tee -, . '. 1 i'Vi ' - Ifr w i V. V Si.vi. .. u W'. Vsaai sTa? a:, m w S'a mi IORIAL SERVICE lf Hep Ise Is en List of Forthcoming Events by Naval Branch HLETICS ARE BOOMING UMlfht the Nnval Pett 107 will P? . k unta. rpn.nin ti.u imk t-.i. v tiiiuij jinn, j.ti.u .irvn street. C e m- mander McNnlly . h n s returned from the Seuth nn.l M'lll iaasIiIi. T h i. mntiirlnir i ne maturinif plans for the Memerial I) n y celebration and the program for the May Hep the major Itemi tleuhtlca nrnea t discussion. Wrtnkferd Pest "It. nccerditiR te JU latest report, made nt Tuesday's atttlnt, has new 324 paid members. 4aM n l.. ......... l..lt.i. 1 t .1... niMtlnK. The Mfmhershl,. Committee ,11 COnslderins the eligibility of tllllteen Others. rni. -c i ... . . , .i The Employment Committee of the XH8t, apparently, hns been dellIC it- PMoh.'nn.l'Seh'r I?1! va,,l,,, Jr. aieitz and .Jehn J. .1. ( Inbbv re- , (erted that jobs had been obtained for . ifteen and that ethers were, et.en for . tmbcra In need of them. ' Captain Walter 31. CSenrty I'et 111.' reports a highly successful meet ins. in conjunction with the members of Yeo Yee man, (F) pest. On this occasion, of course. Jollity. business was Mipplanted by , The baseball team of the pnt has iljntlnn nml ur. Ilmlnnrv iizaiieit anil preuminnr uy te hear from any undertone ennni tfaininc is readv ''ether Lealen team measurlnc te its ewii atandards. An entertainment which premises "te fiTe prominence te these two mvsticul figures, 'Little Jee' and 'Wr Dick,' " tt. ay nethlnir of the "Phoebe" nml "III!? Ul," will be Riven by Genrty Pest en June L'. The place will be Moee Hall. rj' hi tea tirnce w'Jt Diamond nt. int . Ie a-hn .int.. n, ... . A .I..H 1 sphwAtilf it 11 la I'n M , i h. '. I.lnrnlri Itrlilt. I U II. H. nnil r. U. .4 . I .. "nrrlv..l n , !. n, ,-, J UtVAS.-Awl l'j AI.I.EN I. HKVAN IraMI i-.dr. .1 . InM-ed te funefal eerv- if aand have nrrhed at headquarters nf Sr ln lt, Ri,t'year Itelntliei and 1 1,l'' Krl - '' .'I. nr.lu. t the parlors ! .t Raymond E. tJteelev Pest, MVM l.an- friends, nlse Peit Ne SUl. O a. K.. and"' Slerrla IterenlicrK'e !eh. 2U0U X. liread :F"K. . ...M..A .1... 1 ...i i fl'jrvlvers nf L'nmnnnv 11. l.t l'dnnn r..... t Int. linvata. J ' S i-J .k niTi ' i : '""B-iecicu peel alry, iv,ed te funeral. Hat . 2 P M I S1A1.1)X -Middenlv. .March 3u. JOHN - ana BnuDlebeard tourneys have been from the home of I T. Ilyan. 200 aricii T "" of ' "'vyl nnJ 'tc JJllzabeth Sfal. penea. 1 The pest will launch the annual ISeVldence. t'nien' Heme for lifa I-nrtleV prlng drive (or members nt the meet- H-iuiem me.s Sat . si a. si . Mether cf eor eer Jf . e" Tuesday nlKht. It is hoped I "SRv.Aprll 3. weslkt n . husband that the pest Will become the largest of Louise Dryaii (nee .Mi-llurne). Relatives in West Philadelphia. , and friends. als. Covenant Ledge, Nu (5,r, r. and A. St.! Penn.vfvan n nHi. vn i The much antlelnnte.l inhilen nt ;ll. II. n n... i) . u ,1.'. '", 'unerai irvices. uai . . f m. at Jiam U. UXle.V I'OHt llOS been announced '" residence. 50J Catharine st. Int. prl. tT Easter Menilar nr henilnim,.. 1 yate. at Sit. Sleriah Cem. tlemalns may Tlita will K. m.k i. .. .11 j ' a. . J . mere..r I'"'' nn nll-dlty I affair, but there Will be nnadjnurnment darlnc the afternoon wlille tlm nnut . i ", , .1 Vi. r I-, ucuer kchiii mnva nnn.ner rnm t in DlWten NIW work"" I dence of her brother-in-law, Jeseph K. Har- i sr 1S08 Stiles st Int private Friends miy .1!' Dn '"rMay eienlnt,, from 7 te U. Tieaa Pest 31 i cainluir mn. , . CATHAKINC.-Ai flroekljn. N V. en ,ji .?r: "t..i . ls t'""l'B rap- 'April S. 1022. CaDtnln Tlllloneni: catiia. aaiy in memeerenp, aceerilllld te Intent Tecerti. " " .v .. .... ijiiii; l.lJl L UI .... 1 . .i. ............ h.iu ...v..... ... ...- - - - 1 --..- - . ,1 ,, i, .. ..... Hta i r ih iinu nn, ill, in . im. ..r .udui ir hii.i. ieinriM t.n.1 reianria hm i.. i nniiiiiH htiii .ii:irv .1 inn. teiHiivi'H nnil fta coal rri. of .Till memhnri. ... lr.lnr "rvtce en naturuav arternenn "i"-""-. ie" i.uiniu.cn w 1-. n 1 . . u . i,ui 7a Brft. "' "xl mnuuirs. Rt s o'clock, at the OI'ver II Hair ltldit . "n'' Jnck.en sis barn. Invited tu funeral. !.' . lb Ib2u Chestnut st. Interment private, ii1",. s'a" A. ,Ml ln" resld-nce. 221(1 H. 1 XaBanl . . , .1 ( HUfUUItO - Aurll .1. I.UKK It CHnsf;- Carlisle st Solemn mass of requiem nt St. (JJbH fii uJrnui:nfa ier tne (lance et Tiiiiani 1. Kecue I'Oit at tie IJllte Studie. Klftysecend and Mart et I atreeti, en April 'JO. PreceeJs from ?f tlH dance will ee toward the estnb- llshment of a poet home. .n TORONTO CHOIR WONDERFUL ORGANIZATION OF SINGERS ' , Choir Unquestionably Mandelasehn One Of the Greatest In the World ne,l ll- Relatives and friends are In ,w ""'I" vlted te attend funeril. Ft. H 30 A Sf , What WON in manv remeels thn ninr ....... ,....' .. .,"" . . . i?s'ii. An,lAwriit AM. :.,. . t 1 . . ... . 1 phit,i.h in & si i, u-i.. u,; .1.1... .. I u- . -w..v...u. uiiiuu 01 ciiur.u Hinging 1 f7.Vpi"i .".,'". "y.Kuii-iiitv.in. 1 residen'-e, 2433 s Carlisle st. int. ieaar , nalr Rldg., lh-0 (.nestnut t. int. at that ; this city has ever heanl. was given j .KratT It - j mlnjl lk. widow ! Ne8re,hA,!i?.U-l'udnlvCe,Anr.. s. PATRICK. IB the Academy of Mt-.e ,nst evening by Ma.r l S?jv-if r;"'n"; ! f.i',,cf unr?Shirir'!iU:!,';a,.'BS WW. , W& VelS rJ"nrev;n;r1in!K: , the famous Mendcehll ChelV. of Te- e. ii?vvip n rTJiV. "', e,r,'"', , J Prl'2813E Cambria t. Int. private. North Cedar and pupII" or St. Celman's Scheel. Invited sMnrn nn AVMn,..inn ,11 . ' v (nW. n,if?.nh l, efie.:irJ.s "' '"Cour- ' Hill. Remains may bu viewed Frl. eve. te funeral. Sat. 0 A. SI., from parents' IntO. an organization which, In its ",. a,r,ff.n.l,er,",1- 'TuD'ra! rvlcns prl- M,.,n.,. 0n ADr,, r, (,.... i,tItaARRT esldence, 21 Cricket terrace. Ardmore. JrUPhiladelphln appearame. fIly Jllb. , ',. : ' S '.'JsTmS fl.3'-.S ?."hK tlfedall the encomium that have been , KNZLER-ii 4. richard a. .en ""'"l0""' .V- "'hla"'J rarK- Int"-1 ciLUiLErrsi ettped Upen It. , jf late Andie j J,,llMnr 0en,r age,u met t ?unhurv. ., .,,,-- ... ... , . also the st.fjihen Qlrard Pest of the Amerl- nn. 1 1 , , . , 58. Relatives ltad friends are invited te t. ,.,' 4, .J ' . ''ii. ( p si. ' . '! le.-Jtlen and class-i.vtcs and student The Choir is composed of about 250 "nd funeral JUrvlcss. bat.. 2 1' M. fesl- !?t,d """band of saran L. Sber; (nee1 fr"n,i, Jf .G.inul Celle.-c, are Invited tn the fsllces. perfectly balanced, with an tin- mally large percentage of tin x eicea I nena them, and with a chnracter of ' s . . . , , , , . , . i tone amazingly fresh lltld youthful. It was of vnst nnvi-er n-lien ,lninnn,la,l l... - - - -- v.., uui. j till. finMt nf nil th., ett'ui.tu n.n .!. mehl.es mret train leavlrnr Ilread St. Si;.t nn . i . . , --! I' ai vt Jlia:ey I'.irk. Ini. .it Ar-' V.'"4 "'""" "leniurr-. yi v. "' ;', i nf lsabella Stevenson, iisiaiives aiu rrienue, UnlBB'm0S, SO soft at times that the I'nu-nn Cem " , H'L V. of A., Hepltuh Trlbn. .Ne. JjS. 0 st. Jehn's Ledge Ne. US. F. .ind A. SI.: , ,, ii, , . DHW'SNOP Of Ardmore Pa Anrii i I It SI., and emp ees of L. II. Parke & i m,rienn Star Ijdge Ne. 410, I O, Q. P.: fOicei COUld HCarcely be heard in the L JAY .'in of the la Rneth u'nd PKrnma 'J0 nre invited , Iu attend funeral Sat.. T.30 ,'cShCnUTy. U. K of .. ItrVlted rear Of the Acadeinv but nevertlin. 5"""n Relatives and filends Slllle ledge. , j ? rrem ni" '?,tH ,!ei'r"S!l- 2,SJ,7 P V, ' te funer.il. Sat.. 1 P. SI., from his late rest- Isr ui uie Atuuuiij, out. IievertllC- Ne, ,0lJ, Washlnrrten (4amn Ne. 447 P e R'iu"ni mass St. Uenifnce ' Church U A SI .jenee. 243U Stontrese St.. Services at the lata, perfectly balanced and ft II of color ? ', "I'I JelTersen Council. Ne. 3L '"! ,. ,,,,?lVr,,,il:rlw''V''r "'" . , ,ta Church of the Hely Apostles. 2let and Chris- ., ,, .,., i ,r fJ (f , K ,n,,u t0 fUneral services. Sat . ,.!U?.'-4LI' " France. Aug. 19. 1U19. ,all et8. p SI. Int. Sit Sleriah Cem. and Warmth. The nuances were per- 3 P. Sf at tmrlers of S P. Fr.ini.en. IA.NIhL J son of Anna C and late Daniel Krlendi may call Friday, b te 10 P. SI. fcet, "POCially the diminuendo, the 'm. tyfaj? e ',", 'j'oed '; ,,etJTnPa,,i' a.lna'.r SSd.0.'.; lITWiM-rft 'FfVhirleJF1 VOSt difficult Of all mut-Ical eltect. . V IjIESINUER. Anrll r,,rV HUMAN Keeley-Sloenev nd o-l.enr.ell Pest. Ne 2fil g. 'lVNDAI,suA.V ."rvicea arid Int nri: It was u revelation as,, what can i'd le'.iivMeV''s.r, U' rr pjUniSoeSor Kl. fc accomplished With a luige bedv nf -Men . 12 SI at the Oliver H Hair Bulidir.it. 1 -fnu" Ellswerth st belemn hlgn msa of Iteverl N. J., sat.. J 1. .n eeices te hear the veliimn of tone crew. 1''r?.'7!e.?'.1"t '.' .'.nt. private reqakm at St Aiithem a Chutch 10 A. Si . STEW AR. April ...'-- . ALLX- Ins gradually softer and softer nn-1 r-till Lear all the nans in precisely the nni' tonal relation as when they were at the utmost power Their sforzunde4-, tee, were things nf rate beauty. Theio was no "puncning" of the tone, us l. usually the case whfn n choir iitteinpfti this difficult effect, but !,,. sfeiv.iiiiiln always bore just the rishi relation t the quantity of tone beui;' pnnliu'.il nun te the effect intended nt that particular yelnt. In addition te thefe effeits. ulucli. after all. nre largely matters nf train- irafi there was the perfection nt euiiticiM tlen which no ether choir thai h:i- vis ited Philadelphia In the lust quart, r it a century has, even approached 1 TdtXlbilitr of tone and an abMilutc mi -tel of temperament, which timblfd tlu choir te ulnis with eiiunl eflt-ct the mu-ic of Palestrlun and ltaih. (ierinau'n vi vi Tteleus "Londen Town " ranlns'ii ex Ielsltely modulated "IInw Sweet the loenllfht" fn (idiipenliiun wlii.'h 11 would nave h4en very ea te i-ctuli r totally innoctieuH in less k 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 iininKi. the llfht dellcucy of "The S;iveruiith" dnd tne mock pathetic humor of "The Wreek of the Julie IMuuie " A choir which can fc'e te thee es- tasaiaa of vocal and teuiperument'il tle saatada can certainly rani. a line of the ZZZZ:.. i k. .....el.l li. .i, test in me worm. wunnjr tne ;rjA jyjasrv. s. n.i. ."..e. ...... ...... ...,, i..- ei the ionic nnd exactin pre- ffiKf .pWi mere in'i M-iiiuiiinie 01 nn 'error In following the conductor, nnd tit' .'-- , " "" , . f'"4'eBly for a abort aiinee III one m-tllliee friiin T. i .i., .-.m.. .. Wien, anu uu ni sj.ei-iui ruir.-cic.Mi. p fha lirearam hue te he t, i! it r ,. ckan,.d, aa the en-hestral purls of the gaaU of 'Die MelHtcrriiriger went ' '.2tete ami tvvn n ennellii Mines hml i atstray anu ie a capeuu heni,s siaii ' tO he BubfltltUted. In a way this wan net te be regretted, as it cave n new "itaat" en the choir. .Mr. Krlrker. the ! ' 'aaaducter, In making the announcement, fAJK .tMK.lVe ,r.U"1 S.lUS ?,"'1U', s -aiistsn nieiciciT ier inniu vmcea nun . ssC.i. itr.iillfiW tn fi.maln v,ili.g EaM thua iMAw the . an component Th s Teices m would s bob there alifu tbe case 'ha lime . . . - " .---, l Tu TOtces sang' niene. i nia the secret of the marvelous I 1 ..-!.'.. opportunity WIIH Klvt-n te K(.no st Solemn rwiul.m mass Church of ' "" ' '" " 4 "'"'""'- K "',.' ehci of .Mrs W lllsn Myers, 1BST pnrut of the t'linir "ur ibnher nf Harrews, 10 A .M. Inlermen N Lawrence st. Int private North Cedar developed the fact Hint tlir " ,nS'. v '" h . n,.r,- ti.t : is..,., t vdertaketis ii " ii w """'.. Ilg exactly us It line llllt'c Ai.iii . lltSS. l I IR Mil' OPUll. M I- assisisisnsMMBSsssBsisaisMssBBaisssj WVLIK - April .'. KUZAllKTII. daush- inc. aim llurillS tlielr Iier- "V '" :".,.."" '"" "" '4"'"" xana - m Vsk. er of lt Allen an.i iJstlier vyi.e Reia- u-n tu, hint t Ini I ii nni't "' i i une v.n i 11,1. .-in i i, 11 Y il I Bt L0C thes and rt lenas iiiviipu tn lunerai sitv ces. bh no Hint tiiiti it pan I AtKI.il, Anrl l p.ii" J' '. . al I TT I .11 IrV Ja, 1 i. m. chtiwi of Andiew J iu r A Choir WP.H hlllKlllg. K U "41"?,"" "r. 'KiTl;.1 ,1,r: "".Mr. , ."-' ' k Z1IMII H sVJl-ill tt., Arch and lUth sts. Int. rlvute. 1 .....I, ..1.... ...,. .,.... "."".. " '."- ""'.'." "".'!.' ;".- -SHT.B A sk "s.Vii.vri Ai.rll r.. 1ll"2. KARAII A., w (lour it. puvii iiibuiiiQiaui c.s. -riiennis u. nn eiter K.nut.nran liu i im- . ss sssr ..& .. V-V':-' . v."-...,.-:--.. vx l.-...- tl ll deveened when i rleyis Muulclpa! Court, are Invlt'd te attend , m VJ BIWAD N pf wi warn .- 1s;. ' ,7,"n SV" Jj!S mmmmmamR 3v.' '. nffl1: K.r'intv.fl'' "te. '.famwwiynvy . y ifF S "M iTi'n..'if.i . A 1T i A, u. f JHMjr part or the eight thus iewb '! perfect In Itself. Kech composition showed dlfflcrent requirements nml in encli of them the choir measured up te the full demands. It has everything thnt n clienis can have: perfect ensemble, bulunre, under abselute control, Immense power nnd equal .delicacy, nnd both without any less of tonal quality or coler: impec cable enunciation, unity In the nunncei, perfect nttnrlc' nnd release, colorful tone of exiuislte quality nnd enthusl- nsni ier tneir work Jehn Harclay wnt, the soloist nnd he MS dlpnelntTr "fc" ni't nyexmlnf Y Hni- sans Kemew nnce. and I ktheic contrasted numbers he carried u It finely the Ideas of the composers. Toe murh cannot be said of Mr. Frlcker. the ceiidtietnr. A rhelr U nlwajs what its conductor makes It, nnd Its perfniuinnre Is ttsiitilly the measure of hi nbllltles. It Is true flint he hnM fini. tnnterinl linpn Tin t Itilu nlsn Ih line te lilin mill u-lmt lu lm "i"e ii out te mm una wnnt lie tins nccempllsli with it is even mere ii'mwlnprnl T VpIi.Lrti. i.n.d. tir. ' tnlnlv bIiiiiiI nn.. i,f Mm i.-i.l.l'c I tailll siami as one of Hie "erlil Kreniesi cnerai connueteri nun trainers, j jusi us nts orKanizntieti tnKes 1110 same position nmeiiK the slnglne organiza tions of the world. JDcatljs hundA-ry liETA4, (nT: rn, " n of Mary and thn late Jee O A.lsbneh. Itelatles and frlfnde. also em- Plee nf Mneiv & Whlt Ce and all or. Kanlsatlnns of whlrh he a .. member, nre invited te attend funeral eerv.ren. .sat.. 2 p. r""""1 '"' "IS- pV,N-fthWSSu3 '.m -AVi'Jft n '0,rh ""nth tth. ii22. Piu?n.A" ?. "U".?'. O0r?.J: A?n. It. veer. fltMntlv,' nnA f,i.n.iu i. Ml'd te funvrul, from late n-eldence. 24 West ' Media. 3lxih Oa, Fourth Menth 7th. S P M, Int. pr.vate. AI.I.INSHN On Tnurih Slenth 5th. 1P22 HCHNICi: daushter of th late Fain- na.l ..I..A ... ... . h. .. .. I u-i iiiu .win ji ineen bKea ti'i jrars. "ni I'mnii .Hi ..rvi'inn uai, 1 ,i I' Jt,t from her home. Yardvllle, Pa b1A(j'1; 'IiiVvAr April .1. WIIIKRT. hus. 1 nelrel. Tl-lii. inn ui .iidiy vrineirenv in rurj nnu menu mcj nnil rrlends alsu Star of I'enni Ne ll". U J' I. Court caldenla. .Vi ';. AiecliitiH I Foresters, and meinU-rB of Pit- man SI U Chur.-h. Atlantic Hellnlmr i'n invited tr nttmi funeral, sfen . 1 p st I It rns Jence ISOll S 12Sth l. .,m i.. 1' P. M at Pltmm St K Churcn, VMh and Dcklnsen et Int Innate. Krnwid (.n Trlends mav rail Sun. eve., s te 10 p M M:i.StONT April C. HhNIlY. husband of late arnh ll'lment, In his Met .ir K"liitli;9 nnd friends urn Invited iu a'tt.'ml funeral nerrlee" Sun, 1 an P SI pre laeiy at his late resljei.ee. 1S3.1 V. l.'tlu axe fnl, h?t 'Vln,,r uenard -Arm . .iknxii: ineW nf Jehn Benard Kunral .ervlces I'll , s ) ji hi iceiacnce i.. inamenu et. tin. nt '"'iVivn .1' n 5. K-W.' ..at Aniniere 'I. 9 O. P. : Southwestern Vi"mb.y." Ne 4 A.tt!!nJ,,..."!r of Stiitu.il Protection. In- Dv.'.t,,t2..,'.r.1, from H t0 1 " M- i HPIlNSinK On April 5. 1B22 H.VR. 11E? A nVUNSIOK dauKhter of the Lite I .V1. "P'1 Kniallne Trexler Relatives nnd I irienus immu u mnerai eeriip, en Sut- in uv nrtemnnn n. , ..i..nir ... .... .. 1 RINK husband of .Mary J. Catharine (i.e KKU. aued 75 Funeral -rvics fiat . J MO f 'A-' ? 'J18 resilience. 3 sellers a.. R d ,eyCSrJ5fr, a1"., "a Hi?,'0.... Mary Ctessen. Relatives and friends, also ! W. . ?- l" " s : " "vited '. uetice. 1327 W Tleu.1 st. Int Northvveod ..'. '... ..: .'. -..... tnr . .-..I- , icm remains mav w viewed Frl. ev CLOTHIER. At residence of Divld I) Engle NewiTrk. N J . Fourth Slenth. 3'h Irret. 1822. PRISCII.I.A II. CLOTHIER. In her 02d year. Funeral services at Friends' Sleetlne Heuse, corner of Main and Garden ".. Jinuni tieuy. N j sixth Day. 2 P. SI Int. Frlendu' Uurle: Oreunds ,,..;;, - nVD.rJ.L4..7IA.,lX..' - ' - .l;-!' imu - ??",n" residence J12.N. .Sheridan I "K,""An.mV." .'J" "r.1." i:..yrenica.- "iTVpr.i uSeVi. jehv n. dkvi.ve aged ee. luiatives and trends, ale ' e ter Ledge. Ne 4 11. F and A. SI. are InvKed te attend funer.il servldH. M1. al 3 p- SI. . his Ut... resHeme-. j iiesi irent ave., Illdley j'ark. J AnrI! B. AMKl.tl! u 'u .1 Julius Hrerfvl (new politer), m.-.! r.s i-. neiul services Sit 2 1" it . .it ,.10'l N K.tli it ln( iirlval. Ch"lten Hills ('tin unNAOHi In France SI.i . mm Serjeant JASIKS A sun of Jnnn mil Anne i iiiib) ini ii-miii i.i;ih:.-, nnd frteuds, else the 27Cih Aero Houadreu. II teu, St' Will Pu.r N'(. as V. r W Au llii'y and War '.t'chers In Ited tn tuner.il, tat S3') A SI irethei s ies.l. ,, ,. ",tt Or.itz t. Se'einn rtiiuiem in.is" ai St. I.."h ticth'a Church l( A .vi Int ..'. w i . -e jrm v'eni liOWM.NO Apnl .'I 111.'. cit.ulilj. ANNA I' widow of Mien ieintiK and daupl 'et of tbe Inte Ijvwis 'I' and Slur', A Pi stt In Imr t'7th ar UAKK. Alirtl r. Id.'- I.JI. I.M.N ivlfe of u.ew i)raK :ed in lle.atives ahiI fiiends Inv1-d e functa.. S'at . J P. St.. from her huiband s rtsnlanie. 104 llevwund st Falls uf .-''tu KMI li.t ).t laurel IIH I .Tl Pi ep 1 i n-.iv I A I Frl in liuli'il-' Iiexlestuwn Pa At 1 n. MA1.Y ' lalllhl. of the lata I'hirlen K .ind Slarj J. UulleU Re e' ves nnd .'r.und.i 'm'ted te Mnerai erw Meu Arn.l 10 2 30 p SI, nt her lain leiidenc I) iyles. tuivn Pi Int. vrlvtte i:isi:i.i: April i. iu;.' jeiin nerr- L1K11. 1 usband of the late Chrlstluna F.ei. aged h2 l-iinerai services dat J P M , residence 832.1 N 10th st. Int. rrUMte. Ardsle Cem Friends may ca'l I'll. ie. IJItLKM V V." - su.Uetii Alnil .', I (VJ, CHARLCS P I UJLMM.I nf tl... Jit" llll Krlenunn aged he Re'atlves .ir.d frlende. il.ti ai. !-eeietii,H i.f which hn vvab a r .eni ber aie Invited te attend funeral eervlces, sat .' P SI . fnicn his lale reside!. ILIJ ileriiian' vu ave Iril Nerthiu.d . Ciin Rimalns ma tie le'ved Frl PMTCRAKT. 'il Woedstovvii '. J, Fnurth month Sth PJ22, WILL1AS1 FLITCRAKT. aiied 71. Relatives .and fr'stids invited l... funeral services at ma is.ie r' (lMlct.r wuoditewn. .v .t sm..iLii- 1 V. SI. Int Friends' lert'ed at.iVe date. t.i Kijurtai month h .T t'. jy;; frnn 12 te 2 P SI Kindly ..mil lluwnre. flfli.tt'Ie" ll" I'' 1 .i ... -Apr 'i. rj i.i,iv..v ur. i it in- inset dauch'er uf .Ml "ul N n, H.lit-tn -yr.ti. laaa i:lizaijf,tii . Flvrin (u lliidsntn Ital.i Ive. and friends art inv.L.I tu .itttn.l tunerul len ,..:1'J ., f , , . .,ideme ia:is i"'.or i leieinn rcjuum tir.is4 nv ' VXZ V,mA '' V"' Felll.L In France J'l.y 2 Jill. ILUIRT R husband of Iulse Ferll (no ,.0U,., ari.i en of itntert -md n. .me :.' garet Ferll (nee llsldti Fun.tal. te which '" etijes and fnn.n. i. c0U1, , i i W"y,? ilivlSd ' aS.r rie iP8MS from i.ti .at;, residemt mit'.ei et im. N.nh (iORSUN -On April B. ELIZAHHTH (ne. in k.jbvi. wire nr avii larn i' uurman. jinn lives and friends Invited te funeral en Ster- ..... I ..im. U.. I .rt II 1. .. ,, j,r, "2 j Pine tt. IM. Ivy Hill Vm. viewina m. are. 1 nh ,...u..j .i,, tyii, ,ii. i, r (hiup, lunmn null I nrf lutiic.i iv m- n-nnrj. men,, u ill., deCn'..ulTnf,,,!it,CrT '.', ft TV. f-nHSrA1;. 'j'TnV'nW.TttY hYh tlo-ceinic "w reck of the .Tulle ,1'lnnte. ' I Vm. nn arrival or train nt Ner'ti Phiia" Ills voice Is of fine nunlltv nnd resen- ''"Iphla station leavlna- Atlantic City at 3 iuence or trettier-ln-law. Casper l.uiBer. 1725 ' i'T""" u''1' " i, "" ' "' ' "u eriCB,, st vc. o'clock, ut tne Oliver it. s. Firnajt ei int nrii.ni.. it.'.. i i .......i i r . i . . f at tin rlti Slyer s. Relatives and friends. anJ . n.. i ..i.ut. i4n f-h.-iiimi st. in m V J .)- niir.Hi i-.i. & net 1 r. a w 1. 1 1 1 .. r.. . 1 11 1 nil v mini 1 'a.111 a vti nt . 1 mi nivii iii""m' n fiiii 11 iruun iiii. ni n:.ii -. ji. irmri i&ih rrnitifjn. r. tu" 1 . .. n t ..!.. ,. . 'Ps.n.vi'i Anamnn . ...i.ri fnntrfii ifrviraf Mr.. 1: '. ai.. hi - , - aa,rj v,- DEATH IAfNK!. April 8, CHARM? 8 It. ItAINEH. In his MOth vmr. Funeral Rit.. 3 ..)' ' J.nV. .,h" rf !4ne .of. his brother, Ce' rm ll Iilii. pnrry, N, J ltll.t-S. In New fork, April fl, 1922. SARAH, I'LIZAMKTII H1LI.H, formerly of Phlln., Fitneril services at Ml. p nil's 3d. K. Church, Wet i:nd live.. New Yerk City, Sat., 2 P. M. Int. private. Ne (lower. HOeri.t". April ft. FUJllEJMi'B k., wife of Charles t llnniwn, l. O. Funeral serv ices Put. 2 P .v.. at her tale residence, '.Ml H Main nt , Hnddenflcld, N, J, Int. private. IIUIlULn. At her resilience. 1713 Cllmrd mv,, nn April n. iuzu. riAJiiKNUl; HAY HPRDLi:. Relatives and friends are Invited I,. ,h,U u.'cV.. We 'thV.tnul ,h.?. elffi. "-. " IMS., 1'AULINM. widow nf it.rt ii. jump, Rel-llves nnd friend JUSTICE Suddenly. Anrll 4. SEnnwrcv husband of the 1st Hebe, Juetlee. lted ItrletKen anil frlendu nre Invited te Mew the r hie h pmmn. i-rniny ee. in in reaiuence or rtither. wiiPert v Jimire. OfttD N. i.smiiert M. srrvicei. tiaiuraev i r, M Womleteun. N. J Interment Lawnelds Cem- ' "TiM.Y Apr'l 5, THRRK9A St., deuih ter of the lute Jehn nnd Marin Welly. Ite'a tlvee .mil frlemla nre Invited ta ntlanJ fu. neinl. Snt. 8:3n A SI residence ,nf her I bretlier-ln-lsw Jsmes It. Sheehan, 831 N. Mn R0mn nixii mn of requiem im- I m.icuinte Conception Church 10 a. si. Int. IIelv Crei Cem KKHN'AN. April II, MAUY A., widow of Mlrhnel Kernnn mee Slannlnj). nelntlvee ami friends, mid nil eecletiea of which de. ceased was a m-mber. are Invited ta attnd rnneral, Mnn . .10 A, ai . irem her late res Idence. 13d H. Ilensall st. Belemn requtem mus nt ft Iitrlck-s Church 9 A. Sf. Int. Old Cathedral t'em. KI.IINK. April .1. . ICATIIAMVA (nee I' 1 its), vieiiv "i jenn iicn, ned oe. Rerv Ices Stun . '-' I. SI. nt residence, ISftfl N Aldr t In' nt Uteen-nnur.t Ce.11 Krlem's rniiv call fun. ee KN'ellll In Werrs'ravllle. AVrll !, fiC'HUlt: V ISNOnil. used us years n me 21 da . Tt-lstlves and flende nrp InWtcit te fuinr.il ultlmut further notice, from his liti- rrlden. lit WernersMlle. r.i.. Sinn., 11 A. SI. Hcrtlces and Interment Halns lie- fertn.l Chiireh. Wernersvllle. Pa. I Kritr.NIIKlt(lKll.--On April 5, AUNKR i SI., husband nf Annie n. KnchenberKrtr. nued n. .sr.s en Saturday, at 1.30 I SI.. at ate reldenc 2S1S Poplar t. Int. prl- ati I.c'KSIN" - fn April 4. 1022. SIAR OAIf-.T A wiftf of Christian P Larkman, Per'!., nn Sat. 3 P St. at her late r-. dence lil'i w. Hmnl et.. Oermanteivti. Int. I at vnr'hwnwl i m 'eiMnc Frl, eve. I.iitisr, MUWi'Mm rtnrii n. 'Altlltl; AI.PAUVTA SNVPnn wir. of Illchnrd e t.n. Punenil Sinn J 13 P. SI.. In t'luinr .-... .-1....mU 11. .... ,... ...... r ...... 1 lilKHlilli'i ' iiuiuii v until ...juii,; ,u, VUI1S will itu"' train nt PheenlxMlts leavlnn Hamlin Terminal 1 2S P. Sf. t.ttfAS Arrii n. li'i'L'. nenriTiiv . lfi er J nine M I I.ticnn nnd daughter of Sirs W I. .hifei U'd the nie Jehn f I.ne S.rv.n-s and Int nt Pottsvllie. Pa SlacAVVl.I.Y On April 4. 12'.V WII,. I.IASI son of Klixtheth and the late Jeseuh MacAniiiy. neiauves anu iri'nus, also Wnshliifften Cann Ne IS1. P O. 8, of A.i emnlii's of National Sletal l.dae Het Ce. and ether crKiuiliailens of which he was a member. r United te the service, Hat.. S 30 P. SI. at his late residence. 13S.1 a ,11th st. Int. at .Mount Sleriah Cem. View InK Krl. eve SIAI.I.AS - Vpr.l n Pr. MACRICR 1., I u-dvivl of Ilb.t T Mciias (no IMelir.uij; of D27 Heruce si . In Ins .10th ear. Helmut' nnd frl"nd it I - Minklnih If.dKe, i, i"4, V. and A SI., t'hiu. iike .no j, ii. p. e. tri.'llds Invited t.i fun.Tlll ."it , M-30 A. SI friiin late residi in e sjfi 1. Onlern st Sn. emn nquliftn mass at Church nf the Vreen slen te A Sf P t. llcly r.re"Nm. SIVHSHAI.I April r, C.MSIA, ditmhter of the late Jeseph and Jane Slarshall. Funeral services .-at . 2 P. SI.. HI2 N. 17th st Int. Slenument Ccm XTAIlTfC Kille.1 In nrtlnn nf Vn.l. cAe. ter.. Prance 011 Sen; tl. 1!1S. I'i Ivate Al.lllillT J .hahii.n. 01 te. A. tenth In- famrv Jlth Utvtslen and en of late Pranrle and i:ilz.tlwtli Slartln llelatlvee nnd friends. also l.ivvren:e K Delanev I.eslen. Pest Ne., 16. War .Mothers, ara Invited tn attend fill rernl. Sat., s 3-) A. Si from 328 10th. , Solemn .requiem mass at the Cathedral 10 1 A. .11 int. lien 1 toss SIASI.ANH April I, JOHN SIAft'l.ANl) Sr nued 74 Funeral services Sun ;t p. St. at the thap.d of Kirk 4 Nice. 03(11 C.er mnntnvvn ave. Int private. Friends may call Prl eve. .MiCANN - Anrll I. 1922. SIICHAi:!, .1 . husbntnl of Res, Slet-nnn ana son or 1 1 e l.ern. SIcCLOSKBY. April r.. MAIIY. widow nf air. Ik .1IC leKi. inee llninvvelll, UKPd (11. 5t!.?l'V'" enJ frleids, and r mti ejes or Jehn i.ur"sTn ".r"'!.'" X te attend funeral, ra of Auuuut .1. Ifurlenx 178 V 'lllamend st. Solemn re. , j,. .,.. -rti It ll..nn.l qulem mass St Henlf.iclus' Church 10 A. SI Int. Most llelv Ruleemer (Vm SLSILltllAV i:ntti'd Inte eternal rest nt his resident ! .l.'ilii N 21st t , AprJ 11 11IJ2. JA.MIJH It . husband of Sliiv S. ,t AlrMurrnv and son of the luie rir. A. w Mid Lleaner SIcSIurra. .Notlce of funeijl Inter .MLNSINO. April 4. THOSIAS II SIGN. KINO Ir . husband of Fannie K. Slenslnr. drviI 7R Rel.itlvea and filinds also Sur- V Ivers' Association, HMh Regiment, Penn- I MAniita Velunleeie. Ilncnmpment Ne, 20, a. V I,.: colonel Ulrlch unhleren I'est. m. i a. A R., Invited te funeral t-at.. 1 P. SI,. 1 Menica s (. nuriti ,iu a .ir. int Hely cress l;TVBsS 1 Cem. VrxaasssB SIcCLOSKBY. April f.. MAIIY. widow nf tm tan Invited tn funeral. Sit. H H0 A. SI.,1 SNITCIIF.R. Amll 0. !ftl2. KI.I.P.N' from hln mother's residence. 123, N. filth i pijdH SNITCHER, eceil 77 veurs Iteta Ft Solemn tequlem nutv et bt Gregery's lt9 and frlende are Invited te thu services, Church 10 A SI. Int. St. Denis' Cem. tat 1 P. SI., nt her lute) lesidep.e -'iin3 W. OHLRLIES. April 4. 1U22 I.ESVtS J Sin ft.. Wilmington, llel. Int nt Mt .Veriah beloved hiiHlend of Hertha Oberlles (ne Cem,. Philadelphia. Pa., nt J P. SI. , Itarerstrehl, In his nsth ar Relatives ( UONNKLl. Apill i. SHCHAKL J son "' '") ltel.illv late Patrick and HlUabeth O'lJennell .-ee anl fr n-ls ure Invited te attend 1, Slen (.30 A. SI. from the resl- funera denc of his sls'ei Mrs, Alice l.auer. 2112 J.nuitiii st Itenulem mass at st unar.es Liiur h IDA M int cathe.lin Cem PALSI. -Huddenlj. API II n. IA S. wife if Ur, Hniv.it. I 1- Palm, eg-d (IS. Relatives ..Ml ft lends of family ar.. lnvlt.d te attenl fni.e.-il airvl. is .Men. tl A SI ..t reldn - h.r husbrnd. fill " 2d st Camden N J Ini nrlv ite. Harl-'Bh Cem. Friend. ira- " sun 7 te (i P M PAltKLIt Ai.ril tl. Il-USIOM' "U hu. land of Man I. Parker (nee Ieivlsi used 17 veam He Iiiiivk! and friends Invited t.. funeral eervl.-.- Slen te 3e A SI at his. Jute lest. ten 23'3 N. Park eve In- pr.vute. itAy.Mfi.SLN' Sept. 1 1 f t ii Frame Prlvatn HAIlltV () RA.SS1 CSHIIN Rrt.a tlves at d frl-it.! rhrl-a It Crewe Peel, N'u 2.MI V of F W . md men.Lers of Ce. K, ini.th Infantrv are Invited te funeral fcivlcra ii.it., 2 P. SI. .'.215 Kershau st In' Arlington (in RK11.LV Aiull .'. MART K RKILLY. Rel.u ven and friends also members 0f the Altar and Iles.il Seel. ,v. ami -lie v lilai.i Ml. nl Orel., , (1 A. It.. In. Ite. I te .tltetid tun.. I il. st . H ,'tn A SI , from the i. deiicu of he' sister. Mia Jan-, l.uvvreni.. ,"tj.l X. Ani"t'.aii st Huh m.im at the iiiiueh f the (titarnatien. Hi A St Int. old I'athid- ral Ceil,. lluHflWTF - At SIci ttevvr i .....-tu Vlnni i I'Ui. Rl.f.A Llll IAN vvif, I MU ,r,v e utt S' llpvrt'i Tun Til iu.iI mt iirai'ivTi ...it.Hi ,1 r.ti.i.tiv k.tmi aeed. tj. "wife of Abratn Ib-vvand.' Relatives irlclt L. Paddock. Betvlrj Hat . 11 A. SI., ' aii! frl"tdJ . muted t. atier.d funeral, at St. Mury'a Church. Ardmeie. Pu. Int. Vfc. '( .Vi .'I 'HU II Wlelnrtst Helt mn private. , ..,, nu men hurin of the Acenslen 10 VON N1KDA On April B. 102.', ANNA . . ' (Int Mew ' KtW Itvl Ce,. ' 1U .VON N1KUA (nee llarmir). wife of I'red. I UCM MJPf'K.R. At "ie Hartram en Anrll erlck Ven Meila. Relallvvs nnd friends in- mi.'! L'l.lZAIiHITIf II T. widow of Wll-t vlted te funeral fen Ices, en b"'it',yf' ,' K ,., ,.l,tif.ed A;httffer I) I. Relatives Sf.. at late residence . SOOB r rankferd ave. iid Iriar-N ire Invlt-d te the service. Int. North fr 'HU lem ,.,.. I . .v I " M. nt the Oliver H lulrl SVHITK. On, April f. J03EPH. beloved , Hid'. Is;'" Cheit.iut at Int at K.sti.n. Pa husband of U'lilsa St White (net SIcCreery) ,. . . e.......r.. ... ',',., n.i.. Iir.,i fr end. Invited te funeral aerv it 4 :. .'".'. .."'" '.', ... huuu'.d et lii,i ir-"a b il.i. r si,it in mhii i. Al.ni:it'i". iit-i.-e -hne nn Re V..':,:4' ill icitl il attend funpral 'vi an set ilu s ddii . r.ll.a'" J P M '" ii a .ii ai ins into resi-, m'.m Rrdic. s: I'r-inU'erd. Int. Remains in. hi viewed Prl.. 7 te KfXTiVN' -Apr I I 1H2L'. ANNA NUTT "r-'ilN. "1 t' Punrsl services Hat,, 1 p M ut 'he rn I- e uf her een.ln-lavv, i'bs'l-e : Pet in.,7 Lrier rt. Trenten N t nptl. " . .IncMistnwn N J HHnpl l'.."H .'(i l.nndenbers. Pa., Ke't"' "'" th flli AI.ITllili KIIARPI.EH.S. In hi' "th Kunernl from his lata r-sldft" Heventh-day Fourth mrnth, Hth. I', m iu ui ienugn jrn,n. suwi utiii inrt huh t m. iran nt .ivir n ami uu .ii ierlM.lv. m. m r HiauAUK Men.. .. '. ij;."...v. - - "- mtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtm tte-JVi. M vm jT.V V'';vJ','-W 'TACLTOVt :eu MARKET ST.: THE GREAT ARMY A GOVERNMENT 611 MARKET STREET It in Full Swing:. Thousands BE SURE OF THE U. S. ARMY KHAKI HOSE Used by all soldiers. Very strong. All sizes. Brand new. 90cD l'srcet Peet lOe Extra Cost Gev't 17c Pair KHAKI PANTS Very strene and service Effft able. Brand new. With belt loops nnd buttons. All sizes. TO CPair (0 UJ Werth .11.80 POST I Or HXTRA iMi(ri:i, U. S. NAVY OVERALLS and JUMPERS ti lleclalmed, but In perfect conilltleti. Dark blue and kluikl. k I . Pr. 40 c each ' . i- ! Je iT rnrerl Pest 10c Kutrn EVERYBODY GOVERNMENT 611 MARKET STREET fill" MARKET ST.. mm. 828 CHESTNUTST. STAINLESS KNIVES are luirintccd net te ruit. Parlin; Knlvcn, 25 & 35 IV S9 . Knives rlen. fartlni & Sllclnic C1 V.K 1 Knlrrft, ch .... Saftty Bladtt Rttharptntd Slncle Ke3ri 2c Penhle Fibre, en .1e Kuinrs (Ireund r.nil Honed, .t.'c Cemulete Urlndlnic Establishment liuj- Sear Press Uceds snd Snltlnte Cneap MILL BARGAINS Latest stylea fall and winter aoedt. 1 beiivia cinin, mixtures and Tweeaa, worsteds, Trlcetlne. Ladles' and Men's Suitings, Sllkn and Satins, Llnlnns. rwrnninu In Spert 'Coats, suit and skirt lemt'.is. CONNOLLY'S IrrtSMfioeill & SlUlKnillrniiu, 10. E. Tlllch Ave. (f'nr. KmevnMl. Kensington. Phils. Itnth Phenes DhUTIIS 8HUOTEU. At her residence, 1)23 Pern. ireite ave., Cast Lnnsdewne, Pa., en April 4 je'ej, HELEN SI., widow of Themas F. shnaier. Relatives arm trlends are Invited te the servlce. Hat.. 2 P. SI at the Oliver strvkn'SON'. April f. JlnIN. husband I nre Invited tu attend funeral. Sat . 1 :J0 P. , M.. from hla rlster a reslnnc. SjS i: Rus i sell st Int. North lnr IIIII ( eni. He mains may he vtowedrrj.. after 7 P.M. .-A-.IS nril . MAUrlAltKl' I. TAXIS. Fun"fal services Sat.. 11 AM .at residence nf nephew. nr. rt. ie. a. i.. .Lancaster ave.. t Davids, pa. int. vv eat i.uurel Hill Cem t,..,-,i mm rest m 1,1. t,nn,. VAYI.OR WtfrcJ Jntc .rest at Is home aritene. Hleh Ilr We. . J. r ; APl 4. 1B22. KNp.N TAY LOR, b low , hu slnd , 3f Lucy J ' T''rn?n?r ""'.' Vf,..1;''', )5,m. ' J.duisten Tayler and of ;Marv Alivard Tny-' ler 'l";',1,,," HrMte "pndav "aSm"-"1 Cliurch nt High Hrldtf, I- r!.la , April 7. I 3.15 P St TOMCIN SnaJeniy. in .i i ni.niewu. April 11122 SIAKV. ua.uar.ier or .riry .1 atl'l the at" Theman TeriKin et i- iizance. i orn ern walls LTutlai.d. nd 11 ninei.il services St Themas' Church. Whltetnaisli, Hat, 2.UU TRLS'TRAIL. April r. SrHK. beloved wlfa cf Jehn K. Trestrall and dnuehter of Mr nnd Slr. O. Schmu' kr nued an. Fu neral Men , at i:30 A SI , fi.,m late resi dence 14ISN Slrtlvend st lllah mnrs at Chun h of the Slen Previous niued 10 A SI. Int New Cathedi.il TROT l'i:n. April r. SIAItV A wlfe of Cyprian A Tretter (neci Ke1 i Relatives and frlenila. ulse Resatj Secui' Invited te funetal Hat . H A. SI frc.n her lute resi de nee. 4301 Kdvietnent st Rn.uletn mass al ill Wnlnlu' .. t..at irMv llfdcerner Cum C liurci'i 111 l..rp".l. h e .1, .11 I'.v 11. .'-. " "' . . ..f S, ...... ,,,. . Pa AAerll 4. WINIFUKD L. VAN ROD13N, ' . .i...i..iitee nt Jeutine anu ttia late rre.i- "'". "'".-..... 1 III II si ... 1,1. lA.. ties en Maiuiiiiir .. e.., .... ..." ....... i.... ..n Mutuifluv at 1 .Jil P M "iLVj .... Iiueii V. Mrvin Mt Int. Ureun- !". -'-...,' il. . ,.. k." ;-l..iv.it tnnulrt Cernftery. .v.... tn ...w w ..w.. i-'rinav nv-nii:i; ,,....... , WII.I.IASIS. Apr . SUSANNA., widow ' f William (I, Williams. Relatives and , frianda Invited te funeral tervlces Hat., . .7 P -V. . at residents of her naphiw. Jehn II. Tewtirtid, 130S N Aideu st int. uevei, u, un Hundav. ,...., u WII.HON April . JAMKS J... husband i(,f late Mar.yet Wilsen (no Harvey). 1 u- I nernl Sat. 7 Se A M , i sidince, liajOKarp .at Solemn requiem mass at St. OaBriel s church. Int. ut athedral f.ein, ' W1RTII -Suddenls. April A, ROSA O., t, ei ii"" . i ' "' " 7 ,"'! I,tJ,l.llTU7 UIl'l iflIIi40 ( litvVM en HI e IHA (A 85 uj m flfeixk :5; GLASSES Lewuil PataeiiTeTieMFiufe. AanrKiALCralMitarn M f'V'fy .. 11. . , , JMiTt 'ti -- -J7 !'.' " Amatt yetT tVjl 611 MARKET ST, NAVY GOODS SALE SUPPLY CO PHILADELPHIA, PA of Bargains te Cheese Frem RIGHT ADDRESS 0) U. S. ARMY j , Brand'Nau) PUP TENTS Refutation U. 8. Army Issue. Holds two men. Used by children te play, In. Complete with folding poles. ;25 rareel Fait 20e Extra Cost flev't ' 16.40 U. S. Army Khaki Handkerchiefs V c r v flne batiste. Hemstitched. Pull size. Special. 5c Werth 25c SPECIAL! LEATHER PUTTEES Very Keed grade. Willi straps or without. Shaped te the feet, urnnu new. Were $ 1.95 PAIlt 4.UU KNOWS US! SUPPLY CO. PHILADELPHIA, PA. 611 MARKET ST.; PROFITS SLASHED !BIG SALE! Brand-New U. S. Army Light Tan Dress Shoes Munson Last $0.95 Vnlne S 0.00. Sire, fl.10 , These shoes ere mads of genuine enlf akin solid leather soles anil heels. Water proof and dustproef. Geed for dreaa ar work. C.et a pair while (her last. Men's Streng Scout Shoes $1.75 P. P.. 10c Sires (1 te 11 These shoe' are made of heavy e 1 k akin unners. Snllil teeth,, .Ai.. - . .. Guaranteed te stand nil klnda of rough ye'tfrfeSt. U"e' y " v,ry ",llt " 4700 Prs. of Government Khaki Werk PanU TO HE SAOUriCKD AT $1.05 Value Sx.se 2 Pr. for $2.00 Tarcel Pest. 10c Kxtra These penls are madt of hceTy Oovrrnmeet clelhi 4 pockets, cuff bot toms and guaranteed net te rip In the aeana or fade. bUe 30-10. Crown Army and Navy Stere 241 Market St.. Philadelphia Be Sure You're in tbe Rigbt Stere A m, .liP.5. Eislway Toels from Kasl- KtJZK W way .Polisher. Nelr.Wrlt'-a,r-Ty ln Mop ('emblnntlan Men Scrubber with Tiimtilre. Palmetto or llrlstle llrusb. Tamplce llrusli will Mntu cumplets Palmetto llr.'.h vvltli Mepi eemplrtf Uri.'t. Itnul, ,..ii. M"!" cninnteje FRANK B. HENRY, DUtributer H. THIRD ST.. r-.m.A. ir in .. . ., ma ... niends anil jewelry? Rates lvr as IVr. Winer's7 Pawnshop. 80, vine M. Ilendesl In the ti-, -EVENING CLOTHES. TO IIII1K AND FOB HALK Full irress and Ttuede Mtilts Cutaways for Mernlm Wrddlnts T.ntest Medels of rtli-iJ' .el'tir SAMUEL CObPER Pe;s-M1 1010 G1RARDAVE. wQg;yBJ COIN MACHINES Pell, Prult and ethers. Card Reals (1022 Medels). Jackpot Vukar Card. Oawsys! Ill OtW . ana rttiuiit. ah ersu... LOAM GO, tkiM TM u V-V.t' A i 'Will 1 1 '! i ifmrnir m Ne Parrel Pest Orders rareel t-a Pest Jj 10c Kxtra te xilra Mav iliamA HN. CsrMBasrB- ' s P. P. le yCsas &nis3rKiarTTeM BSfir sas ia4-' JI I 1 1 . ! 'A& EASIWAY !iP$! Scrubber viNMCleaner & w i ivu, ravitw s' ,.'itV jdjL'TQHi" : LADIES' SAMPLE CLOTHES Cenrlnte eurelf feme anil leek at or new rneiele of Knsttr elethes. ion will ha delighted with the variety of style, and marvel we soil such rrmrnta ae reasonably. Remember our location tana a bit savlnc te you. Stanninf Easter Suits Tweed and Trlcntlne A g Pretty Eaiter Frecks pl II Canten Crene and Kreptknlt JLv Snurt Capet, 'Wrapt All atyllah and at bit aavlnss 1326 BAINBRIDGE ST. LOCKE HTflim OBDMIM ACTRPTm High Grade Sable Mink Martans Fex and Wolf Scarf and Checera $8 up te $150 The Original Stock of n Well Known Furrier Frldtmlwrs'Sy 37 N. 11th St. Te Hire Full Dreit, Cutaways. Tuxedos, Prince Alberti, Black SuiU MILLER'S 8'n?1',cijr 'Si1' nalnbrlilne ts. I'henet tllbert 430H. Open Evenings Help Wanted Situation Wanted Employment Agencies and Lest and Found Advertising will be found en Page 34 TJSEDAU tomebiles rtr 5 BARON'S AUTO EXCHANGE Bread and Wallace Sts. 1921 II. C. S. 4 pass, sport? car; 6 wire wheels and tires. 1920-1919 Packard. 7 pass, ami 5 pass. Tefms one year. 1920 Mercer, 4 reasonable. pass.; very 1921 Cadillac 59, 4 pass, and 7 pass. 1919 Cadillac, 7 ps. 1920 Marmen, S'eur. wheels. 1921 Templar, 4 pass; Disc fine conunien, ijyuu down. Alse Ferd Sedan; Essex Tour Teur ine;; Grand Roadster; Buick Roadster, etc. Daily JJOYAL Specials Reamer l.passetiRpr sreit car hand hand hand rome Jeb; tat, he purchased with JU00: bnlance tm jear Renl Motorcar Ce, (120 N. Bread St. PeaJar 003(1, Open rtundavs and eves. Kiii-'iiiJvin'iiiiiii'iiiii.iiiiMiiiiiiiiai.iiiin'H!!!) MACK TRUCKS '. also 5"ij tens, practically new; fu".y08i"uran.,.ce'1- "llh dump bodies or 108-Inch W. It. chassis. General Moter Truck Cerp. JOTIt AM) MORRIS STS. iliiWIJIffllWIIIIIIIIIIEW CARPET CLEANING 'lel.uhen Keuslni;tup :441-'TiNI .'iil7 QUAKLK C11Y CARPET CLEANING CO. li:.t te 1137 i: Columbia :n- Cleaning and Dyeing Ladles' nnd Kents' vvearlnic appartl, huiis... held Koeds, Or.rntal and demestb luifs, e,ir pets, tapi'slrlrs, blankets, curtains. Damp Wash Laundry MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 1 PIANOs UPRIGHT AND PLAYER BARGAINS 6 Cunningham Upright?!, (i Lester Upriglits. U Knabe Players. 10 Steinway Uprights. 2 Leenard Players. 5 Heppe Uprights. 1 Vese Upright. 3 Angelua Players. 2 Chickering Players. 5 Blasius Uprights. Priced as Lew an t C 9 Free Steel or Bench and Scarf pJ NEW PIANOS, $195 up NEW PLAYERS, $289 up BABY GRAND PIANOS, $275 up Terms as Lew as $10.00 Down $2.00 Weekly HOWARD VINCENT 83G-838-840.842.814.840 rtUlllll H .' I HTIM't.-'H ' 1lJLM.n.Hri Wednssdayj: j.ri.Mv Kvenlnss PLATER - PIANO lUndseme .nab"e"g.;v plsysr-plane. 25 tells music, bench if i???.1' ,.Ji tun tuuv ,icr, ui'l n (U y lllivv-Ii,,. VINCENT. a8B-88-M4Q.8l2.M..if'n " nth 1 PIANO Ilnndseina Matchless Punnin.'i, J;.' ' UdHsIu: like nswi tloe.lit.a. .:.'u,l?,".lnl'ni Cost IBOO new. This is a barul'sn nniiWS.. vincIcnt, Hatt.B88.g4e-Birff.yrB1N0' PIANO Lester IIprlirhtMnT5wr.'rTy TiiT.T--1 ""'"WaaD "k.?::.J- 7 ;:":.'" ,;.4.: yj -jq .. nth st PIANO Kteliiway L'prlvht, mii,r,L.r,.."rT new tisn. fall at "nt if iSt. n.i' l'"" real haricain. HOWAItri " viNi'ps:TWBnt " ISLK.OTRIC Repreduclnij H. t,. (ira.t i.r t.l,SfeV-!.rrlre,dr,uc,?aaO?" "'. w,u Vfl.,,IcS.Ji,,no'','riilen HOWARD VINCENT tl4IMtO-83 IU-81A i-r tm-STKXn F U R S r mm Clie itrreiibiajs Geed Values in v Used Cars Spring months always bring a shortage of Used Cars, tending te increase their sales price. The present mild weather indicates this same condition will prevail again this year. With the imprbving business conditions, in all lines, necessitating the use of light delivery and hauling -equipment, the wise purchaser will buy new before the prices are advanced. Dedge Brethers Commercial Cars, $300 up. THORNTON-FULLER Used-Car Department Open Sundays 24TH & SOUTH STREETS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY A PERFECT HOME s. l:. con. tth & medary avenue, oak lane 'park Three Improved main strestr Sledary avenue, Seventh street. Godfrey avenue. We offer n dUnllled dsslanecl. detached 3-story stene-and-shlnBle home, con cen con venlcmiy located amid an. exceptional environment, 4 minutes' walk from Fern Reck slarten. It Is most med.rn t'.irousheut. centalnlnr svery convenience nnd appointment, with rooms spacious nnd cesy. Large living rcein vvlti open fireplace, dining- room, kitchen, nntry. 2 Inclesed verandas, 1 open perch. A library, I chambeia with 4 baths and a billiard loom. The around, of ubeut 2 acres, has well-kept lawns, nn abundance of beauti ful flowers, creeping vines, a rustle arbor, it fine tennls'ceurt and larse garage. Price and terms meat reasonable. BENJ. GINSBURG 1101 PENNSYLVANIA BLDG. WKbT PIIILADKLPHIA .mmvma. s i ... ,. .v Oii.iJi.ii'ititc'i'i'i'i'i 'i tcV'i 'iVi'lUVt'tt ft1 Cl'sX wen m A GOOD SIGN of the return of business confidence is found In the beautiful homes that Jehn H. McClatchy is building in the Sixty ninth Street center, JUST A BLOCK AND A HALF FROM THE ELE VATED TERMINAL, en Ashby Read, where 6 trolley lines terminate. Only 16 minutes te City Hail; one fare. Radie Telephones completely equipped in each home; nil-copper gutters nnd rain speutinp;. Buy en interesting terms a little down then S49 n month carrying charges and $16 a month te pay off your mortgage and this includes your Garage. JOHN H. McCLATCHY Builder of Hemes Office at Operation, 69th Sf,, Opposite Market St. Elfivnted Terminal. Open Dally and Sunday. 9 A. M. te 6 P. M. Phene, Belmont 742a ssmmrmiassasspnfGS STORAGE AND MOVING t MOTOR VAN SERVICE TO ANY DISTANT TOINT Weekly service for amt" shipments between Philadelphia and Washington The Big 4 Transfer Ce., Inc. llTth and Market sts. Barlne 120t APARTMENTS ATTRACTIVE APARTMENTS .'l-a!l H. 17lh st; heusekeeplrg; 11 rooms, bath and kitchen; several hacholer apart ments, private baths; also 'J suites et professional offices, open for Inspection; aseut oil premises .Saturday and Bundsy afternoons, l'er Information ether days. Phene Lembard SOU. PENNSYLVANIA SUIILRBAN ' ONE AND TWO ROOM APJS. S1RICTLY MODERN : p 1 I AWI PR WTII AND j. "'" v MARKET STS. Phenn I.nnsdewns Bilfl REAL ESTATE FOR SALE pity esse What will be your future? :J,b"t vver rem, durln the war? vhat will rent be durlns the SESQUI-CENTKNNIAL USE OUR 4 PLAN '1 i buy. build nr Improve our lieni" Repayable Like Rent Pu I Piutlc'iluiM furnished Prudential Hemes Ce., Inc. lM .SOUTH PENN SQPARR I.erust r,3y.' Phlla, Pa CHURCH PR0PER1T llilh and Hre-ii. HO tioe suare feet ui. able for manufacturing- of ani kind' j.iape servl.n station, moving ., tu , no irstrlctluna ".its, JOSEPH PEI.HMAN ''Oil I Inn,. I.. 11 .. P.AHT PROM 21ST AND C'lIi:i,Tr.N AVE terjesiirf boeses. Manufctin-l..rjrTr- Factories & Warehouses Railroad & River Frent Sites E. S. Ton.lir.8en, Jr. iASjSq Factories, Sites & Fleer Space AT WAYNE JUNCTION ?pn.c?..'er r"t Address ' rent I.M.... ,.- J Li:i5 1 PAfreN.' .ieh, ",', :, '''"w. Hldff. PAnTnnipe Z 7" "1TIT ' FACTORIES & FLOOR SPAnv i I I rr- niwrn Jun JrLt. J LEE PATT0N "Mtf .IIji'jdli'Tj.et., Farterv SltesJBtr BUILDING SHE '"' , g )ne of the flnp.i i.ia.i.. . L'3l.i00 ft.. iu .;,"'."""-. 'r.n."perstlen, sides bv eid' Colonial n,:S.n?r.a".?.n.S'n, w;:u&y"'eM " d.,-s;I,,.,;s i 131 Osrrasaumn avs.. Rl'Prci'n neon - KlBht room ce.nerll dwidllmi 2027 Stetl'er, nve ; t"'r eparala peuh hard.,e. flenr.i" neN I vvmer hat Keys Uiilldei'a Offlie umt I N Woedstorlj t. ".,, U..3T I CTiD-ioiekrtiaai, AUTOMOBILE CO. Spruce 6735 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CI IV . WF.HT I'llir.AKf.LVHIA uHuu'-t w t"ITV llullillng Ixita. Par lery ylless. Etc. AUTOMOBILE OR APARTMENT HITI .fTn.,:; C..V- 3",h nd Walnut (belnir 201-'J0.1. JO.. J. ,l,ih st.). Til ft en Walnut, fll en 37t'i VERNON STANTON oaZl:ea west rniinr,t,i'iii fesuuEHi!iiK.hi(n?iiTiRmRii fiii.viijiijnpuimirtTiiUi iiiinaiitcn'iiRituDRiffiim.ii Street ectien 17 Minutes te City Hall One Fare g The ideal spot, away from thn I city, amid delightful subur g ban environments. tl B BUY A NEW HOME 3 i:i!"i,!'i!t,,i:i'i!.:i:i:i!8!iiiiiiii:i,iiMiiHrii!i.i!iiii'. b.illllltWiill'I'ILilliilEnillliUIINIIIIIIIllllilllirr.im.nMiii flip te, "i" - ''"J ""'"iiiHtiimiiiiiii H.iitirttiii iiiii Mi'tii-uuii 1 YUU WILL BUY ! ! ONE OF THESE Willows Ave. Hemes (15400 Bleckl H If Yeu See Them for 1 $7600 k 'I'hei ate bilxht lind i herry. hav 7 H iir'0 teinns. Inclesed pinch, het-water efi h'nt, electric hsrdwoed flueis HI itirousrheiit, til b.iih with fc'.iewsri hi the Htieet Is SO fiwt wide, has ter- g in es nnd shiul.br.v; tetms te aultl g .Ne. 5107 enen dally. E HIIOP.TI.IUUi:. 31 1 H 3I1TII HT. n.iti n.nvTU'unit'LuiiiiiiiiriiHiiuHiHiinKiHnn'RnitKiiiiiflu .tuiujf t tf ri ui jicmuiH.'ttfii'i 69th St. Centre JvSOU Hiunil tier twin residence, 2 blocks front Tiiiuinal, with tlle reef and healel Karaite pika required te purchase lIRfl", meiiiliiy (auylhir Lharirfu 140; larie pnrei. jUlti room, open llreiilnce. dlnlnv room. I hiiakfnbt nook, kltclicn umi plastered nut .IwiU, :i laie liediiiniiis, UI.. bath, built-in ui and shower, hut-water heat, electricity , haidweud Hours ..,, , J , H. Mi:CKJ. JR. i.'Hh and Muiket, uppnsltR Terminal, secenl ' vSL'.r' l',10 Sherwood 0.10H or iJtnsdens I 'j''"' "Pen Haiurdny afteinoen und Hunda NEW STONE HOUSES a AND 4 llKDItOOMR 2 HATH8 ANU OARAGE 65TH ST. ovEnDneoic NORTH OF LANSDOWNK AVB. Central Plant Heat At a Cost Less Thsn Veur Ceal Bill MOSS & TAYLOR alt med. modern, renovated. laae hi, B4th st.. 7 mis . uti ,. Hit modern, rjj"''rlnlty St.. 4 bedrooms. uWr Tswdell st 7 rms.. netl, vm. j. Uravsa'a riens. 8ih A CI Chaster. , ?. HEka.!tW .. ftl-usiJL.KtK.i. lfl . . a. r . if l'S. s I -.. &' . t' V ...I " k . L.r. $&i t " 3 Ittl m$$m rtifcMM i&ri.mvm.'i-. si