mm rs WhSlm .,-. KRHjv! pswjw?! -$ E MASTER OF MAN :-: By Sir Hall Caine An Outspoken and Moving Study of a Deep Sex Problem by the Noted Auther of 'The "IVianxi"a -v v.igt.t me iicmai vujf i uc vYuiuau inuu vjavesr. ivie, eac. il.... sunn irnw Tf(f l( -s milit Vttri ml ter xcrcn years as the lady "ill net sure her re feirarrf & or. MmiKhlk., Hessic attriwts m I'Kxxrejiri; ld,ttml Mick (hll. son' of. the 7ir Manx Parliament, from r "ZnAe lifer fflfc'M rnc eianie- ey wlftiff i" " V": .V,""f 1 .....j: --5 (l.LUf iir Jaiix Parliament, from r"" 'j, r,yer raA.M ( mr-- ,.,,. fll, '"!? J:,, nntsidc school bounds, and themr. dtll Ml0'" a!,d ?T" ". The 'in ' aiimwce row P'SEL n. wbM and shipped home &'a9',Z ' ifni c-rci'f "" ambition and t.tluilri ft 'if" "' '"c V"1'. '; Ivli ' Wi'", "". Oraduahnii fr C,., irhnc she Imbibes advan he is a tenant ice boys, dawdle docs eni . .!. iiiihiriDO nff frniifrn iMieii w "i"'1'' ",'".":..:"... nU A cSHk 4 SKmw,''"!" at Isle of Man. .4.VJ .'W '' COM'lXl M CHAPTER VIII I The Call of Hwsle CellNter j It WAS tli tifl Sntiinlny In August. n,cn tii" tlirebblwnjtd lliunglng of j .i...t mac-lilnrry of Hie mIIIh and fat- I rlM f tl(! f'"B,,, '",'",trial rel,n- I .!.. come te it temporary top. nnil for , "- tump finvil ni irn?l. tens of tlieiunnilit f Its sprverd, mule. nnil female, pour Inte the Island for liealtli and holiday. Slewell and Hell had never vt seen I lie!ns of the liberated one', n with no ether llieiigiit. and little t h I n k I n g what finrce gnine fate wns playing with them, the y had remc into Douglas , that day. In ttat- haIu niifl ca f n W ' ham. caini: , . ,;,. Iplrits and with high step", te leek en ' l fislits nnd scene. It wan late afternoon, and they made rst for In' put. uliere a crown ei .i t.n.i niip.nilv nieembled te wll- jMthe arrival of nil ineeinlng Meainer Slip ? deniely rrewded. Kvery Incn f lirr ilecK -ei-med te be packed with jsienger. ililetlj jnunij Kirls, as the jliun; men thought, miiuc of them haild 'mine" nianv of thr-iu pretty, nil of them wmelv. With xpnrkllng and jinghinif mouths they slveuted their al al WitieiN te their friends en the pier. nhile thev untied the handkerchiefs Well tliey Imd hound about their head te lerp down their hair in the breeze en the sea. and pinned en their hats Mere landing. The eune men found the seenp de Hfhtful. A little crude perhaps a little ffimmnn. cen a little coarse, but still (Mfglitful. . Tien i her wa ked a one the nreme- tiale. nnrl tlint. tee. wbk crowded. Frem tiie water b cuge te tne reunu nuiieps t the bnek of the town, every thnr- i few minutes the brend rune 'of the, bay' from headland te headland was spar- I kllng nnd blazing under 10,000 lights. It was new the beginning of night in i the, little gay town. The young men! could hear the creak of the Iren turn-1 Mile te one of the dancing halls near nt hand, and the shuffling of the feet 'of I the multitudes who were passing through it, and then, n few minutes later, the muffled music of the erches-1 tra nnd the deadened drumming of the dancing within. That was morn than they could bear, In their present state of excitement, j without taking part In the scene of it, hii wll bin live minutes mere they were pnsslnc thrnueh the tuniMllc them. selves and hurrying down n tunnel of trees, lit tip by colored lamps, te the open deer of the dancing bull dent) in n dark garden which cemed te sleep in shadow en either side of them. The van place, decorated In geld and domed with gla.i. was crowded, but going up 'nte the gallery the young men secured seats by tin front vail ami were iilile te leek down. What a spectacle! Never before, they thought, though they had traveled round (lie world. Imd they .seen anything te cnnipnie with it. Te the clash of the brass InstrumtntH and the boom of the big drums, ,"(()0 .vetinp men and .eung women were linticing en the fleer below. Most of the men were flannels and colored waist It Mans Law Toe Hard for the Weman in the Case ? Is Con Cen science Enough Punishment for Him, While She Pais the Legal Penalty? In This Frank and Gripping Story the Man, as Judge, Sits in Sentence en the Girl Tried for Their Sin. DEATH wx! Cm. rrlenda cull Wed. nlnit, 8 te 10. hnimtAM. April 2, KMMA. F.. wtf of Theodere I', llfrtrim. Ilelallven and frlnd Invited te attend funeml fprvlcs, Tliurn.. 1! P. St., residence. 619 W. Montgomery ave. Int.- private. Iir.OM. suddenly. April 3. MAX, huebnd nf Dera tllum. aeed 4T, nelatlves and .Mends. Equity TjedKe, Ne. r.Bl, K, anfl A. I M.: I'hlla. Idae. Ne. 2. H. P. O. K.i Uar- bnreia t.edae. N2. iS:w 11. tf I'., nre ? Jlled te funeral sericcs. Thurn., 10.30 A. M, precldely, at his late resilience, 1320 Warner ave., Legan, Int. Adath Jesnurun C'em. .. Ill-Hrir.On Aer I 2. 1B22. the liev. al going, and a big wash coming en next week, tee." . eu. iiiqi gem , j nni s ncn I etJSTUS It'HOIt. husbin of Minn llurh thought U Wills myself that wa keeping I Kelatlvei ana friends are invited te the eon nuATrtw , M at 1723 Federal at. C'em. Remains may be Ices. Thurn.. 'J V Int. Ml. Merlnli vIawaA Wrl. five. JACKSON -April 3, f'f.YDE I , husband of M. tletts JaHCSun ISelntlvrs and trlends invitm te nitene runerai servics ORATOR reti).' Ilelalives.Jrnd friend; are Inylted te attend funeral. Thurs., 7:30 A. !.. resi dence 010 B. Pambrey nt. flelemn mass nf re'iulem m. Antheny's Cntirch O A. M. Int. Hnly Cress Cem. .,,,. . HMITII. April . i"-- i'aui iv,. non ei m'i&msd i". m tVHKKK MR. HAW JONM Think of llvln In cernl cava dasrtD tne eea ia live mnes ucipi i;i ceurs,. heard about Pavy, the Kin of Mia ' mm (leplhfl, nnd mrmntds hih) the Vyng thHM . man. "uewn in me veuv r-n- it a ream-re nu u wni ie rpau ir inf iiuBiins mcueif of next f'litiiinv'ii I' i.wimjkh. i2"jf.i "VlalWA II "VVi.,. -w a IS 1.' -PM IlnHMell Dllll I I1S III If . I Hill "W fl 1111 I II HI II tlt.11 II.. A .1.. -.Hill ' T imirs.. 2.P.iMpre( nt the IJavld II , iVm I.e.. eflhe ate Anna Cnple. aced 24. I ,,"m" "ul' - l&fA rirnuyier uiiu.rBl i.rean ana umnrenu bis ' -uni,rB arvles Thur t P. M., (it M , '.. uniiu ui ........, .." ,,,cl, ,.,.n..,j-n ,- .. nhewe, r. .1. ioedt nerarn linn uiri ,' and friends, and all societies of which he '"'.utt n . Anrlt 1 MISS O ADCI.AIIir: '" .' Thurs.. S:3D A. M. from his late rea'dencei I "n r'fu'na " aVrvlresl tt .5 l" M it' V 'Vi 2221 H. rto-wweod st. Solemn hlirli mass of , W.'VJ.iBSm f hJr niece .Mrs M. . Hle.r. ' f T VM re.iulem at HI. Menica's Church 10 A. M. lVx&U. 'l Int. tenVni - jM m Btewell and Oell in the glen, and it al ine farm going. iJeugmn, you say? ell, well! I wonder nt you, en inuraging your girl te go te Mich places, and you a bound' Primitive, Tell her te nut. a rub en m.v boete. ma'am." "I'll de it mjKOlf. Dan." said Mrs. I CellNter. "It's little enough time the I girl will bare te catch the train, and i her fixing en Iter new hat, tee." "New hat. eh?" "Aw, yes, man. the one ihe bought nt Cerkill'a yesterday." "What n woman! And you telling nit;, when you get Ave goeklcn ; sovereigns out of me en Monday tlint tere.1 Bvervthln. llinmln down In sue. wan for wearing it ni tne mil by her excitement she told her mother what ' anniversary. I wonder .you are net had happened, and her mother, In ,m ' "'T1 -,i iV moment of tenderness, told Dan, and Dan his 'But it was only the girl's hnlf JnM AtfWAai JM1 lltlHAte Ih k.AuLl. d , In the impurity or ins heart, ttrew -"V, ,",",,",. """," ' " ,V","r own conclusions. "l 's 'I re' x,w" " "'ways saying se 'It'a the 8DBkers son again," he at the Cress anyway. . making a noise in his nostrils. , ' W tongue, woman, ami don't 'he young men had camped out there mi King uiai e ihi cow any mere its In .. tlnuuln n.i.l ll .ni,n't Hr.V, I lell tlieC. k'Mt.l.r. April . SAIlAIf Hauahter nf 1.- n.A fl,,A attil t.tilvaf U"ll, ll&l.lll.. .'-iniivp ana ir;ennn ure mv.ivu i t" .' . , iiif iw y.. ,,-. ., ,r,,, .n,, ...... i-e, en Thursday aftoriieon, at 2 e rlqcu, ai i ami friends are muted te attend funeral the, reshlence of hl dauishlcr. 34112 N. 17th st. Interment private, nt Hillside Cemetery. Friend may call W'dneedy evening-, tir4i mi A.ia ft tirf TjSt aniv ui,ii,i,u,Arr n. iii.i.."' '"- IY rlaiivhlAM HhI.mIh .f. and Prances I'titler. lt'lutlvcs and frlenda Invited te fu nral, Thurs., 8!30 A. M,, parents' reshlenie, J003 N, 12th at. HflTenin requiem, mass at St. Malacnv's Church 10 A. M. Int. Hely Sepulchre Lm. . . . C'ALIOHA.V. April 3. PBTKtt, husband rf JntiA nelatlves nnrl friends, also Division 4. A. O. II.. end uther secle-, '' u"n ei wnicn ne was h. niiiiui-i. ih.iw. Frl.. 8:80 A M from lier late residence, 3124 Cedar at. Solemn requiem mass at Church of lh Nativity 10 A. M. Int. Hely Sepulchre C'm. KKNNBHY April 3 ANN1K. widow of William J. Kenrtjlv Funeral Frl,, 2 P. M.. residence,' 2"i1 W Ilulilratn st Int. Oakland "em. Ilettialtis ineil Thurs., after 7 P M. KHIINS. April 2 flKOROB W , hlisbar.d of the late t'ecelln Kerns. flelathea and frleiide, alto nenrai u n lvirney rejt, .no. w. a. ii i ivrninKien i.eua. e. n ,I'i;?.L;ri.- -'in April .i. n... iiiw.ujin, non of lain Mary Ann and Themas Spen'e. llelatlves and friends imlled te funeral, en Friday, at 2 P M a: late residence, 10211 K Atlentlc st In' Helvue (Vm KP.KNUt.nrt. April 3. 1H2.'. FIlKIi, hus. band of Kdlth Sp'nir'.er, ased at. lteiatn-s ind friends, also emplejea of YarnnU'Warlna Ce me Invited te attend funiral perlces, at his lute resldnce, Southampton ae , Wtndmoer, Ta , Thurs, 2 P. it Int ly Hill f'etn. TAYUlll K'nti-ted Inte rest nt his home (Iri slene. High ItrldKe, X. ,.. Tere , April 4 11122. KNCI.V TAYIOIt. ll0Ned hurand of .1 M. Tnller and eon or Hit" win said V .n.nLi,l the first time the ulrl bad sene iin te 't was at this moment that Bessie. jneln catnc downstairs, and Dan. who was en "(Joedness sakes. man veen. bow de the three-legged steel 'before the lire. thou knew that? And what's the harm !".akimf, w,'.v, faT.? "H. 1' lr,aBBcd off done anyway?" said Mrs. Celllster. lih mill hoofs with a bootjack, fell en "Walt and see what's the harm. 1P1" "l "rst with hU favorite weapon. Mfnt'vec nnil mnMt nf the irlrls nern In fmai f.lrla la Tint te Irnal irhpn n Irony, , "Aw, the smart you are In your new Thuia.. I hat, girl smart trcmenjeus!" Yerk st. . w nt . Inllr1 In rtirifful ervlcen. wed.. ".'". .'.,' .. -i .,., a,i......i ...... riiiierai, Thuis.. H A. M.. late resieenrc, y. ;, ,, M prec ,Piv, a; lute residence. 3B44 i '"""""'A' '"' Hervhe. t- the hefermnd Merlen i ave. Solemn re'iulem mass Church of Marvlne at. Int private. I J '..r ., "" rJ'M , ?"nmt. Friday. Ap?lT 7, Our Mether of. Sorrows U A. M. Int. St.; kHRHHAW -April t, AQL'IM.A husband I ", ."."'.J' .7 ,IU" ' " ' ,r,u'"' Ar" " L""3!".'('!m, . .--. of Heph'e Krralmw. Helatlves nnd fi lnd, ,l U'nVtr ivvmV April 3. Mil. I.Ann F I'UaciKTT. April 2. rATHKIlJNK A. n,n Heed Ledxe. Ne 7. O S. of St .rf7, IvsiiV of Klliabeth. N J hk" flil dattght,r of late Jehn and Mary Cllxxctt. (toerite, K. I. are Invited te (ittend ."Vi v.. an 'l frlen s lire lnitrd t" r.ilrnd l(.latlvt.s nnd frl-nds Invited te. funeMl. f,lnfrnl services. Thur- MP M . reslden -. I'-'jJ'VV "r vices Wd 8 P M.. a 2"? Thurs.. N 30 A. M from reMdence of her 2Tt) x, IMIrhlll at llmalns ilawe.1 Wed .'.""h',,,! t I'llVabeth N .1 . also fiinaial brother. Jtedger K. I'llBsett. ."J1S K Thomp; j;, ,nt. prlvat- 1 I ,JPc',1?i', .$.;; ,'.. ati '" in Somerlen it A spii at .-elemn requiem niasa in rhurch of ( Kt.ANO.-April 3 JOHN, beloved husband''r S, ? winiani I'enn Cem.? Soinerten Nativity le AM. Int. New Cathidral inj. ,)f HRy jih Klam Itelatlv-a und fi lends 'hufc'1 "" "uam t enn urn., omenen, reFI'KV April 8 I!i22, KI.UAHI-.TII , invt.d 10 funeral Thurs.. 0:30 A. M . from I'vnrHHIl.t. Fourth Menth 3d IUII $d9 ,iK aV; n,vii",e;,d "qSKS! I , Kr &. V. y? rulVrn ; g ji wV tlje fii g, rnimltm inn.a Phar ' I 'htlirh If. A Al. ' lefintien ,.ti e U'lf tflr T l,.i-. flntlltntr MT. jnmei .1C nnRUgfn) , -Hi u-vi !... .. ttdfillin I1 L'l.lnhl unit . til if 4i1lla .1. and the lain William II Knlsht, uf Ash- ' l.eurne, i'H nMam an innis ure in vlted te furieml Wed 2 P. M.. from his mother's reslden, e 11217 N. l.amben si. Int private. ' I.AK.tRIt Ap- 1 3 PALM. I.AKJEIl ax-il Hll. Itelatlvea and fnnd nnd sue letlee of wh ch lie is i'. in-murr inlt'd le nilend ru- i.erel. Thurs. J P M )rsly, at 1118 tnl. Cfltllilral ln, COHNHV. tiid,lnlv. Anill 4. ut Ihe Me- enlc Heme, WILLIAM P. COIINKY. uued 7. lt"liitU,n and filends. alie William li. Hihrn-lder IjiIbh, Ne. Illl, F. and A. it . and HeveiaRe l)lHiHnsers' Lecal Ne. 113, me 111 lted tu funeral eivlcee Frl . 2 P it . at the chapel ut Andrew J. Hair Sen. Arch and ltllli Mi.. Int. Mt. Ipacp iVln. fROi'KKTT. Apill 2, 11)22. HAML'KL. I iio,ennu ur Aijncs iretkeu miauv-a 1 . , ,, fhelten HlllB iii.Miua iiiviieu 10 atiena iunri n-rvj, m., . , t.,.tti.. .,,, , ni'tTivii i..,.k.n4r r M. late tealileniii, 2u.1l w. ,..'.":.. ,.-.,. ..,i n i.i..,.!" ..j, ........... .. - ....-.,... n... .--- .,... la ..m In n..sni, riltii,..! a... Int. lrcinneunt I'cm .',;., , ,, , , "j-.i. 1 . ,. , vl'ii 1r.1i urTh ! 1 menus i're wi'te ira ni-n,i runerai seiv "1 didn't think you'd have the taste I rv I.L Y Marrh -ll PI iVxiiKlf IV be. I le-. Thurs, 2 P it. nt his late residence. e like it," said Uessie. sitting at the : loved .laTwhieV 0 ! William and Mary Cull . feaT N- llh .t in. pnv.te OakiM,d ,m Able. (nee Hums), formerly of Iterer at Klatlvs Kemaltis mav be vl.eJ Wed., fiem . te "Taete. is it?" said Dan. "Aw. the hlna m" "" J".VI:V.ll" 'r,?'' S,Vl" 5S.' "' UNIIHAY -On Anrll 1 JOHN LINDSAY. grand we are! The pride that's in Mime Mers, 21m Mnrtim i solemn nwmet re. aBed ss veai ";r"V" Vfc'Van,l. r!lnr?i 11IICS U OYrrnnrilliinrv tlmiiirli 'I'heie'll "",1"' ln A- ' huich of the Visllatlen D. aerv s Wedii.aday at 1 P. M . at his late ."ins is cxiinoreilinryiiioiigii. llieieiliv j, (nt ,nna residence. 2401 ( .li.ege Frlendr, mm 1 he no holding you I lOll 11 be going up ' DAIINKY April "2, .lOHN H., hutiand of I tail Tuesday even nif 8 o'clock. Ipt. prl- ' and up! Your mother haH always been ' Annie T i),rrs (nee Deimirty) and son of , ".,...... . . , . r,XHr...c .vlf. in.e.1 nf n n,. ...nn'e l,...,u n...l ii... 'he late Themas and Anna Duunev, aged nil. MAt.INMS p-il .. EI.I.AHMH, ,wlfe "l, f n P,or mans Heuse ami tie natives iuul m is are Invited te uttend tf 0-ere. MKKiit .. It-lnilvcs and friends Wind above the thatch. Illlt you II lC 1 funeral. Thurs.. .:te A. .t.. from his late , me invited te etlei.rf fmieral. Thurs.. S'31 vvantlne featliei- beds nnd tunrhln hulls residence. .0S2S Yerk read Oak Lane. Pa. A if., late i.lm- into S Frail.r l ',. 1I.L1. . IliarulO liailS. Snletmi ,,Kh terjui,,, ,, al (i,0 Church , helemn ;n l-m maj. i Chureh of tha Most I 111 tlllllking. , f the felv Anirele. tk Lane, 10 A. M. Int. lllesstd Saimtiieiit lu A Al. Int. Hely Clese SO VOll needn't uni-rV " cnirl ltenie ' UAVIS Apill' I "l.MAIA JANK. wife of MAVLL -- H .SO JOIt neciin t Werrj. said IICSSIC. '.Inln. ,ih,a ,,.. Ai,m, lMllves and . Theodere Ma ill. Otl tlllnK net.' I 111 net 0 Slire of friends are lintb I te nllnd funeral s'rv-, fi lends Inv iir.l that. Man is born te trouble as th , '. Frl , , a . f the lesidence of ter niiiipL-u flv miu,,iiI v.. ,i,' aunt. 1323 W Lehluh uve Int private, spaikN ti upward ' fe you 10 Vm.,hne0(1 Cem, i.-,r,i, nMV ,.aii Thurs. for Douglas, nre you; t ,,ve "Yes I am. if eu'll let me take mv DAVIS April 1, CAmttK. wife of .lata a", i uin, ii .vim ii 1.1 nit. whK ui. wl,n,,. n.i rR.. nn. MnM.i riAiaiu ami lea in time for the train. ' .!, 1. ,n a.inn.i iim...i nn.iri. 1 ui rsidm' 113 k. 3d st . Aledia. v "Aisv. becli. als.v."' said Mrs. I Wed.. 2 P. it. late res'd"nce. 833 K. Int. Medli Oin. Frlenda may call Thure f',,111.,. lnasten st Int. nrlvnte. North Cedar Hill eve "Well, jeu'ie your own woman new, e I suppose jeu've get lave te go," Mllll LA1I1, ..l.leift P.,iU.(nn V 1 Vl'.l u I 'J I1 i And then rising te his steckinged feet, i M int. at Jacolsiewn" cni.' his face hind nnd all bis irony gene. I ,WiW', ?p",1 . ' , S k r-",nsrtaiei. r.. Im ,nl,le,l lint I'm .. .." ,,,.. , LUIlIKIl A., beloved husband of Margaret lie Ulltieil. Illlt till 111 OWI1 man. tee. ' i)p (nef, nudelrl.). need 2S. Relatlvea and mill III1H is my own house. I III think- friends of the family are respectfully, in 3 ALIKIIIA. Tvlfa of i"'l n. n-iaviye inn , 11,11 f,,r,,.i,.l rilr t'rt n illll. 'lnr' P Al . resldii'e. 2u!i Vitalnla ave.. Audu Ikp. N .1 Im Pi iv ate Alt Merlah Cem Vlewlmr Thin e MrCANDI.KHS Apr, I 3. ROBERT Me. fASHLKSS. aad '. Itln'lves and friend" invited te runcrui srvice. j ri., -.'laii r. m ,, rvi.n.i. ,.,u.. ,...11 T,,.. -n. 7 P. Al. MrCAKH'iN sprn .1, 1 i-.i rii.iA i- . DK CAMlV-AtPemb-rlen. N .1 . Am 11 . ilauirhter of Ute Andievv and Catherln- Air 1022. ANN KLI'.A, widow of Ceerae W. Di 1 t'Hrreii (ne e lln-ii). Relative" and friende 1 amp. aged si. ninenn ervies ni ner i' : -.'"' "." "' " .......- 1 ," .. "? ."' "..,'",-- ,.:, 1 ... 1.1. ... illir mill If uin rn nnr Iiiiiiim fni. II viiee 10 aucnu luneiai tei virp, 1 iiurn.. -,e, - .,- ,,- nig. anil 11 ou re nor. none or I i , p M ftt ,ls ,al() j.,,,,1,,,,,. Kiciurrfen and i Alerien ave " vmis luiiiEiii, my euui win m- viiui , LelumDIa avea . I.misu.ile Kinain may ue . ju..i' ill you. llesj-Ie leaped up from the table. "Shut you deer if a eh like. Thert'll be lets of ones te open their," she 1 cried, and .swept out et the Iieum-. I "Then: you arc, woman!" .ald Dan. vnat did 1 n; t impeient tincem Lmisdale v!iw,t Wed. ..-.nwinir. 7 m II r.Vlerk. del vi:c(;me.--ApiM 2. iavia, iLiubIi- trr 01 Fllomerie and .ijsephlne del Vecchle Relatives nnd frind Invited le fiinnjl. 'lhurs.. II A Al. 12.12 S. Carllsl., st. IUkIi mast St. I'ltit i Cnurih Int. Hely Crois Cent. DILLIN. On An'il I. Ifi22. BDITII .MAY. IniiKlitcr of Whll. un I', 'nil ih ime nil i Invited le fun'ial. Thins N A. Al. la'e r"sl denee. HK21 Callevhill nt. Selen'u iquiern maw at Our l.."ly of the Res..ry '"hurch I) 3u A At. Int Nvv Cathedrl Cem. AlrCCI.I.OrclH At Akrnn. r.. en April 2, PhTEIl F M t'FLLOFilll Due nelle, of ih" funinl vv 1 l Klvn from the ienlci'e nietnr Mrs. Rebert Hreir Id r.litli l and West hosier toad ull 3 AtiNKS II li16ver) niishti e' Hnnnah J nnil lat Jehn H Alesd. Hnlativ. m tiid! futnds nre Invitfd le I'u . s .10 A Al . lam rsideuce. 3'm .". lsth si Sul inn ieiiiim mass at th ''athedrnl 10 A M Int Helv Cress Cenv .MKRVINK p: 11 1, CAROL-INK widow if Smnufl S Al-ivlr.e ad 71 veiirs. Rel tlvei and fiiendi are Invlled te attend th funeral eervire Wed. 2 P. At., at litr U'e """' ""' ' ":; i"i" i. in iiiiiiiMi- ;, . seivlcn en Wedned-iy nfleinoen. nt lesldenre l.'.lrt N 2Hi f .Int. private. At At llien nnd dirty with the tongue ! bhc II e clock, nt the OUvir ll. Iia'r Hide. 1S2U ' laatlc City pjp-i. ulease copy, have te chine it this time 1I10112I1 If Cheitnut st Interim nr pilviite. , AIOFLTeN Suddenly, en prll 3 ."J LlV' ,?f i,.i. V,. 11 I , 1 ii.tlni DOKIHNO. At Denver Cel March 30. ' HARRY S. husband of Julia B. Heis SUCH net Dai k ter Jl hlie ll take tlie aRTIU'R A . feimeny hpikmih llutli Aiubu- Alntiltiiti, nf in.'.'. Chestnut si Purvleee en ftnnrl nnil no innri Ivvn wnrilu nlinnr if. ' lane Ce.. ".th Iilv . ,mi of l.eul A. Th irdav inemmir. at 11 er'cc. hi Hi l,,t,l..rrv Ml . del 11V? trtOVVh A HOIJr.. - pll 1. iej. 1.1 nel lelKh-Oakmeni Pa WINII'ltlD VAN Itij. DBS' dnuKhler of Jeatinle S and the late Fieilerlek L. Paddock. Netice of funetul lHVN WYCK April 2 1022. T.AtJR M (ne Ixi'ld). wife of Charles It. au Wyek In her 4Sd year Relaiives and friends aNi llvatt Council Ne. 127 H. and D. of I. and I'liie Iidsc Ne 25. 0 . of H . are Invited te funerel srv.r-s, Thur . 2 P. At al her late resident e. H'Jl N 17th t In' W( Laurel H1U Cem. Remains may be viewed Wed.. I ' Ii I' At VB.U.K A Plunaii S J April 1 11122 SAUl BL W BALK aaed '14 Ri-lt vv. and fileinN ie InvitM te aiteiid funeral ,.rvie Thui" 2 P M i"ldnc. 23r, V Helltf uve 1'itmn V J Int Il"'hei 1 en ""viir.KNcillK - -On April 4 IF.P.OSIK s en of Leins Hnd Klttv elenchlk need ", wars and 2 months Relatives and fuetid" Hie Inv 'te.l te funeral en Wedne'dai at :i I t . fteir 'he paren's reeldeii' e 11)27 N 32'1 I"1 Hr Nebo Cem WAHKNUAFR. -- April 2 11)22. ANN v. tnee Sh'atiKb), b-leved vlfe of Jaieb .1 Wasenbaui in her O'-'d yeai Itelall.e" jr, rieiid" alee meniliere et Kvriniellci Ciiunn '. h and Indiana ave. Inv lieu te liu u...,i.u. n huri at 2 P .V at Is'e rei. illl 11 111 H iiiimiu. i..cii ti..,alnu ran he v evved W Hi eve W VTSON In iJnitherti". Pa. en th 2d irsi KI.LWOOD W MATSON in Ihe 40- vear'ef his one Relatives and friends of th" famllv nil Invited te attend Ihe fiu.eri from his lu' residence. Leneherne Pa , en 1 Vedneday ntternoen. at 2 clock Inlermen at Alerrievllie Cemetery at the cenven.en e fWATTHm-Aprll 2 1'.'22. ANNIE, vslf. e' I'lireiiie W.ittH (nee ftteiiaant. Ret.ii. m,d friends Invited 10 attend funeral. Thurs. 7 vi 1 M residence. 2322 y ll'h st Se. emn liiuh requiem mass Church' of nplrhar.y ') A Al Int private. Helv Cress Celn WxrrS April .1 RitAtA J widow e Win 11 Wa't- Service, at daughters iei letice 3110 N lsth " . Thurs 12 neon ' 111 vni , Ml Peace Cem. Fi lends may . !l Well . 7 te P P M WLKJHT.MAN April 3 JENNIE 1VF. LKV -M'e e' Charles M Welcli'rnan Fu nsral ierv 'ces Thure UP Af , at leeldence , AVm F MjcDewell luS !:t Paul ieru xidtnerM WHIS .prll 8 1022. Al'ni'ST hule-,d 1! L.!S Weis 'nee tluliei.i aed 13 Rela i,e aid innde tnllrt te aitand fui e 1 "vitei, Thuia . 1 P Al residence of It Hera. h 112K N 81I st Int North t edar 111 I Cem VielUntt- Wed ep VrTT April 3 I.BTITIA. wife of lliemaa ll W..itt Re'utu,3 nnd friend" 1 mv tel te funsral Frl . 2 P Af residene ; Cem eh st Prime" Del Ce In' Fern ' nod C"tl COSTUME DESIGN Fascinating Werk Big Pay iMen Academy itudantf lMfn Ceituuin and Mllllnery Dietlgn In frer ihert months of altapla Iticlnatlnc lessens. OraflutUa oett earn tile salaries in pre fetdeual positions. Fashion Academy I tha a Imuertnnt aehnel deTetnl (. claalvsly te Ceeturae nnd Mllltn ry Design nnd Faiblen Alt. Endorsed by manufacturers and magazines. Its teachers ara ! perti with year of azperUnc in practical work. It director. Mr. E. A. Hartman, la en et tbe world's foremost designers. Training nnt only gtvts yea ability te design original co. tnmes and huts hut teachea yu te make cnmpleta aarmenti from dritjchtltiff nf paturna te tha rtrr last stitch, aavlnca en a few dreetea usually par far course Fashion Academy'! new Pfclta delphla Sebeul Is a direct braeck of rnmeue New Yerk Bchoel. Identical sclentltin methods em ployed. Classes tour dayi a week "-niernlnif, afternoon and era nlnr. Visit our permanent ex hibition or students' work, or write for FItEK booklet desertb ina all courses end of money maklnE, nppertunttlea for til proieesienai aeeisner. 1 ,v$ '8m K E iriaHi Al I -it ,0" r it T IV FasKien Academy, Inc. 1432 North Bread Strawt Reth 'ieies CHIROPRACTIC Day and eveninp classes. Enroll r for aecend dnss beKlnnlng: June 1 1- nil course n dissection Apply Men , Wed and Frl. Afterne' or IvcnlnK KEYSTONE COLLEGE CHIROPRACTIC 1704 CHESTNUT ST. O 'Calth the ten train bach premise me, premise me" i. njlifarc feenirtl te lie thrilling with 1 muslin nntl Ftrnu- liata. They were! wastrel like that I about. We've faBiIni lileh with lucaa-p and bialier still factories of I.anranliin- ami erkxhirc. 'ie one ether liersen Itesiie told the with nneiieerii. worn mveenincr reiinil . "ltl- ll1- 1,l,rl, V lul n,f" r" ."' :. . . :. - .' : V ' , a ...... ...." .... the curve nf the liny ; windnwa and doers iMTPnnrn nnd filled with fares, and the Jahelc sea front, from end te end. ptcmeil te lie ni full of women's eyes a. .i.lntni. .1 e ......... p.- a iiiiiiiiiiiiii -i.v in Minn. 1 ..,. , 11.. ...i i...t ll, 1 ....I. Af... uriBHl i.f.-, I'll His mill j..,..j. ........ 1 ui 11-11 1111,1 11, ill j viieilf .11111111 .p.. itsrave-ioeKini: iiiiinieii m the miiKlie iniiceu ru-h. lie wun liceirmlue te feel nfrald of lilmseif ami lie hint 11 n inmost lire sUtlble'lmimlxp te get up nnd ki. ru. , ui....l.l , i,. fnnf licvrlna. Relative", friende Wm. I) Oxlev , ,",, 1.11 1 "', .. . !., Pest, N'e. 133. Ainerlian Legien, Asm nf nnd followed llessie. pretfiidinir she hail 1 war Mothers and iianun.. Hncui ciui.. ! I'oreettnn snmellilnir. tne Invltiyl te attend funeral. Thur . 2 '!eMle' llivutiln'" I', Al . resldince, 34111 L' at Int North I.CS1IC JHS1H.. I Cedar Hill rem Velna Weil. eve. Iiehaic stepped at the end of the' depcherty .Mnicu 30. Aixn'Hics r. "street" ami lid' mother hobbled tip le helev-d son of .Matthew A. and AUriraret 1... DeuKhertv tn-e Hlicslns), In his 2MU e1l .I.. . - ....... , I Funeral from his patents' residence. 21122 lie home for 11, begh. she wins- itejd st. Selmn hlnlv leuulem mass uS.:iu tiered "It'u fiM-kpncil ninilnl am that 1 M Wed . m tlahricl' fhurrh. 10 which i.".i, i. "..: 1" i.i?I..... "" nil relatives nnd friends aie Invited, also llillin. II lllir. ciilili: unil nuiinuii; I'll 'Wliut sfhameV" uskcil Hessu- 1S2i Chestnut Friend h mni sEKvicr. n-iiF.m: skkvice cnrj.M.v We .Secure the Kind of Teacher Wnnlrd nnd the Kind of Position Desired The Bryant Teachers' Bureau, Inc. Sin-fil2-Hi:i Wither. noun Hide. I'hlla. ft I (I Keenan Hide.. Pittsburgh Sodality of tlin H V. At.. Hely Name nnd all eecletlea of vvhhh he waa 11 n. ember ITit St .Marys Cem, rhOHnlwIll". I rain 'f ilnn't liniivv whnt lint cnniellllllir 1 "' ht -Marys rein, PhOHnlwIll". Ira i lien i Knew wimr. mil senit tiling, irtVfn nPaMnit 'ivrinlnai n-3u A M Kive him no chaiu'e.' kui April :i anna wilhelahn "What de I rnii! about his I'liance.' (nee Sihellenljeruer). vvlfu of C,eine rF.Hi was in their faces and the 10." mill 'ti el irlend. HUsle htepheil. till! l.tlgllsli ' ...... hnllaveen lmllnveen haven't 'Services Frl.. 2 P. At., r.-alilence, 2.107 .N. Iienlth nf vniinir llfn win lii their bleed, bnrmald at the (Jlnirer Hnll Inn n elrl 1 r .h. eanaMen, iiuiinvi 1 11, uuvi 11 1 ,.or Bt f30th , nunflnt:iin) int. Iienitll 01 jeuiifc Hie WJS in turn moon. , uurinuiii ni 111c .jiinifcr iinu inn a Ein I j iietlf;h te bear with thy father nnd i..0rthoed Cem Friends n.a c-li 'Ihurn. 1 Stewelr felt himself becoming giddy. , ut. Mf eomplexlen and some geed leeks , ? . , , lmi.k . , . . IVVavix of nerliniie were tieitilip im te who had bhecked the yeilliB wives et . ,M mp tl(lmiK,. In wFANNINO. April 2 formerly of 2617 ,m.?.U,. ui.1,i. ''.-'V'm. f"VT..m..i.V the parish by urarini abort frocks. 1Se..,,.e.'....P""n M, '":,... :.., ...i i,...,.. '?"""? '- . ?-- '.?" . .' J?"TJ iiiiii. 111111 111s niiiiiiiii v lii-..- -- f tlie Jmy, built for n royal residence ) one nf the I'nrK of Pcrby whenvthey rre lords of Mini before the AtheR Int new tlri-liiiid te the condition of a Iielcl for KnslMi visitors, with its no(N slopes in ihe sea (wherein mere I I-,..-, 1 ll llIS llll. I .,J.,l.f .....p. 1 - - Ilia nerves were quivering; lilx , low ever the besom. were liciting with a pounding I " wns nt closing ti if..n1n ".i. W?,,k,?g" 8ml " Mett t-lltl'l f "the next moment 'she' was gene: Kive minutes later, iii'in-iii-urm with H 1 , . , , . . , , rtiv iiiiiiiitr ini'ii nun in iiiiii n iu n(!.i ,". i1!.','0 elfi ,im..n fv "'Kht Susie, she was swinging down the reed ?il '.i-niiin.' " ll ? Le Br,fH,e0,, 'te the railway station for Douglas, whispering together by the half-open T , ,ew, wl)(11 h deer, with the ichts nut out in the i.. ...'... ..i .t.i m. l.n. l.l.l.. I !..... l . ... l 1 . I.I I ll Ul'IICII 11. VV HW ill IUII IHI''. IIIIII in .1 "'V-i ".el..' "r' .T' '" Pi"""- l""'Kl..K in the open. windowed laughter, laid held of each ether nnd shiiuderr Tin houses, guitars tvvnticIUE In the streets. and lines of young men murvhiiig along Piuia. i.edne Af. Kedalln nnd League of the S.n'red Heart of ,St. Rilnbeth's Church, Invited te funeral. Thurs.. h 30 A, Al.. resldencu of reusln. Air. J. II Uennun. SS7 N. 4sth st. Solemn re lUiiiin inase nt Our .Mether of .Sorrows rimrih nt 10 A. Al. Int. Hely Cress Cem FXNTK LOl'IP. Hiced je.n, husband of Carmel.T L. (uee Dl Alu,cl' and late prei den' of the firm of I). Fniite i Sens. Inc . at his If.te iesldnce, liiii4-iu!-0s S, nth l Relativna nnil filends, and II P Li Ii Dante Oliver II Hair Hid Tnte: ment private 'edneilv 1 veii'i if AlULLUHV prll I 1022, AIA'ITIF, wife of Themas Alu! tnee Price). Rele llve nnd lrl'Tds aie Invited te attend fu neral aerv I' i Frl . 2 P. M., at her lai residence. 41 Alaplevvoed,, Oermantewn Int. privite Oreelivvoed Cem O'lIAKA April 1. URIUGKT, w f of ,al unnlel e Mnn Relatives nd tilendi. Invited te funeral Thurs.. s 30 A. At,. re' dence. 211O0 Peltz st. Helemn hlth tnass St Anthen.v's Chuich 10 A Al. Int New Cathe dral CVni. OLSON Alarch 31 at Oal.lar.d. Calif . KLIZAIIimi C. wife of Ueeige C. Olsen and duush'.er of Ulizabetli and tbe late .Tame Nixon, sued 35. Re.atlvea and frlenda are Invited te funeral services. Thurs, 2 80 P. Al .- at Ihe residence of her hiethei -in-law, Franli P. AIeers, 115 W. Roeaevelt Beule ard Int. private. Iv Hill. Remains inaj Le viewed W'nj. aP. O'ROCRKK April 2 ANV1K .MAT I vv ,ra of Jame O Itetiike end duuKhlet of la'e harleH 11ml Alariet Orunieii Rela tives and fi 'ends, alfiu IVikside CIri e Xe. ti72, C. F. of Aw are invited te attend t' -neinl Thure 2 P Al. residence of bre'her In-law Themas Tewnst-nd. 2 ft 12 U lUter et lut NerCi I'tilai 1L.I Cem Remains inav l,.i vlevvil WeJ. e;,. OWHNS - Vpru .'I l22 WINIFRKP widow of Pktilel; Oweni. Re,:uiveH and ftleinN am Invited te ettenl "uneial Thuii A. Al . f'ei. her In, :ts2'. 1 reoe i.t vv lYnaiucll 1 .ilm n tequie MUSICAL 1SSTRCCTION RAG Piane Playing Taught Brginnara in 20 Lesions OPEN EVENINGS TIME Adult nerlnners Specialty AiHanre Course If Yeu ew Play nl.A.. knnir IMni .-.:.. t,ucv niinKi.icT CIIRIS.TENSF.N. SCHOOI. OF POP. MCBIC frill? CheatnmSt. RAY W.. WORLEY. Mar. C lOtUJa t i h. nth ni. Mandelin Hiinle C.nlUr llher ELSIE MILLER XritMiZ at the BERLITZ SCHOOL ! 1M1 (IIF.STM'T sT. IKntranre en Iflth St. I 'lelephnne: -sprure, 4SIH TCAfUPPC' xuninier Course ILAtnLIU C.recc Shorthand Touch T-pin? IHelikeepinc and Alethe rite for rteta is e phene AValnut OS The Tmlur 'rluiel. 1002 Market Hi. "Wnrre fJfetya Sheithand ion ftrsl taunltt in PiiIadefpite" CTRAYFR'S 1"r "' HualncM cmmii " - - 07 CHEMTNUT BT. FMHlaa a-naran'd. Enter nasr. Da ar ! ST KAMilllP NOTICES STKAMSHIP NOTICKS Dm. i.tliL-r liersen illlliel 111 ill. te till" than one of nllp nul Mnnr Klntrs tnnr ........ 1....1 ...... .. Il.,i.lru ilmt 1I111 hie lnilereil Hie problems nf the Island itesMe PelllMcr. Du.lns the first three ' KjeN 1 liy ; thnt ''' h,,f fj' fresh from tl.Wr twlnkllnc L'tt'er5', 'Tr nemW.'V",""a!n ",.&,)''?,"?''.'! ' v ,..', JiniPlniiii. tinnsfeiined into a publir , years after her return Iteui.. frum as- !- w 1 . Ing se they , eelded vI ; hi ,e ,,,,, wlth ,. rlver . j, jHf,ur"r1u e... V our' i.-ds' , 'i.Vl'.Vn .rVul-h?'', "-" .T- .Ner !:X tin ganleii. en vvliieli pretty women were tVpiwu he hail lived in ph.vli'nl 'M1'',I, ' , 1 ,1 it 1 hn!lr"aV '' ' liurrmvlni; under the darkness of the ",' "'d Counsel 1 Imnh 10 a ai hit Hely H.i 1:. r, int..e, a. d n . de an m,..j 'miiis iin.ler rolered sunshades and a of Dan Malilremnii' . but during tin; """ - V ' " "' ib. 1 ' W'I'iKe. were almost dizzy with the kVues' -April 3 ,,,... Mtir widow , ,',, 'r, ',' j h,. , i1. ' ,.,' ' oie string baml fieni l.t.mlen was playing next three years-, having grown big and .?'" cl ' '" " 'B inlllte, ,,,,; ,, , , ...'ftSE,, "J, 3- ,-;-, Vuid fS" f",.J..Kr.r'ir7 ilthe latret nii- frum Paris. strong nnd become useful en the farm. "'r "" """ K,l, " "rlnlv. OI nle;" When lliev caine ddpplne down the -me a" seUeties am .nvit-,i te attend fu- pi:TTiTAt WestMi.e v t pi 1 3 I The men leek ;,.,, nt lhe M-e -.le ".ere .hau able .0 hel sleep Mreeis" ,0 the freff i,,.! plunge, f .' u4!,'me .V. &!& , VW IM K V$K& rf W aV iV'nj lieais sklinmlug tile fr nge of the lt""l" M,u '" m' " " ,, , ,. , It wn n .Inffv Utile ene.eveil eham. J) ' i ' Maiteij riMiaiii j-RANK. husband of viiBima, Fenutn ne . . T te s i m. nt hei late niideme rLVuler in frnni the while vnrlits send. ' " don't knew In the world wha , " fls "" l"'"' f ne-i jeu (dam- themsflvea from running. And when, ivneiin and son of i.uev and .Michael Ansele , 301 Hunim.. ave wis ".. V n j riu;.. ... ' , ' : .' "."' ,p. VU".'s '" ' 1 ..... !,.. ,.U " I... would sav. I er ever the dairy, entered tiem the t.iil.hlliiff vv ill r he nnimnl life which Fount... Relatives nnd friends Invited t.i PLCMAICR Anrll I .. senthamn.. r l' "n 1 eieast nt tie nay. the ,,'" "'."' . .1". .1.,,.. ..,,.. ,.ient ' " laniling of the stairs, open te the i.,.i i)H..n Mmuiesed fanilsliert and funeral, en Thurs at S in a ai . from i-n- n.ui .1 lilt.vci: r . wider. of iieniamm M Irevvn-salH ilggers drupp llg out of III mj young Uas tnj 1 in ' '" whitewnslieii scrims 1 which uave it ' . , , f1u""rXu' lamiMiifi 1111 1 ,,nce. 3.1TT Tulip si Su'-mn lequiem nias I Plutniner f l'liiladlph.n an 1 linth Ala ir s Imrher wiih the liri Ci .,! wit 1 nrlUilhas niu lieriiiig thiee times "'miwasiiiii Mrans (wniti gae it a sinrved In them, they passed through Mater Dnioreia'a church 10 . Al int Hely Funeral e-rv... at Hath .ln tile 1,1 1 n.i ' .,.00'1 "f '.' -' ll( v ami weli.ime. but tielhli'U' wl!l.h.'",.v .deri. having a skvliglit in the , rhp ,lmlsUle le the dancing palace and n..Him. iu:i:n -ru,i;ls..iv vpru 3 ip:;. wn wniii, tile mid then Ihe human tide . ',.' ,r ,'s v.,iie . wn .lniiLlitcr il.-elf. thatch, a truck e bed. a ileal table for 1 iim...j.,,i .iev,.i i, funnel nf trees lit bv frihav On api.i 1022 wu.i.iwt.i. J.1A.M r 1 "b.u ,1 of i".,iz..t.e.i, m R.r.i Wjoveus life ninnlllC fast en (he iirnm. ,,1,v' lf " s ""r V. . "h . ... .V ... ' wnsl.Mnnil. ., few ilrleil slieensklns "'V. . ' .' l. )".. " .. '. " "' . .. - '.' . .'i ''"'hrcnil of Lllv- V Fl.l, l.uc,li,V lleliiMvea .e, I 't.emls also A'ta Re. Hu ie- 1 .----... ., t .... tu. iiiiil it'Tii- iii'i- 11 111111111. 111111 - - - ---. .-.-.. . . -. ...,-.. . .. . ......... iMiiiiri'ii 1111 in. : 1111 sii iv iii" hi ri'H 111 1 1 u. ..1. .m. -ri,n..i,. . ., ... it . . .mi 1 nuuii .r 1 h.i . Q si ... 1 Hi ni , r !.. vi.ji .1 i it . mil it'll uu iiiiii ii .- 1 - ........ . ,. ,. 1 . 1, . ..-. ..-. -... . s -!.. ... --. i"ii i it u 1 1 iiutnua v 111 ir 11 "i ill . u .111 iv. inn ni-n'it- ut . .tw .! 1 1 1 . 1 aw 11111 NAWSCO LINES Send Your West Coast Freight by Steamer Deliver te Pier 19 North by Team or Belt Line Freight Prompt Leading Careful Handling Regular Sailings Dependable Schedule Minimum Insurance Freight Steamer Service Philadelphia via Panama Canal te San Dltge, Les At eles. 5nn Kr.irii.sie. OaKl.ii j Sfattle Portland, s'eria Tacoma Vancouver U S. S. Dechra -Vpril 6th S. S. Celd Harber April 20th NORTH ATLANTIC & WESTERN S. S. CO. Oieiien nurf Aart's J . Sh.pplvg finn .' SHran er 136 S. Fourth St., IMiila. Phene Lembard j791-2-.1: Main 7781-2 mane iieieiv twilight. rl!l( (l(n (tins Vaisis. nnil vni.,ii....... . .1..... I'm sntlnt' 11 iililiur iil'iiIiisI her J' ever il.eir shoulders le leek up at would repl.v. "A mltbllinB S'eud W"m,anil aui;li. ' Rirl ciieukIi. and himd.v with lhe bacs.. uihl ii, uaTir ,vl, ! fV-,l"S W "inch Inaf In cad 1111.I biilclieimate (Mns J 1 'nil, . ii freclce, wlilte , W0lW (ill . ,,,.5,!,. r i,e lulu." Si; N , a cVwih't'heir "Aw.lH.t the .li.V Mi,..,, ,UegU. w nilvvined ahet.t rliel, ether's Mi-. CellMer would .(..svver.. ii-i'-s mate " " ' ir ni-. ,..,,. eM wlili-li came from the open I Messle threw off the IiIk inilared beets ' deer, and heanl the crash of the band anil the ether cai'iiient 01 the cow- and the druiiiiniiiK of the dancers with. house, klcliln;,' the ime Inte 11 comer and In, their feel were scarcely leucliiiiK the J11?'.1' " 'K. ,l!"1'' threwlUK the elher.s In a disorderly mass ground and they fell as if they wanted Hivii7miin Ledge, no Thf wen. down I..M..J ,1.- 1..11. !'" fMiereul Ri;,WH -1 h 1' r .. , ... ni... l-.i .. . ' " i-mr- li'itn nnil hnil Will Till UHKH P' thf back nf tlin limn tl.n ..I I.-...I Hopped, the enlnr "I.".... :,i".m . Theie wa sl?,rce,y ,, v .. . , , , f . ,.,, , pi t 'i'lieie wa scarcely a fanner en the bed ever her piuU-aml-whlle te tlv. And when at last. havitiB en 1 suubniinet, washed le the waist and tered tlie hnll, the whole blazing scene then folded her arms ever each ether in burst en them In a blinding Hash, they , their warmth nnd roundness and drew up with a breath'ess gasp. 011 Ihe "iiisueu te herself in sheer joy or bound- "Oli ! Oh. it...!.. li'S health and conscious beauty. One moment they steed by the deer pirtf. the genn was sounded fro , tie -',''''..." ": 1 I, her. but she' While delnc e she heard her step- with blinking and sparkling eye., their ii f Hie hotel and' they went indoors -ei ainel at home, mutlj for reasons of father's voice in the kitchen below, 0ii. ' Inkeil arms quivering n close grip. 'whinner. I0" ,a "' ., JnVt lVnVtlv ui pieleet her as usual and as full of pretest, but she Then Messle. who wns the lirst te re- Tla-y sat hv nn open window of .h. Mm thrr from Dan's brutalities by held- had a matte,- of mere moment te think 'ver from the intoxicating alie.. t).il&J,-T,!.rr. " .H'Pt """: .,.-.!,.,.( The ones , was easi.v WW ' . "Ooed sekes alive." she whispered. ren, V V . ' "'"" snintH tuan ' mtk. 1 e nu-r. "'' ", ."."" .,:.; ;,... .,.:,:-.:;.,,;: "tiieyre there;- .,.. mis nun.. ulPy ate of everv d Mi with sciatica ami ai iiiiiiuiiiik ,""" " .:"'"" ," "'",'" '"""-' ri..- 'W was pur before them, diank a'bettle en a stick, had bv this .lime taken ref- and white stock jig', she drew aside a ' rtiainpiigne tnnsie, ,.(., ,1P1. ....', 2P fr0m her lifelong . i'.i.diim n sheet en the wall that ran en, a string "r.v preiiv woman lliev ennl.i ,., ulieien. having joined 'lie "I'rlml- imd took down a white woolen skirt and ""''of Hie iii.n.v 1 hi., im'.i ...... .i. ....".. i!.-e" vvlinm. chaiiel 111 vviiiiewasiieii a new cream-colored l.leuse cut low at "'i "'-I'll II 111 HV -t , . . ,1... ..,.l. lit.-. LS... I... "Here', il-s. "" ' I- , - s lii ilmt tin,. ii ...ui. .1.. ..,' '. linvnl sined at lhe opposite angle ui 7.? I'" a MHiidii,:. l ,i,r ...'". the alen and the hiali mad. ,;?.! u e" ."' hiteneU'n, ,le ,. ' She Jiud tried te luiluce her iln.i'.Mt.r V"""ii' iinni 1 ... Inl.i f.. il-.i .. .. . .'..1tw... I.n.. tltnui lllll lft"41t IKIM IT ). .t... i,i . . :. V" """ .-.";. :.. .1 ..... n.,..,.. . 'till l 111111 til ai i.n.I a I. . in lillllHt' IIPI' I lll'l I'. 1)111 IM "11' Hri,nes rl.iiie, then, '" fused having come in lhe c inclusion Unll(. ,,, , fcaw 1(it Jp ..,,. the" "i another steamer, lit tipj,, ,.Z ,v whose favorite subject was the crilc- Jrt-hele. gihiing mwaid the pier and l'"" of flVn- w"r(n V i1".""'1'' .he neu ,r ,lnt wmi," '., ' '' j,,,. ut her muihcr or pelntti.i; at lAll. Ih,.ni;.. ........ .... . . . -'. ciiiiii ii ri rt..s , 11... .. 1.1. , i :,..,. in - rU till eiiiiui... morning'. the neck like Susir Hut the anchor of her hone wns her lint, which she was le wear ler the first lime, havliix bought ii the da.v before in Kamsey. Il was shaped like a whell. with 11 1011 ml lip In fiem. ami te tlud ... . i, .,,..,.... ....i.. ... 1. .. 1 1 1 "' 1 e.t j ir,v:i iiiimiu 1111 11 oil llt'l ut'lltl waa a perplexing problem. Se she steed long and twisted about before nn unf 1 amed sheet lt( slivered glnss which htitiir ny a nail 011 the wall, with u la&li of ie "Who? The gentlemen?" "Yes', in the front row. Re quiet, girl. They see us. Don't leek up. They might enmp down." And tiien the girls laughed with glee nl their conscious make-believe, and their arms qtiiveied again in the rush of their warm bleed. Al !! . - vi iirn, r..... ., ....... ,.,.v,, 1 .. . .""- neil ine niii'ei'ni.n.i .. i.i . ..1 t. i.niia ., viiiitiet across me V"irdlnl.Lr.rne, ',:'".. nu'waei '.. " ' ,' ;,"-v ;- ,i- .,,.,,. comb In her Hand and a number ?'n bi n ,,V; ' , ,"XP D",e '"""W" '' ll5":.' . ., Z'lii irl tiil-i aciesa ,.,. mouth, while tli ?. eriH , nn,'" D,W.' !1,:lve,! 'ri'".,,.; amlkeVchies and "r creaked under her. and the con r"p. ?'?" l 'I. eH"" TvT SknilcenVe. who was a clans w?ien went en neiew. . ic," in. ,,i,i nr .i.,. .. . 1...1. .,tiiiii! ilnvvii f.'em his :-lm get it right at asU 11st tiled a -1!'Mimmi's ;,M.i,"". um nwt 1, ,'.hed cottage In hl tali heave-, hlnek little aside, te leek perl and saucy ."is sa d Shmeii r-..i, ,.nn. ami hlnck !; tl c eve.i. liesslr. wl'ii h'.v Placi; Hair, which was I Te be continued tomorrow epjtlaiit, Hit. lutcriiatte'ial ilaect'.int Ot.) WILL TELL OF PASTEUR n..'H,,nfr,lh,.,.,'u "" Governer himself i her Riinbenuet and a pair of Dan's .-ml wavy creeping up te It inside of 1," "'r ,nms(" f( be0,,Mi im(l W,i, her skirt I icked tin cushion. And then, standing efl "A , ,"'" ever her llnsey-wolsey petticoat, would her gns te leek at 11 again ev "And tin. Ts ni. . '' s'""iK ees id -mffi ul'"'! n,(l s"'wcll. and. re. ' Primitives wen; hinging a hymn outside teu,h , lVmt ll,""l had told him. he their chapel before going In for service, with eyes 111 i- ini 1...1.1. 11. . .- . r,,.n,ie- ihe nie-H or vviishinr out flieiiltlt' . ,...'" " ' .1.111 IS " """ ;""":.. i.'.i .Int!i.lir .li l,,.,.l In tl, ,lnni, ...,,1 I I believe a hew ei m no- i", .......... -... ......v.. urui vc . , ...i.,M , ,l,itn ... iiu1l-c.i1 Willi n linniiiel stun .li,i'tilal,t Aim en niiniiny iiciiiuk.i, u.ii- im- .-.,... .,.,.., ..,.,..,.....,..,..., HI fin,, fin )rl it.niie alui liarl n,fi n.r i' inure ,r ti,n ....,. .... .......! h. irit.riinii. hms-i. ne.iiiv kiie i. '.... .m..... n ..."-- .... ...... I Ifll fl IHr jailent me te tlie t fa b trew IrieU ll.htl. . iimijv , the fare "mnii "irapt ri,i b nan nnuireniiiia also nan mane an Uey ret.-i .'.'." '."""' e..- ........ .v i-iv' '-.:: .'.,.., eiieiia-emenl for ihnr inv. ham ha ;f w-Si-nvr.."?. !.,::., "lul' "ad liegiin te n. (.erman band piae(i aaurnu music mi i y.' ..-"- " . ':..'".. ..'.:;. ime was I,,,, Mlf ,i ..- t1B promenade, and young people. "" .". ..ui.ii...u..u , . the n,vi.. . i.'. " '"esi was iiin , .'""" """".. 1....7.1.-.1 :....t deliver nn nililrfws in Ihe market nlace ihlntu ;,'"'.h VB's.were lying en wnlKllig.. arm-ii i-uri ., ...ukhci. ...... , , -.T". ; ,. ; ,; -,. nie ueacl, Hi,, inchts "g lined at each oilier under tne gas ...."......... ."nnelier in ,1,,. lin','. 'he C, if 1 llcht - .4t,G l?an 'tivaJmi down the Jever ."""K-uiiats. each u 11. i. , m .nnHnu. nt lieraelf (linitirh brine- wiiicii iin,) hii inn new m vviun 1111 10 'W". e'.v "de'ib! g " Pn , , j ' ,g ri,e? daugl ,r Ike' a' mylhen ?n Ijl- j;y-r-hnt wheel Ud stepped Inlo the " "" IimiI. and fro. ih. f.-.s"' n-i nun land." old AVill would m. dwrlllHK house, wheic I, a. his wif.. "ii the rewilrint lluhi , ' , ' ..i', t then what can you expect from "ad Uilil lea ter two ami was 1, owing wn sue.,i..: .i..- , : " -,m. .... 1.. .-... ... ,c iiii in. a ire or 1 r.v serse te 11011 tne Ken e. I, Or. Erneat Laplace Will Speak at St. Jeseph's College Dr. T'lrnest Laplace, cliief surgeon of Ihe MiaericerdlH He-pltal and tirt American pupil of the famous Dr. Leuis '' ,lr Pnc. A. 11 ..'ill um.nL- t,i,im,.m. ..ll, .1 .... uqvv,... ....i n,,,iB vi,.,,. . .... infill .11 a dlbciuslen of Pasteur's discoveries in bacteriological nnd pathological science, in the auditorium of St. .Iiwenh's fill er herllcue. Seventeenth and Stiles streets. hat danced with' The meeting is under the ausniccs nf the Catholic Alumni -Modality of l'liiia da1.ih.ia. A musical p'regiam, under di rection of Nicola A. Mentani, will in clude Jessica Dragniietil. soprano; Kd- eng like a ff from ! '""ilniiieil r f !V low" nti with an tlm Inner being a dig at Dan, irnnii,,,,,! ' " 'he yeiiiiS men were lusty voice could al"-as be licanl ever "liantlii-i V "ns ,Vl'iideriul! It was tlm Hinging, reading aloud te himself rr't ai i,wa. ""'."'tlkiiiB en the In the kitchen the "ItU'lus of Man" or Hen wi.i.i--10 "1'1" "'i'lie Mistakes of Moses." wk. II, v.: i. '?.' J"1' R'"-1ng of Hessle was I, .""l Illl' HUM I hll f hn... ... ll" I 1.1 ..I...1 ,",i ay nim i,, i ."aKii in iiuum. vvniin-uiuimuu lnclin,1.f".,,n.d.M li "!.e 'heatrca ing alLday an im Uki .n.r.,"',fl'"y.- racad- brttk. loeie at I'cll veur girl te pin a lit rub nu in." Sunday benis," he said "Hut she's i,piah-s dressing Douglas," said Mm. ('.ellistnr. "Yeu -tlen'l say?" said Dan. that's the way she'n earning living?' for "Se her it litn l.ue retil,' 711s ,ii st lutg:- 111 11 IHVlt" Vie.Vtl.. VV. .ln t l. e' , lira: l5nP.fTKMIKK. --ApiiI I I Hi".' IIKNIlY i , lltldli.ltlll Of l-'lt'detl ,. I tirlS'ellilll ll.H et il it lenil". uls i N 1 :.,. I. 11. II ! . I i I. II. S.. nf llritleebur.:. alul all elli.'- of vililui l.e vwih a inemhei .11. it, te.l te alter, 1 fureral. Tliur 'J V M ft mi lile late resilience. i.lllT Munteu si llurheline. Phlln Int (ixtiud 1 Inn h 'SieuniU. Kd. in.iln. tnuv be vlevveil V ,.d eve UILLKIAX. At h's 1 eine in Oitnnl, en April '.'. I'auiahi H. L (II t.l.IHAN l'uneral servM'ea at Oxford Meihediet Cnuicli, en Tliiiisilav, Avirll t). at ..".0 1' M. Iirennent Oxford evmetarj ' I'.LiriDKN'. At New Orleans 1 a Vpnl I OHVAN . (JLIUDK.V I) l flele tivea and friends aie Invcu t,, nttend fu leial services. 'I hur . II v M . rhipe of Andrew .1 Hair Hen Ann ami .ii, st Int. vruate rhlcace, I e int.! and San I'tani'sie papers ple.n.. , ip. densitALi;. Apri" a hdvvard ii. god- In his K3th vn. Finersl ricei i. l'ls 'ale realdeni". lid Ml' Creek reul Ardinnie, Wednesd.ij- MA M lmerment in lire. HUAPV pril t ll).'.1 S P ni t Telia mil late Miin'e ,s ; n f ise I 7 I'.el.'llves yllll itienfl- .lie m.i-i t,, i-tep.1 funeial 'IhiiiH , s I1 J r li 11 , li 1 'e.Meme lsl'J S I'ta si li He i 1 im i ,. 'i UltAlKM- April 3 111.'.' I'l.l V .1 -1 U ,,f P.elieit (Irnham. Itelat ,, I fi.enn .tie inviteil le attend funeral i" ,e I'lans .' V ,M al her late resnl, u llj W. Wvnmitn. av . Oeiinrttilevvu li pmte (HUNNVN - 31 IMVWll i . laiiuliter of late Themas and tm ilrlunan I I'.elailvi's .tnd filends ate innt.,1 te .ittend tlllienil Tiles . S 30 V M fiem lei lite ie'ileni. ."iKIU Themas ave Sid. mu i.euiepi niu .It til" rhtirch of the Meat ltlesH,l fai lament In A -M. Int, lle.v 1 ices Cem i5fNVJi:.s'HAr!i:n nn wm .' ns: I Ol'IS ill'N'ZKNHAl'Snn of HO-il N' Sid- Hf.'uim si llelallvea ,ind friends ni W'.veilv Vsiiemhly, Nn. ai O M P., la. Vlie-i ie uiiiril aervire, en line villi, at at p,iuer or r. lie letsen 1S.S3 V liuernreut Net thuen.i 1 mii-i I'lleiuls in.iv call Wedneadiii rven n 11 vcKi'TT Arm 1, inu".' i:mviiii t hiiil.nn. I of Margaret and se 1 of late A.irn 1 and Man A H.ul.elt. i e teiu-a of the fun vvil in Kl-en int- rrsnlenie, .'it Pine s' HAilKH'rr pr. .1 ,t n,,ni , ii .r IllHN I' husliaml of lie 1.1 .1 lee,,inn" Itafcerti Itelutlves ami fnend nie imtpi te nnd funernl T.I. S M tiem tin, V K ' or 3 1 ,.nd We'f aie iili.ii,n lilBh mam of regiueiu hi the Church of Urn I.adi of Mt Carinel 0 80 M lirvc.n'il Int ..1 1 n.. im 1 iieiv riot) ivniii ... iiiiii i. 1.-..1.1 , ..nvyani iMNNIiiOC Autll 1. Hijj ir.iiv h... rieptiet, tenor, anil tlatltle .IOnC8, piail- baitil of Alma llfinnlsan inm Pern 1 lain of jte .iiic.inKiiri.iiie euniy vv aterrerti Beattjs "Chut, man." said Mrs, Oellliter. the farmyard, ready te "If a. girl's in life ahe waiita alwment Uka'L f eiecirieity. It ractd brftk loeie at th Brat touch. aemttimM, doesn't imi Aa r ri- uitfvnuir ana u a aut infn ramt ntr aeTeniurt-wiiu ' imj -iv . m im , ALKNANPF-'R prll 2. M MIT wife of Jehn It Alexnntlti' aged 7'.' Kuneial Wid . 1 I; M . fiem risldnnie of Imr nm-ln-liivi , '. VV. Wlthiinati. li.1I S 10th at. Ciimd.n, .1 Int private t Mnilal, I'ein. ALLLN. en Kniuih ilnnth 411) 1II2S rl'J!OltAJI H wife of Ueeige II Allen, In use Mai 5(.,,r It-m iv .-. mid friends In I a 'unsral fiem late tesldence Wesl ,. TiedU ,S h Hi Keurth Menth 7Hi. '. I M Int pr.vjie ANDRPSOX- Ap il -' MAIIV A widow of Harry Andersen Itelatlvea and friends re Invited te utitnd funeral services. Thurs., I P. M at leeldeiice of sen-ln-lavv. K. O. Jrby. Jr JK'.I Harrison at., 1'rankferd. Int. private, Krlends may call Wad. ave. Norrlstewn and Allentown papers pleass copy. t IlAJtDSLET. April 3. OEORan B3.. hus band at Anna U. HarflsUv In Blmpsnn). Fvmsral rrteen Thurs., S'M P, If., at 1st ltildne, M3 Cvdarhurat tf Int. rr- i " "T ' ' ' T Of Ameriril, Vil. 121' lvlllflltu ,,f H'nlA. ford and Helv Name Secletv of i Stephen' Oiuich nr invited te funeial, l"rl , S.,10 A M. from laie tesidence. n il I . V nth t Sel, mil requiem hum hit Mepiena I'f.nreh , in A M Int 11 ill Si-piiidire i . m liniSKll Anrll 3. 1922 MAllli AUKT ' wife of Js,men llelser. IdMut I v en nnd friend" am ln"iei te nttend f uni a I'u K A M from it residence nf her husband 10 1'edernl .1 lliah iiMise . t me rhutidi of the S ivi re I 1 0 30 A X t n, I nthednil Cei ItnX.VIMiKll Mini .1 WIIIJVM I'llltlfTIA'. Jr sun uf Wlilam 1 lirlillun nnd I'lerence II. ni naer llelallvea .md filends inilted 'e futi.ial Thins 10 30 1 l tesidrr e 1H3S V Mai vine a, enhiK Wed, ie Int. llllialile . u.nueN p ii 1 ui... lielnveil vvire 01 n.imuel Ilevdnn, Itelatlvea and friends Invlted in funeral. I'll 7 s A, M , late residence, 82211 N. liallVy at Ilsqulem mass at ih Church of the Corpus Chrlstl 0 A. It. Int. private. v-erpu. RUSTED April 3. MAItT ELIZABETH mil of Charles H. Ituitrd. ttahuivea Rnii frtndi art Invited te attend funrl aerr. Preileus ll.iOil 1 1,'ir, ii n.vlteil 'j ,1'tend f't i.n' ,'r' . s 311 i, M from h s a'.rt r"" den, - -l-l.-i.". V ii-a1.- Muli-n 11 hliih tn.iss ai S l''i.ii 's jf "t I'h'ir. h 111 M I He'.' 1 '1 os i em IlI.IMIM'.D'l Vpi , .' ViiNL.- 1 v f ef Mitihev p.einli.i d' He .vn. r I It 'I.IH 111 . ire. 1 t. fu ie a' Pi IV M a tes'rU'ti'.- Hi'' 1.. h ' -.elei n leiiui'.t 1 .is, ? ri .1 s rilU'ill '.1 .!e A M II I I .ltll",l A 1 (HI P.L'MONT - Vt S,.,v Te . i'iiv pri, S IlKMI II.IMiiNI' aced ,'.'. Ileljti.e m! friends ttle l,v el 'e .l"e ,1 funeral e." n Tnuis 1 I 't hare". ,f Ai.drew .1 lialr A. Sen .r h h 1 l'.nli .'a li,i nrlvae. lltll.NJ -vpt l lli.'J .AM loved wife et -he irtte .1 isepn , ,t,jl nneil (n'e nreunani i aid fnent a!w, e.nplev es of Westr'" Kiitrr Te ,.nd it M rfrdallr of th. Hu.i Nitne i nurei, i . Invited le funen Thu-s s jn . m f,, Ihe lekldrnr. i " he- ,.' 13.",.. 0'e.iBe ' Solemn renulern ihur, h v! the H. Nam Ie M. Int ri v.u ItOMMUI. if'ilrti.- ii V"'. j ,(i": IVI. LA ' Hi.KIKI I 'i '. ,if .; ik p.eni ne. HeUtlves end fr ei u i , mil,! lhe serv e. nn Wedn u ' a"e,n ,e n' J e i :fi. .it he il I Hi ,! ls S IT i s ll , rin'il nt li n'e ii'kk xpi i a n r. l inv " i ,i . Peidinanii Ftes- 'n,e Hipp pi .n.. : r,j i i te'ai i'i s 3ti p M fiem :'n.",i i e,i HtKh leq'lleia M'ass r trth hi,, li 111 M ll 1 M P'te' 1 I T itcnv r j a Hi.'.' mnc.'vvT 11 nr in his 77th vei.r IteM'lves a .1 1 f' ".. . AV n.shltiBten I.n, lure e ,',p ., l t KenHitlKtnn I'hnpler 'n .M.l s ' ,i , . 'umninndeti , K !' i ' d ;- e' . i teral Thuia. 2 P M frui iti r..' " ' 'I tlnw Hun 4IW N llnuil mi ,1 Paik live ' In Mt. Pea t. iVni P.. tr.iV le viewed V etl . 7 te P I M. iciiWE:):rTi.i' -itfiii c di u e ,' Il.niv and Asues chveultle P.e'i i , , d fi enda dr.i tinted te attend fure a Thurs . 'In M fiem he- late te-sider, . 470.' I'enn si P'ranlvfnrd lllirn ium at t Joachims Chui ill 10 A M Ir t lite lliidcene't i unn papers ,,,,i ,e HKAIILK -Mini 3 liKBOItAH r, of t'h.irles P Senrle Helnt've anil f rn la ilile TheOdeie Umisevelt ('halite-. , J7t il II H. Im'te.1 t f int il eerines li .' P M pr.vieen from her I itn res, Ie -.J.I I s 21st t lut Ureenm.iunt i'ei Ije m, is mil , ipwe,l Thins .i.niti" slli;i:UAV - -Apr.l 2 1!..'.' I.F.NV. ' le md lusbrd of Ihnllv h(eli.m inv dereen. and eon of Pnirek ami Man she, halt. Helallvis nnil frituln aie in ited ,i iijv.l funer.i, I'n s A 1 fiem his ,ite reslileme .10.' Summit ave .lenk rtniv n Solemn hlah renulem thn Imnid n ,it,i Conception Cli'iirli .li'inoiiteivn, CI 30 V Vf Int Hei Sepulchre iVm Sllli:i.Ii. Vpril 4 rilV.N'i; Let is ,ni, of Ute P.itruU I'. and Cntheriua V. SIucMn HKed 3d 11,'lntlv '8 ,ind filends ate im i,l Ireland le view remains ut Kirk & .S"lc' nsei Gr trlctlv private tWHITE STAR VllltlMK IIM.Tlt MKIiVMII I I.IIKII i r.i rt m:w vuixk i kli Ait , v TO r iir.P.R.t P.'i s' ,rl '. IIIIMKKII 'newei Apr. I" Mm .lime l nl WII'M ir. .- I.i L dune e M.IK.llt inewi Ma, '(I June 17 .ImIv 1 .'..... - - ,, lt , e ll. I' , . ..i,,,,- - . pr. II M.iv 13 June III pr. l'l pr. .'.' V,it ill .lime I . Mir. 'ia June .1 Julv I Vi Utl's M ii ,it-l V ,.P l ije It! V VI u V v I . I . i s i v KMU( (1,331 tniisi Apr. '-'. .Inli nc 111 tllKI'lt " .1 .', . ,,. I'HII.Vl'KU'l'H-i" . MTII'll sol. i. - - Ml WKKI'flltll Mn? 'i June 13 .lull "i I'M! sill ROII ' new i June 'U Mis. 31 ''abin and i .i , pakfei $ a . j e i.i:i m i im" iu'.iKi.ri i iv ' i s kr MrilM VN lrll 13 Red Star tmz V P VMUIT1I C.1HIH 'I . IS WIT' I l'l IMI M'r H Vim ll lime 17 IIM.VM' -nr 'ii Mm il Juls I l'.K.I M Mir .' June 3 .lull s MinilMAMi Via. -. June III Jelt I l"H!l A ' l I1 V'li, It l l'l I IUV V.MI,II 3d 1 1 ! niissenceis null M i pi , (I VIII I'M' s. V 'V I ' V,ssss- ,,r 17 VIMIIIPVI .lime -,tlllllN 'in MIssiM HI .lime I'. American Line ii II .MU( Kll V I'MVIOl IH AMI i nnitiu't nu MISNtKAIIIIV '3,1 i Iiii Mir. 10 Mav 71 VI S( III KIA Mir. -i M it 31 .T I'M I Mav 3 June 7 MONfitll.l X '!" IT June 21 it i r m i rn, s. u.vM"i ius HKIIlll Mir ii MMIIIIMI June 1 M'l.WTH IIIANSIDKI I INK PIU1 Al.r.I.l'lll t.l'NimV Vllssssl',' Xpr. 17 sCMIMXS Ma. -e IIM'.IIMUAN pr. 1. 1(1 j,me ft Mill. I M)-.MI'KH I IM PHP AliF.l Pill V P.l I 1 i III VM sDlill.Mi pr III III MILNDAlv V, ,;, International Mercantile Marine Ce. no srtMi:Ki. i.snn.nnn tens I'nasrnsrr lllllrr. IS1II Walnut 1 , I'hili. l'rrldil linire lavill lleursr lllilc , -, H ew'Vbi-k te Seuth America i OiiuS.CjevernnwitShips a Tliirpaa I Fastest Time ie itioee Janeiro, Monleviiieeann nuent Aires Kme.t .hip - sernrt Amern en reed mcriran t-oniferts SaUV ines fn Pier j llobeken. lnerlinti I eclim prll I , I'l.ll llierlrii prll 1. Western N nrlil Mav II southern I rn.. Ma.i '!7 " I nrtnlchtlv 1 liereniter" Munson Steamship Lines It i ill s N, r. ( v I'llilniielplli I HI'" e lln-vel Itlds II .. fn i ' nc a i s U. S. SHIPPING BOARDj COMMERCIAn dicHmdnir LiHfcd PHILADELPHIA te FENIT, CORK. DUBLIN and BELFAST ; ' S "H S1 .April 15 Moere and McCormack, Inc. 444-46 Bourse UldK., I'hila. --.l.eml). O.'iS.'i Main T.'.l.'l Verlr'seHessesssreesv'lrrVyl convenient e rf Ices and mt fam v NIll'STrn M her residence ti;3 pem hnike uve F.aKt I.atisdevine. Pa i n I 1PL'.' lir.LCN' M vil.liin of Themas p Hl.ustei 'itifi of fuieinl I.itei s.MiriT--Di 1 2 UMRrt A . l,eim,d ,en nf Julie A iree I'elei ) and the lain fells. .1 csnuth Relatives and friends Invlled t funeral Thurs. S te M fiem lai. IP, dence lil W Mrn'B m' v ave Sn'einn r nuiem mans . I lIi.i1-. s 1 hunli in a M Im Helv i r s i en SMITH ,i 3 llUMi 'l ,or, f Wi .ml and Saiavi J iin ' i itiee .Mct'ar I MKIITIF.K. f New Yerk te EurepsiV De Luxe Service IO PLYMOUTH, BOULOGNE. HAMBURG By Nevr American Flaj Steamer Reaelute Ma -. May ;!(), June 27 Helinnce May lti, June 11, July Regular Service TO HAMBURG DIRECT Sailings every lliui.uiiy, ey th pep Mr icniu-i meuni wiy, mount i,ar roll. Mount Clinten, Hania, Bayarm. WuTttmbra-. with snaclal cmhin J3 tmprevtd third class accommodation. UNITED AMERICAN LINES, lac. at Aetata. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT 612-614 Chestnut Street 900 Square Feet Frent Roem Geed Light Elevator Service Apply Mr. Dallas 606 Chestnut Street f I -.........,.. I im (L ('' (r Ft PflfiWJ .. 'iijua TrVvsl hit M le.I m i m V HI ihl E.1 tWl 'HI V? "I fSi -KM e e " - - " sssp vvsiWWJB ...J t If. ... W ;w V " v s ( e . riV ..V. -J&d3' i .V Tfl Vurf ... .'? ks. ffl i .'!n -i'I', ifrvS i.e-4t.