w..u.i.': m ES23 iT.nPBIMJkid raS&fl BBVWT liWTW JTl -"r.vi I P-C . ' VK fmrfcr a ,j fmmr-Y'my:v& TwEP i ' Wl assssr .v va r Wnvsji .. . t i Li e ' ft1M2'!-7v V" .'A'.. e rjXxVi T" NEW POSE OP "PERFECT MODEL" Te Dltcuie Fuel Problem The nhnt nnil why of tlm present coal ulttintlen will Ih explained at n meet InK of the riillndclphla Iliigli Club at the University Club tonight, The speaker will be Charles Enzlan, a con sulting mining engineer formerly con nected with the United States """ of Mines and n graduate of the Lehigh engineering class of 1001. "r; 7WI3iIbHbLbLbiHWIWw BRHHBlHnij WldkAfYKt- t tfl 3fti mMHHHHBKKBtaBnF'rT jawwHwaw ww? Y.iWR'H "SWvHv.f ygff; ........TniiiNriVAtAuinE ynwt r ' ' " - t1 iT? 'f tff l If! ti. m '. ' B;v A- F&. MJ 3 fe LJ I B v. Ki v i? ' !.' J ? . If i MISlMPa ntH.l "" ,. .... ... UACMTEUiWKl &?&& 7M1255C- MBSTAURANTb cerric SHOP llQlHAHfr CHESTNUT STS. Market and Fourth Ss. PHILADELPHIA WOMEN IN BUSINESS Weman is constantly takinjr a move import ant place in the business world. This institution wel comes the women of out community nnd offers it hearty co-operation in advancing their sutce Safety, Strength, Sen ice. ' I ' IAP1TAI. & SlKPLl'S I ' $1,550,000.00 I 3Bfl)fca. i M) ll &K Bkv eBBBBLiiiiiB i-M )i Ml ;Vwf bbbM hbbiW ' - 9aaaeVtMP .bibB BHtXvAv , sBBBBBilllnfv- .eBBPBaBBn jp'DC' lav, l-lsaMase ti eBiBiBiBS jflr bj BH" ; .. A-4eHaBlK;r'' iLY -.''! " V '? .s". t 'Svl iMW'"" A"4' --KJ.Xi-i;-f, .'.-suwi Luxurious Bex. Springs Hair Mattresses Dougherty's Faultless Bedding 1632 CHESTNUT STREET Fer Sleepy Comfert Don't you sleep well? Are veu sure you knew why? Even if you arc in perfect health, hew can you expect te enjoy refreshing sleep if your mat tresses are hard or lumpy- the inevitable c6nditien of all ordinary mattresses. Dough erty's Bex Springs and Hair Muttresses will last a lifetime and be comfortable and luxu rious te the end, because they arc the productions of trained mattress makers using the finest known, sterilized ma terials and are custem-made direct from efcr hygienic fac tory te you. l.nxnrlenx Itax SprlniR, Reliable Hair Mntrrfii, Mnheinnr nul tfiiitu, KtiKllnh Down Farntturt, Ijiinim nnil Niiwry Furniture. "h. srts" Oft,!P, 1'hef v lnfrnAtleiui tinWaItham Watches MIS I'M 1.1 XI-: CI.AKK Who died fulleuing .i party, vild le lme been held te announce her riigaeempiit te Itaard Wharten, of this city. Is shown as she looked .it thn time her last photograph was taken. Authorities of llosten are new seeking te probe reports that her death lnvehed murder 5nea,r&ekv&Yva ! PROBE IS REOPENED N MODEL'S SUICID E Bosten District Attorney Takes Case Frem Medical Ex aminer's Hands WHARTON TO BE SUMMONED H e w docs your refrigerator leek? Cheery and clean or as if it had been through the wars? Bright, of course if it's coated with LAVA-VAR. Fer it can be washed freely And withstands moisture, steam and temperature changes wonderfully. Try LAVA-VAR! At Your Dealer' t All Celers and Clear Felton,Sib!ey&Ce. jilj IneorperfcUd PHILADELPHIA i. induct into the ti'aili vt Miy Uauliiie Virginia -'lnl. who drank jjoi-eii at a party given at tier Hacit li.n apartment, Bosten, ha-- lx-'-n tor ter nmlh ordered b Ol-trirt Att..nn" riieni.is (". O'Brien, ut lo-ten. Among Uiei-f (lucstiem-d at the in-i)ie-t will be itayaid Wiutrten. -en of Henrv Wharten, .02n (Jeunntituwu aenu. "thi I'ity. who was pre-ent at the party 'he night that the model nun nenlipw of Alexander Whiteside, nt that time corporation ceunel, ami consented te act. "At the hearing In court before Judge Perkins the next day I remem ber Mii Clark paid te Judge Perklas: " 'I luve Mr. Wharten and we are te be married.' "Wharten had previously told me he was te marry Miss Clark, but 1 took it ns the infatuation of a college student for a pretty woman of the world, al though in my plea te Judge Perkins I told him that both young people had said they- were te wed. 'Ah Judge Perkins hesitated te some extent, both Mis Clark and Wharten renewed their pleas, which were what one would term pathetic, nnd it was ca-y te see that the Court was moved. 'I ncer knew either Mi! Clark or Wharten, and Mmply acted in a pro-fes-ien.tl capacity." ill tfPHfek V s 'A MISJ tISin S'jm - SM k JLm SkL ;90 Sri T ! V.S 4T5. A KILLED BY AUTO Bey. While Manufartttrtrs of Celers, Paints and Varnishes stwe 1803 jj-i i ftVAR FLOOR FINISH raJalyL wmi itfUiurftm Or better yet, say it at the next drug store, sethegenuineFrench Baume will be inyeur medicine closet at the first twinge of pain. BAUME. BENGUE (ANAlESIQUE. ) is a stainless ointment whose penetrating, long lasting glow brings quick relief te sere threat, stiff neck, etc. It stimulates cir culation as none of its imitators can. Keep a tube handy. At all drug stores. ThM. Utmlmt Ce- N. Y.. Amcr. Amu Eleven, Leses Life Playing Ball While playing en the sidewalk neari his home. 3SI32 Cott street, Frankford, ' M-terdn afternoon. James McMells, I inlttfil Milcide. and nt vhieh -he Is said u-'even jearx old. Hacked into tlie street i te have auneuiieed her t iipapement te In uu attempt te iccejcr a ball, jimi was Ijjn, struek by an automobile nncl kl'led. The ine?ti(fatien of the deam nt '-ilu, driver. Crawford Williams, 2S10 Miss Clark and the subsequent -nieide (neii street, took the boy te St. of Otte Helder Uircn Norwegian i,uke'j Hospital, and later surrendered "indent at Masai 1 tisetf Teeli. who t the police. confused in letters he left that he had provided poison that the model drank. I.I , .1 .. . I . . . .1 f..a.KnM. i . ml ill aKMH Mail Leen lieijane iui umii.t ti- 'm ' Medn-al i:amiuer Mapratli In rtepeiiinK the case thi- District Attenie lias ordered the medical ex aminer te turn ever all papers, includ ing his emcml report, te Inspector Den nesej, homicide expert of the P.tireiKi of Criminal Investigation. . Cilticlsm of the action of tie incd' ral examiner in closing the ca-e l. as iirisin ! a high pitch nmnng the.e who ner. . leselv following the Investiga tion, and his remevtl Is being epcid demanded. Mrdiral E.xaminer Assailed Hi trip te Philadelphia Saturday mghti the night that Larsen committed suicide, and at tin very peak of 'he investigation, 1- assuik-d. Because of this District Atterns O'Brien has ordered Magrath te gne iiis tejKirt with he least pe-sible delay, and added that it will be made public in detail. Inspector I)eniieey anneunteij tlmt ue would question wtnesie, including inetubers of the party in Miss Clark's Newbury -treer apartment who were pit sent when she drank the death draught. Mr. O'Brien Maid today ti.at the case we-- net technically reopened, as it li!i,l never been closed, as it wa With out tiie power of the medical examiner m take such action. Aoferdiug te the District Attorney, , he trip te Philadelphia by ihe medical xamlner en the nluht that Larsen com- . 'nitted siilcide and which caui-ed his1 investigation of the ca-e te be ques- , tlened wat for the purpose of attend -.tig a imttiiig of a "rowing insocia insecia insocia ien ' ' He said that the liiqufsf will h' held a the earliest tes!ble time, pesibh he beginning of mxt wrek. 'lhat Miss Clark hud planned the act was indicated when Jeseph 11 Terrey, yen of th Worcester razor manufac turer, who was also present at the pnrtv, ga" our a statement in which lie i-ald . -I had plamiid te leave Miss 'Marli's rooms abeiit an hour before she drank the fatal dose. She said te me, 'Don't go yet; I have a surprise for you.' I leraplu-d with her request and was a (itnei-j of her death in consequence ' Confirmed Engagement roltew.ng the decision te reopen 'Im i,ise, it wus rueabd that Miss i lark Mid told Judge Perkins, of tin Broek -une Municipal Court, she a 'he f.uiicee if Bavard Wharten, with whom -he was arrested while In her auto Wharten, it is said, conhrii.ee the engagement te Charles I" Hew ley, his eunsel, and uew Sli''tn,aii of Brook Broek line. What ten declared tbreigh ).in coun sel that Miss Clark wus a Baik Bay society girl of line faintly, and ex pressed Indignation that any (barge should have been ledged against hr. The pleas of Miss Clark and Whar Whar eon he moved Judge Perkins that he disinl-sed the (hargt, which had been brought by a Broekllne puliiemnn "I was ciillid out of bid one night by Wharten and nskeil te come down te the Broekllne police station te get u young Back Bay society ein.in out of trouble," said Mr. Bew ley "f went te the police station ane found Bayard Wharten with a young woman lie iiitreducid te me us Miss Chirk. He told me shu huh a friend of hi", anti was in trouble with the Bioekliue police for allowing her auto te btantl unlighted tee long 'I asked Whaiten hew be came te call me, but 1 can't just mull his ex planation. I think he mentioned Frederick Sbattuck Whiteside, who, hq inald, was a chum of bin at the Fly Otatfever at Hagr'ani. "I knew yetQr "xVHrestde ai the i . r. I . At the Lewest Price in 10 Yearn Every Watch Guaranteed and Fully Adjusted i miaJ'JJW slfBBB HBBJBJBjH V fl0KLLikiiiiiiBBBBBBiVBvl I 1 LXff BBBBBBWV A-BW-tt. See hew Chiclets speed up work they're se "peppy" quiet nerves they're se "restful" restore temper -they're se "delightful" AD the (trb In the eflict art using CWeleti the "fcwi" uses them tee, se It's quite dlffchtl Peppetmlnt---TattI'Fnittl---Spiailat 10fer5c American Chicle Ce. -Jrilei:liiV ffftRlGi'--i-' i--!::iaBB' $ ;: S-- VhbV (S tit delicious -candu coated chewing gun te One Should Miss This Opportunity! 50 Watches at This Price! Hurry!! A! 150 It surely has been years and yenra Bincp such ti lewpnn has been associated with WALTHAM AND ELGIN WATCHES 1 The movements nlene arc worth mere than our special sale price, and are guaranteed for 10 years. YOO CAN ALWafS DO BETTER AT m vMwm wmummmmm Charge Accounts Invited . Mail Orders Filled iWMiiaw bm m Cor. 8th and Chestnut Sts. WILLIAM H. WANAMAKER STORE NEWS 1217-19 Chestnut Street HunmHkHH A Great Call Fer Stratford Clethes Philadelphia men anil jeung men have greeted this new and fashionably designed clothing with enthus iasm. The call ter Mratferd Clethes was prompt and is increasing day by day. We suggest you sec a complete windewful of these fashionable garments en the West side of our store. $35 te $50 "I Want a Test Suit," Said This Man He was speaking of these wonderful English suitings which we are building t measurement for $55' When he tried the test suit en, he told our cutter that another tai ler had asked him $85 for English suitings built te measurement and he added: "I want tour mere suits made of these cloths." Thus, he figured, at the rate of $30. saving per suit "he had made $150. Last Opportunity te Buy Winter Suits and Overcoats At Exactly Half Price 1215 Chestnut Street Final Fur Clearance Half and Less Than Half Regular Prices In accordance with our strict policy, no stock is carried from one season te the next. In order te effect immediate clearance every garment has been marked half and less than half of regular prices. IT WILL PAY YOU TO BUY NOW Ik Every Winter Sack Suit that remains in stock. Every Overcoat. line Winter FOR NEXT SEASON'S NEEDS A Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Purchase in Our Storage Vaults Until Next Fall. Payments te Be Continued Monthly Throughout the Spring and Summer Fur Ask te See Our British Club Suits $30 and $35 (At Shown Above) They are Spring Hurl in gh am Club styles, Town Ulsters, Deuble Breasted Plaid H a c k s, Chesterfields, Conservatives and Bex models, in small and medium sizes. . Worsted Suits, Fine Woolens, a great vari ety of patterns, in all geed styles. $17.50 for Suits and Overcoats that were $35 clear up te $37.50 for these that were $75.00. Undoubtedly the call will be great for them today and 'tomorrow. Quantity Kelinsky Marmet Coats . 1 ! Russian Peny Coats I Leepard . Cat Ceatt, French Seal Coats 4 3 4 3 2 4 Description Self Trimmed Sports Medel Self Trimmed Length Raccoon Trimmed Length Self Trimmed Length Raccoon Trimmed . . Opossum Trimmed . Length Length 9 2 Natural Muskrat Coats 9 8 7 4 6 French Seal Trimmed . . Length Raccoon Trimmed ...:. Length Reduced Frem 95.00 150.00 200.00 Present Price 89.50 135.00 ' 145.00 38.00 74.50 93.00 42.00 63.00 68.00 150.00 290.00 Moleskin are spring s newest creation in busi ness suits for men and x young men. Four - button sack coats, soft rolling lapel which flares a little, pockets with flaps, built in handsome Tweeds and Worsteds. Loek for the British Club Suit label inside of every coat. Caracul Coats 6 2 2 Self Trimmed Length Fitch Trimmed Length Skunk Trimmed Length Squirrel Trimmed Length Beaver Trimmed Length Self Trimmed Length Raccoon Trimmed Length Skunk Trimmed Length 4 3 Self Trimmed Trimmed Wraps Full Length Natural Raccoon Coats 2 2 1 4 2 5 Hudsen 4 Seal 6 Coats 8 . 1 - Self Trimmed Length Skunk Trimmed Length Wrap Full Length Self Trimmed Length Self Trimmed Full Length Self Trimmed Length Squirrel Trimmed Length Beaver Trimmed ' Length Skunk Trimmed Length Wraps Full Length 95.00 165.00 200.00 250.00 250.00 180.00 250.00 330.00 325.00 350.00 330.00 495.00 690.00 390.00 600.00 450.00 490.00 490.00 490.00 690.00 74.50 145.00. 44.50 79.50 93.00 125.00 125.00 88.00 I 12'2X joe "T57JSiT joe. 245.00 JOO. 295XKT 25 242$ 24S.O0 945.00 345.00 B Spring Overcoats at Reductions Gabardines, Chesier l i e Id s , . Aquascutum English Coats, Shan Shan eon, Londen Ceats: $45 Overcoats, $35 $40 Overcoats, $30 $35 Overcoats, $25 $75 English Coats, $55 $45 Gabardines $30 This is but a partial list. Coats and Wraps of Natural Squirrel, Natural Mink, Taupe Caracul, Broadtail, Beaver, Nutria and Ermine at similar reductions. Extra Size Ceals and Wraps Frem 46 te 54 Bust (lluiim 8al i dyed Uutlrat. French Seal it duet Ceney) ' 7.50 Rtg. 18,00 Cheker of Natural Squir rel, Jap Mink and KellniUy. 14.50 Rg. 30.00 Chokers of Stene Marten, Natural Mink, Taupe and Brown Fex. 29.50 Rg. 60.00 Cheker of BlendedSable, Baum Marten and Stene Marten, 44.50 Ren. 70.00 Pearl Gray Fex, Dyed Blue Fex and Hudsen Bay Sable Chokers 79.50 R,g. J80.00 Stele of Kelinsky, Jap Mink and Natural Squirrel it 't-ytfrr t n - wmPurchaing Agents' Order Accented 44 'A t.i vy,V MltVa .. . .", ...3 vs' , . v. r .fui!"V. - t tftrJSSfil Jfi - fvj i'iit Wirti fSM '.'' :. j ft - &&$&&WBL t' . ... r-J'Y"-fiatiKMi.