Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 01, 1922, Night Extra, Image 9

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ast54wr sirQGt&r A
Wynne Talks e)
? i
IVJ , , , , ,
" nws Miss Mary &n ignt
West and Is Visaing Mrs. Lee Other Matters
ed In tlie
rnY ONB will be Interested In tne
'( IT ..t nf Miriam lteDcrw nun
1 flnrtcer Err'"' iLi. Mlrlmn lives
by thf Brl,n,r nil tlie Tflrleus members
in '? ,w5!Jf. "f the Uebcrtfl family
of u.t branch of tiw wmnmg Ueb.
' he iarrta 1 Bllnner Thompson,
M,i'J IlndSlffe Ileberts. whom wife
it open"' ; , j stepson et airs..
R&rrErTflnrnnll, who .'w formerly
4i Ban" wi-in His two Iiau-Dreiiiers,
W& m.TA A Ervln, are Mrs.
W YmMrlLlmZkn eme
'ft flkaVIBfl Hilt! w--- -VT
Errln n.rnu ;" af0i 8i,ter of
f?TiMln Godfrey, nnd one of the
. IStB Si wSmen I ever knew. She.
tee" D"U"J".P ,ftr8 age. I remember
ded,Wme of ""death reutt Mr.
jt he time . , thh American
?";'"? Madrid. He haU beenfin
1 EtM jiJmnHei service, but is new living
' !te,&SaSS Spwce street., H.I,
lllt iStekw, Miss nebert?,wflsa
Wend of the former Mrs. TSryin; they
" it about the same, year.
"M.tofer the wedding haU net
r ?n announced, but it Is prebnble
Muttklf place jnjlhe late sprln
THERE'S nothing se fascinating i(s
?M". !i .. .fnreq buvlnir busily, leu
I- knew, she and Ted Shakespeare nre te
tStried en May 31 ii, , the Churcl. of
i the Redeemer, I ryn Mawr. That . s
1 ;l.. nrrltv WCddlngS WHICH yrm i
u. all out te Uryn Mawr In April,, May
M linn Virginia Hcckscher's first,
St been April 22, Henrietta
Wlbn'a May 31 nnd then Pelly
Thayer's en June 17.
Henrietta looked very smart. She
wearing n dark blue suit and a
witty gray straw hnt nnd gray stock steck
lnu and her slippers were of gray nnd
patent leather.
MART KNIGHT Is home from
Tuwen. Ariz., after spending most
of the winter out there. Her' mother,
Mrs. Bradford Knight, nnd Kittle are
"ill there and "Millie" Smith Is with
them. Mary is staying with Kcy Smith
Lee at present and I believe her mother
nnd the ether two girls, Kitty nndBll
lie. will be home in n month if net
foener. Yeu knew the Knights rented
Ihelr heuse nt 220S lUttcuheiibc street
(or the season nnd se I suppose will
net move buck into it until .May.
Mary looked extremely well, hue is
e smart looking with her rich coloring
. and dark hair. 1 snw her with Evcy
Smith en the street jrstcnlay nnd they
were both wearing dark blue suits nnd
inther small lints.
I AM se interested in what. 1 hear of
the Cuslitnnn Club benefit. Uf
course, you remember they always have
an annual benefit mntlnec. Will you
ever forget Francis Wilsen nnd De
Wolf Hepper lnbt year? They hap
pened te be here in "Krniinle" nnd they
tested each ether nil through the per
formance. 1 remember some one in the
midience offered te give n check for $100
te. the club, if Mr. Hepper would re-
tltt "Caey nt the Hat'' nnd quick ns '
I tV t .a i i
a wink l rands AMls.en steed up audi
yelled, And I II give two hundred if
he won't." However, much te the jev
of the audience he was fiuully persuaded i
le let Hepper recite. j
But that has no bearing en this
year's afternoon. What is Interesting
me especially Is the fnct thnt most of!
wveral ethers invited by them or by
Mr. Potts, who is manaclm; this part
f the entertainment, will be there "en
testnme" te represent great actrc-se-,
of the past nnd present. T hear thnt
Mrs James Klvcrsnn, Jr., Is chnirmnn
of tee nttcrnoen nnd the plans are se
xoed for tlip costumes nnd impersona
tions We will rpfllk- tlil.il- ,1,... .1...
"divine Knrh" i 7.1.1 .. ,, , Wednesday. April 19. Amenp the
naes.1 in. : is.fV" ,a well 9,C'iests wen Mrs. IM-r Helmes, Mrs,
',5 V Jf',,0ri JIrhl- Sarah Slddens, , Nerman MuNerney, Mis Jatne.s llnyle,
.., . uie wuy, is te no done bv .Mrs. I
sjenry Hutclilusen, nnd mnnv etheis '
There will be mere modern ones !
loe, Ada Itehan. who ,, v .ilL'i 'Yl: I
years aKe; Frnncess Starr; new n,. , f
ine icauing (ictrf.v.i..s; I.illinii Unwell,
If- fint.... .... . T 11,1 ,. . i.
ethers ' ' n,l1 vnr,"''
nnd'TJ.h c,,,b "lnv(',, from Tlftli
mere .i0".1 tims " lt,1( Hprure
mere than n year uire, 040 0t11ur
"nd?heh lhC. StaF ''"V- stayed h 0 re.
th. mrfc .eTr"y of U ls "'"J' ""ve made
west n.0ru,'v for tllt, " nd in
'ret en mertciiccs. ,i ti, ,e....
L' !"". Vwhwlulecl for the lift-
which falls en a
DETTEIt keep your ejeh j ,iU
before Till or S TBVlnctti "nence.l
tee, but 1 Vi.sr 8 " Very ,,1('(, "'
nt intetulm'TS Klve ye" '
u knew .h.m ''? '"''"J' 'mlr w.
tuess "lee unlce en be. Nw
Mrff. rims. i.... ,-, .
. ! Pine streer ,7M?K vans, of
I'ni Wfi In).- srs..
'en at her home 0.'rtran at lime 1
win entertain at luncli-
the meVnhL'i', , J " .BPii will
Mr. nnd Mr. -n....,
... . Ilcr luru emu,
P'Cheatniu : Hin ",""nm Wurti Harinnr,
'tlens en U,tl" 'b'n ,h eJr."wiylnB cengra tij:
erday e u",h et duughter. born
ria,e,;,.Ha,n!'.r.. who-, narHn 'Z"ZE
urd"nrlia-?:',,,1 '''' l'lee mi
Reawmef, lirvn"."'' Church of tlie,
Mil their" Um JhiVr bML,S-Si.,," ''
"flflfe. of i 1 '. -'I'ss Anita straw-
HWm . -
u"" at Aiken n i ...1 ' ""'ui'k Beinn
nweek. ' - e ' wl" return home
Mri iVffiXS Vf' hem
e. ir. 11 n.l
'ne their tnivL'i"'10 nnve been
",iterii11!?,URe- 001 Da
(juntry "'''nwoeil Fan
thl month Rt h,rnCf"rd, the
been eccup-'
i.nncey 1
rm, tneir
Xl X. .
bia ;-"5"10 MncN
J avenue, nvi' ""'.. r C1
5 a Hmnll l.V'..""u"K, xr 11
Thursday. A'nVif16.0" ."' .her
liimiii . ii
E. rV ifeVi: . J1L .honor" of l.Vr
Hi. April
'. Mrs. lieien " Uu110"0
e. who win ,n.?!.ft0!'herMii
jEW. Who WllTremn J "8rhn, of rill
fcC?ver win v,i' r?'"5ln for a short tin 0.
fi will be laid fr,er. ,l f,10,,t """
r, and Mr- Ja"l for huvn nmiu
Aante City. t,w ,Iett'l Tiaymere,
n&? $mk, '
S)la,,,t!fnlng "at th,
Gf'l? will "1, (f' Hie cl.il,.'0
2 Newton . ,U(, M. nnd Mrs. '
the I
ljWUIefle j ji'Ji J-r Mr. and Mrs, i-in
SMIUUIe- ." Deeii sneii.ll.,.. ""'J' '."
:"! nienr thl peaiV i.e", '".". "
1 ui UllKl'e ,
Oreen inn .i.UCHU'iy. Anrll IS m i,A I
Vlrelnla Hrckehe; lni ll0,,,er "f MIm
!5 Mr Ud?Vehe,rF' S?"n.Hter . of Mr.
iirnve, ri . - r . a ht is 11-iint, rw 1
'5USe'' Ii!ucre,.lfflnIl, iTPV"1'
. danehtcr of .. " trpckseher
?&. bw Vn';, e.c,,,,..kHcller
inn wintr
. y Mr nd,rM n"11 ' ia,'t
' ftftwids. Mr''n''JV'B" WnshiiKten
inn v- . ' '"-lucin aii .,. "
Until J5Vl.er t?
Engagements and Wedding
n as nemrnea r rem tne
their yacht, tlie Enchantress, returned
home Inst week.
, Mrs. c. It. Hmlth. of 220 West Nippon
street, Chestnut Hill, has Issued Invita
tions for a musical en Saturday after
noon, April 8, nt 3 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. D. . V.. Cummins
Cotherweod will ehtertalrt at dinner nt
the Hollevue-Stratferd this nvcnlnjr In
honor of their daughter, Mls.i Louise
D. Catherwood.
Miss Withelmlnn. II. du Pent, daugh
ter ei irB. wimnm uu i'ent, or Kenneth
pllte, Wllmlneten, who ,hns been the
guest of Miss Marjery Nixon, daughter
of Mr. nnd Mrs. Heraco V. Nixon, of
2223 Walnut street, for a few days, has
returned te lier lieme. Miss Nixon, who
Is a Btudent at Wostevcr nnd has teen
spending the spring vacation with her
parents, will return en Tuesday next,
Mrs. "William Frederick HVilamnti. who
has been gpemllng d week wlth her
iiurciua, air. ana Mrs, llehert Emett
Hare, of 400 Seuth .Twenty-second
,reeJ: ,m9 turned 'te her ' Heme In
Washlniften. Mr. nnd, Mrs. Hare will
leave'An May 1 for their summer home.
Stenyhurst, Strafford, where they expect
te remain until the autumn.
Mrs. Hnmucl T Hninmer, of 2130
Spruce street, who has been upending
a short time In Atlantic City, will re
turn te her home tomorrow evening.
Miss Klolse Dickey has returned te
her apartments nt the Wellington after
spending- a week In Atlantic City.
-,.Mr',.nnd Mrs. James If. McCrone are
new living In Wilmington, Del. Mrs.
McCrenp before her marriage en March
i was Mrs. linker Townsend. daughter
Q Hr.sV,B' Coulter Baker, off this city.
MM;,.McCr.on?.l!Jhe son of Mr. and Mrs.
William A. McCrone, of Mlddloten, Del.
Mrs. Frank R. Donahue and her
daughters, Miss Elizabeth Donahue nnd
Miss fcloaner Donahue, of 115 West Tul Tul Tul
pchocken street, aermantewn, nre
spending two weeks In Atlantic City.
Miss Knthcrlne Uroeko Smith, of .151
Pclham read, and Miss Sara Barr Fry.
?l IVTlh.nm feurt. will give a luncheon nt
the union League, followed by a theatie
DirAs '5 hner of MIbs Kleaner Helmes,
of Oak Iianc, whose marriage te. Mr. W.
Clifferd Moere will take place en Tues
day. April 4. The guests, who will In
clude the members of the bridal party,
will be Mlts Dorethy Moere, Miss
Marlen Maxwell, of Hast Orange, and
Miss Margery Baum.
Mr. arid Mrs Rebert Kllleugh, of 6334
Greene street, uimounce the engagement
of their duughter. Mlse Josephlne Kll Kll
eough, te Mr. Warren A. Fergusen, of
Xenia, O.
Miss Hazel Ceflln, of r.07 Hansberry
5er.et,AWl,1.1 ive, a i?rldB0 Party en Thurs-
wi, "V "?' n honor of Mif8 Uorethy
Walters, whose engagement trt Mr.
I'Tanii ueacen has recently been an
nounced. There will be about twenty
Mrs. Heraco MuFetrldge. of th
Hamar Apartments, Forty-sixth nnd
Walnut streets, gnve n luncheon and a
bridge party at the Delmar-Merrls yes
."Mr and Mrs. Allen Mnthleu, or Jcn Jcn
Ulntewn. have returned from Washing
ton, where they, went- te attend the
Hetnry Club convention held there this
Mr. nnil Mrs Willi. im M" Wmvap lmvi.
returned te their home in Jcnklntewn
ufter spending some tl:ne at Plnehuist,
- -'
Mis M. r. idler, of Montgomery iwe-
nue, OgunU, hus returned from Atlantic
City, wheru she f-pent several duys last ,
Mr. and Mrs. Lester I. Dlngee. et
Elklnn Park, have returned ftem Her-
muda, where they spent a few weeks. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Wllllnm Hteele, 3d, of i
Lenex rend, near Ogontz, will siiend the i
week-end at Atlantic City. i
Mlls Helen McGewen. of 4927 Cedar,
avenue, case a kitchen shower and'
five-hundred party recently In honor of
Miss Helen Sheernn, whose mnrrlaire te
Mr. Mnurlce Mulhern will take plncu en
Wednesday. April 19. Amenp the
tn Misses lllglit, ttu Mt.sse .MunninR,
Miss Genevieve l'ewel, Miss Mae
Sheirnn. Mlsa Anna pinkey. Miss Dore-
thy nibli. Miss Munru-iltn I'arty. Miss
u'?.n b", a"" " ivatnerme mui.
Mr. and Mrs. K ilen. of 6041 Irvine
street. West Philadelphia, announce the
betrothal of their daughter, Miss Mary
Zlen, te Mr. Abraham Steumen, son of
Mrs. Ida Steumen, of 2928 We.st Co
lumbia nvenue.
Mr. and Mrs. TVIIllatn 10. Heward, of
4tS Seuth l-'erty-thlrd street, have an
nounced the engagement of their daugh
ter, MIhb Maud Kstelle Heward, ami
Mr. Drew M. Thorpe, of Plttuburfrh,
ferji etiy of this city.
Mls Jlary Lent, daughter of Mrs.
A. I, Lent, of E10 Woodland terrace,
ls entertaining a number of the mem
bers of her sorority ever the week-end.
The guests Include Mrs. J. V. S, Htrlck
ler, MIhh 1'dn.i Strlckler, of IiwlsburftT,
I'a. ; Miss Hannah Madren, of Mtincy,
I'a.: Mm. A. M. Ilrewn and Miss ltutli
Brown, of Oxford, I'a.: Mrs. S. II.
Starkcy and Miss Kleaner Ktnikey, of
West Chester: Mr. Hays Drewn, of
Oxford, nnd Mr Hlehard Lent,
Mlrs Hi-lllv, who is llte iliiimlitfr of
..I.. i . .all . .
.'.'..: I.V !.'.. . .... .
Br"-' izWBti&y'swTssL
LVHHHHHHHHHHUiliiHR's' 1 jfleKHt' -Sti' 1 iTi'sssssMilllH rnr 1 r I
iHBKIK?4ltl j.'WMnWV BSI 1 M MlWiS M M' !
mmmamf w viKaBjsspiiin.-sBTSjisiKrj'' sppiHBfiTBSvKHTi
siBBiiiiiiiiVeHvTTaiiiiilDWT i jsiBA?xlilBBiiiiiiMeiiHa
- lsaHam!. Jn t,i .'"-.- . 1 1. V-ieV.wVA, .ValaVavar 4MB
VMV fl, tlUniOH pilU'O, Will HO iniaiTiru aiiw iicnwvii, n . usi ns
I,8,r f,er M 'f,eck ,0 Mr Alexander Broeh, r0, of New Yef MIm
V .
TV Make Debut
Photo by Photo Crsfterd.
Daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs, Fred
erick M. Falch, of Sprliigfleld ne
nue and Lincoln Drive, Chestnut
Hill, who will make her debut nt n
dance te be given by her parents
en Tuesday evening, November 28,
nt tlie Hellcvuo-Stratferd
Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jeseph H.
Rellly Weds Mr. A. B. Paine
A wedding of Interest In this city
will take place very quietly at 6:30
o'clock this evening at the rectory of
the Paullst Church, New Yerk, when
Miss Walburga Knul Rellly, daughter cf
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jeseph Henry Rellly, of
2'.'09 St. James place, will become the
bride of Mr. Alexander Brooks I'alne. of
New Yerk. The ceremony will be per
formed In the presence of the immediate
families of the brlde and bridegroom
and n few Intimate friends.
The bride, who will be given In mar
riage by her father, will wear n smart
gown of whlte georgette crepe, the skirt
embroidered in an oxqulMite design wltn
silver crystal beads. The short train
extending 'from the shoulders Is of cloth
of sller with a glulle of crystnls nnd
silver bendu encltcllnir the waist. She
will wear a wreath of Jasmine In her
A dinner will fellow at the Hetel
Plaza for these attending the ceremony.
Mr. and Mrs. 1'alne will snll for Ktl Ktl
repe and will spend some time In Paris.
On their return from their wedding trip
they will live In Leck Haven. I'a., where
Mr. Palnu will be In business
Greenblatt Shapire
A pretty wedding will take place to
morrow evening tit 6 o'clock, when Miss
l.llllan Shapire, daughter of Sir. nnd
Mrs. Ilnrry Shnplre, of 1214 Xeith
Fifty-second street, will beceme the
brlde of Mr. l.euls Greenblatt. of 2E57
North Thirty-second street. The rero rere rero
meny, which will be performed bv the
rtev. Samuel Fredman. will be followed
V. n KAnAtvlInn n Mut'uf'd 1 1 r'l ttt I it r
' ICt t:itiuii cat 'ii,it;i r iitiminh
Itoem. The bride, who win le glen
In marriage by her father, will wear
a gown of white hnln und chantllly lace,
wltl n court train nnd Nell of tulle, ar-
" h" pl0 beunuct of whlte rose"
,X and ?llle of tteYallev.
nnd will 'he unnttended. Upen their
return from a wcddlna trip, Mr. nnd
Mr-, flreenblatt will be at borne nt
TMwirk.Tak.. t
& At '' kV Bf
11214 Xeith Klftv-seoend .street nftcrUin,,,! nrnlnct the solder bonus. 'Hint
May 1. I
Mr. and Mis. P Kellensettf of 2114
Ni rth Thlrty-llrst street, announce the
lietrutli.il of their ilaughter, Mlsq Pearl
Kelletiseii. te Mr. Charles J. .eznlnky.
of KCniiett Square.
Mrs. Daniel Kranks, of .Verth Seven
teenth street, has returned from New
Yerk, where she spent some time vlsltlnej
her sister, Mrs. 'Walter Miller, Mrs.
Franks will leave early in April for
Pittsburgh, where slie v 1 1 1 visit friends
and relatlNes.
Mr. and Mrs l.euls S. H.iuni, of 3216
Diamond street, liave announced the
engagement of their daughter. Miss
Kvelyn llaum, te Mr. Nathan Geld, cf
Lincoln, Neb.
Mrs. Julius Itanilnll will entertain a
number of lier frlendb at luncheon ami
bridge en Monday afternoon at her
home en North Klghteenth street.
Among the RUestn will be Mrs. K.
Smith. Mrs. V. Brighten. Mts. S John John Jehn
eon, Mi s B Itlclimends, Mrs. J. Wil
liamson, Mrs. Tt. Adams and Mts. T.
Miss Iras M tieldsteln, of I .".32 North
Seventeenth street. Is entertnlnlng as
lier guest fcr bome tlme Miss Mildred
Mr. and Mrs James Merris, of North
Nineteenth street, are receiving con
gratulations upon the blith of 11 son,
William Fruleilck Merris, Mra. Merris
was feimerly Miss Alice Bayer Frank
lin, rt' New Yerk.
- I
l'hetn hy Phetn-l-rafKis
Mr. mill Mm, JemjjiIi II. Hellly, of
J 41.l sfl.ai.AAas, am VaiV Vn.il .. sV
,'i t.i - -.. i.. V.e V..-1. ..
Letters te the Editor
CamdervColllngtweod Jitney Perils
Te flu, KJIInr nt t Kvenlne Publte LtiOtrl
..I ..I ... . ,.. I.. .. r'n... Ia,i
Hir A rme yeswruay vrti,.-
Colllngsweod Jitney fchew carelessness
that Is little Miert of criminni.
The Public Service Commissions,
which all public cnrrlers nic controlled
by. show n gross carelessness for the
public welfare or safety when they grant
licenses te busses te carry passengers
through the city streets, equipped as
the bus in which I rode nnd operated by
us careless "an operator.
The gasoline tank is located about two
feet abeve the iloer, fastened te tlie
front of the bus, nnd within two feet of
the only exit te the bus. In case ei
tha tank accidentally igniting no pas
senger could lenve the car by the deer
without being seriously burned.
The fact of, the gasoline tank being
allowed in the passenger compartment is
gross carelessness en the part of the
authorities. , , t .
llenrdlng a jitney en Federal street
te go te the I'ennsylvanm lerncs ni
2:'M) V. M. yesterdny, eight or ten
passengers in the enr nnd'twe children
under three jenrs of nge, the bus stop step
ped nt 27 Federal street te 1111 the tank
nnd, .without stepping the engine, the
operator brought the gasoline hose right
Inte the pussenger compartment threugn
the only exit nnd proceeded te n.l the
tank carelessly, overflowing nt least
half a gallon of gasoline right into the
passenger mmpniuutun n- --- -
! flowing through en te the het exhaust
pipes, and it was nothing less than a
I miracle tnnt tne gasei nc ii " "
i v.. ti.n kuf.i- nf the nubile the nil-
tlierltles should compel all large busses
te maintain an emergency rear entrunce
nnd also step every bus operating; wit it
a gasoline tank in the passenger com
partment, and rules established that
would prohibit the filling of tanks unless
the engine is stepped. "?1- "
1'hlladclphin, March 'JS, 10'J'-'.
Roosevelt Beutevard Traffic Rules
T tlut Kiltar of llir Evtnlne PuWe Udger!
Sir I was amazed at the story
printed in the Evemne "
Lkdeer, March 28, te the effect that
the Keystone Automehllo Club had pro
tested against the rigid regulation of
traffic by the Park guards jilen? the
Roosevelt Heulevard. De these gentle
men wish this beautiful highway te re
vert back te its former state, when a
self-respecting person could net drive
his family ever tills route en account
of the spooning purties and worse that
parked along the sides. The Park
guards deserve credit for the splendid
way they have handled these pests and
any self-respecting and law-nbidlng
citizen sneuiu ru-uiremw; ,n. i..... .
Rteatl of attempting te hnve thcin , re-
moved. I hope this foolishness will go (
no further than its beurcc, ier i, iui j
one, nm proud of our benutiful nvenue
nnd tuc way it is inaiuiwui-ii.
Philadelphia. March 20, inb'J.
Applies Old Saying
Te tlie Editor of the Eve line I'libllc Lutn-r-
Sir About twcntypiKm jenri 1 s -
1l.lt. Inln n bnl III tllP ItOCKV
Mountains near B,ltte Jln., wnrn a
native alongside said he was nerry for
me. .... . ..
'When vnn en hack Kant tell .veur
friends that If there Is anything of value
nere vc can iuar ir .,..,.... 0
inc Kast for money."
I um often reminueu 01 xut- mi u.
Inf. "The cewi far away navi iiuib
horns." H. K. HOTCHKISH.
Vlneland, N. .1.. March 'Ja. lil'J-'.
Care of Disabled S.eldiers Inadequate
Te (lie Editor of the Evening P'tMIe T.rdaer:
Sir Senater Pepper took a HtnuiK
took courage. Hut I cannot square his
'tcmarks nbtnit tulJlng care or me us
iii..i first, before be would even con
sider any kind of u bonus te the beldier
who returned nuind in body. I would
be much Interested te knew if he is in
touch with conditions here in his own
State as regards the di-abled situatieu.
1 deubfvery much If Mr. Pepper knows
the truth about hew the mental and
tubercular cases arc being handled in
his own estate. If he menus what he
sujs why don't he go after the dianbleu
situation with u mulhd lUtV
The hospitalization of th k and
wounded soldiers in Pennsjlvnnlu i de
plorable. If the Senater is sincere why
doesn't he tear into this condition and
clean it up a la Roosevelt fashion! Is
he using the disabled Mildier a" a i leak
te befog the Ihiiius ipntienV If he ls
in earnest why doesn't he demand the
best of cure for these boys? If he is
sincere why doesn't he imeligate con
ditions in his own State' He is against
the bonus. Ne disabled man will iiuar- i
rel with him en that score. .Many tatr
...in.ie,l nnl take the same stiinil. I'.ut .
he made -etne very hlsh-seundlng u- " "contrlbute ' a icrtalii iim.ium in
inrks about taking cur-of the mounded '"'"I' -"" " f0'c,u "ieund for .
d disabled soldiers before he would Pebvlble bonus. That would mean thut
"insider the bonus. Sounds splendid: ll w' i'ltended te laNe.the entile,
lit what K he doing, or what hoi he nmetuit et the bonus iciuirements b) ,
dime, te bring nbeut a reform In the".''"' tusen. which, us you knew,
treatment or hick of treatment of the.e , '"'t b' Miggested.
wounded nnd dl'abled soldiers who rn- I Hut fellow your own line of re.ion re.ien
side in the cenliucs of Ihe Rtiite he tep-1 1K "ith regard te that Went I'hila-1
resents .'
Dees he l:no, for examiile. that In
beicttlur es-Milillciw are tieins housed in
a Suite liiHtitutlmi ut Ment Alte, I'a.,
where the Indigent and peer of the State
are M'nt for treatment? N this tlie
"hesl" thnt v heur mi much ubnut?
If It l, then the hehlier who went te
wnr with the expectation of rettirninc te
his rewnnl of "nothing tee geed for tlie
returned Mildier" ttlW lied te! Has
Mr. IV'iuicr devoted nny ntteutlen te
conditions within his own Stntc ns. te
hew the dinnmed seiiiier Ih reecivlUK caie
and IreiiiiiR'UtV Would the learned
Sennter, for example, ten us what ne is
dnlnjc te preUde proper hespitul tare
I for the disabled? Uu Is aKainst the
benun. I be for the disabled? Let
him prove it with deeds, net empty
words. WM. L. nrilNS.
lMillndeliliiu, March LM, 1!ISL.
Ne Intent te Belittle America
Te thi Editor of Hie Kcrnliiff futile ltdgei :
Sir Ah n nnturullBed Knclishmnn i
I ciinnel but feel resret e;or many nb- ,
surd letlers In icpard te who wen the1
war. Many of them seem te be utterly '
lll...,u. 1..., I mil niielirltiAil l.. ..,A,I,I"
I,. li, i.nn rlte se well as Hrwin Clui-li.
lishtnnn wishes te belittle what
Aincrlen diil in the war, but lie is net
imhnmcil of what England did either.
If Mr. (lurrett will permit me I would
HUKueRt thnt he read Owen Wibter'H
"Siiuure Deal," with a quiet inind. This
book, written by u thorough American,
nne clear mi SOIUO lMllntH of Ktu-llsh
i-hnrnctci- for him. Tht-re is iiIhe an
article in tlie tinniii- .Monthly (Febru
ary), entitled "American MIsglviiiKH,"
by loiiiien, which contains a very;
si'snitunnt iiiiss.ice en Iago 151.
.1AMHS N. i.enn I
l'hilmlelplihi. Muicli '.M. HV.'L',
Vieivs en the' Benus
Hopes Preddent Will Vete
I Te the Editor el tne tnit0 futilfe Ledger:
Hlr in nil tne xurera about ta
he the l7tte hn ueteii ( which 1 also "hnl and tirivatn correspondence. In . ou bay ou 11 py
by the letttr h nuetes (wniui I ulse , t h wJ b nM() ,0 (,0 nU , beKin-,
SI .. a a. ..I.nn i litllfi Iwinn .1I.4..I 1 I1III11UI 11 II III rt"'ll viliniln- III) I"
Mr.' Oarretf. statements nre uu- J""' bunlneM by prepared BreetlnK y up. come threuah
'.lenbtedly comet. Ne sensible Enr- S: " w L...nbfL?... ,r"J!?ucLa I.KSSOX NO. 3
'), p b put, X.JUrt r jrMVjafis,
by "Leterlp,''' wlie. in today's Issue,
m! vised the cx-servtce men net' te sell
out. The majority of writers have taken
the stand that all the real soldiers were
In favor of granting of "back pay," M
some would cxnress it. and that only
slackers and milllennlres' sons were
opposing "adjusted compensation."
Any one who says "all the real sol
diers" is taklns In a let of territory.
"Lcterlp" evidently la a renl soldier
who takes n stnnd against (he present
political bait; If mere than two years
In France and Oerniany with the "first
division te arrive in France nnd the
last te return te this country" entitle
me te call myself a real soldier, I wish
te take my stand with "Leterlp" (and,
I hope, n few mere real soldiers) an a
real soldier who declares himself unwill
ing te sell out.
The real argument-in favor of the
bonus, nslde from the political aspect,
is the fact- that civilian workers, safe
nt home, were knocking down high
bilges while the service men were get
ting "$:10 n day once a month," less,
of course, Insurance premiums, allot
ments and Liberty Bend subscriptions.
However, 'he Meli wnecs nnld nt home
were justified as n matter of expedi
ency ; our uevernment was merely fol
lowing the methods of our Allies in try
ing te rush through the vast amount of
war work. That the work at home
could have been done mere efficiently
and mere economically is generally ad
mitted, but in time of great need man
usually acts first nnd thinks it ever
nfterwnrd. The main thing was te get
the war wen; cost did net count in these
Apparently many people think that
the war Is still en, nnd thnt governmen
tal extravugnuce must continue ! never
theless, the war has been ever suffi
ciently long for us te see where we made
our mistakes and te take heed that the
same mistakes shall net occur again.
Therefore let us hope that, in spite
of our splnclesH representatives in
Washington President Harding will
veto the present "vete-entcher" anil
save the country three or four billions
of dollars In tuxes in addition te giving
business n chance te recover. If the
present industrial depression is ever-
come, and cverv one who is willing te
...b e n,i n V. the hi.mii will un I
i us n .1 linu at jwij Hw "unue " uvrwa
be forgotten.
Chester. I'a.. starch US, 1021'.
An Argument for the Benus
Te thr Editor of the Evening PuNtc I.rdutr:
Sii I believe ycur editorial. "We.
the Government," In the issue of Mnrch
1!',, has struck the nub of the bonus
question, though net in the manner
A few weeks ae I t)e!!'e--scd no defi
nite opinions ns te the merits of the
bonus, but duiinir this period the fal
incleiis reasoning expounded by the
nnti-benus exlierters aim the ehnructer
of most of the pcrseni nnd Institu
tlnns eiiKugin!; in nnti-benus tirade.
lin( aroused theushts that lend me te
the following eoucluslens:
Flrit. We, the (Jevcrnment, when we'
bejran eiganir.liiK for war. mnde n tre- t
menueus mistake in tailing te draft
labor and Industry
I liulustry. and In Inaugurating 1 c tni"" "5'"r ''e,' ,a' "" ''"""'t'''
plus iontMCter-lii(l.uI).UStM,nut ,h jay dra.T, re4r vhu. I .!nna -t
tln .-est-
Sccentl. Ili-fiiuv.' of that niNtnlte a cer-
tajn jll(?0 sjertitm of our liojiulatlen wns1
given ciierinuus iniuiipnntIeu lit wntje-i, ,
,,nlnl.-., , ,.!, m-1,I1,. nt th- ume
tim,. another portion of our pepulii-
mm iiiien' hi iniiiiury "crtici'i wns
Riven a cempunHntlnn that was pitlfull
Mimii In foinpuriien.
Third. That situation wns lunnitVstU
unfair te the hitter elif-s. Iinpnii'.f,
though filth class was ddins only lib
duly, the military class w.im iprfenn-
mc tne mere nnznnieus (iui nun in
aml ilc-
nrvetl te be cemiiensated nt lait cuunllj
Fourth. Since we, the (iiiwrnun'nt.
iniide the mistake thnt caiued this in
justice, we. the Government, should re
Kret it nnd should recognize our right
anil ilun te rectify it if possible.
Klt'tli. The only way thnt we. the Cov
eminent, can ctlfy that mlvtnke Is te
uwunl new uddltieunl i ouipensntlen te
that ieitiiin of our population which
utis unfairly ttcuted (luring the war
1'ersniinlly, 1 ile net hee hew in get
aw.iv from thep cinelusien ami.
though theie may be differences of opin
ion us te the proper nineunt of row
pcnsatleii and the method for uiislng
the money, it seems ridiculous te huil
charges. Mich as "ceminerciali.ers of
patriotism," ut bonus adherent. Pa
triotism, If genuine, exists in penre
time as well n in war, but we. the
(rnverniuent, de nor expect our clerks
and emrilees te uerk for nothing.
When the K i.-MNr, l'rin.u' l.iaieui:
prints the udtertNeuu'iit for n sale of
Government geed-, nr the old pi nee
time leciuiting nil, It ihurges and re
ceives payment.
Your editorial is misleading, per
haps unconsciously, in that it ceutejs te
the head of a family the idea that he
iieipiiia iiiecK ei it'll liiiuiiir.s inut ou
describe. Cemider it during the war. '
At least ten men from that block were
engaged in wur-tlme work that netted
them mere than one dollar a da v in ex
cess of soldier's pay. Ten dellurs n
din for two j ears is ever SHOOK.
Following jour chain of thought, it
appears thut each family m the block
contributed $.'W0 per jeur te gire extra
pay te th".s) "war worker-." It ieeins
te me that "Jehn Dee" und "Rlchnrd
Ree" have u cae, een en your own
all-in-ene-jeifr basis.
Philadelphia. Match ', KIL'U.
The PpadIs
reirm will HPtieur dully
Public Idrer. and nlae
In Ihe Kirnina- Public Idtjer,
In the Sunday Public I.U?r. letters
illsciisktnc timely topics will lie printed,
ns welt as required poems, nnd lines lines
liens of ireneral Interrat will he Hiiswrred,
Our Heme Course in
mill: Held of
t lit
is cmnmeicinlled
expanding se
x BrectiiiK
JL erecting curd
tllrtntlen, get money irem Heme, no
knowledge receipt of goods, collect nc
ceuntK, propose, start divorce proceed
ings In nhert, take care of nil the
plmses of modern life.5.
In order te free you 'from the slavery
I of IinUiiB te buy all thcnt prepared sen-
tltnenttf, i propose te Rive jeu n few
IcwniiH. very brief (loud ciles of "hur
.. ... .i... HHM..nH...i t .i....- I
ray I l ll,c uui'iiii'ii "i menu mes-
wVges. '
. . t 1 1 iiI 11 (.itaMi riliniHHilii ii ll rifif. i
i,rSNO',! --"'. s f- ,
Dear l'ml, I in here in cel egc
Trjlng te get Bome knowledge.
Alse tr lug te get some dough ;
Hew nbeut u five or se?
Or If u tive Is net enough
A i-nupla tens will be the stuff
I often think of jpu, dear diul,
.I'uier think of your lnvlue lad'
( you de, kick In and make me glad.
Collecting n Ac- I'
ti '
Qucstiens Answered
Field, Net Rockefeller
Te the Editor of the Evlii7 'uMle Ltietri
8lr DM Jehn D. Jleckefllr rive th?
trait ef sreunl en nhlch tht Unlvartlty of
Chlre wrr built? It. H. ..
Phlladtlphls, March 27. 1022.
NO. MsrJhull Klfl.l donated ihe original
lt for lh uiilvfrnltj'.
City Ferester Will Tell
Te thtKiUter el tin Evening Public Uietr!
Hlr t am very anxious te knew It Ihe
city will tlant a small tree In front of one's
lieune by requett. We nr -ry anxious te
luue a ties In front of our heus-
M n.
Philadelphia, March 28, 1022.
Anuly te tha city Ferester. City Hall,
who will ehe you the denlrad Information.
"O. P. CI." Hareld Fowler ItcCermleh
of Chicago. a rrealdent of tha International
Harvester Company. The peam for nhlrh
you aak la net nt hand
CecHU. Ilerlln, Philadelphia Your brother
la tee you nc te Jein tha Hey Seeuta. 'Ihe'
ortnnlzctlen haa a rule, strictly enforced
providing- that mmberi must b net under
twelve yeara old. The headquarter! of the
Hey Scouts In thl city. 010 Walnut atreet.
ran ctve you desired Information.
"M. E. n." If jour husband aa fatally
hurt In tiia line of duty while In aarvlca of
the railroad, application for compensation
nheiild be made te the railroad company
whleh employed him atd te the Stata Com
pensation Heard. Harry A. Macfcey, chair
man, Harrlsburg, Pa.
"O. H. H." -The rierlda Times-Union la
the only merntna: newspaper published In
Jacksonville, Da. The latbst edition of
Itand & AfcCallv'n e-uld- mnk,i nn tnentlnn
of a river calld lnlda or of any stream.
town or ether eegrauhlcal point of that
Poems and Songs Desired
"The Lass Behind the Oyster Bar"
lly Scutle
As I strolled In tae an exter plate.
I saw a bennle emlllns; face.
My sare was held by some enchanted power.
As I irazed upon this wonderful flower
I watched her serve the eyatur stews
'h breight thfm in. two by twos
"he a tha snecleit nener r
flower by far. '
The bout 'e.
bciiiile las behind the oyster I
In frf.nt of rn a l,dlls she lnw
ald: ICIn I hae a i ia' ester stew
A voice I beard teur the deer. '
dozen nn the half-shell mal:' 't ha f a
' deen n ere.
then (.err.efcuildy amele.m; a cheiiri cigar
i Almest uttct mv chronic catirrh.
My thoughts drifted mien wnere natninf
3'uld rrar,
T.ie the lerinle, boin'e lass behlr.d the ess-
ter tar.
one putiea up in- i-i-r Hiiiic in .i uuuiiil
ejster ,in.
Beiran te open n-iters en the half shell
Anl smile it the customers aa they entered
the uoei
' Hhe could erii ihf 1 Ijem'n' cysters by the
blemln seer,.
1 nitrteil th wee dHBtt'r .ie 1 slip.
Mir ilni'l her bio' d-tiilneil flnnT ntralnit n
:esy lip.
I bone It "III nae len s .-sr
O i tht ber.n e iKinnie la r,,iltnl Mi- nvster
1 i,ae te ke b.uk where fet.d men
t the iimi e' IibbbIb nni nni.b'
Tina e no, r I'm Biud I met.
She's enrned en my hnrt a.d
All(, ."fht in the h
1 !
ir th.
That buIJi-s Hi" tfinri
bur.I ie 1 1 "H I elil.Vj
thi stcr hjr
Wllmlneten. Iel Man h
Mls fbrlrud" t'hanille" Cliste- Pa
u ki for thn iwm culled "Th- Irlnh Methet 1
Lament." Can a r-ader auDidy It"
Miss Allele Lessau. 2720 Seuth "el
oraile terrace, will entertain Mlu
Frances Jenkins, Mr William ' iclleni
Mr Harry Jacksen and Mr M.mnlnn
Orr at a farewell partv in liennT of Mr
l'uill ' "Vlellush who s leaking t!i
city sheitl
Mrs Fiatik Iielatun. .f lsuj Shunic
strei-t will entertain a' a bride,- paitj
this etnlug.
Mr nnd Ml- I Utiied sT'i Xertb
SVxeiitli str,-el, enterttiined at i ninnet
p.UtA ncentlv In honor of thi-lr daugh
ter. Ml"s Sylle Hazreii, w huff 'iigag.
meat te Dr. Harr; Meani- has lwin an an
neunceil The guests Included Mr and
Mr". Slenlnsky. M- and Jlr'i i)mnn
Mr. ami Mr- rtedr-.. Mrs 1 K.wifffsKv
Mr ami Mrs. N" llazred. Mr and Mr,
J Weel, Mr and Mrs H HaKin. MI'h
Hessli ilaskin. Misi Iteb.i Haskln, Mij,
Tanltel. MIm M Newman. .Mrs ,
Daikes, Mr .ind Mrv II. WVssln, Dr
Fisher, Dr H-rinun, Mr Reekltt. tr
M. Newman Mrs H Hnrsky and Mr '
J Oblensky and Ml I'hnrles ")h!en.HKv .
of Youngstown, C)
The Phi Delta llhe Flatern.tv ,
plMi a reception ntia dn ice this eeiiing
at the P.lttenheuBe HetI The-- ei, tin-
eiit-rtalnliig committee ate Mr Harrv
J llrandt, presliknt Mr Heb, rt Beam
ie prtsldent, Mr Heward Itlddl,',
chairniuii. Mi. Jehn Dts, 'ecrctar'
and Mr David Celry, ti-.istirr
Mi and Mts Jehn Paul of Mleghen"
avenue, announce Use engagniiHnt of
their daughter. Miss Harriet Paul, te
Mr IIaiey Meum. Ben of li- A I.
Hall of 151-1 Venango strett
Mi and Mri H. M. Ua'l of K.iniseu
stteet, aie ri'LOlvlns i oneratul.it'eiw
upon the birth of a daughter, Heinlcu
Allen Hall. Mrs. Hall m.ih MIhh Ali
K. Allen, daiiKliter of Mr. and Mi
Kranl, Y. Allen, of Helme-djuri;
Mr Wllllutn KntzfUlieii.-, of l.eiper
and I'enn streets, Iihh lelt for New irk,
where lie will r-peud sevnal weeks
Ml and
Mi-. Jehn n M. Mulli
their futiuh will s, ,,n ,1
summer Imine ut Aliei.-iu N'
Mis. Herbert Lenuacre. who ha becn
vlnltlUK ner p.nentn, Mr nnj ..
Grube, of Central axcuue, has returned
te her home In Yerk, Pa.
Mrs. Geerge Hlllniaii ae a luncheon
jesteidny at 1 t clock In honei of
her dauKhlHr, Mlns Dorethy Hlllman at
her home m West Main street '
By J. P. McEvey
Hew len die think we
our ikiv?
can wait for
flew the bhinli d ye set that wm
whj dbn't juu
"'el' our, kick in
A. L i......
Itecelnt of r.nn.l, "-" ..'using
Your goods nrriveil tednv.
Yeu took your time, wt.''U Kllv
Yeu might hne worked your bean a bit
And used u quicker way. l
Al,,J "Lfi'li" l1"' "Uy J0U I,,,cr' Jeur
uhere is ,our fact'rv
"ut in
,,,. , .
Jliat we hae .-onfiied with tlie
I.KSSON NO l. A l'ropeMil
Under the Constitution
Eueh mati hus the rlkht. mi. i ......
Te marry und starve one wife at u tlni'm
Waddje Mi? Let's go! n,"P'
Vfw -
I.hhSUN Ml. .ll Sllsgi-kt 111! III. Servkeut Il.DO A M. Ihe AlniUi. r . i,. L ii..A tf.i.?l..7 ul.tJVff.?"JI?l !M?-li
verce (Te be Scut by ti Ladvl. luiaar K. leerbea, will nrearh. Hi biT. "" k.im TZZZil'JZL "j."7'jg.''i HaVJ sal
m ceuitllf te hee seu Juat for fun. Churuh aehoel In th. tn,h L.. :' ;HIH 1mu Um.. . lail ,aC' !v 9
J,'M bllSllAC bttaUltU ffO, , XL?aSi SSS21S5, at U ktn( h0Urr 1 -gBM.gaaaVJfclllIWaaatI?
it ii i i .
- I l"k Jti. St lre-Af
' - n" tf J' '.',. it ?.
, prsawe wiwtb
AajtflcM fits $J 04 if silly, tU.SS is wttMf
Paavlar f artttM Rates
flmfer ta street. Kltrlf Its ard phenea In all roeaa.
Private bathe, Aaanlna atr. nrr-eroef addition.
WertssfTXe. OwmnUt '. JUNOSilCAMURT
AlUnUe City, N. J.
Ob Ocean Frent Fireproof
Baduend rates durlni present aeamjav
Aawrlean and European Plan.
He. Carolina ate. near llriieli, A etrletly I
mm'ern fietel. S..'.Q up per diiy, 118 up wkly. I
Hpr.fMAl. KAS1I2U llATi:rf. nth season
if nershlp manugeinent lru. f.. Klelmlnnn .
On Ueaidwnlle at Mentpctler ns. Opens I
April 13th. Suites with baths. Kunnlnc nster
an rooms, i.ievaier. pp-nai nprine rule.,.
Vlrelnla ave. Ucach. Het 4 Celd running
nater. l'rlv. baths, nates M day up Knee,
wklv. Cap. SOD, lllclt. Orch. O. D Painter.
New Yerk are.
i;iirennn, i;iev..
at HaardifBlk. rtreprnivr.
Itunnlnr water In nil rren.
Worlds Greatest Hetel Success
uwuiuuuvn American Plan. Every
appointment. Med. rates. Mrs. C.J Cloedtellow
Hetel BdSCebel Kentucky Av. nr. Iach
neiCl OOICODCI Kxcell'rit table.
tea, IIS up I'll 117. A i;. .MAUIO.N
M-.,, rv!nn Kentucky Ave
Just oft
" Ilnardwulk. H K
First Unitarian Church
Chestnut .Street West of '41st Street
Rev. Frederick R. Griffin, Minitter
Sunday Mernins;, April 2
at Eleven o'Cleck
Can We Be Christians?
Who Are Christians Today?
tiii; TP.Mi'i.i;
Itread nnd llerlit ets.. 1'JOO K.
ROOM Sef.te
Hutne nf the K.CK ItMTlST (111 K( II
Vnr Ure M'urd.v As,epIhI I'uster
.1 Munin Ilanni .Mus iu DlreLtur
1 r Inr Ck 12 .Stark". OrKanlut
!i .'10 A. M I'arly prayer mm. tine in t.im
er Temple
10'fln A M Worship Mr Cenweit preiici'
"ti "fhr'st'!. Preparation for Ills Kinirh
I'.ntrv Inte Jerusalem
in T A M. Chlldrti h rhur. Ii w tli n .,
m pictures in th I.ewr IVmp'i.
JT.'il. M 11IW- hchbel. J-r I 1 rK-
1; 30 f,
M Christian nnd.Me'- (rf-u h1
M t'hrlst .in Kmle.iter i"v T'l
M. OrBatr lecltal b PreU-rlcl. K
' no
r r, p
M V e r s h I p M r. r enn.ll
m. Teninl" Mimlilnt-1 huriiM niKe
ll M
! I. .Mr Wllm-r H Ilr. 1 .nd .M,
IrKlniu It Uetnerl'-x
I'hurrh irnvr meetim;
P. M
I 1 l.l.iy
J'Jhlr.ll !-eelel
At VIli'.Mdll' MI l( . 11 A. M
xi.Kr.:ii v. MAitriv ui !,;. r,n
tMHt!lirtM M,,i if llllHlul-ni.
1IIK Ol.ll HKl.tl MKI'.TIM. 1101 -I..
.Merlnn I'.i m Miiii'Knm-ry rllte. eeti..i-lisht-U
In liisi Im upn fnr uer-ihip f
n-Hi-ili. '.sundH rnn-nlnc lit 11 uMirK
1 Ih tmlille In rerd a l IniM-.l t., menu
In t'llM ilil h iiiw U 11. i. nn I'enn worshiped
wjhen tn AineH -a
Mi'tlmdlst Dnlseiuml
1 sih itn 1 'poe Me
stt M. MrWII.I.IA.MS I) I) Mieel'l
10 ,tii i;k rruncln II .sher' X" I'
-' 'In H i.le Sehoel lllhli- I'nli "
7 .'ii Oiiin i ,-lttt' li.,rlten ei.
7 1". - -1.1'" s pirn.,re
. iiiiit i will IriK i'lH."inn frfrjii i h
.--ki-n Last Werd l, .Merr kJ.ui" f I .
Hurt in., n enprune lux Mrt.r Mart -rj
un.rulti Iyu'le i:mll smit, f..nf,r ,,
Ulin Si et -e l.i-'Jlie l'ml l: li
Jurlrtu .tr tiirnri nr-1 d'r-rirr
Aitru sim:i;r iiiikui. :slt. n i vr i,
I'- MAf'AllTNKY "111 pre.nh ,i t In 4.-, ,..
' Inms Hn 1 St P.i il Hi ThH rilUi r '
Uu hH! (llsi'uei th" rt --i-nt-in r nn . .
tinri yf histuru i'hr Ht1anJi nn the ur m u
fh' 1' ..urn'' fiuni r.iu aii.l in fi i
s 1 1 ' A .Mini, tftit WnlK Tlimiikli I'm1
h1-pIii i.nl What 1 s fcN Qf (H ijr. rt;
i'i' s r j'jr- sn ,in j -0rr.m rii-
huri.li de ire ,i .it-n hi 7 , ,,. i( . i
7 in ii rnial ni He I'uitier M- in. r i
nrriaii 7 I i: 1.' H'lii iIj, ,.- imiuri
li 1 ir i'Ii i smnti A H nn K
in rm. kiii. t I'lti.si'.x n:iti cut n n
H.i, ni itnl D'in'etd -t
liei W I, Mm I Mm' rm ). I-.-...
r s.inu. i.. i ,.,, tt4nr rt!,t ir
Hi SO rm in 'I lliet : l ilel ' M irk
, s
Se sihlntl. St,,.
7 !'-- Siirmiiii 'A '"itvui n 'I i-n i
K ns 40
m.i. skats rr.i.i: tr u.i. surivi
si.i iimi PKinrKiti uu iuii
'.1st ami Walnut at
'txv Kl.nXANTlI.Il Mjci-'ijU. 11 1 1
l'.l AI.VIS' II HI III.KT Vs-lt,i.i
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"Te Wh nn Then Will i.ihvu en,
"New hinK" the S'lti'
.Nt.iLnllli.it In i:
'"lheu hhilt It nuuilK-r '
Nlalliiii Arm "
('tllH'',. 701 N' Ur. id M
O Minpsen officer In ihuri.-e
Kvansellne Hull ru'nliij.
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3 30 1'. M fin s tu
M'iniirli.1 AyiU
terluin Muuua s r M
i nurpuuy
i 7 no r m nn siurj nf id,
' lien In
tui lure unci song a-uuiii tnuted
I nltiirlim
riiisr I'Mniu.vv (iititiii
2 1 lt. Chestnut st,
Itev rilKDIZHK'K It ilIUPI'lN
11 .it -iir uiuii'i.N win preu i,
Sul.jeel "WHAT IH i'IIIM.4ti I m.i v
In) t'wn IVi lie C'liriSilaus ' 11,1 h., 1,
iJliiMIJiiireitui" u '
t'MT lll rill'KCII III- I.KKM .NTllls ' te..B''.sJ?,lI, ''larad. Suinuiueaa . t, -M?:1
' ' Mi jiiiin ' iftr
. AWJVNtltt
! n
nud FlrviiMef Aiinei, '1'i'iil.esiee
llesrh. t'anarllr 400. Central.
Oren Kiirrennillng". UniHsltej CathvHSj
Protestant Chur lies, rrlrate lisths,'
.lav nn ki.Aial u.viv. i!nreuaau an
T3.50 Day op Spec. Wklr. Amtriesi ntM
Seuth Carolina a., 00 yards from na
. nn?AI,nt
lO SI, njrnvi
araclty r.OO. strictly modern. Etevat
.Urse, tfiiiltfiitlj oupetntwl wlarium,.
ftnaiil ae.tWilitDa 1'tltf. ItUlllM. i 'llllllfli
...e.e .. . . -. --. ..- . i. .
arvl'a litis) tna.1 latil . HUlf.
lsen newiitnj
rihlp manarsment. Ra D, L0DY,
l P r
Upend the Raster Holidays la
MtmvWTKi I A
Excels In Comfert, Nervlea and CdlM,i Ajj
KentucKf Ate. ear uesca ....'M.S :
Aiianiic i 117 rintM, wiri ." -ai1 .
Fenulsr llederata Hate Hetel .
$3.50 up Daily, Special I
Weekly American Plan
Cl.elce. vrell-farntshed rooms, prlrste bath.
,i i.h. Ai.tiinr, te street, uuususllr
attractlre lobby, rarlers sod reception
roemsi tenacity 600i orchestral dancint.
Nenly papered and renefated tlirouibeut.
lnKII hftmra.
Unnemlilp manmenient. Iloeklet.
...? ToeleAUailitiireaajbe
lACaTION ,f OmUnent are eJaysi
JOIN year (rl.nsj st tin Nt fcngUad. Kajar
its eeen headed leejiitaltty. Its (snemia enaajra
eaifsru ss mech la seMsees at eesry tore. Taa
HOUKTHINC, that snakes eaei year's aefeani '
rsfruBlealr new. ... .
apeeUll'wter Season Rata startle sjlttl JMi;
Sanlar-Ameriuui Flan. M-M Utlly. ee-IM WsTyT 1
Hr Farsbhsta at a nanfai SSS.IM
la, Oarellaa Ave. nj.Beach, rlaht e SetxAwaMl
Pliillips Heuse
Msbueili Ave. near Death
Attaining the Highest Standard of
American Plan Service at
Moderate Ratet
Kxteuslvelv Improved. Additional pslsaia
bilhs sod niBnleff water la rooms.
IS Till: MtlsT HI.AfT'Il'I. hECTlON
Mlihiuiin mr, iir. Ilcnili. Atlnnlic (Itj. X. 1.
.:yiniKelv iinnrev d Hei and cold running;
water In nM rooms llltctrk llehts Klevater
i--rvn mich u rj ami sunn rooms. Euro Eure
I'vi i Mti Iu ile rooms flu tin and 2
r "i-u .ni rule fi, $3. J4. Slnele room
" HriKi
Sout i Carel na A near Ilearh
A ' ei I 'or V. re .Sister Mether or Dail
Running Water in Every Roem
Vneilum Plan. Weukli rates J20 te $24.
Pilvf t In th -" te 130. Dully St te JO.
lis, ION It MtNOID. ll".r n llinicr
Mefct iifltet, heietiful tiemrlike. nanny ecn-Tewj
ItTOruemn witttliet andceM runmns watrr; bnJitltuitMt
rinvxti nnd public batbi Orchtr, dancing, nun ptr ptr
et, 'anne-rTHery, Harare, golf pnvila. PnnaJ
cvnfrti p dirrctiun aur and (ruaran(e9 fatiffte
t.ur. . nasHI brnng rctea. SC (0 wct-k Op. Arnrfft
ln VoedrfuJ maU. THOMAS M. O'BRJJUil
b n i jt- 'jml heue from lieurdivalk
h'iI Mvi I'.ei IIvi ry niirielntnient. lllxhest
' I" I ' mi-inn anil service Hoelilet,
-i -I r tea J llethweM, Prep.
iu I. lieunis, overleokes.
ii Ml iv
ui IJ.
wek up
inciudins x
iiiniuni: Nater.
Is'ier llewer.
i ,t
i e k i 'ii Saturday afternoon jttt
Mir,' , mi-r're in Write fii fartlcillsrs.
THF P' A c.ir.e Hidl'a'cTiv'.
i r L i i ' t I l Ii &. It Iwsell.Mgr.
Cl-i'SrER INN . " Ave. near
- iftcn.
Clan AH reiivenem-s. MKi
leach. A m e r I e a i
vVpstminHtej" nlu ' s' ,,r Heaca.
tyesunnsu-r K.u,r trate innh.;
r i i n ijl' Open a i ie.tr. V. ICOPP.
AiKKlh I'pVIl. alii
Write ur i-none.
s readj : terms moderate
Send Inr rumnl luentar, (ruwl ilt. Nu. 30
MPs, federal It.illre ids. 2 II -Mil Atc.N.T.
net us
Nassau v """" ''' manful
-1". itil the IlllCHt
i "1111.1 , I,-i i -'i huu ne inllcH
n' tieim In.i it in th s charin
nit llrli ,.b . nt v
Eastern Cuba yuamtest,
e"is jiC.
turesiiu,' p.i-t of i nl ,.i hantliiRO,
I-1 i .iticv i, .nii.in.iii e Iialrpilra,
.iti In in
tn.-l 1 M i
s ht-l u
I !-rur . I
, sMiik
Ml! l sis
II ll
w th their
Id ferls,
1 Vis1
I I'.ll.
i .in titer-
l Hit I "'1 ' UW ll tO
T i..i i" mil tr p tati s.
vil 1 Iti'S OS ftttlljU i
Munarge (11,000) lam) April 4 & 11
Munamar (7,500 lern) April 8
lirfl Itlilir Thili. ur Anj
leuril ri in
Clark'i Cruises by C. P. It. Stsamcra '
CLAIlli'S 3rd CIIUISE, JAN. 23, 192
Br Ihs Specially Cl.arlrrad Superb C. P, It
a.. "Ernprcaief France" 1881 i-reMlM
A Cealinl nalice for the whole Irle.
Reuts: '
fscwlnrk, i'siismi, Sn I'rsncistn. iln
i oae.
luiu, ii usyi in japau, i.iuna, Alanlls, Java,
fliulapere, liurresti. Option of 19 days la
India, Csyleu, 4 day In Caire, Naples,
liavrr, Seuiluinntuui (nep evtnl Ouabsat
Ur. le Mentreil an I JNew Verk.
4 MONTHS, $1,000 and up
lacluduu Hotels. Print, Guides, l'taa,M.
CLARK'S 19 tli CRUISE, FEB, 3, lt2(
utv: '
t j
i i
. i
i, ' "VV f 'r
v t s -? '
I s. .e f .
. m . a. . i .r
LiMMA(i i, ....i
. ' " v.SIi i v" ' &WGrmrWRmKmmmm