m RitW- 1 L; I.T', RI309 XKJ.iVMiWITIA Zi?VLlt, W 4rHifi"'j Wr'fi r fpu, '(, v ki )T w r."nfAKT ' ' ' " "TrP&r.'" if- i i m y- ft.TCWi :Vv'.r-i'i'V i"V J' iV, 'm&, '"' Zlli Lfi 4. .. . .. . " I f iV'4 J L'J IES FOR CHURCH fcM' . . i!- .. nnnntfl Menev Sen imn - . -. ? s tiff Her te rwp iwpiaea ,Sr1Wi;- 7 iy; PLEDGES ARE 4ad foetes of sympathetic letter have 't0 pas,6r of the llqly Trinity : ' ... nimrrfi. Iteckland and KL cirePin. which was destroyed r? . ttVilnp(lav nlht. P Pledge nrr made In many of thew iVttert that a Mgoreus enerr. vmi e fclij ,0 lfl,e Council provide ndetiuuie llri oreU'cllon for the Legan section. B' .1 . . I'licen. who renrescnts ffi trlct. and Kdward J. Laffcrty. ddent et the L,egan improvement mr. 17 ...m,.i. tiaa a memberRlitn KfSseO Beth cmphaslzecLthc fact that IM'v:',. ii- miiaf tut taken In nrn. Bnl Leg"" with better fire pretec- &. ordinance wns Introduced lit lay appreprratlng the, rtte at Sixth Rockland streets' .for a firehouse, ... ina nnnii aifint'. ffih r Leir said that'- tb? Beard of It and probably went a 'decide te PA new elltircn. ovum huu .... :h(lni, Imvp hren already :.J-"t.J?,?t:ff2iX,55 Ci $ VM she" "said she wanted te W" .- ll.n new plllirch. Sit had been left te her when her son fd gnu sue nnu " mvuw- ?' ?. ...'.j.,i:, lin Uitmlnr iwrvlpeii Fl1?. .,DJi"i. r.i,rpli will he hekl In ;fhe Lexan Auditorium. Thtfj Men's Theatre and the primary class In the "(Hlwt Refermeil Clmrch. Secial ac-, iWtles will go en as usual, iiilnj apace Sed by the Methodist Church in iLeran. h ...! rmmie enicnM 1 . " - JHuiband Finds Her Unconscious en C t?i.- Ahin Ma Return f riWI MMVM - .,w- ...- ? I .... I flQQ C..1L. I Returning te nn none, oeum fi.. .ti-oet Hi 1 o'clock this merninf.' U.i. ann fmitwl lit wlfn. K1nrnri. Wnj unconscious en the fleer with a bottle of poison heilde her. tf Qnm nffpfl (u'pnlvntnp. la n iMiifc trnmnii nnd hns been in this country a short time. It la believed she drink the contents of the betle with out realizing the effects that would 'Mew. She was taken te the Mount Slul Hospital, where her condition la net regarded as serious. SEIZE STOCK OF WHISKY -, . . .-i State Police Find Thirty Barrett In Hatfield Tewnehlp Hetel ' State notice 1as ntaht kcIzctI an uti'te- njeblle truck leaded with thirty barrels e wniaxy mi ipn nptci ei jenn rasper In Trewlgtewn, Hatfield TewnWlitp, Five' men and two women were ar rested In connection with the 'liquor seizure. , Casper was arrested with F. T. Fisher, of Eleventh and Oxford streets, tills city, said te be the owner of the truck transporting tlie liquer: Jeseph and Geerge O'Brien, also of this city; Afr. nrfd Mrs. J. K. King, of the Mon terey Hetel, New Yerk, and Charlette Miller, of Easten. 'Mlsi Miller explained that she was with the party because she liml met Oeerge-O'Brien In Easten and he had invited her te take an automobile ride and premised her a dinner. , - r - . i i WOMAN HURT IN FIRE , - la Burned en Handa In Extinguish Ing Blase Mrs. Florence Nash, -Ruby and Vine streets, was burned' en both handa last night while extinguishing a blaxe which started in the kitchen of heriheme when fat boiled ever en the stove; She was treated at the West Philadelphia Home Heme Home epathlc Hospital. Engine Company Ne. 41, Sixty-first anil Thnmnann atreetR. DUt Ollt the Arc, which did dnlv slight damage te the house. She'll "Boineberty's Htene" anfl ah hsS a ! utrenueua time loeklnr after "lh Bem , ,..' ini.rta Hh haa the dlatlnetlen of , telirc the one comic character havlns at etren en appeal anient; women aaamenf men: , Introduce veurlf te Somebody Hlanea' In the BVBNIHO.PDSI.IO LD01B te day. "Make It a llablt." Jdt.. , . . ; 'i d WALK-OVER f tllm SsflajB 3bTbV Thoroughbred Style f LIKE an old tweed, these sober ' brogues have bold strength and smart' style. Unconventional . :b readsquare lines with a grace ful cling. . ; , . C ;f yC Dozens of up-te-date styles at,.' new spring color. HARPERS 1226 MARKIT Wak0ver 1022 CHESTNUT SftOPS adSkbU aaSJSSjaa-w m ' B' ' .aaBBF mr ") ife) flMsl k - Medes of Diitinetien mi On'finclity Fer tomorrow -These New Afternoon Dresses At Exceptionally Moderate Prices A varied and most attractive collection of models, fabrics and colors, that reflect Fashion, in her latest whims and fancies, and that are most unusual value at $39.50, Closing Out Street Dresses Of Canten and Reshanara Crepes and Trlcetine. A limited number of Evening Dresses, slightly soiled from handling, are also included. Fermer Pricet up te $65.00. Reduced te $15.00 ' THIRD FLOOR tn. tixhibitera at Fashion Shew, Bellevue-Strat ford,. March 24, 25 1222-1224 Walnut Street taxi bbbB STRAWBRIDGE 6 Women's Smartly Tailored Tweed Suits, $25.00 tan Russet Blue Heliotrope Rese Suits in straight-line belted models with slashed seams. Tuxedo-front and notched-cellar styles. Alse long, loeao capes combined with smartly tailored two-piece alcirt. One model sketched 125.00. Finer Tweed Suits $27.50 te $40.00 Cassavant twill, Sltibe tweeds, Dent tweeds and herringbone effects. Belted and unbelted Suits, semi-fitting Suits, suits with slightly fitted back and box fronts. Alse in this group the one-piece Dresses with tailored Capes. Tans, blues, heliotrope, rose and gray. tailored Tweed Suits BLACK And navy blue , ,$25.00 te $47.50, hl Men's-wear serges, fine tricetine and twill cord. Belted and.unbclted or; fashioned te be worn either 'vry?J Smartly cut models, with deep 'slashed' seajjis and all the pocket and cellar features. Seme trimmed with tailored 'folds, ethers with insets of black silk braid. Outing Suits of Worsted Jersey Excellent Values, $17.50 and $18.75 jb-- Btrawbrldre 6 Clothier Second Fleer. Centie v p a J an m i Lfi v jjliiil PR ilii fliHIlfiJ 11 SB ' " ' ilfflfflPKTi f '' ii'. ', I .'' . '. T. 7' ', Inexp( tensive Silk Dresses te the Fere Te-morrow Crepe de Chine Frecks $13.50 te $16.50 Navy. blue, brown and black. Plaited and tunic models; smart cellars of the material: long or three-quarter-length sleeves excellent styles ter street wear wnen coats are put ,-h. hbiuc Tricelette, Taffeta and Crepe de Chine Dresses, $20.00 te $25.00 Plaited, plain and' tunic skirts with quaint bodices or the new blouse effects. Seme em broidered (embroidered tricelette model sketched, $25.00), ethers trimmed with braid or corded tucks. Rust, brown, navy blue and black. i Fine Silk Afternoon Dresses, $30.00 te $45.00 Draped Canten crepes, the mere tailored Krepe-knit and chinchilla crepe, very suitable for the coatless days of spring; also puffed and ruffled taffetas with flat bodices. Many pretty features in the way of lace vestees, colorful 'embroideries, linen cellars and cuffs. Black, navy, rust, brown and gray. l5-- 8trwbrlde 1 Clothier Second Floei. Market Kneel flY h Spring Coats and Capes $10.00 te $50.00 Plaid Capes at $27.50 Of wool velour in Copenhagen blue and shades of tan; stitched in centiasting color. Plaid Capes at $22.50 Others up te $45.00. Capes of plain cloaking, 930.00 and $37.50. Other Capes of Fine Twills, Serges, Ve lours and Belivias, in many styles, $20.00, $25.00, $30.00, up te $50.00, according te material. Ml afe Velour Coats at $20.00 Three-quarter-length Coats with full unbelted back; lined throughout. Black and shades of tan. Other Twill and Velour Coats, up te $40 Tweed Coats at S22.50 An especially geed model (sketched), in brown 'and tan mixtures; yoke and sleeves lined. Other Tweed Coats, $25.00 te $45.00 Sports Coats, $15.00 te $45.00 Of tan cleakings these at the higher price of tan camel's-hair Others of chinchilla cloth, silk-lined throughout, $25.00. yth-y Strawbrldee ft Clothier Second Fleer, Lentie Beys' Spring Suits with Twe Pairs of Trousers $10.75 Twe pairs of trousers are welcome new, for with Spring here, the boy will be out nnd about much mere and the wear and tear en his clothes will be greater. These knickerbepkers are full lined, nnd, the coat is carefully tailored nnd nnished. sizes 7 te 17 years. Special at' $10.75. Twe-Trouser Suits at $13.75 Tweeds nnd cheviets in "all of the new colorings. Coats in new styles, many with four pockets, Sires 7 te 17 years, at $13.75, Fast-color Navy Blue Serge Suits at $13.75 tnn fnr thlVVrVA 0I H1 weftr- And they will wear. dve. S&'tS tt. ne-twi nre and dyed with fast-color dyes. Sizes 8 te 18 years in a new model, at $13.75. Small Beys Tweed and Serge Tep Coats at $6.50 m.t Jl-l ll ..rJlKff11 yft8 f0l 3- t0 8-y.eld boys. feV the iH every, detaU-fce hJ Ut and 'taiIeri"B absolutely correct Small Beys Tweed Suits at $7.75 ba werSth Wfi!? i?ults I Wy twccd- In models that may 8 ywrs? it 7.S nd 8hie,d or with b,0U8e' Sizes 4 ie f . . , y-fr- f''tibT.lga OlethUr Becend Fleer, rilbart Btraat. Kut . 4800 . . . . .M i.MMMMaiaaeBBBBBBBBIBBBBBBBBBBB ? 1 "i" ' . . ,..! r ' J A ,.. . ... -' '.'lj" .l-ki-'i tZU T'aBBaSSSBl i ii afafMfBfBfafBBBBBMBBSBaSISBTrrrirTft'' iS'WTBBBSl BSBBBSBBBS - " ' l'JaSBSBSl r , - i i iUJBIsbSbI aaaeaiaa y --1 9BBBfl I . t -ll-V AGlorieus Showing Te-morrow! Millinery Trinimed $8-$10-$12-$14 Hundreds of the small Suit Hats in suit shades the diaped Turbans, the cloche shapes, the small pokes, the little soft-brim affairs. And hundreds of the larger Hatsthecapeline, effectamany with summery, transparent edges. Larger Pokes and wide-brim Hats with great; bows, streamers,! glazed fruits, odd flowers, novelty plumage. Deep blues, light blues, flaming reds, lovely rose-shades, nist, beige, gray, the leVely leafy greens, plenty of tan shadei and the new browns every fashionable, shade Of the Season. fta-y Straw brlrtf leihler Second Fleer Market Street. Wet( Smart Ready-te Wear Hats, $3.00 te $8.00 (First Fleer, Aisle 13; Centre; and Second Fleer, Market Stretf'Wcst) the Shades and shapes shown in higher-priced Millinery arc shown in this line in fact, iced Hats have served for models in the making of these Hats, and they show it in All hicher-nriced line and contour. Te our knowledge, there are no approaching this collection in variety. better values te be had anywhere nnd much every nothing Wonderful Line of Sports Hats, Including Tailored Sailors, New Bright Felt Hats, Ribbon and Tweed Hats, $3.00 te $15.00. , Cheese Smart Gloves for, Easter at Special Prices Kidskin Gloves, 12- and lH-butten lengtlis-44.85 Beautiful Dress Gloves, of fine kidskin, in black, white and smart shades. Washable Capeskin Gloves, Unusual $7.05 Light-weight Gloves, one-clasp, in pastel shades pearl, cham pagne and willow. Alse two-clasp Kid Gloves in black, white and Seme shades. -rr- Mrawbrldge & Clothier AIdIm 12 and 13 Marti-t Street Misses' New Tweed Suits Cadet, Tan, Heliotrope AN EXCELLENT VALUE $21.50 Belted, one-button, slnbhed-senm style, a illustrated, with deep revcrs cellar nnd tailored pockets. Sizes 14, 1 and 18 year3 $21.50. MisSes' Tweed Suits, $25.00 te $35.00 Cadet, rose, tan and heliotrope. Bex and belted models with smart strapping and oddly tut pockets and the tailored slashed-seam ef fects; notched cellars and close-fitting shoulders. Sizes 14, 16 and 18 years. Misses Spring Coats, $15.00 Full-belted, strapped-sleeve, mannish-cellar Coats of diagonal tweeds, in gray, green and tan tones. Sizes 14, 16 and 18 yeais. Great Variety of Misses' Coats and Capes, $25.00 te $45.00 Mannish belted Coats of soft tan cloaking, camel's-hair. tweed and ever-plaids. Circular Tweed Capes and fancy belted Velour Coats and Wrap Coats, with colored braiding and embroidery. Misses Silk Dresses, $25.00 Navy blue, black and brown taffeta, with lew-waisted, basque and fitted bodices, and tiny knife-plaited, corded and tucked skirts. Canten Crepe Di esses in navy blue, jade and henna, in straight line belted styles, elaborately embroidered in self-colored silk. Sizes 14, 16 and 18 yeais. Intermediate Girls' Coats, $15.00 te $35 Tweeds, diagonal two-toned, plaid and plain all-wool cloaking. Full-belted Coats, with raglan sleeves, flare-back Coats, full circular Capes and double- and single-breasted Tailored Coats. Style sketched S1U.50. Sizes 12, 14 and 16. Small Girls' Coats, $10.00 te $18.50 Loese box Coats with drop shoulders; double deuble bieasted Coats with linen over-cellars; belted Coats, some with yoke; ethers plaited. Basket weaves, tweeds and soft cloaking; in tan, blue and heliotrope. Si.e, 0 te 10 years. rnTTr HI Crepe de Chine Envelope Chemises $2.95 Remarkable Value A gieup of 300 of the d a i ntiest Ch e m ises we think you will find at this price. Six models in flesh, pink, with ribbon shoulder straps. Levely trimming ef fects in lace and crepe Georg ette artistically combined. f-'trawbridge Clothier Third Fleer. Weat K V A i I V t Girls' Silk Dresses, $10.75 te $22.50 Taffeta, crepe de chine and pongee. Low Lew waisted and blouse diesses, colored silk or wool embroidered, rose quilling, tiny self- ruffles, bouffant or gnthrred skirts. Sizes 8 te 14 years. n Straw brldire Clethltir- Second Fleer Market Mreet h L 'L,.r & Colored Belgian ' Dress O C Linen OOC Our own importation of these beautiful Linens, 36 inches wide. We had them dyed in shades of our own selection the smartest of the season's lovely colorings. Among them rose, old lese, Nattier blue, light blue, old blue, nickel, henna, heliotrope, tan, rust and noney neney dew. American women will fully appreciate this value iu Belgian Dress Linen 85c a yard. Mrafibrldse A Clothier Aisle 0. Centre, Inexpensive Spring Furs A beautiful showing te-morrow of one-skin, two-skin and shaped Neck Furs, at these very low prices: , .Immceri Opeisum tS.OO te f J 7.50 Canadian 6'cars Canadiav $32.:0 Siberian SSH.50 Natural te $77. 50 Xatural Fitch Scarfs $10.00 te $il.G0 Patngenian Fex Neck Furs $12.00 te $23.00 The Patageninn Fex Neck Furs te be had in taupe, brown, black and natural. Mrmvbilds,. t Clothier--Second Fleer. Kilbeit fatreet und American Fex -$.10.00 te $65.00 Wolf $1,1.75 te ijidrre $0.00 te Mink Scarfs--t 15.00 Hundreds of Handsome Suits OC? In the Popular CQC J Sports-Ceat Style pO O Of course, there are also plenty of trimly out, conservative effects in the collection. However, the distinctive sports-jacket styles featuring the belt, the semi-belt, and adaptations of the Norfolk coat have the call with wideawake young men this sea son, and for that reason these moderately-priced groups will pree unusually attractive. The fabrics arc Tiveeds, Herringbones, Cassimeres, Serges. The tailoring i.s of exacting quality. They arc Suits any man will be proud of and the prices arc $25.00 and $35,00. Men's Spring Suits with Twe Pairs of Trousers $32.50 Of line worsteds, blue serges and cassimeres, in styles for men and young men. Practically all sizes and proportions. These are exceedingly geed value at $32.50. Other Suits with two pairs of trousers, $23.50, $27.50, and Alce Suits, $36.50. Stein-Bleck Suits, $40.00 te $55.00, and f BsbBsbH BBbbBBbTI ' r S Hart, Scitafjncr & M(uv Suits, $35.00 te $55,00. Alcd and Wiclcham Suits, inn.r.n te $55.00. Tep Coats $20.00 Je.tt0.00.,, 'I !!!""' atrwb'l"1 Qle)Wr ecen4 fleer, k m ml m &m .-i Hi ? 1 M u i as u Al d 33 v J M n I ?a r- V(i) a 5FJ- f'r i m . vivy, aal v'.'.-i it Ml'MCi, . 3 !i ii i r VJ'KITO 3H.-.? ,'. te, - .W&!tf$4L . i''-T 'J-'ITbBiI ' .& Sf ' 1 Ttaki' m ', k&CT'.,' .A KVMKiW .n'. .;3iy,. MM '.. ..tfc-g... O . -