Bid i ik i mm i . ' an ,Tve lIW ' "r .! SS Mif i-rv, ,i?.,'aw. y ' i . ( k y r SilvM - " ,a evie Magazine pHiMDtilpftb is new se FIN IX en a mM ..!. r . . -HV " T A- 1 nor. tjll k 'AM V4 lj 4t'L & p. f TT, &tf,VS.A m ivmTi R' !0K TH FLM FiV'S SCRAPBOOK .BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW aBBBBBBBBB aaaa-SS? jMQWMP'a'' V BMC MBBTff VJIJiOWL ff-JBiiiifift ' 1 "flBa K IHBinHffifl aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaV " aTOBarc.3-? tJaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaV ft5 .ABaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaai.M! Wi'lBlJBBBtSBaBaBaV & mmwmPKi' ill, iHBi '.VH SaraaaaaaVaV ' 'aaBBaaaSwwsaaaaV It 1 I I is w !e MISS iJU PUNT M uill be glad In publish the pictures of such icrten playeis m ntc . j iiigiestcd by the eim 7fE MOVIE FAN'S LETTER-BOX By HENTIY M. NEELT T r tresi tlmn I Iikc, nml I'm bflnlnnlnn te think he Is en the right reaU at Inst. Jcntt Acker Ktieil for separate main tcnancc, nnd Valentine sued for diverce. I don't knew Mis Acker's age, but li uns born in Trenten, X. .T.. nnd Is 5 feet UK1 luchcH tall. Her addreni new Is 13.17 OrniiRC drive, Les An?ele. Xt, I wasn't pnrllctilnrlv impreHscd by her work with Kthcl Clnjten. I wasn't iwrtlculdrly impressetl with ,Kthel'n work, clthfi. .lean 1h cute rneucli, 1 rucs, but 1 couldn't detect any Mcni of outstanding Individuality about her.), . . . , Ada Rupert writes: "I liked thu you eaid you did net publish the Valen Valen tieo letters te make fun of them. And I knew you nre right in saying that the girls arc serious when they write these letters. At lcat the one whom I knew wan, "I don't suppose, that j en" would re member her nnme If 1 told .toil, nut she wns lu Ricat earnest when she wrote. , j "I agree with that person who Rave this opinion of Gleria. She Is net really beautiful. Her nose is tee queer. And her mouth Is nlwajs painted up top un natural, l am sure sue will peu Rodelph's new picture. I think that he H much better In pictures of action ('Sheik,' 'Motan.' etc.) But 'how 'hew can he act It his leading lady is going te stand around and pee? There Is nothing te her acting hut a beaut show. She always lemlnds me of n model In a fashion hew. "uen t ou think .Neima 'l. anil Itudy would be pretty geed together? Although she ix nlse en the Saueu ' tpe. and I can't stand Det Dalten, nnd 'I teitainly think she overdid her part In 'Mernn'; but then, 1 am no movie critic. "I agree with jeu about Alice Terry. ' t just love her. And I'd say that Rex I Ingram was luckv. I hope Ihev stay happy. Quite unusual. Frem all that I I hear, it must be an unheard of thine for an actor or actres te sfnv miir. I rica te tiic same person a year. I im- aglne they must feel rather ancient and unmedern If their mate rentinuen 10 'hang en.' I don't" see why they get married at all. Surely thpy have enough examples of divorces out there. "Rut I buck it's just ltnbit and I'm I net knocking them, for I'd like te go tncre myself. Rut T have a little enic left In my old age and Knew that I'd never get in the movies." (Honest I v. I don't think you're quite fair about Hollywood. 1 II icnture the assertion thnt there is no laiger pro portion of diierres out there than thera U in Philadelphia or Xew Voik "se ciety." And very many of the meUc couples have been living liappilv to gether for years and have brought up families of children In just the plain, ordinary way that you and I were brought up. The trouble is that the public is Insatiable for all news of scan dal about Its star, but Isn't the slight est bit interested in stories of old fashioned domestic Darby and .Tenn stuff.) s CONSTANT FALMR rteMrw!, Calif. J O.MK time age GeJuwyH' announced that tliey were en the hunt for "new faces" for the screen. TheV have found two young persons whom they will forth with train as met ion -picture lumina ries Wisely enough, it ' net planned te thrust them before the public. In star pnrt. hcriildlng them an V'screcn finds," but will put them In miner; parts until they show their ability . ,Klcaner Heard- inan, n twenty-year-eltr , Philadelphia ilrl. and William Haines, 'a handsome twenty-two-yenr-eld JCew 'erker, are the lucky ones, Miss Beardman has been an artists' model and;baa bad tome motion-picture experience. Mr. Haines, however, has never been before a cam era, but .showed screen possibilities in a test given htm. Pat O'Malley has been added te the cat of "Rrethers Under Their Skins'' te play the part of a shipping clerk who was henpecked, by his wife until he learned thnt women really need u little cave-man tienMncnt occasionally. Al ready llelene' Chadwitk, Claire Wind- jMhi. tiusch andKarsnan , Kerry. haVe beensljned for th jfcctute. , x ..William V..Mpni,la;Tety;fcjiayaA these days. AltheuEhhe Jrttfer pm tract with .T. LV FretalnWktH'prdj dticer, he la In continual sjeit4by, Mht enmnanirs. se'lils Jnanacea iiaa rented him out, 6 te, apeak, te play, character parts In .two bis productlene. One will be CTafa, Kimball 'Teunf 'a n.rt nleiiirv. and til ethr EmmCtt J. Mynn's V Foel There Wa In which KSteiie xayier will pmy .ingvvnuiiiini Meng lias played In, ,threet ether Fek pictures - "A' Connecticut Xankee" 'Shame'' and 'The Count of Mente Crlste." Thcdns Bar .did ','A Foel There Wis" for the same company seme esrs age. but It la understood that Miss Tayler's portrayal'ef the princi pal part will be Radically .different. J. I.. Frellilngham has recovered from an attack of Influcnxa and baa gene te the mountains of Northern California te enjoy the first vacation atxl rest, he baa had since he began toVeeuelng Plcturaft six years age. "The Man. Who" Bra led" Is almost ready for ar preview. William Meng takes the title role, while Marcla Manen, Mary AVjnn, Eddie Sutherland, and Lucille Ward have Important Paris. ' Irvln Wlllat Is expected te start seen en the direction of "The Siren Call" for Laskcy. The picture Is a pe dal, with Dorethy Dalten the featured Ef'' ' r.l.' r v ;!8Ri, .. . .. . j Hm3EB!& Carer'. WIlsMiil claiocdlteOflt denartmentjlll aleANef aeenarlbs, , having dnmeacd Ia2Z. i- I-...- 'u-jt kill; -XVa i ctciiii n ivnr ntu u ua.t, the',O0ldwy!acarle limn tlie record for the Nwca' ei We est jiUa socially quite recently, and he ,dld net,'lmpreH us editorially i speaking at'all favorably, We gathered from hla manner taat he felt the same aoeut us. Oh, Veil, "welre just naturally lowbrow flDjnuw rmmv rW'tmrnftt i ' ,1, r;,i u ,,-! ,'.1.1 khIMi Mi' i ii i nlM.itinviV ISWl rtltiltt OH CK1 ? Argui Ovtf'ytMnisTnifTtfJ Xh'e co-ed' and her.iplteeh1 .modem 'eelleie ahd ,nlverlty;wHl H;th ; Ject for the aBnuahfraahman-aepha morel deWe. leriliht -at 8 pVleckvln ..J. tt.1l 'TIaelMl. That L-0 JAUUIfLUH . J "V. P." write "Since you declare that teii maintain that Interesting corner of the Public Ledoer for the special ufce of correspondent". I enture te send te ou the opinions, net enlv of 'myself, but of a number of Phlladelphians. I feel perfectly free te express these vlewb te you because we have met (ye, we did, although you llen't recall it) nnd our very appear ance proved you lery opinionated. However, It's your sort that makes the world go round anil causes geed shows In It nwnillleAfl w imn. . ,. iice alien writes: -i wenucr wei 'And new in regard te that travestj j you b rra, ppcvca jf i werP t0 B oil iraiisuuMiiiiiiuiiuji, j rc.r lu j ui -ever' or 'Peter Ibbctsen.' Ma; be Mr. field Is all rizht In many wan. anil I scenario even a geed one n mebt dis couraging job until you are known. I'm Mitly amused nt our nsking whether J eer glc people advice. Sure I'm constantly giving advice. Rut no one ever takes It. And mnjbc it's a mighty geed thing they don't. We disagree about "Peter Ibbethen" and "The Four Horsemen," but I won't queriel with you ever your opinions of "The Three .Musketeers" and "Con necticut Yankee.") Alice Allen writes: 'I wonder would ou several questions concerning Jean Acter. Alse, should I ask these questions. would u object te answering them? B. mere or less obliging seu of and I rather think you will out. An hew, I'll take n trr 9 I IP ....nMstfe. i J. frUn jilfwfi Innl in tlin I . ...l ... flwi Mntln ifinlla- ilnoe wflnm I ' uu Hlt " crampcil ntl uninterctIn5. Twice I , fijl01"?" , . u .i....t.... n,M A :,- ' e-ii let imu eccii ler iiruuui ,ivu, uikii ' 'iflmnre because of interest, and the second time ,.T' i,., t(1. !. .,. i... .. ;geAmVV?aTndSna,HlS7em ber of them has come te me a criticism 1 I1",sent t.lmc'' D. d Thl,d,??!rf nle" nle" ef the plav I var 'a criticism' because tin or mcc jcrsa.' If the former I he nil their opinion arc alike It Is tills:'"?. tcn ,,c ml,sf b'cr- Innglne The idea of upliftlhg the community ig giving nnethcr weinnn the chance te set very geed, but don't try te de it by Valentine! ,...,,, the 'sob stuff ' ' nw Tpan last night placing n meie "'And new for the 'Four Horsemen of , "r less inconspicuous part in 'Her Own the Apecalypse: Ajaln speaking for I Meney.' Did jeu see it. Mr. "Ncey, a great number of people let me say; and. if se, what think jeu of .lean that it was cry beautiful, nwe-insplr- 'The above. I bcllcc. was Ethel Clay ing and somewhat exaggerated. The ten's picture, but de jeu knew thnt I American predtucis had belter be care- think little .leim outshone hthel in se ful It tbey'wnnt te held their leputa- far as leeks ate concerned? Rut. then, tien. The people de net want old 1 1 suppose it is the acting and net the wounds opened, nor te be leralniled of Phenal appearance that makes H pic thelr loses. i ture a success. Therefore, though 1 (Wouldn't il he wonderful, or '" m"p,'I ?f n "Jf i J ej'Vi" would it be terrible if everv one could , hav.,,,te han,d ,Vi ,0J' nit 1, f,tl hJ, be pleased? Certainly almost every nd 1KC- V't1 ,,0t thiVk, " ?L J .r one enjoyed 'The Three Musketeers' picture, but I wumj It because it and it seems as if Dumas himself would "as ' fir meeting wth. lean, and, as I- nlne,l with the version nf hU ..terr. .ll IllOJ glean f 1 0111 tills letter. -llC III- T'A Henneetlcut Yankee, in Klnc terests n(e strniigelj . w EAP.C LOOKING AT SAMPLES of WOMEN'S & MISSES DRESSES and WAISTS FOR OUR TALL CATALOCUE ALL MATERIALS SUITABLE TOR TALL and WINTER ' THE Charles William Stores Brooklyn, N. Y. MARK SAMPLES FOR STORE 24 IlAIWICKllrVCffiCO. Anether "Philadelphia First" Is Our Timely Offer of Colonial and Fibre Rugs Fer Summer Comfert All GradesAll Styles All Sizes Greatly Under Fermer Prices Summer rugs are novlenger mere fleer coverings. In addition te imparting a breezy air of comfort they are distinctly decorative. Wonderfully novel and pleasing effects appear in this season's offerings. Crex de-Luxe and fancy Herringbone Crex are shown in many new colorful designs. Deltex rugs present some really exquisite color values, while the sturdily woven Art Supreme rugs will appeal strongly te these who delight in beautiful furnishings. . Our stock of Rattania fiber rugs contains many in the latest pastel shades they are most attractive. In the assortment of Colonial rag rugs there are many pleasing novelties and they come in a newly improved heavy weave, which adds greatly te their durability. Braided Oval rugs (wool or cotton), Demus fiber rugs?, Japanese Rush rugs and ether standard Rugs for Sum mer use. It will be greatly te your advantage te make your selection early while the assortment is complete. Ideal Storage Facilities for Oriental and Demestic Rugs In addition te a new fireproof warehouse w"e have an experienced feice of cleaners nnd repairers. Your Rubs will benefit by a "Vacation" under our supervision. HAIVICKMAGEE Ce. Fleer Coverings' Exclusively for Almest a .Century 12EO MARKET 5T. ... - I a i i . . - - . . aHHflaHaalHaaaBSifP'' W? 'fwjF 'KKKU ' AYOUNGfinan sat talking with Mr. Vail, President f theMmeiicanTei'pphlene nnA Talrnti.rVti. nn mnrnttik attnrrlv hftfnre his death. i-- ... ri "I wish," said Mr. Vail, leaning across his bread deifc,ML'wiihwt,wiVea.yeuhi "1 ' man again . Tcan see mere big pessibtlitieswMtff deYelepm'entjthaiv have been $ . . . Hut there is one Dig new factor 10 recicenwi"' ? r )i 1 .Tall ' M"lt . ww- rr "-'- erfucmtlen be ndepted In all iMtltutle, ef.blgher learnlni" Is tfie iWctf; r, ,Rlctlen of three mere stuntjvte nt.i. tt.f. tCatina. tli bonerartscuol' astlc fraternity of the eellettwss,"'' s " " .. x.7 ygn yft) . -'.-i-'-ftt.. ' ,. irij7,M flre" Inchea ref ,,ahew;' fell U, tktal ,. . .. uill; developed in the past. ... ? i si t.-j.t.: iu wnat is inaci asscu ni umhci. . , a "It stands ever, in that corner " replied Mr. Vail, pointing te a Jiuge glebe, with its familiar continents and island-dotted oceans. "W Americans liayc,new te get ac quainted with the world. Whether we will or net, at last we must get an Understanding ofeur relation te the peoples and problems across the water." , It in a'lirie irMfcufir te meet the lywuzW te which , Mr.,Vail referred. , 'When yen pick up the first Wue'ef Our WttU, you will be imprcMea at' once by two thmp:.the in- ) teniely human and interesting character of 'jttipw tentatieM, tna the fact, that you are being lea tt 'kind the rj in thiixta of world importance. At yeit lese yeunelf in its pages you wfllna your yeur telf saying repeatedly, "Well; forth em time T underitand thtt." . And then he talked of Europe -and of Seuth' America with the' eaiv familiarity that another might talk of Ohie or New Jersey, stating funda mentals of commerce and economics as one dealing, net in world conceptions but in neighborhood con ditions and factf . The world teased te seen' se big and vague, and complex under the touch of his understanding. - ,- In order te gain that easy farnijianry with world conditions and the trend of 'affairs in America a well as overseas, get acquainted with the pages of Our Wyd. In- the first number, new en the newsstands, you-will find many .vivid articles eh ..GENOA..,'':;. and the Europe behind , , Hilairc Bellec, Vernen Kellogg, Alfred Zimmern, ArthurBullard an'd ethers give the picture of conditions in many dramatic articles, with scores of illustratiensand maps. One of the outstanding differences in the plan and scope of Our IVerla U that it is issued in association with Tlie Institute of International Information An organization established fnr the purpose of sending promptly, te it members, all the ascertainable ' 'facts they may desire regarding Cuvtrnrntnt, Industry, Finance, Scitnee, Etonemit), Laber, Rihiien, tiritulture or Busineism fact each sidrand phase of human progress -in any country. It malti hrcwdly accessible a grear nun of liUmii knowledge hrretefrtre available te bttta''sel?ct few. The Director of the Institute is Dr. Wallace W. At weed, President of Clark University and formerly Pro Pro feseor of Geography at Harvard. , ' v " , . - ' " -a m m geed, but will minils et the Arthur's Court' was very it remain Ions i the people? "IJy th? 'nny, de jeu per sUc people nilrUe? If m, weulil jeu she me your iIpws en these courses in t.cennne writ ing, particularly for original sennaries? Htaff wrltliiff iloesn't leek tinptlns ,cneuRh wr U it better? Could jeu if commend such n online?" fl'm serrj I ran't discuss the met its nnd demerits of the rnrieus teurscs in Mrenarie writing. Iut 1 will pay thnt they should he nppteached ery cnie fully. If you find nn institution thnt 'can point te a number of tenlly Mie- esaful pupils. It will piebnuly be weith while te try U. Then. ni piirh InMl InMl tulleu'. And eet with one wiiirh nl'e , inaintninR a .".nlc (le)nu tinenl. for jeu will find the busiucirs nf deposing of u I've noticed joiir'epinion of Valcn- ' tine has hanged. I'm Kind nnd, like jeu, 1 nope lip succeed, no i lrjing haul enough, -nnjwnj. I think many people are tee eager te i enilemn him. With jeu, I voice the plea: "The boy la yeuinc: she him a din nee.' "Didn't he put up a Klorieii"- light in 'Mernn of the Lady Lettj'? Gehe! I thought he was pleivlil. We'e found him te be n leulnt he-nun. after all." (Veu're ini'taken : nij opinion of Vnlentlne hasn't (hanged. I hne tald from the ei stint t lint I thought lie lind let- of talent nnd I en0 piy ltlgli pinlse te his w-eil, in the first pnrt of "The Pour Horsemen." but I feared from his neit Micreetllnc pie- tutcd that lie was belli" i-peiled Xe one has watched ills work with mere in cl IFURNIT.URE OF THE BETTER KIND; is J TA m & w n - V ft ft. BIGGEST BARGAIN IN PHILADELPHIA n t i fixacti) aa illustrated. Any pirce sold separately. 3 pieces, living room suite covered witrTtnpestry. a m t v raleur or combination, Tjith hair filling, priced this TW Mil II II Ctllitt it mtititmnit apn il he convinced tdrauin and reck. Illnlnr lleum 1-urniliire In f orrrAuendlnely t,e Walnut nnd Mliegany r'rlien. at rib Hmut tl RiifenMer. ririitntt Integrity, Qaality and Fair Dealing, hr which hanirtit tl tttiifiti ifitemrrt in Ph'ileitlpli'w and vicinity uill veach. ifiMfi&eifsneiderQ Sen itimmufmetttrtri Cuttem-Mad Furniturt All Geed Guarantttd ,'. 3UW-2I Seuth Ninth Street, Belew Walnut, Phila., Pa. itjUte M4vraf Till IVM,rfM Aula TrMfk VtWrrrx In JPhlla. a4 Tlclalty I"' i L . T " . iniaiiaaaaaaaia im i - a WWili L w IW.H L "iL" ETAB(.HED HINCK 1US t . - 'H"M lltt --'ll t k miJ, v, -bT, hkk ?! k ;-r All News Stands OUR WORLD ti V. ' ''& t m tea 25- ,' JIT II ' I Cents a Copy Herbert S. Housten, Publisher ' SPECIAL CHARTER-MEMBER SUBSCRIPTION OFFER Pin a dollar bill te this coupon, and mail it today. Your subscription and membership for four months will start at once. y 1 'f "It 1 v i II n Housten Publishing Ce., Inc., 9 East 37th St., New Yerk City I accept your xpecul offer and enclose One Dellar for 4 months' Charter Membership in the "; Institute of International Information and the next 4 issues of Our World (monthly;. Name Address The usual price of the magazine is J53 per year and Membership in the Institute is $1 per year. l.Sl At ')$ i PHOTOPLAYS .raOTOPfcATSl rHOTOrLAYS- t The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of earl showing of the finest productions. Ask for the' theatric in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Com pany of America. , . . APOLLO IZXt ft THOMPSON STB. MATIMJi: JJML.V EUGENE O'BRIEN In "TIIF, I,AT HOOn" ARPAHIA CHESTNUT Del. 10TH rtlAVAl-MA je A. it. te lfllT M. RRfllN.U nMIKRR rRODt'CTION "POVERTY OF RICHES" AQTriR EiaiiTit . oiRAne avenue fJujiJi tArIl:: daily llh. 2!!t MeilrftL AlUrhulrr. FftmaflN Cond. Hepe Hampton in "Star Dust" BALTIMORE 'iT $ ?AItM?,.f RUDOLPH VALENTINO in "Tin; emm;kint. row r.n" nt irCDlRI" Hreil k Sn.quhinn 131Vjn.DllL' t'onllnueu '. until It AGNES AYRES In "StRM RII.FACK" I IRFRTY cneAD t Columbia, a v. MAE MURRAY III "HKCOLK ALUtS" ORIENT Woodland A. at OVd pw l riVBll HAIL. 1 MAY MacAVOY In "THE TRUTH AIIOLTIHHDADS" OVERBROOK oteHvlSfflfw,n POLA NEGRI In "IXTBinUK" DAI APP 13" MARKET 8TUEET t lut-WC 11) a M in 11:l.-i P, M. RICHARD BARTHELMESS In "TUL'AIII.K I V 1 1)" BROADWAY 5 ny p A. ' 'THE FOUR HORSEMEN OK THE APOCAIA PSK" CHOCOPIC -ADITOl K' MARKET BT. CArl l yJi te a. m. te line p. ji rn.NK TJ.eiT PRonuqTtex "The Man Frem Leit River" r rfl rMI AT 0ln- MPloed Avaa. I COLUlNl fL. SO. 7 and P. M. neRQTUV nLTO ft UUMIA1I ,.VtM. in "A FOOL'S PARADISE" FAIRMOUNT ATsTit MAE MURRAY In "I'K.COCK ALLEY" chocolate covered Uff-bit rare -C tifel cQmpare I -ffll pey PHILADELPHIA ICE CREAM THEATRE Balew Spruea MATINEE DAILY 56TH ST. CONSTANCE BINNEY In "THE t'AHE OIT IIKCKY" I WHEREVER PHILADELPHIA --IC5 CREAM SERVED IS inn great Northern ."a-, WpW. .,xm etiujt (iinnniiifH "The Flower of the North" minCDl AI "' ' WALNUT 16. lIVlrC.rIrL. Mat. 2.80; l'.vn. 7 A tt "THE FOUR HORSEMEN ' 01' TUK AP0CAt.1PBE" k&tevfMssl 1.1m mm. -f& IISU'5,'..tkrtr.eW 'sfMU' ITADITAM CHESTNUT Abeva BROAD KAKLlUn Ply, 11.10 A.M., te J 1.10 P.M. RPTPrKlT MKUT ST. Belew 171 K -'J-'lt 1 10 A. M. tn u I. M. GARETH HUGHES In "l.l'ITI.i: EVA AMt'liMW" RIALTO UEIIMA.NTOWX A K.SUt. VT!kl!S SI. LIONEL BARRYMORE In "IWOAIKRAMI Bl I .L" SHERWOOD M&. WWtii BETTY COMPSON in "im: uw ave tiii: wemx" ' STANI FY MAnwivr at iuth NORMA TALMADGE In "LOME'S R1CI1KMPTION" MARKET AtKH. I6TH 11 A M. te 11:13 I. M. STANTON 4llN PAHIK III "THE PRODIGAL JUDGE" 333 MARKETB8In57,7ftBaAPr,if lErtL II. IIK MII.LK i-BiHirr TIO.N "SATURDAY NIGHT" VICTORIA "Tv". CHARLES RAY In "R. H. VP.' GRANT 40th fit Girard Ave. MATINEE TODAVl KVtiH,, 61SO1 9 I, M. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in 'The Three Musketeers' I rtfrThcNiX6N.rJlRDLtNGEJi I UJ .THEATRES PFI. MriMT.620 ABOVE UAIUt Jin.lilVlWl 1-'1.:8 and 8D0I S W( DOROTHY iiAi.Tev.x. rnNRAn NAM A FOOL'S PARADISE CEDAR tfOTU A rV.TiAR AVI and 7 and ft RUDOLPH VALENTINO! in "MORAN 01' THE LAUV IJSWV'J ff lOPI llf UfaLal 1t. fiSthAl LULiaCUM T'V, I 7 r n R "A FOOL'S PARADISP I'ne.Nv ht. t einAnp, JUMBO "A mf&S, AWAKENING 4iiiir lunr. nn Prinlaerl prriAl. C'AT i LFAnFR',t!sT .ANCA8TKI4 L.U..ALVCr ...30 te 1 SO. 7 W II fv MAE MURRAY M In "PEACOCK AUJit" 4 I OP! CT Ku ANIl LOCUftT ?Trj L.UIU31 vat. I'Sn.n.oe l'.f -?Ji unanriiv nurnv a rnvetn NAS ....... .. -" -":"".--, "A FOOL'S PAKAUUsViiil NIXON f,vD ND UA,,5T fiJ ALICE LAKE . In '"rIB (.OLDEN OM'T" RIVOLI i-a .!- nivflnir sTTs'! 1 ftO and Hi fl 43 taSI-nl "ten Night.' in a Barroom"! fiQTH ST " ''i.'' tw luiiivrnv iUitiiv rnviltn NAM ... .. . .. .... -.. - --- n.mmM "A ruuLa rAiuuwci ! , a. a. . niM I., nt VanslltM I S I KAINU "v- " s&Mi t jai DOROTHV nAT.TON IIINRAR W . "A FOOL'S PARADISI AT OTHER THEATRES. MEMBERS OF M. P. T. 07A AMRARSAnnR rialthr.a,, .,, .t jiitti. IHIWIIWIIVVII ( linllll. t.1ll tn 11 1Af - UtUKUfc AKLUS5 ( ... ... . J" i'UINRAEM" Nut Hfl -XaalmaTa lu "A Hall'. IUiim'' w-s r H$t Germwitewn ".a,B55A, MARY PICKFORD Is) ."iinw tORb t.U'MLKRUl" , In "ty Sth DsupM" i"ri"jm Ifl miiu nnVUnP0'l junn wuiRimw"j In ".'HE fXWCH KATB" JEFFERSON PARK mD08.f niiir KVK ll GEORGE ARUSI i.. MlflMUAhLI" .T. T7r.ri , pj ' r IsMalaaai'. 'irr-lr.'ij;ii 'ri!1) &uib,A'XVi. T?Ai'?il ;tii ,,,,' ;itM., 'jaai J-j.-a.l .'. VwM' '4M! VI