atatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatataMI' 111 II II PI 1 'l latatatatJaatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatataatatatatatatatatatatatlaatatatatatatatatJI iHHHME s$S? mm& pM U r'ajf . , I I. H W mv!-. DELPHIARr fWlilRCDT HY Hfilllll Hnr.H IB 4f IMT "- ';-il iL3$ii Vlfl , feVCEV 'Mail Incisure tebe given H jj1 it., rn(n- rene outfit ftMeh Ha- be-" .& BBP iiet'en- Ofthe rhlf Attractions nt JHA . ' ' wSfc tSet" Ve be I ?5SW B. j X. ""Bk ,4i3P ffikSlk en life outfit new ' Vfe-"CL "f f gjW ir IliJfijjdPSijff SMBVkMkQflB tMttKt U j0tfF t ..T. ."-.Xfciai.lii.i.i.i X ..w ' .'JiW'-:' '- -. jm iavE&gjat Wtf-f 'ivw?iijrvLjJ. IRit ,!tvi A.,1' 'V "'. ' ISA vv ' -' "" ieid40: k( liiAi" y i. '? i i. . '.VI .r'.j r t . '."' "j--l Wl )"" - Will Buy l ' AnlWe are HEADY With the' Greyest Assortments anc V , v ; . t.r ? rrra fomerrow-4 Greatest Clothing Values Ever ifaieWhU! Vi i&ed nlRhtly -Phrlm W. BainbrfdM, Jr.,' of the rtcetln of the "te t'e held M ttB FfhMor,1LI FfhMer,1LI . A!.4ininm. Anrll 4. and nmeKPR !d rrihmitii will be mpvmI nt the it home nuer inn mccuui t The Wllllwp T. Bheullne Teut DO, i.Miiiinv nrpnnmiiiiii iiir nn uu i since, te be'held-Aprli 21. at the ....,H 2m niieKtmit- Ktrcet. A iSbnaUn for the eStabHehment of a Sert home will be utartcd at thin nffalr(i ifVWhlCn ine ceraumicn "in iihhim iteiny ature. a run nj mvu m -Tr'the POft for track Athlrten, the plan "Tii-i. tn enter a team In the Lesien aSir event te be held this sennen in one '- Input nnrltM. ' 1" m ..'.Ia man wnn wrn memberii & h former Philadelphia Manete Teut lftO, preteHt, that, an Imprewlen hna fcein created in the Thirty-fourth Ward 'lut1 tnat ornentMHon c i '" ihia members have" consolidated witn i'the Breen-McCracken Tet Ne. 207, cind the' member of both organlxatiena ew form the, Breen-McOracken Teht SM the Thirty -fourth and rorty-ieurtn S". The next meetlrir will be held April B'6 at 300 North lFfty-wpnnd Htrrct. (,An Illuminated emblem will be AUf 'played for the firet time at thlM meet hfih. The Kntertnlnment Committee ia planning an nmnteur nljht for the rcg- lamr :;niig i . ; The Executive Committee et David r -vr. Jamrnen l'est, jni, nnw eiepten .-Comrade Ballev te fill a vacnncy among- I'vthemielvea. Jho next meeting of thlw FA DAat is td De new Tuesday evening nt !i Snntli VAn Pelt vtreet. and it Is ex- kT.eected thnt one of the principal topics I'Tef discussion will be the attitude the H$et should- take concerning the bonus H rrUm. 1aI1 AfUfiA AlifiArvanp nt "STe ritnerial Dayahave been left te Jehn . iue(. xiierH: jnmesqn's "tf1 Hnrry h. dreenwoed Pest, 332. an :)V'tr(,u hnf It will held Memerial Dav WBMwnMMAa 1iltiflff tbtth iht Rphlivlnr iMPest, of the G, A. R. $ ' - t.i.i j.i ui. tt j n W. r Ane memecrsiuii unve uy iiumiru j. JI1PXJ111 1'nBI. u. uril-rjuancn. ,, ifriiiii bnvi ..L li l. L 4M.l ife'aaBM bla AliA annl 9 enillO II 1 HUlicu iu iratu mu uin ui memberx. iThc basketball team of the McCall SPeit has two sanies remaining en -Its ';'tehtdule for,,the'-jseasen. tA baseball ; 'Xtam is in me prni'ven i urguuiiiuiuu. 15 V! . . ....... . , X It has been announced tnat neDert .i. 'j'Martln Pest, 208,-111 Jein the Frafik- 'ford Pest In the dlcatleii of the me- .vlmerial te Forty -fifth'. Werd men who ulCQ in rcrviuc. Xliu ui-uiluuuu mil ,tke place April 15. t After-Dinner Tricks IV- o-Tneriai liayanave eeen ieit i Hart, commander of th pe 'VJwlll include a journey te sjrave at Toms River. w OKI - .&&GSri Ne. 124. The Changing Dice. A nnli. nf utnnll dlne npA halfl bptlfPPtl the tips of the thumb and forefinger. Attention Is called te the spots- of the f dice which arc facing the spcctateiH. , Waving the hand in the air, the spots f change instantly. , In waving the hand, the forefinger ' moves back slightly, which gives the dice a quarter turn. Naturally tills changes the value of the spots. An ether wave of the hand, and the move is reversed, bringing the H'ets back te their original value. CopirieM, iff a, by Public Ltdeer Cempa.ii. HOUSEHOLD GOODS PrECIAT. THIS VTKEK 2 Mahentr Typewriter Peaks I Mahonry lint-Tep Desk 1 Tin Mshener Directors' Table Te be Mid for steriwri chsrrr clirmi. Merrlian Stema. 5229 Market St. X Open Etss. Bel. 2001. Prre DrlUrry CHARGE ACCOUNTS RA8Y TERMS At the Leading Stores WBITE FOB PAnTICOLAnS FRAMBES & CLARK 1112 Chi(nu( St PHI. M Uunrnnjei i Jr. Illds.. Atlantic Cltjr SO N. Third St., Csmdem fnU II Mil 1 1 li ii ii ii ii . uhi iHDmnxi wra inu iukvi vraivivtvivtf High-Clan FURNITURE Made te Order REPAIRING REF1NISHING UPHOLSTERING v class work for people i (incrimination. 5eneh polishing en Pianos and omce furniture. EL SINDACO M tUlff f PA 14... ."ivn w .ancaiiar awa !,!"' p.i.'. iine. Mr. Hill's Personal ' Guarantee Gees With .Every Purchase Open Every Night-r-! Stere Orders Accepted AAMieWKSeaeaeWTIe. j m&Mskt? ' M 4P eaK?X9iBr " '"' t M eaH eaH h ;aBaanv ...jw w em. -". ' aaeaeytlHlU. ' : laW aa ea eaHV s&r: TmnmBmr v.- k di.el OaeaHL tlaalL v s b. S f Sail z-Am Ti'im ai X' i 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanBBafloaHB9reaaaaaaK : 'gsXafJIh aFaaaaaaaaaaaaaHffiSHaHHaanilHil 'WllaBs V aaaaaaaaaaaaaSaWrSa'fweaHRSRaHaX'' ST BaF'lifA i aaaaTeaaaaaaigPillW'l I HiMl MfW 'I"1 HfPI I raWfel aT'S '.OaleaaaaaaaaaBVA97B'lSaBaaHSMs?aaSW2 BaWJKyA aTJataaaaaaaaaaaBlaaWkawwiffiflPlrwBavwlBvlae? V2MaQ JTt BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavlvuWjwiaaVuivae&eiv?(nBla9QpV9a .lausafcavt J aaWHaaBaifl.lll.lllWlWW aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaffli5SsfS?S?5a?fNl' aaaaaaaaeeaaaaaaaaaaar ''iiM ffijSBHWBBH8KHBs JaOaOaOaOaOaOallaVar MPHaHaWfflrjMn!lMS?aOa0aOaOalaOaOa0aOa0af ''aOaOaPTOy SKaOaOaOaOaOaOaOaOaV yBBBMBKisllBaBEfffiSM aTtS daflBBaBaBaBaBaar Jv 'KRpBBaHBSBalBHGaBBfiBMJsSjBaBaBaBBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBa .: TSaTaTaTaTaTaTJr fc: VKRK!MaSlSaBaBTaTaTaTaTaBaaBTaTaTaTaTaTaTe " ' llVaaaaaB MJJfiraSaga&aBSaHaHaOBOBOBOBOm IPlHA XeaH.aaMeeWHaWI3-aaaaaa faSeaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaalBTaTaTaTaWeSBa9KSBaa K laaaaaaaBaBKS:WinffillMlHHHlMi '-' IBr -aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaalalHLebWWaW vM HIaeSntaiSPSWlW&y' BarawaTiaaBBaBaMvu9B&sheHEMraKuSnef 'a aBBBBaV V' 'h9BBtaaBatBBBaRSKl0nMSaaW8aU TV V' "f: i 'aSafMaSlaaWH3ll '' V?SR. liSsSSHAfe!? ., . ' aiirifiawy rrru-i --. mMmiKKxst&w i l M I all aW'l ' I'l 1ml I'M V. Va.9?aC&afaBaWXSISBT I TttlillTF W9HV "1 EHl aWlaMSjlllMlTrtIJ.tlIEZL..C. .I ".v;?i. y ' .---WBHlBtti IT iKin atatatatatatatataleataWWIMeeaBefe !&HiKV&Tm&,t&s5iixffWVYWl'! '-i s r" HOithOne andl&oPcdrefPcmte PRICES THAT SAVE YOU i $5.00, $10.00 or $15.00 Men realize, tomorrow is APRIL 1st and you are just two wedks away from Easter. Yeu "must think of spring clothing new you must ' be prepared for EASTER. And the HILL CO. is prepared te prepare' you for Easter. . , - The stocks, the assortments the varieties why, MAN, alive nothing like it has ever been known in history. Thousands and thou- sands of garments an endless and almost unlimited choice of styles, patterns and colorings. Tomorrow will be the day why delay in shopping around and wasting time come te THE HILL CO., where you knew what you want and at the price you want te pay IS HERE FOR YOU. Hundreds and Hundreds of Styles. Materials, Patterns and Colorings The assortments are bcw'ilderinR the varieties almost unbelievable. There isn't a style, a pat tern, a coloring or a material that any man could want but thrt MR. HILL has it here in this store and at these most unusually low prices. Ne matter what you want no matter what you have in mind if it is clothing, COME TO THE HILL CO. it is here J or you and at a worth-while saving. Sports Suits Single-Breasted Medels Deuble-Breasted Medels Ferm-fitting Medels Conservative Medels 1 and 2 Butten Medels Stout Men's Suits' THE HILL CO. Is Philadelphia's Largest Exclusive Men 's & Beys ' Clothing Stere Just think a 5-story building carrying nothing else but clothing. That is just what Mr. Hill offers you here! Is it any wonder that Mr. Hill's values are better when he can buy such large quantities? Come in today, tonight or tomorrow GET READY FOR EASTER and come te THE HILL CO., where you KNOW that what you want is awaiting" you and at the lowest price it is possible te offer. Beys' 1&2 Pair Pants SPRING SUITS Reefers and Topcoats At the Lewest Prices in Town! Mr. Hill is ready for the boys and ready with a big "R." A real surprise awaits you when you, come te the J3eys' Department en the Third Fleer for it is the largest exclusive Beys' Cloth ing Department in the city. . Parents, just see' the stock and you will realize what it means te buy here. Ne ether store can show the varieties the assortments of everything new for the boy. And prices why, Mr. Hill guarantees a saving of $8.00 te $4.00 en every purchase. The finest quality materials in all the new styles most of the suits with two pairs of lined .trousers. Every boy can be fitted up te 18 years and plenty of STOUT SIZES, tee. . i The Largest Department in the City! . A FtftXTOl Men's Thousands of Pairs m4 eusers At These Lew Prices $m Tweeds in all colors, m&ww fancy cassimercs, worsteds, pin brown, blue awl green nwmieip. Stere Orders' Accepted !...! !.!.. ...,3 ,...iit amfftQ We can At any man-all lengths up te 37-inch inseam and all waist measurements, up te 54 inches. ', t 1019 Market & Philade piB Si Wm Wm Open Every Night! taaaaaaaaaak. BBBBBaaaaaaaaaaaW aaaHHHIlBBaB aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB 1021 Market St. hia's Largest Exeivye IVlen's & Beys' Clothing Stere ' e; J T mm &.i WJrtta ffi rFfJ&J ;r t' '. V.tW I x. 'mi iH J M8 4 . m .) a Al 3 m $ ti .u M '51 VI M A3 Fv ? iijj Xtf.: (Wy iV i.V m w &tetffl&s&M -' AfAi WiVW Mx9SM?h Eait4.jfcfcfiAA 4$& ' fc u$l.M i-iK ;&&ii$ Siiciki. '&K.t WiM .. iX & m IU. iiVflailre i T . l LiaMaiiii r1 ? H&? fi 4iiji - iV 'f