Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 07, 1922, Night Extra, Page 23, Image 23

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pi's and A's Finish Southern Tour, Heme Fer Game Here Tomorrow
tain Hepkins, Here With Invading Lacresse Team, Feels
There Is Seme Solace for Lack of Highballs After
Lamping 1922 Flapper
kR of the oddest things we have
5Ki.OTV combined Oxtord-Cein-m,
L.e loam, here te piny Penn
g'STh tacky hlfhbaV The
VW' JjJt thins Is the very high
J(f OUU" - ,-
Kft'i.dr.t muit pree terrifically an
n?ihnt th" high skirts," young
MrJ ff n. htuBhcd. "My word, the
"3.nvin blusiieu. .iy
d. the
Slrti rather take one's mind off
SahIIs. what?"
H.B1e.rii.i dim nutlre leaner et
kPrnt lih Btlckmen hed just arrived
tfMil,.i. Philadelphia station en
'" '..Ki from Penn Htate yesterday
IlMii. hfid of his squad of firteen
lit &J?mn met by a fleck of.
"J1 ".'... nwnlHtant managers trem
lin The official receiving line was
"7i.. iir. ir nimcniieuu inrrc
Ki.in i Bonest-te:gooilne Duke among
.mjjY gtranger. muni vu i ee
'Hew." a,ke(l 0,,e' "de y0" artareM
aPI . ... nnil uir 'Your Dukes.
,:j,iw Ke W or" something like'
tiiL" velunteereu aneiner. ieb emrrs
tiBUch relieved le find the forelgn ferelgn
E ipeke English.
Tienib tne team uau juai ausurnuu
lit of punishment, as is usual with
m making the trip here from Center
Sunty. P- the strangers tried te leek
r' ntiihi.il rt.ifl irna Hint.
rfermed that they would have te hurry
K.wb eelna te West Phlladel-
E en another train.
aTT. .lilnu fnn nlmflil in uliriti till
if, and while (he visitors were get-
Wgr IOK tern uuu.i.m u.m luuuuig
Bli wy and that through the stib-
(KpmdtBjs, me Dienu captain was
"wilch way did they go?" he
tilted he rushed up the utalrs for
AtUntli City.
"IOtl 01 .unic, we iruuriueu nun.
Tkut minutes. What de jeu think of
"loe much rush." answered Ilop Ilep
kiu. "Always running for something.
Sat, uj, did you see that? A Lit of
hid bole. Jelly well rigged out. Why
cia't we go this way" lle nodded
Kb bud toward one of the very latest
Eptaj.medfl (tappers wending her
mpper'lIOCKiugru way uji tun sicij.
Wlu that out of view, the young cap
lib of the Oxford-Cambridge backed
ktaalf against the wall for an inter
tie, whtle the trains reared ever-
"Tela is my first trip oter," he
ftjsa. "You'll pardon me it I hccin tee
SMtflMiamc. "3 eyes lurneu Juug-
Isjit np tbe bteps again.
I'Bnt it's ereat ever here. We're
kltlng.the time of our lives. We were
a lit sorry te hare te miss the relay
moon in which the Oxford and Cam
bridge teams meet Penn. That might
te be a rearer. We leek for Cam
bridge te make the better showing of our
teauix. It Is about the same one that
competed ever here. Cambridge beat
Oxford nine events te one recently. We
hear a let about Penn, and I guess it
will be mighty close.
"Competition between the two coun
tries Is a great thing, isn't it? We
appreciate that, all right. Everywhere
we've been here we've been received
like kings." He laughed.
"They make se much of us that we
started calling each ether 'Ills Lord
ship. ' and he forth.
"They really think Walnubreugh is a
duke. He almost believes It himself.
But that'll only u quip, you knew. Ait
you soy ever hen-, n's all ir fun,
"ion better get a wiggle en," Home
body bawled down the subterranean
passage, "here comes the beat."
Captain Hepkins didn't get It and
went en.
"Our team was chosen from each of
the teams at Oxford and Cambridge.
I don't think It's the strongest. Thrss
or four couldn't come. But wc tcem
te play together all right.
Were "Lucliy"
"We had never plajcd together till
we met Lehigh. That is a great team.
We were very lucky. Lett, our goal,
is a wonder. He stepped nil kinds of
shots. The campus there is the most
beautiful spot we have seen se far and
they treated us royally.
"I should say our style of play dif
fers from that In America, such as we
hava seen.
"Wc rely strongly en an open nt
tnck and a close defense as a team.
We have been drilled hard in short
passing and trick handling of the sticks.
Lett, Merley, who used te pluy point
for Jehns Hepkins and Is new n
Hhedes scholar, and Clarke ere 'our
strongest defense men. The latter is
from Canada, where they play such
line lacrosse
"Neylnn and Pearson arc very strong
en the offense."
"Where is everybody," asked the
captain suddenly. "I guess I'd bcttei1
"Snnp it up," hollered n voice.
"Here hhe 1b."
A whistle blew and the strauger en
our shores began running up and down
the steps again. Finally the right plat
form was located and the foreigner
swung en beard, pushing his way
through the commuters te where his
team was standing in the parked aisles.
"Where," he puffed, "Is our bag
gage?" "Oh," beamed a Penn man, "wc
sent that in a private automobile."
matienal Game Will Be
Staged en Franklin Field
This Afternoon at 3:30
Cliff Will Play in the Outfield
When Opposing Southpaw
Is Hurling
. .coal,
.. .point
. powrenlnt . .
.Ami ilrfcnw. ..
.fmcj defrnnf.
third ifefrnM..
. . rntr
third nttnrk...
..wctmxI attack.
. flrt attack . .
...eat home....
. ..In henin.. ..
0 xferd-Ca mbrldre
11 1
, Merlry
... . Mcmnlv
.. ..Itennrt
, rnm
Distasted Jeb
Cliff regarded
nttb dlataste.
u International lacrosse intnp will
Jld this afternoon en Franklin
n between the cemblrital Oxford
bridge team and the twelve repre repre
Weng the University of Pennsylvania.
rag Ja scheduled te start at 3:30.
ne English team is en u tour, dur
t Which it will met-L tlin hp.sr. n11fir
Nm In tills country.
IB their tan bln.iu 1m !.:.. ......,.
MTUlters have scored impressive vie
rffVy!? LLeh'Kh A"d. Penn State.
ffv. e'thlehem students were van-
FJM T te 2 and the Center County
Pwpins 0 te e. In both contests
mi icrrii n,,nii ir .!.. nn.
JPJWtstanulnif feature. Lett, the goal
"ff.w te Khgllsh collegians, is
RW as une of the best defcuslve
S2f!? T,er ,Q VM'1 a sltt-k In the
TO Hpil en, I III,,, i...... l.... i
i..it.i .r. ...nt- iruui uun ihtii
iiiciDg Uiltgi'ntly for tln mnt ph. I atitlnM: niithnnieii
Kttjmi be its ihst of the season, i Cliff Lee.
urcrH tn iiuFt.nt AH i.nu ii.... I..!......
'lower scorn tlmn either I'pim Stnt.t
OeiCh .l:wL Inlil,.,.. ..i i..
K, Kft,,rL0f t,, fwt Kar team at
iMrW.', Whn. 7. u""b, te nluy this
r because et lines,, ,a8 wfcrtl liu
11 uff ."Ve.'.' 1(KI ,,'"''"l"tes that re
R fi'"l,lly'1 r?'My Wlntfra. who
""'Wl tie Iff ineliei t,.nni n..if
MtfrMil,H' ,,l(,,'-s', Phiyew und
wireiKf ut i, iL. ..i.i. ..i . . ... . ..
Hit .t )""' wue warren inc
ItttW I01"! .","1 'eiiched the teams
.,.. . "" . fin
CR et bux t.iss
'V?"g peit.
4Q0 n)inll .
Nted t , ', '" ""' "tv have been
eq te ntteiid t he l'iiiii hv l, l ,
T'"'i't.!,f neiuMml sum te Intro-
Wfh JSrx" liw- Philadelphia
Cm. uhii.. " never jiinyeu tue
...'."" H llll '( Illlllllll.l. rf ....11,...
K5,!;1 '" 't ' their ,".
m Knirlll, i . ......
italt iviii . ' "' '" l",s rllv ""l
"n ill wltuesH the contest.
FH and m... ,
- -. onarpaheotera
-mp.enahip Frem
.""c unu
kN gW .asa. . ?1'.iv. "
wEvt? wiSjIff feJ BSl S ' tsiy
faaaaK LaaVaVKSaV'xsVMHHPP HjgjammfeiqmiiggMi
iB' wh K,- 'A'r'":z iV-sBrTi'f'4 ',frWr?7?-fSA''aaaWErJaaaaaaaaVi aaaaBi
'KPaHfJateHgKJei' mEMmuUtiitkd-t -y''- ' "-t Jfe- '? ggggHPIggH
,aaaaHaaWrlVHaVHalHr aaaaaaaaaaKlaValuaiBaHMwP V aaavncH I
aaHHP' ) TsaaWwIMwfe aaaaaWBlaWaPWWaWaaaKite,'siaaaWr!B,' TaH
M3:Ht'( re;WTf -; '' V.Jtx;. W '&' I'i
iEkjmmmj:'-'imi' 'fitaMtjnaegK ? JBMBWBtl.i Jli C'''iMaaKmSia211Iar Jfc jWWWWjy Z. ',
aHPPVflMP!lgByv; i HBgggaHHIgflRBP'1 "' y "mJf:i i - J?f """'.
tgMFl.'.agPf,""- "Tagr".!. -1 - 'T ' - c. - !: gJfnrjalagggaTgMivl iaWif - -, '--&M! UttmtQl1 '" HI
KaiEjNaK;V BKgMlawVkt'il!' SlMaVaaaHaBBliHV: "BBjii!',i afCf7naaaiaW.Vi
agBHKHIlaCs.gB lUialii'MMaHHgggfiggggUgS t KStmmiM iaJrefiP MaawtrfaaWl
LHniingHaHafgggHigg71iggaaHP' IggggggKgggggggggBgggggggggggaigB
rggggggVgggggggggggggaaw gggggggggggggggggHKZ4 igggflaggggggflgggggK 'CgBggBkHggga t
IggggggggggggggggggggggggHsgglaggHagKV (
HBBV'Ls'4 ' w" HgggggggggggggggggHgggggflgggLVf i
VgggggggggggggggggggggggggglggggggaaV 'AtMIMfw PCJgggggggggggggggggggggggggggLg
aggggHRlgMif l?f iMBrigggHI:
LKnnHH , i .grgggggggggBi9ggag3KgHgaVlvBB gggggKHK
WESUsBBtMgaaaaaaBaMBtMaaaaMDWrBaaaMH HM
Mack Olubs Clash at Winston Winsten
Salem Today A's Cep
by 9 te 7
This classy quintet la managed by Johnny Castle and coached by Villi Lewis. L'pper row, left te right,
Coach Lewis, Neary, McCnnn, Lj-nnugh, O'Donnell, Manager C&Ue; lower, Nelan, Downey, Captain Kletz,
(ilaascet, Dougherty. The mascot Is Johnny Castle, Jr.
Special Mapatth te Evening PuhUe htSeer
Hendersen, N. C. April ".One of
the flying Phils, here at Hendersen, in
Lee Mendews' country, has wen his
spura in a novel fashion. The training
trip presented an odd problem te Him.
He solved it with his little shlllalah,
and for him the training trip has been
a huge success.
The partv meant is Cuifferd L"ee,
who last year was a combination catch
er-first baseman-outfielder, and who I
new responds te the name of outfielder I
That's what the training trip has
done te him. He constitutes the right
field member of tbe Phillies' right
hand hitting outfield. Manager Kizc
Wllhelm will start the season with au
outfield shift. Cy Williams is a fix
ture in center, but the switch from
right-hand pitching . te crooked-arm
stuff en the part of the opposition will
mean a coincident switch of right and
left fielders.
The pair that lilt against right
hand pitchers consists of Dewitt Ie-
beurveau and Curtis Walker. The pair
are Lee King and
Officials Plan te Investigate Tourney'
Held Here Last Week
Xew Yerk, April 7. Lawn tenni'l
officials will Investigate carefully the
pretest made by the Seventh Regiment
Tennis Club relative te the playinR of
Vincent Richards In the tournament'
at Philadelphia. AUe the conditions
under which that competition was con
ducted. According te the statements mnde h
.Tulinn 8. Myrirk, president of the
United States Lawn Tennis Associa
tion, th tournament was technically
held without a sanction. He. said:
"The management of the Phtlndel
phla tournament asked for an enrllcr
date than that of the national indoor
championship at the Seventh Regiment
Armery in this city. Fer reasons which
have net yet become known te the na
tional association the directors of the
tourney made an arbitrary change In
the date. They simply filed a notice
In a letter te the field secretnrj ' office
and went ahead."
It was admitted in official lawn ten
nis circles that theRe who directed the
tournament at Philadelphia had as
sumed an authority which they did net
possess. They actually 'played with
out a sanction. Furthermore, it was
brought out that the Middle States As
sociation is net completely organized.
"As a matter of fact," said Myrirk,
in discussing this phnsc of the predica
ment, "the Middle Stntes Association
would net have authority te grant a
sanction nnd date even If It had le-
celved a' charter from the National i
Governing Beard. This point will have ,
tA tin ftlllAl BM.t ILa ..il . ll- G ll. '
m iiu tiraicu uuu me aiuneriiy or me
national association made plain te nil."
Clubhouse Addition Opened Leving
Cup Presented te Max Apt
The first annual golf dinner of the
Green Vnlley Country Club was held
last night le rclebrate the npe. in of
the new addition et the ilubheuse and
make plana for the coining season.
Judge Lewis, Judge Bennlnell and
Merris Wurwl, president of the flub,
wire among the piemineut pcnkci.
There wete neatly -."( uieuibcM present.
Bartfield Scores Knockout Jacksen Beats Sam Langford
Prmldcnce. B. I., April 7. Soldier lirt- Uajten. O., April T "Tut" Jcksin,
flel.l. of New lurk, ti-chntcully knocked nut ,...ah.nn(n ,,.. i,u,. nii., .... .,
Mlk- Merley. of Hartferd. In the Hftli rnumt " anninalen. onto lieanclrl.t. as ne
of u eheduled lM-lv-reund bout here, .ler- rlnred wlnnjr enr Sam I.nnzfer'1. lion lien
ley wan knocked down threa tlmea for thn Um hcrP M, the fifth round or a pehp.luld
luunt of nliie In the fifth round, l.ich . .... .,,, ,,,, T.i..- . , e- ,
tlme hP gained hi feet le fall Inte a clinch Jw,,,7"ru.?i . B iin,i,ck"env h ' t00"'1
.. i.t. i.tu ..nnnM.. - Lnnitferd tvvk'e. JJeln nr Nrirreefl.
with Uls opponent. t
NpecM Matalch le l.wntna rubllr l.rtte-i
Wliutefl-Salctn. N. (.. April 8
Karl will have n chance te get even with
his dad here this afternoon, when jeung
Mack'H.Mellne Time. I League cham
pions rlanh with Cennie's Athletics en
the local let . At Mnrzantnwn. N. C.
yestetdny, the big league Mack stored
a close one en his son. the llniil cenn
belnjr 0 te 7 nt the ImKli of live In
niiiss. when inin culled ever; thing off.
The great claxMe vT fr.t'ier nunint
t-en was the ntlrnftien In .Ier?nnt i n
and deHpite I he previous downpour nnd
threatening wrnther the entire tev.'ii xn
out for It.
Short fences nnd lie tvtUIrd knee
of Reislenbiirz weir ic-pensible for fjta'
I of the A'h i tin.
Three of the neiii" inns were .iiift
ever Yhe left field fuin-e and Uelstrn
burg's Injury was directly le-ipeiiiiliV
for two runs, AHer making u lienutl
fill step In turning le threw he Iwmc!
his leg mid had te lie inriied fri
the field.
The Meline rlub hud en their bnlt ii'.'
clothes nnd rnn Itemnirl from t'.
mefind In three innings.
Kvery ball tliey lilt was ilglit en th"
neM1. and "(ternl mere n'enld In, e kimi
for hits with ii it miner league infielil,
F"or Meline the entire team Uml.e 1
ceed, especinll. Mnel:, MtMriiami i.
Hnmel. I .Did nr.d Ilrhluntmn; at !'..
Their fielding wn of big league varletv,
fielding ground balls ami rtpvaring wutit
looked like hits in big league rtyle
, v .a v v- v?r!tVr?aaalsiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM
t ,uv 'Nlaaaaaaa
Made-te-Measure , ' iH
i I Men's Suits 'M
u for Easter J ' fl
3 t & pjg J
& Saving ,
i 11 .f'lA 1 " -m' 1U
S J0,'Z Open Lvcry tvamri 11 ' M
jff'000 Unl'.l Faster II " jH
S-P3 ai' S9S fnt- hnilt-t-n-vnur-meanirf1 '?)V r
'f-iw ui Vw .v rv-. w , AaW "",
Open Every
'TKa (JjfjHJte
Orders Accepted
i JVm jiialllfrnHlllaTsiaH'aw.
,Cfe ly t-ei IftlllllllllBiwIC
&r t iJfi 7k A r scgjsiwJiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim.Miui.n.
SBMUll ' I I UiSHl'F" HUV KH m WK EEH B 1 m nM ffi.
- pt avvwa
triple job of I UUl
wanted te tettle
was ferceii by
te relinquish hi
a ..,, ...y !'f IVniisjlvanla rifle
the national celle-
af" tlflu ,i V V l,lp natienul celle.
aWtBnen ,m"le,,H''.'P today. The
l-.Natlm,t,w".Nnu'l'.v .made by
MMDitnn A .'."" Association at
Tke ;',," u'
' l oe?riUn,n? ,,nve bwn sheet -
M! menih. ,,0lW,,,n" for ,,,,eul
'r2 ,. ' l!:i1r ,)wn wiiciiM.
r-iiai sll. ... . .
m. :"
K; ':,ll'h'
teleziaiiheil le the
Theie weii I hli n .
iKi'O. i84 1 tiimetu .mi nt . ,...
feli'h. "nsatund Ore-
r,SriMu? led. the league in
, and Pnn BaJ L
the r,'-iiirir..,i -..
down at one position and be geed there,
insteau or piayuifr jncic-ur-all-traUes.
There was only une wa for him te
achieve it, and thai was te demonstrate
his hitting prewesN. Tbe mighty driven
of Cliff have been a notable feature of
the training trip, and the icsult is his
permanent assignment te the outfield.
He mav play n game at first base
upon necessity, if unj thing happens te
the light-fingereil. swift-tooted Leslle,
but he will never catch again. The
Phils will carry Henllne, Peters and
Withrow te de all their catching.
The Phils are up against Chief Ben
der's Reading Internationals this after
noon here, but the lien of the oc
casion is neither the Chief nor the
Phils, but Lee Meadows, the Oxford
citizen. Oxford Is ten miles from Hen Hen
dereon, but today Oxford is right ever
In Hendersen the population of Ox
ford, that is.
Heme Tomorrow
The Kdine officially closes the Phils'
spring training trip. They have a game
with Newark en RHinday. hut the Shlbe
Park clash with the Athletics tomorrow
Is the efllcinl homecoming for both
Philadelphia teams.
The Phils will Start the Kenneii nrnl,.
ably without losing a man from their
Leenuing squad, with the exception of
Gorden Kppersen, the Lecsburg left
hand pitcher, for whom a number of
Southern clubs have been bidding,
"Ep" nccdB n year or two of season
ing, and Kir.e Wllhelm plans te keep
a suing te him, wherever be is sent.
Cieni Leads Reller Skaters
Clilmg-e, April 7 - ltelmt Cianl. of Akren
(1 wer.d'a n; otmiden.il reiIer-ktliiK rlnni rlnni
I'len lii i. I'.ml of ninn uelnti in the chain chain
plenahlp teunminent In precruie litre, The
imlf-mne ihtmplenahlp mom will lis raced
na inury peinii. tin rieMit
Redney Petert, of et, T.eutii.
tunlaiit. Clenl
oemnetltor le
wiiti twaoty-ent points,
$1 0.00
Reduced from $35 & $30
Blues. Blacks. Browns,
Pencil Stripes,
Made Te Veur Order
See Our 15 Windows
Largest Display of Tai
loring In Philadelphia
Peter Meran& Ce.
Merchant Tailors
S. E. Cor. 9th & Arch Sts.
Osaa Men, ell. Kvsa. Till P. H,
That Cannet Be Equaled
by Any Other Stere
1 Every New Coloring
tsj wa . ..
H taster Specials m Men s Furnishings
ssiSssissW S3Sr t$$cSfl!w' M
ksisssssssW .aHslilsasESaiBsisssssv .Sb VvJMHKt3'1' .afaW. MfS
iWWiWWW ESESKl QjlV -A aSiHBvBaafltHaaaBiaa 9
Man, it stands te fflmlniHnaWRafrlMsisw 1
aam Maw. xttmmmYrKmamaMMheNmxzir ,n
aCsisissssr PagssLssM ga Mf m9T' aaVkaalaaBissaBi4kJ flisssHEHBy ft 2
wsife&y fj
Kal aV .ZaW tm r.v.asissssssssm aa
jrw JTVBk
E b& wmm sa" E'l
mm &,&r il
will decide en h nc.v 19
it stands te
reason ! The HUB
Stores, with their
large p u rchasing
power, are always
enabled te offer you
mere for your money
than stores that have
fl te buy in limited
quantities. And then,
again, consider our
location just a few
steps off Market
Street very handy
for you, but it saves A
us mere man one-
Ihalf the rent of
If Market Street stores.
, - - -" r,aji-K CLOTHliS tomorrow. And wc are ready with
In Tweeds & HemeSDUn smartest and newest in both suits and topcoats that
II O l r . r, . 7 H"vy u aiyic taniiei uc equaiea anywhere at our
J eingle-Breasted Suits low P"ces-
3 Deuble-Breasted Suits ,
ruiest worsted Suits
knew every man
step into the HUB convince yourself! A real surprise
awaits you for the actual, bena-fidc savings you can make.
Every man can be fitted.
"'"" "" -' "' Hnlta, S;. 00 SI.00 fur Thread Silk
B V. D Seal 1'ax and Madraa -all tMlnri
Mrn'a SI. 23 Alhletle
bulla, all alita . .
Men'. 38c Ualr Hew II
nuaratitee.1 for 0 inentlin .
Union 62He
vra. IX.00
SI. 00 l'nrr .Silk .Nrclmrar
lle.r 50c
M.ftO IMre Hllk Kn'.t Orniadlne SI ftO Mi'ii'a Sl.i
NKkwrnr -a.a ,. .
Man's Sl.Ml und SJ Shirt.. S OO Mmi'i , J
In all wanted coleri ,,, J-.w (aiii
Mfu'n W.N hlt tHferd 1.1 Kft,
1 Milrl. .i lai Hitli.l . J-idU
i Mfn'ii iA.m Uhltf
iiiiiirim MilrtM
no I'nrf rtltk silrt. SI Kf
!)( Nfii 1 n
I erdi-d $n er
'"", 1.00
suits. nIamiGd bv exnert tailors, wr.e
design and build the smaitest suits in
We can't make it tee emphatic that
$23 and $28 are special low price?, and
are set simply te make you order veur
Easter Suit right new, because we want
te build it right new and save overtime
and heavy night work expense later.
1 1 ' -iUr !i :f.'iii;' 'm I '" ri-i v :- '
!i i l,yeijS""B,WV l " !, i JiStVl2k i ',' : J SB
ffM YtM fT'rlVi'wB
Jfi'U '" i Jim l ', 1 i H
.TM!jBaT a '.ti'yii'ii'M
j Be Measured New
Delivery for Easter
Wearing Sure!
t't our stunning .suiiina.-. befeiv
election elsewhere. Sucii a bis
m; iivirn;
Ml rf . 1
launch, tee many te it'll yw.
Every one a jisw Spring eenceii.
attractive a? ii i ditlnctive.
eL-ewhere S-le inc .S'O Kiiirin-.;.
range C run
aoeut here.
and each as
rianv art
Wear Adanza custom-: cilercd clothes and
be really ucll-Hrcsszrf. Adr.ris-built
clothes have quality and clua, end the
prices ere modes!
? r"
Extra Snecial? s
4 Piece Wanskuck
Blue Serge Suits
Oiierrd us .? '
en or before
tpecial" te nil uhe eidir ihesi
closing tunc, Tuetdiiy, Apul
K ,ini v.a'.t a i"( Blue
Strge Suit for l:ntLl (m
cludiiif; 'J. pairs of trousers i
tins is i.nque-tu nabl 'le
biemst Suit .ilue etyeti-d
m Philadelphia.
Including 2 Pairs Trouse
rs I
1617 Chestmirt
Stores of Standard Merchandise and Standard Value
25-27 North 13th St.
Philadelphia's largest exclusive
Mens Merchant Tailors
Open Tomorrow Evening Until 9e 'Cleck
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