"'i RaPTS '" '"I j i" ".I.. . . . ' ... :... .' j - ..ja j. ,.....,,. V,... .f." f .,. '.- ' f -- - -" ..-....--.-aaaTaJtaaia.aaa.a..MaAa.ai...ll n . a mmmk rl Will 1M HI 1" t i mi.. nia'-ffTlijZi-iii.i.jir -t. famttt. v. . i'. i i -. iit'-i . . .. , . ii Vi iw,-V7?Tijiji.s-,w LnTnU VLflUU ittheBryrfM.PribytttUn:CHurcW ' ' u, . tf'i,'rtv.i i &P f'J A!! F InlfllJlnL' LlllJlJ VHIttd. FrM.diuirci Collet., of ,OUs- 1R31 Arch lirMt te the!PteM DiilW- ,' neuajiMy. rPiv ,re"""p,"n!" ingianisinwranu.' juaraei aircvia " : . . . . ' i . , I 3flt.1.AlAMV " - . A, LAI . , Mm&jsr&:Trwm . "f9;iwmJf6w V f.V . T 'r-W ' - -?". ' r . Th Evinlnc . 'T. . f . 'til " V l'PJ ...-. feR, NUSSMUM TO "SPEAK tf?in xretlpB1IJjVltrf clew, 'com- M, 1,11. Ji efriiirlnaliv-" of X honor sttidei CiT be viraduAted-.teftliht from' the CteinVKtMnt''',mh Scheel. Tlir rrai.WV.II'-fie' held In the school "Mltdlnir. ft -H. i ' ( r vsihtf will bfan '.ddrs' by Leui vhiirii associate. aiiDerlntendent of i,i.nflU. nd another by JeMDh W, ft Catrnttirie. vlpe jirteldent of the Beard ".'ofJEducatlena Prliea will be presented JW-thc RVr, 'fWtmaftiy.Ti Cox and by t .William C., A' director of practical Skirta and vocational edocitlen. The B.4!pleraa will be' clren by Jonathan T. K liirher, ,thiprlncTpa1. Pat.Tee araauatraare: -'.;i ,.i . .. jA'j Chrl('Appl.-JenphvB. ApMl. Leuli Cut VtafMtR. HenryCela, Miurifi Dicksen. Floyd rf,T.KnexiB. AiDarfBi. fiaia. xvenaiti n. itiiti. fcKfmn aelditiln. aidMti C. Helmti. .Tr. lehelti . riltl. WHr A. .Tetrstr. Jehn 'C. Jerdan. Jr:. liatah Ka1ltnr. Jehn Q. Katinunn. .Teacnh Kitrvr. Abnitaim Tenlr. thorn ItcClol ItcClel ttnii Pu' Moenr. Harrr Pp. Thern M. Kn, Nerman r. Rawllnjt. William Rinv. f4iaT!4i flrhlammtr. Jr.. MaurMa Mchwartv. JKWIIIlam A. 8lfrf3. Tieul T. Timber. ant rcnummir. Jr.. aiaurir pcnwari aKWIIIlam A. suafrKd, ieui r. Timber fc,fVihn,r.' vrtrhtl, 8tlfYld Wundtrllehi pn fHnin ltr. - . . . ii?.Tha honor atudtnl ar! ,;; carl B. An(iron. Alfrad Aoplep, Ernest '. Afmairent srrangia; jh. . Auajuaiina, 'nyn m.tHmnnlt:. llelman Ballard, a. It. Bat A ..T. a !..-. .auhil. Wrl V1.IU iiilM :aWBiU PKM(i -Pvillini n. tviiv. triiiisiii. lelman Ballard, a. If. Barth, ktr.'' Bernard- H. ' Bella, William rli, Wllllami Brunner, Donate Bueelnl. .ifiiA nnrrarif . . Jeaenh H. Bmbr. William rdCarnsr. Jxiula Cattafeeta. Henry chapln, KTriSSarChliiitlnJj;.:.. Walter vJ CJneetU. pM mU5 YVIlllaWi rHpl. .VartiAn itla. Atlv pA,: fOav . rurle,bleken. Jeteph Dellaek. Pi'' fiord T. Detl. Xmll Elnhe t. Godfrey i--:Lt,l.,t iravttn JCalwan. Sylvan :Farr. . M iiaJJUen, Fauntlarey, . TMraia felien. ?VTna T, Teley. Ktnp M. IJflrney. Herman ffjOualt. DImltrJ daiparl. Leulh A. OaeH, fe'lttn Sam. "Jehn B. 3ehn. wnilam A. B niS5a iamuel J. Tdettiman; CarUJ. ft irlitlth. Max 'Malaat,, Jehn qj Hariey. urn f Lewie Hl. JehnlC.- Harrlien. Carl C. K ttnry. Albert Harr." Wflllam, Hee.enavier. Fj en'J Hern. Alfred Huber. .Heward Hum II firer? William -J. Irwin. Herman .Jacob, ii JEt'r Tt,n inhn n. .Tnnlan. Thareaa I? SalalUn. Jehn Q. . Katamann. ,, Kdward K KalanauVh. Jamea Keallna. Jama Kelo Kele E katka. Jamea J. X UCullen. - , l iW Rebert lBlwitrlclcAlbert Klrpari 1i0'l? K' Klei. Jewpn M, ,enn. nmura rn.i.jir. Rr' i."a.'""!l -JilVCi V ' rCi u." "I jtenird liViiuaiuaKu .'"- -T".-: l -" ' T A ) i i .. . "" - - -. v. A .:.... fe . luv V -i JBrtSaSBeMHlML . .' w ''t t rr aaviiiBBavaaavav-am,-weBallKaTBajl r. J ,.'( V aala1 aaMa i all W M II t .ABaBaaaaaaIBT,lBaaaBaaa T aVMHBBMHBHHBaaValflHHl'flBfllHBaVBBHflHlaL Sec Ac local MFttHaeakr PBr ' '' ' ?V " t jlHtfl aawlaWlaaWwWBPWIr . a)al?LlaU'B.' I aVaaBSafJBVaRallBIUalC1 ' ? MkwIlr..aMMia'aKJaMMaWEil -MI1 llT IHMW1!' aHrYLLLLBUMUlliUeKu'- ' VA.aA';l'lLVaVaBBIS 1 (! WWE3terTgr WnLriulTliir ", miiKm 'Charlie At &rch, Jul Ki Uebmam Anineny r.t UvTaux. Dlm'tjl tumberla. W. , I.. Vv. .. ffi san. HeAraia. jama jicnnm, mmji -5Swm; Trank KeCulla. Patrick McOun.e. mi i. MnJuane. Jpeeph " Xi-Vl' "Tbema r-.-i4 -UABtalali Valeria Mitt.' . "Il-l-- '--i"" V71V- v..k.. Samuel Plncu. Quy Beb- uen. . 'b marar nak-aaraa n nnmu maiui ft- Midvedeihy. Hlldlnjt. reber. r fietfet. JehnvSIutter.-Jchn O'Hara. WLeul. OraaUl. Haw JfePf. gj"" Thema If. Pyne. AlbertW. Raa.bG AlberC'' ecniji Leuie Seett. A Kane u. nwi iAn.tni4. Tlarrv SI ''Rummer. Charle F. SfASSSrVSS'fflS'SSfi .' - - t.-u ueuaHaMi Thnmai A. emmr. "rLf "a"SS!" ..:i"'aT---,;T p) "V-i -'"",--" i TueVerman., Jehn- Vlt,i Jehn Waekerman. .rVwrWarMr.- William -Vaaner. Fred J. ii VeJker.-Jwe)! Wllpi-Albart C.'Wenner. ? Anna n. Yerre. jvnri nnmi. and he williy? you t ' fri5e of charge, i' copy- ef'ALPHA ,CEMENTHew te Use ft," a prac- ticaKctmerit1 construction handbook, 104 pages, Illustrated, that tells 'hew 'te make -thrMeartd' scores of ether yard and farm improvements that neverlret; never, burn up, require he painting or repairs.' Yeu .need just ; water.-sand and stone and ALPHA, CEMENT. ' Jfypuvderi:t knew the . ALPHA Dealer, ask us,, referring te this ( newspaper, and telling us ' what cement improvement lmeresra you mgu ,;, 'fg ",k k. IBfT I '111' ALPHA Civ a-StfVvS. Alpha Portland Cement Ce. - ' KACTON. ' :'.' 10 S. Dewrbera St, CHICAGO, ltu , , Niw Yirk Bettoa Phllhdelphla Pntibwrth , Balttmea . BetttiCrk,Mleh.' Ironten.Ohlo 1 rUnlt T; Alpha,N.J.Cnten;N.T.JamT.lle. ' M. Y. Maahclm, W. Va. Martial Cnek. Pa, ,4 La Ball, III. Ireaten, Ohie, Bellrvue, Meh. Hl OUAHAMTBfOS lABffi AlUfl S . iii-vwpt r. I tit SAN EMENT if h I i 34 vs. nil -t- - Swiffs Premham Ham and Swiff s Premium Bacen, are produced, from mly the. best hogs. Many of the animals we buy de net furnish meat of Premium vqxudity. v .-', Since .these are' the choice cuts: from the best hogs, cured and smoked in the best .way,' with scientific; care and precision, they are naturally in great demand; but these cuts, with the loin from which perk chops come, repre sent only about 34 per cent-of the live animal ' The remaining 66 per cent consists of the cheaper cuts, such as spare ribs; shoulders, trimmings, pigs' feet, lard, etc., and shrinkage in dressing and curing. Shrinkage is equal te one pound in eaeh five, and. has no value whatever. That is why the prices of "Premium" Ham and Bacen and perk lens are higher than the price of the live animal. Everybody wants themand yet theyare only about one-third of the entire weight "Premium" Bacen alone is only about 8 per cent The great demand for the choicer cuts, and the smaller demand for the cheaper cuts,' constitute the reason for the comparatively higher price of the one-third, and the lower price of the ether two-thirds; (Seme of the lower priced cuts sell at less than the per-pound price of the live animal.) ' . It is only by utilizing all possible by-products and exer cising the utmost skill and efficiency that we are able te average a profit of a fraction of a cent a pound en all our business.' JV. B. Sen wry dtlicieu di$he$ can b pnpartd from the cheaper cut m ""'. IVrt! l' Swift &;Company ij, S..A. , tt V n Seven Wholesale DiitributinfrMarkets in Philadelphia Central Office, 9th and Glrard Avenue ' P. M. Hall, District Manager. I " , ' ' v ' t' : Mr. . m hi ; : 7. : ! r ; ft tWtlit JLlilLJLJll-aTaaaTaTaTa- . . P H Vt4'MV t t,, 1. . r, , . , f ' i II 'f"' - ' , - --N- P-JiB xk '"' f-A'-.5 ' .'- -. mTfmTTj7mmm iiTNw I Mv-T TiA "J-Am wil mMJiil ' "- 'SVi'SLa'H ,v ""''Iml'Hlml fl.aLiVB'W kjW '; nH ; ll.lllt'll fe. .TrB.i n a "'; b.- HHB - i.vi Wnrr.n' tw,ijFmBA-wfe. : ' 'MjKa Aar.l5 ., nHiiN lit r iitt; wuiiMtY - frreliair f ;. f i a emcnaiaiVariviy or we weweBi eiyivm aZ.8Ea. vv P j w dsaSlllllllHafcv MS9al6aSllW Ejr - SlSaKnaSlllllll4alllB a '-asm Bt A big' assortment of becoming shapes in brown, navy and; blSck. '''', Hata that rcqdlrei almost no trimming that..are be- ' coming vte.practlally tivery enr and that arc appropriate for wear with all aorta of spring and summer frocks. Twe sketched. ... ,. t.l t,r.li (. I We.'tcttlHtim then Mb free; of cltarge if trimmirtgt are purchweu 'here'. if Y 'Kt bNELLENDURCS Second Floei' Unusudi.&ide Tomemnvof W6meii?s 50c Girdles Clese te Price at 29C Ea. tunnlnir effects In' cemblna- ' tlen metal and celluloid girdle, In the most popular Including i J jauc. rcu. a qri blue, ctc. jg black, 4 Smartlu' effective sffes aiiing jiut therlght flnUh ing touch' te the spring eoa eea eoa tumeivenierful vaiuet at thin low price! One tketchei. SHELLENBUROS JiTe,rjLfec' Uen, First Fleer r t ' e ' if ; . X i, a. wvSy Oar flops' Furnisldngs Department Has Just .Received a Splendid j, Pre-Easter , Ship ment of Beys' High Grade $2.50 '. Shirts Made te Our Special Order Te Sell at $1.97 Ea. 6f Husulan cold mid fine ailk-strlped madr.ea in lirand new 192J patterns ' Expertly tailored and fin ished neckband HtWc, with soft turn-back cuffs. Sizes 12 "J te 14. All geed-looking shirts of the distinctly finer type splendid for Easter and "best" uear priced for to morrow at decidedly worth while savings. bNELLDIBURflS First Fleer V i firahd-New Let of Men's Genuine "Fruit of the Leem" Muslin Night Shirts In a Sale at $1.25 Ea. The price is considerably less than these garments arc worth, for they arc excep tionally well made and full cut, and every one knows the durability of genuine "Fruit-of-the-Leem" muslin. In geed-looking surplice style. Sizes 15 te 20. 5NELLENBURGS First Fleer Snellenburg's Own Girard Cord & Fabric Tires Arc the Beat Tire Values en the Market Today One High-Grade Pure Gum Tube Given Away With Each Tire Purchased CORDS 8000 MILES erap LvUav'aT eiwumtiD FABRICS 6000 MILES Girard Cord Tires Adjusted en 8000 Stiles; Fabric 6000 Miles In case any Girard tire' Is found defective In construction or materlal.'ta new tire -w til be eh en free, less coat of milage used, Kery genuine Girard the beam our name. All double eeralxe; 6-ply elude cured; wrapper tread. Girard Fabric Tires Adjusted en 6000 Miles, 30x3'. $12.85 32x3', 16.00 31x4 18.50 33x4 21.60 34x4 22,50 32x4 23.25 33x4 Vt $24.75 34x4', 25.50 35x414 27.70 36x4 Vt 30.15 35x5 33.30 37x5 . 34.63 Girard Cord Tires Adjusted. en 8000 Miles 30x3', $18,75 32x3', 23.25 32x4 29.00 88x4 30.25 34x4 32.00 33x4 , $35.00 34x4'4 36.00 35x4', 37.00 36x4 Vx 38.00 33xfci 42.00 32x4', 33.59 1 35x5 44.09 t .-SHE 7 ' aTaTaTaTaTaTaflHiW.j. mJMiiMaSmKmbA'iiMJi.,.J-,.l,J.Mbl,,.JjimlSA.Ajt.lxr'. ' liililaaJMliil IM ll jMBaMfllTaMaTafMaWaWalfte'ilT Tlial NMprinime M Fleer .Till Levely Laces & Net Fleuncings Fer Making Confirmation Dresses Spanish, Chantilly and very fine imported Oriental laces, pure white and 3fi inches wide. Fleuncings te match, 18, 27 and 36 inches wide. All-Over Laces and Flounces te Match 95c " $2.95 Yd Net. ersandlA and elle fleuncings, with 3 te 7 ruffles, trimmed ivlth ribbon. ' lace, plcet edging or hemstitching. -7 te 36 Inches wld(. Fleuncings 1.39 l0 s2.95 Yd- SNEULCHBURflS Fih Fleer r.j r i wur usiuni Tailoring Dept. h New Outfitting Men andi Yeung Jrlen for Easter With Suits phet Other Philadelphia Tdters Are Pricing at $65, $70 and $75 for $37.50 tet Us Take Your ' Measure Today k Brand-new' styles for spring. 1922 expertly tailored and carefully finished threughbut, te the lest detail of the-mak- Cholee of a complete tin of the new spring woolens, Includ ing serges, tweeds, hemeepuns. plain and unfinished worsteds In stripes, checks and mix tures. Newest and beat- pat-, terns and colors. Suits ordered new1 will he made up and held until de sired. SnellenbureS Third 'Fleer Bigy Sale of 20JOOO v Yards of ; Crasli Toweling Half 'fJtnen and Pure Linen Weaves at Ex traordinary Price Savings Bleaehcd heavy Barnsley wcae crash, half linen or pure llncii, absorbent and llnf less With neat colored, bonier Fer hand, teller and tea towels. 28c Union Linen lOp VThsii, iuru. . ,. 35c Pure Linen Crash, Yard. .'.'. 50c Pure Linen QK. Crash, Yard.... UOK 19c Huckaback 19f Towels, Ea. . . . -u 'Fine. eenly wexen bleached huck towels with neat colored borders.; Size 11x36 Inches. 60c All-Linen Hucka back Towels, Each Bleached, heay. pure Irish linen huck towels, elr.e' 48x34 Inches' White or with colored borders. 50c Turkish Bath 9Kn Towels. OOK Weveiv from heavy two ply lorry snrns, extra Urge size, thick and absorbent. Hemmed ends. $1.50 Huckaback Guest Towels, qs0 Dezen VDC Snowy white, fine, firmly wexeii huck towels, suitable for docteia' and dentists' of fices. Slze 14x20 Inches SneLLCNBURgS First Fleer iW. ea. , - Marvelous A99etments of Stunning Blouses Te Wear With Ehster Suits r . j Very Special at $5.00 . i , The Overbleusc pictured is made of elaborately beaded crepe de chine, fin . ished with dainty picot edging. x Graceful tie around sash. Cemes in henna, navy, bisque and black. Scores of ether equally attractive models in crepe de chine and Georgette -..,. blouses and ovcrbleuses among which te cheese. They re beaded, braided,1 embroidered, trimmed with filet, Val and Venise laces. Newest necklines in flesh, white, bisque, henna, navV and suit shades. i UtV.I, mmmm' '..,iJ ft 'aViii !! in it 'VAi n neimiH .il J7.Vn &f.uti '.Ait . r ri" i"r?H''LJ:L aTavwnafffr " lf. : t'AfiJ MIl.H j-- sSSifx' , mwm ' -Exceptionally weir mt Milanert' sllkvgkves,' double-tipped "tintetnl'H-, Fine Tub Blouses. 0O AA te OJO AC Voile, batiste and fPVV 40.7J novelty voile blouses, trimmed with gingham, tucked, laac trimmed, embroidery trimmed,cpleatcd or tailored. With vestees, Peter Pan or tuxedo cellars. i a 'tienular lenrth fei with short or flewiiilti sleeves. - .TJiW Choir e of three teatfeh t'prlng shades thai harmm lie 'beautifully uUh'iksft new dresses and wrepa1 White." senaee and mswtkii SNJ-LLCNBURaS First Fleer, MieaBaaBBBBBaaiHaaaaaaBaBaIaBaB1aaBaaMHHH Upholstery ' Specials Planned With an Eye te the Spring " 1 1. Refurnishing Vlckcr Chair HK0 E. Seat's at.... 0C Instead of $1.75 SneLLENbUrgS Second, Fleer I 25c 39c A Remarkably Lew Price Tomorrow en These Substantially Built Dress Trunks At $18.95 ca. All Strictly High-Grade Trunks Built ter Hard Service and Convenience The Best Value in the City at the Price! Checked Ging ham Bungalow Aprons for Larger Women A Splendid "Extra Size Day" Value at $1.79 Ea. inF 3 ' . - ' Thoroughly well-built trunk, In eery detail of construction. Mn.de fte-ply thick hand rletcd and rc-enferced tilth steel hardware. Cenienlcntly deigned with two trijs one dlldeU Inte compartments, aa shown. Attractively lined with ere. tonne. Exactly the trunk te buy for extensive traveling pur pur eosesa trunk that will "stand up" well and give genuine service and satis faction. In 36 and 39 inch sizes. arlELLEHBUROS Fourth Floei Bed Spreads Stamped te Embroider en Heavy Unbleached Muslin Complete With Bolster , Threw te Match fr:ai $2.35 Full-size spreads, stamped te be embroidered in French knot designs. Very attrac tive exceptional at this price. New Imitation Russian Filet Lace for Table Runners, Bed Spreads, Pillows, Etc. . The New Spring Lapever Sports Skirts Are Particularly Colorful and Smart We're Showing a Complete Line of the Most Stunning at $5, $5.50, $8.95, $10, $11.50 and $15Ml IT' . .-. ... . . .. . I f" V ' . btunninelv tailored skirts, the terj securca ?1J. ; .i. M in shallow cores,. giving additional fulncss.Vi L i' ,M twfnin Via Yiina I .1 L. I . 'i Others with shirred tops and deep hems or fringed bottoms and sides. In large and small plaids and checks In two or mere color cembina tiens, and spertslike tiveeds. All made in the new side-fastening fash ion, which permits of a "slash" at the feet. One or two pockets, wide belts and novelty .' buttons. One pictured. SNELLEN BURG S Second Fleer Becoming, well-cut lnedela of neat checked glnsham, htjltd, with square neck, nov elty flat cellar, and edgings, of rlckrack braid. Finished with ash ruid pocket. Pictured. They nxe tufted with 8 hut hut tens and have a 2-ln, boxing. Large size 10x!0 inches, n lerslblc. geed assortment et patterns and colors, many can be matched for draperies, etc. Maty and Phene Orders FMci Extra Special! t 8-oz. Sicilian Striped and Khaki Perch Awnings 7 f t6" Wide..'... $12.98 Ea. 9 ft..frYide $14.98 Ea. 14 ffl 6 and 15 ft. Wide Af $19.98 Ea. 15 fi;;6 W'ide ... $21.98 Ea. f v t tTi-nr-ii i-iinaiiii flil-lnr-- ""d,;-M bNELLENBURGS secenU Kleer Just 100 Pairs of Fine $15.00 All All Weel Blankets In Stunning 6-luch Block Bleck Plaid Designs at $9.85 Pr. $1.75 18:Inch Wide Lace, Yard... The aame design and effect aa the real hand-made lace extremely affective. ,, Una.. -,. mC Kecond'Flenp .. ?a ... ii -y . i V . . . . , -. ..- .- uim.. '."N4 z f I5"- t - . BtaaatTBHBHBBK N. SNEL.L,BNRIIRI..A '(afHTaaW t W " W k "-"tZ I II ', (J CW v T !-,. ; .- ,,kv f( . . Hit vmffVM.1. Blankets woven from fine long California Jamb's moeI, with wide seisctte binding. Only one color left hence the extraordinary price cut. $7.50 Satin-Finish Bed Spreads, Ea 3A KA A no jet of JJ'XafJU spreads In Munnlng Marseilles patterns, Choice of scalloped edges and cut corners or plain hemmed ends. $12.50 te $14 Entbreid- S2 $10.00 Sct Consisting of one fine spread with scalloped edges and beau tifully ".embroidered centers, and behjter .threw te match. In lovely designs in old rose and French blua coloring. iTHn erH oeuoia-pea aisaa. STirafc Fleer y Our Fourth Fleer Rug Stere Offers a Special Let of Best Quality Reversible Fiber Rugs At About One-Third Belew Regular Prices Biggest. Sweater Values of the Season In This Marvelous, Timely Sale! Offering Women's Heavy and Light Weight Worsted, Zephyr and Mohair Sweater Ceals and Tuxedos Werth Up te $15! at $4.50 Ea. AM. 8TVLES Seme with clever novelty cellars and cuffs ethers In smart conserv. ntlve stlcs. AM, COI.OHS The very newest "high" rperts shades and up-te-the-mlnutp color combinations also plcnt of practical color cffets Tuxedo Fiber Silk Sweaters Werth Up te $16.00 at $3.75 & $7.75 ' With sashes and pockets. A truly phenomenal sale, comprising a splendid, brand new purchase also choice lets taken from our own stock and drastically reduced te make this the flnet eweater erent hi Philadelphia! bNELLENBURGS Second Kleer Wiilff iJ Made complete with all repea and.jjalvanized frames and flxturw ready te hang. Bound ..with, whlte braid. These awn- , ings'are equal te custom-made) 'awnings In every detail and would cost a third mere-- 5000 rds 69c te 984: I lively.- . Aft i.n Cretonnes at 40C - " The newest, flnert patterns and color unlimited choice, excellent quality. Prlcea en a par with the wholcsale cost. Absolutely the. greatest cretonne-bargain in years. Ideal for slip covers, draperies, cushions, etc. $1.25 Terry 7KP Cleth; Yard..:.. 'Y' Thousands of jards of beau tiful Terry cloth, high-grade quality, lovely colera and pat terns. All the newest. SNELLCNBURGS rurll FIoer ' ExtraSpcclal Tomorrow in Our China and Glassware Department!) Rich $5.00 Cut Glass Fruit or Salad Bowls A Wonderful Value at $2. 75 Ea. ifeji-s v ?. i a aa it aau II.. I. . t a. . . Vt'" sHjyjijr S-lnch size, with hca-y mitred border. In floral -wreath design. Highly polished finish. Beautiful bowls rich and sparkling lovely gifts for the Easter hride. Mail or ders filled. SNELLCNBURGS Third Fleer Xe Mail or Phene Oirfcrs Filfrrf mid .Yenc Sold te Dealers 6x9 Rugs $8.95 7.6x9 Rugs ...$10.75 8.3x10.6 Rugs, $12.75 9x12 Rugs.... $13.50 $1.45 4-Yd. Wide Best Cerk Linoleum, '7Qr Sq.Yd. ...: V Linoleum in pretty pat terns cut from full rolls. Bring measurement. W, -i bNELLENBURaSFeurtli Fleer;;! All the New Spring Medels in C-B a La Spirite Corsets Forthe Weman of Fashion The Standard Every where of Daintiness, Grqcc and Beauty. $1.50 te $5.00 The well-dressed woman who demanda the fashionable, the dainty and the eerv iceable. cheeses C-B a la Spirite CraSy sets every time. She cheeses them fer ,i uie mem comieri iney nueni; or llietr,, supporting shapeliness; for their perfect,- , fit, and last, but net least, for their1- mntcnicss vaiuc. ,& n mi i weiu apime vartet IN, Foundation for Your Costume, Y0usMmtl the Fertect Assurance at LssUtj m4 FeMn. Yam B." , f j3EM' m rA'iSfc! aiN, SNiJllElSBlJtG COJMiw i ".i i ti ,A ' ." ' 'Si '! a t ,i vWl m 1 'Ml ffl Ml 1 WWiJl T4 ?.-, ' 1 ,i M t p-jji;;w.iv . j 'r