gagagagagagagagagaMgaLagMgMg ' 'W ggaLMB - ;iPiiiflBHR EMHHP9ElTig r iiH HV53eAaKMKMiPfliagag fr.t?;r. l?..QsaagaVgtrVffiJPvliaBaBgatwu.Are . vffm V.;. 7 , ?W ' - la . "t, fc:p utw ( .' )W' ?&i$! L&wvi-r'll WCsff' ft 1 1.1 r .jjft' ,'H'.Tiri'Hiiii e u.iwi.vr aw wa ; '? ' " """' - "" Mi"Srmf JJW1 i". Ff sa jKmSEfltfWSvmjw E 'Br " , t, JMBBBBBBBs"7? k" IBBBBf v w ' I1 I a 'Jr1 14 V- r SKPyjEliFMilBBBM ,. . . awkWJMkmmiv&MkP' Mfr-'lgtlli mmmfi f fMilWwWm'fW'mW WW JlBnKBBBBBBBKlBfl'BaiBvM .lAHAkBRV.SI :m.m :,-M' .'gaW .a.'ia'Jt aaW-r ' PfMiBSaaBi:llB ar-f bbjv PJ5g;ngiVr.v 'ifZumL-LMnW uL KP-taVSaV ,ci.i,aMLi'.'!:-:,ga bbb; 'Bbbi ..aBBKfasauv.aBBi; ' 'bbbbbbbibbksbbbwibh -.iBBHuamBmvBK n:BBfc7 " -'.'"'(i ," m. r"!'-r! m..mmm.: ivra liRvlfilfgft.wSfff1 ipmimMuh' ' ;,-jJ Mkm$MtiMmmr.- ' wT;mm -:w ;i&m " "' -.' :t"'"'wm ggagaaaaga. it,i i... i ,.Birtp. ih.i . !' kinwiis, i , , , i m iimg'j.a nltu,i,u ,, nn . Ieasi ' t1" 111 "1' W mil 1 1 j.iBBaata-aagaiiiyii'ii . . . ii1. "ir , ...& '-;ir ,....,u,..iUwa .. . .. : .-U lU, ' i.,,V- -T "Wl ipiiiiTsiep!ji);i )TIMQ DQN6, HrwseiiTS M'j- ' ;-. iV:,....y , ', Effert te Censer Public Atttlr. Hiffc 1". A. -..-VK-SmisJLAi' E&sam TO .fflw-. K "" Erf Gsnertl Inanitien: -V ii.' v leT SO, OFFICIAL ANSWERS: iiief Supervision Ha Caused W Improper AitiUMimnn te i Cease, HeHDsclares ' "-f i&lHave the effortsef sbelal service Igeneies te eliminate .improper' dancing xti ribald 'conduct in." nance nam, no ils, cafes and ether. -places of public muscment thrbug bout the city been thwarted by official .Indolence .and In- inference?' Are the dance, halls and cabarets still ikccs of irresistible temptation, Jer nv young people? as Harry , Baxter, 'chief of the liireau of City Property. 'laid, down etf is Jeb as n dance, investigator? .'.Ait. afflvtnklvA atianrAl ta' alvfin In y.-au -..... ..-.... .- .. ii ecatlens made today br. the Rev. H. :w' ,.. i.""' . rasen McHenry, general superintend- t ei tee rretesians jypi;cepai. neara City Missions. fin .these allegations he is sustained ethers of, theSMayer.'a Committee en nclng, of which. Chief Baxter is iraun and Mr. McHenry' a member r.TMuest.ef Mayer Moere.,, te M,WPy Aaaed by Mayer riThis committee ..waa Appointed last er; after another committee,, or- nlied among representatives of the tl service bodies, had called te pub - MettentIeri flagrant affronts te de- r.asu general menuaa. certain .re mand 'instaaeer oilmmerallty dl- r or Intfrectlr-fcraceable te the nra- lenity and freedom DerraitW in i mirk zl,.;.-"?jl7. ""ir -& "-'m t' "l,e covering uewneie ru ui jeMCii, nere was a ae PbbHbbSwbW pBawamBBHaRBv Bgammmmmmmml mmmmmmmmmH -gBLLH r SammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmlH 7ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmV ' gaigaigaigaigaigflsW!l gaBaBBBaBmlf IwHISjIIy gammmmmmmmmmmmW ' ' gaigaigaigaigaiHRaiHHfejliiS ' gaMgaMgaMgaMgaEPS ,agaMgaMgaMgPMMa gflgflgflgflgflgflgflgfllgagaVT lagagagagagagBgBgagagal' ' BgaMgaMgaMgaiaVBBBalgtBBBBBBW'- w AUSB EMMA H. SCHMICK Phttaielptibi girl who ended her life wiM.gaaja Rfi in Mew Yerh. 8he had beeadAnelngln a ciierus , for short time ' ' CHORUS GIRL COMMITS SUICIDE IN NEW YORK Errima H.SChmlck,' former PhlladeN . ,phlan, 'Kills Herself With Gas Years as-a sUge-strucki girl, a few months In the' chorus and then death by gas summarises t) brief life story of 'seventeen-year-old mma H. Schmidt)" daughter of Frederick gchmick, of 1005 North Fourth stree't,1 wke ended her life yesterday In. .New Yerk Immediately after word reached Phil adelphia "df Miss Schmlck's death her father went te. New Yerk in hrtnr, k.v the 'body for. burial. . -RepbrU.lfrem. Nt Yerk are that Miss Schmltk was singing in the chorus of the "Parisian Flirts" under the name of Ruth Hansen. She was found dead S.V.M. V.r:M . iKimMr . ".. ,- T wrw.a:jt. i . m-mm niiwi Woodbury, .WWJ te Hav. ' ji?. iwAtfe'1 i-f ' AND SWAMP SEARCHED r.j :. Havti Yeu SeU This Girl?, Description of Ida Kramer, seren. er-6ld vWoedb'ury', N.'Jl, girl be Ifered kidnapped :" M - ": j. Dark hair and brewnteyt. Large for her age. , Were a heavy1 'checked coat with re cellar and cuffs-when last seen. She had no ha,t. She. disappeared at 8 o'clock Sat urday night "hlle playing in front of her father's meat market. in her apartment in the St, Geerge Ho He tej early yesterday morning. Ne rea sons for the girl's act are known. Miss Schmick was one, of six children ine ceul Ktf,lnand tot some sort of 'curb, some regn- ru lur iue aece nam, peme censer ever dancing in general. Ii? t..--jr iu." -" t . p -'i,i"'"y"'s " aimjer anneuncen 'i the anDOlntment' at " mmmlH.. .!. .uM;,,ave power te draw up-standards', Uf" 'maK,e invesugatiens and te1 report Toraniyt-er. unfavorably en various lvXF-'?tM ' f lie premised that ha would revoke the t,lt,i,UBhter et. DnelC'llt; of, a 'ttlfeensB nf n je ',T,llrBye8.lnB family long.premincnt in Delaware.- Her .aneensc or any dance hall proprietor, husband died five or six yenrs age. sjttMuinsi v.iinm ,it was proved thrit hn i.enceuragca or even allowed indecent! iiIQincine erilnuepent huhxrlm. rnkii . tt .course, was ehly the nevetir .ii. - U the committee. V V" if' . ... v uti .. """ Prpesu net te destroy or WrnS0?'.0".?. contrary m. ZZZ r . "uu;e et met dance. iS&S?!!! dancM- nd-te, attempt td aT.iJK'JE-K!Wd portions WM::?S":i?r. T,n.s a rb; fcfj;"'"' Ul natural emotion. MS. lAck ? Act,0, dMed r?,T ,0- committee includes 'Air, ?irn,.MC4ui1! w"tary. of the bytbmlc ''VTIie. cemmlten mi.t.. -. j : nn ... ...ii "; e J. ri secretary et the iCrueliy,: MfaVl.'rVfa ff'rSHL. 3 thft Pirrtnl QMh..i Mun", jip5;i&1iard..ffi Stfr deJsWtethe . cemm-I,H?t"y:8-fetn l that the no inv.ti,Tt.n I r iimcuonee; that l3KBJ'ir one accomplishment ha.'h.iS IU HllHnAVt4 I . "Z. &".; wmm&z laaaSaM ite'! mm uhu cneriseea ue laea eir going en ine stage ier. years. Whenever she could. see appeared in plays with amateur actors. Last October she found a chance te make a start en the stage 'as a chorus SlrLr, She what she believed te be berrpppertunlty. , v CHARLES MAGARQE LEVIS tepna mrs p .wnnnnc t "r-""" v. "' "" Marriage, of Prominent '.Clubman Surprises Friends It 80 years Old Charles Masarcn Levis. vlceWMlifent- et Curtis Brethers, .Inc., and socially prominent, was married quietly last Saturday te Mrs. Frederick William Curtis at the home tf the bride, 2600 .,vet aixietnin. street, wummgten. Society, here was surprised by word oz tbe marriage, which occurred the' day after Mr. Levis formally announced tbe marriace en Tbursdav of his denah ter, Miss Agries, , Rowland Levis, .te Themas J. Mycr in Jt.' Vincent de Paul's Church, Germaritewn.t Mr. Levis lives at 0024 McCalliim street, Germantown, and is a member of the. Union League and the Phila delphia' Cricket Club. Before her first marriage hlsibride was Sarah O. Cor New Jersey State neliee tedar took charge of the search, for seven'ear-eld iaa Kramer, daughter 'et Mr. .and Mrs. Isadora Kramer, of 57 JNerlhv Bread street, Woodbury, the Utile girl who disappeared from home Saturday eve ning., v Police are directing the dragging of Woodbury Creek, which flews near the child's homeland they led a. large search party'lnte a' bread, and almost Impene trable swamp, nearby. Anether clue leads te a house in Chestnut street, Oamden, where, the police say, there, lives a, woman who answers' the description of a passenger seen' en a Woodbury trolley car Sat urday, night leading a child. ' ' The police; will take with them te the Camden address. Jehn Herry, of 316 Lincoln street, Seuth Woodbury, who saw the woman en .the street car. I&iTyi8iideecr,.Dt,('1 of th woman and child tallies with, that given by another man who. bearded the same street car. "Still Anether Clue If this cine', proves misleading police will visit still another house in Glou cester City Where Lives another woman who also tallies ,ln many respects with the woman seea,en the street car Sat urday night: Though nearly twn fcNndmi .-. teers .have been' searching, for the child , eariy , ye eraay morning, when the general alarm -was' given bv the rljbglng of the fireNll. the creek has net been draared 'nor hu thn .m-. . raared 'nor h thn m-. . searched thoroughly There is ae way ?l-w!alJlg ab)lute,J: certain whether the child was lest or kidnapped. An automobile with two men' nsssen. gers,- which was parked for two' heiin Saturday night liear tbe Kramer home. a2dl."t,S.n,e wmi who gave one et the, .ether Kramer children some candy Saturday evrnlnr. , t..i. seught: If the child was kldnanned rriA mnf watt itMPnii. ii - - ' flSS.wrasss' sswas iBai or th ivmim .l'-:. wmmm ISSffifcS -RSUL SZZm-Si.. aT VMr.. McHenryVSSS:-':., . SW ' b'Mr',5"' V, JtMsiM Iisid tt malm ' .VwrtoedV Mid ls. Vu-.u S&3 JSfrS&HJEZtt . that there ?V? ..? ftt3 the present dancln. .Jl ii.M' " - MMt-iMilf ' iKJsenir K cemmTttlT?.1 .!i!whwM en elns- ifiatS." 7TrSH9'1l usst of 'tSi iiTT2f"??M "odjren, his egceCTty.h ? ' ' -- '- 't WBli f,S,( h-1:r;-WW. 3 e-aittgrjrM sisisssn- tfr.V&kJt'V.wL'Ji&ty :'' 'IK '"er i"!.! i itc ' ". ; v.. .. , !"; '. After the, honeymoon trln the Levises hre expected' te raake their 'home at Kennett Hide, Mrs. l-cvls' Wilmington rstate. . Mr. Levis ig nearly sixty years old and has two .daughters and two sons. Frederick .Herasley Levis, a son, wns married last June te Miss Louise Rut Rut tcrwerth and lives at ISO West Spring field avenue, Chestnut Hill. V. '' GAY PARTIES FIGURE . ! IN "SUICIDE MYSTERY : j Widow of Michael Yerk Upable t Explain Circumstances rittabunrh. March 27. Mrs. Kath leen Yerk, widow of Michael Yerk, lace merchant of New Yerk, who was found dead from a bullet wound in the William l'cnn Hetel here, was questioned by' of ficials as" the. Corener's office en .her arrival here yesterday. Mrs. Yerk could shcil no , light ' en the whisky deal, threats against her husband's life, and the enemies mentioned in letters and gapers, found in Yerk's ' room- at the etel. A taxlcab driver renertedlthat he hed frequently driven Yerk and gay parties of friends about town. He that early ..'en Saturday en leaving his cab at 'the hotel .Yerk had showed him a revolver and said: "If something doesn't happen this morning, I am going te, end it all." BELGIUM HONORS SPROUL ' Vlfe of' Governer Alse Decorated by ''"King Albert xv K'i Albert of Bclclum has hestnwetl thu decoration of, commander' of the Order of the Crown en Governer Snreul. The Governer, was notified of this honor today in a letter from Huren de Oartttr," Belgian Anftasfader. Mrs. Sproul will receive, the. medal of Queen Elizabeth. , The baron desires te confer the honors nersenallr. and it 'tirnn. siblethat the ceremony will take place' in rrasningien tomorrow, wnen the Governer will. be,at tha capital. I2 leaves tonight for Washington te break the ground for the Meade memo. meme. rlal In honor of the great, Civil War general. . "k HallGaine's First , Nevel jnEightr Years r- . . Can a'Man-Be Just Who, as Judgaita itCaentenee . en the woman who is tried for their $inf Sir Hall Caine deals fremkly with this extraor extraer . dikary.eitvatien fn , The Master of , Man v Naw Raaaiiig r ' Eyeninr PublicLedirr &m'auMakimw 7' itevx-,v-iw :t,y.M ik-iW MKh - ' "iBWll . lu, ,11 .11 hi in. ".'... - h- 'fiUi. !.' 1 -"'A. i J M - A fjS. .Bey Ferrilshea Cine Mclvin A. "Cramer. tntrfn .... u of 05 Tatcm street, has given tbe police what is considered the most 'useful in formation thus far. It was Melvin. who supplied the - automobile, clue. ok street joins Bread street where the mlssina child lives, and T.t.-. . I where Melvin's, parents live. . At It o'clock Melvin saw the'little girl en Oak street. At 7:30 he and. his father and mother' eaw a Ferd Sedan parking near Oak and Ta tem streets. It bad a Pennsylvania 11- "Iff'eA H7 V' Jt waa there until 8:30 when Melvin, in the house reading, heard It move way. Police learned that at 7:30 the missing child leit tne ussae ex jars, itaymend Wilsen, a neighbor where she had stepped te talk te seait ether children. -The child father keeps. a small meat jnaraet. we.ieia reuce ne knew of nn enemies, save one discharged empleye. wnew nun no xktb, ana wne had inreaienea 10 gee even- witn him, he said. PiHfM linrji flllltllHnnajl fKI mmm .!.. cnled any knowledge' of tbe child's dis- ailiraiaiu.ct aim ue was net arrCSteu. ' The general alarm te search for tbe missing child was sounded at 2 o'clock Sunday morning. Mrs. Kramer' informed a youth named Tweed, employed at the Studebaker Garage, and he rang the fire bell, which brought out, a force of"200 volunteer firemen. As auxiliaries ta thn police, already en .the job, the .volunteers searcneu, every corner eiitne town. .Ida is. the eldest of three children. Her parents moved from Camden te Woodbury several months age. Sat urday evening she was. en the street, playing with ether children. One of them later remembered seeing her walk down Oak street a little -before 8 o'clock. Nothing was thought of her. action until Mrs. Kramer came out'ef the heuBe te call Ida in te bed. i Calls haye been made te every hos pital In Camden, and the Camden police n kIi rd te aid in the., search.' Ktitv town n the; neighborhood of Woodbury 4tU- I ( 1. iljil i 1 HM nf ml .1 1 i i Hili, inVn n II i ii.i i iii-iii !ir ,Mth. i'..i .', ,i I Mil tflfilfii tmmimtBmt tktmfmil! 'l I T.i Li l I I) I hi. Ii mi i i i ' ' .MBMBrT . ... '! L 1 !IIII!JL. m apj ySH BBBBlr'BlRfBBBBBBBsiiaHi!S - HMsM aVgfalik aa sarSBayini gfl aasr aj sa . ' agfagfagfagfagfagfagfagfagfagfagfagfaga . irt ; U bVSi bbbbbbbb J ist aajja sa a g r r a r a "f a .-- a . bbt,v r I ',JUi f BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJ'"! IrBBAB' gLBKXB BBaBV1 .- I M BaLB. eUi34 tfa X f WtV JaV ' BBBall B Bf ' fl III" .'-'.BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfBBBBBBBgliaBBI-V' '"-''7'''' , r, Unillllll lillfl 'y'mmam . :, ."- navy iara nmnieym UIIUIIUI Hills V'A BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBat4aBBBvv 4v'a BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBkBBBBj, t'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl vi BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl :t v'vbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb1'''' 1 1 ' nBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT ' V'jifBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl ' v;bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb1' bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI " v BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB1 v ;BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBb. ,;vbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbHbbbbbbbbbbb1- y '''BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBgaBBBBBBBBBs!-'' i BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaHigBBj!9BMiBBBBBBr .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBPP-iifT!WBBBM " BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBjTOWi-agSiBaBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaESgXaMBEBBi BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKiiBBtlBBBBBB! BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaalSBBBBBBBBal ." BpMbbbbbs! tBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHI9H sBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaWal3MiBa9 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBaBBauelfT 'BBBBKgaTspBBBBBsBBBBBBfffilBBBBBBBBl -, BBr5l JBBBBBBBBBMlSnBBBBl feeaRKsssasai yi T-' .;;CTT: ; iKftvii ' . . ' ,";.Sa.. la. -. . !"A MUUft&rSSmO8 Tbe. Philsdelpbla Yearly Meetlag of Orthodox Friends begins Its sessions today. The gentle Utile Quaker lady and her stalwart companion were photographed la tbe gateway of tbe Meeting Heuse at Fourth and k, ' Arcb streets CDIEMIIC 'MAV UO I IllaP HI Ifil IWIsU''l WW I II IN THEIIt HOMES V jf 1 Rul of Marriages in Metfng; Houses Changed by Yearly Meeting ' .Changes in the Friends' marriage regulations yyere decided upon today at the Philadelnh'la Yearly MeeUna of the Beciety of FHends ta the. Fpurtn. and, aiub snevis iuwiiBipKeaapr 'xnese en be msrried The decision reached wapi tev'.'ner- mlt marriages at ether' places' j and at ethe times than, thei regular meetings for worship, provided that permission BMBMS HE'SrSHIfTEIT . Superintendent of Schools Sees N. Y.. Flurry Oyer Organi zation as Nonsense Superintendent of Schools Broeme docs, net fear that the "Shifters" will lead te "petting parties;'' "lellvtaa- 2!lJS Btrainedjneralj sodesfer the eats MwtrwrHBeasasvw rt'r imyfgBrfSvftkrxAAUitr,ti- ti ' V changes WlOpcrmitiFrleads te I ?"" .r, l1 he ed In.tWlr.ownhemee.-" admits he's a'.Shlfter himself. ecisien. reached waBvuvvper rlages at ether' places', i and at nes than, thei regular meetings rer wersnip, provided tnat permission be obtained, from the.Menthly Meeting under which such marriages, occur,'? Wheen the meetlna enened at 10 aMal ui .!. . !.-- .M- linn V UWA tUSB UIVlUIUf IUCIV W C 13 XJUU S-Friends in 'the Meeting Heuse: ItelJ- cau of tne representative meeting showed that there were 110 of the 120 members present. " DIsanrABunC Parley 'Discussed . N Benerts were first read shewlne 'the favorable attitude taken by the Friends toward the Disarmament Conference when the idea was first 'advanced.' It was decided that the Friends' fund for the relief of .Russian refuses in Canada was nti longer, needed and that the fund shall in the future' b'c used in paying tbe salaries, of teachers In the' friends' Scheel for Indiana at Tunc-. sassa, New Yerk' Favorable action . was taken en the question-, of . Friends representation la the Inter-Church, Federation. The yearly, meeting left tbe' matter of join ing the federation te (lie fuberdlnate meeting. J. Henry BartlMt had been ine U rienas- representative in 'the federation. DEAD "MAN OF MYSTERY" : OWNED GERMAN ESTATE ody.ef Geerge Schmidt Will Be HeleVPendlng Cable Frem Europe JTtfe body, of a Vmnn of mys'tery," salcTte own a large estate in Germany, who died Thursday In the Philadelphia General Hospital, is being heldby the State Anatomical Beard while efforts are being made te reach his relatives. The man went te the hospital Fcb ",ayj28 sl'l"? his' name as Geerge Schmidt, .of 1120 Brown street, and his occupation as a barber. Hespltnl au thorities discovered, however, that he was a physician. . , After his death, R man who. said he was "a friend" called 'entDr., A. Hew son, secretary of the Anatomical Beard, and told him that the roan had relatives in Germany. Th'a beard' wm,i . held the body thirty days until some relative 'arrives, from Europe or orders iui ajustut 'sue sjauieu: According te the mysterious ''friend' Lwhich Bad net yet been administered. nas ecen. nmiuni w ue ei 100 waicn .vr. acnmiuc iinnented n 'Inrce estate ier tee cuuu. BARTON PRpVES TO BE BEST LIMRICKER IN NAVY YARD Wins CGveter One Hundred Dollars for Second Time and Has Geed Jqjte en His Felletv Empleyes ! I There's no, getting ;away irein it; j thing is perfectly still until "one of the The 'Shifters' Is a name annUed te a phenomenon which burst en a wonder ing world a few weeks age and' seen gathered thousands of flappers and "city slickers" into its Invisible folds. - Scheel authorities of New Yerk City are taking the thing seriously, at least they pretend they are. There i's talk of an investigation that will trace .the movement te its shift? lir !. i H&W be. Mention of the Shifters brought chuckles from Dr. Broeme today. "In the first place, I am a shifter myself," he said. "I don't see any thing in this shifter business exeent th'nf It is a wave of nonsense spreading ever J'le country. Jt is something like the Buffalo' movement some years age. One man would slap another en the back, tell him 'you're ri" Buffalo,' and accept a cigar as the Initiation fen. "The Shifters de net hove any se cret, meetings. It appears te have no organization and no definite objective. Anybody can be a member by merely lit . " "" cun l"g nis daddy with n brass clip and, le, the parent becomes a Shifter. ''It Is really the spirit of the Mnrdl SfSf'JS a ,n"? fermV Ie wl fade away witb.the passing of the season." OLIVIA STONE'S TRIAL FOR -KINKEAD MURDER BEGINS New Yerk Courtroom Crowded Jury Selection Proceeds New Yerk, March 27. fBv A. P.t a .courtroom crowded te the doers, ft. ' of a iwy t0 try MlSi Olivia, win r- , ,n n,charB of murdering ..,. x.u.v iviNKL-iui, lerracr corporation counsel, of Cincinnati, began today be fore Supreme Court Justice Aspinnll, In Brooklyn. She was dressed in black and worn n licnvy veil. r'MIss Stene, n graduate nurse, shot Klnkend last August en a Brooklyn street near his home. She said she had been married te him. hut Hmt in. i. married .another woman. After brood breed ing several months, she asserted, who followed him from his office nud fired a ne jiuurtm ins O'lmc Minister Lays Lawiesne Here . te FairuJte Enforce 'ii4 r.ti.M .'S critics deih; approach j moere right, says baxter . . u" ' The Rev.. Dr.. TSemss T. Mutcbler, secretary, of tai Sabbath Association, atUcked Mayer Moere today at the 138th annual Philadelphia. Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, eh the score thst he was responsible for lawlessness " Is Phfladelphln. through failure, te enforce the Sundays laws. Hnrry T. Baxter, chief of the. Bureau of City Property, and 'a prominent Methodist, who heard Mr. Mutchler's redress, arose te defend the Mayer, and did se wArmly.', - ' Mr. "Mutcbler declared that recent lawlessness in'thls city could be blamM largely en the Mayer's liberal inter pretation 'ef'', Sunday laws. The "Sab bath' Association secretary endeavored te argue that disrespect Engendered' for one law createsdisrespect fe rail. . Baxter Defends Mayer. In reply. Chief Baxter, declared that, tne ministers naa net Known new te ap proach tbe Mayer, and that he. had been Irritated by statements which had been issued by the ministers before they called en him. "Lavv, unenferced is of little or no telue," said Dr. Mutchlcr." "Disre gard for and disobedience of law is de structive of orderly government. Any public official who fails te perform hii Continued n Pe Five. Celamn Twe WOMAN IN TREE THIRTY HOURS; DEFIES RESCUE Threatens Jump In Ravine If Any One Climbs Up te Get Her Washhigtea. March 27. (By A. P.) With the multitudinous information of the Government bureau right at band, the .District police for the last thirty hours have been unable te find a method for luring a woman Inmate of St. Eliza beth Hospital for tbe Insane from her precarious perch en tbe branch of tree in the Institution's grounds. Clad only In a flimsy nightdress, tbe woman baa maintained her position against all threats, bribes and lures. The tree overlooks a ravine, sixty feet deep, into which she threatens te threw herself If any attempt te climb after Ler is made. .... Meantime a patrol of police, squads from the fire department,; health and treet denartments and aundry nurses, doctors. and attaches of the hospital are keeping watcu for the flrst indication thst she has decided te avail herself of the feminine privilege et changing her mind. SPROUL AND BRYAN MEET k'Commener" and Governer Have ;-Breakfast Together Governer Sproul and William Jen nings Bryan breakfasted together this morning at tbe Governer's home. La pidca Maner, near Chester. Mr. Bryan spoke in Chester last nigbt and early this mernin; appeared at the Gever-, uer's home.' Then the two metered in te Philadelphia. Mr. Bryan left for Danville, Pa:, where he speaks tonight. LAST-MINUTE NEWS ALLEGED BOND THIEF HELD UNDER $25,000 BAIL Marcus Newman, who was arrested here while trying te selK , a bend said te have been one of these stolen several months age from 'a murdered Pittsburgh mall clerk, was held in 825,000 ball for court this afternoon! by TJ. S. Commissioner Manley. N: Y. GOVERNOR REFUSES PARDON FOR TIM LARKIN ' " ALBANY! bt. Y., Match. ,a7.-aoverner Miller has denied the application for a partlcAi Ier. Jim'tarkin, the, Irish agitator, con victed of criminal anarchy and terring a aentence at Clinten Prison. $100,000 FJRE AT SOUTHWEST HARBOR ME. 'SOUTHWEST HAEBOR, ME., Mafch 27.-The principal part e the business section here was wiped out by flVc today with a le3s of 100,000. Five business buildings, Including the OclU Fellows' Bulldini?, were destroyed and the Masonic Bullthujf wna dhmaged. !-$&; ,V ,'?;''?., Majer Diclariit Himstf Fg ' f JiM.J'l 'HI mm- Dictators at teerttl Djnnar Hr ATAAiX in TiirnHnu nA(k'! WHILE BELL'S TAKES -mUm r iWm,: -Hm " "-vltr Henry Ferd Said te Ba Sem On te Back te Ott'f niiiu vii rnim h, j i tBVUT UtIS AN "EARF0L7.& A.'Vytftii Zm DniiKII.. tAfMlu. eM .! 2 hw Canrtlrla C.'tum ftmL"l ' ,. t- WSml crats Big Chanca By GEORGE NOX McCAIN ji J&rK&TtU The complexities or the State' eW-..'.miJ leal situation alter from day te day like .3ft the fantastic alignments of a kaleitey scope Combinations made ever nigktj: COAL MINE OWNERS SEEK WAY TO END RX PAY CUT TODAY Operators Announce Intention te .Deny Wage Increase in Anthracite Field as By the Associated Press . New Yerk, March 27. Laber mem bers of the Anthracite Wege-Scale Sub Committee returned from Cleveland to day te renew negotiations with the op erators in an effort te avert the strike called for April 3. Beth operators anil miners expressed TANGLE ON TREATY Declaration May Be Joined With Supplement Excluding Jap anese Mainland By the Associated Press Washington. March 27. Twe methods of clearing up the technical Senate tangle ever the Four-Power Pacific Treaty and Its two supplements were under consideration today by Re publican leaders while the Senate con- all you 'fans who laugh at fellow fans are sure te. laugh en the "ether side of your face'" soenervor later. As is shown in the cane of tbe fel lnw emnlevea of one Albert Barten. et 2312 Seuth Seventeenth, street, who m the winner or Ijlra'rlck no. a. a. The completed T4m'rlcH la as fellows : LIM'RICK NO. 38 There once was- chap named McFee, An electrical wlxaraVwas lie; ' He built a device That lie 'said weali be alee Te prpjute nefl-rfjae'e tea. .Mr. Barten- le in ,the 'Supply Da Sarlreent of the, Navy Yard, and the IVKNittft VU&HQ LxneEB Is brought te the gate of 'taeyard each werntaa about ten thirty. Berne of ,tkf bmb In the efflce. tee a" ear and ge jet !?Wi"i,'wi ymmm men has an Insplratlpn,' and away gees u- J1TOCII te jet it down. And when' Mr. Barten had this particular in spiration, t h e Thumbs (d5wh. .But "Barf" simply smiled ,and inTvPasasaV FavavjHSjaajajasaa. PjBaaajSH'bjMlpiBiT' S9apjtaBjBIBP w , sgaaLaSalgagi awbe, he'e nbt f that he did! "Web luegjr b?s .$Lim aaataatvaaitaaai; ;;un j-auie u MftMftk all cause last n fa' ., tee. YiK' irw JK'tf!r:-7. ij ja ffiWA v ?' ,.'! . i ijk ,i t-i". i"ji. .- . ' i" -WT ' :" . fwziistitms&wi va',ww 1,' -r.,- 'mmmmm LETTER WRITER SENTENCED Man Who Threatened Negro Minis n . ter Gets Ona Year X sentence of a year in the Mercer bounty jail, lrcuten. was imposed upon Jeseph Brown, 1!U3 Lembard street, In tbe United States Dlirtrlct Court to te day after' the man pleaded guilty te writing a butckhaml letter te the Itev L Ar Bindley, a Negro minister, 1500 Christian street, demanding $300. Brown Is oho colored. Te thn minister Is irlrn nt rer the capture .of Luther 0. Beddy in this city for the murder of two New Yerk policemen. Bodily was found guilty of murder of the flrst degree and U awaiting sentence. The letter te the mlnlbter demanded ne place $500 In a package near the P, It. . freight station. Bread and :i""cii VrZ' " l J"ckage .. I'lavm inu biki. iiiuicaiea in cuer, anu wnen tirewn he was arrested. the went for it, German Marks Drep Again New Yerk. Marrh 17 CTJ.. k . r. . Qerman exchange . broke, all di-avIah. nnr - . & . . .. - I nVvu" f'" wu?xi maws "' cenis per iw marks. The niMWffn M.lnt. . WW KacuiAi Mann in ii in (iiinrBrinn v remittance was made last week. cents per 100, ixgmq. ': r KBirtnii HI. IK SliSv f,.Tr,a,?,.f avSSr w&&igm&FwrttiR m&jm&msm&m MtaaBiiil In mas IMMilUll In "" "'n.i.T!Mr.vM tinued debate en the nunnlementArv a desire te end the general discussions measure excluding the Japanese main-!L"5iL?'rktf.the-?nLnJ!id;;'.a ,an from the scope of the Four-Power Treaty. Adoption of n separate resolution ratifying the supplemental declaration including mandated islands and e. eluding domestic questions from opera epera opera tien et the Four-Power Treaty was one method. The ether plan under con sideration was inclusion in the resolu tion ratifying the Japanese mainland trcnty of the reservations affecting the mnndeted islands nd denmestlc nues nues tien.i. These RiiRgestiug the latter method, by which the declaration would be made a part of the 'ratification of the sup plementary treaty, pointed out that It would meet the objection "of Democrats that n separate ratification of the declaration would net require action by the ether signatories. Ratification of the Japanese main land supplementary treaty within a few days was predicted. Informal con- f'.T.' U wn8 M,d- '""closed that the ratification vete probably would be Inrger than that which approved the four-Power 'IVtir A . iT. "1. Democrats who opposed the four-Power measure, it was Relieved, would vote for the supplemental treaty excluding the Japanese mainland. """ Leaders planned te proceed with vot ing en the- supplement despite, the ab HhJSS.0' ,flfte 8nater en the Muscle Sheals Inspection trip. Republican leaders said that canvasse of Senators remaining here insured a two-thirds vote for the supplement en the basU of the vote en the Four-Power Treaty" Dau8htlr.perts Father Misting Alice Cumberland, 014 Nrth Salford street, notified the police today that her father, Jehn Cumberland, fifty yf old, disappeared from his home I. comber 21 last, and that she has net seen or heard from him since. She said. that he left hi. hnZ. iVutL MtemebUe aaylaa that, he w. -aW rnnference last week and te confine future fiesslens te consideration or the nineteen demands of the worker?. The miners say they propose te demonstrate that wages In the mines failed te keep pace with these in ether industries during the wnr- that the to tal increase has been only 05 per cent since 1016; that the mine operator is making an excessive profit by under paying his labor aiyl overcharging the consumer; and that the mines could hrnr n runnennble nrefit te the operator after granting both nn increase in wages anu a reaucuen ei i'--"., ., . , , The operators indicated that today, for the flrBtr time since discussion of n new1 contract wns undertaken, they would make known the percentage of wage cuts they advocate in counter pro posal te the nineteen demands of the miners. Asserting that they will net consider a wage increase, the operators say that costs of mining and transport ing coal have, net decreased, and that the market for coal has suffered be cause of the public's inability te pay prevailing nriccs. Philip Murray, vice president of the United. Mine Workers of America, has replaced. Jehn L. Lewis, president of the International organization, ns head of the four labor delegates en tne Arbi tration Committee. S. D. wnrrincr, president of the Lehigh com and .Navi gation Company, will continue as spokesman for the operators. Mr. Lewis has announced that he will remain at Indianapolis, headquarters of the "United Mine Workers, te direct the strike et both anthracites and bituminous workers. ' Nearly .forty members of the Anthra cite Workers' Scale Committee re turned te New Yerk today te keep their local and district, organisatiens advlted of the progress et negotiation?. Baltimore, MarciTaT. (By A. P.) Because of tbe failure et negotiations of the Scale Committees, of the Northern West Virginia Geal OperntorsVRssoela OperntersVRssoela OperntorsVRsseela tion and District. 17, UnltU Mine Workers of America, looking le a new wage agreement, the operators decided te close down all the 550 mines In. their ysatweaTaaraw Hw, taawi, laancn ta n. nn PH Ir 4 m e -' !M.W ,'.! I.WMJMl smashed before neon of the next &$$JtfMjia Majer uavid A. Ileed slipped" UK'.ws,g luwn unneraiaca aaturaay. wiia? &. coming also came the story VejSw iciuseu iu ue acceraiea wun me rfessinv. i. urunnr ibk or rin iiniifv nut i GninriT pntnrm 9lnu V. .. 1.1. IU '' ".;r . ""' .r. .. " . .; rr -T" s ; ran us mw me arena, eiar Kee.l y.fl has "sung dumb" en the Griindv "is! ... rru J- , . - .Y. OU, muiui. jluc luHjur in a son ei uuace IITI .. V , . v... . .. ii- dim .neea, ei i-iitsDurgn. lermer. ,a?s partner In and co-founder e the 'linu ,: $& of Knox c Beed, in whjch the "'late. 'fe Senater Knox was a partner. . 'AV-:4 Majer Beed has been looked penl "Wi and publicly proclaimed as Mr. qrea-' .3?J u a evicciiuu uer uuiiea eiaiee eai-4 aterHe waa te be tbe runeiaa- male' et '1 mnuni ixinunusiener Jean B..rusMr Wi'- for Governer en the Grundy tldhatii-ft feftJ It is all plausible enough tee. MaJerB; 1 Reed's law firm represents vast latdua- trial and corporate concern; TkteA4W, attorneys for the larrest: ninMMHM:fa;' the world, the United StateiaHeel n Cemnanv. and ether vast tntrrmmtml 'v';' Jt-i Graady Ame -Iatereat;aW Mr. Grundy it preatdeatet&avif.; tylTaaU. MaaufactBrete' AatfcRJMIeiTm jaatwgeBVgaereaeataamueaceCtmmaN in the tnr fiiai iisiiatmtT mmll ' tore, iut peuuciana aaeuiaMiaC'KawUS names of Grundy and Reed.. 'A utr. urunays representatives i&MW i Pittsburgh have encouraged these 'eem'rWZf. $ elusions. Just as they, bare decried. ae ' w-.j cauuiaacy vs. guun a, jmu, an, .:aei i" :y wlMHaut nt an tntlmata - - j' -'''. Rnafnr'a rtrnw'a hnainaaa f.JM "'. There are theee. In Pittsburgh peMt-Sil Ically anUgenlstic te Mr. Grundy 'wmW? assert that the report of an agreemeat whereby Mr. Belt was te underwrite ' Senater Crew's financial obUgaUeaa: te'Jtm'A the extent of $630,000 was givea ee-)ft;(i rency by Mr. Grundy's own BStttaMf-TI1'. lieutenants. .r ' wftfl Be that as It may and nobody -wW' Saw n..V..w WV.. - .u W,..V.W, .! MO ' . .7I was consulted about or was a. party; te any such agreement whoever started the story wasn't fully posted. "" His figures were wrong.- t, And new the Grundry-Beed affm' cart is unset apparently. Majer Reed slipped tate tewa flattaf day te attend a dinner and political conference arranged in his honor. ' Bat Grundy Waa Aaeee Present at the dinner were Cever aer Sproul, Senater. Pepper, Chief Jaattea von Meschrisker, B. T. StetesaaTy. aad two mere gentlemen. Mr. Gruady was nbt present, which waa MachtaveOiaa strategy upon hla part, provided be was invited. Saturday afternoon, and thta te.'the story reported te meTMajer Reed called up Mr. Grundy's office In the Flaaaee Building. Mr. Grundy was net taeee but his alter ego, Chester Hill,, was. There was-an Interchange of compli ments and Mr. Hill invited Mr. Beed te "visit our headquarters." t It was then, I am Informed, that Mr. Reed conveyed tbe information that be did net knew about anybody's head quarters. That he was out In the open en his own responsibility. That he did net recognize any faction or leadership. rarticuiariy, newever, was ne desireas of meeting Mrs. Warburton and Sen Sen aeor Vnre. As n result.there has been a shlftiag of sentiment In favor of Majer Reed among these te whom the incident was related. Of course, all the above may have been a bit of well-staged political comedy,- but these who xnew Majer Reed will scarcely charge him with being a knowing participant In any ue ue ceuth or cunning bit of chicanery. Bell's' Stock Declines The stock of Jehn A. Bell has fan. perarlly declined en the political stock exchange. This is due, I think, te the presence of hit opponent, Majer' Reed In the city. ' J r There have been sporadic rumors In the Western part of tbe State that Henry Ferd was seeking a political outlet for some of his meter meaey lit Pennsylvania. It was net only spera dic but it was inucuniie, tne rumor' that Ferd desired te back some Candi date formidable enough te go up against -(leerse Wharten Penner. ituVfl He s desirous of getting revenge til'Sffi Senater Pepper, if possible, ferSlBSwS vote in favor of -Senater Newberry ,lsi'7Sj 4Iia nnlfehrAtMl M Inhlvnn Annk. 7 fi ...fVi'T These rumors took concrete form. laet',lfr3': week. . "TTsM; A representative of Mr. FeraY 'f wl name Montague. Interviewed auaa'.'-nafri.l the Pittsburgh political wrltera " with i i the purpose of getting a line e:theM"j senatorial situation. While iX&ml formation from tbe newspaper 'aii, Tv men wuuin naiuraujr d reale6,eef,ffi, I am of the opinion that Mr.'Meayits5;, . (Ol nn vnrtui ui jnaiee atua tawt,.l f -s 4 as ! what he fur S!iiLeri,d.' b jwwr retiiTaed" aam . ! larMMaaawi nv ibb aaaaaaa .ata i ar '- V!I "T ""r ,v .-aT gera-ffi BK nffHe JsaWJaaVtVaVI M nNMMIviE. CO.. -tHW fldMm-mi l4.l-, TmSdTV K'fwvli ,-.uuUT:ixavei,itvxMMaiivsk ii ,i.ti')vi.-..i-wy.i A ""-"MMBafaalmr net just exactly Only As a 'private eplaiep nrMuad I eaanat faaaa'.. would reJIy votes' te tee; " I Ti'. . r'a. "' '. eareatl aatl aaaaaaaaaaaaaapiaiHriarfiwaa-teNawssayBam