pmiekCRniir-if iFnsinF ""-"" ' - --- -!---. -T- i- - !ti iix . i r i ii-i v-L-1- --j, - ' i .1 inTi- - hi - i-ii.ut in w - n Ji ' ...j-M-fc - t iMM.. M ., m ,, i,i... ...t, ,,.,,. i T .' -j v 1 1 f ii .laaf-MB j V PaMaMl-fl U kaBB at A iaai 'M ' 43" V aatsitifAri ill 1 11 Alin '''' zy g si. ".J9T 1 T J :-- . - - r--- '- ...,-,-. , , Zll . . - . . iBal bJHHH ;dF H!K5QT0W0RR0W & i , ! if m '.' HIP ,?T 'TiiT-jsm.; ,i '. . Vi. iL-V '.ii u . iilttfll wm iikr9-liluMn Ha "Kid, ,( aMrfapplrif" Theory i&BKfc. ' " . STALEON ADuritudUT Hb&tti rruje. ttM klnlfT In Wing In ?Wa"r opl'nder atVHW Seuth street Br M'utrt JmmJr ,n'"', kWn'ppcd w KlViSiL. ... ix net with tbebatid tli&t wEte lW' wlnter ''hemc" ,n tw dirty LSmd'flMr rooms ew a vacant store. ffik Cieit, and bis followers' hay never flaf -Jimmy. the Mn! Mr- nd Mr8' R?f5irie Olnw, 13 Llneau place, Jcwey R&traSaSliM been sought by the police, In aMM T hope that they cemu mrew some rc&Taer en the -disappearance of the boy. W Child wa stolen wnen-ni iw Sn'en a vlult te Greeley, Filce Cei parents bounty. rwl'V '" tne a'P"" D,lnl1 J? """a"1' "y M "".".. , , ' '...!. 'l- RVfltM 111(7 OnU VCI1 minium a wmi- Rfwl In the town at the tlma. SfewMarla Cruse. Jehn's wire, and queen P'Vrf'tie tribe, a tliin, atraignt woman fft'Wlth long plnlta of black hair Just turpi pPu tray, propounded a theory a the S Matted en the fleer of the unfurnished f. un mm. which h, thinks mar ae- li'u.'Munt for the Impression that' her band r'im'.nrf a woman were seen In a small lOT ldter automobile with a blonde blende l&Fatlred boy wrapped In a blanket. It V lain and woman were never Identified. Kl, "My son wicneias luupire n reimii v; .pi7 queen', in her queer clipped Eng- IIW flab, "The ber Is fair-skinned and If. i.uil..hiilrpi1 Hs has made much trau- '' bit' for us, because people seethe is net of our race and think we havekid sipped him. , ' "But we did net kidnap him. My son adopted him. They' boy had no fttntr and It was n kindness te take Ma. My Nicholas went into the courts and toeki out papers te mnkc .this , Wende-hsired boy his adopted son." The blonde reiish uey ah net witn the band In Philadelphia. however. Kin- Jehn' band fcPlit senn time aae. -part ceing te the Argentine under tb leadership of Nicholas and none Cruse, n daughter. , They arc seme--there.ln the Argentine new the queen dots net knew where. "We don't try te keep track of them," she said, "when U a part of tne triuc splits en ana gees jS. 'Its nwn way."" c i, . V. PHILA. PHYSICIANS CAN'T ' AGREE On "BREATH CURE" , & "Rubbish," Say Seme, and "Maybe" Othera Aaaert Cautieualy Philadelphia physicians have ex pressed n divergence of opinion con cerning the new breathing cure of(Dr. Henri Frelssard. of Paris, According te Dr. Frelssard, any per son te have geed health must, of neces sity, get out of breath at least once a djr. "It's bunk, like nearly nil of these avealled cures.1' said Dr. R. Tnte Mc Kensle, U014 Pine street, head of physi cal Instruction nt the University of Pnnlvnnln, tedny. "There Is some foundation for it." remarked Dr. Law rence V. Flick, 738 Pine streef, a spe cialist In diseases of the respiratory organs." Of course. It's impesslb'e te discuss n question of this kind at any length In the newspapers. It would tike a couple of newspapers te explain the' theory In full. All diseases outside of the contagious ind germ caused, according te Dr. Frelssard, nre troubles of the sympa thetic and parasympathic nerves. They are the only nerves In the body that are In octien during sleep and' pre said te resemble n subterranean telephone cable from points of which organs and muscles are eontre.Icd. SCHOOL GIRLS GUARDED wrmantewn High Puplla Grabbed by Man in Weman's Clethes Plainclothes policemen hnve been de tailed te guard the nuplls attending the qermintewn High Scheel, Germnntewn ,.Knue end HUh street, ami the liar awr Annex, in the renr. Actinia fel. 'i? i? serlM of n,,acks upon girl ! rv" u. u mnn wne en some occasions , Sri',,ewSK-san,Ue himSC,f -y ! . .ij1'" vwee or tne West Haines street fn.lll itlen l.ave received complaints' iron I Pirenln of kcvci-iiI of tl e illrW that their daughters hive been ..nil . u'liiiiiicrs nae Deen nnnejed. THIEF WORKED QUIETLY .Weman Leses Jewelry While in an Adjoining Roem lMmivw nre werklnc en the tlieft ;LJfn(W0l'tl,r of J'lry from Hie JK ri?e" "f. Mrl- Nerma MeCalln nt "i'Vrih Mueleent i Ktrecl. ..h.i" i!wW. w !?n!nf.t rvti . " "" irriiui nirtrl:! Friilny , "iiHHJii wniie .Mrs McCalin wns In I t npannicnt. H GIPSY BANU i ' Xi. ' The tliicf werkcil ke i Mtrect, filed the llrst papers for the lie illil net nttini.i Mi- ' niibllran cnhernnteriul noininntlen. te- isymtf hat he did n.ann'H HI ttentinn. 1 V Hell kiln riini.....! .. .1.- . rtiii.i I ""I i uie room in i tlmft r ,"Hl Ieft tl11' Jewelry n short cciere it wns rehc. ?'- "iB '" w "?. articles liiclmie n din wrlit watdi . ,m '"mw "ml " 8"1'1 Si Uncommon Sense J .IOII BLAKE ' rraw, mn wjl0 jnews wuat )ie iaH accemplIMicd, nnd what he meant te accomplish, eon formulate nn inlelll. f, .iiin Ki. . Br"' '",n "r tlic future. 4 ' nsy ,0 ,b,nk we liave done far 1 i?. "" Wfi 'nllJ'liave. p" 't Is easy in iiilnv ii.D .!,.... ft'&,e 1?c,en8 ,n 'e lirocesslen, nl- ,raSnta'4ffl,M,,wh'l,,,0,,w- ; '? Hii't ...i .' ' . . 5 PteBl . wp cl,ecu P with ether t m J ",c am? b,l!,,Ci,s we often, m uu e are muinim.. aFiem- n set!(1 vUn' "ew nni1 u,e"( t0 We ilM . li ' ,B" wne United when flwdeV.U fin" Ut whnt Xh" hve kaew i."."f.'?l,fc,Bl. vIp. liCeniiRe we -bllltt i,.i ' iV"rW? rnn ctimute (heir JJJJJty, and nUew for their aliortcem-. uuin.,,rek,inf'uP nlm0Rt alwaya in ,n an ""Iilearajit burprise. liKi!3 "fn wc ,lu,e S"PJ of 'Otte. Wn,t .i" tn' 'Wt, EflmteKssz??: sstMMmimmjeiR&& twiwMintfHr.Mt yf I i?tnr-?i. '."t ' ." f r L . a- i i .mi is a ilium ucVy", per'NeW.Hai Chanca te. Ractivir, faaetera'lay If ''Bucky'Deree 'llveaer twenty faur1 mere hours he will see 'hit father; who Is hurrying East, In the hope' that he will .reach, his i's bedside before death dvertakes' him; , " .Physicians at the Episcopal Hospital were mere optimistic 'About the lad to day. "He itassed" a 'comfortable night and has, a chance te, recover ' Thehrdls iir with: pneumonia. Ills mother, who is at his bedside, hti just recovered from InBuenria. V The father,' ,Kdward l Derce, Is beinr brought, here from Jb'ert Leaven -wertn, Kan., where lie Is serving a ten year term for sedition. Ills' temporary release was obtained by Miss Ellen Wlnser. of Haverford, chairman of the Philadelphia Civil Liberties Committee, through the superintendent of Federal prisensat Washington. s ',. , "Bucky': hat .net been told, of his father's, coming, as physicians- feared the result of excitement. Jf he gets muca,ueficr reaay ue mny ee tela.. cha'riVari Tb-TivAiiT END OF HONEYMOONING Frlanda $f L'ansdewna .Jewlyweda Refuse te' lahked in Plana Old shoes, "Confetti lind 'ether greet iijfg from their friends will most prob ably attach te .the end' of the honey moon of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dough erty, of Lnnsdewne, Instead of send ing them' en their way. The' an nouncement of their wedding In New Yerk en December .1 came yesterday as a complete surprise te friends and relatives of the couple. Mrs. Dougherty wn8 formerly .Miss Elsie Rule.' who' mail hpr liinnn wlHi her aunt at, 00 West Lacresse avenue, Jyan-dewne. Many knew that the cou ple were close' friends, but the calm announcement of Mrs. Dougherty that she expected seen te go en a honey moon wa followed by Mr. and Mrs. Dougherty slipping oub.ef town. But from rumors that are prevalent in, Lansdowne the - reception at the heraccmntng will have gathered warmth through its long' postponement. EACH GAVE CHURCH $49 Haddentleld Membera Contributed Well During Year An average contribution of '$40.48 was made by each member of the First Presbyterian Church of Had"denfield, during 1021, according te figures given at the annual meeting of the church, last night. The total disbursements for the last year exceeded $.18,000.' 8nce 7871 the membership of the church han Increased from 'twentyme 857. n V Thft fnllnirlnv Affifwi-a itr.n aIa.a.1 mt- the annual meeting : Henry D. Moere, president; William Henry, plerk; Rob Reb ert W. Paif, trensurcrT Jehn Kr Bow ler, Geerge Ai Tyler and W. Q. Rein hart, trustees; William G. Moere, Francis Tomlin, Samuel B. Tayler, L. B. Crawford, trustees. WINS GERMAN BRIDE Ooughbey Weda Daughter of Man Ha HmA Peiinht James Erwln Is" Uplaiid withtermiul0.6 mpt"JE t0 a. German hrii nft... imin.'..H,.i sel.a money-making machine te a . erman erjue, niter Having serve fn(,nie ,nnn hf i.n.L ...nii..i .. through the World War and spent some time in Germany as a iseldler In the American Army of Occupation. He. met the present Mrs. Erwla while stationed nt Coblenz. "Her father was a soldier in the German Army and hnd exchanged shots with the American soldiers, but after the defeat of Ger many he was se friendly te Americans that Erwln' was able te wee and win the daughter. Erwln returned te Upland with his bride lnnt Sunday. I...., i ,. .. ,. .............. SOLDIERS' BODIES COMING Six Frem Overseas te Arrive at Reading Terminal Today The bodies of six Phila'rielphla soldier dead will arrive at Reading Tcrmlna', where the caskets will be decorated with wreaths by the Philadelphia Chapter of War Mothers nt 0 o'clock this after noon. , Among the bodies nre these of Alfred Richard Gress, who will be burled from the home of Mrs. Annie Lew. 12421 Accerdtfig te Mrs. lllanclm Tteiink president of the PhlladclnhlnK.'hnnter nt War Mothers, 000 mere bodies awalH transportation te tins country. HOLD AUTOIST IN DEATH Cycliet Dies In Henpljal of Cyclist Dies In Hospital of Frae- tured Skull William McAnally. 1.12! Seuth Thlr- i,. -luuni. "tiivii ",vi". luuaj' IH II1P feinlli street, died tnilnv I,!al,,,ema?iU 1Iesn'tal ,n.em fracture pku" ns 'prMll,t ,? b?inB str,'ck h nn out""e "b Weed dnd Rreni .,, Vi.eriinv. MnAn.tu. , i.i Hahnemann Hospital from a fractured .v Rrnnil streets yestcrdny. MeAnally wan rid. Iiik it bicycle, nnd as he was nhniit ulpycle, te cress ureati street a motorcar driven by C'ermnrh .1. t!nr,herr.v, twenty yean old. of 2118 Sedgley aveuue, struck him. Carberry was held witlieut halt te! nwnit (lie action of the -coroner by Magistrate Ilenshnw.yi C. Parker Files for Governerahip I Jehn Clinten PiirUfi', (lOOt Nasau tiny in IlarrlKbtit'ir. 1'arker was a enn- .ll.lnJ V "' lr ""- iniumuii iiijiihii.y nomination In Philadelphia In IMS. ni piipera were filed in from five counties. the Kcpuullcan iuayernlt.v 4inn uflAt IliA llimni'u it llnxl'm. .....rj I ..( .... .. i-.ti'i " . . uiuw i-i- niPii uic ueiuyeu cmuer papers were filed formally. Checking Up However, It Is loe late te worry about that new. Loek ever the whole line of your nc UiiulntanceH and, by compnritjen, you i'un find out hew far behiiid you arc. Then you ran begin Hlewly and 8yt-' tcmatlenlly te catcli up. It will be hard work nt first. Um hard work never hurt anybody. In fact tint mental exercise Involved in overcoming n handicap Is one of the most Military things In life. CUKCK up by cempnrliis yourself uiimrrelfull.wwlth every iium whom you knew who had an equal Hturt with you. Then keep nu checking up every year, every mouth, If need be. , Gradually you will find you am ever- taking these just ahead of you. lly and by,. If you put. in hard licks enough, yun inn in- am iiubbiiik iiein, After Ihut thu cheeklns up process u plcasuie limtead et n hurullla hurullla tlen. mHERK l nethlnj se noting progress when we are making It buraelvea. It la(1 jut aa Impossible te go any pac urerth elng in life without ex ex actly.kflplng.eurj Jt i for 'lUPINkf Ulfcerteef8 out for WWkMifcn.ttlkHeijj- en (hfl Captain: a:.toAVew w it n kpaiiii.mi aim wanairamiar mimmiu -innarsn North .Hevanteeniii. street, this is tie; , jb a m.Bi'r BL. ' " m'tiM., IV ULI.'llml.ilJ1f Mllll 1 99if-atea Malil.rer Rakbaev ie pcuun di uinie ' Phesnixville Mittet Don't Like Conductors, but Red Yaps May Halt Truck Rldet ft REAL COMEDY OPMANNERS Girls' -of Pheenlxvllle don't like the general style nnd get-up et conductors ,en the Pottstown, arid Valley Ferge trolley, line and tli conductors say the girls are bail mannered. Avs a re sult things have reached such a serious stage, that the fair, riders are going te work' en a motertruck rather than patrenhte the company. ' . And still further complications are premised. , 'When the president of 'the. ,trolley company heard of the action of- the glrlsr'hc petitioned th. Public Service Commission and asked it- step A. B. Wentzel, the owner of the truck, from using it. for transportation purposes! . An agent of the commission told Wentzel that he must net run his truck as a jltney,'until he get a certificate of convenience. . Wentzel expressed defiance today and hired a lawyer. Then he, announced that he wouldn't step his carrying passen gers until the commission Berved him with an injunction. The trouble started when the line was taken ever by the Pheenlxvllle, Valley Ferge and Strafford Company. The girls say the conductors en the line nre ar from being Chcstcrfleldlnn. But the conductors decTire that the girls have te be called down constantly, as they want te run the Whole line. Seme of the carmen .further declare that many timid passengers nre afraid et the girls who started the trouble. ' Aa'broef of this they sav that Mrs. J. A. Cou'.sten, of Spring City, was used roughly ey tne mutinous riders be cause she fnslsted en using the cars in stead of the lone motertruck of the Wentael line. ' SAYS POLICEMAN BEAT HIM i Jury Heara Healery Werker'a Story of Assault During Strike A jury in 'Judge Stern's court tedny heard charges of nssault against Patrol man Patrick J. Derian, of the Frank-, ford station. Jnmes Hubbard, 34G0 North Hepe' street,, a hosiery worker, said lie was en picket duty during the strike last' July when Derian dragged him sev eral squares, blackjacking him se se verely he had te be sent' te a hospital. Derian said he had been compelled' te hit the mnn when 'he resisted ar rest for disorderly conduct. Swlndler'a Ball Forfeited The ball of $4000 given by Anten Pearlman. by a Philadelphia trust com pany wan ordered forfeited in the Wet Chester Court yesterday, when he failed te appear for sentence. Pearlman Ce'atesville man. but had- nnnlieil for n new trial, which was refused. A com panien nau been sentenced, te eighteen months, in the Chester County prison following the trial iri criminal court. If - SI A GOOD SIGN of the return of business confidence is found in the beautiful henies that Jehn JI. McClatchy is building in the Sixty Ninth Street center, JUST A BLOCK AND A HALF FROM THE ELE VATED TERMINAL, en Ashby Read, where 6 trolley lines terminate. Only 16 minutes te City Hall; one fare. Radie Telephones completely equipped in each home; all-copper gutters and rain spouting. Buy en interesting terms a little down then $49 n month carrying charges and $15 a month te pay off your mortgage and this includes your Garage. JOHN H. McCLATCHY Builder of Hemes unic at Operation. 63lh St Oppeaite Markrtst Klevutcd Terminal. Open Dally and Sunday. 0 A. M. te -6 V. m. 1'hene. Belmont 712.1 all 4a aalfi atafc BaiiiiiiiiiiSBiiBiiiiiiiaiiBaiiiVwH A SEWING MACHINE SENSATION It is se different from any ether Sewing Machine the women knew that it createj n sensation wherever it i3 shown. Its silence Is its first sonsn sensn sonsn tien there is hardly a purr ns the fabric glides magically beneath the needle. Silence bem of its exclusive DIRECT DRIVE electric meter. - Then its stitch i A beautiful ncrfect stitch, three times as 'llAY K DtfkeNSTRATB 11711 lff O wiiirnY tw. laHtBtz aiianiifr 1 ' i '5'5?'7 " ... in 1'. iVA aWi? ia'j,,., ; , r:. x v y . r.-i .. , ,, -.,. i j . rmdmki ----- s izv '-- r AAtkMmLmmmmLxmmmm ( Man1 '-",':' . .'." ' j -i zz street waier nenary ' A fake diamond for a real one. that he had.slekn and tried te dispose 'of at a'fence" was net the only, trck that fate had, in store for Albert John Jehn son;. Harrison, .N, J., the police sny,. He, was , held In $800 ball today by Magistrate --Keuer is ler a runner scar ing, charged with robbing his room mate, .Walter ', Stene,' 1714, North Twenty-secendstrect. Jehnsen caine te (he, bearding house at .the Twenty-second, street address, Saturday. He was assigned te a bed in a roelif occupied by Stene'.' Beth men were' out of Jobs. While Stene was out iri search of work, Jehnsen dlsappearcuV-taklng 'with him n $100 diamond ring", $7 In ensh. clothing and a, wtci,"nH belonging te Jehnsen. 'Stene wasi later caught In a bearding iimii ' K004 Market street. Police say they found pawn tickets 'for .all' the stolen articles, except thev ring en his 'person.' In its place was another rlng,"wltha larger stone.,."1 But exam-, inntionjihewed that the. auction shop;in Market street a tv Which Jehnsen is said te havtfttra'ded Intthe' geed ,rlhg".had given him a worthless piece, of. Jewelry in return. Police -arc'lnvestlgatlng the" place. Imported New Bilk KfTcctk. i Hnd-Pintecl. bcalrns. ADAMS 210 Beeth Bread Street 3JI- -' Much action at the corner of Chestnut and Juniper! He's just discovered that we're Philadelphia Head quarters for Rogers Peet clothes. .Spring styles new ready. FERRO & COMPANY Rogers Peet Clethes Chestnut St. at Juniper Sewing Made a Pleasure strong as ordinary stitches. And' it has NO BOBBINS TO WIND, NO TENSION TO ADJUST features in them selves sensational. This machine is indeed dif ferent. Come te" our atere and' see it .or phone us te bring one te your home for a demonstra tion. Even the paying will be made pleasant, if you decide te IT W VBUR. NOMKr' )IIIMIIIHV M I t U). " . ee i ;" v-n -j r L' t ab , .. ...?... "Vfl i- W. !r:iZii.Wi" Sir ' hjfiffl Rucnn ran1 hbkeV of V James' V.r Barrett, who Kiel ,, A J$,ti" 'i i . ""- 4"rrtS McCUES GALLERIES Palarttag s a4 Etchings' '. By W. LEE' HANKEY HwiABimi ls Ktstarea. u " ''- FINE FRAMING -Etchlnfs F)rlitta Wtter ,tCkiknhf. ittMng lit IfSENIAd CAUEIIES, 1M0 Wlaet itrtrt ' r Otit,stuffoean!f;Ke! Tour fancied , created' into merchandise And the buyer when'bexed In keeping-. .-- WALTER P. MILLER CO. INC. 448-4B2 , Yerk. A vs., Phlla. Manufacture of SPECIAL ?m BOXES SPRING Cleaning and Dyeing . TiWF.SSF.S rOATS WAIQTO aiTiirfl ll lour tsded or lellrd carmrnU ran be rlfiRrd or Ajti sod mud le leek like new by ear Incomparable methods." Over 100 Years of Service Barrett, Nephews & Ce. Old Stelen Inland Djln Kelabllthment N.W.Cer.Utk & Samoa (118 S. 12tk) Fhene 40SS Walnut We're net content with contenting the most exacting cli ent. We strive for per fection in every job for every client. TmI'Chetnut Street IE. Cor. 11th & Chestnut Sts. Advertising builds sales for today and geed . will for tomorrow. The Helmes Press, vrinteri 1 315.29 ChcrrrScrc'ct Philadelphia JL W55 Ventilators If your home or office is het and stuffy install Polished Plate Glass Ventilators. De net in terfere with vision. W'ritt er phtnt. Founded 1864 HIRES TURNER GLASS COMPANY 30th and Walnut PHILADELPHIA f&?MM&l TAILORED AT- FASH IOM PARK Spill Ivk Ilinli i Si lilfinlll iliiilJWliif TMLOftRD AT PASIIKJI1 TAItK . JACOB . ii, v' T1 . ' !.' WXjttli 4&WT9WW .-yfflsi4AU.i TiBi Pnrlel nhrrtMrtmolera jckel Chronerrielfir i . t Auroras at ii6 vjiiiciai linunp ueniesi JMffCehvaObeervater.KM-1.9Z1-1924 , "" 1 First R-ize but ef Z ' ' 4 Third Pr izeaeut etr 1 Prize eitt of & for Series of;Five Watches " The Unique Pri.e for mean daily variation The Unique Prjze for lest average running Geneva ''cfffarcft922 ' ' . The Patek Witch fdr Hen andWemenis , sold exclusively y this Establishment MacDonald Younger i i , Net Stylish Tep Ceat for Youths, $30 te, $48. 1 334-1 336 Chestnut Street The Philadelphia '" WWrn r rm r ur " n amr ia cnri araa ei eem em k ' w 3St 56th StrmetB7th Stree't New Yerk , Skirts jperfpparet Our sprieg fashaens are the exact oliupEDcaitaerDs of these Paris Smrn ports mnade for our Fifftlh Avemnuie SaEores, assuring Pih5!adel!plh5a patrons the authoritative modes at prices that are consistent with the assembling ability of this organisatien. BROAD AND WALNUT STS. PHILADELPHIA Qhest 1$ In the average regular figure there is a definite ratio of chest line te waist line in men who stand especially erect, the pro portion is changed. I The Reed Standard of Tailor ing has been applied te a spe cial model, "The Stanerek," for erect men by our tailors at Fashion Park we're featuring it new at" x$45 BEEP'S 26 CHESTNUT .Kit... S. di.'tWM.., UH: - -i-'i'iiiriii '-'' 1'Jl '-'nitr obtain, the bewJna t,tnn thm fnl7ntrt'r1 - r. - i 'j 4l4 .'' ' Jj' t1' & Campbell Men's Suits $30 te $48 Among the best-dressed young men, of 15 te 20 years our ex clusive suits are regarded as the standards of style and excellence. The very finest made for smart prep school and college youths, these suits are produced by the finest artists, under the same highly specialized designing and tailoring as our men's clothing, and show the same famous supe riority of style, fit and durability. And these handsome suits are priced within reach of every one because of the modest profit we take te meet present conditions. Complete range of the best fab rics, and most desirable patterns anil colorings. Entrance te Pari rC JJ,nn 'dan vs. TVaist S i aV ft A. CV w? O&'d ., .Vrl' ifMMtffaiiilWni m : kM AstheGqqdrNm " Per r if 8 fQi s i ITl13'lr A T TW$l'$r' IWTAUW v,-t . t , . ' &yteiJM la fetmmeH fwt-- itWn? m w m uddu vri . 't. JflWir'.' li 11 -1 11 I IH I ' r Vjl tiaefj v: wb ei ... acj OUR busy store is weV coming hosts of friends : who already knew the ' attractiveness of out eut values and newi friends who want te begin buy--,' ing their cletlhes en 'a Super - Value b a s i sV You're invited, tee ! " PERRY'S - '? NOW about that' Spring Suit you're go- ing te buy you'll have no trouble finding just i what you wantf here , the only difficulty will . be te cheese from such -an abundant variety .efv styles, fabrics and cql- ors. But you won't'" mind that, for the Super-Value prices art -se attrac tive $28 $33 $38" and $43 " A Spring Topcoat,-' did you say? Yeurs'is here whether it be a ' gabardine, covert, knit- ted fabric, herririgbQne or any ether styleRag-'-S Ian or regulation should ders beautif ullyW draped and perfect fife , ting coat that a mer- ' chant tailor couldn't match at " double diir Super-Value prices. SPORTS SUITS in every variety of cut four button two button p I e'a't e d or ruffled -backs tweeds, cheviets, . hemespuns, Canadian crash and blue flannels. Super-Value prices en evcrv suit. - Perry &Ce. 16th (aid Chestnut"1 SUPER - VALUES in Clethes for Men -mfuiu:nci(:fu;if:nmijrirmi:nruiiiiH:A-firitiin:iimiJi!i:r:3nJtnri!irufiifHXJiT8nr Screened Air! Se exacting; are we in our sanitary require ments in the baking of Victer Bread that we even screen the air before it enters the Deueh Reems of our three big sunshine bakeries. This makes them dust-proof and germ-proof. Is it any wonder the dti licieus Victer Bread is be geed? And the price is just 6c a big leaf. AfliLTflwftJII "- 400Q Square Fat Storage Space REASONABLE RENT 612-614 Chestnut Strt i? Freight EJf alee iw -(( iMeaedUate emMmmmmmW"' -1 rtfiPeMsaVwAi kMW aw!Sialm -J 43 n -. f . M ?M i1S A " ri i j A I mm .. tow.- ii"