If li I. V HPfe 'l,. ''A J ' lij Mi J' '1f SiittfNMiiiblbiii ti 'i nlh Hiii t K4iwiii M'li'Y fi .' l"' ' ''ID ', in' ( rfisjiifiYvYsssjs V .'' jr'V 'i'.' V'T'.MJl tjMHfri "".'' ''.' ' A .. ' ' 'fX?'! oef and M ireuard Strenirthen Be ..I,-,.- .Hi ,i ....... ..; .. Hi , ., ... , . . i uf V"':- '.Ai-i ' vc JU.C Tt RAVES; IMPROVED, ARE ONE-TWO-THREE CLUB FOR THIS YEAR $ufrcd MitchclVs Aggregation Is Formidable Team, Well i'(f Balanced, and All of the Players Are Hustling . Mr 1 ?i U R fe Have Winning Bunch ,ttj-nenKnT w. maxwkm. Spuria itflter ltnln rnblle Idftr St. Petersburg. H.. March 2l. - QftaSBsaaaaaLaV I W1IILK the Uestn. Brave's snvfinlshlng their dress rehearsal nnd putting en the final touches for the 1I)L"J campaign, owners, managers and players are ktnding tlic Clneinnntl ball club a silent vote of thanks for strengthening the line-up In the coming pennant chase, Whether the lteds should be credited with an assist or an error of judgment remain te be seen. At the present writing, just heroic tne men of .miiciich urea cnuiii, n leeks as If somebody out In Ohie erred. Larry Kepf was considered superfluous In ltcdlnnd and shipped te Iloten along with Hube Mnrquard and a small parcel of legal lender, in cichange for Jehn Scott. The Huhc will prove an asset te the ball club because n gent with left-handed slants was needed, but Kepf new Is mere Important than that. He has completed the In Held, stepped Inte n position which was poorly handled last j ear. and allowed Fred Mitchell te place his men where they belong. All of which mean.- 1'erd is en second and Burbarc Is en the sidelines ready te sit in when ucce.ary. The Braves new are a formidable ball Hub. c have seen the ether seven National League clubs, and te us the Bosten aggregation is decidedly a Hrst division team. It might net win the pennant or come cvon'clesc, but dur ing the season seme geed baseball will be played and the lender will be annoyed mere than once. It is a well- FRED MITCHELL- balanced ball club, the players are hustling, they have had wonderful weather uewn iicrc, are in goeo. enupc nnu win be rc.id.t te play winning baseball from the opening gong . In ether words, they hare had all of the breaks this spring. i . . jye OXU can watch thii batt club in action without being impressed. They are spilling considerable talk about winning the pennant, and trliilc this probably cannot be done, they can't miss it by mere than two places. Will Be Better Than Last Season NllTHKN a ball club Is all set for the coming season with the exception of one W portion, and that position is filled by an experienced, brainy player. It's cinch the team will be better than the previous year. At the close of last season Mitchell had Holke for first base and Teny Beeckel en third. Short stop wns the big problem, and it was decided te use Ferd there and try te find a geed vecend basemnu. 'When Kepf arrived he solved the problem. Ferd is the regular second baseman, where he belongs, and Larry will be his running mate. x Mitchell new will be able te de some experimenting. He Is pleased with the work of his reversible outfield and will try that same stuff en first base. Helke will be ned against right-handed pitchers, and Walter' Barbare will ceer that well-known initial sack when the southpaws are slinging. Bar bare is a classy 'fielder and can play the sack. He hits well, and if the, experiment is a'aucecss the' Braves will be strengthened considerably. Chrlstcnbury, who has been with the club a couple of years, will be the ether utility infielder. He plaed well last season. Other candidates will remain as such. Tem Deeley, of Norfolk; Jehn McDcrmett, Frank Putnam and Lloyd Smith will be seen no mere after the chib journeys northward. Therefore, the Infield Is-all set and the same gees for the suburbs. The Mine old gang will be en the job. meaning Captain Billy Southworth, Itny Powell, Al Nixon, Fred Nichelson and Walt Cruise. These men were con sidered se geed that no attempt was made te sign any ether"'. They have been working without competition all spring. An for catchers' again the 10121 stuff will be popular. Mickey O'Neill. Hank Gowdy and Frank Gibsen are the varsity men, and cannot be pried loose from their jebrf. A l'.KIll of recruits named Hugh H. O'Regan, a Sew England semi- pre. and .Jimmy iritoen. tcAe caught for Sew Haven last ycai, will be left en somebody's doorstep when no one is looking. Expects te Be Streng With "Big Four" Hurlers "HTOBT important of all Is the pitching staff. Fred Mitchell believes he will Mi. be strong In that department, and If Fred isn't conversing through the Slackln, he Is ready te challenge the world. The "Big Four" will consist of Jee Oeschger, Hughy McQuillan, Dana Filllnglm and Hubc Marnuard. These veterans nre above the average and will win a majority uf rhelr rump. , ..... """" ( Jehn Watsen. who once toiled for the Athletic'. Gene t Lansing and Frank Miller are next in order, and any one is likely te step in and take n regular turn. t Miller was obtained from Pittsbursh last vear. but j railed te report. Hq remained horns en the farm, anil vj , "--" ....--...,. ...... ,Vu it). ...... uut tui u J N living. rranit. strange ns n may seem, snows no ill .effects from the one-year vacation. He came down here thtt spring looking- ns geed ns ever, and surprised every one with his remarkable control. Dick Rudelph, who Is In, churge of the hurlers, says he will be one of the bet bets en .the club fhls season. LVwlng Is a kid from .Charleston, S. C. lie worked there hint summer and earned n chance te appear in fel company. Gene l a lanky right-hander with the smoothest movement ever M'en en a teukte. He made .i hi-; hit the first day he appeared and iuipniud with age. He ha n fest hall and Rudelph i teaching him a few thills', about curve. He will be en the Cltnc line main times thin summer. .. A ?."'cl',e!I I""1'! te carry leu pllthcrs, and the ether three plnte. will be distributed among Lefty Tyler, Jehn Coency, Garland Braxten and Cyril Morgan. Kach has had blg-lcngue experience, and Mitchell is hating a hard time cutting down. Tyler leeks geed and says he will stage a comeback. Morgan leeks better than last j ear, and Biaxten and Coenev nlse have Unproved. stem Tarn, Which Leeks mm 1 iMM mw?n S.'r t A " I A i 'mii ; . ' i itm - .IUE OESCHGER I "t,,,ur('vet are a onr-twe-threc hall club. They play imatt iine - , ,niU tun ,i ,,(, r(. paciers leek geed nothing tneic can be et. Outside of that. f epvilaht. fJl) In 1'nW.a l.rJBcr ( emvauj TniAi iiaiii nil ix il NUWUNAI VILLANOVA PREP i.a rx w Three Squads Are Practicing, Including Baseball and Ten nis Kenney Is Coach WILL HOLD DUAL MEETS "Having Time of Life,9 Declares Judge Landis Fert Werth. Tti.. Mnnh L'O. "Whejt I re-iigned from the Fed eral bench und Mild geed -by te the old tout t loom and my associates I felt an If I had Jumped out of a twenty -story window. Mfc looked mighty dark te me. then. But it's all hanged new. My trip nreund the tralnlnij camp circuit hai given me gr-uii-r visor 1 inn hrrvlng the time of my life MAH DUFFY GETS JERSEY GOLF 1 " ' Merchantville Awards PreBerth te Lecal Expert Plans 18- Hele Links; New Heuse GRIFFIN LATEST SLUGGER rV5 f$h ul m Ail 'X I" fw, mm .Mm' JAM. AM. mm-M fe i. I I I i 1 1 I 1 a I "I ' -P "' WIM.il 111 rt ,mawyr- .! e TA' AIN'T I A GRAND AND GLORIOUS FEEUN'? ,1 Kf U . 'el.' Whm Yau Ati HOMMY 1rtOH TOMMY .10 COT lly SANDY McNIBLIOK MEUCHANTVILIiB COUNTRY CLUll, 'according te the latest word, has engaged Mntt Duffv as Its professional for the coming golf season. Duffy steps Inte the shop recently va cated by Bill Leech, who Is new the pre ut Orcrbroek. The job nt Merchantville wns first mnde famous by none ether than Jack McDcrmett, the first home-bred te wjn the national open championship. Mc Mc Dcreott made the dusty .read out of Merchantville n path of glory by twice winning the jiatlonel title. He is rated as one of the gicat pros of nil time In thin country. 15111 Leech, nt the Jersey club, gave premise nt times of being n second edition. He Is one of the strongest players In the district, is young, nlnl all the heights before him have never halted his efforts. He premics te climb high. Determined Gelfer New Matt Duffy Is en the job at Mer chantville. He Is known as the mayor of the Falls. Frem the spread of hU stance te the tips of his highly-waxed tnustachie. this young technician Is known for his determination te get there. These in the lead in the Philadelphia open lnbt year still remember the flutter In their hearts as they heard the rumble of Duffy coming te them from behind. He didn't win. but he crashed into the money and gave them a thrill. Merchantville opened up a splendid clubhouse last yenr and plans a very nne layout for wuat is considered one et the smaller clubs. The club has 400 members, and "the clubheutsc was the social mccca for the citizenry all winter. A large dining room and dance salon provide plenty of space for entertainment. The club nlnns te extend Its course from nine tecightrcn holes, but the scheme has ndt been definitely worked out as yet, 'tin said. Mere land, It is reported, has been acquired en the east side of Hampton read, ever which the players new pass te reach part of the course. An architect will plot the new project shortly. Lattst Driving Project It leeks rather out of range te most golfers, but evidently It's nothing te Geerge Griffin, pre at Clearfield. Kef Kef ernee Is te the second arccn at the Lu J-.ii Country Club. (Sriilin unleashed a drive out there this week. It net euiy carried clear ever the ravine te the gieen. but skidded en tteres it. Inc hole measures something like :dU yard. A drive that carries ever the ? i ecu ought te be at least 1170 yards, f that is net the early-season record for terilfic driving nreund the local links, then the final returns arc still te come. Griffin is playing in fine fettte, as his opponents nil testify. He played a sparing 40 going out at the Hhrlners' course, get a 7 en Ne. 12. nnd then rat tled home In a 311, which means twenty six strokes only for eight holes. Cut ting it rather fine for this time of year. His 7.1 at Lu Lu he equaled at Hten Hten ten. where he nlw drove a green well ever 300 yards. These are shots for the books of the Itldcrs nnd Drivers' As sociation. Griffin nnd .Tehn Ilowe. pre at Sten Sten ten, pair up se well that the arc willing te play any ether pair In Philadelphia for the twosome title. Their firut op ponents will, be Hill Lenrh ami .lack Sawyer, the latter of Torresdale. SPHAS AND NATIVITY ' TO RESUME SERIES I Downtewners Have Edge In Basket ball Games Played te Date The Seuth Philly Hcbiews will meet Xutltlty in the fourth and what may in. tin. tinnl nf n five-eae -erie, between ' the two club- tomorrow night nt New' Auditorium Hall. Seventh Hreet ana ISuwler avenue. The downtewners hav been success ful In two of the three game plnyed te dutc and have been the only tenm te lower the colors of Nativity en the home fleer. Manager Passen will have his regular team in action nnd the churchmen ex pect te put one ever en their rivals, as the team play hns Improved since Kddie Gallagher recovered from his recent In jury. ' Anether girls' game will be the pre- lltnlnarr. It will feature the remv -Ai4d i4k HAteMj .' epsum a $mAurem'tp Yetm' iesKaerTcy t CR""NG IN YOU i..DJTm'S3'- r t i' yy '.. n -MBnHnMMBBBBBBBBVB,jHBlKHBf2aHHai -- jHHaMMaSi-JfcHML BSSSSSSSSSSSSSlSSSSSSSSl . And ins? Tkvfr--r rJOD FILLS YbU Vt3 $ ".. f . . ' w Wfii1 r w v"J A " .m aLW V feu JOl.TMIN 6MBV A M WILL NVH C4M v SG 'op tSALTCD PeNUTS Vbu aaacARDUD tmb:, ajr-,, crvns eh-h-h-h-6mcsf? eD Clor-r-rieus refeuw? ' TA 7TA go m w bnMl T Tm im CHANE Y SOCKS HANLON IN RIP-ROAR BATTLE - - ' - - Beth Boxers Arc Punched Woozy and Almest Out in Greatest Slugfest Ever Staged in a Philadelphia Ring Before 10,000 Sweltering Fans By LOUIS 11. JAFFE This time Chaney almost ANOTHER FOR GERMANTOWN - ' Defeats Central Y. M. C. A. In Velley Ball Matches The Big lied volley ball team,' of the Germantown Y. M. C. A., played a return engagement with Central Y. M. O. A. last night at Bread and Arch streets and captured three out of five games. The scores were 15-12, 10-14, 11-15, 15-0 and 0-15. Germantown in a recent series en the suburbanites' fleer wen four out of five. W I 1 llll I I ' ' ", ', . RIA($HWILDfeCipE , f H BIG BILLIARD SEAII SERIES i Jake SehaefeV Win Second leek and Ltada Heppt,, 100,0 te 62'' Chlcafft, March 20. Breaks et the game admittedly will 'play a big part In deciding tonight the tferld' 18.2 bVlkline billiard .championship, for which, after two nights' play, Jake Schaefer, t champion, leads Willie Heppc, former chniriplen, 1000 te 052, In t 1500-point match. iThe champion will be highly fayered in the luck since he will find -the balls grouped within a hand's spread, at the feet of theltnble for resumption of bis seventeenth Inning 'run of fifty eight with which he closed' the second block last ,nlht. " . In a like situation, after having tal lied thirty-four points for the wind-up of the first COO block Hcbaefcr cenJ tlnued In his, tenth Inning an addition al 157 points, for a total Inning score of 101, his second high run of the match. , The veteran Heppe, undismayed by watching spectacular sheeting which at one point had him behind nearly 300 points, gave a remarkable displajidf nerve, ns -well as .playing of the type which made him champion for. sixteen rears, and in his last stand at the table actually crept nheadt of the younger ch'tmplen. ' "With two men se evenly matched ns we arc, the breaks of the game will decide It," Heppb said as he unscrewed his rtte after Schaefer had scored fcis .1000th point. "I bone I get thcra, but you never can tell." The score, Including both blocks : ' ,Srl,cfer-0, 8. 0. 2. 40. 1. 11. . 1. Xver.se. PS U-lt- "'h Junr.582.' - HeptM 2. 14. nil. 114, 0. liflO. V, S 1, 4S, 64. 0. 71. 17, 134. 187 BS. Avernue. ev S'iu. iikh run, ev. (x) Include 84 tram inn lint block tnd.157 second block. t) trnflnlnhttl. Nelsen Davles Declared Oolf "Pre" CteretsnS. March 29. Nejier Dile.v of Highland Park, ter J cars oho of the leading amateur . golfers of Clewland. haa bern claased n profeaslenal by the Cleveland Dis trict Oolf Association, following Investiga tion of chnrgea nicd last winter, It wan announced today. Davles. Mt is alleged, was assec'ated Irr the promotion of a golfing busi ness In violation of mnateur rules of the United States Oolf Asaoclstlen. Cllcrtner Defeats Harry Krehn MiMTMtert. Ia.. March 29. (lien CMIrk. ner. of Tulsa, Okls., wen the referee's de cision In a fifteen-round bout with Harry KTOnn. ex AKreni j,, nare. rt.U ti. M '' -- -- , ' j 'i ' i ri' 1 4'j'fl KfiirTeT''i, arilaauJ 11 WJAtKdtml Allitiiiin Tnnrii flMA tURIOuH M . ' , bluj . .."fa u jjii. "ii':i :. . "fij mieuieN mianic exates Chi plonhlpate Be Dci at trt Olympla ,r v Jehn ' lukas te cemi ' IJevcr before In 'the history ef'ii .. ,uuu. vq Dexers t out In such nuihbersas fm h. i i Atlanf in b'r? chatnplenshlp,' j nenaca at fep'jj .Oft ;... t.!.t nt -7 'ijlT 'evening: WneV cniry xtl ? n'l rest 112 aspiring era' from clubs, college,,; unattached 1 ,.nad sent in t names. v t?i Johnny j the crack mil weight of the yj vrrsuy et P sylvanls, wii te enter. H., ssssssssTiT SraBs bsssbeFS?' pTwksssl ' r" SsWssssl JOHNNT LUKAS of the last boxers oex unattaenca nnn win compete In FUK taking cm en tne chin nna nise rremuaranirai. .",B u""--"'"""'".: for socking.'cm thereto, the cast-iron punched hlrnse f out. .and I when , the Ml t. t.e.a.ljkrl tr. n MIllM . . . . . 1 boxing gloves must be landed te a pair ref gents of the ring answetlng, vespec- tlvely, te the name's of Jimmy Hanlen and Geerge Chancy. What a rock-'em-end-seck-'em impersonation of assault and battery they put en at the Ice Pal ace last night! Ten thousand perspiring fans entirely forget about the heat of the atmosphere and warmed up te tne neat et nettre with a frenzy, while Chancy nnd Hanlen PMlmlnlnhln fnnn ever have seen After the bout It was said Hanlen collapsed in his dressing room. Hanlen weighed in at 135, and Chaney was half a pound heavier. Pete Herman, former bantam champion, was one of Hanlen s seconds. Anether Slugfest The Hanlen-Chaney mix wasn't the only sock-'cm-nnd-reck-'cm number en tin cam. ti cerse erne. j.iejj. unu jutt plain erdiuarily lenecked each ether Johnny Mealy, 138. put en a s milar into and out of a dozen hospital. After i "slaughter," with the latter finishing both men had been walloped virtually I a winner. They, tee, staggered cacti Otncr aim at Ullicrrnc unien n iwcu as If one or the ether would hear the .'uckoes coeck. Sergeant Ray Smith, 178&. walloped Jim Helland, 180. in a hefty-hitting contest until the seventh round, when the latter claimed he had been hit low. The refcrce upheld Helland's claim, al though the club physician said that Jim was net hurt, but Floyd's ruling counted in deciding tne Deut against Smith en n foul. Willie Kyan, 156j, also lest en a foul when he wns disqualified by Ref eree Floyd in the third round of his match with Jee Jacksen, 150. Floyd had warned Ryan several times for hit ting low and clinching. The eferee's action did net meet with the approval et the fans. And. eh. yes. there was a bout be tween Willie Jacksen and Frankie Rice. Jacksen, 110 pound nnd apparently in no shape, entering the ring with a badly split right eye, was the winner. The match looked a little fishy and probably could have been helped along nicely had the Ice Palace band re mained te play the music. Ulead out en their feet nt different times Chaney wns clearly cntnicu te inc Hon ors nt the finish. Chaney wns rocked woozy, and ap peared te be en the verge of a knockout in the sixth round. Hanlen was knocked out standing up in the eighth round, nut en each occasion, when a single geed punch would have ended the con test in n K. O.. neither man was able te get ever the quletu. A Real Fight Fer tne entire eight rounds It was nothing mere nor less than a fight in every t-vnhe of the word. Never hnye a pair' of punchers staged se sensntiennl a r-crap in Philadelphia ns Hanlen and Chaney did. nor have there ever been two men who could take it se well in a local ring during the course of the same contest. The only semblance of a real knock down came in the second round, when a heftv left by Chaney dropped Hanlen te one' knee. But the Italian get te his feet as Referee Frank Floyd counted one. In every round Geerge bounced gloves that caused grogginess' off the Hnillen jew. nnd it was necessary for Jlmmv te show that he could take It mere se than the Ilnltimerean. At times Hanlen attempted te box Chaney. sticking out stialght leftH, hut Tul. r, h0 cgme te th)) Vniud 8tWt when Chancy get te clec quarter and from Seuth mrlra for the ourpese of chsl chsl uncerked a Heck f blows te head and j ' Y- WeS.feal'.d "Saile? DOlly Willi DOIli nuiins itt"iui wiin Ten, M,ted. a big man who had been Knocking out ma opponents in and around New Yerk, Jehnnr Sheern. who la being groomed hr Frinkle Dslly, has been matched te meet Scraps About Scrappers liddeix n iid . can slug temnted te swap wallops. And they did that little thing te the heart's content of the big bbdy of shirt-sleeved fans. Fer tlve rounds it was Chaney's bout by a dozen stonethrews. The sweltering gathering couldn't understand what was keeping Hanlen up. And then some thing happened in the sixth that set the fans almost wild. A Hanlen right swing clipped Chancy flush en the jaw, his knees sngged, arms dropped and a. knockout appeared Imminent. Hanlen continued te uncork punch after punch ,ff the chin of the woew Chaney. Hut Mlunln" Itnilreud quintet opposed te I Geerge, wobbly nnd almost out. Hie- . . . .... ... f II. -1 -.-!., ' l-l f I. ..!... till. nut Ht. l.UKO s. -inn miter i crcmieu wiin , cefucti in m-cihhr - ' having t fnt team. Hetty hcuenkel. cxpecteu , htar of the railroad team te be able te pluy. 1 ,- l llinir l.-, n wri .j... ,i-t.i- m ll.aci Johnny Tulley. brother of Jimmy Murphy, st tne ice t'aincn April n. Beginning wun tnis show the Palace will run Thursday night bouts during the summer months. Jee Letts, who wns out of the ring for aheut u year owing te an Injury suffered while dllng in a swimming peel, win gt back Inte action Friday night. lis will mett Temmy Devlin, et Manayunk, at the Cam bria. Pedre Cnmpe vs. Johnny Paxson la the semi Prelims: Frankie K. O. Smith vs. Johnny Krause. Jee Martin . Jimmy Mr Govern and Uud Smith . Teunc Ulrsth. Preliminaries In the Middle Atlantic States amateur, championships will be held at the ulmpla tonight. The finds will be decided en Friday night. There are seven different Verne. lly PAUL I'ltlJ' rnRACK l the latest Npeit le l' in- A tmdutrd at Vlllauevn 1'icp Scheel. tin. Imll It'i going te h.. u haid-hli hull r t. .. , .m through mis of these ki,N. " Captain Jimmy Qiilnn. Unin,, nnd Itedsers nil In. fl,i nniit.i i7f."n ,,nn," . This incaiiH that the Mnlu Line Institu- uirs Inst jcer made u hit In t-ve'rr s-nm i ,, i .7 ' "-"in iniH eeusen. The l.narlln" 1u""! l'n"'ljS b II wide , margin. He , ft gen(I ,w,.lvP. ca jhrew exceptionally cl and j, ' )ar" SCHOOL TRACKMEN HAVE NO PLACE TO PRACTICE West Philadelphia High Squad Has Ne Field of Its Own West Philadelphia High Scheel's track team N In n bad way. The team, while it lias a wealth of vet nan material, has no place te pinc tlcc. Coach Helaplune has been train ing his boys en the WiimimnKi'r reef a few tints in the week, while the Orange and Illne ues Neithcail Field en Hat urdnjs. , ,, , Captain Dutten and ommaner. of last swiwn s teiiin. nie aiiiung me ver- Alltket Heroines Arm -Weary With the fans, perspiration lolling flown their faces, up en their limits shrilling themselves heai'ec for n hay-I such mltumn us K. O maker, Hanlen tried his utmost te drive ' Welsh a,l(i Jimmy Sunn lieme a finishing wallop, but te no avail. Arm-wenrv and almost punched out, Jimmy looked as if he were just as fa tigued as Chaney when the bell ended the terrific canto. The seventh session was n give-and- take affair from hell te bell. They slugged and slugged MrDennucli, 150 I open tn meet I 'llll Kaplan. Jee an. same class with 8am Blacklsten knockereut; Paul Lengua, of Vfl nova j Willie. Cannen,, of Kayeulsiij Matty Pctronls.tef Reutlmnrb '. A team of six .boxers is rcpreasayJ Villaueva College, et which TesS CMalley, the SIcadowbreok t? captam. ' ' '?, Thriin nt lsl n'. -ul ;'-'. Marty Summers, flyweight' r Wcascy. bantamweight, nnd ,fe q huh,, iiBiiiwciaiiiHiii ueieDd titles. Billy Shceran, State feai weight champion In 1020, will get into compciinen. . There are four- hearrwelrht .-j including Frank Hansen, of St. Grtf ery's h 220-peunder, and another ffii tur is a team et thirty entries fraj """""'n Si M Taste is a matter of tobacco quality We state it at our heaett belief that the tobaccos uicd ia Chesterfield are of finer quality (and hence of better taite) than in any ether cigarette at the price. LiggtU V Mfirt Tsbactt C. t' 3 .sbbbbbbbbbbBbbbbbsw sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW i .bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsv I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat aSBBBBBBBBaBliBBBBK 'gSSHsAj BRtrfstf ssssssssssssssssst. MumMMWEfc l. 4 Chesterfield CIGARETTES of Turkish and Demestic tobaccos bUndtd P &M Jnrk Hiirrla, former local boxer It l ru- , mered, 1 about te sign up with a minuter for life. Hairls does net deny that he l te I hMj a fair person handle his business I affairs nor does he admit It. Geerge Kline, Allentown featherweight. It i Phlladelshla and hs will be hsnrileil l.v i. i itrj . , - .. u i . i- .. -I--. .. -- r -" , i i..-. i 1'Uii dpki .iiiiiin ( niiieiven years or age. lllld slugged ' He has had thlrt.eght matches and never punch for punch, and while each wiisilms been defeated decisive!). Nhakcn up und socked dly they kept , """" . en biUtling nil a.eund the ring like a ' th" t'ft'i.VraldTSJtra'i???, fSSffi J,hkt pair of demons. rhamplun flitallX has rounded Inte perfect Then cninp tne ergiiiu ami iiu. ruiiim almost snw the finish' of Iliuiliin A right hook en the jaw quickly followed hv a left swing te the ether side of the Evf tlnti will support three teams during the spring nnd summer namely, base-' ball, truck uml teniiK , Conch Kenney hns charge of the clndcr-pathers, nnd he teperts that ' everything U working te perfection. Kennev linn secrnl ydiingsterx who have the inuklngs of geed iiiiiucik, and he Miyi that, with n little practice, these kliN will he veil tup-iietcher-' (limit. I'ancie ami .Malady nie tlnee of the meFt piemlHlng heyn. Several dual mpeii inc being ar ranged, ami the team ulee will compete In the inteielie'nNtlc meets held by colleges around till vlclnily. A team probably will be entered in the Penn relays. Lust season Vlllauevn finished sec ond lu the Catholic Scheel ilusebnll League. Many members of this nggre nggre gallen are back, ami another successful staseii Is being looked forward te. Vii Vet Hurlers (ii'lillthx nnd Ward, vetenins. are showing grt'ut form, null tlie.v will luke Hi- fiii'ini" n"iiin i-i rruim buck. Ileth of these boys nre chin knocked liniiieu an mil Henseiis. mlddlu dlstaiHc ninners, and both ran He fell aguinst the ropes, and the hemp en the champion iclay team lst year. was the only thing that saved Jim from tciinntrlnk and Kuntz. star sprinters. also have come out for tile team again. Shell and Oldfleld, of the cress-country tenm, have made their appearance for nractlce. and should place en the 1 team. McClaln. champion shot-putter,' will he available for weik uguin this I bcitBen. Catholic te iel Cuj The I'liihipatili.ii Cup emblematic of the ( uihnlle S Imel lliiKkctbull League haiiip Ions hi,,, nm i,, ,ll.eM.m,,1ht0 ( atliellc High, t inner of the l!l"l-lfl'" tlt.e. l-'ridny morning Ilrethc'r Jehn ISeille. of West Cathelle High, which school wen the crown Inst yenr, will make the presentation, llesldes aw aril Iiik the cup, the players of the team will be given litters and geld basket balls. This in the sixth time since Billy Muikwaid took charge of the Purple and (mid team twenty -two jears nge that the Cahi llles liave been acclalieed limmpJeiiK of the city Y's Krax going down. His urms dropped und he was bleary-eyed. Chnney pounced en his semi -conscious opponent like a tiger and punched awny with both hands. Haulon somehow or ether staggere.d awny from Geerge's at tack and tottered across te the ether side of the ring, where Chaney resumed his fpttlt. and r. Ill be nble te SllUW In thn li uf IiIh hbtllty next Saturday nlaht here. He I will meet leche Iledkers the seulhiiau. nt tin. Nutlunal flub. Al l"e. lightweight hns le'en aildsd te flay MiCnrrie'a stible. who doesn't bar any at 133 pounds for his latest ncuulnltlen. Fnx has a geed if cord, which Include u numliei ' of Knockouts. Jla wants te tiHngle with Geerge Chaney, 1 Inula (leld, of California, Is doing his training at a local gym. He has recovered from a sxvere cold and Is working out dili gently. ()ld Is te box In tht aeml-nnal te the llab Herman-Kid Wagner match at the National Haturday night. Jee Welsh mav ! Hymle'a fee. Oth-r matches are: Jack fr-erry s. Jtllly Dcvlne and Jimmy Ulbbeus . Willie Moere. (icrinuiiiewii Ill;ii Sehuel will oppose (I'eUliltlltiiWIl Illllh ill It hiiNeh.i'l im,,, III i.'iieeii i.ane nil" iiiihi nunu j j, y . ... eaie. et in1 rriii" ii"iit t i i i'iii n U1 Xt kuiikiin (StiHithx hml II no - lilt L'Mllle rkAih.nH.l lie exLeuts le ilillillcule iiimlti this teams ItU't Inst week nnd lieriiiniituitii V-Vm-iA rr veaav ' ,,.-,-- - - "-. .. n , a . k'Vjt' aeaseu. Ten ether yeiingHter- ue nut wen tin- gnnie, t, m u, '-'f?t.. .1.,. .,n.,m,iii i.n.i nil ..r nil.... mi. tin i fee nits were nrnneii t n 'St V2L-tv srcMid n'tclicrs. (Jiiakc'rs by the Cliveden in the sir f .,rv.- " m,i'.. -., ..., j-..iu ..1...-...1 vi,ii..itu .i... irfJrUriney, none, inn nnu fMA-iuuin h""i i...j.u. ......... .j no ssnn- I, MM care or tue respective laasia pjwit tvi i me uiuwa cub- IN going te Knglaiitl. iJcmpsey Ueesn't (.cent te worry about coming home several hundred pounds eer-weight. w 7'iaf Aa;rt deg derby would sure attract the canine entries if the prite were about 10,000 bones. Our Dally' Guessing Contest What day of the week is this? IH WARM- N IN KKI". WHKltK OU.in CIHM. IH W IVI1 L'!' WITH THU I.NDIA.NW DOW TIWAa. , , , Tlir ;t me I wns Hie first lu let u liumii en lilmstlf. i llsbe captain uf ValiUs Ocu i nin.Imlen nitli Ids wau'. .-hv Itittitnth is no child's 'laitir despite the fact they build scute by bfecl.i, Phyllis denies she's the latest thing ia-skirts. Alway-en-tlna. . ., r - .. Resulte Will Prove the difference between ordinary "French Dry Cleaning" and real Master Dry Cleaning Te show you the superiority of the individual handling and personal supervision of master cleaning' we will, In Umifi tim only DRY CLEAN and PRESS f Your SUIT or OVERCOAT for the Special Price of Phene Pep, 7680 1 larna Philadelphia's Quality Cleantrt and Dyers Main Offlre 1A1C.7B N 91 . S Pills. and VTerks "" "" " """ "" """ isacaea 1113 aaht St., iSSf flemaatswa Are. mNPOPhAft I nssasaaVW'l VP BasBLas sUaaLA lBHsnsUrrlbBF V CstsPII ' Call 'am sa j Deliver raBssl"Baaiai i IV The New 27-Grade National Desks and Tables AsaKFi5lHBa.aHL Sprig rj 1 . Quartered Oak and Mahogany Finish 60-inch Flat Tep Desk Quartered Oak iBaaiassfVasasssasal pgKsBsKssasasasaHsV Mr A u U H 43-in. Flft Toe Dek O Quattcred Oak ROLL-TOP DESKS 43x32 SSX34 86x34 30 X 34 60 X 34 . PLAT-TOP DESKS 36x32 10x34 60x34 43 x 32 33 x 34 66 x 34 TYPEWRITER DESKS 38 x 32 SO x 34 60 x'34 43x32 35x34 TABLES 38x32 30x34 60x34 72x38 84x40 96x42 PEDESTAL DESKS (Typewriter) 60-Inch sire only 43-lnch Typewriter Deik Mahogany Finish . tl .BBxflBBSBBBXw ABskIskIskZskVbBskIskIbBBsV ITT r-if4.! H Deik, Mahogany Flniih 60-Inch Pedestal Typewriter I 'OaVce JTunftte Dtptrfmtnt A.. Pemerantz & Company , U " ' : .,...' IJ$ CHESTNUT STREET. ' Seeea sif J"- 111 iAU.rttaaM.lMUs-M-aaMMrMS " '( iws aiusw. mnt4inff!-fif.'rTfT : ." r mvr)rtSJ i(rlkir n . v. i J M'.. ASSSL ssaW'tV II' k '' f.,...h.. v &i 9 WEMbf .a. :.kzy te . I j . W$i ftUftUsfikMGWi sfihiktfte&ei ,1 V. t.'b.. 'titk-