Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 31, 1922, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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Wr J
' I I M i i Will II IIHi I I mil i !! Iiwui Mi Ill II Mil ggggggggggggggggggi I
BBHIl ' u) .UrOUtiUMVra' iiwr.L'U9SKHIIIDV'JkVV V.1I&W A "" r-Afrtt Vt!;iTJJiJriIliaK1W?.'v'W,,M-ie,Yjl ,,. t". TOtWWPW .-
ggggH&;.Y w wjmsjwwwsm-jcmw sw;? "' .. ?swrs-i f ww. 7'Ma tot , w.M'.i, '' ?,sr ; . '.iHni
HM W-' - ' ' iJlINBmmiEB)iiMlBil
fWWJCTUAf. i..,,K- - '-'"" ''',.' , j. v' TiL!S2 r" !' . . ' "VvJt?flgfHHHJ b
BaSfiS'frrtten a WAefe Cenure y4a . TO" "ORE settled runaflH j
"girTdken Frem Diary by Mrs. Wilsen
Cream Sauce Makes Bacen and Eggs Unusual, While the
Old-Time Dixie Plum Cake Is Temptingly Spiced
Cumtt'laht. 19Tii tu lfr.. it. A. W'llJOU. XII
S.- rlet rcservtd
tk ', mODAy, Mnrch the nist, Is n balmy
ifcVi . - A snrln 1nv. the robins are Mnclnit
H A.' in,l n,i,,nl,nl, tiinin.l l.lu tnll nnil lied.
H.fAlte thfi otmerttini' tlme li nt hand for the
Kgifi-Khjakinu of the kitchen garden. Sinter
K&TMartha will fetch home the seeds from
??', thn market nml Inetlilnks ule n soedly
i I -; . .. . ...... i ..
t mrkrtlnR thin iiny. urt six uc gene ,
I hnvn made n wonderful spice cake,
from Mr. I.cnch's new recipe that came
from hepslMer, who lives en n Vimlntn
The above netu and the recipe need
today nn taken from nn old diary of
Itachel Heward, who lived In Philadel
phia In the early eighteenth eentiuy.
Bouthern Strawberries
Cereal mid Cream
Bacen and Hrrs with Cream (iiuy
Fried Potatoes Colonial
IlellB Coffee
Pickled Heeti llndMies
Spiced Cucumber UIiikh
Brained Shoulder of I.stinb, Dutch Stjlc
Maihwl Potatoes Peas
Cabbage Salad
Apple Shortcake Cream
llndishei Pickled Heels
Celd Cuts nf Meat
Petate Salad
Baked Apples Spice Cake
Bacen and Eggs With Cream Sauce
rirewn thin slices of bacon, and then
I1 cook one egg for each person In the
M baron fat, keeping the egg white while
COOKing ; mis i" cnwiiy uein- u.t nii
having the fat very het. Lift the egg,
when cooked, te n small slice of toast,
and then drain n portion of the fat from
ithe pan, add six tablespoons of flour,
blend nnd ndd
One and enc-haif cup fif milk.
blend and bring te a boil, cook for
fle minutes, season well.
Braised Shoulder of Lamb, Dutch Style
Have the butcher bone and roll the
'shoulder. New place In n wooden chop
ping bowl
Ttce ltck,
Three onion.
Three branches of parsley.
One teaspoon of thyme.
" Chop very fine and pack into the meat
where it is tied. Put n little shortening
in deep saucepan and when smoking
het add the meat. Turn until nicely
browned and then cover the pan closely
and let cook very slowly, allowing full
thirty-five minutes te the pound. Add
te the meat while cooking
, Ofie-9firffr cup of vinegar,
Eight small onions.
Twe carrots, cut in small pieces,
One cup of tenter.
Six tablespoons of flour.
' Dissolve the flour in the water before
adding te the meat, season with salt
,and pepper and add
One-half cup of finely chopped pars
ley. One cup of thick sour cream.
Blend well nnd serve.
Colonial Boiled Dressing
Place in n saucepan
On cup of milk,
Velt of one tug.
One teaspoon of mustard,
One teaspoon of Mir,
One tablespoon of sugar.
One teaspoon of ichite pepper.
Four tablespoons of flour.
Xew dissolve the fplccs in the milk,
- before starting te cook, nnd just us seen
as the mixture begin te thicken add
slowly two-thirds of a cup of vinegar,
beating the vinegar iu slowly; add one
half cup of butter and bring te bell.
Place where It will cook very slewlv for
live minutes. , '
This amount of dressing will keep
in .,, iV i ,; . .:V . ' "r : hotel fir an eenmg-H entertainment.
in summer if placed tear the ice. Te;here dancing was included In the pro pre
use, place nbeut two-thirds cup of this Kra:n. During the course of the pve
dresslng In bowl and ndd nine the jeune ladles left the table for
One-half cup of sour cream. , a few minutes, and while away one of
ueat te Diend a
nd pour ever the salad. te young men aim. ,.u..y ir e..Q et i . .. .., ,.,,irif.. It Is a'alnwlv. Take another breath and re.
. - lis at nneiner taDie ie nance wun mm. i " .. , , ,,.,, i, tlm nrnctin Dn hl evrv
Apple Short Cake In the meantime .his lady friend re. long, haul pull, even if folks Ket their G, tV c ' be nnd I
in large, flat saucepan - '.V.rn!."..l0 '."J. r iV "SSmi. " '.'."kK land free irem the tievernment, by morning. befoVe an open window. In-
t7eTicate, 3' ,lnlsheJ danc'K -th h.esteading. elstakinS claims. Still. TniTT Hreal "KSp mk
te dissolve the sucar and hrln-1 wimt I wish te in.iulre is .li,i thi. t"tr'' ar, """ cnunces m a uapp, your running.
te a boil. Cook for two minutes. Kowlveung man commit a breach of etl-'
add three apples, pared, and cut each I
nnple in four slices- remove the core I
The annles new rese.nhle the -Ii nf I
itaeaffi Place hc'l es 1?. ?'
the prepared sirup and simmer slowly
until the apples are clear. The apples
must be laid In single lnjer In the
saucepan. While cooking 'yer te keep '
In the steam. New place in u mlxinu
Three and enc-iMarter cupi of flour
rfl . i . . "
One tciisvoeu of salt.
Tire tnhlennnnnt nf hnL!.,,, nn,.ir
W tnUnlZnV, It ,,,nJi ,"f(icT'
ttre tableipoeiis of sugar,
airt te mix and then rue into the
Ueiir I
fire tablespoons of sheitcntng,
nnd use nnn mm nf mill.- ... ...: . ,
. .- "- - ' - """ " "" 1"'
nh nll ..,.- nu Cm. 1.1 I .....
th la?. coeW
." i nun uunr in net even ler
Paul and Virginia
Ethical Complexes
KpAL'L, dcur, what are ethics?"
A. Paul dropped the evening news
paper nnd threw Virginia a quUzlcul I
glance ucress the li
brary table. Then he-
puckered h I s brews, i
laced his lingers nnd i
pursed his lips, nil be- ,
Ing the outward signs,
of deep thought.
"Ethics? Oh. they
lire the rules of the ,
game. Why?" '
irglnla sighed
"Nothing only
only I've been wen- '
derlng just hew one
gees about It te decide upon one's own
individual ethics." '
i Paul smiled gravely
Heney, that's something that's been,
engaging the attention of mightier
minds thnn jeurs and mine and it's:
bcn nn open subject for about -XMi '
years." '
She caught the sober note in his
voice. I
"Yeu mean, dear, that nobody can
get nt it? 1 nieiin, that the matter et
ethics is something te be left te one's
nu'ii nn,itr.uV
lie nodded gravely.
"Something like that. But it's net
x a question of choice. It's a matter of
one's conscience,"
1 Virginia grimaced.
"It a hnrd te understand, isn't It, '
"Very. If we nil had the sumo eth-
leal stimduril life would be relieved of.
a million complexes, anil rra iiiraiu 1
there d net be inurii spiritual excite-1
'ihent left. Pelltlcluns would be robbed I
Jef their fnverltr puSttime: vicwcfH
' iu llVi.iiliirin u'liulil hnvn IiethlllC te
rl,v.lM. .1.1,1 luitiiliirfi.u'lt livtiriili. . wnlllil
Wlmwr their Hnx'in 01
' :i -W.-fO' pointing."
ffllii 1 r ic 11
1'IIHlll Mill, ......... .w ...... ........ ,.-.....
(Ill I W 1 IU 111 u n
la dimpled,
flffenn mlniia millt liluMlit nnil tllV a
ullee nf tlie iimnni-i.il nnnle ill the 6N '
culti Place another slire nn top and
serve with thin custard Miiiec.
Spiced Cake
Plnce In mixing1 howl
Ohp cup of melnues,
Thrcc-qunrtcrs cup nf breien suijnr,
Ttce-thinh cup nf imisngc diippine,
One tempoen of yinycr.
One tcnipoen of cinnamon,
One teaspoon vf alUpkc.
One (yg,
Uleml wll, mid
Three chim of flour.
Tire tahlcipoent of baking ponder,
One cun of needed mmiih.
Our cm;) of chopped nuts, '
(hivhaff cup of citron, chopped fine,
Thrcc'iiuartcn cup of black coffee.
Ilent te mix nnil thou turn In n well- ,
grcnucd baking pan, cpre:illng the bntter
rvrnly nnil about ene ineh tliluk. Hake,
In inedcrntc ecn thirty-five minuter
Please Tell Me
What te De
Perfectly Proper
Dear t'ynthla My inother dleil In
'iltiy InSt Vp.nr nnfl T ntn ntlll In inmiFii.
- . ' ! Uhtll lit IlllPUtll'
I ing And tis l am te be married next
inuiun, would It he urcper or bad luck
rcr me te be nmrrled from the home of
a relntlve Instead of where I am new
llvlni?, with my brother? BKSSin
Dear child, there In no such thins n
bad luck. Of course, Ifs perfectly '
w.v,..., iu ue marneu irem a relatives
home, and ically It'n the best thing te
de If ou are net having a church wed
ding. Finds Him Repulsive
Dear Cynthia I am nn
i-ynthia I am nn ntir.irtlie .
young girl of eighteen and hae been
keeping company with n young man i
who l very much In lee with me.
This young fellow Is minus two lingers i
en hla left hand, which makes him very
repulsive te me. He Is a ery nice boy
and thinks that r like him. This defect
Is very noticeable, nnd I knew that I '
could never go out with him again. Se ,
please. Cynthia dear, tell me hew I can '
be rid or him without hurting his feel-1
Ings, as he- is n very sensitive boy. It Is
my mother's wish that I en with him.
My dear little girl, while there is no
?,uI.cL,iSl.ni,i0W' hT? mtsfert"ne te" turn
u against him. Hew can jeu be sure 1
leu may net meet with a like accident!
nteu ci your loving tne young man, you
wi n. 'uie une in your Hie: WOUlu
jeu want every ene te turn from ou
or a worse one In your life? Would
necause ei your lnnrm tv
He kind te
the jeung man and de net leek at his
It's net n bit necessary
Writes te "BUI"
Dear Cjnthln Allew me te say
itiv wurus 10 xtui.
I must admit that your letter gae
me a very glad surprise. It seems se
strange te hear any one who speaks te
nicely that doesn't knock nil the so se
called tlappers. I hae often heard
that "brains and beauty are an un
usual combination," and I bellee it's j
true, A girl who is a rnvlng beauty '
spends ull Tier time convincing herself of
tha fact, whereas a girl who Is hcmelj.
net uelv. but Just Dlaln. eanerallv ac- .
cepts the situation and puts herself te
the task of developing her mind, since I
she can't develop her beauty. As for
me. the man with the handsome face
is nnsse. It Is bad eneueh for the cirls
te be conceited, but when the men start
talking nbeut leeks It's time te turn
ever another page.
Yeu say that you are thrilled b the
pretty, fascinating Mapper type. Well,
as far as I am certcerned, 1 think the
tlappers are O. K. Any girl who Is
earrings or ether things thnt make our
dear reformers gossip hasn't get enough
backbone te be am e even ,.lr,
oOeuVdea'ins1 KvnTculhslfa
flapper, she'U-stlck by jeu.
afraid te shorten ner uress or weal
Quer en of Etiquette
pea. Cynthia-Twe couple, went te !
quette In asking his acquaintance te
dance, nasmuch as he had no assurance
f llew the 0U,,K Iatl' who accem.
P.J5rt !,'!.m.J0 Jle JlSl uM b" eM"'
i also would like te knew hew it ,
this jeung man wished te dance with
the acquaintance, It could be arranged
se as te be strictly goeu etiquette '
U was net a breach of etiquette,
strictly speaking, for the yeunp man te i silk liundlvHicliief, mid his -einbicri) at
.Innri,. ii Itli nr, nnrilinlnl nnnn Ull.. . I. ...... ,...1. l.I.f jit.li!iir at rtJ ,1
dance with an acquaintance while the
K'rl "e had taken te the party was
abtcnt But the girls should net have
lpft thl. table alone. If they did. the
men with them should have euertwl
them te the deer of the ballroom and '
have waited for their return te take
them back te their table
,-, .1 . ..!..., .1 1.
L UiUH ..nUllltT I. mil UMiVei. llie Lriril
Alliens .liiuiltt'l Ilia,, ,v-.ici-i L1IV Kin
and art galleries and music
net In the party
"And If out' i ode et ethics was mil
ersil tliiue'd be m dheicc leurtw
would tlie1'. dear, nnd there'll mil he
one opinion about bnbbnl hair, Walt
Whitman, problem plujs ami da light
Mvlng, would there.'
He grinned ever at
"That's t h e idea.
Ethics means the rules fwfi
of the game. Hut the i .j
trouble is the rules are '4V
se elastic t li a t the
word doesn't me a n
nnv thing any mere."
"Oh, dear, why are
we all created se dlf
fercutl) in our wn
of thinking, I mean"'
Wouldn't it be nice If
ever) boil, recognized light ftein wieng
und then there d be no wrong in the
world at all?'
Paul snickered rude!'
"That's a tine' original thought all
right," he said.
She pouted resentfully 1
"Well, there's no hurm 111 thinking
thnt. And light thinking will bring,
about light conditions. That's ensll,
understood. If evervbedj hud the same 1
ethics there'll be no strikes and no quur-
tpllnL' find fiii wins anil no tumbles
Ever thing would be just levelj." A
happy thetu'lit struck her. "Why,
Paul, It would be just like living in ene
of these Seuth Sea Islnnds, wouldn't
It, where ever thing is se perfect?"
Paul stilled a tremendous jiiwii.
g"thH M: lc would Im awfully
peaceful and just about perfect, 1 guess,
If ever, bedj thought just the fcnme
uneiit ever.Miuua, jui n .miiii ue ht-
rtuiy moneinnoiis,, no 1 1 jeu iiiuik; ; t
And suddenly Irglnla lememberfd
that sue sinitiiy leaineu parsnips, pe-,
tunlas, thn nil or of musk und the color
of iniigcnlu.
JAte has its complexes.
. -. -""7".. - s.A
Like ,Mm!. JVriW1?"85
Tomorrow just
' . . gV ',- ;.?;pi
- kWkW 'r'X.Jv
.gggggKggPM- ;)'
flSRBlHKk. ?
aHElfflBiMik, ' v
MHpKJgMpi5 , :
W Vi - Xv.;M W
TCfgggggggggggggggggggggggggggk ' sSw
Photo by Central New.
Ill these days of firvt het mid then cold, a pnrasel and ii summer hnt de
leek out of place, Hut while ou are shivering from shop te shop in'
.lour furs, don't overlook the fact thnt In two months mere you'll be
wanting protection from the sun, and you might just as well arrange
le get It in n becoming way. The large hat with Its fringed ribbon top
lias huge roses ns n trimming, mid mere roses nnd their petals are '
caught in the tulle elllng which falls charmingly ever one shoulder. ,
The parasol is covered with the ssme rows of fringed ribbons nnd mere
roses nestle confidingly In Its midst .
Weman's Life
and Leve
Tjce Millien Wifeless Men
piltr.S nnd spinsters, take heart. In
1 t i ,, ., . ,t
Ainerlcn till the time there are no
lc-s than two million bnchelers in ex
cess of the married
pairs! Think of
that big nggrega
tlen from which te
cheese. Surely, the
wc have the run of
the herd, its they
say in the Nest.
West? Ah, that
is the secret. Most
of these surplus
swains nre en the
ranches nnd iiluti-
tatinns where they
de net see women very often, but need
them greatly te kertt their homes, nnd
drive away loneliness en long winter
eveningv. Are you willing te de thnt 7
In (ireat Britain one hears, all the
Tll...l .. !.,.. ..11 Iirt
rune nueur mat minion surplus icuii-
nine population, r.ven we in America i
sigh ever the fact that a vast ar
of clmnnhi" elrls never can hope
wed and have their own bnhies and
, homes ever there. Yet, who ever heard
nf our writers and lecturers mourning
,vi-r our own two million bachelors!
"e west. ,eung man. nnd grew
up with the country.' ndmunMieil
Herace C.reeley years age: but even
ulien he mi mlviseil lie was eilieMuii the
big citv nf New Yerk, and editing a
newMwW. .irfll rf.e.M no "seN,.
iriug i.e-r.i i.ixui ..ic .... .... i .
NOWADAYS the opportunities for
n t ,. , .n -r-nt
health. life in the open, with no dev-
, ., wrrj,,s 0ver grmerv bill- audi
"l"1" ""ml t,,.,t' .
tents If one is willing te weik.
Of .,.,.. veu will net get the fanW
stjles and festumes, or the Ite-cieuin
delicacies, or the niotieu pictures every
evening. Your husband will net wear
picturc-qui- iiistuuies and dash up en
.Vrabiau steuN. his threat encased in u
an nnMi' ever his riiviMiing ejes u,
de tin- lierue- nf the Wild Wi -t photo
I'T wlini ile wc mill wnnt in life,
i wemi ii .'
com se we
enjoy theati - and
Cities offer us mi enormous amount of
plensuie and (duration. It must be a
mutter et nun h sacrifice for a citj -hied
gul. avid for the metropolitan de.
lights, sophisticated nnd in custemed te
showy hotels luid magnlli. cut dance
balls und orchestras, and i Inberute
roel.lng. te siep back u half (eritur,
us it were, nnil pioneer in the far mini
try districts, being obliged te labor
physicallj , ami endure real hardship
Hut all Western life is net a matter
of such extreme sacrifice us the latter
picture. Te one who loves uutuie, and
who first finds the romance .mil glerj
of mountains, the niagnltici'iKe of sun
sets, nnd moonlight, mid llnwers, and
the sweep of the plain, and the evliilur evliilur
atien of sw iuunlng nnd horseback riding,
"(ivilied life" is tame and meaning.
THEN theie Is the dllleience between
lee and home mid mutual Interests
nnd in inities, und the 1111111011111011-,
nnii-rrentlvc lite of the uiiniii ri lei nnd
lonely woman. If 11 girl be huppil.
iiiunied she never will sigh for the nil
attadierl stute.
Nowadays, tee, the ceuuii is pretty
up te dute. 1'nriiih hue their 1111101110
b.les and telephones mid mush- machines
nnd mngnines, It Is pesMMe, te vend
theatre critlcisnis and books, and hour
the famous singers, in "cannid music.
and te keep ubreust of the tliius, and
'join' women's clubs and H ran go meet- 1
1 ings. Surely, these two million men
have much te eiler the girl in the 1
crowded towns, who perhaps is wmklut;
ten hours a day in 11 department store.
and living 111 a uiiu nedioeni, ami cook.
ing her frugal uieaU en an oil stove
en her truiiK.-
If fliere were m
1110 nll-wise go-
between te bring 11k
gether hew many h
might he founded !
f-e. .eung folk te
ippy homes them
)s iu wartime, re.
luniitlc 'ac'iitialiitaucesl
begin with nutcs
slipped in packages, View line if Cupid
oeuid estnuiiHii some ( miuunicatlen lie-
H '
.I? Mm? at
iiiiw -sMvwmm
t ' iitiinuih lulu,.. ii". .-- rt---- .i, i... it nut Tnrnllirn vnllrlrnnlllli ijtrw
tween city girls am
' . v JSTS3KVS
V"?,? wV.fMV3',M"J
The Weman's Exchange
The Study of Languages
Ti the Editor e Weman's Faat:
Dear Madam--I am n sophomore In
high school, and have had two years
of xf language. I de net feel that it
Is enough. Could you direct me te n
place where I could renew my study,
a place of geed name and the correct
langungc, but net tee expensive? I
tun sixteen sears old, and five feet
eight Inches and weigh 106 pounds.
Hew much tee tall am I? I am still
growing, and could you tell me hew te
sten? I am a clrl. A. MAnvriT.T.in
Won't you be able te get mere study
of lauguage as you go en in high
iiium iusuuiuun ui i pwiuui i ii, uui, yuu can go te a SCtlOOl
UN ought te find i of languages. 1 cannot recommend the
just the right one, ! na,me of any such schools through this
our ideal mate,' if ,(-'eUimnVbu J0U c.an ftnd a llsl of tnem
mil im.ni mini, "In thn hiiH nvu A peKinru t . i
In the business directory nf tlm a1a-
S!lf!n0i00!?; iYffu aTenet H'er height:
you nre under we'Kht. ou should
I cannot tell yeS Vew te step grTwfng ' b("h, n7 en,lla(1 " lie a
but I will advise you te eat mere tind caught the leek in his eyes, nngrv bP
especially of things like potatoes, milk, i cause it had caused her embarrassment,
eggs ana euiier. te mi out nnd come
i ' .. f'"1.'" weigni. ou win
' nnn It vrv lippnmlni T i uura
.. ... ""' " ""
Mas a Geed voice
T """ t-lnrei n'wnra'i Page:
", 'J'111"":-1 nm thirteen learnings, ni.e a.i kii. i irem tne nrst
"l. "" ii,,i kvu UIUC. x weuia
and I )iae. a geed
very much like te make It better, but
inBf n WV-mt 1 I Tjl a..a .-..tA l
your helpful column hew this caa be
.wiuiu n. i ivuw. write in
Alse, please tell me hew I can Im
prove my running before May, as I
want to-Jein an athletic club. f i
K. H. S
At thn Settlement Music Scheel, 416 T,.nei i, ,, lv marrle 1 1. V'nevnrVl.B"
Queen street, you can have your voice i 11,pi' net Imppiu married, but nevcrthe
trained by ceed music teachers, and I !'! married. he had no desire te hurt
If It shows premise, they will give veu
training. But the only way veU can
Improve your running Is by running ns
' much ns possible. Then deep breathing
, exerclsea will help ou te dejelep "long
yer" nesei lettlnK lhi ,,. flll out yeuP
' chest se thit you can see It rise, keep-
. ing your chin in anil our cnest up.
"old this while ou .count five slowly.
Made by the
refiners eF
Cane Sugars
s w,i, JbJ
I crnw H1ZL
1 .-. 1
SSSiW s-tt; 1
t.,f.-i - r1-, -
ifFvBKna x$9u
W-. v .W-..?
' "' . ?IliP uVa.,
, t"( ' " v r
i Jiidlth Carlytc it a deluded wife
because when Rand, I Act! amftnnrf,
v sells his business and comes -te New
Yerk te be an artist, she refuses te
adapt hcrclf te the new life, Bhe-
xthinks it cneifgh te keep the house
clean and te cook Hand's meals, arid
" ichcn she takes no Merest in hit
icerk they tease te hove anything in
common. Hand mecf Carletta I'eii0,(
a writer, and a very clever woman.
He is eager te paint her portrait and
tpritei her te the studio ler teat
ichlch makes Judy 'furious, -
Tea for Three
Jt'DV sat rigidly en the edge of her
Willi every breath she drew she hated
Carletta Yeung a' little mere. She heted
her for the lntnnglble charm she pos pes
sesed, for her ease of 'manner and,
most of all, for the way she nnd Rand
chatted together as if they were old
time friends. v '
As for Carlella, she never forget the
little sense of shock she hed had when
Ilnnd first Introduced her te Judy. She
had made no picture of Rand's wife in
her mind, but at least she expected her
te be colorful This, drab little coun
try girl with her hair screwed into a
tight knot, and her face expressionless,
had startled Carletta and filled her with
nn Indignant pity for Itnnd. ' '
Over and ever in her thoughts ran
the question, "Why did he marry her;
what did lie ever see in her?" Fer Judy
was net even charming : she was a non
entity, a woman incapable of seeing
the beauty In Uaml'H soul,
Carletta had tried desperately te draw
Judy Inte the conversation and had
found it impossible.
When faced with a direct question,
like "Hew de you like New Yerk, Mrs.
CnrlyleV" Judy had responded with
some show of feeling.
"I hate it" she had said fervently.
but u moment later she had rclansed
into silence.
Itnnd showed Carletta thn portrait
he had begun of her nnd she was charm-i
lngly enthusiastic. They steed together
before the canvas, and Hand found him
self terribly nwnrc of her closeness. A
faint fragrance seemed te emanate from
her, n perfume that was intangibly
mysterious nnd sweet, nnd beneath her
small blue hat her hair made u shadow
for her ejes. Her skin was creamy
and colorless, nnd there was about her
nn atmosphere of crisp well grooming
tlmt spoke of radiant health nnd care
fully -selected clothes.
His thoughts wandered curiously,
Wlint would it be like te love such n
woman, te nreusc In her the turbulence
that nt times seemed te consume him?
His ejes rested suddenly en the firm
line of scarlet that was her mouth, nnd
his heart leaped In his breast.
At tliat moment she turned te him
and their ejes met. Inte her own crejit
a sudden leek of fenr. and ever the
! ernnniv slcln uiirperi n llnnil nf firlniuim
'She turned away instantly nnd Rand
i fn,i i,imwif Hinhtenl tmmSline. tin.
I glnd because In tliat moment of revcla-
ten tiey hail been suddenly drawn te-
i .. . . ..... ..
get ner into an mtimntc undersrnnuing.
' Hut if Itnnd did net nnnlyze his
thmiKhts, nnd reniize their tlnnger. Car
I lettn was acutely awnrc of her own feel-
t lllUIUVIll. Ul llttir MicutiiiK iiilll. lir 11UU lliu
power te reuse her. te make her earn
V . a a va a
. fur him rnr. im kn .luilw ulin hml
nlwa.vs been protected and sheltered,
Carletta had met life nnd conquered it.
and knew the dnngers that lay in the
path of tlic woman who lived alone.
She knew nuite well what slip nuirtit
I AM ) T9nnl fn 11a iitnu v ! .1 rmM
the woman who was his wife, and it
would he better for all three of them
if she wnlked out of Kami's life fejevcr.
Hilt, woman like, she felt hcr.-elf capa
ble nf managing the situation, of keep
ing her emotions throttled se that she
nnd Rand could remain friends. She
wnnted him for a friend, she liked him
better thnn nnv man who had ever
come into her life, and she felt thet
her friendship could menu something
te Rnnd just new when he needed help
and understanding mere than nnv thing
else In the world.
Tomorrow Judy Is Stubborn.
l. AWMMBfTTCx.. 1 MJfi
'urt .".M. ... .w.
A Flaver of sweet
sugar cane is the most
popular in the world.
Franklin Syrup brings
the flavor of sweet sugar
cane in its most appeal
ing form. Use it as a
delicious table spread
and for' cooking dishes
that are unusually
anklin Sugar Refining
Franklin Cane Sugar for every use".
Dainty Lumps, Powdered, Confectioners, Brown,
ueiden ayrup
ThMRrTd ab'lUtib''n0rd6ubt about
"Itnew. i, " '
Why, crocuses arc up! ,, , . i .,
Blueblrtla, havebeen sinking r
weeks and robins are an oldfcteryj
And. yestentey, T saw, a 'Mnit'RP"' "
row,' perched onafeollsblyiintallf.twl
shlwlnr ahd- shaklni wim. thoetert
tn mm lit at anttna' uin Iflln MlAD.,.
He'll have te gafgle his threat a let.
mero ami step .eating se maw "
before he regain' the full glory of his
hymn of praise and Jey, but hft a start
in te train j at lenstf , .
'And the ether day there waa a thud
ding of feet en the perch next deer.
It didn't -itettnd like a pogo stlck,
nnd It wasn't .running. t
It was something queer and unusual
that hadn'tbeen heard for a long time.
And then, with a cry of welcome, a
little glrlran down the perch steps and
joined aT Wend who was passing the
Frem one Jiand she trailed a piece .of
'hc ethef little girl carried another
piece'ef rope. . , . .
.And as they Joined forces they get
intostep.vbr'eught their ropes'inte posi
tion' and went skipping up the street.
Jumping ropes nnd.seng-spnrrpws and
crocuses spring!
it rUDDY patches, in' front ,of new
1V1 houses usually'dlsceurage prospec
tive 'tenants.
But net newi. ,
Every Runday afternoon you see peo
ple, nearly nlways couples, walk ng
along; the street where they are build
ing these attractive new houses with
fireplaces in the living rooms and perch
reefs that were just built for flower
boxes. ' ..','. t
They pause Invariably jjiul sture at
the houses. , , , , , ..
Yeu can tell that the girl Is visualiz
ing Rcrlm curtains nt thepc "adorable
second-story windows, With a little ma
hogany rocking chair behind them.
And that tne man is seeing me pewi-
Things You'll Leve te Make
Capes of every description and for
every ocensien nre the present vogue.
Here is n BUTTON-ON-CAPE that
you will find very convenient for sports
or street wear. The cape may be cut
circular or with u senm down the
hheuider or made en n ekc. The sides
of the enpe extend n little In front of the
shoulder line. The short yoke or cellnr
meetH nt the front. It has two button
holes In each end which fit ever buttons
that nre sewed te the front of the frock.
In this vvny the BUTTON -ON-CAPE
enn readily be removed when net wanted
and quickly rebuttened when some
ndded warmth is needed. FLORA.
That Trick Party
Fer April Peel's Day isn't what
you think it Is, It's something en
tirely different. If you really wnnt
te knew what It Is send n sclf-ad-dreir.sed,
stamped envelope te the edi
tor of the woman's page. It doesn't
need preparations; you can. use the
stunts as seen ns, you set them.
T.tisen by nrrancmn. n.
medwrntp Sunt! fnr InfnrmaHnn
( North BulMlngr. 1013 V. Lehigh Av.
17 iijst Huiidlnir, fii!d and Sansom 8ta.
l ..zjpjun
s , Wl&fa Mud Can't SltfIfiK '. ' ' ty
fiM. it i i' ' ' : . g t m. - j
. I &S&Sl
, ,. ', a i .. . lb. ., .1 a . .til
n t l s
bllltiea of ,irss.all foyer that widyM
patch in irentanB, veaeiauie gartwi
all e'vr thitplacein the; back that' U
finw )l lntfeMi1 (In with a miMrtar.'Wil
and various lumber, and tool and thing,,
; Tiry,atana, ine.rier a' ipw fninuies
and vthen -unanimously they .turn an
ijlekfthtlr way.Vacress the mud 'te, the
perch, which hasn't any steps As yet,"
and peerrunensiy in, tne, wipaewsvv
Every, Sunday they dle lttvte bytwe.
Couples IoeklHjf nt fnew houses,
jumplngf repfi, song-sparrow, crp-,
cuscs sp'rfng ! ,'
FIR many months the Park has ben
a drenrv place.. ' .
Its wide spread ei grass nns eeen
. ---.it" m f '. .. .T .
Whit with snow. fc
Atlantic City
Wtimingten 1
Our Wee&EhdSaM
of Easter Apparel at
Let as show you economy at its best!
1 In -JTmSSKtX 1
' .XSV
u jmkkmvfitk. ti
I lei
I J If 1 m 3II 1 v
T ' 1''
I 11 W 1 ' W '
gff EiJ I 1
ii veW
sh 1 sm 1
rtwvr wwvt
iiw,Yii ;.s.jcs.vs;.t
K K J&iSStKffs.vi.vvM, . ,v I
- wm "agca
il ".''.V...iV.S.'W
5. 13th St. "3S"M Chestnut St,
Boardwalk Shep Atlantic City-Brighten Bleck
Where Quality Counts
In feed, mere than anything else,
quality counts, and in feed items there
are no two articles w,here it is mere im
portant than Butter and Eggs.
Because we have always recognized
this fact, our Stores are today known far
and wide as Headquarters for Quality
Butter and Eggs.
Our Leuella ButtSr, for instance, is
made in the dairy paradise of the United
States. Every pound contains the pure,
rich cream from ten quarts of milk!
This exquisite butler is acclaimed every
where it is known as ."the finest butter
in America I"
4 i
A 9
It ?A
1 1 -JSSjJ
a Richland Butter A.2C
Pure creamery
Fresh Country
W "1 tf O
f Every one guaranteed positively fresh.
frHSk Eggs. ;-'-""' 32
Only the very largestand fullest of the
new-laid eggs are selected for the Geld
Seal Brand. ' '
Buy Your Butter and Eggs in an Asce Stere
You'll Receive the Utmost in Satisfaction!
Aato.Sterea are located all ever Philadelphia and through
put Pennsylvania, New Jersey. Delaware and Maryland
1 I
rlW ',
' - ' .zrv-r.'" '-" "T.T
. . i " . . .-wi ' TfmiJiv
iis.sqnrrreis harebeen Ih'-M-iJ
s -!i, ..'jrrrv ' Mi-i
t X 'tWat 'hursM eni. 3i',iff.
- ...i. l.i"..:'l'rs, "'mean
n?wriith.rwt1)in7,- S, $
Ita liihW;BaveftMi.VV2L!?
ahd taMr a. while eri. jew braneVl
entertain thtuesta . f &?
:It, IrtsaVMlllint' gfen. ahrli
cusea:nre pusBinf upbravely.'whliia
and e;bMs of, tullpae, jenqM
A Awakening life in the Park! cl
looking 'at new houses dumplna tSSt
ntitf.'anarrnirs. hmmih. .!.. ifW
' "" - "ynngi; &.
' -
Sheps of Sensible Prices
t Tweed '
'Sperts9' Suits
Man-Tailprei Silk-Lined 1
1 All Colen and Sliea
Sports Afternoon and
Tailored J Dresses, Dresses,
Reshanara. Canten
crepe, Taffeta,' Tweed,,
x ricenne una wool
One model illustrated in
Reshanara crepe bound h
wun yroegrain Tioeon.
Tep Coats
and Capes
Easter Millinery
Adaptations of French
' ' Medels'
nrwr A . '
ligk m H A
wa-aafcM ww.
aw iiE "- ggggggi
j ii
Butter ib A C
"Taste it!" J
AV.I1 -A2H-U '.'7.
' UiUtm
- .m'3'15?
1P ' . ,
. r