B ur te m RM $ . i l-'. I. w . inii'ff I tnm BOMB IS THROWN m ? v;Mr'At-.L- rn Capital Likely te Be nWW-l -" " f laced 'Under British Mar tial Law feANQEMEN GET WARNING t! B . .. - i ...... . E $ w lire nvwaifi rrps J Belfaat, Mnrch VS. Sex oral firM E$;?ok out in different parts nf the city 9X? aultf .k.u t..nn..lhM 4 1.s,tt. wnti HtWf'W W"n IIIII.IIIHH. . IN'"'' "." tuttwn Inte p rrettil watching tlic burn- Wff tag of n jam factory In I'nlty street and three person were wounded Belfast combating inecn continual! W1 ... .i n . . i . . f .. lillC Itr tlin vnillitftiP nr l i u I 'Iiniiitiiiti I ,r.ci-.uV.i nun in uir uiv siiiMuiw " ,. . ...i....!.' ... i ttm..... , Itrl a ii am .Innnn. Tin mict wn were bu.j throughout the night I ri,.,.,,,-,, .,, M.t.t .1...,,...,i.i J. t n,n eullcd up jestrrdny after the nate hat iliU unit inrmr nt n.vt uriiiil '.... i it., i.-.i i.... n i ,i... ininiiv .'tiutnug ci! H" ijcMim nni'v fltlll- .HarUin pnd. nltbuugh fires were ! apartment. Lent n,,, ami there s-,w " V" "" "V V l' ' " "! ...w- ,. ,. .... - ,-MMiHi, 111" llllll U ll', , I H' .'MHIiril IIIC ..i.- .. :, ., . 1. ' . .!,...... ' y breaking out. they were; "' "'. . j ,' ' u V"' ' Awt te see It rat.tied by an almost ... .. ....... t. tnt..i.i n.me.nt (ir'tirni In nor nicht rletlivn, ntHinrently .. .1 .... .1 1 ' i.- 1. Drencrtv asleep. and ( linpmnu, in pajamas, Among the building burned were allH' ,'," ,l"-' n,xtvh' uln "ni'lMirently Hate in Ann street, a , Heur mill In I n"lI,;en: . , ., , . , , , Serk street mid a shop In Kent street. ' , IttirlnB .uietly. Lent says he closed nil of which were in the central nren. M1'0 ,1!"1r. "" '" ,p '"' wn" '' The jam factor wn-eitiiuted in full l""r'1 ' I hnpinan. who gave him the irfreet, which Is Inhabited by large ;!. taking care te close the bedroom numbers of inch faction. Kneh faction deer. , accused the ether of starting the tire. and it was In the niliNt of this hubbub that the bomb wus thrown. I 'Londen. March -js. -d'.j A. 1 Arthur Griffith. President of the Hall Elreann, and Knmend .1. Dugs.iii. Hull Minister of Heme Affair-, arrived In Londen this afternoon te attend to te to awrrew's conference of Irish leaders requested bj the Urlllsh Cabinet In view of the disturbed situation In Ireland. They declined te w representatives of the prow. It was expected they would confer with Winsten Chtnchlll. the Colonial Secretary, later. Michael Cellins, head of the Provi Previ sional (leveruiiient, who lin announced his intention of nttendln? the confer-I nce, was detained in Uiiblln by urgent fore .Justice of the Peace Merey today, business, but it wns understood he , They wen locked up te await n fur would cress te Kuslund tonight. ns iher hu'rluc. would Sir . nmes CrnlS. the lister Premier, and his colleagues of the VeriJii.ni ("nliliu.! u be nic te tal.n iinrt 1 ! the conference. The nnslblllt of cstablL-hing mar- tial law In a nart of Itelfust wiim fore .. ,-.--. . ..-... . shadowed b Winsten Churchill. See- timer arrest. retary of the Celonies. In the Heuse of , Cnptu n Ormnti told tl.e Sheriff he Commens last night. He declared the hnd ienle.1 In Hi.rl.hi. but bad leaded situation in Itelfast wns far worse Mian ! "bout nine miles off Nassau. In the 1. st all the rest of Ireland, mid 'hnt the , hnma-. lie insisted he had no Idea Government was ' prepare,, , uisidcr martini Ian with the military nutberi ties " .. . .. i ...-iVrr" V.'-.K' J..... i w '?".,: tial law se Unit control mleht ' placed , In the hands of impartial imperial n'&Zrt? A encenfer , Jhrl te draw; ii cordon of tmifrrlnl troops . ,..-, .... ... ...,.,.-. ................... ..... Blen the frontier slieuli also ee ?- cussed. The nlau. he thought, would be feasible about the middle of April, I rhen the troops could go under ennvns. ' ouch measures, however, in tneopin tneepin tneopin ien of the Colonial Seeretar). tire only palliathc. nud the proper way te trnu qailllze tlie iiositlen wns by a friendly agreement between lie North nnd Seuth. 'ii" . Pf 00frrr"-; f ,'rWi Ministers te ,) tl)p p,,blmt t i,end the I'rcnch dele- pallj in deelnnment of Middle Western K . be field here ednesda.x . he said would I ,.;lt,m ( the (iene.i conference. The wuterwas, will nienii another S1.000. ai '"', PfBMe Up mv" l'r'M'cdure. 'J he Hrit- ; ,Ie!t.,.uti(jn m imdude M. Celrnt. under '000 ndded te that figure, It is believed. W-Oevemment hnd net Ueeldetl te in- I tPrPtu,.v , ,l0 ircniler, and three terfcre. and If the Irish representatives preferred te irheiiss matters solely he .tween themsi'lves the Itrlti-li Ministers would withdraw. Burraua, (Guilty Denegal. I re laud. Slarch 28. (Hy A. P.) Notices have been posted about town ordering all Orangemen te leave by thii evening a measure of reprisal for the recent MacMaheu murders in Holfast. Irish Previsional (internment troops have J Uken ever the pcdlce barracks here i Whlnh i fn ..nmieta. In. li 1 .ifn Irish Censtnbulnrv An iinsncccssfnV nltemnt n mmlr WUts.M "!' Villi 14(LCL If, KH- UJI1I r lest night te bum Masonic Hall. The ' Windows were sntashed and petrel was SpnnKieu nneul tne nremises. Dunaalk. Ireland. March "JS. i i!y A. P.) In response te the notice posted near the texxn hull jesterda.x threatening reprisals fur ( athellcs T...v .''.- ..x....... .. uii,u,t,r. Kilted in erth Ireland, a group of i Protestants met today nnd reaffirmed i TMIr ahnnrrence of all eutrageij en. The Protestants also expressed re-, fret that iin, section of their fellow I townsmen with whom tlipv mUviivn luul ' Jived en geed terms should linve liad any doubt (encernlng their xiews of tke outrages. I ta siuieiiieni. cenmincu in rue no- f nffip Mnrch "s 1 eon Ilnrv fc'larerr "ffihaSr1 ! l-n7r. Zt e.VVa'dmg , ian wemn box- rl hi, 1m "' fl,r Sl,rnh "'"' '"1 ' " & erTaUreal."' aU, U 1 ,1 " e P- .. films, is sued by Marie 1, .an same quantity of helpers of the sste- I ,,,,s0 . "r ,f,!r. ,ll,;"rf,'' 'imI """" , '." SWtic murder of our fellow Catholics an ae Ien tiled b her In Superior ( eurt. meet the snme fate "1 . It is recited th.it the pair were iiuir- t ried in New lerk in May. r.lli, and JCENNY FINDS 20 RESORTS AS 'SURPRISE' TO HIS AIDES r i.wi- wniuniui-vj Clahth District Policemen M H tigntn District Policemen May Be ' 'en Carpet' as Result Tent of fort leserts fi.iniil bv Vll,l., l i- i . , helaa J. Kenny. nsHMant Mipprln- Student of police, dm lug a tour of in- Ct4.igntien last night of the Llghth i'e- lice District nexer had been leported te' pence ncaiuiuariers, nils discover, it la believed, max reMill In nWien agalnsr tne police etticlals rcspunsihle for fail ure te send in inmplete information concerning x !( conditions. "The Kighrh District pelhe station is located nt Tenth and Iluttouweod streets Od many complaints hnxc been tent te bui ice ucnuqunrirrs concerning gam Wine houses and ether te.viris in that , action. I At one place Kenm followed a man With a xwjuinii xx he Is known in t!,n ppllee'te a lieiise near Franklin anil pace streets Altlieugh h entered dose nfter ihem. the weuiuii dl-an- pea red almost it once. Kenny, thinking th.it there might he a secret hiding place, tupped a wall. A hollow bound cnnxlnccd him that there was a clefcl behind the xwill He took ail n and broke the heiiuN. ?TnK nllPllillif illsr.lisril llin ivmmm ian -itandlng in a small iccess, app.ireutlx m 'ieaUincd for lefuge lu case of pelii e ft' iearch. Oilier ret paucls were found ,' la the house. s iivi xxric jiiuiiv iiuuug immiiij s 'lis uiey wcic iiikmii iu iimtii- ii runnel- Destroyed With 300,000 Less ,i. bnsis of the number of ciiurit and . "' "" " ."";, " "'" ''."'T V inp, i ten with lie mrxe wilier iiiiiiu nieie ' ., . , , , --., 11li..t, trcited and cared for '-i' '"'H'")- "i .-i.i .xiiie i . - ! XMis a cnxe-ln which retai. led the work. , CltartltM, Pa.. March iS,-Hrc "' ' S rCJ, f I , , t . ' ' Maschei street, was held in Xafll) ball 1 Un Tn WnRk IPNINP IIRRPQ OlumeMur icldcntK xx.re net the last night dcstreed a large part of each sti r ' tl?" .ij.'' rt" er7l. illt'l ter another hearing hy Magistrate giV1!" ,U "UHK' LpWINt UnUtb ,.. pm()1H afTectcl The same water the Klk Tiiunlng ( ,,w ""''.J,'1 '"n ' ,l , ., , Ii,, nt ' """'Den. ted... (Jregery timk the boy te1 9& .. llines feed iiroeklawn and Highland here, rmiblug a less e about l.'!06 OOfl . with ,hl . 'V"r,!"1",l.'Mil the belief u the Sawurltan Hospital ester.luy after fe Appeals te Communists te Cease ,.,lrk um undents there were In slml- and th. owing nearly Mi men out of 1 r. , Hu d jW'Ln ,, .VAil A,' V '' V1 ""."J """"1-'1 H" ' & ' .. D"a'"V"d Th.?0ri,na. . ! '"Wrerrre some happx per.ias tff (Ir, lug building and n nun- SSJ?I.m l..?lllntl.. f-r nc,,,,, service 11 J l , jw Moaeeu-. .xiuicu .-ei -uiy . r i ... ci,,,,. t,.,l.ii Thex xxere ihe her of s.iiiniler siruciuies were con- riiiuen-d. lV-t Preaiier l.eniiie, illseeiiuting recent re yVertB of his lllnets, tippenied .xestcrdax ,l. ulnM n .Jl...tl lllfllilllll, llf tllli All- If n i!y,ila CeiuiiUjnUt teugresti uuu sjiuLe 5V 1T minle inniiv snrcnule nnd xilltv ii rMMirks while appealing te the Com Cem ,.:lh .Mualats te cense dreaming and theerlz- ,ajf and get te work, otherwise, lie fa, me iriiujiiiiiuiM rjiiiiii unr iieiii own iu the luiDcudlng struuglu the capltalista for control of ltut ltut "Yen uust be paragons et iu 7' Jw dtelared. J.WCHAPMAN, JR., SWJOF EVANGELIST, SUED BY WIFE "i-lght lende" Weman Named a. Coreependent In Divorce Action New-Yerk. March 13. Details of the charges upon which Mrs. Aline U. Chapman, wife of Captain J. Wilbur Chapman, Jr., son of the famous cvnn- . gniint, is suing for nu absolute divorce were revealed .xexterdny ij papers filed in the Sunretne Court Mrs. Chupinan will rely upon testi mony of her mother, Mis, Nnuey l'.o l'.e tiny, new traveling In Louisiana, iiiiiI 1'crclvnl Iletiseit Ient, u distant cousin, who Ik In the exporting mid Importing I'lishicss. Airs. Itmiuy, according te Mrs, Cliapinan. will testify nt the trial that die saw lier son-in-law and a woman, unknown te her, lenxe the Chqpman iipartmeut one day lest hummer, and upon entering the apartment later siw various articles of feminine apparel net linlntirr Itif fit lint '.Imtnttf tn 1.Pllfu fiftttlnvlt Lhtu 1w Willi n rim J Chupiunn npnrtmen"liit K.ister Sun- S2C0.000 LIQUOR SEIZED IM DA in nil CTCAM VAPUT." 111 iimiu ui e i inm i nun i Tobacco Importer and Crew of Thirty-two Taken te Jail Hajvllle. N. .. March 2S. The steam jachl Ldilh. sild te be owned b .milium i iii'M", miiiii.-w hiiiim'i , ,ir milled off the coast late la-t night and liquor allied nt M.'OO.ODd seised lij 81icilfr Smith. She had been te the Ilahamns. Tliirtj -twi men. including Cawe, the "iinlain. irew nud inetm truck drl - in. were nrresteil Mill were arresteil and meaiien nei pnlltv te telat inir nrohibltleii.law be- Sheriff smltli alil s,v iiiej.irir ni-k- were melted up te the hditli is wlmif ln-t night and ni-tciietis imckagcs liiOed. The Sheriff and several depu- ties mid censtiitilcs liivd n xeiiej et Mieis nnd told the ciew ami lenuers an wcic w n ,, ,,, ." -- - sMeen-foet beam. Inte CharTe.-f.n. S. J r. ,1,1 i... .!.i i... .,!., ,-u f,,.,i Cisscsc ,,'s,, te Pmivlll... nnd !.- ileckcl 1,'Y11I"If1,1 ,,, ,r tllP ,101. rrmmr,. , ' ' "" ' 0 'J ' 10r,r,1,l"l,1,l ' abeani '' r.ViniJl ilkn'ew Within" - .-inn,ent. , QARTUnil TO HPAn FRFWHI-I Unil UIWW IW l.n . .-w.. DELEGATION AT GENOA Representatives of British Dominions at Conference Announced Paris. March L'S. (15 y A. P.) Leuis Hartheu, Vice Premier nud Mm- lister of Justice, was designated today fneT'toniXew' cvenlnT inet tomorrow uyining. . I nc luissian ,-seiei is liiniMK i-Aiiii- ii i .. .. i..... i .. I. i..i....m . . i un . i rill mi rv int'iiseres te nretcct its dele gates en tlielr journey te Itul, The' llaltlc states linxe been asked te provide ( special mllltar and police protection. The Itussian delegation has left Moscow. I , m,. i .u (t,. t i . " ,'0"-, Marr'' zt:u 'ui J 'Z llesates te re Present the 1 Irlt is, de- IJIHUUIP ill Hll' '"'" . v M i-Miiis. .v.i-.i l,1",,' ""-' ,)l" " aiueiiei ns loiieu-; faiiadii. Sir ( harlea Uordeii. of Men- I . .-... t .i, ttral. and Prof. fcUpiiar.1 Wntpe lit, et i the I nlxerslty of .Mentreal: Australia. Mr.iecpu oek, iiign i i ein ussienri in Londen: I nlen of Seuth Airien, lr ,,. IMgur Walten, High 1 omml-siener in fliplr ,ni.,nbcrs with the Postefflcn De De De Londen, Sir Henry Straknseh and preb- partment and their respectlxc postnins. pestnins. ably Uebert Henry Jtranil. (,,rs. Aniieintment of the Indian delegates (nrini ntmnittns lmr lin ,.... .. ..l .. .1 1. ,,... .. "k lnr" "''"r" "t ",l Ul""la " ""- India office. - WIFE SUES BERNHARDT S FORMER LEADING MAN I W, .. .r.ri.wv. ...,-... . ... . . . Service and Alimony Decree Against t.een Bary Is Sought In oil together mil ten months. In the action, which is in the form of n cress "''l'lui,,t 'J? w,,t for llxerce tih.l rerenfij. j,.H. illiry sSh tmit her bus- hand mux cnins SJj'Jji n week hc usks ,1(. ,.,,,,,-t , Uward Iki-a ;ut allowance as well as the decree Among the papers In the rase and eXKCIll ' HI lie lllileilMiTd as ex incut C . h;nll ,etu,rh nffrilu,9 Kro.., commentaries upon life ln'Ameilen. Here nn puskiigis from these missixc.s: "Fr.ince is beautiful uiul.fi ee. One appreciate tt mm new. When In Arurrua ou cannot "xen git u geed glass et wine xx Ik ii xeit xxnnt It, or a little flirt -xliheut fenruis blue laws and eicr thing." GLOUCESTER DRYJO HOURS Uncompleted Pipe Connection StODB . . .. ,. , . ... . Water at 11 e Cleck Last Night Neurit nil the leiilcnts of (ilrim ester had te go te xxeik ledii (effeclcss nnd unwashed Ihc town wns truusfeiincil ' into n Salian lieert from 11 o'clock si night until ! e'i lock this morning. 'Ihc enlx walir iixail.ib'p wns that in the liclawarc am that needs xxaslun'; after the rain. The Ini k of water was dii" te a mis- ' cnlcnlntinn ininle hx xxeiKnieu ulm ure iinnfliriiil ill f.i.llllnf ( till- II IIP11 sill lilllltlie Ixxlth the i'.iul sut t pumping station Mccliunies emtag.d en this job said tiiat It (euld be done in tin hour. The coutiucteis cxplniiii'd that just iiiini',sters xxhe xxent te sclinnl. Thev atti'tiiled the meinliig sitsleu with tlielr faces unwashed The loiintiilen wu.. (euipmcd be- fore neon, Mayer of Des Moines Defeated llu. I..liii In Mnieli L'S i'linrl ten M.'tiarver defenti-d Miier liurieti ter iu election tenia. Mc ('buries II. Merris leu the held ei eignt tuiull- . ter un. iiem un- jmuwuin niw, jjju dates for four place .oil thi City wife, wliew he divorced, hoe also auked auked Ceuncil. ,,, .lieraid. . , i DEBATE 1 NAVAL IMTION OPENS Senate, Completing Action en t J raeiTic raci, i aKes up Second Treaty RATIFICATION IS PREDICTED Washington, March 28. With notion en the Four-Power 1'aelfic Treaty com pleted by ratification of the two sup plemental agreements, by n ote of 7.1 te Q, the Senate wai prepared te begin debate today en the Xnvnl Limitation leiity establishing ii Z-Ti-U capital ship IIUIII III! lilt' t mini OlIIH-, Mllttl n 1 The two supplementary agreements te the four-power pact were ratified by a unanimous vote wstcnlnr after the parliamentary hitch had seen overcome by joining the two together. The hup plcmeut excluding timely domestic is sues from these which may be brought before the four-power "conferences" was attached as a "reservntlen" te the ether supplement, Itself in the form of n treaty, defining the geographical scope tile four-power imct -e as net te In- leludc the .lapnnese hemelnnd. Treaty 'oppenintH joined in ghlng aipreval te the supplements because thev inter- in,f,tm! Inai" ui,nlli"e tllc ,,"p,n,,m , The text of the resolutions, which , wcr(, ,i,nun hv Senater Ledge, is as fellows : "Subject te the following lescrvntien and which is hereby made a part of and condition of this resolution of ratifica tion, and which repeats the declaration of intent and understanding made by the representatives of the Powers, sig sig uateiic.s of tlic Four-Power Treaty ic latlng te their insular possession and insuinr dominion in tile rncitic llcean I 'First. That the 'Four-Power Treaty' ! relating te Pacific possessions slmll UIHIIUIIIUU U I' Il ICII' I'lIU III LIU' ItlTht n , , le Illnn,,ated islands in the ,i,ndfi(. ()(.(,a . ,,revlded. heweer. that rc-i,,,,. ,, f ;ilIu , ,,,.. .' , ... the making of this treaty shall net be deemed te be an uss,cut en the part of the l mtcil Mates or America te the mandates and shall net preclude agree ments between the United States of America and the mandatory Powers ic speulvcl in relation te the imiudatad islands. Second. That the controversies te whlL.,, lh(. h0cem, ,..,,. of Ar ., ' J,"f,ihc.Ke,,r-J!"'' Treaty rtjlntiriB te racin taken te cmbrac,. questions hl-li. nc- I U' ,l, ",-r-, cjr,iie l, n-.n riiuil lint Uv lnw. lie .-.scluslvely within the demestle jurisdiction of the respective Powers.' " .lie Heuse jesterda, Voted IBS te eiti ntlen from S27.0:i." "0 te S42.Si.".0(lt. iiiriiiric in iirmi'i me, or inrnrnn t innnt The SJ-.tKW.SfiO placed in the bill t. . . !.!,.. 1.. u, ne: iijiieiii juiiuiin .. .Fiuiiiiiii'r inn the cxatt amount recommended by the Dudget Uurcaii. Under the committee recommenda tions the Delaware Hlver was te re ceive in the neighborhood of $2,000,000 for maintenance nnd improvement of the channel, it is understood. The Incrense, which was te be used nrlncl BILL WOULD FORCE KLAN . " ... ... ....... , m runuan mCMDCnan r -r n ! . - - - -..... tnrj courage, euergj . lame, ie.miii.v, Anti-Terrorist Measure te Be Intro- Unix nir and progress, as tlie qualities rtnrrf In HniiK Tnriav I held essential te the character of a great aucee in neusc leasy , ,,,., A flJ!tl)P rI)rc.sejitins wnr ec- WaslilnRlen. Mnrch JS. Members rupjeh tlc bnekgieund. of CnngrcsK who see n nation-wide; (,US)tructieu of the memorial, fei nit-iiui-u iii un- ixu iiiia rviiui nnn-.- lenders of Cencrcs and Federal effi- icnls nre asleep at the switch while Colonel William Jeseph Simmons sews ' : ! ':'"' t!lc M0,i f,. Brent honest of discord umeng American eltirens. Iteprcsentutlv.- It.xnpi f , et .MllfsacilU- kHt, m introduce tedn.v a bill that an Feeinl, fraternal and benevolent or- ' snuizalleii- nnd societies die lstH of . . -..-" '' J " " ' -v V . initteu hy ludlxldiinis connected with seeiet societies under the nainief the iiarticulnr sm-icty ami xxmtie wearing j the autherised regalia." Mr Itinn sum eiciuii.v, uii mis ueen uiiieu '""I "betted by the fact that a cert.iin ,..,,, ,1 ,-f tmllvl.liinlu iw.tlii,. ntiitn tliu ,...,. ... .,...... ...... i. ...,, ,, , name of the Ku Kluk Man haxe spread n reign of terror by their iiithless and .unjustifiable attacks upon helpless citl - 7.cns et their particular communities. If this particular bill should be- come a law. unit force men of their oigiinlzatieiis te publish the nnnics of Its membirs, this practice would step. "I belong te mauy fraternal and se- Will organizations and feel sure none of them would have the slightet objection te the publication of the uaun's nnd nil dresses of their member,.. An ininni 7n,n thllr lmivm nt night lii .htip) p..rfe,ming whut they cnll siib-tantlnl justice bj xielence nud .ir-en, i un - weith. The sooner thee puiticiilnr things arc stepped, the beiv, off their piiiticulur communities will be." ON TOUR OF INSPECTION Ceunclrs Public Werka Committee Visits Streets te Be Changed Council's Public Works. o,n,,,,,,eo! e,n,,,,,,eo! o,n,,,,,,ee! Inspected xarieus parts of Ihc dt.x this iifteruoen In connection with icrtuin preiccted chunges In streets. i'nder the terms of nu eidlnniuc pending, Spring Uaidcn stint v III be (lit through te Ihe Dcluwuie liixir from 1 Ifth street, where u new ends, ami "lN) widened from Fifth te SImI stieels, in order te accomnieilate til rllffit. w,cli will Mew exci t. Delu h e xxnre Itlxer llrldge. 'j'lie (e.-t of condemnalien pieceed ings en this prepert) Is expected amount te SI .100.00(1. Other changes conteiip'ntod ere In! Chen- street te be widened from Tenth i t., Llcxenth streets, mill icrtuin changes I in the small streets Included In the ,nck bounded by xx ulnut, Chestnut, ,.,.,., nml Third stieets pi CADCICI T PI AMT PHDIxiC OUCMnriCUU TUHPl I DUnid Buildings of Elk Tanning Company hUllli'.J, , known. ..", Fermer Archduke Paupir Hael. SwlterliUid, Maich 2h. fJJy i A .i--Tlic former Austrian Archduke I heone (I. xvhe broke xvlth the house of I Hapsburgs ten jcnrs age as a result of his marriage te u Viennese actress, bus npidled te the little town of llcgeusberi; Ills; vki w m nut mamsm&mxmsMNmm -y,.. ! ,,n,-. ", tf ti s , i. .'V, ,. 'iiTirn. i ti'"' . Z " 'Mat.' i ,. I, i ' . in in i n iii i i j ii i i m LEAVES MILLIONAIRE HUSBAND BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBPMEur9KKvtBBBBBBBBBBBBBM aHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHy B?rW &M '':' PiLHH LHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH: muK'sJ,-. lllibm-rH iaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHliK!HSJHIHSD l&-'1lBllVflf4il'lllShillllHiataa t. A ,ajjjjjRP 5 HvBaaaHBKKaBjaaaaaaaaaaaWjaajBBjjjjjjjjjjjB jjjl iwflBPi ,KwBHKvaP-T BBB f?:??iVW wLVEtrLk kaiiiiiiVA I .JillMillllllllllM .v. v Lll LbHHIIIIIIIBR'k .LallllllllllllliillllllllllllllllllllllllB ' ' aHHHIIV H H jLallllllllllllllBaaiaBll - t-lkB:tt 4 VaLHIIIIIIIHHaiii h?' ' iaiiiV V'" ' M?'-'- vnHaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiWSrJI. i' ' '"" '&-i ' fe.xti'L laiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiWWytPaT L;4 tw, vV:, KiJ-v , naiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaapflHHaBBT aHk." - ' vA" 9HaF ' IaiiSlft-Jsii.lBiiiiH e WWe World ttiotea The plrture shows' Mrs. atelle Mude (iedfrey. twenty -one years old, and her sl.ty-flve-car-eld millionaire liuslmnd, .leiiathan Oedfrey. Itridgrpert. Conn., whom s!:c lias just left, owing te "Incompatibility of ages," Sirs, (iedfrev was rich in her own rlqlit when hhe inurrlcd tlic elderly manufacturer. Mid declared at the time that it was purely n loc inatrli MEADE MEMORIAL BEGUNATCAHTALi Ground Broken for Pennsyl-, vania's Gift te Natien. Harding en Program GRAFLY, PHILA., SCULPTOR By the Associated Press Washington. March '2S. With elab- . , , t ... orate ceremonies ground was broken in the .National llotnnle UaruciiH just west of the Capitel today for the memo rial te Majer (ienernl Meade, Citinn leader nt the Itattle of Ccltysburj;. The program for the exercises had Secretary Weeks listed as the presid ing officer and called for the turning of the first earth by President Harding, using the spade employed in breaking ground for the Lincoln nud Arlington memorials. Addresses included en the program were by Coventer Sprout, of Pennsyl nnln. which Stnte is presenting the memorial te the Federal Ueernment. nnd Lieutenant Ccnerul Nelsen A. Miles, (leeige Corden Meade, grandson of the I'nien leader, nnd (ioerge Corden Meade, Jr.. great grandson, were en the program for a prominent pnit in the ceremonies. The memorial is te take the form of a grouped statue. cnrcd out with (ienerui Meade as the figure. The figures sun minding the general ns unrln, mil liv i m-ii ntnr. 'inrn . ..- ..-r...i .-.. . ..- --- ...,- - r.,nilv ,.f Pl,lln.l,.tiil,in. renicscnt in - vai . .i..v.....j...-.-t .-)--- " . ,, i. . , . stnte et I'entlSV Mill 111 as ine jjost-wer beine State of (Jenernl Mende nnd scene of bis greatest military ex- i n pleil. has appropriated UOtl.iHitl, will bi under the supervision of u com- j i I "' I ...:..:.... AninmiLinl .if S2,iniftnri' WrpLs. I llllSSHIJl , ll,W(- 1, . . ' ...... ,-f . . -... . u,.i.. Tt,Miuiti.!Tir. of f'ennecticiit. nnd 1111 .lfclh1r,,1,vl ..'.'''. ... .- -- - .( ItiMiii'seiiiiilixc Could, of New Yerk, ..liniriimii of the Senate nnd Heuse LI- bin Committees, respectiycly. and Oev . it.... ., sl,, mil """' ' . . ... -i-i ..hi The toil tractor ler tne ineiuuriui mu begin active construction inunedintel.x after tednv's ceiemeny and push the work rnpld'ly. . Ce, mfiil Mrnitn uns in ex er. caul- .,,; r the Armv of the Potomac and i :.. nit f m liattles except iwe. ins i E,.rtf-t siu-ccs wnMwnn nt fiettsburg. . 1...1 ,1... Ciiinn r.ii..,. w'liere lie ceiiiiiiuikh-u ui- .- , , milj st0iped (ienerui Lees projected I mn0, f the North nfter one of the . m()l.t stubbernlv contested battles exer' f,.i,. imrrlnm soil. I s!,mll ufter the Itattle of Cett.xsburg . f;Plleri M,.nde wns made the target for . kP1iPu f bitter attacks. Mllilar.x nnd I (,jvit ,,rnj(.h contended it was his dut.x I n ri()U. up ,ls superb victor with . pursuit nnd crushing of Lee's (lis- I (n'17(( nrniv. Iatcr. in the cum - ...,i.-,. ,f the Vihhnte. whilt nemi- lmllv ioinnmiiiW-ln-4'hlef of tin A run "V.iVtT in the position of a subeidinatc. ewiiij ,e Ilie f'ict thut Ccneial (iriinl ..nsKw,h the fonts in the Held and , n'"n ' ' , f.he,al dlreetk f thur ncmils nf thr Votemar, lie feunii inm&rir in After the war was exer nun. me pos, ' of lieutenant general bail been made 1 xneiint bv the election of (Uncial Ciant I ... ,lw. nrnsldenex. (ieuerul .xlcade w i ;i)i( 0 inve believed that b rights h i should linve received tlie nppn niineiiti - o1 - o1 - o1 was R can, eiueu went tN (Jrneral Klirridun. PLAN TO GIVE STATE AID TO SECTARIAN HOSPITALS . , , . Bills te Be Rendered for Treatment of Charity Patients Harrlsbure. Mnrch US. (Hy A P.) Hvstem of accounting whereb sec- ,. ..!e..' l,.,snltnls lnnv lie reimbursed for cl'uirltx serxiee iciulered the nubile bus t0'becn xxerked out b.x Dr. Jehn M. llahlx. head of the nexv irepiiiinieiii ei nre fnre. it was unneunceil here leda.x. Dr. - .1 . .. .1.1. ..Ill ,tlPl.,llll (111. llllldX' UetieXIS Kill. ..Ill ,F....r... .n hardship placed upon m-i-uiiiuh iiimi- liitlens under the iccenl Supreme f'euit decision ruling tnnr npprepr unions m such hospitals are unconstitutional. ruder wr. uiu r i-. - ment for un actual serxiee iriiiiicu, ?.""''" ...c..'. si n... die niiuniiit ( . ..ni. i LiiiinrNtuic Din un.i'1 ui'inxriM imiiwiic J III.M...1 . '" ,, , ,, , rir Oamaaes Tenth Street Heme Plre caused bv an excrlicated Hue .,.,,, I ., hole In' the reef of the home i"i."i " ,: , ; ii...... .. of Julius Sniidsburger, nertiixxest corner nf Tenth and Ontario streets, shortly or leiiui ' i i, Ii.iu i.w.riiln.r 'ri,.. after odeik th s niernini,. i he owner nslrei) 111 me ireui 10 xxas ... 1 ., 1 i... snifilie llefnre the nr- a wakened p SniOKl . min un III rival of Ihemen the flumes hud guinc) minli IliHIlltlflV llllll I 111- IJtlt IV I lllflll . 4 aI.-a. !. I..1..1 Kiiiiu . :..,: ak, f Hi, Ixvo-Herv dwellrmr luc ("1' .." - -- -r w jvaa pvrnta piu. Kiiii.i swiui na.X XXOUIil nc cMiiiniirii en -,.; ,- ,,-,..,-'.... ." V, iS;V SIX PUI UP BAIL IN BOOZESCANDAL State Treasurer Snyder's Lieu- tenant First of 47 Indicted te Shew Up McCONNELL SPEEDS NORTH Alleged com-pirnters in tliei tliuty-ln-ferlj -million-dollar rum ring scandal i...c,in ,u;rii.i : ,1... i...wii i,..n.i ."MUM ill IIIHIS IIIIU III,' J ,,l,'l(ll I. HUH' ,,. ,,(ly ,,, PItP1. ,,,, s wmjln r. SlfCenne'l. former prohibKieu dircc ler, hurried North from Flerida "te face the music." Ilnney Smith. Pettmille. nelitical lieutenant of Stale Treasurer Snjder nnd n former Slate trooper, was the first teda) te gixe bend for Ills appear ance in the t'nited State District Court. Federal investigators allege that en nt least one occasion Smith piloted a rum carat nil moving out of Hurris burg. He was en the Auditor Conernl'h pajrell when Sn.ider held that office n nd was transferred te the Htatc Trens iinr'n pajrell later. He furnished WiitiO ball today. Others who gaie bend are: Jehn Deugherij. $r.0(i0: Simen Friedman. $2000 mill Jacob Slomevltz. S2000. All live In Wilkes. JJurre. t tilted States District Attorney Celes ef0m,,.hl."'!Tlv,', n. ",,',8,rn, fruu' McConnell Ci'SraSi snldirwns; express train could carry him. Me- Council's ,, ,, ,oe llxl at W.m. IIi.-nm wiu.ni it....i...t .,;i,. i,...i T . ( it-- sFiiiifit. niiiiiriii nriiii inf ,1,.. P-..I.II.IH..,. T'r,.;., l, ..i. I ' ' iwiiiiniiiiii 4llll'll.v lilt 111 J t' llllll. uepartinent, nud among these Indicted. ,,1, uppeurcd here today te unswer the i chtircgs against him. Conns,. fr ,,'j ,. mell i,,.r,i lnvc 'informed I'nltcd States District Atter- I ney Celes that Uicy will appear te an- i sw er I ic c un ces. Hall for Jehn Kenrns, North Park ax-cnue, and Lee Kenrns, Land Title , liuilillng. was entered .xesterdny by Daxld Ifahilh. counsel. Afr. f'.iln m iinkLiiu ,miOi1,i.ima l.n. , ..... j l-l. -" -. . , 'I I. Ml I III i- nun neni- of llin iiun inilirli.il will t.nlr ,., exude serxiee of the bench xxnrrnnfs . ..-..,. ...a. .-., ,.. issued for them. "Fxen limn Indicted has reimrled te ni (ittice. said .Mr. (Vies. "We lire i..,. i.. .. ...... ; , jhi-i mhiuhk new iri-m ei cenn, ami , that reipiins much detailed service en the part of the eflirc emplexes. I ",'U V ,,;h".1"' ,ll '' ? J'10 l"1""'' under indictment, who have' lepeircd lillil hnve rislninsilili. ..mi.isul l.n.n Km, ! iitit exer for a dni in fue. All -fll pc taucn cuie of tills wed "This is jduin eflicc routine, as cxerv I.... . .. I 1 .. tn 11 . , '"",.. i , .in. .mi i.uiiiu'ii M'ic- grnplied he isutld net get here before Wdiicxln.x morning. He is coming te Philadelphia faster ti-.-i hu could baxc been brought hud thut been necessnrv 'Seine of the eIIkm men itwliuieil rn. jierti'd at (lie elUce during the duv. There is no (iiiestinu of their jvilllmt- ness te appear, and in the rush of getting icAd.x for the new seh.si,in of court thex I wcic gixen time later in the week iin I which te appiar." REJECTED AT DANCE HE TRIES TO SHOOT GIRL Phllndelplilan Arretted In Wilming ton After Rew I Wllllmu Sehwnlhe, twenl -one .xe.irs old, gixJng an uddiess en Walten me- ' nue neai Fifl.x-fiist street, is uiidci nricM in Wilmllizteu. chureed xxllh nl. ' , ,,, t() Kil) K,. nf,Pr (unpp last nigh. . .ecu use she i of used te ncr mlt him te esceit her home. liullets lired at the girl, Miss L'nima (iiess, of 7(K! Poplar street, Wilming ton, missed her, but one of them struck Miss Agnes McKennu, sexcnteeii jears old. ei iu.i Aerth Kediiey sjlicet, ,mndinK her in the ilBlit leg. i Ac(eruing te the Wilmington jot - jet - lice, Scliwulbc, when the dance ended at 11 o'deck, wished te accompany Miss (iiess. and was enraged because she ' Insisted upon going en nn automobile' ride. Ilraxxing Ids icxelxcr, the police' snj. lie men wimu snuis, The street was crowded nt the time Mil, I li, iiilll lti.it. till., lili.l ...In.i.l.i.l ,1... - I, ). WIVIUI HUH ,, ,,IJ II. Ill 11.11 llllll, IIIU. inuii-e suilirn te cowed b,x Schxxiill inteifeie, but he's rex eh or. Be en 6kates Snp8 under Truck : ii,,(.n,, ,, , ,i. sili f ,,,.i -- n .. ,,.. ; ;,, , "." lll(r lUini rnijuiip, iiinil X'( Ul. I'll he ears old. .(.nil .iiiigneny avenue . . ...... -. .. IIKATJIS TAri.lK A I I'limur, I'h I'lti.'a, JtAV 'i.Vl.ert im. Cimk) ffe ur "VW. ''..''"VV!:....''."'' .-!.1,i?'.NJ'1.. iiimi iu i.iii nu iui.-'iiu, un i iinrBuity. iii new a. .f tmm m late uii,iue i.-, ituiami id . rrk(ie. m . jji MiiiiHdy.'hurch 10 e'elntk Inwriiieiit MhIIu iV.iic.dy miy -juuh a7. 111:2, riKenrn: nt'e uumiunu or .Mursun-i jiuu (nee hinnvlilir) 'i'l ')0- llelnilxi-s unit frluiJM bhe J'rn r,jx AsinU Ne. 4. A (I of M I' uie nlu,i u verxiwu. Ti.urkdu. s i'. .m . , (III lit" i.vii ii"iu tfuitu w, s 1 ttiJ. ,.t,..l hmnii . I,.tin C. h'JniniiTl- ii ln.Urm.nt nrl. "?I'j -:i5'B.T i &"& i-Jn.Vff?nt.."! . ,AW ruuM), iv a, Jw.i nc.iinii Wcitmlnattr Ctn- m ..iiiiii.'ii 1111111-1 ii . iii'.'i llllll ..usiiiiiieii ii in-jijaaanwn DENESB.&L A. B. Maaen, Eaaten, Md., Suc cumbed te Nephritis During Audit of Accounts RUMORS OF SHORTAGE .Sfifdat Vitfiatch te Kt'fiilntf TiibHe t.eitatr Kaatcw, Md.. March 'JS. Alfred B. Masen, building nnd lean nmoclutleu secretary, dletl in n hospital here .yes terday while n special audit was being made of all his books. Mnben tlletl after an i!lncs of one week, nnd there were rumors tlint lie swallowed n slew poison when exam ination of his nccemits was ordered. (This wns denied emphatically today by ir. v. .N. l'alincr. the attending puy siclan. "Mr. Masen dieil of acute nephri tis.'' said J)r. Palmer. "There is ub ub ub f'olutely no .foundation for rumors that lilu death wns caused; by poison." As secretary of the Workmen's Per manent Iltillding nnd Lean Association, Masen hnndied large sums of money. He also was secretary of the Moreinnd Improvement Company nnd the Spring Hill Cemetery Association, Audit Itegnn Wecl. Ae T. Huchlett Henry, president of the Wer,kmeiiV Permanent Ituildlug and Lean Assiiclatlim and of the Spring Hill ' (Tiiinrti.fv .Visor hit Inn. tnilitv ..nniii'iitntl the fact that un audit of Air. Masen's hooks began a week age. "I am net prepared new te state whether there is a shortage Jn bis nc MurKs," sold Mr. Henry when ques tioned nbeut reports Mnsnn wns short $00,000 in his arleus accounts. "Mr. Masen was secretary of the building nnd lean association and was secretary nnd treasurer of the cemetery association. We expect n statement in u short rime en the cemetery nssocin nssecin nssocin tlen's books. The ether utidit proba bly won't ba ready until the end of the week. "Mr. Masen had been secretary of the building nud lean association for about twenty-live yeats, and was about forty-four .xenrs old. He was hljjhlj respected here and hnd many friends. Heard Humors of Poison "I haw heard rumors that his fatal Illness was caused by poison, but I knew nothing about It of my own knowledge. I did net linve any talk with Air. Masen at the hospital. "The associations of which 1 am president ure solvent. The surplus and undivided prnhfs of the milldln; nnd ten.. K.Mi.-inHen (etni nh.,nl s:n mm ;iud Mr. Masen wns bended te the asse ..... . .. H ciatien fur !?20,t;00. "Tlic Mereland Improvement oin ein pnuy, of which he hIse wus tecretnry, owns an office building here. Te niy knowledge Mr. Masen did net specu late in lands or stocks. He occasionally sold n farm for a friend." Deaths of a Day JOHN McNEILL Fermer Germantown Business Man Burled This Afternoon Jehn McNeill, renl estate dealer and merchant, who died Saturday nt his I llemP ; West Hittenheuse street l.rll this after. neon. The funeral serxlces at tlie McNeill home nt 2:'M o'clock was conducted by the Rev. Dr. Francis Downs, of tlie Market Suunie Presbyterian Chinch. Germantown, nnd the Itev. Dr, Jehn Allen Blair, of the Tabernacle Church. Thirty-seventh and Chestnut btreels. Mr. MrNelll is survixed by sexen children, Dr. Itebcrt .1. McNeill. Cor Cer Cor mnntexvn; M.rs. Jeseph L. Bailey. Salisbury, Md.: Mrs. L Raymond King, (ieimantewn: Dr. Charles A. McNeill. KrJe. Pa.: the Itev. Dr. Je seph McNeill, who Is a missionary in Africa, and the Misses Blanche and i,'is,.uu, MpWHI. Bern in County Dewn: Ireland, seventy-three cars age, Mr. McNeill came te Philadelphia when lie was nineteen xcars old and settled in (,crmantewn. fexv xcars later he opened a drug store in "Falls of Schulklll. Then he started in the gim'ery business in (Ser (Ser nmntexx;n nnd inter opened u leal es tate oflicje. He xvns highly successful in his x-nrl-eus undertakings and became one of the best known of the business men in the Gerinnntexvn section. II was u thirl -second degree Mo Me smi n member of the Odd Fellexvs and 'Vie Knights of P.xtliies. Among the business orgunl.ntiens of xxiilch be was i! MAN DIED FROM POISON Westing. Evans ciEgmereinc will remove te thei? new galleries 1628 Walnut Street en. Meu-cK 31 i ' ' ' In tke Interim Aii iLttractive prices. ii tkeir wge stock of RaveOld English Furniture and ir own Flite Replic&s. Cushioned easy chairs1 sefes anda . Leaeassorhnentyaphelstery fabrics likpestries, Chinese porcelains. Lamps Mirrors etc, te 1315 WALNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA FURNITURE WOODWORK DECORATIONS FACTORY. 21SIandFAIRMOUNTAVE. . . ' rf1l II inl member are .the Ilillntlclnkin Heal r-i Kstnte IMrtl nnd the Olrnrd Grocery Association. j ' LUCIAN.W. PARRISH Texas Representative KHad Ink In jured In Moter Accldant IVkhtta Kalis, Tex., -March 28. Ilepresentatlvc Lticlnn W. Pnrrlsh, of the Thirteenth Texas District, who wan injured In an automobile accident near Ilebey, Tex., en the night of March !!", died here last night. ' Congressman Pnrrlsh was n candi date for the Democratic nomination te the Sennte and was en h speaking tour when un automobile in which he nnd a companion were riding went off a bridge. He suffered a fractured jnw in addition te ether severe injuries. Smith Harper After an Illness of mere than a year, Smith Harper, a member of the Abfng ten Friends Meeting nnd retired hard ware manufacturer, died yesterday nt his home, 70iW II street, Fex Chase. He wan Trinety-tlvc years old. He leaves a widow, three sons and three daughters, A sister, Mrs. Catherine Ituckman, mether-lu-law of Judge William C. Fergusen, ulae (survives him. Funeral services will be heW Thursday after noon. Henry W. Rich Buenes Atres, March 23. Henry W. Rich, the eldest American in Argentina and a veteran of the Civil War, died here Saturday at the age of eighty-one. He was born in New Yerk nnd served In the United States Nnvv throughout the Civil War and until ISO!). He still carried n Civil War bullet in his hip when he died. Arthur O'Connor Funeral Funeral services will be held tomor row morning for Arthur O'Connor, fifty-seven yearn old, who died Sunday at Ills home, 4240 Westminster avenue, after a car's illness. He is survived by his widow, Mary J., nnd one daugh ter, Mrs. Mary Welnsteln. A requiem muss will be celebrated nt Our Mether of Sorrows' Church. AMUNDSEN IS BACK Cenfera In New Yerk With Associ ates In Arctic Expedition New Yerk. Mnrch 28. (Hy A. P.) Captain Jleald Amundsen, Arctic ex pleier, returned today en tlic Stavan gcrfi'ii'd, from n visit te Norway, and r (inferred with these associated' with him In his nttempt te drift ncress the Arctic ltasln. His expedition will set out from Seattle June 1. With Amundsen was Lieutenant 0 cur Onidiil, Norwegian ace. who. nfter .pcclal training and experience in llj -inir uftder adverse conditions, will ac ixeiiuuiny the expedition, lie will lie f llin mlnlu ,,, ltnn.ll.t .mitntl. (IIIC III III: ,,V0 . 11,11111, 1 rl, null,. (instructed American i rulslnz nir iilancs. ''be ether pilot. Lieutenant Dabl. is en his way te the coast via the Panama canal. The Cleck in the Hall is selected net for the passing hours nor for the passing' year, but for all time. That requirement is the dominating thought in the collection of this house enduring quality, both mechanical and artistic. J. E.CALDWELL & Ce. Jewury - Silver - Stationery Chestnut and Juniper Streets Our Busy Season is upon us and it takes time te build fine clothes. Give us the time by placing your order new. Our stock of Imported Woolens is complete the A ii nnest vc nave ever ahewnl k Spr iiig Business Suit's, made-te-order, $115 up Qrivtt rVrrtfrilm srtiJ 7F 2ii4m uMf fi.viit.AM Rebert Stewart, Sporting and Mufti Tailors t Brmsehss Mahsrs Nw Yerk Stere. 18 Eat 47th Street they will offer S 'REACH MM Presentation of Evidence Fin!; iahedat Noen Attorneys Present Argurhents ANOTHER ALIBI PRESENTER By the' Associated Press ' ' New Yerk, Mnrcji 28, Evidence in the ItlcknM trial, -was all In nt neon Supreme Court Justice Wawicrveget told the jtirsjie hoped te give them the CaV late today nfter lieth sides hed stimiUl up. , Tlie Stnte. In Its efforts te prove thiit nicknrd had nssnulted fifteen -ycar-eld Snrnh Rcheenfeld. called only one wit. uess in rebuttal Defective McOnhn, who arrested the spe'ri promettr lsij Jniiunry. The defense took several ex ex ceptiens. Jllckard this morning testified he wn se little ncquninted with football thai ec oien t Knew ine number of players en a team. , , Tlie first touch of levity that has marked the trial enme while the de fendant was being cress-examined re earding his nllbii that he wns nt tU ' Dartmouth-Pennsylvania football gam nt the Pole (rounds en November V nt tlic time he was supposed te hnve rntt ' Sarah Seheenfeld. Klckard testified that the Dartmouth. Pennsylvania encounter was the first nnd only game of foetbnll he ever hid seen nnd tlint he went te the' Tole Grounds only te get the air, Asked hew the elevens lined up hi answered that they just "scattered around." "Did you see. any klckeff?" aSWd Assistant District Attorney Pecora; "Wlint kind of n kleknff?" Asked te describe plnys he had wlt-" ncsseu nc sain no nnn seen every ena trying te tnkc'tlie ball nwny from the man who was running with it. lie ndded that n crowd seemed craxy about some run tlint they were tnlking nbeuti He denied that he ever had gene te n newspaper office te talk with W. S Farnsworth, n sporting editor, about having seen him nt the Pole ( rounds Farnsworth previously hnd testified te seeing Klckard at the game. When the cress-examination shlftfd te Hiekard'n business enlcrprisPs he admitted he had promoted a number of oil and mining companies that never hud paid nny dividends. He also tm titled te having tried te sell stock In the Seuth American Land and Cattle Company, an organization which, he said, hnd Inct with little success. K I I also made-te-order 1501-Walnut St. iSl at ver irv c7 Lrn "1. C f I , '. ' jl N . ,'li. mtti-. &M&&v$&i fe a, ''' far 't VTJA'f.Ti. fci.c.''" '". luasi'-i.'.'i-v..