rwx?. t mmsiw a & ttammmK.wmnmMBmmmBiunmftt&nBBmnmmmms' - mmi 'ia'v,, wur. Wr&z&mMV&t&QB T&Wilsen Tells a '' and Fellows 'fieve Orleans Housewives Knew Hew te Make Sea Fqe ( ing Even te the Persen V?he Doesn't Like It "v'tfrMRS. f.' A.' WILSON VfUsen. AM . .fiM tAif1 .liirlna? the niSII 9 generu.i ....... ..- H ,in. te rcnlnce the pre ," "i he menu. A . physician Llth whom I nm 1. ..rntv an old acquainted ieki Hell sterr that Is father, wlie also was u i-m-,n,,.-l.i fri.u (a tin. stery: V Jfiidocter .l'pBired te -nu ene of his Ul hy imtlcntn te ptaw where h- ilclnn Mnll fcftrlct Ills mem nuuiu.-B, .... WJ '- ii, i1vlce of n prgytniui. who Xa t nf a wn". the phyrtclau teM M. mtlent that thin coining Wnt he L'uld de icnancc an.l restrict l,l an w u ";' ' ... n nnn nnil tliu Mime petlte fim by spending we w" i HW Orfcini.. It Ih je -known ' ... iL T ahIah iiAHlnH liirt that th U city Keeps uie jjimiiui ,Hle"lr, nn.l few, If any, plameeuM tleu find lu tlir .lays wnr by where meat Ts tctfe.1 tlmins this period. Se "" wc,lt ,lu'. tm,,,,n ' "."VSI r.ste -he returned home phyhlcaUy fit FnJ in "I'lcndld condition, unci upon Ikb T friends' Inqulrlns th" rtal secret 'Sf his improved health he remarked: ftJiiT - ,i hv cihtV. I could de pen- L net , every day of me life down In New apce Cerjr ua, . ?"' !in",fihMVdn'V llke'lteh. that even r! ...i.i i...f hnvn te cnt It anyway 1 ind a few days later he said te -hla 'krildan! "Well, doctor, I hope you tin be recommending the New Or uins Lenten period te me ncaln next tisen, fr never n place did I find where they serve fluhue grand ; sure t s bitter than any dessert you could think ,bNcw Orleans fast-day dishes nrc famous the world ever, and I feel sure Seu will njree with me after you lava tried these I am going te give you. shredded Codfish Picayune Pinre the shredded codfish In a piece, f cheesecloth and plunge into boiling water for three minutes, lift and press dry. New place in a saucepan One and one-half cup of milk, ' Five tablespoons of flapr.j Stir te dissolve the fleuaf and bring te a bell. Cook for ten minutes slowly. New add .... Tice tablespoons of butter, Three canned pimentees, minces Jne One green pepper, minted fine, One onion, minced fine, ' Tinu bit of garlic. One-half cup of finely chopped The prepared codfish, , Heat slowly, adding ' Juke of one lemon. Pinch of nutmeg, One-half teaspoon of paptika. Fill Inte rolls that have been scooped tot, and then garnish with hurd-hellcd fg rubbed through a sieve. 1'lace In Ten for a few minutes te heat. Fish Bacalao Prepare the codfish as In the prcced ibf recipe, and turn en plate. New 'place In saucepira One small can of tomatoes, nd add One-half cup of chopped onions, Ttee tablespoons of finely, chopped ftriiev, One-quarter teaspoon of thyme, Tiny bit of garlic. . Simmer slowly for twenty minutes, 'then rub through a sieve. Return te the saucepan and add , Qpe-half cup of flour dissolved in three-quarters cup of cold water, One teaspoon of paprika, Four canned pimentees, chopped Jlne, The prepared codfish, , Yolks of tice eggs, Fiie tablespoons of breadcrumbs. Heat nell and cook for five minutes. Remove from the stove and let cool. Then add one-quarter cup of melted .butter, stirring In the butter well, and .then folding in the stiffly beaten whites 'of the two esjjs. Turn in well-buttered custard cups and place in medciiitc ovee and bake for twenty minutes. The 'creele housewife sometimes places the cuitard cups containing the fish mix ture In a pan of water, havlns the water obeut two-thirds, the depth of the cups, and then covering closely and steaming for thirty minutes. Te serve turn en thin slice of toast and bcrvc Wlta iiellandalse sauce. Fish Leaf Prepare the shredded codfish as dl ,ttcted in the first recipe, and then Place in a mixing bowl and add Ttee cups of cooked rice, rubbed fknvgh a tierc, One-half cup of conned pimenfee, aepped fine, l One green pepper, chopped fine, One-etiarfer eup of grated onion, ! Tiny bit of garlic, , One teaspoon of paprika, Again ! for MONDAY and TUESDAY M. DE MAY has prepared for Spring ever forty original FUR-TRIMMED Capes TO SELL FOR $ n I-.00 55 Ne two models alike. I ' r Fish Story . " It With borne tads Feed Tempt' Oneihalf eup of breadcrumbs. Three tablesnoens of finely cheiwed parsley, unc-hair teaspoon of thyme, One tcell-bcaten egg,' f Otic cup of thick cream sauce, ,, Three tablespoons of butter. Mix well nnd turn in a well-greased afid floured loef-shapcd pan, packing smoothly, and bake in moderate even for thirty minutes. Hcrve either with parsley or with tomato sauce. Fish Croquettes Place In saucepan One and ene-giiartcr cwpi of milk, One-half cup of flour. Stir te dissolve and bring te a bell. Cook for five minutes, then add The shredded codfish, " One-half cup of finely shredded pl mentbes, One green pepper, chopped fine. One-quarter cup of finely chopped parsleyi One teaspoon of paprika, Onc-yuartcr teaspoon of thyme, Tiny bit of garlle, Onethalf cup of brcaderumbs. Mix well and turn en platter, te meld. Then form into either the cro quette or cutlet, and dip in flour; then dip in beaten egg and milk, then roll in fine crumbs nnd fry in smoking het fat. Serve with cream sauce with, ennned peas. Anether Method of Preparing the Fish- ' cake Place in mixing bowl 7'ire enrf one-half cups of masked potatoes, The prepared shredded codfish, One-half cup of finely chopped can ned pimentees, One green pepper, chopped fine, One onion, grated, Three-quarters cup of fine bread crumbs, One egg. Mix and form in croquettes or cut lets, dip in flour, then dip again in beaten egg nnd milk, roll In fine bread crumbs nnd fry in smoking het fat. Serve with cither cream sauc,e nnd as paragus tips or with peas. Fish Chowder Place in Mslllet J)nc-half cup of geed shortening, and when het add rircc-aiierrcrs cup of finely-'chopped onions. Cook slowly until the onions ere tender, then add One green pepper, Twe canned pimentees. Add one package of shredded codfish, prepared ns directed in the first rcclpe, Twe cups of milk, ' One cup of iratw, One and one-half cups of finely diced potatoes, One-half teaspoon of thyme, Three tablespoons of finely minced parsley, One cup of thick tomato pulp, One-half cup of thin tomato fulcc, with one-half cup of flour dissolved in thr tomato juice. Stir" te blend nnd briiiR te n bell. Cook for fifteen minutes slowly and add .Tiny bit of garlic, One teaspoon of paprika, One cup of canned peas. Just as seen as the potatoes nrc cooked serve with thin strips of toasted breud. MRS. WILSON'S ANSWERS My Dear Mrs. Wilsen I expect te give n house-warming party -seen te about fifty persons nnd plan a menu as follews: Fruit Punch Ice Cream and Fancy Cakes Fruit Candy and have n large cake. I think this Is geed ; folks de net care for tee much feed today. Yeu will require about twelve pounds of the ;OUfe STORE ORDERS Answer the Buying Question Oar SO years' experience Is evi dence that yea are dealing with a reliable Una from whom yea can rrarehiue everything1 needed la the boaeeheld. Our plan enables you te e te the leading stores of Pbllu, te select yenr purchases. WEITB FOB DETAILS TONIGHT M1B73 n 1032 arriett Bres. 1111 CHESTNUT STREETS T7ACH model has JJ received the careful, personal attention of M, De May, with the result that each Sarment has an in ivldual character of its own. Geld and platinum car acul has been used te harmonize with the various color tones of each cape. Full range of sizes. et Ik . 1 TSSSSXm s mmmmKmmmmsmmmmmmm...n,i i wtmasssmmsssBamsfbtm Jjj2 1525 WALNUT tf STREET VAM m Wp-p pail cakea, and a ten-pound cake should be ample Fruit Panch leu will require n clean wooden tub or else n large utensil te mix in. Place in the tub Juice of 'two dozen erangci, Juice of thirty lemons, Five cans of crushed pineapple, Twe dozen bananfM, cut in tiny bits, One pint far of maraschino cherries, ATLANTIC C1TV N. 3. Rpsnd the Easter Holidays la ATLANTIC CITY AT HOTEL Excels In Comfert, Service and Cuisine Kentucky Ave. Near Death Atlantic City's Fineit, Largeit and Men Popular Moderate Kate iletel $3.50 up Daily. Special Weekly American Plan Choice, well-furnlilteii roeirni. private bath, metal beds, elevators te street, unumially attractive lobby, parlor and reroptlen rooms! capacity SOOi ercheitra: dancing. Newly papered and renovated throughout. Public ihewem. , RUNNING WATER IN AH ROOMS Ownership management neealet. FRTTKlt A IIOLLIOEIt KENTUCKY KENTUCKY AVE. NEAU Ut'ACU American Hie 3 00 eg (illy, 117.50 sp wctllr Pepulir faresrin Rites Elevator ti street. Eli etrlefty anil rhenri In all rooms. Private bulbs. Running watr. rWrroef wMltlen. Walts wvks. OwncrinTp pigm't. KINQAKAKHAHT mm wurnm Virginia ave. A Beach, Het A Celd running wntcr. Prlv. baths. Rates M day up. Bpec. wkly. Cap. 000. Jlklt. Orch. O. D. Painter. HOTEL CONTINENTAL Aiaata oesn iv: Write or phone. It. WALSH DUNCAM. Hetnl Rnsrehnl Kftitiicky Av. nr. Iwaett neiei DOSCODB1 Excellent table. Wkly. rates, f 18 up. Ph. 117. A. IS. MARION Chalfonte-Hnddeo'lInll Atlantic Clt On the Beurclwnlk OCEAN GROVE. X. J. STOKES HALL Ocean Greve, modern cenv. N. J. Ocean Fnthveny, Alt A. Iv. K. 8traaaburgir, Prep. rPPEB frAWAXAO UKK, N. Y. SARAIAC INN N THE HEART OF THE ADIR0N0ACKS CERTIFIED MILK A SUMHBR RCSOUT of the hlgtiest char acter: auperb cuisine:, an environment so cially deilrablc. Cottages for Kent. Iirntd en the shere of the WONDERFUL UPPER SARANAC LAKE Kxcelleut .suit: reuils, heed felt. All Sports and Amulnents nt thlr best. IIARRINtiTON MILLS. Manager JOHN M. KIRHY, Asii't .Mnnugrr AilArtn llrtM (ir.iften. tViiwhlngten. D. C. TOURS vertenal service wrntNH HKnenTf amiNe nr-ienTB ill wide ixperience and high-geared organi ergani latum. Complete change of surroundings, the comforts of high-class hotels, rest and re creation are yours if you let us plan your tour. Inclusive independent travel ar ranged for individuals, families, etc,, escorted tours at frequent intervals. This season's special features embrace's THE PASSION PLAV AT OBERAM MEROAU (for which we are Official Foreign Agents). CRUISE TOUR TO NORTH CAPE AND NORWEGIAN FJORDS including visits te the capitals of Nerthers Europe, sailing from New Yerk June 1JV ' A Wonderful SUMMER CRUISE AROUND THE MEDITERRANEAN by specially chartered new Ctinard liner "Tuicanla" July $ te Sept. 6, covering .ill the principal points of interest. Opportune ties of visiting during the cm ue various ether parti of Europe, .alie option te return via North Atlantic Other current programs include Cruiiei and Teun te BERMUDA, WEST INDIES: CALIFORNIA etc. ROUND THE WORLD TOURS Westbound Departures Aup., Sept., Oct. Eattbeund DepartureiOct.lNev,,Jan.l92. FkU hjtrmtthm n rtfttsj THOS. COOK & SON 228 Seuth Bread St. (Belew Walnut St.) PHILADELPHIA &WSVV Telephone ev mmm Twelve bottles of ginger ate, ' Twe gallons of crushed ice i and a sirup made as fellows : Place In a large preserving kettle Ttee gallons of icater,' Ten pounds of sugar. llring te bell and cook for half an hour, then add two gallons of wntcr, mix and add te tne punch and serve. De net add the Birup mixture until1 cold. WEKyF.ltaVTXT.g PA. GALMHALL WERNERSVIUE,PA. Will 0Mn Sit, April I Physical comfort, beautiful scenery, golf, music and fine baths in Hydriatic Depart ment Ikes Mbms nit, I RWai K, MOUNT POCONO. l'A. MEADUtVHIUK INN Mt, Poeeno, Pa. In the Pocene Mountains. Newly built, all eutalde roems: steam neat, electrlclty. prlvatn baths. Reduced rates. AHHEVILLE. N. C. THE MANOR. ASHKVII.LE, N. C. In America, nn English Inn. TOTTRS 'fr. ERICSSON LINE . FOR,BAI.TIMORK M One H'.iy. J Round Trip PIER 8 SO. DELAWARE AVE. Dally nt UP. SI. . Siiturrt-iv ut 3 P. M. Ne Sunday Hlemr BERMUDA, Spend Springtime In Eden Field of perfumed llanter Lilies new tdd te Uermuda'a Drlnittlme charmsi. All your favorlte iperts are here, In cluding (lelf. Ten nis, Riding, Driv ing, cycling. Sail Inir. Moter-Hontlnvr URining. Fishing, Ne Passports Modern Hotels, Sailings Twice Weekly Frem N. Y. every Wnd. nnd Sat. Frem Hermuda eery Tuesday and Saturday via fi. S. "PORT VICTORIA" and . . anini ti..iiii,ru." Tickets Reed en either steamer. unering , unequtucu exprtss ser vice. Write for Illustrated Doeklets. FURNESS BERMUDA LINE 3t Whitehall St.. N.Y. F.irne-Wlthy & Ce.. Ltd., Bourne Hide, Phlla.. ur Any Tourist Asent. U HOWARD at. WINS ,111 U Mtasfae 111 your tour te rope 'pnE function of our travet-servi te offer te the traveling public serrHcs'ia that which evrinas enhi from Walnut 0300 and 2632 Coek'm Travelers' Cheques Qoed Everywhere . If ''l -"kV r tag-- WANAMAKER'S Wanamaker' s Down Stairs Sten Sale of Girls' Tub Dresses 20 Different Styles Half Price at $1 Imagine a frock of soft brown chambray with a shirtwaist guimpe of golden checked gingham with a Peter Pan cellar and full-length sleeves for only $1! Or a checked frock with a plain color guimpe for only $1 ! Then there are plaids, checks, plain colors, regulation dresses and slip-en frocks. Frecks with embroidered pique cellars. Regulation dresses of white jean with Copenhagen cellars and cuffs and tics of red or black. Checks and plaids are in blue, pink, green, tan and red. Plain colors in blue, pink, green, lavender, tan, brown and rose. Sizes for girls of 6 te 14. Count the cost of material, the hours spent at a sewing machine then buy a Summer's supply. (Market) This Is the Time te Buy Straw Rugs! Rug Sale Going On , Just "chuck-full" of opportunity ! They are fresh new rugs,, straight from Japan and that means the height of durability. Straw rugs lese their life and possibility of long service when stored in a warehouse and allowed te dry out. Se that the biggest point about these is their freshness even mere se than the lowness of the prices which is a pretty big point at that! There are rugs in patterns for every room and perches, tee. Nete: These are the quality of straw rugs usu ally known as "grass rugs." 27 x 54 inches, 75c 36 x 72 inches, $1 4.6 x 7.6 feet, $2.50 6x3 feet, $3.50 8 x 10 feet, $5 9x12 feet, $6 (Chestnut) "Pve Get New Shoes With White Tops!" The little girl is very proud of them and the tone of "with white tops" clearly betinys a sense of superiority. Almest all children like 'black patent leather shoes with white tops. They de leek well en little feet, tee. Net hard te keep clean, cither! Just such shoes, en geed lines, with wide enough tees and soles that will give geed service, have tops of white leather like buck skin. Sizes small C te cirls' 2, $3.75 te $4.75 a pair. (Chestnut) The Patent Leather Oxford Is a Spring Favorite Among Women $6.50 Older girls, tee, like it, as it has the fashionable low heel and plain vamp. It gees everywhere from street. te evening wear. The lines are excellent and tha leather is geed. (Chestnut) Four Dainty Nightgowns at $1.50 Orchid, shell pink pale blue or snowy white batiste or snew-flake voile, trimmed with flne laces or pretty ribbon bows. They show the new straight-ncress ncckline that is very pretty. Nete: High-neck and long leng slccve nightgowns have just arrived at $1.50. (Central) r'' ' HE ' 8.T 1922 'mmfmwm- ' - rv April 3, 1922 , s Central Aisle , Twe New Kinds of Blouses Just in at $2.25 They are of striped dimity, of course, for most women and girls will have no ether kind. One has a delightfully individual version of the Peter Pan cellar n smaller cellar placed en the larger one,, each with imitation Irish edging.' The ether is well tailored and trimmed with narrow pleating. The quality of the dtthity is noteworthy and the blouses fasten in the back quite an added at traction. Fiber-Silk Scarfs With Gay Stripes, $3.75 Whether the backgrounds be light or dark, the lengthwise stripes of many bright colors are there te provide gayety a-plenty! Ana tne tringes are se soft and silky!- Nightgowns, Chemises, Bleemers, All 75c Bleemers of pink batiste with hemstitched ruffles at 75c. En velope chemises of pink batiste with lace tops and lace medallions nt 75c. Nightgowns of "blue bird" batiste at 75c. Calfskin BagsWith Alligator Finish, $2 Blue, gray or beaver all shades that harmonize well with the new Suits. With wide pockets and inside change purse, bill purse and mirror. Bandeaux, 35c Carefully cut ever "the same patterns as our mere expensive models. Choice of many mate rials in sizes 32 te 44- Snowy Springtime Neckwear, 50c Vest sets with Peter Pan or roll cellars and cuffs are in four styles of sheer fine organdie. Cellars and sets of pique, or er or gandie and linen are fresh and pretty and will make an old fwoes 100K.HKO mwv ; . h Oppeirt ' DOWN STAIRS STOl The Grace of a Large Hat or the Smartness of a Small One at $6 i 21 ny,ef the hats a$, $6 ,are of haircloth, large and charming and full of grace or small and tailored and verv smart. A large one will show e i bit of glycerined ostrich resting lightly en the brim and the small hat is likely te show anything pins, feather pompons, glycerined ostrich or ribbon. Straw hats and silk hats at $6 are often trimmed with pretty flowers. r The degree of becomingness is high. (Market) Certain Levely New Blouses te Wear With Spring Suits, $5.90 A tailored blouse of white crepe de chine has tiny pleated frills trimming the front, the cuffs and the cellar, which is in Peter Pan or roll shape. Tub silks in hairline stripes have borrowed the tweed colors Copenhagen, orchid and buff and are made with two-in-eno cellars. Mere fluffy are the pink or white Georgctte blouses quite elaborately trimmed with filet lace. (Market) Canten Crepe, $3.50 Yard Much of it is being used this year. Excelk-nt quality, 40 inches wide, in henna, brown, jade, periwinkle, navy, bonfire, silver, honeydew, fuchsia, black and white. White Habutai 36 inches wide, at $1, $1.25 and $1.50 a yard, according te quality. Blouses, princess slips, nightgowns and dainty under clothes are satisfactorily made of this. (Outrun Hundreds of Charming Suits Moderately Priced Tweeds Begin at $15 Tweeds in bobolink, al I mend, Copenhagen, reseda, gray and lilac are made in J a score of different ways. I All as Springlike and re I freshing as an April day. $15, $16.50, $18, $20 and $23.50. Navy blue suits of trice tine and Peiret twill are of better quality than we have seen in years. Heretofore such grades were found only in very expensive suits. Short youthful jackets or long, straight-tailored ones characterize the newest suits in navy blue. $25 te $55. TIW . , (atatkat) .wvp-j -'" ' "M f'.m wtl An All-Weel Suit's Safest for April, Sir! Showers play th w v ii '4 mischief with peer cloths and peer tailor ing, and while the re sults may be funny in a cartoon, they're net quite se amusing when applied te oneself. Geed All-Weel SuiU, . $25 te $35 They are tailored, net merely pressed, te fit, and they'll keep their fit te the end of their days. New sports suits of light tweeds are $25 and .$28.50. Plenty of the con servative and semi conservative suits that business men like in the patterns they ap- prove. (Gallery. Market) Spring Corsets and Girdles at $3.50 Slender women who wear slight clastic girdles, or these who need rather heavily boned corsets, can be fitted among the corsets in this excellent group at $3.50, There are 12 and 14 inch elastic girdles of plain ceutil, fancy striped poplin or satin-finish brocade, and corsets in various models, of plain or fancy ma terials. (Central) ' , Sweaters for Little Children -When coats come off, children need geed warm sweaters te play in. Mothers can cheese no better than these pretty wool ones for girl3 or boys of 2 te 12. Girls like slipovers in jade, jockey red or tan, tuxedo coat sweaters in plain colors or com binations or middy styles. Ceat sweaters have button-up cellars and pockets and are in dark heather mixtures, maroon or brown. Girls' sweaters are S2.25 te $3.50. Beys' sweaters are S3.25 te $4.50. (Central) , j 3 v fe? f J, i ilfi H f m fiV I. a '"H en ?' r-aa I . - f j i ! "f'ii : r -sw mi& J Z j a it. .4 M-" ,V .J , M Ml ! ) r.4 i ...I v i "" ,. its ii rrf r ' H UT in a IK (it 'P .fit f fin r 0B . ' n (t ,it ! e Ml IR h i' .! ir vet tl H ur 9d in V k J IT I A V c (r ii-r 'IP V It it e sa r j' ei if - V$ ;1 ti, a A.1.?. i W'fcltAV SsseaaLSHsasassasissaieaaasssssBaBssissssasssssssBisBaBisaBsa Bjsjaape' Wi BMaMsWMiaai ,f.f ,?,!$$ i ' &; . awi' (Tit . & ijMmimMi OsF s-t mj . ,. i 4 i; a r,r i.-iM.'lj . L.f,l " ...M.aj u.11