Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 07, 1922, Night Extra, Image 7

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Ill' &
!i ti-'-wvsin.rvLt ' a ,ra
i-mM ' .m
Wfifl Hw at 9' u and 4:50
'Stert 'Opens at 9
Stere Closes at 5
, ChlmM ! n
rsaliitt Te f2rinn fv Jlfioe Drvwl 4-m TFrcsw sw?7 IFiifG-f "VwI CnTiniJa
Real Merit Dees Net Need
" Any Pushing
te get te the front. The home-made
engine of honest personal endeavor te
use his own faculties. will carry a man
forward. It may take time, but keeping
en the track-each day with a fixed
purpose will show some progress toward
April 7, 19S2.
"Fall In
Coats and Hats for Little
Children te Wear for Easter
te eight.
The lingerie hats of swiss. and
Mttnd ether sheer materials run
ill the way from caps for the
at baby te the fanciful and
thinning hats and bonnets for
little maidens of eight.
A few French bonnets are
limeng them. Prices are $1 te
The straw hats are mostly
Imilmi, legherrfs and hemps;
ieme tailored and some flower
Itrimmed, ever se many colors,
and sizes from two
Prices $2 te $10.
The white coats are planned
for children from the tiniest te
six years old, and the materials
are serge, cashmere, crepe de
chine and crapella, all hand em
broidered, and priced at $7.50 te
Colored coats and capes of
serge, homespun and cheviot are
in two te six year sizes and $8.60
te $38.
(Third Fleer)
Interesting New Belts Have
Come Frem Paris for Women
In time for women who want the latest fashion in
belts for Easter gowns or coats. Excellent suggestions
for a unique Easter gift.
Seme are of dull silver effect, ethers of geld, or it
may be jet or colored beads. Tassels of chain links and
enamel slides are some of the prettiest new features.
$5 te $18 are the prices.
(Main Fleer)
New Silk Gloves Display
Elizabethan Gauntlets
The cuff is ruffle-edged and
iks very cavalier drawn up
Bmr the sleeve. Pongee shade
qnly, finely fashioned, and priced
(3 a pair.
New, tee, are the shirred-arm
ilk gloves in 16-button length,
With shirred bands around top
(Main fleer)
and forearm. Silver gray only,
and $3.75 a pair.
New chamois-lisle, gloves in 12
button length, with embroidered
backs, offer nine seasonable
shades, from palest champagne
te darkest beaver, at the mod med
crate price of $1.25 a pair.
They are imported gloves, and
notably geed.
Such Beautiful Easter
Hats and Such Little
J bandboxes and se
lovely. ,
It doesn't seem pos
sible one can buy them
for $10 and even less
in many cases. Others
are slightly above this
There are exquisite
flower or fruit
trimmed hats, for
example, exactly the kind for the afternoon tea
at the country club. They are in the -large
picture shapes.
There are any number of the rriedium-sized
hats in every color imaginable te go with the
new Spring wrap or street frock. And the
shapes are se varied that every woman will find
the particular hat that pleases her.
, There are small tailored turbans for the
yore conservative woman and the prettiest
high-colored Canten crepe hats, some combined
with tagel straw, for her debutante daughter
te wear with sports clothes.
It is such a delightful surprise te find se
many kinds of Easter hats se moderately
(Second Fleer)
iiif v 55Hk
Four Favored Fashions in '
Feminine Footwear, $9 te $13
Un is the saddlc-stran street
pPPer, with its low bread heel.
"unded tee, welted sole and wide
n"P strap buckled at the side.
T-y-and-black leather, cham-
P6ne-and-tan, or all-black pat
nl leather. Each SO n nir
The "Mb..., i' '
fc w:ith turned si " low
wvered heel. , . ....
gj -. dull black calf, patent
.WW vamn ,ifu j.
.. --"-r "ni may sueua
(Writ -flMftt
back, or tan calf vamp with tan
suede back, Each $10 a pair.
, Gere pumps with three straps,
low Leuis heel and turned sole,
may be chosen in gray buck with
patent leather vamp, all-gray
buck, black satin, or black patent
leather, at $12 a pair.
And a smart new street or
sports oxford of gray buck with
wing tip and perforations, black
leather sole and low bread heel,
is $13 a pair.
Just the Tweed Garments Yeung Women
Want at Prices That Urge Action
IirlTH Easter se near at hand there is net a moment te lese in cheesing the
costume. , '
Most young women already have decided, and it will be either a tweed suit,
a tweed cape dress or a tweed coat ever a pretty new frock.
Every one of thenew tweed garments is lower in price than many dared
hope for, and they are really wonderful values because of the materials and the
Tweed Sleeveless Dresses and Cape at $25
Just as smart as they can be; some are plaid and ethers are the fashionable
high colors. There are two styles, one is silk-braid bound.
Tweed Suits at $35
Beautfully made suits in fine herringbone tweed mixtures in banana, rose,
tan or gray.
Tweed Topcoats at $28
English-looking coats in all-wool gray, tan or blue mixtures.
Tweed Capes at $25 , $35 and $47 M
Made full and circular and in both plaids and mixtures in the new colors.
Sizes in all of these from 14 te 20 years.
(Spfeml I'loer)
A Quartette of Interesting Capes
Which Women Are Wearing
HPHE woman who has planned te pay from $40 te $57.50
for one of these ample, comfortable things is expressly
invited te see them.
Weel velour capes with the fullness gathered en yokes ;
black, navy, rookie, eagle, Marine, Java brown. Price $40.
Others of wool velour with tasseled straps stitched en
the shoulder in a novel fashion are in the same colors and
priced at $47.50.
A third style carried out in natural camel's-hair is abso
lutely simple and has arm slits. Price $45.
Prettiest of the four styles is a gabardine in navy and
black, with bright colored linings, heavy tasseled cord for
fastening and ornamentation of silk stitching in the shape
of cress-bars. This is $57.50.
(FlrNl Fleer)
900 Lingerie
Blouses, Special
at $1.85 and $3.50
, 400 Blouses at $1.85 are
mostly tailored styles in
dimity, batiste or voile,
some Peter Pan models
and a number with a touch
of color. Almest half price
and much less than half
jn ether cases.
500 Blouses at $3.50.
All imported and every
stitch hand done. Many
have hand drawnwerk
and hand tucking. In col
ors and white voile and
(Writ Alile)
Women's Walking
Sticks te Match
the Suit
Navy blue, black, prune,
purple, orchid, tan, green, red
or whatever the hue of the suit
with which it is te promenade,
is the color of the latest walk
ing stick. It has a leather loop
te swing it from the arm, and
is priced $4 and $5.
In many of the colors n fine
silk umbrella may be chosen te
match, the cane and umbrella
handles ornamented alike.
$18.00 is the price of the um
brellas, and a Set of cane and um
brella would make an appreciated
gift. .
1 (Main Fleer)
Philippine Petticoats
Hand made, of course, and
with fine, solidly made scallops
or scallops with dots.
Either style is inexpensive,
being only $2.60.
(Third Fleer)
300 Admirable Suits for Women
Prices $25 and $35
YEAR age nobody expected a great deal of
women's suits at these prices. -
But in this group it is surprising what fine
fabrics imported hemespuns, novelty mix
tures and everplaids are put into them, and
hew pretty and altogether fresh and trig the
suits leek.
There are eighteen or twenty styles in all the
coats with snug shoulders and geed cellars, with or
without belts, and almost always with pockets.
And the colors are the pleasantest clean black and
white grays, a bluish oxford, navy and lighter blue,
tans, rose, jade, mauve, heathery browns.
All siees are in the let te start with 34 te 46.
We 'can premise te have any alteratibns en suits
done se that purchasers are sure of having the suits
for Easter morning.
Prices $25 and $35.
(Flrit llimri
Madeira Bread-Tray
Doilies, 50c Each
Beautiful pieces, all of pure
linen, snow-white and hand em
broidered with the skill and
tastefulness typicl of the Ma--deira
The price, 60c each, seems low
for such dainty and excellent
things. ,
(First Fluer)
Large New Assortments of
Crepes de Chine
A large shipment brings the
new crepes de chine of the finer
and better kinds in the colors
people are asking for eftcnest
(Flmt Fluer)
navy, white, seal, black, henna,
zinc, pelican, rapids, pin!:, iverv,
midnight, "blue devil" and cannu.
All nre 40 inches wide, and the
price is $3 a yard.
As Gay as Easter
Mern Are the
New Dress Bags
Perhaps net gay in color,
but in the general smart ap
pearance they are bags in ex
cellent taste.
Faille silk, all pelid shades
with glittering rhineBtone
The shape resembles the
pouch style se much favored
by women, and they are dainty
little bags that can be carried
with the tailored costume or
the softer frock for mere for
mal times, The price is $5.
(Mln Fleer)
. Silk Petticoats
at $7.50
Silk jerseys in black, navy and
changeable colors, all with finely
pleated flounces; nil of uncom
monly geed quality and the sort
of thing women nre looking for
te wear under new Easter suits.
Price $7.50.
(Tlilril fleer)
Special, 45c a Yard
The favorite chenille dotted
veilings in brown, black, navy,
taupe and possibly a few ether
Usually the price is about
(Main Fleer)
: jl "
"PARRINGS in colors enough te match almost any
-' imaginable gown are te be found in the Inex
pensive Jewelry Storeimitatien jade, coral, sap
phire, amethyst, topaz and jet. Prices are 50c, 75c,
$1 and 1.25.
' Mln rfeitrl . ,
' .'
.A WdiAT
, JrAc-
iMi :,
i, .;.'... Wft.Arf.filiftAMditf . r,. .gfcM.Art!fal
Jfer a Fact, It Is Remarkable That
1 a Man Can Come Here Any
Day and
Frem America's Best Clothing
Select a Suit for as Little as $35
tl-UJ'A I
ND for the verv best suit
in the whole let he
does net have te pay mere
than $65.
Argue it te the break of
day, but you can't get
away from it- -the old world
is pretty healthy when a
really geed suit and a really
geed topcoat can be ,bought
for prices like that.
Bear in mind that the good
ness is tailored in these clothes
and it is tailored in there te
Of course, a man can go out
and pay less for clothes. That's
his concern.
But the man who has a nor
mal amount of respect for geed
American dollars and wants te
be en speaking terms with him
self when his clothes are six
' 'ft
months old, is going te buy geed
And te gel geed clothes at a
man's price, he's coming te
(Tlilril Fleer)
25c and 50c Each
Women's handkerchiefs,
each, ai-e a nice quality
aie a nice quaiuy man
linen in the new, pretty colors
for sports suits. Either hem
stitched or with hand-rolled hems.
Uusually three times this price.
Men's handkerchiefs, 50c each,
are usually twice as much. Irish
linen, solid colors with darker
hems, or white with colored
nt Alftle)
If Any Man's Helding a Grouch
Tell Him the Best Silk
Shirts Are $8.50
Cheerful news that, for year? the shirts with the
best silk in them have cost double that.
The geed silk shirts are the new radium silk, lus
trous, soft and wearable. In a world of colors and
At $7.50, the broadcloth silk shirts in popular pastel
tints, also stripes galore among the jersey silk and
broadcloths. Every kind of a stripe, every kind of a
color a man wants for Easrt?r is at one or the ether
of these prices.
(Main I'lner)
Light News
Twe Lamp Specials
Fleer bridge lamps of ma
hogany, well finished, and com
plete with banded parchment
shades, $20 each.
Mahogany-finished fleer bridge
lamps with silk shades trimmed
with ruching, $15.50 each.
l'mirt li I'loer)
New Cord Tires
Belew the Market
McLean-cords, all oversize and
Xet "seconds," but pcii'ei r
'goods, all fres.li from the fnuer .
The .10x3 'a (clincher) ou
size cord for Ferd cars, $li'.Te.
Other Sizes
Snip I'rlct" , Mrc s.,lr Pr. ,.
.. .$ik tsixi'. tj.i : i
35x4' j . . . ,'U
1 36.t i ij r: r,
Te Tep It All, a Man Can Get a
Hat for $4, $5 or $6
What's mere, he can get a geed hat right up te the
New ones come in every day and men have taken te
them keenly because it's about what a man wants te pay
for a wearable hat.
Several shapes and colors just as varied. There are
the popular sand hats and tan hats and gray hats and a
number of shades of brown hats.
(Mfiln Fleer)
n:'x4 .
33x4 .
L' 1
iii -j .i.au..iun
33X11, 'JS 60 137x5
(The Onllerj-)
The Newest Shee te Come for
Men Is a Bal Strap Oxford
Naturally it's tan, and such a geed shade of tan.
Every place you leek, from tip te heel, there are
perforations, but small perforations and neat ones. The
tips are straight.
At $6.40 it's a shoe that compares favorably with
some a third mere.
iMnlii I'lneri
Easter Baskets for
the Kiddies
Everything from a cunning
little basket with jell eggs m
'J0c, complete, up te the bigge.-t
one of all that would de for th.
whole family and that costs $1."..
Seme have toys in addition t..
the Easter eggs, bunnies, chick
and se en, and there are the nie-t
fascinating little trunks filh-.J
with eggs and chickens at l,
$1.50 and $2. They would l.c
just the thing for .lelly's wnrd wnrd
rebe afterward.
(Ilemi Stiilm Stnre)
The Right Day and the Right
New Easter Clethes for Beys
The next-te-last Saturday before Easter is essentially a
geed day te get the boys new suits and overcoats.
This great big, bright store of boys' clothing is ready
with suits and overcoats of the finest grades, all priced as
low as suits and overcoats that answer that description can
Norfolk suits, $10.50 te .S.T2, in sixes for bevs of 8 te
IS years'.
Spring overcoats for boys of te 10 years, $12, 13.50,
h and $16.50. And for boys of 11 te 18 years at $25, $28
and $:W.
(Iliinl I loon
Spring, and New Is the Time for Clethes
te Ge Inte Cedar Chests
IfE CAN supply you at once with Solie red cedar chests at prices that
make them exceptional -values.
bacn chest has dust-proof stripping, casters, side handles,
key and they are guaranteed against warping or selitting
qp ,'c"Kthi inw,,.,lh, .,,ricc " Width
36 nches 19 inches .$1(5.00.46 inches W ..inches
evy.j iiieies ia incnes 18.00 54 inches 23'
41L inches 19 iy inches 18.75
(I'Ktirtli Fleer)
ttiWiyJ ;ffV" tv, rii-Ti' 'mm'tmmk'iT ill t ntMl
,- SI