mmbwwf nnwHHKnr.'KOTK'UJ.TOr.j i i ipiwwiim i wlw wMJsmmW' v:rPF P9Pk.wva7iBiKBHinmBKiaaFn;: vy k v EYEING PUbEIO LEpGEfePHIADEtpHIA. SATURDAY, Hrassn y wrjmfxKKErm -ST t '.tX'H' MARCH 25 Bfl&PiPBPPIW5 1922 ' pfoVerce aGirlte lExpiate (Anether's $in The Vengeance of Henry Jarremdn By ROY V1CKERS Must the Weman Always Pay? tauahter a, vie. raW BE0IN8 thk stony ( .TarrOlrtOll, mcern irem pnimi, tHLSrSuls, 'nKTiWtSW ' HiBfV JErrimen. . WW n icerj. " '. Cm JeSa f nlncMrrt vcerj. Mi (Jale- 7w5. , MM rtai plic e. ner a '. who btlltvci urtl, employ i. ihlfred Strc ." T . titfirirn. Air "!"!,..r niiAn hi rrtnanlltn a rlne ftadla firlt. nf fcnoiei her te b Cnmden'. iZwMcr. Clown" Craune. Ifte el SkeAaa dtthonertd enddttcrted Jarre- vwt?l mbli9hniriir. rAcrd v(Jll her "'XiA tfUl if arromeit delre Ce find it frr j-.!l,t uthft uel fu-n innr eM i?Kr wa lm))H0Hfd. eul ianj te ''iSti. mnifilrt tn tubttttute Nad la ter I real dnuehter. with the Idta of get- Zoaeed mlrf old him In plnce e her faihtr. Camden's ahttr, who etlievet nr nema id no a Oureit I cninim ue u tyte vy Ben. lWrfI ..0..F?iLM?: rancIMJum Dirtuvn mittr n ' jva H0 JarrOffinn ennne r wifmQen'r. feted l liilw . ' . Madia of her mtttaed uarent a$ the daughter of an cr-cenvtct. and Ludv Deucrater will never Htanctlen her marriage 10 inrir Ban, ? MfAcr. Jarrem a it, tee, rtcoenixes Cam . mfJJW Tint 1 uriu fnwiv ivnv 'um in c ISeer net tuspect Thecd a duplicity. Limnf p "os "' tmtniiiMiii ui(u If emeilirrni miuri iwukib iriut inr 0 nia nat9 i aeivrrca inre nu f eav$ he will let Nadla act as ana mawes viane or her Epan'i emt hilt etcrttarv. S,tlIWfcc. ' The Master of Man tell the man's tide of the story df a great tin. It it by Sir Hall Calne, Knight of the Britith Empire, author of "The Deemster," "The Manx man," "The Weman Theu Qavest Ale," etc. Sir Hall has few equals as a teller of tales ichich grip the imagination and stir the emotions. It Begins Today . A.ND HERE IT CONTINUES TADIA let htm hall a taxi and get 'in. Vi He gave the name of a well-known Mt tbep unci lollewca her. 'J. lie taxi fining OIU 01 luc quid Sim Birt'cc unu hided westward. Nadla knew Strnnuek wni looking nt every fiber in her tingled with his iMrness. Slic clutched lit a cenvcrsu- tlennl opening. "Did did the girl they sent Instead t( me (Ills morning get through all the fetter?" bhc UKked and without look leok loek ki at Mm she knew that laughter bad trept back te his eyes. 'r0h, rather! A most competent In Irklual. dimply cut out te be a typist and nothing else. Did you think you fed made yourself Indispcnsable te me ta typtft, Nndln?" The rich color rushed te the girl's fcce. Hhe wanted te tease him hack, te be gay and invincible, but the events lltbe.hut twenty-four hours had made a;dcei lmpresMbn upon her, and she fjjnd that her eyes wcre full of tears. Before she could hide them Stranack, leaning forward, had seen her distress, lad bis mi nil covered iters. "Jly dearest Heart," lie bow, quietly, "there's nothing te he sad ((bout, it Vn't matter a scrap. It can't part HI." "But It can It debs," said Nudie, wretchedly. "I tried te explain in my letter, that I can't possibly marry you WW." The taxi had Mewed down before the tea ebep nnd Stranack leuned ories her te open the deer. He looked deep Inte ker tid In a way that made her catch ker breath. "Yeu will have te turn the world uti4 Ide down before you lind a rcitKnii why jeu cannot marry me, in Hilil, Hin pl. And at Nadla. followed him Inte the artistic recesses of the tea lounge the felt descend upon her again thnt ttrange, sweet dream of ecstasy that had ceme'when first their lips hud met. Why net take that crent irlft tossed tate her lap? , Why net think only of herself for once? She ached for hap piness. She hnd steed en its threshold ler an encnanted moment, and new 'They chose n secluded tnble, and Strannek. In snltc of Nadin's nretests. c.'dered an elaborate tea. He begun te talk te her about IiU nnlltlrnl nrttvltips. and seen she found herself listening with all her old rnthimlain. Their corner was partly screened off from the rest of the room, but from where she snt she feuld tee the entrance te the room, nnd the stream of ffill. (minnnilntr. men nwl lerely women passing in and out. , ftadla laughed suddenly. Stranack flopped In the middle of a sentence ami laughed, tee. "(ioed!" he said. "Yeu aien't Hurting at me, because just at the mo me pient'I m net being funny. Se von must wiuuining at uie. wntcli again mean mil jeu re L'OIiil' te murrv me iiim-li oener than you said nt first. Thursday of nt week, dear? I can ensily get It filed up by then." ftadla liail sobered Instanlly. . 'tUtC lA lfllltrhnliln finmntiniA. ' cl.ii J'Ji'i. 'Jith a tremor in her voice that belled her U'nrild li'lret T nn. inef n Jyplrt. and your father rightly realizes tnat I should be a drag en veu. and makes us wait n month. And we both new he Will de his best te keep us j .' 1,,e" ' " fiash. he changes Mid he and l.ady Dnuccster are se ile- W. lb0 h,n,l u's ,lke n lrcam. Ana they seem te expect the announce anneunce ent of pur engagement at the cud of Md then, just as I've said I will marry "w go en approving or me, I u. 2. t ' my father Is an cx-cen-Iiir , net approved of after Ur Am I? Strannek nvmnaiAii nnmi..:.. yoke and tapped a clgnrctte en the tide lhl8case with cars. ..I told ou In the park I couldn't IV. y I,.Di0pI out'" Iie "lniiulcd Tur '"""" "je mere man ever new, W re UllSOt abdllt veur fntlinv unsrf ''le ,EcIal sense. Hut they're also ?.' '? ""tacr way, and a way 1 afialj" Tllcy teem almost Wranack Proposes Again eiranaek lit a cigarette nnd began te 'P.:6 It rapidly. r ' im fend of them," he said, his J en the smeke wreuthB. "I'd de f.!"1, denl t0 I'lease them, but I've im i l a Ie"S tlme ,,ew that I don't hMrrV!ieye wlth ,l,cm nbet a whole P of things. Jly marriage Is ene of I lLnm KeIn!f t0 marry y'i Nnd'a. 1 lOre 01l. T na.tA ...... i...ll.1 , SJ i.i"S' the!"cti absolutely nothing athPr'd by cl,.cr m-v fnther r your I ftLer,ffu'I ,The moment I saw you .ad7n ,hls .Jel,y 0,d world llttll wen aiade for us te meet In." hUnei-M uLm?,l0.nlcS8' AH the ,,ream uupe 13 Mcre In her enr. nrlne. h. in . !lff;,n 8,ran was startled nt 2iS n.t he 6av ,n her cycs whe "i ti cm t0 n'8. When lV. . ij our 'atner web right ff7Tl? 6ad that a wife who would- iiU0? .'?. ??.". Bhe want m. .' ,0." "ce(l me because you Yeiiim wt0 sllarn 8Uccch with you. JWrte.0n l0T, me ,f l bre"Bht tmDtinli ! ' ' .TJLP'" ted Stranack almost " knew'fcw ..?ut' J"y darll8: who Ik don't tif '"" ', "c yur Iatlicr " uun t ten tliem? 'I'lm nn .....u i.....i W.rA?.,A0V..Yr father was- iHrcheVi ihl v UL,urB yesteruay. I've CabeVtel.l'a'?'.adt!?',e,H eth. Withntii " "". 0l 'uein. sup. our hnulL :i" " "" .' '. ur lamer in lmmedfT.IT"" ye" frlrna Th, nne ypur imine irtraerr m8t -f th0w haV( ftdll fought for Relf.M,,.nl rrled ft'!!'1 ?iu,,euJ' nnd we were tsujpeJed1 V.,",d be, disastrous," she i. nuum ruin your cu- herd nnd De "Yeu Bay se new," began Nadla des perately, "but " "Will you marry me, Nadla?" . "Ne." "Yeu tlen't love me?" "Yeu knew eh, you knew I de." "Then," said Strannek, "I shnll simply have te begin te win you all ever again. In the end I'll mnke you, you funny, determined, little thing. Walt till the elcctlen'B ever and my time is mere my own, I sny, If I don't get in, your objections will be weak ened, won't they? And if you really de rare for me, you'll be glad that they're weakened. Se you hope I won't get in. Se you're a traitor te the great cause of me." "Oh, don't!" The tears wcre perilously near Ra Ra deo's cyes( again. She took up her gloves and bag, nnd rose. "I must go," she suld hurriedly. "I have te pack. I nni going te llve with my father from tomorrow. He's he rich, Wilfred. Enormously wealthy. Isn't that strnnge?" They left the tearoom, nnd Stranuck put her Inte a taxi, She Insisted en going alone. "Geed-by," she said, offering her hand. It was difficult te meet Htrnn- Lnck's gaze, allve with laughter, and yet tender. She wished he would take his dismissal as final, but somehow she wen thrilled and comforted that he would net give her up. Stranack took her hand "and held it a minute. "Au revelr," he snld. "I shall call en your father In a day or two, and tell him my views about you, you " Nadla tere her hand away and the taxi bore her off. The small and perfect drawing room or (jiauuine urnyne's Heuse Had emp tied of all Its visitors but one. The gaming rooms downstairs wcre empty tonight. Claudlne had given one of her famous little dinners, and new, marvelous In a gown of peacock gn.uze, was lounging en a divan. Opposite her Thced. glossy, oozing self-satisfaction, was bubbling cheerfully while two stulwart bcrvants removed the bridge tables. Presently the deer shut behind them, nnd Claudlne cut into the stream of ponderous inanities. "I want te talk te you," she began, "about that stunt of yours that you put up the ether night." Thecd settled hhiitelf mere comfort ably in his ehalr. His quick car noted something like nervousness in the rich voice. "She wants te back out," he THE GUMPS-Watch for the Date By Sidney St M6 tVTWUWT- VP Utft T HAVE k qwiT wiObiN- derr tttvnwta ANO-r F6VU. Of OVft MOST - MYlMJCrC VKttiDC - PltUKE P)UCVTV AND ' UAMl. HO ,A.,iVtMtT- Jl ah VVM4Y A CHOftC WtDOVNG- AN0A' WWtlON am tttftfe ArrewMMw- im se vnoeo of oe t want alu of MV FHID4WTO WetTVeU- AN& 8E1tt TME ?RT tME VWeVV MAKRIE.D feLOfCO rW KK MO VTEtblN6 AT ALL - AtVAS tOtCTTCV Tm rV i KWH'T Hir' simcui- ni ""i. t "- TtlE OlAwt. KW TA&rVTRT- VrA VVRBtV lMiO - j...ia UkV aCUUUFK K AitV tO,Wl "" " w.-. . -, .-. , "V hi I 1Fi i iTT I i V Setf1: OMt MAM M A HIUVON- I WAVE KOTW1H6 TO t ASHAMCt OV I'MMtC I'M NOT OOIN6TO HAVE A PRIVATE WCtDtN& ANP THEN JUMP or A BOAT AMD'OO A TO AUSTRALIA- I'LL HAVE A WtDDtNb TWAY WILL QC raa IYALW OP TH TOVUN-, IVfcAMT COLUMN IM TMC VAW. rUSLICITT- THINK IT'S OWE "TOO- A. MAN O VOOfe ?OWTION IN LFE I WAHT "THE ViORLO TO 9Et' HE. ?7rE TWA-T VMON - .I'lltHj m SOMEBODY'S STENOCfLitce Swallowing a Feather Ilccliiterrd V. 3. Patent Office By fiayward PIMPO.OAIE 600D THIAI6 ABOUT THESE aew sleeves. -They're aiiceTe CARRY YOU 14. COMB , JUMP IA1, WERE 60IM6 -j TO LUMCH J - r V0W i viw tuv r--wm i wdri r J pHUyr " I 1 I fr avSh. c- A s dm .'. mWK L. v STAND it V-:,c net H&6 -x JE3 '?rZh?mr '$!& &." ' H6 NNOM'T 6TPS VIW'mu ' fj KirXB. I Te CwH "' X pKfc lMvm - j a - itsw . . yLjjg HAVWARlb. think they would ypur name M n e never apered ck looked at her Mtll Li. ...!, . kit... wi repwiita, ."Ue jeu ttei'ZIfJv r Btmssssmmm theuzht swlftlv and his e.cs nurreued. "I've had it en my mind a geed bit," continued Claudlne. She took a ciga rette from n wonderfully carved box, lit it, and threw It uwny again. "And I've come te the conclusion I don't like it. I'm sorry te let you down, but don't like it." "Your first comment en It was that It sounded geed," Thecd pointed out emlnbly. "I knew. Se it doe, ns n stunt. Hut there Yi an aspect of It that Is rather hard te swallow." She rose nnd began te pnee the room, every supple line of her swinging in perfect harmony, her gown shining like some exotic plumage. Thced waited. Ills eyes new the mer est slits in his face. "I'm as thorough a creek ns you," she went en, "but there have ahus been limits. Id stand In with you en thl, If my daughter were net involved. I've done the dirty en my own child once, and I'm net going te de it ugain. In fact, I give ou fair warning thut I'm zelnc te de till in m.v neucr te nut her In her rightful place." Thecd was tee clever u man te lese his temper. "I confess I'm touched," he mur mured. "Touched te .the heart. Hew snered Is this mother Instinct ! fat us peer Inte the future together. I see a peer, neglected, docile little girl the docility is important ready te full In the arms of n mother mere sinned against than sinning, and ask the said mother's advice In the spending of her fortune." "Yeu cold-blooded brute:" hissed Claudlne. She hnd wheeled en him, panting, nhlaze with rage. "All right." said Thced imperturb ably. "We'll put this motherhood stuff te the test. Yeu wcre quite right the ether night. I knew where your daugh ter is. I'll take you te ncr new if you have the nerve." "What?" cried Claudlne, taken aback. "Is she Is she in Londen? Is she near at hand?" "She has been within ten minutes' walk of this house for some five years," answered Thecd. Thced was scoring heavily. Clnudine was wholly unnble te conceal her agi tation. Thced watched her. "I thought you wouldn't have the nerve te face It," he sneered. "Idiot! It's past midnight. She'll be In bed." "Oh, no, Bhe won't!" replied Theed with a low chuckle. "Take me," gasped Claudlne. She sped from the room. Thecd went Inte the hall, where, n minute luter, she appeared in n dark clenk which cov ered her from threat te ankles. With nn Imperious gesture she drew him nwny from tlie front uoer, beiere wiueii lus car was waiting. "This way." Mether and Daughter A few yards uwny a high-powered car waited, tne driver passive in nis seat. "Tell him where: te go," bald Claud- inn curtly. "Step at tlie corner of tne uui neni read." Thecd directed the man. He stepped into the car, in which Clnudine luul already seated ncrseit, auu me car darted forward. Thced was no mean student of liu man nature. He Knew that the woman sitting motionless during the sliurt drlve was preparing herself for a shock trying te whip up the maternal Instinct which hnd been dead these twenty.yeurB. He grinned te himself. , The cu'r slewed und stepped. "Walt here," he told the chauffeur. Then he helped Claudlne te alight. "We shall net be away long." "It's a short walk and the pavements are quite dry," he said, as he led her down n narrow bide street, Anether turn and two policemen confronted them, eyeing them suspiciously, and then : "Iest your way, sir?" asked ene of them. "Ne thanks," replied Thced, and they passed en, "Here we are." ,,, J CONTINUED MONDAY emmi The Yeung Lady Acreaa the Way ' &&M&&?'"W Bll'.i-.IS, i , !" :5Ji 'A The young lady across the way says procrastination Is the thief of time and, she believes In taking time by the horns nnd the bull by the forelock. PATHETIC FIGURES By FONTAINE FOX 4. tfptTZ S2 . N s i&vmtgL&s&r- mmHBBmmKr 11 vUuw tkx. 4i -trlLinJCL Kju CAwOaXZi krvxtx. Auv W-Vutlw '500. SCHOOL DAYS ByDWm HMov.eeMve, tT ftwt cmew. op eoewe i foeto Vev UTTtJt B(T' 6xlT ,T3 c veua en 6coe . . . voe'vie Ceen swttih A-rvte PETEY Isn't Mabel a Marvelous Mimic? wm . MJ..L.1LM ..m i '1 III I I aBiaal Vjc tTC tw". i iuiii r i'li B(Ue ven6n. wow, wewr i i n i l l iju J " Ma,L? i?. ( ViMe? 1 PTTN WaY SHiTU?- KwevJj -TMI5 Wh?."SMiTw SOUMDEO SOHeThIUG UvjeTis "MEUe, is PE-TErYTHerce." "Just tlk tjat- -OOH- NEAH ?- GASOLINE ALLEY- Shadow and Sunshine c ( LE TOST- ) " By C. A. Voight "Tray's PRawk SmiTm i- CALt HIM UlCHT UP .v- H -- - "i H O Skeeziv:! Did ' WM uncle ualt Pump j BpLV His m'l headw aV BpT sjii&kmK&mm2 AW TMMS A SHAME! HE DlDM'T MEAM Te S MM& ji '::' 1. ." U - .' MteMifciittiAv,.,, '' rfv. By King m 91 'm cm "' - T"""aH i atataaawat l1 a aa t ! Vl I A-TALL! - --- - v WOULDN'T HURTHIM-U WAR'S I - CD O ''M lr ,J - lii&rt.V IN THE WORLD' f faX.J& ' TIM aHisaKa ' J S&UBfclZ-ziS?' -zzSEL iaaai . ti flJrV. Jaal MaE 4H? l jy abaaaa&T tiifJ'Ji- WmBM .' jl. ' r "iMr ' t '"WMmmim . i, t- k- . .zttnt , ... . ... .. i j 1 1 imnMBaaMiaMHiHiiaaiiaaaianB tilSatpL'WEmliki w w flwMi8aHEKttJSftiii M 7,H Mj13aP v.. JtAHMMaaaaH pllW ) ll I i4i UHt ii I ,i. . Wi W Aflaaf1' i -"i 'rr . .--A .-'- t vvr -rt?JJ v ,-v.' . .' vftWi. r v:v.k .aaBaVtBBBBBBBB w . ,. ie - -j ,t i "-trs11 r ' - m n twiiiitT iiarat'JManaFinawlaaiaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai