.. j l7 i ?' BS .! L It tat It '. i. K Si UVi ' II H: I:')- jt l''3 LF U m I .! t.V. m, UJ Vm m. Ml n i'jjj m h s- KG Br k K) g i P'M 1 'W,v l.4r 1 jw ' V V. ;:;0& A. CLUB ;. vl ? :'i ?ylWr.2rj ?'. .'L ' 'A' 5ii5uMSrTffl VWVVTJMW s'.-KSa f iLrtrtaxtr x v re pUBLi arm . i RV ;r ;,WraHWRIA A CLUB " At. H BIJOU "CR STHEKTB L W-Hi in reNJtiNc-nnv with - TONIGHT 12 Boxing Beut. . ... nmiiKur noting Tournament NATIONAL 11th & Catharln- ?l. MTCRDAV EVE.. APRIL TIt NELSON v.. LEONARD PEDRO wEW CAMPO vs. McFARLAND vrMSuey v.. gwt Hb'lAN v.. iffgftlft. .ARCH IK pin WALKER v,. SALVADOR Semi-pre Teams Start Season en April 15 "-':;. '& ..mWBSIf !JMOHIISn3M jtraaisra ' r - --r-rj ' ' ' :lvAl SENATOR PEPPER TO THROWFIRST BALL Famous Statesman and Base ball Attorney Will Open Sea son for Phils Wednesday PRAISED HIGHLY BY BAKER 10 MINUTES Under the nwest Klectre Vibrating Apparatus Nerhhe will Meanantlv relax your mind, sooth our nerves, nil veur tnvly with sf-nsu'i nnJ nealtli also In most astenishing: man ner rnllecs f Dcnfncss. Hendneises and Catarrhal Conditions ROOM A 1311 WALNUT ST. imnnmiminimniimiiV'. GKOHUB WHARTON PEPPER, United Stnict Senater from Penn sjlvnnln nnd a prominent figure In lilfr Ipiujup baxeliall. will turn the trick thnt Will lllai-n IDL! Imselmll lipfin th pvim Pi "f PhlladelphlniiH. Senater Pepper will W ' ,.. .& L .1..... 1 tl mi.. nut uh; nnu unii. I ThH announcement wan made liv llllnm V. Raker, tlie president of the Phillies, this morning. "There In net a man In this ceun- trv. " en I.I Prealitenr Itnlni. '.,.,. 1 C I would rather have threw out the first nun lur (Mir mienmi? irninp nffmnar rin i Krnves next WcdneMlay than Senater ' Pepper. "I have been closely connected with the Senater ftr some jears. I knew1 that he Is a very bnsv man nml 1 i consider It a great compliment that he J has consented te be here. Werd fall ' ! ...v iv i't?i in, M'inuiiiii iiuiuiruiiiMt ( t for Senater Pepper as a Mntesiimn, a SOUTH PHILADELPHIA TO HAVE NEW BALL PARK Successful men i S" "u : 'nn"' wear clothes that reflect their individuality -..s, ..e .,, u, u, ,, person is an achievement of which we are proud W. S. Jenes, In- Custom Tailoring 1116 Walnut Street I Ra.seball's Attemey It N a stransc coincidence that en the "iitnc day Senater Pepper will thtew I out the llrt ball, one of his able a ltants will be nnculnR bis thoughts l In n Washington. 1). C. court In the i defense of erganised baseball. The case I Is a holdover from the Federal League ' war. Our Het of patrons reads like a roster' , ,01n"te.r,I',PP,,r was a leading figur f cxccuttes of th.. rnruTir,i. m.i; L. i in the lcterv which the organized big dustrleH of I'hll.tdelphin. i leagues scored ever the outlaw Federal Te tailor cinth m n ...or,-. .,. J League In the third test case. Hv nu ,.1l u .'..."" ';""- tlnnk 111 KIU Hill T.-Itlf.,n ,., star catcher with the Phils, signed with the outlaws and later was urged te return te Charlie Doeln's clan. The outlaws brought suit for Killefer's serv ices 11 nil baseball was pulled Inte the Federal courts. Defeated Federal League ' "When the case was brewing," Raker explained this morning, "I de cided te retain the best lawyer I could find In this State. (Jeerge Wharten Pepper wns recommended te me and 1 was fortunate enough te obtain his services. He was mnlnly responsible for the sweeping victory t red by. or ganized baseball." Senater Pepper als wrote the con tract tendered Judge I.amlis as cominls ceminls l Mencr of baseball. me pitching selection probably will fall te Jimmy Ring en opening day. Lee Meadows is a bit superstitious about burling in the fiit game of the season. Otherwise he undoubtedly would be "In." Eighteen Fhils Arrive Speaking of being "in," some of the Phillies arrived here this morning from their Southern training trip. This band wnji under the command of the veteran Wld Conrey and Included Reve Lebour Lebeur vcau, Cv Williams, Butch Henllne, I Jimmy Ring, Wilbur Hubbell. Stan Raumgartner, Huck Hetts, Sheriff Sin gleton, Ken Sedgwick, Ciorden Epper son, Cy Morgan. Lcrt Pinte. Tem Sul livan, Colonel Snover, Phil Welncrt, Geerge Smith and Hack Miller. i The regular Infield was picked te play l against Chief Render's Reading Inter I nationals at Hendersen, N. C. today. TIip ethers who went ever te the Pret zel's camp under Wllhelm were Lee Meadows. Jess Winters nnd Pete Ho He i han, pitchers: Outfielders King. Wal ker and Lee j Wltlierew nnd Peters, catchers, and Wrightstene. The remainder of the Phils will nr nr rlve here tomorrow morning nnd se will the A's, who arc playing Earl Slack's Mobile nine at Winsten-Salem today. The two clubs will meet tomorrow af I ternoen at Shlbc Park. It Is likely thnt Ring and Betts will hurl for Wil- uriiii. .much s iiuuituic MMVcuuii' arc net known. The Shetllne Park, at Bread and lllgler streets, will be the scene or many twilight baseball gaiiit. this season as well as w roll -end mulches between the best amateur teams of Philadelphia. William Rudelph ( Insert), manager of the Seuth Philadelphia A. C, one of the teams that will use the grounds as its home field SmmSI t""tLLi -""iBvmm Be Right en Tep With axHilbern Seft Hat $0.00 aan0 and up Stetson Hats at $7.00 D. S. Hilbern Fer J.J Years at 218 Market St. B Own .Saturday Krnln t'WgwAl BIG SEASON FQRLA MOTT Will Inaugurate 1922 Baseball Sea son en April 22 With Dalley's Stars After a siiccc.-ful football mid soccer heiiMiii tln L:i Mett Athletic Associa tion, of Montgomery County, will nii,t baseball en NilurdM.v. April I'll, wltli Iuilc.'s All-Star-, of ISermnntewn. Werk Is new under way lemedellng the field and the construction of a new grand Maud, and .Jehn P. Heren aud Samuel WutMtis hae iicen appointed te direct the team'- affairs. Mayer itus- sell Htmrahan will toss out the first I bnll at the opening game. i ' A first -i las team has been signed and ' about thirty plujers are trying for posj pesj posj tlens en the team. According te Man- ' agcr Watklns, pntiies will be plaed at home en Saturdm and Sumlajs and three niglits each week. CORNELL INVITES STANFORD, Track Teams te Contest en Way te Intercelleglates ' Stanford Fiiherslty, Calif.. April 7.' .f'ntnnll 1litrr.'lt . line lnvlln.l lint Stanford track tfam te step ecr at Ithaca en Its way te Cambridge te participate in the L C. A. A. A. A. meet. Tim imitation came in :i tclo tcle grnm from Reman Berry, graduate manager at Cernell, te Wllilam D. Fletcher, graduate manager of Siniifeid. The menage -tatcd that tlie Stan ford team, which probably will be com posed of ten or twehe athletes, would be well quartered and given ample op portunity for training, with the chance fur n casual meet with Cernell Mn 110, by waj of prcpaiatieu for the big meet n week later. Fletcher stated the Invitation prob ably would be accepted. OLD-TIMERS OPEN WITH NATIVITY NINE Downtown Baseball Team Will Lift Lid orrSeasen Sat urday, April 15 HAS BUNCH OF SLUGGERS rpHE line-up of the Old Timers lsrom lsrem pletc. nnd Jack Illnes Is authority for the statement that the club is one of the niftiest that has ever represented Seuth Philadelphia. Jack has a bunch of sluggers, according te his own state ment, nnd he nvers they will bat 2S00 for the season. This is new with Hind, but of course he means the combined averages. He Is net in the least worried about his team, but Is nnleus as te the reputa tions of the vi-lting crews nfter tlu have encountered lis coming champion. The season will ep'j.i ":: Saturday, April 1.1, with Phil Haggerty's NatUitv club. The grounds nt Thirteenth and Jehnsen, known as Haller Park, have been renovated, and accommodations nrnvldcil for 1)000 fans. Bill McKentv has ctldcntlv been secured te pitch the I he fans I . li opener, for he Is announced te oppose the uptewners. Have Many Hitrlers Hlncs has a pitching staff which he says will mane many managers weep. It includes Dick Hamilton, of Syra cuse; Bay Hnmmell, of last year's team; Charlie (Sleck, of Brldesburg; "Rube" Reed, of Lansdale, nnd Eddie Kccnan, another local beuthpaw. The catching will be token care of by "Kidder" Rrnc nnd Geerge Edwards. Johnny Lang, conceded one of the best fielding first basemen, will held dewTi the initial bag, "Jake" Wcrder will cover second, Jimmy Josephs, of last year's Nativity team, will envert around short, and the het comer will be capably looked after by Lew Shafcr. In the outfield nre "King" Mamie, right field; "Rube" Reed, center, nnd "Jnke" Hcimbecker, left field. Avtle Ran, who has just arrived here fiem Bosten, will act ns utility player. Paulsboro te Flay Independent The Paulsboro Club, which carried off the pennant In the Gloucester County League the last two seasons, will play independent ball this year. Paulsboro was willing te go into the league again, butvbalkcd en the rule limiting the playerB te residents of Gloucester County.',') The Paulsboro Athletic Association then decided te have one of the best Independent clubs nnd has signed Jehn Fitzgerald, well known In Seuth Jer se , te catch and net as field manager. Oilier players signed include Johnny Clark, who twirled for Medta last jear; Rav Gage, of Yale: Rex Allen, who will ceer short ; JSc Knyscr und Arthur Okcrlund, two of the best outfielders in the old league. The positions open will be filled bhertly with first-class men and u banner season Is awaited by 5 RADIOS Head Phenes LAST! 2200 OHMS $9 Limited Quantity Order While They Last! Fans! Come Here for Your Parts, Sets, Beeks Bijr Stock of the Most Wanted Equipment Always Here The Spert Centre BROADWAY CYCLE CO 527 MarkeUst., Phila., Pa. DURROSS CHOSEN CAPTAIN Will Lead Cermantewn Academy Baseball Team This Year Gcerue Durress has been elected te captain the Germantown Academy base- i ball team for this) season. He is an ullr around athlete, and has plajed en the varsity bnseball team at the academy for i the last two years. Besides plaing baseball, Durress has played varsity football for two jears. He also is a valuable track man. U. S. Bikers Are Second Talis. April 7. Van Kfmpin and D.) nuyter are leadln In the Frtneh six-day hike race. The Amrlcn tfam of He Namara und Qrenda wni second. &, Easter Suits Big Values for $352 Complete Stock Ready for Your Selection B. Comisky The Tailor Fer the Classy Dresser 409 S. 6th Street Yeu kihw me BARNEY tiJ.. 0H Evenings for Your MWi Convenience Baseball Filmed in Camps and Elsewhere .Ien Durun and Clin Ileal, "crklnic lelaure. i In the outfield t Tenuity IUrk have Elven Uoatenlani the flrat rent glen that the major leaiue baieball eeuuun la at hand I Illneta caused Dugan te lae t , club at Het Hprlnge. Ark., recently Van In tr- I Inif his pitching- arm after a Mi te his . home In Plttifleld. Manacer Milan and the Senater hn struck rain for the last twn das but he Is of the opinion that the layoff wl I net affect Ihe faerable preeress the Senators haa been inaklr. I Tr Cobb and the Detroit Americana ha. net et recovered trem me i iq u ivatlnir I handed them jeeterdajr by Mlrmlnaham, uf I the Southern Association rttcher Matham 1 of Hlrmlnnham, held the Tigers te two hits. one a scratch : Beth St. I.euls teams ha'.e reached home i and will play a twe-sjama series tpmorrew and bunday afternoons. Jaratie Fenrnhr, Cardlrral first baseman, Is iifterlng1 frem an Infected lur which physicians say, may rent his appearance In th line-up against tne iirmier en April I.' "Irish" Meesel, of the Giants, performed nn unusual fa: In the gr.me with the White ' Sex yesterday II stele second twice In etw innlni! and th (Hants wen 13 te 3. The Injury te Catcher Htee O .Veil! has i causal ft change In the make-up of the two Cleveland sauads, I.ea Nunamakcr re mained with the regulars, waa hit by a foul tip. In ses'erday's game, but expects te work against Columbus tomorrow. ; iil EE&K William H. Wanamaker STORE NEWS 1217-19 Chestnut Street wnx&Bzi These Labels Denote Our Exclusive Styles ,imi,'a'''''''''m?!'ff?!X!Tf!!m!mmmHlVl??r? 4-Butten Sack, $30 and $35 Y W Jft. SHIB Chevy Chase Checks, $37.50 Silk lined Amateur Sports The litcracestfeT Cltr TreTflica. comprising ' p!aers of miner league and semt-prefes-1 tonal experience, will be 'n the field this i year. Any first-class home teams desiring this attraction for twilight. Haturday or Hunday games should communleato with Wan Crawford, phone Gloucester 1H2-J after fl P. M or Lembard 7t5 between I U A. it. and 3 P. M. . . , . The llalren A. C, a fast elghteen-twenty- ' year-old team, desires te hook games with I teams of the same age, offering reasonable Inducements. J. J. Smith, ime H. vogues "tSV Armstrenc Club, of the Bethlehem Presbyterian Church, a first-class traveling nine, would like te book twilight. .Saturday i and holiday dates with teams of the same calibre having grounds and offering suitable Inducements. G. W. Caldwell, care Central i Y. M, C A. 1 421 Arch street. I The Fortieth Ward l. C". Is anxious te schedule contests with eghteen-twenty-yar-"id ntties. Harry II. Stlnsen, 8337 Kastwl.k aenue ,1T felllne A. ('.. a semi-Professional ulub, would Ilka te arrange games w th home team for Haturday, Hundaya and twilight br.'.l. The team would rspiclall Ilka te bear from Pensauken. ,28.24.25-27 PJll.il JMnjiMMliM 4-Piece Suits, $35 Batm Ma nai-.-..r siiiiuiiiiiisirrijsy Jswssa Yorkshire Sports Suits, $35 William H. Wanamaker Styles Ready for Easter Buyers Today Cfjcbp Cfjase Chccfe .uit( Sk-ittelj luli exults perfegfjire jipert ttitfi ollpreob Self utts CPRING suits of distinction every one! And in addition we are offer ing nationally known Stratford Clethes second te none for young men. Prices are right, styles and fabrics are new, $30, $35. $40. $45, $50. $55, $60 Undoubtedly our store will be the busiest in Chestnut street today and tomorrow. Call Was Quick for Cennemara Hemespuns We are building these hut-woven, Irish fabrics te measure ment for $55 Alse ImDerted Enc lish Cleths at the same figures. New Aquascutum Spring Overcoats Entirely new weaves in typical English Coatings in brown, tan, gray and a new shade of blue cadet. $50 and $55 Tep Coats of Lee's Scotch Cleths $35 They are made of Galaschiel's Tweeds, Hemespuns and Her ringbone, and. value considered, ought te be marked S50. Built abroad and . just imported b us. The New Seft Hats Are Ready $5 and $6 Smart in style and of excellent quality. A variety of shapes and shades in brown and pearl. Men's Shirts Special Price - $2.50 Sturdv and hand some made of fa mous Lerraine Ma dras in white, with self stripes. All sizes. New Spring Overcoats $30 te $50 Our own croed make, including staple Ches terfields, as well as the newest tweeds, dia mond weaves and herringbones. I CtilUtrUtmVjttM 7jSjB2 We had thought that we realized just hew eager a following this fine Victeria has at tracted. But the demand for the Type 61 model has ex ceeded even the fur thest flight of eurfancy. Of course, much of its appeal is due te the in glidingsmooth glidingsmeoth glidingsmoeth ness for which se many people turn te Cadillac. However, it is he secret that few meter cars in the world can beast a presence se finished and se fashionable. That and the fact that the Victeria provides such convenient associ ation for four, are per haps the special reasons for its popularity. It is our simple duty te forewarn you of .the growing demand if you desire prompt delivery of a Cadillac Victeria. NEEL-CADILLAC COMPANY 142 North Bread Street Phene, Spruce 0210 , Branches: Reading, Pa.; Camden, N. J.f Pettarille, Pa. CAD I L LAC Ti BtmUimri f tU World MANI-Don't Miss This Big Tailoring Sale An Easter Opportunity Never Before Heart Of! We Must Clear Out Our Entire Stocks Regardless of Less Before We Move! Take Immediate Advantage of This Wonderful Saving Opportunity! Spring Suitings and Tep Coatings Made Te Your Measure At Prices That Absolutely Disregard Cost or Less!!! We have but a few mere weeks left in our present store for THE STAN LEY CO. will start tearing down this building by the end of May. This gives us but a short time te clear out our en tire stocks of brand-new spring suit ings se don't delay. Your Clethes Will Be Ready Fer Easter Providing you hurry in here tomor row and make your selection, we will guarantee that the workmanship will be of the best and the fit, perfect as has characterized all our garments for the past 23 years. We Will Announce 0 ur Ne w Location Very Shortly But the onedeminent thought in our minds at present is te move out every yard en our shelves and that is the reason for these low prices. WEAR TAILORED TO MEASURE CLOTHES THIS EASTER, for even lower prices than asked in many ready made cloth ing stores. 6? 69 pv2!r7?vi Newcern& Green 1032 Market Street Established 23 Years. Open Saturday Until 10 P. M. r tl iifViit .. LLi 'Hciittf "-. k" ,. ti '. V rVTJJ