m Mtm OT'Wm ylpj aa Shi e 0 By Sir Hall Caine An Outspoken and Moving Study bf a Deep Sex Problem by the Noted Auther of "The Manxman," "The Deemkter," "The Eternal City," "The Weman Theu Caveat Me," Etc. V'lUTOll STOWElth is handsome, of fine nature, the scion of e family of (distinction en the Isle of Man, where hh f'thcr'is Deemster, or chief fudge. Curiously enough, he enters the stage of this powerful remancd of ' - tt till rttt.t It .. Aaaaa .u & iLJ ..!. 1. f i iimu ii j cimnjutncn inai.nieKci mm the man te .sit in sentence en tdc woman, who is tiled for their mutual transgici transgici sien, as a voluntary scapegoat te save her geed name from the results of a girlish escapade, ltessie Cellistcr, a peasant girl, is crude, but geed-looking in a coarse grained way. Little does Rtewcll think, when' he taken the blame of walking out' , with her outside school hours and school, hounds te save' tier from h'er brutal step father and te save his chum, who hai really been guilty, from punishment, that llcssic's erring, which starts se young, ft ' te affect directly his ,eirn happincis and his future great love, for beautiful and great-hearted ')''cnclla Stanley. The prin cipal jef the school asks the boy who had. "uitt'ii ii I ckiKW "rv guii'V of mis ereacn ej aiscipunc ana A" "'" --- inaybc of mm nit te rise and confess. J're- ttctitthh friend, Alick Cell, Victer is unjustly struck by the principal, who, 'hicUcrUuj the truth later, rtmersciuiiy writes te me vecmster te take his W home or he himself for shame must resign his principalship. The Becmttcr, new a dignified old 'man of sixty, had married an English lady, uhO uC(I or ricier .i eiim, uc nn " i i".. mi mi. wv iin And hetr the story continues-' CIIAI'TKItVlII Kallierft'iutd Hen NI'iXT ' t,, DcPiiwtet drove te DoiiRlii'le meet Ills ion coining hack Tin1 ueiitlier whs cold; lie Intel te iHUolieiin- hi tlie gray of mernliiR, iiml L wtw tliMnK hi mi open deRchtr. but lh(. IJecni'tPr Knew wlmt lie uis doing. Ten inlnuti'H' Mere the trnln came In from Castletown be had drawn up in the stn'tlen Mini. The liassiengeni came through the plntfemi and bow Mm there, nnd he painted come of them. raear Qunltfeueh was ainenr them, a irons-beilli'd nnd dark-fared man, darker than ever tlmfdny with a leek of nlntelt.v and worn. When, nt the tall of the crowd, 1 lc lc ter came, in the sour cllence of the dw iraceiU no longer wearlnc his rollege ?n, and with hlKdTfirolerrd college trunk Irnndled bcjilnd him. the Dccm Btef wld nothing, but hr indicated the eat bv his i"idc, and the. boy climbed up te' It. Then with bin white head arret nnd hi" i-tienR c.ics shining he drove out of tin htutlen yard. It whs si ill early morning and be was In no liuii'.v te leturn home. Ter half nn linur lie passed slowly through the Krinrinnl tlinreuclifnrcs of the town. hntilnL' te even body be knew nnd. 'me.iking te many. It was innrket day and he imulo-fer the open (.pare about the old church en (he quay, where the farmers' icH were standing in' rows with their baskets of butter nnd eggs, the fanners' sons with their tipped-up carts of vegetables, nnd the smnllcr p the farmers themselves, from all partH of the island, with their carcasses of nhrcp anil oxen. Without leaving bid peat the Ueemster bought of several of them nnd had bin purchases packed about the college trunk behind him. It was office heUrH by this time nnd he began te call en hit friends, lenvreg Victer eulhide te take care of the hensc and degeait. UI Hrst CH was en the Attorney Ocncral, Donald Wattle worth, who had. been an old (school fellow of his own at; Klntt William's, where forty -odd cars age he had' saved him from many trouble. The attorney iva. new n small, dap per, very correct and rather religion' eld.sciitlcmun (he had ull his life worn n white tie and clastic side beets), wltlij tue rpjuui .ana ivruiKicu rare mat nt eftcncfct seen In a geed old woman. .Fer n quarter , of , nn hour the Deemster trilked'whli him en gcnernl subjects bin courts' and forthcoming rases, without siiyinrfft'iverd about the business which had brought htm te Douglas, lttit'Mie attorney dtilncd it. Frem bis rhalr at his desk en the upper utery be could sce Victer, with his pale face, in the dogcart" below, twiddling the slack 'of the reins in hln nervous lingerx, nnd when the Deemster rose te go hofol hefol hofel lowed him dewnntnim te the atrcct, nnd whispered te the boy from behind, ns his father was taking his scat in frent: "Clieer up. my lad! Many a geed case has a bad Htert, you knew." Tb,e Deemster's Inst cull was at Gov ernment Heuse, nnd again Victer, te bin relief, was left outside. ..Hut when, ten mlnutd later, the Governer, with bis briar-root pipe in hh hand, came into' the pprrh te .ee the Deemster off, nnd found Victer in the dogcart, look ing cold and miserable, uilli his otcr etcr otcr I'eat buttoned up te his threat, he ptppped nut bareheaded, with the wind in his gray hnlr, nnd shook hands with hltn, and said: "Glad te fee you again, my Iwy. Yeu remembrr uiy girl, I'enella? Yes? Well, she's at college new, but she'll be home -for her holiday ene of thcc dnys and then I must bring her ever te see ou. Geed-by !" The Deemster was satisfied. Net. a syllnble had he said from first te last about the bad story that had come from Castletown, but before he left-Douglas that day, It was dead and done for. "New we'll go home." he neid, and for two hours thereafter, father and son, sitting side by side, and never epeaking except en Indifferent sub jects, followed the high mountain rend, with Its far view of Ireland nnd Scot land, like vanishing ghosts across a broken sea, the deep decllvitv of the glen, with Dan Baldremma's flour mill 'He that's jour man, Is It limine with the Dempster?" at the feet of it. nnd the turfy lanes of the Currnghs, where the curlews were crying, until they enmc te the big gates of Unllnuiear, with the tall elms nnd the great sHenr.e Inside of them, broken only by the loud cawing of thr startled reeks, nnd thru te .Innct. In her lnec cap. nt the open deer of the beuse, waiting for her boy and scarcely knew ing whether te laugh or rry-ever nun. It Meantime there had been aifelhrr ami erjrldiffcreiit homecoming. In a cerner1 of nn open third-class carriage of the trnln that brought Victer Stowell from Castletown theie was u little scrvanS girl with n servant's Hn box, tied about with ii cord, en thr sent beslile her. This wns Uessie Collister. dis missed fiem the High IJuillff'H sen ice and being sent home te her people. She was very jeiing. scerccly merr than fifteen, with coal-black eyes and eye brows nnd bright complexion n bud of a girl just brcnklng Inte womanhood. Den Itnldremuin hnd no need te sny she wns net bis daughter. Her father hood was doubtful. Humer attributed it te n dashing eung Irish captain, who sixteen .cnrs before had put into Ram sey for repairs nfter his ship, n roast ing schooner, had run en the Carrlek rock. Half the girls of "the north" had gene crazy ever this intoxicating per son, nnd in the wild conflict as te who should win him I.iza Certcen hnd both wen and lest, for ns seen as bis ship wns ready for sea he had lisapearctl, nnd never afterward been heard of. I.im's en by hnd been born the fel lowing spring, and two yenrs Inter Dan Cellistcr, a miller from "the south" who had net much cause te be proud of Ills own pedlgiee, had made a grent virtue of mnrr.wug her, child nnd nil. being, ns he snld, en "cenjcrgnl" subjects it inn n of Hhcrnl views nnd strong epin Ions. In the fourteen rears that followed Lbn hnd learned the liberality of Dun's views en marriage and Hessle the strength of his hand as well ns opin ions, lint while the mother's nerves hnd been broken by the reproaches about her "by-chlld," which had usually pre rrded her husband's night-long nnsnl slumbers, the spirits of the girl had net suffered much, except from fear of n certnin strap which be bad hung in the ingle. ews with their baskets of butter and eggs en their bread knees nnd their faces resplendent from much senp. Fac ing these was a tough nnd rough old sinner who bantered them, in langunge mero proper te tiie stud nnd the fiirm yard, en their late married lives and the necessity of beginning en fresh ones. 'ISa Mniin.Hl.lin.l !!... mh....mI.m.I I.h.I ....I mi 11119111-11 K1UV1 IfliJVUftCtl 1UIIU " St i f ' tbenwelvi The laughter from the ether passengers, nnd LV'ssla's Inugli wns loudest of all. This led te the widows looking round In her Direction, and presently in tne recov ered consciousness of her sltuntien, she heard whispers of "Johnny Qual Qual treugh" nnd the "Dempster's son" and then turned buck te her window nnd cried. There wns no one te help her with her luggage when she hnd te chnngc nt Douglas, se she carried her tin box nrres the platform te the Hamsey train. The noith-gelng traffic was light ut that hour, and sitting In nn empty compart ment she hud time te think of home and what might happen when she get there. This wns a vision of Dan ltnldremma threatening, her mother pleading, her self screaming nnd nil the hurly-burly she hnd heard se often. Dut even Hint did net altogether iMTtiMdTtt tfclr Ctrl' went Inte thciklfclien n bare yet clean nnd cozy place, with earthen floerVoliert. ingie and a iicnrtn nrc, ever which keltic hung by n sooty chain. Ifcit hnrdly hail Hessln tnken off her reat and hat nnd sat down te the cup of tea her mother had made her when the throb of the inlllwheel censed, and Dan llaldremma's heavy step nunc ever the rebblrd "rtrect" outside te the Lllntiftfi flnnt He was n stoutly built man, short n.l nrrmu ltli hpnW hlnck CVCbrOWS, i..i. H.v'.., ...... ... - . thick and threatening nps, u iewrr ns expression, nnd n loud nnd growling voice. Seeing the girl nt her meal he went ever te the ingle nnd steed with his back te the lire, nnd his big bunds behind him, while he fell en her with scorching snrensm. "Well! Well!" he said. "Hark again. I aec! And you such n grnnd woman grown since jeu were sitting nnd eat ing en that scat before. Only sixteen enrs for spring, yet spercylng (sweet hearting) already, I. hear! ttitu no wooden-spoon man neither, like your father your stepfather, I mane! Tn son nnd heir of one of the big ones of the island, they're telling me! And yet Tou're net thinking mane of coming back te the house of n common man like me. Wonderful! Wonderful!" Ucssic felt ns It her bicnd-nml-lmttci were choking her, but Dan. whose im pure mind was net satisfied with the effect of his snrcesm, began te lay out at her with n bludgeon. . "Yeu feel!" he said, "leu ye been mxlng yourself up with bad doings en the rend, and new n dneent lad Is lying ni ,in.,ti,'a lnnr through you, nnd tne, High Hnlliff Is nfter flinging you out et his house us unfit.fer bis family thnt frighten her new, for she had one source ill ruilirr wmi'll Mil: nun iirvi'i nuu uc I ii i ... ( fore. She was wearing iv big hat with . " . ' . ,lrnnni i,. ,cnj large red roses, n straw-colored fnk' J le ha.l dreppel he. henu mwl nlintiii iiJ ulmibltistl SUfllll blinOO illfifi IIIUI. . Ulll l were much tee thin for the oncoming winter. And looking down at these last and icmembcring she 'had bought them out. of her wtiges. expressly for Hint tuilL- Mill. Allet: loll, film IheilEhtl en the Ceilistcr's frightened f- ,,au irnMmrliifr n leek of retmiec. "Alsv, mnn vcen. nl." said the mother," "Take core of thy tongue, Dan." V. Mr tenuc.'" said Dan. "it s m llNili (Stj W te lee eat. ItwiU ta Deem ntn'tr def-cart coming 'Sewn the glen wlthfnther and son sfttlntr side by side. The women heard the Deemster's steady voice saluting the miller us he WC"Klne'lay. Mr. Collister!" "Middlln', Dempster, mlddlln'," snld Dan, in n voice that was llke a growl. And then, the deg-cart being gene, lit fnrrd bnrk te the girl nnd said, with n hitter snert: "Se that's )our mnn, is lt-dthing with the Dempster?", ,. . "Ne. no." said the girl, lifting her fare from the tnb'c. "Ne? Hasn't be been flung out of his college for it for what nine of it, I mane? And Isn't the DcinpstcrMnklng hltn home in disgrace?"' "It was n mistake it wnsn t the Dempster's son," snld llesslv. "Then who wns, it?" There wns no reply. "Who was it?" "I can't tell you." "Yeu menn you won't We'll see nbeut thnt, though." snld Den, nnd re turning te the fWplnee, be took n short, thick leather strap from n nail liuld1 the ingle. ' At sight of this the gitl get up ninj begun te scream. 'Tiithcr! rather ' I'll I her!" "Don't father me! Who was It':' said D.i n. The b!oed wns rising in the metiirr pallid face. "Cellistcr," she nird. "If thou teurh the girl ngsin, I'll walit straight out of thy beuse." "Walk, woman I De ns you p!n.e! But I must knew who brought disgrace en my name. Who was If?" "Don't! Don't! Don't!" rried the Girl. The mother stepped te the deer. "Collister," she repented, "for fourteen cnrs, thou's done ns thou liked with me, nnd I've been giving thee hive te de it, hut lay nnetlier bund en my child I'll tell TTi (eVUMInn ptittf1: 'mwl ' thf! 1 drive into town te ftch.Mt,fc the Knenkcr. had net seen hlm'.tl I'nnsnr Oiinilrmttrli hnd. CsSMr, nn nl ifiHlnmrr te rresrf the had h4! prrlwicc of the mnn' iiltnself); Wi the smoking-room nt the Keys he,! bragged of what be could have a He could liave put the lieeinsters sw jail! Yes, ma'nm, In 'jail ! If h liml n iniiiit tnr II teiitir Slewed M lime slent nt Castfc kushrn lnatetl itnllninenr tonight. And if he bads why hndnt he? t,ncsar wouldn't I l.itf nvrrl limit kllPW .llfi llllll n I mining e'n In' the Courts presently !' "Think' of '." snld the Hncab ..,..;. . . . .' ... .i. ii i -,.. (. '1 110 lirsi .liuiri; in me isihiiu in wrwwt t.f,k).f i.f r mnn like thnt !" . ft&& Mrs. CJrll, who wns a f ci 1 4 ensy-tell,fj roed.nnliireiL Seul, with flic dentin efe' nf ii uhi'nii Hip!4 Tinlr wiia 'ii HKln dtl--vi ordered nt the moment, tot she hitJwfTl ..! t..4 .( .a nl.ta.ml (anl- t.nH' a, tt aaM AAH fi-t-tX U1IIJ JllPl linnnl'lini liuui ii'-. lutcinv'ia it slrep, nnd m hMII wnirhiff lirr inern blLA I.... . Inn...l I. ..... ,.. mnl.n n.miaja ? lll llllri.III , IJT-i.1111 t.i lining lv,uwv, if" nut mercy me, vrenie, sue sainy ;e "wnai uees it onieuni 10 nucr an , -tv nnlvffii ufhruillinv hdiintilile''" J.'. 'iJen't tnlk nonsense, Helln." ldJ,ii ,l.i. U.....I ... ,11. ....... I.... n 1..... ,'(:.W i in jiJi.ir.ii. ii Mm,, ii i i iiwii . "9.n! llll'.c linns in uegin wiiii, nm iiic ef"tjO. gestrlvrr that evrr plungril into the v&1 ki'i Xnnlil hnir Im'Imi nut 111 Id n tM S: cup somewhere" s This ugl business would go en, until ,"-M I . 1..... I... I. ....!.! - .- '''i inutL-n miun iiiui lb nuiuii- i-innr i-v. yi The Icemster, who hud bought his son iu snfety from a blackguard without mercy, would never, be able te bold tin bis head ncnln he. the Sneaker never would, be knew that much, any nny. As for the boy himself, he wns done fox ltcing expelled Trout King I William's no school or unhcrsify across I lie wnlcr would mint liliii, nnd if he ever wished te be admitted te the .Mnnx Hnr it would be the duty of his own father ,0 refine him "Se that's the end of llie bis man, ItuUi the beginning of tlu end any- the and !mniPKiirhlv i elmrncter I have te take care of, woman mind than the , When a girl s carry ng a nv...si.mr IlinC HOB HO ICgai :mii i "I ' - right te de that, I'm thinking. "But the girl' only ii child only a child itself, man." "Maybe se, but I've known girls be. fore new, net much elder than she is, te bring disgrace Inte n duccnt house nnd lave ethers te live under it. 'What s bred in the bone comes out in the flesh, they're saying." .-..,, r The woman flinched ns if .the lash of n whip had fnllcn en her face, nnd Dan turned back te the girl. "Se you're n fine lady thnt belaves in the nrlstecrniks. lire you? Well, irl, what hnve theu1 I m a pintn man tnnt uecm i, aim no- i.nl.1 Mrs ('fillister. IIOU.V V1I1K 111 IIIV iioube tun uuyi; uiij of something thnt wns mere imoertunt in her incident which had led te all trouble Allpk hed kissed her! She was still thinking of this, tingling with the memory of it, nnd telling herself hew geed she had been net te snv who Iter boy was when the "big ones" questioned her, nnd hew she would never tell that, 'deed no, never, no matter what might happen te ether people, when the train drew up suddenly nt the station that was her destination and she saw her" mother, a weak-eyed woman, with a miserable face, standing alone en the shingly platform. Hnues alive, g . .,., hern (kiiili new as seen us the train had "Hadn't I trouble enough father without this?" ,, But Iicssle was in tears again ny unit gene with en. th truck with them." ... "But goednrss me, Dan, the boy 1 net a dale elder than herself," said Mrs. Collister. "Nineteen years at the nt that. or ninety, n s nu .", ...!.i.. i.. ,i. .,i nitmhtei miuv ni ene te me, said Lan. nim mis SIUUU Junius ' '" """-" -',V 'ii-n.l will ., Innulnir iihnt. M,rr of "Ne. no. don't go. mother. lilm." cried flic girl. "It wits "any," it wns Alick (Jell." i .lust then pcaierks erenmcd in thai "Yeu menu the son of the Spaker?" 'courtyard they eIwiias r'mntiei when "Yes." (visitors wcre approaching Mrs. Gell "That's geed enough for me," snld) looked up nnd the Speaker wnlked te Dan, and then, with another snort, hail the window and looked out without see bitter nnd half triumphant, he tossed ing anybody. But nt the next moment the strnp en te the table, went out of the drawing-room deer was thrust open the house nnd into the stable. nnd their eldest (laughter. 1-nuclln, with An hour nfterwnrd, in hl billyceck i wide ejes nnd n blank expression, w lint nnd blue suit of Mnnx homespun, saying brenthlrslv u he was driving his murkct-emt. up the . "It's Alick. lie has run uwny from long, straight, shaded lnne te the Spenk- school er's ivy-covered mnnsion-lieusc. with the grnvelcd ceurtynrd In front of It Alick came behind her. elglit. his college cnti in hl n pitiful uiiid, his 1J11L 111.331 ll, m vr ..p." .. - ., . time, se metlier nnd daughter lifted the mes . and u Ime bej tin box into n tailless innrket cart thnt' "Chut! ''V;''1 nlnnk sent across it horse's bend toward the wheel te the and turned their home. ,, , , Dun Baldremma's null steed fare te the highroad nnd back te the glen nnd the mountains a substantial structure with a tlintched and whitewashed dwelling heuse attached, n few farm buildings nnd n patch of garden, which, though warm nnd bright in summer under its mantle of gillie-flowers nnd fuchin, lnnlcpil bleak enough new with its row The world will never grew cold en et decapitated cabbage Btalks ami uic thnt child," people used te say in her straw reefs of its unprotected Declines. earliest days, and it seemed ns If It wus islnnd will b knowing wnnt sort ii boy he is before he hns done with it. ', The young rubs of the "big one" began early. They treated the daugh ters of decent men ns their fathers treated everybody using them, nbusing them, and then treading en them like dirt. "But Mnnx girls are troublesome minxes," s'lid Dim. "and the half of them ought te be ducked In the mill pond ' Wiiat did .ion expert this one would de for you. gill, nfter ou hnd been collenulng und jesting nnd kiss in which two or three neuenrks strutted I face nale. drawn nnd smudged with und screamed. sweat, his htiir dienlcreil. his clothes III entered with dust, nnd hl, beets thick with soil ' "What's this she sars- thnt jeu te run nwnj?" said the Speaker. "Yes I hnve I told her u myself," said Alick, who was half rrjing. "Did you though? And new pcrhnne eii will tell me something whj ?" "Because Stowell hnd been cxpellei. nnd I couldn't stuy when he wns gene." '"Couldn't jeu new? And why couldn't you?" "Ilr wus innocent "Innocent, wus he? wns innocent?" "I de, Sir, berntiJe I." It wns n sickening The Spenker had enlr iut relumed from Douglas. There hnd been u sit- , ting of tin Keys thnt day nnd he had) hurried home te tell his wife nn cx citing story. It was nbeut the Deem ster. The big mnn was down going down anywny ! Archibald (Jell wns a burly, full beauled mnn of n high complexion. Al though he belonged te what we called the "aristocracy" of flic islenil. the plebeian lay close under his skin. Humer snld he wns subject te paralyzing brain storms, nnd that he could be a foul mouthed man in hi drink. But he wns generally culm nnd nearly always sober. Ills ruling imsHlen was n nasien for power, nnd his fiercest lust was n lust ' uir iie pnvnnl f ......l..l.- 1L n..H..t .. ,! . 1 V .. " . ' .. ...I. .....I Lla. ui iuiiiiuiii. . i u- j.ii-iiipur nm nisi .), binitten nun in ine nieiiin, uim ma Who mijs he it wn moment for the ns it semeininc still true, even in the depth of her present trouble. The open railway carriage was full of farming people going up te market, nnd among them were two buxom wid- PU uremics. , . , ,., . f,, ,,,,,.1, ,,i.- Mrr.. is mother and dniightcr enmc up In1 ,.,", M. .. .,.. ,i,irr nf "italln. their springlcss curt they heard the menr? uesi0 Corteen. the by-chlld 01 splash of the inlllwhec.1 ;ind the groan Um CellMcP? you feel ! Yeu booby! of the millstone, and by that they knew' Yeu 1)0g1( . Yeu demned idiot!" that their lord and master was at work) ,Tust tlcn g was tnc sound of within. Se they stabled their horse for wheels en the read, nnd Dan walked te 1ikiIv liiMirn nlmnht stmrcercd. "Yeu did it ' - what Stowell ves expelled for?" he stammered. Te be continued tomorrow- only serious rival in cither, and there fore the object of Ills deep and secret jealousy. His wus jealous of thr Deem- j . stcr's dignity and influence, but nbevei 'all (though he hnd hitherto hidden it1 even irem nimscjij 01 ns son. cemrlcht. 1S2I. mutational Uaevziuc 0) Steeping ever the fire m tiie drawing- '(,"v - room te warm bis hands after his long II0W TO ,,,Ve isc Yi'.Ans journey, he was talking, with n rer-1 jiff's nn ini'nafW inturriitlnB nubjaet. tnin note of elf-concrr.tulntien. of what it-" '' ur Medrn rcf n Kiuinif enr lin mil m.'iri in llnncl.iu Tint i.l.. i atr-ir . 1 . y -"'- ut'' ' p 'Incident nt King William's hnd rom'e Fitbu.'-iidi. I'tHLIO l.EI'ULK. "Maku It VclAJ Vi e" What Ruth Reland-e beautiful Film Star, Says of F-F LEMON COLD CREAM F-F LEMON CLEANSING CREAM F-F LEMON MASSAGE CREAM SaaMMfa?VMBkHBaHlBBaHIVHallBlBBHaaiSaHaaBBBaaBi "I have used 12 different kinds of facial creams, but never found perfect and lasting satisfaction until I used your matchless F-F Lemen Celd, Massage and Cleansing Creams. They are simply wonderful I" Yeu, tee, will find them wonderful. Wonderful te make a fine complexion wonderful te keep a fine complexion. The clean, sweet fragrance of lemons instead of an artificial perfume the whitening effect of lemon, plus the softest, smoothest, velvetyiest cream that beauty experts ever mixed for particular women.- The person who said that Beauty was only skin deep, at least paid a tribute te the-big part a woman's skin plays in helping make her beautiful. Therefore, help your skm te be beautiful which is helping yourself te be beautiful. And nothing will help your skin se much as the F-F Lemen products the Lemen Celd Cream Cream Lemen Clearfsmg Cream Lemen Massage Cream. Tiien, tee, there's an F-F Ointment and an F-F Medicated Seap for skin disorders efficient and unfailing. . Get these wonderful F-F Lemen products at the below mentioned Drug and Department Stores and Beauty Parlors, or mail ten cents te us for a generous sample of x any of these matchless Creams. See what a wonderful improvement in your complexion one week's application will make. Four Sizes 50, 65, 85 cents and $1.25 Alse Makers of the Popular and Famous F-F LEMON SOAP CSaJL SaA r L."' ' ,- Wtaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat ' " ( tZiOTl - ''''' JaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH '' .''Jk-r:'- attfefaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH vKk1 r J'i- '' ' '"?' "$ v ' ' ' js& -A' 1 x" "hhi vvT t, if '' "Qjfi V f v rV''jt. ,'.' t ? ? ' V. "i v " fe Loek for the F-F Trade-Mark FRIEDRICH-FRIEDRICH CHEMICAL COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Loek for the F-F Trade-Mark raajaaaa-aarai Ll.' i nai , "aaaafaaaaaaaaB i:i'.in.Mi:NT meiii:s lleimlt 'Idler Ce.. IStli mill thulnut. I. niliel llrullirrH. Ulli und Miirkct. I. I Itretlif i. Sill mill Murker. MirlmlreV llrpl. siern. litii. & I.clilgh nc. Snellciitiurt-'i,, I'tli uml MurUrl. MriiHlnlilse A C'IeIIiImt, Hlh aril Market. Kim uii.'inukrr, IStli mil .Market. , . .. 1MIIN. STOItl.S i. J. .Mlrnkrlir. Mill uml Orreen nte. I niiik J. .iiMIh, nth mill l.iiniliiirU. A. ,rntv, Krlri mid Itlslui; .Sun. J. Aiihlln, (II si mid Hnir. . II. .milc, S'M uml llerka. 'I. It. At in, luili und llrrka. A. .s. AnIhiii'uiI. Illlli uml i-ii;intn. . Xiierliuk. '.'iltli nnil l.eliluli. I. ,1, AniHIruni:, Kriihliietuu me. nnd 'llesru. . .Vll.i-ii, S(l (ilmril mi.. ft ',' V.,.,,l'.ll,.,'r' '',l N "' I . I'. Altirlitht, 'Jlht mid (Klnnl. VT .:' 'iii', Hli mid rine. A. Ilerkeiilt l)!i unit Jutl,i,uii, ' .Hauinxiirliier. Ilreild mid SeHaier. '.' .'. Iiruntle. l-lilcli me. .ind (.urnel. I. I. llerKen. ('ruari Ken Tlieutir. lluvua'H I'liiirmuiy, Villi uml lirlstlun. I lauiilii I liiirmaij, Htli unit Jkte uie. ". llrihl.ln. iirk und DiiukIuk. Ilriikir i Kprman. ISIIi I C'iduiiililn. !?l,n..K'..,toe'i, OJd mid T.mixdiinnr. .' )) .nnrr "' "i"1 C'liiulterlenil. I.. Al, IllniihlPln, 'JMil und lUfiiid. II. J. i)tfr, urU reud uml l.cunilnir. s LEMON Celd Cream Cleansing Cream Massage Cream M. I'. Ilruttln, ".Id und ruirmuiinl, s, Huren. Iht r.ud Menleumerj. IkTimiu V (ilien. 6th und Jxiinlmrd. llallrj'M rhurniiie. 21st unit Malt. I. Ilretker, UUO W. fiih(iulinini. lluiiiuia ltl Iii. YHO rhrUtUn. (j. .. Ilnum. mill nnd (ilrurd. S. . linker. Dill und Ulne. hninuel ntiine, .V.M mid Turkklilr. It. llliuliHiiml, nil nnd (ilrurd. Hm. IIU'Khlir, Mil und Murkel. Ilerslmd II itlm, 1173 . 7lh. Ii, M. Illuk, U.1HI (irriiiuiilunn. (.t'i. HurlMce, Mill uml tllmril. M, IIImt. 5(11 Ii und ll.ueifiinl. II. Ile.ul HruiikC, n.lth und Wkltli. II. II. Onkrefl. AtleKlieiu me. '.mil Ir.iukllu. .s. A. Cvlieu. tlDHi und l)4Ullilil. 'Iliee. I'uiuiiliell. Ilierlireuk. s. CuIiiiii. I Hi nnd llneert. II. II. Collin, :id und Curix'nler 4. (I. .N. (ime, tllli und I'ulnueunt W. I.. I Mile, -4HD.I Urnlnelnn IMild l(. CiiIIim. '.'d mid Indiana P. CuIckUhU, UUIIi and Wuuillillld llenJ, II. t'ulien, 4IMMI (ilr.inl lirlnt riiui'iii,. rrankfeiil me. A eulnce '(.mrll' IlriiK Merr, ItUtli mid Uhurtun Ciintliivntnl Dnir Ce.. H3t Cliefttnut (.eiirnf. t'nrnun, '.'d and lliinllnc ,1'urk U'llllum M. ('alien. 1WH1 Leuden , 5. .M, rlienkln, lfllli nnd liauiililn N. dn Mnttliurla. tWi N. fid Mrs. Iliiille.!. 1111 N, I'urk V. IH-nllz. Ikrka mid Judaen S. II, lluiU, 0047 Yerk rd. 11. .1. IMtelirr. IBOI helllli , I 'ler in . Ilielrlili, Mill mid dlrard s. i:. Ileuuit, Dili uml HrUtel W. Ileliirt Detkrr. IU Klilk'e r. . I1.U, 1311 Widiw. .. i:, II, Iri-ikrr, Trim uml llimilmi , .1. I', HrellM-lliiH, (iielhn m. & LlintLIln I. II. Ilelllrker. 2lli und llusu A. (I. Ktlrlmiiu, 01 111 mul I'lne M. riiNtelii, ftlllli und llaicrferd I', II, i:tierl. '.'nmi Oxford I. i:ikeii. Xlimi JrlTrrkiiii . . . Albert X. l.nHilklle, 4W1I l'mnkterd Ii, T. i:i'ir, 2Utli und llfil." FOR SALE AT THE FOLLOWING DEPARTMENT AND DRUG STORES I.. K. Klirrly, I7lli mid Mmmt Vrraen iinirirei II. Kiiiiin, ut ull tlirlr ktnren Klfretli'M riiariuiiij . I '.'III mid 1'iiluiiilila rerke K Jeiie, nth mid l,lenoed Kluik Urel In r, still und Kldirn N. II, Friedman, Hill and IMiimiiiiil r. It, 1 arrow, tiUlli nnd Columbia llnrrj I'lirlier, let Ii und Kprlni.- uiriin rreemuii & I'rltiJelin, IHtli uml K.ui' IiiiIh lVrtkj, 'Mil mid I'OMflten llklier'x I'liiirmai.) , H.IH (irriiiuiilunn ('. H. l'rllx, ii.ld mid Mtrlnic (iiirdrn I., nrlklier, ii . (Inturlu lVdrrul I'liarniuij, I7tli mid t'rderut I.eiiIn J'lkliiiiau, liltli und (Uford I.. M IVIdniaii, '47th mid Daupliln Mlclnfel lliihrlil. N. nth Ht. II, I1. (ioeiUrlend. .Mill mid t'lii-Htniit. Kuidnrl t,l-H. .I.MH M irket A. I', tiniMlfrlend. Iltli und Mauler. hniuiiel (Iririi. li.'l) Caiirtlanil. .M. II. lull), IM-k I'linrm.. lUlll ltld.-r. Inirllrld llnw., fiUJI tiientrr. liilllllmi'h I'liarm., IAX8 lUrrlken. S, r, lihikk. Villi mid Jrfferkeu. Lie (ieIiIhiiiIIIi. I Dili und Dlmneiid. I.. K. liiikN, l.'lli und .Mauler. W, A. (ilrtut. Lambert und MiMiuelninnu. A. (iiiiktier, 17th and la null In. drnare 'llte .Marlln, Ull h, Hlh. .1. (letillinliir. fflli mid Mlmrteii. M. (Ilauti. I .'03 (llu, fiitkklnx rliurui., Illtli und I'ulnueunt. A, A, llrurey. Ilrwid uud IJrle, S, (.elillii'rr. Hlh mid l.rle lliinlliitr I'urk I'hunn.. ierk rd. & I.jcuiulnr. w. ,i. iiirriuexT. :iJS7 . 3it. L. s, lleaklr, Hlh ami lluntlnit I'urk. Iluili Ce. MUfiibiini mid Celumhl.i, llrir A lle.iili, HUUi mid lilrurd. (I. II. Hull.!; tfilh and Ml. rTiieii. Ilellrikiri lillntiler, llrewn !. aiul Kldrr. II, llurilelkinan, 17th nnd WlnwuhecUnn. ('. A, lluilield, 1H.it (nlmnlilu. i. I.. HelwlK, 1 Iltli nnd I'nlrniniiut Vt. H.IIeyi Ce., l:m W. Venantn, .1. 1'. Ilaudi, ISIIi nnd eik. IV, .1. Ilelm, 17th and Meiitcamer)'. I'. II, Iliil7seliuli. Ifith und TlimiipMin. I'. S, llmsliek, ISIIi und Oxfrrd lleili'i. I'liarm.. Krkd. me. und Ailuin.. . J. Iliineinan. IOUI CetuKii. llet & Neek, Inc., line Itldie. II. II. Hen nielli. :i7lli und Cliealiiut. Iiwln'a llruir Mere, rntnkferd me. & xeller. fi".1."1" 'Inekfeii. Mulnn mid l)r l, i.udd.'' '.'"""'jej., llrlliodes und Mullirrri. !'. JaariiliN, Uli titn. ?' '' leiun. IHth nnd llu tier, f. 1). Jhieij, Ulill lliintiii I'nrk. Mm 4. Krll. .'.lid mid KIiiiivhiiIiic. Wr"2 " 1'hurm.. !3il and lluierienl. IUulTin.il 4 l.urtlukel ISU3 Hrlment. A. V. Iteliu, SBIh and lurk. II. II. Kramer. UUt A. Iluuphln. Nailian K tiirniun. Hill a. Camra. 'j 'i K'",'"'r; IHIh Olmaend. A1, .S .Kniiuf. Utb A Xnmrrart. i1.' '.'( .rulT' '',,,h & I'arrUli. ." A' .kt,,,,,r' "0h Hrawn. '! ' , KJInuuinen. mill & Ulameiid. """ei'll Kut, sui Orlhodei.i vl . ,,IL,.,,, i"'.lu,,l0i ' l'nn. i J,HT,,riJt ?lTm'.'"" Wurne ura. A Munhelm. Iul K. l.Ucett Ce., l.MO Market. K. II. I.uike. nth A I.fl.lnh Ijirilmeud rhiirmiyy . Olat I I.urtln.oed. Leeeli llru,, (iermuiitewn ne. A Tlucu. Ilunrv Jens. TurrrduJe A IMKalierr. !:"'? 1 .u.r,,,t '" H"XI tireen. i li: 1JI,,, ll,h .Moutaeinrry. W. II, iJintr. lUth A IliTili. Ilrurelbu'u limit bterr. 131H tlietnut. iJi.lV!rrVn,,I'1"'IlB' ln" ',', tleurnelil. lihrunik I'liarinac) , Sd & ( uinberland. Lerdeirt A "I" '.', liellen A I'ulukkl. m". ,'1",V;,' 7111 HoedUnd me. !.MuiH -MHiiit, -lllli A ('heintit. II. J. Murrur. Mill XV. AlleKhe n. ":- Mjr. 4S.3 Irunkterd. Mlllrr'H l'li.ranHrjr. HlfJsa me. JelTeriien. . Sii Iw.,rUsu4B I'ennunluHn me. if wiil,,i "rin"cjr, (lath A KiiKMMlnr. "'""B"""l"aaMraBBfaaBi.aaia,aBi A lerk. . .1. .Meier, ( hew .1 Chellrn . K. Sir rmlier. Chen A Cliureli lune. J. t. Mairr, 301 L (ilrurd air. M. Matrirk. 33th A Vtiulualnc. Mandell;', 2914 (lermuntewn aa. II. .1. .Murru, O.'iiH l.rrmanteun ure. Miller Dnic Ce.. ISO N. 2d. T. L. Me'inin. Iluirdi line A llerelmned MelwI'N I'hurniuri. 304 Hull mera me. II. . .Merrln. S74J , .1th. ' Mei llriur. Willi A Murkrt. JlMllii llru. tlllh A Murkel. Mel lu lirui, S.'d und .Market. I. s. Muthnhk. nut ktwii I. MrMlehael. .Villi Jt Mi.rL.i M. .1. MeAleer. 30th A AOila'lid. iiuurri ur.-eii, iienMiniten air. J. T. Vrf.lnnla. I HO X -.".I Iraiieej Mihela. nth A Ititiier. !V "VUn'.'.s,;5 Jv- rUMjiiehaiina. !!ur.r. "r. 8Hi A lleuleiiird. II, B. .N0, mth A Chrlktlan. '"""J1 .,.,0?,.,ln' 2:d Columbia. ChiiN. T. Malrla. 21.1 -A I'lne. Iluiid .Nelter A Ce., I .ill Markrt. s. II, Oklnim :in A lluntlncdiiii. Il.nj. I'romLlefr, 1117 Shunk, M. I'lntiun. 2d A tt'elf. I'eitrltnn rimnn,, 3 Id A I'uHelten. I., reurll, It It A Mider. It. 1'eklxr. )04h A Krle. M. I'rrliifr, 12th A I'lue. ('. I'ur-in. 4il N. nth. I!. K. Wiener. ISth A .leiTersen. (, I'rninlkle, taiifi A (lullrii, I'mierk' A KpjikiIiIn, 1027 H. Tlecii. M. I'erel, 4 liellen A Slenten. I'. C. I'lirllrk. Alh A MeKemi. N. L. It.uhinell, 3d A Ultner. I.u'ih..'x'.?,0l,,.n',n' ,n,t'" "" Jtrkken, .1. L. Knhl, 3h A Ijrlr, UeiiUnd' llrnc M,, 3 tut Murkel. I. (1. Raiimert. Creet A ( lirlMlun. II, Kiikrnlhnl 2H20 llilih, J. A. KuMk, S3.M) OrtheiTak. I.jiin Keel, rliurui.. 1Mb A AlleglieiiT, lllrli A mlel. Kidre me. A I'eiilar. I). .1. Ilee.f, Iltli A lliinllncduii. Trrd Itoile, 7111 M. (Illi. M. Keeiler. lerk rd. A tin hen. I". J, Klnkrr, 2l (.ermauteun e. Ilr. I,. Miinlmisk. franklin A .Mejuiiirnsiiii;. K. W. Mielten. Bid A Market. ( . II. -Ihn, ine.i I IrarHthl. M. L, MiMlrrniiin. UOIIi A 1hkii1. I. . Mhmlfl.-, 7th A eiuiiice. ( . . Simler. ."id A JrtTrmmi. I'. , .'"(lilllle. till A IniUiiiiu, I. II. si briililni;. 2111 h A lluniincilen, I., siheikter. I70U 11, MikiiiKt.iuna, 'lecfrleil A mrli. Iltli A l.rle . 1. s,iakell, IIMh A 'kiikiiiiilirt,,". M. r. simler lliillrr l. A I'uluVkl. . hlMtmd Mrunk, Terrrkdale A lllxlx-e. n. II. Milnilr. IIMh A JrlTiTseu. .1. smart, -.jju; rulrnieiim, Jl. I', hnidrr, 2.1th A Hrimn. S. II. Mrretrr, I'litukki A l.i le. II. s, siiinHdiT, ,1113(1 rrankteril me. supreme llrus In.. Kill brrmaiiten 11 me, H. T. .Slimier. 1433 Areh. ( lm,fA' M-IUrr. 4401 1'rnnkferd me, siihUf IlniB .store, rrkd. air. A Oxford. Iaui Slliiriiiiin. 3d A Catharine. (I. II. scliarlTir, 101 Ii A lllntnibeiklnc. siunlij llrue Ce., 224 Market. II. II. sban. 32d A I'arrUli, ( , 1'. .srlimlekle. (1,1111 tiernuiulemi ate. . II. rhinlrk, 27.1H .N. 13th. siuiker A Neetl. (lermuntOHii A C'htltrn. I. .shore. I'rauklln A llerk. I harlrk . heU. 42d A .Manilla. supreme Ilnnr Ce..27lJi A. Heed, Mortimer smith. I3lh A Montcenirr). I. li. Ma 11 (Tit. 4(lth A Suiixeni. . siikIii, Him Mnoillneil. II. in ski. IT, .llll llalllmere, Imneiit I'luirni.. IVaukferd me. A llemriilli I a (inn I'll irin.10. 33.12 I oiukherr. liiuiiRle I'llilrmiicj , 2lkt A l', Itrerre, 2(Hh (entnrj llriur (0,. 2Mh A MtKeun. IjiiiU Triinn. Chrlleii me, A llesrr, . II, M, 'luctart, Morten A Churih lane, I.. ( , llir.ikh, 11 u lie A IKiin. I'. L, I rial. Iliieen lnne A Merrli. I,. 1. I kett. 2721 Celiimhlii. s.iiii. lUilirmiin, Itih A MiUritii, .1, II. Itied ( e !fl Markit, 11 II. Wallers 1 ." 1 1 1 A I honiiikeii. WrUkiiiiiu' llruc stura, din. uie. A Irn.uicn MelkMiian'N IlriiK Slere, 4IKIH I jinni.(rr. Mrlinaii' Drue Mure, 1120 11. KtH.kl.ind s, Miilcciiiiilli, 311I1 llaierferd. . II. Mi lilrm in, iii l.reeii. II. 1. WIk.I.t. M((. ilium A llukellrld. K. MHnherK. 7lh A .Merrik. II. .1. Meire, I.I07 Ixiriiki. II, I., MruthM, Ixiiidrn A brentr. It. II. MNklrr. 7111 (irriu inlOHn air. I!. M. Wolfe, 3d A llilnbrldKe. I!. II. Wrlvr, 2d A IVektiiierHuiul. .1 it nil llallllilrl. I. In. m,. llitnllm ,lnn iiurr 11. iimimi. Hill . lint hi lellln'a I'liartnac) , (IO1I1 A Uiiiikt. II. W. InuiiBkeii, 13th A Tleea. I. I'. 'ellei. ,'7lh A (liferd. Ilarr t . ellc, 1300 lliirrl-rn. ( harlek s. Iiniiirrmiin. 2.100 .V 33d, hmaninl M nlii, .Id A (home. I11111I1I0 lanate, 7lh ,1 I athiirliir. (.en, II. r.ians. 111 US ( lirstliul. I, r, II, Clank, 1I0H 1 In-Muni, l.ee. II, l.iaiik, Hlh A Markrt. Cee, II. limns, liil Market, (10. II. I.lllli-. 1012 llurket. JdllllKltN Akheiibarh A Miller. 3d A Callimhlll. I. Muurr A hmi. .'I'll S. Hlh. l'hlla. Whnlrkiilr llrue, 1113 N, llreail, tela m I'fromei, 231 .. 2d. Iiilrntlnn II, Mnltli. 2d A (ireen. smith. Iillne A 1'renih, 42 Arib. Tripoli IWrhrr'H Suniil) te., (10(1 s, 01 li LEMON Celd Cream Cleansing Cream Massa'gc Cream M 4 W M Mr I ?l cj 71 ' 1 S.f 1 11 n i S V: ' ft I IB : , aaj ')' 4 1 'iijSM $m x 7wM ' " ffy.-t.Jg&ifal ik ii I iM UAf 1 A;'mm-