If tBSmB niiM m 1 1 wxj&rm m.-. im.wMfcgjj jmaraj .', SP5SSftpdS WHUST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE rig J k : jVancy Wme Hears the Craig Biddies Have Taken a Heuse in Newport She Sees Various Smart Frecks and Suits Tweeds Are te Be Seen Everywhere 1HEAR that the Cralf Diddles hare taken n limine In Newport for next mmn. unci will nend the grcnter pert nf the summer there. Thev have leased the Hartslieiiie estate en llnllden Hill, ind will de quite n little entcrtalninjr. faura Middle Is nbeut seventeen new, 'nd will he coming out in a year or two. She leeks very much like her mother, who. te my mind, wna alwayi the hand hand Temer of the two outers. Elsie, her xeiinier slr, new Mm. Henry Clewa, theuih pretty, wan Just a few inches tee fall Thev both have fine eomplexlena and Laura has the .nme lovely skin. ie will have 11 wonderful tltne when flic makes her debut, for Mr. and Mrs. Ulddle have many friends everywhere. ATTRACTIVE SUB-DEB 6 V t J . It? T Jw."V .'& lw . r .J i j.t i , . . - r - - - -1 - - - - , a. r- f , , t ... t i ' " " ii r aaaai iwvm i ' -- .. ...,.. .,... .... , . . ..... . , j iTOWNSEND LUDINGTON end Mr. William K. Peele ltna tim n.. nounced, i Mr. .1. Themas Unset, of llaverferil, amlTUrs TIenry 8. Abbett, will entertain nt n buffet Innrheen, nt their home en Wednesday afternoon, April 19, In honor fm,he,.r 50Mln. Ilss Kntlmrlne H. Ceffln. danghter-ef Mrs. M. It. Coffin, oft 261 Seuth Sixteenth street, and St. T'UJ'v,.w"li,r. mBrrme l0 r Stanley A. Welch, of the Aldlne, will take place en Saturday afternoon, April 22, fiuil' an? n'man W- I'tsle. of the Clinten Apartments, will leave en May 1, for a visit te Kin Baren Downlnuten, where thy will be the guests of Mies Lisle s mother, Mrs. Vranklln Lanrslaff, before occupying their apartment nt Lancaster pike, Tlivarferd, nbeut the middle of May. Mrs. Lrttigstafr will leave en Hatunlr.v nun ter r, .i,,i. , i . a ( 1 I. il.- . . mlllj Uieffc? which nave a pieue or """" uia i-oceno mountains, whrrn II'"" I IK tlA 1 -t-t-.Ar.ta WAmnl. t a m . . . . . X one kind of material and a skirt of another are very mtieii in vogue witu the younger girls (Ids spring. I saw Sara Xlally rcccntlv looking quite pretty In one of them. The '-blouse, which was nf dark blue hilk. had n dainty white figure en it, and her sk!rt was of plain dark blue. It was ilnished at the long waist line with a, fascinating girdle. Sara will hnxc the part of Leila In "lelanthe" In the Savey this year, and they tell me wie s very goeu nt it she ixpects te remain about a fortnight. ,?,"' V0'? patrp- daughter of Mrs William H. Pure, of 2314 Icut street, flie Is a student at Bryn Mawr College, returned te her home yesterday te spend the Easter vacation with her motner. Miss Laura B. D, Garrison, daughter 2iJnra4,.?.Mn,F' kynwoed Garrison, of 1019 Clinten street, who, as a student iBL,Dl?'n 4?Iawr, CeIeKc, has returned Heme for the spring vahatlen. ..... Air. finfl fra Alnn TT..,.... .. notner Binnri "tmiii ih urn."- .win ,,,. " ... --.,,, imuwei eirui k hv Ameiie Seixas. T saw her in tewn"MJym MM De J.anley .tree? sne dnv Inst week wearing a cap, mSZatI' fs'amueTT tt" 'at'lVer ,Mrk hue si k duvetync witn n wide r.erut fr rru',.. ..rf.iv.. i.', ' ,ellar of gray fox. and hur hat ya n Sylyla Van Renssela-r Streng, who Vn inin'l uedfl of that elntey sort of sham- etudent at the .Vatlenal Pathedral roc!; gieen. untrlinmed but for a single , Scheel nt Washington, will itturn I enie 1, p,n..., .,.... .- "..",--,-. i" . "T ".: . it-vuni i u.ntr "co -darn-ter. m .lolsen liml 10 clllll i'i'.""""" le lemain ever Uie week-cml. garden as en rue Mue or me nrim. .... s ," :.V.i, ', cf",' i'i B ti-.,.ia,i Kt.lt !. n ffnmt.'lnekinirf 1P"' -.for a. visit te Richmond. Vn . "','".. ". rV:' "."7i..n w : J?.re ".ne.wlll be th- cuest ever the X7i V ,ne1 fla',l!' of s,!" IJdlth Ruther Ruther Ruther orndalWC,a,hed,rJa8,08'ch,etofnl at the XB- tweed dress. It t a sort of dull old reie bordering en orchid In color, nnd (die Iras lone cape witn it et tnc f-nme material. Her hat In n small grnv sports shape, nnd she wears gray stockings and suede mhoes. Henrietta is engaged te Carel Brewster, you knew. It was announced about a month age. SPEAKING of tweed suits. I have Wn nlmef.1 run ever about four time since Saturday afternoon .be- of ma Spruce street, wlli spend part of caiie or them. I warned for a niert fn-iaw a ii rt V. X J.: "'aham's wtt vPafC of time en Chestnut street. Mm- , W&An$& .fe Wit ' plv going from one tore te another. ' ""wauitee, wis. end I would net lmr believed that , is-inli.brJy " "elghtman. ninny tweed and hesthev .-eat suits and I h" Wn end nr"0 ,R?uap,ffh, ,n,.euit.,ceull niit In the world, , me. .?m neli ies DC worn en one suernoen, en . .i, ti. uarstalrs at his shoetlnc ic street, in one city. There were i Iod:' have returned te their home. pink ones, blue ones, orchid ones, gray Mrs. Jeseph Prien Tunis and hr enrs.. lavender ones, green ones, tan daughter, Mlns Annls Lee Tunis, et ""ii one. pink and gray, pink nnd tan. pink L,nS?V street, will leave the latter nd brown plaid, lavender nnd gray , &" UL ThSv C"n ia vlBlt t0 Atlantic laid. blue and Ian. blue and 5rny. we.ef MV TT.nl3 'wllf'Ge i''5e orange, lore, old rose, lemon, ellew tante of next season. "I .ttsaw anything te e.ual it. ' &tigtt$& inn eierv suit had a little round tweed Mr. FaverIte"s mother. Mrs ('award hat te match and all the wearers had Bewman Leaf, of 2027 Walnut street leckings te match the suits, or giay.jyj, ???,ut.v tnelr country place. Kaer Kaor Kaer er tan stocking,, nnd flat-heeled shoes J th! mlddle of next Anil cvfrv time I'd ee one nml stnn i te leek. l'dee another mere veinarka- L-r- ni?(1 'Mr!l- Edward L. in one I ' sssWP'llssA m-': ;;!i-Mfci.';!Jsss kBBBBBBBHslkBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVIr'';i kHk .! , t'IBMBLttLHtLLlLMfcBfcjBjikLLLLLM TO WED PRINCETON QIRL engagement of Mitt Camtren te Phlladelphlan Announced Anneimccmtnt e the engagement of Benman Veltber The marrlaae of Mls Knna June Veleber and Mr. Carl A. Benman, et Clevland, Ohie, took place Isst eve ning at the home of the bride's uncle diwI 4lmt Mr nml IklM. UllSRell MC- Cietiglian, et Jladden Heights, N. J.' rir i iinnri HnrmH. of the Lutheran rimrrh of th llelv Communion of I ConsUnce Guyet Cameren, of Prince-' I'hlielphla. etliclated. The brld; wmi at the Belgravla, Elghteentli and Chest nut streets. ten, te Townsend Ludington has been made by the eung woman's parents. Mini Cameren la the daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Arneld Guyet Cameren, nnd Mr. Ludington Is the son of Mr. nnd Stn,m?n Mrs. Charles II. Ludington, of Ard-' " ln0!tc'.. ,,, ,. ,.. , Te Benefit Hetpltal Heth are., still at college. Miss .,, .,.. i.hiu.i.iehia Wem-i. e ameren will be graduated from lirin . Auxiliary of the Oreat Heart HeHpital, . Andrew Veleber. Jr., and wen attended bv her sister, Miss Marje Veleber, as ninld of honor. A reception for the. immediate families followed the cere-1 meny. After a wedding trip, Mr. and i Henman win niana ineir nuum m ,v,- Mawr In June. In the same month Mr, Ludington will linlsh his ceunm nt isle, which was Interrupted for several years because of his services In the war. when he was in charge of a naval aviation school nt San Diege, Calif. Miss Cameren is a granddaughter of the Itev. Dr. Henry Clay Cameren, who was a member of the Princeton Uni versity faculty for mere than fifty years. She is related te .1. Donald Cameren, who was Senater ftem1 Pennsylvania and Secretary of War. On her mother's side she is descended from Dr. i'lnley. fifth president of Princeton. Mr, Ludington is descended from the' iy"'" i UCVl Uv' Mes .Noyes, who was one ': of the ten founder of Yale. Hla father Is vice president of the Curtis Pub lishing Company and a director of the1 Public Ledger Company. ' DELAWARE COUNTY Mr. and Mrs. Shelden R. Green, of Brooklyn, N. T., are receiving con gratulations en the birth of it daughter, Patricia Helen Green, en Marcn 1? Mrs Green wss before her inarrlaee. Miss Charlette BuntlniT. of Swaithmere will give the Japinese operetta "I-enst of the Llttle Lanterns" In th Rese Garden of the Bellevue-Stratferd Hetel en Thursday, April 27, for the benefit of the hospital. There will be fancy dancing. Mrs . Clarence Dill Is chair man of the Entertainment Committee, antf Mrs. A. Adams is chairman of tiv Ways and Means. , , , The Auxiliary will also give a bridge and live hundred party this afternoon BROAD Last 3 Evga. ft PAVin nrci-AMC'i' r'nt. LIONEL in "THE GRAND DUKE" A rrlUn f'emdy by frh tluttry Supported hv the Orlslrn' Cempuny Men.. Rlehe'wu! Tut. MMELL; a Direction Maurice K. Felt V! Aldinji, Cheitnut nt lOth Contlnneus 11 A, M. te 11 l. M. MABEL 1NURMAND In M'k KennHt'e OreiiteH Stifreii "MOLLY O" VI'Vt WISHK HP.A1M TOfJAV Men.. Rlehe'leu! Tut. N'lfht Stt. J!t.. vra. Mat.. A TOU t Ike III Wed, k Sat. Net. Jtillui Mtnti ....i mninirrr i nurt., in m i; itiffl : rn.. M.cbeth Bv ,Hl'Mt.lelotg.Wert.M'al.60cletl SO FORREST Matin Saturday BOtiT.Nlll(l TO AM, TE ClttLORKN A HII'-ROARINO RIOT UK .lOVAFUN" CHmi3 Dium9Ni nf 'TIF TOP irVir- OF AH FRED STONM Shw GARRICK Matinae Saturday "Point, wlioletetne ceinnly with soeii n.uile le jieed It nlentr." N. Amrlcn. GEO. M. COHAN'S COMEDIANS iti the WhoWeme Jhilrl Hit THE O'BRIEN GIRL (MARrs nia musical birtkr) Mls-s Marlen I-aiie. daughter f Mr. and Mr B. D. I.une, of ('hestcr. lias been entertaining MIs- Alice Allisen, of Baltimore, for ce cral days, K EITH'S THEATRE DOROTHY JARDON In n Herl of Snnu ",Iii!ci K. ELINORE & WILLIAMS-S. MARION MURRAY F. X. DONEGAN & ALLEN A. uL'T.xv ryi'it, MAnci:i i.i. r,t.t.r:i' iiTm;r-ami ? D. D. H. ? IceRevuefe lumuni sATtrtPAV Mienra Cent'g Men , Tut.. Wed.. Apr. 3, 4, ft All-Star Ice-Skating Cast Raetle 4 I.nnh M-prnt & Cnrllnlc Stene K tli-llT" "ti.1i rti.rl'.rt TI1K llll'R K.TIN(1 fllRt.s nTltl'KHHiSKNSTIONAI,I-llVTi:n; f l"JI 'e 'Kh'Tic Affr :;vrv ferfornane t Adtrln-len Tr.e fl.f.O, J1.2.-. WMMMMsMiiiirn'ui"i"ij(-j Ledcer Photo Servlce- MISS MARY ELIZABETH ALTEMU8 Daughter of Mrs. B. Dolwen Altemus, of the Falls of Schuylkill, who will make her debut In several ears. Miss Altemus waa photeirraphed en her arrival nt the rehearsal for "Why Net 102a?" In which she will be "a prairie flower" Sunday, March 2C-. Several out-of-town tenhouse Hetel. The Entertainment t'uets were present. ' Committee Include Mr. Harry J. Brandt, , , . ... president : Mr. Rebert Ileane. vice presi- Mr. and Mrs. Merris Ospey hae ,Ient. Mr jle,VUrd Riddle, chairman of I returned trem their wedding trip, nnd uefarc. Mr Jelm Davls sccreur'. and . are at home at 02VJ Larch weed tuenuc. -,, i,a.'j iriv treasurer Mrs Omiew will be remembered as Mlaa Mr- UftUa K-Clx- treaiurcr. Kitty Bernstein. MIse Kllznbeth Breen, of 228 Merris Mr. and Mr,, Dorff Sfoere. son and " recuperating from a recent . ji - i i - t..rt .,.i iff. t iiinca-s. UUUHlllCrIll"Iii UL .tljui auu un mi fc BRIDESBURG Mrs. Jeseph Katz, of Wakelliiff street, Is spending some time at Atlantic City, where she la visiting her sister-in-law, I Mrs. Sumuel Katz. Hampton Moere, entertained at bridge last evening at their home. G239 Jef- Pa'Us, of .,,, rt - ...v. a, i'a.ia. ,,i Me nlnltl and turn te leek nt that right '.' rJ.V lf "H.0: Vi'"'""'.."".'. ar in the inidtlle of a track, ami then an a vHlt. """ '" -c'v i erK. rer nute would jiiPt about nip the end of , ,, , ,, , , . my nose off. while J get the rest of me r iJtlii w, f h...BIab?n;. of nut of its vay in elder te I;ok nl ' ew U. another tape suit or font suit, f must 'ford, are In New Yerk for a few days I'ine teen of least ("00 girls wearing j and are staying at the Rltr-Carlten. Iww'1' Mrs. Harry W. Butterworth, of Rydal. i will leave tomorrow for . New Yerk, TT SKL.MS I mnde a mistake the ether . '"!re sne wUl spend tIle wek-cnd. 1 dny about Rill!'; Ilellly's wedding I Mr. and Mrs. Thecdere Johnsten, of li'lng followed by n reception nt the "ew Yerk, formerly of this city, have I'lazn. There Is net te be a leccptlen ' left feVa visit te Atlantic City, where nfnll; in fact, it is a dinner. The I '"' remal" ,or a week at tne "" An utret In linnnr of Mr. and Mrs KrneBt Stacltheuse. of Moercstown. N. J. The guests Included Mr. and Mrs. rvanir frnRH lll Iella. MncDhersen. Minn Mae Macnheisen. Miss Enid i Ackerman. Dr. rh.irlcs Whlt and Mr. Mrs. JMward Mader. of S646 Ash Geerge Mcming, of New Yerk r,trcet, ha an her guest for tome time iK.r niece from Cleveland, O. NORTH PHILADELPHIA Miss Frances Jacksen, of Richmond' NORTH pmi.utue.niM entertained a number of friends Mr. and Mri. James I. Masterson. et i at hcr neme lalit eenlng In liener of 4035 North Twelfth street, are blns i Miss i:isle Teberly. of Reading. Pa... congratulated en the birth of a daugh- wn0 i3 vl-.ltlng In this city for several ' tcr. weeks. Among these present were Miss 1 T (J.IU MIl. A ir.M. fliu XT Tvlllier. Mls Nan O. Lynch, of the tails of , '.:.' m.' Wilsen." Miss' K. Schoenberg, 'V. '"B ...;.,? ij I Miss A. Fisher, Miss S. Runn. Mr. A. Morrison. Mr. M. Hlnckle, Mr. B. Mc- Brlde. Mr. S. Robins, Mr. K. Kennedy and Mr. II. Jacksen. 'eremnnv Is te take 'dnre nt half after Traymore. I), and then the immediate families nnd ;hitni.7.h:,r;!!,,t!av1'ufs,B,,d" rl? r"! 'Sew s .?: . & Witney I he rerenlenv will be entertnineI ,,ave returned te their home. Mr. and Mrs. William Celeman Free- of 21.28 Locust street, who have Flerida. at dinner afterward at the Tiara He ttl. Sehnvlklll. will i. nelle! at Atlantic City as the gust of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence tr. rpten. Jirs. upien wan Miss Elcanere Armstrong, of this LU' ' Mrs. Hareld J'ines, of Tacony street, Miss Alice Klelsber. et 2301 Green wni entertain the members of her street, will Icaxe shortly for California. sewing circle at her home en Monday Mr. Henrv Brucker and his daughter, afternoon. M!b Harriet Brucker. et North Twen- tletli ftrcet. hae 'returned from the jyfl neutn, wncre tncy spent vumu mne ua ellng. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hechman, of 3714 North Nineteenth street, announce the engagement of thelr daughter. Miss Frances Hechman, te Mr. i:dwjrd IChr llch, of New Yerk City. Sir. William Ilaler. of Kigliteenth and l Spring Geidt n streets, has returned from New Yerk, where he spent a few weeks. B S Mr. and Mrs. Jehn 8. Gustlnc. Jr.. of Mrs. Isaac 1, LVtwller, of 1347 North 0438 Woodbine avenue, Overbrrek, who Twelfth street, has returned from Palm i nave ueen Hpenumi, a. icw uayn ai me Heac'.i and .Miami, wnere sue spent some. Hetel Traymore, Atlantic City, have time. .She was accompanied, by Mrs. S Hichaid Kellers. neVOL- realise that in a little mere ' rc?ucr'ed te" tl,Tr hoe.' Mi., ... l,. -J . .i i .' ""."J..1?'. A card party in aid of the Archbishop Mrs. Herman Stout, of Fifteenth and .... .,..., , BV1. i,. .ueh uihi vtigs nyan Memerial tteme ler ueat anu xenis streets, will entertain the mem pirfortnnnce at the rerrest? The par-I Dumb Children will be given at the berB et ncr L.ard club tomorrow after ..r-. ,..,- in,, -ni, 111 in.; piumiing, one nuinc .wv "i""1.?"",",'"".,' "i1;"" neon. m hleieMInc one beinr for Lvsbetb newl row evening at 8:30 e clock. Miss Marv ,,,,., , , B nn,l H....V, n..i- i, . . ', , , McClelland. Mm Sara McAneny, Miss Mrs. J. Uniis Hreltinger nnd het H nml Hemy Heiie It In te be given by MaVsuerte McAneny, Miss Anna T. daughter, of 3511 North Bread street, g ine new ntnl Mre. r.corge Cnhfrt Kelly and Miss Mary K. Kelly will act I have returned from Flerida, where they S - aii-i ii i. iiiiMini nifnr in e.n&ti.i. aa innTMifB. 'ina jiuiiie i uiiuvi iiiu amnr Rnnie nine. i nev viu Hiiernv ujl week, nnd tlieie will be a supper after direction of the Sisters of St. Jeseph. ; t,cr tottage nt Atlantic I'lty. hlch Zl V He, "''"en' ngen.em ' v Is' ' mi '"" .uxniae-wnn,' tlwy W,U u,,y during the summer. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Mr. Geerge Menree, of IfU'J ?eutli Cruskev street, lum been cntr rtalnlng for neunifd nbeut a month ege TrOTni:R was getting I'ell.v ready te the institution. GERMANTOWN zn in n nni-rv m tier vurls nnd tied he nl,. I!..... I... .. ".-" ii. nrr up genernuy iie gave mny iiiMructiens in leg.ird te he Urier. Pelly, who I live, hed ben ireLing forward with gicat delight te i no nffair. hut uu h,1ma..i,!ah ja. 1 . -." "' """"iliuil IUI "jwi-ii nuiiiouitieii, her rmc mere nnd ing i euy ready te' ....,, c sterv eC 40f, vVest- two weeks as ills guests hl.s sister. Mrs. nd as she brushed V,J. iiJe will Vive I luncheon fel- I I-euU J. Flngcreth. and her seu. Mr. r vnsli and ether- ?Sidb bridge en Saturday next. Moureo Flngereth. of Atlnntic City. nnnrnllt. .l. '?,eu..-J. ...III l.lii.le Mr Perter , , -. The gue'hts will include Mrs. Perte were. 1'intilM h!,e liesied n dep Msh jnil said: "I don't cneW 1 betler go. I eeiildu t member ft that." i i rn ii i lt'ini rmi'i i iiniM it .t i z rn ssa i - ' " ..... --..-..- - ...,...... Payne, Mrs. Aiec """ Ci'' "j. ,!'' party last enlng. The guests includetl B neon, -n-. "'";:-",,',. "V.il trr i aiusa jjfbsie r erresier, aiiss .wanenne u'. Pierce. Mis ufWTnJ,?s;l'',7.S' Harreld, Miss Mary Gallagher. Miss1" Jeseph Murphy. Mm Jeseph J lerel, ml. Kluharne Mallov. Miss TCdna lledgers. 5 Jirm ' nrm nil.l.rti ...... - .. ..-.. .,... .i.m. I.miImi en.1 Tl.... ,.... I...... ..linU ,.,13 .IUIIJ n,,u .11,33 .Mill. JWU. ei s, a expression be- i lr.rr ir. A. Baldwin and Mrs mete crushed, as it William MacNelll. k -w.e tteinv W. Kind will entertain at bridge tomorrow m.c rviwin i ;.I. liarriB, r ."" A leceptlen and dance will lie given bv the Phi JVlta Jthe Fraternity en Saturday eenln?, April 1, at the Hit- tifwgSk J . 17 ANNOUNCE A Big Special Sale Tweed Suits Friday and Saturday Only! S3i3 $ 25 Ail the popular mix tures, ftliatles and !! (I't j en lmy In downstairs ateref. (or many delMrs mere. We bui- from the fame manufactur ers iut !1 cheaper. Hats In .Mulch Your or Oar Material Parchaiing Agtntt' Oritn AtttpUi 123 Se. 13th St. Abute t mtlmerl'n NANCY wynni:. Bread htreet, entertained nt a luncheon and bridge party eterda. Among, the gucs a were Mrs. Herace Ooedwln. MlsH'rances Knder, Mrs. S. M. Ita OK Mrs. , William "": L, ' "VV" son and Mrs. Geerge SOCIAL ACTIVITIES M.. t.. i . Mrs. lllll" " r.rl Mr. i-d. Brc'wn'r'. Jr.. son of Mr. p. Philler. Mra SS , A VffL Brewnln. of 245 I William H. Wll en i.:.tJL-.J?'la "ireet, w ill give a dinner I Key. Th rearular dinner-daiice at Cedat Cedat breSlc Country Club will be held this wi-"S.r ''i'ir. "'nose marriage te eveninu. "I'lcli Mr. and Mr Theodere U. wie- en Wednesday next. it) r.'. !","' ."' -n De l.auecy place, wl 1 if- ..,t -wn. Harrv Bebrow. or b r i,. ,i " V. or ",'' sarar'ien F.ich- -.vest Cliveden avenue, entertaincu ; SS' .'Wh-ltne HmS 5 W' .N-w VerU. i i.eaun. .it. "...'.'. ..wii, .uii'i ..iitiEare M1KR i.i i .... u i,- .v ,......:... '.elgcrs, Miss Marv Falrk, Miss ElUta f'irnn!,1,rl Mls'W-H'iabeth Frame. Miss )ennUe.Grn,h,am- Mr- Jaies . W Painn'll'',H' ( "rUs Woeil, Mr. Lee ii,.1.. "' 'V.r' J"el'b t'hamr.aii, Mi. Jeseph r?,iiH' s,r:,Mric B. Walls. Mr. Alden P.; :.' '"' ""iiisuerj .Miner, .Mr. - niriti VW.,..Mr' Edward Ooedell, Mr. aPP iV Mi? ; p,1,1l"f. Mr. Itebert Pltlleld, . Lir' RLe"""! !lirel. Mr. Fiederlck r'Y,Vr WEST PHILADELPHIA lt and Mrs Ravmend Atwood llinette of Blrdsbore. Pa. are recelv ni conkratulatlene en the birth of a rtauM.?. rauajj:". Hu,.t te en March , sirs, iiujeuc "". - ersett, or mis. city. mid Mis. Knepller, of 6025, n.,i.iM Street, announced ine e nB . " "' Clinten h. urewn. Mr. ,;n.v,i of their daughter, miss Aueune R1m;;l0,J,T,ltcr' M:- Spenrer nroek. Mr. I IJP'Vr te Mr. Sanuitl Jl. Tunltsky, nm,uH, Pe"'im. Mr. T, P. On Quartel ?,,'.. dinner gl en ut their home en "Ifhardsen and Mr Norten Conway, of at " dlTiner fc"tn i h.Vi nrk,, Mn'- Wledeisetm, who has " ' Will lltlini linma tnnitrUt nJll? K'1"1' who will attend the card ni V. J! J' s?lurday .Uternoen which Mis. i nn?x hiV.,Ue.r' of m "leddvn roae. Ara- Mil' , " slve ln bouer of her daughter.i M iMuM,rar,".t '" Meudcr, will Include , M V mc,0..W' Ml'nl- M" '?rberta Pew. ' if. ''''V, MacLeed. Miss Pilscllla Bar Pi; M,'?, Annette Mctntlre. Mls , ii..nor. I',l''er. mm Fiances Crewell, I ' l;abel Pavls. MIfh Elizabeth llef?i i Mlss ,Ie,en Rena- Mlss Mildred rwi.r V""l .iy uutcner. .miss Kv 1?";lh. M'ss lUrb.-ir.i Cuitls. Mlss t?JlCliNa7Ul' Mli,t Miugaret Fergusen. neS-,,e"rl.e.,.ta ''hnpnwu. Mlss Vlleauer rii.i:..' 'llv ntnarine uittlncw. Mlsf I'h,?. Ul ,. ,,'t",nan. Mlss Kiirb irs nl?,M,, Tbimi C'laikBOii. Mli. wii.J. .V0"' Mlf" Jane Gutei MlM iSnJM,,lI".m 'n'1 M;s" Mary Viigln'a si ' MJrh,s J,H-,, felleis. MIsh Maiiraiet Vin'JUrs ,;T I M wards. Mlss Helen Ma ..MIhs Mats net Stenn.-en, Ml.i vr ceihns, Mits Sat ah Large. MUs I'rancen Uer s. dauchtur of lir S r.,,ir"'. 'ev'"'.. r'rst Hebs, of I7;'l JrlL.h,e.',t.',' w,ln entmiiln at n small In h" ni 'Mr llem' 0I Saturday wi, i- S?J of Mlr'' Mry L. Hutler. d.iuglw MXHii rir. L. . """ uiier, uu i ciiiiiiKiinieni en .iiri i(ea3 1 ,irrn,,w)jm?"'M)M,w HE CORSET J D shown en our stout model at the Fashion Shew was a stock corset and fitted without alteration. The abdominal belt worn was custom made. perlsl Attention te Menln, snrcliel nd Maternity. ITlodeme WMirjaxmnnz 835 Chestnut St. yx7Zr.2ZZrrett Alwsja MeileratiZZHZ: BONWIT TELLER & CO. Ofie Spcaalfe Sftcp cOrtamatiens CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET Specially Priced VANITY CASES French Suede Metallic Cleth Striped Sill; Pin' Seal 4.95 Values 8.50 te 10.00 Combining purse and mi-lady's vanity accessories, these cases embody distinction and utility. All have mirrors and compart ments for powder; many have cigarette holders and lip-stick cases. flit H. tiiry "a Ns Exceptional Values PURE SILK HOSIERY Prier te moving the hosiery te the St. James Shep Walnut at 13th Street Reinforced lisle or all-silk garter tops and soles. 1 Or Black, white, cordovan, beige, gray, russet. . . . --0 Formerly 2.25 te 3.25 FIRST FLOOR TOMORROW Q VENWG JWC WNCEMENT Bemvit Teller & Ce.'s New Shep in the St. James Hetel (The fnciiudna! Lmeie Shep Fermaly Thirteenth and brtruem i'tice:s A-3j 5f'i)HE opening of the Sr. J.imcs Shep is the tangible cvidcr.ee of the VVeZS; evolution of nn idea that had its inception seven years ae, when -isz Bonwit Teller & Ce. opened the Individual Lingerie Simp at Thirteenth and Sansom Streets--the only one of its kind in the country. This new shop indicates net only the growth of an idea, but the progress of an institution and the achievement of an ideal. The Specialty Shep of Originations for years has devoted itself te the study of every phase of the Fine Art of Women's Dress. The principles of Art: svmmetry, plastic grace and color harmonizatien: were applied te the development of Women's intimate apparel the inner elegancies of dress as the fittir." complements te the outer costumes of beauty and distinction. (Th 4 LJ T D i'1 h :i M Tfn'f- J ml i vidua I Sheps of Jingerie .?jiiecs, Hosiery and Corsets will replace the original Lingerie Shep. In exquisitely appointed Njns, created te provide the desired atmosphere of artistic charm and beauty. women with that innate refinement and instinctive zea taste may select their Apparel Intime in an environment of privacy. The introduction of the corset shop is in response te the demand et our patrons who wish the same perfection in a corset that is evinced in our negligees and under garments. Cersetieres, accomplished in the art of meulding the teminme form te slender and supple lines, will personally study types and meet the requirements of the individual. 'Benn-it Teller & Ce. fv tends a Cordial Imitation te all, te attend the opening of their St. James Shep, that marks the pro gression of this organization, symbolize the confidence of an ever-growing clientele, signifies an appreciation ei the high standards of this institution and presages the highest attainments in the Art of Women's Dress. Treustcauv f.x qu isite Under things 'Boudoir lAppiitel finert - Hosiery Cjlevc Siii Vndcrtlungs 'Boudoir ifuweNj MMiMMH ONW1T TELLER L CO. ft. James Sflep WALNUT AT 13,M STREET Direction BtatileV CeirlpaW f Aj TO m - t t N't.VP.TIiEN'TIt AMI) .MARKRT t.v 11. 1-31, 0:30, 5i30. 1:30. O.S'.J NermaTalma. IN I'HWT NVTIONAL ATTJtAClT "Leve's Redempti .IMJI TIH.NAI, I I, ll I JIM JJ.-'i. r.imK.i r..h;nn R.vtwJ mmmmm0 HSII1W1I " w m ira "l m tvtTit mvine Menur.s r ir STANTOR! HlXTHKNTH L MARKKT 11:30. 1.80. 3.30, 11:39, 7:30, BJO Maclyn Arbuckle nnd .Ti:AN t'AIOK In "The Prodigal Judge Afiaplnl from Nevrl 1$. "CARDIGAN" , Reii'il W. i' nmlrt' HetiiitiiIc Ne1 0 fl TinOAD K CHESTNUT 11.30. 1.30. 3.30. 6 30. 7:30, 9'SO laST .1 DAYS William De Milk's T.ATEST PAIlAlrOUNT lTtODUCTtOJC 'Bought and Paid Fer' WITH Jack Helt and Agnes AyTM 'i:.nj wi:i:k imhamdi st j'u.vrtVAi m: i ai, ik i c.ttfA r m I'Pi.vam) PAl A'IV 1-ni ArAiiKi.r 1 VLiWCi in .r teilrir, v. M. Richard Barthelmeas jft.ffi16 Tf A HI A 0Tir . CHKSTNUT AKtrAUm 10 a. r. te ii:is i. m. "POVERTY OF RICHES" VIPTflRIA MARKrjT AT NINTH Vlvl vFIl ti a. v te 11 15 y it CHAS. RAY in "R. S. V. P addrp fQMKDT "nit. rrtOMisn ,mr" TADITfll 8T,t MARKET , VAlllUL 10 A M te 11:13 PM. "Man Frem Lest River' .'KA . mA 1 Wl J M. REGENT 17U & MAP.Kirr "I.ITTI.R EVA Aii'KSW' WM.PENN !Ar?,B.H!,VK?c 4 HORSEMEN Aj; ,B VHb ItllXll.ril VA1.KNTINII J irTimtfl iirrhtri t'ml Prlr " CI - n n m t v 'M Y J .1 fl 41 Wl GLOBE jusiprjii riiKi:T 11 te II fdNTINCOUS 'AI'Ui:Vlt.l.K "YES, MY DEAR" SKiVr' SHUBERT puri.A '9 T.r.AntNc. rm:.vTRi:.t DIRECTION OP l.ni: J. .J. SHPllEltT MTNUT ST OPERA HOUtt THE. WOP'.OJ Bt3T VAUDEV8LLI HAIkT KA AT Z.I3-EV3 AT 8.19 BELLE STORY I McCONNELL Arifrlca'a l'ormei clMDcriM I'o'eriiturn het.rann et JhMrjun BOBBYJO'NEIL eTCO. HA-. MrdOIIII .C III. Rl1INn;T CLARK & VERDI THE BRIDAL SWEET With On "in -vmp'l iiTn" -- "RIGOLETTO brothers Wlh i AN'I)V SISTPItS LYRIC JOHN DREW atwiRnntLUMi WL JCMtALLW EKHEST LAW0tt BETTY UNLCt' ROBERT RSNXk ten UllBtnv" T- s VTl Kl,AV S SHIIBCm Deil Seati, $2.00 A IRAC'KERJACK SHOW ' Rord. Pew Musical Pumf diva Hum" th Aiipaj aa SW!2?e ' VTJ fHX. VStV JS3 Evei. at 8:1S Mat. Sit. MRS. LESLIE CARTER MASTfSPIECt Innu'rar ADFIPH1 Lnst 3 Evga. $1.50 Mat. TnHar ?1 KJ ,1 . I MIIM llllltllXA , .r hnlO rr - ' ii . .' r fni Tmlay I .k SEAT SALE TODAY r'ltANZ ti".p. - t iir' i ' i r "LILIOM" l;)-Zn- JOSEPH SCHILDKRAUT mihtr & EVA LEGALLIENNE mev rn mi ' i: a i. r i r i Til tj 00 VHP i XT Hl'-UH Mr. itiiv .'.Or 111 S7.IHI ( enir le tlir Cenrrrt WALNUT CHARLOTTE GREHMWOOD UETTYPEPPEK l.xtr i PI inn (iniirrt n.. I P. M. I.v Ant XhllNKR JIV'll'S Mi. h f 'I.I TTX- ! I PI P.U ' BUILDING SHOW First Regiment Armery BROAD & CALLOWHILL STREETS Unqualified Success Bigrexl Ficnt in the Iliilery of Pkilailelpliia'i Expoiitieni RECORD CROWDS ATTEND Fret Prize te be Drawn ler Tonight Oiling lump Cencrrls 1lrnoen and Evening ADMISSION FREE ( ni.i ip Misn MI.IKIII'III ITA lll'I.ICX (OMIM.Vl. . V, T'n'.ri.V.'Vi k MAD AM A BUTTERFLY, Xlmr. 1 irnir. I'.rnlii. MM ( linmliw, Breitl. Itnlii, iikln(Miii. Ceii'l Mi rnrnnl . V?'"" PARSIFAL Tlckfta AijJnm & llfnnf'. I III) f lirat. H, SONG RECITAL " IVKV IIY Helen Buchanan Hitner xVlllirr'tpeim Hull, Juniper npil Walnut R, Thunday Eve., March 30, at Sill ' CAIr.MV OF JIl'SK COVER ' rill riirninz, m wwii ae, an,-. GEORGE F. BOYLE, PianUt -nitll MTTCI COM r. .. . ' ll.'.rl. ill llepur'a mill Almlnny , 'ii'Wl DUMONT'S I'Tii ahcii i:v., tfa'f EMMETT WELCH MiimImL , fr-xllf "KTOCIiH AND HHOCif' -. jWfc' r: "' Walnut. Centln. 1 im'UmM V ' ' cne vudui, ruNr.., itwSJSrA i m Wl'l J BMJft r m M ail ...i a.ii..i ' ' ' i 1 1 msmmSiimwmBmmllnB mMmvh&j. , . . i, x jift,t, V&mi:.M'li: 1jki!MLIMMMM . . v tfia