has been a eeuit luterpietir in CheMer. 1 SCHOONER GOES ASHORE Klckapoe te Rescue, Tenth Trip In Twe Months Cape May, N. .!.. Apill s, d!v A. P.) The feur-musieil schooner I (r lllllde II. Woeten, liem JacUetlville. with ii lead nf Iambi r for New ,,ii, went ashore near Huinegat in a fog last night. The i east guard cutlers Klckupoe and (ircsluim lire lushing te the as sistaiue of the ill-fated schooner. The schooner Ik repeited te be lu it danger ohm position. This is the tenth tlme lu two mouths the Klckupehns gene te , the assistance of vessels li'dlstress. Publlhfa Dally Except Sunday. Bubnctlptlen Price 10 a Tear by Irall. Cepyrlcht. 1022, by Publle Ledger Company 'Wild Bill' Cemes Crepper When Checks Come Back Fermer Ward of Judge Patterson Lands Jn Lancaster Jail After Keeping Bright Lights Aglow With Paper Fuel William Wclglitman, who cut a wide swath about town here as "Wild Bill" for n month or mete, stepping nt geed hotels and paying many of his bills with checks, came n ciepper at Lancaster today. Wclglitman wns heading "for the wide open spaces of the West, where men nre men," when he wns arrested en u charge of passing worthless checks here. When word of his arrest nt 3 'o'clock tills morning was (lushed te the police here, n motorcar euirjing two pretty girls mid the lepicentutlvcs of several hotels dashed te Lancaster, reaching the police station there at 10 o'clock. Weightman claims relationship with the WeigbtHinnn of the Powers-Wcigiit-mnn-Itescngnrten Chemical Company nnd let it be known here thnt be came East from New Mexico te claim his share of n legacy. Had Wild West Kcgalla Judge, Jehn Jr. Patterson formerly wan cHurdlnn for the young ninn, who delighted in giving the atmosphere of the "wild and wooly" and bwaggercd about In this city with chnps, wide brimmed sombrero and pistol-studded belt. His taste in armament did net leave him when he begnn his journey west ward Inst night b. motorcar. With him wns William Cettrell, of this city, who had consented te go te Blue Water. N. M., .with the dashing "son of .the open." In Welghtmnn's car, Lancnstcr po lice found a Celt frontier six-shooter, n ,2.i-cnlibre rltle, eight boxes of am munition and n quantity of revolver clipi. Plenty of Liquid TNT There was ammunition for the inner man nNe, according te the police. Six ipmrts of gin were found stewed nway LAST-MINUTE NEWS BASEBALL SCORES HAVERFORD SCHOOL ..1045400 14 16 3 LOWE RMERION HIGH. O 020020 4 63 LINGLE WITHDRAWS AS CANDIDATE HARRISBURQ, April 8. The State Bureau of Elections today announced it had received and filed withdrawals of Benjamin A. Lingle, who filed a Republican nominating petition for the Heuse in, the Seventeenth Philadelphia, and Fred C. Stallman, Charleroi, Republican, Second Washington, -vhich came by registered mail nnd of which notice was given yesterday. ELIZABETH CAMPBELL WINTER DIES LOS ANGELES, April 8. Elizabeth Campbell Winter, actress and author and widow of William Winter, for many years dramatic critic of the New Yerk Tribune, died here yesterday after an opera tion. In her fatige career she played with Edwiu Beeth, James. Hcniy Hackclt, Jehn Brougham, Letter Wallncl: and Fanny Jumiua-CUek. ASSAILED IN TAXI, Chauffeur Saves Weman Speeding Until He Finds Policeman by GRAPPLES FLEEING MAN Pienipt nitieu and put up hj n tiiMcal) a pi in ky fight driver saved a ' jeung War she this widow from a was strugjllni: 'inirning. 'nn man lu a aj s. with t.il The whom early weiiiiin is Mis. , in, ,n f.ntiPi-, in. ml in a home in (J1 n u I. iu .vi.in.n . i he mail who su, hniv s attempt! d te ut lad; her N Svend l'hi.iisiii, K.ist Tieg-i stieet. The tni cbauffeiii' is (Icmgp l'pplcr, nf 1." l'epiar stmt. He was en guged, following a dance at the Turnge m i Hide Ilai, Itieml stieef ami 'Co lumbia avenue, te uiit.v riuliptiu and lour .veung weiiieii home, All went well until the i ah armed .It Second ami We-lmelel.llnl slieet. wlnie time of the jeillig wniiiiu bit the nib .Irs. lluiler ntteiupted te alight ale, sajing sue would mutlnm1 I nn in the tiellc.v mis. l'hilipiu is s.tld te have pulled her Ijt l into tl i .lb nin I shouted te the chauffeur le ililve mi. i As the ear pmceedid out Allegheiiv iveiiini Kppler heaid the woman eieaiu. (Ilaiiilng biuk. he saw her lighting with Phlllpsi.il, , deihind. I He illeve l.lpbll.V en, looking for a pelit em.in, but leuld see none until he i.unveil ,it (ieimiiiitewn ami Allegheiiv , aveiuiis, Theie Patieluiuii Iloiisevvertii was hiuuiliu.'. I l'b!liisn lumped out of the cab ami ' , '"inriiil I i uu. lint was caught bv the ihiiulliiii beteie the Patrolman eeiilil , i full vv'i it was going en. Kppler uinl Phil i sen lulled nbeut the stut, Ullli! l ll.ileil bv Patieliu.ui Heuse- VVOIll I 1 lii'llpsi n wus itnesteil, I W 111 ll iillilglleil beteie Magistrate 1 Hotelier teilu.v the mini wus held under I M.'mi bud for iniirt. .Mis, Under i n Canadian, whose husband was Killed in Prance She is twent.v -live je.il old. Phillpsen is the Mtiiie age. THR00PMAN IS SHOT Wounded by Bullet Mysteriously Fired Frem Doorway Siranteu, Pa., Apill s ( Hy A. P.) Alexander I. mils, tvventj -one", ()f Throop, wus shot unit seriously wounded ut nieksen Citv lust nlgh't under mj Mertens iirciiiiisiuii,es He was shot fiem a doervvtij. His nssullaiit tied. - I0 YOU WANT A JOI1? TIIKKK ABK Plenty et thorn mhertlieil In the Help wanted celumni tejay en pa te 2'.1, cle. WAR WIDOW SAYS In the sturdy car which also carried n complete camping outfit. All the com forts of home l Wclglitman told pelice he is a deputy constnble at Blue Water. Te prove It, he displayed a special officer s badge and n- pair et linnucufls. Weightmnn wns a guest at the Sten Sten ten Hetel In this city for two weeks, leaving there three weeks nge, when he pitched his camp at another hostel ry. The hotel management wants te bettle with him for n check he gave. Weightman was dubbed "Wild Bill" by hotel gue.t:i who weie both attracted and amused by his snrterinl outfit, leather beet", khaki trousers, u iei green sport cent and a sandy beard made an ensemble unique In the Eust. 6 MORE UNITSLEAVE RHINE Most Since "Honeymoon Detach ment" te Start Heme Ceblcnz, April 8. (By A. P.) Six mere units of the American forces in Gcrmnny said farewell te Europe to day, 1100 men nnd fifty-two officers leaving Antwerp en the steamship Can tlgny. Eighty-five soldiers' wives and twenty-eight citizens also Milled, the largest number since the departure of !?"!', 'llvI(lc(1"H nr their represents the "honevmeon detachment" Inst. Mr I Un.in,r2.!.n'".CB- . . . the "honeymoon detachment The organizations lenWng today were ,, , the headquarters company of the First Brigade, Ambulance Company fiC, Hos Hes pltul Company 57, Moter Transport Company 0.'!, Service of Supply Com pany 20, and the Third Battnllen of the Fifth Infantry. This reduces the strength of the American Army en the Kbine te 2000, or a sixth of the number here a ear a jear " J ege. IDEPORT SEMELWV. IS Senater Reports Charges Ces sack Chief Slew American Women and Children 'MONSTER,' SAYS COLONEL Ii.v Iho Asseii.ucd Press .ishliigteii. April si lain,.' In had leceived charg. s that Annie in men. weiiuii and . MXi-en Md l M iu.ti herid" in Sib, i n b (,,, , ,i Selilt no , ('hairmaii I'.el l!l nf ,l,e s.,. uu I..ib..i Ciiiiimiit.i . .,,,,,, ,,( t..tiii be vviild iide.iver m III llg l)i, t lb -poit.itien of the nnti-HiiUhi v.k bailu i nvv under bail in i N,,,i. ,,ff ..... nst in (inunctien wt, ., --- - .. .-. . ..,,., .1, - ml int. 1-r.uiUfert. Ky., Apill s. , p., A 1, i i hinging that (Jeiuial ii,,j,,ri Semeniiv. arrested 'Ihiir-niv m N, e link, "is a lewiudlv .mil uiimiuiiiiI i.m eiiemj nt Ameriiii," niul tliat as m u . deier and lebbei he M the "gu ut lueiisier of alt times." (Vene! Chi.'i . II Mm low, hiether of Ciivein, r K twin P Mnriue. st uiKlt Wl,,, See, ,, tnl V of Male Ii cs u siiiummx nf ,, ,. ,,M!l ,,M!l Hels!,, v Ik .cider's ulbge.l uieid in Siheii i -x l n nt'l Mniiiivv, wlm wis in .. in miiinl nf American trnnp. m Sib.nu dutiug the Weild War uiilnl smue "f the ulligeil ikm nt liclll'lal Seme, imv while the (atii r was bailer nt the .iiiii-H"sievik feiees. 1'e'iiinl Mm low said that mie n,ght when t'e therineiiii'ter iegistM,, ,;; degnis In low oie (.cncral , m u., ""l il muled tl.lin In ne sii ,, ,,f PelsKin i nnd iiii,icKe, ,u, v,,,,...,,,,, ' ""'I' l.lillig live et lie snlil, rt mii.I ., .Miiieni); luiiu.i iiineis i n,, l.lli'iis linnl'v wen iuiie, .j the Aim i n .u,s "I imisili'i that die gicatis, vnimv nf the vv il fu Mberia," m,Ii I ,,,ui, Mm low Tin ti igi.nu which Cnlenel Mm row out tn Muu.irv llugbes iin, nn mbi is of the I lined State, Senaie follews: 1 "1 dcsiie te advise j en thai !cii,u:il Seim nev wn- in Sibeilu. 0 -"l'irst Ttie cow in , j and unseiupii unseiupii letis en uiiv of Aiiieiieu, lenductlng against tht Aineil, an imeps thnuigh i..... i. . .... I nn- ,nes., iiiiuigun(ia ut liuse slni n- . u cr an, i iiutihmmi I Seiniid lhe (ones iinder his com. maud vveie guilt j nf tiunlieieiih mm . der of Amcileau suldieis. J'IilitI. Uv was known f ,,n 1(.r). pie of Mbeiia te lie a iiiiudeiei , ,,MI. i vi , mm ins eiinns vveie Ulispt aKiibl, einuiiiuiie nun no, inn t,,. conception et inaiiKlnil He I of modern tliueM. ie greatest nieustei ! ninth. I Knew that his pies,.ee In America will be lesenteil bv the Ainerlcun i:iieilliliiiniri- p,.-. ... J. bcrhi. ' lB '" '' "CHARLEH II. Mfiminw t "Celqncl u, 8. A'.'lf BORAH'S PLAN PRICE TWO CENTS FARM BLOC BACKS TARIFF BILL; G. 0. NSDIVIDED Democrats, Helding Balance of Power, Seek te Make Hedge- Pedge of Measure WOULD BLOCK REPUBLICANS IN ELECTION CAMPAIGNS Uy CLINTON W. GILBERT itnn Cerrnnnnilrnt Kwnln Public Tltrf Copyright, leti, lu Publte Lctlecr CemPau Washington, April 8. After mnny weeks of discussion the Senata Finance Committee approaches a vote en Mon Men day upon the chief subject of dissen dissen seonthe American valuation plan. Se clee is the division in the committee en this question that practically two bills have been prcpaied, one te be re ported if the American valuation plan secures u majority of the commlttce and the ether .f the Smoot plan et foreign valuation prevails. Whichever plan i3 adopted by the rh!?fn,?.7f,VUl01? s"bJ'ect w' have te be fought out en the fleer et ttie Scn- .. .i. ii , . ",-i"i"iicans tnere are as j ,. 1IU m u Tfl PIT! lllrtrt I.n ,.... Sis1 'USJ ,,nv. r, w ; hnvn n'r Is '"i"a,ly ,he S"naters who line agreed te support the Fordney ntn., V . iT"u me rertine, iT" ".'mcF,,c?P valuations nre mem Extreme High. Tariff Men . , 1. 'm7.nl,)?rs ar Senators McN ,. , c.. ;. ', ', ' "'" ocnaiers Jicxarr I and Stnnfield. of Oregon : .Tel.nsnn 5 Miertrdge. of California; Nichelson and I'hipps ?f Colerado; Sterl ng awl ,," v"'V,el: Seuth rjk"ta; Pefndexter Md.Vfv'""! Ci,pi,Pr' f Kansas I- ., NpvniJa: I-ndd. of North Da- !x "L.15,"."" '"" Jenes, of New nf i," v '"'"ion. et Arizona ; Warren. 'i' ... i "i I''isii, vi .uissetiri ; lewnsend, of Michigan; Willis, of Ohie New of Indiana Wcller, of l ,,!!'Iaml:fKPM' of -w Hampshire i1. r": ," .Ie!Vn: "arreld, of Okia """""i n pencer, et .Missouri -.. .ion v.oemiiK, et ldnlie. hose are the extreme high-tariff "' In the party and nil except two u'-'.s' '"'" " ucrlcuIturnl Htatcs of th Seme of the Wesfornne e ... .. .. it i , ,, nui hi ihf , bloc, such as Cummins of Iowa. Curtis , rt,IIV",i"s',--V,cK,n,c' nml McCormick of Illinois ikollegg and Nelsen, Minne- sf ." :,.N,'S ber7, l Michigan ; Watsen of Indlnna, and Lainllcttte and Lenroot of AMscensin. Their absence Indicates i that the Most is net solidly for high i protection. Hut the rest of the bloc shows hew s-trengiy tne agricultural btates of th Hest h.ive come te believe that the hope of the farmers Is the practical exclusion of foreign products from the American inniKet. The less radical tariff men. led by 1 Senater Smoot of I'tali, declare the American valuation scheme te be net mlj bud policy but unworkable. Democrats Held the Balance An almost Irreconcilable difference of opinion seems te exist among the Re I ublici ns en this (itiestien, only n small m. i jni it v nf the party supporting the old plan of valuation of Imports upon the i'u epenn lmsi. The Di mecrats will be left ln the pn sliiun of holding the balance of power. Tiiej have iipiarentl,v-,ily one aim te muke the tnilff bill a bedge pedge vvlnih will be as embarrassing an pos pes sib'e te the Republicans lu the coming .impaign A . ui ."is thing about agricultural ntuii. nt .i- nib i ted ill the Senate 1 th it tie fin ill organizations represented l,eie mil eijin,ing the Perduej scheme ii the Ani'iican valuation and skj-high intes. The I-'nrm Hureau "ederutieii, win. Ii I.M been the powerful force ill totting tin farm tilnc. is said te be pre luiinig uu attack upon the Cenluey In nie. Tin ,. same leaders were adveenting He !ugh st possible rates en farm prod Ms in the i no rgemv tariff ii'issed a in- ngn. It i gciniallv admitted that the high si heilules put in tins tnrif lave a. eiuplished little or nothing for the fin H i Pi iies of ngi ii u'tural pieduiti have neiutlv advanctd, but net III 11 spouse tn Hi.' tin iff (', infusion Hegaidliig TnrifT Tins biinge nf view of the fnrm or er gniiiuti n b idols in hemes the chnngn ..f si minx in nnd lonfusieu that exists with legunl tn the tariff. People lie luve nne tiling at one time nml another m iniithii l!ut i'V i leutlv the f.iruierg .ii s ,u i, gi'iii-intlv -though net se . i rnllv as i v. ,ir ,,'.n- unpiosse, th i ut, u tli.it tin tirilV is, their s'lh.i- ii i lu the r.Mt tli I w t.uiif s, ntiment isstimu;, lint it bit l,s i niiiidi nee. There Is no III 111 be lef l.ilit i nil. Ill inns llllVO se .1 ui.'.. I iii this i.iiiiitrv ii nd thioiigheut lie ui I1 n In make the best hone of u i ne in in. I Mti v the 1 1 ee i . hinge of J..., is In 'Hull litis li ml nlllel null' HIS. '1 1, s 'liiiibl nb' nit tin t.uilT is i ell, (toil in i bill i r i tiinutivi lulls vvlaih the Si i, iti i.immittie m limsliiiig. I'ii-u-ii il ii iinisti a, iv e Ultimo huebien uu 'in Ii I in tin bill w l.n Ii give the Pre--nb nt g ..it until. uiiv in iinistigntc tim npeialmn nl the Inu i, ml In mmleiate lutes w i ms tn I i i.iiiueil bv i hang ing miditmiis. Hill lmpieved lu Heuse llxpelts nn 1. e t II 1 1 ft III., nf t'e opin ion lll.lt llle b II I:. Is I.i . Ii lii.l. I, j). pinvi'd in die ban Is f die Mutate om em lilittee. The llll-tv Wnik ,f ttie I lnifP in uttie lias been dio'eiighlj ir vised, lixpelt inlviee M l ell tllKl'll' ItlltOH Iinvc. Inn bisid ii t it iifni nun 1011 tol tel lei it'll bv tin i'ni ill ( 'eiiii. iMst, in. 'I'he tin Ut is u huh tariff. 'e one can nil hew high en tin average, be itiiise no mie jet Knows what basis of viiliuiiitn will lie ml' pied ami no one Knows bow die iin ricin valuation will wuiK if ude'ili'il. m lust hew the resl- lent will txenlse tin disi ii'tliin given liiiu nml' tin I iw In general the iui pliss, I, is (but the iiites will preve te be about eipinl mi the uveiuge te the PllVlie Mill iili tales Hut en tin thiel in v thing miiv happen te th. bill wldi du ItcpiiblifiwiN no Inllgel united llll'l With It p01VC'fu hlec VVeiking te seome high mtcH. A long di bine N llkelj and. If th Ameiiciin Miluntleii pliiu h finally re looted, Ibeie will be ti long tight with the I'nidnej plan when the bill co.. Inte cenfelcnce between the tvvoheunw. lu the end tieiniiig mete than an ex iii liiiienlul measute h llkelv, which will De ciiuiiguii as worm coikjuieiih clarify en us in" tuuniiY iiiiikus up I in mina HIGH r ,n, ,, v 1a U10e- ""t there are seras V Z 2 'u McCumber nnd Ln t r.70t ,e'n5, t'"4 rolls. Sena ter Geeding, of Idaho, is Its leader. wiicincr ii ciueuy uiiereNted In t .WW' Jiema or Ihe-ferelgniinarket. r AjS , gW t $ t m nj i'Al ,M i'") -XI VI rt Ji i :a s A A i "r 1 ..- -Jrl kIH; ?M r j. .'r.'vz i v AlJJ&uS a , iS?- Lmlk I ..it. t .81 iiyi 5 - ' :?, .. ...iv, r i n. -r xs