Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 04, 1922, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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(TnfflfFvKf ;'7 7"'v ,ymmy
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!. I-Ill Itll II U W
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amr ,
ap. ? wm
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.7, . ' "
for Qakkbreads
MA btccesf in Baking ,
KM. Jf Oi-srH
'""?..;..;. 4. iciiitii.
..;" r . '
M .Orthodox """" 7 i
.i T...,r.r wtek.Ibls form of
K4 bo'ert'u.cd by tncm from 'the
E0f Mmm- te. the Prcwnt day ,lt
I " . . l.. .H.I
r i .1 !.. a nniir nniEii
g'ilmpieBiv? '-;- ---
tf In" thin pai u -
Alir te tne poi ...,. -..-.
SffiT tVnd can 'be Jc.Pt any
WF'. : i fvarktra and biscuits,
0Bniiiib knew them, arc often
Things You'll Leve te Make
! . . . f .
W 11 V - ' s7fav
gKli8Bm.T Wi.W
.'i'.if.r,f7ri.';-hrtiiVT.i v,'j'Jci ",Ji"-t-' t Jri!PW,iBBHLefar-',T r j-i a. iki J' 'I'lfi i ij-?f . KaaraMUaaaWBncTMnBBnanmaHBaBBaEn1' tuj'y uif, " r niKLi"Hr;" ..v-i r- tact.T ntii t mihhvemm
p-pp- ;'WTtw
- I .. f -! : ,, r
In piwMm'nbeut the ilte of a large wl
nut nnu reiii ds thin n limner en n
riRfitry bnnrtl'dtiAteil with tiibent fleun
Wace en bnklnj Alicdt and bake for
twe ve minutes in moderate ureh.
Fer a rating In thlu lcnen, write the
question and the answer en one xide
of the paper only, allowing pnce be
tween each question ' and answer for
notes or comments. , '
Inclose this with stamped and nd
dresded envelope and send te me. I will
inarK ana return name toJeu.
name te ic
Can Yeu Answer TIicm Question?,
Ne. 1. Explain the term unleavcn. '
Ne. 2. OWe example of this form of
bread. ' . r
Ne, SI. Cffve "Reme farts about the
cracker. i
Ne. -1. Hbw.dld our feiefuthers bake
I heir bread? ( , '
Ne. 5i'dlveAni estimated nveragij of
less 6t, meUture dui, te faking et.'the
dough. .,' ' '
Vnt rt. AV'liV are seier or heavy breads
bad for digestion? ...
Ne. 7, What causes Irregular he:es
In leaf? -. , . '
Ne. 8. Tell something about sour
brcqd. ,
April 4 122
lunlewenea. .,ihm i.jpWq
n out by baking and arc
3"r oeBcentratedorms -of bread
.tt '.' . .'. :F'i C...J kblnir
Ben het atones or K the ashes of
Stet .Theii'ramerwtWtWnna
C. W whlcfftofire.wns built and
t relng until the -structure was suf -tnur
het te bake the bread Frem
r: Tii. n fhe nrcsent. witn tne sieam
Bens of Jbe, modern .baker, is Indeed a
lhiuvcr the construction of even,
Km. ihst takes D'accln the bread
rSTrlif the process of baking is essen-
j jt ... i 'Mnn npnn.i .i.a in
i.jThU.. nn'd the heat creates an
j.i i. f.a rnnstltuents of the dough
VU . -" .v-L I iL.
iiiMt oreducM a gn wjni iw"
" i-tJj rrui te run f hiprii
tiAM nHKI'U. XUI. " s. v --
"rf2 wltn-beth- yeast and, the' modern
t.jn whatever manner breads are made
'tTj libni there is a small less of
'elftwe content. This usually amounts
?te iHut one ounce for every pound of
(fthe VP dough. x
' HrV or Mggy breads are common,
'"VaVve net a desirable form of feed,
;ind,re considered conducive te diges-
tiTtvkturbances, due te the fact that
llnj3ljtstlve Juices seldom penetrate
tiaStth the mass, and it ferments,
creating various, toxic gasee.
jfhm the crumb of the .break breaks
. frttf its place while' catting, this is
tttm due te tnsumcicni xermeniaiien,
er we deugn may nnv.e iebi iu tenacuy
itlng overworked er,kncaded.
uine and irregular . holes in the
id, in place of the small even hole,
rs an everwprxeu aeuga, or cise it
been permitted te stand, tee long in
pans 'before' baking. If they are
Mid Just' two w the crust at the ten
efjfjhe leaf, this shows' that the even
I ioe aye au tucyruBi was iermea
t lac sviKa I'lxatca vy tut: icuvuii
id finished expanding. Bad smell.
sticks bread Is 'unfit 'for feed, and
MKVdevtieped a disease Known te the
batlri as rope; the germ that causes
'tMf trouble enters the' bread with the
jNp, and survives during the baking
Tie best method te destroy this bac
ttrMn is te scald the utensils, then bake
thrtr in dry heat ana sun in the fresh
Swir bread is caused by lactic acid
ferment, and is dreaded by all bakers
and housewives.
This condition is caused by the form ferm
lnx6f lactic acid, and In the vemi
UMtiby the formation of butyric ncld,
.. Mi miiiujimiu, ui uuunirauii
btctena. This trouble is caused by dirty
utensils or faulty jcast or it may be
caused-, by allowing the dough te stand
tee im during the process of ferment
Inr. .These conditions are unusual and
wdemlpccur If proper care and atten
tion Is given te the process.
Leavening or Quick Precess Breads
This1 type of breads is classed as the
quick deughs, and is prepared from
various formulae under different titles
ana MKea ou at once.
Biscuit 'forms n quick bread and Is
well known and needs Httle description.
History tells us that the wnall leaf
or biscuit 'is ever 2000 years old. The
word biscuit really meant) t Ice baked.
Standard recipe :
Place in mixing bowl
Te and one-quarter cups of flour,
One rMpoen of salt,
Three level tablespoon of laimu
Sift te mix nnd then rub into the pre
wired flour fivej' tablespoons of shorten sherten
Jngj nsjng level measurements, und then
form a leugl) with -one" cup of m,llk.
Uep-and work this 'dough -well 'and
wen turn en a pastry beard that linn
been a rutty floured and. roll or tint
Fer cool evenings of early spring
Veu will like a BPHINO SCARP HA'i
Anv Rtraw hat with & droeDV brim can
1)4 used (or the foundation, or the en
tire frame may be made of silk or
chiffon. Cever" the crown, with chiffon.
Make two silts at each alde, l.avlna
tabs four. 'or five Inches 'wide. Pull
these tabs down through the silts at
the base of the crown. Jein two ecarf
ends, ten or twtlve inches .wide, te
theee tabH under -the crown of the hat.
These endB may be worn hanging.loesely
at the sides cr tied around the neck en
cool evenings. What could be mere
fetching for the present season than a
out two-thirds of an Inch thick, cut and
placo'en baking sheet, and bake In het
even for fifteen minute".
Kalsln, currant an citron biscuits
are made from this (same dough bv
adding one cup of the chdice of. fruit
te the dough whlle mixing.
" Sticky Cinnamon Buns
Plnc'e in mixing .bowl ,,
Three and ene-fcal cupt of flbur,
One teaspoon of talt, ....
Three level tablespoon! of baimig
One'half cup of sugar.
81ft te mix and then rub in te the
flour ....
' One-half cup of shortening
and mix te a deugn wun
One cup of mity.
nnll about ene-auarter Inch thick
en slightly floured beard. New spread
Shortenlne. ,
BrOtcn sugar? '
Seeded min.. '
Kell as for jelly roll and cut in slices
about and one-quarter Inches thick, le
prepare the pan first grease liberally
and then ndd four tnblespoenB of melted
shortening and place a layer of brown
sugar about, one-half inch thick In the
bottom of the pan, spread evenly, .and
then plnce In the buns, placing the
buns close together. AVhen nil the buns
are in the pan press them fiat slightly.
Let Btnnd for ten minutes, then bake in
n moderate even for thirty-five min
utes. Whlle the buns are baking grease
a sheet of paper with shortening and
turn the buns en this paper nt once, just
as quickly lis you take them from the
even , when baked.
Snalla or Snecken "
Place in mixing bowl
Three and one-quarter cups of flour,
One teaspoon of salt, t
Three level tablespoons of laktng
peusd'ef,, v ,
Three tallc4poens of sugar.
' 81ft te mix and rub Inte the fledr
Four tablespoons of shortening,
using level measurement.
.New use one cup of milk te form a
dough ; turn en pastry beard and roll
out about one-eighth inch thick and
spread with
Melted shortening,
- Powdered sugar,
Rlinht dutlna of nu tinea.
Kell as for 'jelly roll and cut In bIIccs
nbeut three-quarters inch thick; place
en a well grenRcd baking sheet, placing
each ene of the rolls neparate In the
pan, andbake in het even. for fifteen
minutes. Ice with water icing.
i Cerq
. Cernmeul is1 uf-cd in many recipe's.
Twe distinct artlcleR en corn dishes have
apneared in this column shortly and
net., net be rencatcd. Barley and
lce, flour may ba Mibstltuted. in place
0 the'eernmeal in the recipes ler mak
ing elthcr.rice or barley muffins 'and bls
cnlts. ' .
' Te use the eitn first put them through
the feed chenner. uslntt the nut butter-
knife: this ont-fleur can be used for
many many muffins or griddle cukes,
also te make parkin or eat rnue.
Oat Cake
Plnce in bowl
Twe cups of the eat flour
prepared as directed in a inlxlng.bewl,
and add , -
One teaspoon of salt,
One teaspoon of baking powder.
Sift te mix and then add sufficient
water te form a dough; it "usually re
quires about one-half cup. Knead, and
work until smooth, and then breakNeff
V andall mi lliUeT & IJf 4llU VSSgSX,!
g Sold by theselDfealersl
Religious Boek Week
April 2nd te 8th
.Ten Leading Philadelphia Clergymen
of various denomination! Catholic, Pretectant, Jewish
' will each contribute a signed book review te the
Public Ledger Boek Pages
:' Next Saturday
' KINS, D. D Church of the Hely
:, Trinity.
"St. Paul, the Here"
iby Hufus M. Jenes, (Macmlllans)
v MJM, D. D., Moderator of Pres,-
uyiery or fhilntlelphia.
The Life of Clara Barten"
by William K. Barten
(Houghten Mifflin)
These reviews deal with-important "books of the hour" treating of
liens, biography, philosophy, etc. They will he of material assistnnce
v vu ii selecting instructive, uplifting: literature according te your
needs. Remember the date NEXT SATURDAY.
FIN, D. D., First Unitarian
"The Crisis of the Churches"
by Lelghten Parltes, D. D.
D. D., St. Matthew's Lutheran
"Painted Windows"
by "A Genfleman With a Duster"
KOPF, D. D., Congregation
Keneseth Israel.
"A Jewish Chaplain in
by Rabbi Ie J. Levlnger, M. A.
FRIED, D. D., Seminal y St.
Charles Dorremeo, Overbroek,
"The Jesuits"
by the Rev, 'rhepms J. Campbell, S.J,
(Encyclepaedia Press)
IMES, H. D., Lembard Street
Central Presbyterian Church.
,, "The,Hubrit-thaNtTO
S WNES, D. D First
,(' Church.
"CreaUve Christianity"
UV jeerg8 Cress (Mecmlllans)
iV ei Pv' d'8.tnct superintendent,
J Jr0,nenc,e Methodist Episco-
r- uiiurcil
J'The Future of the .Churches'!
J y Ueger W. Babsen'(nevcll)
Congregational Church'.
W K Raaia-lA." .U'
7 j75 Vh v' ..
L'Woedaon '
Abrmcthr Ce.. 4330 N. Bth St.
Abrnhama, A.. 000 Poplar Ht. '
Andcnen, J. 8.. 2310 belr mount At.
Ttakrr, llcnl.. 4fl Krmikfnril Ave.
nrrklmff, Harry. 26A N. Oth Nt.
Belt, II. I... S016 Old )erk ed
lllrnn. S 217 W. (llrnrd Are.
nUh. gtnnliy. S140 Illrlimend Ht.
llfMtnie, Jehn 8., 3.150 N. 16th St.
ntirffma. J. A.. 422S Mnln Ht.. Myk.
llurlinnnn ft Wllnn. 1714 N. Ilt( 8t,
Connelly. T. P., 2444 K. Clrnrfleld St.
Cooper ft Flttnn. SCOI Chew Stv
.Cnr. .1. Harry FM.. 020 Wrnnl Ave. .
' Cralir. I. 8. ft H.. Inc.. Illdce Ave. ft
f)e Frehn. R4.I11I1, 8123 FranUfnnl Ava.
nrlrrr. K. J.. 2IU0 (iermantnwn Are.
Krwln, W, K ft Sen. flomerten. I'a.
Felten. Jnrnl ft Ce.. Rlllnr San At, ft
Taber Knad
rtli. Jehn, sth ft riihra Are.
natter. Tan! 2822 N. Bth 8t.
Oatfer. R.. 44" I'enlnr 8t.
neebel. Cha O.. 4730 N. Frent 81.
Ilararlr. a. M 2h 8emmiet.8ta.
Krayen. F. C, 1R3S Oetnmbla Ave.
Krn. Hlrhnrd. 3901 N. Rth 8t.
Rlrhr, E. M.. lll W. Yerk Ht.
Knnrr. Hnmae D., 1817 OHhndeT S.
Krrh,. Mayer Ce.. 4201 N. Oth St.
Maliibary. (Hirer. 142.1 Rld Are.
Manrer. Cha-., tflde Cnlnrahla, At.
15!"!'rr' r T 4"" s'"ln St.
McCtellen. -I. P.. 3347 IrunUfer.l At.
Pnirrl'tn W. r . ?S2 V. nth St.
Feenlrk. 8., 2317 N. Rth St.
Rlelmrilin. ,1, '. 7003 Oxford At.
Vnx Chaae.
niedlnaer. C. n BI7 Rrrmnnleim Ava.
" "iner. m . .ir 4um x. Bn t.
Rlriratl. A. IV. 0th ft Illdrn Ate.
Riwrnrwrlr. Simen. Hlli Erie At.
Helimldt. Ilnrry, 47Rn Richmond St.
Mi"n.niln, R.. 2H1S .leffernen Bt.
S(;l. Thai. (I.. RUIna- Snn At, ft
Kefklanil !f. ,
8iiiplee. a. A.. Ce.. 1720 Mnrkel fir,
"""lr. F. I . Grrrnr ft Carpenter M.
JJrkle-. . II.. 334 Tenure 8t.. Myk.
Weland. rCarl. 42? W. Olrnrd Are.
"Ylhenmaier. y. jr.. s00 V U-esd St.
Velnteln. Dmlil,.in N. I3h 8t.
JVenrlnne... C. ,T.. 313.1 N. 1'rent 8t.
nitirer. IK I... ft Bre., Sth ft (lermaa-
nwn Av.
Vritmer, Taut D I... 4SI4 Ocrmanterm
Ave. (
Hurt. W. A.. 123 E. Tnher Read
DMnirele. Inl. 810 Ctlutrlne St.
D'Anrele,. T.euIn. 8. IV. Cor. 20th A
Me-.ro Sin,
nevltt, Fmij ,T.. td ft WnMnten At.
Frterl, Y.mV. 1IWI rnMTimk Ave.
Orar. Jn., Jr.. Oth ft MenmnalnK At.
Wriinp. Car'. 2120 s. 22d St.
Mlnar". !.. 1307 Fmirnnk Ave.
MHIer. F. 8.. 237 8. 12lh.8f.
Priepinn. fiee. M 2d "rnUer St,
rhiln. Olatln Ce, 3d .t- MrKran St,
hline Unir Ce.. 13 8. 13th St.
Alfl. D.. 224 8. R2d fit.
Berlin Ilreii . 7212 Woodland. Av.
Arrommedntlon Ildwe, ft-IInna Fnr.
nUhlnc Ce,, flMO Rlnefjitnr At.
Burr. W. H..-ft 80n. 3023 Market (St.
Hnnaren ft IlHler, 24 N. 2d 8t.
Ilnnnren ft Haley. 00th ft Thompson
C.IIUnchnm. O. A.. ?0 B.,ntli St.
Mrr ft Fecel, fllflfl Chester At.
l'rteren, Nlrla. 4017 Woodland At.
Frtrc. O. C . ft n. ."")?0 lunraitrr At.
8tatre. C, II.. 6710 Manter St.
Rxnnlee. O. A.. Ce.. 4013 T.unrtr At.
Wlle. V. OreDt, AStli St. ft Baltlmer
narrett. Jnine. J)oyleem.
Herein Pharmnry, Frnnklln,
lleltnn. XV, P.. CheNtcr.
nnnrhrnke ft Mentrer. Waynesboro.
Ilurni. ,1. ,T Nentewn.
Burllnc. Win., Ojfnril.
ChBinbera. W. R.. rnlenvlll.
Clark. Ilarrv 8.. I'nlnntnwi.
Cerhrnn ft A-lrn. CnrllBle.
Crnwferil I)ri- Ce.. Ilrnnnavlll,
Unnh, .lehn T.. I.nnnrtale.
Drrk, (I. M ft Ce.. Ambler.
Help, J. P., Somlrrten.
Bicker lldnr. Ce.. tMck Hnven.
nnbhln. Jehn K., Trey.
BeiiEbrrtr, y. I ft Sen. Alteena,
Bra ft Ce.. BnnraniTlll.
Krln, W. K S"H. sonierten.
Xnicler. Steward, Streudnbura.
Rellpr Eat.. J, 8 Tiinvlnle.
nerhnrt, I'nnl 8.. Telferd,
flood Hdire. Ce.. I'rtrnbiira'.
flrrlm lint.. M. C, Morten.
Orimih. Thre. M ft Sen.. East Bown-
Hnerntlrk. flen. II.. Penhrenk.
lfnrrten.. Wm. I,.. Ilrm Mawr.
Ilclj). (lllea IK. 1niiHfnrd.
Hill, BaTld I. Uitreb. , ,
lloDtereian ft Stnvrr. Mlllhelm.
Hnuldln,'.lnme. Cheltenhum.
Illlrk. Sninnel J., llnlninllle.,.
Jacob' Sen ft Ce., C. It.. Ilellldayibnrc
Jarretr. E. F.. Bnyrrtenn.
Keller Bre.. Indiana. . . t.
Krraerrr lldwe. Ce.. I.ehlahten.
Krene ft Wbltlna-. I.m k HuTen.
Irher. C. II,. Nantlcnk.
T.en-1. V. D.. North Wnlr.
I.ln lemiith. E.. ft pen. Ahhlrr.
Kundy. .1. W.. NeAtnin.
I.yenn, Kdw. .T.. Ardmore, Pa.
Miller. N. S.. Kinau. ,
Mill Brim.. Carhendale.
Merrnn. J. M.. Tiu ler.
Merrow, ee. E ft Ce., Alteena.
Mnwrei-Iamliiiw Bdwe. Ce.. Th.
Sprtnr tltv. . . .
Myem. E. C. Waihlnaten.
Nelinan A Fry llilwe. Ce.. Norrlatewa.
Neybart lldne. Ce.. WIIIImpert.
Oleiv'ii' Store, Jehn I.. Ilellefent.
Parae ft I'e;an, 8hlppenhurc.
Park, flee. R., ft Sen, Wnvne.
Pennen. II. II.. Yerk Snrlnre.
Penidnrer. E. XV.. flrrenraatle.
Raubenhald' llilire. Stere. Ilambnrc.
Knvmeml. R. P.. Mliimetewn.
Roblnieni I). Tred. Brewnivlll.
iieaer. iiemre. ritimn.
Raker, II., 1340 N. Main St Srrantea.
Reberta Ce.. Gee. I... Havre.
Reenfeld, N. I).. Olyphant.
Srhmaltz, II.. ft Ce.. Kennett Seear.
Srbnirhl. N. 8.. Kntzteirn.
Srhnelder Brx., Srrnnten.
Hrhneller, f,'. XV. C. C. Cntauaea.
Hhrrk. A. I... ft Sen. fhnmlieribura;.
'.lurk, G. C. ft Ce.. Renovo.
Smith. J. C. ft Snn. State Cnltea.
Smith ft Yncem Hdwe. Ce.. Norrlitewm.
Hprlncer. n. E., I'nlonten.
"tnrat ft Ce.. J. M.. Indiana.
Stlef. II. .1.. Ahlnnd.
Strimh. Ft.. W. II.. Milten.
Htemler, I A . Pn'merlen.
Stiimpf. W, W.. Plt'dlmrrh.
Snplee ndwe. Ce.. Matrern.
Suplee. C. E.. Pnnll.
Tet. .1. Fred. Sharen Hill.
Temrdeten' Ilrnir Stere. Waahtnatea.
Terellmr. Elmer. Milt Bell.
Thompson, nilhert I... I'erkaal.
Tlirene. W. C. ft Ce.. Yerk.
Tedt. Jehn F.. I'lttaltiirRh.
Tnn. Edwin. Wyneete.
Wllllnmiien. Clia. E.. Cheater.
W"'mnnrt llilire. ft Stere C..
Weber. W. W.. 12.1 W. Main St..
Worrell, I. C. Went Cheiter.
Zrider. Wm ft Sen, lliurWlHira.
Antrim, Elwood, 1314 Federnl St.
Antrim. F.n"l. 2flth Federal 8t.
ronten .. 8 T.. 1"R 'ef'er St.
Frnnklln. Snmarl. 12(ill Iluriien Are.
l'reeh. C. CJ CnHlnirnwnd,
ITertnerk. I P. 21h Hirer Read.
Marferren, Hnrrr. llqddei llelehta.
Mitr-en Wi-nn, 3109 Alnbama
Bend, Fnlnlrn.
tatlneV. J II.. ft Sen. 3th Vine Sta.
""Vnlf. Ai,ri a set Kntshn Are.
ONen. E. II. 1311 BrnHdwae.
"nrl(rr II M.. 10 S ti St.
Praia ft Sen. 8 . 1.17 !. Vphralra At.
'iTir. Cha. n i3 M-.ln St.
Riittrnherft". Jea.. 423 Knlirhn At.
"nker M . Wl LI weed.
nurd. J, 8., Ce., Pennl"rten.
rtinnmlnn. XV. C . MIIIMle.
'et..v fde. Stere Vn'ind.
Creednn lldnr. Ce.. Ml. "ellr.
I'nre. f'lina. V. ft nn Brtdeeten.
Bensen, "ee. F . Bnlentewn.
I'laeje, Ch. B.. 2713 Atlxntle Are..
'finll" CUt.
"( Hew r 8 . Swedeahern.
I'reih. C. C. CWntawoed.
''nitat Il". nelTtdere.
'in.lln. "itnli. Vntlnnf! Tork.
''etna' TIdTr. llnne T.ambertillle.
r.h. Feed. Semerrllle '
1 nntpnt. .T. T,.. Iladdnnfleld.
"rterren. llaenr. Ilnd-tep Hrlihta
Mer Snmiiel, ,Te.. MUlrltle.
lice Ifdtre Ce.. TTninmonten.
en....nn. n.,. t Orr-n Ctr.
Senalde Brlcht Snpplr Ce.. Seaald
sidnnrr rhna. F.. Clnvtnn.
nillli. Twla ft Powell Hdwe. C..
SeUr. Jea,. 727 Atlnntlr Ave.. 2117 At-
'nnt'e At . Atlnntle City.
Tep. R. K . Hnrkrttatnnn.
Welr'ff. W. '"rnnkl'n PMrtnn.
Whipple. Gee II. ft Hen. Brldeetea.
Villdna. R, W.. Belmnr.
nderaen Gee. fl Cheweld.
Hiker, Thna. J Wilmington.
Cnetmel. T. B rt. A Glaa C
riementa. W F, J. It.. Clayten,
a. Gee. W. Oilea.
Hllett. K. J . Brldceillle.
"rnnlcfnrd IMnc Ce.. Frnnkfnrd.
inrmonen Brna- Ce. Wilmington.
Unrlir. K. S Pelton.
Hurler. C. E.. ft Sen, Km ford,
.tnatla. J. rt., Ce.. Newport.
Mnleney. B. B . Timnarnrl,
Mllferd Ce . MHferd.
Verrla, IVm.. Smyrnn.
rntta. Tlmmna A., Newnrk.
1'iirnell. Thr. R . f.enriretewn.
ltedernre Brea., Mldritrtuwn.
nilth. .Tealnin. Brrlncrtnn.
unnthnrtl. II. C, Tlneeln Cltr.
n-nnlea. Gen. T , VHten
Mhnrten, M. V., Hniiiten. -
ri.irke, W. II.. A- Ce.. Pornmek.
Cei ev, J. L., ft Bre.. Preston.
Crepper, llnrrv J Oiran City.
Bennan ft Smrth Bdwe Ce., 8nllibury.
1 Mi ft Arrlnednle. Ensten.
rnrmiin ft Mnen. Ceptrel,
t.lnaer'a Vnrletv Stere. Ilnnreek,
Itnlnea ft Kirk. Illslni- sun.
Henther. T. K Mnrvdrl.
tlOnnd. W. A., G.ilena.
Iliirlnrk, J. W., ft Ce.. FrderaUbarc.
.Iiirman, O. B (.rennslinrn.
.Iiirinitil. W. T.. ft Urn., C.nldabore.
lolipaen ft lllindea. Merlin,
.Mnr, C, P., MllllliKtnil.
.lump. (1, L.. 1 1 line, ft Implement Ce.,
Oueen Anne.
I.biie ft Ijtnf. Kldarlr.
Lnnir. rinimiel. lliurmunt.
liitnn, Allen G ,V Ce.. I'rrderlrk.
Itreae. Balph II.. Cheanpenke City.
Heney. .1. A., North Euat.
Nitdler lldnr. Ce.. lint re de Grac.
htiilTerd, It II., HurrxUltr.
Tiirrlnc. Benri.'ft pmn. Aberdeen.
UhIIs. ('. telle. Benten.
WrUht lldwe. Ce.. llurlerk.
Wanamaker's Down Stairs Stere
' ' 1 hi 1
Surely Your Easter Hat Is
m -
Hundreds of Becoming Hats..
Charmingly Springlike. Are Ready at
$5, $6, $8
Gay hats ! Smiling.' hats ! Easter hats !
These are cheery, busy days in the Millinery Salens. Every
day scores and scores of delightful new hats make their bow and
every day scores and; scores of pretty ones go te new owners.
1 Here are hats for every occasion, hats te wear with every
kind of suit or coat, hats te harmonize with every kind of frock.
Small hats are trimmed with stiff bows, loops and frills of
Tailored hats have almost no trimming, but are entirely of
shining fiber cloth. . ' ,
Bread-brimmed hats are wide at the sides, short in front
and very short in back. They're garlanded with flowers or wheat
or have drooping fringes or tassels of ribbon.
A wonderful rainbow of colors red, jade, periwinkle, yellow
stone, beige, brown, navy and many, many hats of black.
Central Aisle
.700 Hand-Made Blouses, Specially Priced,
$2.45 and $3.50
Four styles with hand-mnde filet lace, all hand made and hand
hemstitched, at $3.50. Twe styles with frills.
Four styles with square or V necks, all hand made and hand hem
stitched, at $2.45.
Made of soft white batiste and nerfeJt in every little detail for
the Easter tweed or tricetine suit. Sizes 36 te 46.
Radium and Tub Silk Petticoats, $3.85
Bright colors orange', periwinkle and French blue, gray, Ameri
can Beauty, green nnd purple, as well as navy and black. Straight
line style with narrow ruffles or embroidered scallops a3 finishing
Bandeau Girdles, $3 j?
Many women will find these a comfortable solution of the corset
problem for the Summer. They are bandeaux of pink cotton brocade
combined with girdles of brocade and elastic, and the whole fastens
down the back.
Net only are they extremely light and comfortable, but they
launder easily and quickly. Sizes 34 te 48.
Earrings, Lingerie Pins and Clasps, Cuff Links, 18c
The earrings are particularly pretty in fact, the prettiest we
have seen this season at such a specially low price.
The pins and cuff links are likewise extremely low-priced.
fIere! . H J
m 'W.-r ,$ 'fftSrlaaaH
sSsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW'' 'M
$8 " " 1,
Spring Sale of
Hosiery and Underwear
for Women, Men and Children
12V2c te $1.35
Dependable hosiery and underwear at old-time
prices. Fresh new goods in a fine assortment it's an
opportunity te supply the ,whole family for Spring and
Summer. Seme of the garments are second quality,
but imperfections are slight and often hard te find.
Fer Women
lUc for black cotton stock
ings. 25c for drop-stitch cotton
sports stockings in green or
brown heather mixtures.
25c for extra-size full-fashioned
black cotton stockings.
35c, three pair for $1, for
full-fashioned mercerized black
cotton stockings. "Seconds."
65c for full-fashioned im
ported mercerized lisle stock
ings, unusually fine.
$1 for silk-and-fiber sports
stockings in periwinkle and
tan. "Seconds."
$1.35 for fine black and
cordovan thread-silk stockings
with mercerized tops and soles.
12'2C for white ribbed cot
ton bodice-top vests. "Sec
onds." 25c for bodice-top extra-size
ribbed cotton vests. "Sec
onds." (Central)
Fer Children
I stockings. Black, white and, ,
I cordovan. Sizes 6 e 9V4.
20c for black ribbed mercer
ized cotton stockings. "Sec
1 ends." Sizes 6 te 9&.
i 30c for boys' extra-heavy
I black cotton stockings with
double reinforced knees. Sizes
7 te 10.
12'jc for low-neck, sleeve
less vests of ribbed white cotton.
i 23c for pink cotton knitted '
bloomers. 6 te 12 jear sizes. '.
' 50c for checked nainsoek
athletic combination suits.
Fer Men
20c pair for cotton half hose
, in black, navy, cordovan, Palm
Beach and gray.
75c for men's checked nain nain nain
Boek athletic combination suits
of unusually fine quality.
(duller?. Murket)
Levely Easter Dresses
at $16.50 te $25
a frock for every type.
Smart Tweed Capes, $18.50
Circular sports capes with a wide sweep nnd graceful flnre are
undoubtedly the kind of capes that young women are wearing this
The cape sketched is a salt-and-pepper mixture with a cellar
which is inlaid with red or green velour.
Capes and Wraps
Velour and belivin capes and wraps are in soft bhtides of tan,
brown and cafe au lait as well as becoming blues. Tricetines, twills
and serges are in navy blue, often fringed or touched with gray or
tan. Excellent choice at $20, $25, $27.50 and $28.75.
Coats With Leng Pointed Sleeves
are among the finer wraps. Often these sleeves end in a hcay silk
tassel. Belivia weaves of luxurious softness are used in most of these
new things.
Silk capes and wraps arc often topped with cellars of whin or
tan caracul fur.
$55 te 87.50 for thct.e finer things.
de chine, Canten crepe.
crepe meteor. Georgette, taffeta and
tricetine all highly fashionable, all
pleasant te wear.
are n frock of crepe de chine at
$18.75 nnd an interesting combina
tion frock of Georgette and char
meuse at $25.
Tricetine at $23.50
This pretty dress has long lines
.1.... M.x lx.x.....f ra .a k..lu l. A
ures. It is in navy blue, trimmed j
with dull henna braid; a panel of
heavy silk crepe in dark Persian
colors extends down the front of the
frock nnd en the outside of the
Radium Lace and
Canten Crepe, $20 and $25
Uncommonly lovely dinner gowns
are of this soft lace and crepe in
henna, gray, white and black.
Sample Dresses, $38.50
Very fine sample gowns, jubl one
of a kind, occupy an interesting case
in the Salen. These are of the most
fashionable silk crepes nnd beaded
Geergettes and are very specially
r 5 V'
,-f ia-Ck. '
1 J -vtStqJKIf
. $25
Most of these deal
crs also carry the
P.-S. Quality Line
Varnishes, Ready
mixed Paints and
t h incemparable
Paradox Enamels.
Felten, Sibley & Ce., Inc.
Manufacturers of Celers, Paints and
Varnishes Since 1SSS
ifwaiii id
f rt,'M4l!ll!
1 L'JinKlil.
mmm i i
Dries Hard
Sale of New "Wara" Straw Rugs
27 x 54 inches 75c 6x9 feet $3 50
36 x 72 inches $1 8 x 10 feet $5
4.6 x 7.6 feet $2.50 9 x 12 feet ....'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.&
Ausuuueiy xrusn ana net many ciays en trie snip tliat dreugJit them straight from Japan ' That
art is even mere important than their low prices, because it means that they are brand new and full'
11 1C,
It is well te remember that rugs of this quality of rice straw (first selection) are usimllv knnwn
as "grass rugs. "
These were made especially for us, according te strict requirements. Every rug is stenciled
with geed oil paint that will wear well. The patterns were carefully selected te include the best of
border and center designs. Twe new Chinese patterns are dignified and pretty
The rugs are bound all around with strong binding tape that exactly matches in coleranother
excellent feature. . - ..u-
1 PlentV of rilirfl in hinp rfaeirrnc na well ec in irvaan K.r j lu-i; '
1 1!nmel r,ftSBibOT9.r fr?1 W stored rumihflncmtSM
Feel the lifan.ie strafy That's hew yeufcan judlthe MrVice a -'utt - Trin-'rlrt "T $ 4SjfaiF
- -jj