',.;. sbf:"'-i mmwrnw?-. mmwwmi.. wmmmmMmmmimwmmmmmsmmm BV!m-': :-A7rW'A': . I 1 te i . s-"rWA"'T '' v ,-w '. Vi ' A. .f .M.LA'xzmM-mfflB 'winrittHBra&ifnOT 1 ?-, k -J.1-, -n 'ft.-ir' . ta fihi 1 :? .iT t;: ji'".7. . i- . t,T.nii'i'WPTrj- .-. ' t"i . v t, -.-.". - . ,- 1 v .-- t. . r . , --!.--. v --- - . rfin.- --- r- . . 2. . . -t.. j .,. rjT-'- J- " - jm - txvrnun ntmtftf.v.w,. . i...mmw MMiwvw m wim art ..AJMHamAU UTSn .A,'AaaiMaMIW-V " ''...,. 71 ' - . -nv.: ?, 'J.'TTr- "' r-T-FZri'W 1TOi VW-'aP r "M - '"- ""'" ' -:--- ?- --.;. - --,- ..- - - .JM m- ...i BAMlMnf Afiiy tet ' JPewftfe Either; Who Basn't Learned tjm J&U I " " - - ; gier She hQ, Hajh the Mpsi -, (iChis eld,jttle, e lyell knawn, is often , rPyaiCU 111 FVUUVO OHU MJ WHMWHWOl peintments te places . M 'he effect of ignoring a law or a practice AKvinnlv erreat and fair is net a mere Iter of discouragement te such as-deserve opietion, but it also tends te mistreat the jfcisty and fairness of .these in power or in auk . ' CTiiC. 1 ' Qifi;i-j!-- . .. j' 1 tYDiflhoneraDie cenauci en tne nari 01 Baws'ff? " .'.'..'-'.. 1 fliiefs in emce gradually undermines taitn , U?mankinH and wrecks r.itv and state Governments. ' ' ' ! If ijThe people in the public eye must de riltfe for the public geed,. , . ., h' : Vri.vv-W???' 'AT" "'j -ryr'-t-!'-. (i , ....'.;T v-',', . ' a Siflrrwd of Seeing V at t -if SWina -v jj,- 4 . m- Wtinamaker n Hnsn 't m WWW KT M.M.JV-r . . Bud Ferth .( ss V Gharmiiife Easter Hats . vv iiiijii rvrcuiv i riutii ifcr f ?, ;M m C Hk .' 0"l -f . V f J ' '' u f Belivia and Diivetyn Certainly ire Tine 111 a vuat Four model. U of a rather has a jeweled belt, although a practical typebejngple, S)SS! - $ iiii with set-In Bleeve;rv . Alie." there is one with' heavy v :of course,, the. 'sleeves 'are -cord fringe forming a panel At 't lOTe, and some have.armheles, thMdes ,'''' fa waistline) ;one,ce.t has u.The;. colors are chamipg Va , self-scaw; aneiner,pnBva "'"'I1-" .'"""'""S, ' r,tKe suuare cape cellar, still an. ladyhird; gaillardla, Sorrento ether has rewsUf afcerd-like blue,, Malay brown and russet. braid, "and'ene-rtheprettiest- Pric? $125. " ,Flr, rioer) Ibne Who Is a Bride in April Surely CUmiIJ Woof niemnnrlc '"fii has -e. decreed from Fer either wedding or anmver- Itine immemorial , and ' she . Is Bary gifts, these are some of the emiaed happiness ana goea iuck , favorite zerms ex aiamena jew U .A Anntf. elrv. Thev are all nlatlnum the gift of a beautiful piece of Diamond bar pins, $160 te $826, , ! &M& .&&& ' ' "Damend"ririgs; $93 te $2800. ' it hsi the necessary qualiflcatibna rMeh entitle it te a place in the YWinamaker Jewelry Stere (jklaln rioer) Diamond and sapphire flexible bracelets, $228- te $2700. 1 "Women's Skirts Have the Fringe fcl of Fashion at $5.75 Net only fringed, but they - The homespun of which they Irrsp around in the approved are made comes in tan, black and snner and, button at the side. white and blue and tan. " . (Flrt Fleer) BaasiFremFrance, Beaded Bags at That, Ever se low in rrwe insr with color, And such gorgeous colors. Developed in distinctive, in some cases unique, designs. riaenvagis mine en a xraiue Coming right te the point, there are imported beaded bags In this let as low as $6. vAs they grew larger the iu.i. i. ii.- i.fn.i...f .mnncr of imlien tortoise shell and thei tht !bt came ever. is adorned with a wealth, of It is the privilege, of beaded beaded fringe. The handles, Wgs te be bright,- fairly glow- tee, are beaded. . (Main Fleer) faer Shoes Grew Mere and Mere Mannish ' Never in any past season have Votd-teed and flat-heeled shoes been in demand as they are this itarY' ' ' The increasing outdoor activi activi tlts'ief women, and their greater freedom in all matters of dress, ike the sensible shoe inevi table. ' N.eWet example is . a street pump of Norwegian grained tan calfskin, with one instep strap buckled en the side. It has the flat, bread heel, com fortable vamp with full rounded tee, and heavy extension sole with a white leather welting. .Leng wip,? tip and abundant perforations smarten its appear ance. , , The price is $9. (Flrit Fleer) Children Want Sports Hese and It Should Be Derby Ribbed Fer the thick-ribbed stockings hire mere popular than ever this ijnasen. , At 75c there's a mercerizea tten sports hose, in cordovan Id cadet, with turn-ever tops I, Mid clocks. At 81. white hose with 'cadet ' or putty clocks and turn-ever tops te match. At 35c, or 3 pairs for $1, regular-length -cotton stockings in white, black, cordovan and Rus sian calf. - (Flrit Fleer) TheiT&ined Nurse's Uniform erate prices.. White linen for $9.50. Whte Irish poplin for $8.50. White muslin for $5.50. Nurses' regulation canes of hlife broadcloth lined wun scar- measure. for Jsa Badge of Hener r work of minlRtcrintr te5 the rkk,ndHufferJng,puts her in a "s apart. . , , ' K.V hB 'Ciutnrrt Tullnrintr I,ar(i pleasure .se make te let are made te , Maiure nurses' uniforms at med- $19.50. ' Bcenrt Fleer) , 'EtiTAIN artistic earrings'have arrived in the M9ricdat$J0JJ2'and$lS., t u BUT THEY areqifite as beautiful' in coloring:, and as new in shape as many sthat de come from there. ; ; ,4 They are, infa'cjb, the clever adaptiens of Paris hats made inour'ewn workreonisand in most cases the exquisite flowers' and ornaments, used.in the trimming are from Paris, v;j. v, ; . -There1' are fascinating newll;p.&ReJ1?lBges, with the shertenedNback, -smart little bi-certfes and tri-cernes trimmed with many new arid1 in- j. ; j a.i . j iJ' i.T U i u4- '" teresung ieainer .ornaments anu uie.pict- Beys' Norfolk Suits, theanamakefi Kind, $16.50 te $25' tt'- mam w Ut . ;rt ' v.'.'T.V - 'Al.fifla .-i ' ,:i.tii.-va Sizes for boys of 8 te 18 years. . , , V- 'JWk$ Selections are fine and Easter enlv a few weeks oil., f m - - . -.Ow &S we leave tne rest te you. . , , . .,:. i- y :ra (inirn rioer; . . - . Wi:m m J. 4l There are hundreds of these beautiful .tiestef .allthe-large flopping picture hats new Easter hats, fresh from tile hands of h'ftU;-:ir - AZ-4. ' " our own milliners and they are priced from with their lovely flowers andfruit. , $18 te $30 '..'. (Second Fleer) 4 Speaking of the Display of New Easter Fashions THE NEW gowns and suits are net merely ," tne last worn 01 iasniuii,, uemg, uicj x.c, Copies and adaptations of the newest models of the great French couturiers, but they are as lovely in color and line as in fabric. Fashion shows her changes net in the silhouette, which remains practically the same, 'but in a thousand new details in the arrange ment of decoration, in the entrancing sleeves, in the skirt hems, in th6 draperies, in the girdles and shoulder clasps and side draperies. ,&$&' . But mere important tnaany 01 tnese ;:, things are the two tacts nrst, tne aresses are V- exceedingly wearable and, second, that the fi'r prices are moderate f or'se much beauty, being $65 te $325. ' r JR " VWMOr . , jft i ImL . - JP -i -Mil WI ; Plitfp Dr "mm m I it r- ' - New, If Never Before, a Man Who Plays Gelf Needs : a Sweater - ' ' Spring weather is fine weather,' but it is uncertain weather. Toe warm for a coat, tee cool te play in one's shirt sleeves. Then most golfers have been off the game all Winter and have accumulated several additional pounds that must, be worked off by "the sweat of their brew." . Nothing could be better protection-against colds' for. tht; golfer new than an alpaca wool sweater that, is here in thret, shades of brown. 4 Seft and free and comfortable. The sleeveless f' type if $7.50 and with sleeves $8.50. (Main Fleer) Men Have Pronounced the $8.50 Oxfords the Smartest of the Season Bread enouglj,te be comfortable, yet narrow and straight enough te be up-te-the-Spring. , , Smeeth tan calfskin, built en an English last, distinc tively and somewhat pleasingly Americanized where practica bility comes in. Perfectly plain, and at $8.50 it is altogether reasonable. (Main Fleer) 3t ' ..- , r.'. (Klrxt Fleer) Get Your Hardwater Seap Order in Tomorrow or Friday if you wish te profit by the special March price of -60c a dozen cakes. This famous Wanamaker Original Hardwater Seap is a pure and efficient toilet and bath soap, delicately scented with lemon, almond, verbena or violet, or unscented. It lathers freely in the hardest water. (Main Fleer und Down Stair Nlerr) . Scheel Girl's Will Leve the Newest Canten Crepe Dresses , Fresh from their wrappings and such prettjstyles and colors as one hardly, can picture. One delightful little frock is made in the simplest and most youthful manner, the only trim ming being tiny beaded ornaments of the same color as the dress it self. The sash tics at the side. It is only $18.50. (Srreiid Fleer) The ether model is mere elab orate and has a novel trimming of tight little ribbon rosebuds with flowing streamers of narrow ribbon. It is charming .at $28.50. Beth dresses come in canna, reriwinkle, beige, navy, brown, henna and white the best Easter colors. Sizes 10, 12 and 14 years. The Sweetest Little Frecks for Baby Sister ' Just arrived and they arc of smocked. Others again have pink , .. t. . , or blue organdie cellar and cuffs. crisp white Swiss or fine voile They flre wer .erfuny prctty with a bit of colored cress-stitch- an(j dainty for S.O te ?8.75. In ing or embroidery and some are sizes from 2 te 6 years. , (Third Fleer) "Fifty Famous Favorites," Special at 35c A volume of fifty popular songs of the passing generation, but many of them destined te become American folk-songs. Contained in the volume are numbers that are often wanted for special occasions, and the whole collection is desirable. This anJ a'l e newest favorites may be found in the Sheet Music Stere. (Sereml Fleer) Order Furniture Slip-Cevers N-O-W Spring and Summer dress for the furniture takes a while te make, and we suggest that it b ordered at once. New patterns in linen, cretonne, chintz and ether slip-cover fabrics are shown, priced from 25c a yard up. Estimates arc given in the Up holstery Stere. (FKIIi Fleur) JJEMNANTS of tinencs, MX ginghams, percales, etc., are specially priced en the West Aisle. A Pair of Tall Japanese Bronze Candlesticks have been transformed into delightful electric lamps for a library and fitted with straight shades of palest lemon silk. They will be found in .the Little Heuse, which is just new all a-twinkle with lovely lamps of un usual design and color. Seme are the palest green Italian pottery, the silk shade carrying out this cool green color scheme, se. particularly in viting for use en het eve nings. Others will bloem: like delicate primroses in the right l'oem, the pale yel low silk shades blossom ing out of yellow pottery bowls. Fer a chintz-hung room the little black pottery Jamps, enriched with gay flower wreaths are quaint and charming. Most of Jhe'se lamps were individually .designed and will net be found else where. ..(Fifth.. Fleer) Fine Heavy Arak Rugs Are Here in a Colorful Layout '.' Just new we are showing a pai'ticularly attractive let of these splendid Persian pieces, chiefly in red, blue and ecru shades and in floral and figured patterns. Prices are moderate for such excellent weaves. Persian Arak Rugs 12.6x9 ft $295 12.4x9 ft. ... .'.$290 11.5x7.10 ft. j. ..'.,....$285 12x9 ft; $2a7 12.9 x 9.1 ft $345 13 x 9 ft $3G5 12.9x8.5 ft -. ..$283 10.7x9.2 ft $179 12x9 ft $225 12.5x8.11 ft '.$273 12.3 K 8.10 ft. ........$292 13.3x9.1 ft $375 12.lx9.lU It $395. 10.7x7 ft $145 10.10 x 7 ft $175 10.6x8.6 ft $177 10.3x7.2 ft ...$147 12.2x8.10 ft $365 Persian Mesul Rugs Average size 3x4 ft., $27 te $40. (.Seventh Fleer) ' xi JNhKa ? Jt Is Quality and Fashion That Count in a Silk Lewer-priced silks of inferior quality and style there may be; but quality fe quality there are no better nor cheaper 'rfilks. than are sold in the dependable Wana maker Silk Salens. Coming every day are new pat terns in printed silk foulards at ?2'.B0 and $.". a yard, a firm, sub stantial foulard 40 inches wide, net te be confused with flimsy silks or narrower widths. New printed radium silks much like foulard in effect ami the same width are $3 and $3.50. ' k Ami printed "pussywillew taf fetas, as soft ns foulards, arc in dozens of delightful new colors nnd drsipns, at ?l n yard, 40 inches wide. (Flrhl Fleer) vNotiens Specials, 3c te 10c Fin cubes, asserted colors, 10c each. Small colored hatpins, Be a pair. ,Milllpcry pins, 3c for a card of six. Pearl or jrilt headed pins, tic. a booklet of) two' dozen. , PJn. sheets, asserted sizes, fie for 300, nlm. Silk Undergarments in Large Sizes , "Wei'nen's nightgowns a n d bloomers, all in pink. , Bleemers of satin arc $5; of radium, $5.50. Nightgowns of crepe de chine, one tailored model with shoulder strap, $7.60;... two ethers, lace Indestructible Pearl Necklaces The well-known indestructible nearls from Japan, and fine in luster and tint. . A few of the strings consist of the" small beads which some people are keen about. Prices -arc $7 te $15 in -the Oriental Ster. , ' - . March Isn't Nearly as Big as the Stocks Behind These Twe Great Sales Just two mere days and March will be exer. And when March is ever se is the' Heusewares Sale. And the China Sale. Twe of the greatest merchandising events 'of their kind that for a whole month have been burning their way into thou sands upon thousands of homes, far and near. And each sale is still rich in opportunities. March is almost used up. But the heusewares and china and glasswares still are in almost unlimited variety. And the values will continue the best until the last minute passes. Heusewares Sale Fills Every Household Need And fills it as no ether sale possibly could. It isn't hew much but hew geed that governs every one of the tens upon tens of thousands of articles in this sale. Every article is a quality apart from all ethers. The best obtainable. Name a thing needed for the kitchen, the pantry, the laundry, for housework in general. It's in this Sale and it's better in this Sale. As long as March lasts the price is from ten te fifty per cent less.' ' t. .. .- .. -. (Feurlh Fleer) The China Sale Starts en Incomplete Dinner Sets New for the inevitable clCaraway. Incomplete dinner sets that means r.ets with pieces missing. Sometimes, six pieces, sometimes net se many, sometimes mere. But in nearly every instance the price is half or less than half. It is governed by the number of pieces lacking. Quick is the word. Fer the best sets naturally go first; There are American sets from $20. te $27.50 ; French sets, $30 te $60, and Eng lish sets at $22.50 and $27.50. .- , ft , tm Pa aTp j? m v . ft- 1 n r . (Main TUer) ) Trmm i V'r i. ' . j'iy: awfj IlikM .ite .& &i,.fettAUte, .swv "jta&ti &&fa !& I'-rkfa sjm J&ZS. ei,&. vi, f; Setoff tj '- f"V'( S&W . Mmkk r - - vfc&skAK . ; ."