eran WHs ... - - - - - - --" ? t . .. ... : f -.f .... biLwM mladelphia Trust Girls Win Cup in Bowling Championship Series n Opn Tonight Until 9 o'clock &WiWWMWMWW. "ir . i IfENNISCARNIVAL T i 4 AT GERMANTOWN yyilliam T, l'aen ana wirmr Noted Stars Will Play at High Scheel Uin will be In the leading part.4 The 'otctaters will bee Tilden in the re rt Jimmy in the play, pOUND-ROBIN DOUBLES' It .. iiec-n Iiy I'inju .I 1ERMANTUW. AWUMH is pre- narlnr for the big event or tne sen- "" 1 . ,, e.l ...l, plr nf thn IimiiI Mff ?"ii. FiraTn1 nnrt in a round-robin Rubles .natch en Academy Field, Ger- nuntewn avrniM- mi" eii inc. The competition will mark the open mi of the wprlng sports season at the sijuaker Institution, Tiie receipt win ibe used te help pay for the new field, A admission ei $i.uu win ue cuargee. (" William T. Tilden. lid, world's ten- IV i ..) n tvKMfliintn nf f 2 Arm fin . IrP a I..m tsttn nil n flirt nf. 'town acbii . '" " "- - biiir He has arranged te have It. INerris Williams, Watsen Washburn, Ivinrent Richards and himself te take fkrt l hc '"''('11. Bill will be paired t "7 til.l....lM T.tinunn n rwl UVt I tm ."1B"'"r' u" .:t ",'ii.":"' tiwiii nn uariiicin miu , 4...u...a n..u Washburn will play eri the same side V.l ,l. Mfif m xira Molln UJurstedt Maller.v. na- "tlenal women's champion, also will be Brtient, and mey get into action. 111 IllC L'vriUHJi mu Kiunuuira iv.ii "tits a ploy in the Orpheum Theatre, en L B" .;i. .- Hn. Til. itarmuiiiu.wi nni. .....v, "", -. role alias Jimmy Valentine. The tennis stars will be the guests of the school at th,e theatre ud will occupy a box. Gloucester Girls Win Title Gloucester High Scheel wen the Seuth Jersey Girls Heckey League championship by defeating Collings Collings weed High Scheel en the Haddenfleld High Scheel grounds, 2 te 1. All of the goals were scored In the opening P!?d! ,, ., .,.. "1 am icriuimy preuu ei mv girif, Id Miss Hesslc Tayler, coach of the winning team after the game. "They pltjed a whirlwind offensive game, and their defense wan remarkable. Colllngs Celllngs Colllngs weod also played a fine game, but we were just a little better." Start Tennis Season Germantown Academy and Penn Charter opened the Interacademlc League tennis season yesterday after neon ey aeienung Episcopal Academy and Havcrferd Scheel respectively. .Episcopal Academy failed te win n set from the Quakers en the Manhelm eentts. In the doubles, however, Col Cel tert and Kinder almost captured their first set from Allen and Graves, but the .count ended 7-5. Ashbrldge was" nearest te winning a singles match when he was defeated by Pertry, G-3. Simmy Wiener, of Germantown, a pretege of William T. Tilden, 2d, worlds tcnniH champion, wen his tingles mitch from Price, the Episcopal itar, easily, 8-1, 0-2. Pinn Charter also made n clean sweep, but failed te win all of the sets. One of the surprises of the meet was fhftf.'CYnnl? tfltfa nlnia1 flpaf alfiU. tm I thr.Jellew and Blue In place of Cap .tainj,Bnrtlett. P. C. wen all of the lour singles ana two doubles matches. Bt. Jeseph's Prep walloped Chestnut HU1 Academy nt St. Martins yesterday, 12s te 4. The ragged fielding of the academy tenm and the hard hitting of the Crimson nnd Gray were responsible for St. Jeseph's win. Episcopal Academy socked Northeast High in the ether baseball game of tbe titernedn, ft te :t. The Churchmen, champions of the Interacndemic League last year, made their hits count nnd wett; easily. Altheueh Northeast nut. rJWeldtd and euthit the Blue and White, n cuuui nut romp nireugn witn tne final punch. All of the Northeast runs were scored in the ninth after two were eat Erank Sheridan was elected captain nf fte Cflthnlln trnplr tm .. tgT day afternoon. Sheridan has been a member of the Purple and Geld treck team for the Inst three years and is holder of the Catholic League bread jump record, which he made in 1020. la addition te jumping. Sheridan is also a sprinter nnd n member of the 440 Jtrd relay team. Coach Glenden has a fleck of candi date practicinc daily en Oahlll Field nd he is confident he will have n worthy tenm te represent the school this season. EAST VS. WEST IN FINAL . BOUT AT NATIONAL CLUB WWalker and Salvadore Meet In ,, ciani-Meunaep Tomorrow East s. West will be the feature et weekly show nt the National A. A. tomorrow night, when Archie Walker, of Hit "ierk, meets Phil Salvadore. of viilfernln. In the f,tar bout of eight wunds. Hetj, Salvadore and Walker mt i appeared In n number of contests w ii r y nr"' t,,e' "bowed well. u- I. 'N " f"""" amateur fuam Bll"' "k nnd H clever boxer. ?. '! ?10B """",f,(l Chnrley Harvey, Of the shrewdest trainers in Amer Witml the latter is claiming .a futum "tie for his nretece. jmt Hebln. the Belgian tltlehelder, OQUInUP n lllf lilt In n nnl.L U... 1 I k against .Tee .l.tcksen, will appeer the semi-final with Yeunc Jee Ber- Vh i'at Bradley will Men m n eon CHAMPIONS AND THEIR CUP aaBBaaW. jaBBh. -aBBBh SbVbbbbbbbbk. .BbbbbbbbW. .bbbbbbbW bbbbbbbbbW bbbbbbbbbbbbbV BBBBBUaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB'iBBBBBBBBBBB aV7aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBrBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiBBBBBB UmvSL-1 VaaBBBBBBBBK ' CLSaBBBBBH''iBBBBBBl Kf i V-" W.JbBBBBBbT t ' , " ., I " BBBBBBBW,"1' ' aBBBBBBBBBBViBBBBBBBBBBl IPssV ' ': JsHsHIsssssssH M ; ' flrSfSSS-BS-BBBBBBBBBBM bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbVbV ' ESbbbbbbbbbbV ' bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbB -'!bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb1 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbBF ' IIiIbMbbbbbbbbbbW -' f !' bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbT, bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI a W gglflggl HHI'::'iHH ibEHRH bbbbbbbbV' ',il....Htfl............Hji...H -;f ' - gggggggggggggKyPaaVaaaH LV k'H '.V' ( aaaaaaaaaV4?laH BBBbV 'am, ' i , aH' raBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHH'ftBBBBBBBBBBBa1 V t ': -F 'aliiiiHll "VaaaPaa 'JM. '" BBBaV17PaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB '-aBBBBBBBBBai m!y"l vaaVaf ObbbbV - mbhHIJI1 4Mbbbb1bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbIbbbbbbbbbbI i yifK ii'BgiiBi V JbBBBbVbT aBBBBBW'- SBBBBBBW SMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVaBBBBBBBal IUVIKIglBH aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW A' BBBBBTBBBBBBafVaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV 4 BBBBBBBBBBBl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBISBB ' BBBai BBBBbK faBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr '''BBBBBBBBBBbI BB. -:iggS:ggKiBgHiggHgiggV''iliggH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbT 'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBf. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBbL aBBBBBBBBBBBBEBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr' ''aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr ' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBbII BBBBBBBBBBBBBBaVV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbCbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbV ' .aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTBBBBBBBBBBBBr " laBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK'' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa ilEilMgV.''aiggA hu "agggflgfggggggggggBB; -SaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBuagggV The Philadelphia Trust Company girls wen the Financial Bowling League title this season with flfty-seven victories and nine defeats. Left te right, upper row Misses Athalla Hirst, Beulah It.' Ruth, Eleaner M. Dougherty, Helen A. .Finn. Lewer row Misses Florence J. Andersen, Katlierlne Kelley, Betty Sands MERMAIDS SEEK DIVING HONORS Will Strive for 100-Yard Back stroke Title Alse in Sea shore Peel MISS BECKER FAVORITE Atlantic City, April 7. Seme ethe foremost mermaids in the Eastern sec tion of the country will take part in the swimming carnlvnl which will be staged by the Ambassador Swimming Club here tonight Listed among the races are two cham pionship events, the junior national fancy diving and the Middle Atlantic 100-yard backstroke, both for women. Miss Elizabeth Becker, of the Phila delphia, Is the favorite for the junior national crown. The Philadelphia wntcr sprite lias wen the Middle Atlnntle diving title for the last three years, and in tle fight for national honors last year, placed third.- Philadelphia entries arc also favorites for the 300-ynrd Middle Atlantic back stroke championship race. Frances Clarke 'and Catherine Cetter, both Turners, are expected te light it out for the title with Miss Clarke the prob able winner ever her team-mate. Bessie Ryun, of the Ambassador Swimming Club, is also entered in this event. Miss Ryan is the former holder of several national frec-btyle championships. The list of entries fellows : Junier national fancy divine championship, for women Mary llotdzkem. Ulrl' Ilyslea Swimming Club: Dorethy Ilucknnll, Ainbjx Ainbjx ader Swimming Club; Gertrude Kdsen, l'hll adelphla Turnsemeine: Elizabeth llecker, Philadelphia Turnceiuelnde. 100-ynril Middle Atlnntle backstreke champlennhlp, for women Catherine Cetter, Philadelphia Turnsemelmlc: France Clnrke, Philadelphia Turntemelnde: OIIe Filer, Am bassador Swimming Club; Hensle Han, Am-' basaader Swlmmlnff Club. " 100-yard free atyle fef women Ellen Bailey, airla' Hyglea Swlmmlnit Club; Her nlce Custer, atria' IlyKlea Swlmmlnaj Club, Ena PettlnRlll, Public Athletic I.engue, Jj'altl Jj'altl mere; Margaret Iialer. Philadelphia Turn Turn Kemelndei Trance? Clarke, Philadelphia Turnscmelndi"! Hnel I'reeman, Ambaader Swlmmlnc Club; llevsln It an, Ambassador Swimming Club: Virginia llenkell, Ambas sador fiwlmmine Club, 100-yard free stle. for men Carl Car- dezn. unattnehed: Al Ilurinnai). Edward Fay. Richard AlexuYidei, Itlchard Homers, all of Ilyslea Bulmmlns ClUb; Pat Itellly. unat tached, 0-vard underwater, for women Mary Holdzkom, illrls' Hyglea Hwlmmlng Club; Oertrude ITarby. Olrls' Hyglea Swimming Club; Ena Pettlnglll, Public Athletic League. Baltimore; Dorethy Ilucknnll, Ambassador Swlmmlnr Club- Hazel Freeman, AmbaHsa AmbaHsa der Swimming Club. Penn and Yale Alumni Eights te Retv Here A feature of the nnnual crew races between tbe University of Pennsylvania nnd Ynlc, which will be held en the Hcluiylklll next Saturday, will be nn nlumnl race between eights composed of grad uates of the two universities. Yale and Harvard every year held a race, but this is the first venture for Penn. According te Jee Wright, conch of the crews, the lied and Blue old timers will have a mighty fast eight with' the two Madeiras, (leerge Wharten Pepper, Jr.. Ud Schmid heiMT, Art Littleton Berie, already announced as being heady for the race. The rules wiy that no prac tice is te be indulged In by either, eight. The race, ever n half-mile' course, will start at 11 o'clock. SPORT MOGULS TO SPEAK Rickey, Slsler and Others te Ad dress "Get-Together" St. Leuis, Me., April 7. Athletic coaches and directors of eight of the ten schools in the Western Conference nre te speak at a get-together ban quet for nlumnl anil former students of "big ten" schools here tonight. An attendance of mere tliun 600 is ex pected. Branch Rickey, manager of the St. Leuis Nationals, will be teastmustcr and Geerge Slsler, first baseman of the St. Leuis Americans, nnd Jehn Lavnn, shertstep for the Cardinals, both for mer University of Michigan men, will be present. Waul Lambert, basketball coach at Piudtie University, Is scheduled te speak en "Professionalism In Summer Athletics." lr. Fred Merrlficld. of the University of Chicago) will deliver un address en "Athletics in the Orient," nnd Tem Robinson, swimming coach of Northwestern University, will talk en "The Relation of Swimming te Other Sports." Other conches who will i-peak are Fielding II. Yeit. Michigan; Jack Wilce, Ohie State; Heward II .Jenes, Iowa; Dr. K, K. Meanwell, Wiscon sin, nnd .lelin I . Griffith, University of Illinois. Mercer Square te Play Incarnation The Mercer Square first and aecend bas ketball teams will play Incarnation Catholic Club nn the latter'a Meer, at Fifth strret and I.lndey avenue, O.ney, tomorrow night. It will be the nnal cams of the season at In carnation. Mercer Square will line up with Weir and Pretty, ferwards: Ilamaee, at center, nnd Schadl and Dutler, guards. Itumaee, Pretty and Butler are members nf the First Methodist Episcopal Church tenm, champion of the Germantown Church League,' OTHER SPORTS 23-24-25-26 get bnck Inte Hart. nn n n .--.-.i. ...... . - p; p:" '""', ,.w" J0'.nn.V LMetiw. , ' ' . r'"P'n. win race Lew inffi ?d r?mJ A1 Xclwn come back r-WJnst K- - Leenard. TEEL SHAFT DEFENDED Described as "Everlasting" Gelf - Stick by Sports Heuse . ...VP't?. April 7. Bannlne of thn Rtu. i?ir K0". rlub by ",0 l;nlte( tr.'0" Association stepped the In- St wn. W ,8p,ln Te Wdem of tfiiB Mlrai ,0,," e be nn everlast- Deuila "' att,' 'encerned, said "f tperl Ins soedM rnn"" " " 'red-wm, 'i"ft w,th " stccI it oev B MrfLi'? '""'"'eiial weed had iUrehP.V'ert4,J, ,n,",.v through the re- "rehVanf i ' U'S,1V. mreugn the re-D-Q.. an in l0", ,nr' ' of Washington, li ?.,. ",,,or..wle .wen consider- ihii. '"ennen through is aid Up "eminent lu the perfection of 5id..Men Prepare ' Si , .A '.' "' Ne iltwa.. fc Saseball in. Is busy nrrang. I be ill's will be used for oilier Ne home games nnd Sunday Muakekg ;i!V?.t.,,Wirl!li!R''!!f. ill'" .t time. Ne hnni eair Wi iiifiW1 ci":r J.l' ." Tn he lT,"..- b re urinni . , !..!;". - 'irn sWlrkasle he.".rif,V.m Ke Harber. Ulsn TciiMtenk luuanwi wis. eqaJUn There' ething sem, 'OT' 'about them yDuii like Trad Marie TWenty fop a wyarter BOWLING-MAIDS WINTITLt CUP Philadelphia Trust Company Team Captures Championship of Financial League COMMONWEALTH SECOND If you were n girl duckplu bowler and the team of which you were n member wen the league championship, wouldn't It bob your hair or something? Aisuredly ; nnd that being the tnse, you can't 'blame the fair maids who comprise the bowling team of the Phila delphia Trtist Company for being ull excited. These misses today are the proud pos sessor nf a beautiful sliver cup, which is proof positive that the Philadelphia Trust Company gills lire the champions of the Flnanclnl Hewling League. It wasn't a runaway .race, either, which makes it all the mere Interesting. 'Hie llnnl Htnuiling of the teams shows that Philadelphia Trust wen fifty-seven matches nnd lest nine, with the Com1 Cem1 Com1 menwenlth Title? Insurance and Trust Company maids right nt their heels, having scored fifty-three victories and Aiffcrcd thirteen defeats. Te add te the Jey of t!iO frlumpnant howlers, the prhe for the hlgnest aver age went In one of their team, Miss Katherlnn Kelley, who lind an nverage nverage ef DflflO-tOO for sixty-six games. She has wen this honor three years in suc cession, Mlsa Albany, star of the Union Na tional Rank team, captured the prize for the highest individual Mere. She topped the league with n high mark of 148. A high tenm score nf ii21 gnve the Com monwealth nlrls first prlae. Here Is hew the were distrib uted : Team Mnl, Philadelphia Trust Cem panyi second. Cefflnnnwelth Title Insurance end Trust CempsnJ! third, Cemmerdil Trust Company. High average Miss Katherlne Kelley, Philadelphia Truft Company, High team score Commonwealth Title In surance, and Trust Cempanv. jngn inaiMiiuai score .miss Aieany, union National lianli. High aere for eeaen en each team Miss Kellev. Phltadelnhta Trust! Mla Mellen, "nmmcmwcalth: Miss Smith. Cemmerrlsl f'uets Mils Albany, ttninn Nntlensl I'ltik, Itlst Jenes, First National Ustik: Miss Kal?enbach, lVniilvanls Company. Mil Prass, lln Kstftte Title. Mlea AIrlilt Tranklln National Hank: Miss lleltnn. Olrsrd Trust; Miss Nevlne. Land Title, Mlsa Mc Cully. Seuthwark National Dank. STNt)INO OV TEAMS ' V Philadelphia Trust Company. , . fl Ccmmmnveallh Tllle Insurnnce and Trust Company .'.a Commercial Trust Company 47 Union National llatik MS rirsl Natlnnul Il.inli an Pennsylvania Company : franklin National Dank IV2 Itenl i:sta,te Title Insurance and Trust Company at (llrard Trust Company ill Krsnklln TruM Company, , , . is Mnd Title and Trust Company 1 1 Heuthwatk Natlennl Hank... . 1,1 NEW SWIMMING RECORD Johnny Welcmuller Clips Mefe Than 6 Seconds Off 500-Yard Mark Clilcnf.e. April 7. iehniiy Weiss inilllei', of the IIIIiiuIh Athletic Club, ctnldUlird ii new wnrld'M rci'nrd for thn non-yard swim here In the National A. A. XI. senior championship. ' lie Hindu the distance in 5 M0 4-5, defeating Neitnau Itn'.s. who had set the former record of refill H-fi. IIess 1" nle an I. A'. (!. swlniinrr. Hyde Park High rk-hoel. of Chicago, barely nosed out CuUer Ml Itnry Acad emy for first place In ihc Intersclielnstlf swimming rhniiipliiiiithlpi. The Chicago school ran uji n total of !J."'nnd ('til ver'a nalnteri annexed ;4 pelntn. Knst High Scheel, of Clevclfliid, (.. was third with 18. ' RETAINS SWIM CROWN ! Keaerls Again Cope 150-Yard Back stroke Title Les Angelei, April ". Itay Kegeii", of the Leh Angelei Athli'tli C'uh, re tained hist title of Natieniil Amntciit ' Athletic I nlen Ifitl-yiird backstroke' swlininlng chuniplen by winning lirst tllnCC ill (1111 I'lmilllllnlinlllri In llm Tne '(, Angeles Athletic CIuIj'h tank lust night. Ills time was 1 minute fili .'t-fi ec- n . rmrla. ends. Twenty-four Yacht Clubs te Meet ! .v.,,r,,iV. Apr" T. IWegatra representlng the twenty-four cuts of the Interlake Vacht Int Association win mei here .Saturday ' April in in irake p!an fjr the unnual regatta at Put-ln-lln July III te .:. lh ilubs nre erattrrid mound the shores of I.aki Ilrle and .n the Inirelt district. Open Monday, Friday and. Saturday Evenings jT'W;-; 'WTTL ,i, VS .-. jlKaaaaaKai mm mmmtkK w asH ' '1 aaWaVaVt Us1. "n ;-' Ps3Bp1 'sPl wKmtw IB w ML- lBi j) 1514-16 Market St. fcjf TWEED Snort Suits & Topcoats Priced Very Special, at in BECKER'S clothes are always lower price yet for this occasion even better grades of garments are offered at these low prices. Never before at the very start of the EASTER SEASON have such truly wonderful values been possible. Stere Orders Accepted Tweeds Hemespuns Worsteds Pin Stripes Club Checks Flannels Chalk Lines There arc 6perts suits, single and double breasted suits and conservative models. Hundreds of pat terns and colorings. And, best of all, the varieties are se large that every man can be fitted, no mat ter what his size. Men's Pants And Up Men's English White Sports $1.65 Shirts With attached cellar or plain neckband. All sizes. Tweed Caps $1 .50 Nam Shaptt BECKER'S' 1514-16 Market St., Phila.: trmmmmmSZSS22ZZ2SSSSS2SSS2Sri Every Car Demonstrated Te Your' Satisfaction Out-Doer Sale USED CARS Tomorrow at 2:30 P. M. at 41st and Sansom Sts. If Yeu Want te Get a Big Value Used Car Don't Miss This Sale Last Saturday we held our first outdoor Sale of Used Cars. It was se successful, and the appreciation of the values se great, we have decided te held another sale tomorrow with even greater bargains. Prices plainly marked en each car. Recerd of every bit of work done en each car will be given at time of purchase. Most of these cars have been repainted and rear end, meters, electrical systems, batteries and tires thoroughly gene ever. Cars are of all types and of all the desired makes. Prices Start at $100 Easy Payments If Desired Willys-Overland, Inc. of Phila. Tem Says: Order Your Suit or Topcoat, NOW AND YOU CAN HAVE IT FOR Easter ssssssssssF fS r'itj.AtrR-&. ssssH BBwMfflaal lsssHilssssssssiHsisHssssssH issssssBi if:HsBS!9 TOM MALONEY Manager of P. B. While & Ce., Merchant Tailors, of SOS Chestnut St. We guarantee for Easter delivery en all orders taken until tomorrow night until 9 P. M. BLUE MADE TO MEASURE With Twe TROUSE Pair All-Weel & Guaranteed Sunproef $9M.50 TWEE DS The finest assortment of Demestic and Imported Tweeds you have ever seen. The Tweeds that are the sen sation of the season. $28-50 EACH SUIT WITH TWO PAIRS TROUSERS $34.50 bprmg Tailored Te Measure Topcoats Jp MMe&lJ EXTRA TROUSERS WITH EACH SUIT MADE TO MEASURE Iieautiful herringbone's smart t needf, fine grajs and jzond jzend jzond leoliinp; mixtures, excellent quality all-wool sun-proof blue serge, unfinished ;ind finished worsteds, cashimeres and aKe navy blue serges, all included in this sale. $9Q.50 Full Dress Suits AND AINU C"D' TUXEDOS $33 Tailored Te Measure De net delay. Get in at one z if you desire your suit for Easter. P. B. White & Ce. SALE AT BOTH STORES 808 Chestnut St. AND 104 Se. 8th St. ni "mi VA,W.i i'.TS."! i -Kt tj j -a?. , M w:i i '. m it aca .-t-r i iJ: m rm ; M :': ,i' '4 ,A,4' , , tf m 4 I 4 im ...j m i v this UMu 60)S T' Jr,"iv!i"vfltv.'j,1 P kC-ln.M. j .t t 'iV,:, mmMMiA tJJs j.fcA.IV . -. -A Jr Slt'i .! it '''