Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 27, 1922, Night Extra, Image 29

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53'v Hw-waaAteA
'A :'
BA7s - - - . r-., . 'I
SmT Bwn IMS5l:
.liwramen. rf!H522Lf2SS:
m.v; iHM nriwFw-ri7"v
.""" ji.taPiM mmm Bf iwr
VlVfll- " i""fc" -iV
ry JiXffeviavC
r J
iufr a .
u. . ?
'bSueiiitr; glrasaek's
tSorretrtS ed Mlr
hm mwi'M"i'ir: iji wall
pvv. f '?''-ia:a; ivThii
rw.tf fcr urrv"!':." -t-'-ti- :
rz.:;.Mh ttm ia or .""7?r
57 riiii r i5"!'J
Jarremm teettntr.
MJ"K. rT0n'iiii Cmm HH,,
AiS. Ad-attneh S eemiM marry,
r:iB i iiiit M eonnet merrv
Pi"Brrf!lfiffi !..
Ir Ae;:fcf""
rT.J. i - i
j. i.r.i'r i-i
Jr . MVitvta
SftAKD " " "'"'
fe had come te the tureat of a
iJj .rrn. blind alley. Ah evil
F&anated from the garbage that
fit . i.. 1 .tnut limn
n ihA name bear.
v . . yw.JI 'U
b.lar'a HOW I -MP muuiiic, mu
ti'bad a vague,bmIheus familiarity.
iUltercd, and Theed pretenaecwnet
retlce It. . .
any of the squai sium wuuic
u tfthts In the windows, for Huck-
EjBew knewa nothing 6t the meas-
at day ana nigni. " ".
rarmVte prevent bef falling ever a
iiken Wan lying acrew. the pathway.
they auvanceu m ." -i'-of
raucous voices droning ,n once
ii.. ju. Theed ntennea opposite
ritae from which the sounds were
aelnthSlama,' ,
teed rattled the Kneciter, ieuaiy
Bg echoes wtne auej ui uumn
.iAt PrMMtiv. tnreucn a rtbi-
la the deer which Claudine had net
A. a. man's voice" demanded :
iiwIia t vi7"
leu had better tell Nelf'that er
ii'nv 8nm. the mouthpiece, has brought
k:frlend te see her," Held Theed. ..
.'That,' said Theed Je Claudine. "is
getCSIBDIC niL'KIIBlUB VI ,, , "
Mm In tnese parw. .ounipime
utiu solicitor a matt who speaks for
MB wuen IUCJ : "' ",vl "-
w." . . ' .. ',
'Twre came a snout irem wunin, anu
fftement later the neita were erawn.
Tketd stepped ter warn, nna lauaine
red him. xnere was no passage,
found herself standing in a' room
reeked of beer and stale splritR and
rashtd humanity. -Dimly at first,
igh a heavy Iiaze of strong toeacco
:. she could, discern a nuniDcr ei
;wlth the beady-eyed stamp vt the
trwerld. in the center ei tne room'
a table. Three men 'were crouched
iad it and at the head'sat a young
l,who, by the position of a, pile of
land sliver, uiauainC'Ceuiu see was
p at a game of chance. .
te girl staggered te her'feet en see
tt guests. ,i . . .
iodine stared at the girl for a lenjs
A. In that second her heart missed
rseul was supping supping uacK uacK
evip th veara. and takinr the
it cirl with her.
fl.e was In the cheap, ugly little room
it had flashed in her mind when first
ratnaa speKeq OI ncr aaugnicr; our.
it was net en herself, but en the
Id that her memory was focused,
raj! limbs that child bad had, eyes
set and blue like ner father's, and
mother's red sold curls.
J'n'Well, my dear, hew gees It t" Theed
mitarlnr. "I've told this ladv about
fW.'snd she wanted te make your ac-ulntincc."
'" PJed ter meet yer, I'm sure,"
Mid Nell with the pflnv rinelni; twnnir
M, the' true Cockney. She turned fierce-
r:en one of the men. Eyes and hair
Wiled gariHhly in the light.
J"Tlke yer 'at off. Jim; can't yer?
fya't ehew your blinkin' ignorance
writhe gentry."
t.OItndlnn ntnnil tnnffiiA.tleil (nr flip
Irit time jn her life. Conflicting cmo cme
latl.thatTvere tee strong for her ter
Ad her brain. There were the sturdy
bi, still lithe, but destitute of grace.
fMrejWere the eyes, bright new with thp
wnmg ei uucKster'8 uew. There was
ha 1..I. ...ii .. .. i... ,.iii
wwii DilUBB1111. UKKVUill U1IL BUU
nth a' copper streak amidst the brown.
"-There was, above all, the reckless lift
'J heid, the rapid play of bands, that
e knew te be her own.
shorn of all glamour, nil device,
JlUdlDe Cravne saw hernnlf tn Iip nir.
m n efNell of Huckster's Rew.
'Bit down, missis, an' make yerself
it 'eme," Nell was inviting her. "We're
n , CT,e leastwayu for tenlirht."
tit'' lI'd come w,tu the intention of con-
hi r is her own. and vet
j ,,p raps you'd like ter try yer luck."
JW.rattled the dice In the box. "Nab,
k?,Vme lucky '1,dy Tne Di'mend nn'
w fcart. An' the mero yer put dahn,
Jiimere yer picks up."
The men guffawed. Claudine sus
WM vaguely that her unbending attl-
una turned ner from a guest Inte
a. Ul , .She trled hard e unbend, but
"could net. She could feel Theed
W'ng with satisfaction.
I'hh .tnk ycu'" sh6 "a,d- "but we
?w minc'0 ,ea8t' Ve baVe n'y
i" ' tne 80ul incarnate of Huckster's
1 !TM the insult in her own way.
Iiu '-new don't" say ye, gelu' te
-r,y ere weve. -nu a geed leek at
Wl she exclaimed. With the swing
H itrlde of the cester girl she con-
wwa uaudlne. "Come en, nah, an'
m the boys a treat."
' As' ehn srtnk. lth ...i.in Jf
Jjument she whisked Claudlne's cloak
IB? - "f, ..0C.K sessamers shimmered In
EV1ie,l'"t! th cnaln of cracrnlds
'-.' r0I5 neck t0 wnlat burned with
TJl,' "Fv Wel1 stored t sntln
wuics wuii the intense hunger for
ill.:' , """ hi every woman's
V" XlCr AWI1 rnllfrh hanila MAnnn.f
Ik. ,-,-!- "-a" utuuuvu
tawdry velvet dress, the tern
"i.i7.. "-""c er tee iigntiy.
,iA".tp and envy grew in her eaze.
"' '". La(ly. "nngela. make
Blip' i u " Keep tne t,1,rd Petman
ilh.?i!!"ns the .c,0.nk nmnil Claudine
C1.M.I i U8 Z ne ,ua(1 nntched It uway.
y'aMdlne abandoned all attempts te
S! Mr-face. Her keen cdacd wit. i,p.
nit this child of the ilums her own
ae me awny," she whispered te
li'Pldt a din of hearfin lmnrls. .,V
?HBweUs'.Theed hurried her from
'&,.np !he ""'y-und tucnc
15. ifte hat backl nil thn nmlilnn. .
Cin her threat. Then hep v'aIe
(Ijiii.. r ' T
r rr v
Idyijrieuccster .wa! lnl'.ie habit of
ureaaianing in, wd. Thereafter would
"W ieni.. lewureiy teuet,. every
moment Of which ah tlift.i.h1 an.
jeyed. It was net vanity but pride of
crafty Sh conceived It, te.be a part of
nw uuty.e nen nuaeanu ana society
in general te leek as attractive aa.poa aa.pea
fcible, and she spared no pains te that
.Hd. l
"Every one knows "that I make ip
and dye my hair and all'the rest of its"
she, told a young girl once, "and they
think It Jelly decent of me net te grudge
tliem the time." , , , .
Her preparations Jvere only in; the
earjy Stages, and she still looked her
agewhen her husband, knocked at her
deer; Petulantly she dismissed her
maid and invited him te enter.
..''Ooed morning, my dear," said Lord
Deucester. "I am sorry te disturb you,
but it had te be done."- He seated him
self en a divan and stared at the ceiling,
bis hands thrust into hia necketn.
'JI wish you wouldn't sit like that,.
Meiientrave,'' she said. 'Meu bad
better smoke."
"Thank you, my dear," said Lord
Deucester, eagerly availing himself of
the permission, whereupon his thoughts
collected themselves.
. 'Jit's a bit of i shock, Emmeltne. I
had a chat with Wilfred last nicht
after VOtl'd tone te had ahfttlt,nhniil
the girl." - , -'
I theucht we'd nettle about hir."
remarked Lady Deucester. "In the cir
cumstances we aereed that thalp nu-
gagement should be announced in-about
a, month's time. It isn't quite 'what one
nau neped for ..Wilfred, but" she
lowered her voice "for him te marry
Jehn Camden's daughter, neither of
them knowing she is Jehn Camden's
daughter, is an extraordinarily safe
. "Quite se. But unfortunately either
we have made a mistake or there arc
forces at work that are far from co
incidental. The girl be's just been told
by some suardian or famllv lawrnr. 1
gather that she Is the daughter of an
"An ex-convict!" repeated Lady
ueucester. ane noted repeating things,
but this time she could net help herself.
-wnese name,"' continued uou ueu
cester. "is Henry Jarreman."
Lady Deucester looked at her husband
as if she wished she could suspect htm
of practical Jeklne.
"I wish you would explain the thing
properly, Mellentrave," she said with
unnatural calm'. She knew Mie had
paled, and mechanically she reached for
the rouge 'stick.
"There Is little te explain beyond the
Dare facts, said LieuccsterJ "it ap
pears that, the day after she was intro
duced te us, here 'the dav Wilfred went
te Crelghley the suardian person took
her out te lunch and explained thut she
had. been brought up under the name of
Quest , for general convenience that her
real father was Henry Jarreman, who
had just come out of prison and wished
te meet her.
"She met him en the following morn
ingthat is te say. yesterday morning
they satisfied each ether as te their
respective Identities, and there we
"But He's Net Her Father!"
"I wish you wouldn't use slang In
my room, Mellentrave. What de you
mean by 'there we are'? It seems te
me a peculiarly. senseless phrase."
"I thought you' would understand the
rest, my dear," said Deucester meekly,
"As seen us the k il heard the news she
wrote 'te you te uy she could net dine
with us after all: you will remember
that we were slightly surprised at the
timq. She also wrote te Wilfred, pre
senting him with the fact that her
father was an ex-convict, and adding
that that was a final argument ngaiust
her accepting his offer of marriage."
"But he's net her father," said Lady
Deucester in a voice that was little
above a whisper.
Deucester shrugged bis shoulders.
"I wish you wouldn't de that, Mol Mel
lentrave." Her nerves were en edge.
"De you thlnk-41s it possible that we
were wrong? Pcrhapsj after all she
really is Jarreman's d-aghter."
. rrifii !!',:
i' "tms&x
i irA
. 89
r e
J 3S
i" ..;... . - 1 it . . and left hr.
-Bl1Ir,7g-lv. ARa.Vi',M F j- "
"Yeu agreed with meas te her quite
recognizable resemblance te Mrs. Cam
den," Deucester pointed out. "More
over, it is net usual for a man te wear
a gemmed ring. She admitted that the
gemmed ring belonged te her father. The
two points taken together would make
a rather startling coincidence. There
would be a third coincidence in the fact
if it were a fact that she 'was ac
tually the daughter of a man whose life
was thrown se tragically .in touch with
that of Jehn Camden."
Fer a time Lady Deucester was
"Yeu say this letter of hers reached
Wilfred by the same pest as her note te
me. 'mat was yesteruny morning. Ann
he only related what she bad told him
last night te you 1" -
There was a tinge of jealousy In the
last two words that hurried her husband
into an explanation.
"We waited till last night because he
wanted te see the girl in person and dis
cuss the extraordinary turn of events.
He approached me first, I think, be
cause he did net want te distress you.
He is' amazingly obstinate. Emraellne.
In spite of the girl's sensible decision
net te marry him, he will net give her
up. He says that be will net rest
until "
Lady Deucester. busy with her mani
cure implements, interrupted him.
"What is the name of the family
lawyer who took her out te lunch and
revealed her parentage te her?" she
"It has net been mentioned." re
turned her husband slowly, "but I think
vnn hnvn made the sumo auess as I
mvc. xeii also, umincune. guess tne
man te, be Theed."
Lady Deucester nodded, und shud
dered as at an unpleasant memory.
"Sleeping Dogs"
" 'Sleeping'degs'!',' she muttered.
"I never did believe in letting them
He," said Deucester. "I have always
preferrcjl te stir them up and cr let
them hlfe each ether."
"It's no geed talking te me
that." said Lady Deucester. "I
never make out what you meen."
"I mean, my dear, that if Thccd has.
for Boine motlve 6f his own. persuaded
both Jarreman and the girl that they I
ere related te each ether It means that I
thiisexlstcnce of Jehn Gamden s daugh
ter can no longer be held ever our heads
which In turn means tnat mere is no
.....I a,.- U'llfaal a anna..., tlin !! I
"I don't like talking about her like
that," he added, Vns If she were trying
te snap him up--whlch is net true.
Frem all I knew of her I admire her
"Are you going te see Thccd?" asked
Lady Deucester, ,
"I thought of doing se," he an
swered, "liut I would naturally consult
you first. "
"I have nothing te. say against it, if
you think It necessary," she answered,
with something thut was perilously near
humility, ...
"It I go you give me a free band,
"Yes, Mellentrave," she answered.
no rose te go, She, tee, had risen,
and steed between him and the deer.
As he passed her she stepped him, steed
en tiptoe, and, kissed blm. He looked
innuiy surprises, squeezed ner nanu,
wmmmw.7wmma&iz;. .. -.'.: v sf.t. c -- . -r
fcaaiaaa.iM m i imi i utii ! iliM,MaiMaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 7 ; , ..a v ' - i . -. '. ar awjaT.i - araKaraa aaii?a mm m mmw w m - aav 'v w . . . : .Baakj. .1 jbL ' iyiii x wbid
i -r-mmmmmmmmammmmmimmwmm: iiv ,j.cvtjl ' Ai.Ls&r awa. - - '--; .m. - i iiiiiinta . r-- nv , hwi'w -'rJ--- -'-- - , aje ii '"
riClgSttrg - tM-euipcKtT.i;, .rvSXw"XrJ :4ra?N V
. I Si iJffl! 'a 7TKwSw
v i.T'-?"- ' - H, itWft- muiL utFD t iw -...aa. wr r" i:.-- a. . tw a r ui
k . g "' tit vVP" tvskv voer GS&i llijgji. 7T IT ,3
tz J Vaiat? Tfrftrri awKagM l SJ
T-? lSL IjllllB rrg -cVU.1 CS A . Um hU
".ggB a4X .gggHBgVJ'Bg BssaaSB VtlZPaM Kb9bbIi1M M? L jC-
l,,! HH' jBjJaiBaI f - gMgLLaaB 1 By tgBgr M gBggHLtTalHBBBBBBBBBBH .asByaasaBSate WfJ
gBBBBBBBBBgflF i 'aaBa(w 'aBBBBBBBBBBgBT9gflBllL aMgHBagLW V M BmBBBHlslHlBHBBBBHIgHgK ldiBBJta.fa1 klB fHHJ lHB JlagV XV ."tML J9BHPtte0BWt
u gBiAlIiiSiflav jMkM f rMtmMf
tBagMjr sfgLLw- nTgT3BJcS - gsigaKZALyaMTRlgSiyaA 1l EBB I J IBKy
gmr JggggttHlAl2lffi"V ' BKBBBKrGtibHlJVBK MCLrVi ffHAajL I ? MjH '
BaVaVaVaVafM nslaflfifaVaVaVaVaWi , BVBflBaTaStt'BL-' aSV...-----JBaL gggHaC TaVBDTTlll 1JM& ggrA.tla BZCMBBafMgsllBBBflfS-k. w F L. ..aaf.laaaaatLaalIl,aafaaW aieM
ggafaflfMV, ' - fgggWPsM4i-:' T;-1 1 im ) iff rifar"' tBtkOwr IfMBgggsBB.B.Va M '7 ORi aaTlfWMaig '(;' ,
I slM1 - apgjggggBBgB-BBwyi - MummuMMLME2i& wBL-JLJB.nBBEBLaJkttxsxmM I I magng j ,
:. . -." J.-.. mmia ' ,a atjr r I.., ' , u.ri.t.r.i if r.t.n mim Till HOUWOfO,
unuviHiiivv utswiii: 'vme uitwtm tain iruM.u , . . . " - -::
j rim mm mm -S m m. p - - -. -w mr,--,-- - " ' w -rr -- - i! i . f
"-H-iTHb Bettem, r-", J - ,. m JS. s ? BregIZ rr r- - I -,-
T'tJ ,. i . asBktw AaV , IBi bW"-; r "s. , nn A. agVam , a. aaBVlaHS -IF ,'C-'
- n. 18R w L-x jhtim mw - ffl .ba - w
cyfflrW? yntrk ,"ai vWCaJ 'i'. n tthtt i t r b ei,v r . .a
MIUHLxt V-i. w5r-v. 7f A r3 J i S t HBV - V ag v IY ftP II . V-,t
b ijwmyA xrr- hv : cj-v r f a a t- ,v rja
fSfffiim l ..t, .v.fc. mJt Js.efi?zji m
A lr7lgllBH ' ". Ubbbbbbx 'iaAvIx v J LiSSeJn mr'sfy t i lit A 'i.v'gfl
llaSrlLHBBBH taBafaBafaW 1-. fiVi&r I aTaafaafafa ?XT&A A VI ll VIIb1U I .'afafj
VIWill .v .B Be5r Wf --- ' " ' --"-- V fWll
Villi kB ., V Mja . r-&-i I --r LI j dfl
. ( C r. fd kBX - -w esfpsw CgSsr -sCPT &m
The Youne Uady Acreia'the Way The College President Reads the Student Publication ... By Fentmlne Fex SCHOOLDAYS -r- -:- -:- By DWIQ M
-' ! I Ill SimilM tJ I I II BMI B 1 1 H iBJBi BIBS I SHI I BJ I I WBSJS BJSSJpiill BJI SBBJIBI BJSS sasasWl J( ftaB
I .1 ... . .a&T waryaxaiyav-TOagK8ga .- -seaajedagggTajL. '.?
yc. ., mewthut . ts: -? a w" " rrtt-- .mt 'a witagiMBiiiiij , ;
'N VC e.U A R TeV.- '-" '' , -.., ,u mm aUJaJ I I II III IIBBMB W .ffl
fTvU7 - m .'. aA W De vw e.av - b1bSSSU1KK9I1 i
is-iT y4UKm'w0 FMMlWWm -&- rrzry i. " BRgBg.aP6mHN i IH
ai! i.7 Sr. -&&h e Nn wwt... v ... vHBm -.( ' i H -i
y 7rWi .i ? ' Sr i l 'IIHIil i -: ' v?M
jHSBBEI Ari"i-Heri 'tte a-) aIHIk!!' I I H
IJtrJP HUH wj. WiT- ll . C.lWfy5 BnY aflOSBabflrlBBHBBHBBPlaaHKHBll 111 I ' I '' 1 i-'lB
W&m a. JfTaMlV "rrrJtLWbjy jMStsJLwKMmWEiiwK. ' I 1 I - f H
- gLSZ8fc88nT vx IlBaBmV. v y r-,: 'MLLLKm&yfWxfSM IIEmyLkSBftWSmBDaaikBKkwtBScUA II 1 I - '-
H . - -gww .- HSw i I
a. 19 .- . v SHHHb I IlSt II " 1
vMfmwSA owutekX ?pae suppressed ?iWKvMBgHl I " 1
The young lady across the way HHaafe WtmKKScl - -HHb?5b!P Bgl 1
Bays they're talking new of chang- JfllT Bm- TZLLLWm y&i& 4Sh A H WBVa4stW'lSKHrl TJrWR f ' 'iil
lng the football rules se as te give - i eSgagf VaBPaaSa.. tsTtWr Q y gHgM' tsBrn flt S-t' 9ri2WLBf MJLC Ml
the team making a touchdown three S2bw2B " i? fc . aJ? Zr ll sSamLWrnkwtEKr V- V. 425"Brtv r I wtPTvLt
options, whereas she believes it i ay- - V5 O V ygS'ajRyfrE , - -,Sv : 'Zz? s" ''Icp " V fa tiB S
kfehe9iaTa,!donc,nere"k . 5 6 .- y fiMKHiftr iiw. bwnw R, J .f
lsB1Bfc-gaSBBJBJafJSaSMBB.-JBBB- A BBst "V ?
PETEYAWIs Peace ; ; : : : : : By C. A. Voight ?l
( vuuHoewoutrn ( i Lijr sT) -NO-uitvT f .ou ixd cast TThc -Weu" s M krfr J 1
,iP9 ii sid) 'J
GASOLINE ALLEY Roped : : ' : By King !
I iw ' ' I SS rvTTAar m u n. " a te think of ANmiNCr fZFCjf,
lamV3N, ' ffkt - skXla Bagga JL la&A, ( 3k. Ol IT I rtOICTS I s-L7 I ti'"
l t aprf "q ggWva.gW .PbH sfSW aa-' - ""il $
. V N w LBiaSi-ev Jl gat9vx v vA f!M vi. - " vjl I m
" - V I f a fc. gVaaLaOV VbTIVI t 1 1lkM BBBBaDatVjBr .a A J a 1 r YwfJ "" I a"y B f a'
JBBagM BaJgga xfiUCfir r-B R r nli ii I 1 HHRT H l.ill'X ggggkj .. i 'J 'f fl
1 ,Jl..-iSfe;:al. ArJtBP v' a . Mfc3
l. ,. JrJSMiS JffWjag A.:.'t-. "A . V'Ji. eJi.WFbr' c.U;.b - ".u-. Wtt'i.-F'vviMUi
MajMajagyllgW 'Y ' f '"' .),',!b aBpSiaSBVBBBBaBaBaBBBBBBMBBl
S1S1S1S1S1S1S1S1S1S1S1S1S1S1S1S1S1 . i