St. Tr-.T i i uV ft p w le.' SK Br l ? ! Rf i1 i.y. PT B, at, & m r3' is.', if N mkwett. . HWbvtV.7 lmwT -evening "pyim& maphmJm''mmkmmMm ." r -jfitjl i - " - , ,- i . . . .. .. -- - : - . , . . ,!J-, . . -., . . .,,.. .. . -.. .... . . . .. i .. .. -i .v.. -, . - - tMtMaM V "U'l ' ' ' '" .' " 'V. . n 7 .-. .. "y-n I. ...TTTTT . '-. r '- . " " -JT-7 .T t41WTATl)f0mtAIJI ' MAL MTATE TOR 8ALI FOR BENT-nJIWiaHWr mMMIIMBanMMMlMnMHHHMHB0l " VtfRMm IOIKI,? ' J grlWWllttVAXU-CW:IUW "t IWBtT.VAMA riH;IUN M A-V v nf srvuriv rauisaAijw. ,u"lWi, Mt fireplace, baths. Urn living J .Swiftenima AM flrtl la'bndrenm second fleer I clesei te train troll,! T800. Wll. T. B. ROBERTS BOW, qicnsKis, l' JftV - ,i wan. i ftffi HC .! KF . ItOtSOTl exceptional locutien: real bar- -HTONB 12-rnem heure, Urge greund: 4(200: exceptional locatien: a. real bar- Mttl M $12,000. WM. T. B. ROnKRTS ft new. uianiue ,ra. i-none ugems rex. vn mm' r- ' 1 ATTRACTIVE air 4, Ten, 1n.. let 75x180: perfect conditien: price 8000: also new earner Colenial: bent tour In tewn: Of-lce $8800. Hennlngcr A ltennlna-r. Olrnside, Pa., opposite lutleri. Phene Oannti 070. Hlflllf.ANU PACK iUOTlUAND PA1IK Mdtrn shingle bunga- low, 6 room and bath: tot 50x116! 87780. CUe. L. Barnes, law Chestnut. Walnut 4885. HORSHAM 1IKIQHTS HORSHAM HEIGHTS. N. OlcnsUle-.Neeham-tny Palls; chetee bldg.llets. at train and tretttr. $5up: free tltin tniurnnce: eay Mj-m't. rnfl for bklt. mene Dl. l0O. FERGUSON. Frent & Yerk jRSKiVTrmv QUICK HALE. $9.oe Nine-room stone d-g i let 40x110 ft Una location, white finish. THANK. Jcnklntewn. OKentx.31. MSSDfimit: 12-R00M HOUSE SLEMMNO perch All convenience, shaded lawn: room ter ga rar: near utatlen aivl trolley, photo p. P l'F.TKKS 4, BON. COS THEhTNUT ST. MS30. ON UVN8D6"WNB AVE Nlne-rrem modern h"U aarase: povlen. Harry P. Ilealrl. Uniidovtne and P'umstcnd ne. UnWBWlW 41U. IJtNHUCnvNK KAHT Meltn.c1tachd ilnrlllna: larac let. nerlnn. KOHLCIt A' HHin,Klt. 1W Vnance at. - TWO STOUT, brick, arml-detachrd. 4 bd rmn. electricity, centrally le.'ated; 15200. ORIjrPTIl. prune'lnwn 1001. llullding 1-etn BO, "B AND 100 FOOT Ieta en Improved atreet. moderate prices: will finance build lC. ORirflTll rhene UinaJewne 1001. yiKIHA SUUUKBAN residence. 1.1 mllja from Fhlia dalpbla. reichnnle by ceed auto read, train and trolley. In the real country, high up en the. alope of a Mil, with a beautiful outlook evr a creek alley. in acres et lawn. weed, land: cultivated land. Ural fleer, lane living, dlnlne, library teilet: second, ft bedroema. 4 bathrooms, ample servants' Quarters: Jarage for machines, quarters for chnuf eur above. Apply P2B H. BtHh st . Phlla. Ml'.KinX 16.1.000 Stene house, alaie reef. ery large let: Immediate cccupancy. W. 8. StrTilPnU.AXn. nalaiynaTd OweJ M'-' MOUjAN OWNISll going West, will sell for jae.000: 1. acre estate: unobstructed southern view; atone duelling. IS rooms. 2 baths: remod eled 2 jeara ase nt cot of SGOOO: nuk floors, white paint: stable, garage. CHESTER OS MORNK. 1524 Chetnut. locust 5017. r.lDI.KY PARK iubi.ur park B-room bungalow, med . large let. ...J2.700 7 rooms and hath: med.: f s. let. .. 3,600 rooms nnrt bath. cer., med., f s. let 4,000 a. rooms nl bath, med stuccoed.. . ft 200 ft rooms and bath, detached: large let 0.250 Br., bath. dot. sub. brick, large let 6,300 13r . bath: med , a and t. main at. 8,tM)0 10r., bath, med., s. and f . main cer O.BOO 12r . bath, med.: . and f , matn cer 10.000 Deslrnble ground all Imp.. $20 per ft, 31c IJCAN, Rtdlev Park Pa l'hen 311 J ROSI.YN HOSLiTN Modern home- aaraae; 130xl2S; .vacant' reasonable. KOHUER & SHIP- I.KR. 1132 Venango si ST. D wins BR1UIC and stucco home. 13 rooms and S baths, steam heat, double garage, heated, let 100x22V nrlce 123.O0O TREAT t. TREAT, ffim Pa. MVABlHMURi: 2-FAM1LY HOUSE I apt. pnvi narlv S p c. en total prlci. C P. PKTi.;na k aw, ou' jiikbtjh;t t. NEAR COLLEGE 11 ROOMS and bath, modern, will rent with notion, possession May 1. TITL0W& CO., 1513 ARCH HREB STORY, stone and frame; let "Sx 125; running water In .1 bedrooms; bur gain. 17B0. financed: 101 Princeton ee, BRIFFTH. phone f.anadewne 1001 WAVXB AN OPPORTUNITY te purchase an JS0O0 detached brick and shingle u -room home with bath: let B0x20O: old shade. TREAT r TREAT, Wayne. Pa. HKW JMtur.V TARMH MONEY-MAKINO InjO.TR ahd fruit farm. en eaga neauiixui vineiane; aemi-puna-lewr. R rooms, ateam hat. city gas. barn, facdheuie. laying houses for 700, equipped breeder house, 1600 chicks, 3 acres, grapes, stiawberrles. blackcaps, blackbcrrlea, rasp berries, aspartgus, peach, applta, cherries, plums. 3U0 hen', haby chicks, horse, wagons, tools, Incubators 1000 egg capacity, breeders; complete, prlce 17000: JJ00O cash: writs de tails, also Illustrated farm catalogue. BRAT JMCOnOROi:. Vlidnml, N. J. AND GLOUCESTER COUNTY TRUCK POULTRY FARM 4A acres, ljamy tillage, 0-roetn pi In ted hnuee. BO-ft, barn and ether outbuildings, all painted; 100 mearlng fruit treea: close te cement read, schools, churches, etc.: prlre JI0Oi easv terms. Atply owner, A. XL qiM.ESPin, B2J S Hreadaay. Pitman, N, J, B. E. SALE OB EXCHANGE 4S0O nOOSEVBLT BOULEVARD for city In- estment properties. SUUTTLUWORTH, 30B4 Kensington avn. NEW' .JERSEY SinilRJlAN Building 1 el PINE BEACH. N J. Twe lets. Sl-3t, B-42: price avu. win excnuiurr ier i imn. yivv erty Benlamlu Tucker, 2200 Hancock st.j REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANQE OARAdE t dag., large rtpatr bus : equity 112.000. Relnhart.lu24 Chestnut Spr.K.22. HEAL ESTATE SALE OB BENT riWKmXYANIA VCnPBBAN SALE or rent Stere aiiJ dwelling; business street. Apply 71(1 8. 2d at. TEiSrm f.VANIA HlltlCBBArf , STOXH I'ARJt HOU8R In th real cfltry. fully furnished, 0 chamber, bath, 3'," perch, old shid. near linndywlne 3fJJj safe beating, bathing and fishing: cid B,r making lce unneesia-y; Ideal place' Mr family of children! 180: long season. . J. l. HH)KHaiai Mayer. x-. j $ioe DAity NEW reBSBV mtnUBRAN i . MONTCLAIR, N. J. ,1 ,278: beautlfullv furnished meuntamnue home te be leased for B month.: 9 rooms 3 baths: 2-car garngei convenient ,t Lacl- nn' TAUf. M. PISCIIEn , , ' Vt Theatre Ride. Phene 023B 3tentclalr. N. I; MOBTGAQES MONEY FOR nR8T AND SECOND MTaS.ii' iiltaE ANl) SMALL A3lOUNT8 ALLEN & REED 1J0n. BUlLDIN(AHbpCI.ATION MONEY DKMPSKY ft CO. -!7 8. IBTlt ST. ANY AMOUNT PROMPTLY, Writ or call M. STADLEN laflS PENNSYLVANIA HLDQ Spruea 188 PRIVATE PUND8 and building aaaoclatlen money available for geed mortgage city or nearby suburban vroMttyiVtetavt decisions.. Rebert J. Nash. 1214 Xecii; at, MORTOAOE MONEY or additional 'cjltl for established cencerns: can aid With capital, markets or management. Marcus 31.. Hrewne. etniencm,i: REAL ESTATE WANTED I1AVE buyers for beuses In the Sherwood section of West rhlliaclphla. TITL0W& CO.. .1513 ARCH WANTED Te buy. bulldlrur containing r.e oeo te Tci.oeo sq. rt : geed jaught con cen con structeon: posesslen within about a jear. aa far north na Columbia aye. P 832. I.ed. O. VH HAVE buera rer 2-atery. G-room dwell Inga In Kensington. Pranltferd or Olney dis trict. Jeseph P. Uergmaler. 2202 N. 2d st. WANTED Te rent, unfurn, house and ga rage en P. R. R.: 2 baths.; 3Iuv 1: mod med erate rental, small family. Llanercli 2011 31. WILL PAY CAF1I for medium-sized beuse In suburbs- Qermantewn preferred. U 713, llger Office, WE HAVK buyers for Prankfercl and sub urbs quick nnswers. Rlhlmaler, 4677 PKd. QUICK cash for real bargains: what rae out wl: air. ii.i. ju.i i-ioerty mug, CA6H vettleraent for Phlla. real estate What can ou effarT RICHARDS. B20B Walnut. avv AMOUNT .1011N A. BARIVT 507 I AND TITLE HLDfl. , PUND9 for 1st. 2d and 3d mertgaces: quick SEE MAURICE LICHTMAN TUNDS. let and 21 .V.h''- .J"? $' ,g& intgaa. 8. T. Lynch. 118 IBth. Bpr. 744 rUNDS for well-secured first "' X!? charge Fred T. Lewis, flit Merris Blag, PUND8 for 1st and 2d mtgs.: quick reply. 31. It. MHtalnger. Real EatatM fruat Bldg. MONEY for mortgages. "VVi'tr?B? n(:,,',ln an s. 17tn. I'nua. """"r" -"-- UU1LDINO A880. funds I". 'mn,rh;";"!" m.nt. Phtlln N. Arneld 1201 Chestnut. MONEY for 1st or 2d ibJ j;.. rttt-BT feunttir. i runs' a. bcwiBi eiv -i""-" - - ALBERT rtf. ffN&BM!. MONEY TO LOAN RENTS and lntereat cellected: prompt re turns OIRSON. B20 8 Bread. rfferle. Warehouse. Mnnnfnettirlng Fleer vnwr TO 7-OAN $1000 te $100,000 en M acceun J recehab'e. notes. M&m gIW.VTM- I'lTerPenna. llldg. Hpruce 3302. HAVE clients for factories and fleer snac. W1LDEY. BIS W. lhlgh. Kens. 1887. EEAL ESTATE FOB BENT CITY 44 SNVDKlt AVE. Six rooms and bath: flrat-clnss conditien: rent t35. Apply di rect, C H SheUllne & Ce , Bread and Pas)un ae. 1U13 .. BROAD KT. Offlc's for ph.-tclnti or dentist. FERDI NASD D. PLEMINO. 1334 Walnut al. STORE and apt. Nsh: med. tmprt.. geed business ler.: leasenable. 2312 Otn. ave. BASEMENT. N. W. cer. 17th and Chestnut. W. H. Bill A Hen. 438 Land Title Hide. 17TH ab. Chestnut Stere with mexaanlne. W. H. Hall ft Sen. 438 Land Title Bide ONE week flee: fl rooms, perch; near pirk: 135: gas free r,04 N 31st st Rusluesa Prupertle and Stares 18H s FRONT Pour-sty comm. bldg.. Inc. 2 basements; suitable (or brokerage efflees. rent tl'JB tee If. 31. Ueecb. bOO Land Title ltlilc. l'nrterles. Warehouses. Manufacturing Flera VERY at'ractlie modern mill properly (2 bulldlngi in N 12. section, containing about 30 000 aq ft : 22.000 sq. tu et thlr en ground fleer, light unusually gee.!: eleva tor. v.111 dllde. P 903, Ledger OftlO. 8TONE AND SHINOLB heus. 12 rooms, baths: let 73xle.: pries 813.B00. TREAT & TREAT. Wayne. Pa. WISSINOMING WlSBINOMINO 3Iedern 5-room bungalow large let- drlevuiy. posseailen. KOHLER a &HIKLER. 1B32 Venango st. WYNNTFTELD CENTRALLY located detached stone house; garage: lunllabe seen. WALTER 8. 6UTHERLAND. Bala-Cynwyd. Cynwyd 542. new JEnsgyl-fipncBUAy BBVEN-nOOM summer bungalow, facing large lake, for bathing, fishing, rowing. 20 miles from Phlla.: biz bargain: must be se d Huii:i nvi'ir t ..rtgmt tt. mr npiKJintm t. A FACTORY, wareheure and fleer specialist. ARTHUR D. FRASER. 21 8. 12th at. Oarage 2O30.3H . BANCROFT ST Twe nor). brick, electric: suitable for trucks and machine shop; plenty of light, tee per mouth Apply direct te C. II Shetzline Ce. Bread nnd Passyunk ave. 257 S. ORIANNA (4th and Spruce) Two Twe Two atery garage, key at 2(C: opposite Nalls, 010 H 12th M. OFFlfKH. HPWIXFS KOUMH. F.TC. ROOMS FOB RENT BROAD ST and small. X 1007 Unfurnished, large nil outside. . CHEiTNUT ry.. 80-1-W.T VlSenibS:' room. eic.: i or -; t"-"-""- CHESTNUT BT.. IMS.- -n , 7 T iMitn; wpii luriiinu-' wi.s m-. -- --.- GUATZ N. 132-1 "we nicely lurnwiru room; nil reiwrnlpnc' nrlati- tmnlly. enrns' ST.. 1311 Natlv furnlRhed rooms for ugnt nnupcMTvuni """ PINE ST., an34-Njrely furnlrhed rooms , In a new iieu?r. wm -ci -, ;i- e'ean. moderate price te permancnti: meala nparuy u cwrw; rrincurvr. PINE. 4110 (cer 42.W-I ine-J .; ""hleT'"' for iiummfr 01 iiurr. i-n.. - , Fer the Bert Last Line Supplied by Arty Reader te the Incomplete Limerick Printed Belew - RULES OF THE LIMERICK COWEST Uinrirlt Editor will be eer. iV Uij'T nnl,, "n t oeo te dlscus- -, (entcat open te any en. Only feiiiS,,. h-i'".'!. fT convenience. fSfentlal. ' thou, "' "et ' ..'J Jn,,vrj te today' Limerick must. Una st contestant way. i7ceMd-b,r.,te lt man Mend.y , each line M1I8T bsjwrlMen .11" " ven in cannon. Ne an- 'attar. y . THE WINNER OF TODAY'S CONTEST WILL BE ANNOUNCED' ONE, WEEK FROMTODAYr swers will be received atjthls eltlc., . All mult b mslltd. - ' ' - 4. The winner of each ftav' .QNM . HUNDRED DOLLAR PRIZE wllI'M ' announced one week after, publication of th X,lmrlck. t, , . 0. In eaa of tl ve ONE IUTNDRED DOLLARd will' be awarded te 'each 'successful contestant. Th prliewlll net be split up among them. 0. There I no limit te th number) of,. .unmiit ,uui en a ep name, and ! SGiitt'Out and-Mail . U TO THE LIMERICK 'CONTEST, Evenino'Pudlie Ledqeb, ,14. BS .. n wm .vt.,l Jtul.t . .i I A l. . ' r w "" Jieai. rniiaucipiiia. . ' n. w iinriTnjr treeiit fe this box. Liinea aafirwsea inunny umcr wararenetillilWe,; ' V r VIMERICK NO. &,. . THftfe was a professor named Marr a, - -iWhelsaid, "I can see en that'.'stary , . v . -Asliphtsignef life .. Se I'll just tell my wifS-i I ,, l(t,,,lt .)- (Write our answt?r en thli line). i tl trie t . r Stwct and Afe... i , ttr iffi tjag 4 ah'aw , i'sjitJCTjvvjv ini I,! . i f -i ' ' THH TRACY. 86th and Chetnut t. TJ ..ih. ......., v.1... J J i tnttl HeuuifM cernrn SPRUCE. 1237 IAVONV Delrabl? acan- Ples. trUate bStll eleclrlclt ' "'. srRUCU ST.. BOB Twe rooms. 1 large and 1 small: private ijhh-.j. . Liiinicrj ST.. 20J. Des r. rurnisnea rm.. &liav.l. flu -" .ir.,er.. lerlrlrltV. eml-priHie nut.ii; fc"'"11111 ' WALNUT. 2214 Attrac. sunny rrn.. turn.. .VSiVliVnt.r. elec. phone, etc. . reaa'bl. 1BTH. N (ul e MflTHfi IIUK1U Ltnir. near .ti'tlen and ,hPP'n,1',!r'2iu telH.tI ilivfuen. roems: lec sentleas- tmd. rat C0TH ST,. N,, WM-itwe f urnisnee , iron- rooms, eusines iiwic. . llKht housekeeping electric. unnii .iinw rooms, furnirnea. in mw business men: geed 1 Teme, all med m cem'en cnVe.; sGltable for ,.!; men: geed lecit en; convenient te 0 ner. Preston 2320 HANDSOMMI.Y furnished room In ' M modern private horn; electrie 1 ght. 10 mlnSt" te rit" Hs'l P"""- nrtnc 041l ATTRACTIVE turn, apts ?IT5.1I5,,VtSe-lt?" Knerwnna jm. AK-m. "? ' -- Cil$ and Stale. And there's a Limpiri Lim'rick for you each week in the i SUNDAY PUBLIC LEDGER, tee. Three nrizes $20t. $100. $50. .. MIBlAHWBllllKlHIlllia bought with ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS! - . The nine ether contestants who wen places en the ballet are: Mr. Jehn Teele. Brooklyn, X. T. Jehn Ward, 3S0-J Locust street. T. Cantwcli, North Wales, Pn. K. Kelrstcnd, Wilmington, Del. O. O. Schaefcr, 1R43 North Sixth st. O. E. Drearier, Swnrthmete. Pn. Geerge Feuquct, C43 N. Ycwdell st H. P. Devlnc. 130 North Fifth street. Mrs. E. Austin, Qrcnlech, N. J. The girls of the Dalslmer Shee Com pany at 1204 Market Rtrcet were the jury. We seen found Leen Dalslmer, who was expecting us. The word was passed around that the llm'rlck people uerc aboard, and there was much flut tering and collecting. Despite the chill In the nir, it put spring in our hearts te beheld them, laughing, and se easy en the eyesight. These who composed the Jury were: Ell7ebeth Shapire, 733 Merris street; Lerctta Buckley, 2328 East Somerset street: Elizabeth Brodsley. 35 East Cecil street; Kitty Shapire. 2119 Seuth Fourth street ; Margaret Greene,- G047 Klngscs.slng uvenuc; Kitty Bale, 5220 North Third street; Mildred Levctt, 708 North Nineteenth street ; Mrs. Rcba Keff. 27 Seuth Cecil street; Vleln Smith, 410 East Livingston street; Ger trude Dougherty, 1217 Seuth Bread street: Betty Palmer. R100 Arch street, and Marie Eichncr, 1G33 North Twen tieth street. Argument Is Settled In Litiricking Family Continued frim Face One just by wnnr of proving hew glad we were te seei him. Well, nnkhew, had we been a few! minutes lattf be wouldn't have been there, becaui he is employed as a pos tal clerk in the Postefficc, at Ninth and Market qtrccts, and was about te go "te work. Course at hrbt he thought we were kidding. The fans bave a peculiar idea about our send! of humor, braving the L'lriueiim miu Hie COIU te Hit Trem OI1P end of the clfjr te another nnd ring deer bclU te tall them they bave wen a hundred dellais just by way of play ing n little joke. Well, anyhow.' Mr. Cortright and hi wife had a let of fun laughing and joking about It. Just before we rang the bell they had been discussing the Lim'ricks and speculating as te whether the geed news wamld ever be whispered in their car. The money will be saved until1 vaca tion time, and thefc the trunks ahd, hat boxes nnd bathing suits will be shipped down te Ocean City. Just think hew many lollypops and ,het dawgs reuld be LARUE Sd-stv. bark room. turn, junji' Ter 2 gentlemen. Thene Woodland 7710 W, PROFESSIONAL SUITE 2018 Chestnut at., first floer: 3 large, bright rooms, modern In every detail, janitor anil deer service. RICHARD J. SELT2ER, 1423 Ijecuac ST. epruce ijn.. WEST rtHt.ADKI.rHlA g elO Attractue ireni, room; m." beds.'el'ec: next btth: also single room yOR SALE Six-room house poolroom, bar ber rnair: goeu Dusiness, nenr station and An iHka:. Ashing, bathing., 2 acres; J 1800. easy terms, liex 27 len.v. X J. llullding Tt Hecure. a let by making; a SMALL DEPOSIT Trices will advance In a few weeks AdHLAND VILLAGE S minutes fiem the Camdfn Rrldge. at Aah- lnd. Camden County, -V. I., all let 30 feet frent: gas In street ARTHUR BOSWELL. 2t N 13th si . Phllad-luhli. fUUlKN CAMDEN SA400: terns. 9 rooms and bath; semi-detached Imuse. new. en main thor ther thor oughfare: eviner leaving town. H1UQINS. 214 Smlth-Austermuhl Uldg., Camden. Phene 2.8T W. CLAYTON TOR BALE 8-room dwelling, with cons. I-et OOxlOJ ft. Eight-room stene duelling, new. with V acre of land; worth our attention. LOUIS R. LEDDON Clannn. N J. " CULtiXCSWOOD BEAUTirUL new "brick house. Just com pleted; all rnns ; best location, reasonable price. STEPHENSON. 31 E. Stiles ave. Phene Colllngsweod 100. Hulldlng IkiIm. I'nelery Mte. Etc. JUBOUT 1 ACRE. Coopers Creek and 17th St.. Camden: attractive factory site: rea rea aenabl ADAM.f 8lj W lhlgh ae. DESIRABLE offices and studies. 2042-2044 Ranstead st . near corner 21st betwtn Market and Chestnut ata. Phene I.embard 310 Apply 132 S 4tli st WILL RENT part of office, central location, te ceed tenant, yearly leaae.lncludlug heat light and Janitor service, first fleer, 173. P gHl. Ledger Office A PEW dealrabla office te rent te resiwn- alple tenants; central laca. Apulv Franklin Trust Tlldg.. 20-22 3 Hlth st. Spruce filiei. TENANT will sub-let f jrnlsheU efrit- room Inquire before 1- o'clecU. 810 Wldencr PldK PRIVATE! ertUe In l.ind Title Hide . about ::i)(l m. ft. fleer sace P 'JO I, Lodge-Offlce Dr.SlRAllLE office space: flrepreif building, geed elevator service: moderute rent Applj E. J ELLIOT. 1112 Chi-lnut st. CENTRAL OrKICE S3 per month. Applv 401 West End Trust Dldg CENTRAL OI ncES reed lights: reasonable WILLIS-WINCHESTER CO 23 S.18th st. WEST l'Hll.DFXPHI IQNTCL.1R WES T PHILADELPHIA HOUSES NEW STORES TOR SALE Geed for any business. Come te see us SHUI.LMAN Phene Woodland 0023 PEMBERTON REALTY CO. C12 S S'ith st. flsoe DIiCK Webnter st, Heven nwins snd bath Inclesed perch, electric, het-water heat- $00. A. M. WEAVER SON 234 N. 22d at. Spruce 2340. QERMANTOWN iTviimanTOWN Central, 3 large third-fleer "Voem-. Vemr-batlil J23 ' menth: couple. C 723. Ledger Office. BOARDING SPIU'LE. 1030 (the Cambridge) One or rooms wiineain I3A1LLY. N.. 3221 Prent rm. ler -., wun heard: also single room; home cooking. flEWMANTOW V nrHMANTOWN Te furnhhd rooms, with or without beard; private family 3 min utes te Queen Lane Station. Germantown. 5230 I-aurcns at.. Qermantewn. APARTMENTS PEXXSYI.VANIA SCPPRIUN MONTCLAIR, N. J. $10,300 Modern house, sacrificed te bujer with 12300 cash, contains living loom, open fireplace, sun parlor, dining room, first fleer 'central hall plan; 3 large lydroems. tiled bath a-cend floer: 2 finished rooms third floer: ateam, clectrlcte, garage, cnncnlent te vvatchung Station and school i.i first class condition; a wonderful offering, paul m Pisem-it. Theatre tlldg.. Mentclalr N J Phene r233 MONTCLAIR, N. J." 180.000 Half brlc't Colonial built Ave year; Park atrect neighborheod: let 100x223 oak trees, large living room, open fireplace, solarium, citer hall, dining room, breakfast room, first fleer, t bedrooms, 2 batle, liunry second fleer. 2 bedrooms, bath hl'llard loom. th,rd fleer. NOTHINO PiNKR IN ITS CLASS PAUL II, FISCHLIl. Theatr Hldg.. Mentclalr N. J. PjipneJiMl i UEVtlXAII eKlU-llU.NOAI.OW. H rooms, open llrbDiacs, i double garage. 1 i acres- new acant. ' P. e. Rex ion. Wenonah 1615 N BROD ST HOUSEKEEPINQ APARTMENTS PERDINAND D. TLEMINO 1334 Wa'nut st PUIE AVE . 140S Klv rms. nnd bath: Jani tor serUc. all conveniences, 60 monthly for imnieil. renting. J 11 Hlbbert. Northern i ntral Trust Ce B. W. cer Hrea.l A Erie, 33D T N.. 171U-J3 (Plaza Ants.) Opposite Pirk. 6 outside rms. 2 baths; newly pa pered & palmed; excel, serv.: im. poss., feas. rent. H. M Ousch, S0O Land Title Hid ""51 N 33D ST. Dtslrable cer. apt . tl r. and" bath hdnd. fira , elec. llghta, all cenv. Apply K I. Elliett, 1112 Chestnut. Kll 3H3H, 1M0 RHTENHOUSB SQUARE Unfur nlshed 0-room-and-bath apartment: posses pesses posses slen April 1. Apply te Betus. en premises. CORCUURT, 23d and Green sts. Hlx rooms and bath. 1 suuare from main entrance of world a lair, ARTIST STUDIO Kurnlshed leg cabin 3 rooms, fireplace- overlooking Chester Va'- ley. near Deen $250 for wmatr, MORSE. 1324 Chestnut st. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED n.. f.rmlinti,). tth OtC. ft Statien: Ti iJwi&iiwimwJw : Ma.;.g,hnns;l,,;.rtiSe?1 4uSd?Sfw; i7m-ElJ: .. viii... i-nree MORSE. 112t Chestnut si 18TM N.. tnu 1 roenis, Kucner.enes APARTMENT HEADQUARTERS Central npartments a tp-rially Sherwood Vpirtment Agene. 1334 Walnut at. i MASTER 1707 Seen rooms newly deco- FERN ROCK STORES, apertments. furnished houses H. Hepe. 501)4 N Bread et. Wyoming 4317 m;w jersey sciuiwhx hatha elec nhene reisanible W EST Pill LA DELPHI HKtH)JvI.AVN rt and T- HAI.I-IMORB AVE,. 4220 Unusually attrac. new unfurn. hkpg. apta .large prl. heuae, entire floors, rms.: all eutslda, prlv. en trance: purcheM. Weed fiSI'O 1"(5 TO 147.50 Four 5 fl and . rooms and bath, all modern cenveniences: single and semi-detached imnediate posseasleii open and ultnicti surreundings: largj vvnii "'- .i,.. ,!,.,, IT i,lmilH hi' Penna. rUS. cenilllUHUJ fc.. - : . UEAU'JIl'L'I.LY finished unfurnishtll house keeping apartmeni. fourth fleer front. 4 rooms and bath, southern exposure, 4403 Spruce st Applv Jnnltresa i i -I . I KKSEVSEA S 1 1 0 II K NEW RICK HOUSE. 0 room and bath, hot het water heat. Inlet section, price 14730; only 11250 cash reoutred. poaaesalen ee V. L BIRTWELL. with Illley Ce., a S. lennessee ave.. Atlantic fill OCEAN CITT Seeral choice bungalows which are new under construction, ready for occupancy within H weeks, in various desirable locatiens: price from I450U tc fs&OO fTTIfl M. TOWN3ENU BUILDER 1'ENNM.VAsIa yBM-4 CHOICE SMALL FARMS Wltiiln "0 tulles from t'itv flail. P'lIU Bt acres; geutl. man's rnunlry sent, ll-renm dvcnlHng. nil "ceneitlcnces, stable, poultry house, garage fruit old shade, running hroek, 3 miiiutrs- walk te station en StatJ highway, price H2.DIW. 8 acre- Mone .dwelling B recms. eertrc gas plreless ties'erj girice. ainble, old shade, orchard' ei Stale highway near " tlen; price l00d 161 nina; Ideal for cnunliy club or sana torium i IS-runin dwelling, hath, heat. geel watir, lKsutllul grove, with running lirij stable, giruve, poultry house, near Kouth Keuth Kouth ami'ten. prlce itumi, 2'j acres; near L-jiiglieine-' frame dwelling. 7 leuinar nlcH lawn oil shade, orchard, all nrccssaiy outbuildings, price S550U. 20 acres:. '4 inlle le atallen en Newtown julv : splendid nellt .snitheru exposure' mre'iu dwelling." sem' conveniences lam. teultrv heuse: variety ' of fruit, aeparu&ua and railsrrr t(lr pr're J7300. 30 ncrearlene-Htid-frame dwelling. 11 rooms suitable for a families, new barn, nectesary outbuilding; some woodland and small stieam; best soil; ',i mlln te station; price lltl.OUti: arritnga for Instieit'en y. 1-ORRK.ST MAOEB Southampton Pa - IjANHDALE district Electric Railroad and 30 minute a by autobus trern Icderal at terries Camden N .1 . y: NereYlle.tUv "cernnv IlroeUawn: I 0TRADrT V- Jl! P.I?,i"" (- - - - - I cust "Vlil MONTCLAIR MONTCLAIR, N. J. 1175. new Colen'al heusn Upper Mentclalr. nnuiH te staiien. sirea and center (I i-rfeVma. ' tiled baths, large, llxlna room APARTMENT, 5 rooms and bath, private perch: 4Hth and. Chestnut sU.; 170, Call r.nnit ai4it. ' rooms, bath, perch, npart. Immcdiate possession, Le. Is There "Such a Thing s Dishonorable Birth " ? Hi AVjdireet result of the publication in England of Sir Hall Caine's new nev el, "The Master of Man," is the awakening of public interest there en behalf of the illegitimate child. A measure has already been introduced into Parliament, known as the Illegitimacy Bill. ' What is "The Master of Man"? Is it Meney? Habit? Ambition? Weman? The author of "The Manxman," "The Deemster" and "The Weman Theu"Gavest Me" has few equals as a -teller of tales which grip the imagination and stir the emotions. As "The Weman Theu Gavcst Me" was the woman's story, se "The Master of Man" is the man's story. Although ' dealing with the same eternal subject, they are opposite faces of the same coin. i Be sure .te begin the fust installment of Hall Caine's mas terpiece, "The Master of Man," which starts' tomorrow, Satur day, March 25, in the Evening Public Ledger. It's a vivid story of life, fearlessly portrayed. Every man will find feed for thought in the life of Victer Stowell, a young man of fine nature, coming from a family of high traditions, who commits a sin against a woman under i, circumstances of extreme temptation such as come te millions of young men in every generation. ,-' You'll Want te read every chapter of this great novel, which begins tomorrow in the Evening Public Ledger. a Make It a Habit" A j. imiiiiiiwl 'TUtinCIUl- US-DDK irmiiFUjnniymvtMMmri xj -r ,. 0 11 ' Olcfcu AN-TOWN - SO MtNTITEB TO BROAD 8T, CTAttON I or unrurn, suits, rwuseaaeping ayy. Hi-, i at. none i,ecgc aim, IIH tTTI JIOtBL. 22rT. lBrpad,t.-- A geed Place te lit wnue in rnusmipnis. -BED AUTOXOBXXB9 CADILLAC, roadster, medtl f I .condition guarantee! casn or terms, i-n. . npr. mi. CHANDLER Dlfpatch. 4 passenger. 117! goea running conditien: evv. inisrncivni Harvester Ce.. 211 N. 22a. r . rUPVRni ET teurin. ceed , rnbbr. LULVKUl-CIrmuh rraKhanlc conditien: excellent vaju for 1200. Oakland Moter ciar Ce., 911 N. Bred. Pep. 40T. . rUCVPni VT A., edni oed rneh, uuinv een.l flnlih Scsnant; jeaKpargi otercar Ce.i 011 N. inlluif'M.1 Kaealn tat 113 ir- - -. --rr-r.vkz: m -7- r... a MTOq c rcpisr m. fair, rubber 9(7, Oakland rOIIIMRTA 102l.readatert dlse wheel! tAJLAJlVJDltt fper,y car haren' 840 N. grniutt ' FORD coupe. 1920, newly paltjMd. new run ner. uiy la MarKH'sc, c;ameen. tPANtVI IN 1 lUllllUUll !- ir 824S-- Mr. MrMlehael. 1840 HAYNE3. 1921, 4pa. gpert mei ; flown, unren'. nw f,- Bread t 9-A. .Touring, geed cend.s M tire: 1830, -call pep- l'epiar t. rt model! 1400 R. A V. KNTOI1T. 1920 T.Hass.l Call Poplar 3249. Mr. McMlchar, '1S48 T-tiaM.i eacellent. Poplar at. FRANKLIN USED CARS SPRINO CLEARANCE BALE UrTTlL! MARCH 23; EVERT USED CAR BE DUCED FROM $230 TO 1500! PRICES FANQE ITTtOM $275 TO I230O. FRANK LIN MOTOR CAR CO., 2314 MARKET ST. J. II. DIVER. MANAGER USED c CAR DEPARTMENT. . ..t MERCER touring. 1914. special body, Vic Vic eoria top; snappy and fast: all cord tires: tine shape: $000. Linker. 204 8. 7th. OAKf JNDI01R- "dan. rebuilt, reftnlshsd all around! $000: 12 month te pay 30 day free service. Oakland Moter Car Ce., 911 N. Bread st. Poplar 407. ' - ' PiAKl AND 1920 ,our- rebuilt, reflnlshed yftiiannL Rnd ,-j. 8j0. 80 d . free ervlc: 12 me, te y. Oakland Moter Car Ce.. 011 N. Bread. Poplar 407. OAKLAND dan, rebuilt, refltrlshed In -Jrtrrtl-y y and guaranteed. $800: 12 month te pay; no day' free ervlc. Oakland Moter Car Ce., 011 N. Bread at. Poplar 407. Steams-Knight 1920 J'" ft? Call Pep. 324.1. Mr. McMtcha!. me Rml-E SPOT CASH ral?,er u"d ca" ln "J us wa v-r-jii condition. Open evenlnx 1707 Vine. Spruce 21B0. evening. S1UTZ, 1P20. 4 pas : cord all areund: $430 mm ne uaiuii -, em .-. munu mi, TTRFS Salesman sacrifices new Cerd: 1IILJ -invnti. te an, h.iii . .... UBi 82X4 dence. 181 12 Olenwoed (about 2800 N. 16th). A SACRIFICE Mllbeurne eleeteln h.-n. ..... Including charging apparatus, perfect con dition, new .battery; selling because of sfiSt of use Call Qermantewn 8197 evening. :mlr,WAxtr-tnkr:-: BKPH. whs'aMk n'(lrHWrlM.-lM,-- Jat!J, a uneB, ClIlLDNUflSW, experienced, Protestant pre ferrcd. te take car of 2 children; S and 5 rear nia;.wininjr te go ioauere in s nr. Apply 431 . 4fth at.7 Or Wen V) ..... una ,t. t. BlpijONB OPBJRATOR, 20 Pr wk Pret- estsnt preferred. Call Ediphen Ce., J82T hesinuf at. . keUSBWORK Whit girl for cooking. s wasning; goea wair : Oak I n 9459. -6715 dewnstair werk: no washing; Med wag 12th t. Imp Jim rtftrtnn. ts 1 OPURATORB wanted. itnrenccd en making email rtnllara ee ahleta! Umt nrlettn eltV raid, in one of thbet, clUneit nd brlgltt st factories In the cltyi there ar advantages hr for operators that cannot r found In ny ettwr factory. Miller Brathr Cera vSf1t w er. Bread nd waiiace t.i If you are seeking a poltlen whr c prrnanne, advancement and ceed . aalary are assured 'com In and 1 mak aepilcatlen. f t ' , If you ar undecided , Mtn In anyway nd let u hew yen th advantage of working ' Ak,for MISS HTKVRH30N f InSt A HO II RT TUB BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY. WAITRESS Apply Tea Roem. Montgomery ave., Brvn Mawr, Pa. Ph Bryn Mawr 882. We hav an organlratletv where the woman have a great a chance for promotion a thrmen! we need a woman who ha proved her ability In th business werld: w can offer, you a permanent position with a definite future:, application treated a trlctly cenfidential: only these who can fur nish first-class reference need apply. 122S Wldener Bldg. . 0 CLERKS, typist, .-tenegg qualify for den. . podtleri. Writ for sampl ttlnswuc ttlnswuc tlen particular. P l4M. Ldgr Office).' HELP WANTED KAMI AOHNT and 'representative for Philadelphia territory wantea py an impvrtani .-mc rmi th merahASftSA cover ihe whi trad In flavors and extract: te the right arty a remarkable preposition I offered. ,m lie, ueager umrp. ARCHITECT located In up-State, town, need a geed all-around man te get -out work tn the effice: prefer a man who can prove de serving of a participation In the business; no mere flltabeut draftsman desired, M 718, Ledger Office. ' . ARCHITECTURAL deslrner. man: en who Is experienced in auaiteriui high-grade auditorium and. theatre building, qualified te takt full chafge. P 828. Ledier Clfrlce ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTSMEN, experl . enced,. wanted: atate experience and aalary desired. P 908. Ledger Office. BOOKKEEPING Centrally located banking Institution wanta nurreueha' boekkaenlna michlne eperatcri glve age, experience, ref erence and salary desired. C 727, Ledger Office. ! CABINETMAKERS wanted; gteady werk: non-union shop. Apply C. V. Hill te Ce., 880 Penlngten ave.. Trenten N. J. DOUBLE RIBB knitter, experienced: steady position. Frledberger-Aaren Mfg. Ce., 4800 N. 18th at., near Wayne Junction. OLASS ROUGHER and smoether: steady work. Apply C V Hill fc Ce.. 380 Pcnlng- ten ave . Trenten. N. J. t iii.iu.iAA-utinMA.N' wanted, married preferred, for gentleman's estate: ghe ex perience, ace nnd family. Willi Sharpe Kilmer. Remllk. Va. JOB COMPOSITORS, make-up and atone men wanted at ence: no labor treuble: ceed working conditiens: 48-hour week: write when ou will come, wages, whether union or non-unien: permanent places and oppor tunity for advancement for right men: we produce high-grade work and w want high grade people. Bex 1837. Richmond Vs. WM WiiT . v ' i- r ii ""l i i.'tr.i' ''Y'XSl wnsr Ssjffj?;?n; dlrwtSM-a-s.Ur.SS'f";. JMIkW i mK2&3immk MLlllMj.g Ir risk; llVKEiSr? OUffO MAN aMi.n.. ' rpUM man' te Mtr ntitiK?n hualneVsi must b "Vi. ?iSi5!lw LTri5l",,,. ou. are thiJ r.pld k dvnertent Vllh ,Vni ifl SALEBM-N-.wrlte feMliTlrtKr Ar C1VI h .SERV1CB e.miM.7rrr- wagsaaag BITUATIOlB WAMfrttn-i sTK.NpqHA)p.,.iKn. bun ;chM, wisnea position; a years Drseii;.i fi-fiJfcSSJ lioeV TOUNO. LADY with hlh..t,.t Li ?. IStSX !le erfce'e KirnUouVwerk:.r!'u'c,,0007.,L,eal,ni,r;; SITTJATI0N3 WANTCn i ACrtfJiRv&nr$ methods. amnlnviJ -?:.".. "" . nil in pecla er hed, employed part time would 1 In with an additional wtfef e)flc.?r"i ' - "ftwnc-," g, j rev. allDT1in: nftflnal .... -. "..-"-- -ssvst tYHIIIII TB priv. lamjiy. and genera; housswerlL- - - r - - HOUMBMAN. private, colored, wiaa-! OFFICE MANAOMt, thoroughly .. In acceuntlnc, coat and office dE have sale exnerlene. . "Ji'i H tlen. whera arvreseivAMI.J Lr.r?rAj M fute cempensitedi beVt nttASSSS. 36 years. C 718. ledger. Of flee. "tT" AQENT3 HOSIBRY .Male n. .?.,.. . . '" time: Interesting propesition: extra'! In your own tefr tery. Can e2'V.Wr fiS !K fflws,8 ' j,.."JSi Hosiery Ce., N, avenue. E. cer 18th and ' AOEN th ay plck'c; new, exel i sold te terei un Mm. reld, lg as? en: get panic, free samples fi.VV Specia ty Ce.. .318 Wai1ml"5n?.,..! LOBT AND FOUND" Thurduy. about 1 P. M. 'neiiff Chestnut, bet. Aresrfl. -.;! I"!"-. neward. 888 Wldener Rldg iB fCAHLS Lest, tr ng or peansT . "'!d.:',lB','.U'n clasp, between iie ffa'nn '."; "" """ J' J' ""tfi Trneka "VIMS. Vi' teri, with panel' bodies; prlc rea-Tjsenabk8- Th White Ce,. 20th 2nd Erie. l'ORDS H, ten, with panel and covered x prsss bedies: pries reasonable. The White Ce. 20th and Erie. Tiega .7118. INTERNATIONAL speed truck, pneu. tires! express body, full top; almost new; bn.! 211 N. 22d, - STEWART. , ten. pnu- tires, express body' windshield: real value for 8JS0. 211 N. 22d! INTERNATIONAL. 1. 1H. 2 - 3 ten, rebuilt, variety of badles; geed value. 211 N. 2Jd FORD Vt -ten delivery.' panel body, wlndsh'd. pneu. tires: a-i value: gaaii. 211 N. 22d. t'ROCKWAY 2ten cab, platform bedy. solid circp. yi'tw iuw, aiiu ilirr.cq,. l XV, 22a FOR SALE OFFICE FURNITURE Immense assortment of modern used office furniture of every description; comprises everything Imaginable In this line: ha been used by, the Govern ment and old te ii In large quantities: w renovate It and offer It te seu at a very reasenable Dreflt. iiuuiica, mn ane njttonweod HOPSEKEEPINCr APARTMENTS BEAUTIFUL APARTMENTS ,N THOROUp., MODENAPARTJIENT Living room, bedroom, kitchen ami bath: some base perches- hardwood floors Miner h.Tt het water, electricity, numerous plugs in eery roem: refrigerater: lockers. Janitor sank-, a few beautifully furnished. TELEPHONE DIAMOND 0350 J. 121 tc 1823 N. PARK AVE , DEAUTIFUL central city apartment: 3 larg. bright, outside southern-exposed roems: tile bath, separata shower and u very unlqu. T -,,. tr2. FURNISHED APARTMENTS 114 N. 17TH ST. Apartment en second fleer, furnished. 2 rooms and kitchen, Hlth het and cold water: and also furnished rooms et leasenahle nrlces new jfcnsr.Y SEASHORE ATLANTIC) CITY FURNISHED Ueardw'k apt.: Eaater reason or summer, w. Kennard. 101 Chest,. Phlla. APARTMENT HOTELS h J. a n kitchenette. ELTV.ER. 1423 Locust rTTEsTNUT. 2101-17 Only 2 left of the wonderful' 2-room-and-bath apartment, with porcelain kltchenettea: rent $8.1 i and K-iJ IjtlU--. im.. w- NICELY furnished hskpg apt.. 2 rms kl leb '"'."!:: .. -am rnnire-. cent nueus het w.teY? geed neighborhood. 1818 N. 18th at. , l-e 'ui wviiii ii,,-. open llrepiac-. """ i ar garage sleeping purch nt'T. I. I'lSCIIEH rheatre Bldg.' Phene 0240 Mentclalr, V VERY nttrartl npt 0 rooms and bath, unfurnished Call Walnut .".'.41. HAMILTON, Sillft Unfurn apt : med7n .1 I iKi'ge rms bath kitchen I'r sien 3U4fi W. UNFURNISHED ait. heuekeilng. modern I S"!') Montrese st (S f.Hth & Christian).!;: .... - r,m nnd hath! ethers. ; t'iis"c.D,.,'-.; rTTRNISHEP APARTMENTS fit-: mi nteVN E. O0110A3 LANE, 135 Unfurn. apt.. med 3 larga rms. C b.-, also 1 turn.. 2 rms.& b. mm N. lh-ead st. STlFSTNUT 2037 Attractive, well-turn, apartment: $73 monthly; yearly ase. NEW HOTEL BARTRAM 88D AND CHESTNUT ., Apart tnta, furnished or unfurnished AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLAN PHONE PRESTON 2810 THE GLADSTONE 11TH AND riND STS. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF APTS., FURNISHED. UNFURNI8HED LONO AND SHORT TERM LBASKS TYPEWRITERS Just think. $44 Latest model Underwoeds Free trial and year guarantee Completely reconstructed 1005 Chestnut at. Walnut B874 M um iirtimuihK uu. OFFICE FLTINITURE Lcrg let of desks, safes, flier, cabinets and gsnsral office furniture, store fixtures. We buy. sell and exchange. PATTEN FURNITURE CO, LOCUST 4070. 1127 ARCH BT. RACE gfrf ANTIQUE mahogany dining and bedroom nt.Mi. library. Italian walnut i... carved. Including grandfather's clock, brass twin eca anu euier uouseneia coeas; gelnc West. 46'.'3 New hall St. WeSC. 100 ..e.,.cn. .. UACiit.".vjA""y",f ...MvinivijF equipment. consisting ec incuomer. nnarpiesa centri fuge, steam eterlllzar. electrie drer, etc.. lo cated at Ulenelden. Pa.: can be seen by ap- . ..-. 1 7Pt Tariff nertAK " PQlllllllPl... -- --. -' . v.nq. LOT PANELED partition In aectlen with doers te match, all weed or with clear glass, suitable for workroom and shops; any quanuiy; cry uiti. HUGHES, llth and Buttonwood REFRIGERATORS, meat grinders, scales, cash registers for grocery, meat and ether stores) large stock of.abeve goods, new and 2d hand. The Howe Seal Ce.. 41B Arch at REFRIGERATORS ,? R. T. Randall A Ce.. 811 IC. 8a at. 0-RANK BURROUGHS ADDING MACHINE " WITH MOTOR. $123. MISS KUHJ WALNUT 3834. -wr. SAFES Our entire stock et new safe of all alzea at half price or less: lack of space In new building. The Hene Hcnla Ce., 41B Are," FACTORY chairs a'.d atoels. new ind iuTed"' Clulr uxcnann. k. cer, lith and Vina BA13Y CARRI AGES, all stjles; fa'ctTrT'pricg , te' public. 3207 Cedar. . POOL tables bought, sold tc repaired,'e Keafer. 3J9 W. Qlrard ae. Kens. SM. STORAGE AND MOVING JANSSEN'S expres and atorage want leads or part te or from New Yerk. Boaten. Providence or points en route; alae te and from Pittsburgh, (20 and up; we specialize en long-distance moving. 818 W, Montgem. . Ilia mi ABf tPi1 Ja - ery wp wm1''" ui, VICTORY STORAGE E208 FILBERT. Phen Bslment 487a for MlimiUP. . niiyanww vH MONARCH STOIt AGE CO .8870 LANCAR- Thill AVft.AUHI &11.IIVIIJU OltAQB, PACKING. LONQ-DISTANCB MOVING. KNITTERS, experienced en double or single rlbb machines: steady positions. Frledberger-Aaeon Mfg. Ce., 4800 N. 18th St., near Wayne Junction. J MACHINE DESIGNER High-grade maehln designer wanted by manufacturer of auto matic machinery: en who has had experi ence en automatle machinery, especially package-wrapping machinery: permanent position for the right man. P 910, Ledger Office. MEN 1-WIH you use i tifclth, honesty and loyalty as your business policy? Will you back tip this policy with ceed, ard work? K Will ou clvc your best effort for th biggest opportunity and biggest pay you have ever hoped te receive? If jeu can honestly answer YES te the above questions com In and sea th financial service manager of one of the largest busi ness house ln America. 702 Vandam Bide., 1001 Market at . MOST et us want light work, short hours, nothing te think about and ceed say; this Is net that kind of a Jeb. . It I hard work, long hour and requires Intensive thinking, hut pays accordingly. It Is a harder and bigger lob than most reader of this page leek fer: an exceptional genius I net required, but a very ordinary man won't de: h must be ever 23 and under 40. possess A sunny disposition and be cap able of holding th friendship and respect of hi associates. If the reader I wasting effort In some thing that does net afford a future and haa courage te try for a SOOOO position, he I invited te call at our Philadelphia office. Roem 436, 1011 Chestnut at. Please de net answer unless you can re main for a thorough examination. Ask for Mr. K. M Wlshart. PLASTERERS wanted for hard finish and stucce: rate $1 per hour. Apply U. S. Vsteran' Hospital, Perrwlll. Md, . PHOTO ENGRAVERS OPERATORS AND FINISHERS Shep operating 46 hour In Pitts burgh: stat age and experience: geed wages for geed men; only A-l men will be considered. M 711. Ledger Office. SALESMAN, lithographic Man of reputa tion who can sail color lithography and yA0-,'2 Pahl of aarnlnc from $5000 te $10,000 a j ear; opportunity will be given te acquire Interest In bualness If desired: un usual opening te connect with pregressiva house In Middle Wst. Address M 720. Ledger Office. SALESMAN Wanted. stock salesman capable pf managing nd securing sales men te sell balance treasurer stock of going company with factory stock Hated en NW Tork Curb market: ghe full particulars and reference In answer or no attention glien C 7i2 Ledger Office '" SALESMAN FOR LEATHER TRANBMIS. LEDGER OIce"101" VSiJj. SALESMEN wantedNatienal organtaatlen. manufacturing well-known office peclalty has opening In Philadelphia branch for a experienced Pec!alty salesmen with car te work city and New Jersey territeries: thl l a permanent position and with a futurii llth t ' Johnlen' MO 8. , , , m SALESMEN I am looking for a particular typ of man who la Inherently heneat, who ran aTly represent an organization of national repi repi tallen and recerd: regardless of your present occupation you may be that particular man whom I can placs In a poaltlen te earn net nidRn a year' l"Sa WWe THE GENEVA. 127, 8. 1BTH ST. In th heart of the shopping district. ROOFING GUARANTEED SLAG ROOFINO done at Be square, font. T. PICCOL1. UNO t). 12th St. Oregon 4782. HALESMEJ anted, 5 or high-class security salesmen for an exceptional opportunity. Apply 880 Drexel Bldg., between 10,80 and 12. Ask for Mr. Jeffrey. " THE KERNEL And Then Oliver' Get the Gate i complete list: pur U,il ion tu i.he w: m WKHTKKV. 263 Liberty Bldg. ,''' i- i i n.n.r. .i ill i Ml J man with -iute will meet ou te N$W JfcKMBV FABMH iii ii .. love, u tr '-u hwe-te bHII. sic we xEeu"SgsSJ icu6vtv music aJ i fyi-fe yteagettS'.j - ,M j l il r$WiSS'X VBrsfi BUSINESS OPPORTUNri wrinnwnniftHri tit ak - . - Inc partner wanted; eld-cMah M.iSSrl ness; new bi.lldlnas A,.. DJ!!'!J full cperntlrn: within. 40 miles of PhHa tlrnlars. nerhnnal lntril... t .H'i.jl . . , ,. ,.. ... ,,, lld j- EXCLUSIVE manufacturing arenev iH die all of PhlM- territory; rnachuwi tock turn, by cempany: $1500 cash na mamled automobile device. C Tib i mevi-u-pictUhe tiikatpc rr nrenta yearly I4O0O! nniu tsju equip, and long lease1; dandy prap" n. DcrviviMi "!ki : in i -i ivn l "'"-"'W I DELICATESSEN: .'llcga: gOpd.cen 0 rty: fine business1, alojeo.' i n..iuer. inerf venange si. TWO-STORT nmrir nsmnl aal attnva mm-, A .. . m'H tlen: ceed reason for selling. P SOT. HONEST MAN with 13000 uani" established business P 009, Ledttrj huuhiimu house and dining room v- IICII l. (I BUSINESS PERSON T1 DIAMONDS B0UGHT;il nw ita" iii.i,iB rug DUbi u KELLY CO.. 9$2 ChssttStsCI ult-a-aa, sseend near.'evsr ChlUTi ' DIAMONDS BOUGfiH eijinxis yr, mmlmn. til BArtHOMI Cfl-ifer READING and -vV OLASSES. AL LEVI, Optlci BAW8UM "l- ALL KINDS et repair nlasterinrS reasonable price. J. t:. MUnftAtl V.4 . Optmn 9aiM 1 T 7-3 FURNITURE repairing, reflnlshlng .' .vis. i.uirriy ruir.iiure iitnnvatl 27 M. Juniper wi. FITTI chekera: $5 remedela ieup aAi a choker. Kurt - Seidel. 1235 An FALSE teeth repaired bv dental la any condition. l 25 usen w. eirsh BEWIim machine ren.: we re an 2111 N. 10th. Dla. 5537: eve. DJ STAMPS AND COINS iti -TAMPS. Albums, etc . for celltcm tree. Phli. Ktmn rn v utt-. l.KGAL ADVEItTISKME.NTS D' KSTATK 01' ALTKED "-" IIKNKHLS. Jr.. deceased Utt odmlnlstratleil upon the estate of At FITLER HENKELS JR.. deceased.. J been granted tu ALFRED P. HEJtl all persona Indebted le the said estu requested te make pament, and J rutvinir eiaima axainsc in aam. u them, without delay, te the undtnlx- iinenty Trust company. e c;e(iw PlilladelDhla. ' "'' ALrnrp r. henki KS" ESTATE OF GKOROE ALVBt I - J J - -.- tt mAnnim upon the aatats of UEOKtiK ai.vii; Amfmmmmrl havtns. heen cranted te KI -rnfTa-r rriMPAJV. all nersnns Indal th laid estate are requested te maMj ment, ana ineae navinc cmini h am te present them, without delay, t etnee et in aam company, -iMy-i Chestnut st "fp.e, rn B- KHTATK OF ANNIE T. A 'csr deceased Ancillary lttrsjl ministration c. t. a. upon in a mktim r TAnr,iT!V. nereased hav ...- ,; i.-iniei.TTT TRUST COM all persons Indebted le the ld ? requestca te mane vn'"i raving Claims aituifiai i r ' 1 : tehm. without delay. at. the efflc J aid company. Ne. 3-13-331 u riilladelplila. WILLIAM P. Ot IKS--, KHTATK Oie CELESTIA O, : ' RUN. ctema-ed letter tti .... ,1.- .. nt r-leMlln O. Ilfl uniii ..vq w, w-.-.-. . - -.. deceased, having been granted te rv TRUST COMPANY, all person w h mtmiA ,., nr rriueiit6( 10 W ment. and thesa having claims sjjW -in e nre.ent them, without dtlar.J office of the said Company. N0f,(, Chestnut St., pniiaaeipma Qt rn K3P ESTATK OF rLACIDO VMX IKC eeaanl letters testamentW MS. S'.Elt.Je'rru.t 5 all peTsenrindebted te the "ffj reaueated te mak payment, apd ttetsi claims agalnat the same te J""L without delay, at the office of tit sh, J5.v: 328.331 Chestnut JtrfjtJ Slp-ta. ". e." kmmiTATE OF I.LNDSAV MeCA S- aZZZZa Letter testameaUfl the- .JSrSnWMtk. acCAMWffl ceased, having pee" cranieu . -i TRU8T COMPAHV ana "."Lja' McCANDLISH. .11 .rersen. MrtW th-'iVvlVel-Tm, ."- present thom.iwltneui ia. -. qi the said company. Nes. 3-as Jrt Bl WILUAM p rstatk of l.uuvTinyj' -' ee.edLet!Te testsmenisrr - heen granted. (e Fl -?LIJ 'JLnlf PIif PANY and WILLI A - u - fr -,U all p.r.en. Indebted tn (ben SwMg'JfBi pany, ---- pnia, wm. r ei a i teiESTATE. OF lIBMg . ' ilerrweni.r .-,-..,., axttm the estate t."i,"i.Mi)ET ITY Tnpj, Ingbeengranertte rIDL'.' y JM imfi$jm$& -. - ir.- .-A mi ini said estate equestea i', "'r-.i." " having clalma agai.-. .v- th ld comeanyt " " I'hllaaeipnia., WM. P. 0 - hMflnd'wJ HLHlawar wnd th; rce or land searlnc: l...i ,'iV T ) T Vr-'. . V . ' ' , ' I . fhe. ha"ln cuiir aere of laud. ,$l0: payable l weekly: . JlSfccTl 1 L V V , i , '?JZk I i . He ' !&."& v.111 ciLh.. i "- , .uL . -.- - ' f -- r-ly '-y - - tvN-i-. ef ih Mia Wmv"t r 2L wm. r.