fel v 't hh ' i f 1 I 70 J "';. f i tiwM -tit t 1 MaMtiMMMaM re J4 Service fbr Philadelphia BANKS and BROKERS TV7E HAVE developed W and maintain a highly gpecialired daily service in United States Government ' Bends and Treasury Certifi c&tesatprevailingmarUet prices. As Specialists in . Government Securities We make it possible for Phila delphia Banks and Brokers te clear each day's transactions at a minimum of trouble and expense; saving them one day's interest, transportation charges and the re sponsibility of handling. the secu rities for out-of-town shipment. We shall be b14 advise you regarding large or small transactions. Our telephone is. Spruce 3881. ISAAC STARR, JR., & CO. 16th Siniem Sta Philadelphia Public Utility Bends for Investment A judicious selection of bends and notes of our strong public utility cor porations will provide at present market prices as liberal an income as can ' be obtained from any type of conservative en terprises. Public "utility annual re ports for 1921 showed that the industry as a whole is much stronger than at any time since 1915. Write for our Recommendations (Hemphill, Noyes &, Ce. , Mttnbt Nmr Yerk Stock Bxehfmi franklin Bk. Bldg., Philadelphia New Yerk Boitea Bcrutea Balunsm Spruce 8200 UNITED STATES VICTORY NOTES ffiCUKITIES DEPARTMENT COMMERCIAL TRUST COMPANY Mrmbrr Federal Rrsrrre System City Hall Square West Hew Much Meney mis there In your bate last night? l.neugh te make an interesting pnrty for Berne prowling parasite t Drn't take chances. We are open till 10 P. M. rivflpv wpftkrtnv. IJven If you have ether banking eonneciler.s, open a small account here- -ter protection, REPUBLIC TRUST COMPANY 1029 Cnestnut Street HOURS Qam-IQpm If There Is a Market We Can Find It We held sales of stocks and bends every Wednes day, charging $1.50 en trance fee for each stem. Our weekly catalogues and postal card service reach every mar ket. We take pleasure la jurnishini: auotntuire. Barnes & Lefland lock Drnkcra and AuctloeMra 147 S. 4th St. NEWBURGER, HENDERSON &.L0EB Members New Yerk and Philadelphia Stock Exchangtt 1410 Chestnut St automebYle insurance UBERTY MUTUAL INHVRANOR TO. ?' et 6019. 20-25 Be. 15th Bt. I WIEQNER.ROCKEY&CO. wned fublic Accountant isBUfTSP - I W& urrfli,.... v'iw.Bfl:'i'siTr vct PT ' n tmmtmmmmmmmmmmm(mm)mwmmT-Mn r TO HIM LEVELS Simms and International Make Substantial Uptiirn Stand ard Issues Firm Vuw Yerk, April 7. Renewed ac tivity was in evidence en the Curb In the early dealings today with nn ex cello nt demand for many of the oil stocks. There was a geed inquiry for Slmms Petroleum, resulting In n substantial upturn, and International Petroleum received geed support at higher levels. Htnndnnl Oils ruled firm. Sterling Products, after a slight setback nt the start, again turned firm. Van Raalte was steadier and moved up a sharp fraction. Swift International and lilbby. McNeill & Llbby were easier and declined fractionally. In the bend section Interboreugh 8 of 1022 were the feature, selling up 7 points ever last night's clone, followed later by a reaction of a little mere than two points. INDUSTRIAL High Lew A.M. lBOOAeme, Packlnr .... 7B 72., 72 , 400 Am- Leather ....18 Mtt Ufl ,400 Am Lath pfd .. 89 89 , 8,H 1000 Buddy Bud 1H rV itf lOOCelum Emerald .. RS., 88 08 'Mt Dur Mtre of Ind . . 14H UK 1H 400 Durant Mir aa 82 8? 400Eaetman Kodak .. 74H 7., 74 1300 Elee 8ter Bat .. 41 41 4l!i lOOOardner Mtra .... IS 10 10 euuiuette Bar rtai ..ids . 300 Goodyear Tire .... 12'i 800UeIdwn Met .... Vj 200 Hud ft Man .... 8U 100 Ien a Cent pfd .. 10 400 Inter Rubber 8 . 1300 Julius Kayaer ... 2014 2400 IJbby McNeil .... 4 800 Mercer Mtrs 2 MOO Ner Am Paper .. 24 1 OOPeatum Cereal .. 83H 12U 03 103J ieu reat cereal prd . .lusj aoeo jtadie 8 200 Radie cfd 8 son Run Tim null . . se 200 Ree Moter 32'4 22 U 800 Seuth C Iren .. I 1., 400 Sterling Pred .... 44 48'4 . 300 Swift Int 20 20 IWOTennRwy 3,, 3 lie Teb Pred Exp .... 8J4 5V4 Tedd Ship 78H 73 'i 300 U 8 L ft II 1A l 20O Un Ret Cardy . . . . 0, .8 1400 Wayne Ceal H4 1'4 100 Van Raalte 58 SS STANDARD OILS 100 Anirle-Am Oil 18H 18H 10 Indiana PL 103 103 ."00 S OH of Ind 88i 8H',i 20HOIlefNT 370 S70 71? 18 108. 88'1 370 INDEPENDENT OILS 2000 Allied Oil 1000 Amer Fuel, Oil .... 35 1100 Bosten Wyoming-.. 72., 100 C't Sarv "8" ctfe. 20i 1 00 Columbia Pet .... l'i 700 Creele fiynd 2 2000 Knars Petrel 50 r,00 Fennland ." 10'i 200 ailllland Oil 8 400 aienreclc Oil 1 1000 Hudnen Oil 20 000 Int Petrel 1.1 1700 Klrby Pet 221 flOO Magma Oil 1 ' 200 Maracalbe Oil .... 28 7500 Merldan ret '. 11. 5400 Mexico Oil 4 A 200 Mexico Hf lb 30J 300 Mutual Oil 'i 100 New Yerk Oil 14 1000 Neb 22, 1.100 Omar OH li" 100 Bait Creek Pred ..US 100 Seaboard Oil t flmi 14 1100 Blmma Pet ...:... Ill 200 Sinclair Cent 100 Hkelly Oil ....... Mi 18700 Texon 0.1 100 Woodburn . ... . . . .j ! 2000 T Oil 19 MINING 700 Alaska Br Celum. 3M 1000 Alpha .. 2 20O An Am Cp S Af.. J2U 5000 IllK Ida-e '2 rOOO Jlet ft Ment 2. 2800 Hest ft Ment Cens. 1U 1000 Canada Cep 22 1(10 Cens Cep M 1J .1110 Cresten Geld 2"i 3 R S3 71 20i 50 10J4 1 20 LIT 22 1U 23 "8It 14 "2 1 14i $ Mi 01 01 18 01 71 20 14 2 40 lO'.i 20 15' 22 V,i 23 3l 0i 14 e "l 14JJ 1V 11H n Mi CO n.i IB 3'i 20 22?i 17 27 ltt 22 l'i 2i 1(1 24 ." i?i s 7 .18 37 4 (1 17 1 4" l'i 20 22'i in 22 , l'i 2! in s4 22 no 20 8 100(1 Divide Ext 1" 7O0O Eureka Croesus 2.1 1000 oeirtnein nor .... 2000 Hard Shell . . 2000 Independent Lead . . lenn McNamara R00 Mether Led Clt., film, Vntlnnnl Tin .... 30 s R fi.l I1O00 Nevada Ophlr Inh r .... 3" 3T 4 n JI no" in 106 101 2iin(i N.vad.i Kllv Hern, n 100 NlplKinint ........ inoe S fi'lHi'i- Lead 1J 10O Tone Mlnln ..... J Sen United Eaafn ex d 1 1 1 line Velcann Mln.a SO noe West nnd Cen ... . 1 BONDS r.OOO Am Cotten 0 . .108 MOO Am Tl, 9 of '24.101 nut t.nm.r.ln rVln list llll li ion 101.. '' imj innft Atmciur 7n 102 102. 102 anoeftemmi'fsoY'sa.ioJj; imj. xwjt B000 Can Nnt ltwy Bs . f H 04 1000 (Vnt Steel 8 100"4 lOOi'i 100H toeoronaoi, 1 mltVTa.leji'i iev lel y, liien ions iv';u,.7 Xii ?B000 Del & Hud r.Vds.. OJi. 4000 Interlier 7h s ; U1000 liiterbore 8 A M 1000 Kutnecett C T 103 seen l.a;lKl3 Oas 7s.... "i ;r.000 Me I'ac 09 ...!, SS' 4000 North Ohie I.lnht 0 1 inoeo I'ub Herv N,J ,.;',. en en (ISH OJVh 82 8S , 81 i 82'i 103t 10S' IlS'i t)H?, 00 nn mi 911 me 100 ioeu enr mica i .-;"v,-lOOOSearM Heeb "2.1.100 100'i 100 s inn. I00i ,.:;;; e:..,.t,i',ii 1. ....iimi iciiiv. ln'j'i -?8oeS"ft cTj . mi 18& w;jf lOOIITel Kdlflen T lOS'i l?SVi 10.V MOO Un Oil Tred 8a N 10000 Warner Su " "Jlr 4000 AV.at niee7a ln8'4 r.T.000 AYentln 7s . ;f 11100 Cltv Solssena fla. . . 8BH nnnoe NYNH & H 7 Fr. (17 oneno Iiusalan 04 a ctfa. 2Ii lnnefiwlst SHs letjf 30000 U S Mexico i 40'i in 08 07 108 ni 80'4 07 074 1084 09. 80'i 07 21 21 101i 101S 46 404 LONDON STOCK MARKET Breader Demand for Industrials, With Feeling Confident Londen. April 7. Although trading In Hcctiritles en the stock exchange was Kemewhnt 1eh active today, because of the customary week-end absentlBm, the undertone of the markets continued ro bust. Sentiment throughout the city lemained cheerful. There was n brender demanding for Industrial issues, with the feeling confident. Hudsen's Ilav was O1. Further improvement In the crude article impnrtcd ndditlennl tlrm jiess te rubber shntes. The oil group was ttreng, with busi ness brisk, llejal Duteli touched 40Vj, Slicll Transport nnd Trading wns ri, and Mexican Kagle 3 11-10. Confi dence prevailed In the gllt-cdged. which wax steadied. French leans were slug gish, but well maintained. Operations In kefflrs were confined te profession als, but prices were sustained. Changes in home rails were narrow and mixed, owing te adjustments. Dol Del lar description, wcie unlet and un changed. .Argentine rails wcie haul, with the, tendency uiwr,il, LAW HEADS PENN MUTUAL Resigns Presidency of First National Bank William A. Law will become presi dent of the 1'enn Mutual Life Insurance Company July 1. when Geerge K. Jehnsen will retire from office. He. hns resigned the presidency of the First Na tional Hnnk of Philadelphia, effectie June .'50. Mr. Law was chosen unnnl iiuiuslv at a meeting of the Ilenrd of Trustees, of whlih lie was a member. Sir, Law is nationally Known because of his activity in the American Hanketn' Association, of which h was one -time picsldent. He Is president of the Penn sylvania State Hankers1 Association. The Penu Mutual Life Insurance Company W the biggest life Insurance company in Pennsylvania, and the third largest corueratlon in the State, Fall Proves Fatal te Weman. 104 Merlden, Conn., April 7. Mrs. Julia t'eppcrthite, Kit eais old, the eldest resident of this cltv. died jesierday afternoon from injuries sustained in n fall last week, rihe was bera in Knglund and came, te Mcrldeu elfhty-ueven )sr sje. j CURB Ofi S MOVE fUrtnrs rV, ''fEjcrfLE'TRfate ; spotty; Weel Dealera Have Adopted Waiting Policy, Pending Tariff Adjustment While there Is n general lack of orders in the tcxtlle trade, a better feel ing is reported by manufacturers of carpets, hosiery and upholsterers' trim mings, according te the weekly review of business conditions In the Philadel phia district by'U. R. a. Dun & Ce. Ijecal woof dealera report business quiet as a waiting policy appears te prevail, pending tariff adjustment. Jobbers mid wholesalers of dry goods say trade continues fairly active. Orders are principally for immediate do de livery, dealer net being inclined te place any advanced business. Alany orders have been taken, especially In the coal region, 'awaiting confirmation owing te coal strike. The review, continuing, gees en te say: "Seme improvement 1 noted in the iron and steel market and it is expected that the opening spring will show still further advance. Tonnage, however, remains small and chiefly for Immediate needs. Industrial plants are Indlcatlns an Increase In operating capacity and large manufacturers of railroad equip ment neta an increase in orders In hand, but are still running at far be low normal. Shipyards arc quiet and the general situation shows no niatcrlal change. "The hardware line shows a moderate amount of activity, which It Is believed has improved slightly en the advance of the season. Prices remain about the Mime and collections slew. "Wholesale greceri are dull. Canned goods are quiet nftcr n nerled of ac tivity. Stocks held by jobbers arc net large and net greatly In execs of con suming demand, since there is no re serve. Stock conditions In canned goods are favorable from n holder's viewpoint. Demand for fruits is Arm. Apricots arc strengas are pineapples. "Coffee, particularly jobbing btisl ncss, is unchanged, although green coffees have advanced. Milds nre un changed. Demand Is fair. The tea market shows an upward tendency. Juvas, in particular, have advanced 2c 11 ivitiml. due te scarcity. Stiear Is firm, although toward the latter part of the week the raw market eased, due te unsettled reports from Europe. Re fined is unchanged, all refiners being en bais of 55X)0 for granulated. Demand U fair. , , "The tobacco trade has been com paratively quiet during the week und Miles are light, although moderate in quiries have been muilc for geed grades of Pennsylvania and Connecticut. Perte Rlces are in fair request, but pricei generally rule high. Sumatra and Havana arc being sold In small lets for immediate ute. "The large cigar manufacturers are doing a fairly actUe trade, but the volume Is net up te former standard and the report from the Internal Rev enue Department shows 11 decrease of about 4 per cent in 1021 ever previous j ear. The Mnall manufacturers are net making much. If anything, above ex penses, being unable te meet competition en account of lack of capital. The local retail tradu is in fair condition, but The Provident Life and Trust Company of Philadelphia i " Statement at dote of business Fourth Menth 4th, 1922 1 en basis of book values, net including accrued interest. ASSETS CasWen Hand or in Bank $3,403,646.03 Collateral Lenns 7,089,086.38 Bends and Stocks 7,096,315:50 Mortgages 1,463,191.00 Real Estate 100.00 Miscellaneous Assets . . . ". 38,976.51 Ledger Assets of the Insurance Depart ment of the Company 115,655,626.30 $134,746,941.72 LIABILITIES Capital Stock $2,000,000.00 Surplus Fund 5,000,000.00 Undivided Profits 107.019 03 Unpaid Dividends 11,950.00 Deposits 11,666,953.22 Miscellaneous Liabilities 5,391.17 Ledger Liabilities, including Contingent Reserve of the Insurance Department of the Company 115,655,626.30 $134,746,941.72 y OWI.iiflli trunffrrfil slm lul reimrt trem Undltldrd 1'rnflla for Milmrrlptlen te Cupltul of I'reTldrnt TruBt, Company of Thlledtlphlii. undrr plun fur the Comrrslen et I lie I'revldtnt I.lfe & Trust Ce., of l'hlliiilcliililiulntu u .Mutual Life Insurance Cempuny. ' TRUST ACCOUNTS Trust Funds $90,146,501.43 Collateral te Corporation Trust 18,959,893.32 All Trusts art kept entirely separate from Company's assets. ASA S. WING, SAMUEL H. TROTH, President Treasurer DIRECTORS ASA h. W1NU MAniUOTT C MOIUIIS JObKl'H II TUWNSENO. Jr. rm:Di:uic w. .stiiawhuiixje JOHN THOMPSON IIjrLUN MOIUIIS Jl. I10CKIUS I.KVt I.. Ht-'K OEOHUU WOOD JIEMUKR rnDERAI. STATEMENT or FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY PHILADELPHIA 323-331 Chestnut Street 43-53 S. Fourth Street 1131 Chestnut Street 6321 Woodland Avenue At the close of business April 4, 1922 RESOURCES Cash in Office $432,413.37 Cash in Banks 5,252,911.57 Time and Call Leans 21,664,071.81 Mortgages 3,917,360.12 Bends and Stocks 24,407,709.12 Real Estate 2,696,324.14 Accrued Interest 283,179.30 Customers' Liability a c Acceptances . 75,000.00 Customers' Liubllity a c Letters of Credit 123,797.00 Miscellaneous 7316.98 "$58,860,08641 LIABILITIES Capital Stock $5,200,000.00 Surplus i una Undivided Profits Reserve for Depreciation of Investments Letters of Credit Issued Certified Checks Accrued Taxes Accrued Interest Ground Rents Mortgages Acceptances Executed for Customers Miscellaneous Deposits Trust Funds Corporate Trusts Collateral te Corporation Trusts WM. P GEST, President cutting of prices continues. ' Collections are slew. . , . A. "Leather dealers say sales for the findings trade injUrgcr and some sub stantial orders from manufacturers have been received. Prices .are steady. Glazed kid is selling well and manu facturers are rapidly, reaching capacity production. Rs,w materials and skins continue high in price. Shee dealers report sales in moderate amounts, while manufacturers nre receiving larger order for late delivery. "Millinery houses state the tendency is te buy in small amounts. Collections are slew. ... "Paint manufacturers, dealers in paints and painters' supplies report little increase. Purchases are In small quantities and for present needs and the volume of business, it is believed, is les than for the same period of 1021. There is little change in prices and col lections ar.e reported lev. "Wallpaper manufacturers, jobbers arid dealers report business quiet In this line. It is believed, however, there will be n moderate improvement during the spring." POLICEMAN FIRES PISTOL, TERRORIZING ASSAILANTS Shet at Feet Brings 8ubmlttlen of Twe Men te Arrest Firing his revolver at the feet of two men who aimed a gun nt him shortly after midnight. Patrolman Hey, of the Nineteenth and Oxford streets station, terrorized his assailants Inte submission and took them te the station house. The men gave their names as Charles Ress, of 1834 Poplar street, and Wil liam Byrd, n Negro, of 133. Cambria Btrcet. When accectcd by Hey In front of the Lankenau Hospital en Glrard nemte, Ress suddenly drew 11 revolver and pointed it at the policeman. As the latter reached for his own weapon R08.S passed the gun te the Negro, who, in turn, get the drop en Hey. The lat ler suddenly turned and fired at Byrd e feet. The men then surrendered. They hum held under 8500 ball for a further hearing next Friday. LEE, HIGCIINSON & CO Established llll HOSTON NEW TOBK CHICAdO 1306 Finance Bldg., Philadelphia In Continuous Business 80 Years MOYBR & CO. Bankers & Brokers 301 Chestnut Street C7 -r pstten- CO. 3D CIIF.STNI'T f)TS. BANKERS HUCrMr te SAII.KR BTEVKN80N Bend nnd atefks bought and Beld. ai.mn.rs rnua. morn r.irnnnn. i 1 !( J. WHITAI.I. NICHOLSON PAHKKR 8. WII.MAM3 ilKOHUH H. KRAS5IKII SAMUUI, HICA niAnu:s J. rheads OKOKOi: R. I'AOKAUU JOSEPH WAYNE. Jr. RGSCRVK SYSTEM iu,uuu,uuu.uu r73,651.50 1,250,000.00 123,797.00 724,687.66 132,894.99 219,555.34 380,000.00 400,000.00 75,000.00 8,562.39 33,771,937.53 $58,860,086.41 $264,122,836.76 770,798,237.23 86.347,348.56 GEO. H. KYD, Treasurer -'. -a jtyftu tf'ffffwt; - tv ' " , 1 r.'SYBB $300,000 Eastern Wisconsin Electric Company First and Refunding Mortgage 5 Geld Bends Denominations BOSTON Are you following the upward trend of NEW YORK CURB EXCHANOB STOCKS! "Traders Handbook" (tent enitqntit can be a great help in your market tranMcdetu. It gives you at a glance i what you should expect of your broker hew te give orders nd In structions market terms and their defi nitions and many ether points that you should thoroughly un derstand. AlkfarcapjoflhilusifulbeoU Ceil, ultfhent or unu Tenes &. Baker Members NewYerk Curb Market Dlrrct Private Wires New Yerk Cblcire notion rhlUdclpnU Pmiburth Detroit Baltimore ClevelinJ PHILADELPHIA OFFICE Widener Building Telephone 5cU " Bell . Lectiit 4730 one Race 5861 i BALTIMORE OFFICE 433 Equitable Building Telephone PUuS451 Special Service in Ohie Securities Members New Yerk Bosten Cleveland Detroit Chicago Stock Exchanges N. Y. Cotten Exchange rhieage Beard of twv Extensive Private Wire System OTIS & CO. Cleveland New Yeik, Bosten, Detroit, Cincinnati. Columbus, Teledo, Akren, Youngstown. Dayton, Denver, Colerado Springs GEO. A. HUHN & SONS STOntS ANT BONUS Mrmbera of the hllarWIphla. Nerw Vrk and rblran Nteck Ktrhanirs fw terli (iotten Ktrhnncr Commission Orders Executed In All the Principal Markets Uesrty Bands Bought and Sold Mellmree Ceiirl Blilr., UIS Walau( St. n. 111 Broadway i rffi "''''" """ ' "' f1'0, $1,000 and $500 Redeemable as a whole or 'In part at 105 and accrued interest. Interest payable without deduction for Federal Income Tax new or hereafter deductible at the source, net in excels of 2 A legal investment for Savings Banks in the States of Rhede Island and New Hampshire The Eastern Wisconsin Electric 'Company does a general public utility business, serv ing a population in excess of 110,000 in fifteen communities in Wiscensin: Sheboy gan, Fend-du-Lac and Oshkosh, the three principal cities served, are respectively the county seats of the three adjoining counties of Sheboygan, Fend-du-Lac and Winne bago, which embrace one of the richest agri cultural sections of Eastern Wisconsin. These bends, in the opinion of counsel, are secured by a first mortgage en all the property of the Company new owned or hereafter acquired, subject only te $2,957, 500 underlying (closed mortgage) bends. The Trust Deed provides for a Special Improvement Fund of 1 from 1922 te 1931 inclusive; VA from 1932 te 1941 inclusive; and 2 of bends outstanding from 1942 te 1945 inclusive. The Company's properties are in excel lent physical condition. Within the past year the Company has constructed a high- Price 85 and accrued interest, te yield about 6.20 ' Descriptive circular will be furnished en request. pin Wtbbtt & (Hxmtpanij Members New Yerk Stock Exchange ' Established 18BO 1422 Seuth Perm Square, Philadelphia NEW YORK ALBANY HARTFORD The above statements, while net guaranteed, are based upon NEW ISSUE Luzerne County Gas and Electric Ce. Twenty-Year 7 Sinking Fundi Bends (Nen-Callable) Dated Ap.il 1. 1922 Due April 1, 1942 Authorized, $1,000,000 Interest payable April 1 and October 1. Principal and interest payable at the office of United States Mortgage and Trust Company of New Yerk. Coupon Bends in interchangeable de nominations of $500 and $1,000; registerable as te principal only. Tax free in Pennsylvania. The Company agrees te pay Nermal Federal Income Tax net in excess of 2c'c. UNITED STATES MORTGAGE AND TRUST COMPANY, New Yerk, Trustee GUARANTEED PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST BY ENDORSEMENT BY AMERICAN GAS COMPANY Tet further particulars concerning this is-u c rtfer you te the accempanjuifC letter of Mr M. W. Stroud, Si, which lie summarise as follews: The Luzerne County Gas and Electric Company, incorporated under the laws of the Stat' of Pennsylvania, serves without competition jias and electricity in twenty-two cities and town, electiicity in six cities and gas only in one, in and about Luzerne Ceuntv, Pennsylvania, having a population of ever 190,000. The territory served has piewn continuously in both population and wealth and is one of the Rieatest coal mining and silk manufacturing centers in the United State. Its etlvr industries are varied and pro.pereus. These Bends will be the direct obligations of the Cempanv and will be issue.! under an Agreement te be dated as of April 1, 1922. The Agreement will preide that uh'le the Cempnny may issue Bends under the existing mortgages, or te refund the same, no further im rtgage lien" or debentures or notes, except bank leans and notes for merchandise, may be crtated without niak- iis uii-su Duims a prier lieu As a Sinking Fund the Company will pny te the Trustee .3, a sum equal te 3r'r of the Bends outstanding te b" used in rchase in the open market, if obtainable, up te 10t and accrued 1 IWi nnnnnllnfl The operating properties nre in excellent physical condition and their reproduction value, as estimated by competent engineers, is in excess of the total funded indebtedness, including these Bends. Gress Earnings for the year ended February 28. 1022, amounted te 1,J.V2,11R. and Net Earnings nmeunted te $022,112, as compared with annua interest requirements en the total bended debt outstanding with the public, including the present issue, of $3l.",000, r equal te about twice the required amount. Franchises under which the Company operates are perpetual, while these applaable te gai are both perpetual nnd exclusive. All legal matters pertaining te this issue will be approved by Messrs. Tewnscnd, Elliett & Munson of Philadelphia, Pa. The properties have been reported upon by Messrs. J. G. White & Company. PRICE 95 AND ACCRUED INTEREST TO YIELD ABOUT 7.50 These Bends are offered for delivery when, as and if issued nnd received !) us and subject te approval of our Counsel. Interim receipts, later ex-changeable for permanent Bends, will be ready for delivery en or about April 12. STROUD & COMPANY 120 Broadway New Yerk These liemls halnK This Mormiilfen, tvhilc net ' ' f ''? .' ".' " Due voltage transmission line of 43 miles in length connecting the plants at Sheboy gan and Fend-du-Lac, passing through Plymouth and ether communities served. The Company owns valuable hydro-electric power sites en the Wisconsin and Welfb Rivers. The Preferred and Common Stocks repre sent a substantial investment junior te the funded indebtedness. 7 annual dividends have been paid en the Preferred Issue since incorporation in 1917. Gress Earnings have increased from $958,633 for twelve months ended January 31, 1917, te $1,455,315 for twelve months ended February 28, 1922. Fer the latter period Net Earnings were $507,094, equal te mere than 22 times the annual interest requirement en the total mortgage debt out standing with the public. Seventy-five per cent, of Net Earnings or ever 1 time3 bend interest requirements was derived from electric light.-power and gas business. information and advice which we believe inereie, Incorporated all liei-n sold, tills mhrrilMimnt nppinrs a-) a mntttr of rocer.l only guaranteed, has been obtained from aeuices whhh xec regard us rullubl... .' ' $wA ' j',k h'j March 1, 1947 CHICAGO accurate and reliable. THE ( annually, beginning October 1, acquiring Bends 1 terder or ly interest All Bends be iiuuhiisi'il 1429 Walnut Street Philadelphia erij . v v im . .-?e Si'-i-r: M ""'l b-'fl 1 t 4 M M 'tai -Vf r. (' ethif 51 -' , i . .... . " ' 7" mv i... .. .1 . t f fi .i!k ' .HlUr l . i t wi m .h,J,lkli .J '..! llb&M W.y , .-..,. .., . suva r.'' .J ,trVX A.i1 . i3&tt 1WAS;iZtl&, a?