kIs. "C.' m i r P- i. M kV lr- a- IT'. M l : V ' m B8HBIKffliMP,n $!ffIffiBffl QiwiL.,rmwnHHantfet-5i&..'',AnK;" . .. 'i,w,vi"v,ftjnv.w,Mv'', ," ,v i c-t'!! ivsmiiWh' iJ'Wj.v-:.. j 'v. .wv.JMiaBWi' .. - ra&3SBEtfSW" EValNtt'iiKjpETO !tB!Gfflpfal5EHmpl3pK -TT7T , . , ., I 1' I 'T 1 r Column April OUi, 1032 AUER STARR JL CO. B7M Spruce 4392 LuDtena Sens Pfd. Ry.. Lt. & Pew. Pfd. Ih Pew. Sec 6b. 1927 iBdard Gas & El. 7is, 1941 stncan row. & Lt. 6s. 2016 COMMERCIAL TRUST COMPANY BPRuee 8900 ncr. Tel. & Tel. Ce. 6s, 2.1.24 .F.GoedrichCo.Conr. ilncl'r Cens. Oil Cerp. 7is, Called for nayment Nev. 18. 1982 St 103. NEWHALL, GROSS & DIFFENDERFFER WALnut 890 .Tennessee Power 1st 5s, 1962 Indlannnells North. Tr. 5s. 1932 lliuu City Kwy. 1st 5s', 1914 ..UMde Cent. Oil & Kef. fi 1 0 (Portland Rwy.. Lt.&Pr. 1st Pfd. TOWNSEND WHEUEN & CO. ' ' Established 1837 LOMbard 7520 LIBERTY BONDS VICTORY NOTES Philadelphia I8AAC STARR, JR., & CO. SPRuce 3881 Etsenlehr Cem. & Pfd. Denner Steel 87e Pfd. Lake Superior 5s, 1911 Westmoreland Ceal Lykens Valley R. R. & Ceal I CepyrlirUt. tHSS. by J. C. N Ce, I.M. Fer mxice In this relumn phene Spruce 0720 N, 15 A Strict Showing the Value Dick of Pennsylvania Edisen Company Cumulative Preferred Stock Dirldenda $8 par Share per annum Increase In Consumers The wonderful foundation te the company's business is strikingly shown in the steady Increase in the number of its consumers. Many concerns in the last few years have shown an increased volume of business, due te the doubling and tripling of the sellim; price of the merchandise, but the expansion of the Pennsyl vania Edisen Company's business is mainly due te the great increase in the number of its consumers. In 1916 the company's con sumers were 11,808. In 1921 they were 22,698. It seems te us that the Pennsylvania Edisen Preferred Stock, yielding 8, is an at tractive investment. Shall we Mend you information? Jehn Nickerson, Jr. (1 Broadway New Yerk City 314 Ne. B'way St. Leuis, Me. YOUNG MAN desires office y 'position; five years' bond bend house experience as trader, statistician and correspon dent. Excellent references. A. 232, Ledger Office. , MORRIS J. ROOT Certified Public Accountant Lafayette Building, Philadelphia FINANCIAL WTT8IlUnr.lI A I wkstmori: wkstmeri: , LAND COAL COMPANY I'lltMT . MORTGACK ft Plill t'VST IlO.MJft, ' DUE NOVKMIlllll llltST. 1043. Tha underait-neil Unite ten.iera of the fbeva bend for eale unit U.-llvery aa if lar 1. 1022, nt a prlc net exc.-dlns fir nd Interest, te nhnerh (31 (Kill. ,17, a sum new avnllalile in hinUlnc Tumi Sealed tender. M:itlni numliera of benila trertd. addniif-il le illiurl Tnmt Company, . TruatM Hlnhinir Tund. Pltialiura! and Wet. moral and Company Kirat rerti.'e Kl0 , Par Cent Henda, will ba receded until 12 ni,. April 10. 10.'2. ' 4JIRAKI) THUST COMPANY, Truatee THOMAS S. HOPKINS Treaaurer. Philadelphia, Pa.. March 31. 10i'2. Annual .Mretlnca THE ANNUAL MLHTlNt! OT T1IK l'enna. Heclety IJanclitera nf ili Jt.. lntlaa will bfl held at the lltillevti..;trnr,tr,i an April 7, 1011. at which olOcera and meir. bra of the beard will be clurted f r tni naulne year Prnpetnla NOTICi: Milten. Ill . April a law will be. received. I.y the Rhh;,h Bids IV'itSrM Jettiea at 'hebeth lach. rie!i,,?ar" I, Plana ami apeclllcatlena will b inzu". f. ..m.n annllcnt en te th rhilrm.,. .'..'!.' pi" V aommlealen by depesltlns ten ilellara (liiii irv ath the chairman of tha cnmmlaaien ,h liV aald aurn te be refunded whin plunV ami t'. ipaelOcatlena are returned a,m AH blda.muat be sealed nnd ri.iit.. 10 tha chairman or the rommli.len en T or kafere 2 o'clock P. M Anrll 17 in??" - Werk ahall be atarted en the jettlea within i4i daya from tha data nf n ....... 'u,1"i iSi? i,K"eentract. , '"" "Jf' J. CAnnr palmer. XPi- ,. (-'h'ilrmn. Vn Milten lii..w... W&, SANtTTACTVltimS ANU LM-.Ull.rliij j.- w daalara rlealrlne te bid en auppllua ler th ia.iv 41US.JIIU, mi me jimiiv ui uanviii. Pa., durlnif tha jear cndlm,' May 31, ,e'. mar addreaa tha undersigned atatlns what law of goods It la propexeit te furnlah II If SCIIIII.T?:. Slewa--.. niililemla . Aierican Telepliene & Telegraph Ce. 130th IMUdenil en. rffiilar uuarterly dllldenil nt .. Ek'V'v J.a.-. nd tMenl-llve renta per elmre mi, ijr.SpKd en Huturjta. Anrll 13, lUij, te c? 'tockheldara et record at the rloae uf bual M u en Kriaay. aiarcn it. ivzx, (t -- .Mniint nt thn An mm I Xf tintr tf tn V"r KiAckheldera. the transfer boeKj win te .Jl . W7WT Ua kIabii nt lull naay .!, .!.... &,:! Mwtri 11. ID27. and reopened at 10 A, M I '5 H. UI.A1H-3MITH. Treaaurer. V?Lf,Cpfiae. ATIWNTIC1 RKFINIMi COMPANY affi7 " l'auiik,Afime, 1 Illl.UCIPIlltl Anrll ft Iflei riyjl meetlnir of the Heard of Dlrectera HUT April 1, 1022, a dividend of 81.75 per !& waa declared nn the Preferred Hterk Wl Company, payable Marl. 1038. te v"1 raWBP"B Mr ij-m v j 110 HUBB i umi av MBbaPJ" JL"v.Jai?i!.rriI mwiee, hiTTrt ,v, Aiitfdtativii, tyvftvmrrt I 1 tOAN TO CZECHO-SLOVAKIA Sum of $30,000,000 Taken In New .Yerk, Londen and Amsterdam New Yerk, April (I. An interna tional lean -te Czoche-Slovakla will be offered for public subscription teduy simultaneously in three capitals New Yin It, Londen and Amsterdam. The total of 8 per cent Becurcd external sinking fund geld bends due in 1951 te be sold In the three countries is up proximately $;i0,000,000, part of an authorized issue of .?rU,0GO,OU0. A syndicate of New Yerk bankers, con sisting of Kuhn, Lecb & Ce., fhe Na tional City Company nnd Kidder, Pea body & Ce., will offer $1-1.000,000 at IHHjj and interest te yield 8. HO per cent. In Londen 2,800,000 bunds will be sold by llarlng Brethers & Ce., Ltd., N. M. Rothschild & Sens and .T. li-nry Schroder & Ce., and In Amsterdam about 500,000 bends will be Issued b Ilope & Ce. The authorized Issue is secured by n a. II... Au .nl.t. ".. 1.a nllafntriL iiiM ui-ii nil rati ins iiuhi ihu iinivinf, duties nr.d en the net profits of the ...1. ...... ., -I i.ii. .,,.,,.,1,,,.. Im i" '.-.V-"-". .."""'"i"' . " .'":""'. l')i - will approximate nearly ;; , it Is estimated. Tlie bend will approximate nearly !5L"J,000,- 000 s ere re- decmnble by means of a cumulative an- iiuai Btiiicine fund et x per cent, te m applied semi-annually te me purcimi el bends under par, or te drawing at par should the bends be unobtainable under par. Tlie nrst reueinpiien ey let will tnke place October 1, 102.1. This entire is'ite will be redeemable ns a whole only et 10S after 1022. Principal, interest nnd premium en thes.e bends are paynble In United Ktntes Keld coin in New Yerk. - LONDON STOCK MARKET Olls Streng and Active Dellar De scriptions at Recent Levels ' Louden, April 0. Securities en the I'le.'k cxclmnpc were robust today nnd klncri'.T-ed roiitldeuce was noted. Muxi i nn descriptions showed renewed buoy buey imcv, influenced b expectations et rec I snltlen bv the United States and (treat , Itiitaln of the Obregon Government. Most activity and strength prevailed in the oil spctlen Royal Dutch moved I up te 10 and Shell Transport and Trad- Ini! iee te .". Mexican Kagle was .TJi. ' There was also en expansion In denl- i lues in tin! industrial division, which wus llrm en mere fuvornble reports en , 'tlm lUiuicstiL' labor situation. Hudsen's I 1 llnv was W 5-1(1. The cl t-edged department was lrrcc ular, but stronger in the main, not net withstniidlnt; the fact that the Dank of , nticlnnd's rate of discount was main tained nt -IM: Per cent. I Rciillziiii; pave home rnlN a check i ml appearance. Dellar descriptions held around previous levels. Argentine alls (.mined (.-round en buying for in vestment account. i Following the crude article, the rub ber group was linn. KnfTtrs wcre unlet 1 but harder. Trench leans were dull, In . sjmpathy with Paris. I U.S. Certificates and Treasury Notes Int Mntmlnc 1 Ham Iiatii , - l- .lull". 1022 I :' June, 1122. :,ij Auir . lie.'J 'n S. rt . 1H22 14 Sit, KiJ'J. 4-j li. -. 11U2 I 4i I ir , 1II2M ".I'l .lull-. 1'1J4 'A1, !-i-pt . 10'.'4 (l M ir . lll.M It'P, . 10J0. P.l.l Ahkeil Yield 100 ,1-32 Hid 3-ld 3 12 . 1(M1 11-32 1011 7-lli 3. Oil lmi 21-32 l'Hll. 3. OH lull 13-32 Hl'i'v a 211 li 11 "II.M'J lull "7-.T' 3. "I lll'l l'l-aj 1 2.1-32 3.H 10O l'.32 t"" II 10 3 17 .103 l'l.l'i 4. "s li3 3 M lll.t .1 -1 . I OH let 7-ln 1iil (I 'H 4.I1- 101 1A-10 li2 1 10 4.1 i:fnmt from Ptd ia lmrm il liueni- t.Vci.piabl fur tani lit ni ln m tax I duy oil date of m-iturit . Reserve Banks' Discount Rates Official rellfrnunt rite', nt ili nu've red ral lteaere nanKi ni h ioiiewi- Tr.'is. Mb com" I Ill.ri cif,l .ap r. accept lleiitnn Ww Yerk Phll.idn'phla Clu.'lallil . lUchmend . Vlliut.v Chlrniyi si .lltlll. . Minn. ar0l , ..iP4i.4 l"lty n.i'lni I'l.iii'-it" m. I'j 4'i I' I'l I'a 4S I'j ,1 4 ' I'. I'j 4'. '! 4' P. I'4 Pi 4, 1'. 1'. 4 . Crude Oil Production Dreps u Yerk, April 0. The dillv nernirf crtvii. oil p'odiiellen of the l-'nimd hl.ite .1 dei 11 iee of 27.1 bal"' fur Hi. u,"k endisl April 1. nirerdinir te tin wtekl' -ummurj i'f the Ann rli 'in P.'iru. 11m In i'l itr The ftlmitHl dally nxeiau.- pre lui tii.n was 1 402 s2A burrelH. nnnpiri.i with ltll3.7IMl barieU the premdllirf w.'ik prn'lui i i liKriHi9 wer.' nhewn fnr nkia hum 1 N i rlh 'IVxiiH, liulf Coast. Wvennna md M"iit inn nnd California hut th. w. r (T. 1 l-v th" leaaea In Central Tpxii, North 1,1'Ulnlani nnd Arkunaaa and Kania ScrDrll 2Bres. & (Ea. gnlittr Utility. rrurirlra fttcrlt Exrljanne Quitting. (IhtU. East St. Leuis & Subn. Pfd. Northern Ohie Elcc Pfd. United Gas & Elec 1st Pfd. Tenn. Rwy., Lt. & Pr. Pfd. t'lieneai I.acuat OXO-MJ-a-t Prtvata Plienea te New Yerk A Iloiten Unlimited Funds Fer First, Second, Third or Buildinff Mortgages qrif'K ACTION ABE KOLSKY & COMPANY. Inc. N. W. Cor. 9th and Walnut Sts. Indlan.iiieIU Nertlirrn traction... ,n'a 103; I'nlen Tractlun of Inill.inn r.u .. 0'a 10'JJ Indiana Tnlen Tr.irllen Cempnnj ..' 103.1 Indlnn.ipella Truct. . Term r.'a 1D33 Inill.inapelN Slrwt Itallnnj .... Pa 1033 Inillami Sen Ire Cerp. heciirltlea Samuel K. Phillips & Ce. Member Plill.iilrlnlil.i Slink Kxrluinne S07 CIIKsTNlT SlKP.l.T LIFE INSURANCE General Aiient n l'.i.ladel. phui lea red wltji uppertuniti -a (or Ilrt yeHr urut i 'iiewul . emiiualin Incemea uini with flinnr'al "iipi'ert during' pried of urn m zn' en Hxp' r.'ni e. inlfurliy and crd t reulred Cen. .r" .'-clt-el of Innurance fur A Be nta. Id" il cempuny fur l Icvhi 'er.i nnd useii M'r 'u T'm M .1 und I.lfe Insurance Company, Ci umi iih (ih.e Conservative Investments MacMeekin & Williamson IIUOAH AND .Sse.M "Ts. Miinlur- I'lill.i. Metk Ltilunce A'mnl.VA1A-.m.'.'.W A.D. CONVERSE & CO. Commercial Trust Illdir., Phila. Krtv lern iiiiuimere rj llLlHL.ai11LL11.1TH.n.LaLTlM TAX RKTUUNS AUDITS HYSTKM3 I. Franklin Heward & Ce. Certified Public Accountants Lund Title Illdr.. Miinary Hide., l'lilladelphla, l'u. Wa.hluiten, l. V, MCewn&Cc, Land Title Bldg. Meaabtr Phila. Stock Knhanie is 1 i i ill I I ' i-1 I NEW YORK BONDS t BALES IN 91000 Am np'e as 3 83i Arga. ltep'e 7s 2 ... leaw b.... ioeu S.... 100W U K art llrlt A I'd 1037 2.... 100H 1.. . 100 VI V H Mexico Ss Chlcace Mil ft Bt P cv Ai 1 07 8 677. 1 .... 07 C A Nwn 3Ha 2 76 . C n 1 A T M 6 70 1 70i 1 70S .'hlcare Union ai 4'4a 2 03Vi Chile Cep'r 0a 20 8(1 0(aale) 84 1 80 U 5 nes A. 1. 2, B. 3. R. 1. 10. se. 09 S no. en oe (in. n:H l:i nes n. M 1... 1... 20... 1... 1... S... 3 .. 2... 01V . Oil, i hi 'I 09 loot loot, City of Persen 8a rets 1.... 109 City Derd'x Of 100(4 loe !i 100 n. 87 4 ti. 100H 87S.W H riraiel ea Chlle Cep'r 7a ie'.' ... 3... 8 1001 10.... 103 C N Y 4143 Mch , 'OOa A 0 7 U04 Cel ln.1'1 3s 1 7A 2 73U 87 S 87 , f... 11.. 1.. A . 1.. 1001, 1001. 10ll 107 107 Vi 2 .... 87 1 87 'i Cty Chrla'a Sa 2.... 10!) UM Mexico -.... -.. - - -- city mm. in i.nw m .... 8. e !).; Cena'd Ona 7a i 4 (.?.! KIslx Itub-r 10.... 10UH 12.... 10)1 87 W? A. 1 ... 100. 1.... lOO's Cuban A 8 8a :...!) s7; Am'n Aur'c a 2.... 104H i city Mara in Client 7Hs 1.. . 102 Cuban C 8 cv 87 R 80 l a R7, 1 .. 101" Cuban C'l Muir 87 Vm cot Oil Ss 8a ata 1.... a.... 3.... 0.... 2.... 1 8 r. . .. ss 60 i 80 4 8ftit 80 , Cty nie de Ja. nrrle Sn S.... 101 It.... 10 2.... lOt", 2.... let CIsuIb) 101 1.... 103 3.... 103"i, A 103 r.f'nle) 103 Cly Hnn I'.iule 8 wl 12.... 10414 Amu S & It .1 l neil 00H 'merlcnn Hun, 87 llef'e 09 1 .... HSVj " ti8H 3... . US i j r. t'si. (ale) t'SU r. (flnt) psi; l nsu 2A flsi, 2S.. .. US', 1... . IIHli Det Kdl Ba '40 1 04. L Match 74a 1.... 10S Del & Hud 7a 1.... 108H D da Nemuiira rwdr 7 Ha 1.... 104 1.... 10414 1.... 104', 1.... 104'i 1.... 10P. 10.1, SIksIe) lu.-,, A Tel t. Tel Aa City Tekln 0. 07 ; 1 71'4 A Tel & Tel C Uui Light 0a Clt Zurich Si 1.. .. 1H4 .'..... H2!i 1-... Hl'i Denmark con 1.... 114'3 ct A 89 1.... Ill's 2.. . . 112 Armour 4Hm 1.... 101'. Duq Lt 7 '4 a 1.... 10fli 2.... 10O Hrle Oenl Lien Dent Helm. 79 2... . SHU 4 1... . HA'al 1 88U1 '- 2 !ir,, A T i S Te 49, " 40; 13 'j 1 - 871 i; 1. 1. OS"l - 871 ? 4ni , 47 47 40 47 40 47 1 47 , 03 V A Ceaat I. c!t " 1 .... !).- 7(eal) !i;,s4 1. . no 'n J ,:, At.antle Ret'gi 14 1.. . 1 .. A... 4... 3 .. 4... 3... 4... 0... in 1, ct cijH 1 - nr, 1.. . 104'il "... 11". 1 rtnif x nh 1.1 1 i. 3 -.- 1. 801. (. 471 Crle R n cv It A 43U 8 4H 4 43, 2 434 Hrl n R cv l !.V ll.Vj 0.1 , l.1 ', 11.1 , 1.. 10.. 3 . a.. .. 1.. 1.. S0, 80 V 80 V sM 80', 80 V 0.14 0 4A'i D Canada '20 80 '4 1 4A", ' 4 4A', 1 1 40 1 10 4014' 1 40i, ' 8 40 I 1 4014 3.1 47 10 47 I 2 en iBalt & Ohie 4f 1 SID I 2 70'. 1 ! I Unit t Ohie 39 D Canada -2'l 3 84 j lOO'-j lin" nie nv 10.. A.. 100 '4 4.. 0 . 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 1 . A.. lis "4 Us.l 08 1005, lenij i'ie, 3 "'4 i:m my c 4, . 2 . . lOOij 2 loes D Canada '31 1 OS, "y, 1 03 u,"4 a... . 031. i""4i n t3t4 08"ii a )34 9SI.I 01... . ni. 14 ... flsu 1. Dutrih ir Ind h B & O Pitt 3 'a ft Jcr Hi ' 0. Mi ! .1 .. ' i a M'i 04'!,1 A. . (12 2 SSI, 11 Bait L Ohie S L'ne niy Ce 7t nt? We'n :ii-.h 1 r. inia. M ei'.l " s,U5,i A.... 103V HIV r 0' 2.... 1(I3 H4v!22... . 8IU. 'Plsk llub'r Ce 10. Ilutr.i I! in,i'.' 1.1 8(l'.i Si rrta Hi rct .Hell Telephone 3.... 103 a Plij' of I'n 7h I 1.... 105 dlij, 10.... 1074 Friim'n lnduat (141, Hcth Steel lat Dev 7Ha wl (14V 3'-' " , s 0n, j,4v Deth Stl 09 2 dm, 011.1 A II0l 1 Mt4 IHtl 2 00', 1... . !MI'4 fiH.'B EdPn Celli !.... 00 1 f.4 1.1 2-... 101 Oene'l lllee A 10.. t.. 1..'l rrenci, B ltap Tran 7 - T 1 rf fl tint LH ret, l J IIS4 ...-' 'W"J in-ii. B Itap T ct 7 0ene'i I-'ee Ha ... if.. .1 f.n, 1i,"l" 1". ... 81'. - ' v lSTi "tr4 - " 4"JH 81 1, "oedyear T ft Z?t Ilub'r-31 . .. 11121, " . . in' 1. 1 1021,1 e 8l injs 1 8t (ir,i4 B napld Tran le2. 1 rt "a ata 01 1 1. l'l I H( 4 I I'll 00 lj 102 '4 102 V , n . ... . . ill, v . 1 . . 102',' ' " n .. 01,11.1 a . insu, a 081,, 7 ... I'OH,, , " m"i uuifale R.cli r , j ' r ,,li t,i , ,.i., 7. '"- tz Put 4tt. Goodyear T ft- , "' J08V, ... . psVj. 3.. . li!H? 2 . 10.-1 5-,lltt" Uuti'.--41 ' 2 . 108 I 8.. . (i8' fl(sale) 00 , 2 ... 102'i ,, ;, UQ. 1.. n-.ii North Wentern .1... . I'M,' 1 00i-j 4. ,...,; Huih llld'K. is J''"nelir7 .Sinclair C Oil, 1.. .. (",l, "nve'f T Jt ..'; . I j I" nsi" I OS Cerp 7H" , I . '.'Oil 20.... 100i4 C"ndl Mbn j.' lO'1- ..-. 1.1 A . HO", I 15 .. ler. "'" let N'nniVlat , :t ll1"s ! W' " '!" 11' K-i I"" '"' 4... M '". 1, 2 103. A . ft'ir.. 1 !"'. nil:,,--!!. ni4ar-at Nerth'O' fi 107'.. 10. . 103 Wi, Cent'l 4i I .. 101)1, 11 ... 10151 10 .. 100 . 10iH4 .1 . . 100 1, OrVI Trunk of Can 0i rem ' 1.. 101, fi(eale) 101 1, 13 .. 10l, 1 . l"l 1.. . 101-4 2e int, Jup Ueven t 4a , .Vn;" ItlyA'a 1 is . . im'. 1 . 7.', in.. het, 1 j 0 10S, j Cnna'n Pac 4 . !!..J. j; "; '.'., 1 en', ;; , '. "', n. :; !!Slt ubeity SV2S ... 1 ."(aIe) "!' 4. MiJ'LIUTty 1st 4V4S 'i '4 ;" rt N Illy Ctl U Tele A . 107' 1.. . ns Ccn'l of G.i en 1.1 li 5 ctl L-.ithir Sa1 10 107 i 1117 '4 107',, 107. 1H7N in?1; " .".... 07 is ' 8 .... 07 , 1 1 07 utl I'acinc let! :i 7.1 S 1073, 10 SI'. Hud .1- Man M 1 20 --,, -nie tt( 1 Mil -r.-' - ', 4. Si', M t i' n .. il. 10. 5V r..r. sn ' 1. K HelElum in I.. Rl'i C.'k K O cv 5a Hud i- Man in I.... 1M 102', in.'l 3.. bO 1. r.7 r.7 r.7 ! I 11. 10 l! 20 (OH 7 mm; r. wi'i r. 0 ... 2 . 102'. K rteie'm 7H, 2. . ins.', 1 . H'S' 1... lOiO, IC lleltf'm rcta fc'i i 1 ,17 syii, Inrtl'a Sleel ,",i MIS I 1... . l,0 Ml il Info Met -I', a S0. I 23.. . 13',. 3 r . . 10H 2 . . VS Uil A Alt 3",ja' 37.. . 131-j i.t j ii 2 i n i . '"i, r .:: a .. . m ..' les 1. . . 4il'i 1" . M'i Klnndem Den.1,.,,, ,, ,, . ir,feiai ... mark ct ila M. . . " (is U(aale) '.iH ,nt t tn .1 HAS 1" . . IB I 1.. ..- .. ..A. in. .. .. i :. din, ;Int Jr tt 44a " !"Hi 1 . J. . . iiiia. I 1". . 11 OS 1. fHl'i! '? 11 OSi 11 1 J ! . 2.. .. 105, '" ls i in ,n . 15 ... . 10 V e !' 10.1', ie.v, 10.1S in-. E- 10 "4 T f I " 10. Intb'e rt 30 . . Klnudem Pen 30. murk rt H 12 1. 1. 10. .37 13. 3 1. n .10 'j Ml '4 ' .10 (i'U, r.u1 f.. !!S!?! El Si Ml 1.... 112' 3 77 t 2.. . 77 K Italy OKja 1... . IHJ K of Netlnr- CM 4- O W 0 I 1 ll'n r.("i lands 0h wl Mil. 4. !HV, li I '4 01 011. 1.. .. 015. 1 Dl IB.. B.'. li)!'. 10.. 3.. 1.. 1.1.. r.iiti -. i:' 1 . no .' . . 7 7 3 ,, . . ' .4 in rill 1 wrrm ii'w iJVhlciiKe Mil 4 i,,, "; ' ,.h I Jumbo VU 1 ' b't Paul 4a I . r l '' Kewanaa . IM'il , eul ." 3 7BTa ILena atar ." (il ' ;; I M Marin. lUOrq ...... l 7.1. 1 ... HI '4 !U4 III', 01', 11 1 '4 til Chicago Mtl 41 1 n7 .St P'l d 41 'levia Cent'l ,11 t rtn ' '-' i se'; Chicago Mil Kan. c I'l U i 6t P 4a '2.1 Memp 4a n 70 1 7SW i: Hweden Hi 1.. . 100', Qucen'd flu wl 1 .. lOli.i 7HT. K C T niy la 1 70 2 80 Queenal'd lTt Lean rhtrnirr. nil! ft 3 81 0S'. St 1 cv 4 Via !r'ftcl stel 'Bl) 1 Ren Chlls '2d 2 .... 07', 1 fl4i& I.aka flhera M 13 10J 2 .... 07', Up Chile "U I 08 I 1 . 101 1 04 R'n l 'R1 2?.". 02 7 10 1 1, 1. . . (im, Itep Chl! Ill 5 18 8.... 10.1', 1 3 .... OSS 8 ... 0 1 1 OS', II ... K'3', 1.. . 08'i 2 ... 101 2 US', ncp'e of Uru. , !!!).. fuay 8a - "N" .'I . . 10.1 Chicago Mil & Snltx'd Cen Sa mi fd 4", a win I. Val Cfl 4 Ha 2 80 T.n tt Naah 4 a 4 Ot'i Market flt Hly e iran jat r, 03 V, Mx Irrl 4Ha n....'. 30', 30(aale) 30 H 1.... 1 HI il 1,... 01 Mich 3 Tel fia I' K (Irt llrlt 1. r.. 1. 1. 1. 10. 01 'i 01 h et Vt eiw (111, 1H S (18. ft I'd I02'i Mid S & Or Sa 20 ion'; 100 'i 100'i 100 u 100 u 1 Sfl'i 13... 2S.. H . 1,.. M HtL en .la 1 70',i M K i T a) wl ie as .... .. 1 ... 107U B'n Pme ev 4a 1 OOM 1 00H 20 D0H 8 00 V 0 B.I 4 5.... 107'i 7.... 107 tl Me Knn & Tex ct 2ndi 0 00i N l'AClfle It 4a 10 83 1 83 M K a Tex 4 1 77H MKaTIi hi Sn Pae Tarm'l M Pacific K On 10..... 81'4 Sn lUllwav 44 3.I.. 1001.4 1 AAU Nth 8 Pwr 0 1.. 04 M ,04H M IC a T'Oa wl 0 03 H M l'ae n n 4s 2 00 1 00 2 80. 1.. 4.. 1.. 1.. ei;, 01 61 A 03 Oregon S Line 1 C3H guar'd Ba tee 074 2 00. 2.. 041,4 (13 03 03 03 03 :(.ile) 04 Vk 8... 1... 1... n 1'.'.'. 1... 1... 3n Hallway Aa Ore-W n n '!e 1 03U 1 03?t 1 03 H Navl Ce 4a 1..'... 704 2 70, 1 7IIH 1 70' 03 H 03 H in llall'y 0V4a 3. A 004 03 U 03 U ne4 HON. no i l0i,4 0HS 0(14 0074 00 . en 00 00 si 00 . 00 "i 00'4 07 oey 07 00 i 00'i 00TS 00 i Pbe UAH ,1 ile l'ac Ea '2A 801. 1.. 1 . 1 14.. 2. A ! 0 0 1. 0 13 4.. 1.. 1.. 1 lint. rc l'ewer Ba Ment'a Pwr Aa 1 01 4 P4S ., 04H Pne T ft T Aa H3 1 ieniri Trniu aya Sa W 1 804 Ntl llwya Mex 4a of '87 A 33 t)O(aale) 33 New Or Tex A Mexico Sa 4 07 1 07 8 07ti N Y Ct'l en 4a .1 80H N Y Ctl Sa wl raeknrd Muter Car Ce 7a 1.... 103 1.... 1024 8 .. 102. Pan A Petrm ft T Ce 7a a 1174; P nd tin 4 Ha I.,... 88Ti A.i... 88 . Pcnna It n .1e 3.... 10 ... 0.... 1.... 1 074 1 07 U .Pcnna nd 0h 1. 3. 0. 20. 10. 04 4 04S HI 4 2.... 10flit 1.. . 100 1... 100. Stand'rt Oil et Calf 7a 10.... 100H Pere Marat 4 Steel Tube Ce HI '4 04 i 1 77i of Am'a 7a 1 07S 1 074 2 07W 7(aal) 07 S SO. t'lilla ltlya U N Y Cent" I 0s 8 A3 1 A2U 10. 1021, 102'i 102 102 102 102U 10214 102 '4 1., 23!! H. 10 , 30., 10., .3., l!! n y A. 11. A3'i A3U A34 A4 1... 1... Third Ava ai 2A A3 1 A24 2 B2U Pre ft neflncra nr Se .1.... 102 Tidewater Oil Ce ct OUa 0.... mm 1 101U 102Vj Pub Scrv Cerp .. 102', N Jay Sa . 1024 1 8214 iTebaccj Pred- Cent'l 7'll OftW clt On ucta C 7a n en 14 (19 H .. 107 1 1.... 10: 107 t L 1 Mt ft 3 N Y Edl'n Cc n ft O dlv 4s iTrl City Rly ft e. rcta 1... . iefli Light Aa 3 100ti 1 .. 10S St L ft 8 r aj J . . JOS'i 10.. 1. .. insi-, 1.. 1.... lesu 0.. A ... 1084 20.. A.... 10S A.. New Y N It ft 10,, H 49 of 'A! 12.. 77 Vi Union Pae cv 77 N T7U 77 U 77i 771 4,f. .. 034 1 031, 1 ea"i Union Pac fd 2 Sen 1 80U 1 80U V Tank C 7a 1.... 10.1 2.... 103 Unt'd Dru 8a 4.... 107 U S Itubb'r As 1... . SB'4 2.. .. 88 1 88U 1. ... 88H 1 88Vj ' d a Steel ,H 1.... 101 14 18.... 101"i 1 103 Vn-C Chm lt 1.. .. 0S'4 78 1 44M St L A B F In vow 1 N II ft Hart'rt Oa 2 70 i 1 70 New Yerk e A W"n gin 4a 0 CO 1.. 00 4.. 034 110 00 03 1; !03.. CO 00 . i mya ci 4 ft 1. a a Fran 4. ... 3314 I Serlca A 10 33 10 70T4 2 33'4 1 70' N Yk ltlya ,1. 2 70', 4 7'4,St L ft S Fran r. lerit state , series u ni;a 4',4a n.. 83 841, 84 '4 8.1 A OS 2 . .. 70 New Yk SUSU. ft Wn fd 1. ... nin New Yk Susq ft IV Km 4 a A.. 3... Vn-C Chm 0a 2... . 85 St L ft H Trnn Series C 7.. .00 1 OS 'a-e t'h 7'aa 2 0,1 1... . 0.1 2 OS 1. ... 0.1 47 20... . 08-4 New Yk .SunqjM I. ft 3 l'r.-n ft W gm At tm Ci. 10 47 ' 2 07 N Y Tele 4'49 t L Sew'n en Va Illy Ce Aa 1. . . 0314 2 til . .'-.. flW :... . 74 3 74 Warmth H lat I" lcIee " I 103 Seab'd A L nj i ' 102 T, 103 0 22'4 ft.. .22 10 22H 10... . 22U 1... 4 .... 04 2 ... 103 2.... 103 1 102. N Y Tclo'e 40 1.... 104 1-... 104 2.... 104 NTkWC Beat 4 Ha 2 48'. 2 40 1 48', 4. .. 48'4 Nil F Pwr Sa 2. ... OS Nefk S'n R r,9 W Union 1149 1 021. 8(;.al) We'n Union Aa Seab'd A I. fd1 2 00", 10... . 42 ' Union fu,n 2.. .. '421,1 7.... 10S A... . 42 , 1 ... 1(18 2 42 V 1 108 Seab'd A L 0. 1 . . . 108H 1 .14 ' 1 ... 108' 2i('oaYe) MVWeatiiiEhK'e i: a... . 34 ft MfB 3 A4l, 1A.. . .141, 7 inr.H 1.... 10(11, 1 ... 1(I0 l(aal)l(iil, I) 101114 1 .. lHfi4 Sh Steel It 8e 1. ... 00 I OS Sinclair C Oil 3 08 '4 1 Cerp 7a rcta N ft W cv 4ia A OSVi 10 . Kiei, 10 103 ' Nfk ft W cv 0- 0 .. 10S ' OS8, (Wilsen C 7'4n 1 30 P. M. !i!l.3l) IID.30 !l!).0S !l!l.."0 HlKll 1.0 ft" pium JMI.30 !I!I.(K) il!l..pi(l 00.30 00.3(1 D0.0S 110.52 IK1.3 , Liberty 2d 4Vls. . Liberty .'id 4l;,K.. Liberty 4th 4Vis. . !!.1S JKI.30 Vie 3;!p.. .IftJl.O llHJ.JK! 100 M ic NeU'i -I-i,s. . .10t).'.)2 ID(i.lH) LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAM bTOCKS Ml 01 ,'.'.'.'.'. Ill' 01 'oil 00 ie 03 in (l'-j 01', e'j STOCKS t"'j de 1 01 , ei .",.'.'. .04 1" Aek ".1 OS .I'J .0:1 OS ."7 11 .0.1 .-1 .01K ,01' 03 ('neh Hey . , Jim llutler . MncNnmura Ci mcent ... Midway ... MUpali Hxt Mentana North Star Heicue H'lla Tonopah Kxt Vit Knd (t Tnepah invmr. Ai.lfl Plvtde Alte DI1IJ1 neither Uxt Ken Jtur Hr.iuRli OUlds i Oh Id- Hit I 'I. i C-in lilildi-nd i:er Ulvldt Hurmlll Hnnbruuck Dlvlde . . Huri JUvlde et .01 .02 03 01 e.l 1.1 ,il'l .01 01 13 03 .01 . 0.1 .03 .02 .'Il .01 .I'l .'111 .el .1(2 .03 .11 . it, . .0 1 .0. .('I UO'i .(I'l'l .0ll',4 .111 ('-' .01 .III Iteicrt nivlds Itene Dlvlda Itnaeta iil'nV ' uitr suthurland n'nrr.nh nii'Mrt iTnnepah llnehreuck ! Victory Divide . . . 'Verm P IM Zena GOLIJF1EI.D STOCKS llenth ;. '' Combination Traction ... 01 Crarkerjack .'. I numeiidllelil II H Plnrpni'il Ji .03 1)2 .0.1 ."OH .2.1 ,ii!i .04 .nil .01 ,0,1 .U.I .01 .00i .02'f .20 .1)3 (inldllelil Cen 1 Geld Ilnvrlepment iiieiannui Deep a,, Ou'j (treat llfrd "1 I'l 'li '.','.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. OMi 17 0J MISOHLLANi:OL's n.rt lilil- 'Amparo I A alannn (il .'. 1 OS Arizona United .or. .In (.aledenla 02 . .j.l lMen or, .1.1 IJnuna Hllver 02 .03 liurelta ('reeaua 27 ,2'l Cureka Helly Ou'i 07 llecla .e.l'. ,eilU Mether IxjiIi 11 ,1:1 Nnviida HIIIh 01 ,112 Neiada Wonder .24 ,2S irtuicuaa ...1 02 .n.'t Tfoepa MlnliiK I .10 l mil i.iil'a 11.1 ,110 iWUbart 02 .03 , ,. .. uivcipwui rfUitgri Llaerpoel, April 0 There waa a iroed e. mand for spot cotton today, but only a mnderate buklnea waa dena with prlrea eaaler en the baala of a rt.cllna of 12 pelnta for mldilltnK, at In 4TM. The miles were 10,000, of which Slien balea were American The recelpta were 200 tjea, nil American' Kuturtii were ateauy In the early deallnrfa, Spot prlcea were: American, middling fulr ll.OSdj Reed mlddllnif, 10 BOd: fully mldi dllnc, lO.OOiI; middling, 10.43d; low middling, 11. 7.1d; Keud eidliiiii), 8,00.1, and ordinary, b.-IOd. 8.,... A3 ; 2 . . nni , a .. 108 ' 2 08", r. .. . H!iV Londen Closes Czecho-Slovak Lean Londen, Ulull 0. Subacrlptlen llata en Cieche-BlpvaUlan bend eRvrlng cleaed at midday. ) GOSSIP OF THE STREET Testerday's market hed the overage trader up the tree. It wen a clear-cut case of the unexpected and, according te Heylc, ' the reactionary movement, which started en Monday afternoon, Rhetild liove continued. Fer n time, lt looked as If lt would, for during the morning it seemed te have lest a great deal of fts steam. Caution signals were flying in all directions nne? most of the mero conservative houses wcre openly advising profit-taking, or cutting down of outstanding commitments. Drekcrs debits hove shown a.startllng rise with in the past fortnight, and this, quite generally, was accepted as a sign of the constructive- movement hearing its culmination. But market signs proved te be as fickle as the current spring weather and. instead of taking the downward loop ea nine out of ten expected, the pendulum aiiflrlenlv. nml without nnv warning, re versed ittf course, tuking the skyward route. jll tlie soid-eut linns, ncwiy mntle bears, waltlne-te-get-thcm cheap er buyers fairly tumbled ever one on en on ether te get aboard, and the speculative enthusiasm was quickly rcKinuiea into a rearing blaze. Of course, they get what they wanted, for the gentlemen, who" have been the market sponsors for se long were only tee willing te re sume the distribution program. Steel Trade Improvement "The steel trade," says the Iren Age, "enters upeii the second qunrtcr under conditions pointing strongly te eontinuance of improvement in output and in prices thnt have been se pro nounced since early March. "April 1 may prove te be the turning point in prices of steel bars, shapes and plates, since large amounts of business nt $2 te 3 a ten or mero below the l.COc basis went W the mills just before thnt date. Situation new is that both independent nnd Steel Corporation mills can run at present rate, which is slightly ever 70 per cent for latter nnd some what under 70 per cent for former, for tevcrnl weeks. New business in bars, tome of lt of fair size, has been put en books at l.fiOc nnd there is mere firmness in shapes. Demand for plates still lags farther behind supply tnan in the ether two products and there are special concessions car work has com manded. "Mnrch increase in steel output was greater than that In pig iron and rate of ingot production is new close te ;u, 000.000 tens a jear. "While railroad and structural buy ing has been important, orders arc new taking n wider range. Wire in dustry with bookings in March up te i. per cent or HO per cent capac ity la an example. Jobbers have in creased their htecks. "Stronger price crystallized into or ders in Inst few days of March some 117.000 tens fabricated steel work. New projects appeared for upward of 33,000 tens. "Mere than 300 locomotives are being figured en. Freight cars ordered se far this var, ever 34,000, arc one-half mere than were bought in all 1021." N. Y. Central Equipment Order The New Yerk Central has placed 1 07 orders with the various carmakers for west-n Md 4'i),etK) cars thus far. The order has n3 l.nnti illvlilerl nn fellows ! Htnmlnril been divided ns follews: Standard Steel Car Company, 0500; American Car and Foundry Company, C500; Pressed Steel Car Company, 3000; Pullman Company, 2500; General American Tank Car Company, 2000, and thiilnlsten Steep Car Company, 500. This is one of the largest car or ders plneed by an Eastern railroad in sumo tlmp. Bids were opened for the orders some time age and the various car builders had agreements with steel makers for the necessary amount 01 steel nt prices considerably below the prevailing lev eli, se that the railroad has been able te get its cars at a price which could net be duplicated at this time because of the higher quotations for steel new existing. a In addition te the New Yerk Cen tral's order several ether railroads have just placed tentracts for cars. The Chicago, Milwaukee nnd St. Paul lias given out orders for 4000 enrs te vari ous manufacturers in the West, and the American Car and Foundry Company lins received an order for 1000 refrig erator cars from the Northern Pacific. A111011L' the Infill I rles new in the mar ket is one for 7000 freight cars from the Chesapeake and Ohie nnd nnether for JtKie cars from tlie Ixmlsvllle and Nashville. Pere Marquette Dividends The Pere Marquette Railroad yester day nnueuueed the following dividends: $1 tf(l !?..'l nor klinrn fill thn (nnv innnlh. i ended April 30, 10112. en the 5 percent preferred stock and ?1. per share en ac count ei tne arrears of tlie cumulative dividends en thnt issue, the amount of such arrears being thereby reduced te 4 per cent, nnd also the usiiai quarterly dividend of $1,25 a hhnre en the prier preference stock. Official announcement was made that, hereafter, dividends en the, preferred stock will be payable quarterly en the e.nme dates as paid en the prier, prefer ence stock. Corporate Financing In March Corporate finaneiug in March was umiMiuUy heavy und covered a bread held. Aggregate of bemU. nnrna n,i stock Issued wus S2ai,ir1,390, ngalnst $127,321,000 In February and $104, 001,000 in Mnrch, 11)21. While new ie... ... d i ... ,--. ... " i,, luriniiiei u u lower average were nuteul nt 7 ,? InT"', j?" Bnt the Central 'Trust Company for were put out, at i per cent and 8 tien,ii si ":,n nnn niuin, .i,.,. .i..l cent, indlcntlmr thnt .l!i" J'"T.?ii",. market must still absorb considerable new issues befere easier money is re ilected in new financing. Industrial issues led. with $151 2v'i.,4il,i i'.'U0ei?.d ,,y i,uWe "tiiiticH, with $71,440,",e. nnd railroad issues S lh, ?58'; :,U'1P0' lMt iwtie wni UlllnlnlM fill f ,...-, iil r.1. r. prcen bmisr SrSZ,,: puny sold S1S.000.000 (1 ner mt i.,i Other large Isruch were Wlllys-Ovcr.' land Ceiniiany $KI,riOO,000 7 per tent bends; North American Krllmn -,.. pany $14,000,000 II per cent bends and l'ure Oil Company $12,81)7.500 aeck. Approximately $02,733,000 out 'e the total $251,151,31)0, or 32.0 per cent There wern nlse snl.l i.. .i.i.. country .Vll,07ri,000 foreign Issues, ex. elusive nf Government offerings, hrlnir- lng the grand total up te $078,813.i.-.u THE ' STOVE UPS FLY IN FIGHT Frying Pan Alse Figures In Arrest of Ablngten Robbery Suspect Alter a iignt in which het stove tialc Williams, I.enarde is charged by Jeseph Centi, proprietor of Welson Hall, near Ahinsten, with being one of three men who entered his plnce and stele money and clothing. I.enarde was traced te Ids home by Patrolmen Streeper and McKee. He struck McKoe with a het stove pinto and then some one. In tint house threw a frying nan. Mirmiu. dropped Lcnarde with a blew with the wns inv retiring maturing becurltles Tills compares with $127,321,000, or iTl;i,,J!r7 tcn,. I" l'elnry. und $42. 122,000, or 0.7 per cent. In MnrC inn i fi'r- ;'l'imr"i"?la rc:.,r ".. -.' ti.0 vm $t v r '"""- "" , .""-v. . """ " '' 1 inner, et the tlieMer Times- J erk streets, was arrested In Ablngten. Itulph lllngham, Mr. KoMvner. Fred I.enarde, charged with suspicion of nr- P. Whitney, (jeerge V GeliKiiiiii, leuy. was held in $1000 bull bv Mauls. .Inenli r ,ii,,.'rr. i-i.ri. winV.0 I,'"1.1"1' '! rf'.tyli lL - '--1 ' fn. itUl l . mmm twi 'V DAIS TO BATTLE Economy Program Is Realized, Budget Director Is Ex pected te Shew REPORT DUE IN TWO WEEKS Washington, April 0. President Harding is preparing te hand the econ omy critics of his Administration a solar-plexus knockout. It will teke the form of a report by Charles O. Dawes, Budget Director, new nearing com pletion, which will show that executive pressure relentlessly applied during the first year of budgetary operation has accomplished unprecedented results.. According te advance indications, the Dawes report will reveal in particular that the 1021 estimates et what could be accomplished in the way of depart mental stewardship have materialized within 2 per cent. General Dawes report will be sub mitted te Representative MndderL or Illinois, chairman of the Heuse, Com mittee en Appropriations. It is the out growth of an nttack en the lltircau el the Budget launched en February 0 by Representative Ilyrns, Democrat, of Tennessee, which claimed that pending requests for deficiency appropriations ($180,704,281) blanketed the direct saving of $32,000,000 nnd the indirect saving of $104,000,000 claimed by Gen eral Dawes during the preceding six months. The Tennessee Democrat oh eh tallied the pnsMige of a resolution celling upon the President te show chnpter; and-verse evidence for the Budget Bureau's figures. That is what General Dawes is about te supply. Shows Hew Congress Can "Save" One of the great demonstrations of budget operation has been te teach money-spending departments of the Government that the law doesn't require them te expend all the funds appro priated for their purposes. General Dawes has hammered in that doctrine, dev In and day out. There has been n long-standing and time-honored tra dition te the contrary in Washington. The forthcoming report nlse may be expected te call attention te the falla cious ease with which Congress can apparently "save" taxpayers' money. All that Congress, cither upon its own or cxecutlve initiative, has te de in order te "save" is, at the beginning of the fiscal year, te appropriate se lavish ly that by no possibility could the funds be spent. Then, nt the end of the year, Congress has only te 'Save" trrO unexpended portion, having incidentally ale avoided the annoying necessity of deficiency appropriations. Savings Achieved Among the "Indirect saving" achieved during the year, which new has qnty three months te run, are these Incident te: FlTst. A corrected system of Gov ernment purchasing, by which compe tition among the departments, with re sultnnt overlapping and acquirement of unnecessary supplies, was avoided. Second. A mere businesslike dis position, under a unified system, of sur plus stocks owned by the Government. Third. Mere economical use of gov ernmental facilities and supplies, con sequent upon co-ordination directed by executive order. Under ordinary circumstances there would have been no attempt te review the results of-the initial year of budgct nry practice until a full twelvemonth of It bad come and gene. It is Presi dent Harding's thought that the coun try's interc-.t in reduced cost of gov ernment is se Intense nnd widespread that Director Dawes should go te bat en nine months' results. These nppear te be of such convincing character that Administration leeuVrs are confident they will effectively establish that the budget is a palpable and net a paper success. BANK MUST PAY $994,232 FOR 'FAVOR' DONE BY DAWES ,1-erlmer Check Cashed by Budget Dl- rector When Head of Institution Chicago, April 0. "A fnver" done by lirlgadler General Chnrlcs O. Dawes, Director of the Budget, in 1012, when president of the Ccntrnl Trust and Sav ings'Ilnnk here, in cashing a check for S51,2.,000 for William I.erimcr. head of the defunct I.aSalle Street Trust and Savings Hank, will cost the trust com pany $1)01,232.(13, according te n ruling by the Appellate Court yesterday. The check was cashed, it was said, te enable Mr. I.erimcr te meet the re quirement of the State banking Inws. Mr. I.erimcr told State auditing officials he had the required amount in securi ties, but would be unable immediately te ceuvert them. He wrote a check for $1,230,000 and with the State Dank Kxamlncr went te the Central Trust Cempnny, where General Dawes cashed It. When the formality was completed the check was returned, and the re organization of the I.erimcr National Iinuk Inte a State, institution una ac complished. The new bonk went into the hands of "..i""'" .iiuic i-, jun a receiver June 12, 1M4. The late ' Wi lam (. Xlhlnek reeelrer. file.i i. am?!!nt wn. due the. depoMters nnd creditors. The Anncllnte Court. In ren derlng the ether sura due, held that neither the Central Trust Company nor Genernl Dawes would be censured for cashing the cheek, classing that act as a "favor." PLAN FAIR "PRESS PALACE" ( Project Is Discussed at Meeting of Pen and Pencil Club Plans for a "press palace" en the Sesqul-Ccntcnnial grounds, where news papermen may gather for r-eclnl ami busluess purposes nnd where visiting newspapermen may be entertained, were dlt.cuescd at a meeting last night of Ule Pen and Pencil Club. .fames A. Campbell, president of the club, was empowered te appoint a com cem mlttce te confer en the project with Mayer Moeru und ethers of the j.'ar Executive Committee. Victer Itoie Iteie water, assistant te the Mayer, wus a guest nnd wns assured support of the uewhpapcr men. Mayer Moero, who could net he present, sent u cnmmunl cnmmunl catien indorsing the idea of a press ex hibit. Among the speakers were .Tey 13 son. Majer .1. S. Stewart Itlchardwm and W. Orten Tcwfen. Powderly Stricken at Desk usiiinsieii, April il. T. V. pmv. derly, a uieiiitier ()f the Ileurd of llevlevv of the Immigration Service, suffered n K'vere heart nttackvycterdny In liisi,'P at the Laber Department mi,i WUH re. moved te his home. II condition waa night. t0 SU,f,,Uy lm'evi 't I HARDING'S CRITICS a.-w ..,- - ""eir'"""!'! ii iiim j in in i ri. I........... 414..'-. .j4Ak COUNCIL PLANS BOOST FOR J. H. QILLINGHAM Creates $5000 Pest In 8urvey Bu reau, Expecting His Appointment The Finance Committee of Council yesterday took steps' te reword J, Har vey Glllingham, of the Survey Bitrcatt, who although placed nt the head of the eligible list for the pest of chief of the Bureau of Surveys, was net named te the pest. The Councilmen in voting a new pest for Mr. Gilllnghnm nt a salary of $5000 declared Chief Voglesen. the successful candidate, was "merely look ing wise" while Mr. Gilllnghnm proved a walking encyclopedia available for upe of tlie ceuncilmanlc committees nt all times. The Councilmen approved the ordi nance creating the pest of principnl assistant surveyor at n salary of $5000 with the understanding thnt Mr. Gil llnghnmA will be appointed. In fact, Mr. Hall served notice en the Depart ment of Public Works that if Mr. Gll lingham is net appointed he would vete te abolish the pest. He nlse said if by reason of the recent Supreme Court ruling en civil service any director should attempt te remove a city empleye unfairly, he would move for the abolition of the pest held by the man. Norwood Scheel Head Resigns Because of the ill health of his mother, B. G. Ncllls, head of the Nor wood schools, has handed his resigna tion te the school benrd with the request that it act at once. Mr. Ncllls said he wents te go te the home of his aged mother in Geneva, N. Y., and care for her. Prof. Nellls was responsible for tlie joint Norweod-GIenoldcn High Scheel project being carried te completion. A free service for Philadelphia Travelling Men Yeu can simplify your travelling plans a great deal by asking our advice en schedule matters. Simply list the cities en route,' name the dates and leave the trains te us. Baltimore, Washington, Pittsburgh, Youngstown, Akren, Cleveland, Teledo, Detroit, Cincinnati, Louis ville, St. Leuis, Chicago and 1000 ether cities and towns are listed in the Baltimore and Ohie schedules. The Baltimore and Ohie Travel Bureau at 1337 Walnut Street can relieve you of needless study sell you one ticket for your entire trip, no matter where you're going. Our agents will quickly give you .the details about the trains that reach them and see te it that you are taken care of all along the line. Baltimore Ohie America's Flrtt RmUreai-Eatablhhed 1827 United States Shipping Beard (Through the United States Shipping Beard Emergency Fleet Corporation) Invites Offers en the Securities Described Belew: r T.hc United States Shipping Beard, through the United States Shipping uearii hrnergency Fleet Corporation, invites offers for the purchase of any or all of the securities described below, which are te be sold at private competitive sale. im,.,.11 ulrs rcc,ei'et! before April 19, 1922, will be considered; and no nft. . nr?dc bcfere th:lt t,atc- Negotiations may b .entinucd there aiter, and all offers received prier te final award will he considered. $72,916.65 Notes of DAVISON CHEMICAL COMPANY, secured by preferred mortgage dated July 22, 1920, en Barge "ASTREA." $72,916.65 Notes of DAVISON CHEMICAL COMPANY, secured by preferred mortgage dated July 29, 1920, en Barge "VOLANT." $38,043.47 Notes of DAVISON CHEMICAL COMPANY, secured LAND" mortgage dated July 22 1920 en BarKe "ASH $34,873.20 Notes of DAVISON CHEMICAL COMPANY, secured "DOVER"ed mertBagc dated November 15, 1920, en Barge $1,866,85200 Nete of LUCKENBACH STEAMSHIP CORPO- iwn e'e S,l5SS8! Prefer"d mortgage dated May 24, 1920, en SS. "HARRY LUCKENBACH" ex-"Sel Navis." $62385.94 Notes of PAN-AMERICAN PETROLEUM AND INmP0RT, COMPANY, secured by preferred mortgage dated March 27, 1920, en Tanker "WILHELM JEBSEN." $380TRAMcn 9f PAN-AMERICAN PETROLEUM AND aSavET ?0MPANY, secured by preferred mortgage dated March 12, 1920, en Tanker "E. L. DOHENY III." "TPAMenftBli. frt PAN-AMERICAN PETROLEUM AND INA?nP?T,e0MP.AN.Y- 8ecured Preferred mortgage dated April 9, 1920, en Tanker "W. L. STEED." $1me rfateS ?f THE TEXAS COMPANY, secured by first mortgage dated January 2, 1920, en Tanker "ARYAN." $1,010,625.00 Notes of THE TEXAS COMPANY, secured by first mortgage dated February 6, 1920, en Tanker "DIRIGO " $I0S Notes of THE TEXAS COMPANY, secured by first mortgage dated January 19, 1920, en Tanker "LIGHTBURNE" $1,01mS N,!e8H t! E TEXAS COMPANY, secured by first mortgage dated January 5, 1920, en Tanker "SHENANDOAH" $1,26007.50 Notes of WILLIAMS STEAMSmp CONY, "W?LLBOLO.y m0TtW dated February 3, 1921, en Ss! $1,25553.74 'Notes of WILLIAMS STEAMSHIP COMPANY $299,468.75 Notes of MUNISLA STEAMSHIP CORPORATION ''muNISlV m0rtKaBe datCd March 271920; en SSI $607,500.00 Notes of GULF NAVIGATION COMPANY INC issued under contract dated February 7 1920 for n,.rVi,t.i SS. "ALFRABA," cx-"Lake Fisher." purchase of Fer the amount of the several notes of any issue, the dates of m-ituritv rates of interest, description of security, and terms , der which saM iietes or obligations are issued and outstanding, reference is made te "the 1 ieral A certified check for two and one-half ner rent Oit .l offered must accemntnv 1,1,1 'rT.- ?,? . C nt Ve) of the amount eiierea must accempanj uid. Tins sum wi be cred ted en the nnrrh-uc price if award is made, or w 11 he retained l,v il,. nn, ? purcliasc damages if the successful bidder fails te comp cte L eurcl, Amt f unsuccessful bidders will be promptly retSj PurcIla". Checks of Full payment must be made in cash upon tender of securities. f he rate of mtercst carried by the above listed mortgages i 5 per cent. Ihe Beard reserves the right te reject any or all bids Bids should be addressed te HARRY S. KIMBALL, Vice-President in Charge of Finance United States Shipping Beard Washington, D. C. 1 and marked "Bid for (name of Securlti)." . , $ I I laia, uW kmm WALKS AFTER 21 YEm 1 :i - . - Yeung Man Operated en. by n.y I .nni Talraa Plrat. Atonal "M Swinging his legs with the awkward $ strtrie ei a juuhk uuii, xAiuiB Jeseph, twentyone years old, is learnlnrie walk. At his home, 742 Snyder arc. nue, yesterday, he walked slowly ', one room te another. He moved can, tleusly and rested frequently, but . smile lighted his face. Crippled since birth, Leuis, the son ..a UmimuaI .Tnniinn. n tinlnf mnh..,. . turcr, had watched his boy friends race at piay, " ;" in a wnccl chair. When Dr. Lorenn. the Vienna .... gcen, came te this country, the yenne u man was taken te him. Dr. Lercnz'"' said an operation weuiu ue nccessarr and lt was performed in New Yerk The plaster cast was removed a week ' after he regained consciousness. Than ) slowly hs strength came back. DENTIST'S LIQUOR STOLEN Dr. Leen Levy'a Heuse Raided and 233 Bettles of Rare 8teck Stelon While Dr. Leen Levy, n dentist In the Shubert Building, nnd his femilv were attending the Mastbaum me-' merinl exercises at Eeglcvllle, Sunday thieves forced a deer in the cellar of the Levy home, at 4731 Walnut street and stele approximately 233 bottles of imported liquor, wines and ale. "All they left was several bottles of White Beck," said Dr. Levy "as night after reporting the theft. He said the liquor was owned Jointly with his brother, Isaac D. Levy n lawyer, and consisted of seventy-one quarts of imported wine, forty bottles of Scotch whisky, seventy-two bottles of Slee Bin nnd fifty bottles of ale. " Emergency Fleet Coreoration 4 J i hyi vi 1 J i vl & Mm I butt end of revolver. I - TP 'W'ij'!( jam,. J- A tf M&9Tk S' 1 1 jt ' rWS I jJk.rA'fe'"i'''j'? M tes . ft fmWS-MWfrs j -... y v .-'"ii.tnhe..- ,, . ,v '. nv . i. t. fa-. && :,..,, J ,. v-HVZl.iU tm&tt . r,:t JLtA'iiiLl