e3y ;:V.iT, W."JiW '.' WMi liWU'm i'llT. rajwa, $r &mt p.' I V'lv 1 i""L'...'V8',irA' "" w". r.'.i'r :iy .... i r !J..ms-v pitrtir erarmrct Ir u1 - . DAILY NOVELETTE tfaAHOSTAS IN CONFUSION TO j. - '" ' rtttA'SAlJNDKnS hntl tortured hrr Sfcwiwn nirln Inte, (we pumnlrleiin itslli thnt J-toetl at right anglr nbove !k.f, Ker want of n rlrtMlns; , (,,0 wOt'P n mncN nrnueinic jewn ti' hed lcen Wl hanging In the KZw l00,n "f ''" ''"", K.T'nnli" Er eV "f tl"?cAfnri". Tlirn hc pnlled EL tit ("' P'S'"" nr0,ln,l the bark -of I -. 1 ii.i.m ilmvn hv n linlrnln licre ind ttlsere mul utriiKftlecl Inte the ren- Infuief n WW luniir m inirriinir innr tit nupiept1 te trmiKferm her Inte ii i.it.l.1nnilril lllillnn. I I; pilly n ',"j1l""l",, ,n roll' ILt wan nlieiit te make lier tlcbut en th re11rR ,nB n'1 ,0(!n,,en,'", '" a . wriitrn by ene or nor cimiiiucs. '"'Where' the makeup mnn?" Mir m1II from tin ciirtninrii'dir Hcctien 1 i, Ini'krr room whera Mip vn .,kln hrr linty toilet. .?i?5b-iiii mat! Wlir. there futl't ,rW" animal." antwered KIiir j,uln room. I ney eniy nnvc a npefd te mike yeursflfiy. "fr'n. trim Hlfrftfint; imc4all.v a , -,,, ".--. i ., - fa the Various mum up niuiiwiciii. hi S. ..i-arni nrtnrs In the' id it v. tbert' s'nethint; thnt wouWL.de In. nny way. wtipoe' Indian. She ?n.the only In dian in tlie cnsi. mincmij - wbj-iiiiu 1 England nt tin- time lltnt I'nvahnn it went thither with .lohrMtelfe : anil mn If It wns n humorous little farce Pocahontas hnd te leek real. Vnr n few moments roily devcrlhcd lid circles through the dressing room tt the RymimMnm In warch of noinc neinc thin that would help her. Then she found a box containing dressing for tan ihep. both liquid nnd paste. She hur maA hunk te her little mirror en the vail and did what jhe reuld. It wan Friday nfternoen, nnd Pelly hd made arrangement te go home for I the wcelfene, leaving coiiege immeni ttelr after the performance, patching tbe B o'clock train nnd reaching home ir J or e. L w ,, Jtm That 1? ny t wiin vaiirLinii.v mn- tMHlus en returning te her drewlng room at the clone of n performance, .nt which the npplaurw nnd appreciation ld made up for forgotten lines and oc ec oc cuiiemnl "light embarrassment, te find that the Indian complexion, put en no mIIt with n hriiKh nnd a hit of cotton, didn t come off e'enllly. Telly tried te n.h it, but water did net budge It. Thrre wnn'l even tlme te iiurry hack e the dormitory, for Telly had te catch the 0 o'clock train. But them wan time fnr one of the members of the commit tee te go te the dormitory for n heavy nil. while Pelly hurried out of Poca Peca Poca ientas' ciethcn Inte her own. Pelly did net take n neat in the pnr pnr ler" ear, n she hnd been inlvlneil by her careful pnrentH nlwnyH te de, because rte thought, she would be lee conspic uous in the day coach. The man al the ticket office hnd atnred at her and " lid the conductor who helped her aboard an later punched her ticket, nnd there n nothing of admiration In the xtare. She looked timidly through her veil hr ptsfetiRcrs alighted at n .nation that lay nlaViiy of ihn journey from college te ier home, becauce she wan fearful lent lemc one miiiht seek te chare her nar row feat. That wn when Mic fbw ii till masculine tigure thnt made the color Beunt IiirIi unrter her tawny com plexion. She was quite mire -It nn Dllten Drew. Dallen Prew wns her Irethcr's roommate In college and ahe kd met hlin when she wen home en Christinas vacation. TV uerM of It way that Pnllen had tM her the second time he met her that fhe m the predict girl he hnd eref known, nnd she hnd naively replied that she wns glad lie thought se be ciup she thought he wni iil!e the best-looking mnn she hnd "almost" er wn. New sue Itnew stie loeKcl a fright and slip didn't wnnt te spoil bis Impression. t She was aware a few minutes' later of the fact that this snme mnscullne tigure bad paaed nnd then repassed her com partment. With her face averted to ward the window she thought he looked fer'a few moments Intently at her. She were the snme hat she had worn en thnt day they went skating together. He.weuld probably recognize It. Therefore when l)altnn had pnsied be ren nnd went quickly te the car beyond, found another inconspicuous teat the end f the next enr nnd sat there. Ker nn hour she rode In miser able fear lest Dalten Prew should find her, nnd breathed a sigh of relief when b alighted nt her home town. Pint her relief touted enlv until site saw that Dallen Prew hnd nlse alighted. Then she fled, actually running! reunn ine Mnuen, ami sineu ler n tew minutes in the lee of llie express office, aaw Dnlten Drew npprearhing nnd fled tain te the place where the wnlting taxis steed nnd jumped Inte the firsit oil" Ihar pieseiiteil itself and gave her home address. Reme one hailed the cab. It wns Dllten Prew running beside, it. but she ordered the tnxi driver te drive fust and net te step. Then s'.ie wns ion ien jrlws that nnether tnxi. probably with J'aitnn Uieu within, wns driving be Me hers along the stretch of read thnt ltd te her father's suburban home. Five minutes mere and her tnxi came w an abrupt step. The taxi driver dismounted nnd the pursuing taxi topped ten. Alter n few moments of investiga tion the driver opened the deer, told Ji'r "he uns plumb nut of gns," nnd nen the win fnce in face with Palton wen-, wlm fairly lifted her te Ills own Jf'ting mxl. paid the driver of the JiMblcd car and ordered his inui driver W proceed .'j""." he said -nnd Pelly was rer Iian that l ils mmjIc dark In ihe lltl "new jeii tell mn uhv you Hive tipen rnti.it... ....... f..n , t ' H iln, lllllll 111,- I I nearu Mill cre cemlnir home ,.,.., ero. I jour brother until lie found eut'whntl "ln jeii were going te take, henrded ... uiN-'iu'refi you and dien renllzed wat jmi were trying te cs,., I tertians I enirht in tuim n oil - n t. "eiiRh that jeu dislike me, that veu I '' left e(T nt C'hrlstnina but well. im net s easily discouraged." pn, ' l ,P0 w,int .ve" nican." said oily. nert nc I fn,... tr.ii imrn" "mt ll1" w,,.v .veu have I . i . ",p enl-v 'nnkes me mere anxious "..r'L "' hnt Pjn mnd nbnut jeu. Tnn'e "" ' 'in t reqllzn that s. iiiiiiiu inn no nb ert nun i n " " ii. Legacies Alter Cases By J. P. MtEvy TpOH years he ctired the wicked rich In horrid, liectlc venes,' He cursed them hide and fur and teeth nnd feathers, hair and bones, He cursed them In the morning and he cursed them In the night, He rated' Against (he blonde, brunette, the yellow, black nnd white. He hated them and all they, had with a hate beyond compare He haled thorn down te Hades anil tin ihe (lelden Stnlr, nut nn uncle tiled nnd left this man a eunrn of yellow ere. And new j'eii never hear him curse the wealthy any mere. Tnl!K plutocrats," he used te cry, JL "have ground tin down and out! They scourge u te-disease and death " 1 . beneath thelr,blebdy knout,;, They'take Ihe bread from out our mouths, the rags from off aur hacks, ' nBinma; 'i)i l"ml 'v- SPC IRf w miHii t IS1! V ' . : XmUUIIMUkHIIBEMl TjfllHH!BIIIWHHllIrmiW i fifeiu'll taste the difference! 25 lb Sold only In our Stores lAMtsiHSJIl jllMMlWIMiMPKM And loll around In mhhslens lrah-1 while we exist In shacks. I wouldn't touch their sordid gains for .. anyhtln en earth. " Put nn uncle died hhri left this bird a million bucks or mere, And what Is met remarkable It dldrt't mnke him sere, HR'I) stnml bcMde the avenue, this lielehevlMIc guy, And shake his fists nt limousines per nmbulntlng by; lla'dl'ctim at rhuta ttaMifci, . wMe and shoe that had a Milne. , , He h"ad h most anlpburlc and Macetbat- . Ing line, ' . Fer damning cogrreictntl and for pro letariat praise , . Teu haven't a conception of ,(he bell he lised te Vnlse. k. . Ilut an uncle died nnfl left, hlni all his stocks nnd bends galore, And curiously he doesn't Ciire (he wealthy any mere. 104TH ilRTHDAY Oi8EVED Ineaa-, Pa.. March J. Mrs. Rarah Miller celebrated her 104th birth day anniversary yesterday at the Nfns rllle Heme. TABLE D'HOTE DINNERS SERVED DAILY SnCS Bfce8PM SEAFOOD e te e r.n. GUSH MUTTON CHOP KUGLER'S RESTAURANT J" 30Se.l5th5T. pa FIRE'S Constant Raiit Demand the Attention of Every Thinking Man FOR NEW APPROVED SPRINKLER SYSTEMS CO XSUI T SPRINKLER EQUIPMENT CORPORATION Contractor and Engineer ' AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS, POWER PIPING, HEATING 3239-41 MARKET ST. nontftuientm imSm nn and Helen' just adore, the meiiei but they're rather fend of Chiclets tool delicious you can't help liking them flavorful thcy make your mouth water delightful you can use them anywhere 10fer5c ; . ": l '.' '' American Chicle Ce. C".. . -.-''i the delicious -candy coated chewinjr Pum clianT 1822 CHESTNUT STREET WHETHER It be a fine Reproduction, a tare Antique or a representative set designed by VALIANT, the bread col lection In the VALIANT Galleries is distin guished by a conformity te the most authentic ideals of home decoration. The moderation of VALIANT prices offer exceptional opportuni ties te these who love artistic craftsmanship., INTERIOR DECORATION DRAPERY'S ' DECORATIVE OBJECTS " ' 'VALIANT SERVICE IS CORDIAL-'' VALIANT PRICES ARfe.MOpEAATE" '! -"- - '-"i-'J isiiiiiies H r?n M UR SPACIOUS new quarters at 219 te 225 North Bread street enable us te offer our many patrons' evett- mere efficient service than we expected) The new equipment arid furnishings add materially te comfort and .conven ience, and a complete service is available 'till 10 P. M. Then, if you prefer te pass the night here, refreshing baths and airy, cheerful sleeping apartments are at hand. Let us give you a free trial demon stration, or wc will mail our booklet. Cellins Institute of Physical Culture 219-25 N. Bread Street ammmmrfflwmMw M . i i. ,n -r i i - i 1 1 1 iiia Lh- rM. M7-i De your shoe fit YOUR Stride? -or de.they Merely fit your feet? I"0 your ihees lese tHfelr Style and Smartnett after thfty - have been worn a ihert time) They are forced out et shape because they de no! fit YOUR Stride. Most of the weir is centered en one pesitidn of the shoe; ever-run heels and ugly-shaped sheel result. This annoyance is eliminated when Clayten "Rebuilds" your shoes. Here the entire shoe is reconstructed and re inforced for YOUR Individual wear then "BALANCED" for YOUR Strldel Your worn shoes art given their original Style and Gracefulness, which they RETAIN, for your shbei fit Your Stride, as well ns your feet. HE SURE ieii arc in Clayten Shep, for en Germantetvn AvenUe you will find many ahepn that are truing te live en Clayten' reputation. Y. M. C. A, BUILDING, 5847 Germantown Ave. mtnnmu.mm.iM.ii.iMi.umitu r Is Your Kitchen All-Gas? In these days of labor- saving, eufiifort eufiifert eufiifort premoting devices, no woman should be without the convenience of a Gas Range, Gas Water Heater and Gas Iren. When all the kitchen work is done by means of gas heat, you can be sure of greatei convenience, cleanliness and economy. We new have en display new Gas Ranges, with many attractive features. Seme are finished in enamel. All are built according te American Gas Association specifications, insuring geed material and workmanship and perfect cooking results. Call or ask us te send a representative THE UNITED GAS IMPROVEMENT COMPANY wMMt&T Vf W siiiisiiW E t 9MWMMMMMMMWM Make This Free Test The coupon will bring you a 10-Day Tube of Pepsedent. Get it and see the change that comes the whiter, cleaner, safer teeth. The test will be delightful, the results a revelation. Then you will knew hew all the family can better care for teeth. Shall They Suffer As you did from film en teeth gestantf, also the alkalinity. Thus Na ture's teeth-protecting forces are mul tiplied. Thus twice a day, in all these ways, Pepsedent combats the enemies of teeth. Ir. altn. ".' "'' -r ' !"'JTi1,mn..iP. ne i frnn, I preiiureii ll pei-uel Ins i ' '"HI hlk line ,nl Ll, ...... ,.' .. t . ,.. -..,,,, ,, , uirii iruill llir i IWt wily. .' ii-p- I wnn't In kce your TilC 111! Ol (l.,.l I. ..!..!., ... !. ,,.. ', ! Ti,, ali.V. '""I0'1 ,,,wr,l I"'''- ! Illi'll I'nlly iKl., .r ,.,!, .., t lliltk . "'I are ncrfwily Imrrlil." hip Mi. rer. '";,' wiint li. nnil iOll'll1 Z 5,rt?Wf.wlfi.tf "I used Sa'Ji'KiK rnini" renaKii'l n retil mnke-1 PUn ,,&', M'" H'J riiiihivl ,e,- ,.. ,ff.f''' HllJn Pmiinnntaa "lei Jun il . V,'I'A',V'n.,mV ."ff ' in you- ' 'A? "" ' -V- -.. -cti irfl'i?' nti Veir knout' . ' r4ierl,Ytfny!:in luii0i'nn.B,. "Mm tmi.vT ii- "rVH1"0' iroM.ie Our Laboratory Control The minute a farmer brings in a supply of Abbotts "A" Milk te our country receiving stations it is labor atory tested. If he has taken,every possible precaution te keep the milk pure and healthful and it passes our rigid testa it is immediately shipped te our large city plants where every act of clarifying, pasteurizing and bottling is under the direction of our main laboratory. Thus we knew that when a bottle of Abbotts "A" Milk is delivered te your door step in the morning, it is absolutely pure, and healthful. Try it -'phone Baring 0205. i Abbotts alderney Dairies, inc. " Abb i etts X MILK Pepsedent is largely for the coming generation. It brings te adults whiter teeth, new protection. But te children it means a new dental era. Your teeth, perhaps, have, always been film-coated, save right after den tal cleaning. The luster has been dimmed by film. Film has caused de cay, no doubt, despite your daily brushing. New dental authorities urge you te fight film. Above all, have your chil dren fight it daily in this scientific way. Hew troubles come Modern science traces most teeth troubles te a film te that viscous film you feel. It clings te teeth, enters crev ices and stays. The ordinary teeth paste does net end it. Much is left intact. Night and day that clinging film threatens dam age te the teeth. That is why well-brushed teeth dis color and decay. That is why teeth troubles have been constantly increas ing. Makes teeth dingy Film absorbs stains, making the teeth leek dingy. Film is the basis of tartar. It holds feed suestance which ferments and forms acid. It holds the acid in contact with the teeth te cause decay. Germs breed by millions in it. Pyor rhea, and many ether serious troubles, are chiefly caused by these germs and by tartar. Dental science has for years been seeking a way te datly combat that film. It is the teeth's great enemy. Twe ways new found Twe effective film combatants have been found. Able authorities have sub jected them te many careful tests. Dental science new approves them, and leading dentists, here and abroad, urge their daily use. A new-day teeth paste has been per fected, complying with modern re quirements. It is called Pepsedent. And these two film-combating methods arc embodied in it. Alse starch deposits Starch deposits also attack teeth. In fermenting they form acids. Nature puts a starch digestant in the saliva. It puts alkalis there te neutral ize the acids. Pepsedent multiplies that starch di- Millions of people new use Pepso Pepse dent, largely by dental advice. Any one who once employs it can see and feel its need. Watch the added beauty Send the coupon for a ten-day test. Nete hew clean the teeth feel after using. Mark the absence of the viscous film. See hew teeth whiten as the film-coats disappear. The lasting benefits appear mere slowly. But all who love clean, glistening teeth will see effects at once. And the book we send explains the reasons for them. The glistening teeth you see everywhere new are largely due te Pepsedent. Learn hew you can attain them. Cut out the cou pon new. Tf .I pat. or r. A IMsWBbWBMBIIbW RE 6. U.S. The New-Day Dentifrice The scientific film combatant, approved by modern authorities and new advised by leading dentists everywhere. Each use brings five desired effects. All druggists supply the large tubes. 10-Day Tube Free 7M THE PEPSODENT COMPANY, Dept. S-159, 1104 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. iMail 10-Day Tube of Pepsedent te Only en tub te family. mi-' IMS. i l't'-wj : mi -W1 fA, H r ffl fl w r, v .11 Ii. A hfi y. I S. V) ni ,''1 rfj "hM J i Mhl M M,,VJ -y v -tv. 4aL , - K" ., - . I : .-mA MzMMMMEiiMvi X i,ilkM&L JW'&