PiH L AiAfc K HV . Wl&C Fti V V j .j fit ? & ir ffi l$ ft Wf0. t It Wf J &. EF' ft 5. ;?, V; ? e Ik" IW c I l I I V is 1 V m I I I a M, ra f V .'V . Hft" I jv ' L M k m rfi . ' 1.1, BKT ffi 5&5 &. iftw W Ik . ft ? vsv Cy,,.. , W- . tffifj alt- WW t Krh. 9 " m t li - EVENED PUBLIC IiBDGER FHILi & .. FACTIONAI PFRII j SEEN BY PINCHO I ithp President in his difficult and critical iinclertnklm:. "Tlie Itr-puMIcnn retf-rs In open priiugr.v enn stiffly be truttted te noiril neiril 1 luiie Mich n ticket as will nppcnl te the ' best nentlnient of the State and lead tu ertnln lctiiiv nert full. The danger Is tlmt the dickering of a fewlntve-rted lender ninv se dleguit the Repiibllcunsi of the State ah te ciidntigcr the ticket. "He far the harmnnizers seem te have enldcrcd everythlnic except the one unction which euulit te come Brut, 1 unitirly. the probation of the Interest! of the peenle of IVnnylvnnla. Se far i ns I have observed that consideration has been left out. I Primaries Important "Remember thnt the Pennsylvania iirlinnrlea this cat affect net only the State but the nntlen nnd the world, Wllllamapert, April 7. In an nd- and keep the public Intercut and the dress here Inst night before the League I'uMlc welfare against sordid political iit'iun nun tiiiutci Says Bickering May Se Dis gust Voters as te Endanger Congressional Ticket SEEKS AID FOR HARDING of Women Voters, a nen-partlnn organ iiatlen, Glfferd Plnchct, independent ' candidate for the Republican gubcrna- ternal nomination, founded a warning j that the "dickering of n few Interested j political lenders" en the gubernatorial question "mny se disgust Republican , Tetera of the State ns te endanger the congressional nnd hennterlnl tlikets." ' Jehn S. Fisher. Orundv candidate, and Harrr A. Mnckey, Vnrc cnndldnte for (oerner. nKe spoke. Mr. Pin- chet'n nddrchs follews: "There 1 n sense In which the l'cnns)hnnla primary tMx enr Is' nation wide. The Ilcnuhlicnn Mr. Mnckey. sneaking of the work of the various departments of the State Ge eminent, premised If elected Gover Gover eor te- carry en their functions in economical and efficient fashion. In connection with the Department of For estry, he said: .. . . "I presume we arc nil for the contin uation of the policy of Mr. Pinchot In the Department of Forestry, which, however, has net been a distinctive one. lie merely followed the footsteps of hl predecessors nnd continued the policy of Pennsjhnnln in the preservation of our forests and the conservation of our natural rcenrces." Mr. Mnckey h criticism of the Pin OIPr" !.. umIma 1 tliA ilnnantmiint nAiiiiita1 IU neminnte net enlv n Governer, but ," i,iinninn Tt wn. r.nu thnt members of the national I eusc ami ier t0 "10a0 when alffer(, lllnchet ?.... P.' E"."&1? Vip: took charge of that department of the .-:- v. .t ' --. i - i- State Government, its very existence """"'"" -iih-- was known te only a smnll pcrcentag of the citizens et the Htate, and that the vania In niually se. Problems te Face "President Harding lin difficult problems te fnce.nseerj President must lime following a great wir. Pennsvl anln ns the greatest Republican State must gle him its fullest itppert In hix efforts te settle thene prehlems in the Interest of the wliele people. The way for Pennslnnin te de her share Is te send te Washington S"tiater3 and Con Cen i:resnien wlie wdl help mid net hinder it wns used principally as a political haven for the faithful seeking jobs. Dr. E. Fans Smith In Alabama Dr. Kdgar Fans Smith, former pro pre vet of the ln!ersity of Pennsylvania, Is in Birmingham, Ala., attending a meeting of the American Chemical So ciety. Last night he wa sthe guest of the Unlvcrsltj of Pennsylvania alumni of Alabama at a dinner. Or Armstrong's Linoleum for Every Fleer in the Heuse iaiaiaiaiaiaiaiH ' i I I HBHBlHIHmHBv 3 3 m il lil 1 l Ail ' "v &- ta c . -I M U IJ1''! A -IX-, ri M vJ'' ' Wellesley College has clean, quiet floors A COLLEGE is divided into classroemi, halls and offices, three distinct types of emi-public rooms where the floors get hard wear. Four thousand yards of Armstrong's Lin oleum en the floors of Wellesley College make walking pleasant, insure quiet for work and study, are no trouble te keep clean, and lend an air of beauty and dignity te this institution. Architects and contractors are specifying Armstrong's Linoleum for floors because it comes near being the perfect fleer. What ether material combines se perfectly these fleer qualities: Elasticity Beauty Permanence Easily cleaned Impervious te grease Waterproof Smeeth Needs no re-finishing Warm in winter Coel in summer Talk with your architect or contractor or any geed linoleum merchant about Arm strong's Linoleum. A geed way te lay lino leum is te cement it down firmly ever build ers' deadening felt and then apply liquid wax thoroughly. All Armstrong's Linoleum is guaranteed te give satisfaction. Armstrong. Cerk Company, Linoleum Department Lancaster, Pennsylvania Sew Yerk Office: 212 Fifth Ave. CvkfrlU CmCLC'A'UdtmtikmOubiuUfUA KILLED LEARNING TO RIDE Bey Thrown Under Trelley When New Motorcycle 8klda Hrldgcten, N. J., April 7. Clifferd Seiider, elghtcn years old, of Bridge Bridge ten, wna fatally hurt Inte yesterday when his motercvele skidded into a street car here. He died this morning In the Urldgoten Hospital. He was just learning te ride and had n new machine. As he approached I'ast and Irving nenue his ctele swerved and skidded and landed under the trol ley. He sustained a fractured skull and leg and his body was badly cut up. Little Benny's Notebook . By Lf Pap Last ntte I wan going te Sid Hunts bcrthday party and ma gave me the money te buy him a boy scout hatchlt for a bcrthday present, eny It wnscnt rapped up en nceurit of me having un rapped it this aftlrnoen te prncticc with It out In our back yard, se I took ft In the setting room ware ma and pep SATURDAY April 8, 1922 OPENING OF OUR NEW Radie Dept. (Wireless Telephone Apparatus) Yeu are cordially invited te inspect our new Radie Department. We carry complete Radie Sets of standard manufacture. Alse, parts of all kinds with charts and instruction books for construct ing your own set. IMPORTANT! Wc have carefully aelectcd' every pleea of apparatus In our Bteck.i and every piece Is absolutely guaran teed. Yeu may therefore make our selection here with eery confidence that the material la of the first quality nnd that the prices are right. INFORMATION t 0ur Practical radio electricians will be irlad te assist seu In the selection of a set best suited te veur necdn Help and adlcc In designing our own set Is available here without charge. INSTALLATION! We naAe a ,,aff et expert radio electricians whose services are aallable for Installation work nt a moderate charge. H. ROYER SMITH CO. Vietrelat Radie Apparatus 10th and Walnut Streets Stere Open Every Saturday Evening Till 0 P. M. was, saying-. Hay ma, will you rapp this up. I dent wunt Bid te knew Its bin unrapped or he'll think I bin using it. Well, hft'll tblnk rite, went he? sed ma, and I sed, Kure, thats jest wy I dent wunt him te, nnd pep sed. Give me the hatchlt and the paper, lll rapp it up for you se nobody will even sis pect the string was even untied. lice hec dent tnake me laff, sed ma. O is that se? ned pep, there never was a wife yet that dldcnt think she wan the eny one in the house could de up a packidgc, but III seen izpledc that theory. .And he started te start te rapp up the hatchlt, eny Intcd of looking ns if it was the ferst time It was ever rapped It looked Jest the opposite, ma saying, Hee hee, dent ixplode the theory tee hard, Wilbuni, you mite get hert lu the ixploslen. Olve me time, nil I wunts a Utile time, sed pep. And he rapped It and uhrapped It about 5 mere time, look ing worse Inxted of, better each time, pep saying, This things nwkwerd, thats the trubble with It, its aukwerd. ,Tct like you, hee hee, sed ma, and pep sed, New Jest for that uncalled for abuse I went rapp it at all and he can DEil RID YOUR HOUSE OP Alt iMecrrf THE ONESUREREMEDY R V Hi W v 9HM1 H ftvn Mjv, IM.M.. r: v i - VMM jniiwiw V1VIV hAfUJ9W Effective, safe, practical, dean and economical. Inscctlne kllhl. ... . . -...- ...em um ey oaer. win net injure rabrics, carpets, woodwork or enamel. Demand the genuine. At Grocers and Druggist 15c, 35c and $1.60 LpMCfsVj Philadelphia Headquarters for Blank Beeks- Are you aware that we make Special Blank Beeks and Binders te Order Loese-Leaf Ledger Hffil reil 200 $8.50 C?nr,lt,pnv l.tM.ll . f ....ulliKl ubck nnd cernrrni uret anu iniiex, eemplftr, 0Y4 x IMfc Regular Price. S13.00 Commercial Stationery, Filing Devices' Klnnk Renka f. r . 1 at ?. .i. """"' "" "'iT e ururr ic coin Lets en Area ou HARRY B. LEVIS STATIONER 702 Arch St. SUNDAY PUBLIC LEDGER INVISIBLE COLOR BOOK Ever hear of invisible ink pictures? Ne? They work exactly like magic, and are a wonderful inyentlen for the amusement and happiness of little boys and girls; big ones, tee! Imagine the chnr acters of all your favorite fairy stories, like Cinderella, Little Bey Blue, Tem the Piper's Sen, Mary and her little lamb. Little Miss Muffet, Red Riding Heed and Little Bo Be Peep, appearing first in plain black ink and then, when you moisten the page with an ordi nary paint brush, or just a bit of cotton wrapped around the end of a stir' PRESTO! all characters cemr ..- life and color rigb icfere your very eyes. 555 sSsaLW i". mSjhiI 1 vV " V 9rr4LjEnLttA WEWl Jest take It the way It is, he had no Dismiss te use it In the rcrst place.'se let him tnke his medicine like a man nnd hand It eer jest the way it Is. The Idccr, wy should he suffer for your isnercnts, 111 rapp it, sed ma. Wicli she did. Clvll'War Veteran Falls wm cnesMtvi'a., April 7;- Masscy, seventy-three, cigar AtnA fnrlnv nt ik liAerf nli. .v ;wm, w. "-"v.uillltK ftfi1 wny trem nome te mistness, t? - ..4n n9 ! I'll.!! ttf ' W TCtcinu vi t.iiv xvivii uur, 17- xL D-Lt2 iu inv ruuui.. - WE ARE NOW OFFERING FOR A LIMMfcD TIME TO f (MASTER CLEAN j LADIES' caJS I reR $3.00, MEN'S j evfaSLmi reR $1.50; Our Purpose It te Acquaint the People With the Quality of Our Wetk ini'l Service JUST PHONE POPLAR 7660, Our Aute Call and Delivery SyHI will ue mc lrat pmrg' Philadelphia's Quality CLEANERS & DYERS Main Office and Works, 1618 North 21st Street BRANCHES! 1113 Cheitnut St. 5557 Germantown Ave. BrrtlNO REROKTS SPRING HESOnTS IXNDON ENOIANO LONDON ENQLAND iiP- Wf1 II hllfeh. II . k,a - I.XVTIJlJiTjVVI.- , OtEAXITV. S. . . 1 hi nil i BmBmuHkMEmnraBMBBEmaawTMiHMaBHMiMMBWM ur HOTEL CECa THE "CECIL" is the hub of Londen for business or pleasure. C Visitors have the advantage of the right address with a reasonable tariff. O, The service is quiet and unobtrusive, yet always fully efficient, nothing is lacking in com fort or convenience, and the cuisine is perfect. Write or Cable te the Manager for tlie tariff. CMmi "Cwalla, LoeiM." The INVISIBLE COLOR BOOK is truly a wonder book, for in addition te the pages with Manic Ink Pic tures there will be some Jim dandy cut out pages. Ecry page is a sur prise something new, amusing, instructive all te delight the hearts of little folks. Funny thing about these INVISIBLE INK PICTURES! They don't like ice water. Luke warm is best or just as it comes from the spigot. This MAGIC IN VISIBLE COLOR HOOK is the greatest feature for the chil dren of the family ever published by n Phila delphia newspaper nnd the demand for the Public Ledger next Sunday will be greater than ever. Hprml the EtMter Holidays In ATLANTIC CITY AZ H01EL KxtrN In Comfert, Srrvlre nil Calslne I.cntuikr Arc .Near llearb , A 1 1 d 1 1 1- iltrH Hncit, Largest ami Meil l'nimlur Moderate ltats Hetel $3.50 up Daily, Special Weekly American Plan C! elee urll f uref nhe.l room, private batlM nintnl 1(I, doatera le itrfrt, un'mul' nttractlre leShy, rarler and trreptlen roemi: caperllx BOO. oiclielrn: dunclnx. Newlr papfred and renerutad througlieut. Public MlietrerH. RUNNING WATER IN ALL ROOMS Ownenhln manaiemrnt. noeklot. KKTTMt A IIOI.LINCKR H V SPECIAL RATES Palm Sunday and Easterly buverier Suiter nnd (. ulin te I oilier .4m(M'cmi PMwm A ' lii A J fINCO OCEAN CITY.N, UIli"AVNP ?ew eppiu runnlnn alfi MOl'NT I'OCO.NO. IA. I Ml.AlllllV.slLIt INN Ml. I'ociine. I'll. In (lie 1'oceno MennlalB Neub built, all qutalde rueniai Rt-am ai I lUctrlcm. prlntn bath. Reduced rattaj ASIIKVIIXK. N. C. Till: VNOR. ASHhVII.I.K. N. C. in .inicrira, nn i.naiiHii inn. I I'l'l II r-AKANAC I.Alt K.N. V. HEDISON MMM m I Mil II Iti AN All.. NKAIL 1IKA II AM) neAunuAi.K ... aii.amk; tnis misi iii:ai rir-ii, hutfu. khiiii.n RUNNING WATKR IN KVERY ROOM NFWI.Y rUHNISHVD Private Baths. r.lectriL I.lchta. K'oater b'crvie I European Plan $2 up Daily I Deuble Roem I $10 up Weekly , Simile lleum, $1.00 Ter liar CKNlltATIUIUKI.IIUCOeTtTAiaK Beutli Carolina Am pfnr narh V letel for Wire, Slxtur. Metlur or Did Running Water in Every Roem American 1'lan. Werlily rftten f2n le JI t'rlvntr haih S-'T te $30. Daily $4 le JO IJNTON II. AltNOI.I). Omirr A Manncrr IN THE HEART OF THE ADIRONDACK! ChltTIFIl.D Mll.Ii A SfJIMi:U K1.SOR1 of the hlt.1i?t M nctrr. bupcm cuinmft. an pnurninnrlil dally Ue'lrable t'ettnitea for Krnt. fvatfd en thA Nhnr of thi UOMUKILI. LTI'blt KAItANAO I Vk Kxtcllfiit Mate rearirt, i,(x)i belt. ctmrfH nnd AniU'trmpntH nt thplr lrf.t. II XHHIM.TIIN MII.I.M. Mnnaerr .KI1IN M. MKII. AhkU Minucrr AddrpxN lletfl druften. jalilnsten. I), TO II US .AlL ERICSSON LINE FOK IIVLTIMIIIIK i One t'a. xi Ite.inil Trill rn.it a se ii:i.aark r. Dully nt a I'. M. Sutnnlav nt 3 I'. n ii'mln (Titirr K E NT U C K Y "Travel Free Frem Can' DUUJi All the Kiddies wUl tfant this Magic Ink Ficnire FREE Every Sunday with the SUNDAY PUBLIC Afcb LEDGER of Philadelphia y KFNTUCKY AVE NEAlt DKAC1I American riin ) SO ua daily, 11 7.50 u weekly Popular (urtpran Ralta Elator te ttreet I.lcctrlclty ard phenra In all roema Private bathi, llunnlna watrr Hr-rreif addition WldU arr)c,J3irBrIJp rngm't KING fc AlUI AHT All. (lin l'XI'l!CT A IIOTKI, TO BB Brit'Hr9l aCBltll km mu9r H.t.arallnai Ava i nhGuifaHHZi neeii u;..ff m-wl. RllatHW bllUlBirHlyJ tmprextdat a roil xct9iUs tse,000 HOT nnd CUm RUNNIKQ WATER IN ALL ROOMS Ceif privileges MKrite ra'ei. b. vlnnlnn at 120 'Booklet tiUT4i.ll & blllZLII, Own.ra I ii i.mlu m nereml lieuni) from lluardwalk and Mm)I l'.or. I'.vcry mipelntment. Hlsheat Miindird In culnlne ami eervlre Une'it, Si clnl wetitlv .alea J. Bethwell. l'rep RIO GRANDE .( terli me. nt llenrtlnilk. I'lrejiretr. Liiimiiynn I lc ttuuriMiir nlrr In nil nn BartlettJ fwfitPk IWa - alrPHsFB1 FOREIGN our, MrglnU ave t Ileach, Het L Celd runnlnir I wiitfr Pilv. Kiths ItatPi tt day un Kmi- kly Pap, ree lint Orch. O D I'.ilmer ' HOTEL RAVENROYD J ( lielnci Ae A IleardMHlK. Reoma, overlnelt. Inn ecian II iUy up, J.". iu up, imludliM . inrtla 1'iImub liathv rimnlnir water ' r.lisitnr. niic llimtr, Hetel Boscobel Ken,W,ci,.,,n,r:,?0' , Wkly.rtt... MH up Th 117 a1.' rl! MAIUON ' HOTEL CONTINENTAL u It lt tl cl n uf trnvA l?cnr1ir enrl iinDifl II fAnMI-Uncl.i Jn pm..11 .n-i..c t-lltA tl t-wiiuiiuLieiy in eilltlll pui WIW l"H assurincte our lnriiviciiiaimcnv bcrs the personal freedom d independent travel. Our RrlnrfYr1 nnrrlpc traVM first-class both en lnnri nnd sell i ucy cnjuy, wiinuuc extra wu - many side trips, drives aruwij meter runs. I he hotels tnew visit are of the highest standai of comfort and refinement. AlKUhM attain Wrlit) or pbent. lWa.Uli rud! Irm inniiaaaU " .. ' J "" '"aja, U. WAUHU UUNCAJL G00DFELL0W ""OUnil Avnr. ll.acb vi www. uuxvrit American Plan, nvery ppeiiiiinsiib, .nm. raira MralJ J uoedrallow Westminster 'jEr"""1, AV9 "' H'aTiT iiceuuuiBra Ulevater: rrlate batha, unH nir ala nia . 1 1 . a m ...T IUIIIHHH "nui "TII Wl yeHTi A Ve KU'f, complete itineraries of 1922 Seawfl CHESTER INN ?'".! Av " . ,,. " bearh. A mar leaa Ulan. Allcenvenlencea Mrt1". D. KNAUKR THE PLAZA M Charles and I'nfiiin L.Unl II. til. at. ' I p'-ivii jnuiiriinn, JlWHn ein Kr nrn'm't Pilrlrh 4 HubupM mkp PHILLIPS HOUSE ?&tt MORNING EVENING SUNDAY A"rti "J.j- ritiiirenu Atlnnlir Dtv- Hnilrlen Hull .On lit lliite,ntl err.AN nnevK n. j.' STOKES HAT.T. Oeaaa Onn, M, . Oeaan Pathwir. aaem sear, A. I B. ItTMrturwr, All Our nriccs are inclusive anl n Vi' iv r v . ...!.: rcubunueie. we point vi Dride te our fnrrv'.t-n vfnrs successful travel management! u Write, telephone or call for em t PI Pi Fer Independent Traveller! Wererteient ecry Heamihlp line anJMl pedal and regular rruliet, Hatei exactly '"g'i .r.: ;"-,.."'',"""t "'".""r-iai -i in iieiiiaiicr uncre (nil mum tu " "... rifi.ic ,uur uinerury, supply uur hip ticket and make ,our reervatlen. BARTLETT TOURS Ci SOO Seuth lath St, Phlldlt iB JM&MMIMmL, J J .. .,. , ,Ll2tkd ',,;6JJd K&Jfj! ( '.'.'. iy , .1 v. w'!WtM CAiKl