MmmMimmMm That Baumtrartner Will Start Season With Phill Tm'A Wu.eWti'-' i.) i J' i'f t' ' , . , ..i.-.a,-ai Jaw afcfWteeBaa.t fffnllll nmmn "0opath!cTraimntR..pen. R ttt)l6 Ter "nmmmrjjn- wm..- E paw's urtlhf'Arni M aiiiyireiiftfc pIrfect at, He iN.M'KJinm) i bni tinrir f: k burgUFIar,LMarch , "i fcaKtrfltnlnr Maaens ynrwu., -.n-.. iSr, Pttliih'aViwendtrWl! Btan Murtner W. oed Imtf I. tbrouneui ie . i"i' jjleWn here a montht.imest 'should' be in : t.l" 'TlV.lilra tha' Anal test - . hi in i !Lik4(enmnnd was eraereu te ue nui jnaujiH.. i"---,, -- ---: :. ...r Kagilnrt Dsytenn en Saturday. ' ' r ?"." iI .-..'j Mil"tii tha rim. :MiHen whs fdflr Innlnga of splendid 'erring. Hw" control' seemed perfect. !f.h...h iiB.wnlkvd a mnnattemntlni I'lofeol the opposition With a hook. The (i"..l .1M.' -A .afre- 'h, rnr-a. nd the' only Vm' of the 'four- frames ;re' suited. Left-hand hitter "were oaf eaf ttft'bf hlsf.pressrflre, ,and,. there were only-four bulla ht beyond the Infleld. Tweiwere files, another wan a grounder hattoek 'a-bad hop, past Eaep for a single fc'nd (he fourth was a clean hit. Arm ,eels Geef , ,!, Vn 1)111 me "i(ia iu, i... uv w.u.a t, Mil r Ml!-'; the: cheer that, bis Words did after tie same. ... ; My arm. never, felt . better in ray life," he told Wilhelm. "A vweek age I couldn't lift, It after warming up, hut aW after' pitching four Innings, I Iswn't n bit of pain." 0teepnthln trentmenfs 'administered by Dr. William E. Brandt. Who 'has bttn with the Phillies for the last .two weeks, 'have been responsible for the recovery of Baumgartner'a.arra. Previ ews' te Dr. Brandt Vnrrlval the south seuth paw',nn(1 been having' his shoulder nibbed daily, and .various" kinds nt linl. nni applied but no Improvement was aewd. j , ,-, . "Baumgartner's trouble 'was rtet In Hi arm or shoulder," said Dr.-, Brandt, 'although that.. is' where he felt the vain ann me muscular numeness. in- ttrferenre vith.tha t nerves.: emanating from the spinal cord, at .the" baseef the neck constituted ' the real caueeYbf his difflculties. - The trouble Twas with his Mine, ana correction ei.tnis spinal con wtt '.epesure fellbingj.i-hkrd V-yyr pernaps..ieerau.screa et silder pnlled a tM?ivertebrae Inte "This condition prevented the nerves ad spinal cord from gettint normal aouriahen'nt or 'drainage! ' The nerves were Uteially starving and being pol pel aed at tbi'same-tima. -Naturally, the region supplied by these nerves was hampered in its", 'motion and seemed painful; ' especially since-these nerves supplied his arm, which was under mere attain than nnv ntli'er nnrt nt Me body;- 1. I 'found the lower cervical, region, TO baee of his. neck, .very stiff and "wiwu. remaps you nave noted that Ejaumgartncr carries -his .neck rather Itld and lila limit HhMv tl. T pink his spinal condition has hampered Pi career no lax, ey pulling mm Up Ilh a HO-cnlled Vnre.arm. 'nml lhtr. pering with his control. Heme arms ars really sere from or er nlc( causes when they, feel that way, t , nlhe out, of ten 'Sere arms' are rally cases of spinal rigidity. Yeu an 8CC llOW tint rnnntnnf null nmn th. Wine by the shoulder muscles In the net p Nicning would tend te twist the ertebrfin nriSuml ' . ...i. Nje joints become locked, and the whole iVf J'1.1"0 re nrn besins. 'lefty's condition hnn Iwan hn - ' number Of YenrH. T Imvn inimanJ n peeen the Joints se. that nt present he '-iTrirc moneii in.nis shoulder. Fer wme time te come (here will be danger blsisnlne becoming locked' In that Wter; But if he tnksn 'enr. r It I.. itentimlly will overcome' (his (endenry. ..AT tu,llrul "e snewcu Saturday "SB tile most enrnnrni.ini. hitnM T. jwed that, (fie co-ordination of his 'Peed would net have been as im' '"wvc. as tar as his arm is concerned, the future. ' """ "" .v WILL PLAY MRS. BARLOW ' Qnna Collett Oppeaet Merlen. Gelfer In Feature Match ' Fuiehiirst. Nl r. rnMt. et e.iJ Cli?1" ,,n e North and Seuth i1,i T''1.!0"8".1" or women will' be Vt . L,, cnampiensnip course te- 4. VirtlllllK- nil' nt ll. 1 1.- urvlved fir iS- TZZa lLZ?lK" VX KP.Vfe ,n notional T-hamnlenshlps. :v, ivuiurii mnrnii wi hn uiu l . .. -- Ulllia U1IBB fnrh LF,:mr Mpt. HA.;T.7.'.t " uunw 0l w erien inI5cr "5ches are Miss Edith Cum- r"ii Vfiiicnvn. mnti" urt.a D...1. ick?reS,A 0akwuV. Mrs. 0. B. te ffivte10' 1d ,lre William West,. iCOkmoW:7ndM..',A.eTf; ff i ,M c"nlng9 and Miss Col Cel ndr,n onne8lt "Ides of the draw and. ' , """" "" uuu' 1 hfty "hitters Tb SHOW ,eHen, Chapey, Leughlln and, Hpl- ) land at len Dal... Swtahft'fciii weItlht and Wt VJ. ei.Ic" Pa,n.ce tomorrow 'tk wiiiC.,glltT,reund beuu.wlil be rlttli ,')'"" Jacksen,i New Yerk letwelght. nnil-'WrnnUU ViI: J5 n?J. F&rVte :, TfiSfflSf Johnny' ,Walv 'will .ii .... ?,? rui"f Krne; of Trenten"" Tke d .bout will b'. between K. e! nln. . "Hq J,?0 JttPMen. In the !tttrte.fl He,1nd nieUSe?. ant Smith,- f SttjWIteitfrftliwkVlp. the. jVtTeeutbpaw itp "epw. mlneKleatue dub. but ewme.iormer.,srar-iuiei-&'teniyrsify,of tbfcV rtandt a. 'ajcnancVef bejng retained u any rttlder: In camp.' ' ' ' llw.k7ae 'BaMmrtrtner WM, com- !nfng of- a ,ere"ann';iand. Wilhelm ;7. ..teina half alnud'.that Ditcher sroenMiaturaiiy made niscarm-as geed new. lVi," - ...A;.'; 4j . ' "i "The. erkinaltrpuble, was probably a eMBVit -.the-baesef hi' neck'a'fe the e5i Hlc aaBeftticjisjptereait wa?lmmObtHiTtlonbr--leckini.'of threeer f dur 'sttlnal-'Mlrita-. - ' ' i :- s.i!1w cvCiiH. nevt . aai"::? iiaa. .: .. ', . i - .i . . ' l: a .i . m . :A r M.:iTJFJXMWJmMNMm!imfrVA "T"' i, 1922 Baseball Dates t s4 lit SklfMr let sSKil "Wi Kitty .. . WMtllWMtffll e.Al tfZLnF.t-.'.-.V.V MKTEAMS Flrrt Team 8hUt Out SarrAh SarrAh SarrAh tonle, vi5-0 Rookies Cep by 9-te-1 'Count PLAY CARDINALS TODAY . T. Special Dfpalch te Bvtrtne Public Ledatr Oahreeten, Tex., March 27. Cennie Mack and hln Bra utrlnv rltih. hrnilail by the veteran, Danny Murphy, pulled into tnis city .today, eiated with its work of Sunday 'against the San An An An toneo club and. fully confident of flip ping the same dose te the St. Leuis Cardinals here thla. afternoon. While Team Ne. 1 ,of the Heuse of Mack was slambanglng Mhe San An An An toneo pitchers all ever the let te the tune of 18 te 0, the second stringers were showing winning form In' the get-away game at Eagle Pass, 0 te 1. . . Ed Remmell and Rellie Naylor did the shut-eut1 hurling in the San An An An toneo game,' andtEckert and O'Nell were the brilliant bexmen far thn "rookie A's In the contest with the border, tqwn aggregation. Tilly Walker slammed the pellet for the first team, while Bing Miller' biffed the ball for Team Ne. 21 On Saturday San Antonie held the Aiackmen te an extra inning tie. Yes terday there was nothing te it. -. Walker's slurelne was the blr tut- ture. He came, up six times, walked once, hit four clean singles and wound up en his last appearence with a homer ever tne left Held fence, bringing in two runnerB ahead of him. In all. he knocked In four runs and scored four himself. . Welch was responsible for two runs besides the three he scored himself, se that he and Walker did about all the timely hitting. Welch also poled homer. It was easy for the Athletics from the start. Kemmel out the screws en in the second, the only Innings the Bears tnreatenea. ey, striking out the last man after the first two un had hit. He was fresh' at the end of his four-Inning aniic.v. ... . , . "J Navler was even atlntler with hits. et allowing a safe blew until two outs In the ninth, when two Bears singled. Booe fanned for the last out. Navler walked three in the next, but pulled out nicely. SEEK 1926 GOLD CUP RACE Delaware River Wanta yacht Con Cen teat for 8aaqul-Centennlal The Delaware River will make a bid for the Geld Cup race for 1020, te have the event staged here ob a part of the Sesqul-Centennlal Exposition. A campaign has been Inaugurated by the Delaware River Yacht Racing Associa tion with that end in view, and' ether local yachting organizations are joining hands te old In the struggle toebtaln the event for this city. ' Fer 'years the Geld Cup race has been the classic of American powerboat competition, and It stands at the top of the list as the foremost yachting event of the country. It 1 the red-letter event of the American Powerboat Asse ciatien. . The Detroit River has been the scene of the staging of the Geld Cup race for several years. Preceding that ether Great Lakes points have had it. The club whose beat wins a race has the right te bold if the following year. The desirability et the Schuylkill as the course for the event has particu larly Impressed the ndvecates of holding the race here. There is a remarkable three-mile stretch from the top of the American Henley course te the Fair mount Dam. It is all still water and almost a stralaht course, the like of which is net available anywhere in the country. There is also an unexcelled oppor tunity 'for spectators te witness ths race along the banks of the river. Ne mere stirring sight could be imagined than that of half a dozen of the best speed-craft of the country making from thirty te fifty 'miles per hour. Results of Week-End Soccer Contests AMERICAN LEAGUE Philadelphia F. C. 8: Fnlcei. 0, , CRICKET CLVU I.KAOtIK Philadelphia Whites, 3; Oermantewn, 1. A1XIED. CXTJD CONTESTS Second Round Wo'.ferxlen-Shere. 8: Psletherpe, 2. Clever, 4! Wiiwlnemlnf, J. Da Paul, 6; Heblns, 0. Canadian War Vtterant, 8; Wildwood, 1, Puritan, 4; Albien. 8. ALLIED LEAGUE FIRST DIVISION Section A Marihail E. Smith, 3; Vleeeie, 0 (ter- fell), K enalnsten Consresatlonal, .3; Fatrhlll, 3, Section D Aacenelen, 3; Falrvlew. 0 (forfeit). DUiten 8uv, 4; Oorden Field Club, 2, Second Section Glen Secial. Si Lighthouse, 0. Kaywood, 4i North Philadelphia, 1, THIRD DIVISION Northwest Section -v Keltenvllle. . li Oreen nibben, 1. Funneld, Si Cay use, 0, Nertbeaet Section Dltetan Steel, 8! Roaeweod, 1. Sunehlne. li Hansen, 0. Ughtheuie, 4 1 Fitter, 3. , rOURCTI DIVISION Kerthwtet Section Victer, li St. Vincent, 0, Cambria 8; Westmoreland, 1. WEST. PHII.ADFJ.riII ADIYI8ION ' Second Section AnserSrf 8i Dunkirk Jleeervee, l. Alden. 4l Victeria. 0, QUAKER CITY LEAGUE St. Lee, 31 Temperance, 0, v Funneld, 8), Fayette, 0.- EXHIBITION GAME U. et P., 21 Creecent, 0, '' Sunday's Reaulta IERICAN LEAGUE v, ?!. costs, i, M RlT-r. e. Opening mcieiing' t- f a ;w-w.-k.ri. ixs&jrus gMlsTa AaH.'.'.'.'.'.'.Aaril M MgSjJu ' """'"Rrti el NlMw rAarif if Mm aUsM ..i..'u'.i Hftaf 1 B 'aaaaiiaaaa aJMafcaf IS mi SO WIN BYBIG SCOES .i 3 POUKILS AT BIRTH, N0W1IKSM Dorethy Huckntll, th(rttrt Years of Ag, Most) Prorrt Prerrt iting of Mermaids WATER PITCHER A CRADLE ' t ! When little Dorethy Hucknall first saw the light "of day aha weighed but three pounds, and was carried te her mother In a cut-glass pitcher, her eyee barely peeking ever the top. Thus It can ee seen that "Det" did net haye a very geed start in thla World of ours. But since then she has risen te be one of the most premising young swim mers in this section of the country. At the time of Dorethy's birth the doctor en the case shook nlsvhead find doubted'-the possibility of rearing the child. But she was reared, and, with the aid of athletics, especially swim ming, has turned out te be a kid with glowing health. Dorethy Hucknall la a local mer maid, living in Germantown, but when swimming she wears the colors of the Ambassador Swimming Club, of At lantic- City. The pitcher wblcn was her first cradle stilf stands en n ahelt In her parents' home at 46SS Merris street, and along with it .are several medals and ether trophies which. she has wen in the swimming peel. Alse Ywei Diver , .. Ha. raa-.'aa a water serite started less than four years ae, but today at the age of thirteen she la successfully competing against much elder oppo nents, and awlms the crawl, breast and hack stroke, and dives equally well: Recently 'In the fight for the 100-yard Middle Atlantic Tireast-streke cham cham cham Dlonshle "Det" came In second, (and thus wen the honor of being tne young est competitor te place In a Middle At lanttn titular event. The first race Dorethy ever swam was n 100-yard handicap, race, and she surprised every one. tnciaeniauy " ing her career right by, copping first !.... T TIa narf flHamnt alSO WOK successful when she was given a geld medal for., a victory In .a ditT-yard daBh Mr girls under twelve. At J thla meet . she also wen the fancy-dtving ,altlnn V . Miss Hucknall continued te enter meets in this city and brought home several trophies, sometimes. n """ ether times a cup. until coaches began te think of her seriously as.n future star. She wen honors In the German -town Cricket Club peel. Kensington Y. w. O. A., uermnniewn x. ?. v " Later Dorethy Introduced herself te Atlartle City when the life nn exhibition there, in a iuii-j scratch race she led ahilf- oppe nents, te be beaten only by,Derl. Wet the ner. unter" sne wen Ambassador and Hygela peels. 1 Bessie Ryan's Pretege Miss Hucknall Is a pretege of Bes Ble Ryan, also a local swimmer, who wears the colors of the Atlantic City Club. Bessie Is the former holder of 50, 100 and 202 yard national i cham pionships, besides the honor which Dor Der Dor othy new holds, the yeungesf girl te place In n Middle Atlantic titular race. Se that the elder girl has the satisfac tion of seeing her yeutliful understudy beating her own record. Te swimming Dorethy's parents. Dr. and Sirs. Jesse Hucknall. give all the credit for their daughter's present glowing health. In the uermantewn nrammnr Sphnel. which she attended lsst year, she was found te be the most physically penect pupii. a fnmmiR Rwlmmlni critic a year age, speaking of Dorethy's career and record, had this te say: "Miss Huck nall haB rather a frail build, but she Is all grit." She still apparently is irnu, hut the way she roes at things makes one wonder where, her strength is hidden. She has grit plus. CAMPBELL BEST SCORER "Soup" Break Recerd-for Making Goala In Eastern League "Soup" Campbell, of Camden, is the best scorer in the Eastern Basketball League, having a total of 171 points for the second half, nnd he also led the first half.' Campbell also led in field goals In tbe second half with sixty-one, and as he tallied seventy five in the first half, he made a grand total of 1S5 for the season, breaking the record. of the League held by Jimmy Brown, while a member of the Camden team when the latter tallied 132 in 1015-10. Player and Club Pta.F.a.Ft.Q.F.T. A, O. 19 20 18 30 20 10 m 30 18 SO 14 20 10 16 13 IS 17 14 10 IB 18 18 10 H in 18 10 9 11 14 Campbell, Camden. .Ill 01 .40 82 SS Barlew, Trenten.... 181 68 43 103 10 Deckman, N. T....1B8 48 82 110 14 Kerr, Camden 143 82 8M 83 10 Dolln, Camden 127 41 45 88 0 Olasce, Ceateevllle.,134 89 40 89 11 He man. N. T iz si eu 98 SB Dunn, Trenten 112 43 28 BO 15 Derser. Wllkee-B. ..109 28 88 112 18 Teme, Trenten 108 89 SO 86 11 cnrtetian, Heaains..iun no as tu is Meehan. Trenten... 10T 25 B7 S3 11 Steele, Camden 101 88 25 63 an swab, neaain. . . . e aa e an ie Brurny. Wllkee-n.. 88 38 87 68 18 Armnrleeter, Head. 83 30 80 88 0 Leenard. N. T 78 35 38 S4 13 Rlpler, Ceateevlll.. 75 10 87 83 4 White. Wllke-B... 78 35 38 57 12 Dehnert. N. 1 71 33 37 BS J 6 Orlebe, Ceateavllle. 71 15 41 01 8 Newman. Wllkea-B. 70 37 18 86 11 Lawrence. Wllkei-D 68 30 38 48 8 R. Diesnan. uvim, ra ss ia pu n Kearne, Trenten... BB 33 18 30 18 Deecler, Reading... 68 18 S3 43 8 Beyle. Trenten 61 16 10 80 7 Hurarman. C'vlll.. 4B 18 18 82 14 Retch. N. T , 47 SO 7 28 0 Harry, re. x ....... ;; it je U7 id N. Dlegban. C'den.. 86 10 16 88 0 KID CUE SHARK AT WORK e 5J5Saaaaaaaaa5aaaaaaaaaaaaSaaaaSaaa iBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHklV Var.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaK''''X:v .'ilaaaa! HOPPE MEETS SCHAEFER Play for Werld'a 18.2 Balkllne Championship Starts Tonight Chlcate: March 27. Willie Henne ami Jake Schaefer tenlabt will Inaugu rate their three-day. 1600-point 18.3 balkllne billiard matcn in which Heppe will try te regain the world champion ship he lest te his young opponent last 1 1 tfff fJIDCr The match Is looked en In the bil liard world aa the "contest of a cen tury." Hoeoe. who brought the world title te this country years age when, aa "the boy wonder,' rhe defeated .the beet player In Eures;, went through-a twelve-year; atege .undefeated, and la looked enajr's.real itudear ef tke i'fh& im.ih i , .... :. y,ytes.T7:T?T?f',. v-rnga n.uia lTOf-5S .(.T,.3 ., .iKX tyiZn & i.'.i,tic i'-,-,4.ii!TT.iTiawa-iiiJjir...v'.'-:.; 1.1 ...;-?. :..i .,-:' t ,--jiai.; c .'M cnw.i tiratv. ..'' "n? THIRTEENYEAR DereMty HeluaJl' a glri te wttia plaeelsi AtlutleS lilaivtst 'k lisMH 4Mii hi' rtee lWyArl MMitrke awtai, Se sWsa tfce erawl, kiwlt sre4ie 'mk KnM( aerahe ejvaUy well ae1 la; M . pert, eaver Willie Moscenl, Seven Years Old, Has High Runs of 2AJ and 29 Here GIVtS VETERANS A RUN THEy hnvc te make special rules for Willie Moscenl when he shows his prowess at pocket billiards because, gee whiz.' he's such n little feller that-his shoulders just reach te a level with tne billiard table. Yeu can't keep one. feet en the fleer nnd piny peel, net when you're only a little ever four feet tall. , Willie Is all of seven Tears old.. By the time his parents decide te) cut his bobbed locks short like the srewn-un folks he plays ngnlnst, and by the time he reaches that state of. manhood where he won't be obliged te button his little pnntles te his shirt, Willie rcnects te be a chamnlen cueman".1 Right' new his short cue is a feet longer than be Is. The music world lias Its "child marvels." There Is also one of the same in chess, but they're rare In the field of games. Willie -Moscenl is said te be an honest-te-Koodncs8 marvel, hew ever, for his years. Alse the youngest peel player In the business. On n man's-size championship pocket billiard table he's had a high run of twenty-four, and en a table four and a half feet by. nine he's had ,a run of twenty-nine. Net bad. Anyway when he does his stuff they nil gang around te. have a leek. Willie has given such peel veterans aa Themas Huesten, former champion, a real run for a victory. He's only been playing six months, but nlrcady he Is far ahead of the aver age. Ills entry in the field was marked by the day his father, Jeseph Moscenl, opened a peel parlor at 1220 Seuth Eighth street. Willie grabbed one of the cues, chalked it up like the ethers were delnc, climbed en a chair, squinted at the lay-out and proceeded te note 'em out. It. was tough te get at the shots sometimes. lie busted n couple of but tons off his pants nnd get a few lick ings for crawling onto the table with his cue. -But pretty seen be began te show some class. Then they made him a llttle box which he solemnly plants nnd mounts whenever the shot Is out of his reach, from the fleer. New he's geed. He even knows some trick shots. He chal lenges any kid his age. Sports Served Short May can Mnll Smin A, li. Ln II SrniD A, li. Laiurtrr. American Bowling Cengri ig today what action will see- rotary or in a: wu considering ee. be taken In connection with fha nunlcava Malt 8di-ud Ave of Cincinnati, which la alltrxd tu have uaed an Illegal bowler in the teurna ment. Tne team may de luepenaea. Pinker Mitchell net Plnkev Mltrh.ll. who has been 111 for aeme. time, li reported in ft," ne conuuien again, ne meets Davie Bnaae e. ten-reuna bout at Milwaukee tonight. XVem lea (a roller akatea Art Staff, nham. plen proteeelenal Ice ekater. haa entered for tne proieeaienai rener-eKaiing cnampiensnip at Chicago, April 8 te 0. Race mogul dead Harry Brelvegle, man. arur of the Latenla race track, dfad In hla home at Detroit yeiterday. Plarara tnm firemen Tha At. Tviuta Va. tlenala turned firemen with a vim at Housten yeeterday when the nuriei quarters of anltarlum eauaht Are. The ball players carried out the nuriei whether they were m nre. ine Daii uriaa whether thev in aanger or neb afterward. Ther helped put out tha flr W, D. B. A. new Cteas O The Western Baasball Association hai been vrant, T , &F. s. m. . .?, VWfll - Claae C elgeetftcatlen and will play a straight eeaaen et 140 gamea. It Is announced today. itea a Nine Hlta In Nine Timet Up Vew Yerk. March 37. Tha Lincoln aianta opened the aeaeen yeeterday, defeating High bridge In the flrit et a double-header, 18-fl. The aecend game, with the Jereey City Red eux. nn uaiivu wis ana ec uia elgntn Innlne? en account of darkneaa wttT, h core tied, at te 9. Singer, 'left fielder for tne wncein uianta. maae nine mu In nine timea at bat during both garaee. WUlle MeeeeeU, eavei-year-eM ek4 Wltar -rLwt, g mSjim ffla aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaateaamT7Vr ''' '" aaaaaaaaaaakaaKaaal aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaPlliaKaaaBSatViY $? TaaaHikaIHeBRH mmmmmmmammmammmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimm KID POOL PUB SHOWS CUE CUSS laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal' r'V.., - EiX.4 - j - T,YU", - 'v7 - - lMW"WT." - 'i,?J - At . tVr1V.T.V.T 1.1T1 - -. t-. --;-, -.,.... nwa, .' - OLD MERMAID Gloucester Lad Overcomes Broken Arm and Is Back in Ferm AFTER TREMAINE AGAIN By LOUIS II. JAFFE JOB O'DONNELL ia ns gritty a gleremnn as the game ever has known. Early in his career, after the Gloucester fisthter had scored half a dozen knockouts in a row nnd then web sent acnlnst tonnetch s talent, O'Uennell j was handed n (r.w ! terrific treuncings. i A numbur of (.Tee's cleReet i frlftnita n 1 A ft H art ,' -ltli htm in nilit $&,&'..$? nlurslns alent un- iyMtX.W. fewAveiww,-Mvn Jn L Ma-t-nixiT tfi n. rvnstMxl.-r. -A." "" " , ., Bkl t() BQ0W weu against the best bantams around. Then Inst summer JeseDh suffered a broken arm during a match with Danny Kramer at Atlantic City. After this accident, Jee himself decided that he would curtail his clouting career. However, while recuperating at Plcasnntville, N. J., the Gloucester gleveman's leve for, the pushing jet leather made him take the eeunt, and he went back nt Hinging bis lists. .Te hnn been sain? alone nicely, al though he was decisively outpeinted in his last match by Carl Tremaine. And Tremalnc is the man O'Donnell wants te get In a longer match say for about twelve or fifteen rounds. Welsh by a K. O. - What was expected te be a set-up for Jee Welsh, of Smoky Hellew, turned out te be a rather tough oppo nent for him at the National en Satur day night, even though he did knock out Jnck r.Q lielle. of St. Paul, in the fifth round. Lit Belle stepped in ut the eleventh hour as n substitute for Hymle Geld, who the doctor weuia net pass, owing te illness. La Belle is a southpaw, and a cork ing geed secker. He pepped some pretty punches off Welsh's head for several rounds, but in the fourth Jee landed with herlv nunches that floored the Westerner and in tne next cnapter ua Belle went out. It was a Hurricane hitfest while it lasted. Bebbv Burman came through, with a vlcterv ever Frankte Conway because of his harder punching. Kid weir s wallops were mere effective than Charley Ray's and the former was the winner. Johnny Gardner outbexed Johnny Mescley, and Benny Kaufman shaded Johnny Carepl in a siugtcst. Britt Is Back Wlllus Britt is back In town, after being kept pretty busy with a stable of boxers up through New Yerk State, the New England States und in Canada. New Willus is here te stay throughout the summer and he says he is going te de aeme pretty big things during the warm weather. "I am going te be connected with an open-air boxing promoter this sum mer,' twilled the bespectacled Britt. "This fellow, who doesn't want any thing aald about his plans as yet, al ready baa hired one of the ball parka for boxing purposes. I'm going te help Him make the matches. "Although it may be a month before we get started with the first of a series of Important fresh-air bouts, we are lining up some high-class talent and something definite probably will be an nounced within a fortnight." Scraps About Scrappers Bebby DUlea la back In Philadelphia today after handling a pair of wfnnera In Brooklyn Saturday night. Willie Allen and Chick Kansas ware given Judgea1 deoUlene. reepee Uvely. tn ten-round beuta against Jea Click sod Ally WyckeB. " It's xVea tUhency new .Instead of Yeung Maheney. Se many fane have bean con necting tha Baltimore Maheney with Johnny Maheney, of Ilaxleten, that Temmy leurhlln decided te tag the "Ln" en hla lightweight pretege. Bacetta at oextng at the Ice Palace) In the last two months haa caused Oeergv Pawling te decide te continue matches at the West Philadelphia arena throughout tha summer. Aa sjkatar card arranged, for next Satur day night at the National Club wt. in in neunced today by Al Wagner. Bab Herman Is te meat Kid Warnerln the wlnMjp, and ether ma'.chee are: llytale Oeid vs. Jee Rene! &? W"-!S!! v;. , neach. BedwriJaci vs. Willi 1 Meer. Count Ivtm has undertaken the man, agerial reins of a ISA-peunder, Johnny Hart by nam, "flay, this fellow 'Art' Is boom puncher," relates the Count. Fred Douglas, former promoter tn this city, la grooming Hilly Dexter, a bantam In Brooklyn, and he Is planning te bring him te Pbllsdalphla for matches shortly, A. A. V. Uekets for the Middle Allantle Btates tournament Wednesday and Friday nlghta. at the OlvmpW Club are en eal, at headquarters. ,157 North fifteenth street street Hchett's. Twelfth and filbert atn.!. 7 ZVj TendUr's. ",u WUUe Psan has joined the colors of Willie Morten, who wants te match the former with Yeung Bherlecfe or any ether Junier light wlfht' Runn, ! m $ ." tW with Ilattilng Abe Cehen, who Is anxious je hook aa . tw tfex. & re. West Phlllla faath..-.i 2ij-j.!!te.i.A.'K:"ir 7;v:,K,a,"m:tiv,K'(' - ,v,j?.,'v --rt-U'' ' afflMfeL W11.I WL IMUSil Te Open Tim Week " Ul-ny UUIIknm " " 'Mnm ATW MNCTnNU :..;;r,::, ,,.,, Mfl V DftPf nRDnM i ,kMw.kMm a .. tLBi flaar .- -- - - ": & ---- r . km?-ikmi.jkV2JkMmkMm h i MnMn tri u nr rm m h irnuuuiDian .fa . bsb mkwkkwktw ;km$Mnw aaaaaCiii' ' IBaaaaaaaaaW ' aaaaaaaVK ' ."', X. .aSaaaaT' '". FW?? "' 4V ". 01NNELL SHOWS GRIT AS RINGMAN laaaHaafk VJEW! ta milWmY y:i.?Jmm iFilaHi&aitfF-V .V?T,-.7?5r;S the ring, before he 4:4-&iiKl "was carried out h&S:Z&M&$iien a shutter," but &r';Mi & O'Denncll wouldn't P&aVVi&'f ; listen te anything M" $..&&.? X7li like that. He kept jNi nnii v nur urr i nQT Afw ceiuse ,v,,, nnu upAn mm&i Streng Bwbair f)vm It Rady for Staten, Which Starts 1 April 7 TO HOLD TRACK SPORTS Br PAUL TRKP WILMINGTON NUOH SCHOOL will have a veteran baseball team thla season. With one exception, every member of thla year's nine played last season. Captain Hartlng, of the 1021 team, is the only playerlest. Coach Ashton has been holding prac tices every day weather has permitted. And It Is safe te say that be ia going te hare a winning nine this vear. Be sides. the number of veterans, a. wealth of new material haa reported, and every one win nave te step last te keep nis position. , However, It la doubtful if any one of the members of last year's team will be ousted from his position. All of the veterans are geed players and will be kept in the line-up. A largs schedule has been arranged and many stiff games nre en the card. The season will open April 7 nnd will close June 0. The schedule follews: April 7, Pennsgrer High, home; 14, Villa nova Prep, aweri IB, Oeldey College, heme: llleh away; 20, Ceateavllle High. away. w nnu, nwiiiB e, muter ru May 2. Cheltenham High, away: S. Teme Scheel, a war; B, Camden High, heme: .0. Williamson Trades Scheel, home; 0, Salesta- Hign, nemas iu. ueiaey ueuege, away; ege, away; 18, Tempi IS. Hadden Heights High, heme: IS. Tenant neignis nisi i IS. Chesti Prep, heme: .' .-".. M -. r --..Li. - .: Weet Rheeter High, away! 24. Kennel i unvsier iign. imrjuJi, iven square Hign, nema: ze, Baiesianum High, away; 27, P. I; .D.. away; 80, Norrletewn High (two gsmss).' away. June . West Chester High, horn; 0, Ches ter High. horn. Assistant Coach Brown Is going te make an attempt te revive track sports at Wilmington this season through In- , The Eastern collegiate baseball season will get off te a gradual start during the. coming week, , nnd by next Saturday approximately twenty nines will have begun their 1022 campaigns. There will be n sprin kling of games during the week, hut nest Saturday, when eighteen col leges will get Inte action, can be called the real get-away day. ' Georgetown, Terdham, Pcnn, Navy, Army nnd Princeton are some of the mere prominent colleges wiiich will start the ball rolling within the. next seven days. The feature attraction of the week should be, 'the contest between the Fordham nnd Penn here en Satur day. Fordham scored victories ever such nines as Georgetown, Vale and Bosten College last year and the team is practically the same as last season. ter-class games. Last season tills sport virtually "fell through," and for a while the Beard of Directors was going te disband the team. It was only through the efforts of Coaches Ashton and Brown that the school was al lowed te retain the team. Three dual meets have been arranged by the school se far. Glen Mills Scheel, Teme Scheel and Chester High will be the opposing teams. Wil mington also will be represented In the Penn relays and the Delaware College lnterschelastics. Captain Jacobsen, only track veteran, Is working hard with Coach Brown te get the. boys In condition for the inter class meet, which will take place April 1. Several hundred students will be entered in the meet, , which will have a number of girls' events. The Cherry nnd White, which ranks about sixth among the high schools of the country se for as swimming is concerned, probably will compete in one mere meet before the season is of ficially ended. A meet Is being arranged with the West Chester High Scheel feMay 8. three Friendly Gentlemen B M imsifli ej" svtnuunr tk f UVh 1 In a new package that fits the pec1teP- At a price that fits the pocket-book The same unmatched blend of Turkish, Virginia and Burley Tobaccos m FIFTEEN FRIENDS The American Tobacco Company haa grown through the friends it has made. "Ill" cigarettes in eighteen months hare com te be one of the four largest national selling brands increasing greatly the number of our friends and making possible a new and lower price en "111" cigarettes. Try a package today. C9 Ousjwilaelby c ' 1 . WLT SrWUUlAA. tstt !2g&75" -Which nuan that If you you can get your money back from the, dealer. Damlakltiat al aX SB. aB aW B aSt aj I a. a reim nviBy vusvn nauiv titrr- Runner Is Recovering ftw Wf idly Frem Beil Operation PENN CHANCES DISCUSSED : 'J . s.fcMfl TlAn ITam et.a TV.- .!- mi ... . ..'ffli sea, who was operated en for bleed ak3 poisoning from a bell, Is recovering rep- V $ f&i Idly and may be able te run In ,tfce 5&iffij English relays in Londennext month. This is the Information In and Inter- ; 'prctntlen of a radiogram received, today ' ' v. " ue"ul"uj iiDuuuiR, raanagcr of athletics at the University, of Eenn sylvanla. , l The radiogram was sent from, the steamship Aquitanla, en which the Penn relay team sailed, and was signed by,, Lawseu Robertsen, the coach. It said : "Dun Head's condition satisfactory' recovering rapidly. L. H." , A hntl wntnh patituiff mtinli ewellj. Ing nn his lpr wan arlvlnv htm n ui deal of trouble when Head beurjlcd the '" snip wuu rue rest or tne team. On; Wednesday bleed poisoning developed, tint- fha nnlv vnM vemIm.1 1a.m -mm- - .. v... ..V.M w,iu ucib wee a mat an operation was performed. Tb A radiogram doted yesterday is interpreted K by Bushnell te mean that the opera-" tien performed by the ship's surgeon was merely the lancing of the bell en , Head's leg. Bushnell figures that Head's cendl- Hen en Sunday shows that he will be, able te run In England. He ia none tee optimistic about Penn'a chances. "Frem Cambridge's showing against Oxford Saturday, Penn will have te be In the pink of condition te win," said Bushnell today. "They win have te run in American form despite the dif ference in climatic and ether conditions ever there." one-eleven cigarettes i y 1 JJ L MM ft Var-;S leteeeeeene don't Ilka "111" QamtiM. llLWKMti3& il-' ' AaK. lM. .JVm&r 4V' te M .' JVAS . .1 l H ,.ji A 5r M ! l ''! $ - 4 1 as el "X, f id icC eJ IX Ir vr '4J E?1 J n .4.1 1ft '1 1 11 i 1 i i Mi Ai aa t VJ t-rr ir in: t'.t r ll ' I, a Jn Jrl (It M. tbr V .-tr - ir 1 ! M Mil 'W-:i i.i' VJM , ".r.ji ,. j. . rf laal lIMliaiaWaar S a r .... ...-. . . ... .,..-, ..... .-, ....-. - n. (M Uaaa-afaaamiii,, n ,,-.'T i, . .. . Lla-a.1. --'! ?2S.i-3Mii&; iai y; iSnlH&'i :& j-fi-i-as M w: ,,.a,W'ts.'tt.- L.'rS-fv - ?rrm. iM&LKk. asiiS