Wr W Bja'W iSlcCIIY AAl' . a.sr vsf?r k ; j v v iar ' ""j whip Service Premised if JVl,' "11M III WBSUSMHIK rUlI ' Abeeoen Inlet TRAFFIC PLAN IS TRIED & Xl-i.r "; S1 fltsajtfek a WmKIM r.rifflsi f'UllgnH, " fl , Anrll 1 HU fit th Mf 'coastwise steamship lines nre ready , Inelude Atlantic? ritv n n rrciilnr !Vli!li In thstr .MtA..I.. If tTa.l.ml .1.1 s given in the city's cnmnnlsn for n y' 1 1 JiiKM i ll f I .... - ft I T.. &. -V- -twwi .'iiirnucc in .iiieprun in- !W NEW CIVIL SERVICE IESTS ADVOCATED Reper Wants Psychological Ex- periments te Replace Written System FOR BETTER JOBHOLDERS lWholetry tcU instead of written "tnnilnntleii were advocated by ('nun pjlinnn Ileper tednv in n (llenssnn of rlvlt ervtr( befnrp the Women's T.enirue fe- Geed Government. In the selection of patrolmen and tircincn. Albert Smith Fought, who took pnrt 111 tlit dlvciw-leii. in-rcnl u-ltli Mi. Ileper ihrt te f in ulwivntinn nml wfmM wmGwrj.r v EVENING Pfytihiq te.- mi t . . . . i" r uirr xiiu ii ioinimen i.inp is nre :it. .i.i... i.. ., . .. . ;... . , . ... : '"": iiniihiiie urc iiiv primary neciM ;uwT w ' . i..iiii'ii iiiirii- in in . --- -.r ii -n., in inr"rruv htvihuh, uatUbllshlng n line of tcimhlti for ' Clinten IlnciM Woodruff, chairman Agflce between thin nnd ether points ''.'., ,'.,"li1.i",v T 'V "c T ' '!. V 1"'rr,lt i '.. ... ' "SV'.lrm. althni "h he mini Itivl It wan nnt I perl ret. Cennellmnn Itnper Mild there were three grout's either for or against elvll service. One consist of the disbe lievers; n Hppend, the vigorous oppo eppo oppe liontM of rlvil service, nnd the third, n middle croup that admits the need of n merit system of some sort. "It Is Impossible te run nnv govern ment," Mild Councilman Ileper, "with out some tuirf of merit system. I inn n member of the middle group. Mentnl ex niulnnti(ns (hut Is. written cxntnlmi linns often nre utterly inndeiiunte se fur us the Hip nnd pelire department' lire contented. In eelleges It N recog receg nlrcl thnt the 'vritten cxnmlnntlnu Is i' peer vwiv ei lludlng M'lmlnstlr stiuid Ins. I hnve seen in my football ex perience tknt the cnndldntc who pastes tlie bct written cxenilnutlnii en foot feet ball Mibjecls Invnrl.ibly Is the poere't pliner. "I iiiler ti.i present Inw it Is Impes i mmrn me trensi. EaJ'Wiene were high lights In the henr- E'tifJMt here yesterilay between Federal en lf'ilBWTii from the Wilmington nrmy Ki'keH. city officials and representatives PA 'it various civic bodies, with members PtWyW the State Benn! of Navigation slt- Rwrf ttef In as "observers." jMpi Stricken with n heart attack two tSKajrs age. Charles Hereld, for twenty- ( fire years proprietor 0f the 1'leiifiirn "Bay Hetel, died shmt'y nftcr mid night;. Ileield, who was one of the bMt-knewn men In the city rnme te the resort thirty-five ycnri" age hiiu found work In a. beach-front hotel. Ten yaars later he took ever the I'lensur Bay Hetel. It was there that the last live pigeon nnd llrt clay bird matches were held In the resort. m... .. , , .ii "lint' ll' i-uilillir llll.nrn UIIU IMMIUl'incil IU i WiiliiHnllSn!!? L v".!Et!!f, Wil, i!h ' " ,,r!t,('" "nmlnotlen nnd pick the be.t fte v." I. ? i ' ,n , ,'nt"er' Vh'ch I men for the job. We mui-t give the np fcXl.rlSgh. 'VLIr'i'.". nlM.. mud, greater !SM!SVnnJKuc!.,!ln.,ra.1,i!:i.,,t,?" ' Mr.' K..pcr -aid hN own preferences m M-''' "u'1"s 'nre new for an iidminl-ti.itive job. Hu h"-; aaBrCOt I ..., i. u'.illl.l llt:i. imtl.li,,. I.i.ltni. l.,m ti r ii . i . .ii i. I" be Dliecter of I'ub'lc Safely, as he ?i!cc T,f S1 tow lis between tils city , ,,,, ury (,(lill,(c j,K,lls ll(W , dl.. Stnbulnry nre senrehlng for Rebert , ..i,.,..t., i. n.t,i Knight n Negro, of Krb Harber, ns Kt. w However." he added hastily. "I US ...... .l ..... .... ..... .... ! f. .. . ...I n result of t he sheeting ycitcrt av oft .. ..,, ..,...!.. ;; Magistrate Richnnl 0. F.rewn. for fifty-l "".."" ?."""' '," ', .... ,,, , utile Up will reenvep ",s ",,J htal'' r NlltlOll, bl'ClltlNP Mat. ue will re(eer. ()f (llt (lvj, ,,.,,. HJK,m. There ..... 1 1... ,i, ,. i imi t n Piinncp 10 nmvp ii p. iiviserv- Hn". cen lCs e.onsel J- '.' T.1-"'"'!. ? ."??"." ? '! the clt.v. the police will .tart tedav ' V'"" ':".:" KV "' .".""" 3''.TT' ?.? An a eengestleu ! 1. u. u...,,, .n,.,in...,i ,. i.-lt, " '"" si'niitiiiis I" spirit ill rrui- tl, v Si, v vn 1 i ci1 "f 01"- ("'vl Hvli- Coinmlssien. ATenue, ,M'W ierk, from .cw erK te i . . . ,. . ,. .k. .,iu,u Kmtnt.trv ...,.,e i'n.iP this t.lan. but ..f the law as it at present cxsts. the key 'traffic officer will be stationed ' at Virginia and l'aelfle nvenues. where h will start n simultaneous cheek or release of trnffip by use of n whistle and semaphore during the day, and a light nt night. Mr. Fought snid two things of prl- limrj itnpni timce te be tested In choos chees ing patrolmen nnd fire are their power of obienntlen and their mentnl alert ness. Mr. Wendinff snid "no sensible mnn would maintain tint the merit system Is the last word in perfection, but it is i 7' a.j sit -1 i . .. mnrrin linrtid f . n unipwninn. wan Kair. nV 1. ..;.. -,r,. ... ii t.,.-.i..,i .niutciy tnirrr nnd worn Amerlrnn, in r C-l"nth,the heed runSwaV'S , -! U substitutes fairness for pull, nnd 23 -Wn,S-tt LJS J"kSh' S"- -Pare the ,ps ami iiip iiinru systems, you phi tase ine M..n.n . .i... ,n..M, nr besen under the spoils system," i1,1."- J&f .".V??"' ' "W. "Yeu will And that these ti' i - : . i i.n j .' ernTery savcu women nuu Liiiiuren , ..... ....,..,. ...-. :.., .L , ..,i,' ,. jn,i ,nii.. .... v:".' ii.ui-r.ri wni. nre iimier me ineru waiting te benrd a trellej iar. NMt(IM n11, h(1 Cf officials who still Alfred l- itenred te make n nnrchnsp In the elec V ! -I - TT 41 C-. I.I T WIVHi PllUfl III . j, Ol1LnlI.Urf .11., en Seuth Xpw Yerk avenue, Thursday niaht. Sterkinzer noticed him sturtsiid- lr 1 ilenly nnd leek nreund the shop, appar ' entlv dazed. "Something wrong?" In- l quired Steckinger, who was busy nil- A.- JiiHtlns nn nini.lllter nn n wtrpleKS nuttlt. C' TNe. I get It new. That' my daughter Wllmeth Ouited as Director, With Jy ainging," nnd Investigation developed j Many Othera B- , that he wns right. Miss Ksther Mullln , .v-.i.i ,' , , . V'mi Hlngins In n Pittsburgh church. Washington, April 1. (By A. 1-.; Bd was en the radio program of the The Bureau of Kngravlng nnd Printing v l i I j"".i i uumviniv j was upvrniius teuiiy uiiiier practically W'll'MswSfflfiSzmzwffi nHMPHMmfflHHraipn .' -iirs>fxis:Mjm&Ei&s ''jiw.iwaKJi,w.c;TAUiff'fAriBBBj-i-t AMwfe 'jek.i mp H. mim,m:-rri'i ' .. " 4 ivav.Ti?,f mmitsm rtsztf&m tes.tvjtvw? -v --,,. w,?u.v.t, m,te,. i-sw Amu - . '- r ' - '" ' ' ' ' i-, . , .. -? .ii. - M . gk M. ft MfJ-Bt Jskivl fill fcmii ... I ' ril P. R.B. EXPRESS WBECK AT HALIFAX, PA. 101011 RFPUBLlCAN ' .mmmmT ALtltlilllNiPld" ' f aaawapaawj.il inim. ipwuii, u a, uw m mmimmmimmmmmmmmmmfmmmmmmmmf 7. .ggggHgLvlw' ' Al lllllin IIIBIflPnA ' iiiiisgMgiiiiiiiijisi DDipjinF TfiPAfiAllF gB GAINING MEMBERS. . I 4; .,.. j.rrx v HHHH Drive Started Last Winter Hat M ; ,5. felrrS IBiflHI Me" t0 M0Mbl"Zee r R1M- Proved a. Suceee, . ' $ afP'V' f ' i 'i twi '-' 14 . - "'P IIIIIbbWHbbbbbVBbbbB I hkb imew vuin ui aaaBralai, ''Vii' :bbV' en Pa. teSMffitfBllilggHgB LONDON -SOE HOPE sMF WRK j!! Tf$ 'M v 1 .u 1 4MwnB.'Bi a hjt-wvt ' iy", .w. . v v taat pvi...a. iiiiKA'aaBB BiujArF.r:7 S'gaggHgagMgVttair3iief!,(v .. EWMLmmp yi&IHBWM.rVKgggggggl Dy the Asaeeiated rrMi MWWfN hlp drive launched by the Americas r :aaaaKBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:.;,:.r;jaBKrzlgL-;.B uonnen, April 1. inc. uiieun en- taWaiy; x? -T'i,'' ''. .A laHilalalalalalallalalalalalalaVt'tntXllaM . .. ..... . .. m Bti.jivri'Jii( $ & -gLgaiigigiHggigigigigJn gnae or tne insn uepiiDiican Army n. ft4'.V-.? success. Frem . , Jl JISSKmmaHHKmmmWiKM been mobilized for parade tomorrow . fBLs.t? A'?y;0. IB practically nil nests aftfta J glSHglHalglglHilgglglglVBSgMMiiM mernfn te tnkn n new allegiance iiiM! WASH'S-' illJKk 'HHHHBHHHHHHBH or an fggfBtlhljigHI :iliSliliiliKiVHiliilH0HPSiliHHBilHHilBiHPliilHBSi in Beisars Bar- V"HBiKH (HiHiHsllHBGDHIHRDrSe nH the V9LbVN9H '.QgHHH9ESgHVV!Bfl4BH9K-l "The officers state ggggggHHflgW BRBBBiBBBBBHKgBBeaBaieBAHeer.izB nnriArutfttift tiif avaaeeBBBBHeBBaeanMBvaMaBav T.IBTBaBBVBB1r-aBBBBVIBSBW.HKitf'IVBBruru7vMKgkV7BSBBBBKVlBBBn'UXV:BBIBFHBBBBBBBB1 iiili.i. i,..,in, , .!,.-. l,.u. .... (.... ..-Hb . wmtmmmammmmamamm iiiciimn nn- 'tkwp' I SU cars of the Dominion Express were derailed yesterday north of Ilarrlsburg. The wreck was remarkable, as there were.ne deaths nnd only twelve persons were slightly Injured, although the sleeping coaches plunged from the track and one went eer the bnnk Inte a canal bed, Nene of the cars overturned. The photegrnph shows the delicate balance which the cars mantuiiied niter the accident, caused by a broken rati Charles, Fermer Emperor, Dead Continued from Tuns One transmission te the French (Jevernment, In which the monarch said France clnim te Alsace-Lerraine was "justl- ' fied." Although the letter was denounced as a "forgery" in Vlennu, the Foreign Office, claiming it had been written by a French eccleMnstlc who had been act ing as confessor te the Empress Zltn, subsequent events proved Its authen ticity. It wns the first revelation of thn In en k between the German Kmperer and his vassal king. Previously, Em perer Charles had Indicated his desire for pence, however, In speeches before the ltelchsrat. In December, lfll". he Ireland Uls wllllngncM te conclude, pence with the Allies if they would ' guarantee the Integrity of Austrln-IIun-gary. Clinrle. Abdicates Throne On November 1.1, 1018, two days, nftcr the signing of the Armistice, ' Charles Issued n mnntfestet announcing fermall his nbdlcntleii of the throne, of Austria-Hungary. March '21, of the following year, by permission of the' Swiss (Jevernment, lie took refuge In , Wnrtegg Castle, en the shore of Lake. Constance, where he remained until April '21, BUI), when he rented, for 11 period of eight months, n house thnt once was the icsidence of Prince Jereme Napeleon, en the banks of I.nke tie New Pretender jasaKt-4 BHBHia. 3 sjflglHrlgigHwiB3i " . JgsHHIiHgsgsKei,! gigHplH SigsgsgsWiftWwgB slHsgsgsV:' Iglfl &gsQgsgsEgsHRgsK ivW 'gsLgsH iPB ijBBaaaaBBB m.v.' .'-I (flgggHptSr -ri --'- gH flggggMPr-aflggggg. iP'riSggggw ;' 'vlffil MiiiawsNaiaiawiMawsmMaal Get Big Man te Run Fair, Advises Vete Cenllniir.l from I'nce One various divisions. He must M) first of nil 11 grent" erganiser. This Is simply application of nn old principle, carried out In labor, religious and business or ganizations throughout the country. "Take for Instance Themas K. MIt- . ten. He doesn't collect n iuckci en a 1 street car in Philadelphia j he down t I toss n sheel of coal Inte the boilers which generate the power for the cars, but he has the ability and has se or er ganised the men under him thnt they work cheerfully for the success of the I company. I Vnurlaln Anether Example 1 "Anether exnmnle Is Samuel Vnu- plnln. nf the Baldwin I.ocemntlvt I rnomles. and Werl(. .Air. vnucinin at one time ipen. reutendeii tnnt tlie agreement is quite been mebilised for parade tomorrow morning te take a new oath of allegiance or an oath with new Implications," rays a statement Issued from the nrmy hcndiiunrterH In Beggars Bush Bar racks, ns telegraphed by the Dally Mall's correspondent. "The officers tnd men," .the state ment nririR, "must understand that the teal purpose of the mobl'isatlen Is te take them nwny from their position un der general headnunrters as the army of the government of the people of Ire land." Haiders yesterday seised the cargo of explosives, chiefly gelignite, aboard en Admiralty ship off the Irish Coast and stewed It safely In some unknown plncc, according te n dispatch te the Londen Times from Cerk. The movement of n large number of meter lorries, which were comman deered In Cerk Wednesday and driven te nn unknown destination, Is new ex plained as being a pnrt of the coup te Intercept the Admiralty vessel, which was due te leave Cerk Wednesday nft nft nft crnoen for Itecky Island with a cargo, understood te hnve. consisted mainly of gelignite, which was te have been transported te England. Hepe, tempered with doubt and fear, Is the kevriete of the morning news' papers' editorial comment en the out leek in Ireland In view of thn pass age of the Angle-Irish Treaty bill nnd thc agreement between the Northern and Southern fiuvcruments 'for co-operation In pnclflrutlen of the country. Nene of the writers expects the two documents immediately te tiring npnut pence, which it is remarked has many in some instances it is KX-CROWN PRINCE OTTO Nine-year-old boy, who became claimant for the Austre-lluugurlaii "Intene" upon the death of his father, ex-Emperor Charles, today considerable time In mechanical wert in the Baldwin shops, Dut se inr as 1 knew, he has done no practical me- hanlcal work for 11 long time. Yet he Is a capable mnn nnd cvcrbedy loves hi m up there nnd he has capable as siMants und the Baldwin plant func tions finely. I "In the same manner, te get results the director general of the fair must I be n man all subordinates can respect 1 and obey. I "Se far ns the directing head Is I concerned, I suggested 11 mnn recently, W. Freelnnd Kendrlck, who lias dem I mist rated his ability te organize large 1 bodies of men. a man wnn nns ine nnii likely Instead te Increase the trouble, for a time. Belfast. April 1. (By A. P.) The re'l of fatalities (tern the factional ills outers In Belfast renched a total of sixty-four for the men'' of March tlie blackest month in .last's history. An unsuccessful attempt wns mint" Inst evening te set fire te n lntge engi neering establishment en the East side of Belfast. Twe iincxpledcd bomb were found en the premises. Deaths of a Day nipr realm. Brenkllig the pledge he ill the 'county In no wnv excel the I bad given the Swiss Government, net workers In the city government. neva. nt Praggins, nnd took possession still for FMier, lemarked with a laugh. jtv t0 make them work in unison, and' en the first week of May. Hit- Swiss that if Fisher withdrew he would be ,,',( hen I mentioned the name the1 asylum was obtained for the demised without a candidate for Governer. 'usual mudsllnglng, antl-Phlladelphla j Emperor through the efforts of the 1 ... ... ,., ... i ,.rnw. enninesp.I of crabs and cuttlefish. British Government. 1 " m 1 .1 1 n . 1" 1 xi ' vehemently attacked the suggestion nnd Despite his abdication manifesto of 1 "I would be ilabbeigasted,' said Mr. . J,ttrlbllt,,- n k!ll(s of Mir motives te November . mlh Cliarlcw. .liirlng.his OlUer, and then went nn te say that be T n()tlr,.,i, thengh. with keen en- enforced exile in Switzerland, con-1 was Inteiested. nevettheless, in bar- .uJCMt( ll0l m)lu. ( tirm in,i nny Untied te maintain his right te the ineny. . i(v nr honest suggestions te make Hungarian tluene anil, tnnde secret it N interesting te note that Mr. I (0 promote the fair project." preiiaiBueiis mr in ici.ii 11 ui ...n '" I uuver ami ins menus iiuve u hiki HARDING "SHAKES UP" BUREAU OF ENGRAVING ,4nd heard the lest of the concert. . $' ..... ..... .... ... m HAKUINU rKUULAIMS AKBUK DAY GOLDEN JINNIVEHSAHY f i April 22 8et Aaide for Commemera tien of Tree-Planting Movement Walilnfftnn. Anrll 1. fltv A. P.) r. YSiiIiIitit llnnlliiLi (ndnv itrfiptnli.ii.il p' April ii iis a golden anniversary of if. ATDUr 111.1 , W "Officers of nubile instruction nnd of jfe? cItIc nnd cemraerclnl nrganlsntiens were Kq, urged by the President "te unite in iy meuglit, ami uctien mr uie preserviuieu 5fftl A iltn nxitiiiiiii liixrttll tlt l tviflll tlttlt it" audi edilcatlnnal und instructive exer- ewes ns snail uring neinrr ine people ine disastrous effects of the present waste Fv 07 leres t ures unti tee ihtii iu iniuri- te - dual and cuectlve efforts te conserve tne forests and increnw our tree growth Vt for ornament and use." A The iiroclauiutien declares thnt ine- ViV ..tactien and iierpetuntinu of American Ki forests nre vital te continue I Industrial rfJVVlllC all! . 1.11'. I..II rtlirilglil, .I..,. wb'i1 points euc Mini eiisrrviuiri nt nip nnv. i.v especially set npait and consecrated for i&?tree planting, nnd known as Arber Day. Vlf.- ....u Itiufltllluil ... ,1... U...... .. iv,6 nrm u .ii"....i. .. in in.- ..mil: ui r't"i-Vu,iii1i. In Anrll. IS.7" Bel," m a complete new executhe personnel, from the director down, and including tn lnvp the country without Its per mission, he deposed finiu Prnireln Prnireln en the afternoon of February J7. 11K!1. accompanied by Counts Krdedy. Hun vndv and Amassy. With nn officer ns his. chauffeur, he slipped across the border unnoticed. In an automobile, .lusnispil ns n Tyrolean tourist. As seen ns the former Emperor nnd his I i mini for Atteniej .euenil Alter. 'J lie host of politicians who are filling the nlr In the Bellevue-Mtratferd with all sorts of rumeis were convinced when they snw Mr. Oliver that "something wns jelng en In the line of hnimeny." I'p te this time Mr. Oliver has been allied with Jeseph It. Grund. presi dent of the PennsjUania Manufac ture! s' Association, in promoting the At.,,. Ilild.t,. nF Al. I.'.ulift. 1 ... n n I companions had C .n f,,i. Vl,'...,. thN talk about the possible withdrawal military car was await ng te take tl in f F , , f Mm.k te KHV netIl. te Count Krdedy s estate in Au-l'Jn. ' jnK of state Treasurer Sn.Mler and near Stelnmanger. '""., '" I.leutennnt Governer Beldlemnn, is he appeared unexpectedly In Uudapcst. , , () l(1 Vi nm, , M((.u and a little later went te I em n. f L..A,, .r trs ,ntllbt ,llat tlelr C11(U. Ihtp he met n gretiti of Mmi'iichists. I cvcr division of the bureiiu. xtie what deeleped nt this conference has .Iiangu was undo hy I'resident Harding never been made puuuc. through an executive order last night I , Swlterland In Plane removing Junius 1 ilmeth, director, I ""' , , . , . , .. and a number of division chiefs and ! Twe months after his return te his ether officials, "for the geed of the ' I.nke Lucerne residence, Chnrles notl netl service" I fled the Swiss Government of his in- I.011W A. Hill, assistant chief of the trillion u '"," im.ih! . ... iPHILA. FOLK IN NASSAU FIRE Mi N Werd Received Here Frem These I'iF Cl...l.n -it DiiFnarl U.t.l JSJj I Wi,lf "l MMIII.W MVVtl (fe wenl nns been receued division of 'engrnvlng. was named as the ' "Kaln attempt te regain the Hungarian new director nnd took charge immeili- throne. Although he was kept under B,ni,v' ,,,... .i , ,,,,iin.w nn.l nn Thursday. October I 'it un "uiiderstuudlng." The sudden ilismissnls were the result guardians anil en iniirsunj, J' ' of nn extended Investigation for read-I !" accompanied by J1"' "mlu' Real Stuff nn "j ltu, lie leu, in mi ifiii: "un " iImsI iu (Ideiiburg. Biirgenlniid. en til following dny. Twe battalions of troops .....r. niviiltliiK lilm. ready te escort i.i. ... itn.lii,u.ut Wlipn lip renehptl i miu i" "'" , -... .. i'oe(l reports from Washington Biiub he ft'"l . mrmOrteber" ' 'l'"t Harding and ether nnti men ready te Jein nun. tJctener -. . , . . ..i,,ia. Inn en i te peace-time jiMtiiint of tli i'end!tlnns. Ofli. lals of the Treasiirj Department did net give any further light en the ub mb al order, stiying the action nnd the brief iinneiuieement of its promul premul f nt inn nt the White Heuse would have te speak for thennelves. MOTHER. "60, SEEKS SON WITH AUTO AND $4.12 N. Y. Weman Ta'Kea Cat, Sewing Machine and Mattress en Trip With n cwIiir machine, a mattress and her pet -at. ".Spots," Mrs. Mary Whltnker, islj -jeiir-eld widow, of New Yerk, will meter through this i lt today en the second lap of n novel jenrnc. She Is Belnji liulf n) across the ennl Incut te Kansas te senreh fee licr rt ' '"'H Ins twenti -ene-j ear-old son, wlinm Srm Phllndelphlans who were stnWn,-1 s' e has net seen in iniiiu mmiths. $$t the Hetel Colonial ut Nassau. Wesi ! CMi iiiueuntlti te !-l.l'-' snd n Wiflndles, following wireless repeits that basket cnnt.iluliu enough teod te Inst h.fc SAUQirn, ill. lilt. I. In ..lir;.-.!. li'IMiils i b'jhp'tha structure wns destroy ei ,v fire ciirl t-,v-yssieruuy ami iisi guests uriven 0111 'ixe casualties were renerieii. rt C. E. Morgan, ntterney, of Oak 'ane uni 11 toineimu nlyht are her only ether usMts beside the r.ir, sewing machine, niiiitres nnd cat. She plan te get men- i,H'Ilr In working in tlie cities rrosntewn, one of the guests, cahled and tev lis ihieugh which Mie passes. 10 Inst 'lliursdny tllllt lie lltendei te I lier eniv nvnriin iiiii.ut''-i niisi-is iu for the rnlted states Jn two or troops ener t ii. Empress Zltn, who saw him preparing tn sheet himself and prevented him from carrsiuz out his intent Meanwhile the Allied ('nunc Imssiidei s had conferred en Hall Says Funds Are Available Councilman Hall snid Council would be glad te appropriate mere money for the Sesfiul-Ceiiteiiiilal when It Is needed and asked for. "As te the executives appointed te take charge of the fair," said Mr. Hall, "I don't want te get Inte n controversy with these Iu charge as te the manner Iu which the fair ought te be run, "Yeu will retail, however, I sug gested Herbert Hoever be chosen direc tor general. If we cannot get Mr. Heeter, my next choice would be Gen ernl Goethals, who built tlie Pannmn Canal. 1 de net think it Is necessary te cheese n director general from Phil adelphia or Pennsylvania. This fair Is a national undertaking. "It se happens that the Declaration of Independence wns slgtiul In Phila delphia. Hut Philadelphia Is eniv a pelltiuil suh-ilivlslen of one State of the Villen. Tlie anniversary which the fair will mink belongs te nil the Natien. A mnn from San Frmieisce has as geed a right te.'he dlrectei general as n man from tlie fiatentli Ward." Ven Tncen Hits Committees Councilman win Tagen said he is "of tlie opinion that there should be an executive head of the fair." "I favor an executive director along the lines suggested by Governer Sprout Thursiluv nt the luncheon at the Belle-vue-Stratferd, when the State Scsipii Centennial Committee wns organized," said .iir. von lageu. "I knew hew haul it is te get e pcdltleiis action out of a committee. When n eeinmlttve Is called upon te decide u matter It is only natural and couiteeits for one member te consult another, nnd that occasions ilelnv nml iu Philadelphia and will confer I " '""Itate against the fair. The man niartirs dates arc In the fight te the finish. lhe lobby of the Bellevuc-Stratferd leeks like the preliminaries of un old fashioned Stutc convention. Leaders, near tenders and meie sounders of sen timent clutter up the nince nnd fill the air with the latest nnd hottest political gossip. The conferees, thnt Is the real ones, nremise te stick en the job until Thurs day If it seems at nil possible te arrive Today All week lenders have been conferring off nnd en, But today the real stuff was en tnp, The leaders are perturbed because of from Washington that l'resi- ennl limlera m!"" r,iT'u .most within sight "of i '''"' decided en a "hands-off" policy cNvev defeated "bv the government There l""1 J"'" ','. lc tr.at t-orae . : ..i i-hnrini ir..s lakpn eris- sooth ng words would come from Wash troops nnd I hnrles yuis taKen pris- ., ...i.i.i. ....,., i.i ...ni,.. ,i, ,( mer. It was repertei that he planned t " " rf " "TS'nreveffi? RcwI' Lemony can- i,.?.:Jl,ItvW,.h i?' ! L' i'1?. dldate for the I'nited States Senate, is i "--" a l (,. 111. 11.x. Ii.ltxlilii nttil i 111 fxikiirnr en with the Governer and ethers. He In- I xha ; j'10 'n'utlvp director of the fair n nV'Vm ' sl"tH. however, that he will have neth- y1'""'1' J".' ,'" who nm say 'yes or CluHe " '" t d v.Ith the gubernatorial situe- I'llckly. WILSON-CRILEY FEUD OFF MISS EDITH BRANDT Of 4337 Larchwood avenue, who lias been elected president of the College Government Association of Wellesley College, for next year ,, 4KMHnKK8J?l 'i ...rapndes and had die dei tlia "e" ' The major spoke for the first time In ' and h s wdfe tn sh euld be p a e up mMea mePtiB j the eastern end i llritish miser In the Danube and f . st Inst night when he ad l,l, theiv until .i new ..sy lum con 1, be ; . , X'SV nn iVe.mhliee!! f"ub teiliid. arieiis places were suggested. I . pns..i..anin. nf ...i.i,.,. xir. a. R. but a decIlen was finally l niched te tiaimpnrt the revnl pair te I'unchal, en lhe i-lnnd of .Madeira, HO miles from the Morecenn toast. They arrived at Harmen is chairman. Majer Heed was well received by thp Auther Premises te Let "Bygones Be Bygones" Delmonte, Calif., Apiil 1. (By A, P.) Peace again le'gns in Cnimel. wnnifn it .iini'Ki' ii til l null u cuiwiiiu nriisr cii nnv ivnir. i rii.i.tii , ,.'i.u i.....,. i .- ........ ..--.-. ..... .-r.v.., ...,..., ,.v. .,.,,, nun ninnni . .... , rfiiiiiFn rii i.iiii ii .. i, ii iiiiiv ,..,'iii ii,i ii. ii,. ,1.111 . .11 n i....i , ......... .. .... .: . ... 1.. . their 1 et ntit.en .iivenilier -u, en Denru , '" r :":., , " " " " .i musm wiui nsis e t!.. Brit ilibattli-i rulser Cariliff. ,l i the bar and the mil her of the Werk- Harry I.een Wilsen and Theeihiiel leieeeiv men's Cempensnt en A. t. which Mr. O lie,. Wilsen, widely known Hcthm ' dlMinbirkei and went ut once te the Mi'W has adm iilstered for the last I writer, mid Crllev, who imsenk InM. , V.I . V teri 1. l .lt-1 is e he the r -' ''rt4- ' Mm'1'"-V U,""'U w,,s '" become a landscape painter, are flf. vu feQthcr i'hltade'phluiiM who were at the Erhetel. Include T. A. Griffith, who le.'t Bug-ftim iivacii 1111 uie urn mines some ptliie'Bie oil 1111 expedition te photo- j-'siBB tniiiiuii nun inr tee iXiueriinii EittWlcal Seciety: James Snenr. well. awn clubman; II. W. Hand, who Im.l rat the entire season there, ami Mr. sfMrs. K. M. BiacklnEten. IHAIR PUFF SAVES GIRL . . yUray Bullet Halted by Pad of Tele- S?'!".. i 1. fffiy pnane ur , Vl.t. tit, ffu tir, nv'ni. it.. ,...j In illBil ii.iiir- .1 ,i, w,i, ii,i in 1,. 11 r.nir ,.( Iirnw 11 OVHIIllls. rll'l'.'ht nn nl the knies ami n fw ether gnrmtuts of ilmplest ninterlui, Pnste I en eai b side of hi r car Is a slcu : "1 am hunting Sidney f.crej Bess. Anv Infor'imlien about him will be wi.l"eined bv me. his mother," She believes she will liiiil her boy werkliig In the whuattields of Kansas next siuninei. PICKS VOTE LAW REVISERS G, O. P. Chairman Puts Twe Women en Joint Commission Trenten. April 1. itepubllcan Slate ermnueut lesideuie. lhe villa Is st- lualed iu the midst of picturesque srencrj j. n the top of a cliff loll feet above the ispn. ll has extensive and beautiful I Xi'nmiilx. w.th tennis i out Is mid ether 'ntlrattiens. given an ovation. prominent members of tlie lolenv. Dnvld II. I.nne. nester of the Phlln- Slnie word of their clash Saturday delpliln organization, for the first time became known, funnel has been en edge addressed a gathering of women in the1 with anticipation for n succeeding move stronghold of Vnre Republicanism. As In the iiunnel, vvbldi Wilsen Is credlti-il lins been his custom for .venrs. "Uncle with having premised -Yesterday, how hew Dave" talked practical pilules the ever, Sheiiann Wenlf, mteriic) for politics of the division nnd ward fillej and a friend of both men. ,vls I werker: the value of oigmil.ntlen und Hid Wilsen mid obtained from him an I tin, ilei' trine thai te the worker hplniiL' pxiirpssliiii nf u lltliiifm.cM tn ..., 1.. n jiq HflYmnnil Mntl i lhe fruits of victor). With all his be b.vgenes." ue liUMHUHi iMUfi. ..i.i.ii.ie viiter be denounced the re. f rllrv parlier lewl ,..,.r..,,i ,. iiii... former, the Indeiiendent and the man ness to'dtep the matter, which lie char or woman who cilticl.cs the acta or 'actcrlied as "schoolboy stuff." policies III llir viKllillAUllliil Griest New Looms Continued from 1'ace Onr opposition from the Wesuin leaders. who seem te tczmd the Miiekev cuudi- diicj as a vare stall. The rolling' tide of sentiment nil ever the Suite In favor of the Stale fensfer DUII A r n D te iisii-rr-n W. W. Grlenl, new a possible liar- i ,,,,-" ' UIHIICU, meny (andidate for Governer, has long IR WEGLEIN'S ASSERTIflW hpen the dominant Henuhllcni. nelltical iuuuiim e HOOtn I IUIM factor In Central Pennsylvania. He Is t. '.. -'u..r .....,- - .....i si i. ..... .. 11 i,...i it .....I n.,1,.,. n.u, . is u iiri i ni'f i in lennei's inn n nti i . i rmtnti ns "hip ness nt i.i.nt iisipr '-' ww .. w,,,w,w hivbi .ur rrc lV?pU??n..' VtveM "nv.Vl l...r iV,.,i miller iiutherlt) of Assembb Joint Res. It was .. .Itite.l out that Jehn A. Count) ," a theugl, he fieqiiently le-t Primary Powwow . 4s2rn. !i,i ,,.slv limed v leu a srrnv ' diitlmi Ne. 1 he hud named as the McSparm-i. the Democratic harmony i the rural dlslfiels. but alvvavs . miiln- , Hlchard Weg'elu. Piisldem of Cui.... ?!lVi, 'JM threiK n .o...ste'c''l''d.llcan members of the Joint com- nominee for Goveiuer. was c.eatly te tiilnul cont.el of the city of Uncus- ',.., , .icclai .1 that ibs.d ,J , Anl "' WSSSL "intn i teffiie I ' ''''' ' r,,vl"' "'" ,'1f',l"" lnu''- ''"f"'"-' ' "'" November election mi- ter until the lust election. , u, , ' ll !"' ,S fcST y'cVtrnlnx' ' C ntuT I l.p ' "A " p"iJ. '"Hll "'xlT MriI'"""1 wn- " t",tl1 ' "'" "" ' ,rlet was one of Senater Penrose's Hem,' tM yiVm.u tt' it .,",,.' ng I av B'Vill the force of the bullet. : "te'ert Smnersi M ' " ! ,Mr' 1 1'"1'"""'"'"1 ,, i'lest iwlltlcal adv sers. le never ,,f ,llU mKlmizatien at Its headquarters. IwWch only scratched her car. ' ; ,1'lckr.r1,i;1 " r h'J, r VA,.?: 't wis said In th ...nnectlen tmn -"is''t n ireu.iue..t ,, lace Ii State meII-;l Eleventh and Chestnut streets.' B-ftJl'Biit hiv hnnd up te mytmifT when Ibmnp i n. Meil in intl .J b" ' t 'r-i tll). MlSml,n ,.im,i(actv can led an tics, but rather sat In the pelfilcnl, "In spite of the miners of war. the (t!it . iii.p.iiiur .spiisatlini in mi rle it i ".""". i euietii.uai aniietii in uie women voters ""' ' '" " i'"'.'. uep ll) lean organization never DR. L T. BREMERMAN Fermer Burgess of Downlngtewn Was Seventy. two Yeara Old Dr. I.. T. Bremermnn, of Downing town, Pa., died at the Chester County Hospital last night. He was seised with a stroke en Monday and was taken te the hospital the next dny. He Is survived by bis widow nnd two sons, Dr. Iiiiuis W. Bremermnn. of Chicago, and Clarence Bremermnn. of Washing ten. Dr. Bremerman was born nt Haiti mn in 1S.riO nnd rruduatcd from Geerge Washington University in 1874, utter which he resided in Inilinnnpelis for n sheit time. He tnen moved te Downlngtewn. He was elected burgess en the Democratic ticket and served en the Downlngtewn Scheel Beard twenty-five jenrs. He was u member of the Chester County Automobile Club, the Chester County .xieuieai necietv, and the Hiram Ledge of Masens In Washington. The funeral will be held from his home Tuesday afternoon. William C. Kelghler William C. Keiqhler. fifty-five, died nl his home in I.nnsdewne estcidny morning after a uri ten illness follow ing an operation from which he had up patently recovered. Mr. Keighler was horn In Philadelphia. He was n prom prem li.ent member of the Bomse and retlied n number nf vents age. He wns active In Masonic circles, being a member of Oriental Ledge .xe. .IM, J', and A. Al,; also of CVdmnbln It. A.. Chapter Ne. in. and Mar.v Commanders-. Ne. !l'l. Knlchts Tcmnlnr. lie was a member of the Calvary Lutheran Chinch, Lans low ne. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Eiiim.i Kelghler, mid a daughtci. Mrs, Geerge Guentlier. l-uneral serv ices will be held Monday at - o'clock fiem his residence, oil Stratford ave nue. Burial wltl be in Mount Merlah Cemetery. Albert Lefferts Patrolman Albert Lefferts, of the Twenty-seventh district, died In his home, '3204 Ithnvvn street, Holmesburg, .vesterdny at the age of seventy cars, and after n service of tweuty-nlne jears en the feice. He Is survived by a widow, thtee sons nnd two daughters. The funeral will take place from his home en Mnndii). Hecter J. Teti . Hecter J. Teti. fift.v rais old, of 1(12(1 La i eh weed avenue, a member of tlie firm of De Laurent! & Teti, bankers, et "(Kl Seuth Ninth street, died of heart disease in his home .vesterdny. Re quiem mnss will be celebinled at the Church of St. Francis De Sales, Forty sixth stieet end Hpilugfleld avenue, en Tuesday morning. The interment will be in the Hely Cress Cemetery, Themas Ward Themas Ward, sevent) jears old, died Thursday at his home in Moores town, N. J. He Is survived by his widow. Funeral set vices will be held en Monday t 'J o'clock from the Meth odist Episcopal Church at Moorestown. Intcrmcul xx ill ue in loiestewn I'eme-lei.v. Mrs. Lydia A. Cerey Alts. Lvdin A. Cerey, of Fert Wash ington, Pa., died .vesterdii) at her home en Mouteeuiei'.v avenue. Mrs. Cerev was born Iu Marvlmid and had lived In i Philadelphia tlie greater part of her life. Willie n icsldent of Fert Wash ington she was an active ilunvh wmk er. She is survived by two sons, Sam uel f. and William B, Ceiey. Funeral i teivhes will be held nl her home en' Tuesday. Burial will be In Mount Pence feineler.v. I V. S. Hands Off in Ceal Strike Continued fiem re One the fivp-dny week nnd the same wnges as under the old agreement. Technically, the refusal of the opera ters Is a mere direct breach of agree ment than was the earlier refusal nf the miners, for the latter objected net te conferring but te conferring ut that time, while the,j operators, under the leadership of these from Western Pcnnsjlvnnln, refused the conference Itself. . . Mr. Davis' statement or tne case is somewhat mere fnvernbte te the miners than is thnt of the White Heuse itself. Pesslblv n stronger Secretary of Laber thnn Mr. Davis might nave Dretigut tne two sides of the controversy together. at least for n discussion, though there might have been no result. But lnber disputes, nn the White Heuse statement yesterday shows, are sometimes in the hands of tlie hecretary of Commerce nnd sometimes In these of the Secretory of Lnber. Even ns it wns, the Administration did net fall te use pressure te bring about a conference. The operators from three important States ugreed te confer after tlie miners convention If nil the Stntes would join In the meeting. The Western Pennsylvania operators held edt. Then Secretary Melten's Influence in financial circles was brought te bear, and that Is considerable, Mr, Mellen, however, failed. And thus the confer ence failed. Weakness all along the line Is re sponsible for the strike. In the first place, there Is no way of enforcing the foregoing contract. Ne penalty attaches te violation of it. Ne court appar ently can compel performance of it. nnd until some way Is found of enforcing such contracts they nre net worth the paper en which they are written. It is even difficult te fix nny moral icspon icspen slblllty for their breach, for we have the Secretary of Lnber and the Presi dent In disnsreement upon who wns guilty jf the breach. The weakness of the union officers probably prevented n conference when one wns first sought by President Hard ing and Mr. Hoever. Tlie opposition in the United Mfne Workers te President Lewis was strong. If he had met the operators In conference nnd compro mised, his opponents would have used this fact against him in the ((inven tion. Se be had te wait till the conven tion was held before he was willing te confer. Then, tee, the operators nre net se organized that n minority of them can not prevent, the carrying out of nn agreement by the rest of them. And In the Administration there is no one person before whom an Industrial dispute gees. Sometimes the disputants deal with one authority, nnd sometimes with another, which results in confu sion and u dlsngiecnieiit ever who is responsible for the breach of industrial peace. And, Inst of all, tlie Administration is powerless, even though there are contracts, except in nn emergency. Name New Ferryboats The names Mlllvllle and Hoddenflcld have been selected for the two new Pennsylvania Rnllrend ferryboats be ing built nt the Sun Shipbuilding Com pany at Chester for set vice between tills city' and Camden. It Is Mife te say that ! he member ship drive launched by tlie Atnerlcta Legien Inst winter has b en w tat success, Frem iractlcnlly all pests n this rltv come reports "bf Increases and from some thnt the number of ap plications forces the ellsiblllty and membership coin cein inlttecs te give double thctlme anticipated. .Shenton Pest Ne. 1.10 lias lifted Its membership te 800, mid he ics te double that before the end of th s drive. The Shenton Pest has gene about the busi ness In n systematic way. It has or ganized teams among whei i prospective members nre from time, te time divided for interviews. This pi ece.lure has been followed iu miiny etlita pests. Henry II. Hudsen, Ne. .'I. I., im at the front of the drive. . The pest ll well ever the e(J0 maik., -At the rlt unlistlc meeting en Tuesdiiy night the latest of new members wire obligated. - l v Brcen-McCrncken Pest, I. Ne. 270, re ports n "Dnrragc" of applications. At ..... invsi-iii ran. iirecu-.vicurackcn Pest seems likely te puss the 500 mark be fore .May 1. ' Kensington Pet, Ne. 2S, has prom prem ised Its members and friends a minstrel show en the night of April 28. This performance will be given with the help of the auxiliary. Improvements hnve b?Coe,mle "i1.1'1? l'0,t,', headquarter, at 2303 I rankfe-rd nvenuc. A joint meeting of the members and auxiliary of Pest Ne. it." will be held Thursday evening nt the Seiithwark free library, Thcie will be dancing. GIRL TO CARRY REVOLVER Permit Granted Gloucester Yeung Weman te Ge Armed Miss Anna Handlcy, Eighth street, Gloucester city, was granted a permit by Mayer Andersen yesterday te carry a revolver for her protection. The young woman said that frequently her busi ness causes her te be out late at night nnd she has been stepped bcveral times of late. She Intends te cairy a revolver and will use It if nn occasion n rises, she snid. She is the second woman icsldent of Gloucester te obtain a permit. Ml i- A -OKI LOST AXD FOt'XD HANDH.xO 1-ei.t, bl-.tk seal h(ii:i"ir, early Friday ti.: rtmnrd f.3S N. lUndnlph t. DEATHS HAINHS At tttflreitl. .V. J.. Mrch St, 1:'2, I1EITI.AH K.. widow et CharlM A. llnln-s Services at her late renldence, Mcdfenl. . J.. Tuei., 2 1'. ll. Interment 1, e. e. r. ('pmettrv PniHCR. At her lute residence, 211 K. Sertetuit st.. March in MAHY K. It. (nee RlchsrdiO, wife vt Isle Chnr!r 11, IVIrce, sued RS. Relatives and r'emU are Invited te attend funeral Men. 1' J. M. wirlers f Bchcr & Hclnr, Hua'iuph inr v., eail of Krent Bt. interment iTlmie, Odd Fid town' Cemetery. X'lewlnjr Hunlay evenlr.3. Pair nnd sweet whs mother dear, Always with it word nf clieer. LYONS llarch irn. KVA, dnuxhter of James and Kmmii Lyens (no Lnftus). Rell. ntlves and friends are Invited tn alttnd fu neril. Mendav, s 30 A. It., from parents' residence, in-ill Relirr.ide st. Solemn r. qulem mass St. Ann's rnureh IP A. M, In terment PI. Ar-n'M Cemeten. KKUWIN. -March 31, 1022 JKRUMIAP KKRXVIN. Relatives and friends are In vlteit te funeral, lleiday, H.fe A. M , from Kirk Nice's. fl3l)l Uennanlewn live. Sol Sel mn requiem mans nt Bt V!ncnt de Paul Church 10 A. II. Interiir.nt ltel hepulehre Cemetery. I.INSIiKY. Suddenly it Cu'llnir.lile Ta . nn March 81, 102'.'. JOHN a, I.INSLKY. Serv'lre anil Interment prlvnt- HlinER. On April 1. RUTH r tioleve.1 daughter of Vvm. D. and Clara Huber, Fu neral en Friday at SI' JL. from hvr late residence, 131 W. Wlshart el Jnturmnt Prwm5ni.ER. On March !)! OrjRTmTDE VHi:i:Li:Jt. Relatives ami trends Invltsd le services en Sunday, April 2 at 3 l M., it her late residence, riir.ii Waltun ne. Inter, ment Hunbury, Pa., Jlerulny. April 3 a p. M. n I" I 'I) ' M MTrATIOXH WANTH--FFvni,f:'""" FOREWOMAN, of unutual nhlllty, adaptabil ity and tact; knew a ureal ninny opera epera opera ters Jl B!i2. Lediter Offlci . Yi'RMiiKu aits, atTan ffF nTY TURN. APT., reason or longer nenr'eecant l.cuch. I'.'l N. New Hampshire. Atlantic G'y Easter Cards J.E.CALDWELL&Ca Jewelry - Silver - Stationery CHESTNUT AND JUNIPER STKEETS KWbe suid. "and the bullet .Iroppe.! ica,!1)cu.0crtlc State CI, hnirman Harry net jet named re, trcrt. The bullet it lliwt TnnBV'i nnanniHur 1-ii.cnnrn I am a mini I el etitsiiic tne iirui! sieic. i "- - "" r7. itapiiopert, Frent nnd Chrl- I jeim H rtmmr. r.'sp llar-lsen m , and , SVrVY" Airrill M.Cib". Frent pJWV5 K"!k il'UeSittSi.' t. V.nn ,'Xtmniiil strerts was arrested. .Mug- '' jin-.-ir.-t v. lin.en 831R h, 2Uh i, Urnrvlli litM bin. iiuirr (MM) bail 'sJj"., ; s. .th .. ... i.'isbe,h Ekeatlng oil ThiirHtlny. ' , ., " V. i'i""! J'an lamreti st.. and a; ' . ero- for tlie U'iimiii tliiit he t iht' father ei . Mr. driest has been a member of the sented a mere united fient than new." four niethi'i'li'sH chlldien, a point uMcli Heuse of Iuiic.ciitatlves since March Mi, Wiglcln snid. " The orKiiiiUatieu is t'cncinlly bleught out at Ueiuuciutic , I, 1UU1I, rcprcicntlug the Ninth DIh- will stiuid bacli of every candidate In ineetliigH. triil. dm ml at the primaries. ' One of the icaileiM whom Olivu- met1 lie was horn in the small town uf ( niiKicssiuuii Vine mid ( eiiucilmaii Mrs. Jane Andersen Hfverly. N. J., April 1. Mrs., .lane Aiiiicrseu. wiiiew ei i-.uwnru An An ili'iseii, died vesterdav uinrntue ut lhe ltiirlliiKten Cnunly Hospital from in Jin leu iccclvcd vvhen she fell fit lici nine atieiit a meutii ngn und biekc her Gilrst., He wh erndunted from the , in tin. cltv nttcuded. Harry A. Mmkcy, U.K.MOX Mfl'AlX KXIIKS L .llt'rl fuels Drssrllt-!! W flOUt vel1 read Oeura Ne McCain's izisLmivr ipi.b ii- w--r .T Ihs n m in v A. Mcl.auirl.l n. iiiai heare rl D'lli.n A, Outr. L'larkSwerr, Pa., K.iil Nellle IT ... ... .. ..Id. K,.a..v Iln riiaun). '" M"iriw Franrls K. Welh. J.110 8. BSth St., and Ivera A. Paulus. 1724 H. flsih It. i S. B, willlsmj. 3 W. Lyhltti av and mi iu uriivni was Minic treasurer i nristiana. him miner wns r.ivvneii nan speKe. i.iauem tiein everv warn Meg, aii-n. Aiulursen was seveuty-Hve MLViicr, etic ni i ne luuuui uux ter tin1 ltciiibljciiu uomliiatleii for Governer. Aildri'silng O'lver the State Titasiirer ri'iuitrki'il : "The Gnvcinni.-dilp will be clcaied Up without any trouble. Seinu of the men who are new eeing mentioned or uev Slate Nermal Scheel al Mlllcrsvlllc an aftcrwnid became chief dork Iu the Ciniut.v I'oimubsieiicis' office at I.tm custvr. He held this position tuitll tf-HII. Frem 1SMI te ItUKI he wus Secrc. I lury of the Coinmenwcnltli, lie has erner would net have been heard of It beat n delegate Le the National Itepub I'mi-ese vvers allvs,' Mltan conventions of 1HIHJ, 1900, 1008 Mr, Otirer, le saying that he wb, and 1012. He Is sixty-thrce years old. ' major office. Vnre iiiuilidate for Governer, was pie fill. t'liiigii'iNinen llariew, ("enni'llj nml Kuusle.v also atteudrd the pnw-vvew, lllauk iiouiinatieii papers were circu lated and paraphernalia for registra tion day, April 12. lenders shied at Indorsing any particular candidate for veins old und her mother, Mrs. Hannah M. Stewart, of llevcily, who Is mill living Is nlliet.v-slx ymis old. cfenNG, Evans Egmore ill remove, te their new cfallerie 6ZS OfNUT STREET euAPRIL 5T-H- f H&f mc new offering &t very Attractive priceg their f me collection of Rre OHETItsliBrmtur-e. fiXie lplicfi.3 from.thairewashop Needleweplcheiiid) aetteeg Oowa-ca3hienedeg)r-chAir5 S sefaj ecld piecey furnttyre Mirrors Lamps ete ete- ,T' TIIKV AM, "KAI.I." FOR CTI'III ..Militant. suttrMitlsts are no i( option. j?":? 'V'.'.iP'r1.: 4."?:; ...?".-vh'f ,,Bi . y.M "' tnwiwetvH 111 Kiinwintr inn 1315 VQALNUT ST- rl i.Vi m r3 i .J1-. I mbm1'. ,.;i . l.JJrJtllte. J- ' uSUifil&timM? vsi'S&MR2&rl v VS sucj S .s -i' r' 't-