Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 31, 1922, Night Extra, Page 20, Image 20

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' ,VW28yV"'r '""SSHDi
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wr "w),vtilKa 'wwntityt
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- J. M..
If I""
J Letters te the Editor
nnd 'Ibr-twcen
Plea for Tourist' Camps Here
t t Kdllore fn? KvwiiiB TufcHe Ltietr'
Blr In preparing for (Iip SpmiuI
Centennial, Iiiik It pvcr nerurii'il te
tkesn In phnrse of tlic' nrrnnnetiipnts
tfcat Phllnitflphln hit no plnrc for tnnr
.lata who romp In llielr nutemnbllm?
Ktcry little town west 1ms a place i-i
apart where h tetirmt nu dilve In. put
MP n
Net a nliice: just the ntlinonltlen
"Keep going."
her gat
at least once in tin- jeir " taUng
tliiK liimi lust
mere severe. If 1 liftil money nm i" "'- '"'in niui etner JerniH ei or er
unlitlMl lnlliiem-e I would net be writ- Kjiiiic lift In hla fvnliitlnnnry hyuethesla.
lag tlipce lines new itjticit it fur from being tlip cnne. HIh
! l)n Marrh ID, Will, mv boy fell In tlicery included nil xperlea. Man wan
with n innn win. khIiI lie weuM kIiew ube exception, though inch baa been In-
I hhu hew te make -av timnej. On Jterred by eme pervmi due te bin brief
'the third attempt he Win cniiftlit nniM rcrcreiic.. te man In the "Origin of
. he alone new nmst Miffer for the crimfl'! hpeclcH. Jn his nutoblegrnphy he
i that another has he'petl te de The MiUea :
lientenre is It. n Philadelphia .Tudjjf. t Asit.,?-n ns T hl become. In the
'fifteen te tlftv'veur for robbery. year 1H.I, or IMS, convinced that
New. American ('itlrr.il, 1 have tried I species were mutable productions. I
te tret this bev nareletl. but. a I "Mien. '" wu nveiti tne Dellcf tlmt man
nintiev mi,) nellflenl Influence l a great muv come tuier the same low."
la tent ami mm i mm w, th, ; T!,,, i,y nR m,t eighteen year. ' in his "Descent of Man" published
s. tableN nnd benches, and tbe glad 'I'"' '.. ,' ...,. , ,.,.. thsilnlHTl be nrf..li..t,.i ti.m .i, ti. ...nt
of the citizens, hit etched out in .",,i ' i. i-.i,..i him fur before lone i-nm u-imn it win h ft,,.-i.
. Hew Is it1 111 Philadelphia? '"'""" '" .!"'"" " ,. .:.;, . ' wmulprfi,! ., . ...Li..'..' .V" .."".'
Ills nrt enciise .M-vcr vwi- m " i :. .,, " , "", """-is " "urt
!hu hef.irn 1 kt.e- nethintT of his well ncipinluted with the comparative
....... .,.. ipint. if lie ent nn nltlinuch 1 had two triicture of man, and ether mitmntnls.
iplilrt. tluil wants i.. ee n up ,,. i.wii.i,, t i,i if,.rpvi. luit the should have bellexed that cneb wnK tlm
and hnve a place in the. sun, Miuii- ;." ' . . t . ,, ,h r.-t.sic. 'work of a t-ennrniP ,ie f nr,.nfinn
p en the great Ir.iveliiR pit hie ' h nbel)t ,f i It was hardly fair of Mr. Ilennew te
lake their vacation- gyp-j '"' ,..,., ..,, cite Dimvh'n experiences in Tahiti
and find It the en wa te get the but t In te tiViiii 1, f hi. V.ii.
nn.l lelnrnt im iiie-t neeple need . ij . - i'" ... .,.u i.-n,. ,,.... r ,. "; "v:
let nf. ns lie ea is t leni. nuii in- - ,n.i-., iiivn nun niierwarti. Jie
been in
5.arfrSr e miee'the hePtl block. and If he don't seen
. their wnv'Hnst: "Hew about l'hila- B?t
delphia; have ou n geed teutUt tiim
Ter n j ear be ha'
from there he wen t be nnj
fh.rr?" We tre ferrv te imve tne
tiuestlen asked, as it seemed slmmeful
after the iniinv things done for us b
the different Western cities te have te
. nit t. ...... .... ttlmtn ullfl'P Villi
";n, .""'c "" ' wrong lie!:
can camp. , ,, ThinV it
Mnn were taklna the trip from r.tll-. ' '""K '
fernla and ether far Western States tot
the extreme KiWcin States, and were
mere than astonished te learn th.it there
was no pluee for them unless- they
iftepped in n hotel nnd put tlwlr imi
and -Miuiument In a garage, a situation,
. from thrli- nlnn of an outing. Jbcv.
decided te "keep going." and. as one
Mr VWs.tiirn tnn ii said. "In that eue
aw a)
New, American Tltlzen. can you de
nuvthlng for me? AVIll eme one come
te m lPM'iie. bring this boy home te
his broken -heai ted mother nnd father.'
I knew he has suffered enough for the
has done
i:mvAnn i i.kihv
Philadelphia. March '-V,. 1112?
ciuiiiuhcii en in, jieagie chertlv after
graduation from Christ College, and
was nt thnt tlmn . tiulia.... .. m.u.
Itlanit. Ills opinions en ilils subject
did net change until nfler his five-jear
voyage. Ills own words nre, "disbelief
crept ever me at n veiy slew rate, but
was at last complete. The rate was
se Mew that I felt no distress."
I can agree, with Mr. Hcnnessy thai
Darwin wa net an enemy of religion,
but an acceptance of his theories in
evitably involves a rejection of the
premises en which most nil theologies
are bnsed, nnd it is ter this reason he
is considered an enem of icliclen. This.
et course, is due te the erroneous belief
As te Spelling and Gentlemen
Te lite htfiter at fhe Krtntnp TuMle Lcrfnei
s,,rYt in ou peruui me te v,v tnai of grcn, mnJeritv of .,cepl th t , " .
Saturda in the h i.mmi I i line CMPm . et r ft ,.rlBlen ever penned these
I.vnem. he snelleil incorrectly llarr . .,i' , n...i.. . ' 1"1"" lIll-e
Philadelphia v 111 get none of our innnev I cnr amP And if you knew Mr ,.Whe j , b , . ,
.-.i .... ..1,1 ,.rpml the news te the tnt,,, r ll,.ll. u ine nrt e en llei enu ' ,..::...' .! De'nBa J10.' 1 sP.rcia
areat traveling public who prefer the. Weed appeared in the Philadelphia
ig outdoors te iinjuiiuj - "'
TTnu- nluiiit it? Can we afford te b
"- .inhn I', lie . w nese nrrie e en tie lean -i i... .... .. .. . . .
i-n-uiKiiiK, uuc iih tne nneai iics.endants
i b....v....n , -- . , , . ,, ........ ........ ... ,... --.. --.;-- nr MMlie ICW UC1T17M Wlllnh MVIW! lnn li...
bta outdoors te im bony s note, , .North, merlcnn. hunday. .Mar. i 1. 1 f th fl t b -. . . " ;,' ,.T' "-
...J .i ,. . ,hn m (n. n it u An i r.i tM n . . -".. ....... .......
.111,1 l ll.Vil 14. ,(l,.'l e ,( i., . I'.iiiii ...
TO inhospitable? We nie innking a big
time ever the coming fair, but it .seems
f ,,. ...mid belli even that ccnt
te be a greater success if we were te
put nside a place and properly equip
it, se It would be a comfortable stop step
Ding place for that great number who
are taking advantage of this popular
movement te get baik te nature for a
few weeks each jenr. De any of our
public men ever travel in any ether
way except PullmnnsV It would de
them geed and broaden their outlook
if thev would take u tiip v.hme tnci
Mould' have te live in overalls and hustic
for their own bacon and eggs, nnd each
Might make up a place te rest their
wearv (?) headR in n sleep such as no
lietef or parlor cur ever dreamed of.
tuKe our puiuh: unuij
such a high finality of language, will
nu favor nie by sajine te him that no
body before or sime ever spelled as he
did 'in the article in question, the name
of the author of "Liih of Ancient'
Heme ' Peer Habington must have
turned ever then
And whv did Aithur Itrwbane. the
highest paid newspaper man in histerj , j
the man who knows mere than all ether
i writers ceinbinrd. the man with the
me-t bulging forehead in the whole
State of New Yerk -whv nid he in his
editorial in the Journal spell It Shep
herd, teferrlng te the notorious Kng
llsh highwayman nr thief. Jack Shop Shep
pa rd. Wh did Theodere Hoeseel
Idweasedi spell Mildred (lci with one
d nnd marshal with two ll's Wh de
' .ipnfnunlnnill ,itPt k,e!l It AVIlfpftil.
ii..'.V3-.wi.... .....v.- -,.... .. .......
mf nl of the KTBttien PcstlO .Xn- wilt
meke the necesmrv nrranji'nitnts"tht will
mum 'ou of rt'itulnr leUnr et thin papr
ns ualrc1 V
A friend inks "hew ii.lfisri of twtnty-nlx
jeArii of ir cn lcnrn te rend mt writs
oed KnRllsh In a short time during eve
ning In a iirlvnte school or by a nrlvat
teicht r " Ur adds iat hn went te puhllU
B?hel ns fnr ,s lh fourth Knit. Tne
1'eerle's Kerum cannot undertake te specify
rnv rnrtlcular schools ei name a teacher.
The ndiertlstnic columns et the Hven'ikq
l'liitte LRi.n will die htm the dcelred In In
frrmatlen. T R. " ThlUdelphia Theodere now new
ell nevr "made u remttk thai a man
ever sixty years eld should he done away
with, ns nt that sue h3 Is no mere Use." II
In wrenx Jn hi assertion th,t the statement
that he did se appeared In the Krrsise pr.
t.tc l.rneRH. Whit II has In mind probably
I a remark Attributed te Dr. William Osier
many years nite te the effect that a man's
"creative frulty" ceased at forty years
and thai thereafter he "dcvelepd the
irealleii of hi enHler life. Dr. Osier. hn
died In hie elxtlee net long age. dented a
story thnt he had slid u mn nt sixty
r)(,uld be "chloroformed." addlnir that a
Jocular remark of hli had been wrongly
Poems and Songs Desired
T -ntilfl nut take our
long te demonstrate the big Idea of ri-ferrinir te the first name of the late
putting out the welcome mat before tne i Vrcneli Piemier of Cantda. And e it
floors ei our mini n .,... giPH iigaiusi tne nr.iiu.
"Ml reads lead te Heme' they sav. J While talking of Mr. Koe-evelt Mr.
!.. eh rasp nf Philndcliihlu we cun,Itoeucvelt once wrote that Charles
ur. All reads lead "out of our city."
It will s-een be vacation time: the mud
tern was deposited, they seem te me te
become ennobled. There Is grandeur In
this low of life, with Its several pow
ers, having been originally breathed bv
the Creater into a few forms or into
one; and thnt. whlle this plnnct has
gene cj cling en nccetdlng te fhe fixed
law of grnvitj. from se simple a be
ginning endless forms most beautiful
and most wonderful hiue been and are
being evolved."
Sewelt. "S. .7.. March 22. 1022.
Questions Answered
Hew te Obtain Employment I
Te th Editor e the Kicnlne i'ubllc Ltdeci
blr I am n strantr?r In this city and,
ret knewlnir whom le tuk the following fellowing follewing
qu"llnnf nnd ns I nm leader of our
paper 1 reeueet ou te nie me some In-
loitn.men cenrernUfc' tnm.
Can a Reader 8upply?
Te the 17dtar at the Ki'Milne I'uMle i,edffcr:
Slr--1 would like the poem culled "Will
Teu Seme Tlme Think of Me?" Alse could
one of your readers tell me a nice little
vene te wilte In a friend nlbum.7 It )
filled with -eree written v dlfleTent
frlnnds et hm. nnd I'm puiiled as te what
te write, se call en ou for help ...
Wlldwoed, f. J.. Mnrch 26. 102s-
Wants Correct Quotation
Te far Kdlfee nf the Fvenlne FuhHc l.ritecr:
Sir j, the follewln- ouetatlon correct.
"Jlv thin own soul' law lenrn te live.
And If inei tlwsrt thee, like no heed!
And If mn late thee. hae no care.
Blnx- thou thy senir and c.e thy deed:
Siy thou thy praer snd lle thy creed.
And r.lxlm no crown they de net Rive.
1 shall be itrnleful tf some one will site
me the correct nuotatten nnd name of an-
"mr,AnnurmA sctioet. TnACitER.
Philadelphia. March 27, 1022
If Mrs XV. C. Echell. who atks for tour
poems will t d h:r address (which hae
been lest) ber renuest will have early attention
"K r. f II nsks for s poem entitled ,
"Somebody Is alums for .Me.' The flrst
two linen nre
Somebody 1 waltlnic for me
In the cabin hi the sea ,
Or. Abernethy Omitted Lord's Name
Frem Arms Parley Prayer
The Rev. Dr. W. S. Abernethy, pas
tor et Calvary Baptist Church. "Wash-
lnetnn. tbe church wllicli the rresi
Garden Gossip : whatte plant ttnd when
GROW it en your ltltcltcn window
Yeu can't de that with corn or wheat,
but a en can with parsley. Kvery cook
or' housewife needs parsley every nay,
nnd she can hnve It with little trouble
by planting it In window boxes or pets.
Rut generally parsley is raised in the
garden Most people soak the seeds in
warm water for a few hours and then
sew them In rows eighteen inches npart.
Parslcv seed tomes up qulrkly
If, nfte'r being senked In warm
water for a few" hours, It Is placed In a
cloth bath nnd burled In the ground
for n week. In that time it begins te
germinate npd when sewn comes
through very seen. If sewn in the open
ground like ether seed) it frequently
tnkes a month te germinate. One ounce
of seed sews n row 100 te 100 feet.
New let's turn te onieny,
Belcct a piece of low ground, pre
paring the seed bed thoroughly nnd
making the soil fine, rich and loose.
Fer n small garden it Is best te sew the
seed in a single 'rew1, or etlibrwlac. allow
two feet of space between each row,
Heeds should be sewn thick, eeVcrud
with oneifeurth inch of soil and pressed
down firmly with n beard. Manure the
land hcavllv If a large crop istleslred
Just as seen as the plants are up and
begin, te ciewd. thev should be thinned
te a space of three te four inches apart'.
. Weeding la esucntlnl. Net only
should the'beds be weeded between the
rows, but also directly .in the rewa.
Cultivate freely and frequently.
Onions grown from seed uheuld ma
turp In four te six months.
There Is another way te grew onions
from sets. The usual way Is te plant
passing; thou, en llji!iiljijiffiieM
Matured onions should- bckkY.2!
fient setvibuut July 10. ' "??'
Vomerroiu pnmtilin,
ant tatelfv
be ('C)irai
' 'Dr. Perry te Speak
hpeclal .ceremonies will
sTVawwif VQTirrn
sTPiMsiiie veTtrti'a
iTWsntt wnisew
, niivciiii cririiieiues w attend lV
e'licnlng hSdress1 of iM Mry'aiiH'
Rarnwell Fonndnlien course tenliht iS.
the.. Central High Scheel. Tl ft WJ
will be by Dr. fewis Terry, prldefiiw!.
the l'hllllps Exeter Academy. "?
-'i i
The Canadian Pacific Reute
Britteint- two oceans and linking four continents
m )
Ten ' mmmm
-v. -Tj. mtsssMmm
' TiiBiSfl1! Km II Cii t ""Rp"l flljli lr - , Bfcftr' i taWLaaaaaaaMaiLl I 'St y tvI W A
. eir u
jtr f
"S"SEs 4m
will be teeming with travelers. Are
we gelns te say. "Come en in: we nre
net going te be the cold, conservative
keep-off-the-grass city ou have
thought tin. Make yourselves at home;
we have done our best for our com-
tort and -"""r. MAOKH.
Upper Darby, Pa.. March 2.1. 1022.
IHekeii'i was net a gentleman I neier,
thought the s.ime of Mr Roespelt nfter
that Of ieiii-sp Dickens was net u
gentleman Vli should he be? Was
Washington a gentleman"' AVns the
Where di ou he te npr n nb'aln ci . B. '.. , m u T .ni.n CnnU I
sitien m the raiircd . rieri. riiwa 'ent attends will be a Lenten "Pen"
?rrc etc In th potefrtce nn cinr!- In Keiths Thentte next week for the
1 ........ .. I V. . . l - T...nAlH C CIlllRnllAII I
Phi.idelphla. March 27. 122.
Aprl l the emplejment depsrtment of
the ra lead for work there nnfttefflcc crl.s
Napeleon n gentleman? Was Lincoln ' aT,c C1"f'n ;""". a r,lul f"1 , ' made up
' . .n . ... . . nf nxnltriiita vine hn. tin .! avamlnnilen I
n.lnn' I nr t,n (a hi a ii lihl 1 - - "' --. . (
., j. u.i.u, v...., .., .... .... ...... .- ,. th, VnHfA states Heard of Kxnmlnem
a gentleman? I (Ien t suppete that a teu enn ehtaln nweiar- Information re-'
mail Who bents his wife Is n ceutlemnil. i ardlnir ramlnatlen at rooms of the Lean
I think the question "What Is n In the tterflee building nt Ninth and Mar
i gentleman?" has licen asked once nr I ket ""''"
twice before ! iiueiis pcniile. hetlier
Sees Discrimination I
T the Editor of thi Evcni.ie Public l.tdaer:
f5jr I imve reail In jour Verum
''Wrigley's Release . Prem Ptisen,"
signed "'American Citizen."
Ne doubt he has suffeied for the i
wrong he has done, but let me a this : ,
there nre thousands that have done
less and the sentence they get is far i i,.Ves Darwin Intended t differentiate
the answer satisfied them 1 knew net
Atl.intic ('in. N. .1 . Manh 27. 1!22.
Darwin's Theories and Religion
Je tli" Editor et tie Ki ' 'oie 7'nWlr J.'dc r
Sir Prem a reading nf the nrticle en
Chnrles Darwin by Mr llumessj, in
the "Periiin." it is evident that he be
s r II .' Oerm.inten Ar.pl le the
Hurinu of City l'rrnrty In City Hall r.s tm
th need nf n permit le mike eeiiteinpli ted
Piilimlnlnhin. Kederntlen of Churches,
nnd will. It Is believed, refer te the
prayer that has made him it storm
ecu01"- . . .
At the opening of the Washington
Arms Conference Dr. Abernethy was
requested te leave the nnme of Jesus
Christ out of his prayer, and he com
piled with the request. As he explains
it. he was told thnt many nations of
the world would be represented, nmeng
the ilelecntes belne Ruddhists nnd Cen-
fiteinnlsts nnd that a simple recognition
Fortnightly Service te
Japan, China and the Philippines
By Largest, Fastest and Finest Steamships
FOUR magnificent Canadian Pacific Empress Steam
ships, the largest, fastest and most luxurious en the
Pacific will link Asia with America this year.
rcratrs te rc.irane. In retard te tbe sub- of the Deity would de Mimcieni.
je.-t if our complaint, the p'epei ilenrt-. As wien ns it became known that Dr.
Abernethv deliberately left all mention
of Jesus Christ out of hi1
Tie I'eenle'a Kerum will nppeir ililly
In the Kienlnc I'nhllp fedecr. nnd nle
hi the Sundnv Pithltr I.riUer. letters
1Im-iiimc tlpielv fnplr will he printed,
nnd inieilens of eeneriil Interest will be
Jesus Christ out of bN prayer he
was nnmunrilPil wmi iciiers ami ieie
grains from fellow R.iptlsts, some of
whom accused him of having "crucified
, bis Lord."
, BEDNAI. March 23. 10I2. SfsANNA
wife nf Themas FXednal. Hlatle and
trlends. nlee ninnaieers of the M n Heme.
re Invited te attend funeral nervlce. ai
her Isle rslik-nce HS1 S. suth gi. Krl .
2 I M Hit nrlvate.
HEElt.s. March -JH CHART ES A . Sr
hustand of Catherine lim nnd eon of th
lute Henry and siarah JJcere ILIitie.K and
friends also I.ndur Ne 4?,'2 K, and A M
pellre of 40th ..nd i'.l I Dlftrlctn efc. of
chief surgeon L"iih Cntury ltpub,lcnn- Club
Ce. H. 101d M V . SiJth I)l Invited te fu
neral srvlcea Thurs,. 2 I" M at 'he Heb-
rt Oraham Minerlil Church 'J.lth an 1
Thompson ts Int pri"ats.
BOLI.V. March Cb. KVIILVN 11 wife of
Rudelph A. Bolln (nw MeHil) hun ml m-rv.
lees .Sunday - I M . reeM-nc 4rt.)l N
KIIr ct Intermtnt private. Ptrnweul
nOminCK March 2'. Jl'l.TA widow of f'1,'1"""
xrKiu.iiii iururi-i incr nie-' mi.i .in n-i..- r,.!.,,.
,lv,. .....I f.lUfiilu ur.. Iinllul I., mini,) fn. .IIUriU
IKral ervle"t, Mst . "J l. M ' hr snn s
rteldenre I'OOl Wilmet st rnnsferil Int
JSerest Hills CtMn
DOW.MAN March L"' ll'S." WIM.IAM
K.. husband of Jp-uili M Ilewrr.jn Kunm.
6at . 2 311 J' M r. l1n - 2.M4 .V a:d xt
ipt North redar III, I C w R' mains m'
te levd Krt. K te in P M
BRAU.N'. At I.iurel prlnrs :.' T .
March 28 1fl!V. HnitKRT P.KAL'N. hu
Land of Anni llraun (nee Mbld'eten) sued
01. Jtceitives nnd friends nr- Invited te
attend funeral eervln.1. t'rl i V .M al
lmte residence Wh ti Herse pll.e I.uurei
("prints. N J Int puvHte. Mr. MerUh
Ctm. Vlcvlna Thum s r. M
jinineKORjj. jierr e 2'i ci.iFrer.u h .
V!eved hubund of Edna K, llrblitferd (nee
Hccrnoed) Relatives and frlenjj a se Mer
chants' I.edse Ne. 2Sa, 1 O O y . In
sited te funr.il eirvlc"e .sa' 2 'in p jj
JBSS N All.ini, nt Int Mt Fface Cem
jTienes can iti, n i'j t- .m
HROWN March Js, JOHN V . hu.bind of , L. -" -r
ll... ll.n.. .. I'liii.r.l ... .. I..U .1....-' " I J" I
Ian- Drexel H 1 Int private. Northwood.
rriend mav th 1 Thurw S te 10 I M.
DOT.AN Suld n .v March uti THn.MA
J husbmtl of lHr Dnian lne InuthTtv i
Relatives fiiem'i and enplees of Nnrlh
American Ilund n nre invl'ed t' th fu
neral Monday. S 30 A M. lnj'i S 23d at.
e emn rM'iien niis S. ndniend s Cliur.i
10 A M Int Hu j I'lem
.DITKirrT --in Mu'rh SO 1UJJ HAH
nil T MOOPK mVKT.rT in-e Cenner)
vrld i of Tr-iicU lJucUctt Peivici and In-I
terment pr.vnip
rAW IT r March 2S a' Huf.ile .S V I
W.r.nr.IlT N hushar.t of Jin Kawciti.l
ased 4't Jt-intlv, nnd frlenila aim l"i
dililtv A,.mbl Nu il A O M ' nre I
Invited tu tteml fur"ia' -P' 2 30 r it I
frnm hl parens risM-nce aidil N" Judken
r .s.rv c- in 1 P M In "t Jimcn the
I-es i h'jn h Int In adjeln'ne Kmunils
Fr id pi . . ..11 Krl i .e
ri'.ClAN -'.in Manh "0 in2.' D WID
... Js.lc K'ia.l it l.Mes anil
-I'm M rkd Me-l Snlalltv of the
nf 'li O.MU nnd I i an Jehn I'lUt
Jone Nu :".P T n' A Invmd tu fin i .1
en ha.urli itt s .10 A M from lite reil-Senc-
l.'.'il N Wllllnsjtnn st !- .mn hl-h
mans if ri'iulc'M at the Clui-h of tht i5eu
at 10 A M Ii.ternitnt Hei hepu hr,. IVm-
riNK Ala i h 21 ADA HT'nN1" widow
of Adun 1' nk Kun.'ial wtli h.il . te 10
A M la'i re-ldence lOfi' llirrlsen st .
I-'r'inKf rl Int trlvate Itemalr.d mav be
v.cueO Trl en
('I.HMIM, M"h?i .1 her here l.ins l.ins
dewn. I'.i I1MMA l.UI'ISA (nu !-, h,.rji l
vvlfn uf th l.v c Jeseph Kle-ii ns in her b'lth
v. i t- I'nS it .si I"h s I'h it i 1 an -dot
rm,i 'j p M let private.
Kl.r.l Vlinh . i'i.- i.i l.Al.i:i H.
dJUKhtf- if I.iIh H'-nrv ,-nil Mirth i H 1 ,111
iknewn is u.ixa'ielh I l Itln rti 11-1 1 ' i--
and frlerd" are Inviusl te iitt.ml fun. -a
theut rurtiic- n lice .sun 2 1' M . from
th.- ui leriak.i t purlin nf i. II llv.m
I..,i'hnni j. ! 1 i' itivii Aute, il
rnet triln a 1. L-bnn i S'.tui litu
alt-e i: m Tre Court. .s"e. r.s p of A , In
vlfd te funerul net-vice en Snturda at. :;
1' M it Ih" residence of his sciu nil T.
Alln el ievvlnir Krldrf nfter 7 I' M
Iriertm nt N'erth Cedar 1 1 111 Cemterv.
KUCI-nn Maich .in 1'i'JJ. hi:rtha
r. f. .' Willard 15 Kriba. Vle" 'f
filtiern I i
I.i:i:S Mirch 2'J 1022 i:.mma c.
diujthu-r e' ' ite Themas nnd 11 zahMh Mc
Millnn I.eee ttelntlvea and frli-nds are In
vited tn ..tlei I funeral servicer, hat 2 P.
M In M 1 aul's 1". f.. Church Ynrk rd.
and A ihl jrt e rd.. Oicent?. I'm lit mains
mav In a . n from 1 te 1 4." I' M in the
Chaiel Int immedlate'y ufler unices in
the churcnni 1
l.-i.M II Minh -.'8 SARAH fit.c It in! in)
vvifi. nf 1' tr'ck J I, viirh ll i is, s nnd
Hinds 1. I t-iiilfcl.iv Altar Sue let. an 1
il nth, r h tinw nf vvhlch she via . nim
i 'n v it. t. funcru! Sil S ,1i, a M.
'HO v Hit nd. n el ul mn r. quUm
nns i ,-i i i nun Church In A Si int
I i U i p s i n
.tc.Ui 1U1.I. Mnrch i'U. MARY Al.ICH
daiiKhur tf Jnhn U. and Allen I, .Mac
Michael t.ar.1 7 lUlattvea and friends are
ln.ltd t i -rd funeral service, hat J
I M at hr iiirenta' reslih-nce le Uar Uar
vvne.l av' IxiiKhn I'a. Int. Arllnrti n Cem.
11,-mi'nr mi le viewed Fr! eve
MillllII'L - Match 29 KI.LHM widow e'
II 111) Met. rid iikm! H2. Ilelnllves and
(rii-ii'lx Invited te funeral, f-r.t s A .M .
Inte p-sld-niM 4 S Kins a' fileuc. sier
N J hHiTn' hlKh rceulTn i.uikm nt hi.
Mar. a Cl .r- h 0 A M Int St Mirj'aCem
McI)'Vi:i.I. .t Wvnevn Ant 4701
Wajne me Manh 2. DAVID M IJOIVEI.1,
2, SADir:. wife of late
Empress of Canada
Empress erf Australia
Empress of Russia
Empress of Asia
33,000 tens' displacement
31,000 tens displacement
25,000 tens displacement
25,000 tens displacement
ni'vx March
Fran!: II. Renn (nee Hecley) Relatives
and friends nre Invited te attend funeral
Pat. 2 V. M from her sister's realdence.
Ida Tener 15fltl Adntns ne.. Prankford
Int nrlv.ite. nt North Cedar Hill Cem
Remains may b viewed Krl 8 te 10 P. M
ROl'iaill.l. March 20. REHKCCA IV
vvldeu of I.. Weed ltecl.hlll. Relatlres nnd
friends Invited te funeral services, Sat
j an I M . from reildencc of aen-ln-lnvv
rred XV Kndlceit. Marlton. N J. Int
c iil.stnnn Cem
hCOTT March ae l'i22 MARTHA
wlilnvv nf William Scott. Re'nttves nnd
fr.i nda ur. Invited te attc nd tuneral sirv
Ices, at the residence of her son, Jehn R
.Siett i'Jl.'i )'ast Susquehanna ave,, Mon
day 1 1. M . Irei lelv Interment Oreen-
mount iiii n r.v e riemis may call Hundav
7 te 0 ! M .
SCOl'I.HH On Marrh 2" ifl;2. QEOROE '
V husband of Kllzalwth U Sciuler, In h t
C2d year. Relatives nnd friends, nlse mem
bers of Ivanhoe I.odae Ne. 44'i, f. and A
M.; Paleetlne II A Chaii'er. Ne. Sit): Mar .
Conn andirv Ne SO ! T., nnd officers and '
emp ees of Madeira, Hill a Ce., are In
Mted te ntterrd funeral services at his late
residence 140 Harrison nve,, Olenslde, 1'a
en haturdav at S 1 M Interment M
Mnriah Ccreierv. 'Jialn leaves Heading Ter
mltml 1 02 P M ,
MIANAHAN March 20 .HT.TA T., wife
if Thmiae J Shanahn i Punenl Sit., fc
M, from tiei lulu residence ULn K. leth tr
Sel'tnn hluh mnss of r'iulem St. Ienlc i .
Churih b A M Int mrlctly private
.sIi:iUI)sN Mar. h 2S, iii.i.-. HRluuh'l
icieveu sn ei jiuiii'N i sineri.ian
Sridret llrewi. 1 ullera' te uhlch rl.itli,e
nnd friends arc Invited, ha unci ,j s 10 A. M.,
Jrem his late rahl-nce 17.17 Rlini-r sf Het-
mn masit of reuulcin Church of Pt M"rl' s
It A M. tntcrmant Hely Crene Ce netery
lll'IIBCK -March js Jlu.I'v. H j,f.
HECK Ini-e Yeu u-r vel " of lehn w Ru
ltck aisl N7 Ri'lutlM's a.rd frlendu ,i
Invited tj atlnil funeral s, rv , s.al
I" M. Int" relinet. -" XV ie hnj a -Int.
llrecumnunt tern hrn.., unv c.ii
Bl'KKL' Mirch 2't IM.TT'.H ! i:.lunj
rf Nera Ituika K-l n s nnd fr i r I- its,
mplewii of i'erd Urns ai" ln.,i i, m.
tend fiinern . St s ,'u n at rei-denci-
2217 s u.st m -mn r-svj'ein ni'ies
at Churih of our lulv ' V't Carnml fi 3D
AM I t N' V Clthetlril C --r
BfRROt'OHH M ireh is 9.'J IIl'ie
H. (nee Davtsl wife ,f ime I, -urse XV. Ilur Ilur
jeualia Relative- and irl nu are invitHj (0
attend funeral hat , I) A M from the reel,
iltnce nf her ecn Harr Ii rturr u !h 1031
llreadway Camden .services ai Church of
Our Saviour le Su V Int nversrecn Cem
Remains maj bt viewed Fri t-ve
CA1III.I. Munh 2.- IH "J JOHN rUs.
tnd uf the Ute Kl.en cihir H'Iiiiim and
friends are Invited tu attend fun rul Sat
A. f lale ren.il Mice nillsburK N J
3IIh mass of reuulem Our I.mly of Oied
4'eunsel Church It .10 A M Int i.alvar
(VvRBRFT Merch 2s rnWsRl) A
liusband of Anna I' t i-tirev tne Cunnlrnt
Jism) and son of llib'rt T and Re! e .
I'srhrev. Relative and fr er.ls n ij H ,1
jjame Snc'.etJ. Heir N" i i Cubelc Cluli, 1 ,0
Hots Council Ne .'ll.'i K of ', and Mo
hawk Tribe N'u. 114 nr,i . pinea of ie
Thlls Savins rund liv'i.d re funeul. sc
(I 80 A M SDS i: Ce. nvvillii at Solemn
rteulem nine" t'hureh of Ihe Aiirs!cn lu
k. M Int Hsl Seru i hm Cen
CLEMKNT 'Hi March ." l'iC2 MATtY
ANNA, widow of Alfr.il XV C emnt. Rei.i.
tlvea nnd frl. tiiln Invned te -nie,, ,n I'rl
day at 3 ' H' 1"r ''' '"''beiKe I",
vvendale ave llaildnnflsbl V J Iireureit
private P'e.ise emit norr nerr
F Ceiri, M'rch 20 r.l.PANult i-ifT. (ne-,...inD-i
f 'llni!nift,in l w,fc or Fr.ni.
At J. Cell Itea'iiea and frl i Ik a-.. Invited
i i. ill rir
sol.enn ie
tfillv AeP .
ie M. InL neil jirpu-ciir" i. ni
CRAW AMID su.1 aim , i , ... (,.
(JK.ORCH3 CHAW lXUlD. atil S.' Re am.
ind friends nr hulled te fun sn j
. . .... I i . ..-.M ... I iw J i
! Al iroei e ' .; ' -- i - - ,
mil 12 I- P M
1 J
rla J Cell llea'iiea ami in i u a
te attend funeral Men III! V
lote terldenve 'Js02 N Uriiad t
iiulem nisss nl Church nf tin He
FI.YNN Mi- b 'JS (JPilROl. hjsh.md of
MAROAP.ri TI.VN inm I .eei Rlit v a
anil III r.l IIel Nanm Society e' Si
Joeeph -i ("i '.h Painnnuv I'.rli f, lards
Thee I) I i tt-- Culi Fifth Wail lb pub.
llCl.'i I.ei-j,r Cemiciltti,- rue lrvlwd te
alien I fl Men sin v. M leeu'en e
Us lelilnr,. st Selrrin reijtll. In rnaes h
Jceei li n Chu.ch 10 A M int Hen .s. puUhre
i m
KIH'.KIsnnih- Mar n '.".i HI.I.HV
f. l J" Trank nrlebl tun ral eer
Iri s, urdiv p M r.Mdcn . LOO'l H.
Ilr e ifrinn' I'likiand I ne'terv
IT. I- I I ' s.'i Mm h '.'i MAID
FHF.HI.VMi .1 Jiihler of Mrs i tin
Ptehl- u I 2.' P.. iilves and fr. -ills
Invl .11 r r . -., ie-. ee !, t IP M
th- re-idem? of PI .m Jv Sieh e
Suit ii et vV Ie iM in In tn..ie
Fr 1 1 ile tun ' il. Frl v.,
mi, viHii-.n .u- ii :ii i-hi:rim:
KIXMIiY IIIM.UIIIKR In' j nvite ,i
c i v i I.i i ' f .-rl
H VI r:v M.ii h 2T lOhF.pn 1 y, ., n
the late Pntrlcl: end Hrl Ikei llal-v 'nre
litwnnl ReUrlves It d fr'ei ee alee Com Cem
nod re I' r;i Ciunil Ne "s K of ( , ar,
InMtel ii Jt' 111 tune nl ,4l,t. 7 10 V M,
ran b-r.ce J1J2 li Hiintliuiden si f-uleinn
reciu ni inns St Ann t Church 9 A -M Int.
II h nu nre
II Mtlil.N . At In r reddenee tre ?ln e
V lsia Aiartiienu tn Match 21' "J-2
i ARI'.V Tl'CKKR fe of William II
lit iii- Hi at mii .in I friends ure Iniltei
te tie servii.eH en haturdav inernln: at n
0 . ., k -t the LiMver H Tle-lr II dK 12(1
' hmi n e- lMi'in"iu a. Leuden 1'a'n
Cerreterj lu tlmere Md
lUJlMNs. Mn in MARliARI.T M
m( ,f IM i ird II in ns nued 1.1 Re'a
il , nl i '. els ii i h iiittr.l te foil. ml
s P ! vi fr tn r i !.' i Hid 'tin- 13 1
lllV. . AlltlU e tl N I II . CoU'.lerttl
i , l -i.i 'i r m ull Si ' i ih
HICK'S -Sudleiily Mi- n .'s THUM s
I, l i .- Rel.itlv. enil fr n.N al 1,
out. M'ts 'I! lei'Ue Ne i 1 nn.l
M Invind t i funeral mvli.'. s ,t n p
-, -.u. M Int West T. uiei mn I m
HII.T. Mirch 2 IIAIIHV H ludiin'
n Masdl en Hill aised IH Relivllies and
frl i di a ' ' up lies of llei order of l)e da
ff're an I n! e'cji Izanens of w eh h Ie
v ,i a no mhi - are Invited iu r tten I i
1 in a ervlrea Sat 2 P M. at hie late
irildmia J It 1 7 1; Mint. ieri ave int
nr a
Frlerds rnav ia'I nt Armslrnns s luj, nnd I n.Kliter of Inte Patrick nnd Cather re
!li."i s- , ii,i Thurs, nfter I P. -M 1'U- ',P f Rellena Ceuntv Mave, Irelnnc!
n.r ' s i ivi land Int private Relatives nrd frlendu i.lm I.eu of Pai-el
M, FHIi:.N March -j'i 1022 MAR ,ar- of M F.d.-nend e Church are Invited
CARCI v d. v of Jehn Mcl--vd!err Tnether t0 nttend fureral Sat R 3" A M . from be
nf late P.ev C 1 McFadden O S A for- ' ,,t, r,idr.ie 1710 S 24ih st Solemn he
rriTli of A'l .1 City Relatives nnd fi lenrta n ,. n rieulem at St. Mn end'e Ch-r. .
alee msmliers of Sncrcd llcait Seili.ntv and in i Int Helj Crnee rm
Arehienfr..' tit are Invited :u intend fu- ' PHIKI.DS March 2S 102.' VKRNV r
nera frcir t r late reeldence bSI.1 tier- . pHIP.I.DS (nee I'ark) wife of Jehn H
inanlnvvn uv Chestnut IIIII S,u U A M Fhleids Relatlvt! and friends Invited te
leu n mi .-1 mam fit inurri nr our fur.epil hervicea, j-ri. i; M., at her
Lf i t
M. thei
t. KNl'.ll i
f s Lmue I
1.M I III i I i
II, e a Hi II .
iii ral sa.
-I Int M. .v
i . v I Fn S
McNVT.I.) -husbind
nf i;
frlepdii nl . S'ui.
Ill c tlirr -e I 'e
no Invited te .1 '
M lit- ree i
inaes of re. ji. tn
A M Int Hi
Ml T.T.IlR Mn
Wlillnrn and lat
ialr'cl.1 djed I I
M Hit
atler. lu A
M . rch 28. AO.S 1
1 Kn'sht cla'irht - .,r -a--ate
Jehn Btennan Rela-
h me Invllid t, it' r i fu
1 residence l.'O'i S 'jst',
r .h'Cem ItMn i tnaj b
t 1ft P M.
.Mirch no. LHARI-Ks P
il th Mc.NsllJ' itia' v. nne
hu'band's residence
rlvute n
1410 N llth t. In'
W.vrd II publican CI lb and
of which he vvn a in mber
md funeral. M' n h 10 A
1007 MeKean et llhrti
. ' the Kplbhanv i hur Ii 10
Creee Cem.
t ii 28 FRANCIS eon of
Helen M. Meller (nee Flti
Relatives and frlirdi are
r-i u. Int l.nrii.inl veir
linTTRP U 's"'11 '-1 I I i'V vi. f cf
!irne IJettre. nycd nil eare. f... mivi ,,n
friends Invited te funerii en sai, tt ,(
1 o'clock from her la ri lib nte, "'i-1
llniwn st Fuitbei ivu.s Vieeniuh u
theran Chuuh, 10th snd Jeffersen et In
terment private. Krlemls mnj ul li'ljv
venlns 7 le n e clock
P WCIiBOV March 2" WAI.TKR n,i.i
of Julia K iJUK'en iietnnvs inn '.leniu
a.o1t.'n.lhBlenCounc. ,N. S re I ,
Unesen I'rieii'.e ..... .... ,,,v ' " v
are invi.eu m ai,e... iminii, i-'i ,
late reailienre i von ..ve umi .u oe
!l P
1 l ,M
msLmm ,t
t BROAD and
. . in , r en. Is ri v i ai' i rt . ,
II d'ICI V ' I MlUaneee
.In I '2-' I.MII.Y Mi.cVI.I.hl I.I!
I I i Id, ml ! ii v . ie an I I, ' i
tj ' n. N. v Verl. iijits pit hi ,
IvHI.S" OI pi euiiiur 1 1 en M.i n
ti .' II lilt V M I ueluind nf (Jeiirul
S' ei tJ' 'I 41' ll'.Htivis an 1 rrien la in.e
.an . a'e'i C " s I " I' v s
Mllle l.ut.i '.e lenu 1 (J u F ami r.in
plnves Rid u f Ame uf hc L'nien Nens te
(r. U .lied 'e ;he eaiVites. en rd , e,e.
niiij -t 7 lu e i l"i t ul hi' .ute riell in--n.ll
l.udluvv Intirinnt at 'lum illvet
N '
KF.IH-IN -'J Ma cn '.S liu. MIIN H
KI RI IN i s " ' "" ' ' vea and
frenls a " ' eiri uizi' i 's of nrich he
viae a number imlnd le funeial en I'rl
ijuv nt 2 ci'i-'ec at the reutdeive uf son
in avv 1 II WiIim Ruiviinu- (ireeri. Mt
jin p In Che fr Rui Cem
KinilV -March 2S I02J MtHDERICK
hua'und of the lale Altiela Klrby. Rela
I vea and friends are invlttd te attend
luiieisi S I a I M from the residence
..f tils m I'evd Kill) .'till Middlesex St..
(jleucesbir N J In Union Cem, Kntnua
muv ran fn. eve
lsjvjuvvi,!.; un .viari.ii ,
neauanri or UAinar
ts. neiaurt
IcNernsy). aed
nvltid u funera Sat.. S'."0 A M trim
leelderce of in i andparenu. Mr and Mrs
Iclm Meller SO'7 Terrace st , Wlnnahlcken.
Iie.iulem mi i a' St. Jehn's Church 10 A
M Int Wistn inter Cem.
Mru:iis Mai'h 27. lb.'2. .lOHCI'H liua
band of Annie Meeba (n.e l-aesldv i. Rela
tives imil fr! nd also Hely Pamllv nf St.
Hei Iface Church nid all etiier eeeletles of
which be was a member, nre Invited te fu
n i rt I I'rl 7 10 A it. let" residence 221.'.
C.nl et HUh rums St Hen fiice Church
0 A M In' private. Remains may bi
v be eii Thure e e
MPNDUI.I Mai i 2. CVTHinilNi: .1
wife of Jehn Mn lei Rentlves and frb nd
are Itvlted te nitenl funeral strvliea Set
1 P M lati r. -ilnce, 22.1il Carpenter s'
liu Mi Mer an c ni Friends mav call
Trl 8 tn 10 p !
p.vn.;np. Men, 23 10:2 M.vnevnr.T
widow of Jehn I in r Relative and fr -nde
ire in Hid t. intend funerii servl, ee at
sill (n m ant in m Chtnu' II..! I'rl
1'iP M Ii ' rn ute.
vv f.. of David M Puicee Relatives mil
friends nre Invited te nttend funernl Sit
s .in A M from her late realdence (IMS
Chew at , (lermantewn Solemn reeuiem
mars at the I hurch of th luimaculate
Cnivptlen 10 V "1 Int Hel Sepulchre
Ci in
P1 TON M.irih .8 THOMAS nn of
tie Int, Theinae .mu (Jitharlpe Ration of
f'lochrei, Deni frtl lielatid. Ilentlve ..nil
'r en, k n!se Dlv S'e 1, A O II Den. sal
II. S 11111I P "i are Invited In attend
finera' Sal h .1 1 A M. late reeld nee
ibid Ruan s t mtikferd. SJelemn r.iiulem
miss St Jelt Im a ( .lurch 10 A. M Int
st Hemltili a Cem
PIMIH.K - Mv ' .' 1022 MJIl'l I ,T
hnibind of e.le' .Vb v p mhle tot-,' Rebhii.ii I
mid Si lli'ln I ' .ird frlcnla in In nd
li atferd fniei.il een cen a' his parents
. Rlibliti MU'-'ii N Fi '.rhlll st Sit I.' ,li
P. M let M nu ise i ,ni
PHI1MT - Mar I, jii, pi j.' V(
fu et K.lvvie If P'l al Ince I i Me in he
'.'In ir I'uneiel neivlces hit . P M
nnu il a' her llijnl.a lel'ri I'O'de, . t nUi n
id and IlliUe nvc Puren III 1 I'a lit,
I'YOTT On Mirth 'Jfl HU2 HAI wife
of Alfred I. Pveti Servlcea en Saturdav
afternoon a' 2 e cleek nt htr li.tr resi
dence 1018 N. Urntt st Iiiternient privn e
Friends may call I rUiy evenlni; 7 (e li
HIJirZ. March -s I'dR'T.IY I ie,evei
ilsiiirnte-r of Msrt'r m Anne Reitj. (nee
Tschnii), In her 2Ulh v .,ir, Relitlvee anil
fr'ends also P V M Kmltlllv of Our l.uly
I Help of Christians and nplnyes of i; Sut .
, Sen. Inrlted le funeral Sit 8.1b A M
I from parents' resld-rce 'l27 Illchinnnd et
NICillWeAH I neiemu unii rai no is inir
tUUIUll IV A, 41, ,
.il IU In
li.t. Si, Peter's
(In Third Menth. aiv
122 JOANNA I.I'KPN-! widow of .M'ei
SheemnUee need 7n eare Ilelatlvei un1
friends lire ipviteii n atteru funeral ret vice a
at her 'iitu relenc 014 N 8th st en I
Secrnd.i'n l'n irth Menth Si I at 2 P. M i
Int Fairlllll Frlenda Hutla! (iieunds
SHI'TTI FWORTII cm March 28. ie,;.
WOIiril (ne ITurv.v) wife of Chnne, t
Shultli vve-ih. Relatiiea and filends'iire n.
vlted te .he funera en Siturdny mi -nine ,
at S DO e cle k fr m liir late residence 4eri
Locust s' Se.emti requiem mass at
.Tames Ch irch nt 10 o'cjecl; Intereen'
stiV'iN-T Vies- ('renter Pa. 'r -n
"C tn..' TiiHN !.. SIM IV Ir the HOP ,,
of Ms ase Funeral in T rid tv rnermni; n
10 30 f-i.m bis .'le r-sld in t- ROI S. Wa m
at West Chesu-e. Itilerment West l.aurei
Kl.l Cemetery
v-INKI'R M.-i r '." IfiJ-i llFluilv
wl low nf Davl.l Singer Itelatle n l
fi lends are invited te a't'tid funera i r
Icei sun 'j I' M ne. cint. nt h' la'
re1dP'" '.'212 S l.'.th st Int I nti
T'llee'y lOK call st eve
PMIS'IC Ms 1 2s M A R C, U li II I , J
dseirntir ' F.lmer I and Ute f!.-ir.,i
fl ,t Ie Sm nk rvin.r,il services .' 2
P M Bl.S (.art enter s nt All 1 n
f'Stpn re M-ieh fl ll'12. HAIMi 1.
w'fe of me lute Adire M hrnltb. il 1 -M
if the late Jehn II and ri A. t
Henldenc Pnlentid l!r-n Mivvrlive 1 ,i 1
p., "vim lc of fUll'TI ' 1 .
SWAP. Maich 3' It VRRIUT. wlf of
the 1 i'e t err." lus S-v-li nsed 73. lb ntivea
and frbi da lire invttM te I'tend fu -
f...fs Set S P M A .her s llrn.M st
(h..p'l II'1'1 Hre.id nt Int. H irv.
I ura Pa
Tl I'.SIiAI K Ma- .h ROHKlll'
sr bus and of tie iat Meri E T s,!j1
p iMve. ii'id f-i-nds F, 'north Can e
117 A (i H "f XI C , nnl Court Anur
y ',; r 1 ' n's 1 t ,1 0 Hti 11 1 r
ii ral e. rvi.es s , op jt re,dcr . ti
lllicii a' . t:si t amd.ri pit Mt M rnh
Cem Item tine in"' ie vl vv.,i Fi I ,
TIVM'NS "n Mirch 21). IH.'I i;p
MARD P husbind of Fllen A T- ,nns
Ibla'lvis ..nd f rb nds are livlled tf f se
Ices en Bmu'ilni eftetrmn ut 2 .111 ' cinrli
at the O.lver II llilr lllda 1820 ''f,.stn, t
TItlVllll.K M 11 ,1 '-'' I. K (' ,.i
t.r of Alfred (I anl il.. lute Tiris rrim
I, Relatives 1 1 d II lends , m invite i,,m
t. nl lunetnl s r. n. s,,i MAM it m
r. .1. 1 of Andrew J Ralr f. Sen, lirh h,j
Kith eta Int tnv He
TRl'MP Mr"'' '' ' 'IS P Imstsind
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reel! av- IMshlanl Perk. Del, 'e p
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WK iVI'.n On March 2S, nt his reH.d n(0
p-,4 N 1'th st WII.I.IAM. huslMtid ,,r
Amanda Weaver Relatives and friend. In
died te funeral ecrvlcea en Saturday, 1, t
p M nt resldeiiti of C XV VB Hern 3i
N 13lh t Vlewlns Prlda even 11 1,.;
teimvnl Monument Cemetery Kindly emit
"Vne'D CATHA.Rl.Vi: IN WOOD widow
f William S. Weel of Ornm N. .1
Vnnh 20 1022 S. rvlces nt West Laurel
1J,1I Chanel Frl, M in h 81 2 P Urcl
iilIPU'Vl .1,'UI.H .1", Jilst. vWli'in 1 1 1.N
I'lnij fj
The Canadian Pacific Empresses held the record for the fastest time te the
Orient. The new, palatial Empress of Canada and Empress of Australia,
shortly te be operated in conjunction with the well known and popular
Empress of Russia and Empress of Asut, are marvelous achievements et
modern science and marine architecture. They possess individually thi
grandeur, speed and perfection of appointments that make them easily
the choice of discriminating travelers.
Te the Orient
There will be a fortnightly service from Vancouver, B. C, via Victeria.
The new Empress of Canada is scheduled for her maiden voyage June 29th.
Plan your trip new te Japan, Korea and Manchuria. See Fuji, the sacred temple cities of
Nippon; visit the Forbidden City of Pekin.the ancient wall of China; the great Oriental
ports of Shanghai and Heng Keng and the exotic city of Manila, in the Philippine.
As easy as a trip te Europe
Fer rates and full information
R. C. CLAYTON, City Passenger Agent, 629 Chestnut St., Philadelphia -
E. T. STEBB1NG, General Agent, Pawcnger Department
Canadian Pacific Buildinc, Madisen Ave. at 44th Street, New Yerk City
Before you plan a journey
see a Canadian Pacific Agent
Offices and
all ever the World
Express Fricht Steamer Service Philadelphia te West Coast Ports
Our reputation for dependability in freight enrry.
uiK has been wen by icgularity and frequency ei
sailings. The high classification of our Steamer
obtains for shippers most faverable insurance rates.
Prompt leading, careful handling and safeguarding
of freight lesult in great savings te tie shipper.
S. S. Celd Harber April 6th S. S. Illue Triangle April 20th
'Irani freight racrltttl Uallj ul Her 10 North l'eu( of Vine St.)
Oirtirr nni( Aftnts V H. Shipping Beard ftfrnmeri
13C S. Fourth St.. Phila. Phene Lembard 5791-2-3; Main 7781-2
Aer. ?IJ Mnj21
Muy 10 M.iv- 31
I.. I Tnurnliif,
I.n SiiTnle ,
.Anr. 1
Apr. II Mar II Junr 1.1
Anr. 13
Alir. 11 M iy 2.1 Jutir 511
Anr. 'it -lnnr I July 3
Mux 9 .tunc 10 July !i
j. Muimv i' narrv vv .iiAn
I'uu'rnl ertiw r-vl .' vi i
. flne ef lir son. .V; N. flj.) t,
' Frend muy cU Frl., 7 te
1.1 UnillilnnmU
t.Mii.1; v.. i
VIGO (Sptin)-
Apr. IR
'VKI.IN. Ilnnrrill Aurnt
ISJ3-S7 Uulnut .l.u I'Ulliidclvhilt
Tbtme, WntiHr) 0111
Sailingi Frem Philadelphia
Sailing April 3
Sailing April 22
Inc., Agent
Lembard 5264-5 Main S166
fNew Yerk te Europe V
Dc Luxe Service
By New American FU Staamufi
Resolute May 2, May 30, June 27
Reliance May 10, June 1.1, July u
Regular Service
falling! every lliurdny, by tna popu
lar iltemcn Mount Clay, Mount Car.
roll, Mount Clinten, Hanaa, Bayana.
Wuartttntberi. with ipcclal cabin and
Improved third claae accommedatlont
n- t. te 1'imnnorne swTiiAMrT0i
MAIF..SIK' men I Muy 'JU 'l ',,'W
Hraadtvuy, N, V,, ar i.0C!il Hteia-
eniD Arrnla. Jr
IH I. TIP! Ar. l la l "
Nnu v-.:iiv 'ie AXuiuiH .!Ar. w
IIRAI.TAIl Al.ll):itlA NAM-",
AND UIJ.NUA . i Mljl
U Ilir (I'.iH umi.) Anr. -i.'s Jiil " Av,,Il H
l ItlVTIC . AIT. TXXlhnnt
Ml OMAN . . .Apr. I ft T"iZui
rn rsiiriuni (iif)..iiiuf n Ann. si rj
C'rtWn nml thlnl-ilim jnifenKM carrn
I.I.M.WII I.I!;'..TB-n ,
SS "BALSAM" April 15
Moere and McCormack, Inc.
444-46 Beurt. Bldg., Phlla.
Uiwb. UMi Wuia '1.1-
UllflOSI.AM) Alnv J",11,' J'nANXW
l'Mff.A. 'IO HAMIll III I.IIIAU 'Ai!
N. V.
I'lllJIl iwujvvi in Ma!'
sr. I'Ai'i, . . ; " n jtiatH
l'Hn,Alllil.MIIA IIAMnOBO j.
IMIIIIil..?.. .....HTf.lVK ' U
MISfilSfllTI.Anr. r-'IIVMVViiVK J. i
''.'".I'ADlJf.I'lSlA, !"'?&.
iiiir,r,iMi .ifi a ' .'' SIlV 1
in iivvnv'i;v " A7A
Intcrnailleiml Mercantile Marin:.
ll HTKAMKH. I.!.""'V"V, N
riin.riiBrr lllllrr. 1M1""",liui'i
rrtKDt emtt, iweHii - j
u h ,' "uwvw . ... .
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