nfc te u W t R rf r RS? liv! All AUTIP PITV l."jTCTtLS-TBVEL-BUHK'HM MU'PUfrKI hlLlllllU Ull I 'TmPny' Leadtr 'Qlad' te Rtach fllLOUll'Vtlll.L I I lfcMNei . Oytkr Fk, 49c 'HJt a w. u a v .IV WW W W 'S HOTEL '.''MO WaUMt 3tr..t 'Mnt'lU'll. MRTIM. Pra. - J . : L. VEBS3 (."t uticura Talcum I & alii ' ' ' FMctulkiljr Frmtrut Always Healthful isf daUtara Uaaealarlaa.DfpiXjtalaaa, Almend PUDDiNE Dessert With It clrtlrlnu nutty fla vor ami It vrlrcly mnooth mneoth mnoeth nesa, glrta ii wunilrrful fin lulilnc touch te tlir liinrhren, tea), part)- or dlnnrr. HKVEN OTIIKR FLAVORS Kfflpa folder en rrciirt. ) At All Grocers, 10c, 15c (TnU Puddlnt Ce., Baltimore, Md. GUARANTEED US WHICH AVrl'll. ABSOLUTELY PURE- aaaaa aaaaa-aaB.a...aBBa...BaaBa-aaaaaaasaaaaaaaaja........ WHITE LEAD 100 lbs $10.75 25 lbs 2.75 122 lbs 1.40 i FLAT WHITE "' 1 gal. $2.50 Vi gal. 1.30 Va Bal. 75 SHELLAC White, per gal. ...$3.00 Orange, per gal. . . 2.75 Linseed Oil 85 Pure Turpentine. . .95 B. FRANK SHINN 32 S. 52nd ' 21st and Seuth Belmont SO08, Sprnct 4;n Deliveriea Everywhere N,Ye BTMMUTES Flying Yacht Service Will Be Established Tomorrow Be tween Twe Cities CITY TREASURER WEDS twwwwt nium SUNDAY OUTINGS Fhem Market, strect Wharf Ererr Sunday, At!ntJcClty Anjslcea, Andraws Annul Ocean City Cape May Sea Isle City Coraent Inlet StoneHarber Avalen I Sl.50 Round cTrlp Atlantic Cttr (S..CareUna Av... A30A poralleihar.rworra, ,v 7.IU. tVEutatSanaWAara U P.... .I.. T..U far Alhntk Clj wSI writ st and aaaa't frsni Caa-fU Af tiraa.' ' Sundays, Barlnnlnr April 9 I1.8Q Tem' fcrw, Sask PiA, Bit haasd Trip Hetd aid iatenaettute tttlieBt lO.lO Sm Girt, Aabury Park. Kmt-i Tria tarmadlat. stations. 92.00 "a" Market Street Wharf. e- ..7.I5V Frem Bread Street station $2.15. READING $2.75. HAMBURG $3.OO;cP0TTSVILLE $3.50 SHENANDOAH Round Trip Sunday, April 2 Bread stray 7 JO n west Phlla. 7.25 i nftr-neoed Sirtst,. ;ji O $3.50 Washington $3.00 Baltimore Round Trip SliNDAYS AprilZ, It, SOfay 14, 28. Jun. 11. Bread atreei TMti Wen PWla.7.654. i O tSfa HACERSTOWN.MD. Round CREENCASTLE Trie SHIPPENSBURC CUUJSU aas aUCHANICSIVBfi, PA. SUNDAY, April 9 Bread Street e.IOfc West PMla. 6.3 J a; J3; S2.70 Dever. Del. UI3.00 Delmar. Del. 93.215 SALISBURY, MD. Round Trip SUNDAY.. April 9 Stepping at Clarien. Wyoming, 1'eiuin. Uamosten. Cireenwoed, Hrldjetllle, deaierd and Laurel. Bread Street DM M West rMla.A.55 K Cbesttr...' 7.171 .OONEW YORK $3 SUNDAYS April 9, 23. May 7, 21 ReanJ Tri teril 9. 23. Bread Street 7.40W1 Weatrmla. 7ASi Nertb PiUla. 7.SS I 0-7 Pennsylvania System The Reuto of tha Broadway Limited j Atlantic City. Mnrch 31. Fer the benefit of the elite tleslrlni: te trnvel ex peditiously between Atlantic City nml New Yerk, n flylnc bent service will be estnblltUied tomorrow. Through nn urrancement with the Amerlenn Alrwnyn, Inc., fiVe-i1i'"enKer flying bentd will be used tt carry lns.enter nleng the const line nt a speed which cannot be nppreached by meter or locomotive. The arrange ments include n tie luxe service, with a l.efiiltiK Hying yacht, owned by David MeCtillech, formerly idiot of the NC-.'l. The yacht, which has a top speed of l.'l.'i miles an hour, will be scheduled te make the journey of 103 miles In nbeut fifty minutes. The ether ships will net be ipilte se speedy. The rates will preb ably be $.'13 a passenger in tne regular service and ?e0 n passenger In the dc luxe. Flying beats will be used se that in ease of mishap they may glide te safety en the water. The planes will travel clone te the coast line nnd at no time will they assume great altitude, It was said. News leaked out today that City Treasurer Charles Parsons, missing from his desk In the City Hall since Tuesday, Is absent en his honeymoon. "Captain Charley," as he is popu larly known, had been a widower for se long that his single estate was taken for granted. With the exception of Albert Ueyer, Commissioner of Finance, and Alfred Glenn, who has charge of the Department of Vital Statistics, none of the city attaches were in en the (.ecret. Beyond stating that "Captain Charley" was married te Miss May Fackenthal, of tills city, en Monday night, even these two could furnish no Information. I'arsens. who in a irrnndfathpr hv I an earlier marriage, is sixty-four years j old and created considerable amazement in tne early part et tne year wiien ne refused te accept nn Increase in salary. stating thnt he was then getting all be was wertn. Twe men were taken te the Atlantic City Hospital within a few minutes, buffering concussion of the brain, as the result of different accidents here yes terday. .Jehn Cellins caught his heel at the top of a stairway In his home and fell te the bottom. A few minutes later A. 1 Price, In another part of the city, was struck by a t.ixleab. Heward Moere, the chauffeur, was arrested and Is held without ball te await the out come of Price's Injuries. A census of World War veterans In Atlantic County was determined upon at n meeting of the Executive Commit tee and athletic officers of the county Legien pests. The move followed short addresses by five Mayers, who with the legionaries were guests of James Har vey 1'est lu entner last night, and is for the purpose of finding jobs for the unemployed. The Mayers pledged co operation. The first pest-war military organiza tion te be recruited In Seuth Jersey was sworn Inte the State service here last night. The unit, which will take the Federal oath next week, is a sanitary nnd automobile company consisting of sixty-five men and officers. An interesting program has been ar ranged for the annual meeting of the Y. W. C. A. in Vernen Hall tonight, filrl Reserves, high school clubs and the business girls group of the association will form a precession In costume singing. Correcting nn error In nn earlier or dinance, the City Commissioners yes tcrday fixed the last Sunday tn April as the date en which the resort will change te daylight-saving time. Through a misunderstanding the first Sunday laid been designated. Special Agent Harry Sands yesterday led his second raid en "damn spots" nbeut the resort. IIi "guestsT' ranged from a hotel keeper te the "presiding officer" of n bootblack stand. I The detachment of Investigators in command of Sands made a descent en the Campus, 010 Atluntlc avenue, tak- 1 Ing Lester Welk, the proprietor, nnd Henry Mittcnmyer, u waiter, In cus tody, along w'ith senys very choice liquors. Later. Donate Innelli, pro prietor of InnclU's Hetel, Hadden ave nue; Henry Stelnhnuser, of "The Inn," 15 Seuth Delaware avenue; Henry .Tames, grocer. 2401 Pacific n ve nue; Itlley Lewe, 1.111 Baltic ave nue, n bootblack, and Andrew Hill, a bartender employed by Jeseph Keclcy, artested en Monday, were arrested. All were taken before Hiram Steelmnn, United States Commissioner, and lipid ,ln $1000 bail for the Federal Grand Jury. mrhanv' Learfar Qlaa' tn Raaeh N Y. AW tlni Vaoatlen In 28, Vru. (New Yerk, March 31. All this trnvM stuff is "bunk," In the opinion ei "Big Tem" Feley, formerly Sheriff L !l lit a. a .a. .. arm n "nenp Dig injun" in the Tarn mfcny wigwams, who returned ycntcrday tfim a 1-MMlO-mlle trip te Italy, ltrance nnd ether' lands en the shores flt.the Mediterranean. Pbllttcians met Feley nt the pier nnd 'nsked hewi he enjoyed the voyage. Mrs.l Feley replied enthusiastically nnn milled "Tem enjeyetl'lt. tee." Svhen she became busy with the bnggnge in spectors he took his friends aside,, and this In what he told them: "Don't believe her boys. All this travel stuff is bunk. Give me New Yerk from ne,w en. Traveling is nil right for some folks, I guess, but leave mc out Hereafter. ' . It was) Feley's only v&catlen, In twenty -five years. BIRKENHEAD TO TAKE .REST Lord High Chancellor's Action Ad vised for Benefit of Eyes - Londen, , March 111. Lord Ulrkcn. head, the Lord High Chancellor, yester day wus grunted a mouth's, leave by Hie Heuse of Lords. In making his request for the leave Lord Birkenhead said his' physicians had advised hinir owing, te truublc with his eyesight, te take a complete rest frpm work. Lord Birkenhead 'recently -iins been mentioned an one of the possibilities for succession te the British premiership should Lloyd Geerge retire. 9 Convicted In Bootleg Conspiracy Trenten, N. .7., March 11. Nine men who had been operating near New Brunswick were convicted In the United Stntes District Court yesterday nfter nfter nfter noe.n of n conspiracy te violate the National Prohibition Act and were sentenced by Judge Betllnc te terms in the Federal Pcnitentlnry. D0Mfl:Mif - - iiiij ,m a , aiaa.?' -v k 1! 'j I SRaV" Mvmt' v.TJKir Auther Thought ArttsiV 8tgi Lpve-IVlaklng te Fermer' ' Wife Toe Real DEVELOPMENTS EXPECTEd . San Francisce, March 31. Carmt, home or writers nnd artists., nnd softie plain, ordinary folk as well, who take n personal nnd intimate Interest in tne "Bohemian Colony." an thev .call1 it Is new a town divided against itsc1(ever the fistic battle of 'Inst Saturday be be tween Harry Leen Wilsen,' author, and Theodere M. Crllcy, nrtlst. , , A Cnrmel play started all the trenble' mere thnn six months nge between Wil Wil eon nnd Crlley. Wilsen wrote the platf "Perannder Walk," it was named, and pretty Mrs. Wilsen . took the. part' of heroine. Crlley was the here ,of It, Wilsen nnd Crlley were' friends' then, After the performance they ceased te "0. , . , According te the best-lnfermedvln Cnrmel who nrb net afraid te talk Ma " -.'iTSlt W M maffKtBBBV l ' i"amJ tim, 'mujmmSim mm ..)'" 'jv'i .ill. . ! ntAVMIM .tlf sthb. -m ttiiit a stage ievemninn e ,wv liL a Wil harm kwr la- Mtcd'in and the whole tMMl&iM W WSmlS beli1evth) Pacific Ocean 1 tW men met nnd went at it according 1 men's conception of .Queeisbfrry WWilsen is fty'ii,srlMi .ll.!t' drtley forty-five. ,Wllsen Is ! than Crllcy, but difference In weight wall mere than made up by the d ffer wee in yenrs. Beth men are said .te bevln the pink of physical condition for Swir ages. Frem the :tnest authentic. eurcesplt Is learned, that the fight, was mere or less of a.'draw. i The two inert' who witnessed the scrap somewhat ns seconds witness a regular 'duel arc net talking about it, but both contestants, it Is. wild, were somewhat bruised, and n draw, would have been declared lmd the bout been pulled off in public. . ( ,, J: ,,'. , The princlpnl trouble seems .te, mv according te Cnrmel folks, net because: there was a fist fight between, an artist, and n writer, but; because the,fignt has net clarified the ntmosplierent'alt. The men nppenr te be still bitter enemies. Living net 'far from each ethllrand about six miles outside of Carrriel, Crl- ley, it-Is stated nt Carmtd, ' Is ,afraJd. that Wilsen is going te carry the "war rt.fct into his MinD. Wllaenltes at Car-', mcl miv that this is air'neAsente and;! ... UMlann wnnld net faVe'advhntitffei of anv one. Hut they aW say the fight' has iiet ended the feud.' . ' . aBflBawV. aaBBBBBaaBaaV. .aW a4W .aV aV cWhu215O00beebk went te Carlsbad last year And they came from all ever the world te partnke et the. natural curative properties for atemacli trouble, liver nnd kidney dlieases. rneumatlHm. conatlpatlen. etc., con tained in Otrlsbad Sprudel Springe Famous for centuries. New you can TSbtaln these natural remedies nt.yeur drusralat. ASK FOR THE CEHUINE Ctrhbad Spredel Water and EarlsbacL &&?&. SpradelSalt lajgli' V.w BaVaESSSavS' rasi'.PfTTliI 'lllll EfBiBBPSB t' JafaJHraBarJaBlBaaiaBaaafji 7-aBBa--BBBal Carlsbad Predtxts Ce. 90WitSt.NawYerk EASTER At the Seashore PLAN TO TRAVEL' ON "THE READING" t neon nnir. avkit. u Atlaatle City Leave Chestnut Bt. Ferry CIO, 8.00, 9.00, 11.20 A. U., 6.00, 0.20, ll.OO. 8.80. 11.40 P. Jl. Oeeaa City, Wlldwoed, Cap Kay Leave Chestnut fit Ferry 8.60 A, o.eo r. M. Bm Isle City Leare Chestnut Bt Ferry 8.60 A. M. Stene Harber Leare Chestnut Bt. rernr 8. (50 A. 5f., 4.20 F. M. BAT1JRDAT, APKIL 1 Atlantle City Iare Chestnut Bt. Ferry 6.10, 8.00, 0.00, 11,20 A. VI., 1.00, a,w, i.w. ew, e.vj., ii.iu i. ju. 3.00. 4,00, M., 4.30, 2.00, Oeeaa City, WUdweai, Cap May Leave Chestnut Bt Ferry 8.60 A. M 12.40. M. - i , (10 A. M. SO A, M... 12.40, 4.20 P. M. ATB1I. 10 ttrr smrrJA-r. -Leave Chestnut Ht Ferry 6.10, 7.30, 8.00, 9.00, 10.00, J.s.20 A. M., 4.20. a en p. Sea Xsla City Leaves Chestnut Bt, Ferry 8. Dieae jiaxoer lte cnesinui gt. rerry 8, . .. EABTEH atiastie city Leave c 2.00. 6.00. 8.80. 11.40 P. U Ocean City Lesre Chestnut Bt Ferry 7.10, S.C0 A. M. , 6 00 rnM ' Wlldwoed' """ " Leave Chestnut St Ferry 7.20, 8.60 A. M. o'nnLt?Tr',rit,S,UetC,t' 7A?0, 8,S?V 100 .'.. 2.85, 4.00. 6.03, 6.1R, 8.00. 7.0O. 8.00, 2na' J'iS0!.1-.?1, ,ITe 0" City 4,18.'6.28 P. M. Usee Stena1 Harber 8.21 A. M. 4.08. 6.15 P. M. Leave Cape Hay 6.15 A. M 4.10, 6.18 T. M. Leave Wlldwoed 6.18 A. U., 4.(X, 0.15 P. M. t... a.i 4i u T?5?'IN0 H0HDAY. APRIL 17 snLTA.t,MtlCit, 5;001 7v22- Wj ". -80. "80 A. M.. 2.85. 4.00, 5.05, 6.05, A itUfnnP,iJa '. 0?Ml0 0,m9-0' A-i i I". M. Leave (Japa KaV 8.60 Hartats'is'A'M inn wlMwoed fitf A. k. 1.00. 4.5 P. M. Leave Btena P,fllm.nA.,.A.4.i0!! r Ji'- I,!T ? Uit O'ty "I0 A. M.. 4.00 P. M. ?&yr'&!&Z? d' rt 0hMtaul Bt- '"" Philadelphia & Reading System ATLANTIC CITY RAILROAD SUNDAY EXCURSIONS TO THE SEA .50 Kvery iHundej- LaaTa'-TJaattnut anil Sattth M. Paertaa for Atlaatle' City 7.30 A. M. Fer Oaaan City, Stene Harber. Wild Wild weed era Caps My. leave Chestnut St. Terry 7,fU.A. JI., Seuth St. Ferry 7.10 HeturniairUiVe aU points 6.16 P. X. Vvl t,WF -.ii' ,.-n A S& ! BURCH JURY CHALLENGED. USE SLOAN'S TO EASE LAME BACKS )U can't de your best when your I cyery muscle a Apply Slean's freely without rubbing, as tt ptnelrala atrOl back and every muscle aches with fatieup. Annlv fatigue. Liniment atnd a aulclcelew of warmth and com fort wilrpucthe "pep" back into you. Geed for rheumatism, neuralgia, lumbago, sciatica, Bprains and strains, aches and pains, bruises, stiff joints, bad weather after-effects. Fer- 40 years Slean's has been the (standard liniment In thousands of bemes all ever the world. You'll find it dean tee ler.ving no Ida stains, muss or cleggtd pores. Its very odor healthy and s.'imulat Ing suggests the geed it will de. Keep a bottle handy for you never fiaew when, you, -.will need it. At all lrug2ts jec, ty, i.w. lea iniment iifA PainA &Sgk ?l?S!rJ8r&3& en'araMli? swnaeiaa, ibsen's Defense Alleges Tampering With Entire Panel In Murder Case Angeles, March 31. The entire panel of jurors in the trial for murder of Arthur C. Burch was challenged yesterday afternoon by Paul V. St'hi'iick. chief defense attorney en the creiind of alleited tamnerlne. The first Indication that persons were attempting te Investigate prospective iiirnrs came Thursday, when .Miss Zoe' Rutherford stated that a man represent ing himself as from the District At torney's office (tsked her mother whether Miss Rutherford was In favor of capi tal punishment, and then, she said, proceeded te tell why he thought Burch was guilty. N'Ine ethers stated. In response te questions by the defense, that their homes or theln neighbor hud been visited by persons seeking information. Judge Reeve announced he had called a new jury panel for his department. "MIRACLE," VILLAGERS SAY t Canadians Awed by Statue Snatched Frem Cathedral Fire Quebec, Sfarch ,'il. Villagers who gazed yesterday en the ruins of the basilica that sheltered the famous shrine of St. de Beaupre, destroyed Wednesday by fire, pointed with awe at thrf woeilen statue of St. (Sreger Thau maturgiiH, or miracle worker, which escaped unharmed. "A miracle " they whispered, even ns they had spoken when pilgrims who had come te the shrine nhd cast down their crutclies nnu ueciarcu tnemscives neaietl. The Redempterlst Fathers, te whose care the shrine hnd been Intrusted, in. spurring tne initniui te reconstruction of the .cathedral, also pointed te the' statue, ;. dedicated te. the memory of Gregery of Cnppadecla, te whom the WOrKing. tu urw;i " Hwvea,! .1... i,i.A anhiM Tha (aVatiuvwa) UlD'lHliaiV.H(u.i,. ..w p--w w Guaranteed Used Car Sale Fer Twe Weeks April 1st te April 15th We will have en display at our salesrooms, 911 North Bread Street, the most attractive display of geed Rebuilt, Refinished and Guaranteed OAKLAND CARS in open &nd closed models, that we have ever displayed. The spring rush of new business has been se great that we have taken in trade a large stock of OAKLANDS and ether makes in exchange for new cars. This will net be a price-slashing reduction sale, but instead a collection of geed used cars, each one representing real, honest value for the price we ask. Oaklands from 1918 up have all been REBUILT and REFINISHED, and our regular GUARANTEE OF 30 DAYS FREE SERVICE AND 90 DAYS ON PARTS will apply. OTHER makes of cars have all been reconditioned. Never have we been able te rebuild se geed and put our used cars in as near perfect condition as this stock will show upon your investigation. We de net expect a profit in these cars, our price merely covers our exact investment plus expense of rebuilding. We Will just say there never was or never will be shown in Philadel phia a mere attractive, mechanically better, mere thoroughly inspected value in REBUILT, REFINISHED and RECONDITIONED used cars than we will offer te the public from April 1st te 15th, inclusive. Our only thought is a satisfied OAKLAND used car owner. Seme day you will be in the market for a new car. We invite you te visit our salesrooms. Inspect these jobs. Take a demonstration and see for yourself the real. DOLLAR for DOLLAR VALUE we have te offer. We will then leave it te your own judgment as te the purchase. t Remember, this is net a price-slashing reduction sale, but a DOLLAR for DOLLAR VALUE SALE IN GUARANTEED USED CARS. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 10 P. M. Oakland Moter Car Ce. poplar 40? 911 NORTH BROAD ST. i4 I "! - CrafcMttV "TT jl7a?lV f?.H e FiaM K . I BBBBBBWXaBBBkT NT ; ?M ,f . TsA.bbbbbbbbbbbbbI . Ill 'At I 'aBBlaiBBBal 111 'J 'i3r3laBsaaaK 1 IIbF BBasaaiaaswiaBKBaaBV v TWBl 1 .Every Night Some one's Safe Is Robbed Tell cant be positive yeuri won't "be next. Yeu ci 1e ttesltlva that there's no money In it by maklnf.depellt' every night in , xrust. the Jt ins.depeilti XepnWie.Ti 3 '. .. a, VJ REPUBLIC TRUST GOMIMkNY 1429 Cfiestnut Street f HOURS Oam-IOpm f Ayi!lBiLJJtlLJga! K'!l!?g!!3!lgg!J ' l 'UBBBBBBBBBBBWK..arMM aaSal ' aBraBBBa aBlilai I ta. "' " - - - ' a" ' sB t-iilBaaV . SBV i. T Tt aaBBaBBBBBal ' V Wff aaElMaaBaMaMlgly lOlilnl bWMbKI aBsf sWaff -V W' Waf I SsLM' SsIbtW aaaaat -saH'iaaal - ll . jyMff. fA5Sr W ehole. from tha StaWaMBaaW'YBP '? aHsT ' A ' 'aBaBaBaBaMsaBVamQaaB nlameDtl , Tjivalllrre r ' I ' BtfBglKBK. k TT W -. T . aaBBB 'eiu mfTnSajIffvSKftiBij) t viamvna iieia. namiu v TaBBF (J 111 lj''KVjIIfaBanHBVjt amaaja -); i Tmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmm sbbbb. , Minmwmu ggfli aBBaBBaBBBBafaBaBBaBaVjBBlaBaBBBBB -.,, :. .1 'i - - - - rM BBBBaBBaamavffa " I, ' y! laaBBSl S& fS ' The fttfdtter tin-felt pacfatg with the yet low lmbel la the only form In whlchFleiach fliann'a yisasf ie told ;p :- k helps digestion and cleans a coated tongue V ' I,''' v THOUSANDS of men and women have feandreBef ' from various' digesrive disturbances by eating Fld8ctenann's Yeast- It is human nature te want te find eat "why." Safar as science can tell us this is the reason:' ' " Reischrnann's Yeast h a feed abundant in certain ele ments 'which are necessary te health and life, itself. It promotes, the flew of .bile and of pancreatic juice,' It has a remarkably.beneficial effect' en the whole digestive sys tem. It cleans a coated tongue. Try Fleischmann's fresh yeast in orange juice or, if you prefer, in milk. Men like it in milk shakes and malted milks. Women like it spread en bread or crackers. Keep your digestion in the pink of Condition and your tongue clean and healthy by eating 2 or 3 cakes of Fleisch mann's Yeast fresh every day before or between meals. Get Fleischmann's Yeast fresh daily from your grocer. ..TJ WILLIAM H. WANAMAEER STORE NEWS 1217-19 Chestnut Street . V Chevy Chase Check Suits. Silk Lined Anether Exclusive Creation of Our Own Designers $37.50 'pHE Chevy Chase Check Suit which bears the William H. Wanamaker label of exclusive design is well portrayed in the accompanying i 1 1 u s s tratien. The pockets are patched en and have inverted pleats. The cloths of which they are made, are the new tartan checks se much wanted by young men and there are hundreds of them ready today and to morrow in this much desired pattern. The call for them for Easter wear will be unmistakable and while you will find ordinary checks you will net find any fashion te match this in Philadelphia. Yeung Men's Tuxedo Dansant Suits $35 We mention them because they are selling with such rapidity, which is explainable for the reason that they are the finest suits in the town, regardless of' the low price which has made them se popular at our Stere. . Last Shipment of Aquascutum New' English Spring Overcoats Fer the Meney $35 Imported English Aquatite Topcoats are the best overcoat buy in town. They sell as fast as we can land them from the steamers. Scotch tweeds (genu ine) coats, Londen made, with the English style se difficult te reproduce. All sizes ready for this week end. Cbnnemara Hemespuns Te Measure $55 'They are hand-woven in little Irish huts en looms that were the fashion before Queen Victeria came te the throne of England. After they weave them they spread them en the hedges'and this exposure gives them the life and vitality that 'knowing men recognize. There is a 'special, display of them in our window. passed the custom inspectors yesterday and today are ready for customers who have se patiently awaited their arrival. Wonderful English Entirely new typical English Coatings . Broadcloth Shirt: in snaqes ei Drewn, tan, gray ana a new snade of blue cadet. , $50 and $55 which U less than usual for Aquascutym Coats. $5 In crays, tans and. wriitr. Rir and away the ,most fashionable, Shirts in Philaaeipuw. 4 ,:j "ft 1 c t' Wv m m m i uM .'.'! ' .91 1 m vm ;:Ba1lllll tt saBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV rat swr erected la Canattpta a :i l v , , r , , WPffT tiWixf&fi?? " T? a , ii. WA'-asW W v-'M'W i." rnfyfJ jSV" MMmmiki&msm is mmM&u, 1SS "II '2MMMMeM.x4A , jaaaBBBK4' !.' M .