w tar , In , V. lkl mcessmAffittT prnpfin -, K aJnTLT.'V.T'fcKS' . - nmW'KWn e Mta$dMr. Jared IHgeneilShe Hears That Miss ; Jane Hepburn Is Recovering Frem an Operation l K'V !"? .V ' .' - . TTAVB yetl hrd that tU Jftred r-M 4 Vh A M!l laaMtttaa9 .M Win wain irmrniny miTrnius;iinut B" S " A af A J ' aT II Mir, W a,pcneci tianing. ,. k was, Marian Baird, yea temem .Vie. aalsMr oTGalnerBalr, Aland the PCMttla daughter. Is ' rst cousin e! iJ'.Vii-.'. hahr. wk'n was hnrn In .Tan iVa-ar. if iliara net mistaken.. liOlHiw." -.-- y .. - ... V" I hnrsfnet heard what the baby will fcg eally;;.'ttrhap.iSla,tter hef E? iaethefi.er-iMijei ner nw,' grand grand raatether I?kjfd(,'"er after Mre, .Charles KM4jltfltMpJ)e .ether grand grand grand yjjothr',;,wne was. Miss 'Ulta Bturgls. v Et AM.ttad te hear that Jnne Hepburn ' 1'ls better.1 Yeu knew since her re CTtjrn from Europe about a month age mm waa. taken down with appendicitis ATJH BBS uceu Bl iu uiuuiwu jauspiiai, risirbere she was operated upon lest week. iiae Is letting alone rery well, 'I am glad 'i 1 av. anil will imn ha ahla n m IMP ---j " .-J Pftaeme. , t ... " . B4$l Jan 'la the second daus-hter of the FKWilllM"':HPburns. She is going te he ill bridttmatdi f6r Virginia He?kscher Hiw ADfBiax, anq i am se giau sne win be !):'!, as that will be a tery cj pretty wcwua:. xeera are te ee twelve Hft Kieeeinsias ana a maia'oi.nenor. Aia f.'tjthe Chtireh efthe Redeemer, where the li'surrlsge. will takeplace, is beautiful K.snd picturesque,. The Jnri tat Ions for h the marriage' ;were, received this week. if p." iw - - ..VHBft. A.Mkv which I told, you last week seem nmfppAaaln 'tnaprllv. Yrtti bnAw the Fellowship has .In its members both nait and nresent members of the student (Bedy of the Academy of the Fine Arts. ,!.; Aiireu naywera'is veng w ae a special dance. I hear I hone he roes dressed as "Somebody's -Stenef."" Yeu knew,- taat is enf or ma - Tunnies. He did a wonderful dance at the flktih fllnh niu 1- light recently, which every one la talk ing aoeut. .. ft l-.tL. til-. . TIT J I J mt urn iv is- uic aiivc in TTuiiuurinuu II' part that "intrigues" me. I hear that B.' 'irtrv one Is te loin in a arand march and end up at a huge looking glass, which they will arrange te pass through. And there will be. strange and wonder, ful doings en the ether side of the glass, as there were in "Alice." LENT seems te be going by en wlngn, does It net? Maybe te these who gave up candy, 'or ice cream, or ether such favorite tit-bits, the' time has seemed exceedingly long. Be that ns It' ay, next Sunday will be the fifth in Lent, or Passion Sunday, and then will come Palm Sunday, then Kaster, and with Easter the violent gnycty, as k were, wlllstar.t again. The younger set has about every eve ning and afternoon dated up already during Easter week in snttn r ! spring holiday parties which arc going en this week. Then there will he In. ,' numerable weddings, and the flrttt thing 'you knew we'll be nt the end of April, ui uirre win ee reny enew nna Flower Market -and a dozen and oneethcr af- iairs. r . TONIGHT, you knew, there Is the Junier Cinderella Dance nt tTie Merlen Cricket Club and a great many dinner parties will precede. It. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Filler will entertain for their very attractive little daughter, Nancy Fltler, and Mrs. Jim Wlnser. .7-wilt gWe a dinner for Elizabeth Fsrnum, who, you remember, is the daughter of the vlate Henry Whipple Farmim and Mrs. Farnum, the latter having been Miss Anna Iliuklcy, of this city, a sist.er of Mrs. Ned Page. Tliey have come back here recently te live. ELSIE has been beautifully brought up. She Is taught, above all things and at all times, te be polite. The ether day she was. playing with her lit. tie ceuftln- and another small boy. The boys lest their ball nnd proceeded te threw sticks and everything they could find te dislodge It from n fork In a, tree., Finally Jackie spied an old tin can en top of the ash barrel and threw it. It hit the trunk and "kicked" bnck, landing en Elsie's bend, cutting It quite a little bit. , , After It was all carefully bandaged by mother njid Elsie was still sobbing. Jackie approached nnd said: "O Elsie. I'm 'nwfiy' sorry." And said BONWIT TELLER & CQ 3heSfmialfaShopfOrkiinatien& CHESTNUT. AT 13. STREET TOMORROW NEW SPRING SKIRTS t Exceptional Values 7.5a 18.50 Stripes ' All nen Tweeds Checks shades Hemespuns Plaids and Rugvoelens Heather color Basket Weaves Mixtures combinations Epengc The Spring Skirt Med introduces many vacations in the wsayes and colorings of its fabrics, in' the designing of its patch or slit pockets, in tha novel use of fringe or buttons but it clings te the straightline silhouette, that lends slender grace te the figure. The fringed hem and side effect, the wrap-around model and the1 Kermsmhah striped tweeds are featured. Third Fleer VANITY CASES French Suede, Metallic Cleth, Striped Silk and Pin Seai All have mirrors, purses and cempart ments for powder) mny have cigarette holders and lip-stick cases. Values FtVat Fleer . ' - -. -7 iY"J wfc 0 a Daughter te Elsie between sebs: "It's alh rleht you nt edre relcema." NANOY WYNNE. ' SOCIAL ACTIVITIES ' h J'i?" "'P of Interest wilt b that of Miss Henrietta Wilsen, daughter UP HTS?dw,lJML ' .. Shakespeare, nii Sf, &". BMwara O. Shakespeare, of the ""nniran, wnicn i win UKt til place en Church of .:z"n?,' "J' 81 ai uie t Ji RplMmer. Sryn Mar. at A. toetntlon will fellow at thi Miss Wilsen's parents. Westwc ttl frlffIA AT llsen's Barents. Wcatwned. villa. nova. The marrtavA if itimm .. -r. aM.ei ...k,.. Ls iS- -r .." "l...rf"i"l.,t r-"":?i i r. ana nn, wiuiam uar malt Scull, or 111 Houth Twentieth street, and Mr.. Jehn 'Bernard ""i " ;.. noun uirnara, nri, son of Mrs. Rebert C, Heyl, of Ardmore, wllL IL take place enTuesday. April Sti the Church of the Ooe4 iShenherd at t at Itosement The Itav. rhrl Tnwn. end will efflclate. A small reception' at .the country 'home; of 'Miss Scull's parents a Dryn Mawr will .fellow th ceremony, - ' , MC and Mrs. Archibald Barklle will entertain at dinner tomorrow evening at their home,' Inverheuse, Wayne, In honor of Admiral and Mrs. Cary Oray son, of Washington who are their guests ever tne,weeK-enu.J , Ai.w'edd'lnr of Intereat te' this eltr will be that , of Miss Helen Whltlna; uavis.-aaugnter or Mr. cnanes m. imvis, of Lexington. Mass., and Mr. Franklin Wright of Duluth. Mlnre, which will take place en Wednesday, May 10, In Lexington.' - Miss Davis is well known In .this city, -where she has frequently visitee. i Mr. "and Mrs. Themas McKean Allen, of.Stenten avenue. Chestnut Hill, are receiving congratulations 'en the birth of a en en Wednesday, March 20. Mrs. Allen was Miss lEmma , t. Schwarta, daughter of Mrs. Charles W. HchwarU, Jr., of 112 West Walnut lane, Ocrman- town. Mrs. Themas Plnletter clement will entertain at bridge -today. The guests will Inelude MraTHenry C. Weeks, Mrs. Jehn Rogers, Mrs. Arthur Colahan, Mrs, Charles Clement, Mrs. Louts Tllge, Mrs. Shelden Petter, Mrs. Lawrence Pan coast, Mrs. Paul Brown, Mrs. Edmund Rogers, Mrs.-Graham Franck, Mrs. Wil liam Tracy, Mrs. Albert Wiggins, Mrs. Jehn Brown. Mrs. Paul Jenes, Mrs. Edwin. Shoemaker. Mrs. Edwin HenU. Mrs. Walter Hepkins, Mrs. Nerman Cantrell, Mrs., William Hess, Miss Flor ence Hancock. Miss Sarah Brown, Miss Rena Diamond and Miss atnanne Dearden. Mr. and Mrs. Fenlmere Jehnsen, of Merlen, are reoelvlng congratulations upon the birth of a son yesterday. Mrs. Jehnsen was Miss Janet MacLaren Darby, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Geerge D. B. Dnrbv. Mr. Jehnsen Is a son of Mr. ahd Mra ISldrldge Reeves Jehn- son, of Moorestown, rermeriy Chimneys, Merlern. OK MIC I Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brown, ui 7218 Lincoln drive, Chestnut Hill, are being congratulated en the birth-of a daughter en- Monday. Mrs. Brown was Miss Frances D. Read, of St. Martins lane. Chestnut Hill. At the wedding of Miss Eleaner Har ris Beggs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, David C. Beggs, of 14T Pelham read, Oermantewn, and Mr. Charles B. 1'ret- tvmnn. jr.. son or Air. ana Mrs. unanes B. 1'rcttyman, of Ilrend nnd Spruce streets, which will take place en Wed nesday evening, June 7, in tne Hecuna Presbyterian Church, Oermantewn, Mr. Severaen Coeling, of Wilmington. Del., will ha hmt man. The ushers will In clude Mr. David C. Beggs, Jr.. a brother of the hrlflej Mr. uenyers uuuen, jr.. Mr. Carl Bussler and Mr. Geerge B. Lalleu. General Littleton W. Tastcwcll Wal ler. U. 8. M. C and Mrs. Wnllcr enter tained at a small dinner at their home, 2500 Seuth Twentynrst street, en Wed nesday leventnir. Their guests Included Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Grerve, Mr. and Mrs. Qustavus Wynne Cook and Com mander J. Morten Pcele, U. S. M. C and Mrs. Peele, Miss Elln Day Dlalr will be at heme en Tuesdays In April from 3 until 5 o'clock ut 2010 Chestnut street. Ne cards have been sent out. Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuel Haydock Barker, of Oermantewn, will give a supper and n Informal entartnlnmant nt their home tomorrow evening In honor of the active members of the Unique Opera Company, of which their daughter, Miss Eleaner Whaen Darker, Is a member. GERMANTOWN . Mr. and Mrs Samuel Dreher Mat lack, of 7414 Beyer street. Chestnut Hill, have Issued Invitations for the marriage of their daughter, Miss Mar garet Moere Matlack, te Mr. Fester Newell, of Bosten, Mass., en Monday evening, April 17, at 8 o'clock, at Grace Episcopal Chureh, dewen avenue, Mount Airy. Miss Matlack will be attended by Pand her sisters, Miss Eleaner French Matlaex ana wisa njunwin" jiint . lack, as bridesmaids. The flower girl SATURDAY 4.95 8.60 te 10.00 rSiaBBBBMgjaav rgaflgaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaV "' JsaaaaaaaaaaaarTeTdSaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB' .gHBagSaiaiaiaiaiaH 1 BaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaf BaaaaaaaaaPBaaaaaaaaaaaV'' k$? Kt9:v4iaH B!tVaaV'adaBBBBBi gESaW . V , Phite 'by Phote-Cratters MISS BLIZABfeTH f" MORRIS Daughter of Mr. Frederick W. Macris, of Valley fnarnWracate, who will make fcr debut at. tea be given by her father en Thvrs day,' Octafcer 13 , 5"' ibe Miss SMsanne Learoyd, Mr. Bartiett Newel will be best man. ' Mrs. Seaman, of Peughkeepsle. N ,'Y whe.,hasrbeen visiting Mrs. Wllilam Maurer, of .trie Weed-Norton, has. re turned te her home. v .Mr! .Heward C. Story, erf 40 West' view street, will leave tomorrow for a trip ie Bermuda. " , ' ' ' - ALf NO TriEtREAQINQ ; "If i T7nVit tlAMiMatl IfaiuUn ( .aV Spring avenue, Klklne. Park,' who has been. In Ohie for several weeks en bust. neaa, spent the last week-end at his horn"' nd haa-new left for Rochester, N. T where he Will be joined shortly by his wife and young son. The Mar shall will) make their home 'In Roches ter.. Mrs, 'Marshall was formerly Miss Lillian Debbins. Mr. Marshall Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James B, Mar shall, of Neble. Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Patst, of the Rescemb Apartments, 'Legan, returned thls.week from a short trip te Savannah. Mr. Geerge B. Bensen, Jr.. of Mather read, Jenklntewh, entertained at a small Informal bridge party en Wednesday afternoon. 'NORTH PHILADELPHIA ' Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lebewtts an nounce the marriage of their daughter. Miss Dorethy Lebewlts, te Mr. Edward A. Gabler, of Philadelphia, en Sunday, March 2(, at 4209 Fern Hill avenue, Baltimore. Mr. and Mrs. Gabler will Geerge Allen, inc. 1214 Chestnut Street 1214 Annual Spring Sale of Hosiery and Underwear Heavy Silk Hosiery, $1.35 pair; 3 for $3.75 A serviceable stocking in a surprisingly heavy weight ; pure silk : with Hale garter tops and soles. Black, white'' and the season's best shades. - ' Full-Fashioned Fine Silk Hosiery $1.95 pair; 3 for-$5.75 Fine aaua'e Silk Hosiery, full fashioned, of dependable pure dye silk. All the new 8prlng shades. Silk Hosiery at $1.65 broken lines of our higher priced hosiery, Including Gleve Silk Hese ahd Lace Cleck Hosiery. We cannot All Mall Orders front this let . Heavy Full-Fashioned Silk Hosiery $2.25 pair; 3 for $6.50 One of our beat qualities with a reputation for splendid service. Black, white and all desirable shades. The extra slses are 1.80 a pair. Van Raalte Silk Hosiery, $2.75 and $2.95 Heavy Ingrain Silk Hosiery, full fashioned; black, white and leading shades. Extra size Van Raalte Silk Hosiery at IS.O0. Imported Chiffen Weight Silk Hosiery $3.50 pair Fine Imported Hosiery In the thin transparent weave se much in vogue. They will servlceably live up te their price. Imported Fine Lisle Hosiery 75c pair; 3 for $2.00 Our own direct Importation at prleea whleh cannot be daelleatad, regular $1.0 raise. upucateaj Women's Full-Fashioned fine Lisle Hosiery of the better kind in black, white, balbrlggan and cordovan, tan, navy and gray; they have double sole and tee and high Bpllced heel. Sheer and medium welrhta for Spring and Summer wear. " l Imported Clocked Lisle Hosiery $1.00 pair; 3 for $2.50 Women's fine Full-Fashioned Mercerised Lisle Hosiery with Parin Lace Clocks, In black only. Alse Black Hosiery with hand-made allk clocks In contrasting colors; White Lisle Hosiery with self ceWi clocks. Black Richelieu Ribbed Lisle Hosiery. These ar. all of h. finest grade and cannot be duplicated andrr 11.50 m p.r, " '"" Silk and Lisle Sports Hosiery, $1.00 Women's 'Sports Hosiery In ribbed weave In dark colere. Vanity Fair Silk Underwear dleve SUk Vests of pure dye silk fabric; Just as lustrous and n Arm texture after washing aa before. This is the usual $126 kind at gi.as. Gleve Silk Vests In hemstitched oedlce top style. Thl I. . auperler quality, usual 13.00 kind, at .s5. A"'8 ' a Oleva Bilk Vests In nevelty-etrlped weave; a vest that will ratain Us shape Indefinitely, special, t.9S. "l WU1 retem Vanity Fair Gleve silk Bleemers. Full cut and quality glove aiiK ; regular sisea ; Cotten and Lisle Under Vests Ferest Mills Fine Lisle Veeta. In bodice and regular ten- i... 36 te 44; exceptional value, S for 1.00, " r wp' ' Kayser Lisle Vesta In all slses; fine elastic ribbed weave aa.. 8 for 11.11. wve, aie Kayser Mercerised Silk Lisle Vests. Our finest grade: all ... 83c t S for MS. ' " ' Imported Swan Brand Swiss Liale Vesta In all alsea and stvina This Is one of the best qualities obtainable; value II. JJ, at ise. Cotten & Lisle Spring Weight Uniensuits Ferest Mills cotton Unlensulta in all styles; exceptional value at Be, " - , Ferest Mills Lisle UnlensuUs in medium weight ; all' styles, at at ia Harvard Mills UnlensuUs in fine llsje weave ; all slses, ai.ts. ' ' Kayser Cotten Unlensulta In white or pink ; exceptional value ase. ICayser Marvelflt Unlensul'ts In fine lisle; all styles, at.ae. ' Imported Swan Brand Swiss Unlensulta In fine lisle ; regular ta ik value, at exoe. "auiar ,ia.T5 sail i 1. rf ..K t jm "v,':. t i.if w . . 1. f- fea.vVajM tHAkaf. of and the her CyaaBaelajaa' - atraalSL . wlllv members y of 'her sewing WtJ,v'5 ------- ikik aaiaaahAH .,; vKmf Mr, Henry" dreen, of JiStJ lamtii atreat haa returned . INs. even- xne at enUi. where he apent jamaa PaJm Beaeh aa4 Mlam ami. A midyear affair wilt b friends of the Northeaster; ehaiia' Nnnu at tM mHM levanth strait, enSanday gs-e-. Irs. waiter 8. Lamteerten, WsTAT wHII.ADKt.FHlM- - The marrlaii, of UgJ&S& of 1114 North &tyAt!&hAl Ut.Unte Oreenblajt wMIfM-2iS2 en anawwy a ss7r -."!- & A surprise party, was jwrej ngji at tha a nema eiwm iy..'xzz BUB ban weed avenue. In or of ?VB&4Sar us. we tar. Mr. Leula Sherby. Mr. WmXfc rtsen, Mr. Jimmy "Jf- & Bniiaeain rwwvummu, -"e -, - Mar, giuires, Lieutenant 5rru;" r. Clement Zentner. Or. nyman "'.,!m5"Jl":n': .' iir Pawld trw.m.- a Viw Yerk. 4UHU " " A miscellaneous she shower wa " taat avanlna I at tne n hemi BMAM4 eme ex atrs, Haaklll, ti 1 1 Beaumont avi Ref tnnm honor of Miss Florenea StAuKer. of met Walten avenue, wheBe engagement te Mr. William Parker.-or cw imden, N. J.. Mr. William raricer,. has been announeed. " ,i SOUTH PHILADELPHIA ' Tha members of the Phr Wrt J nb. of A. .ojertty indud. Ml. Eleanors Beyle. Miss HeJkmJWeyMJis tl.Un T.nVlnaen Miss FlerWBOS JOTOan, Miss Agrtea Kelly. Mlsr Anne Miss Frances .McC'S.!?," Kenny; Miss Mary Merlarity, Marie Murphy, Miss Kathleen. Lane Cecil Miss Mutlln and Mrs. Harry Oliver. i Mn Harry Lord. Mr. 'James Shertx. Mr.-lJeerge Sweepenhelser, Mr. Oeorge Fisher and Mr. Harry Treen entertained at an Informal surprise pMty In honor of Mr. Frank Pasquale at his, home. 11J1 McKcah street PRANKFORD . , "Mr. and Mrs. William .' Wolstan Welstan Wolstan crett. of taei waCaiiiie; street, hetve STRING, CLUB FOR BEGINNERS, Yenns Men ni Teas Wssjea. mm te War la, T lessee. New Oraaalslaa I INSTRUMENTS FURNISHED 150 N. 53V i . ttk. tL.lsne4 VTftft IV of excellent vaiue i.zd, at st.sa. IaMi emr HfXfr .. am1" XL iTlefifeW Or atA&elest. 's. T'"t . t y m mf '-law sWfatN :- 8i Ss7 iii. 1 FBDDAY, A j.'t jfii.'rJZ,' .' ISE&JtS HereM .. auun v, nemniey, ei uiisxuy, Miss EKsabelh Peck, of Fillmore, street, has returned from a trip te Chi' cagp. III., where she spent several weeks as the guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs, Charles V Peck. The Message of The New (Church LIFE Here and Hereafter Free Lecture by Rer.CharleW.Harrey , Church of the New Jerusalem . 224 Strati Abere Chtttaat Friday Evening at 8 Organ RedUl at 7:48 By Rolls F. Maitland IO COLLECTIOi k EITH'S THEATRE DOROTHY JARDON MARION MURRAY -F. X. 00NEGAN ALLEN A. QUIXT FOUR: MAKCBLLKJ FAI.I.ETi OTHEP3 AND ? D. D. H. ? TR0CADER0 g&StJU PcJlttrMS rr AlaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaatWTaaaaayarT1 T M MTaaaaEilTaFVjaaaHaaaaaaaaaaaal BHaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBEaBBBaRwla-SyfllNLkaSB'l'lla aBBBBBLBaD94K JBaWpMlg'PE7rMetnTlJ'(L r1sl.KZ7aalaaar7fWJal SEfflaVflBBBuSaWBHiPirBBSlflr "? " -Tgiaaaaaa-. . --aaaaaMajBaaaaaaaLaKaaaaaaaaaaaaWr' Opening Announcement Bonwit Teller & Ce.'s New Shep in the St James Hetel (Thi Individual Lingerie Shep Formerly Thirteenth and Sanson Streets) )HE opening r0 Thirteenth and Sansom Streets thebnly one of its kind in the country. This new shop indicates net only the growth of an idea, but the progress of an institution and the achievement of an ideal. The Specialty Shep of Originations for years has devoted itself te the study of every phase of the Fine Art et Women's Dress. The principles of Art: symmetry, plastic grace and color harmonizatien: were applied te the development of Women's intimate apparel the inner elegancies of dress as. the fitting complements te the outer costumes of beauty and distinction. Individual Sheps efjfy'ngerie, jgligees, Hosiery and Corsets will replace the original Lingerie Shep. In exquisitely appointed salons, created te provide the desired atmosphere of artistic charm and beauty, women with that innate refinement and instinctive geed taste may select their Apparel Intime in an environment of privacy. The introduction of the corset shop is in response te the demand of our patrons who wish the same perfection in a corset that is evinced in our negligees and under garments. Cerseticres, accomplished in the art of meulding the feminine form te slender and supple lines, will personally study types and meet the requirements of the individual. ' ftenwit'Telter & Ce. Extends a Cordial Invitation te all, te attend the opening of their St. James Shep, that marks the pro gression of this organization, symbolizes the confidence of an ever-growing clientele, signifies an appreciation of the high standards of this institution and presages the highest attainments in the Art of Women's Dress. Treutseaux , Exquisite Underthmgs 'Boudoir bfpparel TE A 71 Jacaaaa7 TXaScasTaA aflat bbV " ' " MARCH Ufc l(r Zlm. BROAD LattS ,vre u6M1JAtWILL W'THECUUND.DUKE, imim w;ir-fliGATi aer.uNO . "'StMm-Zia--. tr..m Mi A . ftt IM, ,,VI, W ,- STMrcnanc ei vaniai Wad. Mat., As T" Uke lit Wl bs Mala., Julius Cseiari BllttS UM Html 'm aavaaiaMTIIUrl.1 H a m I ( Thurs. PaBaat"" rrl.. Maebeth, Frl.. Maebeth, ISvs.t ,.St KtTete4t, !.We4.Mftetell.4 FORREST MalmW Temerraw HdVTSIflM XP AU TU CMILDHBBV., OUfhMaflaf aRtMWtWliyjMWWafjv 1 Alli Shern GARRICK Matinee Tomorrow' . "Delaty. whelesee cpmeflr with geed mttlete speed It along. " M. American. , GEO! M. COHAN'S COMEDIANS In the WbottSem MMilcsl Hit THE (XBRIEN GIRL (MABTB ntq MOBICAL HtHTKW) BUILDING SHOW First Regiment Armery BROAD CALL0WHILL STREETS Thousands Turned Away Greatest Saccesi of Aar Eipoiitien Ever SUfeJ ia PUIsdelpUa tt trist U Drewn let Tonight Dress 5ail Cat CsacrrtJ Ahirmoen and Evening ADMISSION FREE KSSu, Wiaafiiii MATrTQl of the St. James Shep is the tangible evidence of the evolution of an idea that had its inception seven years age, when Bonwit Teller & Ce. oeened the Individual Linceric Shoe at Qerstts Qleve Silk "Boudoir ONWIT TELLER St. James JVtep WALNUT AT 13" i iSfiS , Paul Whiteman IN PERSON - AND HIS ORCHESTRA t ' ' ' ' i a BELLEVUE- STRATFORD BALLROOM DANCING, 9 TILL 2 Admission $4.00 Per Couple Payable at the Doer aa Directlea Maariee E. Felt eaaan AldinF "m.efsmiT ST. AT ISBW CONTINUOUS 11 A. M. TO 11 P. If. Mabel Normand fn 24aek Srnnttt'a Orratest SuecM "MOLLY 0" COMEDY) KOMAXCEl THWUXH - Hosiery Underthinss zAccetseries C, CO. STREET w HI m '. ,n'fwp5 j rTwraaiiiBiiBBiBueBSBfi javamasM maiavaaaaar 11 -aia;,)ia-AT1IV;Ba WURMA TALMAIHil IN FIHflT NATIONAL ATTHA "LOVE'S REDIMPtll ADDrTfeWAt,fBATtjjm''i'i UimW Fwhkm R l 'WeH AI)DEI)'HOW TO Oi smmm mixmeunr 4.i,,aMi . ..-..? ll:M. 1:S0. I:ae. Bias. Ta asa ir'!?. Maclyn Arbuckk .sm. J8AN PAIOB In Vffi "ThePredigalJudgii? Y lmiLF rnm iNOri "1 NEXT WEEK I'icturlzatlen of rtelwrt w. Chnmh...' Remnntle Nnv.I "i "CARDIGArf . rAHT OF WBlvL-KNOWN STARS , m ,?!?! , .2RPAP CHK8T.VOT tide. lxe. a de. B.se. 1-M. a-aa WILLIAM DB MILLE PRODUCTION 'Bought and Paid Fer' with Jack Helt and Agnw Ayrw ,T s a PAnAvenxT PiCTtmia NEXT WEEK Revival of Three of the Greatest Parameaat Saccetm ,-.)' ATND TimHDAY "THE MIRACLE MAN" WEUVrsDAY. AND THUHHtJAY "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" .?iDV,AND SATUllDAY "MALE AND FEMALE" . IT'B BOMB PROGRAM PALACF 12TH marksjt . lBiiaMAj) DAVnaW ARCADIA J? CHBSTNOT "POVERTY OF RICHER VICTORIA H.ij&n? CHAS. RAY in "FL 3. vt P. ADDBn COMBDT "OH. PROMTS; wpl fAPITOI XV1 MARKET VrlB 11 Via "Man Prem Le,t Rlrar" RFGENT maf MARKKT "rONQUHRTNO POWER-' AMmftntM Orfthwtra. ,W,.U n-Z."".'" """""O TT.im) rvi L rl ODE JUNIPKH it t.tA.ut.M.f UlaVDEl 11 te 11 CONTINUOUS - VAUDEVILLE "YES. MY DEAR" wuSTcAt. ST aaraseaiaasB COMRDY PHILA.-S LEADtNQ THEATREg" DIRECTION OF LEE J. J. SHUBBRT I1T1 THE. HJODI VAliMVl AJU MATS T 2.IS-IVU AT V BELLE STORY I McCONNELL America's Foremost A 4IMP40M Coloratura Roprane I OlSiraun BOBBY O'NEILL Jb CO. chahTmcoeod co. I RUPiwery CLARK et VERDI , THE BRIDAL SWEET With rin Maye Tewell Draw A Ca. RIGOLETTO BROTHERS With 8WANSON 8IBTER8 LYRIC ErestSilS ML Teaser. MR. JOHN DREW MRS. LISUE CARIat aswifsnrmwum MASTERPIECS JOHN miJtW ERNEST LAW0D0 BETTY UNLEY ROBERT RENDEL 4M CbbIIIbIbIIIT Mat. Tomerrew S anilBEKI Beit Scstt, S2.H "A CRACKUKJACK WOW."-Recerd, Fcw.Mulcl Comedies Hiive the Alirial as Neat Week Seats New Selling FRANZ MOLNAR'S Comedy of LKa "LILIOM" JvVi5Sr JOSEPH SCHILDKRAUT wither &EVALEGALLIENNE M0N'- Rli EVE- SaT- mat. S2.TO ..I?.00, SAT- EVENINO. t2 BO POP MAT. THURSDAY. WACNUT 33SSE CHARLOTTE GREENWOOD 1ETTYPEPPEK Kxtra l'lane Concert Tumor., 1 P. M, D MR. WERNER JAN.?3EN Cnmiwiir of "I.ETTY PEPPER" W" rrrrrfr"'""iiyi IfpRevu(!ce')a,ace ljJ lav T Uv 45th Uurkrt LJEMMIV, TCatrAPiaBW shu'bert jtm LTi SeSn. sSS leaakll Baal I aTal I Slessal 1 V V I 4.1 liJjM viNaVWgiRw VeVCw s5Sc5 Inquirer. I, ' ADFIPHI Last 2 Evening. L tlULLIlU Last Mat. Tomer. J u I J efl CfTJJJrJIlH l TLWjjmmjmKagKjtm r mui-muimiw'Mmzm (TONIGHT&TOMORROWNIGHTIti C CnnfB Men, Tun.. Wed. , Apr. 3, i. ijj. Au-atar lce-OKating tait Rnptle Lamb Marcut t Csrllila Htore nurllne lllhln Rnrkrrt was Bit VAIIU CTf 1TIV1 iliMa,. OTHER IlIO M KN RATION ALrKATUBKa l'ublle BKnttnc After Every Performance nIIIIr,wn -I..V. ,., ci.-.-e As ASHER'S SWIMMING SCHOOL H. K. for, SW Wulnul HI. Mixed Bathing SSEae! .j'h.i Tue Tliu Hut.. DA. iura.. e tm. m r . .fe n . i "---.'JfrtW IitHlriirlleti r.Utn t IVth Srxt YiJX n.i.-e r.aj,--:' a fAKlY WIliMIS .,-W I Tih-iiIiij. Tiiurnunr. Hsturdiy, 8i30 (a fa ACADEMY OV ML'Hin HKTKiirtii.iiAr, tOPOLITAN OPKRA COMPANY, W, 1 Til KM. APRIL Mnit. Furrnr, Vernls, MM. Cbsmlt , BeetM) (& Miula. (litstefiKin, Ten'. SlersnaenY f'l TirKMS Arnutmr llfppe'K, HIS Hl, m.'"Ki DUMONTS n" A""!. !.. ti32 lumwut m Mla.AlenWes, Bet., tilt EMMETT WELCH Mi4r-ig .;,'.; ' VV " ' ' , i J ."saiilef? n Bth A WalaiiL Heails 1 ta SbbbbU 7 , Jl ifi Ml tm m m t wa i'M Vi rtii m t a n t M e i cv I X 9 4 t M m H m e I ti M M lf 11 u ' S K) . 4 "O A I' ll M ft . ta li L T H 11 w 1 rr ID ri 1 :' it u tr tt h H r- n It !' r-fni a .BiKaavaa l .i'i ."TTrf tjpp ' fi'w . j vm, t1M1t '""P; W If .".siyj .UI fc Til . i 'V31 - rt i rnat-Mui , 1.1 ' l-i rreiCi'i , t. ii-U. ' ", a L.Bil" as .. I'imt, -v S i?r-wir fis&Si&& All .Jiir-.efftSas !SWPi SrV mm m&tzgmfflmmmsmw