Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 04, 1922, Night Extra, Page 15, Image 15

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ASTER OF MAN :-: By Sir Hall
' a OntsDeken and Moving Study of a Deep Sex Problem by the Noted Auther of "The
Manxman. lire wchiibwi, ihc wuimi viij, nic nuuuui i uuu uuvcbi mc, -...
iV f. Vlmrclt fin lt "' Wcfi""
' VW f X of the tic of Man, in
.chj(f JYJ'fl"lllttrc. Te save
' ,'" Aflrtit I'arVtamcnU from
BpttUr el'Kjl! mhci the bhme e
"ZWJtl' K CWWi.fr. prc.fi
&."!.. .1 11,11 fellow anil admit
1&&'rr The 'no beyi iteierffc
H'8?H &V '"' Vcai.hcarteJ
.. nllrr lehien nn un-um-n : .-!
' T r irirre .ie 'it6.tM ed-
!& inei'fM ",r" ,u'(,Ffr rW ""71
&'ffi V !wionJMMle
Ster; f ''" """'"' ii'' '".VmcHii
V". .'...- ,f.- .rri- irhlill In
iL.Amrr. """ " -
While of J".
I V:,-
nnrt Iinrl nil tlic world before htm, they
threw tlirtiiselves in his wny, nnd didn't
mind what disgrace they get into if they
could only compel him te raarr.v them,
"Iltir think of it person like that com
ing te live us ml-trtM lidf here In the
uoiifle of Isebcl Stewcll!"
Then the men folk of such women
weVe iih bml ns they were. Them was
a wicked, lying, evil 'spirit abroad these
days that .lack wns ns j?oed ns his
miisWr, and if you were up you had
In be pulled down, nnd if you were
big you had te be made little,
"Only think what n cry thene people
would make if anything happened,"
huIiI Janet, "wrecking your career per
imps, and making promotion itnpossl itnpessl
We." '
"Don't be., ufrnld of Unit either,
Janet; 1 can take enre of myself, yen
".Se you can, dear." .mid Janet, "hut
thenMliluk of your fuihe'f.'iKerty years
a Judge, and net a breath, of scandal
has ever touched him! But thnt'H
just why some of these dirts would like
te destroy him, calling te him In 'the
courts themselves, perhaps, with all
the dirty tongues at them, te come
down from the judgment-neat and set
His own Heuse In order
fs Man's Late Toe Hard for the
Weman in ihe Cajc? Is Con Cen
science Enough Punishmtnl
for Him, While She Pays
the Legal Penalty?
In This Frank and Gripping
.Story the Man, as Judge, Sits
in Sentence en the Cirl Tried
for Their Sin.
hi dend friend and dead enemy, been
read n it wits read that day by the
young voice, be rich and remnant, that
wax ringing through the old church.
Hut it was net that alone that was
welling through their bonems. It wn
the thrilling certainty that out of the
greatness of bis heart the son of the
DceniRtcr (of whom tee rnnny of them
bad been talking ill) had covered the
nakedncMt of the peer iHtrlcken, sinner
Who had mink back'iri hi surplice te a
tent behind him,
AVhtn the scrykewas. overhand the
clergy had returned te the vestry, the
congregation remained standing until,
the Udverner had left tbtf chtlrehjTHuJ
nobody IrieVed at him new, for all eyea
were en the two who followed him the
Deemster nnd Victer.
'Theu need hate no fear of thy Mlrt
T l.ll J.bk ffM. llilli.....M.. ..fill .BUS 1', 1
i it'll iiivr. Aiir fii.iiiiiii'u, "4ii an f v
.,! n-liUe UnA i.ntvn flip pnninnnv from
linllamear walked uy the nlle te the
famllr niw. in which Janet, in her.
black silk mantle, was nlready seated.
The Deemster's pew was close te the
communion rails, and horizontal te the
church, with the lending desk and pul
iilt l, thn'nnen Himcn in front of it,
,end n marble tablet en the wall bchirid,
1 containing the names of n long line of
the Ballamears, going us jar tiacK as me
sixteenth century. '
The vestry was nt the western end
of the church, under the tower, nnd
as Boen as the bells stepped and the
clergy came out, it was seen that the
Vicar was far from sober. Nevertho Neverthe
.mu i,n ....ni' lilmiwlf erect while coming
the piazza, the days being long nnd the ! through tlie cnurcn eenina "''"
chair within the rail of the communion.
The curate took the prayers, ana
evenings warm
' The Deemster wax uneasy about the
caic they hail tried the day before, and
talked much nbent it. A farmer had
killed a girl en hlsi farm after every ap
pearance of gross ill-usage. The crimp
and the motive had been clear and
therefore the law could Bhew no
clemency. Hut there hnd been cxternul
circumstance which might have affected
the man's conduct. Down te ten years
before he hnd been a right-living man,
iJAMiJ""."1", , ...... I knew, dear, I knew." said Janet.
"Hut think what he'll suffer If any
surt of trouble falls en his son ! Mere,
far mere, than if 'it fell en-himself,
'ilmt'.s the way with fathers, isn't. It?
Always Ins been, I suppose, nlncc the
days of Uavlil, De you remember his
liunentutieiiH ever his son Absalom? 1
declare J feel ilt enough te cry in
hurch itself whenever the vlcnr reads
it : "O m.v son Absalom ! euld Ged
1 litiil died for tliee, U
son. my son
rfbilttiff i"' rl'
' tU'fr
' afr
BaTf'' M-afllPBBa
-. l.Anl I'jiiinllt'
t.nrln" black "lories KUtmi icuir,
?.c?ri."':. "l ,,,.t. She believed them.
JIAelicved them, she dreaded them as
.Ttlmi ph nnd re-entc.I 4hem as slan
ders. Hut tinnliy
she ennclpdcd that,
whether the.v were
trim or false, she
must tell Victer all
about them.
Yet hew was she
le de se.' new
put a nam te the
evil thing'! t latat
i were being said of
him sue wlie nan
been the tsame e.s a
mother te hint all
the way up since
lie was a child, and
held him in her
nrms for his chrls-iinlne''
Fer weeks her -with
her maidenly
'modesty, but at length her heart pre
.Vailed. She could net see her dear boy
trlk blindfold into danger. W ha ever
tb consequences, she must spenu ,
'iini, warn him. step him it necessary.
I But wheie and when and hew was
ih te de se? Te write was impossible
(nobedv knew wnni mism. uci-whiu l ..
letter) nnd Victer had Ien;; "con
tinued his week-end visits te Bulla-
"""... .. . . ,1.1 1 1,.
One day tnc i-'Qcmsier iem nt-i "
prfDare a loom for the Governer, who ;
wis coming te visit him, and seizins
her opperl unity she said: ;
J'And wouldn't it be nice te ask lc lc
ter te meet him, your Hener?"
The Deemster paused for a moment,
tben bowed his head and answered: i
"Dens eii please. Miss Curphey.
Vive minutes afterward Janet was ,
wrilin? in liet haste te Knmsey.
J'llc Is le enme en Saturday, dear,
but mind j mi romp en Friday, se that
1 ma? liac .Mm all te myself for a
wkllc'befeiv ihe jient met. take you
irem me." ,
Victer (hum' (in Friday cienlng nnu
feqnd .Innet alone, the Deeimter being
nway for an iiiiiertant court ami likely
te bleep the nisht In Douglas. She was
In lier own little slttlns room a soft.
cushiony clmiiihcr full of embroidered
tcreeui nnd jilr lures e Himself as a
cild worked out in colored ilk. A
tea-tray, le.ulv laid, was en a table
bjr.her side, and she rose with n-tvwn- i
bllng cry as lie lieuudcd in nnd kissed i,
her. i
Tea was n lenj but tremulous joy te
herj nnd bt the time it was ever the
dirtiness was gathering. The maid te
siOTed the imv and was about te hi ins
in a lamp, but Janet', being artful.
".e, .lane, nut jet. 1 1 would be a"1,,
pity tu shin mil this lovely twilight.
Don't jeii iliink se, dear?"
Ictor ngriMil. net knowing what was
eemlns, nnd for an hour longer they
int nt opposite sides of the tiiblr, with
their faies te the lawn, while the reeks
caned out tiulr hist congress, and the
thrush sun;; us last senK. nnd Janet
talked en in (liferent mutters whet lie:'
Mrs. Ouinlii litis sleeniiip-niit house-
deeper) was .aklng Mm comfeilnble at
itainsej , nnd if Hebble freer "heuld
net be telil le le.iM hutier and fresh
gxs for lili.t en market dnv.
But when, ilnj daikness hiivlug deep
ened, here was no lnnser nny ihtnger
that Vldni euld mc her face. Janet
(trembliiij; with fear of lier iiiiinling
new that In had gnnvn te he a iiiiinl
plungeil iui In i- u n. U' suhjc, I
I'ceple weie inlklii;; mid tnlklii';. The
Jlanx ones wei,. ienihi fei iiiII.iiir.
Keally, It enijlu te l,e !ins,iK. te put
th law en people who tulknl and
My father' can take care of himself, I clean nnd sober and honest nnd even
leugieus. j lieu m: mm ucvu ii,fcuii
by n young horse and kicked en the
bead and bad had tu undergo an opera
tion. After he came out of the hos
pital his whole character was found te
have changed. He had become drunken,
dishonest, n sensualist and a foul
mouthed blnsphenur, ami finnlly he bad
committed the crime for which he new
steed condemned.
"It makes me tremble le think of It."
said the Deemster, "that a mere plijsl-
bsalem, uiyicnl accident, u mere chance, or a mere
nnsm of animal instinct, may cause
There was silence for a moment, for
Victer found it difficult te bpeak, and
then Janet began te plead with him
In the name of. his family also.
"The Deemster Is seventy 'years old
new." she said.' "and he ban four
hundred years of the Hiillamears be
hind him, und there has never, been a
plain en the name of any of them.
That's always been a kind of religion
any ee us at nny time 10 nci in h way
that is utterly contrary te euv moral
character and most incere resolu
tions." "It's true, though." said the Gov Gov
ereor, "and it doesn't retpiirc the kick
of a horse te make a man act in op
position te hta character. The loudest
voice n tnnn' hears Is the call of his
physical nature, and law nnd religion
II P ' Eli If",
if mtm
Wffl LHlfi Kit IibbbbHv IRfliFnillr fl
might have taken the rest of the service
nlse, but the Vlcnr, thinking his duty
compelled him te take his pnrt in the
presence of the (Joverner, rose te read
tlic lessens, wutn (iimcuny nc rcacucu
the rending desk, which wai close te
the Deemster's pew, nnd opened the
Heek nnd gave out the place. But
hardly had he begun, in n husky and in
distinct voice, with "Here beglnncth
the first chapter of the Second Heek of
Samuel" (for it was the sixth Sundny
nfter Trinity) when he (.topped ns if
unnble te go farther.
Fer a moment he fumbled with his
spectacles, taking them off and wiping
them en the sleeve of his surplice, and
then lie began afresh. Hut scarcely had
he said, in a still thicker voice. "New
it came te pass" when he stepped
again, as if the words of the Heek be
fore him had run Inte each ether and
become an unreadable jumble.
After that he looked helplessly about ,
him for nn instnnt, ns If wondering
what te de. Then be grasped the read
ing desk with Jils two trembling hands, I
nnd the perspiration was seen te be ,
breaking in beads from his forehead, '
A breathless silence passed ever the I
church. The congregation saw what
was happening, nnd dropped their
heads, as if knowing that for their be
loved old Vicar this (before the eyes of
the Governer) was the end of every
tli Inc.
Hut suddenlv they became nwnre that ,
something was happening. Quietly, ,
noiselessly, almost before they were j
conscious of what be was doing, Victer
Stowell, wjie had ueeii' sitting at tne
end of the Deemster's pew, had risen,
stepp'ed across te the reading desk, put
n soft hand en the Vicnr's nrm, and
wns rending the lessen for him.
"Saul and Jonathan were lovely nnd
pleasant in their lives, nnd in their
death they were net divided. I am
distressed for thee, my brother Jona
than; thy love te me was wonderful,
passing the love of women."
People who were there that morning
said nfterward that never before had
the sublime lnment of the great King,
the grcnt warrior and the great poet, for
in the
Don't brighten up all the
rest of the house and leave
the nursery dingy. Come Bee
the new, attractive furniture
we specialize in. Make the
nursery fresh and aanitary
and see the kiddies thrive.
Dougherty's Faultiest Bedding
Mattresses Bex Springs Bedsteads
1632 Chestnut Street
j y
liM.1 llcumxtcr hud taken bin neil's back, with a beaming face,
aim ns he stepped out of his pew. nnd I '" P nt the gate...
I ,rr1itt nnAil liatii tin
an he wakcl down the nMc. through
rnn nnna tr iiib nnnnin inn ttnatt mi . .- i
twi if. '.u lr- ..in V ' nt te "ay nt temptation vu-iwi
.t..." -.: ." ---.---'.. -. - i . , a
JWD0I8 reer, in inumpnant tones te Te b continued tomorrow '
"n,rcl surjiiisi, an hud whs stepping ,eefuTtgM , uu, tnltmtHlea Uaeetint 0.f
' ., . I'J'I
'Simply '',
Ruth Reland
Is Your Kitchen All-Gas?
In these daya of labor - saving, eur.ifort eur.ifert eur.ifort
premoting devices, no woman should be without
the convenience of a Gas Range, Gaa Water
Heater and Gas Iren.
When all the kitchen work is done by meant
of gas heat, you can be sure of greater convenience,
cleanliness and economy.
We new have en display new Gat Ranges,
with many attractive features. Seme are finished
in enamel. All are built according te American
Gas Association specifications, insuring geed
material and workmanship and perfect cooking
Call or aslc us te send a representative
F-F it merely a trade-mark
but it also stands for
Yeu can be. that Fairest Feminine by a daily use
of the famous F-F Lemen Products the most
wonderful helps for a beautiful skinAhat have
been put en the market in the past 100 years.
F-F Lemen Celd Cream
F-F Lemen Cleansing Cream
F-F Lemen Massage Cream
A proof that all geed things come in threes. "Simply
wonderful," writes Ruth Reland, the beautiful film
star and they are I The cool, refreshing fragrance
of Lemen the whitening, cleansing properties of
Lemen and the softest cream that ever seethed a
woman's skin.
You'll echo Ruth Reland's "Simply Wonderful" after
a week's trial.
Four Sixti SO, 6S, SS Cnr and $1.25
Alse makers of the famous F-F LEMON SOAP.
If rear ittltr ain't Blr y, mail
ut 10 cent aatf rvcal? (entrant
mimpU af aar ef ta erMini.
Friearick-Friedrick Chemical Ce.
rnrxADixpnu. fa.
T.oelc for th F-FTraSt-liar.
Mary lleberti Rlnehnrt. noted author. '
aiji: "Te writ, one mut Hi In th heart i
of life." If you hava atr wanted ts knew '
Hew te Write." read thla Interview with
Mary JXebcrts Hlnehart. te appear In th
Maxnslna H-rtten of next Sunday'! Pebucj
UDDEk. "Alkke It a Habit." Adv.
Almest befure
I hey were conscious of uliat lie was ileing ieter
Stowell was reading the lessen for him
MiWftkUM t0 .M. jJmmmm
The finest
butter in
in niir fmnllr, hasn't it that if a Imve just get te make tin their minds
man belongs te the html of the linlhi- te it."
moors he will ie the il5ht he win be NexUneining. Sunday niernlnp. they
trusted.' Hint h something te be born te. I WC,t te elmn-li. .lanet drove in the
isn t it.' It .eeins te me it is mere worth Jarringe by way of tlie high read, but
hnyiiiB than all the jewels and cold and ' ti,0 ti,rr(. ,,, ,VolUed down the grassy
titles nnd honeis the world has in It. I ie ,lt the back, whieli. with its gei-se
(Hi. ni dear, my ear. ou knew what hedges en either tide, looked like a long
,our father Im hell say nothing, and K,Wn picture in a-golden frame. The
yen linven i ii mother te speak te ou; Deemster, who walked between the
se den t be vexed with your old .lanet Coventer and Victer, was mere than
who lines jeii. ami would die for you. umuhIIv bent and solemn. He hnd had
if she i-eiihl save j mi irem trouble nnd m nnoiiymeiis letter about his son that
iliMfrnee : but think what a trrible. ' morning he hnd lntelj hud theals of
fearlul. shocking thing It would be for them
famiivmuTi u;,"-,,1l"M,;;:n'1 'f;;;: ";;;:; ' " .. n.m ad ..iei ;
"" slumbereiN mountains behind were hid-
'.Nethiiig -hall happen I give you ,i,. a palpitaliiig luue, nnd against.
mj word for I hat. .land, -ull if-ter. tin- btvad stretch of the empty nca in
"Ued bles. win.' said .lanet. and i front steed the gaunt .-quale lower
liHing anil rearliing eer in llie uaruuess i,m , ,. . . . far-off Hound of tie
These nice effects
Nete heW clean the teeth feel
after using. Mark the absence 6f
the viscous film. See hew teeth
whiten as the film-coats disap
pear. Compare your teeth new with
your teeth in 10 days. Judge hew
you like the change.
Then read the reason for each
new effect. Consider what they
mean te you in. the years te come.
Yeu will knew then what is
best for you and yours.
Sold only in our Stores
a at iim
This Gift Test
Brings a revelation make it new
hn .tie ili(M inll.liwf uli. .nt t.i.ti tJie I.IwskP(I ti i hi --liir fni'i uns wrt.
w n ll nl)("" ,l"' " k"1(' VI,'t01 ' After that she laughed, in a noneus
well, is ji. It's nbeui Mi, mid said she wasn't n I'uritiin
leu. dear. ilther. like man1 of the people in these
i, neti'ing viniiis, , s,u .,.,. ,mr,s wi s. ku en Sunday inorn inern
us. .lust f,.w lltghlj glils biMstlng ings, walking fmui Impel in llielr
joeut tlie aiteinieiis he w.ih paying . Impel hats, niter preaching nnd praj -.?,'.
V "llP" "'i1l'1 "l',ll,l' w,i" ing agaiii-l "curiial transgie-Men" and
.?. I' '"" h,'Urv' Klhhle-giibbllng bedllv inilulgeuce" and "giving way te
auerit'tnn i.mgerA t jeiing women the teuiptntien- of the llesh"- -as if thej
"it tlie dnngers te jeung men weie hailn'l as main children at home as
lint RKaler. simil.,ul,s ful. Ki-ealT. thr-re weie thickens in a geed-slued
tl.. .1l " '"J1"1 'ml':l'l with heiiioe.sU
i or t m... s' ?fi?n- "lh"K yr1- "Yeung ...e.. are jeiing men and girls
Wile e his f ,h,. m!-V 1,1,'mllaml' ate girls," said .land, '-and some of
.eln a.' 'a .,-c ' c 'ifu'rUr' U.ee .NI,.,.-: gill- are Unit p.eiij and
nnd never i V, , ..-,!.. ' Mnrr tint they are enough le tempt u
thin eir fnt s Zx " "'"Kpp mum. And if IMihl wiim icnpted by
.Crjs1 i'"1. '''''ir li- bwiutj of IMlMi-bu-niiil we'i-
"wptllie luni-v '.fni ,Vi ;,,,.,.i ,,. Vi ".Held he was a man after (Soils- own
sie left l"ln-Wn(""(1 einuihaiins that i i,..-,vm ,(,ttPr (nn ,!. Lord ev'pret
, What' wfMMle,. tiat ,Nheu a U,1U "r 1""",' lmN ,lu':M ,l?." who "r' ",,lKins
ilXirV -'' '"" l" n'Jl i " .V1"" ""t''7""-' , , . , , ,.
mewed thcni the (eurtesv ,i mnn alw-iM) sl"' "ns nnlv "" el'' '"""' ll0',elf ll0',elf
mews te n woman, whnlever she is I"" sl" sIl,s''d ii was natural for a
fclien he Is a gentleman hum itist ! ""'B "" ,( ll" icmpud bj the beauty
.uur, nri, ,hm or a kind word en the "f nV"K "1(.""a"; ."', u"' l,,n'"
ma, or the liftinK 0f ,is j,.,, 01. . wouldn't have allowed it te go en se
H i.mc.r u Mil l'fvhnps what wnn-i1"'''' ,5,u ,l,(' ""ll"1 (lf ,lmt v,,' ,hnt
bi-ant T 1"'n'' UmlMl X0llnK things'11 v':l- ll,,1'''' for ""l" ,0 "'""'J.
"n0.i,'a.,u ,'"'lll"s n,id see visions, i "Se tind u geed woman and ui.ury
... ",l. """. " Hl'-I wheie the ihiimer her. deni. The Deemstei will lie de-
l""!l,' 'Icnr, ' said .Iniiel. "Oh. lighted, biultig enlj eui-ilf te tollew
mjself, and I was jeuiie I him
lemein- I lier
K. ...k,,0.w. '""' pwlinns I
. w in,. Heavens seem le enen fur
M Vruhi! r1"" M"U ,wn "" I"""
erHii I r , "'fi'i nwaj. w i
iinunf nr t,n f ,,t nt ... lt, !,. ,i,
....li"""!1" B"l 0 tint unii ,.1 I.,,.,
"VUDn nt, .'..' " ,,i."
t And a ler jeii, she added
eh e was blinking again l. "you
may net think It new, being se young
and stteng, bill when jeu are as old
a- I nm ' find reeling feebler
eiirj j ear and jeu are look
ing te the daik day thai is i euiing
" and im one if your own te
i Iem- jour ejes for ei'i " M only
hlied hemiUI. or stliiligei. pcr
hap'i "
It was Videi's l urn te lie new, and
te step her speaking by taking her in
Ins arms. Alter a moment, net with
out a tremor in his own oiec also, he
"I shall iiemt inni'ij, and uni knew
whj, .Innet. lint neither will I bring
-Inline en my lather, or sinlu mv mime,
ins (Snd is my help and wltner. ' i
The leuku were silent in the elms by
,i... . I't-eii no, I i , s iiiiiii. nit i iie 20111- wns i-eniii, nc
". llm i ...""" I,,c' will de. hi Urn hall. se. lnugliiiiK and cijing te-,
SJ l"J te,, "ni.'f.i ". '' " mll,K """' get lier. and with nil her trouble gene I
Wei,, jm.i ', i . like diiiseil cleiuls. .la net, ran ult te her
,V, loom te wipe jut ejc.s unii ma nei i
.-, MI.II.MYI , Oil, IM' lM.r.,VI vIlllU III' IKI' tllln HI HllllMIO'
.. . ' ' I.U' HIMfll ll,llt .
fill llllll
"Den', 1 " ." """" .
luid V.V.i .. "" "1 llml. .lanet."
la the 's ,., i " Tv y""',- "N" '
Ikil.1,1"1- "I- In the will 1,1 eltlmr.
liWer cv;;.l,ii;,,,,,e,',!'.v "-... .ieugi.
""eeniii,. U,
'nhe ilHrln, J'" M1!"",1 nf a f,,l,u Ilsl'
"Cedbi . 'V"1 Ul"" 'la,,,,t ,wi-
b Kill 1,1 I . ,'V"1 ,l,m ' thIlU
'"ies thev .;,Vi,u,r 1"W,'V ''' ,l1" bins.
k.. . ,,,r tOll of ..n Ml 1 ....
" elie .ii.
re.il,..iT. V " "'" g ii-i,
,f i"."'". designing
'"- rob fr ,",,,,'-"Iit jeung v
church bells was coming.
Nowhere in the island could they hae
found n mere tragic illustration of the
' Jaw of life they had talked about the
evening before than in the person of
the viiar of the church the.v were
going te.
His name was Cowley, and down te
middle life he had been all that a cleigy- ,
man should be. lint then he had lest a ,
'son under circumstances of tragic ser- ,
row. The boy had been threatened with
a loiisumptlen, se the father had bent ,
him te sea. and geinif te town te meet
him en his return te the island, he had l
met his body instead, ah it was being,
brought ashore from his ship, which wni
Ijing ut anchor in the bay.
, The sailors him said that nt sight of
them nnd their buitlien, I'm son Cowley I
had fallen te the stones of Hunibey hnr- '
hoi- like a dead man. and it wns long
before they could bring him te. or
stanch the wound en bis forehead.
What Is icrtaln, Is that after his to te
.overy he began te drink.
Tills had long been a muse of grief
and perhaps of shame te his parish- ,
Ieneis; but it had never lessened their
hue of him, for they knew (hat In all
idse he was still a true Christian, If
any lone "widow man" lay dying in
his mud cabin en the Curiagh, Parson'
Cowley would be there te sit mi all the
night Ihieugh with him; and if nnj
bnrefoeted children weie geinif le bed'
hungry 111 the one -roomed hovel that I
was their living room, sleeping room,
biithroem and denthroem combined,
Parson Cowley would be seen rarryiug
i hem the supper from his own larder.
lint his wenknfs hed become woeful,
and after a sheeUns moment in which
he had stngjered and fallen before the
altar, a new binheii. who knew nothing i
of the erl'.'ln of his liilirmity, ami was
I only conscious of the siaudal of It, had
threatened that If the like scene ever
rerun ul nsaln he would net enlv feibld
him le exercise his office, but cull upon i
Ihe fioverner (In whose gift It was) te
lemevc him from his Ihlug. I
The bells were leuil when Ihu three
men reached the whlte-wushed church
en the cliff, with the sen singing en the'
bench below it, and llllaiu Christian, !
the shoemaker and parish clerk, stand
ing bareheaded at the bottom at the
outside steps te the tower te jive wnrn
lug te the bell-ringers that the (Jov (Jev (Jov
ereor had arrived.
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This offers you a delightful tea-day test
and free. It is a test which has taught
millions a new method of teeth cleaning.
The glistening teeth you see everywhere
new are due in large part te this method.
It shows the way te whiter, cleaner, safer
teeth. And all in your home, as long at
they live, may be benefited by it.
The film en teeth
One purpose is te fight the film en teeth
that viscous film you feel. That is what
dims teeth and destroys them. Most teeth
troubles are new traced te film.
Film clings te teeth, gets between the
teeth and stays. The teeth brush used in old
ways leaves much of it intact. Se most folks
find that teeth brushed daily still discolor
and decay. In fact, teeth troubles have been
constantly increasing.
Makes teeth clingy
It is the film-coats that become discolored,
net the teeth. Most teeth are clouded by it,
mere or less. Film is the basis of tartar.
Film holds feed substance which ferments
and forms acids. It holds the acids in con
tact with the teeth te cause decay. It breeds
millions of germs, and they, with tartar, are
the chief cause of pyorrhea.
Se the enemies of teeth and their beauty
are largely developed in film.
Twe film combatants
Dental science, after long research, has
found two film combatants. Able authori
ties have proved their efficiency. New lead
ing dentists, nearly all the world ever, art
urging their daily use.
These methods are embodied in a denti
frice called Pepsedent a teeth paste which
meets every modern requirement. Se every
application effectively fights fUra. It com
bats this teeth-destroyer as nothing else has
Alse starch and acidi
Gummy starch deposits also cling te teeth.
In fermenting they form acids the acids
which cause decay. Brushing rarely re
moves them all.
Nature puts a starch digestant in th
saliva, te digest these starch deposits. It
puts alkalis there te neutralize the acids.
But they need stimulation.
Pepsedent multiplies that starch digestant
It multiplies the alkalis. Thus it increases
markedly these natural protective agents.
Modern dental science wants the teeth
paste te bring all these results. Without
them teeth are much less clean and saft.
Pepsedent brings all of them, and in a pleas
ant way,
Five Things Happen
With Every
1 Film removal.
2 High polish.
3 Increased salivary flew.
4 Multiplied starch digestant in
the saliva.
5 Multiplied alkalinity, te neu
tralize all acids.
Fer beauty's sake
Everybody should use Pepsedent, if only
for beauty's sake. Film-coated teeth mar
the beauty of millions. Remove the film and
But dental science has far greater objects.
Very few people have escaped teeth
troubles. Seme of these troubles are alarm
ing in extent That is what has led men te
this dentifrice reform.
Send this coupon for the 10-Day Tubs,
Watch the change in a week. Then judge
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