rA .'; 'Kf '-?& rv.& E ArS afi irtiStf - V-f fc, vsl Wrfi. M- ESWf.: Kerr RVAV Pii&jf KLwei ' ' E Rft. M-trf, f r Bfc fc5." 1W( '. E- ?&. -.w Si W & ' w H ': M& MB, JS. ! N,'. 2Hl iMfc. V ."M MITOWTT if r tZ, ' " 'J MI AVMt VmtliT1k1 - wnaniiTO i m &r ' r. r' A .; .. . . MkUCfial All CtpwH w- ;- 'All nu. jfi : fcDAY TOURS ,,' aft ..-..' ... $21" from Philadelphia Afl ,17,20.Mey4,lM ref details, .ddrta f . 0. HAASS, Dtr. ram. At. tan waiaut $u . rkeiw. waiaut aies BALTIMORE & OHIO r Den;t let a peer skiii spoil your pleasure n Rttiml can heal these blotches aid kmakeeur 1 skin mere beautiful ' RESINOL , 5oelhinq ana1 Healine. QPUOH Big golden brown leaves of goodness Victer Bread 6 Big Leaf Sold only in our Stores UIPMI iiii lawuiim Helps te break UD .CQldS Wl.cn you feci ,T a celli coming en, put lilcnty of Slean's Liniment en your threat, ehest and back just before going te bed. It start warm, tingling circulation tliat keeps the cold from "scttliiiB'' and 'helps break It up. while its healthy vapors seethe tind clear the lunjs mid threat. Don't rub denH laitiliifir jnn let it pene trate. All druggistc 33c, 70c. 1.40. I9J.UU . a liniments Skin unsightly caused by errors of diet A well-known skin specialist a.ya that eruptions are "signal flags of danger" often indicat ing erren in diet. ' Indeed cruptleni are se fre. quently associated with fault 5rb,tf. ' and Improper digestion that the fir.t thing te de is te sea that our feed Ii. right. Freeh yemt li a wonderful cer. rectlve feed for the.. ,l,,n dlsor dlser dera. Fleischmann'a Yeast ie rich In the elements Which improve appetite and digestion and which keep the intestines clean of poUena. Physicians and hospitals all evar the country are recommend lag Flelichmann a fresh yeast fqr akin dlaerdara and bell.. It get. right at tha basic cause of these complaint.. Eat 2 & 3 ''cake, of Flelich mann a freah ycaat dally before or between meala te keep your akin healthy; Be aura it's? .Pleleeh rnann'a Yasf -the familiar tin roll package with the yellow label. Place a standing order with your grocer. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT 608-612 Chestnut Street 570 Square Feat 5th Fleer Frent Roem H Jfwgt HRBBHPWa Amnlv ' - ? M,. .n-iiL. V " aauiLBBBnr.t.TfrfflHHPAgQEn''t. rTlaMaa4aM Th&Muric Stere ,1s open tt night. -Enter .Ninth street ' 7?v"- i P " "f T " .T T- tI niirtaay jl.doer, or at Eighth and, farket. ' . Y ' A ?JJI A ttKKT. CHESTNUT n EOHTH Coupon moupenT (wemnant)D' DAY Ne Phene, or Mail Orders Filled Frem Coupon Specials This Dees Net Apply te Other Goods SO Women's Plaid-Back Sports CeaU, $12 50 at - Vppv smart nnl In crrnnr flrmanrl for spring and summer wear. Well tailored and in materials and colors that become the yeung: girls and elder women. Wonderful values. Gtmbels. "Cannen Day," Third Rear. Women's Natural Mink Scarfs One skin, choker style. Natural head and naturalmink tail. 0OC $39.75 value. At $LO Glrebels, "Ceunen Dxy," Third fleer.' 100 Women's Opossum Chokers Smart double-fur animal style in baum marten and stone marten colors. ?12 value, at $6 (Umbels. "Coupon Day," Third fleer, The Smartest Three-Piece Country Club Dresses Fer Women ST $25 The best wool-jersey that comes. Made up in the best model that a knit-fabric can possibly "lend itself te." The dress is a typical sports model and the matching cape is a mighty clever addition. Henna with beige trimmings. Navy with beige. Brown with bisque. Cepcn with gray. Glmbels, Salens of Dress, Third Hear. Women's 2-Clasp French Kid Gloves Paris-point backs. White, black, tan, brown and gray. tt AC S2.25 value, at, pair.. Jla7sJ Glmbels, "Cannen Day." First fleer. Women's Duplex and Chamois Lisle Gloves 2-clasp style. White and colors. Values up te $1.25 pr. Attn At, pair tOL Glmbels. "Coupon Day." Flrat fleer. Women's 16-Butten-Length Chamois-Lisle Gloves Mastic and biscuit shades. Sizes 5Vs, 6, 6'.i. ?1.G0 value, 7CC Glmbels, "Coupon Day." First fleer. Men's Aute Gauntlets Black. $4.50 value, dje Oj at, pair 4)LL D Glmbels, "Coupon Day," First fleer. Women's Three-Piece Suits Twe Brand-New, Ultra-Wonderful Groupings Groupings Beth Groupings of Brand-New Fashien-Featares Coupon ) $OC Priced i Ld "Tint - e - Sheen" the new tropical-weight knit-fabric. Complete dress with smart est sleeveless coat with capy swirl back. Tan, orchid, rose. Silk-and-wool Canten crepes complete dress with cape. Twe styles in sports silk novelties. Sizes 34 te 44. Household and Fancy Linens Several thousand pieces of lace trimmed and embroidered Linens. Turkish Towels, Remnants of Lin en Toweling and Table Damask. Seme arc slightly shop-soiled ethers are salesmen s samples. All are priced at very unusual sav- infirs. Glmbels. "Coupon Day." First fleer. Odd and Shep-Soiled Table Cleths and Napkins All pure linen Damask cloths at $3 1e $9.75 Napkins at $3.75 t0 $9.75 Glmbels. "Coupon Dsy," ftecend fleer. Turkish Bath Mats Woven from two-ply mercerized varn; heavy, spongy quality; slight imperfections. .M Size 22x30. At P 1 Glmbels. "Coupeo liny." Second fleer. Lace-Trimmed Scarfs Effective Cluny pattern, mounted en' pure linen center. QC Size 17x50. At i.OwC ' Uiaabels, "Caupaa Day," Saeaael Sear. ... . . lets, mere I worth-while bargains for person and home,;in seasonal or year 'round goods;4 CeipQii JPlftettdBiies hem;make wth endanieet! Metal Bag Frame Men, Wema and Remnants of Curtaining , tit-Water Bettles " .Amaxkan Porcelain 50c yalue, at . ; . . . 1 Qr Chadran'a-SheaJi , 'Materials iiitaaeB-$mW$miik mfaMBH& i"V AVomen'aatT.e.Putnijg.iidDreM . Scrims VeJIes, Marquisettes and .tinitr'ii'fOvC . .'is&igfeMiilv- comtetete" f or -eimb.1.. -cap.. Day," ru-.t flaar.5 Lew shoes, fireketf-lhies of our Nets:-'Less thin half I e Yd. 'lSmSSSSSala mmMO.VmMtm Babies' Rubber Pante' GOc aluc, at 2 pairs OC r ,,., for Gunbels, "Coepan IHy.'MTrst laar. Household Rubberised Aprons GOc value, at 29(! Gimbals, "Ceupeti Day," rtrat flaer. Shopping Bags A SSeVAftaf A AAlrtVe. 10c At Clmbels. "Coupon Par." Tlrst Hear, i ... , ,, .1. i Wasn VIOini Slight imperfections. 15c O value, at .' ,....OC Gimbals, "Conpert Day," First Hear. Sanitary Aprons Made of pure gum rub- . .OCr ber. GOc value, at aVsJC pimbels. "Cannen Day." First fleer. Old-Fashioned Peanut Squares, at, lb 18c ChocelaterCovered Peanut Q4 e Chips, at, lb iC 24c Asserted Chocolates, at, lb. box 28c Glmbels, "Coupon Day," First Hear, Cheatnut Street Annex and Snbway Stare. Rugs $64.50 best seamless Axminster Rugs, size 9x12 ft., $A,1 Sit eeeaeeeeeteaaseee KaV ?69.50 fine seamless Wilten Vel vet Rugs, size 9x12 ft., &AC Of at PlUsJ $33.50 fine worsted seamless Tapestry Rugs, size 9x12 01 ft., at P-1 $16 fancy wire Grass tQ fjf Rugs, size 9x12 ft., at.. ja7IU Carpets $2.25 Velvet Carpets, 7P at, yard Dlall $2.00 Tapestry Carpets, ff (J A at, vard r AelV Linoleum ' $3.25 finest quality Inlaid $2 Linoleum, at, sq. yd $2.50 Standard Inlaid Linoleum (4 yards wide), at, Pft sq. yd aplaOU Glmbels, "Coupon Day," Fifth fleer. Coupon $90-75 Priced " Twe styles of the silk-and-wool Canten crepes that are the "Big Theme" in fashions. Complete dress with match ing cape one style fageted; one style braid-inset. Navy blue, cocoa, beige, Mo hawk, French gray. Glmbels, "Caution Day." Salens of Dress, Third fleer. Bleached Sheets Made of geed quality muslin. Size 81x90. 3-inch hems. Seam less. Saving of Ys, at $1.25 Pillow Cases Made from remnants of Fruit-of-the-Leem, Dwight Ancher and many ether geed makes. Werth at?.!!.6!?.... 29c and 39c Unbleached Sheeting 36 inches wide. Specially geed quality. 13c yard or 10 Ofi yards for ? Odds and Ends of Blankets White and plaid.. Alse some fancy Jacquard and Camp Blank ets. All slightly shop-soiled. Weel-and-cotton mixed and all-wool. Many at savings of one-half. $3.35 t0 $7.50 Shep-Soiled Bedspreads Included Crochet, Satin Mar seilles, dimity and imported satin Marseilles. Many at almost one- mlL $1.85 t0 $4.95 Gimbals, "CtMt Day,' r.lMDCI RDnTUPDC j- end lets stocks all eyer the Stere offer these Coupon em ...,). .-' ' ''' .rAn NA price, ai.-.v. ..-.' , 'tV'.vs..?.7,'.,rfiliV.,riiU,A.i.r"-"'' :roakaltfismlri:-vS20.el).i.a1 P 'i " '',-.! k'. ;'J..1U ' RMeual. Af rM...u .i,V,..-... ...'.iil! i) 'Li irln. .HVK .: '..' ! 1U aalaCU,t3 . Bf . . ,-?-- Vk ". '' l ... - '- ---..-;--- e r-. - 'if Ti T l. T " TTi . a' ' earn . 'HI . . . x -k.. 1 .l.. '. a a' a a a -V" vw w ,r antataigjajaiereaw w aa amaiL.-al W L A "-"" a."-H 1 ai -fa' a- 1 T1 WemenVTan Casf - Walking Oxfords Regularly $8.50. All sizes in ti8 ?:??! $3.50 Women's White Lew. Shoes Shop-seil6d in handling. Werth up te f7.50 a pair.',, A 4100 Pairs of Women's Lew Shoes , Slightly shop-worn and "odds and ends." Werth up te 1 PA $11 a pair, at f,lJV , A . V. .t '. w. 1.- f.V Children's Scheel Shoes Werth $3, at, pair $1.40 Children's Scheel Shoes $3.60 values, 0 CA Men's $7Shees . s High and low models; SjO PA "odds and ends," at. . . . ?aViJV Men'. $9 Shoes ' High and low (Q CAi Pair models, at ,. ? Glmbels, "Coupon Day,"(Seeand fleer. Clearance of Lingerie and Tailored Blouses Celers and white, long or three quarter sleeves plenty 7 Kg gingham-trimmed. Were $2 " Glmbels, "Coupon Day." First fleer. Jersey Blouses Peter Pan cellar and cuffs of white. Gray, Mohawk iMCC and black. Were $3 HUeJ Glmbels. "Ceapen Day." Third Boer. Tailored Voile and Dimity Waists Gingham or fancy dimity-trimmed Peter Pan and Tuxedo cellars, or plain dimity with M 4C pleating. At aRlatsJ .Glmbels, "Coupon Day," Third fleer. Cellar-and-Cuff Sets Real filet lace combined with em broidered net; roll Tux- 1 AC ede style. $3 value, at. . Jla7iJ uimbeis. "coupon uay," cirsi near. 1 Linen Cellar-and-Cuff Sets Twe-piece Peter Pan cellars. White or black and white embrbid- ercd in Bulgarian colors. $1 value, at 75c Glmbels, "Coupon Day," First fleer. Cellar-and-Cuff Sets Pure linen, hemstitched; or white lincne with Bulgarian colored em broidery. The popular' two-piece Peter Pan cellars. I 50c value, at ODQ Glmbels, "Coupon Day," First fleer. Reller Skates Beys' and Girls' Winslow and Union Hardware ball-bearing roller skates. Values $2.50 ! AC te $3. At..; .eJHaeJD Glmbels. "Coupon Day," Fourth fleer. Gelf Clubs A let of Burke Gelf Clubs, in cluding drivers, brassies, midirens, mashies and putters. tfrO O C Special at p.sj Glmbels. "Coupon Day," Feurtb fleer. Repainted Silver King Gelf BaUs Excellent con- t4 AC a dozen ditien. At P,e7iJ Glmbrls. "Coupon Day," Fourth fleer. Ranney Refrigerators Tep icer, white enamel lined, dry air circulation. Reg- MA OC ularly $13.75, at tDlU.0 Porcelain Table Tops Asserted sizes, damaged. If firsts would cost $5.00 djl CC te $6.85, at V 1 .UJ White Enameled Bathroom Mirrors Size 12x18 inches. Bevel plate jjlass. Regularly $4.50, de 7J Oil Cook Steves Wickless, blue flameftwe-buincr size, smokeless and odor- 0C OA less. Reg. $8.50, at PU.V Rambler Rese Bushes Streng, hardy plants, OP regularly 35c each, at.t .... Jl 2000 lqt. Aluminum Stew. Pans Regularly 25c, 1 A. Manahan Meth-Proof Tar Bags Business suit size. Reg- QC ularly $1.15, at ? Olmbels. "Coupon Day," Fourth fleer. Odd Lets of Muslin Underwear Nightgowns, envelope chemises, petticoats, camisoles, bloomers. Mostly of nainsoek some dainty silk garments. $1 te $7.50 values, at 65c t0 $3.95 Glmbels, "Coupon Psy." Second fleer. Muslin. Underwear Nightgowns, Step-ins, Camisoles. Lace- and embroidery - trimmed 'styles. $1 values, Iftr At I H I .l M M ,M M I Sr qiaiaals.. "Canpaa Day," Secsad I TTAV.t tav.t. . , .e . i rj '"' 'Hi, H. ti. . vi!r7isT T0.11C10KQ-life-Gl' i ;One tbVjhr'arda jn length, price IOC afl.sTt) Cretonne Pfllewa '' Round shrrcd with button eec center, well filled, at fJUC J?"? "! ncmsnicnea, soma witn , lace Ar, OH vmrAu lftne. AS - til at e,, -,. ,- '""llii Five Hundred Easter Hats New, Willard Sewing, Machines Brand new; made and guaran teed by Demestic Sewing Machine Ce. Gelden oak cases with four drawers. All attachments. &9Q $49 iwluc, at '.... Sold en Easy Terms at $1 Weekly. . Glmbels. "Coupon Day," Fourth fleer. Tomorrow Mostly and plaids. Russian ' 6- te 14 Men's Gelf Hese All-wool heather mixtures with fancy-tops. Made in England. All sizes 10 te 11. $1.25 te d1 $1.75 values. At V 'Glmbels, "Coupon Day," First fleer,. Women's Imported Lisle , Hese Fancy open lace clex. Black and cordovan. Sizes 816 te 10'. 7 $1 value. At ' Olmbels. "Coupon Day," First fleer. Women's Silk and Fiber Hese Lace ankles. Black, brewrf and some colors. All sizes. tfjl $1.50 value. At Pl Glmbels. "Coupon I)a." First fleer. Initial Stationery Linen finish. . 12 cards, 12 sheets of paper, 24 envelopes. A At, a box 17C Glmbels. "Coupon Day," First fleer; Novelty Stationery Linen finish in plaid effect. White, blue, pink and buff. 24 sheets and 24 envelopes. 1Q At, a box'..' H7C, Glmbels, "Coupon' Day," First fleer. 3500 Lbs. Gimbel Coupon Blend 35c Coffee Limit 6 lbs., at 3 lbs. 7A for -.v.. 70C 25 Chests Coupon' Blend New Season Mixed Tea Half price, at 4 lbs. 1 for P 1500 Lbs, "Purity" Breakfast Cocea In bulk, at 3 lbs. fi Boneless Bacen 500 pieces selected lean or fat streaked. Wholesale y - price, at, lb &&Q Laundry Seap Glebe Seap Ce.'h Yellow Seap, half price, limit' 10 cakes OA Lenex Red, Kidney Beans Alse Perk and Beans, tomato flavored, 18c value; dozen 11 cans, $1.30; can': 1 1 C Healthful Prunes Santa Clara Valley Fruit, lqrge size, at 3 lbs. ASlg xer ,.( ""a Olmbels, "Caupea Dny," Third Saar, "&dr VST YL Day' 60c Elcaya VairfsWTOam . ;, r x ' yf "? 60c Elcaya Celd Cream rm,. ., i-M tWO 50c for aaaa. .' I I i ' Olmbels. "Coupon Day," nrst Bear. "'5'7 i NINTH AMfySjBSA4:W Jtf't VifJiMSr 'itS ...',( 'L3f4.r.?s5.v:-i!L.it.A? . ft$Jirc. '-.S'i. ,!?,.' ... SpediiK-m 'gaVihgsef f eurtH 'thira half--br even fMS.Tsa.1 UlWla SJaJMsTisi " ' at . . . . , ... ... ..y........., n . . .IV VI , ' ".r V..i Coupon-Priced Just'Abeut Half -Price'' Plenty of black ; besides all the bluea all the 'brbwna-i-all-'the fashionable Weed-shades liesidest tangerine,- red, igreens and-'the famous "parrot shades." " Glmbels,-Millinery, Salens, Third Hear. Wall Paper New spring tWalliPaper for bed rooms, kitchens and';dining rooms in granites,, .blocks and pretty two twe two terieilstripesVandj allpyer patterns. Regularly 1216 c ilili single roll te;18c. At....!,. " Borders and - binders te. match thc8e,ptapers,.7J4'cyafd. Clmbel,"'lCo'upe'ri;Day." Fifth fleer, fH'i4.j': Misses? 13w7S ;te 2S; j'JjmsliA $9.75 "Ones" and "fews" of kinds. . Weel-jersey smartly beaded. Tricetihcs. Taffetas. Tricelcttcs. -,,-u ' Satins. , e - 16- te 20-ycar sizes in the let. v Glmbels, "Coupon Dny," Saleus of Dress,: Third fleer. Girls' $2 and $3.95 Mussed Dresses. Coupon-Priced $1 ginghams plaiq. colors, checks And linencs (cotton). and waist-style models. - ycar sizes in the let. Glmbels, "Coupon Day," First fleer. Men's and Women's Umbrellas Geed quality American taffeta; , niiK case, ccauiuui assortment ei handles in bakclitc, leather trimmed, and ether & OP styles. At P 1 aOO Glmbels, "Coupon .Day," First fleer. Women's Sun-and-Rain ' Parasols and Umbrellas- ' All-silk, with satin and tape edge borders. Leng white or amber tips and 'tops. Full' length bake lite handles many jet amber col or some leather trimmed. Navy, green, purple, brown, and, tfC 9C black. At pO.d filmbels. "Coupon Dnr," First 'fleer, Ready-te-Wear HaU Silk and silk-andrstraw combina tions. Black and colors. At' $1 and $2.50 Glmbels, "Coupon Day." Third fleer. Tweed Sports Hats Fer women and misses, tfe Pa At :.$L,D) Glmbels, "Coupon Dny." Third fleer. Ready-te-Wear Hats Straw and silk-and-straw Afc'v,. combinations. At . . . i . . . JlsJC Glmbels. "Coupon Day,1' First fleer Black French Serge All-wool in dress weight; -fine smooth twill weave; rich dull fin ish. 54 inches tj-i ma Yard wide. $3 yalue, at pl.UO Olmbela. "Coupon Day," rieeend fleer Black Peiret Twill ' Fine mohair aiid 'Svoel'" yarns; round twill weave; dress weight; elegant lustrous llriish. . CO inches wide. $3 value, i g, Yard at '.... t?letU ' Glmbels, "Coupon Duy," Kerand fleer. Remnants All-Weel ' Tweed and Homespun 1- te.3-ydl lengths. $2 te $5 values at, yard ,v' aF Glmbels, "Coupon Day," Satend fleer. Children's Lingerie Hats Shew handling. Originally priced it .'....Sl t0 $3.95 Glmbels, "Coupon Day," nerend fleer. t Children's Mussed Underwear Pajamas, .drawers, bloomers, quilted robes. Broken sizes, 50c K.TSft 25c'0 $1.95 Olmbeh. "Ctp.a Pay." Beceud fleer. 12 pirtk 95 lmbels:'tB;Py.w rearYli flaar. 'Colored '.Glass CanJara. ll(aBBaaf in muieerry, 'ii if i In Tn te Maveruiak' Sate Cempieti:K'wlth ' col'erM glass Anr. '.n.C'Al..- .' ' aaa. , Bpoen. f'c-Wluc. s t J Y5C Olmbela, "Cavean Day,:''Feurlh fleer. ......J'. . ....... V,. a Old English Blue Willow Dinner .Sets ' 100 pieces, complete; ler 12 peo ple.' Open stock pat- tOA CA tern. $45 .value. At. . -Olmbel i; ''Coupon Day," ifld a. v,V Faurth fleer. Blue Willow English , .Prcelain Dinner 'Sets A1..?."' vf29.50 i AC' -rOlmbtIa,. ','Coepon Pay.'tFaartl. fleer. , .. BoysVNerfolk. SuiU Medium-Height cassimeres and some'terduroys; "Ages 7 itC 7C te 15-years., $10.value,at PP. & " GlmbU.'"Coupen Day." Third fleer. 1 Beys', Norfolk Suits All-wool pflssln.preR in neAt mir. 'lures fand shepherd checks. Coats are inenair jinca. ireuscrs nave belt. Ages. 7 te 17,' years. iJIA $18.50 an9 $20 values, at plV Glmbels. "Coupon Day." Third fleer. ' Beys' Junier Suits Neat .-.-mixtures and checks. Straight, , jc'.nce trousers, fully1 lined. Ages 3 te 6 years. Q 7C $7.50 value; , at"1 ...'... 10 . 1 D aimbels. "Coupon Day;" Third fleer. ; " Beys' Knickerbockers . N e a t- stripes and mixtures. Watch neckct and. belt loons. r.Fuliylirid.: J., valuea itlv7C , K-'motl'MAePlMn-PiyThM fleer. ., ' . . ' ' '1' ' 'I "l I 'f 1 1 II II '"'" SamnIA' Rhe rn.V.hl.a Cartey and- HeywoedmodclsJ Only one of a kind 09 OC at'.-. ... ;:..r....'iz,J;e Glmbels. "Coupon Day." Fourth fleer. Blech Baby Strollers Half .round reed finished in white , cnamcl...-T t 1 O 9 C At... . . . ..,,.'. . . . . ,-s . $lU,D Glmbcla. "tOBHOfl Day." Fourth fleer. Tey Automobile Garages Complete 'with two cars. Off At OiJC Glmbels, "Coupon Day," Fourth fleer. Ceaster Wagons Disk, ' rubb!er-tir'ed wheels, size 16x36 -inches) with .steel AC beUtcrs. At .,.-.... aPUairO Glmbels, "Coupon Day," Fourth fleer. .Sample Automobiles Full size all rubber tired. fcfi At $0 Glmbels. "Coupon Day." Fourth fleer. Voile and Organdie Fleuncings Tucked, ruffled and embroidered White and daintv licrht colors, in inches wide. $1.50 te $3i values, at 95c T $1.25 y"rd "Glmbels. "Coupon Day." First fleer. Veilinara :Mill-eftds fn close dotted xtlcctsl eiacK,. ,ocewn, navy, taupe and many two-tone colorings. Yard lengms. euc value n -glmbels, "Coupon Duy,"' Fourth fleer. fri the Subway jSiere Clearance of Women's and lVJiMes' j Light-Weight Coats ;i i7'0 New $3;50 Sports Coats. Embroidered Capes. Dressy Coats. Serges.? .veleuiv?,' and mixtures. Mostly navy blue, black, reindeer, and black-and-white. . " Broken' sizes but..all misses' sizes: 14 te .18, and all women's sizes: 36 te 44 in the let. $5 te $10 Dresses. Coupon-Priced $2 and $3 Velours. Poplins. Tricetincs and Serges. Odds and ends' ul enne. Broken sizes, but all misses' BJ'ZC's: 36 te 42, in the .let, , Children's Weel Sweaters, 2 te 5 years,' newest shades, $1.95. Waists at $1.95. Natural-color silk pongee. " Women's $1 net- and 1 a c e trimmed Vcatecs. 69c. "Women's 85c Chameis-sucdc two clasp Gloves, '39c. $2.50, Corsets at $1.45. Lew or medium bust. ' Men's and Women's Handker chiefs, six for 29c. ' 'Men's and 'Women's Umbrellas at $1.15. .Cotten, taffeta. Beys' Norfolk Suits, 3 te 15 years. $4.50. 2-skin Chokers at $12.95. , Women's silk-and-fiber Stock Steck ings, seconds, 48c a pair. Women's black cotton Stockings, seconds, '6 pairs, 55c, v SHOES' Wemerfs High Shoes,.Pair I CA! . - - I Women's Lbw Shoes W! Children's Shoes. Si' nalr. MnV Mh.mu ai 3.r.. Beja' Shoes, $1.85. v , . woman's Heuse 11 iMirC igtfJ' mbel ltr v i . J! x -. Ne Phene or Mail Filled Frem Coupon a.a.nt.at.. This Dees Net Apr taWWVamW W!Mr , , 3600 Men's Shirts ' Woven .fnadraa in geed pattcri Seft double" cuffs.' All 1 ii sizes. $2 value, at. . .,. , , '9 l'lj ttimpeis. "coupon Day,"Tlrit Seer-: IQilte lt:il TTa!. v r ""ai St ib. . , 5ia ''SI value, at, each, 3! or S'fer-Sliv. ....... Olmbela. 'tOaepem Dsy."Flrt Men's rawmas "J-tii XTAta.$a.MZ,' M1 'a..a.u J. 1V. fc3 . .aivtt -DMxjiiiM..aiiiu Bummer iinua i in piain coiers. .run -ana cerne vui. uiiiv iiuija e.e mi-"I "-"l ,. .... .... .WT1 ,, Tmiia.."caul)aln.D!r.",inrstmtf. - Men a SusnendAM Us 'Highly mercerized we'bbW: cm iiuv ptiLiiiivu vuua iu inuicn, Mr $1 value, at K . Olmbels. VCupeii Day," First fleer:; ,- -rasu. uniuuic VOWOKie -,,& . naViasjsk'aa) ml na .g .. .! t J Belts. ' . fM TJ.U .i J '1 ,J, a. w .'i , eui,ii uiie-iii;cc unaic, JinCO.I stitched styles. Blacbenlv. buck with .tongue $1'.-value,- 'Atm at ' '.''. ., '-', 4!MI Cll. ..t'.....a.,.....'a..a,i,, AigUI .' Gimbals'. '"CoiiDen'Dair."yFtri ai'-.S V1IJ' f ' 1.1'. , . -. , "f vreus yeiiumeri m v our -brass hoek3. ! $5v miarl value, at ... . . ,'... .'. ,,.., ';..:. U', . tiuneeis. -ueupen gay.v Se tenth OMitM Oak Side. Chairs for Ofiesil Framed in 'scats. $5 efeivi value..at . ." J. . . ?: . 9 JeMi 'Glmbels. "Coupon Day." SeTealhSaarJf 1 , Hetrting, DreswMl Of striped; ray cellar. , VI striped ?ingham..withfelMis Glmbels) "Coupon Day." First Beer.i' Merninr Dreus !'' Of check gingham ih blue, laT-1 unucr, pinK ana dibck, UOllSNa chambray- and' cmbreid- f ,i cry-trlmmcd. At" -. . 11 Glmbels. "Coupon Dny." First Bear, 111 Cever-All Aprons 'id with sleeves. Check QfiS? ginRnam. At WV'I iiaui-ri-i. tnuine urn j. - necena neac, M.... ,, , rrrJ new vress vaingnaras v.,;- Tvenacnui assortment et encen ir. U - J.... I MfM'.l ii iiiiv euaauii a uuw cuiura, .i'Pafl Atche.8.w.idc:.. 20c m uimueis, "(.oupen Day," Grail i a.-.: .. .. r..i-. Aisles rirst near.1 Colored Silk Fringe -':, I Onn Irnnt? XW innbna lia.'l wide. At. a yard i) Glmbels. "Cocron Dny." llrst flesr.5l uoierea vesuncrs . ,?; With metal threads. 17 inclwi wide. Less than half (M )C price, at, a yard tJlaAil.,- Glmhela. "Coupon Diy," First fleer.. Metal Girdles ' j1-' m Glmbels, "Coupon Dr." Tint W :(l - ' ' C -II .D..1-D..u. '' . Jiuaui. .rcacs.euviulu ; . Pacltsffn nt- R rarAtt "lA'-" 101 at W..HBW W J VH.WW, Olmbela. "Coupon Day," First Hear -I ' -J. ( sizes: 14 te 18: and all wemen's' Glmbels, Subway Stere. V Children's' Vi -length Socks, fsncjH coiera,.20c pair, i .?...... u.ir Ui snmnlcS..0. SeSVr" ," ' ' r,.1l fairs, iuc. . Wamen's VphIh. 18c. 3 for 5..! Snnnn,lu kH i Women's and Misses' Weel r lt flwanrAiM cir ftt UK .a Men'B ShiH's.at 7. Clean-up., broken sizes. ' . t3 Crepe de Chine Chemises, at 1 ame .pe, .ai'el , Petticoats at $2.85. Values $3.9 J lt t,. ?v """ "' . . ' It.' Heuse and Perch Dresses, " Mostly ginghams. . u Real Hair Nets, wanted shadj. at 40c a dozen. . 'M Mostly ginghams. .1. maren eaic ei i.iiina rr: Save 25 te 40. (vi-V'.'l ii. m Women's Comfert Shoes at $l.? Slippers, 81. K -A - - 1 . tf M Sic 'w 'f,ii! .w.'ewvw. ? " xr7?ii 7mj7': '; JMeMBgMi3ag.aasaaMa5..siiMMsiBrtt.M-.- ) . -- i-.-nf.u ti fe-Aav- ( .. uy . ';. ':: '!"?: A -ix .7S -""- - 'it. A.i 'i&Vri