fifES -. Wi i7.Wfl j- 'i - ti w &$& '' H.--T rmiSJSKl V v '. r lf - .,F"" -ggji-L, ttaaaakaWaV -''-.. i irarv!&r7 s ;,;HrtWf.- : vi fj k..rSmVgeKZJ-W(,i? ,'.?"r I p " ' f miMMI.'llrMllXWHMl.i :ATiWH Mwav-fV l5fi rv M ll'W 1 tf , ' w u f W5fflfMar J S ' V. ,lft' Stl'fV'M - ' : "i v- -i ' i r lii m Mm 'in Hi ii i ,. 1 ,w S1 r . ,t j .( j . j JOvM'Beltes of Old Days ? et ffv xiiarP afcsaaat aH 'Wxy m.m, n 1 '- EJCTJUA l J.-WIPJM.11 I'Hl JM ti , II II '!'' r '?Mlt P a":I'aaaa .i'Ji'i:, t'JIMMF JtaPia1'Paar'taPJPp PaP PaV !& " at1 u. . ., T 1 . i' ti iwii -' -. .. ..- .t , , .., v vttavvrM.r'Yy.tts,'r;My . ,. .' .it7 i M i ."....j. '.''A,,. .. ..,'. ',, ......,-. ... , ' 'UirMil1, llf ) " I 1 i" fu ii,il ,,',,,U. r-r-rrtTzrrrrir-i MMiB;tn'tfuriirfiii5 '--f nuA-uvti ' aavw-ai'tt..;,uva i rinrnri nntirrr II llll'M aMii. a IlLU vIlL'll Irr'fl TImi! ruiunLuru Sin MM-MbIJII .vJ&$ OMiftwm .n-4i".' ir - (..! ,i ii.wV ' v J "J . mmm W ngii inifiii nninin nu luicUniJiL'ii: OLD Wi v y- j-lv '.'' v : ... ib,v i". .w - i, i. V f v .. . ' :- ,v MJ S,-L PtirelrnanHc aptu r ji U.'Wl'lLL.lV M Br HiiSVpoinferi-, tiC ' . - r PaEMYRElBllHa &prlttoref hep.Offir Held- pipMn -lAnywinnx teu . ,DoriTtiSheot" y. '. j. . i ' .. ? fiftata' bandita. whose -.Angers i mlriC. OI OHIUUC1. BBKil rfK OermanteW avenue', .at 10 'o'clock $SfvA eGHu 'beyMtkt-the whccl;eW mltt& n'hi'i daughter Sarth were fiiwiced'by thVweafrbna of the nerreua 'jtalr;W;fjdpw, yelled 'JMufVlerl Pe ,Y',IICtI nQlQ-uni; nu lug wuuiu-uu ruu-, E'kni'boUed;fr'6m,the,itero without anj; &'. j, v ? ' ( Mt'The lcltetncntcrnmmed' minute in ?ffi&Jiit. -iJ!. .,i.;.'i.-,v ., i jWDIcnne luiue pamup ecuurrcu vm 'iwrpMi, dj me )vim,nint et tne tour irliiildlta'iierth in Germantewu avenue, r Jgf flHMgHgKKKKKKKKKKKKwv 4' ggggggggflpniggggggflrV a ggggggm, ri-?E v v'-"rtggftjfi J inn ! VV V0 ! m riweurmi, .ihmii. or major vRMd .Will Milgnatt Chelc. "r 4wr?,,T, ' . , jdiffisiBLsii-i WMjvjivfir ftUSS SARAIt SPIEGEL , -Who' WM'lij her father's Jeyrelry . store,, 2015 Oemnntewn jwenue, today .When tht'ee youthful bandits . attempted te' re. the place', but , were scared eff 'by her. mother's 1 . " screams ThAy shetawhlrzlngiaftcr them, and the yWptare' 4Te;)ulnutes later el two of the Kir-.Twe weikal'aW tedar SlprVl'n .c.., .ii.. j a - :.T-V r.rrr. . I'wap qmcreuvpj screfni jeutns wne oeta a .tray et cneap rings and es ee., At w o'cieck, teaay, aieacl was store VSIAmSETWIN"ST.EBSv. j ' .NQWBOtHiUNGONSCIOUS . j i Operation Only,- Hep'a ' for Other . V 'Wrr On; Dlai ' '' 1 rCWeaf,;March29. (ByA." PJti ueata etmiurncu in mi sapaewa et int hesnital re6m today, 'where He Tesenta Pand Reka'Biax'eW.1 who. were joined, at blrthand have been called 'the' Blames twlnsI'-They, continued inlivlrlually an' unconscious state. '. " , - Thedeng (considered, operation te sep arator the sisters Is contlnfecnt.'ent the death of one, which, physicians hare said, would mean the death'ef the" ether; Should jfosepfa die of the yellow' jaunr dice, which has ytricken both, Resa might possibly live two or three days, but death would be certain without an operation, the mental effect of which is the' greatest1 problem. Each of .the , Hitters has individual hani-t. luncH and 'stomach. Joseefai J who. was stricken first, is most desper nteiy ill. ' ine aisease cemmunicaicu ie Resa., , An. iltnm Vina hoen at inn twin' bedtilde-ready te write their wills should they become conscious. Resa's twelve-year-oldjsen.rFrantJ, and the mother's brother, Frank..are atvtheJ;bcd8lde., WIRTH'SSTAND MAY FORCE SUPREMECOUNCILSESSION ALTER WJUHW TO RUN Attemiy pnf i( ,1 loe ml n m 'Large aiCofpp're'rriitt. Caridl-j v dat te Proriiet Harmeriy' ; t ' ' , By OEORGENOX JKeCAJN 'Attorney 'General Geerge A.'! Alter has yielded te' the advice! jefrtefcdi and will become n candidate f?r the Governor ship provided; the-request fer1 him te de se comes xrem tne associated leaders, who are regarded, generally speaking, as the regular Republican organisatien' of the State.'. , . ' '. - r. There still 'lingers the .hope that the oinervcaneiaates ter uoverner, wite perhapB one excepttenv.wllt, withdraw; It would"1 be' mere .agreeable and-would simplify tee would with draw infavr 'of ' a1 compremise-candl 1 date. But thlsseems, almost unthink able after itbn declaration, of.Glfferd Plnchet' and the firm stand taken by Jehn 8. Fisher. - ; ' Mutual distrust and suspicion of, each ether, iwith fear tbatanyiactien's. can didate who mar obtain, the nomination .would devete hisiencrgiei solely') toward strcngtnening that tactien's nands, are the great" stumbling blocks te a settle ment., A , The' solution su(geste4'ia.that a com cem com premlso candidate be 'agreed upon and that between new and tne' final date for filing nomination papers tthe ether can didates 'Withdraw in the Interests of neace and a united nartr. ' It will matter Tery IJttle then if an other candidate or two Persists in re maining in tne neia. A no entire power of the organization will be concentrated upon one, candidate leatlng, the. recal citrant candtdate te gather up Abat votes be can en the outside; ...V ' i. " ',',.7. AVJ.i1ff fi. tl ' A . I miJA: 'rm j is n iKp&oreu$wrimm,7:l un in mmm 2' Ke'presehtativta of "Britain and , North and Seuth Ireland Meat in Londen n H i I I "-WT V, V J-t-t . . aa.-11 rinteneenr ueeunas PrtltnA Sun ' Respbrieibllitytttew, , reH7 H'dmfit.e ttidley Park and Prospect Park DebHte Flappers Versus Grandmother. K Lene Man Gets Real Inside Depe j W " "'' 'i'j.rl 'r -j . amass taw i Regulations V v ' .Tiai rSStW ter;and narked the tne. TiThWi. hrnrtft fhnmnlnr with (scHamiitf ithrtfir bMtlftiVeatha strolled r,mwiy,Ui they i could toward 'the .TBe. vekth 'In' the lend hail his' hand STelMed'oveVlth'e'.bultfof a revolver hid". wen m apeckef. -lle puslicd .tue deer jad "entered. V followed by two -of his fiJeeapanleris.' 't ;v '' i I. ;? ;r,n" v.un at Uir j. A'M.'Hplefei-aikwl the first- youth ! whtt be wanted. 'lie refilled bJerkinir K?'6uf the. revolver abd aiming it-at the MHA M.HM ..Auji. 1.11. ... . ... . 1 fey i"V." " wmie wi4incr two mnuc It WiMeWieM-up bis hands. ' ' M.. 'Vt commotion'. wifrcd by the would weuld $tii?.'r"!P0M "nd nn,.lhveluntary Try from G' H.?, HplegeP warned the jewe!erH wife. S D tlOOKCd lnte'thc sterp. sprenmr.i1vrnii PJipstalrs'und climbed edt en the window m -? wrcauiing, rer Help. t? nrlstnnn. tin, nliimk.. i.. i i Mthe thrcer of the' robbers. He ran te K,.,rn51Ja!:(,. v"Hed,n fence, and ran TV around Aemi ktroet. tn i.""e yelling fer'afd " W S2f nJ"e'the young bandits dc- .J".. ': nB inny heard- Htp fcljl COMES, IN TOMORROW "If -the proposed new traflc. orfi erfi nance'la my brain-child,'- aa Couicil Ceuicil Couicil iasfcnjTen'.Tagen says, ,'i; fall' te sec sec egplie lt,"..said,ffuperAtendnt' of Po Pe lice 'Mills 'today, 'incjmmenti'ng of Mr. yen Tagen's'.i statement' that In con cen deegning .the 'measure Mr'. Mills was "disowning his own child." "The, baby, has a new dress ion and haa Ha hair bobbed," said Superintend ent, Mills. . "The" traffic control feature of the. newerdlnnnee I recegnizers my idea; That's all. I repeat the proposed new measure will dead t? hepelesa con fusion.", . , The measure will be. introduced In Council tomorrow by. Mr. von Tagen. a YOB S' (HHI...1'. VI T . ' i.""' ncartr flirs. HIST1 B,ulcrics. Persons Were pass &.S5: S'u?1"8 and tbc youths feared the, -"-"'".irappca. kV, ' 1.,Uh" 0u Waving Guns ? , .? bnndlts'rnn'frnni the fttnM 1,-1.1. fe 5m. riniV0JTer" Me then'' They , U6in. the Jewelry S ,,USe bUP r ir iriiirniiTi nwi E &... . .. ,, " nun ICI' we -,nLT,readl A flourish of Pnaalzlns thn nnnn..t youth started the car. tbe ether tmi.i. i vVnV..w,,(l race P Oermantewn ' - UVAHlli W : Rar6lman rounded thn corner VfcSL Ver.H etet. He fired several tmuiib in a a .ii. - . . : " If ha-apL'TO t0 w - .ill t tW "tl.i i ' '"V .i'ii,vi,.l!f. , "Meat -Allla'aHiTerrna 1 Paris. Iprph 20. (Bv Ai Pj)The Allied 'AinMrtc Council J?Jelyt,ta meefagni lh the 'neariiturt, ItMs believed "herc.fasn result of the Ger man Chancellor's ( refusal -,of the condi tions attached by the Reparations" Com mission -te the " partial -. mera.t6rwin granted "Germany en Her reparation payments. . . , Toe main- complications are' involved; It is believed', te permit of an dgrecj ment en n plan of action being reached through the Allied diplomatic represent tatjves nnd.'it is thought Premier Poln Peln care'wlll be obliged te. content te a meeting of the Supreme Council. French stnnl-efBilal opinion is that ClinncclIer'WIitli has lleen Obllped te switch his position in elder te maintain his majority, and "that he 1ms breemc thoreiiahly cenfmltted te resistance te the Allies. . ' The moment )M- new iiriiree, in ti.e opinion of rcpaiatlen cliclcb for a final and definite, decision- en the reparations question'., A sharp conflict Is antici pated ever tlu) prospective French de mand 'for energetic measures, which it ls'ekpccted'Grcnt Britain will oppose. . Funds' the Real. Problem There is subject' of vital inter est that has Jn a, metsure been taken care of. "It will help, fiave the way toward an adjustment ef-the guberna torial , Situation. . It la that ;of cam paign funds" , ("'a,' - ' T The self-effacement of Jehn A;. Bell and the recognition of the leaders ac ac ac eorded',Maier,'DaWtt'f i&f, Reed for United States BendtOr hate selvcduhat proeiem. " , Heretofore Jeienh'Ri Grundy was the sbmmisssismi n?nei MAniMii Ihef AI . f.MinrT n ablovte finalice.jtr. FIsKeKs campaign,. " DIDN'T CALL HIS SHOT Man intended Bullet for Friend, but '"It Struck v Wema'n As n result of an argument with automatics hetwecn Michael Dattarle, 713 Squth Mnrrine htrect, and nn nc quaintartcp.4Vne-cBpeu. in, m "" mfiit, 'Dttnrie 'wan held Sunder 51. 00 v If- I-.. m - alfes an'hinl" tere tt,(?n6' be"t , forty ether .d?1' narrowly missing an Stmu.'M"' c,rew'1" Germantown Swat Tr.ffi8QnCilnVn8-At Diamond his Lif?ffic ynt'elmanKecnan had M,?RMnst northbound traffic the bandit car approached. . Then They Talie'iie Heels, ' unA .u fu'tjvcs kept going, however ft aS?2i.lwM?ff reveVTa " th T" T l"i iitin, ,, i'' n,clhaC-MmteK.dere, nl thc P'treL IV "g&cV?fSdri.h.?-i!.hore.ufb'y frightened W i.5S. " .Dauphin street. -li.r he b hTCii reun,ded t!.;'ner a most en k TB8:nA 'M c?8tVenD.nhln IIHnMtil.. a" . ., . ---,. MUDIU LUC fia?-yJ,.5?h almost en " lH rvaa, ft netirlsli nf rni-nl..... .. invni, nnnriu 'nn uiiu ..". V...WW Phsslilng the ceminnnd Thl rL?m,r lall-4y MegUtrate .Ceward today, yeuih .in...i .1.. mmn.m1, fourth .-.-b.! i .h RlmetlnB Mrs. Mar c Ma- i f"JJ" " "'? cr, me etners tumbled . ''"nm. u.. . . n.i.. .i,.,.i ( nu'UhBWJit! co P Oermantewn '"'C d "his frinul beVame. em- ---.., ,.-',,- ... t ... -Menl, 1.1. nreneii 'in iv uiuuh-h)' .. .., which had te de with home subject which ho.canriet new recall. ,Un. Mw- ratio was' standing nearby wncn one et thc six Shots tired hit her in tue tnigb. TEETH MARKS ON DEAD BABY Police Surgeon. Examines ' Mether and Declares Her insane' The badly bruised body of an eleven- day-old 'girl baby was, found Inst night en the' third" fleer of her home et .11(V- Columbia avenue by Detective 'Farley? Police Burgeon W. 'T. "McDen ald examined the metner, .Airs. Han nah B. Daly, and drclarcd her Insane. Marks ou the baby's body seemed te be ''teeth marks," the doctor said. . The .mother was, sent te thc PhUy dolphin -General- Hospital -and '.The father, JSdward J. Daly, .was held as a -material witness, . -. DOOMED DESTROYERS HERE . . ' ,- "" , Six of Fifteen te Be Dismantled Are at Navy Yard, r Thc first six of the 'fifteen dertrejers nrvWerl tn Din Phllndclnlila Navy 'Yard for. dismantling arrhed here this afternoon.-,, They are the Leary, Caldwell. Kimbcrly. Higeurney, titrnngham und DlvlsloniNe. 15, Includlngihe Htock Hteck Htock ten, 'WAdswerth, Manlcy, Cenner nml Craven, is anchored, at Marcus Heek and will come up .the river tomorrow, while division Ne.,4,, Including the Al len, Davis, Rewan and Shaw,, is, at Tlntcum Island. . ' DR. B'AKER HEADS W. AND j. First Executive Net a Presbyterian Clergyman ! Inaugurated Washington, Pa., March 20.-r(By A. P.l Dr, 'Simen Slraude linker. ,or Plttsbiirch. was iwlay liiniignrated, turnty-nfth president uf Washington nml .Tetter urn College. Dr. Baker, a grailuaie fiein W. and .1.. 1 the ilrnt uxecullve In its 1'J.i years who -was net. taken from the ranks of thu Ihenb) terlan clef gy. ' "f y't-t-ifc.. -if . $ BSB? nr5tbeugntv SvSESR A 7SL -I.,P, put 'unhurt' and iu2i. f esu overtook two of them uiiUn'Vi.i., ... ;' --iL l vmuing ea Para Fall r'.l...nn rr..J , - l I ' T "" "! Association, which has contributed se signally 'te thc success ', pnsti cam paigns, la looked upon, te fayer-in. simi lar fashion any 'candidate, upon whom 'Mr. GruiujyiMta president,, places the seal et nis approval; . . But this 'Is changed new. , The Intercuts behind Majer Reed will t - r - p ! a. . , .urn . Cont1nad;en rn Ftoer, Clumn Three UTOpiAt'ANDMACKEY! Candtdate Paints Resy Picture If He's Elected Governer Utopia was .pictured' bv Harry Jinckey, candidate . Ter liotcrner. in telling the. Pennsylvania League of Women Vetcw what lie would de if elected. In the ideal State, he IMened. tin1 lellllflnn would be'&auelchcd. r'n.' tn- paer would ecefce, Rreanlng under Jrgil trlliitc. and women, equally with men, would bold thc reins of u mild, ji sithtcd government.' Replying te fifteen questions sent te all candidates 'by 'the Pennsylvania League; Mr. Mackcy read the mere prljliclan out of thc scheme of gov gev eminent. "I would select the'very highest class of (nen dissociated from all political factions or political entanglements." he wrote nt encJ pointy "I- would cheesy men te whom the salary was ih- at traction.' I would lnvlto'lnte my count ells the newbpepcr editors of thc State.'' He declared iiis,Jkbellef that every office lnrthe Commonwealth is open te women. " . ' I M.V.Mackcy .a(d .that he was opposed te thc mercantile tax, that he I-. for a State budget system, and that he is In accerd1 wU" all thr policies e,f Statu Forestry Commissioner Pinchot who wents te be Goverper lliiiielf. Op, rs,iAir, wacaey aiw ukb,'s women municipal ceuit' judges in Phil Phil edclphia. and Pittsburgh. ' . Sara Vea-Taxen Errs "Mr. von Taccn errs." Sunerlntend- cpt Mills continued. "Mr. von Tagen and his commlttee walked into my of fice supposedly for a conference en the new' bill, but before anybody could say anything 'he announced 'that the time limit for central city parking was going .te be one hour. "He arbitrarily fixed the time limit and he arbitrarily fixed the zone aise. ins sone extends trem sev enth te Twentieth streets and from Vinci .! .' . . ' ,10 fine. , , 1 , "W.lien l.saw .that nc Had nw mind vinade up, I asked that he allow a forty - feet space along each piecK'wnere cars could mrileadr paescngers.i Te1 this he consented. , .",1,, ', "Mr Ven Tagen seemed te be the whole committee. Merchants will pre test the new measure. The Chestnut Street Business Men's Association is against' it. 'The Market; street ,,mer- and Mr., von Taaen in kenwnjr the. traffic lanes bnen. but from the -werdinir of tuocentrtopiated ordinanccuiagrthet KavV Mill. "Hleaf Ritrmn". ' , Vlfihe Superintendent is. -qOeted correctly,, "said" Mr. von 'lagen; "tne Tnrr,so1utIenJI cant. offer 'for his crlt- Mi' that' he1 has been a naughty boy and new no must cat crew., v "I'idbn't bellevvc the Superintendent reads 'many of the city " ordinances, anyway, preferring thc lun-Amcrican way of making nnd enforcing his ewd law. .But he neMnly'rcad this trnf, ftr erdinance: but it' is in, great degree his ewn'chlld.. ' ' ' "T personally mbpiltted thc ordinance te the pupcrinteniiFnteu.itM completion, and made ether changes te suit him. A. Of course, .F.'ths ordinance is fulr. cquuaeie nun (icnniie. tuc supcnnieiiu ent nrcfers te retain the old unenferce able ordinances se he can substitute his own rules. f "Xe," Mr, Ven Tagen concluded, "he can't disown it. I believe the baby's middle, name is Mills." REPUBUCAARMY PLANS ; , MILITARY DICTATORSHIP ' i Dail Majority and Cabinet Atkc te Order Suspension 'of Political Campaign By ihe Aiserlated Press .Londen, March 2ft Tim conference between representatives of Nerthmen and Southern Ireland and tire British Government began 'this morning ,thc dif.ciisoien.of, thc Irish crisis with much official secrecy.' . u Tiie conference was probably the most thoroughly representative .held InvLon InvLen InvLon den' Plnee the earliest days of the peace negotiations; and it was the first time the ISerth and the Seuth bad been brought together in a formal conclave of 'this kind. Thc leading representa tives were: 4 , ' -Fer Northern Ireland Sir .Tames Craig, the Ulster Premier, and the Marquis of Londonderry, Fer Seuth Ireland Michael Cellins, head of the Previsional Government, and, Arthur Griffith, president of thc Dail Elreann. . - rer thc Imperial Government Win Win seon Churchill. Secretary for the Cole nies, who presided, and) Lord Birken head, thc Lord Chancellor. At the conclusion of the raernlnz ses sien no word was given out as te the proceedings et the conference. . ' Tbe modern' girl scored n victory ever the old-fashioned girl of grandmother a period Ih n Hrejy debate last night at the Ridley rark.'fclreihen's clubheuae. ' Victory came te tbe modern girl, however, only 'after ahe had been sub jected te a galling barrage from-the opposition. Hertare some, of the ver- parsneus teat were cxpioeca beuui u ied hair: tSa employs any means te get a -x y f "The boy ar boasting that if tbey meet a strange girt at 0 o'clock in the evening tney can guuraiuce te kips ucr before midnight." ' "The medernrgiri nnu better cmpiey the muscles .the. iimsI te swing golf sticks te push, a broom."v V "The 'modern girl dotes en midnight orgies;' she smokes, swears, carries a flask, attends petting parties, Ih arti ficial al) therway through, and doesn't euro a rap about tradition, which Is thc background of successful home life." It was some' barrage, but Miss Mod Med ern: Girl' came through only a trifle shell-shocked, and the Croix de Guerre was pinned te her frock. '"' Pity a Lene Man It was a lurid evening especially for 'the lone man present. Frequently as the subject et mere modern man was handled without glees by thc fair de baters, both pitying and contemptuous loeka were turned in his direction. He ClubJ argued for the affirmative, while Miss Anna Thompson and Miss Klva Ifatel, of the Prospect Park Juniors Club, upheld the negative. Miss Shorter opened the debute for the affirmative. "They talk about the old-fashioned girl," she sneered. "Well, let's take that old-fashioned lady known us Helen of Trey. She rouged and were her shoulders bare. My. but she was the brazen one! Modesty Evidence' Lacking "Let us take a leek at some of the old paintings, showing thc women of the dusty past. These old-fashioned dames were conspicuous for their lack of clothing, and their faces revealed the nrcsence of cosmetics in generous layers. If modesty reigned in these long-age days,, these pictures give no evidence of it." Miss Thompson came first te bat for the negative. She were black-rlmmcd tortetso-shelt spectacles. "Thc modern girl," she said, "is materialistic; she revels in midnight crgies and considers it nn honor te be drunk. She wants excitement at fever heat and adepts any means te get a man. "The old-fashioned girl was a nor mal being: the mdtlcrn girls is an atroc ity and ! artificial from her com plexien te her powdered 'knees. She doesn't care n rap about tradition, fa? aV a JBaaVA IMillAIHI squirmed in his heat, but held his 1 which Is the background of every de- Kreunu. um.n. juuiij uiiu uiu, i cent home t CROWD SEES GIRL l-EAF? TO HERD,EATH "a Wolf aenr Mumps Inte River Frern, Qlrard Avenue Bridge daTisuTaSW80 nineteen, years uteletf i?ire-em.e. net'- committed .Si . SK'ati?. 5? cck today by jump &lSSt,lii?,r5rl wageWatT into wiei,ir,U3r,k,H B,Tr while a crowd (eeed powerless te afd her. TTltneSBeil .amv ih. i.i ii. . ., i StSSfSSSs!lt."S it red beSeVth '.hi CH."""." 'W, fct rem the ihereV ' ",,WB 0,'us- V-v'j0?0 0Rt contained the girl's iV a' Siiy d1d,"'' M. lther Smith! bem cmiiuui, mj.iiig wuere siie was t & ftl. K t. WL 'l4vi!i' 'IS thr"'t,!nVd te take her life 1StHmifii"ih.i "wjiy," said Mrs. tattttJi ' Vau want.ia. aaykSaa-MLA MuaUjai McCON NELL STILL ABSENT;. BOND WAITS TO BE SIGNED i Lawyer Says Indicted Politician - Won't Be 'lack Today William' C. McConnell, former Stntc prohibition director, tinder indictment for participation in the recent rum scandal, fulled .te .show up. today nt the United States Jtterneysi office in thc Federal Building. ,. ' According te his ntterne.v, Geerge S. Uutf.cH. he Is net expected from Flor Fler ida until tomorrow or Friday. Mr. Ilufs.cU put up n $10,000 bend for Mi'. McCeunell's appearance. Thc ferrilcr State Senater himself must sign it alto. Jacob G. Slenakcr, former group head in thc enforcement office here, who was among the forty-six' indicted, put up $5000 today, for his appearance. Rob Reb ert R. Williams, 202 Knst' Taber read, and Martin McGrnil. .101 Pcnn street, Tninaqim, put up ,f 2000 each. Dublin. March 20. (By A. P.) Thc convention en Sunday of revolting members of the Irish Republican Army debated the question of declaring a mil itary dictatorship, but deferred action thereon, says thc correspondent here of thc Londen Star in n dispatch te his paper. He gives 03 bis authority a state ment issued trem the llczgara' liusn barracks this morning, which eays the proposal before the convention was te overthrew all Revernhicnts In Ireland opposed te a republic. Republican members of the -Dail Elrtann at, a meeting here, yesterday adopted n resolution proposing im mediate suspension of the nelitical campaign In Southern Ireland In order that, the tactiens may unlte te "Cempel rcssntien of the murder of Catholics In Belfast." t ,The resolution declared that .the ,dl vision the Dill,eunlry was caused solely by the' proposal toeccept the ,Algle-TrWh trentyT rnid'askciT 'ihat the Dail. Cabinet and."thc majority in the 'Pall Elreann proceed no further .with their campaign, inllewlnt: public attention te become concentrated en the situation In. Ulster. i"'; Owen O'Duffy. chief of ihe staff of tbe Irish Republican Army, has issued a statement decreeing that all officers and men are relieved of tiie responsibil ity of obeying orders given by any su perior officer who severed his connection with thc nrmy through attending thc "irregular convention of laBt , Sun day, or who recognizes thc se-called Executive Council elected by thc con vention. Cerk Dclf?ate Opposes Action Thc statement says the Cerk delegate opposed n dictatorship, declaring thu time te take such a step had been when the treaty was signed and net new when thc army was tumble te carry It out. Finally it was decided that the res res res olutten should be submitted te thc exec utive as a recommendation, and that the executive should give its ceusidercd opinion at the next convention, te be held April 1). It also was authorized te suppress thc elections, if it thought such a course advisable. Tbe delegates argued that the ques tion of finance need net trouble the movement, as money could be had for thc taking. Thc Nationalist press could be dealt with by commandeering I hi ma chinery or using the sledge. Thc Dublin delegnte proposed with drawing the republicans from thc Irish Republican Army, as every man leav ing the ranks would bring his. rifle te women old-fashioned nnd ultru-medcrn, crowded the auditorium. The debate was en the questien: "Reselved: That the modern girl Is an improvement en thc girl of our grand mothers' period." At l" Edith Shurter and Miss Hazel Dunkcl, of thc Ridley Park Juniors'- Then She Sums It tip "The modern elrl Is anemic. In dulges in risque dances, has the ciga rette habit and carries a flask. She gees te petting parties, and no won der the boys are boasting that if they Strul. te Cri.i, in W. lH.t .. 'AflhaiTt -J& : s mpi m4 u CONDITIONS UNFAV0RAW4' TO SUCCESS OF Mlttf . 'Vl'iWysy., ruDiic is unconcerned ana ubw irnmsnt Shew::: Ne Mant&M$f, 'h . yw nf Intstrvanrinn :W v. ...... .v,,..w.. ,j viv)iTr:-m 4M iiiAnirnni nmrrn it ntkskat'. wurtiNcne inicre'Ai ui A. A,' f VnStsVf m?J Continued en Pace Fenr. Column Four THAT FINE HUNDRED-DOLLAR ' LIM'RICK SMILE SPREADS ThisTimcIt Lights Up thc U.G, I. Offices When Harry Bcale, a Bookkeeper, Flashes It Yeu fans have', heard of the minienf dollar Mnllpf-tmt.W you wanna see a hundrcd-del(ar leek, jeu should go thp rounds wlthl-usl' Ami one ef'thp'best we have encoun tered enme from Harpy Bealc, of .1-1 Lyceum nYcnneRoxberoiigli. when we hrerred in and told him about his geed rill" complete Lim'rlck Is as follews: , LIM'RICK NO. 40 There once was a dancer named Mae, Who danced lit a muslral pwi llt'weuld fall," munnured she, ii "If It were net for me I Nil thriUmtnuufrUU make lt,tu" When' the jury bad,glcn the vote te Mr. Beale. we looked him up In the phene book and were overjoyed te llln listed,- iiis wiie. ""jr hciu '- surcd that there was no "brick'' wrap ped up In it. told ua that Mr. Beale is a bookkeeper in the controller's office of the U. G. I. at Bread and Arch streets. Naturally, Friend Wlfe had phoned te anneuncu our. coming, but even se, he was rather Inclined te, be skeptical until he saw our august relf and th camera, all ready te take bltr picture. And then came the smile. Mr. Bcale bad'ne luckIth his apswerabat, pet Wt'dlKWjrafed.1 LAST-MINUTE NEWS ARMY APPROPRIATIONS BILL PASSES HOUSE WASHINOTON, March. CO. Without a roll call the Heuse today passed the Army Appropriation Bill, carrying approximately 0288,000,000 te meet military and non-military expenses of the , War Department during the coming fiscal year. PROBE OF COTTON EXCHANGES ORDERED BY SENATE ' WASHINGTON, March 20. An investigation by the Ted eral Trade Commission into the cause of the preset depressed price of cdtten and into the operation cf cotton exchanges was ordered under a resolution by Senater Dial, Democrat, Seuth Caro lina, adopted today by the Senate Natien-Wide Organization Mi ni.:a,, -j e-'mJl viimwainn anu UV, - r x'li'iT.tiVi by Political Bloc. . Qgfii : JLs ' M'l By CLINTON W.5 OIUWatR'Sa,' S r.iii vwrrraiiaiuirat CTrniiNr i-nmia aeaaawf u. 'M covurteht. itii. bu Public riifnir' rugage' "; Washington, -March 20, -t .ThefM , " """" " :cuii te. eei.Vj: Apni x is tne nigu-water marK efforts of industry te free itpeift'fi labor unionism en a national scaled Just as thc steel strike was,'(af lnber's greatest attempt te cxtejid'.Cij f-elf and consolidate the gains 'whWtV, lind made during the war, se tala?'' thc supreme trial of 'whether uaM labor will be ebln cven te heki tl- 'S ground. It has occupied for the Iast'lairis Si years. . ., -(; :h rri. -i. . tLVi." V.- uiicii-eiiuii Hiucinqni ! ' "'V-T7T7,:W: no an tfatmJ&il national ttrWMfi Mi, 40, GIRL, 14, HELDASLOPERS Wesley Fling, W. Chester, and Eva Smith, North 13th St., Being Brought Frem N. Y. MOTHER MAKES THREATS , Fishing is his hobby, and new he will purchase a regular fishing-red. with all the new gear shifts' and electric lighting sjstem, or whatever it is fishing reus have. -1 Well, dnjhuwt he'll get that, and Mrs. Beale will buy senietnlng loe, which we venture te cuv will net be u fihhlng red. " The nlpe ether , contestants who wen, places en the ballet arc: Mrs'. Lee'Rhenn, 7830 Bulst nve. ; Mra. Julia Hulinc', Mcrcban t v 1 1 1 e, Pa.-j Jeseph Scl igman. 71 West ashlngten lane, Ocrm an town; Jehn Ward, 3801 Leeiifct street: li.Mtrtv uiui.i'l ''ehq Thern ley, tlngfti-ech c, V, Tunnkllffe. Wood Weed bury. N. J.; Oeorge Mjers. 1210 North Springfield avenue, and G. L. Town Tewn epd, HaddouWatitee,' N. j. , friin l.iri'wa lLUJj . ,. ,.r it'-f w- Of tne.reaa fejMaBaBBAtMn IaBaPaPaPaPaW '' mSmmM JPPHKMBeVKj' TaTaLaalaeTS t'entinurd en Tare Four, Column One kern,"home in alTeYtewn, says he'll clear himself Is Expected Soen te Deny Charges In Besch Magneto Sale Allcntewn. Pa., March !?.). Mnrlni K. Kern, who snilcd for Europe In-Jan-uarj'. returned home te Allcntewn last night. He metered from Philadelphia after trending several daja In Wash Wash ing'ten. Mr. Kern was accompanied home by his attorney, Lawrence II. RPP. During his tny In Wahlngtnn. Mr. Kim carried out his nniieiinceil inten tien et cenfcrl lug with Department of Justice officials en reports that no was wautQf) by that department m connec tion with the snip of thc American Besch Magpcte Company. Mr. Kern returned te America Saturduy, looking the uliik uf health. At his home in thc West Eud. he de clined -te Jsmip any statement this morn Ing, but friends say it Is n matter 'f but a Miert tlnm before he will effec tively answer the charges. , It was understood thnt Sir. Kern and Mr. Uupn called nt the Drpnrtnipnt of Justice otfice din hit ihe early part of the week and .titlf-fied theinsijIv.'H Mint nlh jiicrncc m hoi cm-uiiiii ie any i.ncMlgutiuii or iicuriiig tit picsunt -en. iuuplatcd. a -..a--- CARS CRASH; FIVE MEN FLEE Haaty Departure Leads Police te Be lieve Aute Was Stelen Five Tenne men were in a teurine car when it turned upside down early this morning alter n collision at Ken Ken Mngten acnue and K street. All man aged te ,gct from under the machine and ran away. Their haste In departing leads the police te helipvii the car was stolen. lames Jester. IMftll Eaht Pacific street, Inte whose truck the tenrjng car smashed, could give only n ogue de scription of the men. Jester told tnn pollce the accident happened sn unex ncrtndlv and the. men get away se quickly (bat be had only a glimpse of tawa, .s fll JaPaPaPaPaPaPaPaH - ' daPaPaPaPaPaPaPaPaPaPaV 7 ijjjjjjjjjjm , ' v "iBBBBBBBBBBBBBl lflKVe.BVP HRZ't-ii K'l lealBKP S Krk'y wsswk x ffifx'PCi. v k . i wa. s -nwajm m' am - EVA SMITH ILlNGTON RE -, IMPERILS 100 LIVES Eleven Firemen Escape Trap of Falling Walls of Stere Less Is $225,000 BVj. I .i". paHBj.w - sa,-.' 2afHafe..;V'A Kiai8rV. fflkVii tAtm-'A TWO 'SLEEP IN BLAZING BED The snrane un after I lie Anfrnt nf ttie --'-A-"1' !!,.- 1 - li ..lIVil miibu aim as a result ei unempieyaWIC in industry', has become an effeiratav i' tree industry from the national ,aareft l.nii,u mi.,!.,. .nM. ,IiIm1. iL.f.Ak "'"" """ lUll UJIUM IIUHU ' pewcrfut unions in the country?! In coal and the railroads, rest 'til Rail UnleasYleHed MtfiSij , 'ib ininimii uiiiuun iirvilliea' ts uiiu. iiaiiuuui agreements in J and accented u cut 'In vim' man ,risk ,ti)clr position. ThM miners' lenders,' because or 1 within' theaimnif(iMi were.' iu iane ine reursc et aiscre hes-e been 'Jprcettpt', ilia their fii(urlh-fpM etai Tbev arc teua fni-tiinatclt-jn'i Wcn the' rnl'rend workers. dustry.H net fully ergalilxed., A union workers arc able te 'en ineugh coal nt least te satisfy thevfta-vA'', cnt llmitei demands of consumers-F,A 5j strike will net bring about a tfe-uptef ?$ -3 uiiMiiehs ,sucu as n railroad rtriaeW wnnlil Iibvp. ' -." i! Goetl offices efjlic GevernmenLWMtivi.l ...m.I , 1 ..1.1... 1 ..L . .'. i& 4 iivu iu urine uuuut a niinpreiniscpetr;H tween thc, reads and their weriwt2j whlcli saved the faces et the ValtrM union leaders. Hi the coal centtct'lkefcj Government Inclined tejitnnd asklr'eiiAysi tup ground t lint the public Mnteresta ' were net se sharply npd ImmedlateryJ, lllVOlvCll mill let thn IskIic lie' feukVv out. Xe pressure w'ns brought te' beat $ ' 5ji3 upon operators. Xe one was ready' j ie sae inc niccs or i nc miners leaaera. ! They had little chance te compromised t"hl 1f they yielded te avert utrikc they Jn Imd virtually te surrender. ' j,V!S Public, Little Concerned . Mi Tn fnt u'db tlinm n ifpitnt mi -ltraa 4X threatening n key Industry of the ceua- , rkk ii 3 ui vi . i, uiuii iiiu jiuuiii: uua ruuvvu av 'Vrm Uttln cinccrn. '1 The demand for coal last week, evae tM In fiicn nr thn ktrlun nntitallv fll nff ; A fllin ftftfl Inn. ..linu-ln thai- l..l.., is net alarmed ecr the nresmxts eti'Jlf a shortage, mid Is net accumulating a 5 ,m (.ill si ify. supply. ,?na Sprclnl nivmtch In Kvvlne I'ub'ie r.riletr Wilmington. Del.. Manh 2!). I'irt early today swept thc three depart ments of the Outlet Stere Company, causing a less te thc building nnd stock of ?L'00.00(). The Lippluuett Depnrt- I ment Sleie, adjacent te the burned Duiieing, suncrcd a less of ?2.j,000 in damaged stock. The Hie was attributed te defective wiring. The blase endangered the lhes of nearly 100 persons living iu apartment nnd rooming houses iiciirb. While fighting the flames en the third fleer, 11 portion of thc reef fell nnd almost burled Kirc Chief I.ut. nml im ,.n. j I men of Engine (Virnimnv Xh. 7. A mrm- JS 1 M ruck Jiicpli Russell nml Injured his uach- xcrimiH. while William Ljndi hiiffercd u badly cut linnd. The tlrcinen. scn-Inir furilipp .lunm U crawled out windows te n ladder raised I by their ceinqdch below and esenped. """'.' nan nicy none se w lien thc re mainder of Ihe reef came down, cuiiMng a portion of the wall te give wa, which detrejed thc ladder by which the lire fighters escaped. -rPe .'"il"1'!1 b,lll,1l"C located nl ..00-l!. Market street In the heart of the business district. The blaze was brat disceercil bv Trunk r.niinmi.u un.. of William E. r.:itteniiN. living en the ! second lloer of our nnrrtmeiit en TI.Ip.i Eva Smith, feuttecn .icnrs old. the 'street te the nf (lie ilepnrimeiii daughter of Mrs. Sadie Smith. 101(1 , stoic bill ding, lie Imd net wt icllrcd North Thirteenth .tieet. inn nw.iy with und hnd IiIm itttenllen attracted b (he Wesley Kllug, fmtj jenrr old. of West glare of the flumes nt nliinit 1 :.'I0 A. M. Chester, iKcenllug Ie the Midln police, 1 On the third flmir of the apartnieiit Public sentiment lias net been Ieu4 in its expression nud Is generally sup f posed t be ngatnst the iiiiIeiim because t they liuvc refused te accept a cut la) wages which most ether workers hove felt compelled Ie accept. Of course, thc issue, is net .se simple an that treat1. the union standpoint, as the w-erkeraWj. were usked te jive up ether things be-A jjg muu" iiicir jiri-snu rnic tu wbck, nuica seemed vital te their organisatien. Conditions have net been in year mere unfavorable le strikers than they nrr tc- the 'ceaV workers. Public senti ment Js, JfCiiet ncthcly. -atleast pas sivclyugaint tlicin. Thc Federal of tlcluls who hnc usually Intervened ta J liii'vvin. Hirihcn, wiiii me 'remiii mat gj cnniprnmh'cs " have been effected upe M ihn u lmlc fnvnriilifn tn linlnillmn im ' M: keeping their linnils oft. Ne shortage is threatened iu industry. And the unions thi'lpvrs nrc threatened with dl'cusleus und bud faith among their own leader. Farrjngleii Meets Operators! Prank Karrlugleu, thc llljuela mine wurkcrs' leader, Is today meeting Ma v 1. nc co wiiii inc ininniH oncraiers. at ; some as there have been renertatMt ?t he would break the solidarity of tha .V me. union ami end inn national iigrcemenuv l. .n..t l.. .. uA....wnln nAn.Hi.1 ..ll.AKk3 utv iH.iftinj. u cliiMii- vwii.ttirfc nill'Mu.HT opera tern In his own llqid. . fl'tftfi'sj 1'iiirliiL'lniriniH been' H lrnillnr mm.lH,A jvv.:i- A't . UHitaa -j- , fm ent t President Lewis, of thc and Is new being brought l.n i tunn ew eric ny uetiuty uciectivn u. . Smith, et Dclawnre County. Though the girl run away March -1 thn police of Media Kept the story quiet until they located Fling and his joutU jeutU f ul1 companion. They were found yes terday by the New Yerk police. Vling was locked 11 n and the girl given ever te n children's society. The girl disappeared March -1 from the home of lipr elder brother, Jesse Smith, n farmer en the estate of Dr. Edward W. Powell, at Springfield, Del aware County. According te the police. Kllug boa riled with Jcspe Smith, though his Inline is In West Chester. Kilns worked as 11 "tree doctor." and found Suiiih'x home a convenient hendquailers fur the prac tice of his trade in thc countryside, a nine mere man n mourn age, .Mrs. Mr. nnd Mrs. Daniel TIiiimiukmii ....,.,, asleep. The heat uf the flames was se Intense that the window or their bedroom was broken nnd their bed wus set en tire before they awoke. The smoldering bcdclethlng awakened them and both made their way te safety without injury. Chief I, utz was discharged several is age from a hospital after he had been biirird by n falling wall In u fire nt 'SM King Street en Marci I. To Te da.n's fire was the first ene li attended rhicc his accident and he ciinic near suffering another serious Injury or worse, Thc Outlet Slerrs Company Is owned by th" Samuel tircenbaum estate. Nene of the managers of the concern weie In thc city nt thc time of the lire. Heme Looted of 9870 In Valuables btiiltn, Jesse's mother, took hva out tnMr ,....1 iik.i., ...i ....1... te the farm .far a, visit. Jesse Smitb'a .siia? .-v. ii. i,. iX ' "'Vi?: nmMmm!:i.vmmimrl &jmilT',mMnW Vrifjmt.Mtefl I"' TaTIIITrZZr ' J 'j. v,5 ! deaL. She notice i'eie of "efc PelneV. liae" Nertfi i'JJ.IliTSBiai'rT-mn':" II PI I i I Ii i I HHIIIBI ISII a ill ri MliH.airi.-aAi. M - ----' - VaaahaE.,. 'fit. while I ' WU Cftntlnued an rsv four, f'alamn ili r, a , .'.. r,.,e.,r-Pv a Ji 421 DMOIMlMDUnWCU A:m STE. ANNEDEAUWK J' ... ''.i&TWiJ : ramous 'etaiue ) ana nance eervevi!, rrem Piamea .K'-. Quebec. March '-"O. (By rA.' IfS?,? I i."i.7 ,.i. .iu..n....i .i.r i..tii.'!Sij'' 'A Sip. Anne dc Beaupre, famous fefiilsH, shrlup. but tbe statue of Bte.. AaataV;" and the historical relics te w1iIcu'bMS-' V rnculetm cures have been uscribedvWfeix. saved. . &$$$ Majer Samson rushed one of fm$4,v city's fire ceuipaulp te the faamlfttK' shrine te fight the Arc. Other teUjCjT lugs also wire menaced, WIJilii Hte, Anne no . Hcauprc. the famous shrine in the Nrw World. wiir nllrHctM I llellSJl IIiIm nf I tin hull and blind from all turls of V und the United States te be .eviei Uielr nfflicUeiiH. -i.-)fi MK ,H yHUHM 7 VtJ miraiUMHHi miinf,uwnp t jt, jasinaiiii)yi jiiil Wivwr. (ft $$.rvXraw j;., '.i:;,PAnm tmw . icr&wM ...m)MmM