Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 24, 1922, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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-"Hi hi.u ni a f find liSf)
Stere Closes at 5
Cleudy X
VS. l
Stere Opens at 9
.. h. !A
;filme t Noen
It's Inspection
I a
t .
the Milks There, "
Save All Yeu Can of the
four mother gaye you
vjpf possible.
III. nA trjtnr lieaf fn viva nuf n little nf it
Ametr day, silently, simply and sincerely,
Pre and there, that you may live in gardens
fSf your own planting, where the birds will
Piing in your heart all the day long.
March 34, mi.
Pretty New Tweed Garments for
Scheel Girls
' Net' ene bit less attractive
than these for her elder sister,
for she can have aeme really
beautiful tweed dresses
trimmed with plain colored
tweed or white linen cellar
and cuffe, and they all have
capes te match at $21.60 and
They arc in lovely shades
nf orchid, nale blue, tan or
Easter Is the
And this Easter premises te
eclipse any ether in this respect.
The colors are simply glorious!
t nd a variety in the Bhapes sum
dent te ensure every woman
ifindintr the very one that, is most
rnlimanfnrv te hflr t.VDO Of face.
I) There are large and small hats,
ehrtd una BUDdUCU tujvra. wire
Women's Spring Skirts Are Beautiful
and Priced at $15
Vcleur and plain or satin- In plaids and stripes. The skirts
f .i-1-..i n.niin nw. the ninth.
striped prunella are. the, cloths, .
.mu1 black-and-white ana tan-ana- i
blueare the predominating colors "" $15., .
TlrtCnir J
Fer Easter It's '"tweeds"
the Yeung Weman Wmts
But, mark this well, she is net waiting until the
last minute te cheese her Easter costume.
With se many beautiful new tweed garments her,e
new, there is no reason for delaying. Any number of
the smartest young society girls have already come put
in their new tweed suits or cape-antUdress combination.
Tweed suits at $25 brand new and two of the
prettiest styles. we have seen anywhere for this price.
They are se well tailored, tee, and the coats are lined
with crepe de chine. In orchid, cinder, bright eye blue,
light and dark tan and mixtures.
Tweed dresses at $25. There is an attractive sleeve
less dress with a cape, or one may have a-hand-fringed
dress with a long. white linen surplice cellar te the waist
and bands of linen run through the sleeve.
Tweed capes at $25. Nicely fitting capes, shaped en
the shoulder, long and full and in lovely soft blue plaids
with colored ever-plaid.
Tweed Coats and Capes at $35, $47.50 and $57.50
Only one style of cape, at lish looking and come in hand-
147.50, but it is a beautiful some mixtures, diagonals, ho'r he'r ho'r
ene. There are coats at all ringbene weaves and plaid,
these prices. They are Eng- Sizes 14 te 20 years.
(Hrcend Fleer)
Women's New
Made en n manninli last, with
;bread round teu, tint heel and
!,nevy sole.
' Gray calf with dull black wing
flip, black saddle and heel stay, A
iVde P buckles ever the in
P, fastening at one side with
'a gunmetal buckli..
U .Altogether the most "taking"
" v wib uat-nceiea pumps. Ana
At in ..... !- .wi
Lil i "u DU,"B l'nce, y, are new
'iqit-tee oxfords of dull hlMr i-f
.' Wing tip and' perforations;
;The Frelaset Is the
Vfi cr.ll (I,:.. ,. .. ,
of ft ' " V ' et je tueusanus
'in T,mcn yft lk'rt it superior
fanv .' mi,klnK nrt comfort te
'hi Ti,irent-Jaclng corset.
t in,K8et ,c,emcs ln a viety
r models for all types of Jtaurca.
l if-V""". Plain pink ceutll
witem. jUB-wkw
and add something te
rese and may be had
in 12,
14 and 16 year sizes.
And, of course, she will
want a warm coat or cape in
tweed, homespun or pole coat
ing te wear overhe'r afternoon
There are many styles for
her te cheese from between
$-14150 and $45. These are in
the 8ame sizes.
Time for the
of Hats
may cheese lovely flowers, os
trich feathers or the quite demure
tailored turban trjmmed with a
stiff bow or ornament.
Surprising as it may seem,
these new and pretty hats have
such modest little price1 tags as
$ie and near it.
ure mesny pieavea, iaeai w wear
. . swat for rtg
,,eacs nn,i uncommonly troed for
Buckled Street
at $
also new kiltie-tongue bluchers of
tan-grained calf. Beth have
bread flat heel,
At $10 ure new sandals of black
patent leather -or smooth tan
calf, with moderate French heels;
also new patent leather one-strap
slippers with Leuis heels.
And at $11 a smart round-teed
pump, the back and instep strap
of gray Suede, the vamp of patent
leather with gray suede band
around top. The low box heel is
suede-covered and the entire shoe
unusually effective.
Best Frent-Lacing
ing, is a pnrliculur ndyantuec,
combining, as it does, the great
est resiliency with unusual dura
bility. Tliese excellent irent-lacint:
corsets are priced $5 te $15, and
will be individually fitted if d-
, ;.
Women Will Find These
Geed Gleve Values
' Capeskin gloves in shades of brown, tan and beaver,
priced much below luteal, at $1.25 and $1.50 a pair.
They are one-clasp, and eutaeam or pique sewn.
Mecha gloves in gray only, with one clasp, specially
priced at $1.60 a pair. ,
Chamois-lisle gloves in 16-button length mousque meusque
taire style, specially priced at $1.15 a pair. These are in
white, cafe, beaver or brown.
Tt Alilr).
Women's Simply Tailored
Suits at $37.50 '
Suits of imported soft tweeds
and hemespuns, made up in our
own workroom and admirably
tailored, 'from their turned cellars
te their beautifully fitted shoul
ders and well-hung skirts. The
coats are straight and semi-fitted, '
A Dezen New Styles
at $S7.5U
Fer some reason that is 'a
favorite price with the woman
who wants a coat for general use.
Several of the twelve styles put
en sale this morning are- carried
. out- in belivla black, navy, ma
rine and Sorrento" blues, rookie
brown, taupe, tan and eagle.
Seme are straight, and rather
full: some have set-in sleeves, and
uncommonly dainty tilings
wnite nainsoek with Va
or embroidery or
casings or
stitching are $1.85 te $3.85.
Colored batistes pink, blue
and orchid with white bindings,
are $2.50 te $3.85.
(Third Fleer)
Frem .$2. te $G a yard. she is
finding an unparalleled variety of
these sports and tailored suiting.)
in the Dreui Goods; Salen.
They embrace all the best for
eign and American weaves and
effectrs. They exhibit the most
remarkable variety of colors,
from delicate pastel tones te
vivid rainbow hues, and always,
of course, the faverite grays,
browns and conservative mix
tures. Tweeds and all their allied fab
rics have in fact their best show
ing this year at Wanamaker'n.
(Flnt Fleer)
which is here at $2 a yard.
This is the famous American
silk broadcloth, of the choicest
quality made. It offers an ex
traordinary variety of patterns.
(First Fleer)
The Easter Bunny
and His Family
Are in the Candy
Perhaps they arrived in the
great big Easter egg of plaited
mint candy who can tell!
But here they arc Mr. and
Mrs. Bunny and all the little
bunnies. Alse any number of
yellow chicks and ducklings
and quantities of Easter eggs,
sonic of which you can cat and
some you can't.
Decorated eggs with cocoa
nut cream filling, 15c te $2.
Chocolate rabbits, chickens
and novelties, 25c te 50c.
Seft furry bunnies te -held
candy, $2 and $3.50 each.
' Chickens te held candy, 60c
te $2.50 each.
Cradles with baby, ducklings
and chicks, $5,
Swing with bunnies, thicks
and twelve favors, '$8.
Large decorated basket egg
with twelve favors and twelve
snapping bonbons, $18.
! Stairs Btf
with well-cheacn linings and well-
oaf iuuVa4.
Celers are the delightful fresh
leneB of Spring tans, blues,
grays, rose and green and heath
ery mixtures.
Sizes are 34 te 44. t
Price $37.50.
of Women's Coats
some sleeves with the low arm
hole. The etherB arc tweed coats,
dark and light, plain or. with in
distinguishable plaids, 'and arc
made up. in rather masculine
styles. ,
Alse at this price .we. haye
some new navy and' black trice
tine capes and a belivia cape with
fringed ends.
This Is the Time tc
Every geed piano 'deserves
tuning several times' a year.
New, in the Spring season, is
one of the mist important of
these times.
Player - pianos especially,
after a Winter in artificially
heated rooms, need regulating,
ud justing and tuning.
Whether your instrument
was purchased here or else
where, we shall be. glad te de
this service for, you. Charges
arc very moderate.
Ask in 'particular about our
yearly contract plan of caring
for your instrument',
(Second Fleer)
is te get acquainted with thu
Wanamake? Baby Stere. This
big, comfortable shop, entirely
devoted te little people up te .ix
years of age, contains; just the
kind of clothing they ought tu
Sema dainty new dresses have
just come. Fer babies of six
months te two years they are
$1.25 te $3.50. Fer children of
two te six' years they are 83.S5
te $5.
(Third Fleer)
Almest every day brings in new
lets e'f bedspreads and bedsprcud
sets of this cheerful, daintv,
"sunshiny" kind.
The newest are dimity bed
spread sets, the spreads with cut
out corners and the spread and
bolster cover scalloped en the
edge. Sixn. 72x99 inches, $4 a set.
Size 90x99 inches, $5 a set. These
are white as driven snow.
Similar sets in colored stripes
pink, blue, yellow at $5 and $C.
These are the most popular bed
coverings new arid will be until
(Hlxth Fleer)
"Dancers in the Dark," by Dor Der Dor
othy Spenrc; $1.75. A novel
about the doings of the modern
young girl.
"Deers of the Night," by Frank
L. Packard; $1.75. A tale of mis
taken identity.
(Mnln Fleur)
Seme of the Sports Bags Have
Getten Fitted Up Like Vanities
While still ethers come
in an entirely new shape.
It's a pleasant shape, net se
high and rather long. The makers
call It oblong, with' the rounded
' But be the slfajSe as It may,
thore are sports bags of all de-
7 HE latest bead necklaces combine daintily colored oval
beads with green-geld plated metal. One may have one's
choice of rose pink, soft blue, and imitation topaz, lapis and
sapphire effects, for $? 0 te $11.50.
In tfte.ceM with them mmy
Come In, Hear and See
the "Musical Health Builder" Records
and Charts
This series of rucerd.s (playable
'en any make of machine) consists
of the famous "Walter Camp's
Daily Dezen," and ther exercises
are suitable for both men and
The outfit consists of a nicely
bound album, containing a set of
records giving complete instruc
, $1.85 AND $2.85 ,
Such wonderfully pretty blouses
for this!
They arc fine batiste in white,
flesh, bisque, Copenhagen or
orchid and have hand-made tux
edo cellars and cuffs with hand
drawnwerk and real filet lace.
Seme arc even hand embroid
ered. (Wt Altlr)
It's a "Between-Season" Time
for Men's Hosiery Makers
Or, putting it id straight
forward language, many man
ufacturers haven't found the
epidemic of orders spreading
60 alarmingly as te call for a
Se, te stimulate the patient's
circulation, they ere selling
hosiery a little under what it
will be when the season gets
in full swing.
Fine mercerized cotton, half
When the "Weel Ones" Start Itchin'
He'll Jump for Athletic Union Suits
Any day new a man's apt te
find himself a-dlggin' and a
scratchin'. Nothing at all's wrong except
it's time te change 'em.
And the man who knows his
P's and Q's will have the athletic
union suits all ready te put en,,
if he doesn't have them already
. '' vjt's Spring for Sure
.Men's Foulard Neckties Are Here
Don't let any cne keep you up
nights talking about the "geed
ole days" any move.
There never were better days.
At least, never better ones as far
as the summer's own foulard
neckties arc concerned.
Never such colors. And never
se many of them. There nre
The Sea Island
Suddenly Have
White. All along they've been
just white.
And what a popular shirt it ban
But men have asked for colors
and the wish of men has come
Six colors are among the first
te come. All pale and delicate
and pretty. Above all, every one
A Geed Day te
Clethes for
And no better stock of
ready-te-wear Sprig suits
and overcoats in the land te
select from than the stock
shown by our Beys' Clothing
Stere in its fine, new location.
Spring suits, in plaids and
everplaids, in checks and
stripes, in crashes, in plain
colored fabrics and in tweeds
such smart, attractive tweeds
are priced at .$15 te $32. In
grown in America are sprouting
and ready te be transplanted in
your very own garden.
A seemingly unlimited selec
tion of the Perpetual and Hybrid
Price 65c each, $5 the dozen.
(Fourth Flenr)
scriptiens here, and in all sizes.
Little sister can have ene just
as well as her mother.
Leathers include seal, calfskin,
morocco and shiny auto leathers,
while colors range from black and
blur te gray, tan and red.
Prices start at $3 and step at
be seen some new. hat erna-
tiens (loudly and clearly upeken)
for each successive exercise, to
gether with the musical accom
paniment for its rhythmic per
formance; a "persenal develop
ment chart," and cards showing
twelve Illustrated exercises.
Useful net only for individuals,
but for schools and institutions.
Price ?15 complete.
It is worn ever the face or
gracefully draped back and, by
careful manipulation, loekd like
the much mere expensive "made"
They arc in black, navy, brown
or taupe at $2.25 and $2.50 a
(Main rioet)
hose in several colors, 30c a
Silk half hose with mer
cerized tops and soles, C5c the
Artificial silk hose, witli the
drop-stitch rib, 65c the pair.
Imported French lisle hose,
worth $2, are $1 the pair.
Heavy, all-silk full-fashioned
half hose in several
colors. "Seconds" of the $2.25
kind for $1 the pair.
Fleer) '
In striped madras, the regular
dollar kind are 85 cents.
'Nainsoek and striped madras,
with the elastic belt in the back,
Fancy striped madras, with the
clastic belt in the back, 31.:ii".
A special nainsoek that is much
better has clastic belt in the back.
Price $1.50.
dark grounds and light grounds
and in-between grounds.
And a hundred different colors
are used in making dot. and fig
ures en the ties.
They are of imported English
A dozen can be wrapped up at
$1.50 apiece.
Peplin Shirts
Turned Celers
is fast. . Or perhaps we should
nay every color is slew, because
it wen't run.
Tan, yellow, blue, green, pink,
liulie and the geed old white.
In the same cloth and the same
goednass. All the beautiful
luster of a silk shirt in n fnbvic
that's solid for wear.
The price is ?e.
Get New Easter
the Beys
sizes for boys of S te IS yearn.
Nete the fine ."election ul
$20, $22.50 and $20.
Spring overcoats, the nin.t
striking models we ever have
shown, and in a aricty of
colors and patterns unsur
passed in attractiveness
priced nt $15 and $10.f0 in .')
te 10 year sizes, and at $2.",
$28 and $30 in 12 te l year
Forehanded women like te lay
n supplies of thesn liylit- weight
white goods new, we as te gec all
the "white sewing" done before
the het weather comes.
The longcleth in the SG-iucli
width is $1.85, $2.10, $2.35, $2.75.
S3 and $3.75 for Uk- 10-ard
Nainsoek in the OC-inch width is
$2.10, $2.50, $3 and $3.7n the 10
yard piece; while that -10 inches
wide is $4.75; and that 45 inches,
wide is $5.25 and $l5.f.0.
(Flrt Fleer)
200 Odd Pieces of Cut Glass in the
China Sale at Half
-Mostly one and two pieces of a kind.
. AH of geed, standard quality crystal
in a choice of attractive cuttings. .
In the collection are footed bowls, oval
bowls, round bowls, low berry dishes, cel-
When a Man's Conscience
Is His Guide
. He Went Let a $20 Bill Sell Him a
Suit of Clethes
because he's had it hammered home
that economy is net the amount of
money a fellow can save. A geed
suit is the economical suit, because
it's still standing at attention when
the ethers have crumpled and wilted.
The Suits at Wanamaker's Are
Geed Suits and We Don't Care
What They Cost
They're geed suits because made en the
quality plan, and if it costs $10 mere te have a
suit brought up te the Wanamaker standard,
we're geing: te pay that S10.
And it's been demonstrated that the men of
Philadelphia, who figure the clothes account like
any business preposition, arc going te pay mere
and get the goods.
Every fellow who's shopped around knows
there is a certain low ebb below which a thing
censes te be a suit.
When buying clothes ler value, knew your
store, because words have wide meanings.
Right new the Wanamaker clothing section
has the biggest, the newest and the best selection
of Spring suits and topcoats in all the three
generations as clothiers te the men of Philadelphia.
And they are
from $35 te S03.
i hi.
A Four-Dellar Wanamaker Hat lb a
Geed Hat Without Wasteful
There are several shapes, all up-te-thc-Spring'. Eut
every ene is solid. Nothing is taken out of the hat le
add fanciness where the quality falls down.
The four-dollar hats arc stylish hats, but above all
they are wearable hats.
And in colors a man can cheese i'reni SAXD and
brown and gray.
A Let of Men Are Telling Other Men
About the Oxfords at $8.50
they have Ketten nt Wananialccr'.s. . - - - '
And who can blame them, fer.wu've been tellhur you
ler several weeks thai you can be proud of the shoes you
can pet here for $8.50.
One of the new ones te come is a brogue last that's
uerfectly plain. Net a perforation, hardly a mark en it.
let it's made en the brogue last.
The black U Viking calf, while the tan is 'smooth
Mitin I'lAur)
llcully remarkable valuen m
thu cjuulity of the Irish linen ami
i'ereiK stitchintr. The hem in
cither a quarter or hnlf inch.
Xicc everyday luuidktircliici'H
that will stand much hard v:ar
and vanning.
(Mull. Heur)
ew unceu
ularly twice
.1.. ..
' (r
quality garments, with prices
r.i i i...i'i
Everybody liked them co much
that v.e hat an eaucciully lar
supply made up fresh for thUi
They ceme asserted in vanljla,
cm telnte and nut flavor.
illewn Hlnlr Hterr)
ery trays, mayonnaise dishes, jugs, celdi
meat trays, ice cream trays, bonbon Utahes?
vases, baskets and lemonade bowl. 4 JJ
at 1.1:0 te 5 aeiectL JUmJt
as much.
: ' r ' - '..,
x. 4i4ta&MdH
. W
if 1
fe,,..kfei..;.:... M&mMsmjm.,
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