u!f & Sfrnr ft iH ir;j?i I- 'VWi TW RTWTTlTTn -. ! fflr'A-.'Bi'-s r:,jftvv'sr?flwv..is. k -.;4-Mlt'l H T ..- II& .tV nu l'v.f . ' ...iv 1 'iW.? TA? -v i-" -( 1 AV! V 1 WTHE PEOPLE'S FORUM ttters te the Editor ;' mped Her Own Husband JTiflter of the Evening Public LctJei'r." The discussion In your pnpcr '.present-day steneg nnd the mnr- ftean has stirred up my bleed nnd te fay a helpful word. t fiatrn I10r.11 tlti-nnirh thi mill, ns 'itaylfig gees. 1 have seen my litis- I''falllng" for his pretty, vivacious : 1 unve icit mc poison ui mu t green-eyed monster killing my :tr self nutl I hnve Htiffcred untold XMntal agony. It seemed hnrd te henr, threuch It nil Knewing mni me What Veterans' Bureau Is Doing ' Ti the L'dlter of the .Yinlne 1'iibllc Lulger: 1 Sir I linve read with much Interest the letter of Cemrmlc .liuucs A. Iteumy j reiHciiuiiX wnr rlk liwunuicc grunted te the 111011 who $civul In the United Suites Army during the wnr in 11)17. .May I net call attention te what tlm 1'nlted Stales Veteinns' Hurenu, of I wlileli I am a ineniber. is doing Klrt. raying out eer SI, 000,000 in rIMbuid you love better tlinn life itself W Yes, that Is hard. There were rt when I feu en my unecs mm :ed Ged te take me home, but some seme s'' I llvpd mi. trvliic by all vas Cmeans te keep my husband, sciictn- and plnnninR, net Knewing win i te turn. At nni time f manned te have mj liaiihanrl lirlnp (hi- clrl te our home. klnVinn. tlm If I eniilil mnkn her love ie she would see the terrible wrong mm B.HWA, WCYX l&f& RVA'. Rfr v kne was doing. .J Finally ennie the little hints of di- Slth. Conducting ever fifty thousand nrri nnd r u it then and tiiere n metm-ai examinations every memn. Meed was up te the boiling point nnd Seventh, (iiwng eut-ide treatment In I knew there would never be n divorce, nisei where hnspltnlir.itien is net re I premised imself te light te the llnlih 1 uilied 10 twenty thousand ex-service ter the man who was mine by ever.v 1 men i'ery month. ' ill ti. nsh every day, Including Sunday, di- j .c,n,rc.i '?.", nm.' icctly into the linnds of the cx-.-ervlce man or his dependents. Second. Providing, without cost, hos pital care and tieatmeiit te .10,00(1 et ernns. The care includes beard nnd lodging and represents an expenditure by the Je eminent of .SUO.OOO.OUU per annum. Third, diving vocational training, without cost, te ever one hundred thousand disabled ev-servke men at an expenditure for tuition and supervision u ."n.uvu.iiiiu iiur Ml 11 11111. 1 1-eiirtii. .Mailing out six hundred nnd Tothei.auet of the Evening Public Ledger: fifty thousand cheeks eerj month, rep- 1 Sir In n recent issue of the I.Enenn lesenting S 12.000,000. , I noticed that It. J. nnd A. W. lledmcr 1'ifth. t'etiduetlng nn insurance bust- wish te knew if any one can tell why ncs for ever six hundred thousand ex-1 women wear bobbed hair. If he will service men without nny cost of ad- 1 turn te the Jllble, he will find in Firnt ministration te them. Insurance In I ('erliithinn, Chapter ii, verses 13 nnd foice: Three and one-half billion del- , It, what lie Is looking for. n. u. huhcaw as human sacrifices for these who stayed at home. It Isn't bonus, It is compensation that tliev want. The exempted men, wnr workers, etc., they wcre the enei the (levcmment paid n bonus te In ex travagant high wages; also the dealers in the, necessities of life, who made prices sear se high tlint they had nil the money nnd we none. nicy were the ones who went te ex- ived Ilke nrlnrpa. while the unfortunates, as you call tiicm. lived in trenches, inhaled poison gas. were wounded nnd many of them will never be the sntne ngnln. Would .V1': I';.11'". 1'"e unfertunntes a little bit of henven, when the ex empted men hnd two years of It? Heart the poem "In Flanders Field" and be come liuinaiilzcil. A AVAR MOTHER. Philadelphia, March U0, 11)12. erg-an and whom could reu reeemmand ter teacher T I de net understand method or procedure lie C. I Medie. Pa., March SO. 1023. The Bectfty of the Sens of St. Oeerw te at Nineteenth nnd Arch streets. Pltladelphla. The secretary of the Overaem CIVb may be nddreucd at 4700 North Warnock alreeti Its headquarter Id at 1712 Cheitnut street, rhlladelphta. Any of the several connerva cennerva connerva tertea of muale In Philadelphia or church eriranlits can direct you regardlnc atudy of the pipe organ. Poems and Songs Desired Is This Why They Beb Their Hair? , ,fh" I' .lv of Oed nnd mnn. 1 did net sneak M and sheet them, neither did I tie teem together and administer the leash, but I set about te vamp my husband. iust ns tln mecliius little steneg was sleing. ?. t Think nf ilint. foil.: think of nnip- IftB.yeur own husband '. 1 bought m' tl feme new clothes (for I must tell jeu I had leit most of my geel leeks nnd Mvacity during the fight). I smuggled In a tiny box of roiige and need ever te little of It nnd 1 fixed hit tinir In till- old luett.v WUV. I Kichth. lteeeiinc one thousand new hums every da, in addition 10 the mfl mfl I'en, two laid red theusitml already en 1 t.le: employing four thousand ex-scrv-1 e men aud women in cnriying out the erk. Ninth. Hr-qulrins for 1022. cxpcndi- ' tines in behalf of the disabled ex -service; man. S.T10.000.000 mere thnn the cn ire expctiditilie of tile whole I'nitert Mutes in 11117. Tenth The I'nltid Mates of America is alreud doing 11101 e for it disnblu'J veterans tlian miv eeiintiw In the world. made myself sweet, net te my husband j despite tin fact that their losses were; II pretended net te care) out in mj- iar ucnier than ours 201" North College nvenue. I'liiinucipuin, .ii ircn &, 11122. Status of the Deaf Man Te the V.Jiter of the lhenlna PuhUc Ledger: Sir It appears te the writer that the derails' Itureau is showing dis crimination ngalnst the totally nnd in curably deaf former service man, inas much as they rate these with one ee nnd one arm missing ns totally nnd per manently disabled, and n deaf man ns only partially, and In consequence the latter cannot duiw his insurance. . rOHMHR i:--SKRVICE MAN. Phlladilphld. .March 2S, 1022. Anether Spring Peem Te the Editor of the Evntne PuillD Ltdetri Rlr Inclesed you will find 11 Peem which 1 would like published. leuis nnneKit. (Ace, IB years.) Philadelphia, March DI, 1022. SPHNO Itejolcet nejelcel the birds they slnr. The snow has melted, TIs a slim of sprlnc. Anl new Again we will sec the preen leaves, And trend mnny nn hour nmene the flowers nnd trees. fllnds hae whistled, th-lr dajs nre Ihreuah. And new we shall start the srrlnr anew; Come out. nmii out. In the open nlr. These In anger nnd these In despair. De net drenm. de no wait. Come out new before n Is late. I,!f Is like n little tree. Kxlnln under Oed's will the samp ft a we. And when spring calls we should nlwnys be Itapry and tlmnl.ful tint Ged lets us free. A Ke-igh, Ilarrlsbunr, Ta,, asks for the lxwn the first line of which reads: "Life Is it game of poker " Can a reader supply It? Lines en "Destiny" s. fi JMlfer of the I'.ventna Public I.tiatr; 5lr In answer In "World War Here's Mster." can kIe twn erses of the serut net sure If there are any lrMSmmsm Kfi nlSiVtfSPFiUiJSSWJsl r T n l,MuM 1' V.'S. Ti. I-T.s'" ! .k-JtfiKmkWMWMiKi:r. q'1M Mwymv&WMm&nwtekq t jw' fij'i.ii'iDir ,'v"ll , ' t Ti ' T1 OK? w&mw;vr - -, i!TU' - mrt V. J. IUm, Rirerten. N. J, the poem. t alie send J. a. With Hunting Seng Supplied Te th Editor of the Evrnlna Public Ltdetri Sir Inclesed you will nnd n copy of the son "Jehn Peel," as requested In the Pee ple's Forum fef March 24, 1022. Philadelphia, March 27. 1022. JOHN PUEIi An old Kngllsh hunting senr By T. N. Graves De ye ken Jehn Peel with his coat se wy J De ye ken Jehn Peel nt the break of ayT De ye ken Jehn Peel when he's for. iar his hounds and Ms horse In the morning? Fer the sound of his horn brought me from my bed, . . . .,, And the cry of his hounds, which he ou tlines led. . . 1 Peel's "tew haMel" would walten the aeaa Or the fox from his lair In the morning. Tea, I ken Jehn reel, and his nuby. tee. Hanter and Itlngwoed, lleltman and True. Prem a "And" te a "check," from a "check" te n "view." . .. , Frem a "lew" te a "death." In the morn- Ing. De ye ken Jehn reel, wl his coat m RaV He lived at Troutbeck ones en -. nut new he's gene far, far WW' ... We rhnl no'er hear his horn In the morn netti Andersen, of West Thllad-lphla. also sends the poem. Te the Editor of the Evening PtiMt" r.crftfer: g.r-lf Mr. Jeseph Ceushlln wny f "Llfe Is Like n Qame of Cards nna will LITTLE BENNY'S NOTE BOOK By Lee Pape The Invention of the Wirrlln Tclcfnne A Play Axil 1 Scene, outside. Mark Ceny. These telefone wires nil ever the city make me sick. Uvcry time I wunt te leek up nt the sky I halt te see n let of tclcfene wires. Wats the use of having a sky? Wat we need is telcfencs without cny wires. Ferst sltizcn. Thata the funniest thing Ive herd Bints I was a baby. Haw haw haw. 2nd tltl7.cn. If you knew enj thing .nt than that. Mark. sell It te a Jeak.P&JM nn' IIU wmmmmm KETUBpS 0N,XUNi(j vnn d.mnke better a ennd lit ing. He he 1r,l ultlien. If I was as iuh y thfflu a'SSd tli ng I n'''t because Id "'Sff&elfv'l1 'JSt' 'orieur-wen I mentiencTit. but it Wtent think yotire se smart dam If 1 nom think 111 get Imj 2 Hecnc. Mark Ceny home Invcntlns. K'nenv? At last. Mcny u tru? ..1 tvn Knnlie In Jest. The wireus ninfene is a thing-of the past think 111 call up some of hose sitlzcns and serprize them. Ferftkenc IWle, who is SU: who's twklng? Wats the "MDik Ceny. Tills H Mark tawklng en a wlrellss telefene. FaV.. V.T.- "Ji.l.a f.innr new? new ninv ,. :,; , , ,inrMP,l T I fresh Helle this? wire" Ceny Haw Verst sltl7.cn ennt blecve it. The end. Qermley Begins Sentence A Three-Year Election Fight Pettsvllle, Pa.. April 3 Ed Oermley, formerly turnkey at Schuylkill County Prison, knows hew. It feels te have the key tu en hlmscir. vi With four ether officers of the 11 Ward election .beard of Pettsvllhj U'j becan today a six months' sentene. S' t.n ennntv Inll for fraud. It ),.. l. J fighting his sentence nearly three jttt , . , Motorist Suffers Broken Back i" Malianey City, Pa., April a.Hu.i,!1 ii.i.i.Avii feet ever nti nmhani...? when his touring car swerved from thfe roadway,, near (Mrnrdvllle yesterda,; Geerge revllnltls, a aiahaney Piag hetelKcepcr, received a broken back! Three ether passengers escaped InJnrr . son "Over There" nt wrote me that they send address, 00 Thlrty-nrst street, I will write a copy inr "". MAttOAKnT HAI.1.1.W. Newport ews, . Questions Answered h -t. fir fA I 3 X Y? In w- self. I did even begin te peep at ether aaen (when mv husband was near enough te see) nnd I used all the means and ways that came te me; and I s-aw Sey husband come slowly bank te me. - One day when we seemed very cle-e te each ether I told him hew it hurt me te have him care for some one else; I pointed out hew wrong it was te let this girl come between us and te my great surprise, he agreed with inc. I talked against the girl eer chance I had nnd told him she spelled rum te our home and happiness. )h '. it was a long fight nnd 11 hard one. but think of the reward when one, evening at said he hnd -asked the girl te ielgn. I shouted for joy and threw iny arms around him nnd cried. Xenrly a yenr has passed. My hus band has premised that he will necr pay the least attention te nn wenvin who tries te attract him te her. He has had his lessen. He loves me better 1 new; It seems the very struggle has drawn us closer together. Teu stenographers who read this, you young ladles who pride yeursehes en being able te vamp your bes and the geed looking men In your office, take word e advice from a little woman who has suffered because of etif of ..you. Leave the married man alone. Nerer allow yourself te think jeu ! for one of them. If he tells utt tales of an unhappy married life, that is all the mere reason why jeu should steer Clear of him. Just try te picture the illttle wife In his lieim-. who is trwng .with all her strength te make him .happy. Oh, don't make It harder for fier and her little ones. The'c 1- lit' e enough of pleasure In this life fur her. - There nre se many unman led men ni can vamp nnd it should be meie fun "for you when jeu knew you are net causing sorrow ,aml unhapplncss. S, iKemember that jeu can never get out of an affair with a married man f unscarrcd. Play the game fair and aquare, girls. 1 And you yeuug wives who are strup Kilns at home with jour problems of the eternal triangle, remember that in that little game the canK are nearly always stacked in favor of the WIFE. Philadelphia, March 27, lO'J'J. 'ska North Penn Depositors te Act ITe Ike Edller of the Evening Public I.dacr Sir This is n call te the spineless group of depositors of the loettil Neitii l'enn Bank te join hands, first te de feat every man who was in the State's employ nt the time the bank was robbed, and secondly te try te have the State reimburse them for their losses, sin the State was in charge when the bank ,was robbed by Mey,er and his political confederates. Berne of thee chronic politicians lmn the brazen audacity te usplrc te high office after proving their unfitness te b trusted, iluu the State s banking of ficers . Penn Bank Let's life since we cannot sena uiem te Twenty-first street and Fairmnunt avenue. L M. S. Philadelphia. March .'!(), I'.CL'. May Oed guard and watch ever our beloved country and the brave men who respond te her call in the hour of need. WILLIAM MncDOXALD. Philadelphia, March 'JD, 1Y2'1. "Old-Fashioned 'Pepprypet'" Te II, I'tl.ter nt tin. Kvenlng J'uMIe Ledger; Sil Twe or three l.i fir a peine of "old-fashioned peppry- net" nprjinreil in Miur Pceple'i Forum the kind that was made "lifry jears .ige." The writer enjoyed eating this dish -emewh.it mere than fifty jiais age in the Second street inaiket. nt Seuth street, as it was lusciously mnde by an Id colored mammy . The writer has tried many and vn 1 ions, concoctions, but none was like ilint of "fifty years age,'' except that hlch is made after the following for 1,11 la : Fer live persens: Place knuckle of veal In pet nnd i eer well with water. 1 Failing te sit veil, two or three pounds -if lean slewing beef (prefer ably from the neck 1 will answer. Mince a goed-sl7eil onion in it and add .1 tenspoenful each of sweet marjoram, s ivory, sweet basil, thyme, some s,.C,., several lcac of buv and half a tca tca tca poenful of gieiiud nllspliu and cleyes, 1 ili'd. Mi water and Heur enetisii te make .1 ball of ilinich about as li as a tt.a up. Make Inte small dumpling and rep into heilci. l'el uijd cut into -mall dice time gwid-si.cd potatoes.. Add te ether ingredients. The tripe (about two pounds) In the meantime should be cooking, and If -altcd must be conked tlileugli two waters, and when done (lit In small ldeees and add te stuck, fir-t ifiiwims the meat, and you hae the e'd-fash-. uied pepperpet fit for a king. Salt .ml pepper te taste when done. .t. f c. em'MimF.ciiT. Fast Haddenlield, N. J . Match ,TI. ID2-J. These "Unfortunates" !e the Editor of th' 1. miifie Pub'ir I ttlurr' Sir I certainly feel srry for "F. L. It." that she should se een have for gotten the war. Tim "unfortunates" she speaks about were some nf our v enderful boys who offered themselves Photograph of Lincoln Te the rdlter of the Evcnlna Public Ledger! fir I have a photecraph of Abraham Un com mat was takn In Philadelphia jeu please tinwcr in the l'conle's rum If It Is of any ulua? , CHARLES B PPAKKS. PedrUktewn, N, J , March 29, 1022. The alue of the jiheteferaph would de- Iiend uiien It a rArltv nn.i ih r1irA nf q . ige a request j i-esslbin purchaser te obtain It. Likenesses I "i Lincoln are innumerable and It may lx that there are many prints of the nesatlve from which jeurs was made. Unless there are jncullar circumstances connected with i It tlin nrehihlllty In that your photograph has unly nominal value. Destiny" : nm mre. I sent them te my the battln front, he "breusht th" teer." MI.H. .TAMRS M. KKLLKr. Trenten. .V. .1 . Mm eh i'fl, 1022, im:stiny Pemellmes between the shadows en the irras". The little truant waes of sunlight pass: Mlne eei Krew dim with tenderness the I whlle Ttlnklnir I fee thee. Thinking I see thee smile. And eemetlmei In the forest deem, apart, ! The tall trees whisper, whisper heart te I win I i art: , mill IllJ ."iiv .i'- itiu 1-t.bt:. ii.iiQin .Mil, t Thli'klmt I henr thee, Thlnklnir I henr thee call. "0. C. C." of Merlen, Pa., and Mar- The People's Tenim will PP" .a"JS In he Kvenln PnMIe Jder. and I nlje In the.Hnndny Ptiblle Idiier. ft'y Jlseussln. timely topics will be nMed.j nnd question of Beneral Interest wu De nnsnrred. . Swimming and Special Exercises Lessens by arranKiment. Wetter than sprlnit tonic. Hates Moderate Fer Men, Beys, Women and Qiris Send for information West Iliilldlnr, 62d nnd Snnem St. North llulldlnir, 10ia W. Ihlcli Ave. t'rntml llulldlmr, 1421 Arch ft. Y M C A J. Armstrong, Revolutionary Soldier Te the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger: Mr Can jeu furnish me with any history of Colonel Armstrong Uetrelmr KltiannliiB In fceptcmber, 1T5H, or any mention of Colo nel ArmetreiiK recelUnc a med 1 from the' city of Philadelphia In reference te de de strejtns Klltannlnc. OKOIIGE r. P.ODINSON. Philadelphia, March 2S. 1022. Jehn Armtreni; was nn American soldier, born In the north of Ireland In 1723; died at Carlisle, Pa.. 170.". He led a successful xpolltlen In 1750 ncalnst the Indians nt Klttannin?. Pa., a feat In reeoenltlen of which the cltv of Philadelphia conferred a nvdil jpnn him He became a brltr-idlr Rn cral In the Continental Army In yKirch, 177! but rlned April, 1777, te tnlt the mine rank In the IVnr.aUnnlu mil It la, whli Ii he cnmmniidvd at the b.ittle of Hr.in- d wliii S', ptemb-i 11, 1777, and at Ger mantnnn Octeber 4, 1777: he became a niijer i general In January, 1779. He sered twice lm the Continental Congress. 1778-80 and I 17S7-SS. Full Information of Armitreng"8 inner can be ebtaln-d nt the library of I the Historical Society of Pcnnsylanla. Marriages In Elkton h tin I , tei of the EicniHf Public Ledger: S.'i L'm a uuth nf twenty jears and n, rlrl nf jhtfen n'.inln n marriage license i nd b" in.irrled In llkten, Md., without It beinu mad i public" M. K, 1'hil.iib'lphl.i. March 20, 1022. Marrla- licenses lsHUd In Hlkten are j publicly recorded, - nd there Is no siWei iv ef keepini; them from the Inquiring gaze cf newspaper reporters nnd ethers Interested in romance, ! & Sens of St. Geerge; Overseas Club Te the 1'tliter of the Eienlne Public Ledger Sir Will ou kindly Ut me knew the most central pest or lodse of th Society of the .sons of M CJeeige, also Cereas Club? Hew could ens learn te plaj a large pipe L MARKET STREET BEEF CO. Special for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Finest Picnic Shoulders ) 1 0Vc Pure Lard in Pound Prints ( M f . 1 City Dressed Meaty .Spare Ribs. ' Wm 1D Shoulders of Veal for Roasting . . . Breast of Veal for Filling Rump of Veal for Roasting Legs of Veal 4- te 5-lb. average . . Strictly Fresh Selected Eggs in Cartons . . . 25c d. Finest Country Scrapple and Hamburg Steak. . . .3 lbs for 25c Finest Half Smokes or Beef & Ham Bologna, 10c lb.' Sugar Cured Virginia Smoked Bacen. . . A2l2c lb. Boneless Stewing Beef 3 lbs., 25c Dried Beef, sliced en our own machine 35c lb. Liberty Perk Rell. 35c lb. Finest Lunch Rell, sliced or by the piece .... 35c lb. Lebanon Bologna, none better 20c lb. Finest Sliced Bacen, en our own machine . . 20c lb. MARKET STREET BEEF GO. 5221-23-25 Market St. 5939 Market St. Loek for Our Adv. in Thurtday Evning Nawapapar SCO ASCO KfflnniiiiMiramffliMiffliMfflii l. iiuu iuj niaie s eatiMii?; 01- u been "en the job" the- .Wii-tii j Bank would nut Iiiup been limb ii. 3 try te rt'lesati them te priwit" H Founded G7 Years Age. The Heuse that Heppe built InauRurated the Onc-rrice System in 1881 C. J. HEPPE & SON Central Stere, Uptown Stere- 1117-19 Chestnut Street Cor. 6th & Thompson Sts. President, Florence J. Heppe Sen of the Founder A Wise Mether and a Geed Dessert the children thnt thej would ns well as cornstarch puddim; f Wane muiice," said Mrs. Ma1- f . as i-he nnd Mrs. IMmeiiis f V u w l?l. iO.fi i , msfrMZ f ir m Mfr ?n V'.V a.TTjrf'ti A mi: W f t , u- '. gK )' I wish I could find emetliln for like or bl thew cat tnlkltiK one utternenn luey n bucIi a nub.ince te mnl- , nnd one never hnew-t whether thej me reIiis te turn out light." "Why don't you make I'mldine' That alwavs turns out right." re plied her friend. 'Puddlne':" iienleneil Mrs. Matthews, with interi'ht. "Whut is It' Anether dessert that seim -tlmew in a .success, but geneial'j' isn't?" "Ne, Indeed." Piiid Mrs. Kd- I mendH emphntlcnlly. "I'uddlni is a perfectly wonderful desert that always turns out ripht. Yeu jut . ald milk and stiRar te it and heil ' for three minutes, and jeu knew' that when it has meled jeu will' have a nice, rich meld of delicious ' creamy desbert." I "It hounds wonderful," inter- i runted Mrs. Matthew h. I "It Is wonderful," replied MrH. Euinendh. "leu can cet li in u number of flavors chocolate, vanilla, eiange, lemon and jeu can use 1'uddlue for ull Mrts of things. It makes the most luscious cake and pie (I'llnRH, ami umoeth, Tilvefv lep crrnni." "Is it expensive?" asked her ' friend. "Oh. no. Indeed. Yeu can scre Hiiven liclpliiRs from n 10c puck age or tlfteen from a l,"e paekaee of Puddlne. And then what 1 like about it is that I can let the children have as much as thc want, because it Is pure and wholesome." "I certainly Khali i;et some I'ml dine," said Mrs. Matthews. "I'm glad you told mc about it." t A nanl lutni tin. tu'.. frlmnl.1 l worn tulklni? tnirether en the phone, "lly the wnj," Mihl Mr. MatthcwH. "mv whole fainllj Mm- ' nly leveH Puddlne. I think thej d llkn ttt linin It fnr fil'nrv liinnl I am glau you told me h tell KiJIKe te ha' fcertalnlj- Jesef Hofmann makes records exclusively for the Due-Art Piane "My Due-Art mils are indeed my actual interpretation with all that implies. In the reproduction of my own playing, the Due-Art is se far' superior te any ether instrument of its kind there can be no real basis for comparison." JOSEF HOFMANN. xtie due-Art PIANOLA-PIANO A Reproducing Piane net merely a Player-Piane differs from a player-piano in that The Due-Art IS really THE ARTIST actually PLAYING. And as Jesef Hofmann Bays, The Due-Art gives "My actual interpretation with all that implies." The Due-Art Pianola-Piane is made in only six pianos all en sale at Heppe's, namely: the Steinway, Weber, Steck, Wheelock, Stroud and Aeolian. Prices $750 up. Surely you want The Due-Art the greatest musi cal invention of all the ages. Hear it at Heppe's te-day Give your friends a "Victrela Concert" A Victrela is ready at all times te give you real entertainment, it affords an ideal means of giving enjoyment te your friends. We carry a large stock of Victer Records. Nothing but Viclor-Victrelas and Victer goods at Heppe's. That makes assurance doubly sure that you are getting the best. Victrela Outfits (A few popular models) Victrela Ne. 210. S125 With $10 worth of ret ei ils J'ay only tt.le tcveUy Victrela Ne. 280, $210 With $10 worth of ireerdi l'ay only tl.SO weekly Victrela Ne. 300, $200 With $10 worth et records l'ay only ts weekly Victrela Ne. .130, ?425 (Electric) With $lu worth of records I'ny only ti weekly wffwnrwwwwvw Lsi Mail This Coupon for Full Information C I llpfMP & Sen f downtown 1117-10 Chestnut , V. ,1. Iltppe a 3011 J Uptown nth & Vhommen Sts. ' I'lilla. Without any obligation en my part plcase send full information about (mark X below): 0 Pianos 0 Player-Pianos 0 Victrelas B " id II iwiMMnii II eirnnDC fCk naaysFym 1111 CTiYBfcrfMiwrnmii ASCO ASCO iiiMi'mifflmraiiiiimMMWBWiMMi It was the immortal Lincoln who said "Yeu can feel some of the people all of 'th ithne, f all of the people seme of the time, but you can't feel all of the people . e of the time. We have nreved in our mere than a third of a century of business expen ence, ZtZ X Shed for a business house is te caijjijlg' gee ds price them honestly and give your customers at all times the 9uarr kind of a square deal. By adhering te this policy, we have wen for ourselves the confidence and geed will of the public. "The Untit butter in America!" Stene&a? Butter ib Made from pure, Pasteurized sweet cream, in the dairy paradise of the U. S. 45 RICHLAND BUTTER lb 42c Pure creamery prints. &SGD Coffee 25 C Ib Frem the best cultivated plantations of the tropics. 9c Asce Evap. Milk, tn" CB" "Pure as the morning dew'." 12 ii-lb pkg 23c; Ib-pkg 45c Five delectable blends: Teas wwH Orange Pahee Plain Black India Ctylen Mixad Old Country Styla P. & G. Naphtha Seap P. & G. Star Seap ( Sbar. QA C for AUT FeU Naphtha Seap cake5)ic Kirkman't Borax Seap cake 6Sc Yeung's Borax Seap cake 12 c Ivery Seap 3 cake 20c Ivery Seap Flakei pke 9c Yeung's Seap Chips pkg 9c Rinie 3 pkgs 20c Lux Seap Flakes pkg 10c Asce Ammonia bet 9c Asce Bluing bet 7c Fab (Washing Flakes) pkg lie Arge Laundry Starch pkg 9c Lenex Seap big cake 5c Clethes Pins dez 2&c Clethes Line yard 2c Galvanized Pails each 21c Victer Bread lllx? Big Leaf Quality and quantity the biggest bread value en the market today. Victer Raisin Bread, l0B' With big fat raisins. 10c 27 Whole Grain Rice, " piis 9c Fresh Country , Eggs Every ene guaranteed absolutely fresh. Carten QOc Eer twelve mgmm The choicest selections of the new-laid eggs. -s Fancy Calif. Peaches 23c c'n Ext. Fancy -" OQ Calif. Peaches UZf Pearl 1QC Tapioca pu v,w 1 Reg. 33c Can California Pears Cut te SO A delicious dessert. DAINTY CAKES Cocoanut Taffy Dreps 29c lb Iced Unity Jumble 19c lb ''rcsli from the evens. Asce pu Cornstarch 7c Hawaiian Pineapple 12ic 19c ll-ez can Reg. 22c cut te. . . can j Instantaneous fc I Tapioca ll'l Asce Cern Flakes ) Kellogg's Cern Flakes Pest Te'asties Three well-known cereals at a bargain price, ,f 3 ft 20c f O Buckwheat 7'lc Y Pancake Fleur pkf fi I Syrup Can 9c 1 Sweet 'Pctateet can 15c Kidney Bctni can 10c Lima Beans cin ISc Soup Beans Ib 9c Lima Beans lb '"' " Geld Seal Fleur 5.1b 7. Ba. lC 12-lh Bag. 57c Asce Brking Powder can 5c, 9c, 17c Rich Creamy Cheese Ib 25c France-American Spaghetti can 10c . pkf 9c Celd Seal Macaroni Asce Toraste Catsup big bet 15c Asce Cinjer Ale bet 10c Gorten's Clim Chowder Gorten's Codfish Caltes. ..can 12c . .can 15c ?y Ref. 5c Sardines 3 c,ns 10c Snowdrift (for frying and shortening;) can 18c 5c pkf. Raisins... cut ,0 3C Sunswret Prunes lb 12c, 17c Calif. Evap. Peaches b 19c Chick Chick Egg Dyes 5c l,kff Jelly Eggs ... ,1b 15c Easter Eggs. .3 for 10c Candles dez 12c Table Salt bag Sc Black Pepper can 5c Vanilla Flavoring bet 5c Parler Matches. ..big box 4 Vic Geld Seal Oats 8c ,)kB Asce Bacen pkg 17c Specials for Tuesday In Our 207 Sanitary Meat Markets CITY DRESSED MILK-FED COUNTRY VEAL nectc " tie Rack Chops 20c Rib Chops ' 25c Breast, lb 12V2c Shoulders 16c Lein Chops 30c Rump Roast lb 25c Milk-Fed Stewing Chickens, 32 lb Milk-Fed Breiling Chickens, 35c " p . . aurpr.se the Family With a Nice Chicken Dinner! These prices effective in our PHlla., Camden and suburban str.- n.i m m.. Milk-Fed Roasting Chickens, 40 lb Boneless Breakfast Bacen 18c 1 r Exateui'usj'-i," . , -v . , rub. in. 4-3-: aeM m-Dex of Pdddlhe'-willr &QSW --Adr, jif)jrf-J.j,i4, ml " v. , KSB' &, fwACvmi n r., i neiuii ii nn i.nni'iii iiiMi.itiiiun Diii.iii.ttiiiMiin! mmm ' AOUU f gMg i.i ASCO I I ...,.- -( . ,,f,. v. , . . .It ' .. s m J : t -v t i. . i . m : Mfc.? f1 r-.-Va., "T-r i till WiTiiJiy''A.UWJ"-4?'i .