Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 31, 1922, Night Extra, Image 5

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Special. Livei7;iint inaaes,
alsbj. navy s blue,. p Sevml In
kimono .ntylty "Beaded ,.ndtm ,.ndtm
breiderea, models, some with
Bulgrith embroidery. tone
uidjhert.sleeyek.. Narrow sash
149.75.' 'K M ",
.'Nvtfi'finnrtm Maimm
Vest, .besom, frill and plaiting
Styles, n vanuun biird, vw nwir
-with sports sweaters ortailered
'suits, 46.00" te 910.00. Of
knitted silk .and mignonette,
$5.75 te $10.75. Of J pongee in
colors with white pongee Peter
Pan cellar and .cuffs 15.75.
. "i ..... - . . .
Htraneriare a cwtnier .
:t oceena Fleer, centra
Spring. Furs
eijiw ev r arete v
dne-ak'in and twe-kntt'yles.
Jn, the, clear natural tones. -
Natural Fitch l
y $W.0tte$20.00 .
.'Handsome Cheker Scarfs' and
the two-skin .effects. ' t ,
Other inexpensive
t. Week Fun,. ',.
Natural Mink, $18.00'; te
$45.00.'.' American' Opossum;
$6.75. te $15.00. American Fex,
$25.00 J te? '$66.00.' Pategenian
Fex, $12,00-16 $30,00. ',- x
v Strnwbrjdga Clothier
, PecondJFleor, Filbert Street
Gay. Crepe Kimonos
Of plain or figured ".cotton
crepe, ribben-tcimmed $1.95.
Of Japanese crepe with hand
embroidered sprays in effective
designs $2.95.
Of fine, soft box-loom crepe,
trimmed with ribbon $4.85.
, Silk Breakfast Coats "
' Of taffeta- or satin in soft,
changeable shades. Tailored,
frilled or flower-trimmed $6.95
te f 15.00, r ")- '
Graceful Silk Negligees
f4 MAMM An mIiIhb tBltlf Willi tf
'trimmed,' some draped, ethers in
yeKC eneci i.ev 10 aio.ev.
fltrajibrWie Clothier "
Third Fleer, riiDert Btreet, wen
J Radium Silk
Petticoats, $5.00
A silk soft enough te take
the slender lines of fashion, firm
of weave and' durable just the
thing for smart Petticoats.
These in black and new spring
shades $5.00.
Taffeta Petticoats, $3.85
In black, plain shades and
changeable hues.
Satine Petticoats, $1JQ0
Serviceable , Petticoats that
one always needs for general
wear. Of black satine with
plaited flounce of figured cotton
taffeta. ' Strawbrlde Clothier
Second Fleer. Weet
Among the Many Weivderful
1HI -
m mwvaAn
A 'i
Vhe Tailored Serae Suits
in Black and Navy Blue
i i
' - Men's-wear Serge' Suits, exceptionally fine and well-tailored,
umue in ueueu styles wun netcnea cuiiurs, Bniamy uuiuixu,iiuuicta
and button" trimming one model trimmed with braid ' Geed silk
linings. All genereusly5 cut and with full skirts $24.60. ,
Fine Twill Suits; $25.00 te $47.50
Twill cord, trlcetine' and 'serge.' Belted, straight-line Suits,
ethers slightly fitted, also slashed-seam models, some trimmed with
flat silk braid or tailored folds. Black, navy blue and' brown.
Smart Tweed Suits, $25.00 te $30100
'Tan, iblue, rose and heliotrope. With or without belts. Seme
with Tuxedo fronts. Alse Suits of cape and skirt and tailored
' dress with cape te match. Twe models sketched.
Finer ,Tweed Suits, $32.50 te $40.00
Herringbone effects, cassavant twill, Skibo tweed and Dent
tweed. 'Belted, box and semi-fitting models. Rese, heliotrope, tan,
blue 'and gray, a " 3-) Strawbrlde a Clothier Second Fleer. Centre
Crepe de Chine Dresses at $15.00
three-quarter-length, sleeves and the straight-line skirt attractively
trimmed with beads. Black, navy blue, rust and brown.
Crepe de Chine Dresses, $16.50 te $22.50 r
. Plaited-tunic and embroidered-tunic models, plaited straight-line'
Dresses and ethers with plaited skirts. Surplice and lew-waisted.
styles. , Seme with vests. Black, navy blue and brown. Medel
sketched, $16.50.
Silk Afternoon Dresses, $25.00 te $40.00
Canten crepe, Krepe-knit, taffeta, tricelette and chinchilla crepe,
ih a great variety of styles. Many beautiful beaded and embroidered
effects. Black, rust, brown and navy blue.
g--8trawbrlc!e & Clothier Second Fleer, Market Street
A Matchless Sale Te-morrow
Special Spring Purchases of
Coats and Capes
v Including an Unusually .
Fine Let of Beth fe Sell at
Of tan. cloaking
a ei very nne quality, beautifully tailored and
finished; body and sleeves lined, $17.50. CAPES of soft, lightweight
cloaking, in tan, rookie .and rust. Made in double-breasted effect,
with full, wide sweep yery desirable model.
Mixed Tweed Tep Coats, at $18.75
In shades of ten, brown, olive and gray. Made in the fashion
able overcoat style; yoke and sleeves lined. ,
Black and Blue Serge Coats, $22.50
Fine light-weight serge, lined throughout with excellent silk.
Three-quarter length, Raglan sleeves, all-around belt, notched cellar
and revers.
Weel VeUur Capes at $25.00
In navy blue, tan, roekicand black. Fringe-finished scarf col cel
lar. Silk-lined throughout. ' I
, WoetVelour Wraps at $35.00
Loese, easy Wrap with cape sleeves. Navy blue, Sorrento blue,
taupe and black, ornamented with metal thread stitching. Silk-lined
throughout. These are duplicates of one of our best selling numbers
at a much higher price. '.
Other Inexpensive Coats
and Capes for Saturday
Coats of poplin, serge and wool releurs, priced according te
material, from $20.00 te $35.00. , Weel .Vcleur Capes, $10.00. Weel
Cloaking .Cape's, $13.50. Plaid Woel'Cloaking Capes, $20.00 te
$45.00. Serge.'Velour and Belivia Capes, priced according te material,
from. $10.00 te $37.50. , 3p-- Btrawbrldie & Clothier Second Fleer, Centre
A Man Knows He is Well Dressed
When He WeifriOne of These
kkham Suits
Several Distinctive Sports
Ceat and Conservative Styles
The minute a man slip' into a 'Wickham coat lie actually
experiences that feeling of being well-dressed. Sounds far-fetched,
but it's true nevertheless, i Try it yourself. A master designer's
knack of cutting, which make your Wickham coat fit close enough
te give that made-te-measure-appearance, yet loose enough for per
fect .comfort is but one of '.the features of Wickham Clethes. If
you desire te cheese from thesmartest styles and handsomest fabrics
yet produced this season and possess the best Suit that the money
can command, then, to-merrowi ;be sure te see these fine Wickham
Suits at $35.00. ; .;
Men's Spring Suits with Twe Pairs of
Trousers at $23.50, $32.50 and $36.50
Of geed blue serge $23.50. Several ether fabrics in new spring
styles $32.50. Alce and ether well-known make $36.50.
Youths' Suits with two .pairs of long trousers, well made of ex
cellent materials $21.00, ?27.60and $32.50.
Sports-Style-and Conservative
Suits, Remarkable Value at $25.00
Cassimcres and serge rSuits,in either single- or double-breasted
styles. Very smart looking,,and unusual value at this price $25.
t rST Strawbrldue & Clothier Second Fleer. Heat
. 'vrcr.riaiiiKft'K . e-Hw '-u. -m v mm r n ' c-v i.cm m,' k l ! nJr.yrmi.mMy,.-.' m im.
i i AiaI7.aV . i MttW.i St v . -lm'mmh mW: Ws L7mL iJMmmmmh. ,lTLymm
irkmW'm ? nrrifV'V. iML1 7 vTCL-a twimv' ' tfA MmmmmXmm
.;MmMmMmmmmm . i ii i mmnx r i . yii'jtair i iKuaaaiB. ;jf;.iaaaaaaaa . .- nr aaaaaai
' mwmmwm. A I TvHR . RllwKi IVY TV l' I 'V. 'l'NsW'in V IbbbbbbbbbbBi SIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbWHHIbB
'immna V r m P::ii u in jn i ,w ill i F E9 v'i' ' H
t IBBBBBBBnJ ! .fill II Da .lli'a si! I i.' i . !! IiIVmi ff.lrJ V3 Ik & a! . MI r III 1BBBH i.'TiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBCal t
i. i-with sDerts sweater or tanerea a aiiBiBH. t a i i i i i 'Ks-nrfflRni . iiiv , h : i imjm imiiiB ,ubbbbbbbm, - mma
' - 'tvJ' V "111'' ; M rlP' II A IH r '' ; Bl HI
.IWr V f TnrsiB ffwTOrrU ' 'r T.: i,l!xLr I IHiebbb y I 1
,J. T i f l VT DajnO iaBBBBBB jgav j UHOBBB1 i V
r ptrawDrww ciemier .1 i ill I Jl 7 1 I A If 11 ,,.jmM ' Wl rT
' :i Second Fleer. Centre I fWjAl ,11.7 1 1 . I 'l fc 1 U T 'mtWrnM
. i , ii.in i A , ' 1111 . sj -.'IV If If Ue r V 11 ... A H JHbbbbbI ' IBM
- j jm f wi4i ' w a a m . m -M m a "v t. mmmmM" lyc aaiaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaai
f ?l
Two-yar-elu atrenjr tl
selected by one of the leJi
niany varieties, incluai
Climbhur American Beat
Dorethy Perkins, Baltim
Bell, Killarney, La rai
Mrs. Jehn Lainsr and ethei
3 for $1.00, or $3.95 a dteze:
iitrivtirllfe k Clothier JJwel
Candy Special!
mm. AAWm, . J
Twe peunas ei Mujm
Mawr" hand-dipped Cfce
elates in a decorated
metal box for $L25. ,
Lady Dainty Asserted Choco
lates, creams and hard ceatrei,
in fancy one-pound hexAt 50c.
Stuffed Dates 42a" d, pound.
Straw brldse is Clothier flmtnt tai
Kllbert Btreet CreM Altle
Gay Scarf s JFlutter
in April Wirids '
The scarf's the J thing. It is
a mere matter of, cheesing the.
one you like belft. Many are
selecting two or.' three a vivid
Fiber Silk Reman - striped
Scarf, $3.75 te $8.50, ok one in
plain shadesf harmenliing or
centrastirigv ' with the sports
suit $2.20 te $6.00. '
The Weel - and - fiber Silk
Scarfs are' bewitching f3.25
te $5.00. 8tr.wbrldre a Clothier
Aide 11. Centre
Easter Toys
and Novelties r
Filled Sperinkling Cans $1.00
te $1.76
Filled Pais $1.25.
Trimmed "baskets $2.25 te" $12.
Washrag Rabbits 50c te $1.26.
Net Rabbits, filled with toys
25c te $1.00.
Htran brldse A Clothier
Pllb-rt Street. CrOM Atele
Peurth fleer. Centre
10,000 Easter Handkerchiefs
At Reductions of 20 te 33V3 per Cent.
It is a pretty custom te send a dainty Handkerchief, or a dozen,
as an Easter greeting. An amazing variety.
Men's Handkerchiefs of fine Cambric at Wtc each, te
Linen or Silk at $2M each.
Women's Handkerchiefs of Linen at 12V2c each, te Ex
quisite French Lace-trimmed styles at $14.00.
Children's Mether Geese Handkerchiefs, Wc each;
Embroidered Mull, 18c, and fancy styles, 25c.
.g Strawbrldge A Clothier. Alele 12, Market Street
Te Please Miss 4-te-6
A Tweed Cape and
Hat te Match, $9.75
Little girls adore them, these Tweed Capes
in tan, rose or periwinkle, with jaunty threw
tie. And there's a Tarn te match. Right
in fashion, you see. This special group less
than regular price at $9.75. '
Coats of Tweed, Seft Cleakinga and Fancy
Coatings; for GirU of 2 te 0 years $6.95 te
Tailored Coats for Beys of S te i$7.50
te $12. SO.
til) StrawDrldie & Clothier Third Fleer, Wet
Under Price Let "of
Axminster RUgs T
in All Sizes
An unusual collection of. Ax
minster Rugs gathered in the
Departmcnt of Lewer - Priced
Fleer Coverings, in a wide se
lection of patterns and color
ings for any room in the home.
Slight imperfections, hardly
noticeable, bring the prices
down te a minimum.
Rugs, 6.9x9 feet $18.75.
Rugs, 7.6x10.6 feet $21.75.
Rugs, 9x10.6 and 9x12 $24.75.
Alse extra-Iarpe Rugs:
Size 11.3x12 feet $42.76.
9x15 feet $33.75 and $42.75.
Mrn hrlilee ft Cethler
fourth I'loer. Tllbert Street
Perte Rican Voile
Blouses at $5.00
Special. Fine white French
voile with dainty hand-tucks
and hand-drawn work; sev
eral in vestee style with hand
embroidered touches, the long
roll cellars and turn-back cuffs
trimmed with filet lace edging
or the wide filet lace. Every
stitch of makinpr and trimming
done by hand $5.00.
Other Perte Rican
Hand-made Blouses
All the most desirable models,
mnny beautifully lace-trimmed.
Dimity, $3.00 te $7.50. Batiste,
$2.50 te $4.50. French voile,
$6.75 te $8.75.
Mniwlirldirs & Clothier
Second Fleer. Centra
Cellar and
Guff Sets, 50c
One of the new spring styles.
Cellar and cuffs in Peter Pan
shape, of white washable mate
rial, edged with checked ging
ham in navy blue, brown, red
and black, and with four-in-hand
tie of the same gingham.
The .set complete 50c.
StrawbrldKii a Clothier
Alale II, Market Street
Silk Parasols
for All Weathers
The year-around kind Um
brellas en rainy days. Parasols
in summer sun. And they are
beauties, from their short fer
rules te the smartvleather strap,
or ring with the bakclite or
amber-color handle. Blue, green
or purple which "Will you
cheese? An attractive group
$7.50 te $15.00.
Strawbrldre tt Clothier
Aisle T. Market Btreet
Corsets te Achieve That
Desired Grace of Line
t j.i., kniw the 'were such Corsets,
said one woman, as she selected a attpple. model
with just the right degree of firmness for her
'slender figure. And the statuesque woman
beside her chose a model perfectly suited te
her type a heavily-boned Corset with special
features te give her fashionable lines. Women
mav cheese, here
Our exclusive Jenica French Corsets, $15.00
te $35.00. Our American-made Jessica, .;
Special Frent- and Back-lacing models, Neme.
Smart Set, Redtern, Ben Ten. Royal Hester,
La Resista, Warner Rust-proof, P. N. Practical
Frent and Gossard Frent-lcclng. Prices from
1J0 te $15.00.
Misses' Corsets $1.50 te $15.00
Including these new models, beautiful in' fabric, bmart in line.
S. & C. Special Elastic-top Corsets of pink brocade $2.00.
S. & C. Special Elastic-top Corsets, sketched. Of 'satin-striped
batiste. Exceptional at $3.50.
Slip-en Corsets of silk-and-elastic, in mais, orchid, green) pink
and white $5.00 te $10,00. i
t ' 3- Btra.wbrldiV Clothier Thlid Fleer, Market Street
Men's Hats
at $3.75
Just say' "Wickham" te one
of our Men's, Hat salesmen, and
he will show you a Seft Hat of
matchless style and surpassing
quality. He will show it te you
in numerous smart shades and
color effects. .Then will you
'surely see and knew that it is
the best Hat-value in the city
at $3,75.' t
i St raw bridge . Clothier
Hner.d Fleer. Market rltreet, Kast
Men's White Shirts
Cellar Attached
Twe unusual lets which it
will be impossible for us te
duplicate te sell at this ex
tremely low price.
One let is, of 'fine merceiized
white oxford for business or
'sports wear. The ether group
is of geed mercerized white
poplin, with .plain or button
down cellars. Very dm able,
very desirable.
,btrawUrldge Clothier
i:t Bleie, Klahth Street
. mW -e
j( '8-00 $6.00 V (I $5.00 $3.00
fiS g
tk'VAeii. '
Easter Millinerv
3000 Trimmed Hats, $5.00 te $8.00
Every style, shape and shade fashionable this season, in Hats for all types
and ages, from little Miss Bebette te the woman he requires the most staid of
turbans or toques.
1500 Trimmed Hats, $10.00 te $15.00
Hats from our own workrooms, where they have been trimmed by expert
milliners who have made this line of Hats knevm far and wide, because thev
understand the preferences of our clientele and meet them se admirably.
500 Fine Trimmed Hats in the
French Salen, $16.00 te $35.00
Many copies and adaptations of French Hats, developed in the finest tnateual?
many of which have been imported from Paris. Hats of distinctive lines, trim
med with flowers, smart fancies, new ornaments, artutic ribbon bows and cecarde
And ranging from the radiantly colorful te the picturesque all-black Hat
oireweriaee Clothlir-aaceaa Fleer. Marlut S4reel
Crepe de Chine Night Gowns
Unusual Value at $5.00
Wlinn snlnrtinr Ti.m- enlnn nntdi nnnnrnl
most women cheese new Silk Undergarments,
tee. A wealth of lovely models, here. The
Night Gewn sketched is one of a remarkable
undcr-price group. All of flesh pink crepe de
chine, .sleeveless style, beautifully trimmed with
lace $5.00. f
Other Silk Mght Gowns $3.93 te $H.OO
Silk Envelope Chemises $1 Se te $13.50
Bleemers $2.95 te $5.00
Bodices $1.00 te $3J0
Jersey Silk Vests $JS5 te $2.30
Petticoats $3.95 te $9.75
icvu Blue, Black or Brown fnilered Silk
Bodices $1.00 te $3.50
i -Htrawlirlilae Cletlu'r Thi Fleer. Wett
Levely Feather- 7 Q Efk
Trimmed Hats pO.OU
Of the new "Laizu" straw muteiials,
made ever a frame and trimmed with
ostrich feathers, Fashionable new colors,
Alse black transparent Hats of hair biaid
with novelty plumage.
Fine Black
Dress Hats
Beautiful new Dress Hats win black
Milan-hemp braid crown and ci hajr hajr
clethbrim, tiimmed' with ribbeji bows,
ornaments and pompons.
A Variety of CCll
Trimmed Hats PJ.UU
Ulecked and haiul-nuule bhupes, of new
straws, trimmed with fieweis and fruits in
wreaths or en masse or showing the new
libben treatments.
Artistic Metal
Candy Bexes
We liuve received me-e of
these useful, decorative, round
Bexes te held candy or any
ether Euster gift nnd te later
be utilized for holiday iewing,
knitting und ether thing.
Prices range from let for a
half-pound size with attractive
golden peuceck design, te 05c
for a 5-pound size with beauti
fully colored flower decoration.
Euster designs, tee,
.Struu brldse 4 clothier
Klllvrt Htreet Cre Aisle
Victer Records
for April Ready
On Sale Te-morrow
Come in and hear them.
Strawbrldce k Clothier
Fifth Fleer, Weit
Blech Baby
Coaches, $31.00
Strongly constructed Blech
Baby Coaches of half-round
reed, in cream or white. Cordu
roy cushions, reversible gear,
with wind-shield.'
StrawbrUne filetliler
Viuni Fleer, Centre
Beeks for Lenten
Reading: and After
Alse appropriate for Easter
gifts. These and many ethers--.
The War. e Dtrttleael Btek fee
lien, by Oeerte Whartea Pepewr I
Dally DeTotlene, by Kara W,
Miller 0c.
Oed'e Mlaete, a book .t
prayer 40e, fl.OS tad !..
.ere of Dlameadt, by BaacaU
II, t'enwell 91.38.
The Carpenter and HI Klagdvaa,
by Alexander Irvlae 4 !.,
Dally Manna, raanpUed by aaaaaa'
a. Uwiea-ei.80.
A Wonderful Meralaa, aa laekr laekr
pretalien .t Kaater, by 9, M.
Hnowdee 11.71,
Htrawbria clothier t
Second Fleer, Filbert Btreet, Wast
SV v pt W J'rj- ' t '
- ,- J"" "V Mi - ,
&Af i iirr ,
' Y .
at . JJL
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i xvu bvmiw iiii.K A7 i i 1 1 1 Hih ivi nr:
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i- i i ; . l"
i - BtrawbrlJge 4: dethter-Alile' t. Market ttraet MAUKCT STHEET EIGHTH STREET FILBERT OTMBf IfvIIu
laaF1 'i"'v'" '" p,,n'"' 'sr"" T mmm tmmmmmmmmmmmmmfmwsii
Mk s..i " . ;.,. A.'.. Ma- . v -tu
wLmjl i .ii; hi iiiM" ii steffi jfmmmM iif I i f Wuitf ) 'mmmm