K. ffl .'H l MmmmWmmmmm. aawaa . 9 'ir miST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE f : Vflicy Wynne Speaks of the Debut of Miss Elizabeth ' Atterbury Next Season She Talks About Three tenten Weddings Various Happenings in the Secial World tSIIAT ft beautiful tlme Elizabeth W Atterbury will have thla aprlng! glie Is &elnK w,th ncr methcr nn1 itep" father te Europe this month, and will buy a whole let of lercly French frocks, t nm mire, for her debutante season Lit venr. ElUnbeth If the dauthter ,5 Mm. Atterbury by her muriate te M.fcelm MacLeed. 8he has two broths Malcolm and Harry, who have also K. Jivon the Atterbury name, I wdertMnd. There l a little Atterbury bMTrs!Attcrburr was Miss Xrmlnta Resencarten. rfhe Is the youngest &c of the late Mr. Harry Itosen Itesen rtrten and Mrs. Hesciisarten, of 825 Seuth Seventeenth street. .Mrs. Lewis 'Ntllsen, who was Miss Clara Rosen Resen . iirten, is nn elder sister. ' S EllMbcth is a very feed-looking girl ind has a great deal of fctylc Hhe is fair and has a quantity of light brown curly hair. Bhe Is vivacious and witty, nd I every one likes her. She'll be much entertained, for she has many relations, SS I every oue will want te give her a geed time. EVERYTHING seems te be change ing these days. There was in time when you never heard of n wedding in Lent, and here we have had three in succession. But they have net been large affairs. There have been only n few In attendance, as in the Paine wedding in New Yerk Saturday, the Weed -Thompson wedding in Manila yesterday and the Pepper -Drayten mar- ri?t'seemsyas if it must be rather lonely for Kathcrlne Thompson te have been mariied out there se far from members of her own family. But it was cer tainly wiser when such distances sepa rated her from her own, and when it would mean another long Journey back here. Besides, Lieutenant Weed, I Iiear. could net get a long-enough leave Teday'n wedding will be a very quiet and simple one.. Only the two imme diate families nnd a very few friends. Mrs. Drnyten Is one of the most pop ular of the veunger matrons. Sbe has cores of friends, and Dr. Pepper is immensely liked as well. I hear they will live at Klklns Park most of the time. EVERT ONE is becoming interested In the Deven Country Fair already, and I hear that Mrs. Archibald Barklie has given her home. Inver Heuse, at Wayne, te the Cafeteria Committee of (he fair next Thursday afternoon for a large card party. Mrs. (Icerge II. Evans is in charge of the affair. Thai seems te be the thing te de new if you are going te have a big charity ben efit of some kind. Yeu firnt give small entertainments likecard parties te rnUe 'funds for the expenses of your depot I ment and then you can consider all you take in en the duv of the benefit itself as clear profit. Mrs. Paul Thompson pave a card party last week at the Green Hill Farms for her coke and candy table at the Deven Shew, and I hear she did wonderfully well. Mrs. Archi bald Bnrklle is te be head of the fair, as usual, nnd about 300 ether women of the Main Line who nre prominent in nil social and civic affairs are actively taking part. AUNTIi; has a meter which is the joy of her life ns well ns n source of seme worry, for he it known there arc abroad bad people who sometimes ttenl cars nnd who arc mere apt te take a elmnce en holding up n woman tlnin a man, geln? en the theory thnt n woman is defen'.cIeHs. Well, Dnnny had often heard nuntle say she hoped the car would net be stolen, nnd the ether day she received a letter from this five- jw-ein- nepnew which rend: "Dear Auntie: I pray Ged every day net te let any bad men take your car. T want you tn knew this. Dnnny." Andnuntie nas ftlt safe ever since. Is there anything- mere wonderful thnn the unques tioning fnlth of a little child? NANCY WYNNE. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES wmMJIV! V,tb' KJl KlrI: J'rce have Is nav'11' ens fr " Musk and Wis party en Thursday uxenlwr, April 20. Afcr ,Ml8? !u,ah M- llniriwii ri.nn Z Mrv"',a ". Jeseph Ilnr Ilnr nten. of Hnverfeid. There will he r7niLR1lcs!3, The marrlagre of MUs DlSm1? m JV- Phl"P p,lce will te'" Place en Saturday, June 10. inft?", th. KUft'' nt the supper nnd informal entertainment whirh Nt, J. .i mm KfiYini it ,-. .- - - :" DM1 wii .." ""TKCr, rf 10 West .uiicna sircpi. irave en Saturday n,..i. -:.."" j Miss tw?. i Miss Helen Alexander, Mr i-t!flrB..,.'rt8' Mls" Kleaner Scott sre MrCBtnK,,,h,en' r- Tax dn Schauon Schauen HuVl. for,"'!?01-.1!11 2? 'hauetisee. Mr. "liS ri?rrltvM 5,r Fr"icis Lukens. Mr. V? ffiW "'"' Mr- ,,arrl11 Wright ami Vr0rK,,iHlJ,u- Mr- Edward Wilsen an'l Mr. Uehcrt Atkinson. nrJi5riia,lSl :XI"S'- eh" ''"rederlck Lewie, Slnnri ., J,""5 Mrcet. vv,n 'nteitaln at In thMr lii1 row .renins and afterward Ln.,."Plr. ''px nt the eieia. Tim dupkIm I rtV. .u,iU.Slr- 'nl MrH- T"'"' Joedell, ' nrM .,V ,r.'i " '"taker Thomppheu ri"d. L J""1 hH- Cll"rles Y. Au'lcn- In"tP nJfu,'d,,ri,lf "' cntnrtnln at tim Jlnl M.l",i A,hur II. Lea's hex at tne nptra tomermw night. Mr'nnrt"1,1' n."'' I.'crr-V- lUKliter rf Pnrk .nMli,;,j0.m.' c- l arr'- ' Elklns at thfl wi,10'11,11".." a dinner-dance en Ti?., ' ,c,"arsh Valley (Vuntiy uu e b,n"r,,.if".,,l,Al,rl1 2. In honor of V.MUfa,rnJ, " .rm"' 'laughter tecntli LV- (.m"' of -5l Keutl H' anlev VrC .w,hese. niaiTlnpe te Mr. Sill tai.. ,inaI"h' .of ,h0 A,"" "etel, w ? ..I 'VUL, na A,r -- The gueats 'Perrv' md.. ,n? ,,,rld'11 "'lrt.v. Miss honor. ' ",tl"ntl MM Cenm ns ntald of tr',l,efM..n,,iar,i"4. 'snleti Klntf, daugh ret nt Mr. nml Mrs. Irvln ki' Sir. "Wt Wa I11IL l.-in CICtrllllli riV . 1 I i ' ' ""'" ". Will ..... ...... - .M.VMIWU1I, in -U. Ill' 8etid a flewergram for Easter $500 Every Kind of an Easter Plant from $2-50 up CHARLES HENRY FOX Sign 0 fat Rem" 221 Seuth JBnwd St. KleamS .wi?01' of tl,cIr 'laughter. Miss Whan., Hrrkeir' w.?re MlBS Catherine Nwrtar S - .!'e' ,L1.K, f 'WKr. iMISS t i ' y. k -t . honor of Miss Eleaner Mercer Jenes, daughter of Mr. W. McLean Jenes, whose engagement recently lias been announced te Mr. Charles T. Fe Jr., of 2035 Spruce atreet. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Clifferd Wilsen, or the nollevue-stratford and 24 nuutn Thirteenth street, who have been spend ing several weeks abroad, are new In Paris, where they nre the guests of their tien-ln-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rollins, They expect te sail for this country the latter part of thin month. Mrs.' Rollins was Miss Edith Iredell Wilsen. Mm. Geerge- de Bennevllle Kelm, at Twenty-first and Perter streets, will net occupy her home In Kdcrewat,cr ParK, N. J., this season, but will leave shortly rer waiiinnrera. pa., te spend seme tlme with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Reebe, of Lewis read. Mr. and Mrs. Atnn Hnrtwell 'Streng, of Twenty-first street and De Lancey place, wilt leave the middle of June for Saundcrstewn, R. t., where they expect te remain until the autumn. Mm. Leuis Burk, of Wyoming ave nue nnd D street, Oak Lane, will en tertain nt n. buffet luncheon, followed by a bridge party, at her home this aft ernoen. Tne guests wm members of her card club. Include the ALONG THE READING Mr. and Mrs. Wlllam Lyle Helmes, of Oak Lane, will entertain at dinner this evening In honor of their daughter. Miss Rleaner Helmes,' whose marriage te Mr. W. Clifferd Moere, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Park Moere, of WIldercllfT, Elklns Park, will take plnce tomorrow. The guests will Include the bridal party. Mr. and Mrs. W. Park Moere also enter tained en Saturday evening at a dinner In honor of Miss Helmes and Mr. Moere. Mr. and Mra Charles W. Jacobs, of Oak Lane, have gene te the Pad de Coast, , where they expect te remain a month. Mr. and Mrs. Shannen Cabell Wal lace, of Jenklntewn, who have been spending a short time in North Carolina, their former home, have returned te Jenklntewn. Mrs. Alan If. Reed, of Wyncote, has been spending seme tlme at the Rltz Rltz Carlten at Chelsea. Miss Lillian Tlel, who upends a part of the year at Bethayrcn, 13 In Cali fornia. Miss Mary Bagga, of Old Yerk read, Ablngten, has returned from Washing ton, where she was the guest of her brother, Majer A. Nicholas Raggs. GERMANTOWN Mr. and Mrs. William MaeXelll, of G03 West Spilneer street, and Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Plorce have returned from Au gusta, Oa. Miss Ruth Unrated, of 214 Pelham read, has been entertaining Miss Eliza beth Shriver, of Overbroek, for a few days during the school holidays. Miss Margaret Moere Matlack. 7414 Beyer street, left last Thursday te visit several friends In Baltimore. The Junier nurses of the Germantown Hospital will give a dinner-dance in honor of thj? senior nurses at the Delmar Delmar Merrls en Wednesday. The Philadelphia branch of the nlum nlum nae of Coucher College will give a tea en baturday next at 151 Wet Coulter street. Mrs. Jehn U AVhltlng, of 145 fjergas lane, entertnlned at cards Saturday Geerge Allen, inc. 1214 Chestnut Street 1214 Annual Spring Sale of Hosiery and Underwear Heavy Silk Hosiery, $1.35 pair; 3 for $3.75 A (vrxicpHble Mocking In a surprisingly heavy weight : pure pllk with llalu gurter tops and soles. Black, white and wanted shades. Fine Silk Hosiery, $1.95 pair; 3 for $5.75 -l-'lne guuge Silk Hosiery, full All the new Spring shades. lll Silk Hosiery at $1.65 Broken lln-s of our higher priced hosiery, Including Glevo and Lace Cleck Hese. We cannot fill Mall Orders from this let. Heavy Full-Fashioned Silk Hosiery $2.25 pair; 3 for $6.50 'int' of e'li b?M qualities with a reputation fur splendid sorlee. .lilack, white and all desirable shaded. The extra tflze.s arc $2, SO a pair. Van Raalte Silk Hosiery, $2.75 and $2.95 Ufay Ingrain Hllk Hosiery, full fashioned; black, whlte and leading .shades. Ultra size Van Itaalte Silk Hosiery at S,00. Chiffen Weight Silk Klnn Imported Hosiery in the In eguc. They v. Ill servlceably 11 ve Fine Lisle Hosiery, 75c pair; 3 for $2.00 Oar own Importation; price, cannot be duplicated; valup 81.00. Women's Kull Fashioned line Ll.sln Hosiery In black, while, bal brlggan, corilevan, tan, nay and gray. Deuble sole and tee and hlKh spliced heel. Sheer and medium weights for Spring and Summer wear. Imported Clocked Lisle Hosiery $1.00 pair; 3 for $2.50 Women's tlne Full Fashioned Mercerized Llsle Hosiery with I'arls Lace CleLks, In blnck only. JJlacI; Hosiery, with hniid-mnde nllk flecks in colors; Whlte self-clocked Hosiery. Dlnrlt r.lrholleu Itlhbed Hosiery. All of the finest grade and cunuet be duplicated under H.50. Silk and Lisle Sports Hosiery, $1.00 Women's Sports Hosiery In ribbed weae In dark colors. Vanity Fair Silk Underwear Olevo Bilk Vests of pure dyn silk fabric; jutt as lustrous and as firm texture after washing as befere. This is the J2.25 kind, at il.85, CMove Silk Vests In hemstltelied bodlce top style. ThlB is a superior quality, usual $3.00 kind, at i.ii. Gleve Silk Vests In nevelty-strlpul weave; aprrlal JJ.93. Vanity Fair Glee Silk Illoeiners. Full cut anil of excellent quality gleve silk ; regular slzcr ; value J3.20, at S'J.SO. Cotten and Lisle Under Vests Ferest Mills Finn LIhIe Vesta. In bodice and regular top; sizes 36 te 44 ; exceptional value, S for 81.00. Kayser Llsle Vests In nil sires; elastla ribbed, SSe; 8 for ft, 80. Kayser Mercerized Silk Llsle Vests. Our finest grade; all slses. 8Sei 8 for 8t.S. Imported Swan Krnnd Swiss Lisle Vests in all sizes nnd styles Thla Is ene of the best qualities obtainable; alue si.SC ; at 8Se, Cotten & Lisle Spring Weight Uniensuits Fiirefl Mills cotton I'ulensults In all styles; oxceptlenal value ut Oir. Foiest Mill') I.lsh' I'ulensults; medium weight; all styles, ti.ie. lliiruinl .Mills I'nlensultH In Hue llsle weave; all fUeh, ai.a, Kay.tr r Cotten UnlenHUlts In white or pink; exceptional value, ajc. Kavnt-r Mancltlt Vulensults In fill a lisle: all styles. (.Q0. " Imported Swan Brand Swiss Uniensuits In flne lisle; regular 12.75 .value, at 11.00, . ,' ; . 1 : , : - ,. r3E33s& TdCbmebut -"ii Photo by Phote-Cratters MISS CAROLINE F. GRAHAM Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred erick W. W. Graham, of Summit avenue, Chestnut Hill, who will nutke her debut at a tea te' be given by her parents en Saturday, Sep tember 30 nfternoen last and also en Saturday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Max E. Bcrkewlti. of 514 Arbutus street, are receiving con gratulations en the birth of twin sons. Henry Borkewlta, 2d, and Herman Ccrf Bcrxewitz. Miss Ruth Brylawskl and Mr. Edward Brylawskl, Jr., have sent out invitations for a dance te be given at their home, 626 West Cliveden avenue, en April 21. WEST PHILADELPHIA Mr. ami Mrs. Herman R. Scharf, of 412 .Seuth Sixty-second street, enter tained nt a theatre party en Saturday nfternoen in honor of the birthday of their son. Master Irving Scharf. The guests included Mliss E16aner Scharf and Master Martin Zlnzer. Miss Madeleine Adams, of 1023 Fnrra gut terrace, entertained a few friends at her home en Friday evenlnK last The guests Included Miss Helen Harris, Miss Eleaner Jehnsen, Miss Muriel Wll Wll ,en. Mr. Jesse MerKan. Mr. Rebert Jehn- eon. Mr. Lerey Wilsen and Mr. Edgar Kalguel. Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Mullen, of 6240 Vine street, are being congratulated en the birth of a daughter, en Tuesday, March 28. Mrs. Mullin was Miss Marie A. Hefternan, of Ment Clair. Pa. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Harbison, of 5C12 Whitby avenue, West Philadelphia, an nounce the engagement of their daugh ter, Miss Murguerltn H. Harbison, te Mr. Harland O, Mearkle, ten of Mr. and Mrs. A'. C. Mearkle, of Tenby read, Llanerch. VIEWS OX THK 1IONC9 What'H jeum? "The I'fepls's lerum" Is printing miny Interentlnit letters en thin sut- !,. ' tTt.fA(H nn nnnnrtunltV tu PXDrelH WIT point et vlnw. Head tlin letters te th Editor In "tlm People's renim" which ap nar every day In the Evsmine Pcbme Lkdcieii. "Make It a Habit." Adu. fiushlened, of depcndable pure Uye .Slllc Hosiery, $3.50 pair thin, transparent weave se much up te their price. MMprvllllgfiMMi BaK&V'ifJIH aaaP'-'itiaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB W' ' Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal V."2&3gaaaaaaaaaaaH nZjfiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV lilalB ' 'irlaaaaaaaaaal IF! 'NilaaaaaaaH KOslisiiaaaaW'' : W"'M ' ' A ijjV - ; )y i, ' -4 H-Sx i ?.'$ ;"',h-';';?' ?5. jl icX $? JJ NORTH PHILADELPHIA tMlsn Betate T. Llverlght, of the Hetel Majestic, will sail en April 29 for a trip te Europe, Mrs. J. Westcott, of North Thirteenth street, will be hostess tomorrow after noon te the members of her five hundred club, Mr. and Mrs. Leuis E. David, of 2027 North Twenty-second street, have Issued Invitations for a dance at the Rltten Rltten heuse Hetel en Friday next in honor of their daughter, Miss Irma II. David. The Amusement Committee of the Mercantile Club announces that the club Will g've a "calico ball" en Saturday evening next. t Miss Marjerle Andersen, of Twelfth nnd Master streets', Is spending a fort night In Washington, where she la visit ing Miss Matilda Bingham, daughter of Mr, nnd Mrs. Charles Bingham. 80UTH PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mra. Jehn 'Bradlev. of EISA Elliett atreet, are being congratulated 4 IN 3KY HIGH " , . JLJX fliSaJ TALLMAN'S REVUE mm r m "" NOVKI.TV n.wnxn m mi sir MflkflH H T Hb1 fflBB "Tlir. ITALIAN STATK-MAN" rM.M.JJLWi upon the blrlh of a ten, Jehn Bradley, Jr. Mrs. sraaiey was Miss Emma mhi- namerv. daughter of Mr. and Mra Themas J, Mlllnamew, of 1716 miner sireet. Miss Adelle Conaty, et 2C83 Seuth Cleveland terrace, has been seendlng some time In New Yerk. ' Friends of Mr. Lawrence Kelly, of 26Z6 Seuth Seventeenth street, will be glad te learn he Is recuperating from a recent Illness. The Medoc Club wilt give a spring dance at the Craftsman's Club, Drexel Hill, en Friday evening next FRANKFORD Mr. and Mra William Wolstencroft, of Wakellnr street, announce the en gagement at their daughter. Miss Helen Wolstencroft, te Mr. Jehn Hemmey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rebert Itemmey, of Harrison and Oakland street. Mr. and Mra. Jeseph McLaughlin, of Doylestown, are receiving congratula tions upon the birth of a eon, Jeseph McLaughlin; 3d. Mr. McLaughlin is a QNWIT TiELLER ft. James SHep WALNUT AT IV STREET Presenting Easter Bridal Trousseaux ftf HE St. James Shep, which held its opening Friday, March Thirty-first, is the only one of its kind embracing complete and individual shops of Lingerie, Negligees, Hosiery and Corsets. Beautifully appointed Salens of Women's Inner Apparel provide an atmosphere of charm and beauty wherein the Easter Bride may select her complete Trousseau in pleasing privacy. SILKEN UNDERTHINGS Dainty underthings. the handi-werk of deft fingers, are fashioned of lovely silks with hand embroidery, real laces and fascinating touches of rosebuds. Frem the white bridal sets, exquisite in their pristine beauty, gleam forth rays of brilliance that augur happiness for the April Bride. NEGLIGEES AND BOUDOIR ATTIRE Tea Gowns, Negligees and Boudoir Robes are symphonies of color, rivaling the rainbow in their radiant tints and brilliant hues. The graceful lines are expressed in clinging crepes, chiffons and silks; the statuesque and the petite bride find their personality expressed in the stately robe or the bouffant creation. CORSETS AND BRASSIERES The art of meulding the feminine form te slender and supple lines is accomplished by a perfectly fitted corset and brassiere that give the desired uncerseted leek. Corsets and brassieres for the Bridal Trous seau are as lovely and flewerlike as the undergarments they complement. Medels for every type: for sports, street and evening wear. ACCESSORIES Silken hosiery, plain satin and quilted satin mules in pastel color ings, garters of silk, satin and lace, and rare perfumes complete the trousseau of the Easter Bride. A THRILLING PICTURE IN WHICH MIX OUTAIXES ..HIW5ELF. rr?eTT?ERAPHEp GBANP CANYON 0cm of Mr. and Mrs. Jeseph McLaughlin, of Wakellng street. The senior class of the Nurses' Train ing Bchcel of the Frankford Hospital llAlft ft nixn fiMrs) nMHu nnlft al lh JjSJgltel 0M rV afternoon and eve,- nlng. 8TRAWBERRY MANSION Invitations have been Issued for the marriage of Miss Helen It Mandel, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Eswld Mandel, Jr., of 1218 Diamond street, te Mr. Delph L. Levy ,en Monday, Aprir 10 at 6:30 o'clock at the Hellevue-Stratferd Hetel. Mis Anita Degensteln. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Degensteln, of 2840 Diamond street, has returned from New Yerk, where she was maid of honor at the Erdman-neckmnn wedding. Stein Sebetnlck The marriage of Miss Elizabeth Sebot Sebet nlck, daughter of Mrs. A. Li. Sebetnlck, of 8122 Montgomery avenue, and Mr. Merris Stein took place yesterday nt 8 o'clock. llahbl J. Hhanlre outdated. Among the guests at the reception were Mrs. Dera Kcltz, or ixh Angeles, rallf. 6. CO. -t,7- i y II ECKHOFF & GORDON Twe tyrr MiuIcjI ( enitd Mara KUHN SISTERS THK TWO I.IVK WIIIKS HELEN SMILES DAVIS KTolutlen of tl 1'heru (.Irl GRACE AYRES & BROTHER TIIK I.M (111 MAKERS BIG TWO-PART FEATURE Cenwlr "Tltt AMI (iKT IT" Hlllnll IlKltall'k Cnnrrri IvmI..l... Iwft '"'"' Q" ''i'IY;r!nerit llritim Prices srtini-ii. ice. js0 and ,,v,i" Vr Till lnclu.lf.l 0l Mrhm. ZOf. Mr. tee. Krm Hnlnr.j,. CONTINl'lll'M NOOV Tn II P i LmI HImw HtMte nt S a'Cleck fhmrp . - ' - k a t Mr, F. Welntraub, of i New Yerk: Mr. Jehn Caplan, 'of Washington, V. C., nnd Mr. William Sleln. at Chicago. After a wedding trip te Nlagnra Falls nnu Washington, Mr. rand Mrs, fltein will live at Hadden Heights, N. J., where they will be at home after Mny 24. iJAimY siiKim The marriage of Miss Sarah Sherr, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Sherr. of 2634 North Thirty-third street, and Mr. Mark II. Barry took plnce last eve ning at 8 o'clock. The ceremony was performed by Ilabbl D. Levlnthal. Upen their return from a wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Harry will live nt 2631 North Thirty-third fctreet. i Your Old Furniture i may be . . . Fainted and Decorated er ReflnUhea In a delltrtitrull)' antique way that ren ders It far mere attraetlve than the new, anil at eenilrlerably lewei cost. KSTIMATKH FOnNtSHKD A. L. DIAMENT & CO. 1815 WALNCT HTRRKT " at HtrnJTerd, 1'a. -AIR-WAY CLEANERS ifiihUTc KNITTING WOOL 14c an Ounce Silky Weel. 2 ezt. 44c 155 Samples Upen Request Daily Parcel Pest Service Colonial Yarn Heuse 1231 Cherry St. , ."!.,,.n. isSHSESHSSSHSZSasaSBSHSEHSECTW I'HIl.A.'S I.EADINd TiinATni:s DinKCTION OP LEE b J. J. HHl'IiBRT aPUiiQriyr the worlds best SWUviuDtViLLE DAILY MATS AT 2 tVES AT 8 THL COSTLIKT PROOUCTION IN VAUDtVlllL THE WHIRLNEVWRK nvt sctNts-oSteu5 cesTuws-TBt Mwir criean In Conjunction With Follewlnc Slnra HOY Cl'MMINOS With Illllle ShRW NANCY (1HIHS KI'.NO & (lltKKN ri'KCKI.I.A nuns. VIOLA tOTRCIIA KKA Th Uanrer BAitn & i r.itr, IIKKIintT IIOEV CI.ARKNfK IIAKKX FLORENCE SHlllK.RT ADELPHI - Tonight! ntANZ MOLNAR'S Comedy et Llfa "LILIOM" HiJ JOSEPH SCHILDKRAUT wither & EVA LE GALLIENNE MO.V TO ntl. EVE 1 SAT MAT. r.Ou TO 12 00. HAT. KVEN'NO. JL' 50. POP MAT. THL'RhDAY. LYRIC MR. JOHN DREW Extn. at RilS 1'Op. .Mill. NKD. MRS. LESUE CARTU Hmnnmutm MASTERPItCE Wk JOHNHALUMf ERUEST LAWFOfiD BETTY UNLEY ROBERT REN DEL S&lliBEItt LAST week i'epular Mat, Wed., Beit Seati, $1.50 WALNUTwi-'sfc0?; SO CHARLOTTE GREENWOOD 'n Hr liecet Minimi Cemrdv IPt "LETTY PEPPER" CONl KRT M:i'Wt)AY AT I P M IU .MR WERNER JANSSEN C"iMPOfri:itf' 'I.ETTY rEPPKR NEXT EMC .-.eats VOW SEU.IN'G VICTOR HERBERT'S ttr'ntc' nf All Munlril Ce'iii-ili- ANGEL FACE Oni:lrml V Y Cait jn1 prr IikiIuii Direction Macricft E. FIt m ldimF isiwrarf I'NTIMi' U Ar 10 I' V M. MABELNORMAND In Mark stmit'tt'H (r(iMit Sucitki "Melly 0" Comedy! Remance! Thills! Uir,.iiie -1 B.i. Murs the Weman B. F. Keiths inma irn I rem. r i ' 1 niiUfH. i t a DAPHNE POLLARD ' " H v ., 1 1 GRACE NELSON I 11 I'" V f I GLENN & JENKINS ''''' K I I' I M' M SIGNOR FRISCOE in N Imii I. I, a I tn !mc mil ,m ELSA RYAN E linj V 1 l t-k-s 11 ' 1 a fnr if - KlllllllHlllllllllllltllllllllllllcilllllllllHmillllll,llllIIIIIIIIIHm At IIKMY OK MI'MC PHILADELPHIA r ORCHESTRA lEOI'lllll sTOKIIItHKi. rnmliirter 1 l-KIIIW ArrERMHIN. M'MI. 7. T s 00 IMVriltim KM'MMl, APIIII. H AT Hil.1 HoleKti 1II(0I.1 llITi:, I'IiiiiIhi BEETHOVEN O.rrlurr.. !:,;, IIRMIMS iirlntlen nn u Tlirrnr nf llxdn I r-TRAl stj lliirlfk.., II mliiiir, for IMjiie c.v. ... UDl1 Oflif'tn 5;!:.,il !.?.. "Hip siun nf Tneni,," Biui.Mii.r. "ITcintlhM" -- - ijrpnc-.. IHU ihr.i. ....--, u tj-j-i u i. iirkrie ni lint nn. llrunr'n. inn ('!,.., LAST FIVE NIGHTS he Rftvu k. ! luniiini, ruts., WED., FRI 4 SAT. All-Star Ice-Skating Cast HatHlla 1 I-tlnh Mllfffn A "...Ma. MlAtlM X Ii irlliiar Hill. S..V '"l'.C' .'-"-- -"" mui (nrHrt OTIIKUIIItlliRNHATRI.NAJ.FitAtraza llir, 111 II NhlTIVfl l. turn U " . viii,i.iwir"-l Mnnwa LKIne Line Always an Hand I Repairing Dene rretnptly I DAYTON W.LAUBACH 70SS AND 7040 WOODI.ANII AVI'.. I 1&!2Sl K-NJs .v.V k" ?rr TicVfr fEgHjB Hai " ' ' ' i " r w .. . -k u. Jfllreetfnfl HtlM1 ' .VtNKTEKNTM MAJ it'8'a' paramount Vic mi cn XrtlH) U'" )rcl -Greenlemplatien', CIAST INCI.UDtNa Millien Hamilton Tktedsr Ka OEIIRnK RICHARIHON, Veel I A'Mr1 "HOW TO OttOW THIW'vj efl n,.ttu..,lll A .lt,kMIA.A 11:30, 1.30, S.30, 6:30. 730, 0:t0 American Illaterlcal Production CARDIGAN Frem ti Kftmeun Nryt br ROBERT W. CHAMBERS The romantic story of a yevw and a maid drawn by chance lets the dramatic struggle for American Independence vteSk "E GOLEM" M 1M UROAD CHESTNUT 110. I:S0. 8 SO. 6:S0. 1M. I Paramount Festival Week I REVIVAL OF THE GREATEST PARAMOUNT SUCCESSES EVER PRODUCED Geerge Leaae Tacker's J Tedir nd Tomorrow The Miracle Man With Theaat Mrifhu, Betty ConpieB, Le Claatf Added Piit Scmic Jeka S. Robtrtiea Pr4caa Dr. Jeykll Mr. Hyde Wita JOHN BARRYMOtE MARTHA MANKFTBLD, IIRAMION IIIRHT Wedneidty and Thariday CecU B. De Millt's Male & Female Friday and Saturday Frem lb "Adaiira.U CrickteD," by J. M. Unit Cant Includrii- Olerln Swan m Theinaa Melahan. 3M nanlpln, Wsl.y fiarry, Ula !, Itntwrt rln, Theodora Reberta, ltajniend llattan. MtT U'KEK ir(iI)AY AND Tt'EHOAT "ON Willi THK DANTE" i.Ijm:sday a.ni thprsdat r.l'JIOI l SIY UIFE" I'RIDAl AND SA1UHIJAT nnvr chanck euk hi'.sb SBANM" PALACE 12TH A MARKET STS. HI A. SI. te 11:15 P.M. WALLACE REID ,,THB APT AT!! A 1,;t t'HKSTNUT AftUAllA in a .r tn mil p. ie "LOVE'S BOOMERANG" ' ANN l'eltltnST anil DAVID POWEM VICTORIA ..Ttn'K "ANY WIFE," PEARL WHITE CAPITOL 8TII A .MARKET "I A SI te K'llP. u. NORMA TALMADGE i. Ku.tmiw " Rrln In "DK Lt'Xi: ANQB" DETTMT 17TH MARKKT lUCil I AMI.' HIV.KHH In hets wiLt, rig neTa" n HRC Jt-VII'KR Ic MARKKT VjLiVUE H tn 11 VaiMeiiiia HOYT'S FRIVOLITIES ALLEGHENY vA..T..n, "FOOL'S PARADISE" BROAD TONIGHT at 8:1 iiunritr ii MANTELL rtml uENEMUVK HAMPER TONIGHT "RICHELIEU" I s" r m? Tflerchant of Venice V. l Mut Tpu I.iI It U1 A Hat. Br.. Ju iu Tn nr Thur Mam i Krl Slurfcuth l.ti tst rnt Miftel'.' Wi Mat nocteii.r FORREST Last 2 Week Pup Mh W I rmcnirH te All Chllilran A IMP RfiARI.Mi RIKT UP JOY 4 PUN CHftltteS DlUtNSHAM h$i0 'TIP TOP Shew GARRICK .J'"' rrlwl Mating i"lnda Imnrlntr i"l run is it wendni RKCORD GEO. M. COHAN'S COMEDIANS ii ihf Whninm Aalcal lilt THE O'BRIEN GIRL (MAIO S MM MCHIf r( MISTRN) acii:my ok jii'mie MKTKirel.lTA.N OI'KUA COMrANY, K, . """S." ES ''' MADAMA BUTTERFLY Mmr. I'rrur. Pernlu, SIM. CTiamlr, llwii. (uatifnn. Cnnd, Mummuul, T.kfU Uildrmy li,,,,,,.,, tUg vhmtt ZS' Ar,iKMv or .MUHIO Thuradai- turning, APIIII, t, (iff MENDELSSOHN CHOI of Turnnte. nnrl h Cnmnlela PHILADELPHIA ORCHUSTMA 'Jlratla MMV nt llrvnr' anil llaa ' - ' DUMONTS'? J.''V'fti! nffll Grtatrst of All FRED STOAI& EMMETT WELCH tiMSJSMW Piumriur rrna. y, u, -p WILD J 'Ak'atmiA mi, a. w.i-..i . Ti"J. fij a t liA ,i.. i 1W r a? ,11 ml v.l '4 wa m !1 !"J 'V ii , T sc M V UVM " ri I m CAS01r4, tti; Mc)skStjL aate5M . . xmrtx i ., I. 1 . t,ii wj,. . irv,iajt!i. V K wa .WWK'I 4 4 , iui..n VI k '? K.Jt W-l I.W3J.': .Jl .K.s