mm Jmmmf!1, mWQBmiim yMmrrsi KE.Vv4 WTJJ tun: i"'S'jU rfc'H&- 'i'" . fctern League Basketball -i 1921-22 IcSSHPRiZES UP ! i IN OPEN TOURNEY & . . J-fr nelfers TeeiOff In 72 Tvre" - i " Hele Spring Play at ' ' Chevy Chase FARRELL BEING WATCHED By SANDY MeNIBLICK Chevy Chase, M.. April 5. The lM1,l.plcl;c1cst mwmbly of professional .m talent ever Rnthercd for an open a( leurnnmcnt e near home nt this lime of yenr wiiuiijiru viiv " .' t the Columbia Country Clnb tlila s nine iiiHt llke It wns a mldsum- W ' t'g day down here. The action Is en "- ... ...- tnl te no n( fhp seventy- m , for tne i """ "" " - ! whole open spring tourney. The riMtn bnle en inn cnu 01 me in n , li lure is mane or rent ueugu te me v - - . . eir.nn f ""JSl... . meMf of them, have been ' idntffins In l'"1 Se",n- "V ?f ,h"n KdeMwII. They nee. the r cut In that ?ir.00 te innke the Inst Ic? of lie trip hemP- The permanent blush rnflfctcd uiiiler Southern suns won't ,-Ym nnythiiie nt the railroad station. font It's beIiib te be n battle is (' proved bv the scoring, also the class of these In the lend. When they teed off . Way tne sinniunK n ne mini me tell. li Hutehln-wn, 147; Brndy, 150; -.Walker, IflO; Hneen, 151: Ayten. 152; frnei, lea: sarnzen. iea; ..ruicK (".hank. 153; Hnmpten, 153: McDonald, rj33: Hackney, 155; O'Hara, 155; Fretlierlngnnm, .uci.cefi. iimwoea, J30; Ocorce Kerrigan, 157. j Canrse Seft In Spots Anything can happen In thirty-six ' . . fl.iH.lltlntlfl nfl film tf OAAKllll. I llftlCS. V'llvlllluit "tl " " t"'hl though the ceitrse Is n little soft In spots. Xlie nniienni open mm nem nrrr last vear. and the greens gave trouble ft that time. These who plnyed in that event nnd are here ngafn today scarcely recognize the putting surfaces ns the same. The greens arc new true ! an,i pretty. The pros nre vcroese in ' nraise. The fairways nre also In M. fine shape, even though Washington 7 lavs Claim te immiK iii MS BBVcri-M. winter In three years, une course nas been played en an nieng, ana only a different trap or two has changed it from the same course which staged the latt national. .... In a field which contains trio Amert ' tan, British, professional. North and ' Seuth nnd all ether kinds of cham pions, the shetting made the first day by young Johnny Farrell excited great comment. Farrell hab heard tell of Jim names' CO for the record last year , here, and went right after It. rtrfeti Gelf for flfl Though he needed nn extra chip te (ft en two greens going out und was bunkered at the seventh, he get a bird en the second nnd laid an iron from a bunker far away dead te the pin at the twelfth for another bird. The ether holes ware perfect golf for a 00. In the afternoon .he started badly, but s turned what looked like a 6 at the ninth into a 4 for a 40, figured the .breaks were with him willy-nilly, and If wound up with a 4 for a 34 back. I3ut he wae short all the way after bis drive and took a 5 for a in. Farrell Is one of our youngest nres , tilth his berth at Qunkcr Ridge, N. l. ties homebred and a wlm-bnng, though he's never wen a single title. In fact, the only tourney he's wen in his short career jvas the Oarden City event last year. "I've been teaching indoors all win ter," aaid Farrell before he teed off today, "but I- broke out th ether day raring te go. Went te Plnehurst, but 1 wasn't used te walking and my dogs fietted me se, after a round or two, that I picked up in the North and jnutn. i was Hitting 'em though and I knew when I turned iny shots loose ii a course liKe this I'd eat It up." Ha's one tidy biindle of confidence md it's take a geed mnn te head him elf. ewle Entries for Thursday ,. '"'"J.. rac?' .pur"B 1-nC 'or maiden two- u woeaiana ....113(d) Creeta .. I'lir, Panlsj 1U (0) Gee. Choea l.lliabeth Hrlce .m 1'ilth W. ..." !..iB!.cAde lir. (w Topanee , 1"?. ibf-0,n " Wramtle . . . . (.PIH .Elm ....IIS (a) Athanni ..113 ..US ..113 ..116 ..nn ..113 Hardin cntrj iai ununey entry, (c) Choe entry, (b) (a) Nevada Stock Farm viy. m?lS!.nn,,thi?-. '""'";. fl3-87. claiming-, for liai.V.: ::- wrnia urea im.'V .UJ fh'Ibnrk ... .', OTeenway..H'ii 'Tornnde .., iiI.i,h.tr5?B,,r '' '"Indwln .. ArcmiA ... 11.. -. .,.:. 113 .113 .107 .103 '. Third race, pu-e .tlSPJ 37. clalmlnr fnr ,.B'...,"'," l:i rt. Ciurrhlll IIS Iklhslnrlj. '' of Mtt ' Jefk Scot . . . ...113 Tiantula ; m ...lit Ht. Ju . "inn .107 'Satana "ins -ram Connelly ..le.i Timni7 ,, ...... ...U..IH iiui &' XSWP&tiM?1"-t0T :..:::::i:iSrSr .::::::::! sandy h nt) ..Monastery ill r4vr:::? gK"!i.vffl AnSk UVrru'rlSn?.?7, fr thrM-J"r- .101 Vffi Ill Mftene? ....'..'.'; 11 i.imM si :? neck ,::::ioe "livr08s ft. ,V1 ...JJ'rt Attorney Mulr' .103 t ! ' feur"jear'!ni,upur''? H-.&T. claiming furlerc! 5 r'cld8 nni1 u"" 1 mlla and i C. ..-. Arber-:::::?S:"v.. ..ion . .ies ..103 i TI KERNEL T : : nn.a ,., ..., , a . """ e "- mjuuv arum, tie & a Bear J 1 MtMrWr - r ' wWFiffiB nr ,...jujiuiri 3MEmAHEite, Millie . Wli great Christopher fffl PlMi ff-! J-soendeotcTI , -P" ,MR.BROm GttiJ bU t nW COLUMBUS!! SHE'S ! WHAT WAS E LKE AN A AVER'S , J - rLoeK PEACHY! SHE'S A M ., i I A PATTlH' HlS WK Wmmm " FELL 6j-EPHAtAT , ,ri,( .A ' -" mrn. nam- WiiSS ' . AS V T Mt . . .1! wwmk I ' -e -. . s ii i ism i i i i i i. ij-v71ip i a Tr t . ..VirT . Xm'rfV a PHILS AND ORIOLES WILL CLASH TODAY Kise's Crew Shows Strength Against Baltimore Left- Hander In First Tilt OGDEN MAY DO HURLING Special Dispatch te nventoe PubHe LtAecr Winsten Salem. N. C, April 4. One IMillly batting order proved its strength yesterday against the best pitching outside the major leagues. The ether is due today. Baltimore used Lefty Greves, Victer in twenty-five International League gnmes last year, te cewe the Phils yes terday. Eight right-hand hitters were en the list handed te the umpire by the Kaiser. Today there will be four left-nnnd hit ters, net counting the pitcher, en the Phils' roster, for Johnny Ogden, the Swnrthmerc prodigy, has been groomed for today's pnstlmlng. Johnny was the Baltimore ace last year, and Jehn heaven with his starboard tentncle. The right-hand' hitting line-up wen Its gnme with n four-run rally In the fourth. Outside of that round it drew nn unbroken set of blanks. But one round was enough, for Messrs. Meadows and Hubbell were spending the after noon illustrating that I.cesburg, Flor Fler ida, is geed for something else tlinn a llBhcrman's retreat. The left-hnnd hit hit ters, Beve Lcbcrvenux and Curt Wal ker, are in today's ranking, nnd much depends en the outcome. The Phlle nre unquestionably n tough assignment for a southpaw te mock, nnd right hand pitching is the only kind that has puzzled them this season. Meadows' feat in preventing the Birds from hitting the ball out of the lnflcld, in his three innings of mound duty, stands out as the lending fea ture of the day. Likewise, Hubbcll's hurling, while less suffocating thnil that of the man with the glass mask, was perhaps mere noteworthy because he had te pitch w(th the bases occupied, whereas Meadows was pitching prac tically always with the bases bare. It's an in the way you leek at it. Anyhow, the Phils have two pitchers that can stand the gnff of a hitting club like the bloodthirsty Birds. And they nlse have a shortstop who can get them in any direction. Fletcher handled nine grounders yesterday; he was out in the outfield taking the out fielders' return throws in fact, he was playing in 1013 form. Yeu didn't have te be a world cham pion fielder while Meadows was in the box. The first seven Birds died in quick succession, then Tarklnsen let McAvoy's grounder get away. Meadows passed the pitcher, then picked up the two leading lights en the Bird batting PHILA. AND NEW YORK ARRANGE SOCCER TILTS First of Twe Exhibition Games te Be Played Here Saturday On account of the New Yerk play ers demanding another tilt with the Phlladelphlans in an effort te prove that they are really a better team than the league leaders, the management of the home club has consented te a "home"- ana-'away" game. The first of these fames Is scheduled for Cahill 'Field next Saturday nnd the second will be stagtd in New Yerk en April 16. The mnners-np are going te make a determined attempt te held the Phillies nt Cahill Field, and are already banking en their own narrow pitch te offset the superiority of the Quakers in the "away" game. Fer the game nt Philadelphia the New Yorks will have the assistance of Percy llarny. who is new under sus pension. Hardy cannot take part in nny mero league games for his club, but the rule under which Hardy's punish ment was meted out will net prevent blm from playing in the exhibition. The standing of the league follews: AMERICAN1 60CCER LEAOUE STANDING OabIi Team Played W. Phlla..... 23 IB N. T. ... 2 18 Bkln (T.) 21 0 Pwt. (C.) 21 8 Harriien 81 7 V. Rlvr. 21 4 Hely'a(F) IB 1 Ii. Ter Ast. Pt, 4 B B B T 1 8 n e ur B 7 S 7 18 11 66 45 SI 43 3H IS 38 33 as 41 8B 40 Th real acerlnr reoerd la Hrlttaln tP. )..... 27 Sweeney (T.) Hemlnaaiey m.i.. jeiemlmr P A. Btark (N. T.).. MeKenna (T) .. .. D. Campbell (P.). McOutre (T.) Millar (C.) ...... Hardy (N. T.... Durnett IS. V.).. Tord (II.) , Dewnle (P. )!... Dusan (N. T.)... Merley (P.) ..... Andrewa (K. T.). Cerrlcan IF. n.). lAppln (C.) 14 McKaley (T.) .'! 13 1). nrewn (H.) .. 13 Hutler (F. .).... 11 Ferreet (P.) 0 Shaw (T.) ft Wlinen (II.) ..' ! n Wean (C.) ..... 8 I.JTCH (y. R.).. " B Mltohell (C.) ... ' 7 Weir F. H.).,." 7 Rooney (N. T.)... 7 Shepherd (C.) ... 6 Hlack (T.) .... Ratlcan (T.) ..... n T. Stark (X. r.Y. 0 WEE WILLIE ON EDGE Youthful Moteonl Meet "Juvenile" Kelly In Twe Exhibitions Wee Willie Moscenl, seven-year-old pocket billiard marvel, will appear in two 00-petnt exhibitions tonight. At 2 o'clock this afternoon Willie will cress cues with "Juvenile," Kelly, fifteen jears old and a star, at the Na tional Acndemy. The kids also will play at 8 o'clock this evening. A busy schedule Is being arranged for Moscenl, who has been competing with some of the leading pocket billiard experts In the country for the last six mouths. CAUGHT BKKKIKlBm&WkSKKKHKHtKKKRKKttKflr "SBBBBytBBBBBBaBSWlPJI BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBHkBBwJlb.s VBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr. BBE f vJBtf '.- BBBBBBBBJPj, . BBBk , BBBBBBeiBrBBBBWaBF LVx BBBBBBBBBBIrelBnBBr r.. , ' BBBBBBBV BBH v t r aBBBBJSBB ', MkfJT''. .tiBT Br BS BBBB'PVi-;-; i - BBBbY lM'if - ' BBWL. ' kM: JbTT.'" bF-BI BBBBBBBBBBBBBVr;y''fBBBBBBBBTf BBBBk'w ' - i' WfLW.iMBpTiliBP'ifBBTl 1 IsWrlltf I ; ' '' '"''. 's ':TKHIafJBBBBBBBBBBBLv '' 'J SStm BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM;'' ' - .TiSBEBBBBBBBBm ' iiBBPapiBB?fflBMia -, .BBTBBBJ BBBBBB1BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBkk' ' T BbhBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. MBiMiiaBBiL ' AiiwtiRflBBBBMfc BBBFr!. avBBH BBBBBPMBBBBBBBBBBk. ','''' -'''''' ' ' v:''BBBBBBBRPE&ii' SABEV"' ' ' BBBfliBBk'wBV bhB9BB9B99BBQBBBBBBBBBBBSbW BbbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbbBBBBBhBBBBBBBBBhBBBBBBBBBBBbbBBBBBBb The action picture shows, Marshall Pnvne, Red and Blue Inflelder, slltllns safely Inte third base, with C'anan, het -comer guardian for Urslnus. nmlilns n desperate effort te catch him. BUI Yadushy, the rangy right -hnnder, who held the visitors te four hits, Is shown winding up CARISS PRAISES RE E Victory Oyer Ursinus Impresses Penn Coach Yadusky Shows World of Stuff in Debut READY FOR ENGLISHMEN "When we get a little mere hitting I think you nre going te see one of the best University of Pennsylvania bnse bnll teams In many cnr." The above summarizes Conch Wnltcr Cnrlss' ideas en the 11)122 Bed nnd Blue nine. Yes tprJay the team made nn auspicious start by downing Urslnus .'! te i! in nn excellent first game. "The tenm's lidding leaves little te be desired," continued Cnrlss. "The pitching yesterday was excellent nnd the men used their heads te advantage. When we get used te curve-bnll pitch ing, little of which we have had, Penn Is going te win from the best cel leg e teams In the country. Yadusky, with out ever-exerting himself, displayed an assortment of sheets yesterday that proved he is a star hurlcr. "I think I shall continue the present Infield combinntlen of Whltchill. Sulli van, Geldblntt and Payne. The last named is an excellent het-corner player, while Celdblatt can be used any place In the lnflcld. The same holds true for Sullivan, who can cover second with as much grace as he docs-third." "The outfield leaves little te be desired. Meuradian is one of the most finished outfielders in college ranks. McMullcn and Mnhaffey, as a result of their year of substituting Inst season, nre ripe for regular berths. wncn tne last two named get their batting eyes set they will cause all sorts of comment." Yadusky's Brilliant Start The twirling of Bill Yadusky yester day was the outstanding feature of the game. The big iMsht-hnnder from Shen andeah held Mie ursinus te lour hits, one a double D AND BLUE NIN mble. Frem the fourth WWr&iJF X afe "&& one of he Cellegcvi IeKames. a. c na,,Bn-.w. r;e7 North Amerl- bed first base, ladusky taT," 'jr. YerU rillll .... .... , . , , M perfect control, only .trtetVnrMJft. Inning en net en celleglnns reached prlilliitpil nlmei-t one mnn reaching lirvt base en n frank. IIe fielded hi position perfectly, Detng credited with the assists, three of which were en hard bounders that looked like hits through the box. Al Meuradian. the former Central High Scheel lad nnd lending hitter last year, had two stinging singles in his first two-times nt bat. He lined out long flies en his last two trips. Geerge Sullivan had two bingles, while Mn haffey, Oeldblatt and Payne edged In with a blngle apiece. .... Elwood Cornog, who hurled for Swarthinere Inst season, and who de feated Penn, was en tne nm rer ur- sinus. Had his support been better, the score might have been different. Six . errors, Including muffs nnd wild throws, j were instrumental in Pcnn'ti scoring. . . ft ..,,,.. tnm will lw nlnverl Frlilav nfternoen en Franklin Field with the combined i Tnmnmw nfternoen llowilein. one of I ''.""- ."""". '"'"",. pii.y .anity uen- the best tennis from .ew r.ngianu, npw-, innticrity and ethers. Kdnnrd Warner. , 77. en tour, will meet Penn en Franklin ",,J,Zanell- "trSp,k . . .-l,!V, f-hlfn",0 W,''lefx trimmed n,. Field. 6n Hntli.daj; the Bed and Blue uFAk n"'s.?fnl l,mn "V hXF&L , ti aH0,"? meets Jeff Terenu's Dartmouth team Piens of the church i.eaKue. te decide the ' '"? tn""" fiaje.i. -in. iiiaiuM win n" .3 en Franklin Field. . I Sf- "Jf" R ? nl'X.TVh'iy-""' xf,?. . lVt.'M ul "" '" "- -mee - - ----- - -. - .i.jiii-.iuiniiung. IJHDft MCLV. ItlepNiln. At. 'ihe enenig game rer ine lacrosse nimr win he ih dr.. . r ;- ; ..?' nil... n.UJ, e, nD , .,...,.ll",".""",".'ll;"..m"..Il UAluni'VAluuiiufti; .! ra iuv i.vj of the second their invasion, offense and an according te the them against l.i Northwester Chlrace. April elected cantaln verHlty swimming team last night. Jehn Ilayferd was elected captain of the nntr basketball team. Ilelh men Iho In i;uns i;uns ten. Georgetown te Play Washington AYnahlnaten. April ft Georgetown Unl erslty'wril plsy the Washington Americans here en April 10, final arrangements having Just bean completed, aitneugn tne game been tentatively scheduled mere tha: month age. . ,... ( r ..M km . part. THO titlgllsnmcn, in '"f.."',''aD'e inducements wanting this at- "1B Innings against the M inhatt.nir.. 1.J.?.r ' .. . ". . .T ... . "w'- hate shown a brilliant $?$. ,-.' ,' "r" ni aiaef. ipse ins .out ,h. side ,,, ,h.. flh .-." R'U'K '.UW !L,VU" ,KJV!'.ftr. enually brilliant dCfenbe. . lrrnlne ll. C. ha. enen date, m, ri... Innc lmt(ln .i,, '?,.'' '?' m.n er a. iienK MII1.ASKV in. rnisni i'i-;ii. Venn plnjcrs, who saw iRA-nrvt'?1"l nem'' tennis. A. C. ilagnew. ' run. ,u"e" IO ""X-rc K. O. lNO. ( IIANKV is, jimmy KXnun i ?h,Klu The tYnnl A. ('..' of rb...r Ph.l,U- , ...,... . n Elects Captains iV&yVny&V.' ISK. S'JSi K. S !i 'V-m. && l . T W- frinle ffll! SUSftr. !"a"1 " ' , &? 'J i'STttW. M ' 1 II L' Championship Will AT PENN'S OPENING GAME Australifln Team May Net Compete in Davis Cup Play Melbourne, April C. Gerald L. Patterson nnd James O. Andersen, Australian tennis stars, wlil net go te the United Stntes te compete in the Davis Cup matches next Sep tember. The Australasian Tennis Council is new considering whether It will send nny team te America In view of the decision of Australia's best players net te go. . 150 IN SWIM TOURNEY Seventeen Schools Represented In Illinois A. C. Meet ClUcage. April 5. With n field of mere than 150 swimmers of seventeen schools, the preliminaries of the third annual lnterschelnstic 'meet were held last night nt the Illinois Athletic Club. The sunimnrles follew: Relay Hydn Park. Chlcaue, nret; CuUer. second; Detroit, third. Time, l.L'L. 40-yard fne Mile First heat. V. Wool Weel ford. Culver, 21n: sreend heat, J. rt. Rowley. Culver in.4: third heat, nawllnrx. flantl flantl ece. 20.3: te-jrth heat, Ed Flannlian, De troit. 1U.4I. 10-yard breast atreke First heat. llano llane wltz. Harrison, 1:1B: second. Forquer. Cul jcr .1:1.0:2: third. Lmnkley. Snn Hlh, 1:18: J?.Vth .heat McClellan. 1:10:4: Hflh heat. Wlhr, Lane. 1:1(1:1. Fancy dive P. Woolford. Cutter, -wen: Town, Cleveland, second, and Matesen. Cleveland, third. Plunge rer distance Abrems. Cleveland, flm: Merln, Culver, second. Distance. 22 (t. 2 In. lOOeard hack stroke First heat. McOllll very. Senn Hlnh, 18:1 j second heat. Rosen thal. I.aiie, 1:22: third, Schwartz, Culver. 100-yard mvlm First heat. Cowler. Cni. ver, wen, O't.3; seceird. Ward. Hvd Pari ,;0:I: third. Hewell. IIdc l'arki 03.3; fourth.' ........ ...... v.u... .,, I Amatmir Snnrte pif vavWd,err'f Tn'i second- ""' mie ei n uermantewn Church I '?. F) " Siim." wl" be .iv'a in the I r's hal!. First ConBreuatlenal Church. SEE', hr fi'rs't'cn'ireaffirrH" Ml? ' Seymour street west of Qrcene. tonight. The C-. P. C. Heseres will play the Summit P"byte.rln In. thn preliminary Tme. " ri iiiH..r' V,?. l."n. Fa.mS- . .. 1..V. .V. Z , Vi i 7, " "ra'-'ass team en the fleM this siMspn. Games w 111 be '" piav tiiiin or Saturday bail. c fllftl rm.PI.1.1 u.Vdnt .'..Ml., The I'arndlse Field flub still has a few smcer ilales open, for any uoed traellnir e luhs. I'rank P. Mlt. 3H3 North Tcnt nlnth street. Br phejie Columbia 1830. Tim I lfteenth V'ard A. A. Is anxious te schedule games with rtrst-lass home nines havlnit Brounds and offering suitable In ducements. Geerge Aerer, 713 North Tent-fuurth street. The We stern F. O. would like tn book "i'; with out-of-town teams averaging In age from fourteen tu seventeen years, offer ing geed guarantees. II. S. Lelbewltz. B114 Chestnut street. Merrill Mldgeta would like te schedule games with thlrteen-flfteen-j ear-old teams r.""'5 ".."a,ve,,,.ur JU"VD'?. miucements. ..,...... teuui,, inii .i, ..airena street. Phene Dlamend'4751 w." Thft flullv A r' !.... ....... out traveling t;m, would like te book gnmes 5 !!' "-,'Vf,i La'?HlJ.te '"..r out of the tv.. ..,--, iiuiiiic. .it. 'ii limn irrMi -i thi me (ilfinnera I'rorrKnleimln will irnvni s i ear. It would Ul.e te hear from flhst- games. " T?.f? ' : ; !?" reorganized for the fast semi ine MitTelk A. ('. ueuiii i Hi., m .-.,,... !.'m-JJvi,V1 nln" J.l'V "' hm or aa" " '....Knuii, r.iHiiiiein sireet anil Jladl viv,fi;. sasuv i . t eci ns in iiiren i i ' C" ?.?;".". "i". """ 'ii numn learns na- uce nei.t alone n br linn, ....."". . Kill 11 1 "". nilJVIIMl . II inil I k !r.VlLn.?.uJ.n' ls 'leIu'iwef. booking game, demoted te I deUrmln. ' Vh. ,.,; !.??"' I un airiiiir. in iHiifiinmin i nniiinn .1 i TvllEte "f'r" ."' ,he l""-''an Amateur ierdavT when he b ke.i the "" n",?n 'XI iwlllght League, Is anxious te lnuir fm m, h.Hnr, ,.,, ,,i'"" .;'.'.. '""'r.n As S$&XKn&ti: " one hit in iheJmM,, '" rencn struct. .i ,. . nrAifa-i s""Jn' -',ft J ffS -ny M, sIss.ppT W&. VT-V h'e'U.S'r'i" ,G.f had ChMtnut Hill nr Mntitit iin. "".....-..... .. y. v nu ui ma jiruns turnlmt the I leriiiiiiinn. Vi mmm.u i i iflMstMif- fasasjsjsjsjfjjjjM t - I ... - . X.. ....V.ii.l.iiiW'.i. nt'Cn. ...".., i ",..lf I " ' .". . v t TO DECIDE EASTERN BASKETBALL TITLE Trenten and New Yerk Play Deciding Contest in Cam den Tonight POTTERS ARE FAVORITES Trenten JJnnn ferwanl. . . JY!? ferwnril , ., Meehnn renter. . . . JJarlenr Kimr,i Teme Ktiiinl. Referee Herman Ilaetzel. ute halvea. New Tork . . . A I.rnnnrd . . . Ilrfkman HflBKirty Ilnlman Irhnrrt Time 10-mln The Trenten and New Yerk basket ball teams clash tonight at the Third Ilcgnnenf Armery. Hmldnn nvenue and Mickle btreet, Camden, in the third nnd deciding game for the 1021-22 cham pionship of the Uastern League. The Petters came through with the honors in the initial half and the Celtics captured first place in the final series. Twe games j,nve Dp(, stnBcd in the plav-eff nnd ench hns wen one. Trenten wns benten en the home court en Frldnv and then furnished the season's surprise en Snturdav bv de feating the New Yorkers, the only time thU season, in Getham. 'J lie I'eftcrs nre favored te win te night's tilt, but they will hae te be "t their best te gain tlie decision ff "imtcii" uclincrt is in condition te ; start the fray. Tem Barrv him heen I!'."0'1 J.litfiflR f(.T JMinert. who hns been f i " -me records show he is the leading I scorer 'or either tern., in l. t r-ir'-iJ11 ?xh, hwrt j w ,." ' v "" "'' i"i u.'niii Since Trenten has been In -.. r-.. it i ".'" "1? J1BH b ' the East t .,".. ,l ,ms no" two Pennant-S, ,n the firHt season of the. league lDOfl-IOthe ln.t . r.' ,r. , inc nnd rlefenrn.l ls ,n. i. in, , VV ,.,.' ,, """i in liui-u, i I he Petters were in n tr Hie Ce .in. - nd Camden In lma-w, but -Insner wen. TheM- were all in seasons of forty gnmes ami in cogitated nlin - "ffs en account of iie. p,nj College Baseball YESTERDAY'S RESt'l.T.S X. W U.. 7i nondeln. 4. J '"P-..3' .CrslntiN. .'. Inilngs"! LnlTrrs"- 2' nrtmenth. l (u OA3IKS Tnnw lh,fh, . Fordham. renlhnm rieU JL"n32."?. ?i'luinhl. Semh F ',iV Baseball Filmed in Camps and Elsewhere Mrnj!'.nlg.'f ?''" . defeating The New Ve,".! nuns. una. iiitia m in . i-,. - n . SliI rienten, pitcher obtains! from the l-nhersltv of Arkansas, has ,, him., if n berth with the Car.Hnnli. as a re"ii of I. vSSi? i"ljr.T- "tj;ens. lletmke?: nlSS.!..!!"' Army "'kt ''"'nt. N. Y. i"f?emh V-NnT AiihniHill. Ml. I Ington" vuiueiic i,nutTslt. Wash- lirtuiklrn mrn 1 iiDn f..n. .. . . nuns. nn. nm( m (ne sonre of c. t i I n. .Tit t- nnvnin -.... maLM, . . ..wfc,,,. . fe.i,as& ...aitcv...ftY j; Be Decided Tonight "Eleven Games en Penn Soccer Schedule for '22 The soccer schedule for the Uni versity of Pennsylvnnln eleven con tains eleven games for next fall. The season opens en September HO nnd will conclude en December 10. The University of Terente will come te Franklin Field en Saturday, Octo ber 7. Beth branches of the service, West Point and Annapolis, are listed for' games. The schedule follews: September .'10 Chcsccnts, of Brooklyn, home. October 7 University of Terente, home. October 14 Stntcn Island F. C, away. October 21 Mentclalr A. C, awny. October 2S Ynle at New Haven. November i Army at West Point. November 11 llnverferd nt Hav Hav crferd. November 18 Cernell at Ithaca. December 2 Harvard, at home. December II Princeton, at home. December 16 Nnvy nt Annapolis. TORONTO SOCCER TEAM TO MEET PENN ELEVEN Canadian Collegians One of Eleven Teams Scheduled by Red and Blue Tim University of Terente, one of the best soccer colleges in Canndn, will make it Philadelphia Invasion next fall, meet ing the University of Pennsylvania eleven en Franklin Field October 7. This Is the first game ever scheduled with the Dominion collegians. Eleven games in all nre listed en the schedule, five of which nre league games with Harvard, Yale. Princeton, llnver llnver eord and Cernell. Beth brnnches of the service, the Army nnd Nnvy, will be met in the course of the seusen. Prespeits for unether chnniplenshlp team next seaen arc unusually bright. with a wealth of material fiiun the tlrst jenr team of the Inst nasen nnd nj number of vetcrnns. Tin- varsity dlirlng ! the 1021 season was composed virtually 1 entirely of green men, who after tliplr year's experience should, with the freshmen, give Penn an excellent com binatlen. ROBERTSON IS UNDECIDED ON PENN FOUR-MILE TEAM Uncertain as te Whether He Will i Start Head fer McLane ' Oxford, Eng., April 5. I.awsen Ilobcrtsen Is undecided ns te the make L of tIle rnlvcrsity of Pennsylvania four-mile relay tenm In the rnce against Oxford nnd Cambridge at the Queen's Club en Saturday. Den Head, who suffered frern bleed poisoning en the trip across, is fit te compete, but the Penn trainer nt the last minute may decide te start Mc Lane. The Oxford nnd Cnmbrldge relny teams have been announced. Oxford will be composed of W. H. Millignn, O. M. Bruxner, O. M. Weeklcy nud K. P. Hewetson. The members of the Cambridge team will be II. D. Stullnrd, W. (5. Tathani, W. It. Scagrec and U. 1. Mountain. The cint new has developed Inte n triangular alTalr. which Increases tin chances of a Penn vlcteiy materially . (t. deerge, worlds record liejik-r en former tracks, who has been ob serving the Bed and Blue runners work out, has ventured the opinion that they will come close te setting a world's record for the four-mile event. San Matee Pole Winner . "'. Mnte. (llf.. April 5 -San Matee wen tne nrHt reunu or the sen or cup poe handl- n frnm ni stnnte. s m a h. ...t.VI,,. f-up "finni'i 't,TA Ttlti ei"Pr l" "he xSttenai iN,torAs"!3rTien,,lii,1. ' u" haJ Uc htld "" be1-""- of a diapui. l L Madenna te Play Aquinas The Madenna bsk'tball team ulll tv ml up a ' Mt successful season tnnmrrew nlKhi bv pfa.InK Aquinas at th luttr's hall, at lllshtrentli ami Merris streets. Manager I Lembardl will us his regular line-up of "Huck" Henratty and Necltra. forwards. I Itepette. center and "Ness" Henratt Iirune, Cesta and Mllnne guards. " Ty Cobb Twists His Ankle I Amrrlrea. (In.. April ."!. Tr Cobb twisted his rleht ankle slldlrg Inte third base jes terdaj In a gainu between Rochester and Detroit. He had te he carried from ihd riild and he probably will b out of the Rams for several daj. The score was 10 te 3 In faer of Ditrelt . Billiards & Pocket Billiards SO TAIII.Fs. .-,(,. ITU lliH'B National Billiard Academy 6 N. 13th St., Alte 1305 Market EXHIBITIONS TODAY. 2 P. M.. H P. M. Juvenile Experts M. M0SC0NY vs. J. KELLY. 25c Nlw North Side Country Club Just formed Ocautiiul, sporty elKhteen elKhteen hele Kelf course. Will be re.idv I0i3 Can accept 35 mero uppllcntlens rer original memberslil). Wrlte for in-formation. iLH LF LVJ .JaLaL MACK NINES MEET EACH OTHER TODAY Athletics te Play Moline Team, Managed by Earl Mack McGOWAN SHOWS WELL Chattanooga, Tenn., April 5. j Father nnd son will pit their skill against, cneh ether when Cennie Mnck's I Athletics play the Moline Club' this , i afternoon, the latter managed by Uarl Mnck, sefi' of the famous manager of the Philadelphia nine. . In yesterday's game ngnlnst t'hattn- i I lioegn the Athletics, with a shifted , line-up. displayed excellent form. i ney (lerenteu ine neuinerners ny tne one -sided score of 7 te 1. The out- ! standing feature of that game wns the batting of Frank McGowan, nnd he leeks certain te land n position en the ! team. Out of five trips te the plnte he itneeueti nut n triple nnd two singles. In the field he wns offered one chance, nnd this he accepted fnultlesslv. Belllft Naylor, who pitched five In nings, gave n splendid performance, allowing but two lilts during his stny en the mound. Nnler Is new de clared te be In perfect shnpe. Ills speed wns baffling te the Chnttnnoo Chnttnneo Chnttnnoe gnns, and he has worked hard for the team. He seems te be the logical hurler te open the season ngnlnst Bos Bes Bos eon. SUITS TO ORDER $ IS .00 Reduced from $35 & $30 Blues. Blacks. Browns, Pencil Stripes, Tweeds, Made Te Your Order See Our 15 Windows Largest Display of Tai loring in Philadelphia PeterMoran&Ce. Merchant Tailors S. E. Cor. 9th & Arch Sts. Open Men. & Sat. Eves. Till 9 P. M. Many men don't wear any A. R.UndCrdOWn'S SODS 202-204 Market S.t Phila. I The Talk e' We guarantee te keep your Auburn car in mechanical repairs for one year from date of de livery at a cost of $25. This is less than 50 cents a week. Only Auburn quality permits of such a concrete and sweeping guarantee. ABIfCM Pierpoint Moter Ce. 641 N. Bread St. I'neee, Poplar MM in Cami m '1!... 1T1J. - lt. (s iiciv tr in hi s iicLii u fui Mile en Reller Skat t'lilrnge, Apt II n. Itelmtd Cleft profei.sioiinl roller skntcr, In t opening of I lie cliatuplenslilp racts here Inst nlitht wen the enc-mlltf rnce in '-'in. 42"., cMiibllshlng a new'. world's record. The former record et 2:l2:i-r wns made by Clarcncs, Hamilton, of CMcnge, In 1IX)S. h W Predien SIM West l07tM' Ice palacE 41TII AM) M KKKT HTRKETH ' Trust slid we could net run We will rma nAV IKir THURSDAY DVA.llVjApril 6 b.J50c,'l,'1.50 .inllSNV (I ItnnmU fit (l!:flU SHEARAN vs. TULLEY III 1)IV 0 Rounds IIKNNY FITZGERALD vs. BERRISH SAMMY H Round JIMMY NABLE MEND0 r:ltl, S Rounds JIMMY FRANCE ... MURPHY TOMMY 8 Round IltANK LOUGHRANv..CARBONE Tlrkrl nt Ire Tulare: 1 133 H. I'enn HiJ.l ( rillliliillH, -el S. Iltln l.neust tlsn: Ce., VXn . fl'.'il -t.i linlff.. ,vn,l Murketi reHrllnii Cure, HI S. IOMi: The Hub. tS N. I III lit -cmlnul flmir Nturv, 4001 l.niciiBirr e. Walk Just fw steps Market .SIrtet and sae I Sports Medels aplenty and all ether desired k n'ls Come in anil leek nreund resiPARi: OUH VALLK.S see the suits in our windows and coiilnce jour jeur eif that no eilifr store In town .in i it x.tiues Hub Fteres of Standard Merchan dise and Standard Quality. H 25-27 NO. 13TH ST. Open Kicnlnts Stere Order. Arreptcd Fis....."slJ.J...,..TrT. Caster Suits fi &Topcoats i - JHwBlsT '. XsSm .A&. f' steps off 'A y f' ,! M 4SB Market .SIrtet 1 :1X J ami sase I J , M TReQ& ef'ier I. ml f Mi r lint th .sP wit'i the t'eft hit. i.ji.r atimhfd l.ithci that or pi. In wh t. -h itn with det.i. lied soft collate Tin . WHITE SILKO $.50 OXFORD SHIRTS ench Cellar Attached or 3 for $7.00 Thee. uil. Vft.,,1, D... SO'OO '"' "" "Ci.n Uilliu -r jr The VECK COLLAR r r, intef d i it r w i'ik i . ti'f at i i . DU rn u j 1.U wilt W it i the Town" Cunningham Moter Ce. 3325 Chestnut St I'bene, Sarins SS00 1. ...&, .-" -, J WW? -i5iSA.t L '.Jl?23 Kfiitt"ia.v!sA Tll' .tt-, "L- ?M t n ' Ml M m l"JO li-.T.'i