w 'A ;'?- !'l"iJW mzw:v:" k t i .,ar'a'BPwTw' 'VArrarrw'' rssirm '".'( vv'vr''N.SB'TKKr'j;i)V,ai KrtvmVmwwWrit vfflW W'Wi - ' ' v. N - i '' SUDDEN WEALTH Yeung Lawyer, Millionaire Over- night, Quits Werk and Begins Worrying BRINGS PENALTY Tn n rertnn plnec in Oklnhemn there , n,,n,js . t)l(,v ,.0i,ii,.ri), ns 'he did him wns n .voting lawyer who hnd the pelf, tlint without .nn ocetipnlten In ..ti nirit of nnv mnn In town. lie Hf' I"" would be mined, nt Irnst men- . '.le.,.,. l,..f ii- nover rnllr.t ., ... ,lln f.Mn nven wlmn ' ?,ni?.in W (1 allelic d In jSri n ' l"; pndff I ." I nne iiiuhj '! - - own ennoe, nnd for u ieiir time, it txpmri . 10 nnuiiieu it vers uuuiy. a no ... f ttin innttep wns. lie wns snvinc n nnm.r for n certain purpose. lie pl'edi nit bis little fund dellnr by dellnr while ... - ... . , , ,j . , .. , . .. -, ., the nelKhbers were pitying bin wife for her ln''k of plensures, nnd jvhen finnlly lie Imd enough money be put it nil into n farm of UK) ncres, In n district re mote from the oil country. "It will be a plnce te crnwl te If things go tee bnd In the city," be laughingly told bis friends. lie struggled en, with his lnv busi ness nnd bided bis time. At Inst the oil men moved his way. He sold n lease for n few ncres of his bind nnd the drills bit into n lnkc of oil. Ac tually nnd llternlly, overnight, be be came n mllienalrc. And then cninu his renlly unhappy days. He would go te bii little office anil sit nnd sit nnd sit; lnw business which enme his wny he turnefl ever te ethers. Down nt the bnnlc, be knew, checks were coming in for deposit te his ncceunt, net only weekly, but daily; they were checks net In tbe hun dreds, but In the tens of thousands. At one time he was greatly worried te discover thnt he hnd $40,000 mere in Lank thnn he thought. He seemed te have come te a standstill, stunned by Girailfeu, BROADAND.CHESTNUT STREETS. PHILADELPHIA CapifalandSurplus EFFINGHAM B.MORRIS ' ' Member Federal 910,000,000. president Reserve System FIXANCIIAI. WIMf'ir.W, SKHVIt'R COMPANY FIKST J.IJ.N C'Oi.l.ATr.KAl, TKL'HT TWKNTY- I. 11)12. I'uinuaiit le Hi prnvlainna of the Indenture "f Trust erulid lv Municipal Herlr I'uin raii le lliu undertilicncil nn Trustee te terurn n nuiherlzcd Ihbue nf Twenty Mllllnn liellirH rirl f.len Cellalpnil Trust Twenty-Ilie-Vear Held ll.indH. dii r.h t, WVi. the Jiii'IerslKriPil lierehv elves noilee thnt It new has, en hand the aum of Seont-nve hundred Iwenty.feur Dullar mid Hlxteen IVnts ((KM. Ml In th'i HlnUlntr Kuii'l prniled hi ll Indenture, nncl that It Ih lu InlHntlen 10 npplj raid num. under tlm prnvlalnna of ln said lii'J'iiturc. le purc'.inne of cnlil hendn, eners et skII lenda Hrejmlted, at a prlc net te excpe.1 ,nr, hcituviI Interent and !l Mr cent premium. Sealed tenders should l 1drHiiPij ti,,, pnilarlplphla Trust I'umpnnv. Trustee, HlnkhiK Kund .Municipal Servlcii wmpjni, .v. i;, ,0rner llruad nnd rhentnut f ". 'hllndelphla nnd will hn lerelswl until piii. !v..T!,"r,,l'. April 7 u!4. niliaftKI.I'IIIA 'IIH"-TrIMI'ANV.T-Jst:s ni,., 'V,'",,,N' '" WAI.I.Af'n. Treasuier. . ehlladrlphln AprllJI, 1II2-'. I'Ar HKAIt KflKiK CitiTTlKKV l). Mnklnif I'iiiicI Netice .""'nnt in i lie tenkin? I'uml pnulHlnn In ? Mniieaue nr i:.ist Hear Itl.ln I'nlllery '."inrany In I'nlelln Ti list fmniMiis Trns. Jf. da e, M,,s , mis, fealeil plepnB.lln for '!' Mia tn halil Kldelity Trunl I'limpanr, r.... ' 'lx " l"",co ""' tn ex. eed 111!! v i"r ;, im u" '"" Idus acirueil Intereal. nf n vr nt "umt""r uf ImtidH Isnue.l und"r anld urn P8" t0 lHle un th hiiiu nf J37.H"H .'.. vA. ''J,.!;',14'011 nl t'1" eIIUp nf said Truslen. unin ,fn-:,1',l fheslnul alieet, Phllnilelphln. r.ni! , l.'?n'1'1 BfO'Pted In I,. amrindAred fur yyJ v " nxl mtneal period, llll. MTV Till ST cn.MI'ANV M.H..I .. WM- I'. 'IKHT Pi DUIi'H'Mh NUllllIKi:.' Till st ((IMI'XNV iM'lil DIVIDIINI) , 1, , , , I'n luWpht.i Api II l, Pi.' llHd oil." .'"''v ' "' lln.ir.l 11 III! Mitt I 15) ii" "'.'V wurieriv uivinenl nl m IV J. lie'e ce."1 Jva1 ilwlnrcrl. Pavnhle A7!il BKeki ,",? ,i!u Blov-hheldern nf record en lie. C2:.0' .h i Company t the close of bust. JmMt be mtMed 8Si P",c!' ,or "vldn m& WlLUAMTI. CfUKTIB. JR.. ,; ' - ' Trsure. Ills micecfw. Twe orllirep tlmrt n tliv lip weuM K down itn flic linnk, walk up unil down tlie tebUv lloer. iipputt'iit ly Mink In (kr;i tlieiiclit. mid thru walk out imnlii. lic.vetid keeping track of Ills M'Vi'ii-dputcd lunik ncretint, lie wpinptl te linvn no etlirr lntcrext In life. At Inst, for the flrt time In lilt enrrer In tlint town, lie ""Iiiininlrtl lilm self one day mid went te n laxvjei friend nnd nuked Mm iidvlre : "Wlint'll I de?" he nld. "I enn't re en thin way, I don't ifeem In be nble te get Interested In nnytlilnR," A Rreiip of hit frlen Is licM a eon een ferenre mid decided te ndvlxc hint te go luin sV ltn lilt u!wtuiJ Jtf Ittllll1rt t-tlinit-tt HU.V. even With nil 111 WCflltll. 1 " ntlVlCP prOVCII IMS PI1IVI1II011. lie l"B connrrtlenH crenml the country for barwlnn In Liberty lien.... I'hc ndvlce proved his fmlvntien. lie Automobiles, n new home. Europe nil followed Inweil In ,lne rnnme t In II e revlve,l Sh ,n 1,11,1 hiinrr'J ?, n , be had bestirred lilm- iipw iininn. n inn tn nfter hi" Interest before thnt time clf only RumclMitly te purchase onel,,, ', ', .! ...,i.i.,!, u i. s,,!,efWiCrti,n!li.tll,til',wii,IS 't-Mi trlb,ltc t0 ew Rtrpn8th f which we wife hnd sent bnck te the dealer. Te-' mnv we fft preu,j, dny be stands te multiply his millions .-.Mr. pinchet predicted long age and is one of the busiest men in his ' thnt of the nnrade of enndldntes lined town . "But it was horrible during these dnys I was stnndlng still," he has often told his friends. LECTURES ON NORTHWEST Real Estate Beard Member Takes Audience en a Fanciful Trip Members t the Philadelphia Henl Estate Heard took. a trip last night through Uie great Northwest of North Amerlcn. They snw the mewing down of the great trees which are shipped ns lumber around tbe world. They visited the harbors and bnys and even wended their wny up the coast tewnrd Alnska. This trip wns In fancy, of course, but mnny interesting things were henrd nt the nddress, which wns made by Frank lirnncb Itllcy in the auditorium of the Manufacturers' Club. Chartered 1839 r Statement of Condition as of April 4, 1922 ASSETS Reserve in Federal Reserve' Bank $4,128,610.90 Cash in Vault and Exchanges for C. H. 1,498,443.71 Due from Banks and Bankers 2,616,716.08 Leans . 17,755,824,67 Securities ..scx.,...... 27,295,941.13 Mortgages ... ; 122,047.87 Real Estate :- (Viz. Banking Heuse and ether properties assessed for taxation at $4,488,155) ... 3,369,231.98 $56,786,816.34 LIABILITIES Capital ....k,;......,....;.;,; $2,500,000.00 Surplus . 7,500,000.00 Undivided Profits. . . .:.... 1,951,815.29 Reserved for Taxes, etc. . . ,-r 295,182.42 Building Fund for Proposed addition te Banking Heuse 300,000.00 Deposits ..aKfeMfA......,.. ..,. ... . . 44,239,818.63 $56,786,816.34 SUPPLEMENTARY Trust Funds $285,00659.40 Corporate Trusts ,, ..,.$1,386,309,390.45 T. S. HOPKINS, Treasurer l nvAVPiii. I " ZSir.T.-. -.- - 1 fitiiwi, Nnectul Mretlngn BZSr-COliU KXCHANtiK NATIONAL UANK ZZr or rillLADKI.i'lllA NOTICD 18 11KKKIIY UIVEN that a special meetlnc nf tha sharoheldera of the Cern i;xAianse National Dank of Philadel phia will be held at the banking house. Northeast corner of Seeend and Chestnut 8treet, Philadelphia, en April 8lh, 10SS. nl II o'clock A. M.. for the purpose of ein In Biiprmnl or dlaipprnyal of nn agreement providing for the cmiKolMatlen of the Cern Kxdiiinge National Hank of Philadelphia and nittenhouse National Hank of Phlladelphls Inte one national bank under the charter of the Cern Kxchange National Rank of rhlla. delphln. under thn title of "Cern t.'xchanea National Hank of Philadelphia." in """A ance with the previsions of Act of Cengreaa approved November 7. 10 1". The agreement haa been executed by thn directors and nfttcers of the said assedatlnna and a ceny of It la en file and may be Inspected at said bmklnz house. AM.KN M MATTllTIU-q, Phlr DKI.rillA. . 1" iiiniriianrt. will! the pre ilslens nr .tn. i jr i.engress apprise, TACONY Till ST IOMPANV T.HOII.l, I'll ll'lll'lplllil At t'i lemiljr meelliiK nf the Iluiinl nf Directors, held April I. 1U22, u siiiiil-annual dividend of rlftlit i'""" cent s declared, payable Uy I. 103. te stockholders i of record t close uf business April 15, 1022. rPhrnl(M will ha msllAd. 7 -. W N, MOOR, TriWr. Tt tcSv" nvK npi'iiii.tnRi.i'111 NOTIOK IH ljnnHin- OIVKN th", a n. rlnl n-eelliiB nt the jharelmlilera of thiJ lITTi:Nril'Hll NATIONAL 11AN nie P III.AnKI.rillA will he held at lf?e lankm house, 1 nl2 f'heslnut street "UUilelphia n5 April IS. mi. at 11:00 o'rlerk It tlii fore, neon, for the purpose of etlng In approval nr dlnappreal of nn agreement iru J.iinsr for he ponselldatlpn nf tlie Hltienhouse Nattenal anlt of Phi aclelphla and the Cern uVrhan? uVrhan? Natienal Hank of I'hiladel,,! ,' In""" hnllena bank, under the title of "COHN Ex. i-IIANQi: NATIONAL HANK OF i'iuilS: '"irUi'i,, fUSirtT under the T'listep :;T,i i.Cnelnllnps rind ii rnnv of It i in ti . rf"'rtMl Inrpme Tax Art me nelrler thereof eslilent I " ' .;',; JhJ iSr.-e." I nl .",11 ink if. I'l.ll ' . Ill I entitle.! te. .rervlve the sum . uf one XX'. L'. riTZ(li:ilAI.I) Pais .r I """'Sipri len 11.0 i uni rieusrs plus the w. v.. i n.ni.ii,M.ir, i.nnier. nmmln, .,, ,i,, ..ivi.i.n. Hairnnts iherenn ' ' IllvlilinrU TEMPEST IN TEAPOT SAYS MRS. PINCHO I Says Husband's Prediction Makes i Necessary te Apolo gize te Mr. Fisher HITS POLITICAL JUGGLING "A temnest In n trn'nnl." In Hie P'n,en expressed bv.Mrs. Olfferd Pin- ciiiir. who et me uepiiDiican pantiinnte I for Governer, In n statement discussing the opposition enndldntes. She snld : "After nil. isn't it rnther n temnest ,n ? Jcapet nil thlH excitement eve ,he be".lnB ,,0Wn of t,,e verlctl aR80rt ment of Panders In the frnntlc tic ,.mnt , Pn,in nnnpn,,,..,n,i . in n teapot nil this excitement ever ..,, u- ,. :. ,... un se mnnfully for the last few weeks. each one swearing be owed nllcginnce te no man and pledging bis honor te go through te the primaries, there weu'd probably be nene left standing by April 0. He wns wrong nnd ewes an apology te Mr. Fisher, who has only twenty-four hours left In which te con sider whether nfter all discretion Is net the better part of valor. " 'He who fights nnd runs away may live te fight another day' must 'he a very condoling thought In the mind" of theso statesmen who have sacrificed themselves se unselfishly in the grent mernl Ibsue of 'down with the pri maries.' " European Socialists Unite Berlin, April 7. The conference of representatives of the three Socialist Internatienales, nfter a ten-hour de bate, have agreed te re-establish a united international prnletnrliin front. tlfllre of TIIE I'NIO.V TBt'ST TOMPANY I'll inULltlill. TKUHTKK Pittsburgh, Pa.. MkriM 31st. IOL'2. . Netlee te llelde, or HTANDARO I'AK KUHIPMh.NT COMPANY 0 CAR TRUhT CKKTIPIt'Air.x. NP.RIKx l.l dated May 1, I DID. Netice Is hereby gnen that pursuant te the provlalena of Article IV of the Trust Agreement between 11, Clarence Miller et al , The Union Trust Company of Pittsburgh. Trustee, and standard Tank Car Company, dated May 1. 1010. under which am Issued the Standard Car K'lUlpment Company HTe Union I H(- iar Trust uertincates, series The union Trust Company of Pittsburgh, aa Trustee thereunder, did, mi January 4, 1022, sell all nf the cars referred te t'.iereln at the price specified thereby, and that said Trustee will appiv me precee.is or nm cam in me pay ment and redemption en Mn 1, 1022, being' the dltlilrnd-pasing dat next occurring net I less than thirty da after the re( ' uf said purchase money, n( all of Ihe certiMcates I Issued and outstanding under sa d Tiust Agreement exclusive of certificates maturing nn .Mnv 1. 1D22. at the price of un thousand len (H. nil 00) dollars for each ceitlilcate. Plus I'.ie amount nf nil dividend warrants thereon maturing en or before May 1. 11)22, upon which dale said certificates and divi dend warrantB shall become du and pay able, and from nnd after said dafe dividends en said ceittflcates will cease, I'pen the presentation and surrender at the eiflce of said Trustee, 33" Peurth Avenue, I'lttshuigh, Pennsylvania, en or after May t, 1022, nf said certificates maturing 011 or after Nnv. I. 1022. together with all In. 1 lerest coupons appertaining therein maturing nn nnu ener May 1 iu.w. nm in1 liinttltim Xlsv 1 Pi The eertifliBies niHlurlix r.iy I IH22 will le pft'd en s.ild dit ti O'c ir nrlpnl Htnnunt tlieunf wlih t'le rlvl'lind. nceruerl thervnn upon nrenentntln-i and sut lender at said of. Pee nf the Trustee of lire respintlve certifi cates and dividend vvnrrnnls. r in ('!( i rnnifrff ui inr i- ft ten anil dlvldenil nrrnnl. TIIK UNION THTHT i'Q sir.snv UF HTtM nr ,' WANT BELLEAU Members of committee which Is planning n mass-meeting te be held nn Sunday afternoon at the Academy of Muslr. It will be held under the auspices of the Ilelleau Weed Memerial Association. Hack row Miss Helen C. Llvewy, Mrs. E. T. Walnwrlght and Mrs. Helen II. Fester. Frent row Mrs. Jehn Marshall Gest, Mrs. Theodere N. Heath, acting chairman, and Mrs. Sydney Thayer VICTORY HALL VETO L JVIayer Defeated 1 5 te 6 en De cision Net te Appropriate $10,000 C0NNELL AND GANS BREAK The ordinance appropriating $10,000 te the County Commissioners te finance jtlnns for the Victory Hull was passed In Council yesterday ever the veto of Mnyer Moere by n vote of 1,1 te 0. An old-fashteued debnte came up in Council ns te whether the County Commissioners are the proper body te erect grent public buildings, in which the Mayer's forces were overwhelmed. The veto message first questioned tbe right of the County Commissioners te secure from Council nny npproprintien for the erection of n public building. He cnlled attention te tiie fact thnt the act authorizing the erection of the ball provided that a special tax should be levied by the County Commissioners te defray the cost of construction. The Mnyer cited the prevision of the charter, requiring plans for public buildings be prepared by the city archi tect or by a special architect whose se- I ian,in n, .. i,. .,..,.. i i... ,i, lectien first must be nnnreved by Mnyer. He questioned whether the controller could certify the money te the County Commissioners because of the language of the City Chnrter. Councilman fJnffney hiadc the main speech, advocating the overriding of the Mayer's veto. lie Mild the ordinance did net conflict with the charter be- HrnfVatndU't taVteSSS H"ll plans 'HfS U? iVm the city architect, citinc complaints of Director Warburton and Ceuncilnien Hall and Buchbelr at the tardiness of the architect's office in preparing nbuis, rr. ..t.u ....!. 1 for public works. I ;";"'"' . " '"' "Z ' '"'.l :, ' . 'J tin l)nnA unlijilrl slin tlnfiAH'n Ayt i r'j "".V. ".:," ..:.,.' .iV. ! aim tuuui luiiuiiunn u iiuiuuimm scheme of pevcrnment.' He conceded ', that the ellicn of city architect was sadly "in need of a little ginger," but added that he felt the Mayer was cor rect in bis contention that appropria tion of the money te the County Com missioners would be improper. The suggestion that a taxpayers' suit be Instituted evoked the snlly from Mr. T.lmeburner that he "didn't believe there was a person in Philadelphia se white-livered or se low as te institute a taxpayers' suit against the erection of a Victory Hall." GIRL TELLS ON WHISKY MILL Germantown Child Says Father Sent Her There for Liquor UIl Ull'llllUl vl4- tf.l4 i 4 a aV' nt ft Acting upon the cemnlalnt of Emllv Klrvan, fourteen years old. of 10.10 Henvls street, who said her father. Andrew Klrvan. ordered her te buy some whisky and then beat her when he became drunk, prolilbitien agents and trie police raided the home of Mrs. Cathcrlne Zemek, nt 400!) North Nice street, Germantown. ye&terdnv wlmre the girl said she purchased the liquor. iiie agents safri they found 100 gal lons of mash, which they destroyed : twenty-five gallons of.nieonshlne ami n seven-gallon still. One man was wounded when the po lice fired at four men, stinpirted of beliic HMHieKscrw. wne were s;eeu entering a garage nt 1410 North Sydenham street about 4 A. M. jesterdny. I'rnhlbitlnn i ngents under Director Davit raided the enrage. They reported finding n com cem nlete rectifying plant and qtiantltles of i liquor. Leuis Zarethkl, the mnn t-liet hv tne pence, wns taken te the Lnnkriinii Hospital, lie snld he lived at Fifty second street and Woodland avenue.' POLISHhTtJER WAsllREEK Lest Little Girl Talks Three Hours te Dumb World Claimed by Mether A three-year-old Polish girl, lest from home, mh rescued vesterdnv by a pntrelmnn ns she dnxlieii in fr,,,',t ,.'r llrend street traffic near Cherry street The child was taken te City HnJI, where she expressed her sentiments qiiile , volubly, te the matron. After listen. , ing te three bourn of Polish tlm ,n,.tr,, i confessed It was nil (Sreek te her, and . me cmia reinattieii unclaimed. Finally Mrs. Helen .Inzkereskl, Ninth nnd AVoed streets, enmn te Cltv fall te ....... ,,u..., ,..., reixirt her child missing, she xvns tnlcen te tlie mnt rnn s headquarters where nlie ideiitlfird the little girl ns her own. ,snnuBininnan jjegpAT A MKKTIMI OF TIlrriieARn ...... T,lLn.l.rn'.V"K..S,f V-'r ..'"" J " t-Kis 1 1 1 - . ....... S,".nn'n-".l.."llV..7i- ...-"". """ Pril it, lli... in ruiimviiiK enirers vveie electeil te serve inr ine rnsumir vear. vis,: Jehn V iskclly President. Jeremiah .1 Sullivan, X'lcn Presldeiu Jehn It. I'msteil. Vice President s XVIIllHni J .xtcOllnn. Vlce President Jnht. ' Leinhtiey, Secretary and Treasurer William J. ritrpatrlck Asst Hecy. 4 Treas Jehn V JfcMenamln Asst. Secy. 4 Treas Henrv F. btltiell, Trust Officer. '""" Jeseph Mallen. Ilenl Estate Officer. Drewn 4 XVIlllanis. T'eunsel, - .tOH.V V. LOUOHNKV Secretary T-JS TIIK IHTII A.VM'AI. MKRTINd OF the IMinsvhnnla Neeleti- for Jh. Prevention of irniellyle Animal, win 'K held at n'J2-? N'irih Itreart street in Siitiirday. prll H. ,,1054. l StSO p." tn rhvirr.n fTVhe."nS!i.n,; KWiwriw .I.MATrSMrf(f I'ropes.vU l.litfAt:ll KfcHf. SSli KflTAULIHlii.Tv 6M.Hospltai:er h. Injan, .pb.". nsxuiari nrtmrinsT in nm nn mniviu. .--;. MUIIII ttw fiivii.19 sxUKjr !. 1 rtemu AAttamm li nn ArnWm I mum A ST. aT "Vfv. laraDW, BEATEN IN UNI iu 939. ttaW WBal A WOOD RESTORED V m&y- H1M iikB FINANCIAL BRIEFS A West Australian lean of 11,000, 000 bearing " per cent at ! it b'ins undcrwrltteii In Londen. A inembrrshlp In Che Cbtcnge Heard of Trade has been sold for $0700 net, te the buyer. I). C. Cnrr lias been elected n member of the beard. The avernge price of the twenty nc five 1iu1;isIiIii1m mlvnnecd 0.1. 'I ner cent yesterday te 00. se. while the twenty rails nuvnneed 1.J.J per cent te e. in. Announcement was made en the Iloer of the Montreal Stock F..clinnge thnt A. A. Wilsen & Ce., one of the eldest Inekeragc houses in the city, hndas signed. Keystone Tire and Hubber Cemniiny reports for the year ende'd December III last grest lets en 'ales of $(10,80!) ; delidt after expciiMM. $.".", (HJH, andnet Irss nfter iiilprcft, taxes, etc., $07f,- e:i!. Superior Steel Corporation reports shipnieiits in Mnrch of SI'.riS.'JI-i. us celiumred with S!2(i0.:!l)! In February. n gain of .'17 jier cent. Cich en haii'l in excess of $1,000,00;). Hills payable, none. Production of crude petroleum In the I United Sti'tes for the week ended April i 1 nveraged l.-IOL'.Sli.'i barieN dally.' ngaiust 1. -10.". 700 barrels in the pre vious week nnd l,'J0;t,!l70 in the corre sponding week lnt year. Hids for Sl.",l)00,tH)0 thirty-year ", per cent bends of the Province of On tario will be opened en April 11. The bends are dated April 1, mature in 1!51 nnd are pn.able, principal and interest, in New Yerk or Canada, at u,i,iwi,,M HtoeKlieldcrs the option ei tne lieliler. of Willys Overland Company have been called te -pccliil meeting te he held nt Teledo April -4 ' te consider propeal tu is-ue .?l".."(((l.- J (100 notes or bends te matin e net luter than December 1, 1JIIKI. I'receeiK of the sale of new securities will be u-d te liquidate bunk leans and provide new ifj" t "' "';,, ,,,.,. nf ,,. N. ... ' " Wrdne- J" "CTW'.nTr.'l &Ac;i' 0,:k L, '" ''"iL" :u L , '! u,t ' V I , he rn ,' ?, ,. , j . ' & nf di id i ,u i ., L i'.V." ".'J1 ' t "a , Mlt,M, ' "u the riiinipi- mix un iimimii i ie i in iiici. TI. I'ninn i,.ir,n in.n,i -iii iiiuiwiii iitia He..d approximately . S2.00.0nn till-, .venr for additions ami leltermeuts. new equipment and s-heit-llne cten--lenM, Hubert S. Levett. clialrman of tlte read, , announced jesterday. The rnllre nmeunt will be chargeable te ciip-tnl account and net en ateeunt of niuiii- j tenance. Charles U. Melian. former n-istniit cashier, has been made cashier of (In- 'Drevers nnd Merchants' Nnliun.il Hank, succeeding Karne-t It. I'atten. who died I late last month. I.e.iie It. Ilalbert was made ntslstant ca.sliler. A new office of third vice president was created te wliieli Jehn V. Kelb was elected. Yesterday's stuck market e-tnblished another record, both in eIiime of busl ines and in number of ..locks dealt in. i Total sales for the dav were !,,.".',!),'() ' 1 shares, the largest since April L'0, lOliO, when the amount was 1 ,SSL'.17." shares. i The nilinher nf M'mii-iin k.n ,. I.,, ,..,!,,.. hands wns 41ti. n new hi.'ii i-itiu-.i. ti.,' previous highest being 1 1.". The Illinois Central Railroad secured Permission from the luicetnte Coin- incrce Commission teduj te l-sup (vi- deuces of indebtedness te iln Pullman company for ?l.7ls.enn ns n part of n cur purchnse tran-iu'iien. The rail road Intend (e lene and buy en time payment, according te the authorization (!."() refrigerator cars Operntlng profit of the Mdntvre Porcupine Mines, ,id , for the venr ended June IK), llli'l, ininled Si. O.'n.PSS, while net pn.lits, after making nil deduction, were Sl."i..".'l(). The corperntlon milled 17I.PIH tens of ere (hiring the year, of whb-li the value, per ten was $11. li" and l i iverv per lone .?tl.OS. The I . 1 1 : i i . -hem vh.,vs current us-ele. of S'iLMilH ami current liabilities of S,'e:!.v'f). In II Miitement legnrding tin' plot), nble i'pendltures that weii'il he made by the l'nlen Pacific Halliead for I'ltlL'. .lutlire Hubert S. l.eveit, hnlrinini of the Kxecutive Cemmltti'c, sild that the npprelniate iimeiiiit V SL'D.ikhi.iiihi would be spent for tiddiiieiis, betler meiiH, equipment ami -Insrt -line ex tensions. It was pointed out It v .Incite l.evetl thnt nil of this amount would lie (mirgeiinie te capital ncceiiin lni, i mil te miilntcituiicc Itepert of Allied Clieiiilcnl and live Corporation for the jcar ended Decern her !ll shows net income of S7.il 111. '. Mill after charges, iiienter, ndiustmcnti nud Federal tnes, equivalent, nfter preferred dividends, le Sl' '27 a share earned en the eutstiimlim: .'.If,'). I.!'.) Klinrei or cntnmen stock et no par value. This compares xviilj net Inenme of $Hi,. 17H.IKI!). or .fll..!,! .inre earned en the '.M4S,'l."i slinres of comuien stock in the previous jenr. Atchison's decrease In gross In I'eh riinr.v of .L'.'JOl 1.000 compares with i, less nf nbeiit S4.ine.lli)i) m I.,,,,,,,,., . - . . . " """'i'" - tne Hr-t Illeiltll ill whieh the (, nnr cenl reduction III hay ami grain rates an I 1" I''''' cent teduetien in ether farm lin preuueis rates went 1 n r 1 ellecl en e,i ern reiuN The 1 ipinu V elliier. nscrlhe the I'ehrunr.v les of revenue t inte rerliicliens unil Mitnller puss, MKer business. Kebruar.v freight revenue de e hied $l.-181'ttl, nnd passenger earn lugs .$MU.:iS-.'. - I.nrge increnf.es in ) offering of foreign bends, especially (internment bends, in the Tutted Slates In the last few months were reported h.v llie Ted ernl Reserve Henrd. Frem '.lnnuniv 1 te March IS tile total of foreign delhii '.onus issued in this ceimtn vwis SU'III '000,0011, while during the tear I'.IL'I the 1 total wns Sil."n.:io:i.tiei). nf ih total Ithls .veiir, ..'! l.SOO.iMKI leere-enti'd for- eign t.evernmeiii 11 ml iniiulcipal leans whle S:U,St)0,000 were lorperailoi lean. , Directors of Mngiiin Copper I'einpnnj bnve authorized nn Issue, of $:,UIK),ne( ten -yen r 7 per cent convertib'e deben deben tunybenitn. Bends are te be dated June 1, 1H23,- and art te ba cenyertlbla as",tiT S. ft ' , time nfter date of hend Inte xterk of the eempnny at (he rate of fifteen sbnrcs of Meck for each $."00 bend, llendi are re-li-mbale en any interest payment dntc en sixty days' prier notice nt 10.i per cent nnd acciiied interest, if redeemed within five venis nnd 1 tier cent less ' eiich year thereafter. New Yerk, New Haven nnd Ilnrtferd reports for the jenr. ended December !il total operating revenue $110.40., !:.'. it decrease of S7. 107.077. compared with 11)0. Hallway operating Income wns $r.ni.'l,llll, against it deficit of $7,:U.i).'ir In .1020. The deficit, nfter charge, wan 15,:iL'(). ((.'.", exclttdlns n 1 tievernineiit inn-ever Item of S1.-0.,,- 012, Tbl would compare with n deficit. , nfter rlinrges. of $!7.IU0,01M in 1020, exnlltsive of (inverninent gunrnntce''. i The Allied Chemical nnd Dye Cor- ! norntlen's miniiril renert shows gres I income of $1.1,0!KI.SS0. after prevision I for depreciation. obelef-cence, various luxes nnd repairs and renewals, com pared with gross income of $!'!). 7flS,7."1. ' after 1he snine deductions in 10'JO. Net income, afier Inventory adjustment, j Federnl taxes nnd less en sale of se- ctirltles. totaled $7,010.00!), against i $10.17!).!):!!). Net Income for 1021 was! equivalent te $11,128 n share en 2, ICO.'l.'i!) shines of capital stock out standing, ngnlnst $().S3 in 1020. The I'nltcrl Stntes Hubber Company hns issued its final annunl report for the year ended December III, showing net Income from operntlens, nfter nil expenses nnd fixed charges, nnd nfter nbsnrblng approximately $10,000,000 excels cost of finished goods carried ever the previous year nnd sold dur ing 1021. wns S 102.811. Dividend pay ments nf S7.07S.7IS and an npproprin nppreprin npproprin teon of surplus of $10.I5!11.0.'U for in in venten adjustment created a decrease of S17.270.IU1 in profit nnd less sur plus from S l7.H2.",:iS0 as of December III. 1020. te S:i0,01S,.i:H) at the close of 1021 Funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Schaeffer The funeiiil of .Mrs. K'lzaheth II. T. I Schiieffer, willow of the Hev. Dr. William Asbmead Schiieffer, will take lilac tomorrow afternoon at ! o'clock from the Oliver II. Hair mortuary 'I'lmpel, 1S20 Chestnut street. Serv ices will l.e ceiidiuted by the Hev. Dr. ,.I. llenr.x llariiis, pastor of the Evan gelical Lutheran Church of the flely , Communion. Mrs. Schiieffer died Wedncdny at Hertram. She lived many I j ears In (Jcrmantewn, where Dr. i Schiieffer occupied u pulpit. Mrs. i Schiieffer Is survived by one daughter, , Anna M. Thompson. I I.Of KKII UP WITH TJir JURY! ! Ar- wenifti Jurer hei te itny? Cn woman perform irrvlcn with the mixed jury without ' mbarranslnit clrcumnce? You'll want te rnd "Locked Up With the Jury!" s Dl-cenf1,! In the Masailne Section at nrxt Sundiy's 1'ciiue Lluuiii. "Make It Habit Adv. 4000 Square Feet Storage Space REASONABLE RENT 612-614 Chestnut Street Freight Elevator Immediate Occupancy Apply Mr. Dallas 605 Chestnut Street Itelh i-tn CHIROPRACTIC Day and cieninK clase. Unroll new for second clas.x beginning June 1st Kull course In dissection Apply Men Wed and Frl. Afternoon or livening KEYSTONE COLLEGE CHIROPRACTIC 1701 CHESTNUT" ST. OF "i:uvit'i: uiii'.KK !i:kvice ciicnts1 We .s-curr the Kind nf Teiirher' Wanted mid the Kind of I'oxlllen Pexlred The Bryant Teachers' Bureau, Inc. (Il0-i;-(in Wlthpr.noen Hide, rh'li. 010 Krennn Hide rittahurch The Tayler Scheel ", unit Maht M'irlier s. fiiPB-' Minrtnnnil, rnucheplnic. ,Tntirtmff S0crtarliil C'eurf Boekkeeplns, llnrell ney. STRAYER'S Tl"' "' nuine sihoei einniuvj he; t HKTir T. resllluii Eii.irnn'il. Knter nui. I) 15 or nlsht. TK.MSH' xirnth s white star v t te cunniiecnc. PKCTHAMTTON IIOMII'.K (new) Apr. I .Mil) (1 June 10 tll.iMI'H Anr. ii Mid la June 3 MAJKV1H (new) Ma 20 June 17 .lult S ,. Ti) COHIl (QuMiiimn A LIVERPOOL II I.nt , pr. IS Mil? 1 June II) MKtiANTIC Apr. Ill CKIIKIi' . , Apr. SJ Alas 20 June 17 f'Kl.TlT pr. 2(1 June S July 1 t)ItlTIC May 27 June 21 July 22 NEW YOHK le Al'.iirtKM. MADl.lltX. HAl.TMt AI.UKftlA NAl'l.i:S OIU- M nl.Nllt KIIIC (I7.:i.'l Inu-I Apr. 2.1 .lull R Aug. 20 lltl.TK' ne. 8 s,t. 2.1 . I'HII ni:i.Plil I.IVKIIPOOL MrilMXN Xnr. I.X llWritPOIIIl XI.ij 5 June 1 1 .lull 2 I'l I rHl Kl.ll 'lieu i June 22 Xiik. ,l (..ibin ., i I i . 1 ii "i pai.e'i," is 'airidl I I.X I XM) I INK FMIII XDLI.lIllX MXVCHLSTPn MTOMAN . April .-, red Star Line N X'..PLYMi'fTH IIM..XM) ZKKI.XM) Ivlt(IIIVI.XM) Minntii't no xntxvkmp pt:? ,,'1 i Jul i Xnr. 2li June 3 ,lul.v x Mn 1 June ID .iniv IX i I.A1'I.NI M.iv in June 17 Jnlv 2 PI II LA TO MX.xrill'Htl LIBXir tiivvi",- SA.MI..XND (llrl l.l- 11 iKkennrra nnlv ) M111 in run. ii:i pin x vNT:np "'"i XHsISslPI'l Xnr. i: XlAIIOPXr .lime .t ' XIAt KIN XX Miij 2X Xllssei Rl .nine 15 A?iES5CAN Urn: S. V TO UA.X1UI K(5 VI X I'l YXPH'TH AND ( lli:i;lel'Illi MINNKKAIIIIX IIM il.n.r.1 Xpr. ill xin, ! f, ;';)'. M" 1 '"ire 7 MOM. (II. IX .lime"! l'lllI.AI)l-:i.I'HIA--IIAMHI HO IIXHII.XDI.XN Apr. 2',' XIAIIOPAf ,lln. A1I.ANTII -IICVNxI'iiiii I.I.nJ, lMIII.ADKI I'll IA - loNivev XH-slsslPIM Xpr. IV Xt'KIN.)V Xm -x IIARIIAIIIAN Apr. 22 , .XIIS..SOI HI June IX mii.i..xM-.xMi:nu.x link I nil AHUI.l'MI v Hi'i'Ti'liinvi l)lI)Xlv . Apr. 1!) IHADBNnYK Mn.i 13 Internntienal Mercantile .Marine Ce. 1J0 TKAMKHS. I.sne.000 TONS m-viner Olliee. i:UO XVtlnu M . I'hlti rrilL-lu tlltlrr JII.X-III llnnrae nidrr . Phli te ENGLAND SIX DAYS PLYMOUTH HAVRE PARIS PARI I IHM I'. NEW YORK- Trine e 1, 1 'Inuriilne KniliiinlriMii l.i llvnle C'lllcilKK l.nfnvrtte .Apr. 2d May st Xlnj III Xlny 3 -HAVRE-PARIS Apr. I i Anr. 22 Mns ,i jH(lr nn V.rr 21 .lime I .lul.v , Mr.v 11 .June III .lulv 1.1 I1.'" I!. !'""' ,5 ,",I" 2" M11 dirn NEW YORK-VIGO CSPiip)-HAVRE '.ny .l .Itlljr 1 UK'.vSP'Vww'. .i,' . -." I ene'r'sV Aci mwim i.i ' Mririiiiii i'rl Altai laaiHei nmnui ni, rBUfaiVUI '-rnsnst f tnni WihSiAXiULA U. S. SHIPPING BOARD NEWLYWEDS KIDNAPPED Friends Force Chester Couple te Parade Streets In Truck Vnultlng n fence and tnklng refuge in a neighbor.) iiurne, Mr. nnd Mrs. William F. Hsthlmer escaped from friends who hnd kidnapped them earlier in the evening, following the marriage ceremony, nnd hnd paraded the couple In u truck, first thiuugh the principal streets of Chester nnd then te Wllmlng- ten The bride wns Misii Ivy Mae Mc- Cermlck. of the West Hide, nnd her husband is chief clerk In one of the large Marcus Heek oil Industries - - - mmm MT:AMiim vnTirri NEW riTTSBURGH s HHBBDiUH9yS0'iiH M 9 V wm ' ssc - -'jm White Star Line PHILADELPHIA - - - - LIVERPOOL via QUEENSTOWN S.S. PITTSBURGH, the plendid new 16.600 ten eil-burnlng Liner thit wit ty with the pepuUr "Haverterd" en thil well-known route, la 601 feet lone, U rplete with every modern and luxurieua appointment and cmbedle numereu I the important (caturea of the famous meke Peom and Gymnasium are en the nd lavishly eaulpned ed. The great Dining tablet for four or larter ur or larter eartiea. -. ft.. The ana manch aeawerthinett. Beth theie rreat, comfortable ateamshlpa will carry Cabin and Third Claaa Vjm ancert, a lervice that It successfully meeting a present day demand and which actually exceedi the de luxe ocean travel accommodations of previeui yens. Escellaal enclosed cabin accommodations also for Third Cass. HAVERFORD. . .May PITTSBURGH . . ., vln tiWHrTE star uhet lMTBmMATiNAb MamcAirxu. Mamhi Company Paiitnter Office, 1319 Walnut St., Phila. "M "T" ieEUROPB Via the St. Lawrence te CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPTON-HAMBURG' S. S. "Eraprets of Scotland." 25,037 gresa tens, the magnificent acqulaltien te the Canadian Pacific trans-Atlantic fleet is the largeat ahip en the St. Lawrence. This eil-burnlns liner hat Bread promenade deeka, twelve regal public te the specially ventilated Inside room, Empress of France " iih.i D.n-raem, ia caDin sccommeaaitons mat range trem the sumptueua suit Montreal and Quebec Enjoy the de lightful, old-world otmesphere of these quaint Trench .Canadian cities en your way te Europe and Great Britain. Via the St. Lawrence The part Fresh Water and part Salt. Water Reute with only (our days en Atlantic. Rites and all information en request C A N A D I A, R. C. O.AYTON City Paacncer E. T. STEBBINC, Cen. Agt., Pass. Dept., Madisen Ave. & 44th St., New Yerk Crewell & Thurlow INTERCOASTAL LINE Will Dispatch Frem PHILADELPHIA , te LOS ANGELES HARBOR. SAN FRANCISCO and SEATTLE SS "WILLIAM A. McKENNEY" April 15 Phila. & Reading R. ft.. Pier 2i, A'erZi Wharves LAVINO SHIPPING CO.. AGENTS Bullitt Building NAWSCO LINES Send Your West Coast Freight by Steamer Deliver te Pier 10 North by Team or Belt Line Freight Prompt I.eadinp Careful Handling Regular Sailings Dependable Schedules Minimum Insurance Express rruipht Steamer Service 1'bila i Iphi.t m Panama Canal te San l'lt go. I.. ,-. X fii ,i -, .ai K'.u, .. i , , ,, i s,, , r . I'mt.jnd s' ii l.i 'I u out. i an . , i , i ' S. S. Celd Harber Vpril Olli S. S. I0 Triangle May C NORTH ATLANTIC & WESTERN S. S. CO. Olr Ur-T a t,7 1 nrvt 136 S. Fourth St, Phila. fewl&rk SeuthAmeiica onUSXgevemmcntShips Fastest Time toRlede Janeiro, Montevideo nnd Iluenes Aires, Kineit shipi Ameriran service Ameriee n feed American comforts. Sail ings fp Pler.x, llobeken. Anirrlrnn I eelini Xprll I", I'hii Anterli'ii Xprll 2t) XXestern Wi.rlil Mn 13 Snutlinri) i rnss Mn.v 27 "lrrrt night b ThereuftiT" Munson Steamship Lines 17 XXMI st, (,u ,r, ( in Phil ulrlplil 1 linire llrrvrl ItliU Ifrttiniylne Oner mers for COMMERCIAL w STEAMSHIP LINES " PHILADELPHIA te FENIT, CORK, DUBLIN and BELFAST SS "BALSAM" April 15 Moere and McCormack, Inc. 444-48 Beursa Bldg., Phila. s I amill. 0AS Mnin 751S.1Hd N 111 Traffic Blocked In Arch Strut T.nll.u Rllna Wild Vt Tue women fainted nnd hundrtM'i nersens were delayed when n tr car Jumped a switch nt Sixteenth' Arch streets, late yesterday. Thafj tore nn the street mid was stoneed'tl after it had run in the middle ptf I'nrKwiiy. . The unconscious women who were i cupnnts of the enr were revived at u.n.w. 1... n ,hl. iirt ..Itf-faltin..- VI 'were blocked in Arch street ns far r,LVIIt l' (, 'tlflip, INljrillllli 'as Seventh street nnd westward Twenty-mini street fr-VMsiM!' NOTIflM "Olympic " The Lounge, Reedlnn Roem. Fre Promenade Deck and are commedloua Roem it en the Middle Deck and ha Tl!..l .- I. - .. Pittabiueh U a marvel of gracetui peauiy 2 June 13 July 22 June 22 Aug. 31 Ooiten Freifht Office, 405-414 Bourse Bldf., PMa. t J " rooms, including Plying with this ship is the well-known Ouebec te Liverpool "Empmt a Britain," First. Second and Third Claaa. Montreal te Liverpool, Glasgow, South ampton and Antwerp by splendid One-' claaa Canadian Pacific Steamships. Yeu may make cholce of en unusual diversity of cabin occemmodatlona. Ask far descriptive boeklnt A. H N PACIFIC Act.. 629 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Lembard 5600 CAR JUMPS; WOMEN v7l in mk - IH afT!! J!MlM ' Pudi .,r, ; I'liene Lembard 791 --j-; I: Mam 7781-2 KERR LINES Sailings from Philadelphia FOR HAMBURG S S "Morristexvn" (U.S.S.B.) Sailing April 22 S S "Corsen" (U.S.S.B.) Sailing May 10 HUDSON SHIPPING CO., Inc., Afcnts 1.AFAYETTE BUILDING PHILADELPHIA, PA. I emlnril ..'ill X jn dks fNew Yerk te EurepnV De Luxe Service IO I'LYMOUTII. HOULOGNt HAMUURC By Vew American l'li Stsamira ReMilute Ma '-'. May 30, J tint M Itrlinnrt' Mux 1C. June 1.1, Jul 1 lieeulur Service IO MAMIIUIIC, Dlltr.CT sillrus v.li iiiyituu) ey int pesra let ttcuincis Mount Llsy, Mount VMi tell, mount Minion, uensa, fajav Wuertlsmhern. with sneclal cabla ami ImntnveH third ulfkaa ...iTti MUlTCfl' AUL-Ilr.i. ,.r. iT.'- "mi nrntixitixn Mnu,Mai vmv, ., ( 1 mWXSmmWlBli . wawaMapsjsj, ii'i '''ifti it,' m. (S7a 2i (r-J .a 'S! ii H: hi Wl t r r!tl 'd iJi"ly$&ii J . . rv MkB. l v 1.iV,m.Vmu i; uuaviuiLj.d.'v.if:! itmmmmmmmmn.-i.in... ..1. . s t v-r.-yirtf'.--. u E-.! ' Ja .i7B